1. Full Name : Recep TAYFUN

2. Birth Date : İstanbul - 19 May 1965

3. Title : Professor

4. Language and : German - English


5. Academic Titles

• Professor Public Relations and Publicity - Başkent University Faculty of Communication – 2016 • Associate Professor Communication Sciences Core - Public Relations – 2011 • PhD Istanbul University Faculty of Communication / Department of Public Relations and Publicity / Department of Public Relations – 1989-1994 • Graduate Istanbul University Faculty of Communication / Department of Public Relations and Publicity / Department of Public Relations – 1988-1989 • Undergraduate Academy of Security Sciences – Department of – 1983–1987

6. Supervised Master's and Doctoral Theses

6.1. Master Theses

• TENEKECİOĞLU ÇİĞDEM, (2020). Corporate Reputation Management in Social Media: Green Crescent, Başkent University-> Institute of Social Sciences-> Department of Public Relations and Publicity. • DEMİRÖZ YELİZ, (2014). Communication Faculty Students' Conceptions of Freedom of Mass Communication: sample, Başkent University-> Institute of Social Sciences-> Public Relations and Publicity Department. • TUNÇEL CEYDA, (2013). The Effects of Gender, Profession Group, Age and Education Level Variables on Individuals' Level of Superstitious Beliefs, Başkent University-> 1

Institute of Social Sciences-> Public Relations and Publicity Department. • AYDIN FULYA, (2012). The Effect of Corporate Image on Consumer Behavior from the Public Relations Perspective IKEA example, Başkent University-> Institute of Social Sciences-> Department of Public Relations and Publicity. • ÇOLAK NİLAY, (2011). The Role of Public Relations Tools in Organizational Conflict Management (Décathlon Sports Stores example), Başkent University-> Institute of Social Sciences-> Public Relations and Publicity Department. • KALFA ÇİSEL, (2011). An Assessment of the Role and Importance of Interpersonal Communication in the Negotiation Management Process, Başkent University-> Institute of Social Sciences-> Public Relations and Publicity Department

7. Publications

7.1. Articles published in international refereed journals • TAYFUN Recep, ULUTÜRK Bülent (2016). Assessing The Effects Of Supervisory Communication, Job Satisfaction, And Perceived Organızational Support On Organizational Commitment. Journal of Security Studies, 18((2)), 15-36. (Publication No: 5000227) (Eurasian Scientific Journal Index)

7.2. Papers presented in international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings book (Proceedings)

• Tayfun R. Call for Global Peace: Public Diplomacy and ANZAC Events. International Congress of the Çanakkale Wars on its 100th Year: Eighteen March University Çanakkale, 21/05/2015 - 24/05/2015. • 07-10 May 2014 Çanakkale Eighteen March University "International New Media" Symposium, a paper titled "Political Engineering as a Consent Generation Tool". • International Political Communication Democracy and New Processes Symposium, Diyarbakır, 21 - 23 November 2013, “Political Communication and Public Opinion from the Perspective of Perception Management”. • The "II." To be held between 17-19 June 2013 in Izmir. The paper titled “Language Streak as a Communication Phenomenon” presented at the International Language and Communication Symposium. • International Public Relations Symposium, University of Cyprus, , “State-Citizen Relations in the Context of Civil Disobedience”, 2009. • Philanthropy as a Public Relations Lever, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Biga Faculty of and Administrative Sciences, International VII. NGOs Congress, Philanthropy, Çanakkale, 03—05 December 2010. • International Symposium on Combating Violence, Erzurum, 19-22 June 2012: “Theoretical Communication and Civil Society Poppy Project in Combating Violence” • International Language and Communication Symposium, İzmir, 11-13 June 2012: "Field Research on Television Watching Habits of Children" • The Importance of Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility Relationship in terms of Public Relations, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, International VI. NGO Congress, Social Entrepreneurship, pp.61-69. Çanakkale, 23-25 October, 2009. • Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, International NGOs Congress, "The Contribution of the Atatürk Peace Prize to Global Peace and the Role Played by Civil Society Organizations", p. 115-125, 2008. • Tayfun R. Social Entrepreneurship in Combating Substance Addiction: Tree of Life 2

Project. International VII. Symposium on Children at Risk and in Need of Protection: Antalya; 11/12/2015 - 13/12/2015.

7.3. International books or chapters in books

• Intelligence Cooperation Practies in the 21st Century, A New Paradigm in Intelligence Sharing: International Cooperation (IC), (2010), TAYFUN Recep, IOS PRESS, Sayfa Sayısı 159, ISBN: 9781607506072, English (Scientific Book), (Publication No: 70574) • Crisis Management: Understanding the Inevitable, "Crisis and Public Opinion in the Spiral of Uncertainty and Perception Management", Gazi Bookstore, 2020, Ankara, ss. 71-97.

7.4. Articles published in national refereed journals

• ULUTÜRK Bülent, TAYFUN Recep (2019). The Roles Of Transformational Leadership, Communication Competence And Communication Satisfaction On Employees’ Job Satisfaction. Journal of Communication Theory and Research (49), 48- 68. (Publication No: 6083862). • TAYFUN Recep, TÜRK Aylin Erdem (2016). A Field Study on Mediation Practices (Ankara Sample). Bar Association Journal, 0 (122), 417-438. (Control No: 4999186) • TAYFUN Recep, ÇETİN Muharrem (2015). Individual-State Relations from the Perspective of Privacy of Private Life, Communication Theory and Research Journal (41), 1-19. (Control No: 4413178) • KUL Mehmet, TAYFUN Recep, ZENGİN Cevdet (2010). Women's Fear of Crime or Perception of Insecurity in the Light of Content Analysis, Kriminoloji Dergisi, 2 (2), 1- 21. (Control No: 890735) • KUL Mehmet, TAYFUN Recep (2009). Police Reputation in the Context of Symbolic Interaction. Journal of Police Sciences, 11 (4), 45-65. (Control No: 890449) • TAYFUN, Recep (2007). State-Citizen Relations from a Right to Information Perspective. Erzincan Faculty of , 11 (3-4), 149-183. (Control No: 890182).

7.5. Proceedings published in the proceedings book presented at national scientific meetings

• Tayfun R. Conciliation Communication, Symposium on Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods in Criminal Law, Ministry of Justice, 18-20 May 2017, Rize. • Tayfun R. The Relationship Between Social Media Usage and Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment. Istanbul Aydın University, 1st Media and News Symposium: Istanbul; 21/10/2015 - 23/10/2015 • Tayfun R. Right to Correction and Response From Media Ethics Perspective. II. Media and Ethics Symposium: Elazığ; 13/10/2011 - 15/10/2011 • Başkent University and Social Workers Association, Social Work Symposium '09, Social Exclusion and Social Work, 12-14 November 2009 Ankara, "A Critical Approach to the Participation of Children in Social Demonstrations", Ankara • Ages , Turkey Symposium on Globalization Process, Proactive Reflex Action and Democratic life of the Effects of Non-Governmental Organizations, s.39-54, 3

2008. • Ages Mersin University, Turkey Symposium on Globalization, "Johari Window Terrorism Communication Strategy and Relations from the Perspective of Media- Security", s.18-39, 2008. • What kind of a Public Administration Symposium in the 21st Century, Public Relations and Communication in Public Administration, TODAİE, Ankara, May, 1997.

7.6. Other Publications

7.6.1. Book Published by the National Publishing House

• Effective Communication and Body Language (2007-2016). TAYFUN Recep, 6th Edition Ankara: Nobel Publishing Pages 232, ISBN: 9789944771047, Turkish (Scientific Book), (Publication No: 70575).

7.6.2. Book Chapter Published by the National Publishing House

• Tayfun R. Criminal Procedure Law Conciliation Book, Editors: M.S. Özbek, O. Cüni, M. Özcan, Chapter Eight: Communication, ss. 201-222, Deniz Matbaacılık, Ankara. 2018. • Tayfun R. Stages of Mediation: Preparation Phase. In: Ali Yeşilırmak - Elif Kısmet Kekeç editors. Basic Mediation Training Tutorial. Ankara: Altan Özyurt Printing; 2017. p.151-173. • Tayfun R. Corporate Communication and Humor. In: Huriye Kuruoğlu, Mikail Boz editors. Media and Humor. Ankara: Nobel; 2016. p.463-483. • Tayfun R. Stages of Mediation: Preparation Phase. In: Ali Yeşilırmak - Elif Kısmek Kekeç editors. Basic Mediation Training Participant Book. : Altan Özyurt Printing; 2017. p.89-111. • Tayfun R. The Role of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication in Mediation Meetings. In: Ibrahim Yildirim editors. Basic Mediation Training Program Book. Ankara: Ministry of Justice Mediation Department; 2015. p.14-29. • Mediation, Interpersonal Communication Department name :() (2014)., Recep Tayfun, Turkey Bar Association Publications: 253, Editor: Alien Carpet Shop, Publication Number: 1 ISBN: 9786055316815, p.126-150. • Communication And…, Department Name: “Understanding the Public” (2013), TAYFUN Recep, Hyperlink, Editor: Aysel AZİZ, Issue Number: 1, Number of Pages 341, ISBN: 9789944157773, Turkish (Scientific Book), (Publication No: 1269446 ), Istanbul, 2013.

7.6.3. International Book Chapter Translation

• Gunther Dreher, Thomas Feltes; “Das Model New York: Kriminal praevention durch ‘Zero Tolerance’?”,Emprische Polizei-forschung, Felix, page. 16-43; translation, Recep Tayfun; EGM Police Magazine, year: 10, issue: 42, 2004, Ankara. (German Book Chapter Translation).

7.6.4. Papers presented at international scientific meetings

• Tayfun R. Artificial Intelligence and Perception Management, XI. International Education Supervision Congress, in cooperation with Ankara Bar Association Artificial Intelligence Center and Education Inspectors Union, 05-07 December 2019, Antalya.


• Tayfun R. Communication with Youth and Measuring Attitudes. Youth Tendency Search Conference: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus; 19/07/2019 - 20/07/2019 • Tayfun R. Intelligence and Ethics in the Digital Age. Communication in the Digital Age International Symposium: Mersin University Faculty of Communication, 18/10/2018 - 19/10/2018 • Tayfun R. Private Life and Consent Generation in Personal Data Spiral. The Role of Communication in a Changing World, 15/03/2018 - 16/03/2018. International Symposium hosted by Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Communication and in cooperation with Communication Research Association (ILAD). • Tayfun R. Perception Management and Social Media. 5th International Cyber Crime Conference: Ankara Kızılcahamam; 10/12/2018 - 13/12/2018 • Tayfun R. The Role of Media in the Formation of Public Opinion: Turkish-Greek Sincere Agreement. 2nd International Communication Science and Media Studies Congress, 01/11/2017 - 04/11/2017 • Tayfun R. State and Economic Security. Foreign and Security Conference Antall Jözsef Knowledge Center and KonradAdanauer Stiftung: Hungary; 17/05/2016 - 18/05/2016 • Evaluation of Intelligence Services within the Framework of Individual - State Relations, Police Academy International Intelligence Symposium, Democratic Management of Intelligence Studies, Istanbul, September 24-26, 2010. • Tayfun R. The crisis of the nation state in the 21st century. International Law Congress:; 11/01/2018 - 14/01/2018 • Tayfun R. Press Freedom and the Concept of State Secret. The European Union Way to the Press and Freedom of Expression in Turkey: Obstacles and Challenges: International Symposium, Istanbul; 03/05/2009 - 04/05/2009

7.6.5. Papers presented at national scientific meetings • Tayfun R. Effects of Social Networks, Media and Communication Technologies on Law Enforcement Activities. Symposium on Assessment of Human Resources Needed in Transformation of Security Management: Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy; 23/09/2019 - 24/09/2019 • Tayfun R. Perception Management and Social Media. Corporate Communication and Perception Management Seminar: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs; 03/01/2019 - 04/01/2019 • Tayfun R. Communication with Vulnerable Groups. Health Ethics and Communication Symposium: Ankara Başkent University; 01/11/2018 - 02/11/2018 • Tayfun R. Leadership Behaviors and Attitudes in Civil Society. Leadership and Communication: 10/03/2018 • Tayfun R. Intelligence Seminar. Propaganda: TRNC GKK; 01/04/2018 - 30/04/2018 • Tayfun R. Communication in Social Life, Women's Right to be Elected Panel, 1: Ankara Bar Association Conference Hall; 05/11/2018. • Tayfun R. Monologue, Dialogue and Cooperation in Public Diplomacy. Public Diplomacy Certificate Program: Başkent University; 01/04/2017 - 29/04/2017. • Tayfun R. Body Language - Reputation Management and Anger Control. Travel Document Forgery Expertise Training Seminar Ministry of Interior: Antalya; 09/01/2017 - 13/01/2017. • Tayfun R. Perception Management as a Consent Production Tool. Perception Management in Organized Crime Panel. Ufuk University: Ankara; 14/12/2015. • Tayfun R. Perception Management and Violence. Hate Speech and Gender Discrimination Panel: Ankara Bar Association Education Center Conference Hall;


13/03/2015. • Tayfun R. Leadership and Sociology in Crisis Management. Crisis Management Certificate Program: Başkent University; 02/05/2015 - 23/05/2015. • Tayfun R. Effective Communication Techniques in Combating Substance Addiction. Turkey Bar Association Tree of Life Collaboration Project Interagency Panel: Turkey Convention Center Ankara Bar Association; 25/05/2015 • Tayfun R. Media and Perception Management. Perception Management Panel: Ankara Bar Association 10/05/2013 • Tayfun R. Transition from One-Way Propaganda Communication Process to Two-Way Perception Management Process. Perception Management Certificate Program: Başkent University; 13/04/2013 - 27/04/2013 • Legislative Technique Education Panel, Law and Public Opinion, 11-12 May 2012, under the coordination of Yasa Der, Ankara Bar Association and Faculty of Law. • Turkey Police and Society in the 21st Century, the Panel Ataturk University, Erzurum Governor's Office, Erzurum, in January, 2001.

8. Projects

• White Ring - Police-Public Relations Development Project, Eczacıbaşı Holding-General Directorate of Security, Istanbul, 1991-1992 • MEBGEB Project, European Union Project with the Ministry of National Education, Change Management to Provincial National Education Directors, 2009-2010 • Researcher and Trainer within the scope of the Project carried out with the Ministry of Agriculture (MARA), 2010 • Governance of Security Forces EU Project, Ankara, 2013 • Hostage Negotiation Training Project under the auspices of the Ministry of Interior, Ankara, 2011-2014 • EU Project on Improving Mediation Practices in Legal Disputes, Ankara, 2015. • Tree of Life Struggle with Drug Addiction Project initiated by the Union of Bar Associations of Turkey, 2015 • Sand Lily Project, Combating Drug Addiction, in cooperation with the Cyprus Bar Association of Turkey, 2016 • Poppy Project on Combating Violence Against Women and Children under the leadership of Ankara Bar Association, 2011-2017

9. Administrative Tasks

• Vice-President Baskent University - 2018-2020 • Vice-dean Başkent University / Faculty of Communication 2012-2018 • Head of department Başkent University / Faculty of Communication / Department of Public Relations and Publicity - 2016-2019 • Head of department Başkent University / Faculty of Communication / Department of Public Relations and Publicity - 2016-2019 • Faculty Board - Member of the Faculty Board of Directors Başkent University / Faculty of Communication / Department of Public Relations and 6

Publicity - 2012-2020

10. Memberships of Scientific Organizations

• TUBIM- Turkey Monitoring Center for Drugs and Addiction Science Board member • Member of the General Assembly of Ankara Bar Association Law Monitoring Institute

11. Undergraduate and graduate courses taught in the last two years

• 2019-2020 Academic Year:

Weekly Hour Period Course title Theoric Practice Theoretical Foundations of Public Relations Fall 3 (Undergraduate) Fall Media and Public Opinion (Graduate) 3 Spring Public Relations Applications (Undergraduate) 2 1 Communication and Public Relations Spring 3 (Postgraduate) Spring Perception Management and Media (Graduate) 3

• 2020-2021 Aacademic Year:

Weekly Hour Period Course title Theoric Practice Crisis Communication Applications Fall 1 2 (Undergraduate) Fall Crisis Communication Management (PhD) 3