Public Notice

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Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE Keele Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 4th May 2021 to start after the Annual Parish meeting at 6pm To be held via ZOOM – please see joining instructions below THE PUBLIC AND PRESS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BE PRESENT But please note that they may be excluded for any item the Council decide should be treated as confidential Click to join Zoom Meeting : Meeting ID: 895 9452 1488 Passcode: 240331 To dial in - +44 208 080 6591, +44 208 080 6592,+44 330 088 5830,+44 131 460 1196 Members of the press and public are entitled to join and will be muted on entry. Recordings are kept for the purposes of producing the minutes only and are then destroyed. Issued 24th April 2021 (Clerk/RFO) AGENDA 1) To nominate and elect the Chair and signing of Declaration of Office 2) To nominate and elect the Vice Chair 3) Apologies 4) Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 5) To note the draft minutes on 16 March 2021 and agree in principle, with the signing in person taking place at the next available full meeting 1. To approve 2. Matters arising not on the agenda 6) Covid – 19 – Community Response • Proposed return to physical meetings June 2021 and future venues (no hybrid option available as yet) 7) Finance 1. To agree the budgeted grant request (£1000) – additional amount to be considered at the June meeting for Church Yard maintenance at Keele St Johns 2. To note the outcome of the internal audit inspection and any findings – see Appendix A – to follow 3. To resolve to complete the Certificate of Exemption (for authorities where the higher of gross income or gross expenditure did not exceed £25,000 in the year of account ended 31st March 2021 and wish to certify themselves as exempt from a limited assurance review under Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015- Appendix A1 – to follow 4. To confirm that the assertions in Section 1 of the Annual Return is correct for year ending 2020/21 – see Appendix A1 – to follow 5. To sign Section 2 of the Annual Return – see Appendix A1 – to follow 6. To consider the renewal of the annual insurance policy from June 2021 at a cost of £434.59 (last year £430.03) per annum (note separate arrangements re Village Hall Buildings and contents) – see Appendix B 7. To approve the renewal of Parish Online at a cost of £84 8. To consider the Chair’s Allowance (Section 115 LGA 1972) £250 budgeted 9. To approve payments/orders, receipts and transfers - Appendix C 8) To review the Standing orders, Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment – See Appendix D 9) To nominate representatives as follows, and receive reports: 1. Staffordshire Parish Councils Association - To nominate a representative 2. Borough Standards Committee – To nominate a representative 3. Betley Keele and Madeley Locality Action Partnership – To nominate a representative 4. Village Hall Management Committee - To nominate a representative 5. Keele University Estates meeting – To nominate representatives 6. To nominate representatives for other responsibilities as appropriate 10) To note (only) written reports circulated in advance: 1. Chairman’s report 2. County & Borough Councillors Cllr D Jones and Cllr Kearon 3. Village Hall Management Committee 4. Litter Picker report and Keele university contribution for the future 11) G eneral Data Protection Regulations (GDRP) Data Breaches (72 hrs)/Information Security/Subject Access Requests (reminder) To renew the contract with SCC for Data Protection officer Tier 2 for 2021/22 – cost to be notified 12) Oth er matters 1. To approve a quote to side Pepper Street, Keele at a cost of £320 2. To consider asking Staffs County to delegate a portion of the Highways budget to allow us to carry out works on footways and gullies- Mr Bibby 3. To consider matters regarding drainage on Quarry Bank and Station Road – no further update from Highways 4. Annual Maintenance Schedule to finalise and seek quotes – see Appendix E 5. Update for info only on the broadband issues Pepper Street/ Quarry Bank –Mr Meakin/Mrs Hughes 6. Walleys Quarry – For info 13) For info - Keele Neighbourhood Plan (Standing Item) – to note progress– Mr Bibby 14) B orough Local Plan (LP) Standing Item) – Statement of Community Involvement - comments 15) For info - Keele/Silverdale/University Growth Corridor and Save our Green Space (SOGS) campaign (Standing Item) 16) Planning applications – to provide comments on the following: 21/00400/TCA | Various tree works | 33 Westerdale Drive Keele Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST5 5FH Retention of rear sun room Finney Green Farm Finney Green Leycett Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST5 6AB Ref. No: 21/00306/FUL Proposed new access road 155m long by 6m wide. Constructed of white stone. Finney Green Farm Finney Green Leycett Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST5 6AB Ref. No: 21/00305/FUL 1x roadside Ash reduce to ground level. Upper canopy showing signs of Ash Dieback. 1x Scots Pune (adjacent) crown raise to 4m to allow more light to property and grass below, and to improve the overall aesthetic of the tree. FYI Only - 10 Holly Mews Quarry Bank Road Keele Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST5 5LT Ref. No: 21/00242/TCA Ground floor rear extension 41 Westerdale Drive Keele Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST5 5FH Ref. No: 21/00221/FUL Proposed Upgrade of the Existing Base Station At Keele Services, M6 Motorway, Keele, Staffs, ST5 5HG (Ngr: 380479,344228) – as previously circulated Boggs Cottages Appeal 17) Correspondence 18) Any Other Business for future agendas Meeting closes Date of next meetings: Keele Village Hall onwards - 18th May 2021 (CANCELLED), 15th June 2021, 20th July 2021, 17th August 2021, 21st September 2021, 19th October 2021, 16th November 2021, 21st December 2021 Appendix A – Internal Auditors report – to follow Appendix A1 - Annual Return – see attached and below (form to follow) Annual Return 2019-20 2020-21 Variance Difference of £ £250 or 15% Line 1 B/fwd 12163 13953 0% Line 2 + Precept 12597 12976 379 5% no Line 3 + Other Receipts 2139 5678 3,539 56% yes Line 4 - Staff Costs 4120 4065 -55 -2% no Line 5 - Loan interest 0 0 0 0% no Line 6 - Other payments 8826 13722 4,896 49% yes Line 7 = C/fwd 13953 14819 866 22% Line 8 Cash 13953 14819 866 22% Line 9 Fixed Asssets 251703 251703 0 0% no Line 10 Borrowings 0 KEELE PARISH COUNCIL ACCOUNTS 2020/21 Explanation of Significant Variations £ Line 3 Variation -Increase of £3539 (other receipts) 3,539 Section 136 Contribution and Tax base grant Decrease - 500.00 Bank Interest Decrease - 5.04 VAT refund Decrease - 418.82 Neighbourhood Plan Grant (Ring Fenced) Increase 4,463.00 Line 6 Variation - Other Payments - Increase of £4896 4,896 General Administration inc subs, insurance, audit, office Increase 609.72 Chairs Allowance Increase 50.00 Litter collector Increase 28.76 S137 Payments (Wreaths, Clock Service x 2) Increase 525 Running costs:Village Hall Decrease -500 Highways - village lengthsman scheme Decrease -765 Parks and open spaces (Grounds Main) Increase 620 Amenities - village benches, notice boards Increase 550 Neighbourhood Plan Increase 4442.5 VAT Increase 643.94 Miscellaneous (includes Churchyard Contribution & Special Projects) Decrease -1308.44 Keele Parish Council - Bank Reconciliation as at 31.03.21 Cash Book Balance b/fwd £ 13,952.75 plus receipts deposit and current £ 18,653.87 less payments £ 17,787.38 balance at 31.03.21 £ 14,819.24 Bank Co op community direct account £ 2,005.99 Co op Business £ 12,813.24 £ 14,819.23 less unpresented chqs £ - plus credits not yet paid £ - Difference -£ 0.01 balance at 31.03.21 £ 14,819.23 Appendix B – Zurich insurance renewal quote – see separate documents Appendix C - Payments/orders, receipts and transfers Payments: BACS & Cheque No. Expenditure Details TOTAL Bacs 1 Mrs W Naylon Litter collection Feb and March, April - Bacs 2 Access Irrigation Spring service Yew Tree TBC - Bacs 3 Staffs County Council Data Protection Officer 2020/21 TBC - Bacs 4 C Withington April Salary 266.47 Bacs 5 C Withington April Expenses Inc Mileage to collect accounts 15.00 Bacs 6 HMRC Tax and NI April 66.60 Lengthsman 20_21 - Cut back bushes Sign by Pepper St/A525, weedspraying Pepper St Station Rd, sweep dead Bacs 7 Steve Hough vegetation Pepper Street 280.00 Bacs 8 G Bibby Zoom reimbursement April 14.39 Bacs 9 Get Mapping plc Parish online subs 21/22 84.00 Bacs 10 Keele Church LETTER Grass cutting contribution April 21/March 22 1,000.00 Bacs 11 C Withington May Salary 266.47 Bacs 12 C Withington May Expenses inc mileage (Cannock Accounts) 33.00 Bacs 13 HMRC Tax and NI May 66.60 Bacs 14 Mr Bibby Chairs Allowance TO BE CONFIRMED (£250 ) - Bacs 15 HMRC Tax for Chairs Allowance - Bacs 16 Zurich Insurance renewal to June 2022 434.59 Bacs 17 Mrs V Evans Internal Audit 2020/21 TBC - Bacs 18 Redoko Website changes 25.00 Total 2,552.12 Receipts: 20.04.21 Precept 14,008.00 20.04.21 Council Tax support grant 214.00 Appendix D– Financial regulations and Model Standing orders – see attached Appendix E – Annual maintenance schedule – see attached document .
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