Verizon Privacy Policy
Privacy Policies | Verizon Full Privacy Policy Español Protecting our customers' privacy is an important priority at Verizon and we are committed to maintaining strong and meaningful privacy protections. The privacy of your information is a significant responsibility and we value the trust you place in us. Our Privacy Policy is designed to inform you about the information we collect, how we use it, and your options regarding certain uses of this information. This policy also describes privacy rights you have under certain federal laws. This policy applies to website visitors, app users and Verizon customers in the United States. It applies across the Verizon family of companies and the products and services we provide. The Verizon family of companies includes the companies and joint ventures controlled by Verizon, including the Verizon telephone companies, Verizon Enterprise Solutions, Verizon Wireless, Verizon Online and Oath. Certain services we offer such as go90, MapQuest and Verizon apps have additional privacy practices that are presented separately. Verizon has acquired Yahoo and combined it with AOL to form a new company named Oath. Oath consists of over 50 digital and mobile brands globally, including HuffPost, Yahoo News, Yahoo Sports, Tumblr and AOL, as well as advertising platforms such as ONE by AOL, BrightRoll, and Gemini. Oath and Yahoo each have their own privacy policies. In the event of a conflict between the Verizon privacy policy and the Oath or Yahoo privacy policies, the Oath policy will control when you use a site, product or service that links to the Oath privacy policy and the Yahoo privacy policy will apply when you use a site, service, or technology that links to the Yahoo policy.
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