Prepared By:

Faulty of Architecture

University of Moratuwa


UNHABITAT City profile Batticaloa Municipal Council


This city profile report provides a detailed look at the people, places and conditions within the administrative boundaries of Batticaloa Municipal Council. This provides useful information on physical features and characteristics of the area, historical evolution of the city, demographics, finances and economics, real estate and other factors which may impact the quality of life of the people. Batticaloa is a city which is surrounded by Indian Ocean and Lagoon. This city has great history and it’s a multi cultural city. Kallady Bridge and Dutch Fort of Batticaloa are enhancing the historical important of the area. Even though are the majority within Batticaloa Municipal Council Area Muslims and Burgers are living with harmony. Different types of legends say various reasons to the evolution of the name of Batticaloa. Batticaloa has night time population of nearly 80,000 and its serves to 3,000 commuters per day. Majority of the labour force within the area are employed in government sector while several people involve in fishing in Sea and Lagoon of the Batticaloa. Batticaloa Municipal Council Area having characteristics of dry zone. Tsunami, floods and cyclones are the major natural disasters which are affecting the area. Tsunami devastation has taken nearly the lives of 40,000 innocent people. Considering the infrastructure facilities within the Batticaloa Municipal Council area it is very obvious that ongoing development projects will improve the present conditions of them. This city has famous schools which are having good reputation in whole Eastern Province and these schools accommodate large number of out station students every year. Medical faculty of the Eastern University also located within the city. Location of these academic institutions is playing a major role in the economy of the city. Last three decades Batticaloa was severely affected due to war in the . Due to the dawn of the peace in the country in 2009 people of the Batticaloa can be able to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere as other citizens of Sri Lanka. This peaceful environment persuades investors, donors and non- governmental organizations to work with the government to rebuilt Batticaloa as one of the major city in Sri Lanka. People of Batticaloa are expecting that this fruitful situation bring more development opportunities to the area and will attract more population towards Batticaloa Municipal Council Area.

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ADB : Asian Development bank

CTB : Ceylon Transportation Board

DS : Divisional Secretariat

LA : Local Authorities

MC : Municipal Council

NWSDB : National Water Supply and Drainage Board

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Executive Summary


Table of Content

List of figures, tables and charts


1.1. Key Physical features and Characteristics ...... 16

1.2. Historical Evolution of the City ...... 17

1.3. Social Structure and Demography ...... 19

1.4. Economic Structure of the area ...... 19

1.5. Administrative Aspect of the Area ...... 19

1.6. Spatial form ...... 20


Overview ...... 22

2.1. Size, growth and density ...... 22

2.2. Age composition ...... 25

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2.3. Ethnic and religious composition ...... 26

2.4. School attendence ...... 27

2.5. Labor Force and Dependent population ...... 27

2.6. Employment status and unemployment...... 28


Overview ...... 30

3.1. Climatic condition ...... 30

3.1.1. Temperature ...... 31

3.1.2. Rainfall ...... 33

3.1.3. Relative humidity and wind patterns ...... 34

3.2. Water ...... 36

3.2.1. Batticaloa lagoon ...... 37 The problems and issues which lagoon has faced ...... 38

3.2.2. Marshy land of Batticaloa ...... 40 Problems and issues which marshy land has faced ...... 40

3.2.3. Coastal areas...... 41

3.3. Land ...... 43

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3.4. Culture & historic heritage ...... 45

3.4.1. Legend of singing fish in batticaloa ...... 45

3.4.2. Dutch fort in batticaloa...... 46

3.5. Environmental hazards ...... 47

3.5.1. Tsunami in 2004 ...... 48

3.5.2. Floods ...... 49

3.5.3. Cyclones ...... 51


Overview ...... 53

4.1. Physical Infrastructure ...... 53

4.1.1. Transportation ...... 53

4.1.2. Energy ...... 56

4.1.3. Water supply and drainage ...... 58

4.1.4. Solid waste management ...... 59

4.2. Social infrastructure ...... 61

4.2.1. Education ...... 61

4.2.2. Health ...... 62

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4.2.3. Leisure and recreation ...... 65

4.2.4. Religious centers ...... 66

4.2.5. Other community facilities ...... 67

4.3. Agricultural sector ...... 68

4.3.1. Agriculture ...... 68

4.3.2. Livestock ...... 71

4.3.3. Fisheries ...... 72

4.4. Industrial sector ...... 74

4.5. Service sector ...... 75


Overview ...... 79

5.1. City Management Structure ...... 79

5.1.1. Batticaloa Municipal Council ...... 79 The Organization Structure ...... 80 Services Offered by the Municipal Council ...... 81 Budget - 2010 ...... 82

5.1.2. Batticaloa Divisional Secretariat Division Office ...... 84

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5.2. Other stakehoders ...... 88

5.2.1. Public Sector ...... 88

5.2.2. Popular Sector ...... 90



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Figure 1: Location of Batticaloa MC Area ...... 16

Figure 2: Figure – ground map of the Batticaloa MC ...... 20

Figure 3: Population Density by G.N Division ...... 24

Figure 4: Temperature variation from 1998 – 2007 ...... 32

Figure 5: Inland water bodies in Batticaloa MC area ...... 36

Figure 6: In land water bodies in the region ...... 36

Figure 7: Batticaloa lagoon...... 38

Figure 8: Marshy land of Batticaloa ...... 40

Figure 9: Coastal belt of Batticaloa ...... 42

Figure 10: Land use map of Batticaloa MC-1983 ...... 44

Figure 11: Kallady Bridge ...... 45

Figure 12: Arch bridge way at the entrance point to the Municipality ...... 45

Figure 13: Satellite image of the Dutch fort ...... 46

Figure 14: One entrance to Kachcheri in Batticaloa fort ...... 47

Figure 15: Tsunami affected areas & relocation lands in ...... 48

Figure 16: Property damages (above) and the damages to fishing boats due to Tsunami in 2004 ...... 49

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Figure 17: Floods in Batticaloa ...... 49

Figure 18: Batticaloa flood situation - 2007 ...... 50

Figure 19: Road Network of Batticaloa MC area ...... 54

Figure 20: Main bus terminal of Batticaloa city ...... 55

Figure 21: Railway station of Batticaloa city ...... 55

Figure 22 : St. Michaels College, Batticaloa ...... 61

Figure 23: Faculty of healthcare sciences - Eastern University ...... 62

Figure 24: Teaching Hospital - Batticaloa ...... 63

Figure 25: Children Park in the city ...... 65

Figure 26: senior citizens Park in the city ...... 65

Figure 27: Webber Stadium, Batticaloa ...... 65

Figure 28: Some of the religious centers in the Batticaloa city ...... 66

Figure 29: Public Library in Batticaloa city ...... 67

Figure 30: Post office in Batticaloa City ...... 67

Figure 31: Organization chart of the Batticaloa MC ...... 80

Figure 32: Some of the services offered by the Batticaloa Municipal council ...... 81

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Chart 1: Gender Composition – 2008

Chart 2: Temperature variations in the region - 2007

Chart 3: Population growth pattern

Chart 5: Ethnic Composition in Batticaloa MC – 2008

Chart 6: Religious Composition in Batticaloa MC – 2008

Chart 7: School attendance – 2008

Chart 8: % of labor force & Dependent population – 2008

Chart 9: Distribution of Population by Sector of Employment in 2008

Chart 10: Temperature variations in the region - 2007

Chart 11: Change of rainfall (mm) – 1996 to 2004

Chart 12: Change of relative humidity levels day-night times in 2007

Chart 13: Land use pattern – 2006

Chart 14: Source of lighting in Batticaloa MC area– 2008

Chart 15: Source of lighting in Batticaloa MC area– 2008

Chart 16: Source of Drinking water – 2008

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Chart 17: People engaged with fishing activities 2003 – 2008

Chart 18: Dry fish production coastal fisheries from 2002 - 2008

Chart 19: Fresh fish production coastal fisheries from 2001 - 2008

Chart 20: Revenue Estimate for 2010

Chart 21: Expenditure Estimate for 2010

Table 1: Population predictions

Table 2: Age composition in 2008

Table 3: Temperature variations in the region - 2007

Table 4: Change of rainfall (mm) – 1998 to 2007

Table 5: Change of relative humidity levels day-night times in 2007

Table 6: Basic climatic information

Table 7: Resource distribution pattern in coastal zone - 2008

Table 8: Land use allocation in Batticaloa MC area – 2006

Table 9: Details of the A and B class roads

Table 10: Frequency of Bus Transportation in Batticaloa city

Table 11: Trains from Batticaloa to

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Table 12: Petroleum products consumption from 2005- 2007 in Batticaloa MC Area

Table 13: Electricity consumption by various activities within the Batticaloa city

Table 14: Solid waste generation from 1985 – 2004 in Batticaloa MC Area

Table 15: Composition of solid waste in 2007

Table 16: Human resource strength of the Teaching hospital – Batticaloa in 2006

Table 17: Patient recorded by the illness in 2008

Table 18: Targeted and achieved production during the period of 2003 – 2007

Table 19: Paddy extent targeted, gross extent sown, gross extent harvested net extent harvested and production – Maha 2006/2007

Table 20: Production of chilli and red onions during the 2003- 2007

Table 21: Vegetable production during the above period (2005-2007)

Table 22: Live stock population in 2008

Table 23: Production of coastal and lagoon fishing in 2008

Table 24: People engaged with fishing activities 2003 – 2008

Table 25: Number of High and low polluting industries in the area in 2008

Table 26: Financial transactions by Bank of Ceylon and People’s Bank in the area in 2008

Table 27: Details of Enterprises in Batticaloa city - 2009

Table 28: Revenue Estimate for 2010

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Table 29: Expenditure Estimate for 2010

Table 30: List of GN divisions in Batticaloa Divisional Secretariat area

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Batticaloa is a prominent city in Sri Lanka which is located in the Eastern Province of the country. According to the Global Positioning system coordinates the city is located in 580824.828 M, North and 598832.632 M East. The Batticaloa city is surrounded by Pattu Pradeshiya Saba from North and the East by Bay of Bengal. The south of the city is surrounded by the Urban Council and on the West by Batticaloa lagoon which separates the Manmunai West Divisional Secretariat division and Manmunai North Divisional Secretariat division. The Eastern side of the city is sandy and the Western side is sandy and gravel. The city is flat with the exception of Puliyantivu which is a little higher than the rest of the area. The city is between 1.20 M and 4.0 M above M.S.L. with scrub jungle and mangrove on the Northern side bordering the lagoon. The annual rainfall is from 864 mm and 3081 mm brought by the seasonal North – East monsoon and inter monsoon. The rainy season is between October and January. The temperature is recorded between 25 ° C and 36 ° C. Batticaloa Municipal Council limit coincides with the Manmunai North D.S. Division.

Figure 1: Location of Batticaloa MC Area

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Batticaloa is the provincial capital of the Eastern province of Sri Lanka. It is also the seat of the Eastern University of Sri Lanka.

The city has the beauty of the spit of land masses separated from the mainland by the brackish lagoon and small islands lies in the midst of the lagoon which traverses through the district extending 73.5 km. to Verugal in the North from Batticaloa city and also extending from the city 35.2 km. from the South up to Thuraineelavanai. Many bridges are built across the lagoon connecting the landmasses and the islands. The largest island is called Pullianthivu which the metropolitan place of the city. The bridge of all is Lady Manning Bridge located at Kallady, which is the main access path to the city from the southern places of the district. This bridge is also famous for singing fishes which was considered musical sounds heard in the Kallady lagoon in the full moon day. A priest named Father Lang recorded this musical charm and broadcast it in the 1960s over the SLBC (Sri Lanka Broadcasting Cooperation). Batticaloa beaches are sandy and located along 4 km shoreline in the city and further extend through the neighbouring places. Kallady beach, the popular serene beachfront where large numbers of people gather in the city.


According to the ‚Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia‛ it states that the earliest historical artefacts of the city are a Dagaba from the Ruhuna kingdom of King Kavantissa (1st century BC). Also it was found a Dutch fort built in the seventeenth century. Many archaeological sites dating to pre-Christian times have been found in this region. Thus Lankavihara, Roththei (Roththa) temple, Kinnaragala, Rahathgala (Shanthamalai), Veheragalkanda (Pulukunai), eluvamulla (Pullumuilai), and Taaththon Kovil, are some sites identified and listed by the Government archaeological survey. Many towns of the area show toponymic evidence, as well as evidence from stone inscriptions, of ancient sites related to 'Seruvavila' and other Buddhist shrines of the area. Although a large number of ancient historical sites have been identified, archaeological excavations and detailed studies have been very limited. A map of the

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Buddhist sites in the eastern coastal belt near Batticaloa and extending towards has been given in a "Buddhist Times" publication.

Some of the publications go in to explain that Batticaloa was under the Ruhunu, Polonnaruwa kingdom at various stages subsequently the area came under the governance of Portuguese after they invade the east coast of Ceylon. Also it says before Portuguese landed to the east of the country ‚Puliyanthivu was the heart of the city and it was a brick built fortress of ‚Puliyamaran‛ a governor appointed by king ‚Suhathiran‛ who was the king ruled the region between Verugal Ganga & Manikka Ganaga which is currently known as the two regions of Batticaloa and Trincomalee of eastern province. In 1622 the Portuguese destroyed the brick fortress and built a clay fortress but when Dutch invade the region they destroyed the fortress constructed by Portuguese and built a stone fortress which can be seen even today in Puliyantivu and many government departments and even the District Secretariat are currently located.

There is an interesting story behind getting the name of the city as Batticaloa.

According to the ‚Wikipidea the Free Encyclopaedia‛ Batticaloa is a Portuguese derivation. Some sources cite the original name of the region being the Sinhalese "Mudda Kalapuwa" (translation: Mud Lagoon). This is assumed to have been adapted by the later Tamil settlers. According to Mattakallappu Manmiyam (ம翍ட埍களப்ꯁ மான்மியம்) the word Mattakkallpu consists Tamil words

"Mattu"(ம翍翁) means honey or Matta-derived from "Mattam"(ம翍டம்) means (Flat) and geographical name KaLappu. Mukkuwa named this place as KaLappu-Mattam or boundary of lagoon later it became Matta-Kallappu or Flat Lagoon. Similarly the Mattu- Kallppu or "Confluence of Honey River" became Mattakkallppu.

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The social structure of the Batticaloa MC area mainly consist with a majority of Tamil population which is recorded 89% according to the Resource Profile of Manmunai North Divisional Secretary, 2008. Also according to the same source of information it is recorded that 5% of Burgers and another 5% of Muslims are living within the municipal limits of Batticaloa. The detail demographic profile of the Batticaloa MC is explained in the Chapter 02.


Total night time population of the area is recorded as 78983, while floating population of around 3000 are daily coming to Batticaloa town to fulfill their requirements such as administrative, health and education. Apart from that deep sea fishing and lagoon fishing are among the key elements of the economic base of the area. Tourism, poultry industry, coconut plantations and dairy products can be identified as the other economic activities that are dominant in Batticaloa municipal council area.


Basically the administration of the city area is governed under the Batticaloa Municipal council and as well as Manmunai South Divisional secretariat, All the Batticaloa is under the regime of Eastern provincial council.

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Spatial form of the city explains how the built environment of the city is distributed among the space available for the city; accordingly the following map elaborated how the special form has been distributed in the city limits. The white patches in the map explains the built up area of the within the city limit.

Figure 2: Figure – ground map of the Batticaloa MC

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Population characteristics namely, size, growth pattern, density, age - sex composition, ethnic and religious compositions, school attendance, labor force participations and occupation pattern and employment status are discussed in this chapter.

Census and Statistics Department of Sri Lanka does not conduct the 2001 all island census in Eastern and Northern Province areas due to the conflict situations. Therefore the resource profile prepared by the Manmunai North D.S. office in 2008 is used as the major source of information in presenting the population characteristics of the area in this city profile.

With the end of 30 year conflict, significant change in population characteristics and movement is expected in coming years. Those possible changes are not addressed in this document due to the unavailability of updated data bases.


According to Manmunai North divisional secretariat of Batticaloa District, 89758 Gender composition - 2008 persons are living in Batticaloa MC Area in 2008. Further 23145 families live in Female Male there, with a majority of female population (Chart 01). Since 2006, statistics are 52% 48% showing a significant change in the population growth pattern (Chart 02). Population distribution by G.N Divisions within the Municipality is given in annexure 01 – population characteristics. Chart 1: Gender Composition – 2008

Source: Resource Profile, Manmunai North D.S.

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According to Exponential growth model Population a prediction, population growth 89191 89758 rate was calculated as 1.005% for the Batticaloa Municipality area. Comparatively, 87351 Batticaloa district recorded a 2.49% population growth rate (Brief Preliminary Report, 86960

UDA, 2004). Population projections showed that, there will be more than hundred 85370 thousand of population by 2020 (table 1 & chart 3).

POPULATION GROWTH PATTERN Chart 2: population growth pattern (2004 - 2008) 120,000 Source: Resource Profile, Manmunai North D.S. 100,000

80,000 Year Predicted Population

60,000 2010 91,571 Population 40,000 2015 96,266 20,000 2020 101,202

0 2025 106,391

2030 111,845

Chart 3: Population growth pattern Table 1: Population predictions

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Population density of Baticaloa Municipality was 2466 persons per Square Kilometer by year 2008. The highest population density is recorded from the Koolavady, Iruthayapuram central, Mamangam and Koolavady East G.N divisions, while lowest population density is recorded from the Thiraimadu, Thiruperunthurai, Sathurukondan, Palameenmadu and Navalady G.N divisions. The population density by G.N divisions is illustrated in figure 01. Further information is available in annexure 01 – population characteristics.

Figure 3: Population Density by G.N Division

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Age composition of the Batticaloa MC area is given in the table 02. According to that majority of the population (23%) is belong to age group (30-49) while second major age group is between (19-29).Age structure of the population by G.N division is given in annexure 01 – population characteristics.

Age Group Population in 2008 Percentage (%)

Bellow 1 2012 2% 1-4 5764 6% 5-9 7232 8%

10-14 8245 9% 15-18 9609 11% 19-29 15759 18%

30-49 20758 23% 50-59 11789 13% Above 60 8590 10%

Total 89758 100%

Table 2: Age composition in 2008

Source: Resource Profile, Manmunai North D.S.

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The Ethnic and Religious composition of population in Batticaloa Municipality is shown in chart 04 and 05.

According to statistics 89% of the population is Tamil, while Burgers Ethnic Composition - 2008 and Muslims recorded as 5% each. Majority of the population are Muslims Burgers 5% Others Hindus. Significant percentages of Islamic population are also living 5% 1% Indian Tamils in Batticaloa Municipal council area. Ethnic and religious 0% composition information on GN wise is given in annexure 01 – population characteristics. Tamils 89%

Religous Composition - 2008

Other Christian Others 0% 1% Buddhist Chart 5: Ethnic Composition in Batticaloa MC - 2008 0% Roman Source: Resource Profile, Manmunai North D.S. Catholics 23% Muslims 5%

Hindus 71%

Chart 6: Religious Composition in Batticaloa MC - 2008

Source: Resource Profile, Manmunai North D.S.

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5% 28 % of the total population in the municipal area is falls within the 8% 10% category of school going age population in 2008. Bellow O/L O/L

The distribution of the School going population in Municipality is given in 77% A/L Not Schooling chart 06 and further illustrations are available in annexure 01 – population characteristics. Accordingly 5 % of the school going age population is not schooling. Chart 7: School attendance – 2008

Source: Resource Profile, Manmunai North D.S.


Population who are within the age group of 15-59 is defined as the labor 10% force while Child dependency and Aged dependency population are Labor Force 26% defined as age group of 0-14 and age group of over 60 respectively. Chart 64% Child Dependancy Rate 07 is showing the % of labor force and dependency population (child and Aged Dependancy aged) in Batticaloa MC area. Accordingly 36% of the total population can Rate be identified as the depended population, while 64% of the total population alls within the category of labor force. Chart 8: % of labor force & Dependent population – 2008 Source: Resource Profile, Manmunai North D.S. 27 | P a g e

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Population (No. of Families) by sector of employment in 337 Batticaloa Municipality in 2008 is given in chart 08. Other Carpentry 1192 Mason 1179 Statistics reflects that majority of the families are working as Fisheries 1968 labors (21%) while 19% of the families are engaged in Agriculture 658 Labor 4764 Government sector. Other dominant sectors of employment are Small … 1335 identified as fishery and private sector, where percentages stand as Business 1273 Private 1542 9% and 7% respectively. Co-operation 412 W.a.O.P 841 Apart from above major sectors of employment, considerable Gove.Pen 1272 Government 4392 amount of the families are engaged in Business, Carpentry, Mason 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 and Agricultural sector activities. Chart 9: Distribution of Population by Sector of Employment in 2008

According to statistics in 2007, 12 % of unemployed population Source: Resource Profile, Manmunai North D.S. are living in the MC are while 42 % of Samurdhi recipient are recorded in Batticaloa MC are in 2008.

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Batticaloa is one of the famous coastal towns in North Eastern coastal belt of Sri Lanka. In Sinhala this area call as ‚Madakalapuwa‛; that means ‘Muddy lagoon’. It explains about a town surrounded by a lagoon. Therefore the lagoon and the coastal belt are considered as the key elements of the natural environmental setting of the area.

Environmental setting can be further discussed as the natural recourses and natural hazards. Water resources, air, land, which includes natural vegetation, wild life areas, special ecologies and cultural and historic heritage, fall under the natural resources category. Tsunami, floods and cyclones are discussed here as the natural hazards in the area.

First half of this chapter discuss about the natural environmental attributes in brief and explain about the above mentioned elements later.


Basic understanding about the climate condition of a given region can be derived by looking at the rainfall patterns, temperature variations, humidity levels and wind patterns.

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This region experiences very frequent, intensive rainfall with relatively high temperature. The highest average daily temperature recorded ranges between 34.30 degrees centigrade in July to 28.40 degrees centigrade in January. From January to July Batticaloa city experiences severe dry weather, during which period the relatively humidity also goes down.

Temperature variations during the year 2007 are illustrated in chart 09 and table 03. Further temperature variations during 1998 – 2007 are shown in chart 10.

Chart 2: Temperature variations in the region - 2007

Source: Meteorology Department 2007 Chart 10: Temperature variations in the region - 2007

Source: Metrological Department, Sri Lanka 31 | P a g e

City profile Batticaloa Municipal Council

Months Temperature 0C Mean Temperature 0C Mean Max. Min.

January 28.4 24.0 February 29.2 24.0 March 30.2 23.2 April 31.3 25.1 May 33.8 26.0 June 33.6 25.9 July 34.3 25.5 August 33.2 24.8 September 33.8 25.2 October 32.0 24.2 November 30.3 24.0 December 28.6 23.7

Table 3: Temperature variations in the region - 2007

Source: Meteorology Department 2007

Figure 4: Temperature variation from 1998 – 2007

Source: Meteorology Department 2007

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According to the available climatic information highest rain fall experiences 487.2mm in December and the lowest is 11.4mm in May. This part of the country generally gets the rain from the North- East monsoons during November – February. A variation in the rainfall pattern (mm) during the period of 1996 – 2004 is shown in chart 11. Apart from 1998, region has been getting a annual rainfall over 1500mm throughout the year. Further, change of rainfall patterns during the period of 1998 – 2007 on each month is given in table 04. It shows a drastic reduction of rainfall during Months 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

November- December in 2007. January 154.4 388.5 381.8 349.5 198.3 384.9 153.6 163.5 267.6 170.1 February 7.5 171.4 213.6 145.4 191.5 180 130.7 29.6 162.3 157.5 March 20.6 - 152.9 - 8.5 89.3 80.8 50.3 27.3 16.9 April 20.8 114.1 2.5 62.2 82.6 17.8 30.2 96.5 10.7 233.3 May 97.9 41.9 32 29.6 115.7 31 88.3 13.8 24.3 11.4 June 5 6.6 93.4 90.6 5.6 87.5 15.5 - 1.7 67.7 July 57.7 25.7 - 100.7 29.7 39.3 6.6 9.1 0.1 101.3 August 17.9 2.8 15.8 - 2.2 31.8 2.3 38.2 18.3 104.4 September 13.8 73.5 104.7 16.1 - 80 328.6 74.8 15.8 16.2 October 133 201 57.9 158.1 81.5 111.6 387.4 135.5 183 124.7 November 255.5 463.6 544.6 253.2 380.7 722.2 444.5 408.7 281.1 79.5 December 226.3 501.2 422.2 430.9 774.5 83.1 926.2 203.2 314.1 487.2 Total 1010.4 1990.3 2021.4 1636.3 1870.8 1858.5 2594.7 1223.2 1306.3 1570.2

Chart 11: Change of rainfall (mm) – 1996 to 2004 Table 4: Change of rainfall (mm) – 1998 to 2007

Source: Meteorology Department, 2007 Source: Meteorology Department, 2007

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Relative humidity can be stated as one of the factors that determines the temperature levels of an area. Composition of water vapors in the atmosphere is shown in the humidity levels. Relative humidity level changes on day and night times on month wise in 2007 are shown in table 05 and chart 11. Accordingly relatively high % of humidity levels is recorded at night times. Higher % of humidity levels are recorded in the month of December in the same year.

Month Relative Relative Humidity % Humidity % . Day Night January 76 82

February 76 86 March 73 87 April 78 90 May 69 85 June 67 83 July 65 80 August 70 84 September 67 83 October 72 88 November 76 89 December 83 91

Table 5: Change of relative humidity levels day-night times in 2007 Chart 12: Change of relative humidity levels day-night times in 2007 Source: Meteorology Department, 2007 Source: Meteorology Department, 2007 34 | P a g e

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Information about strong winds is not recorded in Batticaloa town area recently. The highest day time wind speed is recorded as 8.6 km/ph in January and it has gradually decreased to 0.3 km/ph in September.

Climate condition of the region is summarized and shown in table 06.

Table 6: Basic climatic information

Source: Meteorology Department

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3.2. WATER

According to statistics, 4.73 % of the total land area of the Batticaloa MC is covered by large inland water bodies. Three lagoons are located in the Batticaloa district and largest lagoon is the Batticaloa lagoon. Batticaloa town area is surrounded by the Batticaloa lagoon.

Figure 6: In land water bodies in the region

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As mentioned above, three major lagoons are located in Batticaloa district..


. Batticaloa lagoon, . Valaichchenai Lagoon and . Vakari Lagoon.

Among them, Batticaloa lagoon is the largest lagoon in Batticaloa District. It is a very large estuarine lagoon not only in Batticaloa District but also in eastern Sri Lanka. Batticaloa town is located between the Indian Ocean and the lagoon.

Lagoon situated in the east coast of Sri Lanka with the total area of approximately 11,500 ha of water Surface area of the lagoon is about 141.18 square kilometers (54.5 sq mi). And maximum depth of the lagoon is approximately 4 meters (13 ft). Length of the lagoon is 56 Km. Long and narrow physical character of the lagoon makes it a distinct geographical feature in the region. Numbers of small rivers are feeding the fresh water to the Batticaloa lagoon.

Figure 6: Batticaloa lagoon

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There are several islands within the Batticaloa Lagoon, namely: Puliayantheevu, Buffalo Island and Bone Island. Many bridges are built across the lagoon connecting the landmasses and the islands.

This lagoon extends up to Eravur (in Batticaloa district) from the north and up to Kalmunai (in ) from the south.

Lagoon opens in to the sea at two points. One in the southern end of the lagoon at Kallar and the other Figure 7: Batticaloa lagoon is midway of the lagoon at Palameenmadu which is close to the Batticaloa town. Both are narrow and approximately 200 m wide. The width of the water flow at their openings varies with the seasons. During the dry seasons the width of the bar mouth of the lagoon decreases and gradually it get closed with the onset of the north east monsoon which piles up the sand bar by the end of dry season. Later with the rains and with the lagoon mouth closed. THE PROBLEMS AND ISSUES WHICH LAGOON HAS FACED

Chanel blocking due to sand bars

. Batticaloa lagoon is conected to the sea by two narrow channels, one at Batticaloa and the other at Periyakallar. During the dry season these channels are blocked by sand bars.

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Illegal prawn farming activities

. At Thiruperunthurai area there about 15 illegal prawn farms are functioning along the lagoon shore and each of them are around 1 acre & 6 feet deep. For all the ponds in the farms, water pumped from the lagoon and after using that waste water is discharge to the lagoon. With these activities lagoon is get polluted due to the chemicals that were used for farming.

Liquid waste disposal activities

. Batticaloa town area is located very close to the lagoon. Thus the population density around the lagoon is recorded as very high. There are number of eating houses (Kitchens) around the lagoon and all of their liquid waste directly discharged to the lagoon. . On the other hand most of the houses located around the lagoon also discharged their normal waste in to the lagoon. . Slaughterhouses in Urani area also discharging several untreated biotic wastes to the lagoon. That includes animals’ blood fluid, urine, saliva, blood etc…

Solid waste disposal activities

. Most of the industries, trades and commercial places that are located around the lagoon dispose their solid waste in to the lagoon. . Kaththankudi Municipal Council also dumps their daily garbage along the lagoon shore and this is recognized as one of the threats to the lagoon.

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30 – 50 hectare of land in Sathurukondan, Batticaloa has covered with marshes. It spreads along the both side of the A-15 road and with a length about 6 Km. Marshy lands are rich with bio diversity and several mangrove varieties have grown in there. Dominated mangroves varieties of this marshy land are:

. Tillai (Excoecaria agallocha) . Kanna (Avicennia officinalis) . Kinnai (Sonarasia Caseolaris) Figure 8: Marshy land of Batticaloa . Kandal (Rizopohara Mucronata) . Xylocarpus Grantum.

This area is famous as a migrant bird sanctuary. Drastic reduction of migrant bird population is observed over the years due to the destruction of mangroves. Roots of mangroves function as a habitat for juvenile period of prawn, crab and organic matters with rich eco system feed for younger fish. PROBLEMS AND ISSUES WHICH MARSHY LAND HAS FACED

Major threat for the marshy land is the destruction of mangroves for the purpose of security reasons, fuel wood, fishing, etc…. These destructions are leading to some of the other issues that are mentioned below.

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. Breeding places for prawn and crab are being destroyed and this leads to remarkable reduction in production of prawn and crab. . Reduction of the arrival of migrant birds affects on the tourist activities associated with the area and will also threatened the possibilities of possibly emerging eco tourism activities in the area. . Loss of bio diversity. . Eco system which have rich organic matter being destroyed. . Loss of natural green spaces.


Batticaloa beaches are sandy and located along 4 km Total Number of coastal GN divisions 9 shoreline in the city and further extend through the Length of the coastal belt (km) 12.1 neighboring places. No: of families live in the coastal zone Under the buffer zone 53 Kallady beach is one of the popular beaches in the city. Between the buffer zone and 300m 1075 This heavenly beach together with other popular Green belt plantation type Casuarinas Coccus nusifera beaches in the region, namely: and Plantation area (ha.) 67 have been molested. Pasikudah is a bay Plantation organization Forest Department, protected from the ocean. The significance of Carritas,(EHED), Mandru Pasikudah is that its bed is flat and sandy and has a Table 7: Resource distribution pattern in coastal zone - 2008 pleasant effect on the feet. This can be experienced up to Source: Coast Conservation Department, Planning, Kachcheri

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nearly 150 to 200 meters from the shore. Pasikudah is an ideal location for those who wish to learn swimming. Pasikudah is in perfect harmony with its stunning natural setting on the island's eastern tip. With its atmosphere of rarefied tranquility, it is a place for relaxation and renewal.

Figure 9: Coastal belt of Batticaloa

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3.3. LAND

Batticaloa city has spread entire Manmunai North Divisional Secretariat Land Use Category Sq. Km % division and entire area is highly built up area. Most of the residential land Urban Land Buildup Land 1830 24.37076 Agriculture Homesteads 980 13.05101 uses are located throughout the city. The following table presents the Land Paddy 744 9.90811 overall pattern of land use in the Batticaloa town (Manmunai North) area Highland 112 1.491543 and is further explained by the chart. Perennial Crops 20 0.266347 Permanent Crops 180 2.397123 According to the above table, out total area of 7509 or 24.37 % is Coconut 610 8.123585 build up and rest of land 5679 or 75.63 % is underdeveloped. The Cashew - New Plantation 115 1.531496 largest share of the undeveloped area is contributed by agricultural land Cashew - Existing Extent 350 4.661073 Sparely used land 90 1.198562 which amount to 43 %, followed by barren land 15 %, inland water 14 % Forest Land Dry Monsoon Forest 0 0 each and range land 3 %. Wet Monsoon Forest 0 0

Forest Plantation 0 0 The large extent of agricultural area consists of homesteads and Range Land Scrub Land 110 1.464909 cultivations classified as paddy, coconut, highland, perennial crops, Grass Land 90 1.198562 permanent crops, and cashew Plantation new and existing. 15% out total Wet Land Mangroves 90 1.198562 land area is barren land and that lands have more potential for use to future Water 1083 14.42269 Barren Land 1105 14.71567 developments of the area. In Batticaloa town area there is no more forest TOTAL 7509 100 lands and or 1.19% total land area consists with mangrove Table 8: Land use allocation in Batticaloa MC area – 2006

Source: Batticaloa Municipal council

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plantation. Map Land use map of Batticaloa The totals buildup area of 1830sq. km amounting to 24.37% of the total area serves the residential, commercial and trade needs of 89787 people. This means 2466 persons per land under residential use is mostly around the town center and in low income settlements.

Barren land Urban Land 15% 25%

Inaland water 14%

Range land 3%

Agriculturel land 43%

Chart 13: Land use pattern – 2006

Source: Batticaloa Municipal council

Figure 10: Land use map of Batticaloa MC-1983

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As most of the coastal cities of Sri Lanka Batticaloa also has got influence from colonization and it is emboss in cultural and historical heritages of the area.

This city was discovered by portages and they located one of their ports in Batticaloa. Another significant feature of the area is legend of singing fish.

Figure 11: Kallady Bridge


Batticaloa is famous for its singing fish - The musical sounds are heard in the lagoon near the Kallady Lady Manning bridge when the night is lit by a near full moon and minimal wind. A priest named Father Lang recorded this musical charm and broadcast it in the 1960s over the SLBC (Sri Lanka Broadcasting Cooperation).

Most of the people who live in and out of the area have get influence from this legend of singing fish. When enter to the area there is a arched gate way that has design with that

Figure 12: Arch bridge way at the entrance point to the Municipality

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statues of singing fish and in town area also there are number of statues which exhibit that particular story of singing fish.

In the introduction to Batticaloania, the title given to the bibliography of Batticaloa that has been compiled by S. J. Selvarajah is the following lines... "Batticaloa is famous for its singing fish. The musical sounds are heard in the lagoon near the Kallady Lady Manning Bridge at night when the moon is nearest to the full and there is not much wind."

Not only that there some number of songs and lyrics in both Sinhala and Tamil languages also based on legend of singing fish.


The Portuguese initially came to Sri Lanka in 1501 as traders, but they stayed in occupation of the Maritime Provinces by force of arms until they were expelled by the Dutch in 1638. Batticaloa port was built by the Portuguese in 1628 under the command of Admiral Joris Van Spilbergen, on the 31 May 1602, the first Dutch ships that visited Ceylon anchored off the port of Batticaloa and that port was the first to be captured by the Dutch (18 May 1638).

It’s the most picturesque of the small Dutch fort of Sri Lanka; it’s situated in an island, still in good condition.

Figure 13: Satellite image of the Dutch fort

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It is a rectangular shaped fort with bastions on the four corners. The emblem of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) is still above the fort’s entrance. The lagoon borders on the north and east with a moat on the west and part of the south sides.

At present days within the fort there are several local governmental administrative offices (Batticaloa Kachcheri) along with the monument stone for the original Dutch church that was built here in the mid 18th century.

Figure 14: One entrance to Kachcheri in Batticaloa fort


Environmental hazards are events (‚disasters‛), primarily arising from the physical environment, which endanger the lives, health and livelihoods of urban populations. They can kill and maim people, destroy resources and property, and disrupt economic networks and social services. In many cities, at least some of these disastrous events – flood, cyclone, storm, and tsunami – are all too familiar. Batticaloa has faced number of floods, cyclones and tsunami.

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3.5.1. TSUNAMI IN 2004

Whole Batticaloa district was highly affected from tsunami in 26th December 2004 and it has taken lives of about 35,000 persons. As well as it displaced about 450,000 in the district.

In Batticaloa town area approximately 2800 lives and 9400 properties were fully and partially damaged and lost.

Mostly fisheries communities who lived closed to the sea got highly affected and several of them displaced. Most of the displaced persons were located in schools, religious places and other buildings and subsequently re-located in camps to allow public services to resume.

Tsunami disaster busted most of the physical infrastructures of the area such as road net work, electricity net work, bridges and etc.

Figure 15: Tsunami affected areas & relocation lands in Batticaloa district

Source - UDA

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Not only that most of fisheries settlements and their fishing equipments including boats, beach- seine. Other hand it had been destroyed fishing infrastructure such as harbors, anchorages and landing sites and services including Ministry of fisheries infrastructure located close to the sea also suffered.

Figure 16: Property damages (above) and the damages to fishing boats due to Tsunami in 2004

3.5.2. FLOODS

The entire district of Batticaloa has been affected by floods due to heavy rain. In many places the roads are under water and some western areas are virtually inaccessible by land. This has happened in many times; year 2000, 2005, 2006, and 2007. In 27th December 2007 the flooding affected over one-quarter of a million people.

During the first two days of the rains, the main affected areas were limited to 4 divisions in the central region of Batticaloa District, resulting in the displacement of 375 people. Figure 17: Floods in Batticaloa

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Due to floods it cause to having large patches of polluted stagnant water in low-lying areas in Batticaloa, and it occurred debris, mud, garbage & scorched vegetation strewn everywhere. Sanitation of the area also highly affected from floods, because most of wells in area destroyed or become saline.

Figure 18: Batticaloa flood situation - 2007 Sources: Disaster Management Center Batticaloa Compiled By: UN OCHA 50 | P a g e

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In 1978 there was a cyclone situation and Batticaloa city had been badly affected from that. It caused severe damages to the area. Due to this hundreds were died and injured, thousands of properties got damaged, and many of the agricultural lands were abandoned. Details of the damage caused by this cyclone are not available with the National Disaster Management Center or any other agency.

Further thousands were died and injured, agricultural activities were disturbed, deep sea fishing, and lagoon fishing was curtailed due to the conflict situation in the region since 1983. This had caused a massive damage to the area.

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Basically the development requirements such as the Physical infrastructure and social infrastructure facilities are discussed in the first half of this chapter. Development activities in the Batticaloa Municipal Council area are discussed in the latter as the Agriculture Sector, Industrial Sector and the Service Sector. There the activity sectors and the resource consumption and the development contributions of these sectors are discussed together with the associated problems and prospects of each sector.


Roads and transportation, electricity, telecommunication and solid waste management can be considered as the physical infrastructure. After the conflict situation in the Northern – Eastern area, most of the infrastructure developments are taking a place in the area.


Roads can be considered as a vital catalyst to boost the development in any particular given area. Basically roads can be classified as A class, B class and C class roads. A and B class roads are classified as National and Regional roads which links provinces and districts respectively.

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Details of A and B class roads, which are running through the Batticaloa municipal council area, are given in table 09. Colombo - Ratnapura – Wellwaya - Batticaloa roads connects the Batticaloa municipal council area with the Colombo city.

C class roads are maintained by the Batticaloa municipal council. Details of major C class roads are given in the annexure.

Name of Roads Class & Length of Roads Route No in km Batticaloa Thirukondiyadimadu Trinco A - 015 0.00 - to 9.65 km Road. 0.00 - 78.02 km Colombo Ratnapura Wellwaya Batticaloa A - 004 427.35 - to 421.50 Road. 392.60 - 427.35 km Approach Road to Railway Station, B - 030 0.00 - to 1.20 Batticaloa. 0 - 1.20 km Bar Road 0.00 - 4.67 km B - 46 0.00 - 4.67 Lake Road No 01, 0 - 0.90 km B - 250 0.00 - 0.90 Munai Sreet 0 - 43 km B - 298 0.00 - 0.43 Old Road No 7.76 km B - 337 0.00 - 3.10 Urani Road 0.3.22 km B - 433 0.00 - 3.22 Lioyds Avenue 0 - 0.42 km B - 543 0.00 - 0.42 Lady Manninng Drive 0 - 1.00 km B - 542 0.00 - 1.00

Figure 19: Road Network of Batticaloa MC area Table 9: Details of the A and B class roads Source: Resource profile, 2008 Source: Survey Department, 1986 54 | P a g e

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Apart from that Batticaloa railway station can be considered as a important element in the transportation system of the area. Generally it takes 12 hours to travel from Batticaloa to Colombo. Frequency of the bus services in Batticaloa municipal area and details about the train services are shown in table 09 and table 10 respectively.

From To Frequency Batticaloa Town Valachchani every 1/2 hour Batticaloa Town Kaduruwella 3 times per day Batticaloa Town Colombo 5 times per day Batticaloa Town Kalmuni Every 1/2 hour

Batticaloa Town Akkaraipatthu Every 1 hour Batticaloa Town Vaunia, Mannar, Badulla, Kandy, Jaffna 1 bus per day Batticaloa Town Batticaloa Hospital Every 15 minutes

Batticaloa Town Muyathuwarm Every 4 hrs Figure 20: Main bus terminal of Batticaloa Town Thirimadu 2 buses per day Batticaloa city

Table 10: Frequency of Bus Transportation in Batticaloa city

From To Departing time Arrival time Batticaloa Colombo 6.00 am Batticaloa Colombo 11.00 am Batticaloa Colombo 5.50 pm

Batticaloa Colombo 8.10 pm(Express train)

Table 11: Trains from Batticaloa to Colombo Figure 21: Railway station of Batticaloa city 55 | P a g e

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It is charged Rs. 450/= per person to travel from Batticaloa to Colombo in private buses. But it cost only Rs. 230/= in CTB buses. In travelling in train it’ll cost only 230/= per person in normal trains. In the express train it is 320/=.

Apart from that it is observed that Motor cycles are playing a key role in transportation sector in the area. When observing the traffic congestion, some what congestion is found during the working hours at Lady Manning Bridge and Koddaimunai bridge in Pulliyantheevu areas.

4.1.2. ENERGY

When analysing the energy consumption pattern by households in the area, it is found that majority of the families (84%) are using electricity as their major source of lighting. Further 48% out of the total families live in the area are using fire wood as their major source used for cooking purposes. 5% 10% 1%

2% 84% 12%

48% Electricity Solar Kerosene Other Sources

38% Chart 14: Source of lighting in Batticaloa MC area– 2008

Source: Resource profile, 2008

Chart 15: Source of lighting in Batticaloa MC area– 2008 Firee wood Gas Kerosene Other Source: Resource profile, 2008

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Petroleum products consumed during the period of 2005 – 2007 is given below:

Year Petrol (Ltrs) Diesel (Ltrs.) Kerosene (Ltrs.) 2005 1448700 2471700 640200 2006 1449900 2642600 640800 2007 1449950 2742520 640950 2008 14349700 25715485 7871700

Table 12: Petroleum products consumption from 2005- 2007 in Batticaloa MC Area

Source: Ceylon Petroleum Corporation, Batticaloa.

Apart from that there are rural electrification schemes in the area. In 2008, 1991 families got benefited from such schemes.

Units consumed by various activities in 2008 are as follows:

Activity Number of units consumed House holds 45100 Industries 3000 Commercial activities 18500 Street lightings 1738

Table 13: Electricity consumption by various activities within the Batticaloa city

Source: Resource profile 2008

Accordingly it shown that higher number of units is consumed by the residential activities of the area.

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The municipality provides water supply to Tirupernthurai, a drought hit area within the municipal limits. Its not provides by the National Water Supply and Drainage Board. 40ft height overhead tank is constructed to supply water to approximately 125 houses. Water bought from bowsers of the council from Municipal well at Uranie, which is located 3km from the site where the tank is accommodated.

11% 2% When look at the drinking facilities of the area, it is found that 77% of 7% 3% the houses in the area getting water from protected wells. Only 11% of 77% the total households in the area are getting pipe boarn water.

Non availability of pure drinking water in certain areas: Batticaloa city,

Pulliyanthevu, Koddamunai and Thiruperunthunai, is a serious Protected Wells Public Wells Tube Wells Pipe boarn water Other ways problem to be considered. Those areas depend on the water supply of

NWSDB. Further Puthur, Thimilatheevu, Manthevu, Valaiyiravu, Chart 16: Source of Drinking water – 2008 Sethukudha and Pillaiyaradi area received limited supply of water Source: Resource profile, 2008 during the dry season.

Following reasons had been identified as the causes for the water problem in the area.

. The nature of the soil, where most of the ground being rocky and gravel: therefore the water table is low. . Settlements are encroaching the wetlands: thus it reduces the rain water absorption capacity

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Batticaloa water supply scheme as started in 1917 and renovated in 1962. 18% of the households in the city received the water from NWSDB. The numbers increased after the Tsunami in 2004. NWSDB provide 15000m3 of water daily to the city using pipe lines.

ADB had initiated a large scale irrigation development project in the area. This will ensure 50000m3 of treated water from Unnichai irrigation tank to the people in Batticaloa city, Thalankudha, Kattankudi on the south of Batticaloa and - Eravur on the north of Batticaloa. But still there are concerns from the locals in Unnichai area about the drinking water problem that they are facing through out the area, which they believed that the above project is not going to address.

Present drainage system of the area is 10 years old. No renovation or improvement had done over the last few decays. In certain areas there is no drainage system. This leads to the stagnation of water and flash floods during the rainy seasons. Breeding of mosquitos, bad odour, disturbances to the vehicle movements and environmental pollution can be stated as some of the other problems associated with the poor drainage system. There are proposals to upgrade and reconstruct the drainage system of the area with the funding of ADB.


Solid waste management has been recognized as a problem, as it is a problem for the most of the MC’s in Sri Lanka. Migration from rural areas to the municipal area leads resulted in increasing the amount Year Amount (Metric Tons) of solid waste generated in the area. 1985 30 1990 40 1995 51 Table 14: Solid waste generation from 1985 – 2004 in Batticaloa MC Area 2000 58 2002 60 Source: Batticaloa Municipal Council 2004 80

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Presently available man power includes 07 PHIs, 10 supervisors and 86 labours. Apart from that 4 four wheel tractors, 2 two wheel tractors, 4 hand carts and 1 bicycle cart is available as the vehicles for solid waste collection and transportation. Wastes collected daily are dumped at Thiruperunthurai dumping pits which were artificially created, by the removal of gravel in an extent of 15 hectare of land. The depth of the land is around 25-30 feet. It is also reported that this area is prone to air pollution, water pollution – due to the ground water contamination- , land pollution and a perfect breeding place for mosquitoes and flies. Since the MC do not having any alternative lands within the municipality, the particular area will be the only site to dispose the waste and make use as land fill site for future. It can be used for another 25 years or so. Due to the lack of proper waste collection system, solid waste disposal is becoming a serious thereat to the city.

Bad management practices such as dumping domestic waste and garbage on streets, open areas, water logging areas with out considerations of the community make the solid waste management harder. Batticaloa municipal council has started community education and awareness programme to improve the Item % commitments of the community to keep the city clean. Short term degradable 45.59 Composition of garbage collected in Batticaloa municipal Long term degradable 9.59 Paper 14.44 council area is shown in table 15. Polythene and Plastic 8.6 Metal 2.29 There are no recycling programs in the city. But there is an Wood 17.29 opportunity to recycle paper at Valachenai paper factory. This Glass 2.2 Table 15: Composition of solid waste in 2007 can be done if only the waste is segregated successfully. Source: Batticaloa MC

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Education, health, library, community facilities, parks and playgrounds (recreational spaces) can be discussed under the social infrastructure facilities of the area.


There are seven nationally recognized A/B type schools are located in the MC area. Those are:

. BT/Vincent girls high School

. BT/Methodist central college . BT/Michaels college

. BT/ST.Ceciliyas girls M.V . BT/Hindu college . BT/Sivanantha vidyalayam . BT/Vivekanantha girls vidyalayam

According to the statistics in 2008, 11895 students are studying at above mentioned schools. Apart from the 1 A/B type schools, 5 1C type schools, 16 type11 schools and 9 type111 schools are located in the Batticaloa Municipal council area. Teacher- student ratio of type 1A/B schools is 1:23. Above ratio in the MC area is 1: 19.

Figure 22 : St. Michaels College, Batticaloa

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Section of the Eastern university of Sri Lanka and Vipula music and dance University are identified as the tertiary level education institutions located in the area. Those institutions are also contributing to the economic base of the municipality.

Figure 23: Faculty of healthcare sciences - Eastern University

4.2.2. HEALTH

According to the Batticaloa district hospital statistics, in 2006 health indicators of the area are stands as follows:

Crude birth rate : 24.2

Crude death rate : 5.6

Infant mortality rate : 14.02

It is found that lack of data pertaining to health matters as a constraint in judging the health condition of the people in the area.

As far as the health related infrastructure is concerned, five major hospitals are located in the area.

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Namely those are:

. Teaching Hospital Batticaloa. . C.D. Koddamunai . R.H. Palameenmadu . Ayurvedic Central Dispensory Kallady . Ayurvedic Central Dispensory Manchanthoduwai

Figure 24: Teaching Hospital - Batticaloa

Categories Cadre Strength Present Cadre Vacancies

M.OO 129 54 Dental Surgeon 7 … Accountant 1 … A.O 1 … N.OO 321 248 R.M.O 1 …

MLT 14 6 Pharmacist 16 6 Physiotherapist 3 5 Radiographer 6 4 ECG Recordist 4 2 PHI 1 Clerks 30 … Table 16: Human resource strength of the Teaching hospital – Batticaloa in 2006 FHO 35 … Attendants 71 49 Source: Teaching hospital – Batticaloa

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Batticaloa teaching hospital is having a bed strength f 800. Staff strength of the hospital is stated as follows: It suggests that there is a shortage of some staff in the hospital. Only one PHI is attached to the Batticaloa teaching hospital. Cadre strengths of other health institutions are explain in the annexure.

65,758 patients got indoor- treatments from the Batticaloa teaching hospital in ear 2007. The numbers were recorded as 64843 in 2008. As far as the number of outdoor treated patients are concerned, 156867 patients in 2007 and 145495 patients in 2008.

According to the MOH, Batticaloa in 2006, 2600 patient Indicator No. of Patients Dengue 90 got treatments at the Palameenamadu rural hospital. Tuberculosis 18 38611 outdoor patients were recorded in year 2007. Diphtheria … Whooping Cough … Number of outdoor patients in 2008 was 2600. Dysentery 72 Rabies 6 Incidences where people got treatment notable diseases Measles … are also recorded.90 patient got treatments for the Viral Hepatitis 30 Malaria 3 dengue fever in 2008. Further 72 patients got treated for Meningitis 36 Dysentery which indicates the problems pertaining to Typhoid 23 Tutanus 3 polluted water. In added to the above 36 meningitis Checkentox 7 patients and 23 typhoid patients are recorded from the Guillainbarre syndrne 6 Food Poison 14 Batticaloa MC area. Encephalitis 18 Leptospirosis 14

Table 17: Patient recorded by the illness in 2008 Source: MOH, Batticaloa

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25 sports clubs are registered in the area. It indicates the tendency of the youth to engage in the sports activities.

Webber stadium is the major stadium located in the area. It is maintained by the council at an annual cost of Rs.500, 000.

Apart from that there are 10 community halls, 10 children playgrounds and 7 other play grounds are located in the municipality area.

Figure 25: Children Park in the city

Figure 26: senior citizens Park in the city Figure 27: Webber Stadium, Batticaloa

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4.2.4. Religious centers

Basically the Batticaloa is a multi – religious city. Hindus are the dominant religious group in the MC area. Islamist comes the second while Christians come next. There are Buddhists in the area as well. Religious places for all most all religious groups are located in the Batticaloa MC area.

Aanipanthy Sri Sithivinaagar Temple, Sri Mamangeswara Temple and Kannaki Amman Temple at Thandavenveli were some of the religious places that were built at the ancient times. I added to that St. Mary’s Cathedral in Puliyantivu and the Catholic Church at Thandavenveli built by Rev. Joseph Vaz, who came during the portugese era are still remain in the area.

Figure 28: Some of the religious centers in the Batticaloa city

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There are two public libraries in the Batticaloa MC area. One at Puliyanthivu and the other a Kallady. The library at Puliyanthivu has an auditorium opened very recently. It comprise of a reference section, lending section and a reading section. Students from the city schools, scholars and professionals use this library. Wide range of various fields is available for public in this library. The library at Kallady has a reading section and a reference section. Apart from these two libraries, several other libraries are in functioning in the city, which only equipped with reading sections.

Well equipped post office is also located in the Batticaloa MC area. Figure 29: Public Library in Batticaloa city

Figure 30: Post office in Batticaloa City

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Paddy, coconut plantations and the some highland crop cultivations contributing to the agriculture sector of the area. Paddy cultivation is identified as one of the prime activities in the area. Targeted and achieved production during the period of 2003 – 2007 is as follows:

Details Maha Yala Maha Yala Maha Yala Maha Yala Maha Yala 2007 2002/2003 2003 2003/2004 2004 2004/2005 2005 2005/2006 2006 2006/2007

Target (Ac) 17 880 17 830 17 541.5 17 510.4 42 Achievement 502 16 830 15 830 15 510.7 17 206.56 17 Extent (Ac)

Total 50.4 2241 47.2 2241 47.2 1338 53.5 393415110 4576411 Production (kg)

Table 18: Targeted and achieved production during the period of 2003 – 2007

Source: Statistical Branch, Kachcheri

As sown in the above table, there is a drastic increase in the production during the Maha season (2006/07) and Yala 2007 seasons. Paddy extent targeted, gross extent sown, gross extent harvested net extent harvested and production – Maha 2006/2007 is shown in table 19. Accordingly highest net harvested was recorded from Thiruperunthurai and Veechikalmunai GN division areas respectively.

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G.N. Division Target Extent (Ha) Gross Extent Sown Gross Extent Net Extent Harvested Estimated Production (Ac) Harvested (Ac) (Ha) (Kg)

Sathurukondan 2.43 6 6 214.31 669718.74 Kokkuvil 32.78 81 81 2893.18 9041202.95 Thimilathivu 71.35 176.3 135.3 4832.69 15102157.53 Thiruperunthurai 80.66 199.3 179.3 6404.3 20013428.27 Veechikalmunai 13.27 32.8 3108 111012.58 346914306 Puthunagar 6.07 15 15 535.77 1674296.84

Table 19: Paddy extent targeted, gross extent sown, gross extent harvested net extent harvested and production – Maha 2006/2007

Source: Statistical Branch, Kachcheri

Further the production of chilli and red onions during the 2003- 2007 can be presented as follows:

Crops Maha 2003/04 Yala 2004 Maha 2004/05 Yala 2005 Maha 2005/06 Yala 2006 Yala 2007

01. Chilly Targeted Extent (Ha) 5 3 2 1 3 4 Achievement (Ha) 5 3 2 1 3 4 Estimated Production 4570 2286 1828 762 2742 3048 4.138 (Mt)Kg 02. Red Onion Targeted Extent (Ha) 16 13 8 10 4 10 Achievement (Ha) 16 13 8 10 4 10 Estimated Production 8180 66042 4060 50800 20320 50800 0.25 (Mt)Kg

Table 20: Production of chilli and red onions during the 2003- 2007 Source: Statistical Branch, Kachcheri

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Vegetable production during the above period (2005-2007) is as follows:

2005 2006 2007 Crops Target Achievement Estimated Target Achievement Estimated Target Achievement Estimated Extent (Ha) Production Extent (Ha) Production Extent (Ha) Production (Ha) (Ha) (Ha) (Ha)kg (Ha) (Ha)kg

Tomato 2 2 5448 2 2 5448 4 4 2724 Cabbage 0.42 Bankdakka 5 5 13620 5 5 13620 7 7 2724 Lufa 0.575 Snake Gourd 3 3 6810 3 3 6810 5 5 2270 Bitter Gourd 4 4 10896 2 2 5448 0.995 Pumpkin 1 1 1816 1 1 1816 4.75 Brinjal 6 6 21792 8 8 21792 8 8 3632 Ash Plantain 15 15 34050 14 14 31780 Sweet Potato 1 1 1270 2 2 2540

Table 21: Vegetable production during the above period (2005-2007)

Source: Statistical Branch, Kachcheri

As far as the coconut plantation is concerned there was 1664 acres in 2003. There are 5 Palma rah products training centres engaged in training 75 persons in 2003. The board received income of Rs. 1,266,000.00 by sale of Palma rah products the same year.

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Livestock sector also contribute to the economy of the area. Dairy farming and slaughtering are associated industries with this activity. Livestock population in 2008 is given in the table 22.

Type Number Type Number Neat cattle Goats 1532 Milk cows 2320 Sheep 24 Other cows 813 Pigs 40 Bulls 615 Poultry cock bird 1600 Calves 712 Lying hen 1700 Buffaloes Hens 4502 Milk cows 33 Chicks 25000 Other cows 35 Ducks 320

Table 22: Live stock population in 2008

Source: Statistical Branch, Kachcheri

In year 2007, 432974 litres of milk was collected at the Thimilaithivu milk collecting district of the municipality area.

There are certain problems associated with the live stock activities in the area. Some of the slaughter houses that are located near by to the lagoon, after slaughtering discharged all the remaining to the septic tanks which are ultimately connected with the lagoon.

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According to the statistics n 2008, 3511 families are depending on the fishery industry that heavily relies on the lagoon. Further according to the statistics 3751 persons are directly engaged in the fishery sector activities.

18 fisheries co-operative societies found in the area. There are 16 fishing centres in the Batticaloa Municipal council area. Number of in- boat engine fishing crafts increased from 2 to 40 during the period from 2001 to 2008. Simultaneously the number of out-boat fishing crafts increased from 38 to 252 during the same period. Type Amount (kg) 21 farmers are engaged in prawn culture in 21 hectares in periphery of the city. Crab 87769 1783 lagoon fisherman and 1232 deep sea fisherman occupy 36 villages in the Sea Fish 4524224 city. The total production of coastal and lagoon fishing is as follows: Lagoon fish 923308 prawn 125395 Lobsters 2900

Table 23: Production of coastal and lagoon fishing in 2008

There are some environmental hazards associated with the prawn farming Source: Statistical Branch, Kachcheri industry. There are about 15 illegal farms functioning at Thiruperunthurai are along the lagoon shore. Each farm is around 1 acre in extent and 6ft deep. Water for the ponds is pumped from the lagoon and then discharged back into the lagoon after use without any treatment. Here the use of chemicals during the growth period, such as prawn foods, dolomite and calcium carbonate. When the effluent is discharged in to the lagoon, these chemicals are also mixed and discharged.

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16000 14000 Year Fishing Fishing Active 12000 families population fisherman 10000 Fishing families 2003 3151 10510 3200 8000 Fishing population 2004 3812 13417 4321 6000 2005 3501 11915 3744 4000 Active fisherman 2000 2006 3501 11915 3744 0 2007 3511 12004 3751 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 2114 14405 4873

Table 24: People engaged with fishing activities 2003 – 2008 Chart 17: People engaged with fishing activities 2003 – 2008

Source: Regional Agriculture Extension Office, Batticaloa Source: Regional Agriculture Extension Office, Batticaloa.

Fresh fish production and the dry fish production in 16 fishing centres of the area from 2001 to 2008 are as follows:

Fresh fish production in coastal fisheries 2001-2008 Dry fish production coastal fisheries from 2002 - 2008 6000 4 4000

2 2000 0 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Production (Mt. Tons) Production (Mt. tons)

Chart 18: Dry fish production coastal fisheries from 2002 - 2008 Chart 19: Fresh fish production coastal fisheries from 2001 - 2008 Source: Regional Agriculture Extension Office, Batticaloa Source: Regional Agriculture Extension Office, Batticaloa

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Numbers of industries (small / cottage/ micro/ self employed and large scale) are located in the area. According to the Department of Industrial in Batticaloa MC, value of the production of small / cottage/ micro/ self employed was recorded as Rs. 770,102.00.

Classification of industries by its possibility to pollute the environment can be given as follows:

High polluting industries Low polluting industries

Name of the industry Number of industries Name of the industry Number of industries Vehicle service station 6 Saw mills 15 Plastic factory 1 Grinding mills 11 Fibre glass factory 1 Restaurants 6 Petroleum whole sale Depot 1 Hotels 5 Government poultry farm 1 Eating houses 11 Bakeries 19 Rice mills - Wet process 6 Rice mills - Dry process 6 Press 7 Garage 56 Garment factory 1

Metal crusher 3 Poultry farms 14 Table 25: Number of High and low polluting industries in the area in 2008 Filling station 6

Source: Department of Industries, Batticaloa

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Basically the service sector of the MC area relies on the commercial activities of the town and the tourism activities.

Batticaloa city has a floating population of about 3000 together with the night time population coming to the Teaching Hospital, DS office, other departments and also for shopping purposes. Further the location of health unit of the Eastern University and the Music & Dance University facilitate the urban agglomeration of the city. In addition to that the nationally recognized schools and the banks – which fulfil the financial requirements of the people-, are acting as agents of urban agglomeration. Apart from that the reputed firms located in the city satisfy the various other needs of the people. Branches of the banks located in the Batticaloa MC area are:

. PEOPLES Bank – 2 branches . Bank of Ceylon – 2 branches . H N B . Seylan Bank . Commercial Bank . N S B . Sampath Bank . Lanka Puthira . SANASA

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Apart from that there is a rural co-operative bank in Kottamunai GN area. According to the transactions in 2008, there were 2249 account holders with a total deposit of Rs. 3455328.

Financial transactions by Bank of Ceylon and People’s Bank in the area in 2008 are as follows:

Name of No. of Average Pawning Agriculture Agriculture Industries Industries Other Loan Other Loan Banks Current Savings Advance Loan Loan Loan Loan (Millions) Recovery A/C Deposits (Millions) (Millions) Recovery (Millions) Recovery (Millions) Deposits (Millions) (Millions) (Millions)

Bank of 176 38.865 428.80 2.47 0.268 … … 55.567 12.231 Ceylon Peoples 64.4 342.5 252.6 11.5 1.5 … … 395 20 Bank

Table 26: Financial transactions by Bank of Ceylon and People’s Bank in the area in 2008

Source: Resource profile, 2008

Employment figures in the Batticaloa city constitute as follows:

Government Service : 5479

Non – Government Service : 572

Private Sector : 1202

As far as the tourist sector is concerned more than 25 hotels catering the needs of the tourists, among which five are approved by the tourist board.

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There are 1287 recorded enterprises in the area, which include: 311 groceries, 54 tea boutiques, 33 cool spots, 38 cycle repair centres and 48 textile shops.

Type of Business Total Type of Business Total

Groceries 311 Welding Works 19 Tea Boutique 54 Fruits Sale 17 Jewellery 50 Liquor Shop 17 Textiles 48 Eating Houses 15 Tailoring 39 Garage 14 Rice Sale 14 Cycle Repair 38 Shoe Sale 14 Saloon 37 Hardware 13 Communication 36 Sawn Timber Sales 13 Video Recording 34 Concrete Products Sale 11 Cool Spots 33 Grinding Mill 11 Fancy Items Sales 31 Pharmacy 11 Vegetable Sales 30 Bicycle Parts 10 Gold Smith Work Shops 22 Cellular Phone Sales 10 Bakery 20 Electric Tools Shop 10

Table 27: Details of Enterprises in Batticaloa city - 2009

Source: Batticaloa Municipal Council

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The management setting of the Batticaloa Municipality area can be identified in two ways. First one is management through the institutions and organizations directly involved in managing the urban development overall in the city, i.e. Batticaloa Municipal Council, Manmunai North Divisional secretariat division Office. And the other party is organizations and institutions indirectly involved in managing the urban development overall in the city i.e. many public, private organizations NGOs, CBOs etc.


This section elaborate, the management through the institutions and organizations directly involved in managing the urban development overall in the city.


From 1884 to 1932, the Administration was under the local board of Batticaloa. Batticaloa city was managed by a local board with a few wards. In 1944 Revision of wards were increasing the number to 10.The area of the Urban Council was expanded in 1956 and another 04 wards were added. The Urban Council was upgraded into a Municipal Council in 1967 with the amalgamation of Manmunai North – East (Northern Portion) village council and the number of wards was increased up to 19 wards. The Municipal Council was further extended in 1988 with the amalgamation of Valaieravu Pradeshiya Saba area and the extent of the Council is 75.09 sq.Km. of which 10.83 are lagoon and small ponds.

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The Municipal Council was dissolved in 1974 and the administration came under special commissioner. There after till 1994 the Municipal administration was in the hands of Special Commissioners. In 1994 local elections were held and Mr. Chelliyan Perinpanayagam was elected Mayor. The Council was again dissolved on 31.03.1999. After 09 years, on 10th March 2008, Municipal Council Election was held. After that newly elected representatives are supporting with the administration and development of city. THE ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE

The organizational structure of the Batticaloa Municipal Council is basically as follows.

Figure 31: Organization chart of the Batticaloa MC

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City profile Batticaloa Municipal Council SERVICES OFFERED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL

1. Construction and Maintenance of roads and drains within the municipality 2. Construction and Maintenance of Municipal culverts and bridges 3. Construction and Maintenance of Municipal buildings 4. Water supply for Thiruperunthurai 5. Maintenance of municipal fixed assets i.e. cemetery, community centres, markets, health facilities, reading rooms 6. Issuing development permits for buildings and lands, certificate of conformity 7. Pre-school Management 8. Carryout and give assistance for many development projects such as Housing projects, opening senior citizen park, Shramadana, slum project, Gamaneguma project, UNDP & NECORD project and so on.

Figure 32: Some of the services offered by the Batticaloa Municipal council

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City profile Batticaloa Municipal Council BUDGET - 2010

Revenue of the Municipal Council consists with main two sections that are Re-currents revenue and the capital grants. According to the revenue estimation 2010 of the municipal council, revenue details are as follows.

Revenue Details Amount Rs.

Rate & Taxes 16,300,000 Rent 14,895,100 License 4,530,100

Chart 20: Revenue Estimate for 2010 Fees for service 6,475,100 Source: Batticaloa Municipal Council Warrant cost, Fine & Penalties 1,350,100 Other Revenue 13,640,000 Revenue Grant 108,865,062 Total Re-Current Revenue 166,055,462 Table 28: Revenue Estimate for 2010 Total Capital Grants 64,600,000 Source: Batticaloa Municipal Council Total Revenue 230,655,462

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Expenditure of the Municipal Council consists with main two sections that is Re-currents Expenditure and the capital expenditure. According to the Expenditure estimation 2010 of the municipal council, Expenditure details are as follows.

Expenditure Details Amount Rs.

Personal Emoluments 122,256,990 Travelling Expenses 590,700

Supplies and Requisites 13,919,800 Repairs & Maintenance of Capital Assets 8,878,100

Transportation, Communication & Utility 5,898,800 Services Interest Payment, Dividends 100 Chart 21: Expenditure Estimate for 2010 Grants Contribution and subsidies 778,300 Source: Batticaloa Municipal Council Pensions, Retirement Benefits & Gratuities 3,732,500 Total Re-Current Expenditure 156,055,290

Capital Expenditure 71,500,000 Rehabilitation Fund 3,100,000 Table 29: Expenditure Estimate for 2010 Total Capital Expenditure 74,600,000

Source: Batticaloa Municipal Council Total Expenditure 230,655,290

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In Batticaloa District there are 13 Divisional Secretariat divisions. From those DS divisions Batticaloa Municipal Council Area boundary lies right round the boundary of Manmunai North DS Division. There 48 Grama Niladarie Divisions under the Manmunai North DS Division as following table shows.

No G.N.Division No G.N.Division No G.N.Division No G.N.Division 1 Manchanthoduvai North 25 Veddukadu 13 Dutch Bar 37 Thamaraikerny 2 Manchanthoduvai South 26 Kokkuvil 14 Amirthakaly 38 Koddaimunai 3 Navatkudah 27 Sathurukkondan 15 Mamangam 39 Periya Uppodai 4 Navatkudah East 28 Karuveppankerny 16 Iruthyapuram East 40 Puliyantivu East 5 Navatkudah South 29 Peri Urany 17 Palameenmadu 41 Puliyantivu West 6 Kallady 30 Panichayady 18 Punnaicholai 42 Puliyantivu Central 7 Kallady Veloor 31 Iruthayapuram West 19 Thirai Madu 43 Puliyantivu South 8 Kallady Uppodai 32 Sinna Urani 20 Koolavady 44 Thimilaitivu 9 Nochimunai 33 Jayanthipuram 21 Gnanasuriyam Square 45 Thirupperunthurai 10 Navalady 34 Iruthayapuram Central 22 Barathi Puram 46 Veechukkalmunai 11 Kallady Muhathuwaram 35 Thandavanvely 23 Koolavady East 47 Puthur 12 Thiruchenthur 36 Arasady 24 Thisaveerasingam Squre 48 Sethukkudah

Table 10: List of GN divisions in Batticaloa Divisional Secretariat area

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Most of the Administrative functions of the Municipal area are handed by the DS office.

01. Issue of Licenses/Recommendations

02. Issuing of Certificates / Core Signatures

03. Registration or Recommendation for same

04. Donations/Subsidies Payment or Recommend for same

05. Direct Participating Dividends

06. Mediation

07. Social Services Development

08. Economic Development Services

09. Coordinating Services

The Manmunai north DS division office has prepared a five year Proposed Work Plan including all the new proposed projects for 2009 – 2013 for effective service delivery. Those projects can be categorised as follows.

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1.1. Other Majer Irrigation

1.2. Minor Irrigation

1.3. Forestry Development

1.4. Field & Export Crops Development

1.5. Livestock Developments

1.6. Fisheries Development

1.7. Plantation


2.1. Rural & Small Scale Enterprises


3.1. Housing & Constructions

3.2. Urban Infrastructure

3.3. Environmental Management

3.4. Water Supply & Sanitation

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4.1. Reconstruction & Rehabilitation


5.1 Roads


6.1. Education

6.2. Health

6.3. Social welfare & Cultural services


7.1. Strengthening of District administration

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As discussed at the beginning of the chapter this particular section focuses on organizations and institutions who indirectly involve in managing the urban development overall in the city. Those institutions can be classified mainly in three ways i.e. Public Sector, Popular Sector, Private Sector.


Public sector means all the local, municipal governments, regional or provincial governments, central or national government, and also other public sector organizations. But as discussion was already made on the Batticaloa Municipal Council and the Divisional secretariat office, this section will discuss about the other public sector organizations.

Urban Development Authority is one of the major bodies in managing the urban development of the Batticaloa Municipality area. Currently the authority is mainly focusing on the tourism development of the area. With that consideration Passikuda Tourism Development plan is major proposed development for the popular Passikuda beach area. Main government stakeholders of that project will be UDA, Coast Conservation Department, National Water Supply and Drainage Board and Road Development Authority.

Ministry of Nation Building & Estate Infrastructure Development is another important public sector governing body for Batticaloa Municipality area. This is important to Batticaloa in two ways. One is the implementation of Gama Neguma programme- 2010. Currently there are 31 projects under the Gama Neguma Programme within the Batticaloa Municipality area. And the other hand Re- awakening project also affect to these area as it is implementing district level to Batticaloa district. Under that re-awakening project, many sub projects consists for four components.

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1. Village rehabilitation and development

2. Essential rehabilitation & improvement to selected major irrigation schemes

3. Cluster level livelihood support activities

4. Institution capacity building and project implementation support

If the consideration is given to the project of TAARP and NECCDEP (Tsunami Affected Area Rehabilitation Project and North East Coastal Community Development Project) many government departments play a vital role as implementation partners of the project by providing many services. This TAARP and NECCDEP are operating in four levels as village level, Divisional level, district level, Provincial level. In those projects main implementation partners are,

. Department of Rural Development

. Department of Agriculture

. Department of Agrarian Development

. Department of Animal production and Health

. Department of Small Industries

. Department of Co-operative Development

. Department of Fisheries

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Other than these there are many other public sector organizations that are helping for the development of the area such as Road Development Authority, Coast Conservation Department, National Water Supply and Drainage Board is doing two water supply projects, so on.

Also some of those organizations may not support directly but it may be through collaboration with other party or a funding agency. Projects such as post tsunami rehabilitation & management programme and the post tsunami livelihood support & partnership which was implemented by Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (MFAR) and it was funded by International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to Batticaloa district.


Here the popular sector or the community sector means all the Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs).

The Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Batticaloa MC Area play main role for the development and the management of the area. This situation is not only to the Batticaloa MC area but also many parts of the northern and Eastern province of the country. Some of the main NGOs that are contributing for the development of the area are as UNOP, UNICEF, UNDP, USAID, CARE International Sri Lanka, Help Age Sri Lanka, Sewa Lanka, Oxfam Australia, SHADOW etc. Most of the NGOs engage on housing development projects, livelihood development project, and skill development projects and so on.

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. Located close to the sea, facilitate the fishery industry and sandy beaches enhances the scenic value of the city . Flat terrain of the MC area facilitates the growth of the city. . Links with Colombo via A 004 road. . 15% of the land remains untouched. Thus it can be well planned in terms of the future development of the area. . Around 46% of ‘GREEN AREAS’ exist in Batticaloa MC area – 43% of agricultural and 3% of the natural vegetation – . This region experiences very frequent, intensive rainfall with relatively high temperature. (Average temperature of 320C and annual rainfall of 200mm) . 30 – 50 hectare of land in Sathurukondan, Batticaloa has covered with marshes. It spreads along the both side of the A-15 road and with a length about 6 Km. Marshy lands are rich with bio diversity.


. Vulnerable for hazards such as seasonal floods, Tsunami and Cyclones due to the location of the municipality. . The nature of the soil, where most of the ground being rocky and gravel: therefore the water table is low.

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. Projects that are implemented to attract the tourist to places such as Pasikudah will facilitate the tourist attraction for the MC areas as well


. Major threat for the marshy land is the destruction of mangroves for the purpose of security reasons, fuel wood,

fishing, etc… This leads to some of the other problems such as:

 Breeding places for prawn and crab are being destroyed and this leads to remarkable reduction in production of prawn and crab.  Reduction of the arrival of migrant birds affects on the tourist activities associated with the area and will also threatened the possibilities of possibly emerging eco tourism activities in the area.  Loss of bio diversity.  Eco system which have rich organic matter being destroyed.  Loss of natural green spaces.

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. Healthy population growth rate of 1.005%. : Thus the population will reach the level of 100,000 with in the next 10 years . 65% of the population are with in the age group for the labour force: positive sign in terms of the future economic development of the area . Multi - racial and multi - religious society : This enhances the cultural value of the society . Historical legends and historically important places enhance the value of the city. ex: Signing fish in Kallady bridge, Dutch fort in Batticaloa . Relatively good teacher – student ratio of 1:23. . 25 sports clubs are registered in the area. It indicates the tendency of the youth to engage in the sports activities. . Webber stadium is the major stadium located in the area. . Apart from that there are 10 community halls, 10 children playgrounds and 7 other play grounds are located in the municipality area.

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. 5- 10% of school age group population are not schooling . 12% of the labour force population are unemployed . High infant mortality rate of 14% . 42% of the population of the area are obtaining the Samurdhi. : Financial issues faced by the population is indicated here.


. Government programs such as ‘gama neguma’ will assist the community development in the area. Further welfare programs such as Samurdhi also helpful to the people.


. Land mine unclear areas are prohibiting the access of locals to certain areas.

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. Batticaloa town is surrounded by the Batticaloa lagoon  Functioning of natural eco systems  Enhances the scenic value of the area  Act as a natural cooling system for the city  Support the fishing industry – ultimately the economic base of the area . Total length of falls with in the Batticaloa MC arrea


. Batticaloa lagoon channels are blocked with sand bars


. Green belt plantation of 67ha. By the Forest Department. . Lagoon bank and coastal development projects initiated by the NGOS and Government institutions.

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. Illegal prawn farming activities are polluting the lagoon . Illegal slaughterhouses in Urani area are discharging its waste to the lagoon . Discharge of solid and toxic waste to the lagoon

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. Location of railway station . Locational of nationally important schools and universities . Location of a Teaching Hospital together with five other hospitals with in the municipal council area


. Less frequency in transportation facilities . Lack of larger power generation projects to ensure 100% electricity. . Non availability of pure drinking water in certain areas: Batticaloa city, Pulliyanthevu, Koddamunai and Thiruperunthunai. . Very old drainage system. . Lack of resources to tackle the solid waste problem of the municipality . Significant numbers of water born disease cases are reported.

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. ADB had initiated a large scale irrigation development project in the area to provide 50000m3water to the

municipal area.

. Road development through the ‘Gama Neguma’ and ‘Maga Neguma’ programs of the Governmente

. Opportunity to initiate paper recycling programs at Valachenai paper factory


- No such threats are recorded under this section -

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. Considerable in the production of paddy cultivation during the Yala/Maha season of 2006/07. . Increase in both fresh and dry fish productions in 2007/08.


. Lack of modern fishing equipments for the fisherman in the area. Further lack of awareness among the fisherman about modern fishing methods result in low fish production.


. Numbers of banks are located with in the municipal council area. This will facilitate the financial transactions

the businesses in the area. . Effective revenue collection programs will strengthen the city management activities of the local authority. . Engage of NGO strengthen the development activities carried out by the public sector organizations in the area.


. There are possible threats on the environment due to illegal fishing and prawn farming activities.

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