The Politics of Divine Wisdom, Theosophy and Labour, National
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Herman A.O. de Tollenaere The POLITICS of DIVINE WISDOM .. Theosophy and. labour,~ national, and women's moveffientsII. in Indonesia and South':Asia"? 1875-19~'? .. ' Hermall' A.a. de Tollenaere The POLITICS of DIVINE WISDOM Theosophy and labour, national, and women's movements in Indonesia and South Asia 1875-1947 The POLITICS of DIVINE WISDOM Theosophy and labour, national, and women's movements in Indonesia and South Asia. 1875-1947 een wClenschappelijke proeve op hel gebied van de Sociale Welenschappen PROEFSCHRIFT lcr verkrijging van de graad van doclor aan de Katholieke Universilcil Nijmegen volgens bcsluil van het College van Decanen in het openbaar Ie verdedigen op dinsdag 21 mei 1996 des namiddags Ie 3.30 uur pn:cies door Herman Arij Oscar de Tollenaere gehoren op 24 september 1949 Ie Leidcn v Promotores: Prof. Dr. G. Huizer en Prof. Dr. G. Lock Leden van de manuscriptcommissie: Prof. B. Hering, Prof. Dr. R. Van Niel, PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Prof. Dr. C. Risseeuw. To my sister, Els de Tollenaere My mother told me how, for the first time, as a child, she boarded the tram from The Hague to Wassenaar. As it passed the rich people's mansions there, she cried out to her father: 'Oh! I have never seen such beautiful houses before!' 'Yes', my grandfather replied; but added that they were built with the sweat of the Indonesian workers. In the 1920's, Indonesian students published·their Indonesia Merdeka magazine in the Merelstraat in Leiden. When my father came to The Netherlands a decade later, he went to live in that street, in a boarding-house with Indonesian and Japanese students. I lived there during my childhood. As I grew up, I followed political controversies in the 1960's US from papers. Martin Marty writes that occultists were mainly on the conservative side of these questions. On composition of 'New Age' groups, Eileen Barker says: 'one of the most prominent features of the movements is the disproportionate numbers of materially advantaged, middle (and upper?) class followers, whom they attract. 01 January 1996. The Dutch businessman Gerrit van der Valk says he is telepathically gifted. He advocates the theosophical 'Akasha chronicle' method in historical research2 The 1990·s. Beliefs like contacting spirits of the dead, reincarnation, astrology, and paranormal healing are widespread. Authors note them from Dutch universities to British royalty's Camillagate affair,3 to the US Pentagon intelligence's Star Gate affair.4 This is not an overnight development. Some of its previous history is in this book. Scientists and others may think, prematurely, once they as individuals know aspects of occultism are nonsensical, there is no longer a social problem. © 1996 H.A.O. dc Tollcnacrc, Lcidcn ISBN 90 373 03307 One can reproach critics, from Friedrich Engels up 10 Theodor W. Adorno. that Ihey did not NUGl64l take phcnomena like mysticism, occultism, spiritualism, and others. seriously enough.' Uitgcverij Katholicke Ullivcr.l'ircir Nijmcgcll I'New Religious Movements: Yet Another Great Awakening?' ill Phillip E. Hammond, The NielS uit deze uitgavc mag worden vcrvcclvoudigd en/of opcnh~!;:tr gcrnaakt door middcl van druk, fowkopic. microfilm or op welke andere wijzc ook. zonder voorafgaandc schriftclijkc tocsh:mming \'(ill de uilgcvcr. Sacred in a Secular Age, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1985,36-58; 40. zEric van Onna, 'Gerrit en Toos van der Valk'. VARA TV· Magazine . 6-12-1-1996, 4. No part of this book may be reproduced ill any (onn by prinl. phowprim. mi<:rorilm or any olher means without written permission from the publisher. 3Mare, 3-10-1991; 19·[2-1991. VAN VUGT, 20, amibutcs occult tendencies among Dutch university students to government pressures to sludy faster. The Daily Mirror, 19-12-1992: British Princess Diana engaged a clairvoyant to contact her late father as her marriage to Prince Charles went on the rocks. 4D. Waller, 'The Vision Thing. Ten years and $20 million later, the Pentagon discovers that psychics are unreliable spies'; Time, Dec. II, 1995. The 'ultra-secret Defense Intelligence Agency' spent millions on 'Star Gate' (official code name) involving fortune-tellers in snooping on the whereabouts .:;; Soviet submarines, North Korean tunnels, Colonel Gaddafi, etc; to no avail. The CIA also had its secret paranormal programs. 'SENFT, 7. 'One cannot fight nonsense, just by saying it is nonsense.' Australian investigator of astrology Geoffrey Dean, interviewed NRC 10-1-1991. VII VI The word 'sensualist' has not just one sense. As the set of opposites, 'materialist' and Theosophists, though, saw progress in the evolution of consciousness with the 'idealist,' has different meanings in philosophical, and in everyday language. 'Sensualist' can mean: A. Sensual, materialist person in a pejorative context. B. One nearing of the sixth root race, progress up (10m the mental plane, to the buddhic, who subscribes to the doctrine that all knowledge is derived from sensory perception: intuitional plane', with clairvoyance for all. Like with some other systems of thought, sensationalist, in the sense(!) of a follower of the eighteenth century French philosopher one attraction of theosophy is that once you accept a few axioms, the whole universe Etienne de Condillac. seems to fall coherently into place around you. I do not consider myself a Is a third (or 4th, or ... ) perspective possible, when one investigates especially links to political history in Indonesia and India? dogmatic sense B sensualist. However, I wrote, trusting my I hope I will start discussions. I hope this book will clear up some misunderstandings: own two eyes, though deficient, though inevitably it will produce new ones, there being hardly any 'definite' books on more than the 'Spiritual Eye of ,:~ -:.:::>p' . any subject. I hope readers will let me know their criticisms, so if I ever publish anything Clairvoyance' of theosophists like again on this, it will be an improvement. ~:~rr·~~~~i_~~ Leadbeater. Alice did not take ~~:~ .l;;~.~• I am very grateful to the people who helped me (any not mentioned should sec it as •.•..f. everything in Wonderland for deficiency in my memory or space, not in gratitude): my parents Felicien de Tollenaere granted. Without questioning of and Anna de 1'ollenaere-Blonk. I shall never forget how Carla Risseeuw helped me on nIl' use of II Iwok; from 'Alice ;11 WOllder/alld' political. religious, and scientific my way, as I began. Professors G. Huizer and G. Lock presenting me contributed r.1Uch authority, there is no freedom. to the cohesion of my thesis. I also owe gratitude to Rudi Jansma, Dr. Harischandra Kaviratna and Miss Rajesvari Kaviratna, whose ancestors played a prominent part in the 1880 reception of the 1'S leaders in Sri Lanka, and in subsequent Buddhist education there; F. Tichelman and E. Schwidder of the Internationaal (nstituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, the people working at Leiden university library and (nstituut Kern, Nirmala Nair, Tine Ruiter, M. Ave, Wati Dengkeng, H. Maier, Hans van Miert. Mrs Madelon Djajadiningrat-Nieuwenhuis, A. Ollongren, Hon Tom Wong, H. van der Laan, Yvonne Houps, Jurrie Reiding. J. Persijn, Catherine Wessinger (Loyola University. New Orlcans, USA), Catherine Candy (Loyola University. Chicago), Joy Dixon, Robert S. Ellwood, J. Santucci, Charles Cappel, Susan Blackburn, lem Brown, D. van Arkcl, I. Scharfer, W. OUcrspeer, Soemini KasanlTloentalib, Naneue Wijshijer, A. Caluwaerts; Frits Evclein and Faye van Icrlant of the Theosoflsche Ver~l1ig;lIg in Amsterdam, E. Rietkerk and others at the Nederlands Historisch Data Archief for photo scanning help, H. Poeze, D. Henley, Rita de Coursey, Rosemary Robson, and others at the Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land en Volkenkunde in Leiden. They helped me in the more desperate moments of writing this thesis (abbreviated in Dutch: 'diss. ') when I reflected how close the abbreviation is to Dis, the Roman god of hell. Is having to rewrite from scratch after accidentally erasing your computer file the 1990's equivalent of ancient Sisyphus' punishment? Has blaming the computer for your mistake anything to do with the doctrine of Karma? Do I have the right to write this book? Tell them ; As pure water poured into the scavenger's bucket is befouled and unfit for use, so is divine truth when poured into the consciousness of a Sensualisl according to a 'Master'Z of TS founder H.P. Blavatsky. IBESANT and LEADBEATER(l913), 5. MARCAULT(l930), 672 2Letter to HPB from her Master; CLEATHER(l922A), IV. VIII CONTENTS HOW THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN v PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This book was written in English; not on account of compliance with a Dutch Education VIII Minister's wish English should become the language of universities in The Netherlands; HOW THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN not on account of theosophist C.W. Leadbeater's clairvoyant prediction it would be the VIII 'universal commercial and literary language' of the year 2763 A.D.;I just laziness. Most MASTER KEY TO SYMBOLS sources and literature on theosophr are in English, so it saved translating; not to mention XIII inaccuracies, inevitably creeping in with translation. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Unless stated otherwise, ail translations of quotes, originally not in English, are mine. XIII I quoted Japanese authors' names as in the originals; though the order of personal and LIST OF TABLES family names may be incorrect. Indonesian geographical names are in the new spelling. XIV Names of persons are in the old spelling, except if they, like Sukarno, also played an MAPS important role after the introduction of the new spelling. XVIII LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Wherever possible, I tried to avoid using 'learned' expressions for their own sake, or without explanation. XXII GLOSSARY Numbers after authors' names, or years of publication, are page numbers. Dates are in the day-month-year format; 1-3-1900 is I March 1900, for instance.