United States Patent Office
3,092,548 United States Patent Office Patented June 4, 1963 2 are the various side effects that occur in an appreciable 3,092,548 number of patients, the foremost of which are a blurring METHOD OF TREATING PEPTICULCERS WITH PANTOTHENECACD of vision, drowsiness and a general dry condition mani Albert G. Worton, Columbus, Ohio, assignor to The fested by a retarded salivation, reduction of perspiration Warren-Teed Products Company, Columbus, Ohio, a 5 and diminished urinary output. Other side effects which corporation of Ohio occur in some cases are glaucoma, stimulation of the cen No Drawing. Filed Oct. 27, 1960, Ser. No. 65,256 trol nervous system and in severe cases cardiac and respi 5 Claims. (Ci. 67-55) ratory collapse. These side effects increase to Some de gree with the increase in dosage. Despite the side effects This invention relates to preparation adapted for use O these compounds are fairly selective and highly effective in treating disorders of the gastro-intestinal tract, more in decreasing the volume and acidity of gastric secretion particularly in treating peptic ulcer, both of the duodenal and in reducing gastrointestinal motility. and gastric type, for hyperacidity, hypertropic gastritis, Understandably, the main problem in the past has been splenic flexure syndrome, biliary dyskinesia (postchole to provide a dosage of anticholinergic drug which will cystectomy syndrome) and hiatal hernia or other condi achieve the most beneficial results possible and yet mini tions where anticholinergic effect, either spasmolytic or mize the undesired side effects. One of the objects of antisecretory is indicated or where antiuicerogenic effect this invention is to provide novel compositions containing is indicated.
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