Geobiology Exploring How Life and Interact

Take a Deep Breath! (Where did that O come from?) Is There Life on Mars? (How can we look for it in a scientic way?)

If you are interested in learning about life in the context of and other planets, consider taking Geobiology this quarter. We will use games and discussions in a collaborative environment to explore how life functions and evolves with planets, and how life changes planets, like providing the O you breath.

The course is lower division. A basic knowledge of is expected. No background is necessary.

Fall Quarter: Tues & Thurs 1:40-3:00 pm, EPS 1309 GEL 98-16, CRN: 24833. Sign up for 3 units.

Instructor: Prof. Dawn Sumner, who explores ancient rocks, ice-covered lakes in Antarctica (above), and Mars with the Curiosity rover. See Geobiology - Course Syllabus Fall Quarter: Tues & Thurs 1:40-3:00 pm, EPS 1309 GEL 98-16, CRN: 24833. Sign up for 3 units. Instructor: Prof. Dawn Sumner

Class Format: I am designing this class as highly participatory. This is the format we'll use for the first 7 weeks of the quarter: 1:40: Each student randomly chooses a question/group as they come into class. 1:40-1:45: Small groups discuss & write answers to introductory questions 1:45-2:00: Presentation by Dawn 2:00-2:10: Discussion of small group answers to questions 2:10-2:40: Small groups create/modify a game framed from lecture 2:40-2:45: Class discussion of key concepts emerging from small group activities 2:45-3:00: Dawn summarizes key concepts, previews next topic, and assigns work

Grading Number of # Counting Points per Contribution to Assignment Type Assignments Towards Grade* Assignment Grade In Class Questions & 20 questions 20 1 20 (8%) Discussion Contributions 10 discussions Homework 6 5 10 50 (20%) Game Assignments 7 6 20 120 (48%) Tests 3 2 30 60 (24%) Total: 250

*The lowest score will be dropped for some assignments.

Topics for lessons: What is Life? L1: Introduction and Interactions L2: What defines Life? L3: Searching for life elsewhere L4: Domains of Life How Cells Work L5: Genomes and L6: DNA -> RNA -> -> ... L7: and selection L8: Cells as Structures L9: Structure in the Context of Microbes as Agents of Geological Change L10: as L11 Growth Curves and Death L12: Autotrophy, Heterotrophy, and L13: (Fe, S, and O2) Communities and L14: Life as a constructor of environments L15: Cooperation and Competition L15: Dynamic L17: Life in Extreme Environments and in the Universe