2018-06-16 Saturday History Call



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E Archives also exist on the 2013 website: http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/ look under the “Archives” tab for written notes, as well as the audio recordings of the conference calls

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 1 / 27 II ACCESS TO OTHER CALLS SUPPORTED BY 2013 Rainbow Roundtable

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A. Opening Meditation: Cheryl Croci

B. Housekeeping: Rainbird [RB]

BBS: • A listener-supported radio program; we can access program archives on BBS • The radio program costs $300 per week. And we need $ 300 this week. THANKS TO ALL WHO HELP KEEP OUR ACCOUNT BALANCED!

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T & R: • Their full-time, life time commitment is to be tuned in to what is really going on behind the artificial world we see around us. They don't ask for anything but

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 2 / 27 they do require a home, food, gas, and access to BBS Radio on order to get this information out to the world.

• Ongoing need: money for food, a couple of bills, gas, household “stuff”

• Donations via the Paypal button on the homepage of 2013 Rainbow Roundtable - can be set up for regular donations; any amount is welcome and much appreciated! The amount can always be changed as you see fit.

• Please notify T & R if you're sending something: k oran999@ comcast.net

• Rama's mailing address for cheques, Money orders: Ram D Berkowitz 1704-B Llano St, #249 Santa Fe, NM 87505

• phone contact is via MariettaRobert Pickett: 317-773-0061 or by e-mail: [email protected]

• Remember you can book a session with Mother, as well!

• Donations to the Fresh Produce Fund for Tara & Rama - now on the 2013 Rainbow Roundtable website thru Caroline Oceana Ryan

** http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/page/donate **

• Your donation supports an account set up for Tara & Rama with Beneficial Farms Community Supported Agriculture in Santa Fe, NM • These funds are used exclusively to maintain this weekly account for a steady supply of fresh produce to Tara and Rama. They and the sponsors are very grateful for your assistance. • Donations can be made in multiples as you wish.

MR: • Please remember to support MariettaRobert's show, too

• You can also book a session with MR for a transformational clearing.

T: • Any trouble hearing means an issue with the sound: it's an emergency – call 1-888-710-8061

C: ACCESS TO PODCAST: The following audio link allows you to listen to the entire program.


2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 3 / 27 HARD NEWS T: Tara R: Rama F. Y. I: The following are notes, not transcripts

R: has spoken to neither Ashtar or his father in Sri Lanka • As more and more is unravelling, the rumours are saying may be between the devil and the deep blue sea! If he flips, who knows the results? • What Rama is seeing unravelling is how we have watched filthy rich white guys try to take over the planet, and something has changed with the energies – Carl Boudreau brought into focus that the 99% are changing things with consensus between all involved.

• The news today On Making Contact was about Haile Selassie of Ethiopia when he was King of Ethiopia. He was referred to as being able to do miracles – people in the program were saying people would come and pray with him and be healed. • He had some kind of frequency that alluded to the Christ energy; he had King Solomon’s ring which was passed on to Ziggy Marley and that ring has something to do with energies right now concerning the Middle East & the Rastifari people

• Overall what he’s heard this am, the great unravelling with this story – the Oval Office corruption, collusion, money laundering that ties into the international mobs around the planet leads Rama into the sci-fi realm and Lex Luther – the astronomical amounts of money they play with, tied in with Deep State’s resources . . . • Harry Reid in NV played around with Mr Bigelow is a quiet crazy billionaire like Elon Musk who wants to go to Mars and elsewhere – yet R is not sure of his true motives . . .

Caller/BW: has been told that we’re slowly and surely going to crash, and that HSBC bank is going to shut down for about a week - T: asks for more info: is it in reference to the LIBOR case - BW says yes; so T says it means 2 major banks are in hot water • 2013, Feb 26 was the first crash and since then, it’s been only high economic treason

Caller: means that Trump will be arrested? T: Not an automatic – have to watch the synergy with the convergence of all the stories - • behind the scenes, things are being manipulated by the 500,000+ who are manipulating him THIS IS A GALACTIC OPERATION!!! R: as things escalate, it is ultimately about how they will remove him from the Oval Office one way or another • R is being told how the galactics do stuff, yet at the same time there are over 100 missing years/history, plus 520 missing years of history about different civilizations on the planet which has to do with the life forms playing with so much money and thinking they can become immortal with AI & other crude methods not connected to the Office of the Christ • There no easy way to clone soul matrix; it is only done through love of Creator source

T: has been some cloning people and there is an element of their soul matrix in there R: yes, but they can’t do the whole thing; as the energy goes up, people like Mad Dog Maddis & McMaster and others will literally spontaneously combust as they can’t handle the energies • what is unravelling is the Nazi 4th Reich thing that happened in 2016 • He heard today on Retaking our Democracy – people who saw Bernie not win sat on their hands until Stein stepped in • This is all orchestrated to mess with our heads because it is not coming through the true place of consensus.

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 4 / 27 • The wise council of elders who have a say in how things unfold – Bernie did a lot of that kind of consensus building and received no recognition for it from the media because he was a threat

• Something is changing with the energy coming in - all the serendipity with the 5th element – he’s been told – as we watch the energies of the sun transfigure and transform, things are happening and it is not being discussed – these ones are scared shitless; the Nibiru is here, and they know it T: in 2013 Jimmy Carter came on Thom Hartmann’s Show when things crashed; he said there is no democracy in the United States; we are in an oligarchy • what happened in 2016 was nothing new: from 1776 to now, there’s never been a United States of America, only the Corporation of the United States

R: all the corporations are going to crash as they are backed by nothing • St Germain has a plan and a solution that gets played out with the wise councils of Elders and the Sisterhoods and Brotherhoods – being laid out already

R: listened to a program called Native Americans Calling – all kinds of grandmothers, kahunas, etc come out daily to tell the stories of how the native people are challenging the power structures – Dallas Goldtooth and others are on and talking • Ryan Zinke and Scott Pruitt want to ethnically cleanse the reservations ie, kill them all - Great Spirit is speaking out and calling the white men out so watch out . . .

Caller/BW: the crash is definitely in from beginning of Feb 26, 2013; well on our way to the next one T: can’t keep doing their share buy-backs as too many of them are putting the buy backs in their pockets, thus really increasing the cost for other shareholders shares who want to do more buy-backs. • and so many on the planet have no assurance of food, shelter monhly • and they all have privatized armies of goons to protect them wherever they go

Caller/BW: so what happens to the people who need to pay rent and bills, etc? T: talks of Rama’s latest update – see below • they know the order of events is Arrests first – public arrests • Since 2003, there have been public arrests – there are so many ship prisons which are cloaked: 10 ship prisons mean 100,000 sitting in jail! And we have 500,000 needing to be arrested. There is no problem having 45 ship prisons – probably have 50 such prisons meaning they have almost everyone arrrested except the prime players we see all the time

• Killed and cloned • Ben Salman killed and cloned; a key player in 9/11 • Drumpf has been cloned since April and the State of the Union – also a key 9/11 player • Bush Jr is a hologram since 2008 • Hillary is now a hologram – cloned since 2007 • in 2017, as a hologram, she went completely rigid like a machine when she tripped over the curb and body was thrown into the limo! • People DID notice • These are the prime players!

• Rachel Maddow Show - Wednesday, June 13, 2017 Emily Jane Fox was on • has been following Michael Cohen for a long time & has interviewed him

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 5 / 27 Rama speaks:

I got a text message today from Larry and Curly, who said, “As Mr Manafort has gone to jail and Mr Cohen may soon be joining him . . . “ I interjected and asked, “Is Cohen going to flip or go to jail and keep his mouth shut?”

Larry and Curly said, “He may flip because, as he’d go to jail, there are a lot of folks who want a piece of him, both inside and outside of jail. Yet ultimately what Mr Cohen wants is to be put in a witness protection program and be disappeared.”

I said, “That’s an unusual request for someone from the dark side.” And they responded, “There’s a lot of stories out there. We’ll see what happens.”

I asked them, “I know there are no dates but is this sooooon to come to conclusion?”

They both said, “Right now! This is unravelling very, very quickly. Watch it unravel right in this nano second. Be calm. Blaze the Violet Flame. See you on the bridge, Lord Rama. Namaste.”

T: has transbribed a number of things which are very telling about what they said.

Reading from her notes from Wednesday, June 12, 2018 – The Rachel Maddow Show SEE the complete transcription below 2018-06-13 Cohen to split from lawyers. TRANSCRIPT: 06/13/2018. The Rachel Maddow Show http://www.msnbc.com/transcripts/rachel-maddow-show/2018-06-13

R: to play in the realm of the oligarchs, have to be ????

Audio: The Last Word June 13, 2018

Report: Trump fuming about Cohen’s handling of Stormy Daniels http://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/watch/rpt-trump-fuming-about- cohen-s-handling-of-stormy-daniels-1255390787558

Michael Cohen plans to split from his lawyers and there is new speculation as to whether Cohen will flip on Donald Trump. Lawrence gets reaction from Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti.

R: this whole story leads into the idea often repeated by Dr Greer: this is such a beautiful planet and it will not be destroyed!

Audio: AM Joy June 16, 2018 Guests: Rev Willaim Barber; Rev Bishop Michael Curry

http://www.msnbc.com/am-joy/watch/sessions-misuses-bible-to-justify- separating-children-from-migrant-parents-1257427011598

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 6 / 27 Sessions misuses Bible to justify separating children from migrant parents Attorney General Jeff Sessions quoted the bible to justify separating children from migrant parents, but experts call his quote a misuse, citing that Jesus himself was a refugee. Joy Reid and her panel discuss the evangelical Christian community supporting Donald Trump’s immigration policies.

• Votecommongood.com – white evangelicals are now the problem – from Bishop Curry

Audio: AM JOY plays an audio from New York Daily News Reporter: reads Tweet from Trump which rails against Democrats etc etc etc • points out the president is factually incorrect!!!! • 1995 kids separated from parents – this was in April • 400 +kids taken from parents in June

• From another reporter: There have been profound changes in the last few months: people being prosecuted for “illegal” entry and so on – an impressive surge in Central American people coming across – there’s a crisis going on down in Central America

• Review of the proposed bill . . .

T: interjects that the people coming into the US are NOT migrants: they are refugees coming into the US due to rape, murder, war in their own countries – as in Europe

Audio: Weekends with Alex Witt June 16, 2018

http://www.msnbc.com/weekends-with-alex-witt/watch/migrant-father-i-feared-i-d- never-see-my-son-again-1257389123738

Migrant Father: I feared I’d never see my son again A migrant father and his son in a Texas shelter are reunited after being separated for five days. MSNBC’s Mariana Atencio shares their emotional story.Jun.16.2018

Caller/C: asking about the path of Nibiru and more clarity about Nibiru colliding with earth and other negative things – what Nibiru actually is and its inhabitants? R: a short answer: Nibiru is a giant mother ship and also a planetoid; every 26, 826 years it makes a revolution around our solar system. When Nibiru show up, so do cataclysms • in ancient Sumarian stories, there was climate change going on when Nibiru came around – • has to do with the transformation of our sun which works in conjunction with the Nibiru– planets, suns, stars at the 100th dimension and higher and are living beings T: Nibiru is at right angles to the other beings in the • that N would collide with the earth or others – from

Caller: Many stories that as N gets closer – he’s been told that the magnetic frequencies activate the Ring of Fire – yet NOT ABOUT EXTINCTION EVENTS – THIS IS NOT BEING DISCUSSED BECAUSE SCARING PEOPLE IS THE POINT

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 7 / 27 T: has to do with a lesser evolved souls those working • We are no longer in polarity – a lot of us still working to grasp that – have to align selves with 5 D and higher R: people of Nibiru, along with the Blue Avians and the Sphere Alliance ones – there are many other civilizations coming through the portals of the sun to help stop the 13 families who are twisting stories because they get more viewers – fear and fascination with the dark side is on the fringes, and Alex Jones plays with the one in the oval office and Jeff Sessions • not worth listening to this stuff – IT IS NOT THE TRUTH!!!

Caller/C: very helpful. Will look more into it – any other suggestions?

Audio: Beyond Belief - George Noory

The Keys of Enoch with J.J. & Desiree Hurtak S9:Ep 15 57 mins


George Noory interviews JJ Hurtak and wife – sometime in the last year, or less. Hurtak talks about being beamed up, transported through a portal which he opened with the Kabbala and other stuff – wife witnessed this. Saw the elohigh, same as Metatron and Maitraya

SEE: http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2015/08/carbon-tomb-buried-deep-under-chinese-desert

The Tarim Basin lies at the heart of Asia, where meltwater from glaciers in the surrounding mountains empties into an oasis-dotted depression. Kmusser/Creative Commons/Wikimedia

R: there is some water inside Mars – and maybe they cannot talk about what Rama can talk about where Mars is concerned • these folks do not speak of Hortonn, #17 - T: Keys of Enoch has value, yet we have moved beyond this • They interject to say this is a Faction 2 story: the Giza Pyramid was built on Aldebaron, brought here by Commander Kla-Lah, member of the Ashtar Command, and lowered into place.

Discussion about the Giza Pyramid as an electro magnetic generator which cannot be turned off Stopped video at 39 minutes; to be picked up later

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 8 / 27 BREAK


Astrological Weather Report Fri 15/6 – moon in cancer – was a great water trine then moon opposite Pluto – 21* Capricorn Mercury opposite Saturn; Venus coming into opposition with Mars

Sat 16/6 Moon in Leo; conjunct Venus, opposed Mars this afternoon

Sun 17/6 Moon in Leo

Mon 18/6 Moon into Virgo; Neptune goes Retrograde – will cause some fluctuation in the collective unconscious

Tues 19/6 Mercury in Cancer, trines Jupiter & Neptune – Grand Trine

Wed 20/6 Mercury trine Neptune have a Grand Water trine – with Mercury in Cancer, not the moon + trine Jupiter & trine Neptune

Thurs 21/6 Summer Solstice; Venus opposite Mars, on Leo/Aquarius axis at 9* Fri 22/6 moon in Scorpio

Sat 23/6 Moon in Scorpio – squares Mars in Venus on Aries/Leo axis, sextile Saturn and conjunct Jupiter; sun Sextiles Uranus – 2* Cancer, 2* Taurus - benevolent -

The Pele Report https://youtu.be/FS2jt8LHECM https://newparadigmastrology.com/june-13-2018-pele-report-astrology-forecast/

Click here to download/listen to the Pele Report mp3

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 9 / 27 I am an eternal student of life, Whether in the light or dark of night, I open my mind and heart to the new, No longer afraid, I embrace what is true. Ha ha! You know that feeling when you're just too tired to fight? You throw up your hands and say, "That's it, I'm done!" You spit out your truth one last time, put it on the table like a hand of cards. Whether you win or lose, it's out there. Well, that can be like what these days are like (as you may have noticed in the report, haha!). We are all just are what we are. As hard as we try to keep others happy, when we get exhausted, the show no longer goes on. This is exactly one way that Mars/Uranus/Nodes/Jupiter can work.

This week the planets are all just encouraging us to to be true to ourselves, put ourselves out there for better or for worse and see who our friends really are, lol! The more we've been compromising ourselves to avoid ruffling feathers, the more feathers we will ruffle! And we may get our feathers ruffled, too!

May you enjoy a good ruffle or two! In joy!

RI: from Sabian Symbols: http://www.mindfire.ca

GEMINI 23°: THREE FLEDGLINGS IN A NEST HIGH IN A TREE. KEYNOTE: The growth of spiritually creative processes in an at least relatively integrated mind.

In traditional symbolism birds usually refer to spiritual forces, or at least to the higher and freer aspects of the mind. Here we see only the very beginning of a process in what we might also call "the upper chamber" of the consciousness where the creative power of the spirit can be received and assimilated. Fecundated by the spirit and supported by a deeply rooted cultural and vitalistic tradition, man can gradually develop an integral personality. It is essentially three-fold, reflecting the Divine Trinity, in India expressed as Sat-Chit-Ananda.

This is the third stage of a process which should lead to a deeper and more natural understanding of human existence. It suggests that the ambitious mass protests of aroused and largely blind desires should be transmuted through harmonization with natural drives and in terms of spontaneous responses attuned to the phases of natural evolution. Stressed here is CREATIVE INTEGRATION.

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 10 / 27 RI: The opposite of Gemini is Sagittarius

• Interesting to see how Mars works out in . . . • Kaypacha – Aquarius is about win-win, cooperation – Kaypacha commented on Trump being a ‘deal guy’: uses in a way to tweet


About Richard Miller: when Tuella gave a talk & was channelling Ashtar at a UFO convention in California – Tuella has been beamed up, is still working on the New Jerusalem as the Galactic Historian ● R got to meet Richard Miller in the 80s - he was a contactee – no longer on the planet

● Solar and Galactic Tour is the name of the book/record/? – R Miller was channelling either Kla-Lah – each planet is being discussed as they go through the solar system

● At the time of Tuella’s writing of The Master Symbol of the Solar Cross, there was still the story of world evacuation and destruction

● 30,000 years ago and more – the Taklamakan mummies – had to do with the eventual backup of Atlantis and Lemuria and the destruction of the grid – a huge event; and all kinds of galactic beings were coming to the earth

R: the current climate change is not so severe as then – in response to a question about this T: yet Antarctica is breaking up as we speak – has a Pirate TV says these ones are under-balling what is being discussed of sea level rising and it won’t be gradual: will be sudden and erratic R: the galactics have told him there will be forewarning T: people in Miami still won’t move when sewer covers come off!

Caller/C: Kryon has often mentioned a similar time is coming; he says as our consciousness rises, we will be prepared – we’ll be doing things differently for a while Kilauea all the other channelings are saying we’ll be fine T: there are some key spots – Florida, New Orleans; California; entire Pacific Rim of fire; Guatamala has a volcano Caller – asking if this was done deliberately T: those living around Kilauea are hippies – land was cheaper there; ● Kilauea is on the SE side of the big island; the people who moved in did hard work – all being destroyed – one result is severe problems in the atmosphere – sulpher dioxide ● Mother has said some will be mitigated; didn’t say all – ie, we don’t know ● the radical parts of Gordon Michael Scallion’s maps she hopes won’t happen

Question: if the Yellowstone goes off, would it unseat the balance of the planet? T, R: don’t know ● the galactics can mitigate the experience – and it has to do with our role: ● we are key players – the high school students from Florida started a 2 month tour of the US, starting in the heart chakra of the US [Chicago] – will be talking about guns and such and bringing musicians, actors and actresses - ● Mother also said they will help by taking people on the ships: New York is not out of the woods, nor LA, San Fran, or Vancouver – Vancouver Island is rock solid yet the tidal wave won’t be too helpful! 3 faultlines between Vancouver and Vancouver Island and they are interactive ● Galactic intervention is going on and it is parallel to our consciousness efforts: ask and you’ll get an answer; T: brings up the biblical text of Jesus saying he came with a sword -

Please listen to the audio tape of the call. http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/page/audio

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 11 / 27 B B S

Audio: Balance of interview between George Noory and the Hurtaks

Mind Dynamics in Space and Time -referred to in the audio

Mind Dynamics in Space and Time Hardcover – Unabridged, 2016 by Dr. J.J. Hurtak Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher (Author)

5.0 out of 5 stars 3 customer reviews

• Hardcover $50.00 1 New from $50.00

A new look at the Power of Mind-Over-Matter by one of the top scientists in the world, Dr. Rauscher and additional reports and supporting data by Drs. Hurtak. This is a complete review of the science of "remote viewing" showing Stanford Research Institute's experiments, the "Fundamental Fysics Group (FFG)" and other private research and explorations in the field. Additional chapters also describe how and why remote viewing is a reality and the theory behind Rauscher's famous "Eight Space". A good text for students and scientists with its mathematics and illustrations, but anyone can enjoy the book if they are interested in the power of the mind and future science operating in the Twenty- First century.

Audio: On Contact – 2018-06-17


Norman Finkelstein, scholar & author of ‘Gaza: An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom,’ discusses Gaza, its people, and its future.

Audio: The Last Word 2018-06-14 Guest Michael Avenatti

http://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/watch/rpt-trump-fuming-about-cohen-s- handling-of-stormy-daniels-1255390787558

Rpt: Trump fuming about Cohen’s handling of Stormy Daniels Michael Cohen plans to split from his lawyers and there is new speculation as to whether Cohen will flip on Donald Trump. Lawrence gets reaction from Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti.

Audio: Bioneers - Amy Goodman: Her presentation is important because of news we’ve received about plans to massively genocide all the Native Americans

Amy Goodman: Democracy Now! Covering the Movements Changing America | Bioneers 2017 Bioneers Published on Nov 20, 2017


The award-winning journalist Amy Goodman, host of that pillar of progressive media Democracy Now!, is, without doubt, the most indispensable voice reporting with urgent immediacy on the front lines of the most critical struggles facing our nation and world. She will

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 12 / 27 speak about the increased threats to freedom of the press and the crucial importance of truly independent media to hold those in power accountable. In more than 20 years of reporting, Democracy Now! has covered the social movements long ignored by the corporate media, and that are now forming the groundswell of opposition to the Trump administration. Introduction by Kenny Ausubel, Bioneers CEO and founder. This speech was given at the 2017 National Bioneers Conference.

Audio: Keiser Report Episode 1241 2018-06-16

https://www.rt.com/shows/keiser-report/429939-episode-max-keiser- 1241/

Max and Stacy discuss the failure of the Vollgeld-Initiative in Switzerland and why the banks should have lost the right to print money. They also discuss the head of Lazard Bank seeing a future in which bitcoin replaces the US dollar. Max interviews Tone Vays of the Crypto Scam podcast about bitcoin prices, technical analysis, and the need to exclude some from being allowed to buy tokens and other crypto assets.

Audio: Going Underground The plan to destroy Trump, British weaponry destroys Yemen & SNP walks out at PMQs (E623) 2018-06-16


We talk to Trump’s reported pick for ambassador to the EU, Ted Malloch, who believes the establishment is still trying to destroy Trump. We go to Yemen’s capital to speak to journalist Hussain Albukhaiti about what the UN has called the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Former Home Office Minister Norman Baker joins us to review this week’s news. Plus, we review this week’s PMQs!

Audio: Radiant Rose Academy – Blessing Meditation upon the 4 Elements of this Earth


Reading: 2018-06-11 A Message to Lightworkers – June 11, 2018 SEE BELOW

Closing: Rainbird

Music: The mystical poetry of Jalāl ad-Dīn Rūmī, interpreted by Coleman Barks and Jai Uttal


“I am so small, I can barely be seen. How can this great love be inside me?” - Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks.

Music: Kate Wolf - Across the Great Divide


2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 13 / 27 INFORMATION RELATED TO THE NOTES

2018-06-13 Cohen to split from lawyers. TRANSCRIPT: 06/13/2018. The Rachel Maddow Show http://www.msnbc.com/transcripts/rachel-maddow-show/2018-06-13

MADDOW: If you`re sensing a new wave of craziness in the air, it`s not you. It might be you. I don`t know what kind of day you had.

But there is a national wave of craziness that you can sense in the air, and that is the anticipation paired with a lot of sort of woolly reporting about that anticipation that the president`s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, is in the midst of dropping his legal representation because he is about to start negotiating with federal prosecutors to potentially cooperate with them in their inquiries. That anticipation, and again, the woolliness of the reporting around that issue is making everybody in national politics a little crazy.

It`s honestly a little hard to get a bead on how serious the risk is here for the president and how much of the anticipation around this issue and the reporting around this issue may actually be spin that is advantageous to someone, and we don`t know who yet.

Joining us to help sort this out is someone who is very, very well sourced on this issue. Emily Jane Fox is senior reporter at “Vanity Fair.” She has been covering Michael Cohen from the very beginning as well as and . She has a brand-new book called “Born Trump”, which comes out next week.

Emily, thank you very much for being here.


MADDOW: I describe woolly reporting here because I feel like everybody wants an answer to the basic question of whether or not the president has reason to worry that his personal attorney is going to start talking to prosecutors in a way that`s going to pose a danger to the president. And I feel like everybody is leaning from the few facts that we`ve got into a potential answer to that question.

But am I right that we really don`t know if Michael Cohen is going to cooperate?

FOX: I don`t think that Michael Cohen is 100 percent sure if he is going to cooperate right now. And I think that`s the honest truth. And I think there are a number of people who want this to go one way and some people who want this to go the other way. There are a lot of steps that have to happen between where we are and what we learn today.

And what we learned today was important, and it`s a decision that according to people around him who I spoke with today, this decision to change attorneys and the attorney`s decision to leave the case what will happen at the end of this week has been something that they have been talking about for weeks, if not a month.

So, that is a big development. But there are a number of steps that we have to take in order to get to the next place, if there is a step to take to get to the next place.

MADDOW: Was it a mutual decision by Mr. Cohen`s attorneys and Mr. Cohen that they should part ways at this point?

FOX: There are a couple of reasons, like any good breakup. It defends on who asked and there are a number of reasons why it didn`t work out. The first reason is this case is entering a new phase. So the document collection phase and sorting through between what is privileged and what is not privileged, that ends on Friday. The deadline is Friday, that`s over.

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 14 / 27 The law firm that has been representing him had 15 lawyers on this case, which is expensive and time consuming.

MADDOW: Yes, 15 lawyers around the clock.

FOX: Around the clock.

MADDOW: Working on the weekends.

FOX: Sleeping on couches in the law firm. They were very well equipped to handle this.

MADDOW: And just to be clear about that, millions of pieces of information and documents were seized by federal agents from Cohen`s home and office and hotel room. And he and his attorneys asserted that many of those documents, thousands, if not millions of those documents should be shielded from prosecutors because they were attorney-client work product. It was confidential communications between Mr. Cohen who is an attorney and his clients.

FOX: Sure.

MADDOW: There had to be a process of adjudicating whether or not that was true. That process ends essentially on Friday?

FOX: It ends definitely on Friday. That is the court decided deadline.

MADDOW: And so far, it has really not gone in Michael Cohen`s direction, right? The court thus far, at least as far as we know has decided that less than 1 percent of the documents that were seized have any reference to his clients.

FOX: There are very few that have to do with attorney-client privilege. So, almost all of them will go over to the government.

MADDOW: OK. So with that process, that very labor intensive, very expensive process ending, that`s one reason why Cohen and his attorneys might be breaking up.

FOX: There is also a dispute over fees. So as we just discussed, this is a very expensive process, and who pays for that at the end of the day? And there has been a dispute between the lawyers who currently represent them, lawyers who represent the Trump Organization, and Michael Cohen somehow falls in the middle.

MADDOW: So what we know is that the Trump campaign, the Trump reelection campaign has been paying – paid something around a quarter million between the end of last year and this spring to the firm that was representing Michael Cohen.

We had a funny incident actually that I`ll tell you, which is that initially when those payments came out of FEC filings, the Trump campaign wasn`t telling us what those payments were for. That firm could have been representing people other than Michael Cohen. What kind of work was that? Was it something completely unrelated to Mr. Cohen? Was it just a coincidence?

We then found in the FEC filings they actually sent the check for those payments to the law firm to Michael Cohen`s office in 30 Rock, which to us gave away that any ambiguity there. They were not just paying that firm for some other reason. They really were paying for Cohen.

That itself is a little bit of a question, right? Because Cohen was never part of the campaign.

FOX: He was absolutely left off of the Trump campaign for the express reason, so that he could handle matters like this. But he was acting as in his capacity for the Trump Organization.


2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 15 / 27 FOX: So the issue of why the Trump Organization may or may not have to pay for these legal fees right now has to do with the fact of if Michael Cohen is in trouble because of what he had to do as part of the Trump Organization or if he`s under investigation because of his outside business activities. And I think from people – two people who I spoke with who were directly familiar with the search warrants, something that the government was looking for were information related to the payments of Stormy Daniels and to other women and anything having to do with communication to Donald Trump and the Trump Organization.

MADDOW: OK. I have a follow-up question for you than, because that is sticking in my craw. Can you stick with us for just one second?

Emily Jane Fox is a senior report at “Vanity Fair.” She is not supposed to be staying for a segment second, but I`m calling an audible. We`ll be right back.


MADDOW: Joining us once again is Emily Jane Fox. She is a senior reporter at “Vanity Fair.” She has been covering Michael Cohen from the very beginning, and she is very, very well sourced on this story that has transfixed a lot of the political world today because of the prospect that the president`s personal attorney, his long-time personal attorney Michael Cohen may be starting the process of cooperating with federal prosecutors.

Thanks for staying with us, Emily.

We`re talking about the Trump Organization, the president`s business.

If part of the reason that Michael Cohen is breaking up with his lawyers is because there is a dispute over whether or not he can pay his bills, his quite considerable legal bills, why wouldn`t the Trump Organization be paying those bills? I mean, presumably, some of the stuff that Cohen is potentially on the hook for, the Stormy Daniels payment, maybe even some of the like Ukrainian peace plan stuff that there is reportedly interest in, a lot of that stuff that he was involved in happened at a time when he was an executive of the Trump Organization, right?

FOX: Well, you`re making Michael Cohen`s argument, or anyone who would want the Trump Organization –

MADDOW: He and I are often in the same mind-set.

FOX: I`m sure. That is what someone who would want their legal bills paid by the Trump Organization would say, and it`s a fair argument. I think that the Trump Organization has reason to distance themselves with – from Michael Cohen right now. They don`t necessarily want to be tied to a legal defense for him. And also, the Trump Organization is not known for parting with its money very easily, and neither is the president.

So, I don`t think they`re in the business of just giving away tens and tens and tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars for what could happen in this case.

MADDOW: You think back, though, to previous presidential scandals and the lengths that previous presidents, I`m thinking about Richard Nixon, have gone to prevent people from being tempted to cooperate with prosecutors, being tempted to tell prosecutors what they know, in part because they felt hung out to dry or that they were the ones being left holding the bag when it was really the president on whose behalf they were acting.

In this case, because Michael Cohen was a Trump Organization executive, the Trump Organization could legally pay him hush money.

FOX: Sure.

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 16 / 27 MADDOW: Could even have a rational argument for paying him hush money by paying for his legal fees if they so desired because of that business relationship, and yet they`re choosing not to when his potential cooperation poses such a risk to the president.

FOX: You are speaking like a rational actor here, but the president has done nothing in order to make Michael Cohen feel like he has Michael Cohen`s back, and that has been a problem.

You forget that the president went on Fox News and basically said I barely know the guy. He`s like a coffee boy. He did a very, very small percentage of my legal work.

MADDOW: Right.

FOX: And then his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has gone on television repeatedly making this harder for Michael Cohen.

And the reaction for Michael Cohen, from everything I know from my reporting has been, these guys don`t have my back. And from the first time I interviewed him last August, the way that Michael Cohen spoke about the president was like, you were talking about his father, his boss, his hero in life.

He could barely walk by Trump Tower. He would get teary-eyed because he missed him being there so much, to now a man who is frustrated, isolated, feeling alone and feeling very, very angry at the Trump family in general and at the president.

MADDOW: Last question for you. If Mr. Cohen, either based on those feelings or any of these other dynamics we`ve been talking about, if he does decide that he is going to cooperate with prosecutors and tell them everything he knows about his interactions with President Trump over the year, is that a potential serious risk for the president in terms of the president`s own legal liability?

FOX: Yes.

MADDOW: Emily Jane Fox, senior reporter at “Vanity Fair”, whose got a book coming out next week called “Born Trump”, thank you so much for being here.

FOX: Thank you so much for having me.

MADDOW: Really appreciate it.

FOX: Thank you.

MADDOW: We have so much ground to cover tonight. We haven`t even gotten to the cat video. Cat video, very important cat video ahead.

Stay with us.

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 17 / 27 2018-06-16 NEW MOON in Gemini June 13th 2018~


The airways have been filled with turbulence and sensitivities, fractals and flutterings ready for transmutation.

Each of us is carrying our own rubix to solve, which more often than not is in a state of motley parts, but what is life but an unsolved mystery.’

Gemini activates the thinking realms, the imagination and the mental channels, seeking patterns, connection and purpose.

Yet sometimes, we can spin the wheels working too hard to solve the riddles.

Times like these call for a letting go of the need to know, and an opening up to the ways in which our trust in life needs to grow.

The Earth calls us to sit and wait and listen.

So we can catch the shooting stars of revelation twinkling forth from the beyond.

They hold clues to our new understanding, and all will be revealed in due time.

Breathe through the impulses that threaten to dismantle.

Now is a very good time for grounding, and for finding our way back to the path of our hearts.

Breathe. Ground. Continue.

Gently, on the Earth, connect with Her.

She holds us, as we move through the darkness of the moon.

This *NEW MOON* in Gemini aptly reflects the Gemini trait of being multi-faceted.

There are many interpretations, many ways it can seen, conceptualized and experienced. How we will experience this Moon is precisely the medicine she brings us, which is awareness of how our emotions influence our thoughts and vice versa.

So here are our ASTRAL INSIGHTS with some highlighted perspectives on this multi-faceted Gemini New Moon and what this period might stir in us.

As always take only what resonates, so that it may serve your highest truth and unfolding.

LEAH WHITEHORSE from her LUA Astrology says:

“…this is a messy period where sometimes we don’t know what to think.

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 18 / 27 “…We need silence to think as well as space to speak.

“Perhaps it is one of those times when there are no straight answers.

“All we can do then is to keep a dialogue open and keep questioning, keep learning.

“Asteroid Chaos (#19521) is conjunct the New Moon, capturing the mood of the moment.

“Conversations now may not go the way we anticipated. Topics veer from the original intent.

“Mentally we could simply feel all over the place.”

© Copyright 2018 ~ LEAH WHITEHORSE All Rights Reserved

PAM YOUNGHANS from her North Point Astrology says:

“A New Moon in Gemini is a time to consider how we want to direct our thinking process rather than passively allowing our minds to dictate our flow of consciousness.

“Our thoughts are the doorway to our emotions. As we go through life, we consider our experiences as good or bad, happy or sad, joyful or depressing, and of course all variations in between those extremes. “Our feelings, then, are strongly affected by how we choose to think and what we choose to think about.

“If our minds are intact and healthy, the choice is truly ours, even though at times we all feel under the control of our thoughts.

“This connection between thoughts and emotions will be even more apparent starting this week, due to Mercury entering sensitive Cancer on Tuesday.

“Mercury represents our thinking capacity; with the planet in Cancer until June 28, our thoughts will more naturally turn to those issues that provoke an emotional response throughout the next couple of weeks.

“In the positive, Mercury in Cancer increases our capacity for empathy and for communicating in a caring way. As we hear information, we open our hearts and allow ourselves to feel what another feels.

“But, in the negative, Mercury in Cancer can increase our sense of vulnerability, so that we more easily become defensive and may shift quickly into fight-or-flight mode.”

© Copyright 2018 ~ PAM YOUNGHANS All Rights Reserved


“This New Moon makes a tense aspect to Mars on the karmic South Node- exact the exact same day as the New Moon.

“Mars is in his front end shadow of his retrograde journey (ever since May 12th) and he will station retrograde on June 26th…

“Rash, impulsive, reactive and aggressive actions taken can be very, very karmic.

“Mars retrograde is NOT a time to initiate new things (relationships, life directions, partnerships and more) but instead a time to deal with the past…

“The ruling planet of this New Moon is Mercury who is in water Cancer. The airy mind is in a water sign- our thoughts can get confused with our emotions…

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 19 / 27 “We need to discern what is a carry over from the past. Where are certain thoughts, beliefs or emotions stuff that we have taken on since childhood and it’s time to let them go?

“Navigate communication terrain with high levels of consciousness and awareness is key.

“It’s also important to question our thoughts and feelings- as spiraling out in them can lead into dark places…

“An asteroid that stands out is Pandora on Mars and the South Node. Already Mars and the karmic South Node in rebellious Aquarius can be a bit like Pandora’s box.

“Add in Pandora and we really really REALLY need to be aware of what doors we are opening, what doors we are shutting and what we are setting into motion.

“With pandora we can start a ball rolling we really wish we did not roll. If in doubt DO NOT ACT.

“It’s also important to question our thoughts and feelings- as spiraling out in them can lead into dark places…

“An asteroid that stands out is Pandora on Mars and the South Node. Already Mars and the karmic South Node in rebellious Aquarius can be a bit like Pandora’s box. Add in Pandora and we really really REALLY need to be aware of what doors we are opening, what doors we are shutting and what we are setting into motion.

“With pandora we can start a ball rolling we really wish we did not roll. If in doubt DONOT ACT.

“That is the wisdom of Mars in front end shadow about to go retrograde. If it’s truly meant to be it will work out after summer is over.

“It can wait. You can wait. You do not want to initiate something during such a karmic time…

“I leave you with Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks meditations for the degree of the New Moon as well as Mercury (the ruling planet of the New Moon).

“They are both insightful and deeply meditative (so read on below).

© Copyright 2018 ~ DIVINE HARMONY All Rights Reserved


“NEW MOON DEGREE Gemini 23 A tunnel created by trees

“Seeing something which others miss. Knowing there is a way through. Being guided to remain aligned within that path through and beyond…

“A destiny which depends upon the reordering to keep coming at fresh angles into a space of cosmic truth.

“When we can once again uncover the interior pattern amidst the world rubble, it shouts out at us that a bright future awaits us all and that it is time for that vista to be celebrated and brought to the forefront and made the basis for all of our choices…”

“MERCURY DEGREE Cancer 3 A set of surgical instruments“We are tapped to the finest extent. We are made to be whatever will serve to bring a light, a quickening, a sharp pulse to stay with this purely. We are made for quintessential tasks. All of our fruition lies in making ourselves available in this wondrous true way…

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 20 / 27 “We are called in at just the right hour to weave, to intervene, to make a difference. Whichever facet of our being is asked at this particular occasion, becomes for us the one that will allow us to open the space, to bring the light through.

“Darkness, heaviness, strangeness accompany us everywhere. The deeper our commitment to light, the larger our retinue of dark events and companions. We are given such a load to carry. We are asked to make it light by the way we bear it, even into learning and discovering that nothing is ever wrong, nothing is so dark after all.

“We work off karma, we stay with the old. What is familiar keeps us responding on cue. We spiral under, through the places we’ve been before and the ways we’ve gotten stuck there.

“One touch is golden. Our focus is so sharp and clear. Our life calling is bottomlessly on the beam. Whatever we need to do, we can. For we are past masters in the art of manifesting spirit in depths of substantive form.

“We cannot stop refining, essentialzing, honing the task. Something propels us insistently to be there on that spot and save those lives and care about what happens.

“We come from a million miles away. A part of ourselves is detached. In some ways, we aren’t even here. We’re just touching in for awhile. Yet in the midst of our rounds, the earth life reaches through and grabs us and won’t let us go.”

© Copyright 2018 ~ELLIAS LONSDALE All Rights Reserved

APRIL ELLIOTT KENT from Mooncircles.com reflects:

“Most mere mortals do get tired of being ourselves, at least a little bit, at some point.

“It’s a feeling that has been known to provoke dramatic gestures, especially if you’ve built a life based on denial of your essential or evolving nature.

“If you’ve seen someone walk out on a successful career, for instance, or a long marriage, you might wonder how things ever reached such a drastic denouement.

“But you can be just as trapped by success as by failure. And as a client once remarked to me, the sweetest part of a happy marriage—the fact that there is another person who knows your stories as well as you do and who has a certain investment in them—can also make you feel you have little freedom to rewrite your life if you get the urge…

“It’s so easy to trivialize Gemini, to dismiss it as a fickle… But that is ..the perspective of someone who hasn’t yet learned about the tyranny of definition.

“When you’ve spent decades writing, editing, and telling your own life stories, you begin to see Gemini quite differently.

“Is it fickle to decide that you want the opportunity to explore something new about yourself, or is it a response to something primal and creative?”

“Each year, at the Gemini New Moon, we embark on a road trip for which destination and outcome are entirely beside the point.

“The Gemini season is for learning and reinvention, not for decisions…where there is nothing but room—room to be someone different for awhile, to let your imagination breathe, and to create a new story for yourself.”

© Copyright 2018 ~ APRIL ELLIOTT KENT All Rights Reserved

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 21 / 27 And finally CATHY PAGANO says:

“We need to let that old perspective die and open up to new ways of understanding and imagining ourselves and the world…

“Each and every one of us. Like stepping out of the Matrix. It’s time to go into the forest of the heart and open to the magic of life and death and rebirth.

“Evolution happens!

“So, do you believe in Magic? For magic is part of our new story.

“It’s about communicating with all of life – to learn how you fit into the web of life energies.

“Behold there is Magic all around us!

“Are you willing to listen to the voice of your unconscious, the voice of Mother Nature..animals and plants…

“Can you see both the magic and the practical reality? This New Moon in Gemini gives us that opportunity…

“The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 23* Gemini is: Three fledglings in a nest high in a tree.

“With 3 as the number of process and birds symbolizing the higher mind and its messages, we get to be inspired, original, inventive and imaginative in our responses to life.

“These fledglings are young and so need time to develop. Don’t rush things – there are many retrograde planets around now.

“It’s all about seeing through magical eyes now.

“The tree of life will protect these visions until they’re ready to fly. Plant those magical seeds and see what develops!

“..We usually first ask the magic for our own benefit…But this is the time to ask the magic for help with our society, with our communities and with our families and tribes.

“It’s not just about me but about us.

“…For too long our patriarchal society has been all about the ‘rugged individual’ who doesn’t need help, who can pull himself up by the bootstraps and make a fortune.

“The new story is that we’re all in this together, so we help each other. And that means, our individual purpose will be supportive of that.

“You don’t have to see the whole picture or know the whole story yet. Just step onto the road and see where it takes you.

“And open your vision to see things in a new light.”

© Copyright 2018 ~ CATHY PAGANO All Rights Reserved

Blessings and all my love!

~MM *N E W M O O N*

June 13th 12:43 am PDT

June 13th 7:43 pm GMT

June 14th 5:45 am AEST

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 22 / 27 http://www.mysticmamma.com/new-moon-in-gemini-june-13th-2018-astrology/

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 23 / 27 2018-06-11 A Message to Lightworkers – June 11, 2018 by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, great bringers of a New Day, a New Era in Earth life!

This week a Lightworker wrote in with a question on an issue affecting many on the Earth now, as you heal or let go of all that is not yours to carry, while wishing to retain the wisdom that can be gained from Earth experiences:

QUESTION: My question is on the theme of how humanity is processing old wounds, and how we as Lightworkers are processing this in our collective consciousness.

This past week marked the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy after he won the California delegate vote in 1968. I was only eight years old then, and have little or no memory of the event [from that time].

[This past week] I listened to people speak about the great promise and empathy RFK had for all people, and how beloved he was—seen as a beacon of Hope at that time.

I was moved to tears over and over again, as I felt the loss of this man who held such promise to humanity, but was taken from us before he had the chance to bring freedom, justice, and equality to so many.

My question is, Am I processing and releasing these old wounds, brought back to the surface in order for humanity to realize that this Promise can once again be brought to light?

How are we, as humanity, to remember and celebrate the lives, long and short, of those who worked to move us forward?

As we look to bring about the New Earth and a Heavenly view, how do we weave the lives of the heroes of our past—which were at times flawed, but still focused on a better world—into the conversation and consciousness of our changing world?

RFK never really held any deep thoughts in my psyche, but at second glance, I am seeing the deep wisdom such people held for us all at the time, although we weren’t able to hear it.

Photo by Lynne Newman

The Collective: Greetings, dear one!

You and billions of others are indeed processing much that is yours to process, and releasing much that is not yours to process or transmute.

For much travels through you—through your mind, emotions, and etheric body—on this Earth plane that is not for you to wrangle with, nor to take on as being relevant to your life path or soul existence.

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 24 / 27 Yet you experience all you encounter as having to do with you, because you came into this and every Earth life with nearly no boundaries energetically.

This is the state of third dimensional life, which though you are now Ascending beyond it, has nevertheless left a powerful mark on how you view life and how you view your soul purpose and intention for this Earth life.

The life and physical death of Robert F. Kennedy is one of the iconic moments of American history, and one in which, as they say, one remembers where they were at the time, if they were on Earth and old enough to hear the news reports.

Yet we would say, can you realize that what that human being and many others gave to the world has not disappeared?

Can you carry, as you would carry the work of a John Lennon or a Martin Luther King Jr, the beauty and brilliance of their life and message—even knowing their inner struggles—and honor them by living out their message, without feeling it has been lost?

This is one of the most challenging parts of being a human being in the physical: to realize that what you call “life” is not a matter of the body being awake and moving.

It is actually a great, unconfined flow of energy that races through your Earth, your consciousness, the galaxy, the Universe—all of it moving into greater and higher expression and purpose, at every moment.

So that no precious thing is ever lost just because it changes form, from the physical to the purely etheric.

Surely Dr King’s message and example, the music and message of John Lennon, and the work and ideals of John F Kennedy, are all celebrated and held all the more dear, because you lost them to the physical when you did.

While they were young men, full of vision and hope for the world.

It is perhaps a source of amusement or at least irony to some, that those who would put out the bright Light of one candle find that in doing so, they create the lighting of many thousands more, in increasing numbers and increasing brilliance, as the years go by.

So that the message and example of these fine Light Beings, whose souls’ power were far bigger than their physical bodies could uphold, are not at all lost.

They are in fact magnified many times over in the context of their having been apparently “lost.”

We would say, that your greatest gift to them, and to yourselves and to others, is to uphold that same intercultural desire to embrace not only those all over the Earth with an open heart and good will, but also your galactic family members from other stars and planets.

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 25 / 27 All of these good folk, and many others less known to you, knew of the intergalactic nature of Earth life.

It is why several of them were removed from the planet at the time that they were.

And yet, the irony remains.

Because then the populace poured out their love for these astounding, brave warriors of Divine Light, Divine Peace, Divine Love—and in so doing, magnified the effects of these persons’ work and life journeys many millions of times over.

Yes, you are most assuredly processing the grief of millions, dear one.

Yet you are mainly processing your own sadness.

For if you did not have the sadness of loss already present in your own spirit, you would not be expressing it at the thought of one good man taken out off this Earth, now or 50 years ago.

Release all that is not yours to carry—call out to your Spirit team of guides, Angels, and higher self at least once a day, and require them to disengage your energies from all past life trauma, current life trauma, all ancestral and family influences that are not for your higher good, and all energetic interferences, presences, and etheric cords of all kinds that are likewise not yours to feel, express, or carry in your energies.

For what you are doing is moving from a society (a planet) that mourns losses into one that celebrates Life in whatever form you find it—even that which transfers to the etheric, when its work here is done.

You needn’t refer only to the heroes of the past, as you are yourselves are carrying and anchoring the higher Light of your soul, of fifth dimensional Earth, of the higher realms.

Though these dear ones you mention had their beautiful role to play, they would be the first to say that the role you and your fellow Light Warriors now play, anchoring and establishing 5D energies and higher Light into Earth and Earth consciousness, is many thousands of times more important.

They began the paving of the road—you are walking it.

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 26 / 27 Do so with thanks for them, but equal thanks for all that you and your fellow Light Beings have brought and are co-Creating now, in so many brilliant and astounding ways.

Honor them and your own soul by being your own true brightest, most joyful self, releasing all that keeps you from such, as you release all grudges, sadness, and feelings of loss.

Now is your time to find and to celebrate your own brilliant higher self, who is a very high and fine Light Being indeed, such as the world has never seen, and will never, in its deepest heart, forget.

Namaste, dear ones!

We are with you, always.

Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.

2018-06-16 Saturday History Call 27 / 27