DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS ACCREDITED TO SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES ALGERIA Embassy of the Peoples’ Democratic Republic of Algeria 8va. Transversal con 3a. Avenida Quinta (Azahar) Altamira Caracas 1060 VENEZUELA Tel: 0 58 212 263 9771/263 2092 Fax: 0 58 212 261 4254 Email:
[email protected] H. E. Mr. Rachid BLADEHANE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary-Designate National Day: 01 November Establishment of Relations: 7th February 2007 ARGENTINA Embassy of Argentina Tatil Building, 4th Floor, Maraval Road Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Tel. 01 868 628 7557/628 7587 Fax. 01 868 628 7544 Email:
[email protected] Postal Address P.O. Box 162, Belmont Post Office Belmont Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO W.I. H. E. Mr. Marcelo SALVIOLO (m) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary National Day: 25th May Establishment of Relations: 29th November 1999 AUSTRALIA Australian High Commission 18 Herbert Street, St. Clair Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Postal Address Australian High Commission P.O. Box 4640, St. James Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND & TOBAGO Tel. 868 822 5450 Fax. 868 822 5490 Visa Information Service: 868 822 5499 Website: www.trinidadandtobago.embassy.gov.au H. E. Mr. Ross W. TYSOE High Commissioner National Day: 26 January Establishment of Relations: 31 January 1986 AUSTRIA Austrian Embassy Av. Orinoco entre Calle Mucuchies y Perija Edificio Torre D&D, Piso PT, Oficina PTN Calle Orinoco, Las Mercedes Caracas 1060 VENEZUELA Tel: 58 212 999 1211 Fax: 58 212 993 2753/993 2275 Email:
[email protected] Internet Site: http://www.bmeia.gv.at/botschaft/caracas.html H.E.