r I . THE . MACAIRONI . , JQll~NAt.

j , ., ,

, I . Oct0ItJe .~· , .11:V:'2 . OCTOBER, 1972

" 10 '.

\I The Macaroni Journal \' October Olfle/at pllbllca/lon oJ tile Nut/ollal Macuronl Manu/aclIlrcrs Association, 1972 JJ9 North Ashland Avenue. Palatinl, /IIi/lo;s. Address all correspondttu.'r Vol. 54 rlgarding advlrt/sing or editorial materials 10 Robert M. Grell!, Ellltt:t. No.6 P.O, Bo. 336. Pu'a,'n., 1II1oob 60067.

Th. Macaroni Journal 15 teglstertd with the U,S, Polent Office. Publl~ed monthlv by the National Macaroni Manufacturer, Auoc\atlon os "s offklol publkotlon since MaV. 1919. ROSSOITI: O#".r, Second.clou postage paid ot Appleton. Wisconsin, and Palatine, Illinois, '. Pres1de~t ••••• Vincent De Domenico lit Vice Prel •••.• M. Edward Toner ANEW 2nd Vice Pres. • ••. Nichol .. A. Rossi 3rd Vice Pre •• •• •• • •L. D. Willi.ms Page GENERAHQN Executive Secretary ••• •R. M. Green Director of Research •. 1. I. Winston Product Promotion Report by Ted Sills and Elinor Ehrman ...... , ... , 6 OFPACMGING Macaroni Is No. I-A Helper (or Orocers ..•.. ,., ..• ",. . . • • • • • . . . 8 Photos for the Press-Related Item Sales (or the Orocer .... . ••••• • . .. 10 SERVI€E. ~;nd~ Consumer Products Help General Mills Grow ., .. • , • •..••• •. , ...... t 4 Eastern Area: Wheat Situation-Quarterly Durum Report-In Canada. , .. . . , . •.. , . . 18 Willouabby S. Dode At PMMI Pack E"po 72-Containcr Closur~ Study , .....•. ,...... 22 Edwaril A. HorriBan Emanuele Ronmnl, Jr. Egg Market-Egg Farmers 5.i11 Losing Money . .•.••..•• .... . ••... 24 Nichol .. A. R ...i H. Edward Toner Japanese Noodle Operation Progresses-Japanese Americans ..... • ". 26 Paul Vcrmylcn Buhler Industrial Ftllers-Ncw Macuronl Presses •• , • , .. , ...... ,. 27 Ccnlral Area: Macaroni Products Broaden Appeal, Supermarket Sales Manunl ...... 30 , Albert Rav8r1no Ralph Sarli Prepared Foods-San Francisco Cable Car Dell Award ...... , ., 32 Lloyd E. Skinner Walter Villaumc, Jr. Chain Sales Up, Profits Down; PllStu Machine .••• , ... •.••• • ••• • ,.. 34 Lawrencc D. Williams Microwave-Heating Sef\llce Cent,:r ..• , . . . .• •.•.•• . .• .•• ••...... ,. 3S Western Area: Management Panel: Annual Mettlng Feature ...•.•...... •.. ,.. 36 • Vincent DeDomcnlco AnBelo Guido Mat'aroni Consumption-Industry Items ..•.•.....•••...... " . . ,.. 37 Erne.t Scarpelli Inde" to Advertisers - Keep the Compelilion Healthy . ... . •••••..... 3K Canada: ~'., '" lohn' F. Ronald AtLar: • Edltor'a Notebook: {. M. (Andy) Anderson BII mUllon • .• almost every assochl­ lerver wrote, "No organization amo:mts Alvin M. Karlin tlon hal lome members who lufTer from Ie much whose members interest Is \'~ l, Past President: Vincent F. La Rosn the Bil lUullon-that they can get full connned to the annual gesture of writ· ,, dividendi from their duel Investment Ing a check. Meaningful membershlll without taklnl part In the work. Con· calls for an active Interest In the lISSO­ tent to let the "other fellow" do the elation's alllllrs; ultendllnce at a rca· " think In" perform tho chorel and '0 sonable number of meetings; teadlng its aUer new memben, they min the lreat· publica lions and communications: ser\,· elt beneftl of belon,lnl-partldpaUon Ing on committees when coiled upon to in II,nlftcant project.. do 10, and conducting one's business In t "Beln, a ,ood member calls tor ef· a way that renects credit on the orgnnl. tort. atlention and Intered," one ob· %QUon. Thl. kind of membership PI1YI ." From: School Buslne" AfT,jl'S 3 " ~... ' .... H " . t-. l.'...c...... ,1.""';"'O' ~_."-'''"'' ~.=! _-

, .

, ~ "t • • ' ,\ ChalleD!; DEMACO with production problem.

LASAGNA? Use a Dl'maca Cantinu­ aut Line with our La­ sagna Sttipper and get the benefits of automat­ ic produ.ction with virtu­ ally nCl scrap or break­ age.

for ",JdillOlwt ill/urmarioll, spcci{icaliolls wid qllolcuiuns, contact VCUGET SCMUCH DE FRANCISCI MACHINE CORPORATION 46.45 Metropolitan Ave ., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11237. U.S.A . • Phone: 212-3B6-9B80, 3B6-1799 MCREWITH Western Rep.: HOSKINS CO .• 509 East Pork Ave .• Libertyville, illinoiS 60048 • Phone: 312-362-1031 PRODUCT PROMOTION REPORT

y., , by T.d 5111. and Ellno. Ehrman I, {~: ' I~ In Aprib Food prices were maklna: .l- headlines on the front pages of new.­ 1: i' papers a. well alan the food pagel. 1'it':- ~ " Seventy-Rve percent of the cUppinss , and tear .heets for the month spoke to I I " thc point Ihot palta products help save mealtime dation. There were many Iii color placements In rotogravure around Q the country, and Items In Sunday .up­ '\ Th.odore R. Sill. plements and syndicated columns. Ell".,. Ehrman Cooperative publicity came from 0 wide variety or companies and anoela­ tlons, Intludlna:: Annour Co" American Miss Ehrman I."eported thot two Inter. T.d SIU. and Elinor Ehrman. vice Lamb Council, Reynolds Metals, Oster­ esUnl cookbooltJ recently publilhed do president In charge of the Women', Ser­ ber. NaUonai Live Stock & Meat Board, well by palta, They are "For Gourmets vice Division of Theodore R. SlIb, Inc., Notional Fi'herles Institute, and the with Ulcen." and "The DDCtOr'S &l\'(' gave the report on product promotion Poultry & Ell NaUonal Board, Your Heart Diet." lor the Nallonal Macaroni InsUtute. In NaYI WeJaht Watehen Malaz:ine Macaroni 01 a natural food II belnt: They emphasized that macaroni Is love official eOlnlunce to pasta prod· promoted wilh a release and color being promoted as (I) a fun food, (2) tl ucll In their relUl.ted Wellht Watch­ photo,raph thl. tall. Sesame Sireet. low cost meal, and (3) a nutritious, ers did. The cover showed various popular teievltlion show for chlldnm. nalural food. macaroni Ihapes .nd readers were told wilt have a . e.ment utlllz:in, cUps from A visual presentation showed cUp­ "Le,al UaUan Recipes with - Would the fUm "Ourum, Standard of Quality," . from placements In the palt .Ix You Belleve-Puta?" In September. in the race for befter extruded results month•. H1Shlights included the follow­ Other malaz:ina break. durlnl thn Ing: month Included Better Homes &: Gar. The annulil f.mlly reunion tor rood Maldari wins the gold medal every time. dens, Good Housekeeplnl, Southern editors at the New York Rlfte Club ..... ilI In Januuy, Family Weekly, Jan. 9, a Llvln" Ebony. Newspapen widely HSed be held on Stptember 13. syndicated Sunday supplement dlstrib· D. MALDARI & SONS, INC. the Idea belnl a ,ounnet on a budlet uted with 204 newspapers with a tom­ ot Th, ZSn::l unnual National Macaroni blned circulation of 9,000.000 devoted and usln, palta to ease the tax bite. Week wUl he celebrated Oelober Ii.H. three pOKe. to pOlta In on article en· rn Juel The televtllon program kit The theme will be on macaroni helper!l: titled "What E'.. cry Cook Should Know prepared by NMI. "Pasta Cut. the HISh how mararolll and noodle products 50\'" About Pasta." Cost ot EaUnl," was well received the homemaker time and money, aro'JRd the country. Malulne break. that appeared in Trd Sill. I tated that some 3,000 Kroft In the Celebrity Cookbook by Johnna January Inue. Included LadJps' Home repre.~nt.t1ves h.d been IUpplled point Blinn, syndicated columnist, recipes ot Journal. Good Housekceplnl, American of sale mRtt'rlal. to build displays 10 Sophia Loren were run alon, with the Home, EJqulre, Esaence and Jive. merchandl:1O the Spanish Fiesta Salu,1 report thai ahe calla her little IOn "Spa. with Kratt Mayonnatlt, Sp.nlsh Gree r· In F.bruarys Good Housekeeping rheill" becaUH ha .dorts It, magaz.lne devoted fourteen poge. to Olive. and elbow macaronI. Newspapen were utlllzlnl the vena­ macaroni product. under the caption In commfln tlnl tht! Lloyd Shearl' IImV theme of macaroni product&. on "New Way. with Spaghetti, Macaroni it'!'m In tht Parade Sund.y ma,adr.· Jut,.. Family Circle ur,~. readers and Noodles." The artle1e included .ix In .upplemenl that declared. ,pIshcttt rot to "Take the Calorlea Out of Pasta." lull color photographs and twenty-Rvc IUmptton wa.sllpplnlIn It.ly, Mr. Sir recipe •. Barbara Gibbons' enUre article wal de. voted to IUmmln. down tradlUonal said that publicity ot that .ort waul Woman's Day pictured pasta In their ltaUan foodl. Recipe. Included Sl1m not be refuted by the author e\'l" Collectors' Cookbook and Lady's Circle Chicken Tetranlnl, Low-Calorie La­ thou,h III: were proven wron, bl u.ed on NMl photo to 111ustrate story on la,na, and SUm Spalhettl and Meat. would be counteracted by poaltlvo pul "Meal. That Cook Themselve.... boP .. lIclty, Oller 65 yellrs deveillpillg ().\'t/'ll";I111 In Marehl The Ladle.' Home Joumal pictured Sophia Loren on the cover and dies f a/' c/'ell't.illdy t1e,';glwd ./illlr/ /'/,01/1//" ", carried a double-page color spread of National Maca_I Indltute ·-Io11 Sco •• Sophia preparing fusilli wllh eggplant JuIr I. 1171 • Ju. 30. un In n feature story on her forthcoming Me41... )'Iace.,m cookbook "In the Kitchen With Love." C,,"Jallo' C'onsumer maladne. - Olher mORaz.lne breaks during the Women'., Youth. Romance, Shelter, Fann. month Included BeUer Home. & Gar­ Nea:ro. Spanish, Special lnt.ereat ...... ,.,.".. 182 D3Z,8tM,0I fi D. mnLDJUI E. Sons, Inc. dens, Parents' Magaz:ine, Teen, House Newspaper Syndlc.te and 557 THIRD AVE. U,S.A. 11215 Beautiful, Sunset, and What', New In IllDOKLYI<, H.Y .. Wire Service Placement. ••• ,., •••••. " .,., •• , 126 9'0,'171,343 T.loph•• (212) 499·3555 Home Economics. Meanwhile news­ Dolly & Weekly Newspaper release. . .•.•••••••• 22 m ,OOO,DOO o. paper coverage of Lenten ideas for Sunday Supplement. .•••• ••.• . •... . ••••...• ,.... 4S 99,999,192 macaroni, spaghetti and e,. noodles Color p.,ea •• •... ,., ...... ge 32,115.8M America', La'a'" Mou,om Dfe Mah" Sfn,e 1903 - Wilh Manaaemen' Conflnuoudy R,tained In Same Family was heaY)'. Nelro and Jabor preu releases ...... 2 33,000,000 Octo.... 1972 7 1.-. .

The biggest problem lor pasta Iu> In the supermarket Is to maintain Increasing shelf IIpace against the , slt'ughl or low proftt dinners which ., not really econumlcal. A set 01 llpeclftc questions reeen l went out to macaroni marketers. 1I ~ ' h they are with typical repllcs: Question: What u. Ih. argum.nh ill pur '...... or 01 .xpandlng Ih. macaroni lec­ lion 0' .ood clor•• " AI. The u.e 01 macaroni, spaghetti uud noodle products are Increasing dy . ACARONI IS THE NUMBER ONE It. Helpe, fo, Groce,. namlcally. Consumer. are trylll l: M HELPER. This will be the theme out the new dinner. and IIkin!: of the 23rd Annual National Mocamn! Why Display Macaroni? them. Many consumers arc cominl: Week. October 5·14. back to the pasta section to mukc The variety and versatility of maca· GREAT NUM~ER 01 displays are their own versions or the "add nlcut rani and noodle prod.ltls helps the meat A buIlt primarily to aUract tramc. to" dinner•. Expansion 01 the cn­ planner provide appetizing, intereltinl. Macaroni dl. pla.y. wIll aUract tmffic, tire section allow. the consumer Dnd nutritious rood comblnationl, They sell related items. and mike a proftt on more Yoriety to choose trom Dnd may be slomourously gourmet on one the pal ta margins or 20 to 25~ . the opportunity to use btl own hondo while they may help the harried • For consumen, macaroni Is the orig­ cnallriiy. housewlre stretch her budlet on the Inal 'convenience food.' A2. Pasta products are one of the most other hand. • For the budcet.corucioUl, macaroni widely accepted roods In the store. They live authentic ethnic atmos­ and noodle products are a 'Cood buy.' 1l0 % of all houaewlve. use maca­ phere to the restouranteur servinl these roni, 89 ~ ule . paghettl, 81 % use excellent unlveraal dishes, They make • For the nutrition-conscious conlu­ ell noodle •. Use Is trtquent, aver­ a substanUal contribution to good eat· mer, macaroni I. a natural food, aginl two to three time. a month. Ina: In Institutional fare. combining well with every other type or Cood. AS. The macaroni sectlon should be cx­ The Irocer finds them a traffic builder panded to sell more or the long and a profit maker not only tor the • For the courmet, palta products margin pasta and related Items U ~ marlin they corry but for the related have Infinite variety and are suffi. compared tu short marlin prepared Item. they lell. clently veraati1e to 10 with any kind dinners which sell very Cew reluted For the past 23 yenn, Theodore n. or creation. Item •. sm, and aSliociates have been develop­ Ins: pasta recipes, and aendlng them with photoRraphle material to every type of medln. For example: Story material and black and whlh photographs go on an exclusive basis to Cood editors In 219 stondard metropoU. tan areas. These newspapers have a circulation of beller than 30,000,000. are perfection when you specify Durakota Rel eases to Small Town Dally and Why .nl. for 1... 1 When you want Weekly Newspapers add another 15,. perfection, you want the flnm durum No.1 Semolina, Perfecto Durum Granular 000,000 to the number of readen. ,. or Excello Fancy Durum Patent Flour. The Negro Pren, with some 175 news· products on the market. Thai. :. where paperl, and the Labor Pres! with 600 ' we shine. newspapers, are examphs 01 other spe_ dal media that add another 15,000,000 reader•. Th. North Dakota Mill is located In the the durum peopl. Special radio Icripls Dre lent out to hem of the world's finest durum wheat the 5Slltatlon! acron the country while Ipeclal material Is developed Cor the country. The durum Is milled by the better than 1,000 disc jockeya. neWe.! end most modern milling facilities. For television, special program kit. Skilled technlclens control the consistent ure developed with ICript, 35 mm slide., visual ald. and recipe leaflet •. These 10 high quellty of the products. The results to belter than 100 station. and rate good NORTH DAt'{OT/" MIU. acceptance and use. Grand Forks, North Dekota (701) 772-4641 The National Macaroni Jh ~ t1tute will holl the . Ixth nnroual pre.. i ~ lncheon at Tiro A Segno In New York 01. Sep­ c.,..,...... "- ..... 0... #lin•• WM •. Kolhy Fox Ihow. how .0lY It II 10 ., tember 13. ApproxImately 100 repre- lauo big r.lalrd Item MIl .. with mocaronl products. Nat:onol Mocoronl Wnlt, OclobN 5· 1", I. 0 greot lime to Ilorl glylng .xtro .".U ond dl.play apou to elbow mocorool• • entatlve. of new.papen, syndh=ated IPQgnclll, IIgQ noodl" and olhe, mocoronl Ihopel and 11.'1 becOUM Iu.t about . y,ry colUmna, malatines, radio and felevl­ mocoronl Pf'Oduct MIl. resultl I,. r.loted It 1m IOles o. w.lI. Wh'n I}i: billion pound. 01 .Ion will be In attendance. macaroni product. or. "*I .... "y year, It's easy 10 IoN how odd,t:onol bUUonl of pound. of meat, fowl, '1 .... thHw. bun.r, onions emel IMPPII'J, IJNt"1 dreilino. brtocl ond rolls. oil. egg. and tanned IOUCft tomatoel and mu"'roorm mew. of the ..,.1 ..... at the 10m. Ume. 9 8 ..

MACARONI WEEK-a national publicity effort for macaroni product Theme: Macaroni The Helper Dates: October 1-14, 1972 T[


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I'U I' .Lin'd C"l r "l, 1Il'!'l' Hr.' HI,' III"" •• 11 , III­ Maca.oni Is tho No, 1 Helpe. ., :! 11 '" ,'; ,n' '1' ''11. .• 1 Btlked Sluffed HlgBlonl I. tII' ;;II1~ at tin: tdah-d th'III.' u~I·d in '1"'111;" " 1'111"" II! I" IU '; I'n 'LlII,:,. 1 lh, .. ,· IN'l l lI>, ,tllli \lh"'111o:1"I11I1I .• r.:,UlIl).t ,,, pili" ,,' ,', , 11 " " 1,, 1, ·, . , I I'", ' I ; n HI. HIj.,:al"llI .;,h"ul till I 111. , ), ,1' 111 :.rkt.,\ .IL'W ' IHIIH'fS . ."y ntILl';.I, ·,1 11 ,. s ;, l1 n l\, Ch"pp".1 (1111"" , · " IUtllll l ~t" . :,lId , pl·'"tal 1twtlJa . '. \"1' S" t.! " , II' ~ li,IIIHI, IIII'l'! "I' I'" rk S;,\I-'I!.!I' I H:.k",\ StullI'd HII'::I I"111 IlIppI' 1' 11,111 1'1 " \"1 " ,·,II · hl .1 ,; , I ' . 1 up DIY 1I11',Id l'nllll],' E;:;: :'\1111.11" S .. hul 1111'111'1' It).!lIl! n I ';' I .• I , · ~ ' 1,1 It.! · ., 'h .•. VI'!.!I,' " IIII' SIII,r" ·IIIIIj.,: "hll :,r"tH Wuld.,. t Sal:1ll ,1 .. wc I" II-III \ - \1 T It~ 1lIi" I, .,'. ' 1'1,,\"1' :-.tilln·llli;"II,· :'I lal :.IIIIII :lIul Clw.',,· Sal .. d ,11J \\"\'r 11 10.\' 1" .01 11r.:,111 1. :! EJ.!J.! ..;, 1o,';,h'lI :! 'h. •. d lUJlIll'11 1',lr"I,'y egg Noodle Siliud SJl : ' ~ 11t'111 wllh II ,., S:,II.-;Il!.t' SaUl'!' S" I; ' Salt ,'i.:. "I'PIll"'­ IIIJlI!!" !" Il'l! l. I "111' E t.!t.! :\ ,,,,, U, · , ,I ""' .' Ii E,a: ~' l\l( lh" wllh Vl';,1 Bllth I IIPllt'!' Tomato Sauce mmlt· \\"Ith I .'up 1!l"lo·d l'.o1"" 1"1;:1111 . :, ~ hn'~ ,lin'" n.. l' U I\ ,; h"I1I·\·" v k,',j Er.:c ' '''''' '1'' I Spin •• r h ~ U IIIII, · Hlnl: I luWI' 1' 11·111. ' .• nip dll'PPI'd 01111.1\ .C, ,Itt :11", ·. 1 .. " 1' .. ,:. H. F.RI.: :o;'uull l"s wllh lIu nr.:, 'II"I:III r;,,"­ ,'UI ' 1'11"1'1>1'11 l'l'It·ry I:., h Irir.:,hll. I I III ,

H... A .. the In• ...tl.n.. : Spinach ..oodJ. lUng AS. BeHer .helt po.ltion IIvel labor Serve. G 1 cup cooked Salad Dreuin. co .... In many Inl tances macaroni t4 cup Butter Ja a "pack out" Item, rellevlnQ: 2 CUPI diced. Apples 2 cups Milk, .calded v.. cup chopped Sweet Plcklu .tore perwnnel from Itocklnl and 1 pk •. (~ lb.) procelled merct'!ft:ldlslnlC the section. 1 tap. Ira ted Onion Ch«.e Spread A4. Since macaroni ulually carrie. Q 1 tap. Salt 1 tb• • chopped Pimiento 1\1: up. Salt 20 to U~ prollt.lt ahould command Naearom WaldOff Salad .ood .helt polltion. The fact that 11 Serve. B DI.h Cayenne Pepper attractl .0 many related Items hi 2 tb •. chopped Onion 2cupi Elbow Macaroni (8 Oz.) allo In III favor far lood Ihelt POll. 1 cup dark leedleu RaI, ln. 1 pk • . (10 Oz.) frozen tlon. chopped Spinach Y.I cup hroken Walnub 1 cup heavy Cream 1 cup .oft Bread Crumb. Question: Whr II It ad,.anlageoua 'or 1 cup DaJry Sour Cream 4 Ell" .U.hUy beaten lhe ..Ialler 10 m&ke macuon1 cUs. v.. tap. Vanilla 1 tb• . chopped Pantey pia,. la c:onnec1loa with ..tiled 3 euPI dJctd Apple. 1~ t.p. Monoaodlum Glutamate lte.I! 1 tb.. Salt 1 cup dleed. Celery AI. The profit Ilory-a do))ar'1 worth 3 tip. Lemon Juice ~ oz.. Medium E •• Noodle. of pasta .ell. ta.85 of related Items. 2 lb •. Bu.ar MWard. .... made with A2. Displaya of ono or two pilla iteml lot tap. Cinnamon t4 cup Butter and a tew of the principal related Salt 1A cup Flour Item. will make it ea.Ier for the Crisp Salad Green. 1\i thl. Prepared Mu.tard conlUm~t to mike • decilion. __ • c:u- a.Jad '" tb• • Pepper AS. No olhi,r product can make the 1 thl. each Salt. Hone.Radlah, claim for related Item ..Ie. In the Serve. 8 Monosodium Olutamale amount that pilla ean. ~ cup. Elbow Macaroni (lIb.) 2 cup. Milk 1 cup chopped Green Pepper 'A4. }Juta la extremely venatlle and 2 tap •. each Sail and Orated Onion Egg Jlfoodles wIIIt H_adoa GouJub can Incorporate with many Itema. 2 tap. VlneMar Serves 4 to G Why not chOClM the related Hems Duh at Pepper 3 tb• • Butter you want to' aeU with a tle.in dl.· play. 2 cup. (8 Oz.) shredded 11011 Ib .. Bonele.. Beef Chuck Cheddar CheeJe 2 lap. Salt Queltion: WIld pI'CI8I ...... f~ maca. 1 cup chopped Celery 2 'medium Tonu.toe .. quartered I'OD1 MCtIau caD rou tl" UJ thai 1v.. cup. Ma),onnaiae 2 cup•• 1Iced Onlont; might ba dUfenlll froaa our UI\Ial n. 1 v.. cup. Dry MUltard 4~ tip. Paprika '· IoI.d_ .....' I lar.e Oreen Pepper, diced ' IpagbeldAl with Hot: hUMg. lauce AI. Develop the prol'llabllity of pastn 1 tb.. Salt product. vel'lUl .ome other cate· Serves 12 8 . Me41um E •• Noodle. (4 cup.) lOry. 1 lb. lu1lan Hot Sauaaet, cut Into chunt. A2. The lon.er proAt marlin. on pasta v.. lb. ,Ueed Mu.hrooml Items are allO available on related Why Dllplay M.c.;....11 item.. Some of the related Items 1 medium ,Uced Onion (ConUnued from pa.e 8) \4 cup chopped Panley are' even more prol'ltable than the 2 can. (8 oz. aile) Tomato Palle A4. The Inexpenalve meal. that can be ' more popular pllta Ihape •. 1 Bay Leat . prepared from maearonl productl, AS. A ~ number 0' .pedalty cutl are 1 tap. B ••n Leaves plu. the convenience f.ctor are In ahowin. .tron. .ale. trends. The tune with the .tate of the economy. .peelaltln Ulually cany hl.h~r oN cup .bredded Carrot dl')ioa, In has been v.. cup chopped Cele';' A.5. More expcllW'e meant; more profttl Ihell price. and unit proftt. Take Microwave the flrat reelly new development a long time, qulelly proven 1 can (lIb. 12 aL) Plum Tomatoc. -from puta and related Items. .adv.nta.e of the prol'lt poulbilUles by lome of the largt. ~ t pula producer•. 2 lb., .round s...:ef Chuck AG. The .pace allocated In tho macaroni ) with 1118.ne, manlcotU, rln ....nd • II drlea len tlmal tutar • II uses 1/5 the apace. It reduces dryer maintenance to 1 cup dry Red Wine aec:tion I. determined at .ome head. other ltema olrer. lbout one hour a week {all atalnless steel) • U Improves product quality. U can double 2 tap. Salt or triple production • Lower capital Investment • U generally can be Installed without quartera. About the only arlUment Que.Uon: JhearoaJ iIIlH hi" bNa In· ~ tip. Pepper you can use to expand the .ectlon cnuba, thrM to fOUl' Pln:ea.t par .huttlng down the line • Are you ready for It? 3 tb •. Salt II If you have out·of·.tock condl­ JOu, JIM W. ....u.d ...... d 1~ Ib .. Spa.hettlnl tlOnt;. The old ada.e ''You can't do U.S. PaIr "" P~nd l l'Q , bullneu from an empty wa.on I...... U_, I Egg Jlfoodles wIIb VnI IIIrda true today u It wu 50 yean a.o." At. Pal ta Ale. have Increased In spite Serve. 4 of If'OCen' ne.ative attitude.. We 1~ lb •. (8 .Uce.) Veal Scalopplnl QuelUon: WbaI an the usru-eDb ,~ ' Ihould take a pOlitive approach of 4 allce. Bacon blUer ....U podIloa.! "Double your AIel and triple your 1 medium Onion, choppell AI. Macaroni I. a popular food product profttl on puta." " 1 can (18 oz.) Tomalue. -put It where the con.wner doean'\ A2. HouaewlvH do not cook mula of ~ lap. Sal~ Pepper, Paprika, have to look tor it. It it allo • bllh I puta\ alone. Each doUar apeDt on aarUe Salt lmpulle Item, not UIU.Uy on the paata I.a reapoo.aIbJe for .,.85 in re· t4 cup Butter . .hoppln. list. l lated 'ood ltema: melt; tlah, poullry, \1: medium Green Pepper A2. Hetter aheU poaition meana eye . dairy, ve.et.bJe.. herb... pice .. etc., MICRODRYi£ORPORATION 3 tb •. dry Red Wine level .helve.. which meana more etc. ~ ,'" *, ,:: L: ..,; . 3111 Fo.torla Way, San Ramon, Cal. 94583 \1: ClIV Dairy Sour Cream IAle. of the fut movln. itema,:e.­ 4151837·9108 C.hopped Panley pedany elbow macarOni and noo. 1 tb .. Salt diu which are the more popular 8 OE. Wide En NoodIn (4 cup.) variellel wed In prepared cUnnen.

12 13 ( J

Conlumer ProcIucb decision on Gorton. whieh accounts for another new plant· another ASEECO STORAGE SYSTEM under 5% of opera tina proRta, Is ex ~ Help Gener.1 Milli Grow peeled to be some years away. When General Mills entered the Six­ tic. It was largely commodity.based Prelllni fro. Soyblanl with emphasis on teed and bakery flour During the expanllon period General for commercial markets. Charle. H. Mills has also Invested "substantial dol· Bell, a member or the foundln, BeU lara," lome say over $10,000,000, to de· family and then chairman, brought In velop Bontrae protein foods. Bontrae I General Edwin W. Rawlln,., his com­ foods are "apun" from aoyb:an concen· manding officer during War 11 Air Force trate but other hl,h·proteln cr.·ps could IIcrvice, to reorient the company. Phase alao be utilized. On the consulo~er aide, I, was I divestment. In the early Sixties Oeneral Mills Is addlna Sauao·Os and I the company abandoned animal feed, Pepro·Os to Ita Bac·Oa chips for salada olhlecdll, refrigerated dough product. and .0upS, In Denver It Is te.tlna Betty and cut back sharply on commercial Crocker frozen aauaale patties and nour. II alao dropped Its one non-food IInka made up of textured soy protein operation: electronics which was an orr· and pork, But the bla near·tenn de· shoot of War II defense production. mand Is expected to come from aupply. AI low-margin operations were .hed, Inl meat analol' (that la, velelabJe­ the effect on eamlnas was dramatic. based equivalents In ta.te and protein Startln, with the year ended May 1963, content) as In,rtdlenll to other food share eamlnl' IUrled at a 25~ com· makel'll and 10 the INUlutional markel pound annual rate tor the next tour Hu.. PoIeDllal years. Meanwhlle sales In flsc.t 186ti/8 totaled $525,000,000, down $tiO,Ooo,OOO Bontrae foodJ have been under de-­ from the peak J'eliltereci In 1980/1. velopment for the pall decade. Jim Me· Farland notes the ritb of a pioneer. p ..... n "There I. alwaYI the tear you're too Phase J1 was to expand In branded early. But the put ,.ear hal been very In,. Over the lut five year. salel were products aimed at the homemaker. excltlnl • • • there seeml to be ac· mounllnl at a 18% a year' pace but share proflta Krew at a 6% annual ratl!, Chairman James P. McFarl:md de~ ceptanee of this new IrouP of foodJ." Factoi'll Include more .hares for ccqulsl· scribes th~ altuallon sevl"n yean ala. The chief execuUve poinll to • Itudy "We had our cereal bUslnell, Gold by the Stanford Research In.titute tionl plul hllher COltl which have been Medal family flour and Belty Crocker which puts demand tor meat analo,l at expandlnl at an averale $3,500,000 over dessert and baking mixes. We were $1.5·to-$2 billion by ID80 v. '10.000.000 the lalt four yeai'll. For the next couple nominally In snack foods. That'. one In 1969. Othel'll In the field Includ'l of yeai'll at least, General Milia plans to area where we've now expanded Archer-Danlels·Mldland, Swlft, Mllel ftnancu III capital needs Internally. broadly" with the Introduction of Labs. BUIles and other snackl, varioul Slim A year .'0 General MIlII opened a Hflmbu"er Helper Jim products as well 81 acquisition of major new plant complex: In Cedar Ra· Hambur,er Helper cheesebur,cr Tom's Foods which lells throulh over plds. Iowa for tull-lCale production of macaroni dinner mix Is being added to 350,000 outlet. IncJudlnl 100,000 vend· velelable protein foods IncJudln, Bon­ the Betty Crocker Hambur,er Helper Inl machines. trae item.. Another part of the facility line of General Mill •• Jim McFarland adds: "We were alae Is to develop canned and froz.en entreel The product, to be avaUable nation­ nominally In the International fleld" for the away·from·home eaUna markel aUy later this month. will retail for ap which I. now 15% of sale.. The spe· General MUI. aequlred a clawhold In proximately 5a, In a 8 OL packale. dalty chemlcall operation ha. been en· the reltaurant bualneu with the pur~ Introductory commercial. on dayUrnt couraled as well thoulh it II sUIl a rela· chase of three Red Lob.ter InM in 1870, and nl,ht·tlme network TV be,an Aug lively small contributor with under 4~ 11 now operate. 22 of the moderate· 28. Full pa,e, four color adl ran In thl of sales. priced. quick tumover seafood outlets September and October litues on worn' In the Southeast and Is openlnl more en', malazlne., the company aald, In , The emphasis since 1965 has been on at a rate of nearly two a month. The cludlnl a 7, off pop-up coupon. acquisitions and Internal development. units are strictly company-owned. In Over the last seven yean General Mill. test are famlly·style Betty Cro:ker Tree ·i has bought 10 domestic companies and He.", Ad.ertilln, House Restaurants and Betty Crocker A heavy ma,nlne advertising sched· scvC!ral foreign ones. In the period 11 Pie Shop &: JC,e Cream Parlon. spent ,,20,000,000 cash for acquisitions ule for Hambur,er Helpers during Au· and capital Improvemenla and alia Importance of ' F~ lUat and September will IncJude fuli· forked out approximately $210,000,000 pale color ada In Famny Circle. Belter worth of stock. The company has ac· Food account. for about three-fourths Home. & Gardens. the "new leason" qulred Its way Into toys and aames, ap· of General Mill. salel and over 80~ of iaaue of TV Guide, and full'pale ad. In parel and accellorle.. dLrect marketine, operaUnl earnln,a. Con.umer non·food Woman'a nay and Good Housekeeping, restaurants and frozen foods. Item. brlnl In rouMhly 21'10 of salea, Thla print extrava,anu wll1 be sup· 15'" of proftts and chemi"ala chip tn the ported by about JOO television rating FOR AUTOMATING YOUR PLANT CONTACT A8EECO-lhe Englnaorlna The frozen foods entry, Gorton Corp. .man remainder. The compal1l' expects points each week In popular daytiml! end Manufaclurlng Il,m w/lh 25 years 01 Macaroni Plant expallence. of Gloucester, MaD" hal been fonnally th~ food buslneu to ,row at 8·to-lO'k and eventn. network .how.. challen,ed by the FTC. The $90,000.000· a year and other consumer items at a Hamburaer Helper .1,a. plannln, to salea seafood producer which doe. a somewhat fuler rate. sustain year· round heavy levelt of ad· large Institutional bu.lneu It General , Durin, the 'i'bue n upinalon period, vertlsln,. , , Mill.' only frozen foodJ operation. )'inal earnlnll prolrna has been dbappolnt- -...,.,--- IS ,';: _~!.... v'.. -- " \" .. , . .... '''\: ,..... - ~':). .J .!T . 'I"., t: .'t," , •• ";n~ ."'::-'1. 'I ! ___ • .oil"" ~ ,, "f'.' . .,., .. , " ..... ot ) , ._ .c ),,~:ti ,~, j' I - ~.~~~~ .. ,~," ...... '.', ' t A , :", '- '~I(, ~ . ' , . • -t" t .. ~ . r': .. . .'f} • "!o • I ' ."' " "r;rr... )f.tt!i'J-~ .. , . '". ,;.' , , ,

" , '- th' .Iifte -c~iilt", $' ~~.rql·""" ..c..;'l:"l'J-"., • , , It's ,oJ1e ,thing jto have the best pasta-producing. 'J';\ ," machhi ery'.. Arid another to be able to package it

!, .. " , quickly. ProP.erly, And uniformly. In bags or boxes. '." , ' ... . '. .No matter:what kind of pasta you're making - ~~ . ". '. ,"'long goodsisbort goods. swallow nests or whatever ...! onel of oUli ~Zamboni packaging machines is . ' designed , tc)"-meat-,your in-plant requirements. ',' . " Q u ickly : Properly ;' ~nd uniformly. In bags or boxes. '. ' ,':; That's,the lorig and 'snort ot it. " "

.>-- .. ' ~ ,-' .-;;. .,; -:" ',-

0' It lets furmers make production dl" Wheat Situation cated July I, which compared with 31.9 Conadlan Quota. Crop Condition. Paul.on Joins AACC cislons based on crop profitability, and bu.hels lalt year. No. 1 h.rd amber Roger F. Poulson has joined the staff The wheat Dutlook far the 1912.13 The crop conditions of 1 hI! upper mld­ It tends to let farm production shift und durum averaled $1.10 per bushel at Openln, producer delivery quotal for of the American Association of Cereal markctinl year features ab:mdant sup­ wheat, barley and oatl In the 1972.73 welt and Canadian Prairie Provinces adjust to farmers who can produce each MlnneapollJ lalt aeason-a drop of S, between AUlult 6·1J Has reported on Chemists IAACC) and the American crop best. pH!. 01 all major wheat classes, lowtr from the previous year. Pric:el In July, (rop year wete announced by the Cann. Phytopathological Society (APS) as dl· domestic disappearance, and mu(h dian Wheat Board, effective AUI. I. by Vance Goodfellow of the Crop Qual­ A government·dominated agriculture 1972 averaled above a year alo. Ity Council. rector of publications. He replaces Mer­ ii, almost by dennltlon, backward-look· lar,er exportl, Hlahllahtlng thl. out· "Openlnl quotal are laraer than usuul rill J. Busch, who recently resigned, and Above averale yleldl for durum were Inl. Production becomes based on his­ look I. a recent three.year agreement Carryon, Stocb thl. year because our lalel commit. reports directly to Raymond J. Tarle· with the USSR for the purchase of ments are hllher than In other Years," predlc1t!d delplte mollture shortages In torical patterns and crop histories­ Carryover stocka on July 1 totaled lome lectlonl earlier. Since mld·July ton, executive vice president for the so· yesterday's rotations and yesterday's '7~O,OOO,OOO of U.S. ltaln•• Under thl. noted R. M. Eadale, Wheat Board com . cietles. blanket 8a:reement, at lealt $200,000,000 69,200,000 bUlhels compared with &1,- mlllioner. leneral ralnl have been received In vir· yleldl. wll1 be purchased durina 1972-73; In­ 700,000 bUlhels a year earlier and 77, tually all lectlonl, Ilgnlficantly Improv­ Paulson, as director of publlcutionl 600,000 on July I, 1870. Supplle. of The InlUal quotal are at a rate of two for these two internatlonal·sclentlftc so· clullon of sizable wheat purchane. I. bUI per acre for wheat and ftve bus on Ing prolpects. Current moisture lupplles Indicated. durum wheat for 1972-73 totaled 146,- Ihould be adequate to bring even the cleties headquartered In 51. Paul, will ADM Split 500,000 bUlhell, on the ba.l. of the July barley for all producers. An additional be responsible for the edltorlalnnd pro· A two-for-one split of the common Indicated 1972 wheat production of latest fleldl to maturity. Crop develop· 1 eltlmated production and canyover two-bu quota on wheat wUl be In effect duetlon functions for all society media. stock of Archer Daniels Midland Co. J,IUU,OOO,OOO bushel, 11 the third largest ment II ten day. or more later than Itock•. Thll Is an Increlle of &,000,000 In certain .hlppina block. In Alberto He will serve as managing editor of through n 100 % slock distribution was on record. The July 1 carryover of normal, and harvest I. belnl delayed by and Saskatchewan that lupply Iraln for ear.al Ch.ml.try, C.real BcI.nc. To· approv~d at a meeting of the board of 885,000,000 bushel. brtn,1 the lupply to over supplle. for 197'-72. Disappear­ frequent ralnl. Warm, dry, frost-free anre of durum wheat for mUlin .. seed Paclftc coaat clearance. day_ Phytopathology, PhylopatholO9Y directors. 2,417,000,000 bushell, two percent I.rler weather will be needed through mid· and export tot.led around 80,000,000 AI.o, a ftve-bu quota for durum, other Newl, and will serve ns editor of C.real lban l•• t sealon. Domestic dwppear. September to Inlure Iraln maturity and The company explained that the stock bushela durinI1871-72. 'I'h1I exceedt the than Herule.. haa been e.tablllh~d tor Indultry N•• II.Uar. He will nllo act as .nee Ja e:rpec:ted to be lower. Wheat harvelt prolren. dividend is aimed "at achieving u calculated disappearance by around delivery of No.3 and lower Irades only advertising director for uti society pub­ feedln,. the only component of dome.­ Korth Dakota brouder market and distribution of 8,000,000 busheLa. This dltrerenre results in an block.. The ~ame quota applle. to lications. tic use that ftuctuate. lubltanUal1y. 1I .tock." from Independent eltlmata of produc. Herculel. North Dakota durum prospects range likely to drop from the hllh 18'11.12 Most recently, Paulson hos been man· The split Is subject to shareholder Uon and .tocka. The heavy exportJ of from good to excellent In the major level of 281,000,000 bushels because of ager of publications services for Memo­ approval at the relular annual meeting U.S. durum throulh Canada may also produc:1n, Ttlanlle area from Lakota, rex Corporation, New Hope, Mlnnesoto; lltaer supplies and lower relaUve prices set for Nov. 2. At that time, share­ be a fador. Durum Whoat Quality R,pa" DeVUI Lake and Leedl, north to Rock he hilS also held technical writing pOll. for feed aralns. holden will be asked to approve an In· Eorporta Quality evaluation of durum wheat Lake and Lanldon. Mid-July rains sub· tlons with St. Paul.bosed MDS·Atron crease In the number of authorized com­ Wheat export-. another widely ftuc­ v.rieUes from the 1911 crop Ia reported Itantlany boosted yield potentials, par· and Univac. mon Ihares from the present 6,000,000 tuaUna demand cOmponent, could rise Durum wheat export. totaled 33,800,- by the U.S. Department of Alricuiture, tlcularly of later field. and aided ftllln" He received his B.A. In journall.m to 12,000,000. The company hos 3.442,664 around a fourth from the 632,000,000 000 bushel. lut leuort-an Incteue or Plant Sdence Research Dlvilion and of headl In early .tandl thinned by and mllll media communications from shares outstanding. 8,000,000 over 197()"71 and nearly 10,. bUlhela In 1971·'72 In IIlht'of Soviet pur­ North Dakota Alrtcultunl Experiment droulht. the University of Mlnnesotn and attend­ If opproved, the oddltlonal shares chases, conUnued stronl demanr.lln Far 000,000 above the 1"9-70 total. Over StaUon a\ Varia, In a recent publica. Althouah variable, many durum fields ed the College of St. Thomas. Paulson will be Issued Dec. 1 to shareholders of Eastern markett. and lower uportable 10,000,000 bUlhell were exported to AJ­ tlon. are expected to yield 28-30 busheIJ. In also served with the U.S. Army Secur­ record on Nov. 17. supplh!1 In A..,entlna and AUltnUa. lerta and 5,300,000 to the Syrian Arab The report coven both U.S. and thll area .wathlnl and combining of Ity Ag~ncy us a telecommunlcatlonl The ADM board of directors did not Disappearance wtll llkely exceed pro­ RepubUc In 1871·72. The Netherlands early fteld. hal belun; however, about center supervisor, nsslgned to the Na· provide for any change In the annual ducUon, relultlna In a moderate redUCe imported &,100,000, United Klnldom Canadian varietl.. and crouel by evaluaUna .ome 678 lample. received two-thirds of the crop Is llill in the tlonal Security Agency from 1963 to dividend from the present rate of $1 tlon In carryover at the end of the crop 4,000,000 and Ireland 3,800,000 bUlhel. dOUlh stale and I. not likely to be 1966. He is currently a member of the per share, which, arter the spUt, will year. from 21 .taUona In Rven Itatel: Cali· lut ..uon . harvelted until the ftnt week In Sep· Society for Technlcul Communication be t!qulvalent to 50~ per' share. The Duru.m Carryon, a __Us fornia, Idaho, Minnesota, Montano, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Walh· tember. At leolt a quarter of the crop and Sigma Delta Chi (Profellional board did vote the regular quarterly here and In northweltem countlel II dividend of a share on the common Durum lupplies will be up sUlhtly Inlton. Journalism Socl~ty). 25_ very lale and more vulnerable to frolt. stock, payable Sept. 1 to shareholders of from lalt year's 142.,000,000 bUlhell. A In Conada L .. Stem Nit wu not observed In com· dIng Bod.ly record Aug. 21. It will be the 184th cosh larae carry-over more than oft'aet a Canadian fannen pla.nted around merclal dUNm fteld. and other dlseales The MCC, the leadlnl society In Itl dlvld~nd and 164th consecutive quor­ amaller crop re.suIUna In a IUlht build­ 28~ more dwum wheat this year than omorlorated In July are 1I1ht. fteld, Is composed of chemists, blologlstl terly payment which represent Q record up In supplies. ..~ AccordJnl to preUminary elU­ The crop dtuaUon deteriorated duro MODtana and some engineers engoged In the of 40 years of uninterrupted dividends. Domeltle In 1972-71 will likely mllte., fannen pla.nted 1,180,000 acre. In, early July In North Dakota al top · use overall process of converting cereal total around 15,000,000 buahel.. Thi. thiJ yur .,alnat 2.410,000 aCft:. Jut sol1 mollture ahortaau deVelope'! Sprin, wheat st.ndl In north~aslem grains (wheat, rice, com, etc.) Into edl. would leave over 100,000,000 bumels Jur. ExportJ from Canada totaled over Showen were received In the third Montana are the belt In yean, althoulh ble and non·edlble product• . The society Buhler Diagram available for export and carryover. Ex­ 81,000,000 buahela In the July 1971- week alan, with cooler temperaturef the crop II about three weeki late. hOI some 2,000 memben In 34 countries, The publication Dlogram published portl In 1971-72 were buoyed by a lutle June 1972 seuon. Over 17,000,000 bush­ But durum WII down II or condlUon' In the Culbertlon-Woltpoint·Scobey· and Its two professional publications by Buhler Brothers In Uzwll, Switzer· els were exported to U.s.B.a and 10,. on AUI\I.t 1 to an expected yield of 2! Plentywood area, yleldl of 30 bushels or In late sealOn taklnl" Shipments would ore read by more than 4,000 Iclentlsts land, bsue Number 53, June, 1972, car­ have to continue at thi! hllh level to 000,000 to the People. RepubUc of bUlhels per acre compared with 32 .~ more Ihould be common. Durum stands in over 60 countries. ried two Items of special Interest for deter a aharp buildup In stocka by next China. Italy and Allerta each Imported bushel, a year 810. are excellent and many acres should yield 35 bUlhels. The APS, nlso the leader in Its sphere macaroni manufacturers. summer. about 8,700,000 bu.hetJ lut seuon. The first concerns laboratory grinding Canadian Imall Iraln pr05pecta are of oetlvlty, Is dedicated to the elucldo· Pric:ea of No. 1 hard amber durum at tlon and control of plant diseases; It hOI tests for dUNm semolina. Written by Mlnneapolll averaled sUlhtly above above averagei however, moisture Heinrich Soli berger, head miller at Ir:t- AoH."1 In, YII.. I.,...... Ihortalel In June and early July 2,600 members in 07 foreign countries the $1.67 nominal loan rate durlna much ..=:.. nil Uzwll, It Is observed that Insufficient North Dakota '''' ,.,1 thinned early Itands In many s~clions, and ftfty stutes. The society's major of crop year 1971-72. 2.2H 2,400 !I.O 3U • 68,938 78,000 attention has been paid to the wheat South Dakota 117 140 27.0 30.0 2.619 4,200 creaUnl wide varlatlonl between fields. publication, Phylopath;\logy, Is reud by Montana 120 180 30.0 23.0 1,600 3,680 more than 5,000 sclentlst~ In 84 coun· mixture. Today stricter spec~ncations MlnnelOta Crop development I. two to three weeks 29 40 34.0 38.5 968 1,&40 late. tries. are demanding better products from the Quarterly Durum R,pa" Callfomla 4 10 40.0 40.0 160 400 durum miller resulting In beUer testing Durum wheat production wu fore. United States 2,&Oe 2,7&0 30.8 31.8 77,s01 87,820 facilities in the laboratory. rast at 77,300,000 bushels by the Crop Coudlaa AcIN.. Durum Shaw For Agricu~tun To answer two basic questions, name­ Reportlna Board on the bula of condi­ 1m.! ,~ 1'Allaat1l' I'" 1m ly: (1) Can the wheat quality be det~r· 11170-71 77,tlSi .:~~ 128,392 Manlto"'a . 141.000 180,000 .....113 - The 34th Annual Durum Show will Earl Bub, At]riculhU' Beculuy. ad· tions on July 1. Thla IJ: 12~ below the .. mined by grinding In the laboratory 11171·72-- 53,700 87.820 141,Olt Saskatchewan 1,889,000 2,700,000 143 be sponsored by the U.S. Durum Grow­ ch.uing the Hallow AuociaIlon of near record 1971 crop but &3~ above 124 mill In regard to macaroni quality? and 11172·73 8D.237 '17,101 U8,5S8 Albert. 2<2.000 ,300.000 en AuoclaUon at Lanldon, North Da­ Fann BroadcuJan. In Orlando, FILl the amall 1970 crop. Acreaaea were PraIrie ProvIn.,.. 2,272,000 11,180.000 139 (2) is It absolutely n~c,ssary 10 purify kota, October 18-17. The NMMA will A market.domlnated agriculture lets amaller than lut year In an .tate.. and .... make a sweepltake. award to the best production Ihllt and adjust al consumer the semolina or can the prodUct be yields were down In North and South ~ 0 .... lumelently evoluated without purlnca· 11170-71 31,172 entry In the show. preferences change and as export de­ Dakota and Minnesota. An averale 11171·72 31,07 mand lrows. It II forward.lookinl. (Continued on page 27) yield of 30.8 bushels per acre wu Indl- 11172-73 13,127 Ocro .... 1972 19 the Pure, Golden Color of OUilllfy

K'l\g Mlda l'> 51.' 111 0 111 1,1 ,111(1 O ur um Fln u, D u a lli V wtl h " r urHllng st, 1I t on illi th. · o lt"" ...

. ~ '--- -..

I,r) ~• \ I ' , ..: ' '>y, . , ' . ._ --'-: ~\~

:II.. , ' ," , J"' ":"S.! "f",;., ... . ~' . l~ij.. t ,S. . · ' . I ...... :-.• ,

PEAVEY COMPANY 1' lO lil Mil l' ..1 " '


I~ At PMMI Pack Expa 72 The complete tralnlna COUIW and the 24 Carrulat.d componentl manual on which It I. based "Training of Packaging Machinery will be available for In. pectlon by viii· Conn..... Clo •• MechaniCl" I. the subject of a apeelal ton at the Ihow. Nine corro,ated convertln, phm seminar to be presented by the Pack­ Queillonl and anlwen from the audl· have closed their doon 10 Car In 19. .gln. Machinery Manufacturen Instl· ence will be encounled.. reporta Jamel N. Andrew., president IJ , tute durin. the PMMI Pack Expo In the Fibre Box AI.oclation. Chicago, PMMI Education Chairman "A total of 24 planll maklna corru· Frederick F. Koehn has announced. Contaln.r Clalu .. Stud, lated boxel from paperboard have now AC'Cordlng to Koehn, the seminar w11l Nine advantaleJ or sealinl containers .hut down In the pa, t 20 months," he be aimed at plant manaien, enilneer· with water·actlvated lummed tape can aald, "and virtually all have announced In, .upervlsorJ and training penonnel. be more directly rnllied by packaaerl that the action wa. taken for economic If their clolure method II part of a total realonl." Only four Ihltted production The proirarn w111 be held In McCor· to newer faciliUe •. mlck Place at 2 P.M., Monday, Oct. 3D, sYltem, accordlnl to a major marketlnl the flnt day of the (our-day .how. and relf!arch atudy and report prepared The 15 closlnll In 1971 relulted In for The Gummed Indu.triel Auocla· the fint net decline ever . een In the "The .emlnar," he sald. "wil1 be number of convertlnl plantl. baaed on .everal proven approachel to tlon, Inc., by the consultlnl firm or tralnln, pock_.lng machinery meehan­ Daniel Yankelovlch Incorporated. While nine planlt have closed II'! 1912. la," The nine benefttJ Ulted are: five othen have opened, for I further 1) COrN,ated carton reuse. net decUne or four for the year to dale, The needl for more mechanics and 2) Reduced wllte because or ability "A majority at the 1911 doaln,. were the problem. Involved In recrulUnl and correct Improperly sealed cartonL In the Northea.t, but there II leu of tralnln, them will be dlscuued by C. S) Ule of reinforced tape to uPlrade a realonal pattern to the UI72 .hut­ Glenn DaviI. PMMI tralnln, director. lower.prlced weaker cartont. down ..to accordinl to Andrew •. "Eft'ecUve In-plant Traln1", Tech­ .) Ease of setup of taped cartOnl and Industry Ihlpmenlt durinl thll period niques" will be reviewed by Fnnk CI­ reduced labor COIla In packallnl. have continued to climb to new record., mino, lupervllor of traininl at McCor­ 5) Reduced pUferqe. with 1911 up 3.1 percent over 1970, and mick and Co" BalUmore, Md. 8) Product protection. 1972 up 9.S percent over 1971 for the "Tralnlnl In Technlcal Hllh Schoola" 7) Eue of openln, at Itore level or year to date. II the subject to be covered by Robert recelvina location. ---- Carney, packalinl machinery mechan­ 8) Speedl now attainable with tapinl ICI coune inatnlctor at the Thomas A. machinel whleh are compeUtive M.rck ta Acqul .. K.lco Ed.bon Technical and VocaUonal High with other elOJure Iflteml. Merck" Co., Inc. and the Kelco Com­ School. 9) Reduced ftoor Ipace tor automatic pany of San Dlelo, Callfomla, have Self.Taught Coune tapinl machines u compared with reached alreement In principle on the ,lulnl machlnel. acquilltlon of Kelco by Merck. Thi ll Davll wUl a1l0 dlacuu PMMI'. in­ In deftnlnl the concept of a I)'lteml a'teement It lubJect to the approval of volvement In mechaniC! traininl and approach In carton clolUre, the report a fonnal plan of acqul.ltlon by thl.' will deacribe PMMI'. sett-instructional lpeclflel: boardt of directon of both ftm •. Packaglag/Coa... rtlDg NachlDery Com· Kelco h .. lonl been a leadln' pro· poMala TrahdDg CourM. of which he '''l11e principal characterlltla of the ducer of allin, a natural colloid thnt Ifllema approaeh are: (1) like carton. r II the author. allen water ablorption characteMitir are alway. ciOied. by like amounLa of of materiall uled in food proceulnl anI; "Thll course wu deillned," Davll clolUre material. and labor; Ind (2) l aid, "to function as a unit that worlu the manufacture of Indullrlal and con c101ure coati are known and controll.. lumer producta. Extracted from .even, Independently with one or two trainee.. able. but can allO be uaed al the bub tor types of seaweed, mainly the ,Iant kell "It make. use of either amall equip. Inltructor·led c1auroom leamlna JeI. of the Pad8c Coal t, al,in II producel ment (whleh of ilieU controll the Iionl, by Kelco u unltorm fRe-80win. aranu amount of closure materiall applled). or The content of the coune corTelponda Ilr or ftbrow powden. More recentl ~ lar,e automated machinery that not dneloped Kelco producU, contalnlnl to the PNNI Compoa,eDla Manual pub· only contro1.J malerlall but performl xanthan &urn, a natural blopolyaaccho· lIlhed In 19t1l~ . The actual coune II di­ conveylnl, JeaUnI and other opera· ride made throu,h tennentatlon of car· vided Into three catelories-"Ba.lc Me· tlonl . .." chanlcal Componentl," ''Balle Electrical bohydrate.. are tlndlnl lrowinl appll· Althou,h the report coven an cationl in the food and petroleum Indus· Component." and ''Bulc Hydraulic and ~ver. Pneumatic Componentl." view of the total market, hlghUlhUnI triea, accordln, to the announcement. uaale practicel and user opinions. a. Dependlnl upon the experience, wen II the Influence of avallable rna· backlround and education of the Indi­ chlnery,1t allo reportl on how and why Am.rlcan Hom. V P vidual trainee, the coune II rated at varioul method. or clOlure are now Marvin E. Schmllliuted, Vlce·Presl· 100·151) hours of atudy time-the equi­ beln, used In apeclftc 1ndu.trle.. the dent and Secretary of American Home valent of two aeme. tera In evr.nln, percentale UJe of varioul method. by Produclt Corporation, h .. been elected Ichool. packa,en. and the advantalel and db· Senior Vlce.Pruldent,lt WI. announced Davia noted that "every effort" has advanta,el reported. by WllUam F. Laporte, the finn'. Chair· been made to write the manuals In the A condented venlon of the Yankelo­ man and PrelldenL tennlnololY and Ian,uale that me· vich report-with material relevant to Mr. Schmaluted. Joined the Corpora­ chanlcs nonnalty use and can under· the clomre problem II • whole and the tion In Ul61 II Aulatant to the Pre.l· Itand. need for a I)'llentl approach-hu been dent and ..rved u Comptroller trom "It II not meant to be a manual tor prepared and lJ availlble without I"" throulh 1981 when he WII elected enalneen. allhou,h many enllneera char,e to packlaen by wrlUn, to: Vlce-Pre.ldent. In uno, he wu elected will' want to be famillar with It," he The Gummed. Industrle. Auoc:IaUon, to the addlUonal offtce · of SeCletal')'. oaId. 551 FUth Ave., New York. N.Y. 1001'1. which he will conUnue to hold. 22 I Egg Mark.. nelatlve net worth," "Y' Gene Mailers, be areelerated If wholesale pricel In th ~ an official of United Eli Produce .... the la.l two months of the year are to CO The late summer turnaround In ell big Atlanta-based cooperative. "In other muth hllher than 40 cents a do:un price. Just hasn't come about as yet, re­ words, If they paid off their obUlation. Tht ., observerl contend that farmer ~ ports Henningsen Foods. Fowl ,laugh­ to everyone they owe, they'd be bank­ should slau,hter even more laying hen s. ter hal not been up to expectations but rupt," He add. that memben of hi. So far thl. year, nearly 92 million 01 chicken price. have advanced 10 ega irouP have been "IOIlnl money Iteadl1y thele older bird. have been lent to price. cannot be far behind. on ellS for more than two yean. 1 don't (hlcken 10:Jp and pol pie facto ries, UII believe there Is one individual who from 89.5 million In th~ . ame period :; could have broken even on eli produc­ year a,o. Ell Fa.m ... tion ." Productl.u, Rum; 5tlll Losing Mon.y . Mr. Bowen of Southwestem Ell say. One reason their argument II ron· According to the Wall Streel Journal the tradltlonQ,1 price cyelel are chang­ vlm'ini I. that laying flock productivity the ell bUilnen Is no place for chick­ In,: ''The boom i. lettlnl .horter and I. rilln" a,aln berause of the introduc. e", not as hllh, and the bust I. letllnl tlon of the Marek'. dlSCllte vaccine. Th o:! That la, not for ell farmers who give broader." His observation may not be rate of prodUction on July 1 was 63 ens up cully In the tace of a prolonged entirely accur.te, but one reason for the for each 100 layen. down from 63.6 0 price depreulon. On the other haud, current depre.slon Is unprecedented. month earlier but up from 62.2 a year low egg price. have been good newa for Ulually the ell m.rket loe. Into a earlier. conlurnen, many of whom have been slump because the Industry Js enticed Not everyone In the ell Indu.try Is eaUng more proteln.rich elll to bal· Into over-produclnl bec.use of an ad· .anlulne that Rock eutback. will b ~ ance their tood budgets agalnlt climb· van« In ell prlcel. Thl. time, a Iclen· deep enouih or Ja.t 10nl enouih to sus· Inl meat price .. tlftc bre.kthrouih i. the eulprit. taln Inereased prleeJ at levell proftlable La,t sprin •• lome type. of hlah quat. Until 1970, t.rae number of younl for moat farmen. ''The minute we be· Ity ell' droppcod to their lowelt price. chickens died of M.rek'. dlaease, a rna­ gin to receive beUer pricel, we Itep up In four years. Since then, quotations IIlnancy. Since the IntroductJon of a production," .Iihs Mr. Masten. He wor· have rilen Ove cent. a doun; large vaccine for the dlseue a couple of years riel that farmen will feel compelled to white eill, a bellwether. wholesaled in alO, however, the . urvl .... 1 ra~ 't h .. 1,,­ Ute the additional layer house. they f Chicago for 29 cent. to 32 «nil a dozen, creased marked~ , ••!U • the ,ul"\l ivon have conltructed re


uncluttered lines according to require­ spend It. Presently, enabUnlleaWaUon Japane.. treat. onte lold by atreet ve. The Ett alld You Buhler Dlatrom Buhler De.ign. New ments of the users. They are easily ac­ (Continued trom paie 24) is In the IIme·lilht. Some .lates have it dOrl to weary traveten. already. Others are conaJderinl It. And (ConUnued from pale 19) Ma.aroni 're.... for ceulble for c:1eanlng and ser\'lcing with "Production In the Gardena plant Automati. System. special emphasis on 5unitary us well all Many thin,. contributed to the drop Jt is beinl explored on a naUonal bUJs. tlon~ Studlp.1 of Canadian, French and aomewhat .Iower than in our Japane. New macaroni prcsses have been de· functional design. In consumption. Most can be cloilifted l!;nabllnl lellslatlon Involves a check plant. (because of trainln, problems) U.S. durum. led these scientists to the veloped by Buhler Brothcrs Ltd. In Design feutures Inc:1ude u large dou­ under two major categories: (1) chang. off, usually on each ,ale of el's, for laY, Teruo Takahara, 42. vice preside! . conclusion that the quality of wheat Switzerland liS part of thnt company's ble shaft mixer, mixing shufts und pud­ Inl life style Dnd (2) adverse publicity. promolion of and research on eSII. of Nluln Foods, USA. "But the qualil, can be detennlned In the user's labora· fully automatic system for production dles of stalnlcss steel. The product Is Both have exerted a serious impact on Ell consumption it down. Tbe eu'. of the product 11 actually better thall tory and while a laboratory purlfler is of mnraronl. An artlc:1e appearing In l'fficlently de·aeruted In 0 vucuum the consumer', Im'le of e" •. Imale h fallini. and more advene puG. the made-In·Japan variety because W') helpful It la not a necessity. Late nlaht television vlewlr.I-in­ UClty may come. lJroftt marlins are nar· Another article In the aeme Issue of Buhler's Dla;Iam. the official publica­ chamber located between the mixer use American wheat to make tion of the company, points out that eluding Inacklna:. the coffee break. and rowml. 'l'he eu industry can no lonler noodles." the publication Is about pasta goods ond extrusion clements. worklnn wive. with limited time for bury ill head in the sand. It needl to under the microscope: the cooking be· today "the modern production of maca­ The main extrulli on cylinder III . Even with .Iower production, how· roni products places grenter emphasis meal p'.eparation have relult~d In many take acUon. It mUlt eft'ecllvely pro­ ever, Takahara esUmatea that ..les dur­ havlor of pasta made of durum wheat equipped with a uniqUe, efficient water on sanitation, product quallly and low cooling or heating system. The moln people utln. hurried, light breakfalll mote the use of ellS or faee dlminisnm, inl ftsc:al 1972 ran between $2 million This was written by Dr. A. Frey and or none 01 all. The Ilrowln, avall.bUlly opportunlUe.. Dr. A. HoUiler. It II Dn analysis of a maintenance processing equipment." cylinder. the transfer housing with and f3 million. He IIY' they hope to large Inlet opening, the oversized and ule of convnlence food, have produce three or more new prodUct microscopic method to oblerve struc· Construction of machinery and sys­ ture ehanle. In the framework of grain thrust bearing and housing and the lurther reduced ell unle. And the bllh Items at their Gardena plant this fall. tems for the manufadure of mucaronl level of affluence enable. people to use JOpall ... Noodli O,... tIolI protein. The conclusions on Iluten, for Buhler dates back to 1903. The planetary reduction muln dtive gear arc more red melu, poultry and flab, cui· But lor now, the American lubsldlary quality and quantity are most Interest· larlelt macaroni manufacturing line In assembled as one compact unit, which Un, the use of ella further. produce. only Inslant noodles. The In" __' ___ _ the world for shurt goods, bullt by assembles simply to the supportlnlstecl '101-'Moira Toner reeent1)r reported the noodle. them.selve. emer,e from a sin. Buhler ar,oJ In operation since 1070, has frame. Wear of the stainless steel main Uwlf•• onb" PubIldtr followln, .tory in the Lo. Anlele. lIe aOO.foot.lon, machine-the ftrst of a minimum output or 15,400 lbs. per extrusion screw Is minimized by means OVer the Plii t few yean, elll have Time.. Its kind to be let up outside Japan. A Buhl.r Illdultrial Flit... hour. of beatings on the discharge as well as been hit with UI J..worable publicity. parket of Top Ramen, Inc:ludlnl soup A new, Industrlal·equlpment pluduc:l the In feed end. The extraction device Manufacturen in Japan, amonl the Includ.. T!))e TPAE and TPAD Some of it re:ultcd trom limited but world'. most succ:euful uport uperts., mix, sell. tor 20 cent. and feeds two belnl manufactured by The Buhler for removal of the main screw can be real problemL Much of It wu unearned had their problema with an unllkely people. Corporation, Mlnneapolll, Minnesota, Is The new Buhler macaroni presses In· operated manually or hydraullcal1y. ai.d unjultlfted. And too much of It product that amounu to a Japane.. The Japanese parent 8rm created the a hllh performance air OUer deilined to elude Type TPAE and TPAD. Type 01, H.ad Chanll.a Within Secondl was based on hllhly controversial data venion of spalheUL It lets .tale on the Inltant noodle used In . the product 15 clear dUlt·laden air at hl,h alr-to·cloth TPAE has a capacity of 660 to 1,320 lbs. For short goods production, press and quesUonable cOrTelations relardin, month·)on, boat ride to the United years 110, and It became an Immediate ratios. Ca1Ied the Air.hoc:k Filter, St per hour depending on row material, heads arc available for die:! up to 13W' the ehole.terol pl0blem. Slale., they found, and the cost 01 ...accea In Japan, Takahara says. puriftes exhaulted air in plants. mms. type of product and au oclated equip • breweries, aUol, loadinl terminals, etc., ment. This model involves a single diameter. Dies can be changed within The araumeRt over cholesterol ra,es brin&lnl It here kept price. bllh and . So far. the company. hasn't done on. Doel1t caule heart trouble? Conclu· uslnl a unique alrlhock method for screw press and Is ~ I lecl a lly suited for Icconds by means or " new drawer-like Wet low. murh consumer advertJsln. outside the alve proof of connecUon between diet· purlln, dust from replaceable c:1oth the production of all kinds of ahort hydraulic system that simultaneously The .olutlon? Inate.d of selling Japanese-American community, but It ary cholesterol and heart diseale hal fnter ball. goods, Including specialty Items as well Inserts the new die and removes the made-ln.Japan noodle. In the United fHls other American. are' becomlnl ac­ as the production of long goods with a old. The varlobie speed drive for the I' not been eltabUshed. However, el's Slates, they've opened a factory here. quainted wlth iL The product has bcen Recel.,N Exhausled Air are banned from many diell. On the stick length of up to 4'11". short goods cutter and thl,: blower fo r Now they sell made·ln·Gardena Jap· distributed to IUpennarkela natlonwltle. The Alrshock Filter Is dealgned to re· product aeration ot the die are directly other hand, lome sclenUsll and phys!· Macaroni press type TPAD with n aae!!e noodle •. They hope the cheaper cclve exhaulted air throulh an Inlel (A) nanged to the presl hod. The dlstribut· clans hold that eaUnl e,p hu no eft'eet '1n the ahort Ume we've been In prp· distributing tube for manufacturing and fre.her product made here will where the all' Is l ubjected to D cyclonic Inl head for long goods production Is on blood cholesterol level and may ducllon here, .ales In the northwelt r ~ n of long looda has a capacity of 1,320 attract more cwlomera.. !l cllon which pre·separatea coarse dust mounted directly to the extrusion cylin­ even lower It. United States are up BO~'" nys Takuji Ibs. to 2,640 Ibs. per hOllr, also depend. The aim behind Tolqo-bued Nluln parUclel, auldlnl them downwards Into der. Cooluolulion Muuko, sales manaler. ''The lent' . .1 Ing on speclflcatlons. The ."odel with a Food Products' deeWon to open a ,1.8 American public In such metropoli!.n " l\tter cone where a dlscharllnl air· AU motor mounts are designed to million plant In Garden. 1a.t March lock trap. the partlclel. Remainlnl air· twin Icrew press Is mainly for produc­ easily accept moton of local !;.- pe or Inc:ldents of ell contamination are centen II Lot ArI,eles and San FF tion of long goods with a Itlck length of hurting the ell industry badly. Con· WII to capture lOme of the American clsro felt In the put that our prod \ dUll particles now toward. the Interior manufacture. Optionally available for tamlnation with the PCB'a (polychlori· market outalde Ule Japanese·American wu only for oriental home•. But In fi lter bap (B). Air now. Inwards Bnd 6'6"". drive of the main and v'\cuum screws nated blphenyJa) hu been rather communiI)'. Tho Im)X\l'ted produc:\­ Northwelt, with fewer oHental Am, upwards throulh Oller bals, deposlUng EuUy AccHllbl. fOl Cluninll arc: Sinele speed, two speed and varl· limited, but the scare hu been &reat. called Top Raml!:n-wlI primarily mar­ cans, the people have no .uch prec :he dust on the outside of the ftlter bags. able speed motors. The electrical con· Buhler points out that the newly. trols are arranged In a separate control Salmonella hal been traced to elll In ketedln Japanese populaUon centen In celved noUona." The ftltered all' enlers a plenum cham· desllned models have c:1ean, simple some outbreakl. But egas have been the United State. until the plant opened l er Ie) at the lop Gnd leavel via a clean· panel. Location of the control ptmel Is wrongly blamed In tar too many ·calel. here. lir outlet (0). flexible according to th ~ customer's Some contamination I. bound to oc· ".ark.. llroadena Japan.... Am.rl.an. At programmed Intervals, a mechan· needs. cur. But eil producers, processors and Buhler stresses that some or the ud­ l Now, the company reporb about 60'fD The wan Street Journal reports th' IClllly·operated air valve system (E & F) handlerl need to try to eliminate IL is deilined to relene a ludden, down· vantages of the new mararonl presses 01 its product 11 belnl .old to people art about 125,000 Japanese-Amtril'1 Include a modern concept combining Governmental .urvellIance for contaml· In HawaII where they cOnsUtute fo ..... ard "alrshock" from an air lupply nants II increasln, and Yo·ilI Intenllfy. outsldl! the Japanete-Americ:an com· the very latest In sanitation, acceaslbll· munity. percent ot the populatlori. tank (0), purelng one Oller bal at a The time has come. Ell people can time. Thla Jet eleaninl of Individual lIy, servlc:lblllty, high product quality It no lonler look the other way and hope Top Ramen it a comblnaUon of de­ There are about 2151boo Japane. filter bals allows the A!rshock Filter and Versatility. abo contains a front for a solution. They must accentuate the hydrated noodle. and soup mix which American. In California, 20,000 each I to operate at alr-ta.clolh ratios of more bcarlng to keep wear of the main cylln. positive, eliminate the nelaUve, by tell· hRS been cooked up II an bulant con· New York and WUhlnMton; 17,000 than double the present. day standards, dcr ond extrusion scrcw to a minimum. Quick-change hydraulic die eXchDnger ing ('onlumerl about th~ excellent nu· venlence food as a foundaUon for more Illinol.; 8,800 in Orelorf: and 5,~OO yet with only 6 psi air prelsuf". I tritional qualities of ell" complex. dishes by the Japanese for Tex... works easily and fast and u presses Dre yean. The dish Itself it a traditional n •• Modell designed with "rugged, hlgh·quallty, Eff.ctA.. Promotion Five type-ASF A!nhock Fllten ate low maintenance design. Effective promotion of e'l' will reo available model options to quire adeqll::lte resoureea. Meanlnlful u. S. 'roc.1NC! Ett. - July 197I·Jull. meet and bin· New Film on "Cleaning" LIquid 1,000 pound' ...10 ' vent effort goes beyond the Individual pro­ "Grain Intake, cleaning and preparn· ducer to eroup action. Even one .tate For immediate ... 6 to 64 consumption 43,011 tlon" Is a new flIm produced by Buhler or a rellon cannot be a. eft'ectlve II the Fo. ,_ulna &8,1114 Brothers. Arrangements can be mode nation'. eillndultry workln, tOlether. Total liquid 102.187 with Buhler representatives for show· Money w1l1 be needed. Not all wUl Frozen 115,808 ~~~~ Ing. alree on the best way to raise and Dried 12,212 27 26 Completely re-designed .~ with features that make them THE MOST RELIABLE IN THE INDUSTRY! New Conveying system never stops. Product moves slowly and conlinuously Irom spreader to accumulator. No starts and stops. Simplilied design means grealer rell ablilly since there IS less wear than conventional ··slop and go·· dryers . .. ' Product is consistently excellent because drying action IS always sleady. You Ciln count on the product to come out with appealing color and texlure. Uniform and II slraighl every time. Ideal for handling wl 1l1 Each Spllghclll s!rand !ravels Cli'lclly !he sarno palh aulomalic weighing. Iran sporting and pack· <, u . ' .1' ''', ,I" "_ , r, .• : :'." I " ."I I ~ P l · ~ . I ' H'· aging machines. , "'" I . \ • " I ." , ' ''' .... . , .. " . ~ -'f'" " ,11 ,.,<: Of ~I I!J I Il[J t' l"'" " ., " "I •• " .,,1, .. Lll I,"II" t" " .ll/ ,m] 1'('15. Climate zones are positively separated. Extremely tight enclosure with Buhler patented "Della r control allows high temperature. high humidity dryang environment. Capacity range 500-4,000 Ibs/hr. Standard stick lengths: 60 or 80 inci1cs. 4sk for details on the buill-In reliabilily of Buhler dryers and other macaroni equipment. Call us or wnle The Buhler Corp .. 8925 Wayzata Blvd .. Min­ neapolis. MN. 55426. (612) 545-1401 1 Eastern Sales Office: 580 Sylvan Ave .. Engle­ wood Cliffs. NJ. 07632. (201) 871·0010 1 Buhler Bros. (Canada) Ltd .. Don Mills.

Ontario. (416) 445-6910. Super snnilary design. easy maintenance. AII · nM,,' ·c P,I'''''' -, .\ "Ul (I ". tOI " , I ~ . .. I . · .... , ,) .,11 IMot .. n l IIII' "'.1 , " .,,, , 1 . 1' .• 1' ''' ' pv' . .. " -!" " "'· .' .. ,, 1.,1'0'1 .1"" ,) 11 .,.",. !lvu' lu n ~ I' .' l l .v" II' ~" ~'H I ' "",1· " ~ .•I " "

Complete Macaroni Plants by

~" ..)

Macaroni Products •• Broader Appeal Improved Pasta Sales from Chain Store Age, Supermarket SeJ:. Manual REPARING inexpensive meala from Macaronl/Palta Produch: Natlanal S.:permarket Performance P Icratch plus the convenIence factor A"OIlT- 011011 were the billie reasons drawing con­ ..... ••orrr NEJtr MAllonl ,AUI Do .... "" __01 o..t. , U."", .nalb A~O_ .01_ a_ JlWloq ..... aI III lumert to the palta product. aection " of lalt year and the .tate of the economy 1971 Do •• ,...... , • Wan"'''' "" 01 11111 Macaroni 30.3 $12'.6 28.3 ,22.9 34 IB.3 Is reinforcing this move. Elbow 11.4 41.4 10.1 B.1 9 IB.4 Shoppers lost year bouaht more Other 18.9 78.4 11.6 14.2 25 IB.3 frozen pasta items, pasta dinners and Spaghetti 27.0 112.3 20.6 21.1 21 19.3 Regular 21.3 88.6 21.0 17.1 15 10.3 pizza mixes than ever before. At the Ltngulne '.7 23.6 '.6 4.0 6 10.2 same time, they purchased more dry Noodles 19.9 82.B 23.4 19.0 21 23.0 palla In Jarler packa,l! sizes than pre· F1a' 18.0 75.0 21.0 17.0 18 22.7 vlaully, Other 1.9 7.8 2.4 2.0 3 25.2 A Northeastern lupermarket buyer Macaroni Dlnne" B.9. 37.1 7.1 '.8 " .7 explains, "Cultomen: know they can't With Cheese •.3 34,4 6.4 '.3 •4 ".3 beat D value like spDlhetti at 2~' per lb. Other 0.6 2.7 0.7 U•• I 20.4 They also know that almost any pitta Noodle Dinners 7.3 30.3 7.8 0.4 9 21.1 product i. amon, the quickest and With Meat 3.5 1403 3.7 3.0 20.8 easiest to prepare." Other 3.8 16.0 4.1 3.4 4• 21.3 SpalheUI Dlnaen D1nnen 2.7 11 .2 2.6 2.4 4 21.4 With Meat 1.8 7.3 1.7 1.4 2 10.3 COME Take Macaroni and chene entree.. offerlna Other 0.9 3.9 1.1 1.0 2 2'.0 bulh price and convenience. figured to All Other Palta Dlnnen 0.4 U 0.4 0.3 20.0 contlnu~ dominatinl the dinner cale~ a Photo Tour •• lory-and lhey did-with a beUer lhan Plua Mix 3.& 14.5 3.6 2.9 •4 20.5 100,0 $81.4 103 10.0 4D~ abare of all pa.ta dinner s.te. In TOTALS 100.0 $4IU 19'11. ~ of total store volum~ . 7117o Other pack'ied dinners-with meat Concurring I. Sob Green, executive UNIT MOVEMENT and .auce Included-were declining In director of the NaUonal Macaroni Unit l!ovement data bas:!d on ran­ recent yeore, but have started rebound· Manulac:turen Auociation, who notes dom sample, then proJec.ted. Cale·2"' ~ Inl with help from the new meat that the 1970 aaln was the largest since tun 01 Eetlmll.d "helper" or "extender".type Items. the end of World War II, and seeml to Vall .... c... , Wtt. Macaroni...... 32.5 12.5 Pa.ta dinners accounted for nearly refted contumer reaction to higher meat Ing Elbow 12.8 4.9 20~ of department sale•• nd pro"ts. A prlces-I reacUon that apparently .ub­ Other 19.1 1.6 Philadelphia buyer explalrll their con­ .Ided .omewhlllt lut year. SpDlhetU 29.8 11.4 tinulnl vitality: "Many shoppen are "But our 1972 "nt quarter report in­ Regular 22.6 B.7 attracted to total convenience II'!: ~ ...ad dicate. we may be in for a repeat of L1nlune 1.0 2.7 ~~~tlOn-e.peclaIlY for weekend 1070," Mr. Green adds. An ealtern buyer Noodlet 18.7 7.2 echoes the prediction: "We feel we're Flat 17.1 6.6 Another Eastern buyer say. dinners selling a lot of dry macaroni due to th! Other 1.6 0.6 to which shoppen must add meat have state of the economy. We're abo .e1llnl Piua Mix 2.1 0.8 already made .tronl Inroadt in htl com­ • lot of prep~red "Ute, especially In Macaroni CO. pany'•• lor'f!', Ilaln.t all pa.ta entree. the quart size." Dlnnera 10.9 4.2 ex~pt macaroni and cheese. He pre­ Wlflgt of PrcW With Cheese 10.4 4.0 dicted tlt!l..trend would continue In his Other 0.' 0.2 area and'itatlonatly. Paata suppliers like to point out the Noodle Dinners 3.6 1.4 catalytic effed their product. have on D•• Dry Sal,. Expand With Meal 1.3 other slore sale.. One of then, Skinner Other 2.3 0.' Meanwhlle the dry palla catelory Macaroni Co., even use. the related SpalheUI continued to expand, with macaroni, ..Ie. conct'!pt •• the baaU for Ita retail Dlnnera 2.3 0.' spalhetU and noodles all .howln, lood promotion theme "Wins, of Proftt." With Meat 1.3 0.5 lalns. Sales for the entire catelory were Bill Henry, Skinner'. executive vIce Other 1.0 0.4 up about 4% after a 10% Increale the prealdent, comments: "Our releareb All Olh.r previous year. . .hows that a dollar'. worth of macaroni Pa.la Dinnen 0.3 0.1 ca" triller about $7 worth of related Buyen and suppliers agreed that the TOTAL 100.0 38.' ImaUer ,aln In 1971 wal no Indication mtrthandlae. Therefore, we are en­ or a lonl-term slowdown for th~ cate· couralln. ret_lien to carry aille wings which replaced ~e addedloS and ,ory. "Not at all," lay. Ii markt!Ung of tomato pule and other hllh-veloclty 12 OJ" .Iu. on the shelve• . executive for one ot the larlelt palta ltelrll next to their paata productJ." There hal been 8 steady move to produten. ''1'hl. 1a normal Irowth for Many suppllen in thi. W,hly rellon. flexible packa,lnl. and one major past il UI, In Une with population lrowth, alized Industry are offennl laraer pack. supplier reports that about 90~ of his whereas the 1970 Reure reflects con­ ale size. and these appear to be catch~ line I. now appearin, in thl. type of .umer reaction to unuma) economic InIon. A number at chaw report me­ packale. He ''Retalien like It pressure," he explain.. ee.. with new 1 lb. ball of noodles on 'Pa,e 32) 0: CerOR.", . 1972 31 • f j.. " , f

"".. .. ! '. ' __"bo o I ~---.------'" MOOlIIIIIIlIIMTDlIIVSI8II, ..:. 112 Northlrdstreet - P.O. Box 5479 Grand Forks, NO 58206-5479

~ , , " ", I

" ••J

Macaroni Products •• Broader Appeal Improved Pasta Sales from Chain Store All<>. Supermarket Sales Manual REPARING Inexpensive meals from Ma.aronllPa.ta Produ.h: Natlanal Supermarket Performanlt P.cratch plul the convenience fador AliaRT. 01101. were the basic realonl drawing can· ...... OFIT MEaT MAItOIN Dou., 'AUI Dept. It"", .ruM AlI, oral\ lumefl to the palto produds section 1971 " ., '" 0_0' 1ClU1o.. .u.." Jast year and thc stale of the economy Do,. ,...... Y.- , .... , • Wan.... " ot'l~. 11 Is relnforc!nl this move. Macaroni 30.3 ,125.8 28.3 '22.9 34 18,3 Elbow 11.4 47.4 10.7 8.7 9 18.4 Shoppen last yeor bought more Other 18.0 78.4 17.6 14.2 25 18.3 frozen pasta Iteml. pasta dinners and Spaa:hettl 27.0 112.3 26.6 21.7 21 19.3 plua mlxe. than ever before. At the Regular 21.3 88.5 21.0 17.1 .. 10.3 Llna:ulne 23.8 same time, they purchased more dry ' .7 '.6 4.0 6 19.2 Noodlel 19.9 82.8 23.4 19.0 21 23.0 pasla In larger package II'es than pre· Flat 18.0 71tO 21.0 17.0 18 22.7 vlou.ly. Other 1.9 7.8 2.4 2.0 3 25.2 A Northeostern lupermarket buyer Macaroni Dlnnel'l 8.9 . explains, "Customen know they can't 37.1 7.1 '.8 5 ".7 With Cheese 6.3 34.4 0.4 '.3 4 " .3 beat a value like spaghetti at 25, per lb. Other 0.6 2.7 0.7 U.5 I 20.4 They alia know that almost any palta Noodle Dlnnel'l 7.3 30.S 7.8 8.4 9 21 .1 product il amor.l the quickest and With Meat 3.' 14.S 3.7 ~ . O 20.8 ealle.t to prepare." Other U 18.0 4.1 3.4 •4 21 .3 SP'r,heUI DIMen D nnen 2.7 11 .2 2.8 2.4 4 21 .4 With Meat 1.8 7.3 1.7 1.4 2 lB.3 Macaroni and cheeae entrees. ollerinl Other •. 9 :U t.I 1.0 2 25.6 both price and convenience, ftaured to All Other continue domlnatlna the dinner eate· Palta Dlnnerl 0.4 1.5 0.4 0.3 5 20.0 lory-and they did-with a better than Plua Mix 3.5 14.5 3.8 2.9 4 20.5 40% share of all puta dinner lilies In TOTALS 100.0 '415.~_ 100.0 ,81.4 103 10.0 1971. % of total Itore volume-O.11 t;;, Olher packaled dinners-with meal Concurrlna 11 Bob Groen. executive and .auce Included-were declining In UNIT MOVEMENT director of the NaUonal Macaroni Unit Movement data b8l~d on run· recent yeart, but have started rebound,:, Manufacturel'l Auoclatlon, who notel Ina with help Cram the new meat dam lample, then proJelted. Case·2fM that the 1970 .aln Will the larlelt since IUn .t &,llm.,.d "helper" or "extender"·type Item •. the end of World War II, and neml to c ...... , Vall .... e .."Wuk Palta dinners accounted for nearly reflect con.umer reaction to hlaher mellt Macaroni 32.5 12.5 Milling 20~ of department sale. and profits. A priccJ-a reaction that apparently lub· Elbow 12.8 U Philadelphia buyer explolnl theIr con· Iided lomewhat lalt yur. Other 19.7 7.0 t1nulng vitality: "Many .hoppers are Spaghetti 29.6 11.4 "But our 1972 fint quarter report In· Regular 22.6 8.7 attracted to total convenience In food dlcatel we may be In for a repeat of .1 for weekend Lingunc 7.0 2.7 ~~~tlOn-eIPedallY uno," Mr. Green addl. An eastern buyer Noodle. 18.7 7.2 I echoel (he prediction: "We feel we're Fl., 17.1 0.6 Another Eulern buyer say. dinners selllni II lot of dry macaroni due (0 th, Other 1.0 0.6 to which Ihappen InUit add meat have ltate of the economy. We're also Iflllni Pizza Mix 2.1 0.8 already made Itronl Inroadl in hls com· II lot of prepared lauce, elpecially In Macaroni Co. pony', ,to~s, alalnsl all palta entrees the quart Ilze." Dlnnel'l 10.9 4.2 exl."t!pl macaroni and cheese. He pre· Win" of ProW With Cheese 10.4 4.0 dlcted t~ . trend would continue In his Other 0.5 D.' area ancf'nationally. Pasta luppllerl llke to point oul the Noodle Dinners 3.6 1.4 Dry Sal .. Expand catalytic ellect their productl hIVe on With Mut 1.3 0.5 other Itore aalel. One of thelt', Skinner Other 2.3 0.9 .Meanwhlle the dry palta catelory Macaroni Co., even Ulel the related Spaghetti continued to expand, with macaroni, sale. concept a. the bul. for III retail Dlnnel'l 2.3 0.9 .paaheltl and noodles all showlna: good promotion theme "Wlnll of Proftt." With Meat 1.3 0.' aolna. Salea tor the entire category were Bill Henry, Sklnnert. executive vIce Other 1.0 0.4 up about 4% after a )0');. Increase the president, comments: "Our relearch All Other previoul year. Ihow. thllt a doUart. worth ot macaroni Pa.ta Dlnnen •.3 0.1 Buyers and supplier. that the can trilicr about $7 worth of related Il,reoo TOTAL 100.0 38.' smaller lain In 1971 wat no Indication merchandise. Theretore, we are en· of a long· term .Iowdown tor the cale· coufa,ln, relaUel'l to carT)' aisle winal which replaced -;-;;;e added to 8 on l ! lOry. "Not at atl," laYI a markeUna: at tomato paste and other hl,h·veloclty 12 oz. .Itel on the .helvel. executive for ont! of the laracst pasta Items next to their pasta producll." There hu been a Ite'd¥ move to producers. ''This 11 nonnal .rowth for Many .uppllen In thls hllhly rellon. flexible pack.clna, and one major pastu UI, In line with population arowth. allted Indultry are olferin. larler pack. lupplle:: ftportJ th.t about OO~ of his whereas the 1970 fllUre reflecll con­ a,e II,el and theae appelr to be,cateb· lirie " now appearin, In thlt type oC lumer reaction to unusual economic Ina on. A number at cha1n.a report JUe-­ packale. He explains, "RetalJen Uke It pressure," he explain •. cell with new 1 lb. ball of noodles ' (Continued on pile 32) Cero .... 1972 31

------,~ Supermarket Sol .. Manual (Continued from pale 3D) because It can live as much 8S 14

Chain Solei Inc Nan; FoocIl, a lartain Disposable Income-222% Micrawa ••·H.atinl Pro.ih Drop Consumers Ipend U.6, of each ex­ Food-I78'J' Seni.. C.nt., The lenera) trend tor Jupennarket BervlceJ-2II0% pendable dollar for food In thll country. With the openlnl of the nut fully chain. In Oacal 1971 showed proRt, and The Haure Ja 26 % In Enaland, 38% In Other Good1-215% equipped and Ita"ed microwave-heat­ IDlel movlna: In opposite direction •. Italy, 4J ~ In Japan and tb% In R .. asia. Ing service cenler for leneral Indultry, Net pronl. of &3 lupermarket com­ Food pr1eea have ,one up. But the Th. G_.,', R.1e manufacturers now con tesl techniques panle. teU to $369.2 million during ~ h(! avu81e American'. paYlheck hu aone The dllConcertinl tlae In food prit , , on their producll on a production Icale; year-a drop of 8.1 per unt from 1070. up falter. In Iii? AmerlLalU .penl 25% ha. once a.ain led to much talk I bol .· there II no need to let up their own Thl. re.ulted In the chains, .1 a ,roup, of their paycheck for food. 8y 191hl this what happen. to price. b, tween fatUI producUon-llze pilot plants. Feallblllty net tin. only 91, on every '100 181e" had dropped to 22.2% and lVI, 100d and dinner table. Prell dent William studle. are planned and conducted by compared with '1,04 the year before. expenlea took Jel. than 16';\. MJtthell of .upermarket leader Saft. . experlen~ microwave enr,lneera. On the other hand. total .sle. rOle a way StOtel did lome quick (llculatlon ~ . Any w.v you cut it, Amerilanl enjoy moderate 1 per cent to $40.6 billion, ac­ "If we took aU of the net profit of all The ranle of applications II '0Rexl­ the belt lood buy. In the world. The cordlna: to the latelt Supermarket New!! of the retail food chain., cooperativl'li hie these can be adapted easily to many time required to earn a pound 01 white annual compilation of financial data of and voluntary ,rouPI lor a year ond diverse prodUctl and purpolU. &3 publicly held chains. brud In the U.S. 11 &Ix mlnutel, eleven dl.tributed them back to the cUltometJ The new center II located at th! minute. Allo affected by the depreued over­ In France, twelYe minute. in on a per-caplta bllll, an averale famll.v Mlcrociry (formerly Cryodry) plant In U.S.S.R., forty-.lx minutel In Brazil. all profit. wa. another key ratio, net to of four would let back 28, at the end San Ramon, California. The enalnecn atoekholden' equity. A decline trom The lime required to eam a pound of of the week." Put another way, that'l a In charae have pioneered many de­ most full-production microwave heat­ For more Information write Mlcrodry 10.6 to 0 .• per cent took place here as .Irloln ateak In the U.S. 11 24 mlnutea. penny a day a penon. velopmenll In cookinl, drylnl and In. facilities. Corporation, 3111 Fostoria Way, San tot.l net worth IfeW 11 .8 per cent to In France ttll llU minute.. l:t:l minutel Concluded Safeway'. Mltcht'lI: "1 blanchlna of food .. and In dryln, and Completion of feasibility studies len· Ramon, California 94583. $3.04 bUllon. In U.S.S.R., 118 mlnutel in Brazil, and don't think that I.J reaUy contrlbutlnl heat bondlnl of wood and other mate­ traUy I. quoted on a 30 day basis, al­ Pre-tax Income tor aU 53 chain. aank 289 minute. In Japan. to InftaUon." rial .. thoulh work often II Hnllhed within 48 even more than the net. by 7,11 per et!nl Chicago Cataltraphe One bll realOn for the lntreue In the Empirical result. are lalned from houn. Nominal char,es are made to to $727,3 milUon, A heavy rainstorm dumped up to Irocery bill 11 the chanae 1n merchan­ actual producUon equipment. Thb II cover COItl of equipment, power and The dUreh!net! In proftl and 18lel per­ dlalnl tee:h.nlquelo Today'. .upennar­ 'III'ian, Uluo S,..hetti seven Inchea onto the Chicago ah!a Fri· A !'Kent report that p .... conl'Jmp. said to be far more practical than ob­ penonne1. fonnancel for the Jilted chalnl wal »tell ofter a wide ran,e of prodUctl Irom day night. August 211. The weight of Uon wu decUnlnl In Ualy cauled UI 10 talninl questionable reault. from telt Microwave heatlnl Is unique In that Illustrated dnmaUcally by the ICOn! of brcild and butler to charcoal, and in­ Itorm water ca ~ sed coUapse of a roof write to the BralbanU Comp.ny In equipment that II too amall, with un­ It heall an object uniformly, inside and rlael and declines. cludlna many non-food. item.... u:h al predictable Held varlatlonl and no con­ on the Golden Grain Macaroni Co. In In ..Ie .. 411 of the 113 companle. re­ ·Milan. They replied: "U ,. tNe Ihal . out, In accordance wIth the dlltribution pet food, larden IUPPUet, toothpllte, with the lenerallmprovement of Uvin,) veyol'l. of Itl moisture content. And it Is done Brldlevlew, Injuring ten persons, one ported advancel durlnl ftJcal 11171. In baby powder, nyJOhl, lllht bulDi and u .landard. that brou,ht an Incff'lH: in The center hal both 915 and 2450 very quickly. Results orten are drama­ critically. Some forty penons were net Income, however, one third of the teOte of other Jtem •. ftnnl had a worse polltlon Jaat year the Ule of variou. other food. lurh 1111 melahertz equipment In varioul aizel, tic: for example, pasla II dried In 1I10th worklnl on the lecond shift. than in 11170. U% I. Kon·Foocb meat. the consumption of macaroni and areater Jdlowatt availability than the time and Ipace formerly required. Lower net proftt ftIUh!' were polted producll hll decrelled about 2'" Iincl' Today you lpend 28~ of lour ,roc:ery 1965, but the Haurel that are report ~ d by 12 chain., while one luffered loue. bill for these non-lood iteml. for both yean, and ftve dipped Into the In many publlcaUon. are Juat not relh. , red In 1971. Three·fourthl of all pet fooUi are ble. While conlUmpUon of 100'" hard In the n ••t illu.: On the pOlltlve aide, 34 ftnnl chalked .old throu,h aupennarket., two-thlrdJ wheat aemollna productJ h.. .lIahtl)' up lalnl and one company was back In of aU toothpalte and over half of the lowered, there ha. been an IncreBle In We.hl.".o M.otlo. JACOBS·WINSTON the black. uplrin and baby powder. the UN of ell noodle. and .peclaIty I.,... AlcohoUc beverale.. beallh and beau­ produclJ IUch II ra.vtou. tortelUnl, elt' t, .uppUe.. hOUieware .. maau.ine. and It It certatnly a fact that the quanUty of H•• y ...... LABORATORIES, Inc. Sol., Lea"... paper luppUel aU add to the averIJe pasla productJ consumed In Italy coull' (Voluma la. BlUloaa, American'. Iroc:ery bUl, yet theN are hardly be hilher than they are." 'erty .roc ....I ••• EST. 1910 A&P ...... $••• 0. not food ltema. Safeway ...... , . , .... , . .... 1I ,3t19 I.. Dec .... Mr: "Convenience foodl" IreaUy add to '0'" Mechh,. D.r.... Shaw ••port Conrulting atld Analyllcal Chemlsu, specializing in Kroler ...... •. . •.•. . •...... 3,708 your food cost, too. You don't want to An ltaUan nl!Wlplper-seller 11)" h, Food Fair . .•• . . •. . , . . . . ,...... 1,9'8 Mec:.rOftI Decaratla.1 all matters InyoMlig Ihe uamlnatlon , produclion • pend II much time 10 the kUchen..o hat produced the world'. Int full ~ and labeling 01 Mac-aront, Noodle Qnd Egg rrodllrts . Acme ..•... . ••.• . . , •. . .• .•.. .. . 1,862 you buy pre-cooked fooda. freeze-dried automated 'Pa.hetU.maklnl machine. Jewel ...... • .• . . •...... 1,810 producta, packaled dinner.. ready-made It converu ftour and water Into fcrt)' Lucky •...... • . . . , . . , .• ...... 1,794 deuetlJ, canned barnt and potatoet and plate. of .palhdU in twenty minute ..... l-Vltamlnl and Mlnlroh Enrichment Alia,• • National Tea ...... , . . , ...... 1,614 at leut fifty prepared venlOhl. and .erveslt up with a Iqulrt of tomat o Wlnn-Dlxle •. . •••. ,...... 1,609 2-f.. Solid. e.d C./or Sc.re 10 f ••• end And today can buy .trawberriel sauce and a tprinkUnl of Parmtl8n COM'..... conral' Orand Union •. .. .• . •. ••••...... 1,304 you Hood'H. around the calendar. bave ear com for cheeae. ,. 3-Stmallna and Flour Anol,.II, Tbanklllvlnl, and enjoy what UJl!d to Inventor Gravino AlOIUnonl, from THE MACAR

L-______~ ______KNP thl Competition Hlalthy The concern about nutriUon reprr INDIXTO sent. one potent meanl for the sma! ADVERTISERS Editorial by M. C. Goldmun, .hop to compete eft'ectlvely. So do.· Roelule I'ren the public" Increaalnl concern abo\1 ,.,. additives, reslduel, hormones, environ ADM MIUI ... Co, ...• _. __ .... _ .... _... __ 11 How doel a .mall Ihop compele In mental abuse. And certainly the bl...... , MIIII.. 01 •• """ ... ___ ..... _ .... JJ today'l $las·bUlion-a-year food trade! turn to foodJ that tasle better, 10 oM A ...,e eo".,.,_ ... __ ..... __ .. _... _. _ 15 Rilht now lupennarkel. and big lashloned cooklnl, and to wholesom • ,.I~ .. tJ.W.,.1r Leh,,. .... __ . ____ . ... 16·" chain Itore' are .napplng at each other'1 do-lt·younelf preparation Ideal In sh~ il\ . throats In attempt. to let the biliest 01 hlghly·proceued ultra-convenlcnr, III"'" C.. ,oN'loft ._ ..... _._...... •. .. 2'·21 bite. They're runnlnl harder, living producta-the.e all add up 10 a . trong"t De',... chcl Meehl". Corpor •• Ie", ". __ . .., more stamp' or prlzel, advertl.lnl pOlltlon lor the little IUY than e\'I! t' louder. Each one print. up a lonler list existed belore. DM",,,,. '.c .... 11 ,,.IIC'. 01" .... Jt of .uddenly cut pricel than Its com­ Xeep In'anoN 1".,,..otl,,,,1 Mllltlfoo4. c..p...... 0 petiton had the week before. Many are How does the amal1 . hopkeeper moke JeeoMoWI" ..o" UMNt,rI,• ... __.. __ ... JS Itaylnl open around the clock, week­ the best use of these plu. faclort? Fin l ends, Sunday., lar Into the nllhl. M.... ,I & So." D., h'!C. __ __ ._ .. __ __. ___ .• 7 of al1, he Ilays informed. He keep. him· What'l more, the food indUitry seems self and those who acrve the custome r Mou,Ott' Jau,1MI1 ..••••__ •.•.... ••.•• _. " ,_ IS to be revenlnl it. fteld on nutrition. up to date on nutritional research, de· M.nlloll .t04uco Co • ... _ ...•••. _._ .•. _ 2. For yean, proceuor. and retallen In­ velopments and the .ort of every.doy .Istet thal people wouldn't buy any­ Mkr.4ry COf,.,et'...... • _, __ ",____ 11 Information people want to know about. thlnl ,lust because It'. lood for them. He make•• ure hi. ahop doe. n't lose thot H,rtlll o.k.•• Mill ..... _... _. __ _._ ..•_ , Nutrition dotln't sell, Ihey araued. penonal touch Invariably lacklnaln lhe "Can you Im'llne Crunchy Granola 'H ... O., Co. "'11' MHh .•..•• _ ._ .•.•• 20-21 yawnlnl aillel of the hUle markets. ever outselllni Kelloll'. Com Fl.kel1" Second, he leads the way in better 1 ••111_ eo" . ... __ .. _...... _ .._.. 2 wrltel bUllheu columnltt ~dllton Mo.· labeUnl, fremer produce, baked loodl, Tr5Mt1e ,.c.... Me, ...." Co • ••_ .... 2J kowltz. ''Or orl.nlcall)'-.... roduced apple elc. Third. he re.pecl. that 8.% of the juice be.tinl Coca Col .. ," Perhapi not, buyln, public who don't want .tuff hut the lood Indullry, he cOJI ~lude .. "I. acId where they Ihop Ihat wUl meu up CLASSIFIED re.pondlnl to the rlalna tide of t~e back­ the environment even more than ii's ADYIITISING lATO to-nature movement." already fouled. He slmpl), keeps .u(h Wut Aft ... _._.__ .. _ .... _.,.00 per 1bI. For these reason., "YI this column­ productJ out of hll .tore. Finally, he MI •••.- $1.00 Ist, you have only to check the rI.lnl play•• qual'l! with both the con.umer sale. of health lood. or vl.1l your local and DI.,.. , A... "lIl .. . _ .4"acotJo.. who wanta orlanlcallY'lrown lood a.: ..... booitJtore. Amonl today" mOlt po.;'1Jlar the former who Is maklnl the effort to .ellen: "The Chemical FeAll" by Jame. '01 SALI-Il ,... M.k ... Meco,..l. supply It. He .tockl lrelh velelablcs Turner, a Ralph Nader lIeutenant, fol­ and lruits, lralns, bread., datry prod­ HM4 ...... ',".chI ~ Jo .... J. WI •• tt.... ".00 ...... w If c-..ek .....t with lowed by Beatrice Trum Hunter'. "Con­ ucla, meab, lroten and packaled lood ~ ...,. ' .0 •••• IU. ,.leth... III. 60067. sumer Bew.rel-Your Food and What's from certlfted oraanlc lrowen. And hit Been Done to It," and now Gene Murine lela hi. cu.tomen know he'. doing WAM'ID-hMctINrt te tH "-co,..1 and Judith van Allen'. co-Buthored exactly that. J"fMl. T...... , ...... SlI .... S2 "Food Pollution-The Violation of Our By Ihowln. he care., by keeplnl PI·Oj· for ...... ~. Meco,..1 J.... I ... . IU. , ...... III. '0067. Inner EcololY." pIe and famille. Involved In real lorII" CoMu.mor Awanllftl Inl, by maldnl lure he live. his cust ,­ Tom Purelll men the fre.helt, talliest, mOlt who' . More consumen are wakln. up-.nd .ome natural food. available-II w 'I Tom Purcell, plant e,"llneer for that'. the key to compeUnllUcce,,'ully. a. by comblnlnl the advantale. of 1 Golden Grain Macaronl Company In SupennarkeUnl Malulne recently en­ penonal touch ••ound nutritional Inf San Leandro. Calilornla, WaJ killed In a laled a research tlrm to ''Jrve), 30 ma­ malion and lively merchandlslnl-1 plane accident AUlu. 1 I:!. He was an Jor U.S. markeb. Some 250,000 abop­ oraanlc food .hopkeeper can Ind' aviation enthullalt and wal in a home­ pen were quelUoned abo'Jt tood·seUlnl compete. Let'. keep the compeUI . made plane. He leavel his widow Eva practice •. Cumnt concern about nutri­ healthy I and Ihree children. tion I. renecled In their atUtudeJ toward nutrition Information. Sixty-three per­ EcWR'. nolol Taklnl care of cullom· D•• John.ton leth.. cent of the Ihoppen Interviewed be­ belnl aware 01 their concern •• being lieved that food .torel should be re­ formed In lenerD.I, all addl up at I. Dr. William R. Johnslon, vice-presi­ i dent lor relearch, International Multi­ lponllble for provldln, .hoppen with level 01 food production and dlatrl loodl lor eleven yearl hal retired. nutritional Inlormatlon and keeplnl tlon. That'. why there are aucclatht After lorty·one yean In the lood In­ them Infonned. Thi. atUtude wal duslry, mOlt of It in the baklnl and Itronlelt amonl people whose Income Food Tracie mUlin. Induslrlel, hll last official act wal bel ween $',000 and $15,000 a year. was 10 edit the two-and·one-haU year Other polnb hit In the lurve)': Open Con.lntlon Callnda. findlngl of the Ad Hoc Committee on code datlnl to allure lre.hnelS (favored Oct. 1-11 Food & Dairy Expo '72, AU OIlI' Iron Enrichment. by aG%)i unit prlclnl (ne.rly aU say tic City Convenu..0n Hall. Dr. Johnl ton haa credit for a dozen they want It, few actually use It)i meat Oct. 11-151 Nat'l. ~Ill. of Food Ch al n ~ , patentl and learel 01 articles and trea­ lradlnl (65% IBid they rely on lh~lr Miami, Florida. . Cun tllel for profeulonal technical Journal •. own experience In cbOOllnl meab Oct. 30-"". II PMMI Packaalna/ ' He and hll wife Fellcle plan to live In rather than on the lovernment lradinl vertln' Machlnery ShoW', McCorm ic k the BII Sur area, near Mount Carmel I)'.tem)i and pollution (8.(" re.ponded PI.ce, Chlcqo. .outh of San FrancllCo. that m.rkell .hould DOt .ell producb "". 11.111 Nat'l. I'ioun FoodJ Con­ that are hannful to our environment). venUon. San Frand.lCo, Cal.

38 'nIB MAc.uoNI Iou ....• I .

._...... ,.... /. Okay. Who put egg in the noodles?

Sal Maritato did. less chance of contamination, and lesa lime So now when you bU'IMuIUtooda' and mess. new noodle mix called "Duregg" • Ouregg eliminates the need to ,a·freeze -all you add is water. unused egg. We've gone ahead and added the • Duregg aSlures a consistent blend. egg lollds to MuUlfoods' IOp­ • Duregg eliminates the nacesslty to Inventory quality durum flour. two Ingredients. Storage and record keeping A number of our customer. have already ordered Is rethJced. "Ouregg" In tlefly lois. • Ouregg slmpllflos delivery. Now IfR one Here are a few reasons why you should: source - Muillfoods . • Ouragg eliminates tlma.consumlng, In-plant • Ouregg lowers your manpower requirements. blending 01 lIour and egg IOlids with ex­ pansive machinery . Enoughllid. OrderyourOuregg with a phone call. • Ouregg Is ready when you need It. No thawing, The number 18 612/339-6444. ~MIJL.TIFOODS DURUII PRODUCTS DIVISION GENERAL OFFICES, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55402