ALGERIA Embassy of the Peoples’ Democratic Republic of Algeria 8va. Transversal con 3a. Avenida Quinta (Azahar) Altamira Caracas 1060 VENEZUELA

Tel: 0 58 212 263 9771/263 2092 Fax: 0 58 212 261 4254 Email: [email protected]

H. E. Mr. Rachid BLADEHANE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary-Designate

National Day: 01 November

Establishment of Relations: 7th February 2007

ARGENTINA Embassy of Argentina Tatil Building, 4th Floor, Maraval Road Port of Spain

Tel. 01 868 628 7557/628 7587 Fax. 01 868 628 7544 Email: [email protected]

Postal Address P.O. Box 162, Belmont Post Office Belmont Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO W.I.

H. E. Mr. Marcelo SALVIOLO (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 25th May Establishment of Relations: 29th November 1999


Australian High Commission 18 Herbert Street, St. Clair Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO

Postal Address Australian High Commission P.O. Box 4640, St. James Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND & TOBAGO

Tel. 868 822 5450 Fax. 868 822 5490 Visa Information Service: 868 822 5499 Website: www.trinidadandtobago.embassy.gov.au

H. E. Mr. Ross W. TYSOE High Commissioner

National Day: 26 January

Establishment of Relations: 31 January 1986

AUSTRIA Austrian Embassy Av. Orinoco entre Calle Mucuchies y Perija Edificio Torre D&D, Piso PT, Oficina PTN Calle Orinoco, Las Mercedes Caracas 1060 VENEZUELA

Tel: 58 212 999 1211 Fax: 58 212 993 2753/993 2275 Email: [email protected] Internet Site: http://www.bmeia.gv.at/botschaft/caracas.html

H.E. Mag. Gerhard MAYER (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Designate) National Day: 26th October

Establishment of Relations: 29th October 1990 (COMMONWEALTH) Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Goodmans Bay Corporate Centre West Bay St. P.O. Box No. 3746 Nassau, N.P. THE BAHAMAS

Tel. 01 242 322 7624/5 Fax. 01 242 328 8212/326 2123 Email: [email protected]

H. E. Mr. Picewell FORBES High Commissioner (Designate)

Independence Day: 10 July

BELGIUM Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium 8th Floor Courtleigh Corporate Centre 6-8 St. Lucia Avenue Kingston 5 W.I

Tel. 01 876 906 1815/876 906 7791/876 754 7903 Fax. 01 876 906 5943 Email: [email protected] Web site: http//diplomatie.belgium.be/jamaica/

H. E. Mrs. Godelieve VAN den BERGH (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Designate)

National Day : 21 July

Establishment of Relations : 1980

BRAZIL Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil Villa P. O. Box 2222 Kingstown ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES

Tel: 01 784 457 4565 01 784 458 4241 (Ambassador’s direct line) Fax: 01 784 457 4021

H.E. Michael Francis de Maya Monteiro GEPP Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Mrs. Leda Maria BEIRÂO (Spouse)

Ms. Leda RIBEIRO DE REZENDE Head of Chancery

Mr. Danilo ZIMBRES Vice Consul

Independence Day: 7th September

CANADA Canadian High Commission Bishops Court Hill St. Michael

Postal Address P.O. Box 404

Tel. 01 246 629 3550/246 629 3601 Fax. 01 246 429 3780/246 429 7436 Email: [email protected]

Consular Assistance Emergency Numbers: 1-800-387-3124/1-888-949-9993 or 1-613-996-8885

H. E. Richard HANLEY High Commissioner

National Day: 01 July

Establishment of Relations: 19th September 1979

Consular Matters Canadian High Commission Immigration Section Maple House 3-38 Suite 1 Briar Road, St. Clair Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 868 622 6232 Fax: 868 628 2930/ 868 628 2619 Email: [email protected]

CHILE Embassy of Chile 4 Alexandra Street, St. Clair Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO

Tel. 01 868 628 0540/628 4763 Fax: 01 868 622 9894 Email: [email protected]

H.E. Mr. Luis Fernando Ayala GONZALEZ (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 18th September

Establishment of Relations: 16th August 1990

REPUBLIC OF CHINA (TAIWAN) Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Murray Road P.O. Box 878 Kingstown ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES

Tel. 784 456 2431 Fax: 784 456 2913 Email: [email protected]

H. E. Mr. Weber V. B. SHIH (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Joan SHIH (Spouse) Mr. Michael LIN Counsellor Richard CHEN First Secretary Mr. Robert DUAN First Secretary Miss Baeta CHEN Chancellor

National Day: 10 October Establishment of Relations: 15th August 1981

COLOMBIA Embassy of the Republic of Colombia 53 Knutsford Boulevard, 4th Floor Kingston 5 JAMAICA, W.I.

Tel: 876 929 1701-2 Fax: 876 968 0577 Email: [email protected] Consul: [email protected] Cultural Section: [email protected] Commercial Section: [email protected]

H.E. Ventura Emilio DIAZ-MEJIA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 20th July Establishment of Relations: 17th March 1981 CUBA Embassy of the Republic of Cuba Ratho Mill P. O. Box 2407 Kingstown ST.VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES

Tel: 784 458 5844/456 8798 Fax: 784 456 9344

Email: [email protected] [email protected]

H. E. Mr. Pablo Antonio RODRIQUEZ VIDAL (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. María de la Concepción MUÑOZ PRIETO Minister Counsellor/Spouse of Ambassador Rodriguez Vidal Mr. Parmenio GARCIA GUTIÉRREZ First Secretary Mrs. Maria Elena MORALES ZAMORA Accountant

National Day: 01 January Establishment of Relations: 26th May 1992

CYPRUS Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus 5ta Ave. No. 8409 e/ 84 y 86, Miramar Playa, C. Habana CUBA

Tel: 0 537 212 5228/5229 Fax: 0 537 212 5227 Email: [email protected]

H. E. Mr. Stavros LOIZIDES (m) High Commissioner

National Day: 01 October Establishment of Relations: 02 August 2006

CZECH REPUBLIC Embassy of the Czech Republic Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the United Nations 1109 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10028 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Tel. 1 646 981 4001 Fax: 1 646 981 4099

H. E. Ms. Edita HRDÁ (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 28 October

Establishment of Relations: (approx 1996)

DENMARK (KINGDOM OF) Royal Danish Embassy C/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs Asiatisk Plads (AH 457) DK-1448 Copenhagen K DENMARK

Tel: 0 45 33 92 1358 Fax: 0 45 33 92 0393 Email: [email protected]

H. E. Mr. Jens Peter LARSEN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Birthday of H.M. The Queen: 16 April Constitution Day: 05 June

Establishment of Relations: 19th September 1985

ECUADOR Embajador de Ecuador 4a. Avenida 12-04 Zona 14, GUATEMALA

Tel: (520) 2337 2902 Fax: (502) 2368 1831 Email: [email protected]

H.E. Galo Yépez HOLGUĬN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Independence Day: 10 August

Establishment of Relations: 01 August 1989

EL SALVADOR Embassy of the Republic of El Salvador 29 Long Circular Road St. James Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, W.I.

Tel: 01 868 628 4454 Fax: 01 868 622 8317 Email: [email protected]

Lic. Jose Roberto Garcia Prieto LEMUS (Chargé of Affaires) (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 15th September

Establishment of Relations: 08th June 1992

FINLAND Embassy of Finland c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs Helsinki FINLAND

Tel: Fax: Email: [email protected]

H.E. Mr. Mikko PYHӒLӒ Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 06th December

Establishment of Relations: 11th September 2007

(Ambassador Kim Luotonen to replace PYHALA – on 1 October, 2013 and operate from Finland) email: [email protected].

FRANCE Embassy of France to the OECS Nelson Mandela Drive Vigie, Castries ST. LUCIA

Tel. 01 758 455 6060 Fax. 01 758 455 6056

Consular Section Tel: 01 758 455 6080 Fax: 01 758 455 6086 Email: [email protected] Internet Site: http://www.ambafrance.org.lc

H.E. Mr. Michel PROM Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 14th July

Establishment of Relations:

GEORGIA Embassy of Georgia Mexico City MEXICO

H. E. Mr. Malkhaz MIKELADZE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary-Designate

National Day: 26th May

Establishment of Relations: 22 June 2010

GERMANY Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany 19 St. Clair Avenue P.O. Box 828 Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO

Tel. 01 868 628 1630/1/2 Fax. 01 868 628 5278 Emergency Tel: 01 868 460 9687 Email: [email protected] Website: www.port-of-spain.diplo.de

H.E. Mr. Stefan SCHLUETER (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 3rd October

Establishment of Relations: 12th December 1980

GUYANA High Commission of Ministry of Foreign Affairs 254 South Road & Shiv Chanderpaul Drive Georgetown GUYANA, SA

Tel. 0 592 226 1606/8, 225 6467 Fax. 0 592 225 9192 Email: [email protected]

H. E. Elisabeth HARPER High Commissioner (Designate)

Independence Day: 26 May

HELLENIC REPUBLIC Embassy of the Hellenic Republic Av. Principal del Avila Entre Calle San Gabriel y 1a. Av. El Casquillo Quinta “Maryland” Urbanizacion Alta Florida Caracas 1050 VENEZUELA

Tel. 0 58 212 730 3833/730 0460 Fax. 0 58 212 731 0429 Email: [email protected]

H.E. Mr. H. E. Mr. Anastassios PETROVAS (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Designate)

National Day: 25 March

Establishment of Relations: 13th August 1997

HOLY SEE (Vatican Embassy) Apostolic Nunciature 11 Mary Street, St. Clair P.O. Box 854 Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO

Tel: 868 622 5009/6359 Fax: 868 222 9814 Email: [email protected]

H. E. The Most Reverend Nicola GIRASOLI Apostolic

National Day: 13 March (Elevation of His Holiness the Pope to the Pontificate)

Establishment of Relations: 17th April 1990

INDIA High Commission of India No. 221 Dr. Sophie Redmondstraat Paramaribo

Tel: 0 597 49 8344 Fax: 0 597 49 9382/597 49 1106 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Website: www.indembassysuriname.com

H.E. Mr. Kanwal Jit Singh SODHI (m) High Commissioner Mrs. Manjit Kaur SODHI (Spouse)

Republic Day: 26th January

INDONESIA Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Avenida El Paseo Con Calle Maracaibo Quinta “Indonesia” Prados del Este Caracas 1080 VENEZUELA

Tel: 0 58 212 975 2291/976 2725/977 3173/977 6853 Fax: 0 58 212 976 0550 Email: [email protected] Website: www.indonesiacaracas.com

H. E. Mrs. Prianti Gagarin DJATMIKO-SINGGIH (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary-Designate

National Day: 17th August

Establishment of Relations: 30th November1993

IRAN Embassy of the Republic of Iran 5ta Ave. No.3002 esq. 930 Miramar Habana CUBA

Tel: 0 537 204 2597/537 204 2675 Fax: 0 537 204 2770

H.E. Ali CHEGENI Ambassador and Plenipotentiary (Designate)

National Day: 01 April (Islamic Republic Day)

Establishment of Relations: 30 July 2008

ISRAEL Embassy of Israel 800 Second Avenue New York NY 10017 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Tel: 1 212 499 5510 Fax: 1 212 499 5515 Email: [email protected]

H. E. Mr. Amiram MAGID Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 12 May

Establishment of Relations: 1981

ITALY Embassy of the Italian Republic Edificio Atrium, P.H. Calle Sorocaima Entre Avenidas Tamanaco y Venezuela Urb. El Rosal, P.O. Box 3995 Caracas VENEZUELA

Tel: 0 58 212 952 7891/7311 Fax: 0 58 212 952 4960/7120 Email: [email protected] Website: www.italamb.org.ve

H. E. Dr. Paolo SERPI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Consulate General of Italy Av. Mohedano entre 1ra y 2da Transversales La Castellana Caracas, Venezuela Tel: 0 58 212 262 1468 Fax: 0 58 212 262 1420/267 6027

National Day: 02 June

Establishment of Relations: 30 October 1982

JAMAICA High Commission for Jamaica 2 Newbold Street St. Clair Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO

Tel: 01 868 622 4995/7 Fax: 01 868 622 9043 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

H. E. Sharon SAUNDERS High Commissioner -Designate

Independence Day: 06 August JAPAN Embassy of Japan 5 Hayes Street, St. Clair P.O. Box 1039 Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO

Tel: 01 868 628 5991/2/3 Fax: 01 868 622 0858/628 6515 Email: [email protected] (General) [email protected] (Consular) [email protected] (Economic Cooperation) Website: http://www.tt.emb-japan.go.jp

H.E. Mr. Yoshimasa TEZUKA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 11 February

Establishment of Relations: April 1980

KOREA (NORTH) Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Calle 17, No. 752 Esquina. A. Paseo, Vedado Cuidad de La Habana REPUBLIC OF CUBA

Tel: 537 662 313 Fax: 537 333 073

H.E. Mr. Kwon Sung CHOL (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (designate)

National Day: 09 September (1948)

Establishment of Relations: 03 April 1981

KOREA (SOUTH) Embassy of the Republic of Korea #36 Elizabeth Street St. Clair Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO

Tel. 01 868 622 9081/622 1069 Fax. 0 868 628 8745 Email : [email protected]

H. E. Mr. Wonkun HWANG (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 03 October

Establishment of Relations: 28 October 1979

MALAYSIA Embassy of Malaysia Centro Profesional Eurobuilding Piso 6, Oficianas D-E-F-G Calle La Guairita, Urb Chuao Caracas 1060 VENEZUELA

Tel: 0 58 212 992 1011/1144 Fax: 0 58 212 992 1277 Email: [email protected]

H. E. Mr. Mahinder Singh Ram SINGH High Commissioner

Independence Day: 31 August

MEXICO Embassy of Mexico P. O. Box CP 6096 Vigie Castries

Tel: 01 758 453 1250/451 4257/4254 Fax: 01 758 451 4252 Mobile: 1 758 285 2970 Email: [email protected]

H. E. Mr. Luis Manuel LOPEZ MORENO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (designate)

Independence Day: 16 September

Establishment of Relations: 31 July 1990

MOROCCO Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco Avenida Abraham Lincoln 1009 Edificio EFA Profesional Suite 601/602, 6to Piso Ensanche Piantini Santo Domingo REPUBLICA DOMINICANA

Tel: 01 809 732 0409/1575 Fax: 01 809 732 1703 Email: [email protected]

H. E. Dr. Brahim Houssein MOUSSA (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Date of Accession: 30 July

Establishment of Relations: 10 August 1988

NETHERLANDS Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Tinre Building 3rd Floor, 69-71 Edward St. P.O. Box 870 Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO

Tel. 01 868 625 1210/1722/2532 After Office: 01 868 680 6666 Fax. 01 868 625 1704 Emergency Tel : 1 868 389 6400 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: http://tt.nlembassy.org

H. E. Mrs. Lucita C.G. MOENIR ALAM (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 30 April

Establishment of Relations: 08 April 1981

NICARAGUA (REPUBLIC OF) Embassy of the Republic of Nicaragua Avenida El Paseo, Quinta Dona Dilia Urbanizacion Prados del Este Municipio Baruta, Estado Miranda CP 1080, Caracas VENEZUELA

Tel: 011 58 212 977 32 Fax: 011 58 212 977 39 Email: [email protected] [email protected]

H. E. Ramon LEETS Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 15 September

Establishment of Relations: 28 June 1991

NORWAY Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway Calle 30 #315 e/ 3ra y 5ta Avenida Miramar, Playa Ciudad de La Habana CUBA

Tel.: +53 7 204 0696/204 4410/204 4411 Fax: +53 7 204 0699 Email: [email protected]

H. E. Mr. John Petter OPDAHL (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Constitution Day: 17 May

Establishment of Relations: 19 February 1993

PERU Embassy of to the OAS 1901 Pennsylvania Ave. Suite 402, N.W., 20006 Washington D.C. USA

Tel: (202) 232-2281 (202) 232-2282 Fax: (202) 466-3068 E-mail: [email protected]

H.E. Dr. Maria ZAVALA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Designate)

National Day: 28 July

Establishment of Relations: 05 May 1986

PHILIPPINES Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines 5ta Transversal entre 4ta y 5ta Avenida Urb. De Altamira, Chacao Caracas VENEZUELA 1060

Tel: 0 58 212 266 7709/267 8873/266 4122 Fax: 0 58 212 266 6443 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 12 June

Establishment of Relations: 11 October 2000

POLAND Embassy of the Republic of Poland Quinta Amber, calle Nocholas Copernico Sector Los Naranjos, Valle Arriba Urb. Las Mercedes, 62293 Chacao Caracas 1060 VENEZUELA

Tel. 0 58 212 991 1461/993 8739 Fax. 0 58 212 992 2164 Email: [email protected];[email protected] Website: www.caracas.polemb.net/

H. E. Piotr KASZUBA (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Independence Day : 11 November Constitution Day : 03 May

Establishment of Relations: 16 May 1996

PORTUGAL Embassy of Portuguese Republic Avenida Eugenio Mendoza Cruce con Calle Jose Angel Lamas Torre La Castellana, Piso 3 Urb. La Castellana Caracas 1060 VENEZUELA

Mailing Address 1748 Caracas 1010-A

Tel: 0 58 212 263 0468/263 2529/263 8053 Fax: 0 58 212 266 4908/267 9766 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

H. E. Márìo Lino DA SILVA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Designate)

National Day: 10 June

Establishment of Relations: 12 April 1995

ROMANIA Embassy of Romania 1607 23rd Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20008 USA

Tel: 202 332 4846/ 202 332 4848 Fax: 202 232 4748 Email: [email protected] Email on Consular Issues: [email protected]

H.E. Emil GHITULESCU Chargé d’Affaires

National Day: 01 December Establishment of Relations: 22 May 2003

RUSSIAN FERDERATION Embassy of the Russian Federation 3 Public Road, Kitty Georgetown GUYANA, S.A.

Tel: 592 225 2179/226 9773 Fax: 592 227 2975 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

H. E. Mr. Nikolay Dmitrievich SMIRNOV (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 12 June (Independence Day) Establishment of Relations: 17 September 2002

SAHARAWI ARAB DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC C/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic

Establishment of Relations: 14 February 2002

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS C/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government Headquarters P.O. Box 186 Basseterre ST. KITTS

Tel. 01 869 467 1161 Fax. 01 869 465 5202 Email: [email protected]

H. E. Mr. Wendell LAWRENCE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Designate)

Independence Day: 19 September

SAINT LUCIA Ministry of Foreign/External Affairs Level 5 Baywalk Mall, Rodney Bay Castries ST. LUCIA, W.I.

Tel. 01758 452 1178 Fax. 01 758 452 7427 Email: [email protected]

H. E. Dr. June SOOMER Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Independence Day: 22 February

SLOVAK REPUBLIC Embassy of the Republic of Slovakia Calle 66, No. 521 e/5B y 7ma, Miramar, Playa La Habana CUBA

Tel: 537 204 1884/204 1885 Fax: 537 204 1883 Email: [email protected]

H.E. Mr. Zdenek ROZHOLD Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 01 September

Establishment of Relations: 09 December 1998

SOUTH AFRICA South African High Commission No 4, Scott St. St. Claire Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO

Postal Address PO Box 7111 Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1 868 622 9869/628 6997 Fax: 1 868 622 7089 Email: [email protected];

H. E. Mrs. Maureen I. MODISELLE High Commissioner

National Day: 27 April (Freedom Day)

Establishment of Relations: 01 September 1995

SPAIN Embassy of Spain TATIL Building, 7th Floor 11, Maraval Road Port of Spain TRINIDAD & TOBAGO, W.I.

Tel. 01 868 625 7938/ 628 2560/622 1151 Fax. 01 868 624 4983/ 622 3032 Email: [email protected] Website: www.embassyintriidadandtobago.maec.es

H. E. Mr. Joaquín de ARÍSTEGUI (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

National Day: 12 October

Establishment of Relations: 12 July 1986

SWEDEN Embassy of Sweden UD-KSS Ministry of Foreign Affairs S-103 39 Stockholm SWEDEN

Tel: 0 468 405 1000 Fax: 0 468 723 1176 Email: [email protected]

Minister Claes HAMMAR Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Birthday of H.M. the King: 30 April National Day: 06 June

Establishment of Relations: 02 April 1992

SWITZERLAND Embassy of Switzerland Centro Letonia, Torre ING-Bank, Piso 15 Av. Eugenio Mendoza y San Felipe La Castellana Caracas VENEZUELA

Postal Address Apartada Postal 62.555 1060-A Caracas VENZEULA

Tel: 0 58 212 267 9585 Fax: 0 58 212 267 7745 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.eda.admin.ch/caracas

H. E. Mrs. Sabine ULMANN SHABAN(m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary-Designate

National Day: 01 August Establishment of Relations: TURKEY (REPUBLIC) Embassy of the Republic of Turkey Havana 5ta Avenida No. 3805 El 36 y 40 Miramar Ciudad de La Habana CUBA

Tel. 0 537 204 1204/5 or 2237 Fax. 0 537 204 2899 Email: [email protected]

H. E. Mr. Hasan Servet ӦKTEM Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Designate)

Republic Day: 29 October Establishment of Relations: 04 April 2002

UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND British High Commission Lower Collymore Rock P. O. Box 676 St. Michael Bridgetown BARBADOS

Tel: 01 246 430 7800 Fax: 01 246 430 7851 Email: [email protected]

Consular Services Emergency Contact No. Tel: 01 246 230 9829

H. E. Mr. Paul BRUMMELL High Commissioner

Mr. Colin DICK Deputy High Commissioner (Non-Resident Representative for SVG)

British High Commission Francis Compton Building 2nd Floor, PO Box 227, Waterfront Castries ST. LUCIA

Tel: 01 758 452 2484/5 Fax: 01 758 453 1543 Email: [email protected]

Official Birthday of H.M. The Queen: 21 April

Establishment of Relations: 27 October 1979

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Embassy of the United States of America Wildey Business Park Wildey St. Michael BB 14006 Bridgetown BARBADOS

Postal Address P.O. Box 302 BB 11000, Bridgetown BARBADOS

Tel: 01 246 227 4000 (Main PBX) Tel: 01 246 227 4268 (Ambassador) Tel: 01 246 227 4266 (Deputy Chief of Mission) Fax. 01 246 227 4073 Tel: 01 246 227 4302 (Protocol Office) Fax: 01 246 227 4262

Consular Section Tel: 01 246 227 4399 Fax: 01 246 431 0179 Visa Hotline: 01 246 227 4226 Website for Visas: http://evisaforms.state.gov

H. E. Mr. Larry PALMER Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Eugene SWEENEY Consul General

Independence Day: 04 July

Establishment of Relations: April 18 1961

VENEZUELA Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Sutherland’s Building Murray Road P. O Box. 852 Kingstown ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES

Tel: 01 784 456 1374/456 2776 Fax: 01 784 457 1934 Email: [email protected]

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Ms. Daliana GUANIPA URQUIA Chargé ď Affaires

Independence Day: 05 July

Establishment of Relations: 29 October 1981