September 2017 | Elul 5777 – Tishrei 5778, Vol. LXXII, No. 7 Seasoned Team to Lead Campaign A highly experienced group has Paul Kulbersh is a past President last year, served many years on the SJF been announced to lead the next Sa- of the Federation and a Board and in other campaign vannah Jewish Federation Annual former chair of the annual leadership roles. Community Campaign. Paul and Har- campaign; Harriet previ- “The needs, here at home riet Kulbersh will serve as chairs and ously chaired the Women’s and of our people in and Candle Lighting Times oversee the general direction of the Division and also served around the world, are substan- Friday, September 1 7:30pm campaign, numerous years on the tial, but we Friday, September 8 7:21pm said Jamie Federation are confi - Friday, September 15 7:12pm Richman, Board of Havey Lebos dent that Wednesday, September 20 7:05pm Campaign Governors. with the ursday, September 21 7:59pm Director. Working with them talents of this ex- Friday, September 22 7:03pm Return- will be the success- perienced team Friday, September 29 6:54pm ing this ful division chairs and the generosity year to the from the most recent of our community, Men’s Di- campaign. Lebos is we will once again vision is Linda Sacks the current SJF Vice provide for all,” Matthew Allan the team President and Allan said Paul and Harriet Kulbersh. “We In this Issue Paul and Harriet Kulbersh of Co-Chairs is Secretary/Treasurer; they worked look forward to working with the Exploring My Jewish Roots, p4 Harvey Leb- together last year at the helm of the staff, volunteers and community for a New Year, New Experience, p6 os and Matthew Allan. Linda Sacks Men’s Division and both are veterans successful campaign.” I on Israel, p10 also will take the lead again as Chair of previous campaigns. Sacks, in addi- JEA Centerpiece of the Women’s Division. tion to leading the Women’s Division Becoming A Leader, p14 Four Questions, p17 PJ Library Positive Impact Demonstrated Also Featured PJ Library has been part of Savan- the program. The most recent survey ports their family in having conversa- Holiday Greetings from nah’s Jewish community for almost was conducted in the fall of 2016 with tions about Jewish traditions, values, JEA President, p4 nine years. Thanks to the generosity more than 25,000 families completing and/or customs. Federation President, p5 of Jane Slotin, Nancy and Leon Slotin, the online questionnaire. For the fi rst • 96% feel that PJ Library supports Rabbinical Leaders, pp6 & 7 the Cecile Rich- time, their family in building upon or add- man JEA Fund PJ Li- ing a Jewish tradition to their home Community friends, pp8 & 9 and the Savannah brary life. Jewish Federa- was • 92% say that PJ Library helps their tion, each month able family think about what kind of Jew- age-appropriate t o ish practice they want to have in their Jewish-themed share home. books or music re-

PAID are delivered free sults PJ Library inspires families to en-

PRSRT STD to children ages 6 with gage with and participate more in U.S. POSTAGE PERMIT NO. 2840 JACKSONVILLE, FL months to 8 years its lo- their Jewish communities. old in Savannah cal • 30% say PJ Library infl uenced and its fi ve metropolitan county areas. partners about families in their areas, their family’s decision to enroll chil- And this past year saw the addition of giving a unique view into the impact dren in Jewish nursery/pre-school. PJ Our Way, a new program for 9-11 PJ Library is having on participating • 33% say PJ Library infl uenced year olds where they can choose their families in the Savannah area. Here are their family’s decision to enroll chil- own, free reading materials. some of the fi ndings: dren in Jewish day/overnight camp. PJ Library in Savannah also in- Families embrace the experience • 43% of PJ Library families report- cludes more than 40 programs and that PJ Library books and resources ed attending events for families raising events throughout the year for fami- spark in their home. young Jewish children within the past lies to participate in, including holi- • 91% are very likely to recommend year. day observances, Shabbat dinners, fun PJ Library to family and friends. social gatherings and more. Currently, • 97% of families are satisfi ed with For the parents who have attended

A Publication of Savannah Jewish Federation Federation Jewish Savannah of A Publication Street 5111 Abercorn Georgia 31405 Savannah, ServiceAddress Requested 102 children in the Savannah area sub- their PJ Library books and resources. events: scribe to PJ Library. • 78% connected socially with other Every three years, PJ Library hires PJ Library is a supportive parenting adults, further extending their social a team of evaluators to learn about PJ tool that helps families create Jew- networks. Library families throughout North ish moments and memories. • 91% are very likely to recommend America and their experiences with • 80% reported that PJ Library sup- them to a friend. Savannah Page 2 | September 2017 jewish news

Have a sweet year. And share what Rosh Hashanah means to you. #RoshHashanahPublix Savannah jewish news September 2017 | Page 3

What does PJ stand for? Who is eligible to register? What’s the cost? Pajamas! We know those special Families with children 6 months to Thanks to our generous local donors, times of reading, dancing and 8 years old and at least one Jewish PJ Library® is free when your child singing together happen when your parent in the household, currently is enrolled in the program. children are wearing their pajamas. residing in the Savannah area. One subscription per child.

Sign up TODAY at

Sunday, October 8 PJ Library Children enjoying popsicles at Celebrates Sukkot! Popsicles at the Park

Check out PJ Our Way™ the Newest Chapter of PJ Library® PJ Our Way offers the gift of exceptional books with Jewish themes to kids ages 9-11 – Books that they choose themselves!

Sign up TODAY at

the Ceceile Richman JEA Fund.

The Savannah PJ Library is made possible through generous support from For more information about PJ Library, please contact Devra Silverman, the Savannah Jewish Federation, Jane Slotin, Nancy & Leon Slotin, and

MISSION: To create a pluralistic community of Jewish high school teens. More Jewish Teens, More Meaningful Jewish Experiences.

Beneficiary Agency Your Campaign Dollars at Work

L’Shanah Tovah!

Happy, Healthy, and Sweet New Year!

From Savannah BBYO and BBYO Connect

MISSION: To create a community of Jewish 5, 6, 7 and 8 graders through social and meaningful experiences that will serve as a gateway to continued involvement in Jewish life.

For more information about BBYO or BBYO Connect, please contact Devra Silverman, Community Engagement Coordinator at [email protected] or Savannah Page 4 | September 2017 jewish news Exploring My Jewish Roots JEA New Year Greetings by Charlotte Ada Jung As we look to come in under budget once My trip to Israel was absolutely enter the again this year; a major accomplish- amazing! New Year ment for any nonprofit agency, but I spent ten days across the coun- it’s a good especially for us, considering where try with Birthright and it was liter- time to we were not long ago. We are lucky ally the trip of a lifetime. I had the stop and to have a great staff, led by Adam, opportunity to meet other Jewish look back who all work hard to provide fabu- people from around the world and at what lous and meaningful programming, we connected automatically because has hap- while always being aware of the fi- we are “mischpacha” (family). pened in nancial impact it will have not only We traveled to many places and the last on the JEA, but the community as a did many things in Israel like hiking year, but whole. down Mount Arbel, visiting the holy Scott Samuels JEA President more im- We have a great group of new city in Tzfat, riding a camel, floating portantly, members that want to have a posi- in the Dead Sea, going to the beach, it is a time to look to the future and to tive impact on the JEA just like those going to see the Western Wall, and consider what can be accomplished. that came before them. I am continu- more. Charlotte Ada Jung at the Western Wall At the JEA we have had many ally amazed at the number of young My favorite thing we did would changes. A much-improved fitness families we have in this community. have to be visiting the Western Charlotte Ada Jung, 22, recently completed center has created a buzz as more and This has really helped to strengthen (Wailing) Wall. After all, it is the her studies to become a dental assistant and more members are using the facility. our programming as we continue to most holy place on earth and you get also works as a lifeguard at the JEA. She is Our ECE program continues to grow, try and meet the needs of that grow- to connect with Hashem on another the daughter of Stephanie Halperin Nash. educating children about our Jewish ing population. level. So many happy Jewish and even Charlotte went on a Birthright Israel trip culture and customs, and we have The JEA is a happening place, non-Jewish people were there, danc- during the summer session. Taglit-Birth- just wrapped up another great camp where the young and young at heart ing and singing and praying next to right Israel, a beneficiary of the Savannah season that educated and entertained come to enjoy life and create memo- the Wall. It just felt really amazing to Jewish Federation Annual Campaign, pro- literally hundreds of children. Seeing ries that will last a life time. As we be able to have felt that connection in vides free, educational peer group trips to how fun they had makes me want to move into this New Year with our ex- an amazing place. Israel for Jewish young adults ages 18 to 26 go back to camp. We have increased panded programming, I only see this I’m so thankful to have had the with the belief that a trip to Israel strength- our security presence by installing becoming more prevalent. There is experience of a lifetime and to be able ens Jewish identity and is the best way to more cameras and new security doors truly something for everyone. to explore my Jewish roots. If I could build a lasting bond between young Jewish that will “go live” very soon. This is the perfect time to reflect go back, I definitely would! I loved people around the world and their peers in In May, we installed a new Board and ask ourselves: Have we really every minute of it. Israel. For more information, contact Ja- of Directors that has some famil- done all we can do to support Jew- Thank you to everyone who mie Richman at (912) 355-8111 or see www. iar faces, but equally important, has ish causes, not only locally but na- helped me be able to go on the trip I many new faces. This Board is ex- tionally and internationally? I’m not will never, ever forget. cited to roll up their sleeves and help just talking about monetary support the JEA move forward by adding new but volunteer support as well. I call programs and improving the ones we on all of us to do more for the Jew- already have. We are working to get ish community in the coming year. the committee process up and run- If it’s giving to the JEA’s Donor Dues ning with new chairpersons on exist- Campaign, increasing your pledge to ing committees, as well as bringing the Federation, buying two tickets to back some committees that have been Rambam’s car raffle or giving more to dormant for several years. We are al- your synagogue’s Yom Kippur appeal, ways looking for people to help the stretch yourselves. If you can’t give JEA by serving on committees. Please more money this year, then call your let me know if you would like to serve organization of choice and volunteer on one by sending an email to jeapre- your time to help plan an event or [email protected]. help raise the money. We must all do I’m really happy to say that we more if we are going to continue to now have a President-elect! We are have a vibrant Jewish community in looking forward to Robyn Carroll Savannah. learning the ins and outs of the job Honor those that have made the this year and then taking the helm in ultimate sacrifice and be an example May of 2018. (I’m really excited!!) We to your children that being Jewish is look to create some “bench strength” more than just a religion; it is an hon- for leadership of this institution. or that comes with the responsibility I am extremely encouraged about of leaving this world a greater place the future of the JEA, which is the to- than the one we live in now. Wish- tal opposite of how I felt during my ing you all a happy, healthy and sweet first go-round as president. Our fi- New Year. nances continue to be strong, as we We couldn’t do it without them! Help us thank our advertisers Please support their businesses Savannah jewish news September 2017 | Page 5 Hard Work and Refound Empathy Perseverance in the New Year Last month, lish when you arrive on these shores. It started ten? When did lose our ability “to President Trump Motivation and determination; desire with the receipt walk in each other’s shoes?” Where is backed proposed for opportunities that don’t exist in of an email from the empathy and sympathy for what legislation to the lands being left behind – these are the Louisville, others are experiencing? Allan Ratner change the immi- the qualities that drove my father and Adam Solender Kentucky, JCC: It seems obvious that our chal- Executive Director of President gration policy of so many like him. “We put together lenge moving forward is to create Savannah Jewish JEA/SJF the United States. The Italians, Cubans, Mexicans, this graphic in space to have respectful discourse. Federation The gist, as I un- French, and many others that have a hurry to respond to the events of It shouldn’t be diffi cult, but increas- derstand it, would give extra prefer- helped build this country; they did Charlottesville. If any other JCCs ingly, the interaction between poli- ence to people with skills that the U.S. not speak English or have marketable want to use it, feel free.” I saw the ticians, between different countries, fi nds in short supply, as well as pref- skills when they arrived. attached graphic and immediately and even the conduct of “ordinary” erence to immigrants who can speak But just like my father, through thought to myself, “It’s perfect.” The citizens increasingly refl ects a lack of English. hard work, education, and opportu- layout was from a community like empathy. At fi rst it seemed insensi- At fi rst I didn’t have too much nity they all became good citizens. ours (Federation and JCC under joint tive, now it feels downright contemp- problem with this idea, until I realized Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur leadership), the message was apoliti- tuous. that if this policy were in effect around are a time to refl ect on the past year, cal, the graphic was patriotic, and the In just a few generations we 1910, I might not be here. give thanks for what we have, and concept was expressed in Hebrew as have gone from concern for everyone My father was about nine years think about how to do better in the well as in English. in public polity (for example, public old when he came here from Russia coming year. We posted the graphic three works projects of the New Deal that with his mother. Neither he nor his I have much to be thankful for, and times over four days and it reached benefi ted everyone) to a time when mother spoke any English, nor had any if you think about it, I’m sure you do, over 9,000 people, was shared dozens almost all public discourse is uncivil marketable skills. too. Arlene and I wish you all l’shana of times. and lacks empathy. No one seems to But through education, hard work tovah – a happy, healthy and peaceful Clearly, the simple message reso- consider the other. Apparently, out- and perseverance, he became a suc- New Year. nated with others as it did us, as doz- rage, emotion and ad hominem at- cessful business owner. ens of JCCs around the country “per- tacks are what work in the public I believe there are other attributes sonalized” it and sent it out on their sphere; distain and indifference have that are required to become a good Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter ac- become the cornerstone of American American, other than speaking Eng- counts. Even the Jewish Community politics. Center Association (the overarching We can do better. We can be professional organization of all JCCs) better. “adopted” the graphic and sent it out. The New Year gives us the oppor- In the aftermath of Charlottes- tunity to assess where we have been The Officers and Board of Governors of the ville, we thought it and to re- Savannah Jewish Federation cordially invite you to the was important to fl ect on who provide a universal we want to message from the be. When Savannah Jewish the Torah Federation and Jew- describes ish Educational Al- the creation liance to our mem- of man/ bers and to the com- woman- munity at large. We kind, it tells give great thought us they/we and time to what we were creat- post, balancing en- ed “b’tzelem tertainment and in- Elokim” (in formation to “keep God’s im- eyes on our sites.” age), and Were there only an easy defi nition on one of the most core meanings of this what is appropriate, what is mean- concept is that as human beings we Wednesday, September 13, 2017 ingful, and what engages everyone. have free will in relation to making We knew this graphic would of- moral decisions. We can change how 7:00 p.m. fend no one and would be received in we talk to each other, we can “walk the spirit it was offered. But, alas, we in each other’s path,” we can show Jewish Educational Alliance were wrong. There were those who empathy… and Rosh Hashanah is perceived it as a political statement, the best time to reassess and refocus Remarks from Federation President, Allan Ratner as a graphic questioning our national what we are and what we do. Election of Board of Governors leadership. A member of the commu- May the New Year bring you nity questioned our patriotism while health and happiness, Director’s Report to the Community another asked, “Why would we ever May the New Year bring you new President’s Awards wade into this morass of politics?” meaning and refl ection, Recognition of 2017 Campaign Leadership Never did we perceive this to be a May the New Year bring you love question of political advocacy or par- and affection, and Dessert Reception ty loyalty but a statement of human- May the New Year be one of re- All food served at the JEA are Kosher, not under supervision. ity. found empathy. Certified sealed Kosher food available upon request. When did we lose our patience? When did we lose our ability to lis- Savannah Page 6 | September 2017 jewish news New Year, Rosh Hashanah Greetings from Our Rabbinical Leaders New Experience Reflecting on the Past to The Jewish New ceived from our teachers: Year of 5778 is a • I’m really glad we did this Build the Future time to reflect on • I got a lot of important informa- As the new It is easy when we realize we the old and look tion about the child person in town, are not proud of our actions to put Jodi Sadler, forward to the • I learned about the dynamics of I want to take the blame on anything else: it is JEA Director of drop-off for the family Early Childhood new. this opportunity someone else’s fault, something else On August • I learned about the child’s emo- to introduce got in the way, “I would have done Education Rabbi Steven Henkin tional, social, and academic develop- 7th, JEA Preschool Congregation myself. Yes, I that but…” It is much more difficult Savannah began its fifth year as a pre- ment Agudath Achim am the new rabbi to take responsibility for ourselves. miere preschool program. We opened • I learned about how the child at Congregation The true soul searching the heshbon our seventh classroom and began our transitions between activities Agudath Achim, but for those who hanefesh requires forces us to come journey this year using a new concept • I was able to ease the first day haven’t heard all of my stories—or to terms with our own roles, our own with our families. drop-off anxiety for the family any of them, for that matter—please decisions, our own actions. It is only This new concept was one that • I learned about the goals that par- allow me a short introduction. by admitting to ourselves the places I learned about from a respected col- ents had for their child While I am now a rabbi, I have we have come up short that we can league while at the JCCA Professional found my path here is different than learn from those mistakes and thereby Conference I attended earlier this year. How wonderful for the children many of my colleagues. While a lot open the possibility of teshuvah, She has offered this activity in her who then entered their classrooms on of my classmates in rabbinical school often translated as “repentance,” school and she encouraged other JCC day one with teachers who had true had Jewish day school educations, but meaning more something like, Early Childhood Education programs insight about them as individuals; Jewish summer camp experience, and “returning”—returning to the path, to try it. It sounded like a worthwhile their likes and dislikes, and their lives close relationships with their rabbis the way of life, which we want to live. idea so I began and synagogues growing up, I largely This teshuvah, this returning, is the learning with my did not. I attended a secular private goal of this process. We recognize teachers about the elementary and middle school, a that we as humans are not perfect, we importance of this public high school, a large state make mistakes, but we can learn from experience. We university without a large Jewish these mistakes to help us lead better read an article en- population, was a terrible religious lives. titled “Building school student, and generally was, at That’s not to say there haven’t Informed Rela- best, indifferent towards my religion. been good things, too. A true heshbon tionships: What That largely changed in college, as I hanefesh should also require us to Parents can Teach became active in Hillel, first socially, take pride in the areas where we’ve us about their then, feeling I should know something improved, to recognize the times we Children” and we about why I wanted nothing to do have lived up to our standards, to had meetings to with Judaism, started taking Jewish acknowledge that we’re not all bad. discuss the theory. Studies classes. It was then I began to More than a practice in self-criticism, G’daim A (2-year olds) teacher Crystal Chandler meets with the Then, our first Sto- parents of one of her new students on Story Gathering Day discover a Judaism that is beautiful, this process encourages us to do some ry Gathering Day powerful, meaningful, and relevant to true soul searching, both of where became a reality. how we live our lives. we’ve succeeded so we know where Story Gathering Day was a time at home. The children really are the I share this summary not with we’ve grown, and where we’ve failed for families to meet with teachers ones who benefit most from the Story pride or shame, but as part of who I so we know how far we still have to before the first day of school. This Gathering Day. am. Particularly at this time of year, go. was a time for each mom, dad, and/ Thank you to the teachers for I feel it is worth reflecting on where This High Holiday season— or caregiver to tell the story of their their time and commitment to the I am and how I got here. With the my first in this historic Jewish child. This was a time for teachers to families and children. Thank you to High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and community—my own heshbon be active listeners so they could learn the families who participated in this Yom Kippur approaching, we—as hanefesh begins with this story. I can about the child through the eyes of new experience. individuals, as a community, and as look back at my past and see how far the parents. This was a time for teach- As we continue to grow as a Pre- a people—are engaged in a process I’ve come in my observance, in my ers to learn about the parents’ hopes school program, we look forward called heshbon hanefesh, literally belief, in my spirituality, and in my and dreams for their child. This was to other experiences with children, meaning “a spiritual accounting,” connection to Judaism, while I also a time for teachers and caregivers to teachers, and families that will ulti- with the idea that we list our see how far I still have to go to be the begin to build a positive relationship. mately lead to the positive growth and transgressions in the debt column and kind of person, the kind of Jew, the Story Gathering Day proved to be an development of our precious gems! our good deeds in the credit column kind of husband, son, father, brother, extremely valuable time for both the Wishing everyone a happy, to see how they stack up. More than friend, and rabbi that I want to be. teachers and families. healthy, and peaceful New Year! that, though, what we are asked to As we each engage in our own Here is some of the feedback I re- do is serious self-reflection. In the self-reflection, our own heshbon process of doing heshbon hanefesh, hanefesh, I pray that we all have the we ask ourselves: What are our insight to see how far we’ve come in LOOKING FOR greatest values? What are our highest our lives, the humility to recognize priorities? How do we envision living how far we still have to go to lead the SOMETHING TO DO? our best life possible? Then, we admit lives we envision for ourselves, and to ourselves that we have not always the wisdom to know what we need to Check the Community Calendar succeeded. There have been times do to get there. Shanah Tovah, may at Exciting when we’ve betrayed our own values, we all have a year of growth that this programs are added regularly, when we’ve put lower priorities process brings to us. check for new events each week! ahead of higher ones, when we have not been our best selves. Savannah jewish news September 2017 | Page 7 Rosh Hashanah Greetings from Our Rabbinical Leaders A Precious Occasion A Little Bit Better Each Year The holidays world in which we dwell. Whose ears It’s hard to read, “Who among us righteous of Rosh Hashanah have heard the timeless Kol Nidre believe, but I have enough to say, “I have not sinned.” and Yom Kippur and not been transported to another celebrated the Which is then followed by a list sins bring their eternal domain? Whose lips have refrained High Holidays 48 that we check off as if we were filling message of hope from food and beverage intake and not times in my life. out the new patient forms at a doctor’s and love to each of sensed the transcendental flight of the I’m pretty sure I’ve office. “For passing judgement without Rabbi Robert Haas Rabbi Avigdor Slatus us. A glorious gift immortal soul! celebrated them knowledge of the facts.” Check. “For Congregation Congregation Bnai of forgiveness and A fringe benefit of the holidays every single year deceiving ourselves and others with Mickve Israel Brith Jacob atonement showers and mitzvos and customs is the of my life, although half-truths.” Check. “For using the sins us with this spiritual cleansing, as creation of memories for our children I have a dim recollection of those of others to excuse our own.” Check. we prepare for the coming year. The and grandchildren. Just as parents first few years. I do remember though In every cognizant year of my life, opportunity to appreciate life as we and grandparents envision decades attending services in McAllen, Texas I have without question been able join in unison reciting the Nesane past, so too our children are creating as a child, in Austin, Texas while in to check off every box on the chart. I Tokef. “Who shall live and who shall their own memories to be enjoyed college, and in Houston, Texas where always though hoped that one day I die” are the sobering words that with future generations. We all pray I taught fourth grade. I recall leading might just be confident enough to leave penetrate our souls and compel us for a strong Jewish identity within services in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, at least one box blank. However, I now to face the realities of our existence. our children and the daily mitzvos Glendale, California, and Seminole, realize that I’m hopelessly human and How blessed we feel when we have and Holidays enable us to forge the Oklahoma as a student rabbi and in will probably never leave a box blank. concluded the Yom Kippur service! foundation of that identity. Seizing the Savannah, Houston and Dallas as a real Instead, I know understand that as I Another year has been graciously moment, reflecting upon the meaning one. I even remember spending Rosh grow and improve, I perhaps might be bestowed upon us and we pray for this of these unique Holidays, discussing Hashana and Yom Kippur abroad in able to use a pen with lighter ink or privilege in the coming year. their message in world devoid of Arad (Israel), , New Delhi, even a pencil when checking off those Of the many blessings available spirituality, allows us to reinforce and Nairobi. If the Union for Reform boxes. to us during these “Days of Awe” are this honor of being Jewish. Sharing Judaism ever were to give prizes Each year, I just seem to add a little the opportunities to experience them with family, amongst extended for most cities in which a rabbi has more wisdom to my insight repertoire. with family. In addition to sitting and family, is such a special moment in celebrated the High Holidays, I might This upcoming year, I not only hope to davening with loved ones, we join the development and growth of young just find myself one day standing on improve myself as a human being, but together for festive meals and numerous Jewish minds. These are the seeds that a podium with a shiny bronze Star of I want to actually see the growth in mitzvos. The Shofar’s majestic call we nurture as we stand in communal David medal around my neck. I’m not some overt way. I want to consciously awakens our spirits and removes us prayer, beseeching G-d for life, health quite ready for gold. watch myself refrain from making from the realm of this limited world. and happiness. Yet despite all of these memorable that exact mistake I made the year The mystical melodies of the High May we truly sense the blessings High Holiday experiences, I don’t before or help someone in a purely Holidays stir within us memories of and gifts of our mitzvos and customs, believe I’ve ever felt the exhilaration altruistic way. I seek to give and ask the past and hope for the future. The and may we share their meaning with that I feel as we prepare for this New for forgiveness, because I understand fasting and congregational singing family and friends in good health and Year. Do I feel this way, because of that much more how these two acts elevate us beyond the physical material Shalom. my connection to our wonderful exponentially improve my life and the Savannah community? Do I feel this lives of people around me. I believe way, because I’m a happily married the High Holidays 5778 will be the man for only the second time in my most profound and meaningful High Don’t forget… High Holiday career? Is it because age Holiday season of my life, but I expect 48 is the new age 30? I believe this will High Holidays in 5779 to then take the The Savannah Jewish News is online at be the most profound and meaningful crown. Tell your out-of-town family & friends! Holiday season in my life, because I prayer for a healthy and happy right now I have more life experiences year for every one of us, and I hope this Back issues through January 2008 than I have had at any previous High is your most profound and meaningful Holiday season. Holiday season …. until next year. In the Yom Kippur liturgy, we

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May the New Year Wishing a Happy and Healthy The Paderewski Family Be Filled with Health, New Year to All Wish all our From Skippy & Sandy, Marc, Karen, Family and Friends L’shana Tovah Y’all! Happiness, Success and Peace Throughout the World Ashley & Parker Goodman; A Healthy and Happy Jill, Ken, Ben & Carly Goldstein New Year Cookie & Barry Gale L’Shana Tova

Sarah Denmark & Adam Solender We wish all our Family and Friends Wishing the Entire Community A Happy and Healthy New Year A Healthy and Happy New Year Sally & Steve, Arlene & Allan Ratner Greg, Susan, & Eleanor, Jennifer, Brett & Margot Jami, Scott, Skylar & Madelyn Melvin L. Haysman Matt, Karina & Leo Greenberg Happy and Healthy New Year! Roberta Kamine-Haysman The Adlers Michelle, Kevin, Avi & Eli Heyman John, Sue, Rachelle, Brian, Ben & Gabe Sophie & Evie Carmel Louise & Freddie Harkavy Wishing our Family, Friends Herchelle, Adam, Wish All Family and Friends And the Entire Community Elyssa & Joey Cohen A Happy and Healthy New Year A Happy and Healthy New Year Scott, Jared & Allison Samuels Wish Friends and Family Best Wishes for a A Happy New Year! Healthy and Happy New Year To All Dr. Eugene “Bucky” & Joan Bloom Our Best Wishes for a Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous Happy and Prosperous New Year New Year Victor, Elise, Heather, Wishing Friends and Family Janis & Lee Javetz and Family Jason, Kristina & Reed Shernoff A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year Ginger & Jerry Caplan Wish All of our Family and Friends Toby Hollenberg A Very Happy and Healthy New Year Jeff, Melissa, Jessa & Ellie Neil Martin Karp Lena Solomon & Her Children Wishes all my Wish Our Savannah Friends Relatives and Friends A Happy, Healthy New Year! A Happy and Prosperous Still Going Strong! New Year Wishing Friends and Family A Happy, Healthy New Year Norman & Sherry Dolgoff Happy and Healthy New Year Dayle & Aaron Levy Jean & Julian Weitz From the Kulbersh Family: Along with their Children, Wish the Community Harriett & Paul Grandchildren and Families A Happy and Healthy New Year Dana, Eric, Ross & Alyssa Wish Their Friends and Family Brian, Jennifer, Alec, Peri & Josie A New Year Filled with Happy New Year to All Good Health, Happiness and Peace From Marilyn & Jim Farley Wishing Friends and Family Wishing Friends and Family A Happy and Healthy New Year A Happy, Healthy New Year Betty Lasky Jane Winter Happy Holidays Wishing our Friends and Family AM Goldkrand A Happy and Healthy New Year Judith Goldkrand Lucy & Joy Goldkrand Cheskin Steve, Linda, Craig, Howard Goldkrand, Beth Coleman Wishing Family and Friends Wishing the Adam, Lauren, Foster, Evan, & BZW A Happy and Healthy New Year Savannah Jewish Community Lizzie & Gray Novack Stacy, Jeffrey, A Year of Health, Happiness Al & Fran Frank Darryl, Mindy & Stephen Lasky and Compassion for All Sheree & Larry Zaslavsky Wishing Our Family and Friends A Sweet New Year Filled With Health, Happiness and Peace Linda & Michael, Doris & Arnie Goldstein Kathy Levitt Stephanie, Jonathan & Lilly Zoller; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bernstein & Wishes all my Friends Becca, Eric, Adeline & Family A Happy and Prosperous Zachary Zoller Stone Wish All their Relatives and Friends New Year wish Everyone a A L’Shana Tova Happy and Healthy New Year Savannah jewish news September 2017 | Page 9 The Savannah Jewish Federation Wishing Friends and Family Patrick & Brenda Salter A Happy New Year Want to wish Friends and Family Gratefully Thanks Our Contributors Barbara & Leon Aronson A Happy New Year SJF GENERAL DONATIONS DAYLE & AARON LEVY FUND A donation was made by In honor of Dayle & Aaron Levy Ellen Busch Sylvia Yellin Wishing Family and Friends Wishing Friends and Family In honor of Louise & Freddie Harkavy Peggy & Stanley Harris, Jr. A Happy New Year A Happy and Healthy New Year Marilyn & Bob Slagel In honor of Sally & Phil Kaplan DAVID PORTMAN MEMORIAL FUND Howard & Pat Cooper Sharon & Bill Sand Sarabel Stemer In memory of Arnold Karp In memory of our parents & grandparents In memory of Herman Cranman Lee & Lawrence Hankin In memory of Harvey Goldberg Rosalind & Bernard Portman Wishing Family and Friends Sally & Herb Sanders JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES FUND a Happy and Healthy New Year Wish Our Family and Friends A donation was made by CECEILE RICHMAN JEA FUND Margie Gordon A Healthy and Happy New Year Efrayim Ben-Avraham In honor of Dayle & Aaron Levy In honor of Louise & Freddie Harkavy In memory of Keith Siskin Merry & Richard Bodziner Arlene & Allan Ratner Doris & Arnold Goldstein In memory of Lydia Katzman PHILLIPA SHERMAN COHEN MONTAG Wishing Friends and Family Our Wishes to All Sara Jospin & JAMES LEE MONTAG JEWISH A Happy New Year For a Happy New Year Doris & Arnold Goldstein EDUCATIONAL & CUTLURAL FUND In honor of Dr. & Mrs. Rodney Cohen David & Gale Hirsh The Marvin Smulevitz Family In memory of Judge Marvin Shoob Marilyn Slagel Marilyn Cranman In memory of Matiel Leffl er MADELINE H. RICHMAN FUND Sara Jospin In honor of Norma & Marvin Rappaport Suzanne & Leonard Kantziper May Everyone be Blessed with Wishing Family and Friends Sarah Denmark & Adam Solender Health and Happiness this New Year A Happy and Healthy New Year In memory of Jane Furchgott Arlene & Allan Ratner Cathy & Irvin Levine Sarabel E. Stemer MATTHEW J. CRANMAN HOLOCAUST In memory of Keith Siskin TEACHER EDUCATION FUND Sherry & Norman Dolgoff In memory of Herman Cranman Marla & Morris Geffen TIKVAH FUND In honor of Ann Cohn A donation was made by Best Wishes to All Shanah Tovah U’Metukah Sara Jospin For a Sweet and Healthy New Year The Stoltzman Family Theodore Hertzberg Lynn Levine In honor of Harriet Meyerhoff JACOB & IDA ULMAN COLLEGE In honor of Rene Lehrberger SCHOLARSHIP FUND Joyce Raffel, Sandra Wolf & In honor of Tova & Steve Tolman Karen Greider Moves with a Purpose Team In honor of April & Robert Haas Wishing Family and Friends Wishing Family and Friends Michelle & Matthew Allan CAROL & JOEL GREENBERG HEALTH A Happy and Healthy New Year A Happy and Healthy New Year In honor of Dayle & Aaron Levy RESOURCE FUND Elaine Radetsky Tami & Lenny Tishberg Toby Hollenberg & Michael Bonder In honor of Carol &Joel Greenberg Gale & David Hirsh Arlene & Allan Ratner

329 Commercial Drive, Suite 100 Savannah, GA 31406 Kenneth Sadler

Cell: 912-661-0484 Office: 912-356-5001 912-355-7444 [email protected]

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated

Savannah Page 10 | September 2017 jewish news

I on Israel

performance. Concerts take place most Hope for a Cure Zen and the Art nights of the week. There are several art Gamida Cell, a Jerusalem-based marrow transplantation for blood After ten years of work, restoration galleries, including those that exhibit cell and immune therapy technology cancer patients who cannot rapidly is complete on the Elma Arts Complex Lily Elstein’s collection and spaces for company, announced that it had find a fully matched donor.” and Luxury Hotel in Zichron Ya’Akov, artists-in-residence to work. Also on the property are two received $40 million in private Many high-risk blood cancers in the Mount Carmel region south of swimming pools – an indoor lap pool financing and require bone . Built in 1968 as the Mivtachim Sanatorium by prize-winning architect and an outdoor Olympic-sized pool a $3.5 million marrow Yaakov Rechter, the resort originally with stunning views of the surrounding grant from transplants as served as a getaway for Israeli workers. hillsides. A full-service spa with all the the Israeli a hope for a It changed typical offerings is government cure and these hands in the available to guests. which will transplants 1980s and Elma’s signature allow it to require a remained treatment complete perfect/100 open until includes “a Phase 3 percent tissue the late 1990s, delightful massage clinical trials match with when it integrating shiva of its NiCord® the donor. It Gamida Cell’s lab in Jerusalem where umbilical cord finally closed. lingam stones blood is stored (Shoshanna Solomon, Times of Israel) is estimated product. The property [and] therapeutic NiCord, that of the was acquired musical developed from umbilical cord cells, approximately 70,000 patients in 2005 by Elma Arts Complex and Luxury Hotel instruments.” has shown great promise facilitating globally who need bone marrow Food is bone marrow transplantation for transplants each year, half never philanthropist Lily Elstein, with the considered part of the artistic leukemia and other blood cancers receive them because a match isn’t intention of creating a boutique hotel experience at Elma. The hotel offers and has FDA Breakthrough Therapy found. and a world-class arts center. The gourmet dining in its Oratorio designation in the U.S. From umbilical cord blood, renovation was overseen by Rechter’s Restaurant, noted for its use of locally- “We are very pleased to have the Gamida collects stem cells which son Amnon, also an architect. sourced fresh ingredients prepared strong support from both new and are very ‘young’ and do not require The ‘brutalist’ style central with Israeli, Greek, Southern Italian, current investors as we continue to full tissue matching. Using their structure consists of clean, white lines Provencal and Spanish influences. The advance our lead product NiCord proprietary NAM Technology, of exposed concrete in an elevated, restaurant maintains a wine room with through late stage development and Gamida puts the stem cells in wave-like form, restored according more than 700 bottles of fine Israeli toward commercialization,” said a culture with a Nicotinamide to Yaakov Rechter’s original plans. and international wines. In addition to Gamida Cell President and CEO molecule (a form of Vitamin B3) and It houses 39 luxury mini-suites Oratorio, the hotel offers (in season) Yael Margolin, Ph.D. “With this adds other ingredients. The culture overlooking Zichron Ya’Akov and the a poolside restaurant and bar, an financing, we are well-positioned to increases the number of stem cells Mediterranean Sea. Additional villas espresso bar and room service. complete the Phase 3 clinical trial of and enhances their functionality. have been added on the property. While the property’s new purpose NiCord [currently underway in the The cells are then harvested, frozen The 28-acre resort boasts two as a luxury hotel is a statement about U.S., Europe and Singapore] with in a formulation suitable for infusion concert halls, including a 450- Israel’s success, Elma also now stands the goal of bringing this lead product and shipped to hospitals. They are seat space and “the cube,” a more as homage both to a great architect and candidate to market and filling continued on page 14 intimate space that seats 150 and may a different time in a country’s short an important unmet need in bone be reconfigured depending on the history.

strong fiscal performance, and Rating Outlook Upgraded emphasizes the importance of continuing a policy of encouraging Standard & Poors, the economic growth, or the balance growth and lowering the ratio of international credit rating agency, last of payments, or a substantial debt to GDP.” month upgraded its rating outlook increase in security risk, could S&P last raised Israel’s credit for Israel from stable to positive. The have negative impact on Israel’s rating from A in September 2011. change means that an upgrade in credit rating. Since then, the government has Israel’s credit rating, currently A+, is Minister of Finance Moshe lowered the ratio of public debt possible in 6-24 months. However, the Kahlon responded to the change to GDP, the main criteria for a rating could be left unchanged if there in Israel’s rating outlook: country’s credit rating, from 69% to is a downturn in one of the significant “The confidence in the Israeli The Azrieli Towers, in the heart of ’s financial district 64.6%, as of the end of 2016. S&P’s criteria on which it is based, such as economy repeatedly expressed upgrade of the rating outlook may political stability. by important economic agencies grow. We will continue leading the also affect Israel’s credit ratings S&P said further progress in in the world are proof that the policy of Israeli economy with responsibility by Moody’s and Fitch, the other major reducing public debt as a proportion investing in young couples, narrowing and determination.” international credit rating agencies. of GDP might lead to an upgrade of social gaps, compassion for the Ministry of Finance Accountant Israel’s credit rating. Alternatively, disadvantaged, and social sensitivity General Rony Hizkiyahu said, “The a worsening of budget performance, are the right way to make the economy improved rating outlook reflects The Jewish Educational Alliance presents a monthly program guide: CENTERPIECE Jewish Educational Alliance September 2017 Children’s Programming What’s Coming Up this Fall? Summer is wrapping up, which means the end of long days spent at the beach or pool are wrapping up, too. However, that doesn’t mean the fun at the JEA is ending - in fact it’s just beginning! Fall will bring the start of our year-round swim program, as well as our soccer season. Swim lessons are offered year-round. Our year-round swim program, formerly called the Junior Swim Team, will focus on building the four main competitive strokes: freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly. Swimmers will practice twice weekly to work on Kirby Southerland developing strokes, building endurance and learning the importance of working Youth Sports Director with a team. The developmental soccer program for children ages 5-8, beginning in mid- September, will focus on building the basics of dribbling, passing and scoring on the soccer field. Our young athletes will have the chance to work alongside different coaches to develop important skills and to work on building the character traits that help to create good teammates and athletes. Also beginning this fall is the Microsports Program! Offered to preschool-aged children (ages 3-5), our mini athletes will have the opportunity to learn the basics of three fun sports: baseball, soccer and basketball. This six-week session will offer children the opportunity to learn to balance developmental skills with growth of other personal traits such as leadership, teamwork and cooperation. For more information about any of these fun youth recreation activities offered at the JEA, contact Kirby Southerland at [email protected]. Visit us at 5111 Abercorn Street or online at for more details! New JEA Members Adult Programming The JEA would like to thank our members. With- out your membership and support, we would not be able to offer all the services that we do. Our members are our most important asset! Bridge Wednesdays 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm (New Members as of 6/17/17-7/28/17) Shonagh Adelman Catalina Alcaraz-Guzman Scrabble Wednesdays 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Kim Blomsness & Phyllis Komiski Melissa Burkholder Mah Jongg Mondays 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Youngrak Cho & Jinna Lee Thursdays 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Dennis & Nicole Coyle Angela Cunningham & Max Ordemann Community Garden Andrew D’Angelo Michael Dodd & Mia Rosenberg Love to garden, but don’t have the space? Be part of the JEA Garden Club and help Henry & Nanette Eisenhart work one of the 18 garden boxes at the Midtown Miracle Community Garden, Martin & Dahlia Guigui three blocks north of the JEA. Excess produce and herbs will be donated to Second Jonathan & Andrea Harper Harvest to aid them in their mission to feed up to 6000 children daily. For more Steven & Orly Henkin details, “like” Midtown Miracle Community Garden on Facebook or email Carol Wade Hunter & Amber Lopez-Hunter Gerardo Jaramillo Greenberg [email protected]. Kathy Maher David Newman & Jon Bairnsfather Nancy Poser Laura Rose Food For Thought Mason Weiss Join us each Thursday at 12:30pm JEA Donations (June 17, 2017-July 31, 2017) September 7 Chinese Acupuncture ARKIN-CLARK GARDEN FUND September 28 WWII Perspective In honor of Harriet Ullman In memory of Barbara Jane Willis September 14 Dr. Rosh Yifan Hashanah Liu Nancie & Fred Clark October 5 NO FOOD FOR THOUGHT - In honor of Marilyn Seeman Heidi & Hank Reed Sara Jospin JEA IS CLOSED FOR SUKKOT September 21 NO FOOD FOR THOUGHT- JEA GENERAL DONATIONS FUND Rabbi Steven Henkin In honor of Sharon & Murray Galin JEA IS CLOSED FOR In honor of Dayle & Aaron Levy ROSH HASHANAH Joanne & Dick Hochman In honor of Dayle & Aaron Levy Visit with old friends and meet new ones, and enjoy a delicious lunch for only $5, Biff & Jerry Montana In memory of Lydia Katzman followed by an educational speaker or performer. Gale & David Hirsh Don’t forget to make your reservation at the JEA desk or by calling 912-355-8111. In honor of Michael Dobbs Harriet & Paul Kulbersh In honor of Nancy Miller In honor of Natalie Toporek Marilyn & Jonathan Arkin Shimmy Chic Fitness ALLAN ULLMAN PLAYGROUND FUND In honor of Louise & Freddie Harkavy Arlene & Mike Steinfeldt New Class at the routines suitable for all fitness levels. Please wear In honor of Harriet Ullman comfortable workout clothes and sneakers (you do The entire Tenenbaum Family JEA not have to show your stomach). Cathy & George Shriver Pam & Alan Lipsitz Sandee & Louis Lipsitz Held on Wednesday evenings Open to all ages and fitness levels. Renie & Ramon Silverman at 6 pm and led by Kit Dobry, Susan Timna & Family Shimmy Chic Fitness is an JACK M. & MIRIAM S. LEVY CONCERT FUND energetic and fun dance In honor of Dayle & Aaron Levy Kit Dobry workout program based on the Merry & Richard Bodziner Instructor ancient art of belly dance - but Debbie & Joel Rotkow with a modern twist! JEA FITNESS FUND In memory of Joe Hoffman The class provides both calorie-burning and Vera Hoffman muscle-toning moves, along with increased HARVEY RUBIN MEMORIAL FUND flexibility, grace and sense of self. No dance In honor of David Hirsh experience necessary. Brenda & Patrick Salter In honor of Harriet Ullman Brenda & Patrick Salter Shimmy Chic provides fun and repetitive Marsha & Chuck Bernstein

September 2017 Centerpiece Visit us at 5111 Abercorn Street or online at for more details! Health & Wellness Brutal . . . but Beautiful - Part II Fitness Classes Sunday In the last CenterPiece, I listing the names of the coordinator and crew that 9:15 am - Power Pilates began the story of my hike constructed the trail. Bless these amazing people! with my husband David on There was a metal box with a log book and items 10:30 am - Total Body Blast the difficult (make that brutal) people have left (like TP, band aids). The first Monday Maah Daah Hey Trail in the entry, dated 1999, belonged to Curt Glasoe, the 8:45 am - Firm It Up North Dakota Badlands. As trail’s founder. Since its inception, only 210 groups 9:45 am - Aquasize promised, here is the conclusion have logged and finished hiking the Maah Daah 10:00 am - Vinyasa Yoga of our story: Hey. David and I were only the third group this year. More people climb Mt. Everest! 10:45 am - SilverSneakers Circuit Kathy Ackerman Day Two of My Maah Daah We sat, overwhelmed with emotion, and 5:15 pm - Fast & Fit Fitness Director Hey Trek: I froze the first night enjoyed our last breathtaking view of the river 6:00 pm - Total Body Blast on the trail and didn’t sleep much. But I started basin below. We talked about my brother, Mike; Tuesday the next day with a different outlook. We had a how close we were, how adventurous he was and 9:15 am - Power Pilates 22-mile hike ahead of us and I was determined how he would have enjoyed making this journey to conquer it! David wrote in the journal, “Kat with us (I lost him to a car accident in 1992). 10:00 am - SilverSneakers Splash started out on a mission.” We started a steep climb Leaving the mid-way point led us to the 10:30 am - SilverSneakers Circuit with amazing views. I don’t know what rose and majestic Devil’s Pass, a narrow sliver of land with 5:45 pm - Zumba Glow fell more, the terrain or our heart rates! panoramic views of steep, rugged badlands on 7:00 pm - Savannah Fencing Club Around each switchback we got a view of the either side. We were on top of the world! The 7:00 pm - Aikido Little Missouri River in the distance. Again, it highlight of the day was that my phone worked was brutally windy and cold, but now I had poles and we were able to talk to our daughter Skylar. Wednesday to keep me steady. We actually hiked 12.5 miles She was so nervous for us, but also so proud. 8:45 am - Firm It Up before lunch. There were no humans and very few After a few wrong turns during the day, we 10:00 am - Sun Flow Yoga animals, but the views were breathtaking. were ready to get to camp. This was the first day 10:30 am - Silver Step I played head games with my body on day two. the temperature began to climb, which meant we 4:30 pm - Fast & Fit Over and over I told my gluts and lats to help my needed more water and were out; hot, tired and 6:00 pm - Shimmy Chic legs, triceps and deltoids. I spoke to lost loved really beat up. We came around a corner to a view ones, asking their spirits to guide me. I used the of Magpie Camp but to our dismay all we saw was Thursday negative energy of anxiety, channeled it to my a grassy field with a post to tie horses. Uncertain 9:15 am - Barre Sculpt Express muscles to continue to endure. I used Pilates of our survival, we came in to camp and were 10:00 am - Aquasize breathing and core engagement to get me through relieved to find the well. Dave started pumping 10:30 am - SilverSneakers Circuit the day. I must say, I was a fierce female on day and nothing happened! Dave’s melt down! “We’re 5:15 pm - Fast & Fit two! We entered Elkhorn Camp just before sunset. done,” he said! I encouraged him to keep going 7:00 pm - Savannah Fencing Club Day 3: We started at Theodore Roosevelt’s and after what seemed like an eternity, brown 7:00 pm - Aikido Elkhorn Ranch, desolate but it was cool knowing water began to come out. I’d never been happier! he lived and ranched there. We needed to cover A lot of highs and lows on day three; we saw Friday 20 miles, including a river crossing and a rough, very little wildlife, no humans, my phone was left 8:45 am - Firm It Up narrow traverse of Devil’s Pass. This was the day on and down to a precious 3%. Nevertheless, 58.2 10:00 am - Aquasize we came to understand why they are called the miles were completed! 10:00 am - Yoga Stretch “Badlands.” Day 4: Heading to the last camp, Bennett, we Right away we had several brutal climbs straight really weren’t sure we could make the 24-mile trek up! The most breathtaking vistas you could ever as we were so dehydrated, wind burnt, sun burnt imagine were the saving grace. The descent also and completely depleted. David was starting to get had amazing views of the valley and riverbed. infections in both his feet. Unfortunately, this day Before reaching the river we crossed a mile-high was not filled with beautiful vistas and wildlife, as stretch of grass loaded with ticks where I came were the previous days. Day four was the day of very close to a breakdown, but the good news - I Grit and Guts. There would be no water source or flew through it and was waiting for Dave at the shelter from the 95 degree heat. We packed extra river’s edge. Before fording the river we watched water in bags leftover from our meals and duct- three Pronghorn antelopes dancing and climbing taped them shut. Yes, Dave drank hot spaghetti the river bank. The current was much stronger water. We also made our meals for the day before than we anticipated; I would have been washed leaving Magpie. We had basically gone from away if it weren’t for my poles. The cold water felt “Freeze” to “Fry” in three days. Very few people amazing on our first aid-needing feet, which by make it from Magpie to Bennett Camp in one day, now were covered in PAINFUL blisters! Beginning so we definitely had our work cut out for us. the hike again was excruciating, but as time went We hiked through a dry gulch with petrified by we went numb to the pain. wood, fossilized trees and eroded lignite. Then As we started another climb into the Badlands, Dave’s pack strap broke! Luckily, I was able to fix it we hoped for no ticks and soon came around and he said it felt the best ever. We then had another steep switchback to see the post indicating the midway point of the Maah Daah Hey Trail and Continued on page 4

Centerpiece September 2017 Visit us at 5111 Abercorn Street or online at for more details! Brutal...but Beautiful - Part II meal for this night and watched a beautiful plateau had breathtaking views of the Badlands. continued from page 2 sunset; only to crash back to reality contemplating About a mile to the finish a Jackrabbit popped out what to do about tomorrow. The coyotes howling right next to us, as though to congratulate us. a long climb to a gumbo-covered flat where we right outside our tent all night helped us decide! The sun was setting and we were wondering hiked several miles, again being attacked by ticks Day 5: Happy 20th Wedding Anniversary to us! if our ride, Airbnb Leigh, would be waiting for under the scorching sun. We had hoped to see This was the day of sheer, unrestrained emotion. us. On top of the plateau I’d left a message and much wildlife here. Unfortunately, all we saw were The fear of stopping to rest a day and being done text letting her know we were coming in late, not a mauled antelope carcass and a dead chipmunk. answered our decision to persevere and finish knowing if she received either. When we came After crossing a rim of a broad tableland at The Maah Daah Hey in five days! We started by upon the camp she was waiting. We still had to MP75, we made a decision to take Cottonwood treating our feet with the last of the First Aid climb a ridge to the final marker. Once again tears Trail, opened in 2005, which led north cutting off supplies. After leaving the trail to Bennett Camp were flowing! This is the Maah Daah Hey Holy one mile, rather than stay on the more travelled we began an imposing climb up to the China Grail. At the post my soul mate pulled out a box trail. We chose wrong! We thought we would be Wall, considered one of Maah Daah Hey’s most with a beautiful necklace he couldn’t afford 20 traveling by a creek on flat terrain. Instead, we scenic sections; but you sure have to work for it. years ago. Happy 20th Anniversary! hiked for an eternity straight up a hill covered It did not disappoint. There were all these cool Trekking 106 miles in the North Dakota in dense sagebrush. We emerged on top of a formations that looked like animals - or we may Badlands in five days! Beautiful but brutal. scorching mountain ridge. When we sat down have just been delirious by then! The descent was If you’re considering doing a long, strenuous to rest, pick ticks and clean injuries, I could not every bit as steep as the climb. hike (or some other challenging or adventurous stop my tears. I prayed, demanded my muscles Back in a valley with giant sagebrush, under activity), please see me and I’ll help you come up to move, spoke to my mom, brother, father sweltering heat, we started to get lost. We came with a routine to get prepared physically, as well as and dear friend Gregory who I lost just the day upon a very intimidating herd of Bison that mentally. Over the past 30 years I have participated before we started our trek. But we regrouped and did not want us to pass. We faced confusion in and trained people for 5K’s, Marathons, found ourselves traversing a narrow ridge with from many fake bison trails and having taken a Triathlons and Adventure Races. Contact me a breathtaking view; some of the trail was 12 to wide girth around them. I got the compass and at (912) 355-8111 or fi[email protected] for more 20 inches wide, next to a plummeting cliff. I am map out and we plotted a course on our own. information. willing to guess that few people have been on The wrong trails and excess hours with the sun Cottonwood Trail since 2005. beating down on us in “Death Valley” (my term) We came into Bennett Camp silent in our caused me to throw my pack off, sit down, cry thoughts. I was several yards behind Dave and not and declare, “I’m calling 911.” David calmly told sure if I would even make it, with tears flowing me to get up…we had no service! again. Dave threw his pack off and sat about 50 We had several miles of climbs and switchbacks feet away from me. We were both silent for the up to the dry Valley of Corral Creek in the next few minutes before heading to the well, relentless sun; often wondering if we were lost. praying for water. It was amazingly refreshing! We ended on a high plateau called Long X Divide. With a much depleted First Aid Kit, we doctored This stretch saved us with beautiful views in every our feet, bites and cuts. We had saved our best direction and very few ticks. The descent off the

dad, Duane, is a member of the motorcycle- JEA Preschool Helps riding Iron Knights. The mission of Shriners Hospitals is to Alee Shriners! “provide the highest quality care to children with neuromusculoskeletal conditions, burn On July 21st, JEA Preschoolers were injuries and other special healthcare needs happy to host the Alee Shriners Iron Knights within a compassionate, family-centered during their morning Shabbat program. and collaborative care environment… JEA Preschool A check for $367 was presented to the without regard to race, color, creed, sex or Shriners by Ms. Sarah, the lead teacher of sect, disability, national origin, or ability of a Savannah News the Doobim class. This donation came from patient or family to pay.” the classroom tzedakah (charity) boxes, with We were so glad we could play a small money the preschoolers donated during the part to help other children. Limited Openings school year. Shriners Hospital is important to JEA for 2017-18 School Year Preschool as one of our own students, • Enrollment for our 2017-2018 Pre- 4-year old Bella, is a patient there, and her school Year is open for children 12 months and walking through 4-yr olds! • 2, 3 and 5-day options for toddlers and 2-year olds • For full details, visit our website at Contact Jodi Sadler, Director, at [email protected] or 912-355-8111

JEA Preschool Savannah admits students of any race, color, national, racial or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Providing for the social, emotional and cognitive growth of young children in a Judaic setting.

September 2017 Centerpiece Savannah jewish news September 2017 | Page 11 Vital Statistics Never meant to be easy! The High Holidays and on Yom Kippur can change His Mazel tov to… Sara and Josh Bernstein are fast approaching, decision. of Marietta on the birth of their son and it is important There is a lot of focus on Charles Abram Bernstein on Thurs- for us to remember repentance during the High Holidays, day, April 27, 2017. Proud grandparents that the observance but another equally important aspect are Eunice and Stephen Bernstein of of the Holidays of the Holidays is the granting of Savannah and Susan and Jerry Keslen- Eva Locker, actually starts forgiveness. This is one of the most sky of Dunwoody. Charlie was named Principal of much before with important Jewish lessons. One that after three of his great-grandfathers. Shalom School the process of we emphasize all year long when Hyman Friedman and Abram Bern- forgiveness. we teach the stories of Abraham and stein (Josh’s grandfathers) and Abram Forgiveness is a process that Isaac or of Joseph and his brothers. Schwab (Sara’s grandfather). takes several steps and starts a month Joseph was wronged to a degree before Rosh Hashanah with Selichot, that is unimaginable, betrayed by his a series of prayers and poems own fl esh and blood, yet after time, describing the thirteen attributes of and seeing that his brothers were truly Hashem’s mercy. It is followed by sorry, he was able to forgive. When the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah Abraham was willing to sacrifi ce and Yom Kippur, days known as the his only son to prove his devotion to Ten Days of Teshuva (Repentance). Hashem, Isaac forgave him (but the During this time, we are to seek relationship was forever changed, as honest forgiveness from people this is the very last time they are ever we have wronged during the past mentioned together). Being able to year. Our repentance must follow a forgive someone for a sin or an offense series of steps: acknowledging our they have committed against you is transgressions, asking the wronged considered a mitzvah in G-d’s eyes. person for forgiveness up to three Furthermore, if a person comes to you times, and committing ourselves to and is truly seeking repentance, it is not repeat the offense. commanded of us to rise above the The Ten Days of Teshuva and human feelings of revenge and spite Yom Kippur are supposed to be the to grant forgiveness. time period where God is closest to As parents, educators, leaders, us. It is said that during this time and community members, we should God immediately hears and grants always remember the importance of our requests, but only for those forgiveness in Judaism. As long as we sins committed between a person keep learning and teaching Torah, and God. God does not forgive sins stories like the ones of Abraham or committed on another person unless Joseph will prepare our children to the wronged person has granted be the forgiving individuals there are SAVE THE DATE forgiveness fi rst. Although our fate is meant to be. primarily decided on Rosh Hashanah, L’shanah tovah tikatevu. May you be our actions and degree of repentance inscribed for a good year. during those Ten Days of Teshuva

Savannah Jewish Federation 2018 Campaign Kick-Off Dinner

Wednesday, October 25 6:30 p.m. Jewish Educational Alliance $18 per person

Featuring Keynote Speaker Ralph Nurnberger How Judaism Inspired the Creation of Superman The officers, Boards and staff of the Dr. Ralph Nurnberger is professor at Georgetown University. He is a widely acclaimed speaker who Savannah Jewish Federation and brings humor, relevant political insights and Jewish Educational Alliance historical background to his presentations. wish you a year filled with peace, prosperity and fulfillment. Savannah Page 12 | September 2017 jewish news

The Savannah Jewish Federation proudly provides space for a half-page ad to each local congregation in each issue of the Savannah Jewish News.

9 Lee Boulevard, Savannah GA 31405 912-352-4737 [email protected] /

Highlights of High Holiday Schedule Wishing you a Happy & Healthy New Wednesday, September 20th, Erev Rosh Hashanah Year!!! Join us and our new rabbi, 6:00 pm - Mincha/Maariv 7:05 pm - Candle Lighting

Rabbi Steven Henkin for the High Thursday & Friday, September 21st & 22nd, Rosh Hashanah 9:00 am - Services Holiday Services. Everyone is welcome! 10:30 am - K’Toni & Jr. Congregation 10:45 am - Shofar Blowing Be apart of Agudath Achim’s Family. 11:15 am - Sermon 5:00 pm - Tashlich and Mincha (1st day) (at the back of Heard Elementary)

Friday, September 29th Kol Nidre 6:54 pm - Candle Lighting 6:55 pm - Mincha 7:00 pm - Kol Nidre

Saturday, September 30th Yom Kippur Yizkor 9:00 am - Shacharit 10:45 am - K’Toni & Jr. Congregation 12:00 pm - Sermon/Yizkor 5:15 pm - Mincha 6:05 pm - Neilah 7:35 pm - Maariv 7:46 pm - Shofar/Havdalah and Fast ends Savannah jewish news September 2017 | Page 13


Israel programs throughout the Savannah community — all leading up to one big community celebration on Sunday, April 22, 2018.

Stay tuned for details on upcoming programs and dates.

Interested in getting involved?! Have some great program ideas? Want to be on the committee? Send an email to [email protected].

Congregation B’nai B’rith Jacob

5444 Abercorn Street, Savannah GA 31405 Visit us on the web 912-354-7721 [email protected]

Morning, Afternoon and Evening Services Daily 365 days a year for over 150 years.

We welcome everyone to join us for our Inspirational High Holiday Services:

● Rosh Hashannah: Sept. 21-22 ● Yom Kippur: Sept.30 ● Succos: Oct. 5-13

Call the Shul office for times or to be added to our popular Email newsletter

Visitors always welcome! JR NCSY Thursday Class Babysitting available with advanced reservations.

BBJ Sisterhood Judaica Shoppe! Be sure to visit for all your holiday and Judaica needs, We are minutes away… Give us a call! Learning to Read Hebrew Beth: (H) 912-344-4834 (C)301-466-0380Classes Bracha Jo: (H) 912-352-9578 (C) 912-658-5824 Savannah Page 14 | September 2017 jewish news

them laugh, brought joy to them, and ery building. Katz is an auditorium Becoming a Leader made an infl uence on them. We set where we gathered every single day: by Blake Strauss up a group chat that we could reach davening, celebrating, or learning. This summer, I had the oppor- to leave them. I got so close with all out to in case we had any troubles in All around camp are paintings and tunity to go to BBYO’s annual Inter- the boys, especially with my cabin. our BBYO communities. murals of past ILTCs or Kallahs from national Leadership Training Con- We would stay up at all night talk- Since ILTC is international, 1974, 1997, 2003, 2016, and so on. ference (ILTC). At ILTC, teens who ing, playing games, and having fun by teens from anywhere in the world The main voice for our conven- are rising juniors and seniors travel messing around with our Madrichim can join us. There were teens from tion was Emily Hyatt Cohen who to Lake Como, Pennsylvania, where (counselors/lead- Hungary, Rus- was our Rabbi. She motivated us and they learn how to become a better ers). sia, Argentina, gave others faith back into Judaism. leader in their community and how Every week- and a few oth- She is a current Savannah resident they can give the same experiences day, we had a pro- er countries. and I can’t wait to see her make a they had entering into BBYO to oth- gram called Blue- I met Ben, a great impact on the community. ers. I wanted to attend ILTC because print for more than fellow Aleph If I could have stayed for Kallah, I had an amazing experience last year an hour. Blueprint from Hungary. I would have but it confl icted with at the Chapter Leadership Training was our classroom He is one of school. I’m glad I had the opportuni- Conference (CLTC) and because I where we learned the fi rst mem- ty to attend this convention, know- wanted to bring home useful skills to skills from planning bers of the ing others could not. I truly made improve our Savannah AZA chapter. a great program to early begin- memories that will last a lifetime. Last year at CLTC, I was ner- knowing what kind nings of BBYO Blake Strauss, 16, is a junior at Sa- vous because I did not know anyone of leader we are. Be- in Hungary vannah Arts Academy. He is S’gan (vice Blake Strauss with his Blueprint group at and wanted president) of Savannah’s David Finn AZA attending, but at ILTC I reunited fore beginning, we BBYO’s ILTC with the friends I made there. It was all went around the to bring home and the son of Jill and Brad Strauss. Blake great to see my fellow Alephs and room and said our name followed by skills that could grow the movement. attended ILTC this past summer with the BBGs from across the country. Ev- “... and I’m checked in!” That meant The theme for this year’s ILTC was assistance of a Jewish Youth Summer Expe- ery year, ILTC takes place at Camp we left our confl icts outside the room “Anything is Possible.” I believe the rience grant from the Savannah Jewish Fed- Perlman, a summer camp operated and were focused on learning. In the movement of BBYO in other coun- eration made possible by your generosity by B’nai B’rith who shares half of the end, my class got to know ourselves tries could grow as large as the one during the annual Community Campaign. camp with us. On the fi rst night, my and each other better than when we in America. BBYO is a pluralistic Jewish teen move- cabin gathered into one room. I didn’t entered ILTC. One moment I will When teens say Camp Perlman ment; for more information, please contact know how I was going to survive 18 never forget is during the last Blue- has become their home, it truly has. Devra Silverman, Community Engagement nights with other crazy teens but print session where some of my fel- From places like Katz to Perform- Coordinator, at [email protected] or by the end of ILTC, I did not want low classmates said I always made ing Arts, we had programs in ev- (912) 355-8111, or visit Hillel offers Advance Sign-Up Hope for a Cure...... from pg 10 thawed at patients’ bedsides, ready compared to standard umbilical cord Hillel International has intro- ing every Jewish student to make an for use similar to a bone marrow engraftment, Margolin said. duced a new, online tool, Jewish Col- enduring commitment to Jewish life, transplant. This latest round of fi nancing lege Bound, which it says can help learning and Israel,” said Hal Oss- CEO Margolin told the Times was led by new investor Shavit ease students into the college experi- man, Hillel International’s chief cam- of Israel: “From start to fi nish, our Capital. Additional primary ence and provide ways to make new pus offi cer. “Jewish College Bound process takes three weeks. The participants included new investors friends and connections. connects students to exciting op- average search for a bone marrow VMS Investment Group and Israel Before new students step foot portunities available through Hillel match takes three to four months.” Biotech Fund, as well as existing on campus, Jew- and ensures In the pilot phase clinical major shareholder Novartis. Current ish College Bound freshmen trials of NiCord, the median time shareholders Clal Biotechnology can connect in- will fi nd a to neutrophil engraftment — the Industries and Israel HealthCare coming freshmen friendly face amount of time needed for the Ventures also participated. with their local when they development of a minimal amount Gamida Cell plans to use the Hillel. Parents, arrive on of white blood cells, or neutrophils, proceeds to complete NiCord’s Phase youth group advisors or students campus.” in the blood (and less vulnerability 3 clinical trial and prepare for product themselves can submit the new Founded in 1923, Hillel Inter- to infection and bleeding) — was commercialization by expanding its freshman’s contact information and national is a global organization on 11 days, compared to three to four in-house manufacturing capacity receive information from local Hillel more than 550 college and university weeks in patients who received and the company’s presence in the staff and student leaders about Jew- campuses that welcomes students of standard umbilical cord blood. The U.S., where their new chief medical ish life on campus, all backgrounds results in a study conducted at Duke offi cer will be based, as well as including invitations and is dedicated University also showed a lower rate continuing to develop additional to freshmen orienta- to enriching the of infection – 22% vs. 54%; and a pipeline products such as CordIn for tion events. lives of Jewish lower duration of hospitalization rare genetic Jewish College students so that Bound is part of Hil- they may en- CELEBRATING A lel’s efforts to ensure rich the Jewish We Want To Know! students fi nd a com- people and the munity on campus where they can world. Hillel challenges students to Share your good news create the connections that will en- explore, experience, and create vi- Simcha? with the sure their Jewish futures and solidify brant Jewish lives. Bar/Bat Mitzvahs their cultural and religious identity To sign up a student for Jewish Savannah Jewish News! Engagements in ways that represent their own College Bound, go to https://hillel. Send the vital statistics to unique backgrounds and life goals. Weddings “Hillel is committed to inspir- Births [email protected] Savannah jewish news September 2017 | Page 15 As Survivors Age, Needs Change A Sincere Todah Rabah Yisrael Kristal was born in Poland ence, which negotiates and adminis- To the Contributors to the 2017 on September 15, 1903, and died on ters reparations to survivors as well Jewish Family Services Friends Campaign August 11th in Haifa, Israel. He was as provides social services, says that 113 years and 330 days old and accord- number is down from about 500,000 ing to the Guinness Book of World in 2014. The youngest Holocaust sur- Friends Do Make a Difference! (as of August 10, 2017) Records, the oldest living man in the vivors would now be in their early 70s. world at the time. Yisrael Kristal was As Michael Zank, the director Allen Berger Muriel Maida a Holocaust survivor, also the oldest of the Elie Wiesel Center for Jew- Eunice & Stephen Bernstein Harriet & Eric Meyerhoff in the world. ish Studies Born Izrael at Boston Muriel Bono Linda & Steven Novack Icek Krysztal to University Nancie & Fred Clark Vivian & Elliot Palefsky a Torah scholar told Time Susan & Martin Cohen Scott Samuels and his wife, magazine Sherry & Norman Dolgoff Sharon & Bill Sand his youth ended last sum- Richard Eichholz Anita Schlossberg quickly when mer, “The Janna Martin & Sandra & Marcus Seligman his mother died number of Stanley Friedman Marilyn Slagel when he was sev- eloquent Eleanor & Melvyn Galin Annette & Tzvi Slatus en; his father was survivors is drafted into the few and far Globe Shoe Company Nancy & Leon Slotin Yisrael Kristal Imperial Rus- between. Sandra & Skippy Goodman Arlene & Michel Steinfeldt sian Army a few years later and died It puts the responsibility on us, the Carol & Joel Greenberg Arnold Tillinger in World War I. He moved in with next generation, the children of sur- Christine Ryan & Sharon & Allen Weiss uncles and at age 17, moved to Lodz, vivors, the grandchildren of survivors, Theodore Hertzberg Ed Wexler where he soon opened a candy store to become as articulate as we can be Michelle & Kevin Heyman Arlene & Phillip Wizwer with an uncle. The candy business in maintaining this memory and the Toby Hollenberg Sheree & Larry Zaslavsky would become his life-long profession. mandate that comes with it.” Arlene Jaffie Linda & Michael Zoller He married and had two children but Sadly, Holocaust survivors tend to his family soon was confi ned to the live in poverty in numbers far greater Stuart Klugler And three other donors who Lodz Ghetto, where his children died. than the general population. Here in Marcy & Jerry Konter chose to make their gifts He and his wife were then deported the U.S., estimates vary from 25% to Stacy & Jeff Lasky anonymously to Auschwitz, where she died. Kristal 33% to even 50% of survivors living at Rene Lehrberger survived, returned to Lodz and re- or below the poverty line, compared Catherine & Irvin Levine married after the war; he and his new to 10% for all Americans age 65 and Pam & Alan Lipsitz wife, also a survivor, and infant child older. In the former Soviet Union, the Eileen Lobel emigrated to Israel in 1950, where he estimate is that as many as 80% of Ho- lived the rest of his life. locaust survivors are living in poverty. Kristal was a religiously observant The reasons for the unusual poverty man who wrapped tefi llin almost ev- levels are many, including isolation, ery morning of his life (except when often small or no families to provide Condolences interrupted by war), but because of support, lack of pensions or other re- We express our sympathy to the families of: World War I at the time he turned 13, tirement plans and more. he did not celebrate his Bar Mitzvah A number of agencies have Henrietta Steinheimer Victor Remembrances: Congregation until last year, on his 113th birthday. stepped in to provide fi nancial assis- Who died August 3, 2017 Mickve Israel, P.O. Box 816, Savannah He was called to the Torah last Sep- tance and counseling, including (to 31402-0816; or a charity of the donor’s tember at the family’s synagogue in mention a few) the social services pro- She is survived by her daughter, choice. Haifa. He is survived by a son, daugh- vided by the aforementioned Claims Rhonda Victor (David Oppenheim); ter, nine grandchildren and approxi- Conference, The Blue Card, Selfhelp, her son, Herbert Lawrence (Teresa) Matiel Roos Leffl er mately 30 great-grandchildren. local Jewish Family Services (such as Victor; one granddaughter; one great- Who died July 14, 2017 Kristal’s death reminds us that Savannah Jewish Federation’s), The granddaughter; a niece, nephew, the number of survivors of the Ho- American Jewish Joint Distribution and many other family members and She is survived by her son, Martin locaust, those who bear fi rst-hand Committee/JDC (SJF’s overseas part- friends. She was preceded in death Stuart (Tammy) Leffl er, Jr. of Baltimore, witness, is dwindling. According to ner) and others. by her brother, Lawrence Mayer MD; her daughters, Ann Leffl er (Jay) the Conference on Jewish Material If you know a local Holocaust sur- Steinheimer, Jr. Davis of Atlanta and Nancy Leffl er Claims Against Germany, there were vivor in need of social services, contact Remembrances: Congregation (Gerald) Sonenshine of Columbia, about 100,000 Jews alive in 2016 who Savannah’s Jewish Family Services at Mickve Israel Museum Fund, SC; her brother, David I. Roos, Jr. of were in camps, ghettos and in hiding (912) 355-8111 to arrange a confi den- Sisterhood or Camp Fund, P.O. Box Atlanta; seven grandchildren; six great- under Nazi occupation. The Confer- tial assessment. 816, Savannah 31402-0816; or a charity grandchildren; nieces and nephews. of the donor’s choice. She was preceded in death by her husband, Martin S. Leffl er, Sr. Jane Solomons Furchgott Remembrances: The Alfred & With Thanks Who died July 23, 2017 Adele Davis Academy, 8105 Roberts Dr., Atlanta, GA 30350; or The Permanent She is survived by one daughter, Fund of Congregation Mickve Israel, Chrissie, Evan and Miles Karp would like to Connie Furchgott (William) Solmson, P.O. Box 816, Savannah 31402-0816. express our gratitude and heartfelt thanks for the of Memphis, TN; one son, Charles Max (Lynda McGee) Furchgott, Jr., overwhelming outpouring of love and support from of Savannah; one grandson; four great- the Savannah Jewish community in memory of our grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in husband and father, Arnold Harris Karp (obm). death by her husband, Charles Max Furchgott, Sr. Savannah Page 16 | September 2017 jewish news

With Kids like Me Savannah Jewish News by Sophie Guthrie Published by the This summer I spent 25 days at now also share these foods with my Savannah Jewish Federation 5111 Abercorn Street Camp Coleman surrounded by kids friends who are not Jewish and help Savannah, GA 31405 just like me. I was so happy because them to understand some of my cul- (912) 355-8111 I met a lot of new friends in my cab- ture. in and unit who understood what Another part of Camp that I SJF President: Allan Ratner being Jewish is like. At camp I got loved was Friday night services. Dur- SJF Vice President: Harvey Lebos SJF Secretary/Treasurer: Matthew Allan to do so many fun activities. I tried ing the school year we go to Shabbat SJF Executive Director: Adam Solender ropes course, Jewish cooking, dance, services sometimes, but not every swimming, arts and crafts, zip lin- week. At camp we were able to do SJN Editor: Lynn Levine ing, music, archery, drumming, and this as a whole group every week. The objectives of the Savannah Jewish campscape. I also participated in The sense of community and com- News are to foster a sense of community Shabbat service every Friday night ing together helped to wrap up the among the Jewish people of Savannah by sharing ideas, information, experiences and and every Saturday morning. There week. I really enjoyed the music and Sophie Guthrie at Camp Coleman opinions, and to promote the agencies, was a lot to do in very little time! being surrounded by my friends. projects and mission of the Savannah Jewish Federation. My favorite activity was Jew- Everyone told me there was ish Cooking. I loved that we got to nothing like going to Camp Coleman from the Savannah Jewish Federation made The Savannah Jewish News is published make something new every time. but I wasn’t sure I believed them, but possible by your generosity during the an- monthly, ten times per year, with a deadline for submissions of the 3rd of the month be- Jewish cooking helped me learn now I understand. I cannot wait to nual Community Campaign. Sophie is in fore publication. There are no February more skills in the kitchen but also go back next year and take part in sixth grade at Georgetown K-8 School and or August issues. All articles for the Winter helped me learn about foods that my more activities, see my friends and is the daughter of Leslie and Bryan Guthrie. and Summer issues should be submitted by December 8th or June 8th, respectively. ancestors cooked. It is important to make more! For more information on Jewish camping, know about these foods so that I can Sophie, 11, attended Camp Coleman see the website of the Foundation for Jewish All submissions must be in MS Word format (articles) or pdf format with fonts embedded pass these foods on to my own kids this past summer with the assistance of a Camp, (advertisements). All color must be in the when I have a family. I love that I can Jewish Youth Summer Experience grant CMYK color format; all type in true black; photos in .jpg format.

Please send all SJN materials to: [email protected]

The Savannah Jewish Federation Please send eNews submissions to: Why twice a year is not enough [email protected]

encourages you and your family Neither the publisher nor the editor can to participate in the richness Remember that feeling? assume any responsibility for the kashrut of the services or merchandise advertised in this and beauty that our synagogues Renewing your connection with the warmth of paper. If you have questions regarding kashrut, please consult your rabbi. have to offer. community, the richness of familiar tradition, All materials published in the Savannah the joy of celebration? Jewish News are Copyright © 2017 Savannah Jewish Federation, all rights It doesn’t have to be just twice a year. reserved, unless noted otherwise. CONGREGATION AGUDATH ACHIM You can share those feelings, and more, Letters to the Editor Rabbi Steven Henkin 9 Lee Boulevard all the rest of the year, too. Letters should be no more than 250 words.

Savannah, GA 31405 The Savannah Jewish News is a community Think what you’re missing: paper. We request that letters be civil and

352-4737 considerate in tone. Letters may not contain The joy of renewing your spirit and energies in a circle of warm personal attacks, random attacks on busi- nesses or defamation. All statements of facts CONGREGATION BNAI BRITH JACOB and friendly faces must be verifiable. Rabbi Avigdor Slatus The comfort of sharing your joys and sorrows in a community of The Savannah Jewish News retains full and 5444 Abercorn Street friends sole discretion as to which letters to publish. Savannah, GA 31405 All letters may be edited for length, clarity or The excitement of learning and growing with like-minded adults factual content. The opinions expressed are 354-7721 always the writer’s. The gratification of helping others in your congregation and All letters must include the author’s full CONGREGATION MICKVE ISRAEL community name, address and phone number (though Rabbi Robert Haas The satisfaction of passing on your faith and heritage to coming only the name will be published). 20 E. Gordon St. generations No more than two letters from the same Savannah, GA 31401 author will be published within twelve The fulfillment of connecting to our traditions through worship in consecutive months. 233-1547 a congregation of active members Submit letters to [email protected]. Experiencing all this with people who share your Savannah Jewish Federation feelings about life and faith. Mission Statement

There’s a congregation near you with people who share your way Charged with raising, collecting and distrib- of living in the world, who look forward to answering your ques- uting funds, the SJF seeks to "advance the welfare of the total Jewish community." The tions about membership, who’d be happy to help you discover Federation strongly supports Israel and world why twice a year is not enough! Jewry. Additionally, the organization strives to "preserve the civil, political, economic and Allan Ratner Adam M. Solender religious rights of all Jews" to develop an President Executive Director articulate, intelligent and constructive Jewish L’Shanah Tovah 5778 community and to promote mutual under- standing with the community at-large.

Savannah jewish news September 2017 | Page 17

having lunch regularly. After I moved edge somewhere; maybe I jump in and lunch no longer was possible, but speak to one or two people. We know we thought our regular coffee video there aren’t many listeners, but I think chats would be fun for others to listen it’s harder with a small group, because in on and so we’ve been doing this you can get 100% feedback sometimes. podcast just over year. I started the With a group of 25, you can reasonably solo podcast to familiarize myself with communicate with all of them. But Josh Shear moved to Savannah the North Carolina coast and when we the production process so Kelvin and I we’re hoping to grow that, have the with his wife, Jenny, a little hit Savannah I think it could have a podcast but I found that I podcasts bring in a small income and more than three years ago took all of five minutes enjoyed it, so I continued doing it, too. help to launch other things we’d like from Syracuse, New York. for us to decide. It’s [Josh recorded the 69th solo episode to be doing, especially the one I do They joined Young Jewish a beautiful city. And the day we spoke.] with Kelvin. We’d really like to propel Savannah to get to know once we decided I With JKWD the idea is ‘better that into motivational workshops and some of their peers in emailed Mickve Israel; humanhood’ — changing your mindset that kind of thing. the community and Josh, they sent us a thick to make your life better and to help 40, caught our interest packet of information make others’ lives better. We’ll talk Finally, I saw that you are a Freemason. How because he even though he with people to contact about getting past mental blocks, the did that come to be? began his career in print and suggestions for importance of doing the hard work journalism, he now is fully places to live. Now before having fun, sometimes we just Both my grandfathers were immersed in the digital my sister is moving Josh Shear talk about being nice to others; we Freemasons. I didn’t know my father’s world. He is employed full- here from Springfield, spent a couple of episodes talking father – he died when I was two and a time with Advanced Digital, where he Massachusetts, with her family, too. about how to disagree without being half. My mom’s dad was a Shriner and facilitates the distribution of online nasty. On Josh the Podcast, I mostly talk I didn’t understand what that meant news for a number of newspapers Tell us a little bit about your podcasts. Do about politics and news, the things until his funeral – he had a Masonic around the U.S. and he publishes a they have special themes? my work life is taken up with (6pm – funeral. [Shriners are Freemasons who blog and two weekly podcasts of his 3am). I’m a heavy news consumer, so affiliate in a special brotherhood with own. I have two weekly podcasts, one I I do a lot of commentary on that. I’m “a desire to have fun and do good.”] do solo, Josh the Podcast, on Thursdays, a runner. If I’m having a particularly When I was in Syracuse I was involved What attracted you and Jenny to Savannah? and one with a partner, JKWD – Josh good or bad week running, that will in a lot of non-profit work but I got Kelvin World Domination – on Mondays come up. pulled in too many different directions My parents retired to Charleston (Kelvin is in Syracuse, we have a and had shut most of it down. But here (then promptly unretired). My brother weekly conference call). Kelvin is What’s it like sharing everything you’re was this one group I had a connection lives in Orlando. We were both ready a friend I met at a barbeque 11 or 12 thinking and feeling in these podcasts? Do you to through my family and they weren’t to leave the grey and cold of Syracuse years ago; he’s a generation older than know if many people are listening? knocking on my door; you actually and knew we would like to head this me, African American, and a retired have to knock on their door. way – I could continue to work for my military veteran; we just hit it off. That’s actually hard for me and I wanted to continue my affiliation company from home, but not in South When I got the job at Advanced Digital one of the reasons why I thought when I came to Savannah and visited Carolina – it would have to be in a and started working nights, it was it was important for me to do this. seven lodges here before settling on state where they already paid taxes. hard to hang out with my peer group, I’m a private person and tend to be one, but it gave me a group to come to. Georgia and North Carolina were but retired people and entrepreneurs a listener. If you were to see me in a options. We worked our way down were good so Kelvin and I started group of people, I’m probably on the

cost includes genetic counseling via determine carrier status for diseases Genetic Testing Expanded phone or secure video-conference. common in Jewish groups and in Through genetic counseling, couples many other ethnic groups. In addition, JScreen, the leader in at-home babies and to help ensure the health of found to be at increased risk gain JScreen’s test includes genetic genetic screening for people of Jewish future generations.” an understanding of their risks and conditions common to the general descent, announced that its testing Based at Emory University School available options to help them have population, making the test applicable panel has been expanded to screen of Medicine’s Department of Human healthy children. to everyone. With the focus on pre- for more than 200 disease genes that Genetics, JScreen is a non-profit “Genetic conception testing, thousands of could affect a couple’s future children. initiative testing alone is not couples have gone on to have healthy The test previously screened for 100 established enough. Counseling babies, thanks to JScreen’s technology disease genes. to provide is a necessary part and services. One in three people of Jewish convenient, of the process. Individuals or couples may request background are unknowingly carriers affordable Labs that report a screening kit and obtain additional for at least one Jewish genetic disease. access to results directly information about the testing and The expanded panel screens across help singles to consumers put counseling process at www.jscreen. the spectrum of Jewish backgrounds, and couples people at risk for org. Financial assistance for testing including Ashkenazi, Sephardic and throughout misinterpreting may be available through Jewish Mizrahi, to identify genes for many the U.S. plan the information Family Services and/or the Carol and common genetic diseases such as Tay for healthy they need to make Joel Greenberg Health Resource Fund Sachs, Thalassemia, Spinal Muscular families. family planning at the Savannah Jewish Community Atrophy and others. “The only way to Participants decisions,” says Foundation; contact Adam Solender know you are a carrier is to either have register online Karen Arnovitz at (912) 355-8111 or [email protected] for an affected child or get screened,” says for screening kits and mail their saliva Grinzaid, Emory Genetics faculty, and more information. Hillary Kener, Assistant Director of samples to the lab for testing. JScreen JScreen’s Executive Director. National Outreach. “JScreen’s primary functions under the direction of an The JScreen test uses state-of-the- goal is to help people have healthy MD specializing in genetics, and the art genetic sequencing technology to Savannah Page 18 | September 2017 jewish news

This is my chosen fast... Share your bread with the hungry Take the homeless into your home. Clothe the naked when you see him, Do not turn away from people in need. - Isaiah 58:6-7

Isaiah was a prophet whose words are read on Yom Kippur each year. In this spirit, join your Savannah Jewish Federation and Jewish Family Services during Operation Isaiah by doing a mitzvah this High Holy Day session and donate food* to benefit the Second Harvest Food Bank.

Drop off barrels are located at: Congregation Agudath Achim Congregation B’nai Brith Jacob Congregation Mickve Israel Jewish Educational Alliance

*High protein food such as tuna fish, peanut butter, canned or dried beans are ideal items for donation to the Second Harvest Food Bank.

Savannah Jewish Archives Update Although we have by Jeremy Katz and Lindsay Resnick made great strides in the It has been more than two years since the first two years of the pro- Savannah Jewish Archives relocated to the Cuba Fam- ject, much remains to be ily Archives at the Breman Museum in Atlanta. We done. Our next priorities have made tremendous progress processing, preserv- are to continue processing ing, and integrating the the remaining 25 percent Savannah collections into of the manuscript collec- our larger collection, and tions, to upload the photograph collections to our online making them available to catalog (, and to reformat researchers. and digitize the oral history collections. All the while, we As of August 2017, will continue to grow the archives with new collections. approximately 75 percent of manuscript collections within We hope that you will consider supporting this the Savannah Jewish Archives noble effort to preserve and make accessible the history have been processed and in- of Jewish life in Chatham County. If you are interested in tegrated, and we have digitized all 115 of the Jewish donating to the Savannah Jewish Archives, please contact Educational Alliance scrapbooks and nearly every Jeremy Katz at [email protected]. issue of the Savannah Jewish News.

The Savannah Jewish Archives is generously supported by the Savannah Jewish Federation Savannah jewish news September 2017 | Page 19

Introducing the Savannah Jewish Community’s Leadership Development Program Yesod, the Hebrew word for foundation, aptly describes this vital initiative for the Savannah Jewish community. The goal of WHAT the Yesod Community Leadership Development Program is to support our community by aiding the development of excellent volunteer leadership. The Yesod curriculum offers insights into personal and organizational leadership through a Jewish perspective. Course content will merge Judaic text study, business skills, leadership theory and experiential application.

Yesod is open to anyone in the Savannah Jewish community that wants to gain leadership skills through a Jewish lens. WHO Participants must be dedicated to attending the full program. The Yesod program will accept 20 participants.

Yesod will consist of 8 sessions beginning in January 2018 and a day-long retreat and will culminate in graduation at the WHEN Savannah Jewish Federation Annual Meeting. The sessions will take place on Monday evenings from 6:30 8:30 p.m. at the JEA.

Participants agree to attend the full program for the 2018 year. There is a $100 program fee and a minimum– gift of $180 to COMMITMENT the Annual Campaign. All other costs will be covered by the Savannah Jewish Federation.


Open to anyone, any age, in the Savannah Jewish community that wants to gain leadership and business skills through a Jewish lens.

Spaces are limited. More information and applications can be found at Application Deadline is Friday, November 3. Savannah Page 20 | September 2017 jewish news

As you make your plans and resolutions for the New Year — don’t be afraid to think big. Remember, nothing is impossible. Happy Rosh Hashanah. We wish you a sweet New Year.