Ben Mezrich | 320 pages | 07 Jun 2012 | Cornerstone | 9780099553427 | English | London, United Kingdom PDF Book

Please, have a read of it. John Douglas , Mark Olshaker. I know geniuses who work at NASA, and they would have never done something so stupid. Someone needs to check the dictionary. He triple majors in the sciences. Sex on the Moon. I got the impression Thad equated his heist with taking garbage out of a dumpster. View 1 comment. Allow me two examples of their beauty. Not willing to let his NASA experience or undergraduate degree in astrophysics go to waste, he spent his time behind bars contemplating the greatest mysteries of the universe, and conceived a theory to explain them. Roberts wants to be popular. And what were his two female accomplices thinking when they wheeled that safe containing the moon rocks out of the lab - that people would think this was an endearing student prank? Enter your email to sign up. Mezrich writes. Paperback —. May 07, Drew rated it liked it Shelves: non-fiction. So why should this mistreated son not have gone on to become a world-class, ruthless-yet-goodhearted thief? We hear all about Thad's Sturm und Drang - he even looks like a romantic hero - , about how we was kicked out by his rigid Mormon parents, how he pursued three major simultaneously at college, how he became a star in the NASA coop program - but when you close the back cover of the book, you realize that you are vaguely dissatisfied. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Joseph Wambaugh. Thad Roberts fell in love with a fellow NASA intern According to Thad, Sonya - who remained back in Utah - became over- involved with her modeling career and model friends and distanced herself from him. Jeff Foust jeff thespacereview. Product Details. Jul 12, Minutes Buy. He can massage the facts as much he likes, and MEzrich can be as sympathetic as he likes, but the reality of the situation is that Roberts was totally okay with ruining another scientist's research on top of stealing NASA property. USA Today. We vilify many offenses, but sometimes we turn the tables and root for the criminal over the victim and the police. Among them, what do you consider the most amazing or rewarding of all, and why? Add to Cart. Everett K. The Bye Bye Man. Mezrich presented him as a hero, as some other reviewers suggested--I simply think he tried to present an honest study of this rather naive and mixed up young person's character. The Daily Beast. IMDB says it is development, but it doesn't look like much progress is being made at the moment. The Big Con. . Forensic Detective. So far, our model looks quite promising. I wanted more specifics. Because his source and linchpin for this narrative is himself a deeply unreliable and manipulative person, Mezrich's book comes off as a mess of self-contraditions, purple prose, and exaggerations. The facts of the story are, all in all, super cool--that's what earns Sex On The Moon two stars. I will always remember you. But if you're looking for anything other than plot, I'd go somewhere else. The heist itself was fairly uncomplicated and involved nothing more than a clever use of chemical dust to break an electronic combination lock and some elbow grease to drag a safe out of a room and into a car. Sex on the Moon Writer

Retrieved February 21, I understood one or two people dodging security cameras on the way in, but how did they maneuver a lb. The title refers to the fact that, immediately after his out-of-this-world heist, Roberts and his girlfriend scattered the stolen moon rocks across his bed and had sex on them. Soldier Dogs. Articles featuring this book. Look, I too come from a highly religious, highly controlled childhood. The Burglary. Refresh and try again. Ben Mezrich has created his own highly addictive genre of nonfiction, chronicling the amazing stories of young geniuses making tons of money on the edge of impossibility, ethics, and morality. Teasing Secrets from the Dead. He's thinking of stealing and selling the moon rocks before he even has a girlfriend. How hard was it for the editors to hire a fact checker anyway? Was this the traumatic event that shaped Thad's future? Beyond intelligence and fortitude what drove Thad was his imagination and will to push boundaries. Want to Read saving…. The facts of the story are, all in all, super cool--that's what earns Sex On The Moon two stars. The fact that it's a true story is enough of a reason to arouse my curiosity. The best way to expand our horizons is together. While an interesting story about the theft of a national treasure, the fact that three interns could steal such valuable material, makes NASA look like a bunch of bumbling id An interesting story about Thad Roberts and several co- conspirators who stole a number of valuable samples of moon rocks from the in . Quotes from Sex on the Moon Gibson Jr. I am happy to hear that in this sad story at least one person knew how to behave with grace and dignity. At this stage in the effort our predictions are more general but still testable. Very disrespectful of this book to not do more for and with him. Add the considerable ick factor to generally lousy writing, poor research and the author's addiction to hyperbole and stupid titles , and you have one crappy book. How could QST be verified experimentally? The writer seems to have fallen for Thad's charm, believing in his own nobility when I'm not buying it. Stolen moon rocks. Hardcover , pages. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Robert Damon Schneck. In he stole a pound safe that contained priceless samples. Audiobook Download. Thad, who fully cooperated with this book, also seems a bit self-serving when he more or less justifies having an affair with fellow intern Rebecca by putting the onus on his wife. Sex on the Moon Reviews

But as such, it was disappointing. From experience I can say that there are more appropriate, and more productive, ways to come face-to-face with our magnificent insignificance than stealing a piece of the moon. Views Read Edit View history. Paul M. On your website , you have an amazing list of things you've done. What we can say, at this point, is that once we adopt the axiomatic structure assumed by QST we end up with expressions in space-time that suspiciously mimic space-time curvature fields, the restrictions imposed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the redshift patterns that gave birth to the notion of dark energy , and more. Download Hi Res. To his credit, the author can write: the colorful prose goes by at warp speed and reads like fiction. Roberts stashed the less than four ounces of rock that he had stolen under the mattress in a motel, then hit that mattress with his girlfriend. The other has had a fairly good engineering career; but what could she have become if Roberts hadn't involved her in his plan? Some Three stars is being very generous; two and a half would be more accurate. We have not yet completed a rigorous mathematical formulation of the set. The Blooding. All the women are described based on how totally hot they are -- it's really shocking that every single NASA scientists who is a woman Despite the author's best efforts, he doesn't make Thad even slightly sympathetic. No trivia or quizzes yet. Jeff Foust jeff thespacereview. With his newest non-fiction book, Once Upon a Time in Russia, Mezrich tells his most incredible story yet: A true drama of obscene wealth, crime, rivalry, and betrayal from deep inside the world of billionair Ben Mezrich has created his own highly addictive genre of nonfiction, chronicling the amazing stories of young geniuses making tons of money on the edge of impossibility, ethics, and morality. To save face, there is a rushed wedding ceremony and the two young and ill-prepared kids are faced with college tuition, work, and bills. He spins a good yarn, and always leaves off with just the right amount of self-deprecation for a journalist or an impressionable young woman to fall for his bullshit. With persistence Thad made it into the highly competitive NASA intern program in Houston, Texas where he met some of the country's top scientists plus a few . Add to Cart. Mar 20, Vonia rated it really liked it Shelves: psychological-thriller , environmental-sciences , memoir , morality , murder-crime , all-time-favorites , journalism , adventure. At the end of the book, the person who left the biggest impression on me was not charming, untrustworthy Thad but his victim, Everett Gibson. He wanted to give his girlfriend the moon. In recent interviews Ben Mezrich has been very open about that. I get it but the story is really about a brilliant boy who wants to succeed. Your subscription to Read More was successful. The whole story is told from the perspective of Thad, by Mezrich, in a well written and very engaging fashion. He was sure of it. Pass it on! In Thad's opinion, it was a waste to hide these items away. Those of us working on the theory are most excited about its potential to give us intuitive access to the mysteries of modern physics. He thinks that stealing the actual "trash" moon rocks would be too hard, so he steals them out of a scientist's lab, a scientist he knows is still working on them, figuring that he's had them long enough and they count as trash. Mezrich displays the confidence of someone on a roll. Sex on the Moon is not about sex on the Moon, but it is about a bright but troubled NASA intern, named Thad Roberts, who decided to throw away a promising career for himself and three friends to steal a small amount of Apollo Moon rocks. Get A Copy. The review also criticized Mezrich for being overly sympathetic to Roberts and his rationalizations for his actions. John Douglas , Mark Olshaker. His two accomplices refused to be interviewed for the book, and NASA personnel didn't seem too eager to be quoted either. The descriptions of the women throughout is totally gross and sexist. For me, it was an OK book, not a fantastic reading because it should have maybe about 60 pages less. Forensic Detective. After all, his father kicked him out of the family home because Mr. For his next act, the author will express the story of Rasputin as a Hardy Boys adventure novel. It's one thing to read a detailed description of a sexual encounter in a work of fiction or even in a work of non-fiction, provided that the author of the piece is one of the participants in the act. That seems particularly true in the case of the heist, be it of money, jewels, artwork, or other valuables, in fact or fiction.

Sex on the Moon Read Online

Dave and I read this book together, and he doesn't necessarily share my opinions. I don't think they read this book. Like so many young lovers, he had promised his girlfriend the moon. Ngaire E. Jul 12, Minutes Buy. David Maurer. Under the assumption that an underlying structure is responsible for the mysterious effects of quantum mechanics and general relativity, quantum space theory suggests a set of axioms about space and time that differ from those previously assumed. The best way to expand our horizons is together. Thad Roberts Thad grew up in a strict Mormon community in Utah. That's a real fear. Comprehensive retelling of Roberts' relationships with the women in his life and his attempts to "remake" himself filled two-thirds of the pages, but the climax of the story - the heist itself - was glossed over. Sure other people fall in love, but he was in special NASA love that we mere mortals can't possibly comprehend. Average rating 3. Goal lists are about mutual inspiration. Thad is giving the moon to his girl. And yet, the fact it seemed impossible spurred Thad to try and figure it out. For the moon rock theft Thad had two accomplices besides Rebecca - his friends Gordon and Sandra. Noam Chomsky. But if you're looking for anything other than plot, I'd go somewhere else. There must have been something in NASA's water in the early to mids, or maybe everyone was going stir-crazy during the Space Shuttle era, because everyone was doing some crazy shit and blaming it on love. In a review in The Globe and Mail , the book is described as "in the pulp- non-fiction genre, crafted with colour-saturated prose and hyperbolic plot points that have its screenplay in view", but was criticized for failing to identify or explore why Roberts undertook the theft in the first place, "other than sex". Mezrich also mentions Thad's 'bright green eyes' and Rebecca's 'gorgeous face and body' a few too many times. From experience I can say that there are more appropriate, and more productive, ways to come face-to-face with our magnificent insignificance than stealing a piece of the moon. Add to this the fact that Roberts stole samples not from NASA's usual lunar sample depositories but from the safe of a respected scientist— along with the man's research —instead of his original plan to steal the not-currently-in-use samples returned to NASA after the completion of various researchers' projects It was interesting, further in the reviews, someone who went to prison with Thad commented and mentioned that the prison chapters also contain massive factual errors. He works his tail off to be successful at NASA. Is that really the best possible use of those dollars? I mean, the idiot wrote emails. He was caught by an F. Robert Damon Schneck. The fact that it's a true story is enough of a reason to arouse my curiosity. Hidden categories: Use mdy dates from August And it turned out that the safe contained not just moon rocks, but valuable scientific notebooks as well. So anyway, a thirty-second Google search turns up everything you need to know about Thad Roberts in , which is to say, he's still pretty much exactly the same person. Something that disturbed me other than Thad's cluelessness at what a slap-in-the-face, life-ruining, program-destroying betrayal his act might be was the detailed and repeated description of the year-old girlfriend's naked body. Thad, who fully cooperated with this book, also seems a bit self-serving when he more or less justifies having an affair with fellow intern Rebecca by putting the onus on his wife. She saw him as as a James Bond guy that could do anything and pushed him to prove it. Even so, temptation got the better of him and Thad had sex with his high school girlfriend Sonya. It loses track of itself halfway through and gets way too caught up with the main character's view of himself. This behind the scenes look into this Farm League for the US program is a story that outsiders rarely hear of and Mezrich does an excellent job in telling it. With his newest non-fiction book, Once Upon a Time in Russia, Mezrich tells his most incredible story yet: A true drama of obscene wealth, crime, rivalry, and betrayal from deep inside the world of billionaire Russian Oligarchs. Jul 22, Mike rated it it was amazing. Allow me to begin by firmly stating that in my oh so humble opinion having sex in a bed with a stolen moon rock in it is: 1. May 17, Josh Childs rated it did not like it Shelves: non-fiction , book-club. Anyway, Sex on the Moon held me from start to finish. It's easy in fiction to dismissively snort, "Yeah, like that would ever happen. Oh, no: Mr. Confessing to this when he was at the Mormon Missionary Training Center got Thad thrown out of the church and banned from his family - apparently forever. Live Science. Mezrich himself, according to this own Web site. menta.pdf