Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences Offshore Media Group Norwegian Petroleum Technology A success story ISBN 82-7719-051-4 Printing: 2005 Publisher: Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA) in co-operation with Offshore Media Group and INTSOK. Editor: Helge Keilen Journalists: Åse Pauline Thirud Stein Arve Tjelta Webproducer: Erlend Keilen Graphic production: Merkur-Trykk AS Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA) is an independent academy. The objectives of the academy are to: – promote research, education and development within the technological and natural sciences – stimulate international co-operation within the fields of technology and related fields – promote understanding of technology and natural sciences among authorities and the public to the benefit of the Norwegian society and industrial progress in Norway. Offshore Media Group (OMG) is an independent publishing house specialising in oil and energy. OMG was established in 1982 and publishes the magazine Offshore & Energy, two daily news services ( and and arranges several petro- leum and energy based conferences. The entire content of this book can be downloaded from No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in electronic retrieval systems or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Publisher address: NTVA Lerchendahl gaard, NO-7491 TRONDHEIM, Norway. Tel: + (47) 73595463 Fax: + (47) 73590830 e-mail:
[email protected] Front page illustration: FMC Technologies. Preface In many ways, the Norwegian petroleum industry is an eco- passing $ 160 billion, and political leaders in resource rich nomic and technological fairy tale. In the course of a little oil countries are looking to Norway for inspiration and more than 30 years Norway has developed a petroleum guidance.