August 2019

Annual Statistics for Beef and Veal 2018

This publication is the annual statistics report for the Danish Cattle and Beef Sector. The publication includes tables and figures on market structure, cattle herds, slaughterings, beef and veal production, prices and international trade – both for and the EU-28 countries.

The sources of information are cited below each table and figure. For Denmark, the primary sources of information are Statistics Denmark and the Danish Agriculture & Food Council. For EU countries, the data and information are mainly from EUROSTAT and the EU Commission. Throughout the report, numbers have been rounded according to the usual code of conduct, which may cause small differentiations of the total sums.

The report has previously included the Danish Balance of Supply on Beef and Veal and therethrough shown the consumption of beef and veal per capita. The total consumption was calculated as national gross production, plus imports, minus exports and adjusted for stock changes. Thus, the Balance of Supply showed the total amount of beef and veal meat available for consumption to the whole population. The consumption per capita was then derived by dividing total consumption with the number of inhabitants. However, the calculation of consumption was based in carcass weight, i.e. including the weight of bones and non-edible by-products. The actual consumption was naturally lower, as there would be loss of weight in terms of bones and disposables. In addition, the calculation did not account for potential food waste. Due to these reasons, the annual statistics report will not include the Balance of Supply on Beef and Veal as of this publication. Statistics Denmark also ceased to calculate the Balance of Supply on Beef and Veal in 2012.

Going forward, enquiries on Danes’ consumption of food and drinks, including beef and veal, will be referred to the Danish National Survey of Dietary Habits conducted by DTU’s National Food Institute. The study is based on a representative sample of the population. The latest study took place in 2011-2013, where the average consumption of meat per capita was estimated to 51.8 kg. per person (including meat from pig, beef, veal, lamb, game and poultry). The next study is scheduled for 2019-2021.

The annual statistic is collected, collated and edited by the Danish Agriculture & Food Council on behalf of the Danish Livestock and Meat Board – trade organization for the beef and veal sector.

THE DANISH LIVESTOCK AND MEAT BOARD KØDBRANCHENS FÆLLESRÅD Axelborg, Axeltorv 3 DK 1609 Copenhagen V E-mail: [email protected]

August 2019

1 STATISTICS 2018 Table of contents

Denmark HERD STRUCTURE Farms and herd size 5 Danish cattle population (summer census) 5 Farms and cattle by regions (summer census) 6 The dairy cow population distributed on breeds 6 Cattle by herd size 6 Dairy cows by herd size 7 Suckler cows by herd size 7

SLAUGHTERINGS, PRODUCTION AND CLASSIFICATIONS Number of slaughter animals by categories 8 Production of slaughter animals by categories 8 Carcases classified at export abattoirs for cattle 9

MARKET AND SLAUGHTERHOUSE STRUCTURE Delivered to the markets by market places 10 Authorized markets for slaughter cattle ultimo 2018 10 Total number of slaughtering of cattle by companies 12 Authorized abattoirs for cattle with classification ultimo 2018 13

PRICES AND PRODUCTION VALUE Recorded prices ex producer 14 Recorded prices per week 15 Production value of cattle 16

EXPORT Denmark's export of fresh/chilled/frozen and processed beef and veal 18 Exports of beef and veal by products 19 Denmark's export of live cattle 20 Export of live cattle 2008-2018 20 Denmark's export of fresh/chilled/frozen beef and veal products 2008-2018 21

IMPORT Denmark's import of fresh/chilled/frozen beef and veal products 2008-2018 21 Denmark's import of fresh/chilled/frozen and processed beef and veal 22 Import of beef and veal by products 23

PRICE INDEX Price index (index figures and yearly percentage change of prices) 24 Retail price index 24

2 STATISTICS 2018 EU CATTLE STOCKS, SLAUGHTERINGS AND PRODUCTION Cattle population in EU (December census) 27 Slaughtering of cattle in the EU and the production from slaughtered animals 28

MARKET PRICES Market prices 29 Young bulls and cow prices in the EU 31 Young bulls and cow prices in Denmark 32

3 STATISTICS 2018 Denmark


Herd Structure

Farms and herd size, heads 2008 2016 2017 2018 Number of farms 43,415 35,674 34,731 34,114 Number of herds of cattle 14,974 11,586 11,277 10,978 - with dairy cows 4,969 3,174 2,954 2,884 - without dairy cows 10,005 8,412 8,323 8,094 - with suckler cows 8,922 7,480 7,054 7,040 Average size of herd - total cattle 104.5 135.4 137.0 140.3 - dairy cows 112.3 180.1 193.0 199.5 - suckler cows 12.0 12.5 12.1 12.0

Note: Farms of 5 ha and more. The counting of agriculture and horticulture farms from 2010 included small farms not previously included in the count. Source: Statistics Denmark.

Danish cattle population (summer census), 1,000 heads 2008 2016 2017 2018 Males under 1/2 year old 124.7 127.3 131.5 127.1 Males 1/2-1 year old 85.4 89.7 87.2 91.5 Males 1 -2 years 40.1 31.4 31.5 29.9 Males 2 years and more 13.6 10.2 10.0 9.7 Males, total 263.8 258.6 260.2 258.2 Females under 1/2 year old 150.5 168.1 158.8 163.9 Females 1/2-1 year old 141.4 156.1 153.1 156.5 Heifers from 1-2 years 259.2 271.1 270.2 255.9 Heifers 2 years and more 84.3 49.6 47.8 45.7 Females, total 1,300.5 1,309.7 1,285.3 1,282.3 - of which dairy cows 558.0 571.6 570.0 575.4 - of which suckler cows 107.2 93.1 85.3 84.8 Total cattle 1,564.4 1,568.3 1,545.4 1,540.4

Note: Farms of 5 ha and more. From 2010 and onwards the counting of agriculture and horticulture farms included small farms not previously included in the count. Source: Statistics Denmark.


Herd Structure

Farms and cattle by regions (summer census), pct. 2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018 Cattle Farms Region of Copenhagen 2.0 1.7 2.2 3.7 3.5 3.7 Region of Zealand 5.2 4.6 5.4 9.8 9.9 13.0 Region of South Denmark 38.5 40.3 38.7 31.3 29.9 29.4 Region of Middle Jutland 30.5 30.5 31.2 32.6 34.5 33.7 Region of North Jutland 23.8 22.9 22.4 22.6 22.2 20.3 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Islands east of the Great Belt 7.2 6.3 7.7 13.5 13.4 16.6 Jutland and islands west of the Great Belt 92.8 93.7 92.3 86.5 86.6 83.4

Source: Statistics Denmark.

The dairy cow population distributed on breeds, 1,000 heads 2007/08 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018 in pct. of 2017 Red Danish Dairy Breed 40.2 31.1 29.6 29.0 97.8 Danish Holstein 369.0 353.0 358.1 365.1 101.9 Danish Jersey 60.8 65.9 64.9 65.6 101.0 Cross-breeds and other 38.1 59.3 55.0 59.0 107.3 Cows in 365 days 508.0 509.3 507.7 518.7 102.2

Note: Counted in the October-year. Yield recorded cows. Source: Danish Agriculture and Food Council.

Cattle by herd size, pct. 2008 2017 2018 2008 2017 2018 Farms Cattle 1-9 cattle 16.1 20.1 21.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 10-19 cattle 15.9 17.9 17.7 2.2 1.8 1.8 20-29 cattle 11.6 10.9 9.3 2.7 1.9 1.6 30-49 cattle 11.6 11.2 10.8 4.2 3.1 2.9 50-74 cattle 7.9 6.2 6.4 4.6 2.8 2.9 75-99 cattle 4.6 3.7 4.0 3.9 2.3 2.5 100-149 cattle 7.3 5.0 5.0 8.5 4.5 4.5 150-199 cattle 5.5 3.2 3.0 9.1 4.1 3.7 More than 200 cattle 19.5 21.8 22.4 64.0 78.7 79.4 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Source: Statistics Denmark.


Herd Structure

Dairy cows by herd size, pct. 2008 2017 2018 2008 2017 2018 Farms Cattle 1-14 cows 7.9 2.4 2.4 0.4 0.1 0.1 15-19 cows 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.2 0.1 0.1 20-29 cows 5.0 1.7 1.1 1.1 0.2 0.1 30-49 cows 11.2 5.9 5.8 3.9 1.2 1.2 50-74 cows 12.7 9.2 8.9 7.0 3.0 2.8 75-99 cows 10.1 8.1 6.6 7.9 3.6 2.8 More than 100 cows 51.9 71.7 74.4 79.5 91.9 92.9 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Source: Statistics Denmark.

Suckler cows by herd size, pct. 2008 2017 2018 2008 2017 2018 Farms Cattle 1-9 cows 60.1 62.7 64.5 22.9 23.8 23.4 10-14 cows 15.2 13.6 11.8 14.7 13.1 11.4 15-19 cows 8.4 9.2 6.4 11.5 13.0 8.8 20-29 cows 8.6 7.0 9.0 16.8 13.9 17.9 30-49 cows 5.1 4.6 5.5 15.7 14.4 16.8 More than 50 cows 2.6 3.0 2.9 18.3 21.9 21.8 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Source: Statistics Denmark.

7 STATISTICS 2018 DENMARK Slaughterings, Production and Classifications

Number of slaughter animals by categories, 1,000 heads 2008 2016 2017 2018 2017 2018 Total slaughterings Organic slaughterings1 Cows 183.1 200.3 173.6 183.3 15.3 16.9 Heifers 44.5 65.9 66.4 74.3 1.9 2.8 Steers 8.6 5.5 5.7 6.2 1.6 2.0 Young bulls and bulls 248.6 217.4 219.7 219.8 1.1 1.4 Veal calves (max. 300 kg lw) 4.4 6.7 6.5 7.1 0.4 0.5 New born calves 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Approved slaughtering 489.2 495.9 471.9 490.6 20.3 23.5 + On-farm slaughterings 6.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 - - Total production 495.2 499.9 475.9 494.6 - - + Live exports2 14.1 39.8 33.4 38.9 - - - Live import 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - - Gross indigenous production 509.3 539.7 509.3 533.5 - -

Note: 1Recorded as organic at time of slaughtering and can therefore be marketed as organic. 2Slaughter and breeding cattle. Source: Statistics Denmark and the Danish Agriculture and Food Council.

Production of slaughter animals by categories, 1,000 tonnes 2008 2016 2017 2018 2017 2018 Total slaughterings Organic slaughterings1 Cows 53.6 57.9 51.8 55.1 4.4 4.9 Heifers 12.2 17.1 17.2 19.1 0.5 0.8 Steers 2.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 0.5 0.6 Young bulls and bulls 58.8 51.8 52.6 52.4 0.3 0.4 Veal calves (max. 300 kg lw) 0.6 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.1 0.1 New born calves 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Approved slaughtering 127.7 129.4 124.2 129.4 5.8 6.6 + On-farm slaughtering 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 - - Total production 128.9 130.4 125.2 130.4 - - + Live exports2 0.7 3.2 2.0 2.5 - - - Live import 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - - Gross indigenous production 129.6 133.6 127.2 132.9 - - Note: The weight is the total weight of carcasses, i.e. incl. bones but excl. by-products. According to Statistics Denmark the weight of by-products can be added to the carcass weight by the these factors: 6.7 pct. for cows and heifers, 6.7 pct. for steers, 6.3 pct. for young bulls and bulls, 6.5 per cent for veal calves. 1Recorded as organic at time of slaughtering and can therefore be marketed as organic. 2Slaughter and breeding cattle. Source: Statistics Denmark and Danish Agriculture and Food Council.

8 STATISTICS 2018 DENMARK Slaughterings, Production and Classifications

Carcases classified at export-approved abattoirs for cattle Year Number Avg. weight Conformation1 Fat class2 1,000 carcases Kg Avg. Pct. in 2 Pct. in 3 Bull calves3 2017 134.8 210 4.06 57.5 41.0 2018 141.0 210 4.20 57.3 41.3 Young bulls 2017 76.6 278 6.08 39.7 51.8 2018 71.5 280 6.27 38.7 52.5 Bulls 2017 2.8 388 6.59 44.4 28.3 2018 2.7 385 6.50 46.3 27.5 Steers 2017 4.1 302 4.57 29.5 52.3 2018 4.6 292 4.59 32.5 51.0 Heifers 2017 62.9 255 5.66 18.1 58.4 2018 71.5 252 5.78 19.3 60.6 Young cows 2017 36.8 270 2.76 30.6 40.8 2018 36.5 270 2.77 29.7 42.3 Cows 2017 132.5 307 3.18 23.0 39.3 2018 142.6 310 3.21 23.2 39.9

Note: 1Weighted average of the conformation clases 1 to 15 (P- to E+), where P is poor and E is excellent conformation. 2Degree of fat cover in 5 clases, where 1 is low and 5 is very high fat cover. 3Max. 12 months. Source: Danish Classification Board on Pork, Beef and Sheep.

Carcases classified at export abattoirs for cattle, pct. P O R E&U 100% Young bulls/bull calves Heifers/heifer calves Cows





0% 2008 2016 2017 2018 2008 2016 2017 2018 2008 2016 2017 2018

Source: Danish Classification Board on Pork, Beef and Sheep.

9 STATISTICS 2018 DENMARK Market and Slaughterhouse structure

Delivered to the markets by market places, heads 2016 2017 2018 2018 in pct. of 2017 Kolding 6,886 6,083 5,455 89.7 Brørup 1,588 - - - Horsens 3,656 2,980 2,993 100.4 Total 12,130 9,063 8,448 93.2

Note: Number of slaughtered animals from markets with approved facilities in Denmark. Source: The Danish Agriculture and Food Council.

Authorized markets for slaughter cattle ultimo 2018 2 active markets



Source: The Danish Agriculture and Food Council.

10 STATISTICS 2018 11 STATISTICS 2018 DENMARK Market and Slaughterhouse structure

Total number of slaughtering of cattle by companies, heads 2016 2017 2018 2018 in pct. 52 weeks 52 weeks 52 weeks of 2017 Danish Crown1 309,821 301,192 313,448 104.1 Himmerlandskød A/S, Aalestrup2 53,244 50,959 51,376 100.8 Himmerlandskød A/S, Hadsund2 26,107 23,010 25,928 112.7 Himmerlandskød A/S, Kjellerup2 22,405 22,348 22,653 101.4 Mogens Nielsen Kreaturslagter 20,960 18,882 18,427 97.6 Århus Slagtehus A/S 38,092 30,722 35,318 115.0 Harald Hansens Efterfølger I/S 2,158 2,071 2,095 101.2 Slagtermester, Ole Thøgersen 1,160 1,199 1,226 102.3 Total classified3 473,947 450,383 470,471 104.5 Other slaughterings4 21,977 21,542 20,108 93.3 Total 495,924 471,925 490,579 104.0

Note: All slaughterings on plants managed by the listed companies (excl. newborn calves and condemned animals). 1Danish Crown produce on export authorized abattoirs in Holsted and Aalborg. 2In 2018 A/S Hjalmar Nielsen Aalestrup, Nordic Beef Hadsund og Kjellerup was merged into one company and became Himmerlandskød A/S. Thus, Himmerlandskød A/S produce at all three abattoirs. 3EUROP-classification is mandatory for export authorized abattoirs that slaughter more than 50 heads per week. 4Primarily includes slaughtering at non-authorized plants. Source: Danish Classification Board on Pigs, Cattle and Sheep and the Danish Agriculture and Food Council.

12 STATISTICS 2018 DENMARK Market and Slaughterhouse structure

Authorized abattoirs for cattle with classification ultimo 2018


Hvidbjerg Aalestrup Hadsund

Kjellerup Århus




Source: Danish Classification Board on Pigs, Cattle and Sheep and the Danish Agriculture and Food Council.


Prices and Production value

Recorded prices ex producer, oere per kg slaughtered weight 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018* 2018 in pct. of 2017 Bull calves/bulls u. 2 years 2635 2625 2469 2496 2486 99.6 0-10 mos. 2633 2639 2488 2524 2504 99.2 >10 mos. 2636 2617 2458 2477 2473 99.8 181-210 kg 2471 2458 2292 2297 2285 99.5 211-220 kg 2525 2528 2376 2369 2353 99.3 221-260 kg 2588 2565 2406 2409 2398 99.6 261-270 kg 2666 2626 2465 2471 2474 100.1 271-360 kg 2778 2750 2586 2607 2611 100.2 Bulls over 2 years 1798 1803 1680 1713 1703 99.4 All steers 2232 2581 2687 2846 2766 97.2 All heifers/heifer calves 2227 2379 2267 2416 2420 100.2 Heifers 261-340 kg 2323 2479 2394 2536 2535 100.0 All cows 1819 1954 1846 2007 2022 100.8 Young cows 1788 1912 1816 2005 2021 100.8 261-340 kg 1941 2029 1919 2091 2113 101.1 Cows 1827 1965 1854 2008 2022 100.7 0-180 kg 1358 1441 1321 1424 1412 99.2 181-200 kg 1439 1523 1408 1502 1504 100.2 201-220 kg 1459 1557 1441 1547 1549 100.1 221-240 kg 1477 1583 1472 1577 1576 100.0 241-260 kg 1535 1637 1529 1642 1634 99.5 261-280 kg 1639 1731 1621 1745 1736 99.5 281-300 kg 1766 1858 1750 1874 1874 100.0 301-320 kg 1895 1981 1875 2000 2005 100.3 321-340 kg 1989 2072 1974 2091 2107 100.8 341-360 kg 2062 2148 2054 2168 2182 100.7 over 360 kg 2194 2280 2192 2302 2312 100.4 Avg. price all categories 2188 2299 2157 2276 2274 99.9 Deduction for BSE-test ------Avg. price ÷ BSE test 2188 2299 2157 2276 2274 99.9

Note: Average prices per slaughtered cattle category paid after classification incl. post settlements. *Preliminary figures. Source: The Danish Agriculture and Food Council.


Prices and Production value

Recorded prices per week Males DKK/kg slaughtered Young bulls, 271-360 kg Bull calves, max. 10 mos. Young bulls, 221-260 kg weight









16 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Note: Recorded prices are incl. post settlements. Source: The Danish Agriculture and Food Council.

Females DKK/kg slaughtered Heifers > 12 mos. 261-340 kg Cows, 221-240 kg Cows, 281-300 kg weight






5 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Note: Recorded prices are incl. post settlements. Source: The Danish Agriculture and Food Council.


Prices and production value

Production value of cattle, million DKK 2008 2016 2017 2018* 2018 in pct. of 2017 Production value of cattle1 2,433.0 2,954.0 3,109.0 3,266.0 105.0 Sales value of cattle2 2,412.4 2,836.2 2,839.0 2,972.9 104.7 Production value of total animal products1 39,871.0 45,044.0 50,139.0 46,604.0 92.9 Production value of cattle in pct. of total animal products 6.1 6.6 6.2 7.0 -

Note.: *Preliminary figures. 1Production value is the gross income of agriculture (financial results) of cattle and total animal products. 2Sales value (ex farmer) of total cattle production (excl. premium animals) in Denmark. Source: Statistics Denmark.




Denmark's export of fresh/chilled/frozen and processed beef and veal, tonnes 2015 2016 2017 2018* 2017 2018* Fresh, chilled and frozen Canned/processed Germany 26,599 30,103 27,741 28,136 2,928 3,368 Sweden 6,554 7,259 8,341 9,281 2,582 2,596 Italy 8,820 8,193 8,489 9,268 5 91 Spain 7,622 7,931 7,500 7,428 333 164 Finland 4,420 4,411 5,810 6,210 119 172 3,164 3,487 2,459 3,157 38 30 1,616 2,147 2,443 2,905 11 - Austria 885 500 1,012 2,006 59 52 Portugal 1,522 1,332 1,628 1,923 19 18 1,228 969 942 1,315 333 348 Poland 301 431 942 1,226 21 9 UK 941 1,304 1,579 1,222 1,865 1,961 Ireland 85 362 508 339 34 50 Luxembourg 107 146 214 272 - - Bulgaria 147 138 166 250 20 27 288 174 171 241 14 14 Croatia 620 1 11 175 4 1 Lithuania 32 15 137 174 13 30 Other EU-countries 771 595 696 561 212 200 EU-28 65,722 69,499 70,790 76,088 8,609 9,130 Egypt 1,305 1,954 1,566 242 - - Gabon 1,123 100 - - - - Faroe Islands 236 329 323 397 123 121 Norway 184 425 239 85 175 174 Greenland 800 790 1,077 899 129 132 Jordan 268 130 203 54 - - Libya 272 312 338 54 - - Vietnam 135 716 341 284 - - Hong Kong 77 253 476 191 - - Philippines 53 159 248 230 - - Switzerland 39 64 15 63 1 1 Other 3rd countries 758 757 615 446 84 88 Total 3rd countries 5,250 5,989 5,442 2,944 511 516 Total 70,971 75,488 76,232 79,032 9,120 9,646

Note: *Preliminary figures. Source: Statistics Denmark.



Exports of beef and veal by products 2015 2016 2017 2018* 2018 in pct. of 2017 Heads Live cattle1 63,900 56,300 62,800 69,900 111.3 Tonnes Beef and veal 70,971 75,488 76,232 79,032 103.7 Fresh/chilled 61,882 65,001 63,402 68,370 107.8 - Carcases 6,021 5,048 3,675 4,137 112.6 - Forequarters 15,785 16,797 14,624 15,250 104.3 - Hindquarters 13,927 16,273 14,895 15,596 104.7 - Cuts bone-in 3,649 5,075 5,583 5,958 106.7 - Cuts deboned 22,500 21,808 24,625 27,429 111.4 Frozen 8,137 9,114 11,580 9,192 79.4 - Carcases and quarters 73 69 227 193 85.2 - Cuts bone-in 275 365 606 690 113.8 - Cuts deboned 7,790 8,681 10,747 8,309 77.3 Salted/smoked/dried 952 1,373 1,250 1,470 117.6 Canned/processed2 10,024 9,286 9,120 9,646 105.8 Edible offals 7,470 9,099 8,490 7,223 85.1 Fats 8,268 8,921 6,833 9,709 142.1

2015 2016 2017 2018* 2018 in pct. of 2017 Value in mill. DKK Live cattle3 354.1 326.4 461.2 472.3 102.4 Beef and veal 2,161 2,204 2,342 2,479 105.8 - Fresh/chilled 1,838 1,864 1,933 2,111 109.2 - Frozen 266 271 337 281 83.3 - Salted/smoked/dried 56 69 72 87 120.0 Canned/processed2 318 301 314 332 105.9 Edible offals 91 103 108 100 92.0 Fats 24 23 23 26 114.3 Total 2,947.6 2,958.0 3,248.4 3,409.6 105.0

*Preliminary figures. 1The number of exported live cattle is calculated by the Danish Agriculture and Food Council based on data from the CHR-register. 2Excl. beef in mixed products (sausages etc). 3The value of exported live cattle is calculated by Denmark Statistics based on foreign trade statistics. Source: Statistics Denmark and The Danish Agriculture and Food Council.



Denmark's export of live cattle, heads 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 in pct. of 2017 Male animals Max. 2 mos. 32,675 31,241 27,647 31,081 112.4 >2 mos. - 6 mos. 507 468 366 624 170.5 >6 mos. - 12 mos. 157 168 121 401 331.4 >12 mos. -24 mos. 247 98 114 138 121.1 >24 mos. 155 63 51 158 309.8 Total 33,741 32,038 28,299 32,402 114.5 Heifers Max. 2 mos. 984 1,711 2,416 3,199 132.4 >2 mos. - 6 mos. 870 653 809 474 58.6 >6 mos. - 12 mos. 1,934 1,199 2,573 1,341 52.1 >12 mos. -24 mos. 12,213 10,279 18,541 20,484 110.5 >24 mos. 3,012 1,608 2,033 2,294 112.8 Total 19,013 15,450 26,372 27,792 105.4 Cows Total 11,167 8,935 7,930 9,736 122.8 Total1 63,921 56,423 62,601 69,930 111.7 Pure breeding cattle2 17,863 16,524 29,402 31,059 105.6 Breeding and slaughter3 46,058 39,899 33,199 38,871 117.1

Note: 1The number of exported live cattle is calculated by the Danish Agriculture and Food Council based on data from the CHR-register. 2Based on registered books of export herd in the calender year. Since 2017 pure breeding cattle has been registration and is part of the database of cattle. 3Breeding and slaughter cattle are calculated as the difference between total and pure breeding cattle. Source: Danish Cattle Federation and Danish Agriculture and Food Council. Export of live cattle 2008-2018, heads Pure breeding cattle Newborn calves (max. 2 months.) Others









0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Source: The Danish Agriculture and Food Council.



Denmark's export of fresh/chilled/frozen beef and veal products 2008-2018 1,000 tonnes Italy Spain Sweden Germany Finland Other countries 100

90 80








0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Source: Statistics Denmark.

Denmark's import of fresh/chilled/frozen beef and veal products 2008-2018 1,000 tonnes Netherlands Germany Poland Italy Other EU Other World 120






0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Source: Statistics Denmark.



Denmark's import of fresh/chilled/frozen and processed beef and veal, tonnes 2015 2016 2017 2018* 2017 2018* Fresh, chilled and frozen Canned/processed Netherlands 31,639 31,973 31,204 25,722 1,482 1,113 Germany 31,063 27,814 24,238 25,010 1,500 1,456 Poland 9,355 9,074 9,287 7,810 464 727 Italy 7,252 6,052 5,507 5,903 1,044 1,059 Ireland 6,561 5,487 4,917 4,876 604 639 Austria 2,406 2,604 3,147 2,842 275 261 France 836 949 1,440 2,342 347 466 UK 1,481 1,979 1,871 1,973 500 584 Finland 201 817 1,186 1,649 - - Lithuania 1,348 2,175 2,227 1,613 26 69 Spain 129 790 525 1,214 13 17 Latvia 7 70 205 994 - - Hungary 791 750 424 827 1 2 Czech Republic 460 456 578 752 4 1 Belgium 455 583 507 634 279 255 Sweden 153 121 129 310 709 609 Estonia 65 271 274 201 - 2 Rumania 9 103 149 114 - - Bulgaria 21 25 12 73 - - Other EU-countries 20 17 20 53 99 34 EU-28 94,251 92,108 87,846 84,912 7,348 7,292 Uruguay 488 410 742 773 - - Brazil 530 649 677 817 - - New Zealand 788 659 525 473 - - Norway 30 15 39 11 2 3 Australia 17 5 41 695 - - Argentina 5 27 22 29 - - Other 3rd countries - 22 12 4 - - Total 3rd countries 1,859 1,788 2,057 2,803 2 3 Total 96,109 93,896 89,903 87,716 7,350 7,294

Note: *Preliminary figures. Source: Statistics Denmark.



Import of beef and veal by products 2015 2016 2017 2018* 2018 in pct. of 2017 Tonnes Beef and veal 96,109 93,896 89,903 87,716 97.6 Fresh/chilled 82,581 81,530 77,940 75,630 97.0 - Carcases 577 - - - - - Forequarters 1,629 1,621 1,120 805 71.8 - Hindquarters 16,442 16,637 17,386 17,975 103.4 - Cuts bone-in 719 574 364 345 94.8 - Cuts deboned 63,214 62,697 59,070 56,505 95.7 Frozen 11,323 9,925 9,450 9,055 95.8 - Carcases and quarters 481 480 500 627 125.5 - Cuts bone-in 652 422 405 735 181.5 - Cuts deboned 10,190 9,023 8,545 7,692 90.0 Salted/dried/smoked 2,205 2,441 2,513 3,031 120.6 Canned/processed2 5,347 5,388 7,350 7,294 99.2 Edible offals 5,255 7,441 4,990 2,852 57.2 Fats 2,053 2,121 2,826 2,855 101.0

2015 2016 2017 2018* 2018 in pct. of 2017 Value in mill. DKK Beef and veal 3,886.5 3,656.9 3,640.9 3,598.5 98.8 Fresh/chilled 3,382.3 3,191.6 3,189.2 3,132.9 98.2 - Meat bone-in1 566.3 513.1 547.9 565.4 103.2 - Cuts deboned 2,816.1 2,678.4 2,641.3 2,567.5 97.2 Frozen 405.9 361.7 353.4 345.3 97.7 - Meat bone-in1 39.8 42.8 42.0 45.2 107.8 - Cuts deboned 366.0 319.0 311.5 300.1 96.3 Salted/dried/smoked 98.2 103.7 98.2 120.3 122.5 Canned/processed2 207.1 204.5 264.0 270.4 102.4 Edible offals 26.6 30.0 33.8 32.9 97.6 Fats 9.6 9.9 15.2 13.2 86.8 Total 4,129.8 3,901.4 3,953.8 3,915.1 99.0

Note: *Preliminary figures. 1Carcases, quaters and cuts incl. bones. 2Excl. of beef in mixed products (sausages etc.). Source: Statistics Denmark.


Price index

Price index (index figures and yearly percentage change of prices)

Retail price index (year 2015 = 100) All goods and services All foods Pork Poultry index pct. index pct. index pct. index pct. 2016 100.3 0.3 100.6 0.6 95.3 -4.7 100.8 0.8 2017 101.4 1.1 103.4 2.8 96.5 1.3 99.2 -1.6 2018 102.2 0.8 103.4 0.0 95.6 -1.0 97.2 -2.0

Retail price index (year 2015 = 100) Producer price index (year 2015 = 100) Meat Beef and veal Bovine Pig index pct. index pct. index pct. index pct. 2016 99.4 -0.6 100.7 0.7 94.0 -5.8 106.4 6.7 2017 101.0 1.6 102.0 1.3 97.5 3.7 114.8 7.8 2018 101.1 0.1 101.7 -0.4 98.5 1.0 94.0 -18.1

Source: Statistics Denmark.

Retail price index All foods All goods and services Meat Beef and veal

104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 2015 2016 2017 2018

Source: Statistics Denmark.


26 STATISTICS 2018 EU Cattle stocks, Slaughterings and Production

Cattle population in EU (December census), 1,000 heads

2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018 Total cattle Hereof cows France 19,004 18,975 18,563 7,856 7,750 7,642 Germany 12,467 12,281 11,949 4,887 4,859 4,751 UK 9,806 9,787 9,676 3,451 3,443 3,405 Ireland 6,613 6,674 6,593 2,337 2,362 2,351 Spain 6,318 6,466 6,511 2,785 2,822 2,819 Italy 6,315 6,350 6,311 2,365 2,338 2,263 Poland 5,970 6,036 6,183 2,304 2,341 2,417 Netherlands 4,294 4,030 3,690 1,864 1,723 1,594 Belgium 2,501 2,386 2,398 988 938 942 Rumania 2,050 2,011 2,002 1,204 1,187 1,181 Austria 1,954 1,943 1,913 757 750 733 Portugal 1,635 1,670 1,632 724 728 723 Denmark 1,554 1,558 1,530 657 664 655 Sweden 1,436 1,449 1,435 514 522 514 Czech Republic 1,340 1,366 1,365 561 571 570 Hungary 852 870 885 383 395 403 Finland 887 875 859 333 329 322 Lithuania 695 677 654 333 323 312 Greece 554 556 555 241 262 255 Bulgaria 570 553 542 365 357 351 Slovenia 489 480 477 171 169 166 Slovakia 446 440 440 194 195 195 Croatia 444 451 414 167 161 146 Latvia 412 406 395 199 199 196 Estonia 248 251 255 114 115 119 Luxembourg 202 198 194 80 78 78 Cyprus 63 67 71 29 30 32 Malta 14 14 14 7 6 6 EU-28 89,134 88,819 87,509 35,868 35,618 35,144


27 STATISTICS 2018 EU Cattle stocks, Slaughterings and Production

Slaughtering of cattle in the EU and the production from slaughtered animals

2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018 1,000 heads. 1,000 tonnes France 4,679 4,626 4,626 1,464 1,442 1,460 Germany 3,607 3,505 3,415 1,148 1,124 1,102 UK 2,780 2,754 2,810 912 905 923 Italy 2,846 2,651 2,768 810 756 809 Spain 2,374 2,391 2,526 637 644 666 Netherlands 2,096 2,158 2,243 416 439 459 Poland 1,779 1,931 1,942 501 559 565 Ireland 1,744 1,852 1,896 588 617 623 Belgium 911 920 888 278 282 277 Austria 687 678 694 227 226 233 Denmark 496 467 491 129 124 129 Sweden 411 406 426 131 132 137 Portugal 380 377 384 91 91 94 Finland 281 274 275 86 85 86 Czech Republic 242 227 237 72 68 72 Rumania 269 275 233 58 59 50 Croatia 190 183 180 44 42 44 Greece 167 181 166 40 44 40 Lithuania 167 156 155 42 41 40 Slovenia 117 120 116 36 36 35 Hungary 108 106 112 28 27 29 Latvia 88 80 76 18 17 16 Estonia 38 35 35 9 9 9 Bulgaria - 35 34 7 7 7 Slovakia 31 29 30 8 8 8 Luxembourg 26 26 27 9 10 10 Cyprus 16 17 17 7 8 5 Malta 4 4 4 1 1 1 EU-28 26,534 26,464 26,805 7,800 7,803 7,929

Note: Only slaughterings in export authorized abattoirs. Source: EUROSTAT.


Market prices

Market prices in euro per 100 kg slaughter weight

2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018 Young bulls R3 Cows O3 Belgium 292.3 295.1 300.5 253.5 267.9 279.2 Denmark 368.7 369.0 365.7 292.1 308.8 310.5 Germany 370.5 385.7 389.7 269.9 304.3 298.5 Greece 429.7 426.7 412.2 192.6 192.6 197.0 Spain 367.9 380.9 384.0 214.0 220.0 242.8 Finland 379.0 389.0 397.4 219.5 240.1 258.0 France 361.0 380.3 376.2 302.4 319.2 317.0 Ireland 369.8 377.6 379.5 299.4 315.8 313.1 Netherlands 314.7 323.7 336.6 253.5 274.0 277.6 Austria 375.1 385.9 386.7 250.7 276.3 272.4 Portugal 367.4 373.3 384.7 208.0 204.3 219.2 Sweden 471.3 459.4 424.5 421.1 417.1 386.1 UK 398.6 399.9 398.8 284.2 304.0 303.6 Poland 311.8 329.6 338.4 245.7 275.5 288.3 Czech Republic 326.1 337.1 340.9 228.8 242.4 249.3 Hungary - - - 187.7 208.6 214.7 EU-avg. 368.5 379.7 379.6 271.4 290.9 293.1 Young bulls O3 Cows P3 Denmark 338.2 337.6 335.9 266.2 281.5 285.2 Germany 343.9 355.1 361.7 218.2 252.8 252.5 Sweden 448.9 440.7 416.0 397.6 393.7 372.0 EU-avg. 336.8 347.9 352.0 255.5 276.3 278.1 Steers R3 Heifers R3 Denmark 403.4 423.8 428.8 363.0 368.1 366.2 France 357.5 370.9 363.7 385.4 392.6 388.7 Ireland 377.2 382.8 384.8 391.2 394.3 396.5 UK1 418.4 419.6 417.2 416.7 418.3 415.3 EU-avg. 394.4 399.1 398.5 380.2 386.6 386.6

Note: Prices at abattoir. Letters indicate conformation, and numbers indicate fat levels. Prices cannot be compared between countries due to differences in market structures etc. 1UK steers are prices from Great Britain. Source: EU Commission.



Market prices

Young bulls and cow prices in the EU, quarterly Euro/100 kg carcase weight Young bulls R3 Cows O3







150 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Source: EU Commission.


Market prices

Young bulls and cow prices in Denmark, quarterly Euro/100 kg carcase weight Young bulls R3 Cows O3







150 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Source: EU Commission.

32 STATISTICS 2018 The Danish Agriculture & Food Council is a trade association representing agriculture, the food and agro industries. The Danish food industry has a vision to be climate neutral by 2050. In close partnership with our mem- bers, we will show, an economic sustainable way to a climate neutral food production. With 186.000 jobs created and an export amounting to 162 billion DKK, we represent a strong Danish food cluster committed to finding solutions to the world's climate challenges in collaboration with Denmark.

Danish Agriculture & Food Council Axelborg, Axeltorv 3 T +45 3339 4000 E [email protected] DK 1609 Copenhagen V F +45 3339 4141 W