
Substituent and Solvent Effects on HCN Elimination from l-Aryl-l,2,2-tricyanoethanes [1]

Fouad M. Fouad Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, D-8033 Martinsried bei München, West Germany and

Patrick G. Farrell Department of Chemistry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2K6 Z. Naturforsch. 34b, 86-94 (1979); received August 2, 1978 1,2,2-Tricyanoethanes, Elimination of HCN The elimination of HCN from 9-dicyanomethyl-fluorene (2), 1,1-diphenyl-1,2,2- tricyanoethane (3), and 2-phenyl-I,l,2-tricyano- (4) in anhydrous has been studied and shown to occur via an (E l)anion mechanism. Elimination of HCN from 2 in acidic, buffered and MeO~/MeOH have also been studied. Addition of or to the reaction medium shifts the mechanism to (E 1 CB)R. Elimination of HCN from N,N-dimethyl-4-(I,I,2-tricyanoethyl) aniline (5) in anhydrous methanol occurs via an (E 1 CB)r mechanism and the kinetics indicate that addition of HCN to the product alkene occurs. Activation parameters, isotope effects and solvent effects have been examined in an effort to obtain information about the nature of the transition states of these reactions.

Introduction tion via the ElcB mechanism [2-5]. Within the The base catalyzed elimination of HCN from overall ElcB mechanistic scheme a number of various polycyanoethane derivatives has been the possible rate-determining steps may be envisaged, subject of several mechanistic investigations because giving rise to different kinetic schemes, and exam- of the potential stabilization of an intermediate ples of elimination via each of these pathways have in such systems, thus favouring elimina- been reported [6].

X CN X CN I I I l_ Ar— C„—Co—H Ar— C —C + |Ct |0 + BH (1) I I CN CN CN CN i X CN I l_ Ar—C C I I CN CN Ar CN ^,C=C + CN" (2) X CN (B = Base.)

According to the simple scheme shown in equa- derivatives and by numerous studies of nucleophilic tions (1) and (2) either formation of the carbanion, vinylic substitution of carrying electron- or ejection of leaving (cyano) group thereform, may withdrawing groups by Rappoport and co-work- be rate-determining [4, 6] and the observed kinetics ers [7]. may be further complicated by the reverse reactions In an earlier study of the effect of the medium denoted by k_2 and k-i. That k-2 represents the upon HCN elimination from (Ar = 4-Me2N-C6H4-, reverse of ElcB elimination has been confirmed, X = -CN) we found that reaction occurred in both by the method of synthesis of cyanoethane various solvent mixtures in the absence of added base, indicating that the /^- atom is indeed highly acidic [8]. We has assumed that this acidity Requests for reprints should be sent to Dr. Fouad M. was due predominantly to the two ß-cyano groups, Fouad, Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, D-8033 Martinsried bei München. and that the a-X substituents would affect only the F. M. Fouad-P. G. Farrell • Substituent and Solvent Effects on HCN Elimination 87 elimination rate and not the basic elimination Kinetic procedure: Fresh solutions of 2-5 were pre- mechanism. That this assumption may be invalid is pared daily.The starting substrate concentration was 4 -1 suggested by the leaving group effects found in ~10~ mol l . The run was followed by measuring the Amax absorbance of the product. Error in specific various substitution reactions [7]. Therefore we rate coefficients is in the range of ±1%. However, have examined the influence of the a-substituent in some reproducibility problems arose when the some HCN elimination reactions, on rate coefficients reactions were carried out entirely within the silica and the mechanistic course of elimination within cell, presumably because of the relatively large surface area and the long reaction times. Samples the ElcB variants, notably those from 9-cyano- of stock solutions were therefore taken at various 9-dicyanomethyl-fluorene (2), 1,1-diphenyl-1,2,2- time intervals and their optical measured. tricyanoethane (3), 2-phenyl-1,1,2-tricyanopropane For further details see previous paper [1]. (4) and N,N-dimethyl-4-(l,l,2-tricyanoethyl)ani- line (5). Table la and lb. Rate coefficients and derived enthalpies for HCN elimination from 2 in various solvents. / CN D^CN Ia 4 3 Solvent t[°C] I0 [2]/M IO9 ko ZIH*/kJM-i

Methanol 25 1.0 4.28 125 ±9 NtCH3)2 30 1.156 8.5 35 1.039 23.85 CN^ CN Methanol/water 4 CN^ CN (9:1) 25 1.0 7.76 116 + 10 30 1.078 14.06 Experimental 35 1.031 38.07 Materials: Polycyanides (l)-(4) were prepared (4:1) 25 1.117 10.34 117 ±8 according to the standard methods [9], (2-D)-(5-D) 30 1.063 19.52 were prepared either via exchange of hydrogen 35 1.102 51.4 atom of the polycyanides with oxide, followed by extraction of the product into CDCI3 or lb by rapid crystallization of the cyano-compound Solvent t[°C] I04[2]/M 105 kx zJH+/kJM-i from methan-[2Hi]-ol [1]. Fisher spectrograde methanol and methan- Methanol/water [2Hi]-ol (Merck, Sharp and Dohme) were doubly distilled samples purified according to Vogel [10]. (7:3) 25 1.094 15.7 110 + 4 30 1.133 31.36 Samples of methanol prepared according to this 35 1.0 71.21 method showed to contain less than 10~6 basic or acidic impurities similar to samples purified accord- ko is zero-order values in mol l-1 m-1; ing to Ritchie [11]. ki is first-order values in m-1.

Table Ic. Rate coefficients and derived e nthalpies for HCN elimination from 3 and 4 in various solvents.

9 4 4 9 Solvent t[°C] 10 [3]/M IO k0 ZIH*/kJM~i I0 [4]/M IO k0 A H*/kJ M-i

Methanol 30 1.03 11.9 1.15 13.03 35 1.143 22.19 109 + 6 1.23 25.89 II7 + 5 40 1.065 50.85 1.085 61.61 Methanol/benzene (9:1) 40 1.22 27 1.174 36.43 (4:1) 40 1.268 22.84 1.061 36.83 [t °C] IO4 [3]/M 105 ki/2 IO4 [4]/M IO5 ki/2 (7:3) 40 1.22 26.03 1.194 32.25 t[°C] I04 [3]/M 105 ki 104 [4]/M IO5 ki (3:2) 40 1.026 24.85 1.214 23.36 (1:1) 40 1.415 13.41 1.418 16.38 (2:3) 40 1.041 7.64 (3:7) 40 1.163 4.25*

ko is zero-order values in mol l-1 mr1; ki is first-order values in m_1; ki/2 is half-order values in mol1/2l_1/2m_1. * Initial specific rate coefficients obtained from extrapolation. 88 F. M. Fouad-P. G. Farrell • Substituent and Solvent Effects on HCN Elimination 88

Results and Discussion Elimination from 2: The elimination of HCN from 2 in either anhydrous or aqueous methanol proceeds almost quantitatively to give 9-dicyanomethylene- fluorene. There is rapid exchange of the ^-hydrogen atom of 2 with deuterated solvents and the reaction follows zero-order kinetics up to 70% product formation, whereupon deviation towards higher order or equilibrium occurs, Table la. Unlike the reactions of the aniline derivatives studied previ- 6 • loglBl ously [8], the reaction of 2 is very sensitive to added Fig. 1. Plots of 5 + log ki against 6 + log [base] for base. The addition of CN- (as HCN) to the reaction HCN elimination from 2 at 25 °C in methanol; a) MeO-/MeOH, b) NEt3:NEt3HCl at constant pH medium depresses the rate and decreases the extent and c) NEt3 at constant concentration of NEtsHCl. of zero-order reaction, implying an equilibrium step involving the product. The CN~ addition displaces Table IIa. First-order rate coefficients for HCN the product equilibrium to the left, and leads to elimination from o in anhydrous methanol. 4 first-order kinetics when the CN~ concentration is t[°C] 10 [5]/M I04kObSm-i Zl H*/kJ M-i large. The kinetics suggest a reaction via an E1 cB 25 1.0 6.19 59 ±4 mechanism involving a non-steady state formation 30 1.0 9.77 of the carbanionic intermediate. This mechanism 35 1.128 14 40 1.0 20.5 has been denoted by Bordwell [6] as (El)anion- To appreciate the scope of that mechanism, reactions Tab. IIb. First-order rate coefficients for HCN of 2 were carried out in different media. elimination from 5 in methanol/ methoxide . a) Reactions of 2 in buffered methanol, 4 4 t[°C] 10 [5]/M IO [MeO-]/M 104kObs m-i (NEt3: NEtsHCl), constant ratio or different con- extrapolated centrations of NEt3 to constant concentration of 1.0 NEtsHCl, or in methanol/methoxide ions resulted 30 0.0 9.77 30 1.0 1.288 11.56 in faster rates of eliminations, Table II d. Plots of 30 0.948 2.576 11.2 rate coefficients against the concentrations of added 30 1.062 3.864 11.68 NEt3: NEtsHCl or methoxide ions showed a Table lie. Derived second-order rate coefficients for -4 -1 reasonable linear relation, up to 10 mol l added CN- addition to 5 in anhydrous methanol. reagent, with a fractional order ca. 0.7, Fig. 1. This t [°C] lO^lmol-1 m-i A H+/kJM-! may indicate a general base catalysis. However, reliable rate coefficients could not be obtained when 25 0.91 40 ±4 30 1.24 the methoxide concentrations were larger than 35 1.41 2.0 X 10"4 or less than 10~5 mol H. 40 1.97

Table II d. First-order rate coefficients for HCN elimination from 2 in methoxide/methanol and buffered methanol solutions at 25 °C.

4 5 4 5 4 5 105 [buffer]/M IO [2]/M 10 ki 105 [NEt3]/M* IO [2]/M 10 ki 105 [MeO-]/M 10 [2]/M IO kx

100 A 285.8 — — 60 286.1 — — — — 40 280.1 40 A. 292.5 — — — — 20 253.6 20 I I 320.3 10 1.02 223.7 10 1.014 192.1 10 1.095 277.5 — — 8 166.7 8 242.4 6 170.7 6 137.7 6 195.1 4 123.6 4 103.5 4 137.9 — — 2 60.5 2 78.4

1 r 43 1 1 35.3 1 1 48.3

Buffer = NEt3:NEt3HCl. * Concentration of NEt3HCl was kept constant at 4 X IO-4 mol 1_1; ki is first-order rate coefficients in m_1. F. M. Fouad-P. G. Farrell • Substituent and Solvent Effects on HCN Elimination 89

Interestingly reactions, in buffered media or increases with time. The specific rate coefficient methanol/methoxide ions followed first-order kinet- should thus decrease with time as the carbanion ics, irrespective of the concentration of the added concentration is increasingly repressed, and this reagent, up to 70% reaction followed by an upward behaviour is experimentally observed, Fig. 2 a. A deviation. This deviation can be attributed to a direct dependence of initial rate, obtained by extra- cooperative catalysis by the formed polation to time zero, with added concentration during the course of elimination. is thus anticipated, as shown in Fig. 2 b. The reason- ably good linear plot obtained suggests that the NaCn (or Et3NNCN~) + MeOH E1 cB mechanism persists in the presence of these

MeONa (or Et3NH~OMe) + HCN (3) concentrations of acid. The negative slope, being fractionally less than unity ~0.94, indicates the In a separate set of experiments potassium participation of one (solvated) proton in the transi- cyanide was found to increase rates of elimination tion state. The participation of one solvated proton from this compound. Reactions of 2 in methanol in the cyanide-loss step of the reaction provides a with buffer concentrations higher than 2 x 10~4mol lower energy pathway for the elimination reaction. l-1, i.e., in the range 4 x 10-4-10~3 mol l-1, showed This acid catalyzed elimination of hydrogen cyanide little enhancements in rate coefficients, Table II d. bears a similarity to that of decomposition of On the other hand, HCN elimination from 2 in l,l,l,3-tetranitro-2-phenylpropane in methanolic methanol/methoxide ions showed a rapid consump- to give ß-nitrostyrene and nitro- tion of the product after ca. 60% reaction at form via the slow decomposition of the rapidly [MeONa] = 2 x 10~4 mol l"1. This decrease in product formed conjugate base [13]. concentration may be due to addition of liberated cyanide ions to the olefinic product or substitution 2.8 of cyano groups of product with methoxide ions. Because of these difficulties we carried out the 2.0 reactions in absolute methanol for the purpose of "b 1-2 estimating the a-leaving group or /?-H kinetic isotope effects to avoid serious complications 0.4 arrising from the above mentioned side reactions. b) In 2 there is no basic centre to act as either the base for proton extraction in the elimination or the site for in the presence of [8]. It 1.4 is thus of interest to examine the effect of acid upon the reaction rate and experiments were carried out using 70% methanol as the solvent. (In this medium the reaction follows first-order kinetics in the +e absence of added acid.) As the reaction still proceeds 0.6 in the presence of ca. IO-5 M HCl, the effective base in the methanol or methanol-water media cannot 6* loglHCIl be methoxide or hydroxide ions as the auto- protolysis constants for these solvents are so small Fig. 2. a) The variation of first-order rate constants that this concentration of acid would have totally for HCN elimination from 2 in methanol/water (7:3) containing HCl. The concentrations of HCl were: neutralized these anionic species. (a) 10-5, (b) 2 x 10-5, (C) 4 x JO-5, (d) 6 x 10-5 and Assuming that the added acid is completely (e) 8 X IO-5 ml-1. b) The variation of extrapolated first-order rate dissociated in methanol-water then either protona- constants for elimination of HCN from 2 in methanol/ tion of carbanion or the solvent may occur, the latter water (7:3) with concentration of added HCl. + being relatively unimportant (pka MeOH2 ~ —2) c) Increasing the polarity of the medium by the [12]. The added acid is not consumed during the addition of water to the solvent enhances the reaction and thus acts as a negative catalyst, the reaction rate, with distinct change of kinetic order, ratio of its concentration to that of the carbanion Table la. Thus zero-order kinetics were obyed until 90 F. M. Fouad-P. G. Farrell • Substituent and Solvent Effects on HCN Elimination 90

kn/kc = 1.2 is not unreasonable. An approximately equal effect upon the equilibrium steps (forward and 0.4 y reverse) is normally assumed [17], although it is "o probable that the carbanion will be better solvated "~Q2 by the protic medium. However, the lower basicity of methanol implies a carbanion concentration in the protic solvent and thus any effect in favour of either medium will be slight, as will effect upon the second step of the reaction. A further confirmation to the previous argument is that HCN elimination 0.8 from 2 in methan-[2Hi]-ol, which is regarded as a x stronger base than methanol [18], followed zero- ro ro order kinetics up to 85% reaction. Dl 0.4 Closely related results were obtained for water elimination from 9-fluorenylmethanol [19]. The solvent isotope effect in methanol for water elimina- tion from 9-fluorenylmethanol is 0.36 indicative of ElcB elimination. Thus the value obtained for Fig. 3. a) Typical zero-order plots for HCN elimination hydrogen cyanide elimination from 2 has the same from 2 in methanol/water (9:1) at (a) 35°, (b) 30° and (c) 25 °C. range, i.e., <1, thus supporting reaction via an b) Typical first-order plots for HCN elimination from 2 analogous mechanism. in methanol/water (7:3) at (a) 35°, (b) 30° and (c) 25 °C. Elimination from 3: This polycyanide also under- goes zero-order elimination of hydrogen cyanide in the water-methanol ratio was 7:3 whereupon first- anhydrous methanol to give >95% yield of the order kinetics were observed, Fig. 3a-3b. Although corresponding olefin, similar to the reaction of 2 and the charged intermediate and eliminated cyanide other polycyanides studied previously [8] under ion will both be stabilized by increasing solvent identical conditions. The ^-hydrogen of 3 was polarity, the greater acidity of water, as compared exchanged instantaneously when a drop of [2Hi]- with methanol, will also favour reprotonation of the methanol was added to the solution of this com- carbanion, thus shifting the kinetics toward first- pound in CDCI3, as detected by NMR. The spon- order. The mechanism should therefore change from taneous exchange of /^-hydrogen in compounds 2-5 (E l)anion towards (E1 CB)R. The energy of activation suggests comparable acidities, hence differences in decreases slightly with increasing water content of reaction rates could be attributed to different the medium suggesting that the transition state substitution on Ca. In this case, one also may assume becomes more reactant (i.e., carbanion-like [14]), substantial formation of the carbanion followed by but non-linear plots for log k versus log [H2O] were a very slow ejection of the cyanide ion to give the obtained. Increasing the basicity of the medium olefin i.e., the reaction rate is independent on 3 and was found to similarly decrease the activation this is compatible with (Ei)anion varient [6]. energy for elimination from dimethyl-2-arylethyl- Surprisingly, HCN eliminates from 3 ~ 1.4 times sulphonium ions [15]. faster than 2 and with lower energy of activation. The facile /^-hydrogen exchange observed to date Table 1 c. This can be explained on the basis of for all polycyanoethane derivatives precludes the structural differences which would allow rotation of observation of primary kinetic hydrogen isotope the two phenyl groups about their bonds to the effects for elimination from these systems. Equilib- aliphatic Ca in the former. However, the two phenyl rium and solvent isotope effects are to be expected, groups may occupy two different planes due to however, and the data for compound 2 have been steric interactions between them. Obviously, a reported [1]. Primary leaving group isotope effects similar rotation is impossible in 2 because of the are expected for an ElcB mechanism and have rigid fluorenyl system. The non-planarity of the indeed been observed [1]. Hydrogen isotope effects phenyl groups of 3 resulted in a decreased resonance <1.0 have been reported [16], so our value of energy of its olefinic product compared with that F. M. Fouad-P. G. Farrell • Substituent and Solvent Effects on HCN Elimination 91 of 2 as shown the UV spectra. Compound 3 has is similar to that observed by Rappoport et al. [3, 7]

/max = 318 nm with £max = 14,510 while 2 has in hydrogen cyanide elimination from 2,6-dimethyl-

2max — 346 and £max —18,900 in absolute metha- 4-(l,l,2,2-tetracyanoethyl)aniline in chloroform cat- nol. alyzed by of different basicities. A highly It is likely that the release of the strain, leading basic such as triethylamine or w-butylamine to a more loose transition state, in going from 2 to 3 reacted with the former tetracyanide to give results in a faster rate of elimination from the latter. substantial concentrations of the corresponding It is also expected that changing the steric require- carbanion in chloroform i.e., (Ei)anion mechanism. ments of Ca may bring about a change in its On the other hand, catalysis by weaker amines such rehybridization, and this is reflected on the rate- as , aniline or N,N-dimethyl-aniline resulted determining step, k2, which is the ejection of in a lower of the cyano compound, thus cyanide ion from Ca of the corresponding conjugate shifting the mechanism to (ElcB)ip with overall base. This may render the transition state of 3 more second-order kinetics and zero-order in the amine carbanion-like than of 2 and more product-like than within the run [3, 7], of 5. This may lead to the conclusion that the Hydrogen cyanide elimination from 4: It was the product stability is not the sole factor dominating pious hope to study HCN elimination from com- the E1 cB reaction pathway. pounds 6-8 with Ca-H and different substituents on Addition of an aprotic solvent such as benzene up the 4-position on the aromatic ring. This was planed to 20% by volume to the reaction medium led to a to relate rate constants and enthalpies of activation relatively small decrease in the specific rate coef- to the transition state geometries, if possible. ficients associated with an earlier deviation from However, this was not possible because elimination zero-order linearity. Increase of benzene proportions from 6-8 proceeds up to 20-30% with irregular to 30% shifted the reaction to half-order kinetics. kinetic behaviour followed by a build-up of other Increase of concentration of benzene to 50% gave a compounds which were difficult to identify and reasonable first-order plot, Table Ic. In general, these were not investigated further. Thus results for successive additions of benzene will decrease the comparison were not at hand. dielectric constant of the medium and most prob- ably would suppress the ionization of the tricyanide, ki. Consequently, the concentration of the conjugate base decreases. This decrease in conjugate base concentration may be responsible for the earlier deviation from zero-order kinetics observed in methanol-benzene solvents. Moreover, benzene is However, C1-C-CH3 substituent i.e., tricyanide (4), not as good as methanol in solvating the leaving underwent >96% elimination in anhydrous metha- - group, CN , when it departs from the conjugate nol. The almost quantitative olefin formation form base. This also leads to retardation in k2 and a 2-4 but not from 5-8 confirms the observation that decrease in the overall reaction rate, kik2/k_i. For the stability of the olefinic product (the most solvents richer in benzene i.e., 40% and 50%, substituted) is a driving force in elimination, but retardation of ki and k2 may result in a steady not necessarily the sole factor controling the reac- concentration of the carbanion i.e., first-order rate tion pathway. Similar to 2 and 3, the ß-hydrogen dependence on polycyanide concentration with a of 4 exchanges spontaneously when allowed to react decrease in overall reaction rate constant. Thus with deuterated solvents such as methan-[2Hi]-ol. addition of an aprotic solvent resulted in a change This may also suggest a non-steady state concentra- in the reaction mechanism from (Ei)anion to (E1 CB)R, tion of carbanion for solutions of 4 in anhydrous a phenomenon observed when a protic solvent such methanol leading to zero-order kinetics i.e., elimina- as water is added to the reaction media of 2. tion via (Ei)anion route. After ca. 60-70% reaction

Thus it seems likely that in this case (Ei)anion appreciable concentration of hydrogen cyanide is mechanism could be changed to (E1 CB)R on addi- accumulated and thus could possibly enhance both tion of either a polar solvent such as water or an k-i and k_2, and this results in deviation from zero- aprotic solvent such as benzene. The latter situation order kinetics. 92 F. M. Fouad-P. G. Farrell • Substituent and Solvent Effects on HCN Elimination 92

Replacing the a-phenyl group with a methyl with continuous drift in the reaction order to unity group, indeed decreases the resonance energy of the (Fig. 4a). In 70% methanol, the reaction is half- olefinic product in the same direction. Polycyanide order, whereas in 60-40% methanol, the reaction (4) has X max = 286 nm and «max = 12,475 in metha- became first-order in 4. nol. Nevertheless, hydrogen cyanide elimination Surprinsingly, in 30% methanol a continuous from 4 is 1.1 faster than that from 2 under similar decrease in the specific rate coefficients is observed conditions, Table Ic. This may support the sug- with the increase in the reaction percentage. An gestion that the release of strain and decrease in initial rate coefficient was determined via extra- steric requirements about Ca would lead to a looser polation from a plot of specific rate constants transition state, thus a faster reaction rate. Similar against time, Table I c. The data suggest that in to the reactions of 3, added benzene to the reaction solvents richer in benzene, the reaction has shifted medium resulted in decreasing the reaction rate further to (E1 cB)IP from (E1 CB)R variant, viz.

CN (f C H . CH- C H CH-, C6H5\'^CH3 6 5. 6 5. MeOH MeOH, ..(t) h -CN" CN' 'CN CN | CN CN 'CN H

A further decrease in methanol to 20 and 10% by than a linear relationship, Fig. 4 b. At moderate volume has resulted in only 5-10% elimination over concentrations of methanol 90-50% there is a a period of three months. Br0nsted plots of log kx tangential slope of 1.7 representing the number of against log [MeOH] gave a smooth curve rather methanol solvating the (E1CB)R transi- tion state. At higher proportions of benzene 50-70%, the (ElcB)ip transition state becomes more selec- tively solvated and the ease of exchange of methanol molecules in the solvation seeth with those in the

X bulk solvent are restricted relative to solvents ni higher in methanol. This results in a higher number S' 0.2 of methanol molecules solvating the (E1 cB)iP transi- o tion state i.e., 2.7, Fig. 4b. 2 20 40 60 Elimination from 5: In the absence or presence of t/h added base, first-order kinetics was obyed for the first 40% of the reaction, but after this the rates 1.6 decrease and eventually equilibria are attained [1]. The position of equilibrium in a given reaction is both base and temperature dependent and a typical o 1.2 first-order plot is shown in Fig. 5 a. First-order rate in coefficients were determined from the initial rate data and the values obtained in methanol solution 0.8 are shown in Table II c. Analysis of the kinetic data, Fig. 5a-c, Table IIa, implies rapid proton extrac- tion relative to ejection of cyanide ions. In the Fig. 4. a) Typical plots for HCN elimination from 4 in presence of added sodium methoxide at 30 °C the methanol/benzene at 40 °C, where: (f) zero-order plot reaction rate increases, Table IIb, although the rate in (9:1), (e) zero-order plot in (4:1), (d) half-order plot in (7:3) methanol/benzene mixtures, (c), (b) and (a) are enhancement is small. The addition of weaker bases first-order plots in (3:2), (1:1) and (2:3) methanol/ to the reaction medium, e.g., triethylamine, piper- benzene solutions respectively. idine or morpholine, resulted in rate changes within b) Bronsted plot of HCN elimination from 4 in methanol/benzene solvents. the experimental error. These results could be F. M. Fouad-P. G. Farrell • Substituent and Solvent Effects on HCN Elimination 93

Q24 Several authors have recently pointed out that the relationship of isotope effects to transition state geometries should be treated with circumspection, as well as the similar use of Br0nsted ß- values [21,22]. Although numerous examples are known in which « 0.16 x the use of such relationships has given results which o Fig. 5. First-order are both reasonable and in accord with expectations kinetic plots for HCN [14, 15], there are also examples of the failure of • elimination from 5 in ^ methanol at 25 °C. such correlations [23, 24]. g1 08 (a) Experimental plot Certain qualitative conclusions may however be and (b) theoretical plot derived from the drawn from the data presented here. Thus the initial rate coefficient; influence of electron withdrawing groups at the (c) is a second-order a-carbon atom is predicted to make the transition plot for CN- addition to the product in state more product-like [14, 25]. Indeed, energies of methanol at 25 °C. activation of 2 and 5 in anhydrous methanol accord with a more product like transition state for 2. compared with Rappoport's earlier studies of Leaving group isotope effects are also in accordance 2-aryl-1,1,2-tricyanoethanes [20]. with this [1]. (If the phenyl ring is considered to be Studies of the reaction of 5 in methanol and of an electron withdrawing substituent then the (5-D) in methan-[2Hi]-ol gave a value of 2.8 for the results are as would be predicted, ignoring the added observed isotope effect, kH/kD. This is an unex- geometrical constraint upon the 'phenyl' substituent pectedly high value for an equilibrium plus solvent in 2 and any effects of the dimethylamino group isotope effect. Such values are usually close to, or in 5.) The kinetic data presented here thus support less than, unity, and a primary effect is precluded by the conclusions of the isotope effect studies reported the rapid exchange of the /^-hydrogen atom. As the previously [1], and suggest that product stability is equilibrium isotope effect of the initial proton not the sole factor determining the transition state extraction should be unity, then the major contribu- geometry. tion to the observed value arises from a solvent We are grateful to the National Research Council effect upon the cyanide ion loss [1]. of Canada for financial support.

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