The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority Vol Xvlil Aizawl Tuesday 24
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_... The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority Vol XVlIl Aizawl Tuesday 24. I. 89 Magha 4 SE 1910 I",:t"No 41D) NOTIFICATIONS No. J-llOI273i88-POL, the 24th January, 1989. In exercise of pow"," vested in him by Clause (1) of Article 164 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Mizoram has been pleased to appoint Pu Lal Thanhawla as Chief Minister of Mizorarn. LALKHAMA, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizor... He was sworn in on the afternoon of 24th January, 1989. R.K. SINGHA, Under Secy, to the Govt. of Mizoram, Political and Cabinet Department. No. J -11012/3/88-POL, the 24th January, 1989. In exercill' of powers vested in him by Clause (1) of Article 164 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Mizoram on the advise of Chief Mirtister has been pleased to appoint Pu John Lalsangzuala as Cabinet Minister fa r the State of Mizoram. LALKHAMA, Chief Secretary to the Govt. ef Mizorara. He was sworn in on the afternoon of 24th January, 1989. R.K. SINGHA, Under ~eeretary to the Govt. of Mizoram Political and Cabinet Department. • 2 Ex-4(D){89 No. J-1l0\2'3/88-POL, the 24th January 1989. In exercise of powers vested in him by Clause (I) of Article 164 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Mizorarn on the advise of Chief Minister has been pleased to appoint Pu CL. Ruala as Cabinet Minister for the State of Mizoram, IALKHAMA, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. He v-as sworn in on the afternoon of 24th January, 1989 R.K. SINGHA, Under Secretary to tbe Govt. of Mizoram Political and Cabinet Department. • NO. J-l WI2/3'88-POL. the 24th January, 1989. In exercise of powers vested in him by Clause (I) of Article 164 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Mizoram on the advise of Chief Minister has been p1eased to appoint Pu Rokam lova as Cabinet Minister for the State of Mizoram. 4 LALKHA.MA, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. He was sworn in on the afternoon of 24th January, 1989. R.K. SINGHA, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Political and Cabinet Department. • 3 &---4(D)/89 No.J.11012/3/88-l'OL, the 24th January, 1989. In exercise of powers vested in him by clause (l) of Article 1M of the Constitution of India the Governor of Mizoram on lbe advise of Chief Minister has been pleased to appoint Pu H. Thansanga as Cabinet Minister for the Slate of Mizoram, LALKHAMA, Chief Secretary to the Govt, of Mizoran.. He was sworn in on the afternoon of 24th January, 1989. R.K. SlNGHA, Under Secretary to the Govt. of "'fi~oraJ1, Political and Cabinet Department. No.J-ll012j3(88-POL, the 24th January 1989. In exercise of powers vested in him by Clause (1) of Article 164 of tbe Constitution of India the Governor of Mizoram on the advise of Chief Minister has been pleased to appoint Pu Zalawma as Cabinet Minister for the State of Mizoram. LALKHAMA, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, He was Sworn in on the afternoon of 24th January, 1989. R.K. SINGHA, Under Secretary to lbe Govt. of Mizoram, Political and Cabinet Deparnment. No. J.llOI2j3!88-POL, the 24th January, 1989. In exercise of Powers vested in him by clause (1) of Article 164 of the constitution ofIndia, the Governor of Mi zoram on the advise of Chief Minister has been pleased to appoint Pu S. Hiato as Minister of State for the state of Mizoram. LALKHAMA, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. He was sworn in on lbe afternoon of 24lb January, 1989. R. K. SINGHA, . Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Political & Cabinet Department. Bx-4(lZl)/89 4 No. J-1I012/3/88-POL, the ~th January, 1989. In exercise of powers vested in him by Clause (I) of Article 164 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Mizoram on the advise of Chief Minister, has been pleased to appoint Pu P.Siam liana as Minister of State for the state of Mizoram, LALKHAMA, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, He was sworn in on the afternoon of 24th January, 1989. R.K. SINGHA, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Wizoram. Political and Cabinet Department. No.J.11012/3/88-POL. the 24th January, 1989. In exercise of powers vested in him by clause (1) of Article 164 of the constitution of India, the Governor of Mizo ram on the advice of Chief Minister has been pleased to appoint Pu Nirupam Chakma as Minister of State for the Slate of Mizoram, LALKHAMA. Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. He was sworn in on the afternoon of 24th January, 1989. R.K. SINGHA. Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Political and Cabinet Department. ru_ It Issued by tho CoDlrOU~. Printiq " Stationory. Mizoruo PriJl1o<l at dIo Mizonm Go>t. Preo&. AiD..~ G--150.