Property of the Watertown Historical Society St '.5

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mee O • -.1 Coverage Of.News In The Fastest Growing Community in Litchfkid Count®

Vol. 40 No. 6 SU BSCRIPTI ON P R, ICE $ 12.00 P E R Y E A R Car. Rt, P.S. PRICE 30'CENTS February 73985 Police Department To Be Reorganized A reorganization plan for the will.eliminate the current deputy Det... Ronald Blanchard would be Police Department that would chief position, and create two promoted to sergeant, replacing save about $10,000 and. Improve non-union management posts: Mr. Gavallas. efficiency and effectiveness of chief Inspector of administration Chief Carroll said, the reorgan- the department unanimously was and investigation services, and ization will, eliminate overtime approved by the Town Council at chief inspector of patrol. and possible manpower shor- its regular meeting Monday It is expected Detective Sgt. tages in the Defective Bureau, night. John Gavallas will be promoted attain maximum cost-benefit, ra- The changes.,, proposed by Po- to administration chief Inspector, tio In the Patrol Division, and, en- lice Chief Jack Carroll and bless- while Lt. Edwin Williams will be hance supervision, discipline, ed by the Police Commission, in charge of the patrol division. and training under a manage- ment team,. SHARING THE GOOD NEWS that Watertown's. Chapter I education "We'll be moving people project for disadvantaged. students has been, selected as a state finalist Board Appoints Duchak around into positions, that will, are the members of the Chapter I staff. Seated, left to right are Elaine make them, more accountable," Luckey, Rosalyn Gargano, Lily LeMay, .and Marilyn Varno. Chief Carroll explained. Standing: Sally Rinaldi, Dr. Philip Pelosi, .assistant school superin-_ School Business Manager The reorganization proposes a tendent .and. Chapter' I coordinator and project direction, Susan, Jean, School Superintendent Dr. The new business manager 30-person force, including 21 pa- and Jean, Gowlis. Watertown's" project now will be considered in, state Philip Fallon has announced the formerly was associated with, Uni- trolmen, three sergeants, two competition, to potentially become a national • finalist. (Valuckas Board, of Education, last week royal, Inc.,, Middlebury. He lives detectives, and one detective Photo) appointed Dean, Duchak,,, Middle- In, that, community with, his wife sergeant. There currently are 20 bury, as. the new business manager and. two children. patrolmen, but two positions are f for the public school, system. Mr. Duchak received his vacant. School System. s Project The appointment came at. the bachelor's degree from Florida Council members commended Board's special meeting Jan. 30. State University, 'Tallahassee. Dr. the chief for the plan. He succeeds Richard, Huot, who Fallon said he has, experience in, Council Still Wary Among State Finalists resigned, his post, in Watertown. to cost. accounting, financial Backers of a proposed trash- accept, a similar job in the East tion with regular school or other reporting, policy management, to-energy venture in Watertown The state Department of Edu- Hartford system... and supervision of personnel. cation has notified the Water- special programs; parent-com- found the Council less receptive Superintendent Fallon said, Mr. Mr. Duchak was one of three to their update on the status of town Board of Education it's munity 'involvement; profession- Duchak will begin his duties finalists considered, for the post, Chapter I program, for disadvan- al development and training; the Watertown Group project. Monday, Feb.. 11,.and be paid an which had been vacant since mid- Philip Goldthwait, principal taged pupils, has. been selected strong leadership; appropriate annual salary of $33,000. (Continued on page .24) as a state Finalist. instructional materials, methods, spokesman, for the Group, said Dr. Philip Pelosi, assistant su- and approaches; and high expec- 'we have everything in a row," perintendent of schools, reported. tations, for student learning and GOP Town Committee To and plans are moving forward on the program, has been, nominated, behavior. the incineration plant, which, to the U.S. Department of Edu- Also: positive school and class- would be built in the upper Echo cation in Washington, B.C., as room, climate; maximum use of Honor Candee And Kiesel Lake Road area. Completion date academic learning time; closely The Republican. Town Com- committee, and a delegate to would be January, 1987. an "unusually effective" project. He told the Council a dog track In order to become a national monitored student progress; mittee will honor two prominent, many district and state GOP con- regular feedback and, reinforce- local Republicans at Its second, ventions. The newsletter said no longer Is being considered as fin al ist, Wate rtow n * s applica- a, supplemental future facility. tion must compete with other ment; excellence recognized and annual Lincoln's Day dinner Mr. Candee was active In the rewarded; and evaluation re- Monday, Feb. 11, at 7:30 p.m. at •'"original movement" to bring Last year, the price tag for the statewide nominations. The na- plant, and. a sewage treatment fa- tional initiative. Dr. Pelosi, said, sults used, for project improve- the Holiday Seasons Restaurant, the Council-Manager form of ment. Colonial Plaza, Waterbury. government to the community. cility was placed at $31 million. "is intended to identify projects. "You, have not presented us that are successful in raising the Indicators used to examine the Honored will be John H. S. Mr. Kiesel has been a 25-year member of the town committee, with practically anything," ob- achievement; level of education- success of the Watertown proj- Candee and August Kiesel. Mr. served a skeptical Councilman ally disadvantaged pupils, while ect, Dr. Pelosi said, were formal Candee was a 2,5-year member and was on the Board of Direc- tors of the old Oakville Fire Dis- John Orsini. He said the Group achieving other project objec- and informal measures of of the GOP Town Committee, still has not advanced any per- tives, and in describing the at- achievement, other project out- and "probably holds the record" trict. From 1965 to 1,984 he was a member of the Planning and mits, or produced evidence of ac- tributes of success. *" comes, and. sustained gains. for serving as campaign chair- tual progress. The national finalists will The assistant superintendent man in consecutive local elec- Zoning Commission, and was, its chairman for 1,968 to 1972. Mr. Goldthwait assured the serve as models, to other Chapter said there is a. Chapter I program, tions., said the party's Republi- Council about $600,000 soon, will, I programs, across the country. in each public school,-as well as can Newsline January newslet- Mr. Kiesel was, a member of the Naugatuck Valley Regional be committed to design work, Dr. Pelosi said the 13 attrib- the two parochial schools. The ter. and General Electric and Indus- utes of success used, to examine project staff includes Dr. Pelosi, He was a chairman of the nom- Planning Agency from 1,978 to 1984. Currently he Is a member ironies are "moving ahead" with the overall quality of the Water- (Continued on page 24) inating committee on the town (Continued on page 24) town project were: clear project —.-"i"™-™ (Continued on, page 24) goals and objectives; coordina- Healthy Surge In Grand Chief Lamphier List Increases Revenues 'Town' Speaker The town's 1984 Grand List year. Fire Chief and Marshal Avery - - -••', jumped by a net. total of some Mr. Petuch, said the town's net W. Lamphier will be the second WBm $16.9 million, over the previous worth for 1984 was .$322,422,109, featured speaker for the Friends year, according to the official up from the $305,537,849 re- „of the Watertown Library's next report filed by Assessor John corded in 1983. Meal estate went noontime lecture. Petuch at the end, of January. up by a net 53.4 million, personal The "Our Town" series." sec- He said the Increase would, property by $8 million, and. mo- ond program, will take place amount to a $707,450 boost in tor vehicles by $5.4 million. Tuesday, Feb., 12, at 12 o'clock, at revenue, based on the current The 1984 values for the three the 470 Main St. library. The mill rate of 41.9. However, pro- categories, respectively, ' are series Is free to the public; ration of new real estate con- $230,823,579, $57,784,3.80', and, guests may bring a sandwich, struction on structures complet- $33,814,150. while coffee and dessert will be ed by Sept. 30, and, the supple- The town's gross Grand List served. mental motor vehicle list came In, at $324.9 million, but, is Mr. Lamphier has been chief "should generate" an additional reduced to' Its net status by $2.1 in Watertown, the past. 26 years. 5218,000 in revenue, Mr. Petuch million in veterans exemptions, He: is a. member of the Inter- 1 POLICE DEPAMTMENT REORGANIZATION was explained, to noted. $136,850 in disability accounts, national Organization for Fire The 5.24 percent jump In the and .$159,333 in "frozen" real- Chiefs. the Town Council Monday night by Police Chief Jack Carroll, right, while James Cipriano, chairman of the Police, listens in. Grand List over 1983 Is the larg- estate exemptions. Mr. Lamphier will discuss the est percentage increase since .Mr. Petuch said there are local department. For more, in- The Council unanimously okayed the revamping of the department, which eliminates the deputy chief post, creates two non-union the 198,1 list, which went up 15,360 vehicle accounts in the formation on the series, call the 5.71 percent over the previous community. library at 274-6729.. management positions, and will reduce costs. (Valuckas. Photo) Property of the Watertown Historical Society Page 2 Town Times (Watertown, Conn.) Feb. 7,1985 DeForest St. .headquarters, 7:30 presented the budget for 1.985, watertownhistoricalsociety.orgp.m.. which was passed by the restry BD. OF EDUCATION meeting and accepted by the congrega- at high school library, 3.24 tion. Richard Clark, parish, French St., 8 p.m. agent, gave the report on build- ings and, grounds- GENERAL' TUESDAY, FEB. 12 Reports also were made by 1 School, Colonial" St., Oakville, INFO NUMBERS: Municipal 6:30' to 7:30' p.m. in. school mu- MUNICIPAL OFFICES, Louise Pastorino on. a future switchboard, 274-5411, for most sic room. Sponsored, by Parks School Department, schools, and. outreach, program, Mr. Harris, governmental and School De- and Recreation Department. senior center closed for Lincoln's Mrs. Porter,' and by the Rev. Birthday holiday. Mr. Kittredge, who discussed partment offices, including rec- 1 reation exts. 253-255, and senior MID AT, FEB. 8 DUPLICATE ' BRIDGE Club at future parish plans. Watertown Library, 7:30' p.m.; Other officers elected include: center and minibus exts. 423- SENIOR, CITIZENS Falls Ave. 1 424. center open 9 a.m.. to 1 p.m.; bring partner, or phone 274-1634 Theodore Merwin, treasurer ; for details. Mr. Keers, assistant treasurer;. DAILY INFOLINE: 274-9334. minibus to Waterbury and mall t. CRIMESTGPPERS: 755-1234. in morning and. afternoon,. Pamela Toffey, clerk; Mr. Clark, REC BUS TRIP to Food Show WEDNESDAY, FI». 1.3 parish agent; Linda Kuegler, THURSDAY, FEB. 7* at Hartford Civic Center leaves SENIOR CITIZENS Falls Ave. Stuart Kirk.fie.ld, and Karen SENIOR CITIZENS Falls Ave. Watertown Library parking lot, center open 9 a.m.. to 4 p.m.; Burrows, vestry members; center open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; so- 470 Main St., at 5:30 p.m. minibus to Waterbury and mall Nancylou Jessell, Frances Mer- cial 1 to 4 p.m. in. morning and afternoon. win, Robert: Jessell, and Mr. BD. of'EDUCATION .Budget SATURDAY, .FEE. 9 HISTORICAL SOCIETY Mu- Merwin, delegates and alter- Committee meeting; at Miinson BD. OF EDUCATION Budget seum at 22 DeForest St. open 2 nates to diocesan convention House, 10 DeForest St., 7 p.m. Committee meeting at Miinson to 4 p.m.. to public; free admis- and deanery meeting; Rosemary JOHN. 1. JOHNSON, Smith _SPECIAL EDUCAHOlTMusic House, 9 a.m. sion. Scappini and. John Magee, co- Pond Road, has been named Night at Swift: Junior High VALENTINE'S DAY Party for POLICE COMMISSION meet- delegates'to Council of Church- plastics development manager children, ages 3 to 6 and their ing at French St. police head- es; John and Mary Halliwel,, for the Royalene EPDM business Cabbage Patch Kids dolls at quarters, 7:30 p.m. assembly .members to Council, at the Chemical Group of Dniro- Oakville Branch Library, Davis HOUSING AUTHORITY meet-' of Churches; Beth Gillette and yal, Inc. In his new position, Mr. Dr. David F. Machell 1 Eileen. Tooker, co-delegates St., 10 to 11:30 a.m.; sponsored ing at Truman Terrace, 1.00 Johnson will be responsible for Steele Brook Rd., 7:30 p.m. to Ecumenical Council; and Ken- increasing the penetration, of Ro- by Junior Women's Club of Wa- neth. LaVigne, Edith Vance, and tertown. yalene EPDM in the plastics Mental Health COMING EVENTS John O'Brien, church yard market. He joined Dniroyal in VALENTINE DANCE by Nut- committee. Counseling. meg Square and Round Dance REC TRIPS: Feb. 21 (open), 1.964, and has progressed Club at Heminway Park School, Harlem Globetrotters at Hartford through a number of .sales and 37 Heminway Park Rd., 8 p.m. Civic Center; Feb. 22 (filled). Vandals Strike marketing positions. Most re- Admission.. Flower Show at Hartford Civic cently, he was marketing mana- 274-7207 Center; March 31-April 4 (filled), ger for Rovel engineering wea- Town Mailboxes therable polymers. "Mr. Johnson, MONDAY, FEB. 11 Parksville, N.Y. Call recreation Although vandalism is a MasterCard. VISA, SENIOR CITIZENS Falls Ave. office for details and reserva- received a bachelor's degree in American Express accepted tions. steady, ongoing problem,, Post- chemical engineering from center open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. master Margaret Casati. indicat- Cla.rk.son College, and. a .MBA. FIRE DISTRICT meeting at 24 ed vandalism, incidences directed degree from the University of Christ, Church at rural mailboxes are on the Hartford. He lives with his wife rise. and three children. Elects Leaders "Such acts place a financial jOampron Sign Services burden on. the homeowner," Colonial Street, McDonald For New Year she said. "It may seem innocent Road, and Straits Turnpike. Richard Harris was reelected but it's not." •The postmaster urged anyone FULL LIGHTING & SIGN senior warden, and Carol. Porter She further stated that elder- having information on any per- junior warden at the annual ly people, generally the brunt of meeting of Christ. Episcopal. sons vandalizing mailboxes, to MAINTENANCE such attacks, don't have the contact her at 274-2900. Church Jan. 21. physical or financial "where- INSTALLATIONS* REMOVALS The elections took place after withal" to put new boxes up TIME-WORN a covered dish supper served at when, the old one is vandalized. P.O.Box 673, Watertown 6:30 p.m. The Rev. Jeffrey L. A person caught vandalizing No one can expect to make next Kittredge, rector, asked the mailboxes is subject to fines. year better if they continue John Lampron 274-1680 invocation. Mrs. Casati said the afflicted following a time-worn formula. Treasurer Townsend Keers areas include. Colonial Road,

full are Watertown Meat Center ttiai 485 Main Street, memmwayP[ac9) Watertown 274-2714 — WOW ACCEPTING FOOD STAMPS — p * -PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12- Typographical Errors

:•:;;•.•-•...-..^.-CWUPOfi ' : ..' 30COFF ' Center Cut Country Loin " Rib Any Loaf of I Pork $4 } Spare $4 39 Pork $4 39 Pork 29 :: Chops ' I ib. Ribs I ib. .Roast I nb. Roast * BREAD : |

Boneless $-169 Smoked Triple M $ Pork Roast I n>. First Prize Shoulder Kielbasa Daisy 1.00Off! Ham Italian Sausage $ H| 39 $ 79 l Ground Chuck . Our Own-Hot or Sweet I ib. lib. 1 Ib. $169 Patties 5 ib. BOX 1 ib. USDA Choice -RO AST- WthjJI.P Purchase Rump $ 4 89 Top Round $ 4 89 N.Y. STYLE DEL! ALL BEEF Roast ' 1 ib. Owen Roast I lib. • First Prize Week • O.SJD.A. Oven Roast Boneless Si 69 CHOICE First Prize Large Bologna 1 ib. Bottom Round $ 4 69 Chuck $4 59 lib. Pot Roast ' I First Prize Turkey Breast 3 ' ib. Pot Roast ' I lib. Lean Boneless Top $ Q49 SO49 —STEAK- Boneless Stew First Prize Baked Virginia Ham £. ib. Sirloin Steak ' &• i Beef Shoulder Chuck $4 69 First Prize Mother Goose Liverwurst Si1 7 9lib. Semi-boneless London $-4 79 Steak 1 lib. .$479 |y.N.Y. Strip Steak $H79 First Prize Lean Bacon I' lib. Broil 1 Ib. 1 11 -POULTRY $-199 Chicken $4 29 Land o Lakes American Cheese I ib. SO 29 Breast 1 ib. Chicken CQC Boneless Chicken Whole or Split Our Own Rare Roast Bee! O ib. Legs ww ib. Breast Ib. Hummel Hot Dogs Skinless 1 ib, NatuiraljCaslingi 2 ' iib^-y Town (Watertown, Conn.) Feb. 7,1985 Page 3 semester Dean's List for Husson tion office by noon on Monday, organizations- in town are now A dultProperty Ed's 2nd ofSemester the WatertownCollege in Bangor, Maine. HistoricalFeb. 11 All painting will, be donSocietye offering, blood pressur e testing, on, Lincoln's Birthday, Feb. 1,2. and suggested people contact Nancy Tscheppe, daughter of All paints for the project will, -the Visiting Nurses Association Gets Underway Feb. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Tschep- be supplied by the department. or Town Hall for further informa- The second semester of the watertownhistoricalsociety.orgEnglish as a Second Lan- pe, 16 Dunrobin Lane, has been, Pictures will, be on display tion. Watertown Adult Education De- guage, offered Tuesdays and. named to the University of Con- throughout ' the week and partment's academic programs Thursdays from, 7 to 9 p.m. Basic necticut's, fall semester Dean's judging by the Parks and Recrea- will get under way .Monday, English and idiomatic expres- List for the School of Pharmacy. tion Commission, members will Dinner Dance Feb. 11 and. run for 1.1 weeks. sions are explained in the course She is a sophomore at the Water- be done Saturday, Feb. 16. Honors Carroll The courses scheduled are: designed for native and non- bury campus, and a Watertown This Year's theme is "What I* 'The GED-Hign School. Equiv- native .Americans seeking study High School graduate. Want to Be." A dinner dance honoring new- alency Diploma Preparation. Pro- in reading, writing, and speak- 1 For further information, ly appointed Watertown Police gram, offered four days a week ing. Signups For call the recreation office at 274- Chief Jack F. Carroll, Jr. will be from 7 to 9 p.m. Classes involved All of the courses are com- 5411, exts. 253-255. held on Saturday, April 20 at in. the program are Social Studies bined, with '.a guidance program the Holiday Seasons, Colonial (Monday), Math (Tuesday), which offers many services, in- Last Ski Trip Clu.1i Suspends Plaza, Waterbury. English (Wednesday), and Sci- cluding academic evaluation, The festivities will begin at ence (Thursday). Adults who en- placement, career planning, job End Tomorrow 7 p.m. with a cocktail, hour, fol- ter into this program are given a. opportunities, and post high Registration for Ski Sundown, Blood Clinks lowed by a sitdown dinner at pre-test to evaluate level of school, study. the last trip in the Parks and Re- The Oakville - Watertown' 8 p.m. Music will be provided, knowledge. The academic program, of the creation Department's winter ski UNICO Club blood pressure by Unexpected Pleasure. The Elementary Education department is offered, without trip program, closes tomorrow clinic, which has been held at the For tickets, and further infor- (Friday). Finast Supermarket in Water- mation, call ,274-9742, 274-4358- Review-Pre-GED. offered Mon- charge to residents of Water-' : days and Tuesdays from 7 to1 9 town, Oakville, Bethlehem, The trip, planned for Friday, town Plaza since the summer of (after 4 p.m.), or members of the p.m.. Emphasis is placed upon Woodbury, Middlebury, and Feb. ,22, will head, out from. De- 1.978, has been .suspended, Police Department at 274-5411,, review in reading, language, and Southbury. land Field at 6 p.m. for the New temporarily, announced club ext. 213. Hartford slopes. The bus will re- President. William T. Ban-ante. math prior to entry in the GED For farther information, con- Faith is the sparkplug which, prep classes. tact the office at 274-7182. turn at midnight. "UNICO thanks Finast for its Fee includes transportation ignites momentum when all paths 'The Americanization—Citizen- The office is open Monday support," he said, "and we also seem to be completely blocked. ship Program.,, offered Tuesdays through Thursday from 9 a.m.. and. lift ticket, with the prices thank all the nurses who have and-Thursdays from. 7 to 9 p.m. to' 2 p.m., and from 7 to 9 p.m.. . varying between adults and jun- helped us during the past several 'The main objective of the course iors. For reservations and further years." Education deals trump cards in is preparation for naturalization, information, contact the Recrea- Mr. Barrante noted that other the game of life. studies including American His- tion Department at ,274-5411, tory, government, on local, state, ext. 253. and national levels, and life in Paul S. Galullo, son of Jose- ph r; A. Galullo,, 32 Wedgewood Paint Contest. Dn.e, has been named to the fall Dniester, 1984, Dean's List, at Remains Open G.orge Washington, University in „ Registration for teams and. W ashingtori, D.C. Mr. Galullo, a individuals for the Parks and a l° 3 graduate of Watertown Recreation, Department's VALENTINE CHOCOLATES High, is an international politics annual. Window Painting Contest major. has been, extended, the depart- ment citing lower than expected Karleen, Jae Walsh, daughter of registration. Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Walsh, Any participants are required Assorted Bark ^©Assorted, Chocolates 104 Orchard Lane, was. one of 16 to submit a sketch to the recrea- milk, dark & white milk & dark Hartwick College, Oneonta, N.Y. with, cashews, almonds Gift boxed A students taking, part, in the col- Photography v & walnuts Wrapped for your lege's January term in Sweden, « Valentine Lollipops sweetheart studying the country's labor poli- FREE GIFT WRAP! cies. Show t Fruit & Spice Assortment | HARD CANDIES Old Fashioned "HorehouniT' » ApothecaryTars/ Three area students were Feb. 23 -MaL 31 Opening Reception • ,_Milk & White Choc. Vatentinc Greeting Cards" named to the first semester 77 i Woodbury Road Dean's List at Western Connec- February 23 3-5 p.m. ticut State' University, Danbuiy. \Watertown They are; juniors Lisa, Frank and Posters • 50% off Robin Sullivan, both of Water- raming, Workshop AMI PIUKKOWSKI, lidding town, and, senior Debora Main- 179 Main St., Watartown "Cuddies," was one of the Polk struck of Oakville. 274-2919 School kindergarten youngsters Man 1fr-5,TiH»Fri M,Sat 10-4 who participated, in a Teddy bear Sandra Kwaraceius, daughter contest in conjunction with com- of Mr. and, Mrs. Lawrence Kwar- pleting the T Letterbook in read- aceius, 6' Westshore Drive, Beth- ing. Bef.i; contestants, in a vari- lehem, has been, named, to the ety of dress, ranged in. sizes from fall semester Dean's, List at FINAL REDUCTIONS 27 inches to some almost as large Mattatuck Community College. as their owners, or some with a Miss Kwaraceius, a, sophomore, bottle and. just a few inches tail. is majoring in early childhood, The children told tales of bears education. that like to sleep with their own- Women's & Children's ers, break dance, or even, hiber- Scott A. Reed, Watertown, nate. (Polk Photo) has been named to the fall. SHOES & BOOTS

Save lip tO'60% Naturalizer Dress Shoes Regular Prices S37 - S55 Prices Start: At 82495

Thoughtful Gifts Dexter,, Bass and Soft, Spots Sport Shoes . , . $ 95 8 95 • for NOW ONLY 24 AND 29 Your Sweetheart from The ALL WOMEN'S 'BOOTS DRASTICALLY REDUCED Red Barn ..Prices Start As Low AS sl995 Choose from: Naturalizer. Dexter. Bass, Sperry Topsider and Many Others Annalee Dolls Arrangements Stride Rite Shoes & Boots... Regularly '23°° toS 1395 C00 Flowering Plants 95 $ 95 Cut Flowers Now Only *14 - 19 Necklaces Valentines Sale ends Feb. 16th - Shop Early for Besf Selections. Earrings Paper Goods Chains Gift Wrap , WESLEY'S OF WOODBURY The Red Barn 3 Fine Quality Footwear 96 Porter Street, Watertown 660 MAIN SI. SOUTH ' STORE HOURS >' - .274-8889 SHERMAN VILLAGE n/r Mil Ml MONDAY- FRIDAY 10*: Mon.-Fri. 9-5:30, Sat. 9-5 WOODBURY, CT £00*4(141 SATURDAY - 10-5 ' Page 4 Town Times, (Watertown, Conn.) Feb. 7,1985 swimming, Russ Davey, 1980- victory" plateau, is a debatable retiring to Maine in, 1969, Mr.' Property of the Watertown Historical SocietyGreason, died Thursday , Jan. 24 D D • • D ID 01D D D D • 0,000 • • 0, Di • • D Ol Di Di Di D D 81. point. It is generally acknowledg- ed to achieve that mark in high at his home. And just this fall Joe Shupenis school football is a tough task, He was born April 11, 190,2, in also passed his 100 win mark in. Baltimore, Md.,, son of the late J. TOWN TIMES INC. soccer—but no plaque for Joe! since so few games are played Published weekly, Subscriptiowatertownhistoricalsociety.orgn rates are $12 within each, season. Example: 1.0 per- Middleton and Ella (Gray) Grea- (see Oct. 25, 1984, Board of son. He is survived by his wife, Litchfield County, $14 elsewhere in. Connecticut and $16 Education, photo in the Town fect seasons at 10-0 would, be the out of state. Office is located in the Capozzi Professional minimum required; coaches Ruth (Worcester) Greason, Ber- Times.) wick, a former schoolteacher in, Building, 1192 Main Street, Watertown. Second class I am. not downgrading foot- these days who put in more than postage paid at Watertown, Ct. a decade of sendee are 'becoming .Watertown; a son, Kenneth W. ball's accomplishments because Greason, Jr., Amherst, .Mass.; a For news or information call 274-6721. Address mail I feel the football staff deserves fewer and fewer. Since the other to TOWN TIMES, Box I, Watertown, Ct. sports schedule more per daughter,. Carolyn. Bryan, Fal- all the credit they have re- season, perhaps a higher stand- mouth, Mass.; a niece and six. POSTMASTER: Send address; changes to 'Town ceived. What I am. asking for is ard should be devised, such, as grandchildren. Times, P.O., Box 1, Watertown, Ct, 06795. equal plaudits for the other de- 150 or even 200 wins. Again., William E. Simmons, Publisher serving teams and their coaches any standard is open to argu- William A. Achenbach 'Thomas Valuckas, Editor.; Kim Harmon, Editorial As- who have expended time, effort:, ment.) Funeral services for William sistant; Dolores Semeraro, Advertising Manager; Claudia. and true dedication,,, A. Achenbach, 79, of 126 Con- Pettinicchi and Delois Reilly, Sales Representatives; After all if it weren't for these gress Ave,, Waterbury, were Martha, Stammer, Production Supervisor; Pamela Con- other 17 coaches and their as- OBITUARY held Wednesday, Feb. 6, at the boy and. Agnes LePage, Production Staff; Lorraine sistants, over 300 students at Stokes, Funeral Home, Water- Watertown High School, would Robert W. Rikteraitis bury. .Burial was to be in Mount Veronneau, Lillian Misura and Odette Sirois, Circulation 'be unable to participate in Funeral services, for Robert W. • and mailing. sports. Olivet Cemetery. Mr. Achenbach Rikteraitis, of San. Diego, Calif., died Sunday, Feb. 2, at the Wa- USP'S 635-48© So let's hear it for ALL the son of Victor and Annette (Chi- •••••••DDDO••••anDDDD•••••••• winners! What do yon say? terbury Nursing Center after a kowski) Rikteraitis, Watertown, brief illness. ADVERTISING NOTICE Sincerely yours, were held Monday, Feb. 4, from TOWN TIMES will make every effort, to see thai ii advertising copy is correctly printed. Among the survivors are his Mary Wollenberg the O'Neill Funeral. Home, Oak- 'The publishers assume no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertise- Field. Hockey Coach ville, to St. John's Church for son, Joseph, Achenbach, Water- ments, but will gladly reprint, without charge, that part of advertisement in which an town. error may occur. Regularly scheduled advertising .may be canceled or corrected within Softball Coach. a Mass at 11 a.m. Burial was to deadline limits only. (Ed Note: It's not: coincidental for be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. sports, that generate the greatest .Mr. Rikteraitis died. Wednes- lira,, Charles Venneau, amount of public interest also day, Jan. 30, at: the USC Medical Private funeral, services for Watertown High School football likely will, receive an. inordinate team, has received this year for Center. He lived, most of his life Mrs. Judith (Patterson) Ven- amount of coverage, especially in the Waterbury area before neau, 87, of 24 Bushnell Ave., its accomplishments in the NVL. .in Watertown"s case in 1984, And rightfully so! To this I moving to California 20 years Oakville, widow of Charles J. when the varsity football team ago. Venneau, were held Thursday, Editor add my congratulations. zeroed in on its first NVL cham- Town. Times Jan. 31, at the Hickcox-Mitchell However, what, about the other pionship (albeit a co-title with Funeral Home, with the Rev. Dear Sir: 17 sports and their accomplish- Board man G. Get singer, Sr. Ansonia), and coach Bill Gar- Funeral, services for Boardman Waldo Landquist, pastor at As a scleroderma patient who ments? won his 1.00th game during has suffered alone for too many Are you and other sports- G. Getsinger, Sr., 83, Summer-" Union Congregational Church, the campaign. Positive promo- ville, S.C., a former city editor officiating. Burial was to be in years with a disease that: few minded people of Watertown tion of school sports, however, people have even, heard of, I am aware of the accomplishments of of the Waterbury American, Evergreen, Cemetery. is the responsibility of the were held Sunday, Feb. 3, at the Mrs. Venneau died Tuesday, attempting to locate others who the following teams? They are: coaches, players, spectators, and. suffer from scleroderma (syste- the tract team of 1969 was NVL Harmony Presbyterian Church, Jan. 29, at • her home after a the Board of Education—and not Crocketvile, S.C. Mr. Getsinger brief illness. mic sclerosis). champs; softball team of .1.977 necessarily of the press. Some My New Year's resolution is to was NVL champs; the golf team died. Thursday, Jan. 31, at the teams are better at it than oth- Mrs. Josephine Buonfigiio correspond with as many sclero- had back-to-back, championships ers. The Town Times-, when it: Presbyterian Home, Summer- de r ma patients as possible. Doc- in 1.979 and 1980; the girls' bas- has been, made aware of out- ville. Funeral services for Mrs. Jo- tors tell me there are 300,000 of ketball team of 1979-80 was standing successes or title goals An ordained, minister of the sephine (DeRito) Buonfigiio, 65, us. Perhaps your readers can, as- NVL champs; both the boys' attained, in any local sport, has United Church of Christ, he was of Davis Street, Oakville, were sist me in locating others like and girls* swim team, won the balanced the significance of the a newspaperman for more than held Friday, Feb. 1, at 8:15 a.m. myself. championship in 1980 and 1981; achievement with what it feels 30 years, and city editor of the from the Albini Funeral Home, Sincerely, the boys' swim team won the will be the reader interest. This American, when it, won the 1940 Waterbury, to Our Xady of Diane Williams State Class M in 1981 and re- is not to denigrate any of the Pulitzer Prize for most meritori- Mount Carniel Church, Water- 21 Brennan St No. 21 peated as State Class S in 1982; sports, but the fact is football ous service by a newspaper for bury, for a Mass at 9 a.m. Burial Watsonville, Calif. 9,5076, the girls'" track team won. the has the largest following within exposing graft in the administra- was to be in. Mount Olivet Ceme- NVL in both 1983 and. 1984, the community, a situation that. tion of Mayor T. Frank Hayes. tery. Editor I don't remember any fan- probably won't change. When He was a pilot in the U.S. Mrs. Buonfigiio died Wednes- Town Times fares, for these accomplishments scheduling permits, the Town Army Air Service during World day, Jan. 30, at Waterbury Hos- War I, worked for various news- Dear Sir: —let alone publicity. Times HAS in the past provided pital after a brief illness. In addition, are you aware coverage of certain special sport- papers, and traveled extensively Having been, an avid reader throughout the world for his of the Town Times, I. could that: there are other coaches ing events, such as softball play- Legion, Dance not 'help but notice the spec- who have passed, their 100 win off games in Woodbury and Mid- church work after joining the tacular amount of coverage the mark, without: so much, as an ac- dletown, the swimmers" 1981 staff of the church's Office of . For Valentines knowledgement? For instance: state championship banquet in Communications in 1956 in Bos- girls' basketball, Marie Samp- Waterbury, and a hockey playoff ton. At Post Home • son, 1979,-80'; girls" softball, game at Taft involving Water- Among the survivors are a. Mary Wallenberg, 1.981; boys' town. The matter of the "1.00th. son, Boardman Getsinger, Jr., The Oakville American Legion and a granddaughter, Gretchen Auxiliary No". 195 will sponsor a Getsinger, both of Watertown. 'Valentine Dance Saturday, Feb. 16, at the Bunker Hill Road, post Kenneth W. Greason home, from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.. Funeral services for Kenneth Music will be provided by a CRAFT SHOP W. Greason, 82, of Diamond Hill. disc jockey, and there will be Road, Berwick, Maine, were coffee, pastries, and setups. held. Saturday, Jan. 26, in Bier- The affair is BYOB and snacks. wick. A resident of Watertown The auxiliary said there will, be and Oakville for many years, door prizes and a raffle. For working as an electrician before tickets or further information, call. Sue Palmer, auxiliary president, at 274-9188 or Nancy Pillis at 274-4344,. TEDTIETZ, JR.5 The auxiliary has taken on the TRUCKING Shelter of St. Vincent DePaul of Friday, Feb. 8 thru Saturday, Feb. 16 Quassuk R. Woodburyj Waterbury as a, project, and are 263-3972 collecting the following items, to YOU CALL, WE HAUL donate to the shelter: sheets, pil- ANYTIME, ANY PLACE lowcases, blankets, towels, 25 to 50% Off CRUSHED STONE men's clothing, non-perishable GRAVEL • LOAM, • SAND food, goods, especially coffee, BU LI DOZING cocoa, sugar, tea, and canned, ON MOST ITEMS RtASONABU UIIS foods. Artists Paints You're Always Ahead People wishing, to donate When you Call Jed should, call the above numbers, Give from the heart Acrylic & Oil with one of our genuine ruby or drop the items off at the hall after 4 p.m. any day. and heart creations. Silk Flowers, Ribbons Lovingly designed by Krerneintz Beads, Macrame Supplies in 14Kf. gold overlay. To give with love. Lampshade" Supplies and Much More

Bargain Table of D&L Registry, Inc. SUPER BARGAINS ' "People Caring A bout People'" EMIL'S 24 Hour Sen-ice - 7 Days A, Week FREE - Stop in and JEWELERS pick up your free —ALL YOUR HOME CAME NEEDS— 709 Main Street copy of "Especially Watertown for Grafters" while Registered Nurses • Licensed Practical Nurses • Nurses Aides, 274-1988 they last. Companions • Light, or Heavy Housecleaning SORRY — Cash only for Sale Merchandise - No Returns Home Hairdressing or Barber Services • Transportation Assistance The Red Barn • Physical Therapy • Speech Therapy • Occupational Therapy 96 Porter Street, Watertown FREE CONSULTATION 573-0198 Man. -Fri., 9-5:30 Sat. 9-5 274-8889 5RadcUff"Avenue, Waterbury Town Times (Watertown, Conn.) Feb. 7,1,985 Page 5 Property of the Watertown HistoricalYMCA's iOth Annual Super Ac Society- members only Tuesday , Feb., 12, Tickets Now tion Auction Friday, March 8. at 7:30 p.m. at the Oakville Robert Wesson, chairman of Branch Library, Davis Street. Available For the auction, announced that Winners will advance to the watertownhistoricalsociety.orgprizes will. Include trips to Hawaii district competition to be held in Nutmeg Ballet and London, television sets, a March. Refreshments will be Tickets for the Nutmeg Bal- sailboat, crystal, Whaler's tick- served and. the public may at- lets' "Repertoire," featuring Le- ets, and. kitchen, appliances. tend. onid, and Valentina Kozlov of All, proceeds will, support the the Russian Bolshoi Ballet, are Greater Waterbury ' YMCA's Bloodmobile Set. available at the box office, 21 youth programs, Including Big The American Red Cross Water Street, Torrington. Brothers/Big Sisters, National will hold a bloodmobile on Wed- The performance is scheduled Youth Project Using Minibikes, nesday, Feb.. 20, in the cafe- for the Warner Theatre on March, child care programs, competitive teria of Scovill Apparel Fasteners ' 9 at 8 p.rn , and March 1,0 begin- teams, and. general scholarships. on, Buckingham Street. ning at 2 p.m. The box office is F'or further information, con- The bloodmobile, sponsored, open, Tuesday through Friday tact the YMCA at 754-2181. by Scovill. and. other area busi- from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Satur- nesses, is open to the public. day from, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. lunior Women Crafts Hours are from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. For further information, call The Kozlovs defected in 1979 The Watertown Junior Wom- the Waterbury Area Chapter of after the last performance of the en's Club will hold its annual the American Red Cross at .Bolshoi in, the United, States, and Arts and Crafts, Competition for 755-1137.. GOOD-HEAITED MEMBERS of the Westbury Dram Corps were will be making their first Con- honored, by the St. Pius X, Council, Knights of Columbus recently for necticut appearance. their help in. making the annual 'Tootsie Roll .Drive for mentally For further information, call retarded youngsters .an outstanding success. The Knights .and corps the box office at; 482-4413 or WATERTOWN workers set .an all-time record the past, year by rasing $666.8,2. Some 482-7375. members shown, with Grand, Knight James J. Ring, seated fore- ground, center, are left to right, Barbara Quinneville, Cheryl Maggi, YMCA To Hold. ARMY * NA 'Terry Childs, Kristie Daly, and, unidentified helper, -and Carol Cole (right foreground). (Knights Photo) Annual Auction, 619 Main St. 274-3278 More than $15,000 in goods Conrad, Tarte, instructor, also DON'T MISS THE and services will be up for grabs Two Financial will renew some tax, law changes. 'The course begins 'Tuesday,,. Feb. at the Greater Waterbury Courses Given, 1,2 from, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. T Participants in, Basic Financial Attics, Basements,, At Mattatuck Planning will develop a financial Garages Cleaned COUPON SALE EVER!! Investments-Tax Planning and plan, that reflects goals and objec- Demolition for: ONLUNLY Basic Financial Planning are two tives. Donna. Bandeloni will be the Remodeling & Removal special, credit-free business courses instructor' for the course, which * Lewi &• Lee Jeans offered through Mattatuck Com- begins Tuesday, March 5, 5:30 to of Old, Buildings *Levi& Lee Cords munity College's Division of Con- 7:30 p.m., and runs for five ses- Yardwork, most, any $1 Q99 • Dickie Work Pants tinuing Education. sions. type of odd jobs. I

First, we have an entire department, devoted to You don't have the cash for an IRA? We'll lend you IRA's. You. receive first-hand, good advice. Just the money. You're still way ahead if you 'borrow „, M 'dial First Federal, and ask for an "IRA Expert." v — the deposit. Your tax refund for 1984 would far You'll see the difference. You can. even open your IRA. while exceed the loan interest in 19S5. And even the loan, interest you're on the phone. is tax deductible. You can't lose!

Open, with any amount. Even, a, $10 deposit in your IRA is sufficient. If you're .single, $2,000 is your _ maximum annual deposit. Up to $4,000 if both L "**' h:/' you. and. your spouse work. At any rate, it's a big tax deduction. Here's where it all, comes together. One call to our IRA Experts. You, don't even have to come in. just phone. We'll Our experts tailor your IRA plan, to your personal answer all your questions, and .send information, We can investment needs. High-yield CEi's, for example. even open your IRA while you're on the phone. You can build a portfolio, tax-deferred, until age . - , 70% or retirement. r Return to: i • .Send tae an. IRA kit. First Federal Savings just look at the chart: below. If you're in, the 32% • .Send more i n forma tion. P.O. Box 191 tax, bracket and you deposit $2,000, you'll save i • Have .someone call me. 'Watcrbury, CT 06720 $640 in taxes, in this year alone. That's impressive. i i Name. OPEN .Address 'Tax, Amount of 'BRA, Deposit i AN'MA City State Zip. Brackrt $15Q0 FOR THIS i i Phone 100 250 500 750' 1000 2000' Best time to call. SAVE i THIS i" WRA 1/09/85 I AMOUNT &%L 50 125 250 375 500' 1000 ON YOUR Member FS Lie,.', 1984 TAXES. IRA deposits insured separately up to $100,000. 20% 40 100 ,200- 300 400' 800 We'll 'Serm Y*m Best. First Federal Savings Waierkmm 274-881® Waierbmry 755-1422 Smithbuty 264-2444 Page 6Property Town Times (Watertown , ofConn. ) Febthe. 7,198 Watertown5 Historical Society Choir, 7 p.m.; Bingo, church Boy Scouts, 7 p.m.; Comm.uni,on Trinity Lutheran hall, 7:15 p.m. and .Bible Study, 7:30 p.m. 50 DeForest St., 274-8534 Saturday, Feb. 9-Confessions Friday, Feb., 8-Morning Pray- Thursday, Feb., 7-BLC-TLC watertownhistoricalsociety.org4 to 5 p.m.; Ninth Anniversary er, 8:30 a.m.; Brownies, 3:30 Committee, 7:30' p.m. Low M'ass for Donald, and. San- p.m.; Evening Prayer, 5:45 p.m.; Friday, Feb. 8--Confirmation dra Toffey Richards, 5 p.m. Brownies' Play, 7 p.m.; Leave Class, 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 10-Low Mass for Parish Retreat, 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 10-Sanday Si. Mary- Magdalen Catholic Women's Organization for Rocco and Incorronata Man- Saturday, Feb. 9-Morning Church School, 9:30 a.m.; Wor- 16 Buckingham St., Okvl. meeting: in parish hall, 7:30' cini, 8:1,5 a.m..,; Low Mass- for Prayer, 8:30 a.m. ship Service, 11 a.m.; Worship 2744273 p.m.; Legion of Maty at rectory, Donata Calabrese, 9:30 a.m..; Sunday, Feb. 10--Holy Com- Committee, 12 noon; Scouting Thursday, Feb. 7-Mass, 7 8p.m. High Mass for William, Carew, munion, 8 a.m.; Holy Commu- Ecumenical Worship, 3 p.m. a.m.; Mass, 5 p.m.; Bingo, par- Tudsday, Feb.. 12-Mass, 7 10:45 a.m.; Fifth Anniversary nion, Church School, nursery. Tuesday, Feb.' 12-Church ish hall, 7 p.m. a.m.; Mass, 5p.m. High Mass for Winifred O'Neill, Adult Education, High School Council, 7:30 p.m. Friday, 'Feb. 8-Mass, 7 a.m.; Wednesday, Feb. .13-Mass, 7 12 noon; Folk Choir, 4 p.m.; Low Study, Coffee Hoar, 1,0 a.m.; lay Wednesday, Feb. 13-Prayer Mass for Maty Falco, 5 p.m. a.m.; Mass, 5 p.m.; Scripture Mass (Folk Mass) for Frank, Vasi- Readers' Service at Watertown Group, 4 p.m.; Choir rehearsal, Saturday, Feb. 9-Mass for Course at rectory, 8 p.m.; Char- lauskas, 5 p.m..; Bingo, church Convalarium, 1 p.m., and at 7:30' p.m. James Spino, 8 a.m.; Confes- ismatic Prayer Group at parish hall, 6:30 p.m. WMtewood .Manor, 1:30 p.m. 1 sions In church, 2:30' to 3:3c hall, 8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 1,1-Low .Mass, Monday, Feb. 11-Morning All Saints' Episcopal 'p.m.; Vigil Mass for Victoria, 9 a.m.; CCD Grades 5 and, 6 at Prayer and. Communion, 8:30 262 Main St., Okvl. Mandni, 4 p.m..; Confessions in St. John, the Evangelist Heminway Park School, 2:40' to •a.m..; A.A., 10:30 a.m.; Evening church, 7 to 7:30' p.m.. 274-2352 574 Main St., 274-8836 4 p.m.; 9th Grade Confirmation Prayer, 5:45 p.m.; A.A. Discus- Friday, Feb.. 8-Departare for Sunday, Feb. 10-Mass for Thursday, Feb., 7—Low Mass, Class at St., John's School, 7 to sion, Group, 7 p.m. Parish Weekend Retreat. members of parish family, 7 1.1. a.m.; Special Program at par- 8:45 p.m. Tuesday, Feb., 12-Morning a.m.; Mass for Edward Pakul, ish hall, 7:30! p.m.., address by Saturday, Feb. 9-Flea Mar- 1 Tuesday, Feb. 1,2-low Mass, Prayer and. Communion, 8:35 ket, 9 a.m.. to 3 p.m. 8:30 a.m.; Rosary, 9:45 a.m.; the Rev. Thomas Gallagher , sec- 9 a.m.; Rosary, 6:30 p.m.; .Mi- a.m.; AI-Anon, 10 a.m.; I AH, .Mass for Victoria and Gennaro Sunday, Feb. 10-Holy Com- retary of education of the United raculous .Medal Novena, 7 p.m. Club, 4 p.m.; Evening Prayer, munion, 8 a.m.; Bible Study, 9 Rinaldi, 1:0 a.m.; Mass for Julia States Catholic Conference, open Wednesday, Feb. 1,3—Low 5:45 p.m.; Vestry, 7:30 p.m.; Perlinski, 11:30 a.m. a.m.; Holy Communion, Sunday to public. Mass, 9 a.m.; Senior Choir, A.A. and Al-A-Teen, 8 p.m. School, nursery care, 10 a,m.; Monday, Feb.. 11 --.Mass for Friday, 'Feb. 8—.Low Mass for 7:30' p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 13-Moming SERF, i p.m.; Senior Choir Jeannette Massicotte, 8 a.m.; Albany Laliberte, 11 a.m.; Folk Prayer, 8:45' a.m.; Bible Teach- rehearsal, 6:30 p.m. United Methodist ings, Communion, and. Healing Monday, Feb. 11- Junior1 305 Main St., 274-3785 Service, 9:30 a,.m,.,; Junior Choir, Choir .rehearsal, 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 7-Boy Scouts, 3:30 p.m.; Evening Prayer, 5:45 Tuesday, Feb. 1,2—Lions Club, 7 p.m. p.m.; Spiritual Growth Program, 6:30 p.m.; Vestry Meeting, 7:30 FREE Sunday, Feb. 10-Church 7 p.m.; Senior Choir, 7:45 p.m.. p.m. School, 9 a.m.; Adult Class,, 9 Wednesday, Feb. 13—Parents Bar and Chain Oil a.m.; Morning Worship, 10:30' First Congregational. Night, "Being an. Askable Pro- a.m...; Confirmation, Class, 40 DeForest St., 274-6737 gram," 7:30 p.m.; Dieters" Pro- with every $.25.00 3:30 p.m.; Junior High UMYF, Thursday, "Feb. 7—Brownies, gram, 8 p.m. 4:30 p.m.; Children's Choir, 4:30 6:30 p.m.; Boy Scouts, 7 p.m.. rental. p.m.; Youth Choir, 5:30 p.m.; Sunday, Feb. 10-Chu.rch Mattatack Unitarians Senior High UMYF, 6:30 p.m. School, 9 a.m.; Worship Service, Nonnewang High School Monday, Feb. 1,1-Dieters" nursery care provided, 10:30 Woodbnry Program, 7 p.m.; Waterbury a.m.; Pilgrim Choir, 5 p.m.; Pil- Sunday, Feb. 10—Worship Don's Rental Oratorio Society rehearsal, 7:30 grim Fellowship, 6 p.m. Service, 10:30 a.m., with Jane p.m. 471 Main Street, Oakville Monday, Feb. 11-Fk-It Fel- Pierson and Tom Thompson on Wednesday, Feb. 13--Valen- lowship, 9 a..m.; Girl Scouts, 3:30 "Dying, Letting Go, and Liv- tine Luncheon, 12:30 p.m.; Girl p.m.; Watertown-Oakville Ecu- ing." 274-9621 Scouts, 7 p.m.; Cancer Support: menical Council Meeting, Evan- Group, 7:30 p.m.; Adult Choir, gel Assembly of God, 7:30 p.m. Evangel Assembly 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 12-A11, Boards, 2245 Lltehfield Rd., 274-5759 663 Lakewood Road" 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 7-Men's Fel- Waterbury Christ Episcopal Wednesday, Feb.. 1.3—Pioneer lowship, 7 p.m. tourSeasops 25 The Green, 274-1910 Choir, 3:30 p.m.; Senior Choir, (Frank ie's Mini Mall 111 Sunday, Feb. 10--Sunday Thursday, Feb. 7-Morning 7:30 p.m. School, 9:45 a.m.; Morning Wor- swtuicmttr Prayer and. Communion, 8:30 Thursday, Feb. 1,4—Brownies, ship, 11 a,.m,.,; Sing and. Share a.m.; Evening Prayer, 5:45 p.m.; 6:30 p.m.; Boy Scouts, 7p.m. Evening Service, 6 p.m. The Bible Church Wednesday, Feb. 13-RoyaI 6 VISITS FOR, R.J. BLACK 240 Dwlgfat St., Wtiby. Rangers, 7 p.m.; Bible Study, 755-0197 7:30 p.m. ' & SON, INC. Friday, Feb. 8-Intercessory Open 7 Days Mlddlebory Baptist Sales & Service Prayer Group, 1.1 a.m.. to 12:30 p.m. 74Keiyld.,Mldidl,ebnry A Week Solar Hot Water Sunday, Feb.. 10--B!ble Class- 7584655 Efficient Evacuated es for all ages, 9:30 a.m.; Cof- Sunday, Feb. 10-Sunday 753-4226 Tube Design fee/Fellowship, 1.0:40 a.m..; School for all, ages, nursery care Worship Service, 11 a.m.; An- provided, 9:45 a,,m.; Morning Water Pumps &. nual Business Meeting after Worship Service, nursery care 1 FREE VISIT . Water Conditioners service; Beginner Church, Ju- provided. Children's Church for nior Church, 11:30 a.m.. Grades 3 and under, 11 a.m.; WITH THIS AD!!! Thomaston Road Evening Worship Service, 7 p.m. Watertown ,274-8853 Monday, Feb. 11-Men's Bas- ketball at 'Bucks Hill School Wednesday, Feb. 13-Bible .gym, 7 to 9 p.m. Study, 7 p.m.; Pioneer Girls, Tuesday, Feb. 12-Singles Grades 1 to 7, 7 to 8:30 ..p.m..; Group, 7 p.m...,, sledding and Prayer Groups, Bible Study, Koi- Who is the True Mediator? I Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 9:1.5 & 24; tobogganing party. nonia Groups, 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 13-Old Tes- I John 2:1 The Bible says It's Jesus Christ! tament Survey Course, 9:30 Victory Independent Baptist a.m.; Junior and. Senior High 453 Main St., 274-8366 Youth Groups, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb.. 1.0-Sunday A FAMILY ORIENTED CHURCH, School, 9:15 a.m.; Morning Wor- POLAROID ship, 10 a.m.; Junior Church, ages 6 to 12, 10 a.m.; Evening Do you want to Come to a church Instant Color Service, 7 p.m.. be sure of VICTORY PASSPORT PICTURES Wednesday, Feb.. 13-Bible where you can, Study and Prayer Meeting, Heaven when Taken While You Wail INDEPENDENT get your questions 1 7 p.m. you die? answered. BOBS-CAMERA You. can be. BAPTIST Christian Science ' Read Shop, Inc. 37 Holmes Ave., Wtby. I, John 5:11-13 CHURCH Eph, 6:12 90' South Main Street 756-0726 Sunday, Feb., 10-Sunday Ser- ALL WELCOME Waterbury Tel. 754-2256 vice and. Sunday School, 10:45 Cameras — Projectors a.m. Fundamental, Independent, Prexnillennial OPEN MONDAYS Wednesday, Feb.; 13-Testi- mony, 7:30 p.m. BMe Believing Your Cfinirch Can't Get You Into Heaven,. St. John 14:6, St. John 3:3,7

Jesus is the only one "Holiness is not the way to Christ, who can forgive sin. • Christ is the way to Holiness," St. John 1:29, IJohn 1:7 C.H. Spurgeon Pastor John I. Morris Hours: Sun. Morning 9:1.5 ^SERVED DAILY FROM 1PM. 274-8366 Sun. Evening 7:00 T*« OUT' OR 453 Main Street. Wed. Evening 7:00 *?» £/i -882? I So ECHO LAKE CT

\9 Town Times (Watertown, Conn.) Feb. 7,1985 Page 7 Property of the Watertown HistoricalBAR Meeting SocietyOne's own poverty is easier to Barry Hughs on Gives All Vaughan Brown, history1 teacher take than another's prosperity. Ifotir Communitys at Swift. Junior High, will speak watertownhistoricalsociety.orgon, "Liberty Love Day" at the He Can For The Theater next meeting of the Sarah Whit- HEALTH man, Trumbull Chapter, Daugh- Batty Hughson might not Health Center's ters of the American Revolution, exactly be the avetage 16 year on Thursday, Feb. 14, 2 p.m. at old. Although he attends Water- Reduce Infant, the home of Mrs. David Long, town High and maintains decent 383 Northfieid Road. grades, he also is training in Deaths dance, directs the Youth Theater More babies are living be- Hostesses for the meeting will Ensemble, and teaches classes in cause of the network of com- be Mrs. Long, Mrs. Munson the performing arts. munity health centers across White, .and. Mrs. G. Wilmont the country, according to a Hungerford. Barry has begun an intensive study released in 1963 by dance training program at the the National Center for Speaker Tonight School of Performing Arts in Health Services Research. The Rev. Thomas G. Gallag- New Milford after deciding not to ~ K return to the Nutmeg Ballet her, secretary of education, for Company in 1985, where he the United, States Catholic 'Con- danced for six years. ference, Washington,, D.C, will "I call it the Nutmeg Ballet speak on "Parent Power: Loving burn-out," Barry said. "I started Children"" today ('Thursday) at to see myself going down instead V St. John's Church, 574 Main St. of up. I needed a drastic The program, open to parish- change." Since the 1960's, infant ioners and the general public, Now, with his new dance train- death rates have improved will begin at 7:30' p.m. The ad- ing; schedules, he has more time greatly in this country. But dress is part of the parish's cele- to work with his ""'pride and joy,"* in Black and Hispanic com- bration of the Feb. 3-9 Catholic the Youth Theater Ensemble. Barry Hughson munities, the infant death Schools Week. Barry founded the ensemble in. seriously train young people in rate h estimated to be twice 1979 at the age of 11, and ran its much of anything when you only as high as the national NEW YORK CITY activities on his own. And just .average. see them once or twice a week," The study found that BUS EXCURSIONS this year, a board of directors Barry said. "My biggest job is community health, centers was formed and an associate di- working directly with the kids, (CHC's) have played an im- SECOND WEDNESDAY msriifilH HI | HI i ii i« Is rector position created. because that is what I do best portant role in reducing in- OF EACH MONTH "The group began to grow so and where they can benefit from fant deaths in America, Leaves Watertown 8:30 A.M. . I'ci "I liiJiijyv. fast that it came time to expand me most." which is especially good Vm u///rirl;i lira nm- its administrative and artistic po- Barry has seen members of the news for minorities. The Leaves Wood bury 8:40 A.M. Leaving New York 7:00 P.M. fid<'iiiT.;i iirtiT 'ii I in ii. tential," he said. "I was giving group grow into fine actors, ac- study showed that CHC's \c Minims. iTiish d iris. »r the kids all that I had to give and tresses, singers and, dancers. contributed about 12% of FARE $13.50 s|n"i"ii;iil I'm ills In tuny. the observed, decline in in- then, realized that they should One of them is working in the (lull ibryiiiiir Ilrsi fur fant death, rates in, the Black Tickets at: have the proper financial backing professional theater and others C 'liSillLlliiiiiii (in I; iv. to enhance their talents with ma- are only steps away. com mu n i ty b e t, ween 1970 J oh n" s Con fee tione iry terial things, like better scenery But most of all, Barry feels, and 1,978. It appears that 67.1 Main St., Wtn. His panics and, other minor- and costumes, which a board of "If persons leave this group and Country Kettle directors could provide." * decide not to pursue a career in ity populations also made similar gains. Wood bury Since the forming of the the arts, then they will be able to DIET Board, Barry has had the oppor- take with them, the ability to hold Study findings also sug- The Kelley tunity to spend, more time in the their heads up high, smile and. gest a substantial payoff to .CENTER rehearsal hall and less time be- say, *I am proud, to be me." And counties that have actively Transit Co., Inc. hind the desk. if they say that, then I have done i n, v es t ed i n, c o m. m u n i ty my job." health centers. In fact, coun- 32 Falls Avenue "It is virtually impossible to ties with four or more CHC's Tel. 489-9243 actually reduced, infant Call Mary a no death, rates by an additional Torrington, Conn. 274-332:9 10%, when compared to counties without them. The National Association '(SoM OUTER 6fACE - of Community Health Cen- ters in Washington, D.C. re- WATERTOWN AUTO' BODY ports that CHC's serve ap- 40 Years Experience U6:H» TO "TAKE proximately 6 million, people We Specialize In: OF TH& each year. These centers, with, the help of U.S. Public: m REP'AIRING FOREIGN & DOMESTIC CARS Health Service funding, of- • INSTALLING SHOCKS & LIFETIME MUFFLERS fer quality health care for • AUTOMOBILE PAINTING families, regardless of ability • FIBERGLASS REPAIRS to -pay, including special • CUSTOMIZING & RESTORATION OF OLD CARS health, services for women • INDUSTRIAL PAINTING during and, after pregnancy, Knight Street, Watertown and for their babies. CHC's 2:74-6626 are helping mothers and ba- P.O. Box 451 bies live healthier lives.


'Your family music store" •

10'Acre .Malt, Ht. 63, Watertown, • 274-1556 Hours:, Tues,-Fn. 10-8. Sat. 104 MC VISA SPIOTTI CHARGE

i Page 8 Town Times (Watertown, Conn,) Feb. 7,1985 to those businesses which also in any town also can receive fi- Mrs. Hathaway, .Detroit, Mich,,, receive private financing. nancial assistance for product and Mr. and .Mrs. William, Rice, Property of the WatertownSpecifically, the prerequisite s Historicaldevelopment, product market Society- Chimney Road. NOTES FROM for receiving a CID loan are: ing, or both through CPDC's basic loan, program.. Criteria for FDH1MAN-A son, Bryan 1... The businesses must 'be lo- g ^Christopher, Dec. 24 at Water- cated in the communities men- receiving a loan are based on HARTFORDwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgtioned above or any of the other product feasibility, company bury Hospital to Mr. and, Mrs: 61 targeted towns; ability, marketing availability, Kichard Fuhrman (Norma Cor- By State Senator Jamie McLaughlin tes), Waterbury. Grandparents 2. Working capitol must be manufacturing and sales capa- Woodbwy: 263-5044 bility, and adequate overall are Mr. and Mrs.••William Fuhr- needed, for the manufacture and man, Bethlehem... Great-grand- Capitol: 566-7900 promotion of new products; financing. Toll Free: 1-800442-1421 parents are Mr. and, Mrs. Rich- 3. The company must, make an The goal of the CPDC pro- ard Levernos, Massachusetts. effort to receive private funding; grams is to contribute more jobs, more new products, and ^ more Keeping Connecticut's help to create jobs and. bolster 4. The firm, mast receive at ROULEAU--A daughter, Kari Small Businesses Healthy least: 50 percent of "its 'funding to the economic base of " our state's economy. Connecticut. .Most of my collea- Jean, Jan. 15 at Waterbury Hos- While I am not usually one to There are a number of note- from, other (private) sources; pital to Mr. and Mrs. Louis advocate the expenditure of state 5. 'The new product must dem- gues in the state legislature Rouleau (Paula Samoska), Wa- worthy programs in Connecticut and I realize that the health of government funds on private specifically dedicated to help onstrate the likelihood of com- 11 terbury. Grandparents are Mr. sector projects, there are certain, small busineses. Their successes Connecticut's business climate and Mrs. 'Thomas Samoska, Oak- mercial success; depends on. the health and instances when it makes a great prove that state agencies have 6. The business must provide ville, Gladys Hisler, Portland, deal of economic sense for gov- indeed provided a great deal of appropriate loan, security; and growth of our small businesses. and Roland Rouleau, Meriden. ernment to contribute to pro- If you. have any questions help to small businesses in 7. Production of the product: 1 Great-grandparents are Mi. and grams which would normally be dozens of communities across must result in. the creation, of new concerning the CID loans or any Mrs. Ernest Rouleau, Meriden. financed by private industries. the state. jobs. • • other CPDC programs, you can. One such issue which* the state One principal agency active in The CID fund, was established contact their office in Hartford at RUSSO-A son, Mitchell James, Legislature in Connecticut is such endeavors is the Connecti- with, funds from the Federal 566-2920'. If you hare questions Jan. 11 at Waterbury Hospital to concerned with, is helping to cut Product Development Cor- Economic Development Admini- about any other state programs Mr. and. .Mrs. Thomas Russo nurture businesses, large and. poration. (CPDC). Through its stration and the state's $17 mil- or issues, you can. write me in, (Evelyn Thorsen), Watertown. small. By keeping Connecticut's Connecticut Innovative Develop- lion high-tech strategies, adopt- Hartford: Sen. James H. Me-" Grandparents are Mr. and. Mrs. business climate healthy, we ment (CID) Fund, they have is- ed by the General. Assembly last Laughlin, Senate Republican Carl, Thorsen, Bridgeport, and sued hundreds of loans, ranging year. The fund is -revolved and Majority Office, State Capitol, Rita Russo, Waterbury. • Blue Seal Feeds expanded through the accumu- Hartford, Ct. 06106. Or you can Horse - Dairy - Poultry from. $40,000 to $200,000, to 1 small firms that wish to purchase lation, of interest and the collect- call me toll-free at: the Capitol at Rabbit - Dog - Bird Feeds machinery and. equipment for ion of outstanding loans. 1-800-842-1421 or at my home in YE11ICKA5--A daughter, Rabbit & Bird Feeders producing new products, mar- 1 Woodbury at 263-5044. Jennifer Lynn, Jan. 13 at Water- CID loans are to be repaid over bury Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Sunflower • Wild Bird Feed keting new products, or building a period of'six years or fewer. Peanuts - Suet Calces up inventories. 1 James Verbickas (Brenda Zam- There is no penalty for pre- biella), Waterbury. Grandpa- Calcium Chloride - Salt - Sand The loans are targeted to 67 payment. Although interest rates Hay • Straw • Shavings vary according to the level, of rents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph com munities- - inclu ding Water- Zambiella, Oakville, and Mr. and Bag Balm - Maple Syrup town, .Monroe, Oxford, Seymour, risk and loan security, most ne- and Soutfabury in the 32nd Sena- gotiated rates are below the GEOBGE-A daughter, Stepha- "Mrs. Robert Verbickas, Wolcott. H.S.COECO. torial District.' prime rate. nie Lynn, Jan. 11 at Waterbury Great-grandparents are Mary Sylvester, Oakville, Teresa Vac- In order to extend the limited To acquire a loan, interested Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Antho- 45 Freight St. ny George (Patricia Paige), Wat- • carelli, Waterbury, and James Waterbury 754-6177 fund to as many firms as businesses should contact a possible, the loans are available project executive of the CPDC. erbury. Grandparents are Mr.' Vincent Vaccarelli, Waterbury. An application fee of one quarter and Mrs. William Paige, Oak- of I percent: of the requested ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony CERRUTO-A daughter. Sum- loan is required upon, formal ap- George, Oakville. Great-grand- • mer Elizabeth, Jan.. 17 at Watet- COME AND SEE OUR plication, but there are no clos- parents are William. Paige, Oak- bury Hospital to Mr. and, Mrs. ing or commitment fees. ville, Eunice Booth, North Caro- Peter Cerruto (Cathy Hoebich), lina, Stephen Overty, England, Bethlehem,. Grandparents are NEWL Y ENLARGED 2 Any entrepreneurial business and Victoria George, of New Bri- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoebich, *STORE! tain. New Jersey, and Mr. and, Mrs. Anthony • Cerruto, Bantam. Now more styles Serving the Community BICE--A son, Matthew Paul, Great-grandparents are Mr. and and merchandise for over 40years! .Dec. 23 in Phoenix, "Ariz., to Mr. Mrs. Francis Hoebich, Long Is- to' choose from, than Quality Fuel Oil & Kerosene and Mrs. Paul Mice (Carolyn land, and. Mr. and Mrs. Shram., New Jersey. ever before. at. Competitive Prices Hamilton), Glendale, Ariz. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. FOR YOUR VALENTINE CALL NOW Roderick Hamilton, Clarion BERUBE--A son, Christopher ~** SWEETHEAR T - A. Hope Chest in Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Ward Jr., Jan. 11 at Waterbury a Variety Of Styles to Choose from, (blanket-storage chest available ia BARIBAULT liam Rice, Chimney Road. Hospital to Mr. and. Mrs. Chris- Pine or Oak) topher Berube (Diane Muckle), OIL CO., INC. HA.THAWA.Y-A, daughter, Ra- Waterbury. Grandparents are chel, .Nicole, Nov. 6 in San Diego, Mr. and1 .Mrs. John Muckle Jr., 6151 Main. St., Watertown 600MainSt., Oakville Calif., to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Prospect, and Theresa. Emond, KNOTHOLE 274-5082 274-3284 or 274-6723 Hathaway (Marcia Rice), San Di- Watertown. Great-grandparents UNFINISHED FURNfTURE His. Mon.-Fri. 10-7 ego. Grandparents are Mr. and are Mr. and Mrs. John Muckle Sat, 9-5 • Visa&MC S:r., Waterbury. HOMAN-A daughter, Desiree SHERRI-ANN'JS DINETTE Marie, Jan., 6 at Waterbury Hospital to Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph MIDDLEBURY 1400 Main Street, Watertown, Ct. Hoi i an (Jennifer Peters) of .BREAKFAST Waterbury. Grandparents are CHIROPRACTIC are Mr. and Mrs. William, J. & Peters, Waterbury, and Mr. and GROUP Mrs. John J. Holian, Waterbury. DINNER Great-grandparents are Mary SPECIALS Birdsall, Waterbury, and Mrs. A Wholistic Health Care Center Henry McGough, Watertown. Office Hours — Monday through Saturday DAILY! DR. BERNARD F.OEMCKE • Orders Available to Go—Call .274-8124 MJDDY-A" daughter. Shannon" Marie, Jan. 5 at Waterbury Hos- C h i r opractic O rthoped I s t Hours: Mon.-Fri. 5 a.m.-4 p.m. pital to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred DR. RANDALL W.. HOWE Luddy (Debra Sanders), Water- Sat. 5 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday 6 a.m.-ll a.m.. town. Grandparents are Edith Chiropractic Physician Farwell, Arizona, and, Luddy, Wolcott. Spinal Manipulation Diathermy Cervical and Pelvic Traction Ultrasound Color T.V. Hematology Muscle Stimulation Mom.., Tues., Wed. 9:00 - 6: Hair Analysis Kinesiology Sales & Service Thurs., Fri. 9:00 - 8:00 Urinalysis X-Ray Sylvan ia, Quasar, Philco Sat. 9:00 -4:00 B1 ood C h e m i st ry Ana llysii s Acu t he ra py N ut rit ion all Cou n se! i ng Therapeutic Massage V.H.S.TAPERE NTALS 1 Day-$1.50 Woman in Red » Big Mo SOMIE PROBLEMS WHIERIE CHIROPRACTIC CARE • Saturday & Sunday - $2.50 MAY BE THE ANSWER Friday, Saturday, Sunday - $3.50 Charles Branson Titles: neck & arm pain • arthritic pain. • nervousness Evil That Men Do tow back pain. • low blood sugar* whiplash RENT 12 TAPES Breakout • Hard Times muscle spasms • leg pain • auto accidents Stone Killer insomnia • headaches • migraines and sciat ica • shou Id er pain • athletic i nj u ries Musicals: GET 1 FREE RENTAL 38 Special "Wild Eyes & Live' Health Insurance Accepted Including Medicare, Three Month Limit Duran Duran "Sing, Blue Silver" Work me ns Comp, etc. BY APPOINTMENT QuasaDUHAMEr - Sylvan ia L ELECTRONICS 755-7610 408 Buckingham St. Emerson M LAKESIDE BLVD. WEST, WATERBURY T.V.'s, Stereos Oakville, Ct. Room Air Conditioners . (LOCATED 300 iFT. FflQH EXIT 17 OFF I-M WEST) V.C.R.'sA Cameras 274-1974 Quasar Microwave Ovens Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown Society, Conn.) Feb. 7, '198 5 Page 9 tion, Inc , with the principal of- M Tax Beard. To fice in Mid.dletou.ry, to Gary R. Rep.Johnson watertownhistoricalsociety.orgLowe, Waterbury, property on, Begin. Sessions Arcadia Avenue, $67,500'; Vivian Hails Equality Chairman Dr. John Griffith Marie Deichman, Massachu- has announced • the meeting setts, to Norman F. and Barbara "•• Legislation times for the Board of Tax Re- A. Carew, Watertown, property While lending her support to le- view this month. . ' • on Woodruff'Avenue, $42,000., gislation that could give emplo- The board, which, will hear yees of Congress and the courts appeals on. property assessments Jan. 29-Victoria DeSocio, Wa- protection against, discrimination made by the assessor on the Oct. tertown, to Elaine S. Kish and in employment, U.S. Rep. Nancy 1, 1984 Grand List, will meet Joseph M. D'Autorio, Ridge- Johnson (R-Conn.) said, "It, is from. 6 to 8 p.m. in the Town. field, property on Lilac Avenue, time Congress ends its 'Do as I Hall, 37 DeForest St., on the $56,500'; Village Homes, Inc., say, not. as I do" attitude. following dates: today (Thurs- with the principal, office in Wa- "It is unconsconable that a day) and Friday, Feb. 8, and tertown, to Jayakara and Sucha- body which should be setting an \ > Monday, Feb. 11... rita Shetty, property on Oak example with, respect to civil rights Appointments can be made by Drive, $123,300. " in America, excludes itself from, calling the assessor's office Jan 30-Hiram W. Peck, III, those standards in the workplace." at 274-5411, exts. 296 or 297, Watertown, to Richard and Clau- The new legislation would still from, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays dia Gamelin, Watertown, prop- allow members of Congress to through Fridays. erty on Town Line Id., $32,000'; make personal staff hiring choices CAITLIN FITZGERALD, left, and Tracy Feliciani, center, both of John B. Wing, Waterbury, to based on political affiliation,, or Watertown, along with John. Ma, right, of Cheshire, will be seen Stanley P. Pannooe and Nanda •residence in the member's district, during Saint Margaret-McTernan's presentation of the musical N. Grenier, property on Falls but would not allow any other fantasy "Peter Pan" Saturday, Feb. 9 at 7:30 and Sunday, Hi Avenue, $61,000,. form of discrimination. Feb. 10 at 2 p.m. in the school's Art Center, 565 Chase Parkway, The following real estate Waterbury. The show will be performed by 45 Middle School stu- transactions were made during dents from. 17 area, communities and directed by Carolyn Smith. the period, from Friday, Jan. ,25 1 (Ryan, Photo) through, Thursday, Jan. 31, ac- AUTO INSURANCE Free Tax. Service cording to warranty deeds filed, Bill .Rogers To Beginning Feb. ,18, there will be with the town clerk's office: Have your rales increased substantially? a free tax, service for the elderly, Jan. 25-Ruth L. Rose, execu- Are you getting the service you deserve? Co-Chair Right sessions being, held, at the senior trix of the will of Henry George : center on Wednesdays, and. the Copeland, Watertown, to Ed- Are you presently covered adequately? To Die Group Watertown Library on Mondays. ward and Renet McGee, Oak- CALL FOR FREE QUOTE \ Former State Sen. William. F. Livingston and Florence Cro- ville, property on Northfield Rogers III of Southbury has been, wd!,, offering the service, took the .Road, $106,000; Edward, and HERITAGE INSURANCE .GROUP named, to co-chair, with .Martha tax course under the auspices of Renee .McGee, Oakville, to Pat Briscoe of Lakeville, •• the the American Association for Re- M. DiMaria, Watertown, prop- 274-7493 JIM SULLIVAN 755-1228 Connecticut. Committee for the tired Persons. They will, assist peo- erty on Ball Farm, Rd., $140,000. Right to Die. ple aged 60 and over in preparing Jan. 28-D"A:ngelo Construe- Sen. Rogers retired, from the the 1984 tax returns bv either Legislature in the 1984 season, but making, the returns out, completely, had sponsored. Living; Will bills assisting, or simply checking; the for six years since his freshman information. year in, 1978. For further information, on the Mr. Rogers, who had said, upon, service and to set. up appoint- his retirement that he had, no ments, call 274-1634. intention of abandoning the cause Family WSalk-In A for which he worked so long, re- iterated his dedication to the pas-.. sage of a Living Will law in EXTENDED | Medical Centers/ Connecticut. Senate Bill 67, which, recognizes COVERAGE •that terminally ill patients may A Modern Professionally Staffed Medical Center refuse treatment, by means of an advance document, has been referred to the Judiciary Offering: Committee. Sen. James H. McLaughlin (R- Woodbury), who has already in- * FULLY LICENSED PHYSICIANS troduced Living, Will legislation, told the society for the Right to Die, "Bill Rogers should play a For Immediate care of all illnesses and _ primary role in, the fulfillment of injuries (except life threatening emergencies) his long-sought, goal. I am. person- ally hopeful, for passage." The former senator and his wife, Connecticut residents since * COMPLETE PHYSICAL EXAMS 1.945, live in Heritage Village, Southbury. Pre-employment, and preschool, plus a rt i • .i. M. i • •'« i in i i i ii- • "" f by Gary O'Brien modern lab' includingmX'Rays, EKG and C.P.6.U. A.A.J., • many other diagnostic procedures Christ is the Planning a vacation? A few precau- tions will make it less likely you'll Answer! come back to find your home invad ed and your treasured possessions * ON THE JOB INJURIES missing. love af first sight *«« •• is often cured by Most burglars are not particularly Workman's Compemation handled promptly. brave: they prefer to strike a house a second look. that's unoccupied. That's why the 274-5759 best way to discourage them is lo give your home that "lived-in"" look FLU VACCINES ARE NOW even if you're not there. « ii * * Y&u are always welcome It's sirnart lo invest, in timers that will turn on lights, radios, and the A VARABLE at television at different times of day and evening, to simulate your ordu Evangel Assembly nary living patterns. Best choice are the timers with variable settings. of God * * » * OUR NEW HOURS: Stop mail and newspaper deliveries 2245 Litchfield Road for the time you're gone. Don't leane Monday thru Friday 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. empty garbage cans around; stow Watertown, Q. them, away. Shades or blinds should Saturday "& Sunday 10.. a.m, to 5 p.m. be hal.f-dra.wn, not down. Don't leare any lights on continuously, inside or out. " CENTERS LOCATED AT

Most important: make it hard to get in. Be sure sturdy locks are install NO W OPEN; 694 Straits Turnpike, fit 63 ed on ALL doors and windows. Don't forget basement windows and the door from, garage to house. faiertoum, Conn. 08705

• *• * * Protect your belongings with care simple precautions-and insurance, 274-7571 • 1 'just in case. "We've got the advice m NYLON AND you need at • 506 Frmt AL, Waterhry, Cm- ® POLYESTER SEWING THREADS ROOTI&BOYDJNC. 753-8477 • 1888 MerMen- Waterbury fyfee., MMhh Cww. 08487 449 Main St., Watertown 621-9359 A WATERTOWN 274-2591 INDUSTRY SINCE 1888 We can handle alii your insurance i Property of the Watertown Historical Society Page 10 Town Times (Watertown, watertownhistoricalsociety.orgCoon.) Feb. 7,1985

Marcella and Millie Czarsty, write programs using, structured, contact the evening division at acknowledged by St. Piux X Programming well-documented and efficient 575-8084. Council Knights of Columbus 97%, Myrtle Tonkin and Delores techniques. Programming as- Grand Knight James J. Ring. Kiley, 89¥2; east-west, Pauline Course Offered signments will be performed in a "When people say how selfish Hickey and Peg Berube, 102, "hands-on" environment using musical notes | and spoiled the children of today Priscilla Knox and Lucetta By State Tech the college's Apple II computer are," he said, "they only have to Gaunt, 92%» Edna Steward, and The Waterbury State Techni- system. Prior knowledge of Westbnry Dmm Corps look at the members of the West- Catherine Verrastro, 91 !/i .- cal College's Evening Division, is computers Is not required. The Westbury Dram Corps;, in bury Dram Corps to see how un- Games are sponsored by the offering; a non-credit course for The 11 -week course meets raising a record $666.83'for men- true it is, as without them the Parks and Recreation Depart- all those interested in learning to from 6:30' to 9 p.m. on either tally retarded children, has been Tootsie loll Drive" would not ment and played Tuesdays at program microcomputers using Tuesday or Thursday beginning have been the success that it 7:30 p.m. at the Watertown Li- BASIC language. March 12. For further informa- was.' brary, 470 Main St. Phone 274- Participants will learn how to tion and registration materials. 1634 for more information. 513 Main St. Waterlown Tel. 274-7193 Duplicate Bridge' Two Reservoirs "One of the "best films -.. ' . rwe seen this year. The following are the scores In Waterbury A. powerful film •from the Jan. 29 session of the with out-of-this-world. Watertown Duplicate Bridge Getting Fill ensemble acting." Club: north-south, Marvin and Marion Oonk, 103, Carmella The city of Waterbury, in an -ABC-TV, GOOD MORHIHO AJCBHICA effort: to allow installation of "Mama simmers the sauce" at 1.2,300 feet of interceptor sewers, presently is seeking permission ANTHONY'S PLACE from, the New England Division, A & U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, TAVERN on the GREEN to place fill in the Mad River and S Scovill Reservoirs in Water- On the Green bury. Litchfield The 5,300 cubic yards of fill Story would be placed at 13 Mad River Showtimes: 567-5016 locations, and two locations with- 7:10 Open 7 days in the reservoir for crossing. 9:10 To assist in evaluating the pro- Admission: posed sewer work, the engineers Adults $2.00 Available for Shower and are solicting public comments. Fri., Sat., Sun. Wedding Parties Written statements may be Children's Try our Real Italian Pizza - to' forwarded to their office no later than March 1. & Seniors 99' eat here or to take home to For further information, Mon. enjoy or join us for lunch or contact: Stan Michalowski at the All Sorts 99* dinner and sample one of our Corps of Engineers, 424 Trapelo Toes. - Thurs. specially prepared continental Road, Waltham, Mass., 02254- 81.50 dishes. 9149, or call toll free at 1-800- 343-4789. Life is a stage but: few of us get curtain calls and even fewer are presented armfuls of roses. Restaurant & Lounge 16 Straits'Turnpike, Watertown .. .274-1,320 Fridmp and Saturday Specials. Prime Rib $10.95 'Restaurant Lobster l'/m,. $1.0.95 ^-aib.awaiiabiei Featuring... m • 7 Days a Week Alaskan. King Crab $13.95 international Cuisine with Including Salad, Potato & Vegetable or Pasta, Homemade Bread1 m many delicious Grttk Specialties m Mon.,, Wed.r Make your reservations Nigh! Baby Back Ribs $7.50 m early for Valentine's Day -IN THE LOUNGE m Lunch: ] 1:00- 2:30 Tun .-Sal. Su n da > Dinner: Tua.-Thurs. S-9 Dinnei il-U Friday Saturday 179 DAVIS STREET BiKiay Sqnut. Woodbury COUNTRY RED' BRIGHAM OAKVILLE (Bottom of Ben Sheimm Hill) SPIRIT & JENNIFER Just off Main • free Parking RewmUotu: 263-4S55 No Cover Charge 274-8037

,t ,;,,,. i Dally Lunch Specials 11^0 - 4 p.m. Serving Lunch i—-^ Happy Horn MOP. - Fii, 4 to 7 • Free Hois' d'oeuvres Monday — Saturday Shrimp or Clams on '/a Shell Every Night at the Bar Soup Every Day Next Week's Memo Rt.6 OPEN- Monday Plymouth, Ct. DAILY 283-8067 AT . Gouiash 11:30 a.m. Tuesday Shepherd's Pie Chef's Restaurant & Motel HOT PIZZA Wednesday Don't cook tonight.. .enjoy Steak Sandwich Dinner - Soup &. Shrimp Salad Bar a. steaming hot pie! Thursday Wednesday through Sunday Try our many other specialties, too. served with or without dinner, ' Stew • SALADS • ANTIPASTO • SPAGHETTI or enjoy Soup & Salad Bar for Lunch. • GRINDERS Friday (Lunch Bar served Wednesday thru Friday) Eat Hoe or To Go! Fish Still the same fine menu featuring Saturday Chicken • Veal* Beef* Seafood Hot and Cold Appetizers • Homemade Desserts RO'S RESTAURANT Sandwich and Wine List to compliment your dinner; - Serving the finest pizza since 1947- Soup

Hours: Lunch 11:30-2 Mon.-Fri. Sr. Citizen Discount 841. Main, Street, Gakviie Owner & Permittee Dinners: 5-10 Wed.-Sat., 5-9 Sun. 10% Off On Meals 274-1348 or 274-8069 Thomas F, Staniis • PROPER ATTIRE • Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown Society, Conn.) Feb. 7,198 5 Page 11 Also: Bill Manger and Rob Church Lists Webb, auditors;*'Gail Ayers, Bet- Basic Basketry CALEI1DAR ty Carmichael, David Long, Jo- watertownhistoricalsociety.org1985 Officers Ann, Robertson, Charles Stau- For Gardeners facher, Hani, Snow, and William Bonnie Farnham of West Hart- OFEVEflTS After Meeting Stempfle, nominating committee. ford, will present a program en- 'The following delegates were titled "Basic Basketry" at the "A Streetcar Named Desire," Tennessee Williams prize-winning The First Congregational, elected: Waterbury Area Council Thursday, Feb., 14 meeting of the drama, at the Hole in the Wall Theater, 36 North St., New Britain, Church, 40 DeForest St., has, an- of Churches-Mr, and Mrs. Wil- Watertown Garden Club. Friday and Saturday evenings through March 2. Admission. For nounced its election of officers for liam Stempfle and. Mr. and Mrs. - The meeting will begin, at further information, phone 271-3894. ..Mstialav Rostropovich, vir- the 198,5 year.. Recently chosen, at. Robert Poltz; Naugatuck Valley 12:30 p.m. in the Watertown, Li- tuoso Soviet cellist, at the Shubert Performing Arts Theater, .247 the annual meeting were Ellsworth Association—Mr. and Mrs. John, brary, 470 Main St., for a busi- College St., New Haven., Feb.. 7. .Admission. Phone for times and, T. Candee, moderator; Robert. Barker and Mr. and Mrs. William ness meeting, with Mrs. Farn- reservations at, 562-5666.. Marcel Marceau, acclaimed, as, the greatest F'oltz, clerk; Lucille D. Lang, trea- Broden; Connecticut, Conference ham beginning her program at living pantomimist in. the world,, Feb. 18 at the Shubert Performing surer; Marsten, Linsley, assistant of UCC-Mr. and. Mrs. Archie 1 p.m. Arts Theater, 247 College St., New Haven. Phone for times and. treasurer; M. Jack Baker, finan- Aitcheson and. William. Judge; She will, make baskets of dif- reservations at 562,-5666. .Oakland Ballet, on eof the West Coast's cial secretary; Charles Opsahl, as- Watertown-Oakville Ecumenical, ferent shapes and sizes and, dar- major professional ballet companies, Feb. 17 at the Shubert Per- sistant financial, secretary; and. Council-Mark Dost and William ing the meeting will make one forming Arts Theater, 247 College St., New Haven. Phone for Helene A. Agnew, historian. Mangier. complete basket and. start anoth- times and reservations at ,562-5666.....Chocolate Expo '85, Feb. 10 in, Also elected to various commit- er of a different style. the main ballroom, of the Parkview Hilton in Hartford, sponsored tees were Raymond, Blum Sr., Hostesses for the meeting will by the 'Women's American ORT, from 12 noon until 6 p.m. John Orescher, Millie Gallagher, There's a big difference between be Mrs. Raymond Holland and, Admission. Phone for additional information at 233-9611 The and Mary Humiston, diaconate; knowing what to do and doing it. Mrs. William Mecabe. Flying Karamozov Brothers, slapstick comedy, at the Jorgenson Frederick: Camp, Mark, Dost, and. Auditorium,,, on the campus of the University of Connecticut, James Troup, board of trustees; Feb. 7 at 8 p.m. Admission. For further information and ticket Walter Ackermann, Cindy Brody,, reservations, call the box office at 486-4226 ..Dracula, starring Ann Denney, Eric Fogg, Wallace AUTO INSURANCE "Mission Impossible"s" Martin Landau, Feb., 19 through Feb. .24 Howe, Jackie Stempfle, and Elaine at. the Shubert Performing Arts Theater, 247 College St., New Haven. Tomlinson, Wider Mission com- A re you i n t h e Ass i g n ed Risk Po o I beca u se Admission. Phone for times and reservations at 562-5666 ...Andre mittee. Watts;,,, internationally acclaimed pianist, at the Jorgenson Auditor- Also: Elayne Cannarozzi, Ruth of your age or driving record? ium,, on the campus of the University of Connecticut, Feb. 13 at Finley, Jan, • Guidess, and Pam 8 p.m. Admission. For further information, call the box, office at Hufchinson, Christian, education Are you faced with policy cancellation 486-4228.. .African. Folk Tales, a. potpourri, of stories, dance and committee; Betty Lee, Anne So- bee a u se of a D W1 vi o I at i o n ? mime, at the Shubert Performing Arts Theater, 247 College St., renson, and, Charles Stauffacher, New Haven. Admission. Feb. 25. Phone for times and reservations music committee; Frederick Camp Wo u I d y o u I i ke a I owe r p ri ced a I te r n at i ve? at ,562,-5666...."Rigoletto," by the New York City Opera, Company, and Barbara Krull, decorating at the Shubert, Feb. 27. Admission. For further information, committee; Dan Cannarozzi and, Call 274-2591 call the box office at ,562-5666. ..Peter Pan, a musical fantasy, Grace Drescher, standing com- at St. Margaret-McTernan's School Arts Center, 565 Chase Parkway, mittee; Robert. Ashley, Lawson Waterbury, Feb. 9 at. 7:30 p.m.. and, Sunday, Feb. 10 at, 2 p.m. For Campbell, David Kenney, Ron further information and ticket reservation, call 753-5726. Tickets also Delaney, Wallace Howe, Gordon, will be available at the door1 Knowlton, Yank Rowan, Hank ROOT&BOYDINC. •449 Main SI. Snow, Betty Panasci, Roger 274-2591 Payne, Paul West, and, Larry Wil- Sewer Hearing Special Ed. Night, son, board of ushers. Monica Dostaler, area musical Bate Set. For specialist, will, present a Special, Education, in,usic program today Late February (Thursday) at Swift Junior High, i til A« A / St * A A A M Property owners on both sides Colonial Street, Oakville, from of Edith Street, Oakville, are fac- 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 699W0LCOTTST WftTEHBURV CONN ing an assessment for sanitary The event was originally sche- (.•untie Polynesian and Tahinan Food a CoCWai Loimp sewers for their respective prop- duled for Jan., 17 but inclement erties, and will be heard at a weather postponed it until to- I- I public hearing of the Water and night. $6.50 $12,50 Sewer Authority. Tuesday, Feb. The night: will feature singing, $3.00 19 at 7 p.m. ere ati ve ex p r ess io n,, ere ati ve Off Check Oil Check, Off Check Property owners up for a new- movement, dance, .rhythmic in- with the with the of purchase ol assessment and the proposed as- struments, musical skits, and 130 to $59 $80 of more sessment Figures are as follows: much more. worth of food worth of food Allen and. Carolyn Mitkowski, For further information, con- 90 Merrimac St.,' SI,752.75; tact the Parks and Recreation 757-822: 57-6513 Joseph A. and, AnnMarie B. Department, 2,74-5411, exts. 253- Man. thru Thurs 11 30 a m -11 p m Fri & Sat 11 30 a m -13 m Sun & Holidays 12 Noon -11 p Spatola, 100 Merrimac St., 255. $1,752.75; Michael Schebetun, iiiittttii^^ ,384 Colonial St., $1,752.75: Joseph K. Eckert, 20 Edith, St., ENGINEERED $3,800; Hansford A. and Joan, M. Lowe, 21 Edith Street, $.2,629.1.3; SINTERINGS Gary R. and Ellen E. Carlo, 30 Edith St., $2,629.13. AND Also, Marc A. and Barbara A. Mautte, 31 Edith St., $2,629.13; PLASTICS, INC. Henry G. and, Katie A. Veilleux, HAIR AFFAIR 37 Edith St., $3,400; Clark L. and A Ruth, Kennerson, 47 Edith St „ Barber Shop & Unisex Salon $2,629.13; Reginald P. and. Mary .WATERTOWN Lou Mohan, 2,27 Mono St INDUSTRY $2,273.67; and Mary P. Pachin- sky, 394 Colonial. St., $1,127.37., For the best - - Benjamin Oakville .Paint hair care and the most Mooren\iNts; j & Hardware WALLPAPER, DEPARTMENT up-to-date styles ever! Bobby Desrosiers, Prop, "Where Quality and 'Service are Free!" 300 Maim Street, Oakville ,2,74-1500 Flenfy of free .pairing. Hours/Mon.-Fri. 8:00-5:30 ® Sat. 8-4 Help Unlimited, Inc. 285 Main Street, Oakville ^**~3 "Your Home Care Registry" OFFERING PERSONALIZED SERVICES IN YOUR HOME, 24 HRS. A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK • Registered Nurses • Personal Aides o Licensed Practical Nurses • Companions m Bath and Nutrition Aides Also Offering "COMMUNI-CALL" A Unique Voice to Voice Communication System For Emergency Help e Accident Prevention For Appointment Call 757-0817 and. Companionship We're conveniently located off Bunker Hill Avenue at White wood Plaza Oar Help is Unlimited.,..If you nerd help in any way PLEASE CA LL: 274-7511 Rate Schedule and 229 Whitewood Road, Waterbury, Ct. Denise Charette, Nancy Colson Brochure Available Hours: Tues , Wed. & Fri. 9-5:30 • Thurs. 9-7 • Sat. 8-4 Co-Directors Upon Request Page 12 TownProperty. Times (Watertown, Conn. of) Feb the. 7,1985 Watertown Historical Society one .side of the body. This is call- ed a detmatome and represents watertownhistoricalsociety.orgthe distribution of the affected O« C«// PF/r/i Dr. Craig nerve supplying the involved skin. More about that later1. By Craig W. Crawly, M.D. The rash usually clears up and the pain goes away... However, complications can occur. Some Dear Dr. Craig: rus. Varicella is the latin, name people continue to experience I have a friend who has the for chicken pox. In most people, pain for months or years after the shingles. Isn't that a herpes in- the shingles is a relapse of child- rash disappears. This is known. fection and isn't it spread sexual- hood chicken, pox. •as post-herpetic neuralgia. ly? Shingles begins with four to If the zoster is on the face, it 'The shingles Is. a herpes infec- five days of fever, malaise, and can involve the eye, herpes kera- tion, specifically herpes zoster... It som.eti.mes abdominal pain. This titis, and can. lead, to blindness if is not to be confused with genital. is followed by a painful rash untreated. Occasionally, the in- herpes, herpes simplex, which is which looks like a patch of raised fection is not limited to one der- the sexually transmitted disease red. spots surrounded by a swol- matome and. becomes very wide- of which so much has been writ- len red area. Sometimes the pain spread. Recovery from dissemi- ten lately. starts before the rash. It is often nated zoster is very slow and 'The shingles is an adult form. described as a burning pain. painful. of chicken pox. It is caused by The rash is usually limited to a As already mentioned, the VZ the "varicella-zoster" (VZ) vi- relatively narrow band of skin on. virus is responsible for both the TRYING THEIR SKILLS, at CPR after learning a certified cardio- shingles and chicken pox. In pulmonary resuscitation technique demonstrated in health class at some people, the disease was so Heminway Park School recently .are students Michelle Troisi, left, .and mild that they were not even Jennifer Cronin. (Heminway Photo) aware they had it. However, Post Office Drug even though the chicken pox re- only 0.1 percent will have a se- ing examples. solves, the VZ virus lays dormant cond attack. inside nerve cells which, provide The treatment of zoster is mainly the relief of symptoms sensation from, the skin to the The other factor influencing Medical Supply brain. since, as .stated, the infection is . shingles, is artificial altering of usually self-limited. In severe — Home Health Care Specialists — Most people's immune sys- the body's immune defenses. widespread herpes there are a- tems are able to keep the VZ vi- Cancer chemotherapy and im- few treatments which have rus from ever spreading. If the • We are a COMPLETE Medical Supply Source • munosuppression in organ, trans- shown promise. More research virus does get out of control, it plant recipients are the two lead- needs to-fie done, however. • We Accept .Medicare Assignments • travels along these same nerves • We Bill Medicare Directly • to the skin, where they end (the lowing week, and reopen Wed- • We Do All the Paperwork • dermatome). and. cause the rash DMV Offices .. nesday, Feb.' 13 from 8:30' a,.m. and pain. until 4:30 p.m. Com pa re a nd Sa ve As far as is known, there are Close Early The offices will close again, on RENTALS Depend •two factors associated with the Feb. 15 in observance of the Wa- occurance of shingles. Age is the For Holiday Under Garments . shington's Birthday holiday week- and SALES biggest factor. It is thought that The Department of Motor Ve- end, .and reopen on. the following Extra absorb en cy as we get older our immune sys- hicles has announced, its offices Hospital! Beds Tuesday. tem gets less competent to con- will, close Saturday, Feb. 9 at 1.2:30' In addition, all. town, .offices, Wheel Chairs $5.99 pkg. of 1.0 tain the VZ virus. It is estimated p.m. for the Lincoln's Birthday the senior center, schools, and the that by the age of 85, 50 percent holiday weekend. Walking Aid's Regular absorbency $4 CIO School. Department will close _ pkg. of 10 of all people will, have had an. at- The DMV will remain closed tack: of shin files. Fortunately, Tuesday, Feb. 12 for Lincoln's Commodes 55 Deforest Street Monday and Tuesday of the fol- birthday. Cushion Lift Chairs The auto emissions testing sta- Watertown tions will be open Lincoln's Birth- Bathroom Safety Aids 274-5288 day, but be closed, on Monday, I n co n ti n ent Su p p I i es Feb. 11. Only the Danbury station EdSkianka, R.Ph. will be open Monday, from. 8 a,rn. Dick DiMaria, R,Pb, to 4:30'p.m.. FREE DELIVERY fack Hogan, Mgr. LIVING WAGE • The definition of a. living wage depends a lot. on whether you're earning it or paying it. The *••:.**•*• Perfect Gift USED for your Valentine GUARANTEED! — A Gift Certificate — 6 MONTHS 1981 Dodge Omni door, 4 spd. $3295. Artistic Hair Co. 1977 Mercury Capri V-6, i j Auto trans., a/c, AM-FM.' —A Unisex Salon Watertown Plaza $2495. 274-6777 1968 Chevrolet Camarojl Conv. mint cond. 327 jj eng.,, auto trans. $3995. j 1978 Toyota Ceilica GT'| Hatchback 5 spd. trans., = | FACTORY AM-FM. $3575 1980_Ford Mustang Hat- Qtie her diamonds chback, 4 cyl., 4 spd., AM-FM, 8 track. $3895. CLEARANCE 1973 Chevrolet Pick up, 8 cyl., auto trans lo- from ear to ear cal one owner, mint On Discontinued Bedding condition. $2595. ....with nothing io detract from, 1976 Datsun 62:10 Hat- t their blazing beauty. Our classic chback, 4 cyl., auto. stud earrings range in weight from $1895. a modest 1/10 carat total weight to a 1979 Fond Granada 4 dr, 6, auto, ps./pto,, AMi-FKl, sumptuous one carat. A brilliant choice!! a/c. $3895. 1977 Datsun 810 (luxury 2)4 dr. sedan., 6 cyl. with Buy The Mattress fuel injection, auto trans., AM-FM, a/c, Get The Box Spring FREE! reclining seats, etc. Other prices start!ng at $2995. $49.95 (Twin Size) § 1978 Ford Pinto, auto j-Trans.,, 4 cyl., very low I Ht WATERTOWN BEDDING mileage. .$1995. "Ifyou don't know your jewelry, know your jeweler" SHOP, INC. • Bethlehem BY THE MALL DOWNTOWN 384 Stilton Road, Waterbtiry 73 South Main, Waterbury 519 Mam Street, Watertown •Auto Specialty 575-9880 755-8804 (next to Country Cinema) Monday, Tuesday, Saturday I0-5:» Tuesday - Saturday 9:30-5 lM 266-5251 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10-8:30 Thunday until 7:30 274-0124 llM"F«-5 SAT. 8-121 Store Hours: Monday - Saturday 9 to 5:30 Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown Society, Conn.) Feb. 7,1985 Page 13

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The Hair Den,, located at 28 Waterbuiy Road, Thomaston, in 407 Main Street, Oakville the same building housing Clear- water Pools, is the first business 274-6252 venture for both Donna White and Colleen Carissimi, the co- owners, It formally opened on DELI Aug. 20,1979. SPECIALS "I enjoy the people....they really keep you going," said American Genoa Baked Virginia. Colleen, a 28-year-old Thomas- Cheese Salami Ham ton native now residing in Waterbury. Donna, 39, of Water- $ $ I bury and now living in Litchfield, 1.99, 2.79 lb. 2.59 ,„ said the hair dressing field is a "challenge," with the nature BREAKFAST SPECIAL of the business egging one on »! to be "creative." 2 Eggs, Toast, Coffee 99£ Colleen is a graduate of the 6,Foot GRINDERS Sampieri School of Hair Design, while Donna is an alumnae of The staff at The Hair Den, 28 Waterbury Road (South Main Street), the former Fine .Arts Beauty ••• Thomaston, includes co-owners Donna White and Colleen Carissimi, .Academy of Waterbury. " Well prepare a fabulous frost for your next party! seated left to right, and standing, same order, Sonya Melvin, Joan The Hair Den is a unisex (Pick, up OF dfcp miii1!*' serinicr wdh stemo eq^tpm^nt avmhMe Robinson, Kathy Gangloff, Brenda Taylor, Maureen Langlais, Dee salon catering to men and Wheeler, and Joyce Petersen. Missing is Sherri Truelove. women, and children of all ages. Michael Donorfio, Prop. Hours: Mon... -Sat. 6 a... m... to 8p.m. There eight stations, and the business boasts of a staff of 10. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9-8 Colleen's "team" includes Thursday-Friday hairdressers Maureen. Langlais, Joyce Petersen, Kathy Gangloff, 9-9 and. shampooer Sonya' Melvin. Saturday Working with Donna are hair- 9-5 dresser Joan Robinson, barber- Sunday stylist Sherri Truelove, licensed hypertricologist Dee Wheeler; 11-4 and receptionist Brenda Taylor. Hypertricology is the science of removing unwanter hair permanently, and is approved by FLOOR. the American Medical Associa- COVERING, tion. Thursday & Saturday 513 Meriden Road In addition to the usual ser- —COMICS— BIG LAUGHS Waterbury vices of hair styling, coloring, from the BIG APPLE IH«rt to PwriBo'i Bowling Allty) cutting, and perming, The Hair 755-0698 Den will do facials, makeup, Friday sculptured nails, pedicures, Avoid the traffic, let our floor manicures, waxing, and ear piercing. THE BONNIE MAZZA BAND Donna observed clients cowering consultants bring conscious of their looks "want something easy that they can We Feature a Large Selection of Drafts their samples to you and do themselves" in the way of hair styling. Echoed. Colleen: Bass Ale • Becks Dark • Becks Lite • Michelob match them to the decor of "They like any style that's easy Budweiser • Bud Lite • Genesee Cream Ale to care for, something that your home at no charge. 'doesn't take a lot of work.' Heine'ken • Miller Lite • Miller • Moosehead .Medium lengths are popular Visit Our Rathskellar Lounge downstairs at CARPETS — NO-WAX & NEVER-WAX VINYLS today with women, and even TheTaverne for a quiet evening • MAW BAM CERAMIC TILE - WOOD FLOORS - TILE bobs are requested. Hair styling trends for men definitely are toward the short side, the two women said. r^OPEN MONDAYS The Hair Den uses Goldwell. and. Nexus styling and hair care \ 754-2163 products, Sebastian, makeup, and Matrix perms. A hair coloring and conditioning tech- nique known as cellophanes also is applied, by the hairdres- sers here. "For Beautiful Gifts" SKii and Colleen and Donna said they and their staff will. work, closely Wedding; Flowers with the customer in suggesting or recommending a. cut, perm, style, or color that will achieve the best possible desired look. That friendly rapport between the staff and customers at The From gifts to flowers, we offer the

1 1 Hair Den contributes to the Ulyl! 1.l.:l,!CUll;:;ulill u;ii,. ,.;r*•,»";V">• .«'••>«.u»iw:'-r '."ir —:~------at" special, ambiance always found finest selection in the area. Let our

l 11 1 i | r 1 11 ;: 1 1 1 I1 : ; 11 : :il 1 :i|i • •. S -V'•'''^•• '• ••S''• '•• fe i' • '-•v " • • •"l•'• •••'''I •••••- j- " '- I' '• '•• ""•- - •'• •• 'i-''";' '•?:•••••'.••;:• at the South Main'Street (Water- Bridal Consultant help you plan a pt^the:7n>ostjiactive.autoJertqfer^;:.•.; ;;:.;•;;.^--s;';;•• :^ pv^ bury load) salon. wedding to remember. td.|Weie¥'VpuriiJbud_gfct:-';A ''payrpll=deduction'lap&.neverjsee%<:pu||on .bppfci • •.-;;'' ]< •:>'>!.;• The Hair Den is open. Mon- : : days, Tuesdays, Fridays, and M <':• So"looki'hpimpreiifpr that peffeet new carJoan"; It's tliere;. Saturdays from 9 a.m.. to 5 p.m., 95 Thomaston Avenue, Waterbury ::jwaipgSy and 9 to 7 Wednesdays and •'•'tb'ia credit'uriiorii call:ull:us forjjinfaTmatttfnforjjinfaTmatt . aboiut-joinin.g>' Thursdays. Senior citizen dis- America* Credit Unions... A Family 44 MilUm Strong. counts of 10 percent are avail- able Mondays and, Tuesdays, A complimentary gift, and a 10% savings Greater Watertown and gift certificates can be on wedding flowers upon registering. obtained, as well. Walk-ins .Federal Credit Union are accepted, or call 283-0484 for :" 58 Woodruff Ave. Watertown • 274-6429 appointment. Wedding Invitations 20%' discount Each member account insured thru NCUA to $100,000.00 Advertisement Page 14 Town, Times (Watertown, Conn.) Feb. 7,1985 am committed to quality care for He stated, although resource authorization of the Superfund to the men and women who have recovery (which uses garbage Property of the Watertownhelp clean, op OUT nation's mos tHistoricalfought for and, served our coun Society- to generate electricit y and steam dangerous hazardous waste try. I plan to continue my work in for heating) will provide the ulti- Nancy Johnson's sites, and. reauthorization of the making sure proper attention mate solution, the only widely Clean Water Act, which passed continues to be given to our available method of disposing of Congressionawatertownhistoricalsociety.orgl Report the House last Congress but fail- veterans and such facilities as waste presently is the use of ed to get approval in the Senate. our Newington Veterans Hospi- landfills. Sixth District Connecticut My seat OD the public works tal, which serves the people in His plan, which in part, is Toll Free 1-800-382-0021 committee was particularly help- the Sixth District and through- modeled after a successful pro- (202) 225-4476 ful last session when I introduced out central Connecticut. gram in. New Jersey, would, pro- legislation to provide federal vide grants or penalties to muni- 223-8412, New Britain help to local cities and. towns for The committee has jurisdiction over the Veterans Adminsitra- cipalities based on the way they cleaning up polluted, public and control the waste their town gen- private wells. With the support tion, which is the largest inde- pendent agency in the federal erates. The grants would be used Committee Assignments been re appointed to both of the of the committee chairman and to promote source separation Allow Input On. Key Issues committees I sat on during the other .key Democrats, it was the government. With more than, 170 hospitals and roughly 230 out- (such as separating glass and. Every two years, following the last Congress because the issues only new environmental program newspaper from general refuse) election of new House members, they will be considering will, di- passed by either the House or patient clinics, it is among the largest health care programs in. and. recycling efforts through. assignments are determined for rectly affect the people in north- Senate last year. public information programs. the 22 committees. They are im- west Connecticut. It did not get Senate approval, the free world. I am committed to top quality care and look forward "A. number of communities portant decisions because they While its name belies its role but I have already reintrodu.eed in the state are already recycling affect the direction of the com- among the most important the bill with, the support of com- to the committee's.oversight re- mittees, and consequently, how House committees, the Com- mittee colleagues on both sides sponsibilities to make the _¥A certain metals, paper and critical issues will be treated in mittee on. Public Works and of the aisle and expect to get: it operate in. the most efficient glass," Mr. McLaughlin said. the Congress for the next 24 Transportation in fact will be passed, this year. manner. "Unfortunately, not enough of months. considering several significant This committee also is respon- them realize how necessary I am .happy to report I have bills this Congress, including re- sible for reviewing all federal Senator Alms these measures are, so they transportation programs, in- don't feel, compelled to imple- cluding the federal bridge in- For Solution ment them yet." spection program, and road re- Mr. McLaughlin said the state pair funding. You will recall, after On Solid Waste Department of Environmental the collapse of the Mianus River Concerned that a solid, waste Protection also is potting to- Lupo's gether a legislative package on. Bridge on 1-95 in Greenwich, I crisis is imminent, state Sen. brought: my colleagues on the James H. McLaughlin. (R-Wood- solid waste management. committee to Connecticut: for a bury) is proposing legislation A public hearing, Mr. Mc- day of hearings surrounding the which would establish important laughlin said, is forthcoming. causes of the collapse. components in, the state's; solid, And having traveled through- waste management plan. $• out northwestern Connecticut ex- Mr. McLaughlin, who has • FOREIGN CAM SPECIALISTS 9 tensively during the past two spent: several years on the legis- years, 1 can attest to the need for lature's Environment Commit- GAS & DIESEL road repair. Being on the com- tee, indicated unless measures Mercedes • Volvo ® BMW « Alfa-Romeo mittee will help in addressing are taken, soon to reduce the these problems. amount of solid waste generated, 1.979 PEUGEOT - Diesel... $ 3,6(1© With regard, to my rea p point - in Connecticut each year, as ment: to the 'Veterans* Affairs many as 110 of the state's 169 1980 SUBARU - 4x4 ,.., $ 4,500 Committee, I am pleased be- cities and. towns will be shipping 1983 RENAULT ., $ 4,6:95 cause I have always worked garbage outside their borders by ,., closely with veterans groups and Jan. 1,1987. 1982 DATSUN - 210 $ 3,9.95 1981 DATSUN - 210 . $ 3,7.95 1980 DATSUN - 200SX $ 3,800 1980 DATSUN - 310 . $ 3,fiOO 1981 DATSUN - King Cab Vi ton. $ 4,600 1981VW RABBIT,.... $ 3,795 1979 HONDA ACCORD $ 3,600' ENJOYING HIS NEW grand prize BMX bicycle is Chay Stin- 1979 ALFA ROMEO.' $ 3,700 IN TIME FOR son, a fourth grader at Baldwin School, who won the recent Drug 1980 MERCEDES - 300d $16,500 Program Poster Contest, spon- 584 Meriden Road, Waterbury 574-0698 sored by Rite-Aid Pharmacy. All Lingerie Clearance students in Grades 2 through 5 were invited to participate in the contest. Winning posters are on display at Rite-Aid at the 10. 50% off Acre Mall. (Grohs Photo) TWO PROMOTED AT Original Discount. Prices Bathrobes - Sleepwear Dorft SETTANI ASSOCIATES Bras - Panties discount our Barclay Square discounts on 20 Sherman Hill Rd. HOURS: Woodbury homeowners Mon.-Sat. 10-5 263-4007 and auto insurance


Perhaps you're1 paymp moie 1AEBARA BRICKETf DON GRANDPRE for homeowners "and auto General Manager Assistant Manager insurance than you should PROCESSING We'll bring you up to dale on all available discounts. In addition. REALTY WORLD Seitani Associates Inc is pleased 10 announce [he we'll give you personal service promolion of (wo associates from their firm Barbara Bricked, lifelong and the maximum protection for resident of Watertown, has been promoted to General Manager of their your premium dollars. newest office Ideated in Watertown al 1197 Main Si reel in Watertown, and C om pr eihe n si ve c o ve rag e. of their current Middlebury office located al 336 Middlehory Road, in NO competitive pricing: that's the Middlebury Mrs. Bnckeil joined Settani Associates in May of 1984 bringing NO • FREE NGM way. Call us today and get with her a four jear ongoing career in Real Estate The promotion came COUPONS GIMICKS the facts. after months of proven expertise in the management of real estate Mrs., GIFTS Bncketl has been an active member of the local real estate boards, serving on urious committees, and currently is a member of the American Business Woman's Association. EDSCHLEGEL In addition, Donald Grandpre has been promoted to assistant manager of FOURNIER INSURANCE their MiddJebory office in order to aid and assist the management staff Mr • Mow Save Master Color Wheels AGENCY, INC. Grandpre joined Sellani Associates as a residential sales associate in July of US MAIN STREET 19B4 and has succeeded in demonstrating fine skills and captured several in- Each Time You Get Your Film Developed OAKVILLE, CONN. 06719 house awards Most recenllv, Mr Grandpre attended the Realty World For Redemption of Fabulous Gifts. 274-250 Corp sponsored, Realstart Program in Washington, D C , presented to new Details Available At: managers joining the Reall) World team The company of REALTY WORLD-Settani Associates mould lile lo take this opportunity to recognize Proudly representing the fine achievements of these two staff members Their promotions will allow for Settani Associates as a company to mainlain [heir high standards Post Office Drug and quality real estate semce necessan in today's industry 55 Deforest Street, Watertown National Grange Muluu) ivsi. H.,,,:%:,:•£ coaws,-

274-5288 KEt:VE XI. W, IIAMi.sHiWK /IJ- Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown (WMertown, Coon..Society) Feb. 7,1985 Pag e 15

of Messages for Someone You Care For On Valentine's Day Sample Messages $3.00 for 20 words or less Lee, 40C each additional line. Tire Town, Times icservcs Although it's not Christmas, the rigjit to exclude we still love you I Happy Valen- questionable messages. tine's Day. 'XXXs&OOOs.M.P.A. Dear Claudia, PatD., You sure have a lot of gall Even, though, you left ns for leaving us for so long I someone new, we still miss you! Love &, Kisses, Be our Valentine. The Gang Guess Who? Dear Lorraine, John, For a, "•basically lazy" person, I'm still crazy about you. even you. sate do a lot for us, especial- if you don't have a car anymore! ly our stomachs. Like all good women, yon, know the motto, and. you certainly are in our Grandma & Grandpa, I love you. Happy Valentine's hearts. Love & more, Day! TT Eatery Colin, Sharon, Catlike, Roses are Red, The phone lines are humming Violets are Blue, since you came into my life! Even, though you're a "Me", I'll never be lonely again... I guess you'll have to dol Be my Valentine! A, "Ma" T. D'R.

Let that certain someone know how you feel with a Classified Valentine. Your message may be poetic, funny or dramatic. It may be for a loved one, a teacher, a family member or to anyone ALL ADS MUST BE RECEIVED BY you would, like to let know they're FEBRUARYS, 1985 Payment must accompany message. special to you. The cost is'low and the outcome is sure to be a great success. Your message will appear in the February 14th issue of the Town Times on the special Valentine's message page. Don't wait — send in your message today! Mail Coupon To: VALENTINE AD., CLASSIFIED1 DEFT1. Town Times P.O. Box 1, Watertown, Ct. 06795 or bring to: Town Times, 1192 Main, St., Watertown, Ct. Page 16 TownProperty Times (Watertown, Coon. of) Feb . 7,198the5 Watertown Historical Society •'tjannnnnDnnnnnnnDndDnnnDnnnnnDLi Peter Esche, 266-5567., • Christ, and. a member of the Bethlehem-Morris Garden Club First Church Young • - Faith United Church' of Christ 'The February meeting of the watertownhistoricalsociety.orgPeoples' Retreat ofdearwater. Bethlehem-Morris Garden, Club ^ Bethlehem News The Young Peoples* annual He leaves three sons, two has been scheduled for the 1,2th February Retreat will be held daughters, two brothers, two sis- at 7:30 at Johnson Memorial By Airs. Paul. Johnson this year at a new location, in ters, 10 grandchildren, 12 great- Hall. This meeting was-changed, nQODonnnnDDQDanaDnnnoniannannor Columbia, on. Sunday, Feb. 1,7 to grandchildren, and several from the regular schedule be- Tuesday, Feb. 19. There will be nieces and. nephews. cause of the school, break. Mrs. Michael Eriksen children, and several nieces and ice skating, games, music for The-funeral was held, at the This meeting will be an open Mrs. Mary (Morris) Eriksen, nephews. all high school-aged, young-peo- First Church of- Bethlehem, forum on "Beautification of 66, of Harrison Lane, wife of Mi- The funeral was held Feb.. 2 ple. Make reservations early. United Church of Christ, with Bethlehem," with the Bicenten- chael G. Eriksen, died Jan. 29 from, the Southbury Funeral The annual. Youth Sunday ser- the Rev. Marshall A. Linden, nial in view. OB the panel will, pastor, officiating. Burial, will be First Selectman Leonard As- at the Lutheran Medical Center, Home of Munson-.Lovet.ere, vice at First Church of Bethle- 1 Brooklyn, N.Y., after a brief ill- Main Street North, Southbury, hem will be held Sunday, Feb. be at the" convenience of the sard, and president of Old. Beth- ness. to Church of the Nativity. Burial 24, family at Old North Cemetery, lem Historical Society and chair- Mrs. Eriksen. was born June •will be in Bethlehem Cemetery. Woodbury. woman of the Bicentennial Com- Bethlehem Grange mittee, Doris Nichols, The aim 10, 1918 in Brooklyn, N.Y., a Jewelry-Cash Missing Bethlehem Grange will meet Cub Scouts To Aid Nepal daughter of the late Charles and Mrs. Mary Mikaitis of Lake's Members of Cub Scout Pack of this meeting is to discuss what Monday, Feb. 11 in Memorial options are available in terms of Catherine (Finley) Morris, and Lane has reported money and. Hall at 8 p.m. Members are re- 459 will, be selling candy bars had made her home in Bethle- jewelry worth about $1,000 were through February 13 in a project involvement in the Bicentennial quested to bring articles for a celebration. hem for the past 25 years. She missing from her house, police Country Store. The program is to raise money to benefit school- was a communicant of the said. She said $60 of quarters entitled, "Little Known Presi- children in Nepal. Pack, members All members may attend, Church of the Nativity. and jewelry worth, $950 were dents." recently were shown slides of along with any interested, resi- In addition to her husband, missing. There was no sign of Refreshments will be served Nepal and told about the poverty dents who would. like to partici- she leaves two sons, seven sis- forced entry, and the incident is by Alfred and. Sabra Goodson, there, and agreed to take part pate in this discussion. ters, two brothers, two grand- being investigated, police said. and. Lillian Merrill. in a fundraising effort:. They will Hostesses are Etta Tomlinson Lions Club Sweethearts Dance Applications for membership write letters to Nepalese school- and Lois Lunsted. The Bethlehem, Lions Club will, are available from Member- children as part: of the project. Income Tax hold its annual Sweethearts ship Chairman Harold. Keane or Dance Saturday, Feb. 16 at Secretary Etta Tomlinson. De- Specializing In Memorial Hall.'This is the 11th grees will be conferred in. April, annual, dinner/dance put on in but applications must be in by - Individual Returns the Lions tradition. the middle of March. Dinner will • be served, at 7 Roger L. Minor For Your Convenience p.m., and dancing will be from Roger Lewis Minor, 93, of Prepared in the Priwacy 9 p.m. to 1 a...m.; reserved seat- 1429 East Druid Road, •Clear- ing only. water, Fla. died Jan. 3,1, at the Ecumenical Service an Church, Thomaston; and the Of Your Home Proceeds from this dance go Sunset Point Nursing Home The Protestant Committee on. Rev. James Stinson of the United Calk directly toward the Lions many after a brief illness. Scouting, serving the Blue Trail, Methodist Church, Watertown. W. Krayeske 274-6814 service projects in town. More He was born in Woodbury, and Mattatuck Districts, Long Choir members from Trinity information is available from Conn, on, Oct. 10, 1.891, son of Rivers Council,' Boy Scouts of Lutheran, and those from Christ George, Turner, 263-4069, or the late Arthur and Mary (Ames) America, will, once again, hold its Episcopal, in Waterbury, will per- Minor. Prior to his retirement, annual. Christian' Ecumenical form the music. The soloist will 1 "Highest Quality Oil At Lowest Prices!" he owned and operated a dairy Service at St. John's Episcopal be Mrs. Adrienne Weik, organist farm, in the" Minortown section Church, 16 Church St.,' Water- and choir director1 of Trinity Lu- of Woodbury. bury. theran.. He was a, member of the Farm. Among the clergy participat- Family, friends, and scouts all Bureau, the First Church, of" ing in the Sunday, Feb. 10 affair will be seated, at 3 p.m. For fur- Bethlehem, United Church of will be the Rev. C. Robert Stott, ther Information, call Carol Coul- OIL SERVICE of Trinity Lutheran, Church, Wa- ter at 754-8677, or Sulli- tertown, and. Bethlehem .Luther- van at 758-4886. Special Rates on C.O.D. ' • Senior Citizen Discounts GRAZ1AMO OIL CO. schools were invited tc> • 12 Month Budget Plan DIVISION OF MATTY'S PAVING CO'. Pester Contest participate. First-place winners —over 35 years service— received, watches, while tlie secant. AUTOMATIC DEGREE DAY DELIVERY Winner Takes and third place finishers were • FUEL OIL awarded They were as * 24 HOUR EMERGENCY* Home BM X Bike follows: • K-1 KEROSENE Chay Stinson, a fourth grader Second, Grade-1 Erica FUEL &, BURNER SERVICE from Baldwin School, was the Handlewich, Griffin,; ,2. Lori • 24 HOUR grand, prize winner of a BMX Stukshis, Griffin; 3. Matthew 100-3001 300-500 500 -1,000 BURNER SERVICE bicycle during the recent Drug Mauriello, Griffin. Gallons Gallons Program Poster . Contest Third, Grade--!,. Robert Matoz- Gallons sponsored by Rite-Aid pharmacy. zo, Judson; 2. Lynn Dethlefson, ,274-0600 274-3636 All, students from. Grades 2 Judson.; 3. Emily Window, Polk.' 9 9 through .5 in the town's five public Fourth Grade-1. Kristine Cm 99 95 92 san, Judson; 2. Tanya, Hayes, Need us! Griffin; 3. Diana Polletta, Polk. i •< ••»«•••« • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i Fifth Grade-1. James Sirica, • ROOFING . SIDING Griffin; - 2. Justin Zipoli, • SEAMLESS GUTTERS Heminway; 3. Kristen Harinett, . Chimney Work . Emergency Work Griffin. . Alter!nig . Paneling . Drop Ceilings .'Remodeling Best Class Participation-Mr. Avellani, Baldwin. Oakville Honorable Mentions were: third WATERTOWN WATEIRBURY grade-Kara. McKeon, Judson, H ome I mi p ro vement Co. Jared Urban, Judson, John Pixley, 274-1751 755-2121 Joseph "Dean" Cilfone Judson; .fourth grade—Laurie fiOTarbeli Avenue, Oakville Smith, Judson, Nicole Blanchard, "All work guaranteed in writing!'• 18 FALLS AVE., OAKVILLE ,274-2328 • 753-5938 • 757-1000 Baldwin, and Jennifer Eazarsky, More than 25 yean experience Polk. Winning posters presently are m on display in the Rite-Aid phar- B&M LIQUORS macy in, the 10 Acre Mall. 3U4 Buckingham Street Valentine Dance Gakviile • 274-4809 i The Nutmeg Square and Rouiu'i Dance Club will host, its annual K33IT3J NEW BEER PRICES Valentine Dance Saturday, Feb.,") Budweiser Suitcases & Exp Bottles NOW $9.99 Ill at, the Heminway Park School, 37 Ron Baltron Budweiser Light Suitcases NOW $9.99 m Heminway Park Road. Schaefer Suitcase NOW $6.99 Gordon Siddall will call th; Busch Suitcase NOW $7.99 square dance; Betty Navage will, Mechanization Means Value Black Label 12 packs n 202 cansi NOW$3.B9 ::;;;;;x; cue the round dance, all set to Mi Beer Prices Plus Ta\ & Peposil start, at 8 p.m. There is an admis- sion, charge. Sometimes — not often loom,, which together with Connecticut's #1 Scotch Whiskey! Now Only enough - things get cheaper other refinements increased Dewar-s While Label Scotch Lifers $13.44 11 AND better. This has been the production, from, about 7 square Dewar's White Label Scotch 1.75 L $22.15 case with pocket calculators, yards a day to more than 25. Romanoff Vodka Liters $ 4.10 GLOBALJG* for instance, and it is also true Then in the 192,0's, a process Bacardi Silver Label Rum Liters $ 7.92 BENCH SYSTEM for carpeting. 'The secret is in called tufting was adapted Captain Morgan Spiced Rum 75O's $ 6.35 Repairs All Unlbody Models the technology. from, the manufacture of bed- Captain Morgan Spiced Rum Liters $ 7.99 II Up until about 1,750, carpet- spreads to produce carpeting Seagram's 7 Crown Lifers $ 8.56 Call ing was constructed entirely by even faster. Today's tufting Majorska 80° Vodka ' Lifers $ 5.34 111 NEIL'S AUTO hand — first with each, knot tied machines can each, produce 800 M ajorska 80° Vodka 1,. 75 L $ 9.14 by hand and then by hand-po- square yards of carpet a, day! Majorska 100"" Vodka 750's :$ 5.25 BODY, INC wered looms. The first major DekuyperOriginalPeachtreeSchnapp's 750's $ 5.50' breakthrough in, carpet, manu- Calved. Extra, Liters1 $ 8.26 23Vt Hour facturing came in France, For all your carpeting needs Clan MacGregor Scotch 80° 1.7,5 L $14,15 Towiing Service where development of mecha- vkil; E&J Brandy 750's $ 6.23 II nized controls for the place- The Carpet Barn Heavf Duty Towing ment of yarn made intricate We alsoEa^e a varied selection of foreign & domesticwines." Collision Work*Painting "The largest Floor Covering Center Come in & see our many other specials & New lower Prices! Ail collision work guaranteed patterns easily reproducible. la The Area" In America. 40 years later, Corner of Echo Lake Rd. & Porter Si. We Now Carry Cigarettes at Attractive Prices. ill Erastus B. Bigelow invented Waleruwn • ,274-6851 or 274-0155 Now Here: Nationally Advertised California Blanc from 274-2463 274-3105 St. Regis Vineyards 99.51 % Alcohol Free Wine da s the first steam-drive carpet m * '' nights 1029 Main St.. Watertown Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown Society, Conn.) Feb. 7,1985 Page 17 It's usually a waste of time to Speed limits are posted for Little Known Facts About Museums explain your point of view-most perfect driving, conditions-slow Here are some surprising folks prefer their own look-out. down on icy winter highways. facts about our nation's mu- seums that are worth viewing. • The first public museum in. America was. the Charles- Attorney Terence D. Marian! ton Museum of Charleston, South Carolina. It was organ-. ized on January 12,1773. is pleased to announce the association • The first museum, constuc- ted as a museum and art. gal- of lery was Peak's Baltimore Museum and. Gallery of the Fine Arts, operated by Rem- brandt Peale. Its opening was Attorney Mark N. Stephen, August 15, 1814, and the building was sold in 1830 to A. recent study, turned into' an informative book, shows 'the city of Baltimore and used America's museums attract moire than 500 imillion visits, a for the general practice of lam as. its first City Hall. year. • Today .museums in the • The study reports that New Century," found the United. States boast an all- 1 conservation is one of the ma- need for new museum initia- Suite 420 Telephone time high, attendance of more jor concerns of American mu- tives in, the educational field. than 500 million visits per 182 Grand St. seums, yet, it appears, budget • Among its suggestions, year. Yet this unprecedented proportions assigned For con- 753-5734 popularity has created de- the book advocates involve' Waterbury,, Connecticut servation range from, zero to' ment of educators in all mu- mands that jeopardize muse- 4.5 percent. Given these fig- ums' ability to carry on. their seum, activities, research into ures, experts say there is little the different ways people roles as educators., communi- wonder many of our cultural cators, and guardians of learn in museums, and the .and historic treasures have •convening of a national col- America's priceless cultural been placed at risk. and natural treasures, accord- loquium on joint museum- • According to 'the National, school programs. ing to a book published by Institute for the Conservation It's a sale by George! the American .Association of of Cultural Property, the • There are nearly 5,000 in- Museums. United State is "virtually the stitutions including art, his- Remember your Valentine with a special • The new publication, only major nation in the tory, science, natural, history stitchery kit from IVA MAE YARNS, "Museums for a New Cen- world without a, coordinated and youth museums, zoos, tury," funded by Philip Morris plan, for conservation. aquariums, 'botanical gardens —All Stitchery Kits 20% off- Incorporated, is a landmark • .American museums were and planetariums, historical, Special Sale on Elena Plus yarn report, which identifies the often founded with the role of sites, libraries and science-tech- and a wide assortment of odd lots. problems facing museums to- public education in. mind. Yet, nology centers in the United day and. analyzes them. in. in examining the commit- States. These museums are terms of trends affecting the ment made to learning by served by more than- 79,000 future. museums, "Museums for a volunteers. Honestly is there a, nicer way than this to keep your Valentine in stitches? (in sloe* only) Rep. Carpenter. 1VA MAE YARNS Receives Three VALLEY PLUMBING 264-4838 AND Bazaar Village Green - Heritage Village, Southbury, Ct. Assignments HEATING SERVICE Speaker of the House R.E, Van Nostrand has confirmed State CALL US FOR THOSE COLD WEATHER REPAIRS Rep. Frank Carpenter (R-Ply- moHtlx, Thomaston, Watertown) —Specializing in Multi-Fuel Boilers— has been, named to serve on three key legislative committees. Watertown, Ct. 274-6043 $ Mr. Carpenter, who was elected 499 to his first term in November, will (Price includes mattresses serve on the Human Services w/springs) Committee, Education Commit- AT LAST Someone who knows what they are doing, tee, and. the Internship Program AND Someone you can trust! Committee. Suggested The Human Services. Commit- SUPERIOR TRANSMISSION S tee considers bills dealing with the Retail! 699 departments of Human Resources, Transmission * *« 40 KI Income Maintenance, Children and Youth Services, and. Aging. Tune-Up I ^ I 'The Education Committee Crafted of Solid deals with matters relating to ele-' > Road Test > Adjust Bands New England Pine, this bunk mentary, secondary, and higher is a, classic in, functional design. education, and local, and, regional • NewATF • Clean Filler* boards of education. -NEW GASKET • Adjust Linkage* The internship program deals with assigning, college age interns Jefferson P4ne — Most cars & small trucks — 264-0488 to .assist, legislators. * Where Applicable { Heritage Village Bazaar, Southbury Mon,-Sat. 9:JO-5:3OSun. 12:00-5:00 1211 Wtlcttf St., Watt iluiy Evening Hours: Fit & Sat. until 8:00 LAWN GUYS 574-2308 VA Mile North of Naug. Valley Mall j Driveway Sealing Div. 10% DISCOUNT for signing, up now for A beautiful, way to say sealing in Spring '85. Pennella's Market Additional .Senior1 Citizen Discount. Call for Free Estimate 274-0608 DELI atoms Walentine'sDay^= German 09 American $199 Bologna lib, Cheese FREE KLOSS Sterling Silver Floating Heart HOMEMADE with $5 purchase LYONS of Silver Jewelry. ITALIAN BREAD -" f'r. (while supply loso) DUPONT large loaf - sliced or unsliced I, Jospeh W. Kennedy, Jr. BEER SPECIALS. LauretaL Zibefl IOb ' St. rohs Suitcase David M. Kennedy $1.00 OFF ALL FORMS OF I DINNERS Old Milwaukee Suitcase PERSONALAND I FOR 4 $7.99 COMMERCIAL Miller (7 oz.) Case of 48 INSURANCE I Try One Today! Serving Watertown-' $12.99 Oakvillc& Thomaston • PRICES IN EFFECT THURSDAY THRU SUNDAY residents for over '60 years. Catering for any occasion - Call for details Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9:30 - 5:30; Sun. 12 - .5 30 Main Street Heritage Village Bazaar • Southbury 60 H i 11 c rest Ave n u e, Oa kvi 1 le (off Riverside su 264-3988 Thomaston 274-1864 - Call Ahead - AII food cooked to order 283-5811 Property of the Watertown Historical Society Page 18 Town Times (Watertown, Conn.) Feb. 7,1985 Monroe, as expected, leads the scorers 'with a 23.4 average. Diana Polletta watertownhistoricalsociety.orgCrosby, the NVL leader, has only one scorer in the top 10 in, Willie Davis with a 15.8 mark^ Heads For-Meet SPEAKING which goes to show the balance of OF the Bulldogs offensive attack. Up In, Michigan CUFF NOTES - The Gold, Diana' Polletta, daughter of Circle of Sports took a great step Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph Polletta, SPORTS in, .announcing that this year's - Oakville, was chosen as one of. program will be dedicated to the 1,4 gymnasts set, to compete' By Bob Palmer memory of the Pierce Brothers, at an Invitational, Meet in Mich- Lewis, John, and. George, who igan Saturday and Sunday, passed away within five months of Feb. 9 and. 10. one another recently. Lew and Diana, one of the youngest t - ^ ., .. .,"- r - - in «^, • George were Cold Ring recipients girls in, her age group to com- Coach Bob Cook is on Century Club." It will consist of a and John was a prime candidate... pete in Class III Compulsory at Waterbury Hospital., but you permanent plaque with the names Nancy Traver, former standout and. Optional, got off to a good can speed up his recovery from, of each high school coach that, has basketball and softball player at start with her first optional, by-pass, heart surgery by sending won 100 victories in any varsity WHS, continues to sparkle for the meet at the Arena Gymnastics him a card, Room 218. If even, sport at Watertown High. highly-rated Bryant College School in Stamford on Jan. 26. half the boys he coached in his .Most now Women's basketball, team, one of She has been actively involved nearly 20' years at Watertown at the school have achieved that the best in" New England in its in gymnastics, for the past five High sent him a card, it, would be mark,, plus some of the past division,...Better late than, never - years and has.been attending Diana Polletta an avalanche. coaches. Once the proper research, Congratulations to Mike Nolan. Arena for the past eight floor, second on the vault, and, Bob coached at Watertown has been dons, their names will be for being selected as the NVL's months. During, the meet in second .all-around, | High from 1938, replacing the late announced. Senior Player of The Year, which Stamford, she placed, second Diana, attends fourth grade f Al Deland, until he become of course he was. on the bars, second on. the at Polk, School, I principal in 1956. Like most of the Lynn McHale, one of our all- coaches in, those days. Bob time great high school basketball coached more than, one sport, all players, is closing in on, the Mike's Coffee at the varsity level, including base- coveted, 1,000 mark - not only in Old- Timers Meet Seniors ball, basketball, and soccer, then, points scored, during her career, Shop Captures adding track and I believe at times but also in rebounds, For Second Benefit Game even the junior 'varsity basketball Lynn, who is being recruited by 10th Victory team. several colleges, had been a The Hartford Whalers Old-Ti- will Howe, hockey's all-time lead- Mike's Coffee Shop stayed, j,i One of coach Cook's favorite wonderful player and. leader for mers team, sponsored by Colonial ing scorer who played an incredi- couple steps ahead of its compe- stories concerns a baseball game Watertown High. She exemplifies Bank and led by all-time great ble 32 seasons of major league tition, beating Ro's Restaurant. he pitched while at Middlebury what every coach, is looking for in Gordie Howe, will square off hockey. Other members of the 101-75, in Water-Oak Recrea- college. terms of ability and performance, against the Watertown-Washing- Whalers squad will, be former stars tional league basketball for it*:: "One of my good friends was off and on the field. ton Seniors in a benefit game Fri- Garry Swain, Andre lacroix, 10th win against just one de- going with this really wonderful You, can see Miss McHale and day, Feb. 8, at 7:30 p.m. at the Mike Veisor, Norm, Barnes, Doug feat. and beautiful girl and she was in a her teammates in action, Friday Taft School, Mays Rink. Roberts, and Tommy Williams. Roger Ouellette led .Coffee hurry to get married while he night as Watertown takes on, •The second encounter in as Also expected to play will, be Shop scorers with, 23 points wasn't. league leading Holy Cross, who many years between the two teams Scotty Connal, Bob McVey, Tom followed, by Joe Romano and Dar. "They were sitting in, the stands also has one of the best players in, will raise funds for the Watertown Earl, Jim Bates, Howard Baldwin, Fielder, each contributing 16. in a game I was about to pitch the area in, Lynn, Ranando. Game and Washington, Youth Hockey Jim Kennedy, Charlie Burns, Bob against a real, good, team, He time 7:30'p.m.. • Associations. Crocker Jr., Gerry McDonald, P.O. Drug, a team nipping on called me over and then turned to The game will, be the third this Paul Hurley, Don Blackburn, and the heels of Mike's at 8-2, cap • his girl friend, and said, "If Bob While the Watertown girls are year for the Whalers Old-Timers, Len Russell, tured a 99-75 win, over Taft strikes out 27 batters (that's every at home, the WHS boys will be who have played games in Middle- School as Jim Taylor tallied 23 one) we'll get married right trying for another upset at the town and South, Windsor. Last, The seniors team, will be paced points and Rich Lamy added 21. away." Holy Cross gym at 7:30. year, the team helped raise more by Taft varsity hockey coach Dave Summit Restaurant, presently "Well going into the eighth The Crusaders are still (as of than S 12,000 for various youth Boucher, and Dave Long, presi- in third, place at 7-4, stayed in tht- inning I had struck out every last Tuesday) trying to catch hockey groups over the course of dent of the Watertown. YHA. The race with a 1,00-81 win over Ri- batter I faced. By that time my Crosby in the race for NVL four games. lineup also will include Sam Si- naldi's Restaurant, Tom Oaffey, friend looked, like he had. aged 10 honors. Last year1 the two teams met in, mons, Jeff Scanlon, Jol Everett, top scorer for all teams ovei years, but he was saved as I only Watertown, on a given night, the Old-timers first-ever game and Henry Long, Doug Howe, Jim the weekend, poured in 28 points struck, out 24 with a no-hitter." can play with any of the NVL wound up in an, exciting 4-4 tie. Aliwein, Mark Potter, Fred Ge- as; teammate Paul.Murphy added For those who don't know - teams, Holy Cross, though, has Claude .Larose, a, member of five nung, Steve Cornell, Lance Od- 20. Bob Cook was a great strikeout, been one over the years that has Stanley Cup champion teams in den, Hank Howe, Steve Abbott, J. B. Lavoie's, 2-8, received, artist. I don't know if the record had an easy time with Watertown. Montreal and now assistant coach, Tom Farmer, Steve Potter, Matt the week's bye. Ro's Restaurant still stands but while pitching foi Maybe this is one that .Mike Svab, with the Whalers, tied the .game Corkery, and Bryan McCleary. at 6-4, Taft School, at 4-6, and Ri- Watertown High, young Bob set Scott Shaw, Jaret Kulmann & Co. with just 1,0 seconds remaining. A limited number of tickets will naldi's Restaurant at 1-9, round, the state strikeout, record of can. pull out. Larose will again perform, as. be available at. the door. out the league. having 145 strikeouts in. The Indians have had, a pair of Please send him a get-well card. exciting wins over Naugatuck and Morelli scoring for Watertown. No one would appreciate it more Kennedy this year, and that The' B" team, is now 6-8-1. than Bob from hearing from "my hasn't, happened in a long while, Hat Tricks Aplenty In Tickets for the Whalers; Old- boys." so why not Holy Cross? Timers vs. Watertown/Wash- Shaw, with a, 19.8 average, is in ington Seniors game Friday, SPEAKING OF COACHES. third place and Svab, with a 1,7.6 Watertown Hockey Games Feb. 8 at 7:30 p.m. are still The Water-Oak Gold. Circle of norm,, is in the sixth spot in the Christopher Wandelt and Ger- Sports, has instituted "The available and, can be purchased valley league's scoring race. Kelly ry Romano each scored, a hat at American Sports, Oakville, trick to lead the Watertown Beiners Sports; Shop in Water- Youth Hockey Association Mites town, and at the-Taft Rink from to a 7-0 victory over Salisbury, Dan Hawkins. Saturday, at the Hotchkiss Tribe Basketball Squads A limited number will be avail- 9 School Rink. Closer To Seasons End able at the door. By Kin .Harmon in, • the meantime, all eyes are WAYS Spring Fans of Watertown basketball, upon Miss McHale. At the mo- can start chewing; their finger- ment she has 925 career points. League Opens nails anytime now as both the A little addition lends one to boys" and the girls' seasons see that she must average but 15 Registration grind, out the last two weeks of points per game to attain the Registration for the Water- the year. milestone. town Association of Youth Soccer The boys are making their She came into the season with Spring league opens today climb into respectability and into 621 points and has since added (Thursday) at Swift'Junior High, a possible post-season tourna- 304 to her total, giving her a School 'from, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. ment berth. Lynn .McHale, 20.3 points, per game average. Registration will close Satur- meanwhile, is making her climb While the girls find their day, from 12 noon to 2 p.m. for the 1,000 point plateau~a playoff chances slipping away The spring league is offering feat last done by Sue Brazis. and Miss McHale sliding closer Gerry Romano six traveling teams associated The boys are presently at 5-9, to the 1,000 points, the boys with Connecticut Junior Soccer following a convincing upset vic- find themselves in better straits weekend with a 4-2 win over with, ages as follows: boys 14 tory over the Kennedy high. concerning tournaments, \ y Middlesex at the Wesleyan. Rink, and under (coaches are Charlie Eagles, 50-46, at the Kennedy At 5-9, the boys must win, just a 150-foot empty net goal by Fenn and Dan Hardwick), boys gym, three of their next six games, Billy Rimicfc proving to be the 12 and under (Tom Davies and 'The Indians held off a furious six games that include Torring- winner. Fred Farrell), boys 10 and under fourth quarter Kennedy rally to ton, Sacred Heart, Holy Cross, Bobby BeAngelis, Nicky Tuoz- (Pete Bearce and. Judy Hard- capture their second upset vic- Wilby, Ansonia, and Nauga- Chris Wandelt zolo, and. John Long each scored wick); girls 14 and under (Sue •tory in as many weeks. Scott tuck. Eric Peterson scored the re- goals for the winners. Goalie .Everett and Bob Monnerat), Shaw led Watertown scorers Both the girls and the boys maining goal for the Mites, Bryan Smith recorded 23 saves girls 1,2 and under (Chick De- with 19 points, followed bv Mike were snowed out of their games while goaltender Brett Stauffach- on, the afternoon. Francesco and Bobbi Oliver), Svab with 1,3 and M:ike Nolan against Torrington and have er closed down, the nets for a The Bantams fell short' to Yale, girls 10 and. under (Gary Smith with, eight. been rescheduled for a later shutout. however, 7-4 on, Sunday, DeAn- and Jim Diorio). The girls didn't have the same date. Wandelt and Romano joined gelis* hat trick being overshad- The teams will be select luck the boys enjoyed,,, dropping' The teams both, faced. Sacred scoring forces again on Sunday, owed. Andrew Everett added the teams, with tryouts announced their game to the girl Eagles Heart Tuesday night and. now go" each netting one goal, but the other goal, : . • at the signups, Each, team, will, 53-45. Of those 45 points, how- on to challenge the powerful. Mites fell to Yale, 5-2. Bryan Smith recorded another have no more than 1,5 players ever,. Miss McHale had. ' more Holy Cross Crusaders Friday Bobby Clark had, a hat trick ,23 saves while in, net. The Ban- : with no mandatory playing time than half, netting 24 on the eve- night. for the Squirts, but' the'goals tams; are now '15-6-1 on the per game, but everyone will ning. were the only, three the Water- season. play. The girls are presently 4-1.1, FRESH DECK town boys .could' muster as The Bantam *'B" team won, The season begins in April. and must win four of their In the game of life, even a fresh .ECHO won, .11-3,, at.; the Taft its fifth., game in a row with a There is a registration fee, pay- next' five games in order to make deck won't help the fellow who has Mays Rink. 5-3 victory over Salisbury. Beau •the post-season, tournament. But able when a youngster is chosen squandered, all his chips. The Bantams. started off their .Maxwell, Jason, Masi, and Mike for a team. " . Town Times (Watertown, Conn...) Feb. 7,1985 Page 19: Property of the Watertownproposals are heading. It i s imporHistorical- Society "we can't afford to' ignore the employment counseling, day tant to realize lobbyists work all quality of life for future seniors care, and transportation,.. The year, either preparing information depends to a great extent on the pilot projects would emphasize for the upcoming session, or fol- job of today's child- sound educational preparation watertownhistoricalsociety.orglowing up on unfinished, work ren." at the high school, or community from, past sessions. Rep. Johnson feels education college level, as well as skills As in' .any profession, lobbyists and, personal development that are essential to permanent have come under fire. People must continue during periods independence. claim that lobbyists manage to of welfare dependency if per- * 'It is not necessary to develop persuade through gifts, dinners, manent self-sufficiency is to be new programs to solve old pro- and parties. Lobbyists say that, is attained. blems," Rep. Johnson said, just part of the process, adding re- The proposal, would set up 10 "but if is imperative to create* cent regulations have limited how demonstration projects-six In new solutions by better organiz- much, a lobbyist can spend, on a urban and four in rural areas--to ing and integrating the resources legislator. provide education, training. we possess." Lobbyists can be very helpful in dealing with, constituent work. Re- ' search, available at their finger' tips, can easily save a legislator' WE MAKE IT SIMPLE. SALE time from looking up the infor- QUALITY USED CARS AT AFFORDABLE PRICES mation. examples: In closing, it is important for a, 1982 OLDSMOBILE 1978 PLYMOUTH VOLARE legislator to weigh information CUTLASS BROUGHAM SE WAGON NOMINATED FOR OUTSTANDING academic achievement for 4 dr., loaded with extras, 6 cyl, auto, ps, pb, low imi. from a lobbyist, realizing it may was $7995 NOW $6996 January at Heminway Park School are students Jennifer O'Mara serve a special interest. He must, was $2995 NOW $2:3.95 •and Becky Church, seated left to right, 'Tom Harrison, standing also make every effort to speak 1980 MERCURY COUGAR XR? left, and Mike Harris. (Heminway Photo) 1901 PONTIAC ILEMANS with lobbyists, who represent both low mileage loaded 2 dr, 6 cyl, auto, ps, pb, a.c sides of the issue. was $5995 NOW $4295 37,000' miles was $6995 NOW $5495 Rep. JO.III.SOH 1980 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME 1981 MERCURY CAPRI State Capitol 2 dr., ac, ps, auto... 2 door, low mileage Has Plans "For was $6295 NOW $5295- was $5295 NOW $3895 We have a large selection of used cars of all makes -and Review Job Readiness models to fit everyone's price range and needs. Approximately one in five STOP IN OR CALL By State Rep. Francis J. Carpenter children born in the United 76th .Assembly .District States is the child of single pa- V Grabherr Id., Thomaston CT 06787 rents and. of those, 50 -percent XT,HOMAS Ml Home: 213-8373 are born to teenage mothers. In 816 STRAITS TURNPIKE 274-9257 addition, 70 percent of welfare WATERTOWN, CT. women don't have a high school diploma... You see them at the State Capi- Lobbyists must stay abreast of Mainly. to combat this pro- tol, usually friendly, .and in the .all subject areas, to ensure credibi- blem, U.S. Rep. Nancy I, John- middle of a. conversation with a le- lity. It .also helps, them in their son (R-Conn.) recently intro- gislator. They .are neatly dressed, role of "forming" public policy. duced, legislation that would BaDoon-f J-F11.11 Cards, and wear1 blue buttons with their By continually operating out of provide poor women with young names on them. You .also see them the Capitol, lobbyists get to feel children access to education, on. the phone, handing out litera- the "pulse" of a certain bill, and job training opportunities, and, ture or strolling, through the .area. whether the votes .are there. That essential child, care services that \ly $1.75 just outside the House and Senate. is why they serve .as a quasi-con- would enable them, to lay founda- Those people are lobbyists .and sultant to the client. tions for long-term employment. while they don't get elected, they Another change has taken place Mrs... Johnson indicated that Order'10 Days Prior to Event do play a key role in. determining in lobbying over the past 2.0 years. in 1950, the wages of 17 workers the eventual outcome of proposed Yeas ago, when there were fewer contributed to the benefits legislation... lobbyists, they concentrated ef- of each Social Security recipient. Wev will send a greeting card of your What exactly is their job? Is it forts on the chairmen or Assembly By the year 2000, the checks playing a. more important role in. leaders to get a bill passed or de- will reflect the contributions of choice: with a personalized balloon enclosed! the legislative process? feated. Now a lobbyist will con- only three workers. Lobbyists, according to the tact every legislator, again, to gain "With this dramatic shift in Type of greeting card: Check one: best ones, perform three essential, perspective on where legislative retirees to. workers," she said.. services to the • Legislature. They D Birthday • Boy • Girl • Male D Female educate, communicate, .and serve We own and operate our own equipment. CALLUS age : as; a constant reference for infor- Weekly We are not agents! D Anniversary (No. of years) mation. They also .are available Trips To FORA FREE • Happy New Year • Happy Valentine's Day to a. legislator at any time, at no 'New England Di Happy St. Patrick's Day • Happy Easter cost. ESTIMATE NX, N.JL, • Happy Everyday D Happy Passover The growing role of govern- • Happy Halloween ment today often makes it. diffi- P.A. D Happy Thanksgiving • Happy Hannukah cult to hire large staffs, and. in, D Merry Christmas: many instances, the lobbyist will, • Bible Verse • Other:: Please State: end, up being, the best source of in- D anbury formation for a legislator. WEEKLEKLY TRIPS TO ~4£ 797-0567 Abo fill out: 1. How card should read. (Dear _ J Clearly, a lobbyist, serves a spe- Waterbury 2. How card should be signed cial interest, but they tell you gov- 757-8070 FLORIDA f New Milford 3. Where to mail card & balloon ernment is better served by today's MOBBIH sra«G.F nacHODSE maims 354-1050 professionals compared to those WE OWN AND OPE BATE Oil fOilMEMT Send check or M. O. for SI. 75 to: that were known, as one lobbyist Torrington put it, "for the plastic in, their 482-8508 Balloon-O-Fiu P.O. Box 322,, Watertowa, Ct. §6795 pocket,.,"1 ice MC tnisi AN Moving flafas OVER SO YEARS OF SERVICE Are Hot The Same MOVING & STORAGE. INC Florida Ws Invite HUH MARIANO PRESIDENT • MABJOR1E O'NEILL* . 7hi Wort; Mem Dl I-, Dl!ll| Mil (305)524-4244 • FUNERAL DIRECTOR* Comparison SPRING SOCCER This Spring, WA YS will be offering six traveling teams bk aOHdll associated with the Connecticut Junior Soccer League,, A Well Planned with ages as follows: Tuncml Hmt Boys: 14 and under 742 Main Sheet, Oat/Me co-coaches Charlie Fenn and Don Hardwick Connecticut - 06779 12 and. under 2QS»274-3005 SERVICE Tom and Fred, Farrell 10 and under • JOHN O'NEILL' PROGRAM Pete Bearce and Judy Hardwick # • FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMER* Girls: 1.4 aid. under Sue Everett and Bob Monnerat DOESN'T COST 12 and under Chick OeFrancesco IT PAYS!!! Assts: Bobbi Oliver and John, Gugliotti -*«.. BINGO 10 and under Gary Smith, Asst: Jim. Diorio at Keep your Honda well maintained These will, be select teams. Tryouts to be announced at signups. and avoid expensive repairs Each team, will have no more than 1.5 players, with no mandatory St. Mary Magdalen playing time per game, but everyone will play each. game. The season will begin, in April, and continue until the end of June, Church Hall, 'with most sames being played on. Sundays. The exception to this is tournament games, and makeup games. Oabille REGISTRATIONS WILL BE HELD: At Swift Jr. High School Thurs.:, Feb. 7, 6:3§-3:3§ p.m. 7 p.m. ONDA Sat.t Feb. % 12-noon-2 p.m. Registration, fee: is SIS. payable when child is selected for a. team. Every Thursday CALL ELLEN OR CINDY 274-9257 if this is your first time registering with WA YS, piease^ bimg-your 816 STRAITS TURNPIKE.WATERTOWN birth certificate. This is a must! No one plays without one. 1 Extra Card Free You. must 'be registered by Feb. § or yon 'will not be eligible to try with this ad OPEN' MON DAY-FRI DAY- 7:3G,A,M-4:30PM out. for a. team. Page 201 TownProperty Times (Watertown, Conn, of) Feb. 7,198the5 Watertown Historical Society Results were: was postponed due to the snow, Swimmer's Fall 200 Medley Relay: 1. Nauga- and will, be for a later tuck (Drawbridge, Caparulo, Bo- date. Short; S. Blum land, Laver) 1:48.9, 2. Watertown, 3.; 200 freestyle: "Blum Trophies Fur Doable Winner (W) 2:00.4, 2. Deangelo (N), 3. Scott Blum was a double winner Walsh (N); 200 individual medley: for the Watertown Indians in their 1. Drawbridge (N) 2:20.9, 2. Bas- 4 Tournament meet against the Naugatuck Grey- tin (N), 3. Hendzel (W);'5O free- hounds Tuesday, Jan.. 29, captur- style: 1. Lamb (N) :22.97,2. Marti" Hoop Squads ing the 200-yard freestyle and the (W), 3. Laver (N); diving: 1. The Water-Oak Gold Circle of 500 freestyle, but Watertown still Campbell (N) 168.35, 2. Gyuricsko Sports presented tournament dropped a 93-79 decision. (W), 3. Kropp (W); 100 butterfly: trophies Monday night to the The Indians are 3-6. 1. Hodorski (W) 1:03.2, 2. Boland four youth basketball teams that (N), 3, Donahue (W); 100 free- participated in the benefit: game style: 1. Deangelo (N) ::56.5, 2. at Watertown High School Jan. Kueglar (W), 3. Hopper' (W); 500 23. freestyle: Blum (W) 5:26.6, 2. On. hand for the ceremonies Walsh (N), 3. Packard (W); 100 were coach Mark Monnerat and backstroke: Marti. (W) :59.2, 3. players Markie Monnerat and for all your Lamb (N), 3. Drawbridge (N); 100' Chris Komanetsky of the win- residential or breaststroke: 1. Caparulo (N) ning St. Matthew's team from. commercial needs 1,08.84, 2 Bastin (N), 3, Piotraw- Bristol, coach. Robert Palmer HI THE FOURTH AND NEWEST office of Realty World Settani sky (N); '400 freestyle relay: 1. of runner-up St. John's of'Water- Associates opened Jan. 25 at 1197 Main St., at the corner of Knight Naugatuck (Lamb, Walsh, Dean- town, teacher Stan DeMayo of Street. Available to serve the public are seated left to right, Wendell PAR GLASS 1 gelo, Laver} 3:40.86, 2. Water- third-place Swift Junior High, O'Neil, Kathy Brier, General. Manager Barbara Beckett, Nancy town, 3. Watertown. and co-captains Ted Stack and 117 Echo Lake Road Grandpre, and Mary Jurkiewicz, while standing same order, are Ray Watertown's next meet is against Scott Oueliette of St. Mary Mag- Petrarca, Bill, owner and broker Dan Settani, and Pat Watertown 274-2151 Holy Cross. The Indians meet dalen, the latter two schools from, Ryan. The Watertown. office is open Mondays through Fridays, 9 a.m. against St Joseph's Friday night Oakville. to 8 p.m., 9 to 5 Saturdays, and 10 to 4 Sundays- 24-hour service is Robert: Monnerat, chairman of • available by calling 274-5431. ( Photo) the benefit: game planning, said more than $300' was raised from UNICO Club-sponsored event J. ANDRE FOUKNIEl ticket sales. The Gold Circle used Saturday, March 23, at Water- Agency Seeks proceeds to purchase jackets for town. High School, will be Kathy COMPETENT and ACCURATE the varsity football team. Ann Bellino, Laura Birchard, New Volunteers TAX SERVICE Lisa Borges, Alicia Cusick, Val- Big Brothers/Big Sisters of 12 Contestants erie Dunn, Julie Filippone, Kim. Greater Waterbury, always ac- Over 25 fears of service Harding, Maria Elena DeSanto, cepting volunteers into its pro- In '85 Pageant Carol Pettinicchi, Cary Razza, gram, is presently seeking inte- Michelle Renaud, and Cathy rested men to offer their time to a 151 Main Street, Oakvllle The contestant: lineup for the Seeley. 2nd Floor 1985 Miss Greater Watertown child from a single-parent family. Scholarship Pageant has been fi- Rehearsals are taking place The only requirement is that, the Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. __ , nalized, pageant officials have each Sunday afternoon at the volunteer spends at least three to Sat.9a.m.-3p.m. 274-4154 announced. Oakville Branch Library. Tickets four hours a week, with Ms match. Competing for the crown, at the for the pageant will be on sale For .further information, call the soon. BB./BS agency at 7.54-2181. The contestants recently were guests of the club at its annual Real friends ignore weakness and dinner. help build up weak points Connecticut Gymnastics School lew

11 months to 5 fis of age 10 WEEK SESSION Starting in February 979 MAIN STREET WATERTOWN For more information call 274-9766 or 274-6083

lie offer results,, not promises. TONY'S SEAFOOD ycui norm witti 63 9 Ma in St., Oakville 274-3693 b it finy wendar morn 8 rr.ors pf ojila ere lattiag feelty World .DINNERS TO GO* $:r»ani fesos. ..Wednesdays & Fridays 11:30-1:30p.m. and 4-7 p.m.

Scallop Plate Shrimp $3.80 Plate $5.50

.*»• Clam Plate Combination (Whole cI

46 OFFICES THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL IN . Fish and Chips $2.49 CONNECTICUT Cocktail All Pistes Include French fries. Size Coleslaw and Tarter Sauce Shrimp REALTY WORLD. THE RESULTS PEOPLE. $6.2%. CALL AHEAD OR WALK IN! WATERTOWN MIDDLEBURY WATERBURY NAUGATUCK, DANBURY BRIDGEPORT Also available are Varieties of Fresh 274-5431 758-1788 7534000 723-1414 797-0315 335-1.2:89 and Frozen Fish, Clams & Live Lobsters Hours: Tuesday 12-6 Wednesday-Saturday 9-6 Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown. Society, Conn,) Feb. 7,193 5 Page 21

and Dorothy Tichy, Westport. Great-grandparent is .Mrs. Mi- watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWhen a Navy tug is on call, chael Urban, Danburv. it always means a fu?> clay's REARDON-A son, .Dennis Patrick, Jan. 22 at Waterbury work ahead. Getting; any Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis "ship into port is a big job, Reardon (Mary Grady), Water- and when it's an aircraft bury. Grandparents are .Mr. and WANTED carrier it can test the skills Mrs. William Grady, Waterbury, and Mr. and Mrs. John Reardon, EXECUTIVE HOME, of the best tugmaster. With Watertown. Great-grandparent experience that any ship's is .Mrs. John Reardon, Water- 3-4 bdrms., spacious captain would like to count bury. kitchen. & family rm. on, he's putting his skills to TICHY-A son, Stephen John Family neighborhood. work in the Navy. Jr., Jan. 20 at Waterbury Hospi- Merrill Lynch Realty Some of the best people tal to Mr. and. Mrs. Stephen'.!. Carol Ranish in a wide variety of profes- Tichy (Hose Passareli), Bethle- hem. Grandparents are Mr. and 758-9606 sional and technical fields Mrs. Louis Passarelli, Norwalk, are working in today's Navy. Navy-trained, they're men and women with careers they're proud of. People Matthew J. Baker, O.M.O. » who could put their expe- rience to' work anywhere Family Dentistry but believe being; the best means more when it's done for their country. Evenings & Saturday Appointments Available | 621 Main Street. - Navy know-how. Watertown K^ working forAmerica . 274-9315 \ - I

Let the selling i i«ii» power of — ^J REALTY' WORLD

KMT NMMHBH _ u ,., _, \ 11 meowner, you are entitled, to a Free Estimate as '. • 'I • viie of your residential property or other Real, AS5OCIATE6 1 •'" . " aiit this self addressed certificate and mail to us, help you get a I an appointment, better price for your home.

WATERTOWN WATERBURY _Tcl, No. 274-5431 753-9000 MIDDLEBURY NAUGATUCK 758-1788 723-1414 , -JM1S I DANBURY BRIDGEPORT 797-0315 335-1289 M HtM \N LTD. REAL ESTATE 274-6786 l:*!1'Main St., Watertown or 756-8915 Everything We Touch Turns To SOLD

F ! THIS MARKET EVAUIATION OF1 YOUR HOME SPACE CALL THE LEADER IN CORPORATE RELOCATION ALSO FREE! AVAILABLE WATERTOWN-Be^i.'• il.- ru.r n.d 1800 col cape • Ask for a money-saving quote from William Raveis w/rernodeled elec. • ' H -n > •••"'" Kl«s &. cabs, WW Insurance Company. thru-out. Prime lac. $111*?W Manfj n C rafa eves. 264-1778. • Find out how William, Raveis Mortgage Company can MIDDLEBURY SOUTHBURY PLAZA help you secure the best mortgage rates available. A 758-1733 264-2880 LITCHFIELD COUNTY OFFICE CALL \MllW\A R4I/EIS \l IE 5WE 274-6721 "» r• in_ I ilchCicld. tnunh I' - 'I byr\,CT06n9R 2IH 261 1121)0


«&>.. ** ^S± ^K

*".i For all it's worth. ft! .Raised Ranch with magnificent ingreuntl pool; 3 Bdrms. ANTIQUE CAPE It could be your home-, sold fast at the $129,900 with old slone malls lhai circle Ihe 1 5 acres Old Fashioned wood stove best possible price with the Better Rarely do you find qualilj conslruclion and craftsmanship as evidenced uarms the welcoming Living room Bo* windows are featured in the in (his 1.5 Acrecounirj home Spacious L R »Hh oierazed piclure win- Formal Dining room and ihe Dining area off the Updated Kitchen, 3 Homes and Gardens* Home .Marketing dow, formal D.R., fuOj equipped 24*14 Liiehen wilh cuslom designed wood ample Bedrooms and 2 full baths 2 car detached Garage NEWLY System. cabinets. Breakfast room w /double pic lure window opens to Fam Rm LISTED OXFORD EXCLUSIV ESI21.SM. w/wood burning siove Tastefulh decorated playroom »'brick raised CALL US TODAY 756-7258 hearth fireplace, 2 car garage. Cass Country Real Estate l/Uedtourij. Kealttf. 214 Main St. Sa ROOT& BOYD omes 264-5435 R EA L ESTATE and Gardens 967 Main St Watertown 274-9661 | Southbury, CT. 756-7258 I rriiv- -•*•• .*.•

Page 22 TowPropertyn Times (Watertown Conn. of) Feb the. 7 198 5Watertown Historical Society


FISHER .PLOW, complete. 5. FOR RENT LEGAL NOTICES ALL CLASSIFIED MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. Eight-ft, 4-way w/lights and electric pump. For Chevy or FLORIDA, ORLANDO', two-bed- BOARD OF TAX Tuesday noon is the deadline for classified 'advertising. CMC. $1,000. 274-2687. room home. Weekly rental $275. REVIEW MEETINGS. Males: $2.25 minimum charge for the firs! 12 words, plus Furnished. Adjacent to Sea The Watertown Board of fax $.40 per line for each additional Ine 'beyond tine minimum THE FABRIC BARN. Remnants- World. 274-675,1 or 723-0940. Review will meet in, the Town trim.. Wednesday thru. Sunday, Hall, on the dates and times (approx. four words per line). In addition to Town Times, 10-5, Rt. 63, East Morris, 567- FLORIDA HOME .RENTALS shown below during the montii of all classifieds are carried in the Water-Oak Shoppers' 5823. Closed Mon. & Tues. available. Completely 'famished. February. The purpose of the Guide at no additional charge. S275/week. Located in southern 1,985 meetings is to hear appeals CATALYTIC WOOD STOVE, Orlando,- minutes from. Disney concerning property assess- never used, with one cord of World. Call 274-0368 or 274- ments made by the Assessor MAGICAL ENTERTAINMENT wood. $460. Call 274-8482 after 7555, • 1. SERVICES OFFERED for children's parties and shows. on, the October 1, 1984 Grand 6 p.m.. Call Mr. Miracle, 274-6115, List. OAKVILLE, 1 bedroom apart- BOARD OF TAX REVIEW ED' MCHABD PAINTING ment. Heat, elec, appliances in- AUTO' SERVICES, 30 Depot St., WATERBEDS, bookcase • head- SCHEDULE .,&. Paper Hanging cluded. $450 month. Sec. requir- Clark Midland, Contractor Watertown, 274-9103 or 274-board... New Queen & king size, Thursday, February 7, K85, ed. Call after 6 p.m., 2744123. Call 274-8379 6153 (Mike Hogan). Pinsttiping complete with padded side rails, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. $.199. 6-drawer pedestal, $99. Friday, February 8, 1985 & body side moldings. Auto-up^ 7. MEAL ESTATE EMIL'S JEWELERS holstery, convertible & vinyl 274-1733. 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. 719 Main St. tops, accessories, seat covers. Monday, February, 11, 1«!85, Watertown WANT TO SELL my Avon col- LAKE WINNEMAUG. Biddable 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Expert watch repairing. Guaran- MASON-WOOD lection of decanters & collecti- lot near lake, $20,000. Carol Appointments can be made by teed workmanship. CONTRACTORS bles. Appointment only. 274- Eanish, Merrill Lynch Realty. calling the Assessor's Oi Ice Additions, remodeling, decks, 2881. ' - Call 758-9606. • 274-5411, Ext. 296 & 297, Mon- PLUMBING & HEATING, all interior renovations, garages, day through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to types of work, any size job. Reli- custom building. Roofing: A 1982 LXI Series compact stereo 8. REAL ESTATE WANTED 5:00 p.m. able, licensed. Free estimates. specialty. Call Rick, 274-0456 or w/AM-FM stereo cass. player1, 2 MO ASM OF TAX' !E;YI E W WANTED: Building lot in, Wa- Capinera Plumbing & Heating, Joe, 274-2859. speakers plus other features. CHAIRMAN tertown or surrounding area. • 753-0188 or 274-6398. Asking $100'. Call after 5 p:m... BK.J'OHNGMFE'TH 274-2283 after 6 p.m., ask for 274-3839. 'IT 2-7-85 AIT INSTRUCTION. Drawing, Ray. MARANATHA painting, calligraphy. Small State of Connecticut CHIMNEYSWEEPS classes. Any age. Certified 1984 WHEELHORSE lawn, & 1 • 9. WANTED TO BUY Court of Probate Chimneys cleaned professional- teacher with M.S. Degree. garden, tractor, 11 h.p. 42" District of Watertown ly. Quick, clean, efficient ser- 274-9815 between 1 & 5 p.m., or mower, 8 spd., high-low range. GffiL'S •WHITE SKATES, size Jan. 30,1985 vice. 72:9-0160 or 573-1,255. leave message. .Asking $2,200' or best offer. Call 274-9740 after 5 p.m.. 4% or 5. CaU 274-0025. NOTICE OF HEARING I 'Will DO yaw WALLPAPER- Estate of JAMES J. GL2A- HONING: Will do in my home. WANT TO BUY old clocks and SON ING and. ezterior and Interior Call 274-3954., 3. HELP WANTED painting. Excellent references. pocket watches. Also, Grand- Petitioner: Sherman R. Slavin, father clock repair." Call Phil 48 Woodruff Ave.,, Watertown, Call Bob Perkins, ,274-2990. UCENSED BEAUTICIAN will WAITRESS, part-time. Apply in person at Sherri Ann's Din- Dunn, St., at274-1932. CL style your hair in your home. Call Date of Hearing: Feb. 22,1985 CARPETS ft MUGS repaired and Susan, 274-2687. ette, .1400 Main St., Wtn., be- 11. LAWN & GARDEN installed. Twenty yrs. exp. In- tween 2 and 4 p.m.. at 9:15 a.m. in Probate Coiirt, ':. Danny's Carpet GARDEN TILLING. New and. Town Hall, DeForest St., Water- CARPENTER FOR HUE. Re- existing gardens. Satisfaction town, Ct, paks &temodeliBg ( ete> Reason. THE: WATERTOWN BOARD of Upon the application of the able :rates h hour m ob CaU Education is guaranteed. Sign, up NOW! Call PAINTING- Int ext n»"intina" Y i " seeking applicants Rav. 274-4_875. petitioner praying that the ac- fe eSates Oualitv work" Michard. 274-3718, ^ the position of. Cafeteria count of the above Conservator rtee estimates, quality work. • Director in the Watertown Public ONLY 6 'WEEKS until Spring, for the period, of 10/6/82 - Excellent references. All work - — c-.i, i c,i , „<,„„«,,««» ™A 1985. Call LAWN GUYS for your 10/6/84 be accepted and approv- nn c an lawn needs, 274-0608. ed and that he be authorized misnnteed Rav Lawlor 274- COMPLETE WORD PROCES- Schools. Salary negotiable, and to sell and convey real estate be- 228^274 2225y " SING. letters, mailing lists, ^mensurate^ with experience II. AUTOS longing to said, estate, as per r.!^L:Zl.tri transcribing from tapes oV dicta- Considerable, knowledge of food. application on, file more itilly AUTO SEAT COVERS & auto phone, resumes, term, papers, Production and. food service re- 1980 VW RABBIT, diesel. Four- appears, carpeting on special now at manuscripts, legal, memoon- ^S^I^ ^ ^ dr., 4-spd., AM/FM, sunroof, 'IT IS ORDERED THAT: «iaid Watertown Anto V^ery,, M. dU,m. Call ,274,-0854 or 879-0755. rust-proofed. Mint' cond. -274- application be heard and, deter- o, Inomaston Kd., 274-2669. j .«••• . • • ,- 3056. mined at the Court: of Probat.: at .,.„.„ ,.„.„ , ' INCOME TAX RETURNS pro- and additional information can, the date, time and. place indicat- by 8 ed above. HOMEOWNERS feskmaUy prepared by a degreed ^cMMaed f*"* ?"* »*- 1982 DODGE OMNI. 4 cyl., 4 1 General home repairs & im- accountant. Reasonable rates. Philip M,. Fallon, Superintendent dr., std., air cond. Good condi- BY ORDER OF THE COURT tion & low mileage. Two-tone Kathleen B. Niivin s^ Carpentry, e.ectri- C^Pa.»K27,m_ «£*£*. g DjForest SL. Clerk t TAX CONSULTANT will, do your S411. «t. 313. E.O,,E. blue. Asking $3500. Call 274- tax 1140. TT2-'-85 service at rea-snnahip rat« return, $10 and up. Call 274- —— S* — • - BSKfEE ™« 1984 FORD ESCORT, std., 2 Too often the shortcoming!! of dr. 7,000 miles. $5,000 or best men turn out to have the longest- ZTJc ?rwJirM APFUANCE SERVICE. Wash- days I wee£ 5-6 hours a day. reaching effects on their future!.. Coot 263 5400 ers & dryers, refrigerators & Good wages..Car necessary. Call offer. Call 274-8350. .^Z!.'i:?._. stoves. Call 274-4654 ™E HOUSECLEANEBS, 274- 20. PERSONALS TYPING — 380°- WORD PROCESSING THOMAS P. MGHAUD, CPA p"^; TBVffi'"'iii'p "WANTED" iOlTGAGES 1 1 1 WAW fcU NAUGHTY NIGHTIE DEMO. Resumes letters term papers Individual and small business ff ?" * ' ,« ™,- f - Earn free lingerie while • having Kesumes, tenets, term papers, t nn-narprt Call 7S,fi Must be over 18. Deli experience fun. Ladies only. Just put on the FIXED manuscripts, mailing lists, re- tax returns prepared. Lall 756- i^ coffee, invite your friends over li8Jl rF J petitive letters, tapes trans- - WtJJ and I'll do the rest. Call Lois, RATES cribed, photo copies. Woodbury "™™ci?n~r."mrn~^Vnw -7 ——'-- - -—• 755-9486 after 5 p.m. Secretarial Services, 263-2279. llCENS^CH^CARE^va,,- , VtvrTVU^Al"wmK ffeamn H0DSEKEEpEbedrm., I'/i batR NEEDEh houseD , onfc e HOME EQUITY LOANS ElfCTBICAL WORK. Reason- KFr;.mifT * r™air New afternoon/week or twice a 23. TAG SALES able. Free estimates. State h- llLt KJibKUUl & repair. New ... „ . np,onit:aH_ 7R1i 0 tft K ate ne tiaWe FIRST MORTGAGES censed 274-8611 installations & remodeling avail- ™, ™ - B g° - -»*• ".!!:.I.....:::. able. Call 274-9O89 any time. 8177 after 8 F"m- PARTIAL ESTATE SALE FIXED IRATE HOME REPAIRS, remodeling «^"™«^NiNG7EiRVICE~ ClfflD CMENEEDED fo7iyr- Washer, dryer, dual king-sized Ah MORTGAGES additionsINCOME. TAFoXr fre preparede estimat, aet callrea-, » wiAKruwinu M*.KVIU<,. o „„,.*. „,„„« ;„„]„ JO. i bed, stereo, Formica, china cabi- Bill Clock 274-2859 Chain saws, circular saws, tools, old &*'• Hours wouW include: 2- net, sofa, recliner, 3-pc. redwood sonable rates. Your home or 3 nours after ADJUSTABLE RATE! mine. By•:scissors appointment only. Call , knivesL&.. PhonL e ,274-2361 school, snow days, set, 10-spd. bike, ' telescope, Joseph Lanoie, 274-1456, ' after 1RESUME1 a.m. S WRITTEN vacations. Proximity to St.china, glass, household & loads MORTGAGES Effective resume prepared by a John a Sch°o1 orLak e w'n:ne" of misc. Fri.-Sat., Feb. 8-9, JUMBO MORTGAGES SEND YOUR, SWEETHEART a College Instructor with/person- JOSHUA'S TREE, INC., is now 1,0-4, Ledgewood Rd., Wtn., off' recruitingmaug Estate, part-times a plus, .mornings Refs. re-. singing sweetheart for Valen- nel -experience. In-depth inter- e 1 LitchfieldRd. AJ.R. Sale. f« < - Call 274-3137. tine's Day, or a cupid or our ever views. Call 263-3649. ' <. For appointment, 274-5061. UP TO' 95% popular King of Hearts. Call Sandygrams now, 758-4885. 2. FOB SALE SECRETARIAL SECURITY • FINANCING pesition available with strong COMMERCIAL AIT. Signs, any JUST ARRIVED Chintz * N Prints emphasis on statistics. Other re- OFFICERS size, any surface. Calligraphy, of Newtown, an enormous num- quirements include accurate Now hiring Ml, and, part-time in SETIiMl logos, layout-brochure designs. ber of Decorator Slipcovers, Dra- typing, pleasant" telephone man- the Waterbury .area. Must have People and animal portraits, pery-Upholstery fabrics at enor- ner. To apply please call Water- own car, phone, clean police MORTGAGE .Murals. Much more. ,274-9815. mous savings. S. Main St. town Public Health, Nursing As- record, and be-willing to work COMPANY leave message. (.Route 25) .Newtown, Conn. sociation at 274-7531. flexible hours, including week- ends .and holidays. Call collect: 2024 East Main St Waterbury FIX BLAME a Division of LEE1 FIBERGLASS CAP, 8 ft., PICKUP FOB, HUB. Attics, cel- WACKENHUT CORP. REALTY WORLD lars, .garages, yards cleaned. 30-i.n. high rise. Cost A ma n sp end s a III iletii m e t ry i n g to fix, the blame on others and then 246-8858 Settani Assoc. Inc. Reasonable rates. Call, Robert:, $700 new, 1 yr. old, for' $475. EOEM/F ,274-6517,. 274-2687. laments all his bad breaks 575-0011 Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown Society, Conn.) Feb. 7,1985 Page 23 WORKAHOLIC Many a man is unhappy because he doesn't know what he wants, but: he's killing himself to get it. FACT! Family physicians — they treat about, 85 to 90 percent of all human illnesses. Most Forerunners of newspapers in Roman times were written treat patients on, an, ambula- newsletters sent, by Roman scribes to businessmen and tory — i n-office— basis to politicians in cities far from the center of the empire. encourage mobility and, to help keep costs for the con- sumer down. Family physi- The peregrine falcon, cians have been called the sometimes known as the most versatile doctors around duck hawk in the U.S.,"is because their .graduate train- said to fly at speeds up to LEGAL K'Ul ing includes several, broad 175 miles per hour. areas of medicine — pediat- RET. FEBRUARY 26,1985 SUPERIOR COURT rics, obstetrics and gynecol- ogy, internal medicine, sur- <@ 1983. The American National Red Cross TOWN OF WATERTOWN, of JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF ge ly, . psychiatry, neurology WATERBURY and. community medicine. Watertown,. Connecticut The national organization ATWATERBVRY for family doctors. The .Amer- VS., <• ican Academy of Family Phys- icians (AAFP1, representing JOHN DIORIO, of Watertown, JANUARY 31, IMS m,ore than 56,000 family Connecticut physicians, requires its mem- ORDER OF NOTICE bers to have a minimum of 150 .hours of approved con- UPON THE COMPLAINT of the plaintiff in the above entitled 1 action, praying for reasons therein set forth, for the foreclosure of ti n u i n g ed uca ti on eve ry th ree municipal tax liens, returnable to the Superior Court., within .and for years to retain, membership. the Judicial District of Waterbury, to be held at Waterbury on the 4th The requirement, unique at Give Tuesday of February, 1.985, and upon, motion in said.-action for -an the time of origin, has order of notice to the defendent, John. Diorio, whose last known through the years become the address is Old laird. Road, Watertown, Connecticut, 06795, and any standard of the medical pro- fession. heirs, successors or .assigns of said defendent, John Diorio,. it Family physicans who take appearing to and being found by said Court the undersigned, that the an examination to become defendent, John Diorio, may possibly be deceased, and that notice of board-certified must be re- the institution of this action, most, likely to come to his attention or to certified every six years. The the attention, of his heirs, successors or assigns, is that hereinafter .American Board, of Family ordered: Practice, the organization ORDERED, that the notice of the institution of said action, be given which, conducts the certifica- the defendent, his heirs, successors or assigns, by some proper officer tion exam, is one of the only or indifferent, person as follows: medical specialty boards to 1. Copy of writ, summons, complaint and order of notice to be requi re recertiflcati on,. mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested to the last, known address of sad defendent, John Diorio, Old laird. Road, Watertown, Connecticut 06795; and 2. Notice by publication in the Watertown, Town Times Newspaper;, having a general, weekly circulation, in the Town of Watertown. Said notice to be published, on, Thursday, February 7, 1985 .and. said notice PLACEMENT SUPERVISOR. to be in accordance with the attached legal notice; and Provide vocational training to handicapped adults for job1 Company blood drives are a 3. Notice by publication in the Waterbury Republican, newspaper, placement in area business and. industry. Related Bachelor's vital part of our nation's blood on Thursday,, February 7, 1985. Said notice to be in accordance with 1 the attached legal, notice; and Degree required. Prior experience in related field desirable. supply. So please have your Contact Personnel Department. firm start planning for a blood that return, of such service be made to the abovenamed Court,. Francis J. Butler drive, today. And you can help 1 DATAHR INC. save many lives tomorrow. Clerk of the Superior Court STATE OF CONNECTICUT) SS WATERTOWN •FEBRUARY 4,1985 Miry Brook Road, Dan bury, CT COUNTY OF LITCHFIELD) 744-217© A true copy ATTEST: CARLO J. PALOMBA, DEPUTY SHERIFF A n equal opportunity employer LITCHFIELD COUNTY TO' JOHN DIORIO1,. HIS HEIRS, SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS 'This legal notice is hereby published, pursuant to Order of Notice dated January 30,1985 issued by Connecticut Superior Court, Judicial BE AN ENTREPRENEUR AT HOME District of' Waterbury in the Civil Action, of TOWN OF WATERTOWN VS. JOHN DIORIO1,. claiming a foreclosure of Town. Our company is looking for dependable, disciplined individuals to of Watertown. Municipal Tax Liens on land, located in the Town of work at home. Conduct surveys for local supermarket chain and Watertown, and more particularly described as; follows: national brand products within your local calling area. Must have .All that certain piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and. pleasant voice .and professional phone manner. Be manager of your improvements thereon, situated, on the easterly side of the Old Baird time and. production. Road, so-called, in the Town of Watertown, County of Litchfield and State of Connecticut, bounded, and described as follows: No experience necessary. We provide training and. support. NORTHERLY 50 feet on land now or formerly of Charles Longley; Call Ms. Ruiz, person-to-peison collect, Monday to Friday, EASTERLY 30 feet, on, land now or formerly of Charles Longley; 10-3 p.m. at (617) 329-8612 SOUTHERLY 50 feet on land now or formerly of Jake Hamel; WESTERLY 30 feet on said Old Baird Road. CONSUMER SURVEYS, INC. Being the same premises conveyed by Charles Longley to John Diorio by Warrantee Deed, dated January 29, 1952 and recorded in Volume 110 at Page ,563 of the Watertown Land Records. American Notice is hereby given, that a Civil Action has been commenced in CLERICAL INSTRUCTOR - TEACHER, 'Red Cress the Waterbury Superior Court, for strict foreclosure of Town of Watertown Municipal Tax Liens for unpaid real estate taxes on said real property. Full time position to teach clerical and, office skills to handicapped Said action is returnable to Waterbury Superior Court, on Tuesday, adults. Degree in education and/or rehabilitation necessary. February 26,198,5. Experience helpful. Contact Marie Connors Francis J. Butler Clerk of the Superior Court 748-1300 STATE, OF CONNECTICUT)' SS WATERTOWN FEBRUARY 4,1985 Vfcll HeipWill You? COUNTY OF LITCHFIELD) Datahr Inc. A true copy. 1 Miry Brook Road, Danbury, CT ATTEST: CARLO J. PALOMBA, DEPUTY SHERIFF LITCHFIELD COUNTY EOEM/F/H TT 2-7-85 DATAHR,, INC. is a private, non-profit agency that EXECUTIVE provides residential services for the disabled. Currently SECRETARY ACCIDENT?^ we have openings for the following positions: Don't Be Sad! RESIDENTIAL CARE WORKER Needed for Medical/Nursing Dept. AD Assist in training'the developmentally disabled in, a, group home .inner city community Health care center. CALL... Minimum three years experience with setting. A, college degree or medical/professional background is the ability to work independently. Must preferred. Flexible full & part-time hours available. have above average typing; and trans- cription skills and knowledge of office Waterbury Auto | Body machines. Medical; terminology desira- RESPITE CARE WORKER ble. Salary Sl4,000-plus with liberal We'll make your car look like NEW! Provide short term relief care in the home of a disabled child/adult. fringe benefits, (six weeks vacation). Send resume to: -£\ •EMISSIONTESTING Paid training provided. Hours are flexible. Transportation is re- • BODY REPAIRS „ quired. ;•*") • FREE ESTIMATES Mill . • TOW SERVICE Please contact Personnel- 748-5857. '("• •.MASTER CHARGE Health Center • 'PAINT JOBS P.O. Box 78» FROM $99.95 DATAHR, INC. Miry Brook Road, Danbury '06810' New Haven, CT 06519 ITISTIiomarton Aw,Wlhy.758-1143 753-4254 EOEM/F or can 431-7848 Page 24 TownProperty. Times (Watertown, Conn. of) Feb the. 7,1985 Watertown Historical Society recoup the legal, fees. That, Mr. Adams, considered by NATO goals and objectives. Police Department amount was spent in, defending a many as an extraordinary 9 Pfc. Battelli is an armor crew (Continued from page 1) $26,00watertownhistoricalsociety.org0 termination, settlement illusionist, pantomimist, quick- • Servicemen s member with the 8th Infantry Di- their responsibilities in the deal. after the Board and. community change artist, and superb story- vision in Baumholder, West Ger- The plant backers are hoping became involved in a bitter con- teller, plays Merlin. Corner many. to secure .220 tons of .refuse daily troversy surrounding the He is a 1981 graduate of Water- from. Watertown and surround- switching of principals at. two "Rapunzel," the final show Pfc. Walter 1. Battelli, son of town High School. schools, and. the demotion of high, ing communities to make the of the Young People's season, Frank A. .and, Winifred M. Bat- GIFT-WRAPPED venture fly. The Council is look- school, department heads. will be presented by Theatre- telli, 190 Tarbeli Ave., Oakville, ing into a proposal, for a Bristol The legal fee Issue will be works/USA Saturday, March 30, was, involved in, a NATO-spon- The best things in life may be plant as a potential solution--to brought, back to the state Supreme again at Kennedy. sored exercise by participating In free, but a little hard cash gets 'em Watertown*s solid waste pro- Court. If the Board, and Mr. King Tickets for individual perfor- the Army's return of forces to Ger- wrapped and under the tree. blems. cannot, agree on a settlement. The mances can be reserved, or ob- many (REFORGER) 1985. Appointments made by the court in its decision, said the tained at the door. Both perfor- The exercise was designed to de- Never look, backwards unless Council to various commissions" former superintendent, has a legal mances begin at 3 p.m. velop uniformity of doctrine, looking for a place to fall back to. and boards included: Joseph right to try to regain the fees, not For further information, standardize procedures for rapid Masi and Dante Tartaglia, Water that he Is entitled to them. call S74-4I38 or 754-5496 after response to a crisis and demon- and Sewer Authority; Catherine 3 p.m. strate solidarity in commitment to Carney, Housing Authority; School System. FUEL OIL Thomas Monterose and Frede- (Continued from, page 1) rick MacLelland, Parks and Re- coordinator and. director; Rosa- creation. Commission: John Or- lyn and. Lily LeMay, EVERITT'S sini, Patricia Dwyer, and 'Robert Watertown High School; Susan, per gal. C.O.D. Porter, Public Buildings Com- Jean, Swift Junior High and St. (130gallon minimum} mittee; Raymond Kalita and Ste- Mary Magdalen; Marilyn Varno, GARAGE, INC. Strileckis Oil Co. ven Dubauskas, Conservation Swift, St. Mary's, and St. Commission-Inland Wetlands John's; Jean Gowlis, Baldwin Oakville 274-2147 274-4364 Agency; and Francis Rinaldi, and Judson; Sally Rinaldi, Hem- Zoning Board, of Appeals. inway Park; and Elaine Luckey, • Front End Alignments with, Also: Christopher Rigopulos Griffin and Polk. • FIREWOOD' and Carey Geghan, Redevelop- "It is truly an, honor to have Comp uter Balancing ment Agency; Gerald Langlais been, selected, as a statewide • Brakes*Tune Dps* Emission 'Testing and John Bavone, Economic De- finalist,** Dr. Pelosi said. • Complete Exhaust Installations velopment: Commission; Nancy '"Hopefully, we will be selected Stack, Lorraine Penta, August as a. national finalist." Kiesel, Correine Peluso, and Carol Magee, Commission on GOP Committee Aging; and Anthony Sebastian, (Continued, from, page 1) Board of Tax Review. of the Project Advisory Council, Independent Councilwotnan for the Elderly Nutrition, Pro- LARGE SELECTION Mary Jo Ciechetti voted against gram. the appointments of Mr. Masi A, cocktail hour will, take place Of and Mr. Rinaldi, saying "there from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The'din- are too many" of the same peo- ner consists of prime rib or baked VALENINIE CANDY•& GIFTS ple on various governing bodies. stuffed shrimp. There will be a Both are Democrats. FOR EVERYONE cash bar, and dancing in the Selection Includes: lounge. Board Appoints Ticket chairwoman is Council- Elegant Hearts, (choose your own assortment • (Continued from page 1) woman Tess Mitchell, ,274-1004. of, dozens of varieties of - Valentine's Week •, begins February 8. Call October. She and. any town, committee colorful novelty lollipops, long stem ,- or visit us today. May Try To Recoup members may be contacted for chocolate roses, chocolate houses, tickets. The Board, of Education chocolate greeting cards, diet assortments, : learned late last week from a deci- along with many gift items such as mugs,. ] Graham's Florist sion, published by the state Young, People's vases, stuffed animals, etc. 351 Watertown Ave. Supreme Court that former "j Waterbury, Ct. 06708 School Superintendent Dr. Theater Shows Candy Chalet 753-1169 Anthony King has won the right 318 Congress Ave.,, Waterbury 574-0336 to try to recoup $4,500 in legal Merlin's Magic fees he speni during a termination Jack Adams; will, lead the SPECIAL VALENTINE HOURS: settlement with a previous Board Young People's Theater troupe .Monday, Feb. 11 to Thursday, Feb. 14 in 198ft. In, a production of "Merlin's Open, 9 a.m. to 12 Midnight The court said a lower court Magic Circus" Saturday, Feb. judge made a. mistake when he dis- 16, at Kennedy High, School missed Dr. King's action to in Waterbury.

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