: The Office of Never Was: No. 17 // PDF GBFQNWW2EL

Torch wood: Th e Office of Never W as: No. 17

By -

Big Finish Productions Ltd, United Kingdom, 2017. CD-Audio. Condition: New. Language: English . Brand New. There s an empty office block in Cardiff. That s nothing special - plenty of businesses go under, clear out, cease to exist. All that s left behind is an empty building. But there s one office block that refuses to be forgotten about. There have been stories about that building - strange lights, funny goings on, faces pressed up against the glass. Enough to get the locals worried. Enough to ask Torchwood to get involved.It s Friday night. Ianto Jones has better things to do with his time than look round a haunted building. But he goes anyway, and it turns out that The Office has been waiting for him. Across the range, John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Kai Owen and Gareth David-Lloyd have reprised the characters who starred in four years of hit spin-off Torchwood, screened around the world - Gareth David-Lloyd played Ianto Jones in the BBC series, a character so popular with fans that when he was killed off, a shrine was created in Cardiff that is still there to this day! Director Scott Handcock was the showrunner on Big...



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