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[email protected] Royal Lepage ProAlliance Lepage Royal #1 Assoc. Broker Assoc. #1 DAVID WEIR DAVID BA, CA BA, Call world upside down upside world your turn it let Don’t Late Posting? Late www.cfbtrenton.com May 20, 2005 • Serving 8 Wing/CFB Trenton • 8e escadre/BFC Trenton • Volume 40 Issue Number 20• IT’S OFFICIAL New Chief of the Air Photo: Cpl Jean-Francois Neron, 8 Wing Imaging Staff takes the helm by 2Lt Fraser Clark his new command role. Prior to accepting his 8 Wing Public Affairs current appointment, LGen Lucas was Special Advisor to the CDS for Defence Policy Review OTTAWA, Ont. - Amidst the crashing drums, and Homeland Security Issues. LGen Lucas the skirl of the pipes, the glitter of bayonets and remarked that he is looking forward to guiding the earth shuddering growl of a Griffon heli- the Air Force through transformation, as out- copter fly-past, Lieutenant-General Ken lined in the recently published Defence Policy Pennie, Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), bid Review. farewell to the Air Force at a Change of 8 Wing provided the 50-person Honour Command Ceremony held at the Canada Guard, that diligently executed its ceremonial Aviation Museum in Ottawa May 16. duties under the measured intonations of Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS), General Guard Commander Major Apollo Edmilao. Rick Hillier, Presiding Officer of the Change of Captain Spencer Selhi carried the Air Command Ceremony, oversaw the handing Command Colour whose élan added the fin- over of the Air Command Colour, symbolizing ishing touches to a ceremony steeped in cen- the change of command, to the new CAS, turies of tradition.