Products of Interest Gibber JavaScript Live-Coding background, auditioning it through Overtone is available as a free Environment headphones and pushing it to the download. Contact: Sam Aaron, master computer when they wish to. University of Cambridge Computer Gibber is a live-coding environment A number of video demonstrations Laboratory, William Gates Build- for Google Chrome. It is written of Gibber being used in performance ing, 15 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cam- completely in JavaScript and can be is available on the developer’s Web bridge CB3 0FD, UK; electronic mail used within any Web page. It uses the site.
[email protected]; Web overtone audioLib.js library, which was created Gibber is available as a free down- by Finish musician and programmer load. Contact: Charlie Roberts, elec- Jussi Kalliokoski. Gibber extends tronic mail charlie@charlie-roberts this library to add extra effects, .com; Web TIAALS Analysis Tools sequencing, and automated audio gibber/ and for Electroacoustic Music graph management. The environment Gibber/. provides the user with a simple Tools for the Interactive Aural Analy- syntax, sample accurate timings sis (TIAALS) of Electroacoustic music for synthesis and sequencing, and a Overtone Live-Coding Audio is the result of a research project be- simple model for networked use, and Environment tween the University of Huddersfield it supports music notes and chords and Durham University in the UK. It through the teoria.js library. Overtone is an open source audio is a set of tools for analysis and in- Six types of oscillators are avail- environment designed for live coding.