Memories of the Community of Vicos: The way we remember it, with joy The Peasant Community of Vicos This publication was prepared as part of the Living Memory Project, an initiative of The Mountain Institute, the Urpichallay Association and the Program of Latin American Studies at Cornell University, with the consultation and participation of the Peasant Community of Vicos. The Living Memory Project has had financing from The Mountain Institute, the Urpichallay Association, Cornell University (Division of Rare and Manuscript Collection, Cornell University Library) and Canadian Lutheran World Relief. This publication has been financed by The Mountain Institute, the Urpichallay Association and CIIFAD (Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture, and Development). This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational or non-profit purposes provided acknowledgement of the source is made. The Peasant Community of Vicos, the Mountain Institute and the Urpichallay Association would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that uses this publication as a reference. For consultations about the Living Memory Project and this document, please address: Florencia Zapata:
[email protected],
[email protected] Memorias de la Comunidad de Vicos: así nos recordamos con alegría Huaraz, Perú - Agosto de 2005 Hecho depósito legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú: 2005-5284 © Comunidad Campesina de Vicos C. C. de Vicos, Marcará, Ancash. Perú © The Mountain Institute Jr. Ricardo Palma 100, Huaraz, Ancash. Perú Tel. (51-43)