¡¡I Heosophist
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THE ¡¡I ★ AMERICAN HEOSOPHIST O ffic ia l Organ o f THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY in America I N THIS ISSUE There is W ork to be D one SIDNEY A. COOK A bout our N ational President JAMES S. PERKINS Francis Bacon— O ur Shakespeare SADIE G. STAVE Calendar o f Lodge A ctivities JANUARY* 1942 Under the Auspices of THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY ADYAR O lcott S a focus for the Theosophical work in America, Olcott has naturally become a center for the distribution o f spiritual izing energies. It is linked with Adyar and with Huizen as an outpost. Through these great Centers, Shamballah sends its purifying and ennobling influence to all subsidiary Centers; and with the blessing which Adyar constantly pours out from Those Great Ones W ho guide the Theosophical movement, Olcott can and will become an ennobling and uplifting in fluence for America in just the proportions in which the en riching thought-streams of its members provide the channel for its out-flowing. F r o m T h e Lodge H a n d b o o k ^ T H E AMERICAN 1 HEOSOPHIST OFFICIAL ORGAH OF THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY IN AMERICA N o. 1 Voi. X X X JANUARY, 1942 There Is W ork to Be Done SIDNEY A. COOK S we approach the national election our 'e course o f the years the spirit behind members have a right to expect, an^ - o f The Theosophical Society has been A have a duty to give a resume d and its true nature has ever been past and a statement looking tow- > fore-ground. Olcott, which was just ’ building and residence, torn with I came to the decisis if new beginnings, has been built re-election only *c' fious center standing as the focal I was urge'1 -.irit in the midst o f the Section, and E- its solidarity and its strength, ated here are not alone those deal paths and gardens, but ar greater value that derive personal dedication on the have lived and worked to nter and such a pillar in pu as been freely offered stai o f ability to offer fi- stan as the Section been days s and field workers, to lea rer has there been prepari lodges to utilize arduous The welfare of humble, nas been equally so arrived ation. be, that th. no serious attempt to develop some achie Old methods of so doing were some shortco __j failing with the advent o f many com been gained, petitive forms and attractions, and in the years Sensing the gre o f deep depression no money was available. ;gs that seems incompara Concern was for the preservation o f what re ^ r t lie ir value are accomplished. mained o f the once nearly 300 lodges, rather . in those respects in upholding the C than for the spreading of available effort still railure there has been in which there has more thinly over new territory in which so many garnered some measure o f practical wisdom, Theosophical lodges had died within recently from which the future may profit. Only two preceding years. things could cause the Society to fail: neglect to do its essential work in the true spirit o f its T o preserve what remained, the Greater purpose, or lack of management o f its affairs. America Plan and its personnel went to work Either would be fatal. There is therefore no in the Section, the Lodge Handbook was pub discouragement. lished, improved pamphlets were made avail- 2 THE AMERICAN THEO SOPHIST able, field workers went to the assistance o f five to seven that areas not included might have lodges regardless o f public work, the establish representation. It instituted the Higher Mem ment o f standards o f beauty in surroundings bership plan that has brought over $30,000 to and technique were undertaken— all in years of our treasury. It sponsored an amendment to deepest depression when preservation rather the National By-Laws limiting the expenditure than expansion was vital. T o this end all work on the maintenance o f Headquarters as an as in the Field was directed and the growing spirit surance to the members that their local activities o f unity and harmony at Olcott spread abroad would be prospered. through the Section as the new standards at the Center were reflected in the lodges. Now as to the future. T o me it looks tremen dously encouraging, for from the time that it The link with Adyar was made more strong was rumored that I would not seek re-election and the channel deepened. Adyar’s publications the number o f members who have approached were made more readily available through co me to continue in office, the expressions of ap operative measures between Adyar and Olcott, preciation, the offers o f help, have been un and through similar measures Adyar’s books precedented. This Christmas has brought me assumed more attractive formats, a movement more messages o f friendship than ever before. that has been greatly developed still more re I have learned that there is very great appreci cently in our own publications. The several ation throughout the Society, though in ordinary Adyar Campaigns have been fully promoted in times it goes mostly unexpressed. Members are this Section. only seemingly unresponsive. The work which The financial side o f the Society’s activities I have had to do as National President shows was given very necessary attention. Through promise of changing from an alone kind of years in which depression and unemployment responsibility (relatively speaking) to one of reached levels never previously approached in very many comradeships and much sharing, any country anywhere in the world, the Society’s which in the past has been largely in spirit net worth as shown by its audited balance sheet only, but now seems assured in the practice, too. has increased. This has been achieved after Members have written o f their realization that conservative accounting, in which its assets have one man alone cannot do all that is required, been written down over $90,000. Intrinsically, that a sense o f responsibility must permeate the the Society is worth $100,000 more than ten whole Society if all is to be well with all of years ago. Its properties have been thoroughly the work. maintained and are in a better state o f repair than ever before. The Society’s current ratio of W e are a Society o f individuals, each of whom is a representative o f Theosophy to the assets and liabilities has been steadily improved from 1.63 to 1 on the wrong side to 1.45 to 1 world. His strength is the Society’s strength, on the right side. Despite depression years, not his failure the Society’s failure. That which a bond or interest payment defaulted. Nearly Tolstoy called "progress toward well being,’’ $50,000 has been paid on the debt. that struggle on the part o f humanity toward perfection, should ever be his struggle and dis New enterprises have been encouraged. Youth played in his life as "human goodness.” Life has been given its place in the Society’s work. has made great demands on us all in the past National Committees were established, some few years, but despite the demands we must in still fruitfully producing. Advertising in new crease our efforts to be humanly good. This sense fields and in new media has been tried. Two different experimental radio programs are in o f what the Theosophist stands for in himself progress, and these may point the way to the and among his fellow members and to the world development o f new territory. District lecture forms the foundation for our unity. W e are all activities have been sponsored, but the search seekers, striving toward an ideal, and this unity for resident district lecturers still goes on. The does not mean lack of variety. W e can have it spirit of friendship as an underlying principle, in infinite degree, but all must work harmon essential in our activities, has been promoted. iously as the different organs of the physical The Art o f Friendship course was designed for body work together, though each fulfills a dif this purpose. For years past these various activ ferent function. Each individual member is an ities and encouragements have continued with organ in this body o f The Theosophical Society, out an appeal for funds. and all of the organs must work cooperatively This Administration early increased the num and harmoniously to maintain the Society’s ber o f members o f the Board o f Directors from healthful life. O ffic ia l Organ o f THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY in A m erica IN THIS ISSUE There is W ork to be D one SIDNEY A. COOK A bout our N ational President JAMES S. PERKINS Francis Bacon— O ur Shakespeare SADIE G. STAVE Calendar o f L odge A ctivities JANUARY ★ 1942 Under the Auspices of THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY ADYAR O lcott S a focus for the Theosophical work in America, Olcott has naturally become a center for the distribution o f spiritual izing energies. It is linked with Adyar and with Huizen as an outpost. Through these great Centers, Shamballah sends its purifying and ennobling influence to all subsidiary Centers; and with the blessing which Adyar constantly pours out from Those Great Ones W ho guide the Theosophical movement, Olcott can and will become an ennobling and uplifting in fluence for America in just the proportions in which the en riching thought-streams of its members provide the channel for its out-flowing.