Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org St '.5 * »-i e mee O • -.1 Coverage Of.News In The Fastest Growing Community in Litchfkid Count® Vol. 40 No. 6 SU BSCRIPTI ON P R, ICE $ 12.00 P E R Y E A R Car. Rt, P.S. PRICE 30'CENTS February 73985 Police Department To Be Reorganized A reorganization plan for the will.eliminate the current deputy Det... Ronald Blanchard would be Police Department that would chief position, and create two promoted to sergeant, replacing save about $10,000 and. Improve non-union management posts: Mr. Gavallas. efficiency and effectiveness of chief Inspector of administration Chief Carroll said, the reorgan- the department unanimously was and investigation services, and ization will, eliminate overtime approved by the Town Council at chief inspector of patrol. and possible manpower shor- its regular meeting Monday It is expected Detective Sgt. tages in the Defective Bureau, night. John Gavallas will be promoted attain maximum cost-benefit, ra- The changes.,, proposed by Po- to administration chief Inspector, tio In the Patrol Division, and, en- lice Chief Jack Carroll and bless- while Lt. Edwin Williams will be hance supervision, discipline, ed by the Police Commission, in charge of the patrol division. and training under a manage- ment team,. SHARING THE GOOD NEWS that Watertown's. Chapter I education "We'll be moving people project for disadvantaged. students has been, selected as a state finalist Board Appoints Duchak around into positions, that will, are the members of the Chapter I staff. Seated, left to right are Elaine make them, more accountable," Luckey, Rosalyn Gargano, Lily LeMay, .and Marilyn Varno. Chief Carroll explained. Standing: Sally Rinaldi, Dr. Philip Pelosi, .assistant school superin-_ School Business Manager The reorganization proposes a tendent .and. Chapter' I coordinator and project direction, Susan, Jean, School Superintendent Dr. The new business manager 30-person force, including 21 pa- and Jean, Gowlis. Watertown's" project now will be considered in, state Philip Fallon has announced the formerly was associated with, Uni- trolmen, three sergeants, two competition, to potentially become a national • finalist. (Valuckas Board, of Education, last week royal, Inc.,, Middlebury. He lives detectives, and one detective Photo) appointed Dean, Duchak,,, Middle- In, that, community with, his wife sergeant. There currently are 20 bury, as. the new business manager and. two children. patrolmen, but two positions are f for the public school, system. Mr. Duchak received his vacant. School System. s Project The appointment came at. the bachelor's degree from Florida Council members commended Board's special meeting Jan. 30. State University, 'Tallahassee. Dr. the chief for the plan. He succeeds Richard, Huot, who Fallon said he has, experience in, Council Still Wary Among State Finalists resigned, his post, in Watertown. to cost. accounting, financial Backers of a proposed trash- accept, a similar job in the East tion with regular school or other reporting, policy management, to-energy venture in Watertown The state Department of Edu- Hartford system... and supervision of personnel. cation has notified the Water- special programs; parent-com- found the Council less receptive Superintendent Fallon said, Mr. Mr. Duchak was one of three to their update on the status of town Board of Education it's munity 'involvement; profession- Duchak will begin his duties finalists considered, for the post, Chapter I program, for disadvan- al development and training; the Watertown Group project. Monday, Feb.. 11,.and be paid an which had been vacant since mid- Philip Goldthwait, principal taged pupils, has. been selected strong leadership; appropriate annual salary of $33,000. (Continued on page .24) as a state Finalist. instructional materials, methods, spokesman, for the Group, said Dr. Philip Pelosi, assistant su- and approaches; and high expec- 'we have everything in a row," perintendent of schools, reported. tations, for student learning and GOP Town Committee To and plans are moving forward on the program, has been, nominated, behavior. the incineration plant, which, to the U.S. Department of Edu- Also: positive school and class- would be built in the upper Echo cation in Washington, B.C., as room, climate; maximum use of Honor Candee And Kiesel Lake Road area. Completion date academic learning time; closely The Republican. Town Com- committee, and a delegate to would be January, 1987. an "unusually effective" project. He told the Council a dog track In order to become a national monitored student progress; mittee will honor two prominent, many district and state GOP con- regular feedback and, reinforce- local Republicans at Its second, ventions. The newsletter said no longer Is being considered as fin al ist, Wate rtow n * s applica- a, supplemental future facility. tion must compete with other ment; excellence recognized and annual Lincoln's Day dinner Mr. Candee was active In the rewarded; and evaluation re- Monday, Feb. 11, at 7:30 p.m. at •'"original movement" to bring Last year, the price tag for the statewide nominations. The na- plant, and. a sewage treatment fa- tional initiative. Dr. Pelosi, said, sults used, for project improve- the Holiday Seasons Restaurant, the Council-Manager form of ment. Colonial Plaza, Waterbury. government to the community. cility was placed at $31 million. "is intended to identify projects. "You, have not presented us that are successful in raising the Indicators used to examine the Honored will be John H. S. Mr. Kiesel has been a 25-year member of the town committee, with practically anything," ob- achievement; level of education- success of the Watertown proj- Candee and August Kiesel. Mr. served a skeptical Councilman ally disadvantaged pupils, while ect, Dr. Pelosi said, were formal Candee was a 2,5-year member and was on the Board of Direc- tors of the old Oakville Fire Dis- John Orsini. He said the Group achieving other project objec- and informal measures of of the GOP Town Committee, still has not advanced any per- tives, and in describing the at- achievement, other project out- and "probably holds the record" trict. From 1965 to 1,984 he was a member of the Planning and mits, or produced evidence of ac- tributes of success. *" comes, and. sustained gains. for serving as campaign chair- tual progress. The national finalists will The assistant superintendent man in consecutive local elec- Zoning Commission, and was, its chairman for 1,968 to 1972. Mr. Goldthwait assured the serve as models, to other Chapter said there is a. Chapter I program, tions., said the party's Republi- Council about $600,000 soon, will, I programs, across the country. in each public school,-as well as can Newsline January newslet- Mr. Kiesel was, a member of the Naugatuck Valley Regional be committed to design work, Dr. Pelosi said the 13 attrib- the two parochial schools. The ter. and General Electric and Indus- utes of success used, to examine project staff includes Dr. Pelosi, He was a chairman of the nom- Planning Agency from 1,978 to 1984. Currently he Is a member ironies are "moving ahead" with the overall quality of the Water- (Continued on page 24) inating committee on the town (Continued on page 24) town project were: clear project —.-"i"™-™ (Continued on, page 24) goals and objectives; coordina- Healthy Surge In Grand Chief Lamphier List Increases Revenues 'Town' Speaker The town's 1984 Grand List year. Fire Chief and Marshal Avery - - -••', jumped by a net. total of some Mr. Petuch, said the town's net W. Lamphier will be the second WBm $16.9 million, over the previous worth for 1984 was .$322,422,109, featured speaker for the Friends year, according to the official up from the $305,537,849 re- „of the Watertown Library's next report filed by Assessor John corded in 1983. Meal estate went noontime lecture. Petuch at the end, of January. up by a net 53.4 million, personal The "Our Town" series." sec- He said the Increase would, property by $8 million, and. mo- ond program, will take place amount to a $707,450 boost in tor vehicles by $5.4 million. Tuesday, Feb., 12, at 12 o'clock, at revenue, based on the current The 1984 values for the three the 470 Main St. library. The mill rate of 41.9. However, pro- categories, respectively, ' are series Is free to the public; ration of new real estate con- $230,823,579, $57,784,3.80', and, guests may bring a sandwich, struction on structures complet- $33,814,150. while coffee and dessert will be ed by Sept. 30, and, the supple- The town's gross Grand List served. mental motor vehicle list came In, at $324.9 million, but, is Mr. Lamphier has been chief "should generate" an additional reduced to' Its net status by $2.1 in Watertown, the past. 26 years. 5218,000 in revenue, Mr. Petuch million in veterans exemptions, He: is a. member of the Inter- 1 POLICE DEPAMTMENT REORGANIZATION was explained, to noted. $136,850 in disability accounts, national Organization for Fire The 5.24 percent jump In the and .$159,333 in "frozen" real- Chiefs. the Town Council Monday night by Police Chief Jack Carroll, right, while James Cipriano, chairman of the Police Comm.is.sion, listens in. Grand List over 1983 Is the larg- estate exemptions. Mr. Lamphier will discuss the est percentage increase since .Mr. Petuch said there are local department. For more, in- The Council unanimously okayed the revamping of the department, which eliminates the deputy chief post, creates two non-union the 198,1 list, which went up 15,360 vehicle accounts in the formation on the series, call the 5.71 percent over the previous community. library at 274-6729.
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