Official Organ of the Theosophical Society in America
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Lose this day loitering— t will be the same story Tomorrow— and the next more dilatory. Then indecision brings its own delays, And days are lost lamenting over days. Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute— What you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Courage has genius, power and magic in it. Only engage, and then the mind grows heated. Begin it and the work will be completed. GOETHE THE AMERICAN THEOSOPHICAL MESSENGER Official Organ of The Theosophical Society In America Vol. XXIV March, 1936 No. 3 Sixty Years of Theosophy-Our Heritage B y C a p t a in Sid n e y R a n so m (Given at Olcott in the National Library to members attending the Link Convention. Captain Ransom’s address followed the recording of Dr. Ar undale’s Jubilee Message to the members.) FEEL it is a very great privilege to be here bers, and sometimes to the Society as a whole. in these beautiful physical surroundings, but There is not time to pursue that subject this after I far more than that, in the company of fellow- noon, but I am offering the idea as an opinion members. Many of you have already offered me based on looking into the matter very closely, your friendship, and I have no doubt more of you and on finding to my surprise, and as a result of will do so, so that with even more of you I shall my research, how many organizations, quite out also grow to feel those links which bind, whether side our Society, have in their ranks, on their or not we know them yet on the personal side. committees, men and women who have been in The introduction we have heard is in a sense spired by our own members, who were doing work more than an introduction. We have there really because they were Theosophists, or employing the the whole message — everything we could say to tools which Theosophy had given them for the day. In a few words Dr. Arundale has indicated shaping and molding of some particular piece of to us, given us a glimpse of those many things for work. which we are indeed grateful, for which this day There are one or two preliminary remarks I we feel particularly grateful. should like to make before we touch more par In the world of achievement he has indicated ticularly on what our heritage is, and the first that The Theosophical Society has been responsi remark is regarding our having any gratitude or ble for revolutionizing thought in many directions, feeling of thankfulness at all. You might think, has been a lever, but he has also indicated that it in fact you probably do, that to raise such a ques is nothing compared to what is yet to be done. tion would be absurd, and yet curiously enough So much is it true that The Theosophical Society within the last ten years, when members have has been privileged to be such a lever, that I will been adjusting and often maladjusting themselves, venture to say there is not a single movement in their attitudes, thoughts, feelings, many very the world that has for its object the upliftment of curious topsy-turvy thoughts and feelings, some mankind, no single reform movement, no single of them have come to the point where they think one that I know of which is working toward the they should not have gratitude or reverence for ideals of which we are thinking today, which does anything! There is nothing to be thankful for! not owe, directly in many cases, in other cases This attitude has sometimes been expressed quite indirectly, to the inspiration of individual mem strongly, an idea based on the feeling that we are 50 THE AMERICAN THEOSOPHIST sufficient for ourselves alone — you know that as such a small person compared to those enormously pect of truth. However, I think that period of incredible depths and heights and profound dis adjustment has been largely gone through, and tances. Then the second reaction is another, that we are today not exactly where we were ten years we are heirs to a much greater kingdom than we ago — let us hope on a higher spiral — but still in at first thought, and may indeed belong to the a position where we are indeed thankful that we ages. Greater indeed is the kingdom of which we can be thankful, grateful indeed! are citizens! In us the processes are working as Now what does gratitude mean? What is thank much as in the greater processes of the stars. And fulness? You have the idea expressed at mealtime so there is that aspect. But I wish to offer the when grace is said, mentally or otherwise. I al particular contribution today that though our ways say grace, though rarely verbally. What is leaders, of whom we are thinking, are bound to grace? It is affirming one’s relationship, and thank us, and we are bound to them most joyfully, yet fully affirming one’s relationship with the gifts let us not forget that in a very true sense they which the kingdoms of Nature have provided — belong to the ages. in this case of which I speak, the food. The king Now as to the next point, I would like us to doms are around and within us. We should not feel that what has been told us as to such an take things just for granted as though we had a occasion as is taking place now in Adyar is true — right to them, but rather by that establishing of that there is formed (or the already existing for our relationship, keep the channels of communi mation is strengthened) what has been described cation open and free, so that we do not merely by Dr. Arundale as a mystic body, which already take, but rather allow the living forces to circulate has of course been formed. The word mystic is freely without hindrances; and in the act of recog a very significant one because in the meaning of nizing that in grace, we are at the same time offer that word we are free from any limitation of time ing what we can give to those same kingdoms. and space, which means that you and I are today So I do mentally at any rate say grace for every a part of that mystic formation, and that it is morsel of food I receive. But how much more is it possible for you and me to strengthen our realiz very right and proper that we should say grace for ation of that membership. We are bound indeed those realities of which we particularly think today. by those links we have indicated, but the realiz The Great Ones do not require that we should ation of that linking, that is enormously important be grateful. It is to our own advantage that we to us individually, and even more important be should be grateful. As it is said in the G ita , is it cause it makes possible to communicate these not, the offering of a flower is indeed acceptable, realities to the outer world. because it is not so much the flower as such (be And so at this very moment, approximately cause the flower is God’s own flower) but it is in the early hours of the morning in Adyar, those the love and the willingness and the joy for which of you who have actually been there in your the flower is used as a channel — that is what is physical bodies will very easily visualize with me received. So we have the first point, that it is the wonderful colors of the early morning. You very right and proper that we should feel grateful. will know how in the palm grove there are trees I hope there is no one here who has the curious idea pointing their green leaves toward the Adyar that there is nothing for which to be grateful. River, and now there is a little stirring here and My second point is that though we look back there, an early fisherman in the river, little sounds at our great Theosophists who have passed on for one after the other, and as one hears them, before the time being, and also remember very grate one knows where one is, Adyar is astir, and in a fully those we still have with us, yet in a sense few hours the first meetings of the day will have those great founders of ours are so great that it begun. But perhaps it is most opportune that might be said of them as of Lincoln when he died: at this moment, when normally speaking our “Now he belongs to the ages.” There is to the brothers there are asleep, at this moment we can personality just a tinge of tearfulness when I, for more easily feel a part of that mystic body. The example, think of Dr. Besant, whom many years realization of that mystic body is enormously im ago — well, what shall I say — whom one was portant to lis. playing games with. At any rate she was so great And so having made these preliminary points as to let us play games with her, and work with may we now just touch briefly on some illustra her, and there was that personal touch which of tions of what Dr. Arundale has indicated, the course always remains, but we realize she was so .changes in the world which have been effected by great that she now belongs to the ages.