Time: 02-22-2012 22:58 User: jpatterson PubDate: 02-23-2012 Zone: IN Edition: 1 Page Name: C2 Color: CyanMagentaYellowBlack C2 | THURSDAY,FEBRUARY23, 2012 | THE COURIER-JOURNAL SPORTS | courier-journal.com/sports IN To report sports scores GOLF E-mail
[email protected] or call Scorecard the sports desk at 502-582-4361, or toll free at 1-800-765-4011,ext. 4361 Woods survives, Donald out HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY COLLEGE Halftime—Notre Dame 30-28. 3-Point Goals—West Virginia at MatchPlayChampionship SPORTS NHL BASKETBALL 1-11(Hinds 1-2, Jones 0-1, Browne 0-1, McCune 0-1, Bryant Boys’ basketball EASTERN CONFERENCE Men Atlantic Division 0-3, Williamson 0-3), Notre Lapel 50, Indpls Ritter 48 Wednesday’sgames Dame 9-16 (Grant 4-5, Martin Associated Press Ernie.” The other top seeds Lawrenceburg 64, Southwestern WLOT Pts Indiana 75, N. C. Central 56 3-4, Dragicevich 2-3, Brooks 0-1, Tiger Woods nearly didn’thave too many prob- (Jefferson) 45 N.Y. Rangers 38 15 581 EAST Connaughton 0-1, Atkins 0-2). MARANA, Ariz. — Luke found that out against lems, although U.S. Open Mississinewa56, Blackford 53 New Jersey 35 20 474 Boston U. 73, UMBC 52 Fouled Out—None. Rebound- Northview 63, S. Vermillion 48 Phila. 33 19 773 Dayton 74, Duquesne 62 s—West Virginia 28 (Jones 8), Donald won’tbeplaying Gonzalo Fernandez-Casta- champion Rory McIlroy Wrestling Pittsburgh 34 21 573 Delaware 76, Towson 69 Notre Dame 29 (Cooley, Martin the 18th hole at Dove no. had anervous moment. State Meet N.Y.