Shell Centre, 2-4 York Road, London, SE1 7NA

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Shell Centre, 2-4 York Road, London, SE1 7NA Site address Shell Centre, 2-4 York Road, London, SE1 7NA Ward Bishop’s Proposal s 12/04708/FUL: Part demolition of Shell Centre comprising Hungerford, York and Chicheley wings, upper level walkway, removal of raised podium deck, associated structures and associated site clearance to enable a mixed use development of 8 buildings ranging from 5 to 37 storeys in height and 4 basement levels to provide up to 218,147m2 of floorspace (GIA), comprising offices (B1), residential (C3) (up to 877 units), retail (A1-A5), leisure (D2) and community/leisure uses (D1/D2), parking and servicing space, hard and soft landscaping together with the provision of a new public square, highway and landscaping works to Belvedere Road, Chicheley Street and York Road, modifications to York Road Underground station, 2 link bridges from new buildings to the existing Shell Centre Tower, reconfiguration of York Road footbridge if retained, creation of new vehicular access and other associated works. 12/04699/FUL: Application for external alterations to the retained Shell centre Tower to integrate it with the redevelopment works, to include recladding exposed elements of the building façade. 12/04701/LB: Application for Listed Building Consent for the dismantling, removal, storage and re-siting on-site of the existing Grade II listed Franta Belsky fountain. 12/04702/CON: Application for the part demolition of the existing Shell Centre comprising the wings of Hungerford, York and Chicheley, removal of the upper level pedestrian link bridge that runs through the Shell Centre and removal of raised podium deck and associated structures. Application types and Two Full Planning Permission applications Application Reference 12/04708/FUL , 12/04699/FUL Listed Building Consent Application 12/04701/LB Conservation Area Consent Application (Demolition) 12/04702/CON Case officer details Name: Gavin Chinniah Tel: 020 7926 1257 Email: [email protected] Applicant Sean Bashforth Braeburn Estates Limited Partnership and Shell International Petroleum Company Limited Agent Quod Approved plans and Drawing Numbers Rev No. documents 11016 _C645_B2_P_B3_002 01 11016 _C645_B2_P_B1M_002 01 11016 _C645_B2_P_B1_002 01 11016 _C645_B2_P_B2_002 01 11016_B1_P_00_C645_001 00 11016_B1_P_01_C645_001 00 11016_B1_P_02_C645_001 00 11016_B1_P_03_C645_001 00 11016_B1_P_04_C645_001 00 11016_B1_P_05_C645_001 00 11016_B1_P_06_C645_001 00 11016_B1_P_07_C645_001 00 11016_B1_P_08_C645_001 00 11016_B1_P_09_C645_001 00 11016_B1_P_10_C645_001 00 11016_B1_P_11_C645_001 00 11016_B1_P_RF_C645_001 00 11016_B1_E_E_C645_001 00 11016_B1_E_N_C645_001 00 11016_B1_E_S_C645_001 00 11016_B1_E_W_C645_001 00 2104_C645_B2_P_00_001 00 2104_C645_B2_P_04_001 00 2104_C645_B2_P_08_001 00 2104_C645_B2_P_12_001 00 2104_C645_B2_P_16_001 00 2104_C645_B2_E_N_001 00 2104_C645_B2_E_S_001 00 403_ B3_P_00_C645_501 01 403_ B3_P_00_C645_502 01 403_ B3_P_02_C645_501 01 403_ B3_P_08_C645_501 01 403_ B3_P_14_C645_501 01 403_ B3_P_20_C645_501 01 403_ B3_P_26_C645_501 01 403_ B3_P_29_C645_501 01 403_ B3_E_N_C645_501 01 403_ B3_E_N_C645_502 01 403_ B3_E_S_C645_501 01 403_ B3_E_S_C645_502 01 11016 B4A_P_00_C645_001 01 11016 B4A_P_33_C645_001 01 11016 B4A_E_AL_C645_001 01 11016 B4B_P_00_C645_001 01 11016 B4B_P_17_C645_001 01 11016 B4B_E_AL_C645_001 01 453_B5_P_00_C645_001 00 453_B5_P_02_C645_002 00 453_B5_P_12_C645_003 00 453_B5_E_EN_C645_002 00 453_B5_E_WS_C645_001 00 12013 B6+7_P_00_05_C645_001 00 12013 B6+7_P_06_13_C645_001 00 12013 B6+7_P_14_Roof_C645_001 00 12013 B6+7_P_E_N+S_C645_001 00 12013 B6+7_P_E_E+W_C645_001 00 11016 MP_P_00_C645_001 01 11016 MP_P_01_C645_001 01 11016 MP_P_00_C645_002 01 11016 MP_P_01_C645_002 01 11016_B0_P_00_G710_001 01 11016_B0_P_00_G710_002 01 11016_B0_P_RF_G710_001 01 11016_B0_P_RF_G710_002 01 11016_B0_P_00_G710_012 01 11016_B0_P_00_G710_013 01 10073_03A - 00 10073_03B - 00 10073_003A 01 10073_003B 01 MP_P_00_JA12_001 00 MP_P_01_JA12_001 00 MP_P_TY_JA12_001 00 MP_P_RF_JA12_001 00 MP_P_B1_JA12_001 00 MP_P_B1M_JA12_001 00 MP_P_B2_JA12_001 00 MP_P_B3_JA12_001 00 MP_E_E_JA12_001 00 MP_E_N_JA12_001 00 MP_E_S_JA12_001 00 MP_E_W_JA12_001 00 MP_S_AA_JA12_001 00 MP_S_BB_JA12_09 00 MP_P_00_JA12_002 00 MP_P_01_JA12_002 00 MP_P_TY_JA12_002 00 MP_P_RF_JA12_002 00 MP_P_B1M_JA12_002 00 MP_P_B1_JA12_002 00 MP_P_B2_JA12_002 00 MP_P_B3_JA12_002 00 MP_E_E_JA12_002 00 MP_E_N_JA12_002 00 MP_E_S_JA12_002 00 MP_E_W_JA12_002 00 11016 ST_P_00_C645_001 00 11016 ST_P_00_JA12_001 00 11016 ST_E_N_C645_001 00 11016 ST_E_E_C645_001 00 11016 ST_E_S_C645_001 00 11016 ST_E_W_C645_001 00 11016 MP_P_00_C645_003 00 11016 MP_P_00_C645_004 00 Associated Document Numbers: BE1.a APPLICATION FORMS BE1.b DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL BE1.c DRAWINGS FOR INFORMATION BE1.01 PLANNING BE2.01 STATEMENT BE3.01 STATEMENT OF BE4.01 DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS BE1.02.1 DESIGN AND ACCESS BE2.02 STATEMENT BE3.02.1 VOLUME 1: CONTEXT, BE4.02 MASTERPLAN AND DESIGN PROCESS BE1. DESIGN AND ACCESS 02.2 STATEMENT VOLUME 2: BUILDING 1 BE1. DESIGN AND ACCESS 02.3 STATEMENT VOLUME 3: BUILDING 2 BE1. DESIGN AND ACCESS 02.4 STATEMENT VOLUME 4: BUILDING 3 BE1. DESIGN AND ACCESS 02.5 STATEMENT VOLUME 5: BUILDING 4A & 4B BE1. DESIGN AND ACCESS 02.6 STATEMENT VOLUME 6: BUILDING 5 BE1. DESIGN AND ACCESS 02.7 STATEMENT VOLUME 7: BUILDINGS 6 & 7 BE1.02.8 DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT VOLUME 8: BASEMENT BE1. DESIGN AND ACCESS 02.9 STATEMENT VOLUME BE3.02.2 9: SHELL TOWER BE1. DESIGN AND ACCESS 02.10 STATEMENT VOLUME 10: LANDSCAPING AND PUBLIC REALM STRATEGY BE1. 03 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT - VOLUME I : MAIN DOCUMENT BE1.03.1 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT - VOLUME II : TOWNSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT BE1.03.2 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT - VOLUME II : TOWNSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT APPENDIX 7 – VIEWS FOR ON-SITE ASSESSMENT BE1.03.3 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT - VOLUME III : TECHNICAL APPENDICES 1 of 2 BE1.03.4 APPENDIX A – Informal and Formal Scoping Report and Opinion BE1.03.5 APPENDIX B – Transport Assessment BE1.03.6 APPENDIX C – Wind Microclimate Technical Report BE1.03.7 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT - VOLUME III : TECHNICAL APPENDICES 2 of 2 BE1.03.8 APPENDIX D – Daylight, Sunlight, Overshadowing, Light Spillage & Solar Glare Technical Reports BE1.03.9 APPENDIX E – Flood Risk Assessment BE1.03.1 APPENDIX F – Ground 0 Contamination Desk Study & Preliminary Risk Assessment Report BE1.03.1 APPENDIX G – 1 Environmental Noise Survey Report & Train Induced Vibration Report BE1.03.1 APPENDIX H – Phase 1 2 Habitat Survey BE1.03.1 APPENDIX I – Heritage 3 Statement BE1.03.1 APPENDIX J – Aviation 4 report BE1.04 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT - NON TECHNICAL SUMMARY BE1.05 TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT BE1.06.1 FRAMEWORK TRAVEL PLAN BE1. RESIDENTIAL TRAVEL 06.2 PLAN BE1.07 STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT BE1.07.1 STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT – APPENDIX DOCUMENT BE1.08 SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT BE1.9 ENERGY STRATEGY BE1.10 HERITAGE STATEMENT BE2.03 BE4.03 BE1.11 SITE WASTE STRATEGY BE1.12 AFFORDABLE HOUSING STATEMENT BE1.13 RETAIL REPORT BE1.14 REGENERATION AND SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES STATEMENT BE1.15 ESTATE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY BE1.16 INTERNAL DAYLIGHT AND SUNLIGHT REPORT BE1.17.1 INTERNAL DAYLIGHT AND SUNLIGHT REPORT – TECHNICAL APPENDIX 1 BE1.17.2 INTERNAL DAYLIGHT AND SUNLIGHT REPORT – TECHNICAL APPENDIX 2 BE1.17.3 INTERNAL DAYLIGHT AND SUNLIGHT REPORT – TECHNICAL APPENDIX 3 BE1.18 Aboricultural Development Statement and Tree Survey BE2.a APPLICATION FORMS BE2.b DRAWINGS BE3.a APPLICATION FORMS BE3.b DRAWINGS BE4.a APPLICATION FORMS BE4.b DRAWINGS Recommendation(s) Grant planning permission, Listed Building Consent and Conservation Area Consent (Demolition) subject to Section 106 Agreement, conditions, Stage 2 Referral to the GLA and The Secretary of State (SoS). Report Review Department(s) or Organisation(s) Date Date Comments consulted response summarised in received paragraph Governance & Democracy (legal) 08.05.2013 09.05.2013 Within Report Consultation Department(s) or Organisation(s) Consulted Date response Comments ? (y/n) received summarise d in report? (y/n) Inter nal Building Control Y Private Sector Housing Y Early Years Development Childcare Y Housing Association Section 106 Y Housing Public Health, Animal Welfare, Pest Y Control Noise Pollution Team Y 27.01.2013 Y Arboricultural Officer Y 01.04.2013 Y Lambeth Cyclists Y Lambeth Environmental Consortium Y Planning Policy Y Various Y discussions on the application Sports Y Performance, Strategy and Y 26.02.2013 Y Regeneration Regeneration Partnership Officer Y Various Y discussions on the application Streetcare Y Y Transport and Highways Y 15.02.2013 Y Implementation Team Y Various Y discussions on the application Regulatory Services Entertainment Y 09.01.2013 Licensing Regulatory Services – Food Safety Y Regulatory Services – Noise Pollution Y Regulatory Services – Health and Y Safety Housing Y Various Y discussions on the application Library Leisure Services Manager Y Parks and Open Spaces Y Conservation and Design Y Various Y discussions on the application Urban Design Y Various Y For advice on how to make further written submissions or to register to speak on this item, please contact Governance & Democracy by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 020 7926 2170. Information is also available on the Lambeth website discussions on the application Private Sector Housing Y Various Y discussions on the application Ambulance Services Y Health and Safety Department Y Lambeth Arts Y Lambeth Crime Prevention Unit Y Various Y discussions on the application External Friends of Hatfield Green Y Friends of
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