Promoting the Right to Food Activity Report of the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the right to food (May 2008-May 2011)


This activity report provides an overview of the work Introduction ��������������������������������������������������������2 done by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to food during his first mandate (May 1. Major issues of the mandate ������������������������������3 2008- May 2011). It does not offer an exhaustive 1.1. Commercial Pressures on Land and the description. Rather, this report focuses on some Protection of Land Users �����������������������������3 major issues raised during this period and 1.2. Trade ��������������������������������������������������������4 shows which actions were taken by the Special 1.3. Seed policies and Intellectual Property Rapporteur on each of them. This report should Rights �������������������������������������������������������6 be complemented by the information collected 1.4. Climate change ������������������������������������������7 on the website of the Special Rapporteur (www. 1.5. Investment in sustainable agriculture �����������7 srfood.org) as well as on the page dedicated to the 1.6. Agribusiness ���������������������������������������������8 mandate on the website of the Office of the High 1.7. Food Commodities Speculation ������������������10 Commissioner for Human Rights (http://www2. 2. Governance of global food security �������������������10 ohchr.org/french/issues/food/index.htm). This document also underlines the role played 3. Promotion of the right to food in national laws by the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of and policies ���������������������������������������������������12 the right to food in national laws and policies; 4. Country missions ��������������������������������������������13 which official missions he conducted during the past 3 years; which specific cases have led to 5. Urgent appeals and letters of allegation ������������14 urgent appeals and letters of allegation; and what 6. Dissemination �������������������������������������������������15 has been done to disseminate information to the public on the topics related to the mandate. Acknowledgments �����������������������������������������������16 Each section of this report briefly presents the issue at stake; offers a summary of the actions of the Special Rapporteur; and provides references to the publications of the Special Rapporteur on the topic concerned.


Introduction (Unicef), UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), OECD’s Club of Sahel and West Africa, and Mr Olivier De Schutter was appointed Special Rapporteur with the Global Donor Platform on Rural Development. A on the right to food by the Human Rights Council on 26 permanent channel of communication was established March 2008. He took up his mandate on 1st May 2008, with the High-Level Task Force on the Global Food succeeding Jean Ziegler, who had held the mandate for Security Crisis (HLTF) established by the UN Chief a period of seven years. Executive Board (CEB) in April 2008. The Special Rapporteur played an active role in the reform of the The mandate was inaugurated against the background Committee on World Food Security (CFS), and is now a of the most acute global food price crisis in decades. member of the Advisory Board of the CFS. During the first three months of 2008, international nominal prices of all major food commodities reached At the request of various institutions of the European their highest levels in nearly 50 years, and the real Union (including the European Parliament, the prices peaked in proportions not seen since 1974. European Commission, the European Economic and Social unrest developed in more than 40 countries. Social Committee, and the Working Group on Human Rights of the Council of the EU (COHOM)), frequent Under these circumstances, the Special Rapporteur exchanges took place between the Special Rapporteur deliberately chose to focus on exploring ways of and these institutions. The Special Rapporteur also addressing the root causes of the food crisis, and to regularly intervened before national parliaments, contribute to the debates on the adoption of food security including the United Kingdom Parliament, the German policies using the standards and principles of the right Bundestag, the French National Assembly, the Belgian to food. Contact was established with a wide range of Parliament, the Canadian Parliament, and working stakeholders – governments, international agencies, groups of the United States Congress. Country missions and civil society organisations. As a result of the global in Benin, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Brazil, Syria and China food price crisis, many of the actors in the area of food have also been important opportunities to demonstrate security were willing to explore new ways of addressing hunger and malnutrition, and in particular, to pay greater the need and advantages of promoting the right to food attention than in the past to tools characteristic of an nationally. During those country missions or on the approach based on the right to food i.e. those grounded occasion of other events, the Special Rapporteur had in the principles of participation, accountability, non- a number of exchanges with national parliaments. On discrimination, transparency, empowerment and the a number of occasions, the exchanges with members rule of law. of national parliamentary assemblies were facilitated by the Inter-Parliamentary Union. Mandate and priorities Beyond meeting with policy-makers and other The mandate of the Special Rapporteur is defined very stakeholders, the Special Rapporteur has sought to broadly: under the terms of the Council resolution on 26 disseminate the recommendations based on his reports September 2007, the Special Rapporteur is expected to the wider global food security audience, with a view “to promote the full realization of the right to food and to improving the understanding of the requirements of the adoption of measures at the national, regional and the right to adequate food. He travelled widely to make international levels (…)” (A/HRC/6/L.5/Rev.1). presentations at seminars, meetings, and conferences In accordance with the terms of the mandate, the Special for live discussions. Between May 2008 and May 2011, Rapporteur has sought to work with a wide range of actors, the Special Rapporteur took part in approximately 150 including not only governments from all regions but conferences worldwide, often in highly visible positions also UN agencies and other international agencies, the as keynote speaker. A website has been updated private sector and civil society organisations. Close links daily since February 2009 and monthly newsletters were established in particular with the United Nations (translated into three languages) are sent to more than Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), including, but 4,000 subscribers in five continents. Thus, considerable not limited to, the Right to Food Unit established in efforts have been deployed to ensure ownership of the 2005 to promote the Voluntary Guidelines in support of mandate by public authorities and food insecure groups the progressive concretization of the right to adequate alike in 192 countries. At the same time, the Special food in the context of national food security. Additional Rapporteur acknowledges that huge gaps remain. It such links were established with the International has of course been easier to travel in regions close to Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the World Europe than to the most far-away regions, where the Food Programme (WFP), United Nations Children Fund hungry often live.


Through these various channels, the Special Rapporteur 1.1. Commercial Pressures on Land and the has sought to explain what the right to food really Protection of Land Users means. The right to food, he consistently emphasizes, is not primarily the right to be fed after an emergency. Land rights are crucial to ensuring access It is the right, for all, to have legal frameworks and to productive resources, which in turn is strategies in place that further the realization of the tremendously important for the realization of the right to adequate food, as a human right recognized right to food. Unfortunately, hundreds of millions under international law. Country missions have provided of farmers cultivate plots that are often very small, unique opportunities to meet directly with actors, and are often relegated to soils that are arid, hilly learning from both successes and failures ways to or without irrigation. The existing “land rights” tackle hunger and malnutrition at the domestic level. framework is poorly implemented and requires But these missions have also served to promote a better clarifications to ensure the realization of the right understanding of the consequences of the human right to food for national, regional and international laws, to food. Moreover, food and economic crises have policies and programmes on food security. The various increased existing commercial pressures on land, presentations of the Special Rapporteur, from hearings including ‘land grabs’ for the expansion of export and presentations before Heads of State and ministries crops, whether food or energy crops. to seminars with a much more modest audience, have been opportunities to promote the full realization of the right to food and the adoption of measures at the The contribution of the Special Rapporteur national, regional and international levels. In October 2010, the Special Rapporteur devoted his th In early 2011, food prices on international markets report to the 65 session of the United Nations General are reaching new peaks, higher than in 2008, an all- Assembly to the issue of land rights (A/65/281). This time record since the FAO inaugurated its Food Price was his second major intervention on land issues: in Index – based on a basket of 55 basic commodities – June 2009, he presented a draft of a minimum set of in 1990. This instability, together with climate change, eleven human rights-based principles and measures will continue to exacerbate the obstacles to humanity’s to ensure the right to food in the context of increasing alleviation from hunger. In 2011, one billion people numbers of large-scale transnational land investments. still go to bed hungry every night, and the international Following a range of reactions received, this draft then community is still a long way from improving its global was improved and presented as an addendum to his food system. annual report to the UN Human Rights Council in March 2010 (A/HRC/13/33/Add.2). We need swift and radical changes in order to guarantee the right to food for all. The Special Rapporteur on the The presentation by the Special Rapporteur of a set of right to food is committed to remaining an independent Minimum Principles and Measures to Address the Human voice, able to make the necessary calls, analyses, Rights Challenge of Large-scale Land Acquisitions interventions and recommendations for the progressive or Leases came at a time when governments were realization of the human right to adequate food, and to preparing to negotiate on “responsible investment” in improve the understanding of the significance of this agriculture at the forthcoming G8 Summit, and when right for all policies affecting food security. FAO and other international bodies were preparing a set of Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Land Tenure. It has become the main reference for all 1. Major issues of the mandate stakeholders willing to address the issue in a way that respects a human rights-based approach. Amongst the many issues addressed by the Special Rapporteur during this first mandate, six have been most The Special Rapporteur has been working with widely discussed since 2008: the increasing commercial international organizations on the operationalization pressures on land and the resulting threats to land of his eleven principles, and has relentlessly promoted users; the relationship between trade and the realization a better understanding of the obligations of States in of the right to food; the adaptation of food security regulating such investments. He also collaborated with policies to climate change; the increase of investments research teams from and New York in sustainable agriculture; the improved functioning of University on issues of land rights and large-scale land global food chains and private agribusiness practices; investments. and the impact of financial speculation on the volatility of the prices of food commodities.


n Report “Access to Land and the Right to Food”. n National & International Hearings: Mr. De Schutter This report presented to the 65th session of the UN was invited to participate in national and international General Assembly in October 2010 explores the hearings on the issue of land grabbing/access to threats posed by the increasing pressures on land land. His interventions include hearings before the and on three categories of land users: indigenous German Parliament (13 May 2009), the FAO/SDC/ peoples, smallholders and special groups such as IFAD Global Donor Platform on Rural development herders, pastoralists and fisherfolk. It demonstrates (24 January 2010), the UNCTAD Commission on how States and the international community could Investment, Enterprise and Development (26 April better respect, protect and fulfill the right to food 2010) and the UK Parliament (27 January 2010). by giving increased recognition to land as a human right. n Public discussions: Mr. De Schutter was invited to The conclusions presented in this report are based several meetings and academic conferences on the on civil society consultations held in Bamako (Mali) issue of land grabbing and land rights, including in in December 2009, in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Bologna (8 May 2009), Geneva (16 May 2009) and Chennai () in March 2010. They also result Berlin (12 November 2010). from the analysis of 117 cases sent to the Special Rapporteur by non-governmental organizations Documents following a public appeal made by the Special Rapporteur on 15 December 2009. All reports, briefing notes and documents are available on www.srfood.org (‘Land Rights’ section) n The ‘Eleven Minimum Principles & Measures on Land Investment’. On 11 June 2009, Mr. De Schutter - Report ‘Large-scale land acquisitions and leases: a issued a set of minimum principles and measures set of minimum principles and measures to address the human rights challenge’ presented to the Human based on human rights in the elaboration of large- Rights Council [A/HRC/13/33/Add.2], March 2010. scale transnational land acquisition and leases. These principles and measures have been officially - Report ‘Access to Land and the Right to Food’, presented to the UN Human Rights Council on 5 presented at the 65th General Assembly of the United March 2010. (see reference below) Nations [A/65/281], 21 October 2010. n OECD Club of Sahel and West Africa. On 9 December - ‘Principles for responsible investment in agriculture’, 2009, Mr. De Schutter took part in the annual meeting keynote address at the United Nations Conference on of the OECD’s Sahel and West Africa Club (SWAC) on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Commission on Commercial Pressures on Land in West Africa, held Investment, Enterprise and Development, 26 April in Bamako (Mali). The meeting represented a unique 2010 opportunity to test the relevance of the “Principles and Measures” presented by the Special Rapporteur, as the SWAC organized a specific session to discuss 1.2. Trade their implementation in the West African context. Trade interacts with the realization of the right On 26 May 2010, the Special Rapporteur also to adequate food in a number of ways. The contributed to a follow-up working session of the development of markets at local, regional and OECD’s Sahel and West Africa Club in on land international levels is vital to ensure that food can investment in West Africa. He addressed the question travel from food-surplus regions to food-deficit of OECD investment mechanisms in the context of regions, and for the producers who have access West Africa. to these markets, the gains can be significant. At the same time, we have now come to realize n . Mr. De Schutter held regular that too much emphasis may have been placed on meetings with EU representatives on the issue of the development of global food chains, while too access to land and EU’s biofuels policy. He also gave little effort has been made to strengthen markets his views on the implementation of a right to food at local and regional levels, even though these approach in land issues (land tenure, agrarian reform have key roles to fulfil in achieving food security and transnational large-scale land acquisitions).


Mr. De Schutter was invited on 2 July 2009 to present – both because the small-scale farmers may find his report to the ordinary Committee on Agriculture these markets easier to serve, and because the of the World Trade Organization, and held a long local communities benefit from improvements to dialogue with the Members of this Committee, who these markets. In addition, the shape of trade welcomed the possibility of having an exchange of liberalisation has been such that developing issues rarely discussed in their organization. countries have been severely penalized by tariff peaks (discouraging these countries from climbing n Work with the European Union: Mr. De Schutter up the value chain towards more processed was also invited to present his conclusions to the foods) and by subsidies in OECD countries that European Economic and Social Committee’s 2009 have in many cases disrupted local producers plenary sessions, as EESC was also preparing its own and have been a disincentive for producers in report on the relationship of trade to food security. developing countries. The global food price crises of 2008 and of 2010-11 illustrate the dangers n Public discussions: Mr. De Schutter held a series of such an imbalanced development of markets, of public discussions to launch a debate on the in which global markets expand while local and recommendations of his report, including a debate regional markets remain underdeveloped. The with Pascal Lamy, Director-General of the WTO in increased dependency on international trade Geneva (11 May 2009). In addition, he took part in under the current regime has amplified associated the 2008 and 2009 WTO Public Forums, and in the risks such as loss of export revenues when the 2008 session of the Parliamentary Conference on prices of export commodities go down; negative the WTO (11 September 2008). He was invited to impacts for local producers when low-priced conferences on this issue in Geneva, Berlin, and other imports arrive on the domestic markets; and capital cities. In particular, he delivered a conference balance of payments problems for food-importing at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace countries when the prices of food commodities in Washington DC (8 April 2009), and addressed go up. These impacts are usually ignored in the international seminar ‘The need to regulate international trade discussions, despite their international markets’ in Brussels (4 May 2009). close relationship to the right to adequate food. n Advancing the work on Human Rights Impact Trade interacts with the realization of the right to Assessment: In 2010, Mr De Schutter explored Contribution of the Special Rapporteur the methodological issues raised by a specific recommendation made in his report to the WTO: n Mission to the WTO. The Special Rapporteur has the necessity of conducting Human Rights Impact conducted a mission to the World Trade Organization Assessments for Trade and Investment Agreements. (WTO) in the period from June to September 2008, An expert seminar was hosted in Geneva on 23-24 with a view to examining the relationships between June 2010 under the auspices of his mandate to the agreements concluded under the framework of the review existing approaches and concretely advance World Trade Organization (WTO) and the obligation of methodologies. On the basis of the meeting’s results, the Members of the WTO to respect the human right Mr. De Schutter prepared a draft set of “Guiding to adequate food, as recognized under international principles”, which are currently under discussion law. among the Human Rights Council’s special His report was based not only on the mission to the procedures, the UN human rights treaty bodies, WTO Secretariat, but also on consultations with and the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Ambassadors to the WTO and an expert roundtable Council. In January 2011, he has started to ask the convened under the auspices of the mandate with European Commission and India to conduct such an the University of Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne (16-17 assessment prior to the conclusion of the EU-India June 2008). The report he presented to the Human Free Trade Agreement, and he offered to support this Rights Council at its 10th session in March 2009 process by providing guidance as appropriate. proposes ways to reconcile trade with the right to food, addressing the failure of global governance Documents mechanisms to tackle the fragmentation of international law, resulting in a lack of coordination All reports, briefing notes and documents are available between human rights obligations and trade on www.srfood.org (‘Trade’ section) commitments.


better serve the right to food and ensure the right of - Report ‘Mission to the World Trade Organization all to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress. Finally, (WTO)’, Report presented to the Human Rights the report examined how farmers’ seed systems could Council, [A/HRC/10/5/Add.2], March 2009. The be best supported, in order to serve the interest of all report is backed by a longer Background document to the enhancement of agro-biodiversity. on the Mission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) (March 2009) n Meetings and consultations: Mr. De Schutter participated in several discussions on the issue of IPRs - ‘Human Rights Impact Assessments for Trade and and the right to food. His report to the 64th session Investment Agreements’, Report of the Expert Seminar of the General Assembly benefited from a number held in Geneva on June 23-24, 2010. of exchanges with experts, many of whom submitted - Public Debate with Pascal Lamy, Director-General of briefs to the Special Rapporteur. On 19 June 2008, the World Trade Organization : “Trade liberalization: the Special Rapporteur convened a consultation on support or impediment to the right to food?” organized Intellectual Property and the right to food, held in by the City of Geneva and 3D, 11 May 2009, Geneva Geneva at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, with the co-operation of 3dthree. In - Report ‘International Trade in Agriculture and the May 2009, he had exchanges with representatives of Right to Food’ by Olivier De Schutter, Occasional the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) papers N° 46, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Dialogue on Globalization, Geneva (November 2009) and the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). Before the presentation of his report to the UN General Assembly in October 1.3. Seed policies and Intellectual Property Rights 2009, the Special Rapporteur participated in a WTO forum on intellectual rights and food systems and discussed the results of his report with the UNDP As they restrict the practice of seed exchanges and sales by farmers and may raise the cost of Bureau for Development Policy on IP rights. seeds sold through commercial circuits, the n Public discussions: Mr. De Schutter was invited to extension of patents to plant varieties, the give his views on the issue of IPR and the right to food growing use of ‘technology use agreements’ and on several occasions. Interventions include speeches the overall privatization of genetic resources for at the London School of Oriental and African Studies agriculture may have implications for the right to (November 2008) and at the Deutsche Gesellschaft food. The consequences of the implementation für Technische Zusammenarbeit (September 2010). by States of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) and the 1991 version of the International Documents Convention for the Protection of New Varieties All reports, briefing notes and statements are available of Plants (UPOV Convention) have therefore on www.srfood.org (‘Intellectual Property Rights’ to be discussed in the light of the right to food section) and the right of everyone to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. - Report ‘Seed policies and the right to food: enhancing agro-biodiversity and encouraging innovation’, Report presented to the UN General Assembly, [A/64/170], Work of the Special Rapporteur 21 October 2009. n Report “Seed policies and the right to food”: The - Background document to the report ‘Seed policies Special Rapporteur focused his report to the 64th and the right to food: enhancing agro-biodiversity, session of the General Assembly on the question of encouraging innovation’, October 2009. intellectual property rights (IPRs) in agriculture. This report, presented on 21 October 2009, showed how - ‘Access to genetic resources and the right to food’, in: States could implement seed policies that contribute Triggering the Synergies between Intellectual Property to the full realization of human rights. It identified Rights and Biodiversity, Deutsche Gesellschaft für how research and development could best serve the Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn, 201 poorest farmers in developing countries, and how 0, pp. 190-218. commercial seed systems could be improved to


1.4. Climate change is also one of the major themes addressed in the Special Rapporteur’s report presented to the Human Rights Council in September 2008 as a follow- Climate change threatens the ability of entire up to the seventh special session of the Council regions to feed themselves. Rain patterns change on the global food crisis (‘Building resilience: a and, faced with this unpredictability, farmers are human rights framework for world food and nutrition suddenly unable to harvest mature crops. Expanding droughts and floods place unprecedented stress security’, see below) as well as in his March 2009 on agricultural systems. Water sources become report following his mission to the WTO. Two reports more variable and are rapidly exhausted. IPCC submitted respectively to the UN General Assembly experts have demonstrated the massive impacts on seed policies (8 September 2008) and to the of climate change and associated climate Human Rights Council on agroecology (8 March disruptions on agricultural systems worldwide, 2011) include climate change among their main consequently affecting food security. Urgent concerns, and identify concrete ways in which more action is therefore needed to link climate change resilient agricultural systems can be established and efforts with the realization of the right to food. supported.

Documents Contribution of the Special Rapporteur All reports, briefing notes and documents are available During his first mandate, the Special Rapporteur tackled on www.srfood.org (‘Climate Change’ section) the climate change issue as a transversal question in his reports and interventions, and issued propositions - Report ‘Building Resilience: a human rights framework on the eve of major Climate Change and Food Security for world food and nutrition security’, Report presented summits held between 2008 and 2011. to the 9th session of the UN Human Rights Council [A/ HRC/9/23], 8 September 2008. n “Climate Change and the Right to Food. A Comprehensive Study”. Published with the support - Statement ‘An ambitious climate change agreement of a research team of the Human Rights Law Clinic must protect human rights of all’, Joint statement of of Columbia University Law School, this 2009 report the U.N. human rights experts on the Copenhagen highlights the impact of climate change on the right Climate Change Conference (December 2009) to food, and the necessary actions for mitigation - Report ‘ and adaptation strategies anchored in a rights-based Climate Change and the Right to Food. A Comprehensive Study’, published with the the approach. Heinrich Böll Foundation (2009) n Interventions in high-level meetings on Climate Change and Sustainable Agriculture. In order to connect the food security and climate change 1.5. Investment in sustainable agriculture agendas, Mr. De Schutter presented his views on the link between human rights, sustainable food The reinvestment in agriculture, triggered by the production schemes and climate change before high- 2008 food price crisis, is essential to the concrete level meetings such as the High-Level Conference realization of the right to food. However, in a context on World Food Security - The Challenges of Climate of ecological, food and energy crises, the most Change and Bioenergy (3-5June 2008), the Global pressing issue regarding reinvestment is not how Humanitarian Forum (24 June 2008), the European much, but how. By supporting the multiplication Parliament (4 December 2008 and 28 September of large-scale monocultures, we risk further 2010), the Center for International Environmental widening the gap between this model and small- Law (23-24 January 2009), the UN Commission scale, family farming, while pushing a pattern of on Sustainable Development (25 February and industrial farming that is already responsible for 4 May 2009), the UN Conference on Trade and one-third of man-made greenhouse-gas emissions. Development (10 May 2010) and the German Council Similarly, the so-called “green revolution” schemes for Sustainable Development (27 September 2010). based on the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers have also shown their ecological limits, n Systematic integration of the climate change issue and their ability to benefit sustainably the poorest in thematic reports. The issue of climate change


in Brussels, aimed at taking stock of the potential farmers working on the most marginal soils is of agro-ecological approaches in meeting global questionable. Under these circumstances, moving food security challenges. This high-level seminar towards sustainable ways of production is needed identified best practices of scaling up this model of if we want to feed the world, fight rural poverty agricultural development, in order to reach policy and combat climate change at the same time recommendations which could contribute to the future work of the reformed Committee on World Contribution of the Special Rapporteur Food Security. During his first mandate, Mr. De Schutter constantly n Report “Agro-ecology and the right to food”. The 2011 pushed forward the need to build resilient,low-carbon Annual Report to the 16th session of the Human Rights modes of food production in order to address global Council explores how States can and must achieve hunger, climate change, and the depletion of natural resources. This message has been raised during formal a reorientation of their agricultural systems towards and informal meetings, as well as in his annual report agro-ecological modes of production that are highly to the 16th session of the Human Rights Council (March productive, highly sustainable and that contribute 2011), which demonstrates the potential of agro- to the progressive realization of the human right to ecological approaches in promoting the right to food. adequate food. The report has been presented in March 2011 but preliminary conclusions have been n Multi-stakeholder meeting “The Challenges Facing revealed in London (UK Food Group, 24 September the ‘Green Revolution’ in Africa”. On 15-16 December 2010), Paris (Agrisud Conference, 29 September 2008, Mr. De Schutter convened a multistakeholder 2010) and Brussels (European Parliament, 3 consultation aimed at identifying opportunities and challenges facing current attempts of supporting February 2011). the agricultural sector in Africa, including what has been referred to as a new ‘Green Revolution’. The Documents participants were asked to discuss how the initiatives taken to support the agricultural sector in Africa All reports, briefing notes and documents are available could create an enabling environment where the on www.srfood.org (‘Climate Change’ section) right to food is respected, protected and fulfilled in - Summary of Discussions of the Consultation on the sustainable ways. Participants included experts and African Green revolution (15-16 December 2008) executives from the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), the European Commission, the - Message ‘Guidance in a Time of Crisis: IAASTD and World Food Programme, FAO, various human rights the Human Right to Food’ (February 2009) and development non-governmental organizations and La Via Campesina. - Statement ‘The Human Right to food and the Challenges facing an African “Green Revolution”’ n Interactive Dialogue on the Right to Food and the (March 2009) Global Food Crisis, UN General Assembly, New York. In collaboration with the Special Rapporteur, - Contribution for the 17th session of the UN the President of the 63rd General Assembly of Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-17) the United Nations convened a high-level panel “The right to food and a sustainable global food of experts to present the way to develop more system”, 4-15 May 2009, New York (May 2009) sustainable food systems, in particular systems - Report ‘Agro-ecology and the right to food’, Report that could be more resilient to climate shocks. An presented to the UN Human Rights Council [A/ interactive dialogue took place on 6 April 2009, HRC/16/49], 8 March 2011. providing a unique forum for exchanges between experts in agro-ecology, including lead authors of the International Assessment of Agricultural Sciences 1.6. Agribusiness and Technologies for Development (IAASTD), and the Delegates of the General Assembly. Commodity buyers, food processors and retailers n International Seminar “Agro-ecology and 2050 play a key role in the realization of the right to global food needs”. On 21-22 June 2010, Mr. De food, as their sourcing, pricing, and wages policies Schutter convened an international expert seminar


Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of have a huge impact on workers and consumers’ the European Parliament (“Fair revenues for farmers: incomes. Interestingly, the vast majority of those a better functioning food supply chain in Europe”), who are hungry in the world today are part of the where he identified the measures to avoid negative food system: small independent food producers or impacts of the European food chain on the right waged agricultural workers working on farms in the to food, in Europe and beyond, in the context of formal or informal sector represent over half of the the work of the European Parliament on the draft billion who go hungry today. This situation calls communication of the European Commission entitled for change in the current mechanisms of global ‘A better functioning food supply chain in Europe’ food chains. (COM(2009)0591). He was also invited to present his report at the annual General Assembly of the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Contribution of the Special Rapporteur Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ The responsibilities of agribusiness enterprises in the Associations (IUF), held in Geneva on 14 April 2009. realization of the right to food were an issue that had n Publication of a Briefing note “Concentration in the been relatively under-investigated by the international global food supply chains”. The report presented to community when the Special Rapporteur started his the 13th session of the Human Rights Council (March mandate. 2010) included a recommendation that States n Report “Agribusiness and the Right to Food” and ‘combat excessive concentration in the food chain, related consultations: Mr. De Schutter devoted his or abuses of dominant positions acquired by certain second annual report to the Human Rights Council actors’. In December 2010, the Special Rapporteur on the role of private actors in the realization of the issued an additional briefing note on the issue of right to food. The report, presented in March 2010 at concentration in global food supply chains, and the the 13th session of the Council, seeks to contribute to subsequent problem of the abuse of buyer power. He a better understanding, by agribusiness corporations is currently preparing complementary reports and and States alike, of their respective responsibilities briefing notes on issues that were included in his and obligations under international law. It ends with report but deserved more attention: business models ten recommendations to ensure that the current inclusive of smallholders such as contract farming transformation of the food chain will contribute to and outgrowers schemes and fair trade, public the realization of the right to food. procurements, and the establishment of private standards such as GAP. The report was prepared through a multi-stakeholder consultation in Berlin on 19–20 June 2009, hosted by the European Centre for Constitutional Documents and Human Rights (ECCHR) and supported by the German Government. The Special Rapporteur All reports, briefing notes and other documents are also had exchanges with a number of agribusiness available on www.srfood.org (‘Agribusiness’ section): corporations, both bilaterally and through the - Report ‘ ’, Report Consumer Goods Forum, a global network of retailers Agribusiness and the right to food presented to the Human Rights Council, [A/ and manufacturers covering over 150 countries. He HRC/13/33], March 2010. also benefited from participation in the International Labour Organization (ILO) Tripartite Technical - Multi-stakeholder consultation on transnational Workshop on the Global Food Price Crisis and Its corporations and the right to food, 19–20 June 2009, Impact on Decent Work held in Geneva on 6 March hosted by the European Centre for Constitutional 2009, and from other contacts with the ILO, as well and Human Rights (ECCHR) and supported by the as with the International Union of Food, Agricultural, German Government, Berlin Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF). He also commissioned - Briefing note Addressing‘ Concentration in Food contributions from New York University’s Law Supply Chains. The Role of Competition Law in Students for Human Rights. Tackling the Abuse of Buyer Power’, Briefing note by the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, December n Work with the European Union. On 4 May 2010, Mr. 2010 De Schutter presented his findings at a hearing of the


1.7. Food Commodities Speculation their movements on derivatives markets” and supporting the conclusions held by Mr. De Schutter Beginning around 2005, markets for numerous for a revision of the existing legislation on financial agricultural commodities started to witness price instruments. increases and higher levels of volatility, with severe - In the context of new food prices spikes by the end consequences for the right to food in poor, net of 2010, Mr. De Schutter’s briefing note and press food-importing countries. There is a lively debate statements contributed to the setting of this issue as to whether these developments were only the on the G20 agenda. result of factors adversely affecting food supply, or whether excessive speculation in food commodities derivatives may have worsened volatility and price Documents spikes on already tight markets. All reports, briefing notes and statements are available on www.srfood.org (‘Speculation’ section) Contribution of the Special Rapporteur - Briefing Note Food‘ Commodities Speculation and n ‘Crisis into opportunity: reinforcing multilateralism’. Food Price Crises. Regulation to reduce the risks of The Report presented by the Special Rapporteur to price volatility’, 23 September 2010. the 12th session of the Human Rights Council under this title (UN doc. A/HRC/12/31) (21 July 2009) - European Parliament resolution of 18 January 2011 already contains a discussion of speculation on the on recognition of agriculture as a strategic sector in derivatives markets of food commodities, based on the context of food security (2010/2112 INI) a range of expert studies and the high-level expert seminar organized in Brussels on 19-20 May 2009 on the Future of the Global Food System, convened by the Special Rapporteur in collaboration with LICOS 2. Governance of global food Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance (KUL). security n “Food Commodities Speculation and Food Price One of the most significant outcomes of the 2008 Crises”. On 23 September 2010, Mr. De Schutter global food price crisis was a new commitment released a state of the art briefing note analysing the by the international community to improve the impact of food speculation on rising food prices. This governance of global food security, in particular document analyses commodity speculation, its real through the reform of the World Committee on impact on price volatility and the policy responses Food Security. ahead. Acknowledging the role played by large investors, it sets out five recommendations in order to limit the impact of speculation on food prices Contribution of the Special Rapporteur volatility. The Special Rapporteur has demonstrated how the right - The briefing note was released ahead of an important to food could guide the necessary improvements of workshop jointly held by the US Departments of global food governance since he started his mandate. He Agriculture and Justice, as the US Commodity sought to demonstrate the added value of a pragmatic Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) was preparing approach based on the right to food for several key to set ‘position limits’ on agriculture products as topics of global governance. required under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform He engaged with global governance processes at four and Consumer Protection Act signed into law by levels: i) at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, ii) President Obama on 20 July 2010. at various international high-level conference and - In January 2011, the European Parliament adopted summits in Rome and Madrid, iii) at the Committee a resolution “endorsing the conclusions of the UN on World Food Security (CFS), and iv) within the wider Special Rapporteur on the right to food regarding United Nations system, including contributions to the the role played by large institutional investors, (…) Comprehensive Framework of Action of the High-Level in influencing commodities price indexes through Task Force on Global Food Security.

Promoting the Right to Food: Activity Report 2008-2011 10 OLIVIER DE SCHUTTER ACTIVITY REPORT - 2008-2011 UNITED NATIONS SPECIAL RAPPORTEUR ON THE RIGHT TO FOOD n Special session of the Human Rights Council on the The Special Rapporteur has been invited to give right to food on the global food price crisis. On 2 May keynote lectures to some of these high level meetings, 2008, the Special Rapporteur called on the U.N. including the 26th McDougall Lecture at the opening Human Rights Council to hold a special session on of the 36th session of the FAO Conference, or to chair the impact on the realization of the right to food of the some specific sessions, such as the policy roundtable soaring world food prices. By holding its first Special on land investments during the 36th session of the session ever on an economic and social right on 22 Committee on World Food Security. He also made May 2008 at the initiative of Cuba, the Human Rights statements ahead of other important international Council sent a strong message to the international meetings, such as the L’Aquila G8 Summit in July community about the equal value of all the rights 2009 or the MDG Review Summit in September of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The 2010. session highlighted the fact that human rights should n Deep proactive engagement with the Committee not only be seen as obligations imposed upon States on World Food Security (CFS). Mr. De Schutter acting individually, but are also to be realized through has been most closely associated with the work of international dialogue and cooperation. the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). As a member of the Contact Group tasked to prepare Mr. De Schutter was requested by the Human Rights the reform of the CFS between June and September Council to present a report to the Council at its ninth 2009, Mr. De Schutter made detailed proposals for an session, inviting comments from States and other improvement of the CFS missions and duties, which relevant actors, on the impact of the global food have influenced in a great part the actual reform of crisis on the protection of the right to food and the the CFS in November 2009. As a member of the CFS required remedies from a human rights perspective. Advisory Board, Mr. De Schutter has actively engaged th n Systematic participation at international high-level with the preparation of the 36 session of the CFS conferences and summits: Mr. De Schutter has held in October 2010 – the first plenary session of contributed to the four main high-level conferences the CFS since its reform in November 2009. Between and summits that have been organized since May February and October 2010, he sought to contribute 2008: the Rome High-Level Conference on World to the success of the first session of the reformed institution through systematic proposals in written Food Security: The Challenges of Climate Change contributions as well as via his own physical presence and Bioenergy (3-5 June 2008), the Madrid High- or of one of his advisers at the meetings of the Level Meeting on Food Security for All (26-27 Advisory Group. The agenda of the 36th session of the January 2009), the World Summit on Food Security CFS included two of the most important topics that in Rome (16-18 November 2009) and the 36th Mr. De Schutter pointed as vital for the work of the session of the Committee on World Food Security CFS: volatility of price of agricultural commodities, (11-16 October 2010). He has systematically made and land investments. He is currently following the statements ahead of these summits in order to clarify work of the CFS on both issues. the responsibilities of States in improving global governance. n Engagement with the wider UN system. Mr. De Schutter has provided comments for the revision of In concluding the Madrid High-Level Meeting on the U.N.’s Comprehensive Framework of Action (CFA) Food Security for All on 27 January 2009, the UN of the High-Level Task Force (HLTF) on Global Food Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki-Moon stated: ‘We must Security in order to better integrate the right to food continue to meet urgent hunger and humanitarian principles in this inter-agency document. He liaises needs by providing food and nutrition assistance with David Nabarro, the Special Representative and safety nets, while focusing on improving food of the United Nations Secretary-General on Food production and smallholder agriculture. This is the Security and Nutrition and coordinator of the HLTF, twin-track approach taken in the Comprehensive as well as with the Office of the High Commissioner Framework for Action. We should be ready to add a for Human Rights (OHCHR), which is an agency part third track – the right to food – as a basis for analysis, of the HLTF, in order to insist on the improvements action and accountability’. It is this message that the in global governance which emanate from the right Special Rapporteur has sought to strengthen in his to food perspective. The Updated CFA (September mandate, while exploring its practical implications in 2010) is substantially improved on some issues various policy areas. related to the right to food.


Mr. De Schutter also co-organized an interactive 3. Promotion of the right to Thematic Dialogue of the UN General Assembly on the Global Food Crisis and the Right to Food on 6 food in national laws and April 2009, and has suggested to the 17th session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development policies (CSD-17) that the right to food be integrated into its new orientations. The right to food is not primarily the right to be fed after an emergency. It is the right, for n Engagement with regional organizations. In addition, all, to have legal frameworks and strategies in Mr. De Schutter has responded to invitations of place that further the realization of the right to regional organizations such as the European Union, adequate food, as a human right recognized under to present his views on their new food security international law. The right to food has been policies. He has also contributed twice to the work articulated in international standards that contain of the Sahel and West Africa Club (SWAC), by joining precise recommendations to governments, such regional conferences in Mali (9 December 2009) and as the 2004 Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Ghana (6-10 December 2010), on the regulation of Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security, large-scale land investments or on the establishment approved by the Council of the FAO on 23 November of regional initiatives of food security such as the 2004 following a two-year intergovernmental creation of regional food reserves. In June 2009, process, and the General Comment No. 12 of the he communicated with the African Union on issues U.N. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural linked to the reinvestment in agriculture and large- Rights. scale land investments. He has regularly been invited to present his views to ACP countries during the Contribution of the Special Rapporteur Brussels Briefings of the EU-ACP Technical Centre for Agricultural and rural Cooperation (CTA). The Special Rapporteur has devoted several activities to promoting the right to food framework and principles at a domestic level. An increasing number of countries Documents give concrete meaning to the right to food principles All reports, briefing notes and other documents are in their constitutions, laws, courts, institutions, policies available on www.srfood.org (‘Governance’ section): and programmes. Progress in the improvement of the legislative and institutional framework is often much - Background note ‘Analysis of the World Food Crisis’ less visible than plain increase in food production, and by the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the right to food, seldom reaches the headlines. Yet, they are key steps for Olivier De Schutter, 2 May 2008 lasting progress. The Special Rapporteur has promoted - Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council collective learning by disseminating best practices, and at its 7th special session, requesting the Special has regularly called upon States to cooperate with other Rapporteur on the right to food to present reports sectors of society for the adoption of national strategies and recommendations to its 8th and 9th sessions (A/ for the progressive realization of the right to food. HRC/S-7/2), 22 May 2008. n Advancing our understanding of the implications of - Coordinating, Learning, Monitoring : A New Role for a right to food approach. Much of the work done in the Committee on World Food Security, 22 May 2009 the area of national frameworks protecting the right to food was in close cooperation with the Right to - Twenty-sixth McDougall Memorial Lecture, opening Food Unit of the FAO, which is in charge of the th of the 36 Session of the FAO Conference “The Right promotion of the Voluntary Guidelines in support of to Food and the Political Economy of Hunger”, 18 the progressive realization of the right to food since November 2009) 2005. On 1-3 October 2008, the Special Rapporteur - Report ‘Crisis into opportunity: reinforcing took part in the Right to Food Forum convened by the multilateralism’, Report presented to the Human Right to Food Unit of the FAO in Rome. He delivered Rights Council, Follow-up session on the Global Food the opening keynote speech and participated in the Crisis at the 12th session, 17 September 2009. closing panel. In July 2009, the Special Rapporteur took part in an expert meeting convened by the Right


to Food Unit of the FAO on the development of a Humanitarian Aid, External relations) (13 July checklist of issues for the preparation of right to food 2009). assessments in national settings. Such assessments can be used as a tool by national governments, - He gave his views on the implementation of non-governmental organizations, and others, for the European Commission’s communication evaluating the adequacy of policies put in place by “An EU policy framework to assist developing governments to combat hunger and malnutrition. countries in addressing food security challenges” (SEC(2010)379) (25 August 2010). As a follow- n Briefing note “Countries tackling hunger with a right up to this, the European Commission implemented to food approach”. The Special Rapporteur considers a proposal made by Mr. De Schutter, namely the that it is part of his mandate to disseminate the organization of a workshop on the right to food for best practices that exist in the implementation the EC staff (10 December 2010). of strategies grounded in the right to food. In May 2010, he published a briefing note on the progress n Taking stock of progress at regional level. Mr. of various countries in implementing the right to food De Schutter is currently preparing two regional at national scale in Africa, Latin America and South consultations on the progress of the implementation Asia. of the right to food at national level, as a joint project with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human This document was the result of a research project Rights (OHCHR) and the United Nations Food and started in 2009, for which his research assistants Agriculture Organization (FAO). The first consultation conducted a study of the progress of various countries will take place in Bogota on 9-10 June 2011 for the in implementing the right to food in constitutions, laws Latin America region, and the second one will focus and policies, with the contribution of the FAO Right on Eastern and Southern Africa. These consultations to Food Unit. This study is one of the few documents will continue the research project started in 2009. that identify the progress in the implementation of the 2004 FAO Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Documents Food in the Context of National Food Security. It has been widely distributed, and has been useful, All reports, briefing notes and other documents are in particular, in improving the understanding of the available on www.srfood.org (Right to Food &’ National added value of the right to food in the development Implementation’ sections) of the Comprehensive Framework of Action guiding - Briefing Note Countries‘ tackling hunger with a the work of international agencies and governments right to food approach. Significant progress in in addressing the global food price crisis. implementing the right to food at national scale in n Promotion of best practices: Mr. De Schutter used Africa, Latin America and South Asia’, May 2010. the results of the above study to illustrate what the implementation of the right to food at national level meant in various working meetings he participated 4. Country missions in.

- He presented the right to food at a joint meeting of Country missions are an important component of the French Inter-ministerial group on food security the mandate of the Special Rapporteur. The aim of (GISA) and Coordination Sud in Paris (13 January country missions is to assess the efforts of States 2010). in the progressive realization of the right to food, to report on his findings and to propose, in a spirit - He coordinated a workshop of the Summit of the of cooperation and assistance, recommendations World’s Regions on Food Security in Dakar on to improve situations identified as matters of the role of sub-national public authorities in the concern. realization of the right to food (18-19 January 2010). Work of the Special Rapporteur - He presented the implications of the right to food for European policies to members of the European During his first mandate, in addition to one mission to Commission (DG Trade, Agriculture, Environment, the World Trade Organisation (June-September 2008),


the Special Rapporteur led country missions in six countries: - Report ‘Mission to Syria’ presented to the Human Rights Council [A/HRC/16/49/Add.2], March 2011 – n Benin (12-20 March 2009) see Preliminary conclusions ‘Mission to Syria’, from n Guatemala (3-5 September 2009) 29 August to 7 September 2010 n Nicaragua (6-12 September 2009) n Brazil (12-18 October 2009) - Report ‘Mission to Benin’ presented to the Human n Syria (29 August - 7 September 2010) Rights Council [A/HRC/13/33/Add.3], March 2010 n China (15 -23 December 2010) - Report ‘Mission to Brazil’ presented to the Human The reports published after these country missions Rights Council [A/HRC/13/33/Add.6], March 2010 demonstrate the transformative potential of the right to - Report ‘Mission to Guatemala’ presented to the food, which can significantly improve the effectiveness Human Rights Council [A/HRC/13/33/Add.4], March and legitimacy of policies seeking to improve food 2010 security. These country reports also illustrate the challenges that lie ahead of further implementing the - Report ‘Mission to Nicaragua’ presented to the principles established in international human rights law Human Rights Council [A/HRC/13/33/Add.5], March as well as in the 2004 FAO Voluntary Guidelines on the 2010 progressive realization of the right to food in the context - Intervention to the Interactive Dialogue, Human of national food security. Rights Council, 13th session, Palais des Nations, In March 2010, Mr. De Schutter presented the reports Geneva (in French) of his first four country missions to the Human Rights Council and took the opportunity to illustrate many best practices and challenges ahead by examples analysed in the reports of his country missions. Such missions 5. Urgent appeals and letters of thus not only serve the progress of the realization of the right to food in the visited countries, but can also allegation promote mutual learning among members of the Human Rights Council. In the context of his mandate, the Special Some of these missions have also been opportunities Rapporteur on the right to food receives a large for meetings with national or international scientific number of communications alleging violations organizations. In September 2010, the International of the right to food and related rights worldwide. Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas Such communications are received from national, (ICARDA, Syria) invited Mr. De Schutter to give a regional and international non-governmental lecture on the right to food to its staff. In December organizations, as well as intergovernmental 2010, Mr. De Schutter met with the International organizations and other United Nations procedures Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC), with the concerned with the protection of human rights. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the China Agricultural Within the limit of the available resources, the University. Special Rapporteur may accordingly write to the concerned government, inviting comments on the allegations made, seeking clarifications, and Documents reminding the government of its obligations under All reports, briefing notes and other documents are international law and requesting information, available on www.srfood.org (‘Country missions’) where relevant, on steps being taken by the authorities to redress the situation in question. The - Report ‘Mission to China’ presented to the Human Special Rapporteur urges all parties to respond Rights Council [A/HRC/16/49/Add.2], March 2011 – promptly to his communications and to take all see Preliminary conclusions ‘Mission to China’, from steps necessary to redress situations involving the 29 August to 7 September 2010 violation of the right to food.


Work of the Special Rapporteur n Press releases: In 2008-2010, Mr. De Schutter issued 25 press releases on topics such as G8/G20 n During his first mandate, Mr. De Schutter sent 42 priorities, food prices volatility, trade negotiations, communications to 28 member States, as well climate change and sustainable farming, large-scale as 15 communications to other actors including land investments and leases or MDGs. Press releases transnational corporations. have also been sent for the release of official reports and for preliminary conclusions regarding country n States having received official communications missions. from the Special Rapporteur are: Angola, Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Colombia, n Website & webmailings: In addition to his official Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ethiopia, OHCHR webpage, maintained by the Office of the French Guyana, Ghana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Special Iraq, Israel, Italy, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Rapporteur has established a dedicated website Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Philippines, (www.srfood.org) presenting his activities by working Sri Lanka, Sudan, Uganda and Zimbabwe. areas, as well as a calendar of activities. The website has been maintained in English, French and Spanish n Private actors having received official communications since February 2009. By the end of 2010, the from the Special Rapporteur are: The Syngenta webmailing linked to this website was sent to more Company, ITM-Mining Angola, - Newmont Ghana than 4,000 subscribers – mainly officials in public Gold Limited, Addax Petroleum Development, authorities, experts, officials, academics and NGOs. Chevron Nigeria Limited, Conoco, Phillips, Hardy Oil Nigeria Limited, Mobil Producing Nigeria, Nexen n Public presentations: During his first mandate, Mr. Petroleum Nigeria, Offshore, Philips Oil Co. (Nigeria) De Schutter travelled more than 60 days a year Limited, Shell Petroleum Development Company of for various events related to the right to food. He made more than 100 presentations at conferences, Nigeria Limited, StatoilHydro, Statoil Nigeria Ltd., seminars, hearings, lectures and experts meetings all Texaco (Nigeria) Plc, and Total E&P Nigeria Limited. around the world.

Documents n Media coverage: The Special Rapporteur’s views (interviews, op-eds, etc.) appeared in hundreds Summaries of communications sent and replies received of newspapers in 2008-2010, including leading from government and other actors are available on www. newspapers such as The New York Times, Le Monde, srfood.org (‘Urgent actions’ section) The Guardian, China Daily, Der Spiegel, The Times of India and The Financial Times. He also appeared in several Radio and TV-programmes, including BBC 6. Dissemination World, RFI, Voice of America, Al Jazeera, ARTE and ARD.

Disseminating information about the human right Documents to adequate food through conferences, seminars or media is crucial not only for advancing the Press releases, press cuts and other media interventions right to food in the political agenda, but also are available on www.srfood.org (‘Multimedia’ section) for a better understanding of the right to food among policy-makers in the global food security audience. Investing in continuous and effective communication was therefore an important part of the activities held by the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food during his first mandate.

Work of the Special Rapporteur

Mr. De Schutter invested an important part of his first mandate in communicating with civil society, experts and the media.


Acknowledgments In the fulfilment of his mandate, the Special Rapporteur has benefited from the support of a wide range of institutions and individuals including, but not limited to, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Within the OHCHR, the mandate was supported at different times by Beatrice Quadranti, Federica Donati, and Elaine Ryan, and now benefits from the support of Ulrik Halsteen and Yoonie Kim. Since 2010, support from the Spanish government of the OHCHR made it possible for the Office to provide the mandate with an additional level of support, and the Special Rapporteur understands the high level of expectations that are placed upon the mandate. The Special Rapporteur is affiliated with the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), and has a team of advisers at UCL. Mr Gaëtan Vanloqueren is a research assistant supported by a grant from the Belgian government; he is senior adviser to the Special Rapporteur since 2008. Frédéric Janssens is part time assistant and supports the communication of the Special Rapporteur since April 2010. Priscilla Claeys, a PhD researcher at the UCL, supports the mandate on a voluntary basis. The mandate benefited from the contribution of a number of volunteering interns, including Jessica Corsi, Laurence Doering, Kaitlin Cordes and Aravind Ganesh. A range of individuals and organisations have also contributed their time and expertise to the mandate. These include the New York University Centre for Human Rights and Global Justice and the NYU Students for Human Rights; the Columbia University Human Rights Clinic ; and the members of the Special Rapporteur’s Advisory Committee: Raj Patel, Jo Swinnen, Smita Narula, Sanjay Reddy and Judi Wangalwa Wakhungu. Finally, the Special Rapporteur expresses his gratitude to the governments and institutions that have supported the mandate in various ways, particularly by funding translation and dissemination activities, as well as expert meetings. They include the French government, the German government, Rights & Democracy in Canada, and the King Baudouin Foundation in Belgium.

Olivier De Schutter was appointed the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food in March 2008 by the United Nations Human Rights Council. He is independent from any government or organization, and reports to the Human Rights Council and to the UN General Assembly. All reports are available on http://www2.ohchr.org/english/issues/ food/index.htm. See http://www.srfood.org for a thematic classification of all reports and statements of the Special Rapporteur. The Special Rapporteur can be contacted on [email protected]

Promoting the Right to Food: Activity Report 2008-2011 16