Integration and Name Changing Among Jewish Refugees from Central Europe in the United States
Reprinted from NAMES VOLUME VI • NUMBER 3 • SEPTEMBER 1958 Integration and Name Changing among Jewish Refugees from Central Europe in the United States ERNEST MAASS Acknowledgements The idea of writing this study came to me a number of years ago. However, it was not until I received a fellowship for this purpose from the Jewish Conference on Material Claims against Germany, Inc., which I gratefully acknowledge, that I was able to give the subject the time and attention I felt it deserved. In furthering the progress of the work several persons were particularly helpful. They gave me freely of their time, encouraged me in various ways, offered welcome critical advice, or commented on the draft manus- cript. Special thanks for such help are due to Abraham Aidenoff, William R. Gaede, Kurt R. Grossmann, Erwin G. Gudde, Hugo Hahn, Ernest Hamburger, Alfred L. Lehmann, Adolf Leschnitzer, Martin Sobotker, Arieh Tartakower and Fred S. Weissman. Among those who throughout the years brought name changes to my attention I am especially indebted to my mother. I also wish to thank the many other persons from whose active interest in the project I have profited and whom I may have failed to mention. Background, Immigration, Integration SE TERM "JEWISH REFUGEE FROM CENTRAL EUROPE", in this paper, refers to Jews from Germany and Austria who left their native lands in 1933 or later as a result of persecution by the Na- tional Socialist regime. It also includes Jews from Czechoslovakia whose mother tongue was German and. who escaped after the annexation by Germany of the Sudetenland in 1938 and the esta- blishment of a German Protectorate in 1939.
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