Annual Report 2012

Deep seafloor • Deep • Deep Time & Roots of life

Centre for Geobiology Director’s Comment

2012 – Interdisciplinarity Yielding Results

Looking back, the proposal to establish this of the important but perhaps unexpected cross-disciplinary research centre was a bold benefits of investment in pure research­ activi- undertaking. Today, a little over half-way ties. through the 10-year project period, we are Among the many papers published in seeing the first truly interdisciplinary results, 2012 was one published in the Proceedings both in terms of the articles now being of the National Academy of Sciences of the ­published and in the kind of students now United States of America (PNAS) (see page 5). completing a geo-bio education. These latter Produced by a diverse, multi-disciplinary team represent a brand-new labour that of authors from the Centre, the paper presents will have the integrated, multi-disciplinary research analysing the correlations between background necessary to address the global , and micro­ research challenges of today and tomorrow. in deep-sea sediments. The results not only The first Centre internal seminars strug- provide testable hypotheses for the cultivation gled to bridge the academic gap between of deep-sea microbial , but will the different disciplines. Today, students and also impact system-level thinking in terms of ­researchers alike have gained a cross-discipli- global element re-cycling. A leading nary understanding that increases their within the field wrote a PNAS commentary ­ability to use new approaches that were un- on the paper and concluded that the CGB imaginable just a few years ago. This is clearly ­author team “should be thanked for ­ener­gi­- demonstrated in the theses of the Centre’s zing the game”. Our ambition is to continue latest PhD graduates. The research presen- to do so in the years to come. ted links geochemistry and in different environments, cold seeps, deep-sea sediments and ­ultramafic rock formations. The work in one of the PhD papers focuses on an ultramafic rock system in Leka (see page 8). Rock-water interactions in ultramafic systems may provide insights into the origin of life on . Interestingly, the methodolo- gies developed in that study are also proving relevant for measuring the environmental impact of acid mine tailings (see page 7). This Rolf-Birger Pedersen of Contents application provides another demonstration Centre Director Director’s comment ...... 3 Research highlights Interdisciplinary research at the CGB ...... 5 early subseafloor life reinvestigated ...... 6 environmental impact of submarine mine tailings ...... 7 Hydrogen-based life on Earth and other ...... 8 Sponges in Norwegian waters ...... 10 International scientific drilling of deep Pacific crust ...... 11

Research themes ...... 12 Organization ...... 18 Centre funded projects ...... 19 Research projects ...... 20 Science dissemination ...... 22 Staff, funding and expenses ...... 24 Selected publications ...... 26 3 RESEARCH Interdisciplinary research at the CGB HIGHLIGHTS demonstrates a geo-bio linkage in deep-sea sediments A multidisciplinary team of researchers at the Centre for Geobiology (CGB) has shed new light on how geochemical stratification within seafloor sediment correlates with stratification of its microbial .

While this idea was conceptualized many taneously understanding the interaction and in highly stratified sediments from the years ago, it has been challenging to demon- impact of this geochemical sphere with the ­Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge” is featured in strate such a relationship quantitatively. significantly-sized biological sphere of the ­November 2012 issue of PNAS (Proceedings However, the team of researchers was able subseafloor. They will provide new informa- of the National Academy of Sciences). The to capitalize on the special conditions in tion that is relevant for the understanding issue also includes a commentary by A. the sediments near the Loki’s Castle hydro- of global element re-cycling. Teske. ▪ thermal vent fields, which Centre research- Their article “Correlating microbial ers discovered in 2008. com­munity profiles with geochemical data In addition to the hydrothermal activity, this area, located at the bend between the Mohns and Knipovich Ridges, has been ­affected by sediment input from the nearby Bear Island fan. Geological research via ­seismic and coring activity into the seafloor has revealed a strong layering, or stratifi­ cation, of the sediments, caused in part by alternating hydrothermal and sediment input.­ The microbes living in the seafloor sedi- ments in the deep sea obtain their from chemical reactions, in particular from the coupling of reactions that release (oxida- tion) or gain (reduction) electrons; ­reactions. For example, organisms use mate- rials such as iron oxide as electron acceptors and organic carbon as electron donors. Thus particular layers with sufficient quan- tities of redox compounds can support the growth of microbial communities: different geochemical micro-environments support- ing differently structured microbial com- munities. At the same time, microbial acti­ vities drive the geochemical cycling within the sediment. Knowing something about the geochemistry of particular layers enables researchers to predict the kinds of reactions – and therefore the kinds of microbes – that might be found there. One of CGB’s goals as a centre for r­esearch excellence is to develop multi­ disciplinary research teams that combine approaches from different fields to address large system-scale geo-biological questions. This research was made possible through cross-discipline collaborations between ­experts in geochemistry, , bioinfor- matic and microbiology. The results shed light on reactions ongoing in the deep sea and in geological “hot-spots” such as spread- ing ridges and venting systems, while simul-

4 5 Early Subseafloor Life Reinvestigated While previous evidence of carbon linings in ancient microbial is debunked, high-resolution ion microprobe mapping techniques reveal independent isotopic evidence that life may have existed in the subseafloor .

CGB researchers have been investigating ­microbes can obtain chemical ­energy and of the microtextures. However reexamina- candidate in pillow lavas that nutrients from the newly formed rock. In tion by this CGB study using high-resolu- erupted onto the seafloor 3.47-3.45 billion turn, the microbes leave behind­ tunnels in tion nano-scale ion microprobe (NanoSIMS) years ago (Ga) found in Barberton Green- the glass that may be annu­lated, twisted, has proved those traces of organic material stone Belt in South Africa. It is hypothe-­ spiral-shaped or branched. are likely artifacts of the analytical method. sized that these microtextures may provide The scientific community is yet to agree This lack of organic linings in the microtex- insight into processes of the ancient subsea- as to when life first emerged on Earth, tures raises questions about the biogenicity floor biosphere. The Barberton Greenstone and the subseafloor represents one possible of the microtextures and their formation by Belt pillow lavas are not only some of the environment where life may have begun. Archean microbes. most ancient rocks still present on Earth In 2008 CGB were involved in a Although the NanoSIMS results dis- ­today, but this particular area has under- scientific drilling project in the Barberton proved the presence of organic linings, the gone relatively little geological change in Greenstone Belt that sampled more than analysis also revealed an independent bio- the 3+ billion years since formation, making 800 meters of core material. This project marker associated with the textures. Using them some of the best preserved examples ­recovered many different types of rocks NanoSIMS, the CGB research team found of ­ancient seafloor. with one of the drill holes focusing on a highly variable fractionation of iso- CGB researchers were the first to present ­sequence of pillow lavas that was found to topes in sulfide grains within the samples. Environmental impact evidence of microbes in volcanic glass from contain microtextures in the rims of the reduction is a widely accepted the rims of modern seafloor pillow lavas, for basaltic pillow lavas. Given that these rocks ­microbial mode of life in both modern and of submarine mine tailings example, from Iceland and the Norwegian- have experienced metamorphic tempera- ancient , especially in sedimen- Greenland Sea. When new pillow lava erupts tures, pressures and fluid flow that have tary rocks and is now also becoming appar- An important objective for carrying out basic science at CGB is for the data onto the seafloor it cools quickly when it transformed the original volcanic glass into ent in subseafloor rocks. The fractionation we produce to impact our knowledge of significant environmental problems . comes into contact with the near-freezing metamorphic these microtextures measured in these Barberton samples repre- New information about submarine mine tailings in the Norwegian fjords water of the deep sea. Here it has been hy- need to be carefully evaluated. Previously sents the widest range and most negative provides insights into how to approach current mine tailings and future ­ pothesized that microbes colonize fractures reported evidence of carbon linings to the sulfur isotopic values so far reported from in the newly formed outer glassy rims of microtextures from microprobe x-ray maps the Archean, and most likely are too drastic deep-sea mining initiatives . the pillow lavas. Researchers speculate that was earlier taken to support the biogenicity to have occurred without microbial input. The high-resolution investigation of the Mining is one of Norway’s oldest export drainage. This phenomenon is known as tivity of marine tailings and stability of Barberton Greenstone Belt microtextures ­industries and has played an important role acidic mine drainage, and is a well-known toxic ­elements in the sea. is guiding CGB scientists towards new in the Norwegian economic sector since problem. Today there is no active mining of CGB researchers involved in a pilot methods for ascertaining the biogenicity of the early 1600s. But, extraction of metals, sulfide deposits in Norway, but historical ­project are focusing on three disposal proposed traces of life. It is exciting that an minerals and stone can pose environmental operations have left behind tailings, which sites with different tailing compositions independent analysis method also points challenges, especially when it comes to the remain a serious environmental issue. in ­Ballangsfjorden (Nordland) and Jøssing­ to possible microbial life in the Archaean disposal of fine-grained waste, known as In Norway there are around 20 regis- fjorden (Rogaland). Geochemical composi- subseafloor, and is leading CGB scientists to tailings. tered marine disposal localities in the fjords. tion, porewater, and microbial diversity in ask new questions about the ancient subsea- The composition and characteristics The main reason that mine operations sediment cores from and around the tailing floor metabolic processes and origins. ▪ of the tailings depend on the choose marine deposition for their mine deposit sites have been analyzed. The data of the ore and the process of extraction. tailings is that water provides an from disposal sites will be compared to Historically tailings have been deposited in barrier, reducing the weathering process. surrounding­ sediments to gauge the effect landfills within retaining structures. Other This advantage, however, has only been of the tailings deposits in the fjords. The alternative disposal methods include in-pit, verified in fresh water. Seawater’s natural geochemical and geomicrobiological results co-disposal, offshore and submarine tailing buffering capacity supports the belief that from the submarine tailings will describe placements. Landfills, for example, have the reduction processes of acidic mine the microbial diversity, reactivity of heavy had documented retention issues; sand drift drainage and the mobility of toxic elements metals, and effects of biogeochemical pro- in dry weather and leaching of metals when will be decreased in seawater. Nevertheless, cesses on the mobility of toxic metals in the there is heavy precipitation. acidic drainage and toxic metal leaching sediments, providing a better understand- Mining of sulfide deposits has also cre- may be occurring in submarine tailing ing of marine tailings in Norwegian fjords. ated environmental problems due to the ­disposal. Increased interest in new mining The results of these studies will provide weathering properties of sulfide minerals. ­operations has led to greater pressure from critical knowledge for evaluating the envi- When these minerals come in contact with mining companies for further marine stor- ronmental impact of new mining initia- water and air, they oxidize creating acidic age. The unknown fate of acidic compounds tives, including those in deep ocean sites. ▪ compounds and mobilizing metals. These and metals in tailings presents an urgent products can enter the environment through need for better documentation of the reac-

6 7 Hydrogen-based life on Earth and other planets CGB researchers are studying subsurface microbial communities sustained by hydrogen-producing geochemical reactions .

A water-rock environment rich in hydrogen to produce large amounts of hydrogen, the Leka ophiolite complex. These low tem- is produced, to larger fractures that are Aerobic hydrogen-oxidizing through low temperature geochemical pro- is a proposed environment for the origin of and other light . perature water-rock reactions have been channels for oxic groundwater. dominate the microbial community in the cesses in altered ultramafic rocks offers a life on early Earth, and is hypothesized as Ultramafic rocks are found in the man- further investigated in controlled laboratory The groundwater moves through heavily groundwater, which fits well with the geo- potential energy source for microbial com- akin to conditions in the subsurface of tle and lower crust, but due to tectonic pro- experiments. fractured zones of highly altered ultramafic chemical analyses of the water. Organisms munities in the subsurface environment at ­modern Mars. There is increasing evidence cesses they may be transported to higher Geochemical and microbial processes rock, interacting with the rock as it passes connected to other reduced compounds are temperatures where organisms can thrive. of a hydrogen-based subsurface biosphere crustal levels such as at slow and ultraslow within the Leka ophiolite complex are in- through. During these water-rock interactions,­ also detected in the groundwater and in the Ultramafic rock appears to be much more on Earth, existing independently of photo- oceanic spreading ridges. Sections of ocean- ferred from studies of groundwater, rock the dissolution and oxidation of reduced fracture coatings. common than initially thought in the synthesis, often referred to as a subsurface ic crust and mantle rocks that have been and precipitates on fracture surfac- iron in the minerals of the rock lead to reduc- Previous studies on hydrogen produc- ­upper section of the oceanic crust, which lithoautotrophic microbial ecosystems or emplaced onto continental crust provide es. Hydrogen is produced by the splitting of tion and splitting of water to form tion through geochemical processes in means these processes could possibly sup- SLiME. Hydrogen and other reduced com- easily accessible systems to study such pro- water molecules. This usually occurs natu- hydrogen. This process has been studied both ­ultramafic rock have focused primarily on port a large subsurface biosphere here on pounds formed though water-rock reac- cesses. The Leka ophiolite complex in mid- rally in reduced conditions created by the experimentally and in natural environments the mineral olivine, and on higher tempera- Earth and perhaps also on Mars. ▪ tions are used as energy sources by micro­ Norway is a beautiful example of this. It oxidation of ferrous iron. Surprisingly, we at elevated temperatures. The mechanism ture reactions (> 150°C). The results of our organisms living in these systems. Ultra- contains all the components of the oceanic find hydrogen under oxidized conditions for methane and light produc- low temperature studies show that hydro- mafic, olivine-rich rocks are considered to crust and mantle rocks. CGB researchers are in the groundwater at the Leka ophiolite tion in ultramafic system is less straight­ gen and methane also are formed through be a particularly promising for studying on-going low temperature geo- complex. This can be explained by transport forward, particularly under low tempera- low temperature water-rock reactions with SLiME, since water-rock reactions (serpenti- chemical processes and associated micro­ and diffusion of hydrogen from the small ture conditions, and is still the subject of ultramafic rocks. nization) in ultramafic systems are known bial communities in the ultramafic part of fractures with reducing conditions where it ­debate within the scientific community. Production of hydrogen and methane

8 9 International scientific drilling of deep Pacific crust

CGB researcher Dr . Romain Meyer joined the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 345, which started in December 2012 at Puntarenas, Costa Rica and ended two months later in Balboa, Panama .

Sponges in Norwegian Waters project MOHOLE, which ­­Japan, and the UK. The goal is to reveal the set out to drill through processes by which fast-spreading ocean Although sponges in Norwegian waters are rich in numbers the entire 6-7 km thick crust forms and, then to study how, once and highly abundant, recent work makes clear that the status of oceanic crust. The techni- ­solidified, the crust interacts with hot hydro- knowledge about species composition and distribution of sponges cal challenges involved thermal fluids. For Meyer, being able to be were vastly underesti- part of the onboard science team was an in the area is generally very low . CGB scientists are filling in these mated and the project ­unprecedented opportunity. Observations gaps with their research . ultimately failed. How- of the core once it was on deck gave both ever, overcoming the Meyer and the other researchers present first technical difficulties in- insights into the mineralogical and petro- Sponges are among the more dominant Information Centre (Artsdatabanken) and manned submersibles and ROVs at very volved in the process of logic of these igneous rocks. groups of macro organisms in Norwegian the Norwegian Academy of Science and ­recently discovered hydrothermal vents drilling several kilo­ The IODP Hess Deep expedition was tre- waters both in terms of species and biomass. Letters.­ in the Northern Norwegian Sea as well as meter long holes into the mendously successful. The scientific results Around 300 species are known from coastal CGB researchers are finding and cata- cold seeps, deep water coral reefs, and oceanic crust spurred will provide a whole new reference section waters and at least 100 more are added when loguing novel information on some of the boreal and arctic sponge grounds. The pro- the development of of information about fast-spreading lower the entire Norwegian Economic Zone is in- most poorly characterized sponge groups. ject provides the first overviews of sponge alternative­ approaches. crust, and underline the continued necessity cluded. Sponges are highly efficient filter An increasing number of southern species species dominating these special Since that time, seafloor for ocean drilling to explore and understand feeders, mainly utilizing the bacterial frac- are spreading northwards along the Nor­ in Nor­wegian waters. mapping and explora- the on-going fundamental processes that tion (normally not used by other organisms), wegian coast due to the temperature rise in The project provides species descrip- tion have demonstrated are evolving and reshaping Earth. ▪ and therefore have a crucial role in the the NE Atlantic during the last 20-30 years. tions of all encountered species within The aim of this particular IODP expedition that in certain areas tectonic processes have ­pelagic-benthic relationship. This link is It is important to track changes in species these Norwegian sponge groups, species was to explore the evolution and formation exposed the deeper layers of the crust as highly important in many of our shelf and ­assemblage over time. lists with accompanying data on species of oceanic crust. The expedition’s target was well as the upper mantle. By targeting such ­fishery bank areas, e.g. the Tromsø-flaket So far almost 20 species of sponges that distributions and identification keys, and Hess Deep, a 6000 meters deep rift basin that areas, samples of the lower crust and upper area in the western Barents Sea and on sea- are new to science have been described, and contributes to a high standard sponge col- is located approximately 1000 km west of mantle can be recovered without the need mounts. Sponges found on sponge grounds as least as many have been recorded for the lection in Bergen Museum with reference the Galapágos Islands. for drilling extremely deep holes. in our waters are normally very slow-grow- first time in Norwegian waters. Calcareous material of all species­ encountered in the The scientists onboard R/V JOIDES Reso- Hess Deep is such a “tectonic window”. ing organisms,­ however, they may grow to sponges, previously considered as mainly project. The CGB plans to organize project lution hoped to resolve some key questions Here the Cocos-Nazca Ridge intersects the one meter in size, weighing 30-40 kg. Speci- shallow-water organisms, are exceptionally workshops as well as an international work- on how forms oceanic East Pacific Rise, where new seafloor forms mens of this size are estimated to be several common in the abyssal (deeper than 2000 m) shop on sponge to further develop crust. The seafloor of Earth’s deep oceans, at a rate of around 10 cm per year. At Hess ­hundred years old. Sponge grounds provide Norwegian Sea, and as many as 7 of the a national/Nordic and international co­ – comprising more than 50 % of Earth’s total Deep, the seafloor is rifted apart so that the seafloor structure, quite similar to a coral 10 species encountered there are new to operation network for sponge research, and surface area, is covered by oceanic crust that deep layers of the oceanic crust have become reef and form a very good habitat for other ­science. Unique and undisturbed hexacti­ the strong focus on the educational aspect has been formed during the last 200 million exposed. This locality therefore provides a organisms, including fish. nellid sponge grounds on a seamount have of the project enables training of a new years of Earth’s 4.6 billion years long history. unique opportunity to learn more about CGB researchers have been working been studied in detail, and based on sedi- ­ration of sponge taxonomists. ▪ For non-, this may seem like an these deep layers of the crust and how the ­recently with the Norwegian Red List and ment cores and spicule data we can say that incomprehensibly long time, but for geo­ seafloor forms. the Species Database (Artsnavnebasen) these sponge grounds have existed basically logists, this reveals how young the ocean The drilling at Hess Deep was carried out compiling and cataloguing known Norwe- unchanged for several thousand years. basins are, and how fast oceanic crust forms in ~4850 m water under challenging bore- gian sponge species. This work has high- This assessment work is based on the by seafloor spreading. hole conditions. Despite these challenges, lighted the lack of knowledge about sponge comprehensive sponge collections housed Since the 1960’s, scientific ocean drill- the expedition recovered unique samples species and their corresponding distribu- by the researchers, Museum collections and ing has aimed to better understand the from the deepest layer of the oceanic crust. tion in Norwegian waters. In addition to the samples from a range of ongoing national ­ and genesis of the deeper layers of These samples are presently being studied Norwegian Research Council, this work was and international projects. The material­ the Earth’s crust; layers that are relatively by CGB scientists in collaboration with supported by The Norwegian comprises unique collections made by inaccessible. This work started with the ­researchers from France, USA, Germany,

10 11 RESEARCH of the deep themes seafloor This theme involves deep-sea exploration The research at the Centre for Geobiology is focused and searching for new extreme environ- on five themes . The following are updates on the research ments. It provides a foundation for the carried out under each of these themes in 2012 . ­Centre’s geobiological research by provid- ing knowledge about the geological and ge- ochemical context of the Centre’s focus sites. In addition, researchers working in this theme have several independent re- search objectives relating to hydrothermal systems, seabed fluid flow and the geo­ dynamics of spreading ridges. In 2012 we have developed two key acoustic data resources to support the diver- sity of research at the Centre. The first re- source involves developing unified multi- scale bathymetric maps for the entire Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge system, which provide critical contextual information for all the research done at CGB. These maps integrate bathymetry from satellite observations, CGB and NPD ship-based bathymetric surveys,­ and super high-resolution AUV acquired multibeam bathymetry. Altogether they span more than three orders of magni- tude in resolution and represent the most detailed view of the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge system ever compiled. These maps will be used to support geological, geochemical, and biological studies at all the CGB focus sites, and will foster an increased under- standing of the interconnection between individual systems. The second acoustic data resource in- volves further exploration of water column known to present a very unique geochemi- and ­igneous samples are now revealing acoustic signatures. The Centre’s unique cal signature. Basalts, produced by mantle ­information about the evolution of the natural laboratory, the CO2 vents at the melting, are relaying this signature to the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Jan Mayen vent fields, provided the field seafloor surface where the Centre has been Finally, the involvement of CGB scien- site and the water column capability of the collecting samples for a number of years. tists in the Hess Deep international drilling R/V G.O.Sars’ new EM302 multibeam echo- Using Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd systems, campaigns have provided the CGB with a sounder was used to collect the data. This which have proven to be useful in tracking unique sample collection of shallow mantle state-of-the-art system allowed us to image the signatures of ancient mantle events, we and the lowest oceanic crust material that

rising bubbles of CO2 in 3-D with high trying to understand more about why this will enhance our understanding of crustal ­spatial resolution. It enables us to study the atypical mantle is present in the north accretion at fast spreading ridges (see page dynamics of the bubble plumes with future ­Atlantic area. These new geochemical data 11) ▪ time-series acoustic observations. In this will give us better understanding structure particular setting, where the bubbles rise to of the upper mantle in the vicinity of the at least 150m below the sea surface, these Jan Mayen hot spot and provide more infor- plumes are a potentially important source mation about the geodynamical history of

of CO2 to the entire water column. Acoustic this region. studies of these and other bubble plumes In addition, researchers are studying will significantly enhance our understand- crust-mantle interactions during the birth ing of the dynamic interactions between of an ocean. Particular focus has been on seafloor gas sources and the overlying water the Jan Mayen micro- and its column. ­formation as a result of continental rifting As well as acoustic studies of seafloor and ­establishment of a ridge system. In col- dynamics, researchers working in the geo- laboration with the Norwegian dynamics of the seafloor theme are delving Directorate in-situ rock samples have been into deep crustal and mantle processes at collected from the Jan Mayen Ridge using slow spreading ridges. The upper mantle an ROV. Ongoing geochemical and geo­ beneath the arctic mid-oceanic ridge is chronological studies of these sedimentary

12 13 Life in extreme environments and roots of life In this theme we focus on understanding ridge fields . The biologi- I carried out my PhD work at the and metabolic properties of cal material of these deep-sea habitats has ” the found in hydrothermal exceptional biotechnological potential. We the ­Center for Geobiology. It was vent fields located along the Arctic-Mid- are a member of the management team in a a great experience for me from Ocean Ridge (AMOR). We evaluate their new National project, through ­interactions with the geosphere and use which we aim to develop a biotechnological both a scientific and social point of this knowledge to gain insights into life on pipeline that will enable Norwegian Indus- view. CGB has a unique research early Earth. During past years researchers in try to directly use the genetic reservoir this theme have made great advances in from AMOR. We are also exploring possible environment, where both micro­ adapting technologies to new applications from this novel genetic and geologists work the study of microbiological samples from reservoir. ▪ these sites. We are now in a position to carry together to interpret results from out (meta), and metaproteomics analyses of samples the unique sampling material with state-of-the-art technology. c­ollected during cruises and field­ This year at the Centre we completed the first whole-genome of a hyper- work. Also, the future-oriented thermophilic sulphate-reducing archaeon. research at the CGB involves the The data obtained from this project will ­allow detailed analyses of the ’s use of cutting-edge technology, metabolic properties and form the basis for which gives me an excellent start comparative genome analyses. We have also determined the metabolic properties of an on my scientific career.” Epsilonproteobacteria-dominated biofilm on the Loki’s Castle hydrothermal chimney. Epsilonproteobacteria are key-players in Dr. Irene Roalkvam, CGB scientist, bio-corrosion processes and this year we ­defended her PhD thesis in 2012 ­received a grant from VISTA to support our work focusing understanding the metabo- Water-rock-microbe lisms participating in this process. interactions & the deep In this theme we also lead a bio-pros- biosphere pecting project in the Arctic mid-ocean

Low-temperature alteration of ultramafic water, combined with microbial sulphate composition of the deposits. Core samples rocks continued to be a main research focus ­reduction. The high hydrogen and methane of gabbroic deposits have been collected in for this theme in 2012. Experimental labora- contents of the high-temperature fluid are ­addition to the earlier samples of olivine and tory studies using naturally occurring rocks likely to fuel the microbial reduction of sea- sulphides rich deposits. Using a combination showed that water reactions with not only water sulphate. The findings indicate that of geochemical and microbiological studies, primary olivine but also with secondary this may be a major subsurface microbial on-going submarine biogeochemical pro- minerals from earlier alteration stages can process not only locally in the hydrothermal cesses and their effects on the mobility of result in production of significant amounts mound but possibly also in much larger and heavy metals will be documented. Together of hydrogen and methane. Interestingly, the deeper parts of the ocean crust were such with similar weathering studies of deep-sea nitrogen-species ammonium, nitrite and ni- mixing is going on. hydrothermal sulphide deposits, the results trate were also found to be produced during This year researchers from this theme will increase our understanding of the envi- these low-temperature water-rock reactions. also have been involved in work that shows ronmental challenges connected with marine Further studies are needed, however, to that geochemical stratification within sea- tailing storage and potential future deep-sea ­unravel the exact formation mechanisms or floor sediments correlates with stratification mining in Norwegian territorial waters. sources of these compounds. As low-tem- of its microbial community. This work Researchers from this theme have also perature alteration of ultramafic rocks is ­involved sediment cores from the seafloor been working on different aspects of subsea- likely to be a common process at slow to near the Loki’s Castle hydrothermal vent floor CO2 storage. They have been involved in ­ultraslow spreading mid-ocean ridges, the fields, one of the Centre’s natural laborato- studies at another of CGB’s natural laborato- associated production of these biological ries. It was a truly multi-disciplinary project, ries, the Jan Mayen Vent Fields. Here they important compounds could potentially where the researchers were able to show that have been able to observe effects of CO2 leak- support a globally significant deep bio- knowing something about the geochemistry age in a natural setting. ▪ sphere in these habitats. of particular layers enables researchers to Further studies of barite deposits and predict the kinds of reactions – and therefore their associated low-temperature venting the kinds of microbes – that might be found fluids, which occur at the flank of the Loki’s in a given layer. Castle black smoker field in the Norwegian- The theme has also continued their re- Greenland Sea, have revealed that this is a search on mine tailings in Norwegian fjords result of subsurface mixing of rising high- in order to evaluate the stability of toxic temperature fluids and cold percolating sea ­elements and the importance of mineral

14 15 Early earth and Vent and seep biota biosignatures

This theme involves the exploration of this specialized fauna represents new and also shown that the hydrothermal plumes In the year the rover Curiosity landed and field and petrographic observations with a session entitled “The Early Earth”. The ­fauna associated with reduced habitats and undescribed species, and extra effort has fertilize the adjacent waters, resulting in began exploring Mars, our group actively thermo­dynamic phase modeling to provide data obtained and methodologies developed seamounts in the deep sea in the Arctic and therefore been concentrated on describing specialization and also in the pursued detection methods for traces of life new constraints on their preserved pressure- this year will underpin continuing work to the NE Atlantic. Among the main objectives this novel fauna. There are obvious similari- planktonic systems surrounding hydro­ in the early rock record and mapped the temperature-fluid conditions. These find- understand the nature of Archean Earth in the ongoing work is to investigate local ties between the fauna found at hot vents thermal vents and cold seeps. Molecular ­nature of Archean Earth environments. ings illustrate how the metamorphic history ­environments and aid efforts to ratify adaptations and processes, as along AMOR, the fauna of cold seeps along tools are now being used to provide more Planetary scientists believe that 3+ billion of Archean oceanic rocks can be derived and chemical and textural biosignatures that well as addressing potential ecological and the Norwegian margin, and from wood-falls information about the evolutionary history years ago Mars may have been more hospita- used to decipher their alteration history in may one day be discovered on Mars. ▪ evolutionary connectivity between differ- in the abyssal Norwegian Sea. A shared of this special fauna, and to explore the ble to life than the early Earth. Studies of the hydrothermal systems, and also to ent chemosynthetic habitats in the area, group of keystone species directly or indi- ­possible connections between the Atlantic early rock record on Earth are an invaluable constrain their geodynamic setting. Taken ­including hydrothermal vents, cold seeps rectly dependent on chemosynthetically and Pacific reduced habitat faunas through baseline for establishing when life began on as a whole, this study provided new evidence and sunken wood. We have shown that derived energy has been identified, includ- time. ▪ Earth and for designing how and where for plate-tectonic type processes operating­ ­chemosynthetic habitats in the Norwegian- ing rissoid gastropods, maldanid and am- to seek potential traces of life in our solar on the mid-Archean Earth. and Greenland seas host an endemic and pharetid polychaetes, as well as a new genus system. This year CGB scientists and collabora- highly specialized fauna. More than 90 % of of amphipods. Our most recent work has This year our ongoing investigations of tors developed new methods for visualizing titanite microtextures in c. 3.45 billion-year- fossilized microbial remains in another of old subseafloor pillow lavas from the our studies investigating ancient micro-­ ­Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa fossil bearing cherts from Northern Canada yielded important results. Nanoscale chemi- and West . Using a focused ion cal mapping (NanoSIMS) concluded that beam, researchers made 3D tomographic organic linings previously reported to be ­reconstructions of organic re- ­associated with these candidate traces of vealing a wealth of information about their life are absent and thus are an unreliable subcellular architecture and preservation bio­signature. Independent of the textural processes. We are combining this approach evidence, however, this study found pro- with chemical and isotopic data obtained by nounced sulfur isotope fractionations in NanoSIMS to yield new insights into fossil- the ancient subseafloor rocks which may ized microbial ecosystems on the early represent a new chemical trace of early Earth. microbial­ life. In summary, 2012 was an exciting year A separate study on a classic c. 3.34 billion- for studies of the Archean rock record and year old sequence of oceanic rocks from came to a close with the presentation of our the Barberton Greenstone Belt combined recent results at the AGU conference in

16 17 Scientific Advisory BOARD Commitee

Centre Director

Secretariat Leader Group Leader Forum







Organisation Centre funded projects

The Centre for Geobiology (CGB) is part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural The CGB research is carried out through a number of external projects, and Centre funded projects which Sciences at the University of Bergen (UiB) and is hosted by the Departments of fall within the context of the five research themes: Geodynamics of the Deep Seafloor, Water-Rock-Microbe Biology and Earth Science . Interactions & the Deep Biosphere, Life in Extreme Environments­ & Roots of Life, Early Earth and Bio-­ signatures, and Vent and Seep Biota.

The Centre has adopted a matrix approach that facilitates and promotes the inter- and multi-disciplinarity­ In 2012 the CGB Leader Group also decided to continue the Seed Project initiative whereby Centre researchers necessary to attain the Centre’s research goals. In this model the Centre activities – the rows in the matrix – are engaging in short -term enterprises can apply for funding for 1 - 2 years. Seed projects funded by CGB in 2012 organised as projects. The columns of the matrix are the crosscutting themes of the Centre ­research plan. In are as follows: this model the thematic leaders (leader group) are responsible for developing the research themes by initiating new and overseeing existing projects. It allows young, early-stage researchers to acquire leadership training as Archean Geodynamics & Environments for Life (Eugene G. Grosch) individual project leaders (leader forum). Multiple sulfur isotope analysis of microbially-mediated mineral sulfides at the micron scale Scientific Advisory Committee (David Wacey, Nicola McLoughlin and William Hocking) Antje Boetius Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie, Bremen Germany Fluid - rock interaction during alteration of mantle - an example of the Leka ophiolite complex Cindy Van Dover Duke University Marine Laboratory, North Carolina, USA (Jiri Konopasek, Rolf Birger Pedersen and Jan Kosler) Chris German Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts, USA Frances Westall Le Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire CNRS, Orléans, France Developing laser-ablation ICP-MS methods for use in U/Th dating of geological and archaeological samples (Jan Kosler and Elizabeth Farmer) The Governing Board Is methane oxidation in extreme geothermal environments metal independent (Nils-Kåre Birkeland) Dag Rune Olsen, (leader) Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Gunn Mangerud Head of the Department of Earth Sciences Analysis of 16S rRNA and mcrA in cryotubert tundra soil (Vigdis Torsvik) Anders Goksøyr Head of the Department of Biology Svenn-Åge Dahl Director of the Department of Research Management at UiB Ole Tumyr Employee representative from the Department of Earth Sciences Runar Stokke Employee representative from the Department of Biology

18 19 Research Projects 2012

Projects Funded by the Research Council of Norway Projects funded by other sources (Public and Private)

Duration Title Leader*/Partner** Duration Title Leader*/Partner**

2009 – 2013 «FarDeep» The Emergence of an Aerobic World – Drilling Early Earth Project Victor Melezhik* Direct dating of diagenic processes by in-situ analysis of U-Th-Pb 2009 – 2012 Jan Kosler* Statoil Rolf Birger Pedersen**/ in authigenic phosphate minerals by laser ablation ICP-MS 2009 – 2017 «SUCCESS» Subsurfac CO2 storage – Critical Elements and Superior Strategy Ingunn H Thorseth** and metaproteomics of deep arctic 2009 – 2012 Ida Helene Steen* VISTA Christa Scleper*/ hydrothermal systems 2010 – 2012 «CryoCARB» Long-term Carbon Storage in Cryoturbated Arctic Soils Tim Urich**/Vigdis Torsvik** Subsurface metagenomics, functional microbial diversity analysis Hotspot Rift Interaction & Geochemistry of the North Atlantic Mantle: 2009 – 2012 Nils Kåre Birkeland* VISTA 2010 – 2013 Rolf Birger Pedersen** and gene discovery in deep and hot petroleum reservoirs the Aegir Ridge ‘Hole’ in the Iceland Hotspot Jan Kosler**, Bjarte Hannisdal**, 2010 – 2015 Earth System Modelling 2011 – 2013 «IMPTAIL» Improved submarine tailing placements in Norwegian Fjords Ingunn H . Thorseth** Jiri Slama** Statoil 2011 – 2014 «BIOGOLDMINE» Mining of a Norwegian biogoldmine through metagenomics Ida Helene Steen* De Novo sequencing of iron oxidising bacteria through reconstruction Lise Øvreås*, Biological methane oxidation by methanotrophic verrucomicrobia under 2010 – 2012 of microbial genomes from iron hydroxide deposits at the Arctic 2011 – 2014 Nils Kåre Birkeland* Meltzer Høyskolefond hot and acidic conditions deep seafloor development for Norwegian biomass – mining Norwegian biodiversity Hans Tore Rapp* 2012 – 2017 Ida Helene Steen* 2010 – 2012 Taxonomy and distribution of sponges (Porifera) in Norwegian waters for seizing Norwegian opportunities in the bio-based economy (NorZymeD) NTNU/Artsdatabanken Rolf Birger Pedersen* 2011 – 2012 OD Jan Mayen Ryggen II Oljedirektoratet International projects organised or funded Hans Tore Rapp* through the European Science Foundation (ESF)/Era-Net 2011 – 2013 Deep-water sponges of the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian Seas Det Norske Videnskapsakademi Coordinator*/ Principal 2011 – 2014 The Emergence of Life on Earth 3+ billion years ago Nicola McLoughlin*, UiB/BFS Duration Title Investigator**/Collaborator*** Programme 2012 – 2015 Better handling of microbial induced corrosion during operation Ida Helene Steen* VISTA «H2DEEP» Ultra-slow spreading and hydrogen-based biosphere: Rolf Birger 2008 – 2013 ESF/EuroMARC A site survey proposal for zero-age drilling of the Knipovich Ridge . Pedersen* Preparing for sub-sea storage of CO2: Baseline gathering and monitoring Rolf Birger Pedersen** (EUROCORES)/ 2011 – 2016 (Main for the North Sea (CO2 – Base) CLIMIT/GASSNOVA NFR FREPRO Coordinator)

ESF/ «CryoCARB» Long-term Carbon Storage in Cryoturbated Arctic Soils Christa 2010 – 2012 PolarCLIMATE/ Schleper* Individual project 5: High-resolution Microbial Community Structure NFR Christa Schleper**/ Vigdis Torsvik***/ Tim Urich*** EU/Marine Curie/ «MicVirEcolHotSprings» Microbial and viral of hot spring Lise Øvreås, International Outgoing 2010 – 2013 environments with emphasis on 454 pyrosequencing and microbial Ruth-Anne Fellowships for Career and viral interactions Sandaa Development Rolf Birger 2011 – 2014 ECO2 – Sub-seabed CO Storage: Impact on Marine Ecosystems EU 2 Pedersen**



This summer a group of Nordic geobiology The recently published, three-part researchers collaborated to hold the second book, “Reading the Archive of Earth’s field course of its kind in geobiology in Oxygenation” (Springer 2012, edited ­Iceland. Supported by a NordPlus initiative, by CGB adjunct professor Victor the course was held in Reykjavík, Iceland, ­Melezhik) is a multinational geologic in August 2012. Iceland, with its unique achievement documenting a key pe- ­situation on a mid-ocean ridge, and with riod of Earth’s early geobiosphere. countless hot springs and other geothermal Around 2.3 billion years ago, atmos- features teeming with life, constitutes an pheric free oxygen increased dramati- ideal natural laboratory for the study of the cally, altering the ­previously anoxic interface between the geosphere and the Earth to an irreversibly biosphere. oxic ­environment. The changes in 19 MSc and PhD students from Norway, chemical cycling during­ this period of Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland progressive oxygenation of Earth’s ­atten­ded the 2012 course, including 6 Nor- surface environments was catastroph- wegians. The course content includes lec- ic to existing organisms, but also cre- tures, field trips as well as practical exercises ated the modern atmospheric­ condi- ­designed to introduce the students to stand- tions necessary for terrestrial life as ard field and laboratory techniques used we know it. in microbiology, molecular ecology, biogeo­ ­ In 2007, the International Conti- and geology. Another course will nental Scientific Drilling Project be held summer 2013. (ICDP) coordinated the FAR-DEEP expedition in response to new initiatives­ to explore the evolution of the Earth and its ancient biosphere by ­examining key time intervals. 3560 meters of fresh drill core were recovered and subsequently archived at the NGU. The book series shows these cores collected during the FAR-DEEP expedition and NORDIC FIELD COURSE natural exposures of the Palaeoproterozoic rocks of the Fennoscandian Shield meti­ IN GEOBIOLOGY culously documented using high-quality photographs. The books extraordinary ­high- Reykjavík, Iceland, 6. - 17. August 2012 resolution geological photos are associated with geochemical data, maps, and time- slice reconstructions of palaeoenvironmental settings, adding critical information about the Earth system dynamics in reaction to the progressive oxygenation of terres- trial biosphere and geosphere. The dialogue in these volumes goes far beyond a summation of the work com-

Iceland, with its unique situation This course is intended for MSc pleted in the FAR-DEEP project: invited expert authors­ delve into a wide-ranging on a mid-ocean ridge, and with and PhD students (5 ETCS). It will countless hot springs and other include lectures, eld trips as well geothermal features teeming with as practical exercises designed to ­review of knowledge of the Palaeoproterozoic events and put into context the relation- life, constitutes an ideal natural introduce the students to laboratory for the study of the standard eld and laboratory interface between the geosphere techniques used in microbiology, ship of these events with Earth’s oxygenation. The text emphasizes outstanding ques- and the biosphere. molecular ecology, biogeo- chemistry and geology. tions for future researchers to uncover and acts as a field guide to help experienced

Application deadline: April 1st, 2012. Further information can be found on: researchers and geology students alike recognize these rock formations at disparate locations. Contact persons for participating countries: The cores from the FAR-DEEP project are publically available at the Geological Ingunn Thorseth, [email protected] Kirsten Habicht, [email protected] Juha Karhu, juha.karhu@helsinki. Volker Brüchert, [email protected] Survey of Norway in Trondheim. See the ICDP and Geological Survey of Norway web- Guðmundur Óli Hreggviðsson, [email protected] sites for more details on the FAR-DEEP project.

CO2 Bubbles on top of a bacterial mat at a vent in La Palma island.

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Staff Funding and expenses

Scientists Post-docs PhDs Technicians Birkeland, Nils Kåre Baumberger, Tamara Flesland, Kristin Almelid, Hildegunn Blomberg, Ann Drost, Kerstin Gjerløw, Eirik Daae, Frida Lise Dahle, Håkon Eickmann, Benjamin Hocking, William Hjort Dundas, Siv Denny, Alden Garcia-Moyano, Antonio Jørgensen, Steffen Leth Konopaskova, Tereza Eickmann, Benjamin Gittel, Antje Landschulze, Karin Norheim, Marianne Furnes, Harald Grosch, Eugene Lanzén, Anders Queck, Oliver Hannisdal, Bjarte Hamelin, Cedric Möller, Kirsten Ronen, Yuval Hoffmann, Friederike Keen, t . Jeffrey Olsen, Bernt Rydland Tumyr, Ole Hovland, Martin Meyer, Romain Pedersen, Leif Erik Huang, Shanshan Roalkvam, Irene Schouw, Anders Kelly, Deborah Wacey, David Yuangao, Qu Administration Kosler, Jan Wissuwa, Juliane Bartle, Elinor McLoughlin, Nicola Økland, Ingeborg Hesthammer, Steinar Melezhik, Victor Lappegård, Heidi Mørkved, Pål Tore Olesin, Emily Pedersen, Rolf Birger Rapp, Hans Tore Reigstad, Laila Schleper, Christa Personnel Summary Slama, Jiri Person- Foreigners Women Staalesen, Vidar Category years (% person-year) (% person-year) Steen, Ida Helene Scientists 16 .3 37 48 Stokke, Runar Post-docs 6 5. 98 17 Sweetman, Andrew PhDs 10 .8 47 47 Thorseth, Ingunn H . Technicians 5 7. 42 67 Torsvik, Vigdis Administration 1 9. 19 31 Øvreås, Lise Total 41.2 48 42

Funding (1000 NOK) Expenses (1000 NOK) Research Council of Norway 9873 Salaries and indirect costs 23048 University of Bergen 17498 Research equipment 1109 Total funding 27371 External research services 362 Personnel % WOMEN % Other costs 2852 1 .9 5 .7 31 OTHER PROJECT FUNDING (1000 NOK) Total expenses 27371 ▪ Scientists International projects 2569 48 ▪ Post-docs Other Research Council projects 8091 19 67 expenses 16 .3 42 ▪ PhDs 10 .8 Other public funding 4805 Technicians 37 Private funding 370 ▪ 2852 362 ▪ Administration Total 15835 ▪ Salaries and indirect 47 17 1109 6 .5 47 costs ▪ Research equipment

98 ▪ External research services

23048 ▪ Other costs


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Selected Publications 2012

In 2012 CGB’s communication efforts continued to increase, including activity directed at both scientific and more general public audiences . CGB researchers have produced more than 70 scientific publications and over 120 scientific presentations in 2012 . Below is a list of some selected publications .

1. Baskar, Sushmitha; Baskar, Ramanathan; Thorseth, Ingunn Hindenes; Øvreås, 13. Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Rapp, Hans Tore. Nicomache (Loxochona) lokii sp. nov. Lise; Pedersen, Rolf B. Microbially induced iron precipitation associated with (Annelida, Polychaeta, Maldanidae) from the Loki’s Castle vent field – an a neutrophilic spring at Borra Caves, Vishakhapatnam, India. 2012; important structure builder in an Arctic vent system. Polar Biology 2012; Volum 12.(4) s. 327-346. Volum 35.(2) s. 161-170. 2. Connelly, Douglas P.; Copley, Jaonathan T.; Murton, Bramley J.; Stansfield, Kate; 14. Lanzén, Anders; Jørgensen, Steffen Leth; Huson, Daniel H.; Gorfer, Markus; Tyler, Paul A.; German, Cristopher R.; Van Dover, Cindy L.; Amon, Diva; Furlong, Grindhaug, Svenn Helge; Jonassen, Inge; Øvreås, Lise; Urich, Tim. CREST - Maaten; Grindlay, Nancy; Hayman, Nicholas; Hühnerbach, Veit; Judge, Maria; classification resources for environmental sequence tags. PLoS ONE 2012; Le Bas, Tim; McPhail, Stephen; Meier, Alexandra; Nakamura, Koichi; Nye, Verity; Volum 7.(11) s. e49334-e49334. Pebody, Miles; Pedersen, Rolf B.; Plouviez, Sophia; Sands, Carla; Searle, 15. McLoughlin, Nicola; Grosch, Eugene Gerald; Kilburn, Matt R.; Wacey, David. Roger C.; Stevenson, Peter; Taws, Sarah; Wilcox, Sally. Hydrothermal vent fields Sulfur isotope evidence for a Paleoarchean subseafloor biosphere, Barberton, and chemosynthetic biota on the world’s deepest seafloor spreading centre. South Africa. Geology 2012; Volum 40. s. 1031-1034. Nature Communications 2012; Volum 3. 16. Møller, Kirsten; Schoenberg, Ronald; Pedersen, Rolf B.; Weiss, Dominik; Dong, 3. Dahle, Håkon; Roalkvam, Irene; Pedersen, Rolf B.; Thorseth, Ingunn Hindenes; Shuofei. Calibration of the new certified reference materials ERM-AE633 Steen, Ida Helene. The versatile in situ gene expression of an Epsilonproteo­ and ERM-AE647 for copper and IRMM-3702 for zinc isotope amount ratio bacteria-dominated biofilm from a hydrothermal chimney. Environmental determinations. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 2012; Volum 36.(2) Microbiology Reports 2012 s. 177-199. 4. Drost K., Wirth R., Košler J., Fonneland Jørgensen H. (2012): Chemical and 17. Olsen, Bernt Rydland; Dahlgren, Kristin; Schander, Christoffer; Båmstedt, Ulf; structural relations of epitaxial xenotime and zircon substratum in sedimentary Rapp, Hans Tore; Troedsson, Christofer. PCR-DHPLC assay for the identification and hydrothermal environments – a TEM study. Contributions in Mineralogy of predator-prey interactions. Journal of Plankton Research 2012; Volum 34.(4) and , DOI 10.1007/s00410-012-0833-6. in press. s. 277-285. 5. Fliegel, Daniel; Knowles, Emily; Wirth, Richard; Templeton, Alexis; Staudigel, 18. Qu, Yuangao; Crne, Alenka E; Lepland, Aivo; Van Zuilen, Mark. Methanotrophy Hubert; Muehlenbachs, Karlis; Furnes, Harald. Characterization of alteration in a oil field , Zaonega Formation, Karelia, Russia. textures in Cretaceous oceanic crust (pillow lava) from the N-Atlantic (DSDP Geobiology 2012; Volum 10.(6) s. 467-478. Hole 418A) by spatially-resolved spectroscopy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2012; Volum 96. s. 80-93. 19. Roalkvam, Irene; Dahle, Håkon; Chen, Yifeng; Jørgensen, Steffen Leth; Haflidason, Haflidi; Steen, Ida Helene. Fine-scale community structure analysis 6. Furnes, Harald; Robins, Brian; de Wit, Maarten J. Geochemistry and petrology of of ANME in Nyegga sediments with high and low methane flux. Frontiers in lavas in the Upper Onverwacht Suite, Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa. Microbiology 2012; Volum 3. s. 1-13. South African Journal of Geology. 2012; Volum 115.(2) s. 171-210. 20. Slama, Jiri; Kosler, Jan. Effects of sampling and mineral separation on accuracy 7. Gittel, Antje; Kofoed, Michael V.W.; Sørensen, Ketil B.; Ingvorsen, Kjeld; of detrital zircon studies. Geochemistry Geosystems 2012; Schramm, Andreas. of Deferribacteres and Epsilonproteobacteria Volum 13.(5). through a nitrate-treated high-temperature oil production facility. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 2012; Volum 35.(3) s. 165-174. 21. Stokke, Runar; Roalkvam, Irene; Lanzén, Anders; Haflidason, Haflidi; Steen, Ida Helene. Integrated metagenomic and metaproteomic analyses of an 8. Grosch, Eugene Gerald; Vidal, Olivier; Abu-Alam, Tamer; McLoughlin, Nicola. ANME-1-dominated community in marine cold seep sediments. Environmental P-T constraints on the metamorphic evolution of the paleoarchean Kromberg Microbiology 2012; Volum 14.(5) s. 1333-1346. type-section, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. Journal of Petrology 2012; Volum 53.(3) s. 513-545. 22. Tandberg, Anne Helene Solberg; Rapp, Hans Tore; Schander, Christoffer; Vader, Wim; Sweetman, Andrew Kvassnes; Berge, Jørgen. Exitomelita sigynae gen. et 9. Hannisdal, Bjarte; Henderiks, Jorijntje; Liow, Lee Hsiang. Long-term evolutionary sp. nov.: a new amphipod from the Arctic Loki Castle vent field with potential and ecological responses of calcifying phytoplankton to changes in atmos­ gill ectosymbionts. Polar Biology 2012; Volum 35.(5) s. 705-716. pheric CO2. Global Change Biology 2012; Volum 18.(12) s. 3504-3516. 23. Van Zuilen, Mark; Fliegel, Daniel; Wirth, Richard; Lepland, Aivo; Qu, Yuangao; 10. Jaeschke, Andrea; Jørgensen, Steffen Leth; Bernasconi, Stefano M.; Pedersen, Schreiber, Anja; Romashkin, Alexander E.; Philippot, Pascal. Mineral-templated Rolf B.; Thorseth, Ingunn Hindenes; Früh-Green, Gretchen L. Microbial diversity growth of natural graphite films. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2012; of Loki’s Castle black smokers at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge. Geobiology Volum 83. s. 252-262. 2012; Volum 10.(6) s. 548-561. 24. Wacey, David; Menon, Sarah; Green, Leonard; Gerstmann, Derek; Kong, Charlie; 11. Jørgensen, Steffen Leth; Hannisdal, Bjarte; Lanzén, Anders; Baumberger, Tamara; McLoughlin, Nicola; Saunders, Martin; Brasier, Martin D. Taphonomy of very Flesland, Kristin; Fonseca, Rita; Øvreås, Lise; Steen, Ida Helene; Thorseth, ancient microfossils from the 3400 Ma Strelley Pool Formation and 1900 Ingunn Hindenes; Pedersen, Rolf B.; Schleper, Christa Maria. Correlating Ma Gunflint Formation: New insights using a focused ion beam. microbial community profiles with geochemical data in highly stratified Research 2012; Volum 220-221. s. 234-250. sediments from the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 2012; Volum 109.(42) 25. Økland, Ingeborg Elisabet; Huang, Shanshan; Dahle, Håkon; Thorseth, Ingunn s.E2846-E2855. Hindenes; Pedersen, Rolf B. Low temperature alteration of serpentinized ultramafic rock and implications for microbial life. Chemical Geology 2012; 12. Kandilarov, Aleksandre; Mjelde, Rolf; Pedersen, Rolf B.; Hellevang, Bjarte; Volum 318. s. 75-87. Papenberg, Cord; Petersen, Carl Jørg; Planert, Lars; Flueh, Ernst R. The northern boundary of the Jan Mayen microcontinent, North Atlantic determined from ocean bottom seismic, multichannel seismic, and gravity data. Marine Geophysical Researches 2012; Volum 33.(1) s. 55-76. Photo Credits Thank you to the generous and talented ­photographers Anders Bjerga Cedric Hamelin Nicola McLoughlin who have allowed us to use their photos in the 2012 Alden Denny Ingunn Thorseth Frida Lise Daae ­Annual Report and in other outreach materials . The photos in this annual report may not be copied or­ reproduced in Anders Schouw Tim Fulton (IODP/TAMU) Marte Torkildsen any form without permission of the photographer . Bill Crawford (IODP/TAMU) Hildegunn Almelid David Wacey 26 27 Norway NO-5020 BERGEN Postboks 7803 Centre forGeobiology

Established by the Research Council of Norway