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4.1 General

4.1.1 Conversation Periods, reflecting usage sensitive charges, are billed in increments of full periods following the initial period (minimum billing period), unless otherwise stated. Fractional charges are rounded to full period increments for billing purposes.

4.1.2 Customer may select only one outbound calling plan/service/option at a time.

4.1.3 There are no installation charges or other nonrecurring charges for these services.

4.1.4 For Prepaid Calling Service, Customer shall be charged a flat rate per minute for each call, regardless of the terminating country. The flat rate shall vary by type of service.

4.1.5 For Prepaid Calling Service, Conversation Minutes, reflecting usage sensitive charges, are billed in increments of one minute following the initial period (minimum billing period) of one minute. Such charges are rounded to the next higher one minute increment for billing purposes.

For Prepaid Calling Service, Units, reflecting usage sensitive charges, are billed in increments of one minute per unit following the initial period (minimum billing period) of one unit. Such charges are rounded to the next higher one unit increment for billing purposes.

4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates

4.2.1 Basic Prepaid Calling Service


4.2.2 Pecuniary Prepaid Calling Service


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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.3 Subscription Prepaid Calling Service

The rates in 4.2.6 apply for calls originating in the United States and terminating in countries listed in 4.2.6. One unit is equal to the one minute rate applicable to each country listed in 4.2.6.

4.2.4 Feature Prepaid Calling Service

The rates per minute in 4.2.6 apply for calls originating in the United States and terminating in countries listed in 4.2.6. One unit is equal to the one minute rate applicable to each country listed in 4.2.6.

4.2.5 Variable Prepaid Calling Service


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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.6 Terminating Foreign Countries - Prepaid Calling Service




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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.6 Terminating Foreign Countries - Prepaid Calling Service (Continued)

Rate Per Minute

Dominican Republic $1.80 Honduras $1.80 Ecuador 3.40 Hong Kong 1.20 Egypt 2.40 Hungary 2.50 El Salvador 1.65 Iceland 2.50 Equatorial Guinea 6.50 India 2.00 Eritrea 3.50 Indonesia 3.25 Estonia 4.00 Iran 3.00 Ethiopia 3.50 Iraq 4.00 Faeroe Islands 2.40 Ireland 1.50 Falkland Islands 5.00 Israel 3.00 Fiji Islands 3.25 Italy .99 Finland 1.20 Ivory Coast 3.00 France .70 Jamaica 1.80 French Antilles 2.40 Japan .99 French Guiana 2.40 Jordan 3.00 French Polynesia 3.25 Kazakahtan 4.00 Gabon 2.40 Kenya 3.00 Gambia 2.75 Kiribata 4.00 Georgia 4.00 Kuwait 3.00 Germany .99 Kyrgyzstan 4.00 Ghana 3.25 Laos 7.00 Gibraltar 2.40 Latvia 4.00 Greece 1.80 Lebanon 4.50 Greenland 2.50 Lesotho 2.75 Grenada 2.10 Liberia 2.75 Guadeloupe 2.40 Libya 3.00 Guantanamo Bay 2.40 Liechtenstein 2.40 Guatemala 5.00 Lithuania 4.00 Guinea 4.00 Luxembourg 1.80 Guinea Bissau 6.75 Macao 3.50 Guyana 2.40 Macedonia 2.75 Haiti 1.80 Madagascar 6.50

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.6 Terminating Foreign Countries - Prepaid Calling Service (Continued)

Rate Per Minute

Malawi $3.00 Norway $ .99 Malaysia 3.00 Oman 3.00 Maldives 6.00 Pakistan 5.50 Mali Republic 5.00 Palau 5.00 Malta 2.50 Panama 1.80 Marshall Islands 3.25 Papua New Guinea 3.25 Mauritania 5.00 Paraguay 5.00 Mauritius 5.00 Peru 1.80 Mayotte Island 6.00 Philippines 2.00 Mexico 1.20 Poland 1.80 Micronesia 3.25 Portugal 2.40 Moldavia 4.00 Qatar 3.00 Mongolia 5.00 Reunion Island 5.50 Montserrat 2.10 Romania 3.50 Morocco 3.00 Russia 2.80 Mozambique 6.00 Rwanda 5.00 Myanmar 8.00 Sakhalin 4.00 Nakhoda 4.00 San Marino 1.80 Namibia 2.40 Sao Tome 6.50 Nauru 5.00 Saudi Arabia 3.00 Nepal 3.00 Senegal 2.80 Netherlands .70 Seychelles 6.00 Netherlands Antilles 1.80 Sierra Leone 4.00 Nevis 2.25 Singapore 1.20 New Caledonia 3.25 Slovakia 2.40 New Zealand 1.50 Slovenia 4.00 Nicaragua 3.70 Soloman Islands 5.00 Niger 4.00 South Africa 1.80 Nigeria 2.40 South Korea 1.80 Niue Island 7.00 Spain 1.50 Norfolk Island 7.00 Sri Lanka 3.00 North Korea 1.65 St. Helena 5.00

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.6 Terminating Foreign Countries - Prepaid Calling Service (Continued)

Rate Per Minute

St. Kitts $2.25 Turkmenistan $4.00 St. Lucia 2.25 Turks and Caicos 2.00 St. Pierre/Miquelon 2.40 Tuvalu 7.25 St. Vincent 2.25 Uganda 2.75 Suriname 3.00 United Arab Emirates 3.00 Swaziland 3.00 United Kingdom 1.20 Sweden .99 Uruguay 4.00 Switzerland .99 Uzbekistan 4.00 Syria 5.00 Vanuatu 7.00 Tadjikistan 5.00 Vatican City 2.40 Taiwan 1.50 Venezuela 1.40 Tanzania 2.50 Viet Nam 5.00 Thailand 3.00 Wallis and Futuna 6.00 Togo 3.00 Western Samoa 5.00 Tonga 4.25 Yugoslavia 2.50 Trinidad/Tobago 2.25 Zaire 2.75 Tunisia 2.75 Zambia 2.75 Turkey 3.00 Zimbabwe 2.75

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.7 Global Prepaid Calling Card Service

A. Operator Assistance Surcharge - $2.31

B. Rate Per Minute

Afghanistan $2.64 Cape Verde Islands $1.32 Albania 1.32 Cayman Islands 1.32 Algeria 1.32 Central African Rep 2.31 American Samoa 1.32 Chad 1.65 Andorra 0.66 Chile 0.99 1.65 China 1.65 Anguilla 1.32 Christmas Island 1.32 Antarctica/Timor 1.32 Cocos 2.64 Antigua 1.32 Colombia 1.32 Argentina 1.32 Comoro Islands 2.31 Armenia 1.32 Congo 1.98 Aruba 0.99 Cook Islands 2.31 Ascension Islands 1.98 Costa Rica 1.32 Australia 0.66 Croatia 0.99 Austria 0.66 Cuba 1.65 Azerbaijan 0.99 Cyprus 0.99 Azores 2.97 Czech Republic 3.63 Bahamas 0.66 Czechoslovakia 0.66 Bahrain 1.65 Denmark 0.66 Bangladesh 1.98 Diego Garcia 1.65 Barbados 1.32 Djibouti1 .98 Belarus 1.32 Dominica 1.32 Belgium .66 Dominican Republic 0.99 Belize 1.65 Ecuador 1.32 Benin 1.32 Egypt 1.65 Bermuda 0.99 El Salvador 1.32 Bhutan 1.98 Equatorial Guinea 2.64 Bolivia 1.65 Eritrea 2.31 Bosnia Herzegovina 1.32 Estonia 0.99 Botswana 1.65 Ethiopia 1.98 Brazil 1.32 Falkland Islands 1.65 British 0.99 Faroe Islands 0.99 Brunei 1.32 Fiji Islands 1.98 Bulgaria 0.99 Finland 0.66 Burkina Faso 1.65 France 0.66 Burundi 1.98 French Guiana 1.32 Cambodia 2.31 Gabon 1.98 Cameroon 1.98 Gambia 1.32 Canada 0.66 Georgia 1.65 Canary Islands 2.97 Germany 0.66

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.7 Global Prepaid Calling Card Service (Continued)

B. Rate Per Minute (Continued)

Ghana $1.32 Libya $1.32 Gibraltar 0.99 Liechtenstein 0.66 Greece 0.99 Lithuania 1.32 Greenland 1.32 Luxembourg 0.66 Grenada 1.32 Macau 1.65 Guadeloupe 1.32 Macedonia 1.32 Guantanamo Bay 1.65 Madagascar 1.65 Guatemala 1.32 Madeira 2.97 Guinea Bissau 1.98 Malawi 1.32 Guinea Conakry 1.98 Malaysia 0.99 Guyana 1.98 Maldives 1.98 Haiti 1.32 Mali 1.98 Honduras 1.32 Malta 0.99 Hong Kong 0.66 Maritime Mobile Srvc 19.14 Hungary 0.66 Marshall Islands 1.32 Iceland 0.99 Martinique 1.32 India 1.65 Mauritania 1.98 Indonesia 1.65 Mauritius 1.65 Inmarsat 19.14 Mayotte Island 2.31 Iran 1.98 Mexico 1.32 Iraq 2.31 Micronesia 1.65 Ireland 0.66 Moldova 1.98 Israel 1.32 Monaco 2.97 Italy 0.66 Monaco 0.66 Ivory Coast 1.98 Mongolia 1.65 Jamaica 0.99 Montserrat 1.32 Japan 0.66 Morocco 1.32 Jordan 1.65 Mozambique 1.65 Kazakhstan 1.98 Myanmar (Burma) 2.64 Kenya 1.65 Namibia 1.98 Kiribati 2.31 Nauru 1.98 Kuwait 1.65 Nepal 2.31 Kyrgyzstan 1.98 Netherland Antilles 0.99 Laos 2.31 Netherlands 0.66 Latvia 0.99 Nevis 1.32 Lebanon 1.98 New Caledonia 1.98 Lesotho 1.98 New Zealand 0.66 Liberia 1.32 Nicaragua 1.65

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.7 Global Prepaid Calling Card Service (Continued)

B. Rate Per Minute (Continued) Niger $1.98 South Korea $1.32 Nigeria 1.65 Spain 0.66 Niue Island 2.64 Sri Lanka 2.31 Norfolk Island 1.98 Sudan 1.65 North Korea 4.29 Suriname 1.98 Norway 0.66 Swaziland 1.32 Oman 1.65 Sweden 0.66 Pakistan 1.98 Switzerland 0.66 Palau 2.31 Syria 1.98 Panama 1.65 Tahiti 1.32 Papua New Guinea 1.32 Taiwan 0.99 Paraguay 1.65 Tajikistan 1.65 Peru 1.65 Tanzania 1.98 Philippines 1.32 Thailand 1.65 Poland 0.99 Togo 2.31 Portugal 0.99 Tonga Islands 2.31 Qatar 1.65 Trinidad & Tobago 1.32 Reunion Island 1.98 Tunisia 0.99 Romania 0.99 Turkey 0.99 Russia 1.32 Turkmenistan 1.98 Rwanda 1.98 Turks Caicos 1.32 Saint Helena 1.65 Tuvalu 1.98 Saint Kitts 1.32 Uganda 1.65 Saint Lucia 1.32 Ukraine 1.32 Saint Pierre & Miquelon 0.66 United Arab Emirates 1.32 Saint Vincent 1.32 United Kingdom 0.66 San Marino (Italy 0.99 Uruguay 1.65 Sao Tome 2.64 Uzbekistan 1.98 Saudi Arabia 1.98 Vanuatu 1.65 Senegal Republic 2.31 Vatican City 2.97 Seychelles Islands 2.64 Venezuela 0.99 Sierra Leone 1.98 Vietnam 1.98 Singapore 0.66 Wallis & Futuna Island 0.99 Slovak Republic 3.63 Western Samoa 1.98 Slovakia 0.99 Yemen, Arab Rep 1.98 Slovenia 0.66 Yemen, Peoples Dem 2.64 Solomon Islands 1.65 Yugoslavia 1.32 Somalia 2.31 Zaire 1.65 South Africa 1.32 Zambia 1.65 Zimbabwe 1.32

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.8 Global International Origination Prepaid Calling Card Service

A. Operator Assistance Surcharge - $2.31

B. Rate Per Minute

Argentina $5.28 South Africa $2.97 Australia 3.30 South Korea 3.63 Austria 2.31 Spain 3.30 Bahrain 4.62 Sweden 1.65 Belgium 1.98 Switzerland 1.98 Brunei 3.96 Taiwan 2.97 Canada 0.66 Thailand 2.97 Chile 2.97 Turkey 2.97 Colombia 2.31 United Arab Emirates 6.60 Cyprus 2.64 United Kingdom 1.65 Denmark 1.98 Estonia 3.30 Finland 2.31 France 1.65 Germany 1.65 Greece 2.64 Hong Kong 2.64 Hungary 2.64 Iceland 2.31 Indonesia 4.29 Ireland 1.98 Israel 2.97 Italy 1.65 Japan 4.29 Luxembourg 2.31 Macau 3.30 Malaysia 3.96 Mexico 1.32 Netherlands 1.65 New Zealand 4.29 Norway 1.65 Oman 6.27 Philippines 4.29 Poland 2.31 Portugal 3.63 Qatar 6.27 Russia 5.94 Singapore 2.97

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.9 Surcharged Based Prepaid International Calling Service




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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.9 Surcharge Based Prepaid International Calling Service (Continued)

Country First Minute Each Add'l Minute Cambodia $2.88 $1.89 Cameroon 2.48 1.49 Canada Peak 1.09 .10 Off Peak 1.09 .10 Cape Verde Islands 2.18 1.19 Cayman Islands 1.48 .49 Central African Republic 2.98 1.99 Chad 3.09 2.10 Chile 1.48 .49 China 2.48 1.49 Christmas Island/Cocos Island 1.88 .89 Cocos Island Colombia 1.88 .89 Comoros 2.78 1.79 Congo 2.48 1.49 Cook Islands 3.98 2.99 Costa Rica 1.88 .89 Croatia 1.58 .59 Cuba 2.58 1.59 Cyprus 1.58 .59 Czech Republic 1.49 1.24 Denmark 1.24 .25 Diego Garcia 2.38 1.39 Djibouti 2.58 1.59 Dominican Republic 1.42 .43 Dominica 1.98 .99 Ecuador 1.99 1.00 Egypt 2.38 1.39 El Salvador 1.78 .79 Equatorial Guinea 2.98 1.99 Eritrea 3.18 2.19 Estonia 2.68 1.69 Ethiopia 3.28 2.29 Faeroe Islands 1.58 .59 Falkland Islands 2.68 1.69

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.9 Surcharge Based Prepaid International Calling Service (Continued)

Country First Minute Each Add'l Minute Fiji $2.68 $1.69 Finland 1.24 .25 France 1.17 .18 French Antilles (Martinique) 1.58 .59 French Guiana 1.78 .79 French Polynesia 2.28 1.29 Gabon 2.28 1.29 Gambia 2.18 1.19 Georgia 3.58 2.59 Germany 1.18 .19 Ghana 1.98 .99 Gibraltar 1.64 .65 Greece 1.64 .65 Greenland 1.64 .65 Grenada 1.98 .99 Guadeloupe 1.78 .79 Guantanamo 2.28 1.29 Guatemala 1.98 .99 Guinea 2.18 1.19 Guinea Bissau 2.88 1.89 Guyana 2.58 1.59 Haiti 2.28 1.29 Honduras 2.48 1.49 Hong Kong 1.88 .89 Hungary 1.38 .39 Iceland 1.48 .49 India 2.58 1.59 Indonesia 2.28 1.29 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-East 16.98 15.99 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-West 16.98 15.99 Inmarsat Indian Ocean 15.98 14.99 Inmarsat Pacific Ocean 15.98 14.99 Iran 2.78 1.79 Iraq 3.58 2.59 Ireland 1.20 .21

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.9 Surcharge Based Prepaid International Calling Service (Continued)

Country First Minute Each Add'l Minute Israel $1.38 $.39 Italy 1.20 .21 Ivory Coast 2.98 1.99 Jamaica 2.38 1.39 Japan 1.20 .21 Jordan 2.48 1.49 Kazakhstan 2.28 1.29 Kenya 2.28 1.29 Kiribati 2.98 1.99 Kuwait 2.68 1.69 Kyrgyzstan 2.68 1.69 Laos 2.48 1.49 Latvia 2.58 1.59 Lebanon 2.18 1.19 Lesotho 1.98 .99 Liberia 1.98 .99 Libya 1.88 .89 Liechtenstein 1.44 .45 Lithuania 2.78 1.79 Luxembourg 1.28 .29 Macau 1.98 .99 Macedonia 1.98 .99 Madagascar 2.68 1.69 Malawi 1.98 .99 Malaysia 1.58 .59 Maldives 2.08 1.09 Mali 2.78 1.79 Malta 1.48 .49 Marshall Islands 2.18 1.19 Mauritania 2.58 1.59 Mauritius 2.38 1.39 Mayotte Islands 2.58 1.59 Mexico Band 1 1.48 .49 Band 2 1.68 .69 Micronesia 2.28 1.29

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.9 Surcharge Based Prepaid International Calling Service (Continued)

Country First Minute Each Add'l Minute Moldova $3.58 $2.59 Monaco 1.38 .39 Mongolia 2.68 1.69 Montserrat 2.18 1.19 Morocco 1.88 .89 Mozambique 2.08 1.09 Myanmar 3.28 2.29 Nakholdka 1.98 .99 Namibia 1.78 .79 Nauru 2.78 1.79 Nepal 2.68 1.69 Netherlands 1.18 .19 Netherlands Antilles 1.88 .89 New Caledonia 2.18 1.19 New Zealand 1.30 .31 Nicaragua 1.98 .99 Niger 2.38 1.39 Nigeria 2.58 1.59 Niue Island 2.98 1.99 Norfolk Island 2.18 1.19 North Korea 3.18 2.19 Norway 1.16 .17 Oman 2.58 1.59 Pakistan 2.58 1.59 Palau 2.68 1.69 Panama 2.08 1.09 Papua New Guinea 1.88 .89 Paraguay 2.28 1.29 Peru 1.98 .99 Philippines 1.98 .99 Poland 1.58 .59 Portugal 1.54 .55 Qatar 2.38 1.39 Reunion Island 2.08 1.09 Romania 1.84 .85 Russia 1.98 .99 Rwanda 2.48 1.49

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued

4.2.9 Surcharge Based Prepaid International Calling Service (Continued)

Country First Minute Each Add'l Minute Sakhalin $2.44 $1.45 San Marino 1.74 .75 Sao Tome and Principe 3.28 2.29 Saudi Arabia 2.48 1.49 Senegal 3.18 2.19 Seychelles 2.98 1.99 Sierra Leone 2.48 1.49 Singapore 1.78 .79 Slovakia 1.44 .45 Slovenia 1.34 .35 Solomon Islands 2.48 1.49 Somolia 4.48 3.49 South Africa 1.88 .89 South Korea 1.68 .69 Spain 1.34 .35 Sri Lanka 2.48 1.49 St Helena 2.44 1.45 St Kitts and Nevis 1.74 .75 St Lucia 1.88 .89 St Pierre and Miquelon 1.48 .49 St Vincent and Grenadines 1.98 .99 Sudan 1.98 .99 Suriname 3.18 2.19 Swaziland 1.64 .65 Sweden 1.20 .21 Switzerland 1.18 .19 Syria 2.54 1.55 Tajikistan 2.68 1.69 Taiwan 1.88 .89 Tanzania 2.28 1.29 Thailand 2.08 1.09 Togo 2.58 1.59 Tonga 2.58 1.59 Trinidad and Tobago 2.08 1.09

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.9 Surcharge Based Prepaid International Calling Service (Continued)

Country First Minute Each Add'l Minute Tunisia $1.74 $.75 Turkey 1.64 .65 Turkmenistan 3.58 2.59 Turks and Caicos Islands 1.98 .99 Tuvalu 2.48 1.49 Uganda 2.18 1.19 Ukraine 2.68 1.69 United Arab Emirates 1.98 .99 United Kingdom 1.14 .15 Uruguay 2.28 1.29 Uzbekistan 3.48 2.49 Vanuatu 2.98 1.99 Vatican City 1.74 .75 Venezuela 1.78 .79 Vietnam 2.98 1.99 Wallis and Futuna 1.74 .75 Western Samoa 2.38 1.39 Yemen 2.38 1.39 Yugoslavia 1.78 .79 Zaire 2.18 1.19 Zambia 2.28 1.29 Zimbabwe 1.74 .75

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.10 La Llamadita Prepaid Calling Service (C)



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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.10 La Llamadita Prepaid Calling Service (Continued)

Per Minute Rate Per Minute Rate Toll Free and Local Access Minimum Maximum Brazil $ .015 $ .380 .065 1.235 Brunei .049 .931 Bulgaria .055 1.045 Burkina Faso .095 1.805 Burundi .082 1.558 Cambodia .110 2.090 Cameroon .076 1.444 Canada .008 .152 Cape Verde Islands .075 1.425 Cayman Islands .035 .665 Central African Empire .132 2.508 Chad .148 2.812 Chile .013 .665 China .051 1.045 Christmas Island .055 1.045 Colombia .011 .475 Comoros .089 1.691 Congo .090 1.710

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.10 La Llamadita Prepaid Calling Service (Continued)

Per Minute Rate Per Minute Rate Toll Free and Local Access Minimum Maximum Cook Islands $ .155 $2.945 Costa Rica .020 .627 Croatia .035 .665 Cuba .090 1.900 Cyprus .035 .665 Czech Republic .029 .551 Denmark .012 .228 Diego Garcia .085 1.615 Djibouti .120 2.280 Dominica .058 1.102 Dominican Republic .008 .152 Ecuador .025 .855 Egypt .071 1.349 El Salvador .024 .608 Equatorial Guinea .104 1.976 Eritrea .145 2.755 Estonia .045 .855 Ethiopia .104 1.976 Faeroe Islands .050 .950 Falkland Islands .064 1.216 Fiji Islands .094 1.786 Finland .015 .285 France .050 .950 French Antilles .015 .931 French Guiana .052 .988 French Polynesia .069 1.311

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.10 La Llamadita Prepaid Calling Service (Continued)

Per Minute Rate Per Minute Rate Toll Free and Local Access Minimum Maximum Gabon $ .079 $1.501 Gambia .075 1.425 Georgia .075 1.425 Germany .012 .950 Ghana .053 1.007 Gibraltar .039 .741 Greece .030 .950 Greenland .055 1.045 Grenada .069 1.311 Guadeloupe .065 1.235 Guatemala .029 .950 Guinea .069 1.311 Guinea-Bissau .099 1.881 Guyana .085 1.615 Haiti .062 1.178 Honduras .040 1.235 Hong Kong .019 .361 Hungary .025 .475 Iceland .029 .551 India .081 1.539 Indonesia .065 1.235

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.10 La Llamadita Prepaid Calling Service (Continued)

Per Minute Rate Per Minute Rate Toll Free and Local Access Minimum Maximum Iran $ .083 $1.577 Iraq .105 1.995 Ireland .015 .285 Iridium .100 1.900 Israel .020 .380 Italy .019 .950 Ivory Coast .120 2.280 Jamaica .040 .760 Japan .024 .950 Jordan .069 1.311 Kazakhastan .085 1.615 Kenya .083 1.577 Kiribati .120 2.280 Korea -North .084 1.596 Korea -South .026 .494 Kuwait .084 1.596

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.10 La Llamadita Prepaid Calling Service (Continued)

Per Minute Rate Per Minute Rate Toll Free and Local Access Minimum Maximum Kyrgystan $ .100 $1.900 Laos .100 1.900 Latvia .055 1.045 Lebanon .075 1.425 Lesotho .055 1.045 Liberia .065 1.235 Libya .050 .950 Liechtenstein .018 .342 Lithuania .042 .798 Luxembourg .019 .361 Macau .055 1.045 Macedonia .060 1.140 Madagascar .100 1.900 Malawi .055 1.045 Malaysia .028 .532 Maldives .099 1.881 Mali .094 1.786 Malta .045 .855 Marshall Islands .200 3.800 Mauritania .100 1.900 Mauritius .125 2.375 Mexico .009 .285 Micronesia .400 7.600 Moldova .059 1.121 Monaco .024 .456 Mongolia .125 2.375 Montserrat .075 1.425 Morocco .065 1.235 Mozambique .069 1.311

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.10 La Llamadita Prepaid Calling Service (Continued)

Per Minute Rate Per Minute Rate Toll Free and Local Access Minimum Maximum Myanmar $ .126 $2.394 Namibia .049 .931 Nauru .100 1.900 Nepal .097 1.900 Netherlands .012 .760 New Caledonia .074 1.406 New Zealand .015 .760 Nicaragua .045 1.615 Niger .084 1.596 Nigeria .081 1.539 Niue Islands .150 2.850 Norway .015 .285 Oman .094 1.786 Pakistan .085 1.615 Palau .125 2.375 Palestine .020 .380 Panama .048 1.615 Papau New Guinea .054 1.026 Paraguay .069 1.311 Peru .028 .627 Philippines .042 .798 Poland .032 .608 Portugal .012 .228 Qatar .090 1.710

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.10 La Llamadita Prepaid Calling Service (Continued)

Per Minute Rate Per Minute Rate Toll Free and Local Access Minimum Maximum Reunion Island $ .065 $1.235 Romania .050 .950 Russia .035 .665 Rwanda .103 2.850 Saipan .012 .228 San Marino .049 .931 Sao Tome .150 2.850 Saudi Arabia .075 1.425 Senegal .104 1.976 Serbia .080 1.520 Seychelles Island .130 2.470 Sierra Leone .091 1.729 Singapore .032 .608 Slovakia .033 .627 Slovenia .050 .950 Solomon Islands .084 1.596 Somalia .140 2.660 South Africa .043 .817 Spain .021 .399 Sri Lanka .094 1.786 St. Helena .120 2.280 St. Kitts .048 .912 St. Lucia .057 1.083 St. Peirre/Miquelon .031 .589 St. Vincent .074 1.406 Sudan .051 .969 Suriname .114 2.166 Swaziland .050 .950

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.10 La Llamadita Prepaid Calling Service (Continued)

Per Minute Rate Per Minute Rate Toll Free and Local Access Minimum Maximum Sweden $ .012 $ .950 Switzerland .018 .950 Syrian Arab Republic .080 1.520 Taiwan .035 .665 Tajikistan .065 1.235 Tanzania .074 1.406 Thailand .059 1.121 Togo .114 2.166 Tokelau .200 3.800 Tonga Island .104 1.976 Trinidad/Tobago .050 .950 Tunisia .065 1.235 Turkey .038 .722 Turkmenistan .095 1.805 Turk/Caicos Island .049 .931 Tuvalu Island .127 2.413 Uganda .055 1.045 Ukraine .042 .798 United Arab Emirates .053 1.007 United Kingdom .008 .152 Uruguay .069 1.311 Uzbekistan .035 .665 Vanuatu .100 1.900 Vatican City .019 .361

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.10 La Llamadita Prepaid Calling Service (Continued)

Per Minute Rate Per Minute Rate Toll Free and Local Access Minimum Maximum Venezuela $ .022 $ .855 Vietnam .113 2.147 Wallis & Fortuna Island .065 1.235 Western Samoa .095 1.805 Yemen-Arab Republic .125 2.375 Yemen-Democratic Repubilc .125 2.375 Yugoslavia (Serbia) .055 1.045 Zaire .075 1.425 Zambia .075 1.425 Zanzibar .074 1.406 Zimbabwe .048 .912

Effective: January 28, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 3rd Revised Page 88 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 88 through Page Original 222


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.11 Distributor Prepaid Calling Service




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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.12 International Prepaid Calling Service




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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service

A. Alphabetical listing of Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating from Hawaii

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Algeria $4.00 American Samoa 1.60 Andorra 1.60 Anguilla 2.80 Antigua (Barbuda) 2.80 Argentina 2.80 Armenia 3.20 Aruba 2.80 Ascension Island 4.00 Australia (including Tasmania) .80 Austria 1.60 Azerbaijan 3.20 Bahamas 2.80 Bahrain 3.20 Bangladesh, People's Republic of 3.60 Barbados 2.80 Belarus 3.20 Belgium 1.60 Belize 3.20 Benin, People's Republic of 4.00 Bequia 2.80 Bermuda 2.80 Bolivia 2.80 Brazil 2.80 British Virgin Islands (, Camanoe Island, , , , , , North Sound, Peter Island, Salt Island, and ) 2.80 Brunei 3.60 Bulgaria 3.20 Burkina Faso 4.00 Cambodia 3.60 Cameroon, United Republic of 4.00

Effective: January 28, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 232


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

A. Alphabetical listing of Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating from Hawaii: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Canada $.40 Cayman Islands 2.80 Chile 2.80 China, People's Republic of 2.80 Colombia 2.80 Cook Islands 3.20 Costa Rica 3.20 Croatia 3.20 Cyprus 1.60 Czech Republic 3.20 Denmark (including Faeroe Islands) 1.60 Dominica 2.80 Dominican Republic 1.60 Ecuador 2.80 Egypt 4.00 El Salvador 3.20 Estonia 3.20 Ethiopia 4.00 Fiji 2.80 Finland 1.60 France .80 French Antilles (including Martinique, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin) 2.80 French Guiana 2.80 French Polynesia (including the Islands of Moorea and Tahiti) 2.80 Gabon Republic 4.00 Gambia 4.00 Germany, Federal Republic of (includes former German Democratic Republic) .40 Gibraltar 1.60 Greece 1.60 Grenada (includes Carriacou) 2.80 Guadeloupe 2.80 Guantanamo (US Naval Base) 2.80 Guatemala 3.20 Guyana 2.80 Haiti 2.80 Honduras 3.20 Hong Kong 1.20 Hungary 3.20 Iceland 1.60 India 2.40 Indonesia 2.00 Iran 3.20

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 233


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

A. Alphabetical listing of Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating from Hawaii: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Ireland $1.60 Israel 3.20 Italy 1.60 Ivory Coast 4.00 Jamaica 2.80 Japan (including Okinawa) 1.20 Jordan 3.20 Kazakhstan 3.20 Kenya 4.00 Khabarovsk 3.20 Kiribati 3.20 Korea (South) 1.20 Kuwait 3.20 Kyrgyzstan 3.20 Laos 3.60 Latvia 3.20 Lesotho 4.00 Liberia 4.00 Libyan Arab People's Socialist Jamahiriya 4.00 Liechtenstein 1.60 Lithuania 3.20 Luxembourg 1.60 Macau 2.40 Malawi 4.00 Malaysia 1.60 Marshall Islands (Majuro and Ebeye) 1.60 Mauritius 4.00 Mexico 3.20 Micronesia, Federated States of (Kosrae, Pohnpei, Chuuk and Yap) 1.60 Moldova 3.20 Monaco 1.60 Mongolian People's Republic 3.60 Montserrat 2.80 Morocco 4.00 Mustique 2.80

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 234


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

A. Alphabetical listing of Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating from Hawaii: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Naknodka $3.20 Namibia 4.00 Nauru 3.20 Nepal 3.60 Netherlands 1.60 Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten) 2.80 Nevis 2.80 New Caledonia 3.20 New Zealand (including Chatham Island) .80 Nicaragua 3.20 Nigeria 4.00 Niue 3.20 Norway (including Svalbard) 1.60 Oman 3.20 Pakistan 3.60 Palau 3.20 Palm Island 2.80 Panama 3.20 Papua New Guinea (Admiralty Islands, Bougainville, New Britain and New Ireland) 3.20 Paraguay 2.80 Peru 2.80 Philippines 1.60 Poland 3.20 Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands) 1.60 Qatar 3.20 Romania 3.20 Russia 3.20 San Marino 1.60 Saudi Arabia 3.20 Singapore, Republic of 1.20

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 235


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

A. Alphabetical listing of Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating from Hawaii: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Slovakia $3.20 Solomon Islands 3.20 South Africa (including the territory of Southwest Africa) 4.00 Spain (including Balearic Island, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) 1.60 Sri Lanka 3.60 St. Kitts 2.80 St. Lucia 2.80 St. Pierre & Miquelon 2.80 St. Vincent/Grenadines 2.80 Suriname 2.80 Swaziland 4.00 Sweden 1.60 Switzerland 1.60 Taiwan 1.60 Tajikistan 3.20 Tanzania 4.00 Thailand 2.00 Togo 4.00 Tonga 2.26 Trinidad & Tobago 2.80 Tunisia 4.00 Turkey 1.60 Turkmenistan 3.20 Turks & Caicos Islands 2.80 Tuvalu 3.20 Uganda 4.00 Ukraine 3.20 Union Island 2.80 United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm al Qaiwain) 3.20 United Kingdom (including the Channel Islands, England, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) .80 Uruguay 2.80 Uzbekistan 3.20 Vanuatu 3.20 Vatican City 1.60 Venezuela 2.80 Vietnam 3.60 Western Samoa 2.00 Yemen Arab Republic 3.20 Yugoslavia 3.20 Zaire, Republic of 4.00 Zambia 4.00 Zimbabwe 4.00

Effective: January 28, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 236


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

B. Alphabetical listing of Guam/Saipan Phone Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating in Guam and Saipan:

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Algeria $4.00 American Samoa .79 Andorra 1.60 Anguilla 2.80 Antigua (Barbuda) 2.80 Argentina 2.80 Armenia 3.20 Aruba 2.80 Ascension Island 4.00 Australia (including Tasmania) .45 Austria 1.60 Azerbaijan 3.20 Bahamas 2.80 Bahrain 3.20 Bangladesh, People's Republic of 3.60 Barbados 2.80 Belarus 3.20 Belgium 1.60 Belize 3.20 Benin, People's Republic of 4.00 Bequia 2.80 Bermuda 2.80 Bolivia 2.80 Brazil 2.80 British Virgin Islands (Anegada, Camanoe Island, Guana Island, Jost Van Dyke, Little Thatch, Marina Cay, Mosquito Island, North Sound, Peter Island, Salt Island, Tortola and Virgin Gorda) 2.80 Brunei 3.60 Bulgaria 3.20 Burkina Faso 4.00 Cambodia 3.60 Cameroon, United Republic of 4.00

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 237


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service(Continued)

B. Alphabetical listing of Guam/Saipan Phone Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating in Guam and Saipan: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Canada $ .29 Cayman Islands 2.80 Chile 2.80 China, People's Republic of .49 Colombia 2.80 Cook Islands 3.20 Costa Rica 3.20 Croatia 3.20 Cyprus 1.60 Czech Republic 3.20 Denmark (including Faeroe Islands) 1.60 Dominica 2.80 Dominican Republic 1.60 Ecuador 2.80 Egypt 4.00 El Salvador 3.20 Estonia 3.20 Ethiopia 4.00 Fiji 2.60 Finland 1.60 France .25 French Antilles (including Martinique, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin) 2.80 French Guiana 2.80 French Polynesia (including the Islands of Moorea and Tahiti) 2.80 Gabon Republic 4.00 Gambia 4.00 Germany, Federal Republic of (includes former German Democratic Republic) .25 Gibraltar 1.60 Greece 1.60 Grenada (includes Carriacou) 2.80 Guadeloupe 2.80 Guantanamo (US Naval Base) 2.80 Guatemala 3.20 Guyana 2.80 Haiti 2.80 Honduras 3.20 Hong Kong .29 Hungary 3.20 Iceland 1.60 India 1.85 Indonesia .50 Iran 3.20

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 238


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

B. Alphabetical listing of Guam/Saipan Phone Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating in Guam and Saipan: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Ireland $1.60 Israel 3.20 Italy .39 Ivory Coast 4.00 Jamaica 2.80 Japan (including Okinawa) .39 Jordan 3.20 Kazakhstan 3.20 Kenya 4.00 Khabarovsk 3.20 Kiribati 3.20 Korea (South) .39 Kuwait 3.20 Kyrgyzstan 3.20 Laos 3.60 Latvia 3.20 Lesotho 4.00 Liberia 4.00 Libyan Arab People's Socialist Jamahiriya 4.00 Liechtenstein 1.60 Lithuania 3.20 Luxembourg 1.60 Macau 2.40 Malawi 4.00 Malaysia 1.60 Marshall Islands (Majuro and Ebeye) 1.60 Mauritius 4.00 Mexico .59 Micronesia, Federated States of (Kosrae, Pohnpei, Chuuk and Yap) 1.50 Moldova 3.20 Monaco 1.60 Mongolian People's Republic 3.60 Montserrat 2.80 Morocco 4.00 Mustique 2.80

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 239


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

B. Alphabetical listing of Guam/Saipan Phone Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating in Guam and Saipan: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Naknodka $3.20 Namibia 4.00 Nauru 3.20 Nepal 3.60 Netherlands .59 Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten) 2.80 Nevis 2.80 New Caledonia 3.20 New Zealand (including Chatham Island) .49 Nicaragua 3.20 Nigeria 4.00 Niue 3.20 Norway (including Svalbard) 1.60 Oman 3.20 Pakistan 3.60 Palau 3.20 Palm Island 2.80 Panama 3.20 Papua New Guinea (Admiralty Islands, Bougainville, New Britain and New Ireland) 3.20 Paraguay 2.80 Peru 2.80 Philippines .39 Poland 3.20 Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands) 1.60 Qatar 3.20 Romania 3.20 Russia 3.20 San Marino 1.60 Saudi Arabia 3.20 Singapore, Republic of .49 Slovakia/Slovak Republic 3.20 Slovenia 3.20 Solomon Islands 3.20 South Africa (including the territory of Southwest Africa) 4.00 Spain (including Balearic Island, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) .49

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 240


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

B. Alphabetical listing of Guam/Saipan Phone Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating in Guam and Saipan: (Continued)

Country Rate Per Minute Sri Lanka $3.60 St. Kitts 2.80 St. Lucia 2.80 St. Pierre & Miquelon 2.80 St. Vincent/Grenadines 2.80 Suriname 2.80 Swaziland 4.00 Sweden .39 Switzerland .39 Taiwan .39 Tajikistan 3.20 Tanzania 4.00 Thailand .59 Togo 4.00 Tonga 2.26 Trinidad & Tobago 2.80 Tunisia 4.00 Turkey 1.60 Turkmenistan 3.20 Turks & Caicos Islands 2.80 Tuvalu 3.20 Uganda 4.00 Ukraine 3.20 Union Island 2.80 United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm al Qaiwain) 3.20 United Kingdom (including the Channel Islands, England, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) .25 Uruguay 2.80 Uzbekistan 3.20 Vanuatu 3.20 Vatican City 1.60 Venezuela 2.80 Vietnam 3.60 Western Samoa 1.75 Yemen Arab Republic 3.20 Yugoslavia 3.20 Zaire, Republic of 4.00 Zambia 4.00 Zimbabwe 4.00

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 241


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

C. Asia-Pacific Card

1. Per Minute Rates

Alphabetical listing of Asia-Pacific Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates:

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Afghanistan $1.98 Algeria 4.00 American Samoa .49 Andorra 1.60 Angola 1.30 Anguilla 2.80 Antigua (Barbuda) 2.80 Antarctica (Casey Base, David Base, Macquaire Island & Mawson Base) 1.30 Argentina .49 Armenia 3.20 Aruba 2.80 Ascension Island 4.00 Australia (including Tasmania) .65 Austria 1.60 Azerbaijan 3.20 Bahamas 2.80 Bahrain 3.20 Bangladesh, People's Republic of 3.60 Barbados .89 Belarus 3.20 Belgium 1.60 Belize 3.20 Benin, People's Republic of 4.00 Bequia 2.80 Bermuda 2.80 Bhutan 1.98 Bolivia 2.80 Botswana 1.65 Brazil .39 British Virgin Islands (Anegada, Camanoe Island, Guana Island, Jost Van Dyke, Little Thatch, Marina Cay, Mosquito Island, North Sound, Peter Island, Salt Island, Tortola and Virgin Gorda) 2.80 Brunei 3.60 Bulgaria 3.20 Burkina Faso 4.00 Burundi 1.98 Cambodia 3.60 Cameroon, United Republic of 4.00 Canada .29 Cayman Islands 2.80 Central African Republic 2.30

Effective: January 28, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 242


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

C. Asia-Pacific Card (Continued)

1. Per Minute Rates (Continued)

Alphabetical listing of Asia-Pacific Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Chad Republic $1.65 Chile .49 China, People's Republic of .59 Colombia 1.75 Comoros 2.30 Congo 1.98 Cook Islands 3.20 Costa Rica 3.20 Croatia 3.20 Cyprus 1.60 Czech Republic 3.20 Denmark (including Faeroe Islands) 1.60 Djibouti 1.98 Dominica 2.80 Dominican Republic 1.45 Easter Island .97 Ecuador 2.10 Egypt 4.00 El Salvador 2.20 Equatorial Guinea 2.60 Estonia 3.20 Ethiopia 4.00 Falkland Islands 1.65 Fiji 2.60 Finland 1.60 France .20 French Antilles (including: Martinique, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin) 2.80 French Guiana 2.80 French Polynesia (including: the Islands of Moorea and Tahiti) 2.50 Gabon Republic 4.00 Gambia 4.00 Germany, Federal Republic of (includes former German Democratic Republic) .18 Gibraltar 1.60 Greece 1.60 Greenland 1.25 Grenada (includes Carriacou) 2.80 Guadeloupe 2.80 Guantanamo (US Naval Base) 2.80

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 243


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

C. Asia-Pacific Card (Continued)

1. Per Minute Rates (Continued)

Alphabetical listing of Asia-Pacific Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Guatemala $3.20 Guinea 1.75 Guinea-Bissau 1.98 Guyana 2.80 Haiti 2.80 Honduras 3.20 Hong Kong .19 Hungary 3.20 Iceland 1.60 India 1.15 Indonesia .99 Iran 3.20 Iraq 2.30 Ireland .25 Israel 3.20 Italy .20 Ivory Coast 4.00 Jamaica 2.80 Japan (including Okinawa) .25 Jordan 3.20 Kazakhstan 3.20 Kenya 4.00 Khabarovsk 3.20 Kiribati 3.20 Korea (South) .25 Kuwait 3.20 Kyrgyzstan 3.20 Laos 3.60 Latvia 3.20 Lebanon 1.80 Lesotho 4.00 Liberia 4.00 Libyan Arab People's Socialist Jamahiriya 4.00 Liechtenstein .90 Lithuania 3.20 Luxembourg 1.60 Macau 1.60 Madagascar 1.60 Malawi 4.00 Malaysia .49 Mali Republic 1.98 Malta .99 Marshall Islands (Majuro and Ebeye) 1.60

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 244


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

C. Asia-Pacific Card (Continued)

1. Per Minute Rates (Continued)

Alphabetical listing of Asia-Pacific Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Mauritania $1.98 Mauritius 4.00 Mexico .35 Micronesia, Federated States of (Kosrae, Pohnpei, Chuuk and Yap) 1.50 Moldova 3.20 Monaco 1.60 Mongolian People's Republic 3.60 Montserrat 2.80 Morocco 1.30 Mustique 2.80 Naknodka 3.20 Namibia 4.00 Nauru 3.20 Nepal 3.60 Netherlands 0.89 Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten) 2.80 Nevis 2.80 New Caledonia 3.20 New Zealand (including Chatham Island) .35 Nicaragua 3.20 Niger Republic 1.98 Nigeria 4.00 Niue 3.20 Norway (including Svalbard) 1.60 Oman 3.20 Pakistan 3.60 Palau 3.20 Palm Island 2.80 Panama 3.20 Papua New Guinea (Admiralty Islands, Bougainville, New Britain and New Ireland) 3.20 Paraguay 2.80 Peru 1.75 Philippines .29 Poland 3.20 Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands) 1.60

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 245


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

C. Asia-Pacific Card (Continued)

1. Per Minute Rates (Continued)

Alphabetical listing of Asia-Pacific Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Qatar $3.20 Reunion Island 1.98 Romania 3.20 Russia 3.20 Rwanda 1.98 San Marino 1.60 Sao Tome 1.65 Saudi Arabia 3.20 Sierra Leone 1.65 Singapore, Republic of 1.10 Slovakia/Slovak Republic 3.20 Slovenia 3.20 Solomon Islands 3.20 Somali Republic 2.30 South Africa (including the territory of Southwest Africa) 4.00 Spain (including Balearic Island, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) 1.60 Sri Lanka 3.60 St. Helena 1.65 St. Kitts 2.80 St. Lucia 2.80 St. Pierre & Miquelon 2.80 St. Vincent/Grenadines 2.80 Sudan 1.65 Suriname 2.80 Swaziland 4.00 Sweden 1.60 Switzerland .90 Syrian Arab Republic 1.98 Taiwan .29 Tajikistan 3.20 Tanzania 4.00 Thailand .89 Togo 4.00 Tonga 2.30 Trinidad & Tobago 2.80 Tunisia 4.00 Turkey 1.60 Turkmenistan 3.20 Turks & Caicos Islands 2.80 Tuvalu 3.20 Uganda 4.00 Ukraine 3.20

Effective: January 28, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 246


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

C. Asia-Pacific Card (Continued)

1. Per Minute Rates (Continued)

Alphabetical listing of Asia-Pacific Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Union Island $2.80 United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm al Qaiwain) $3.20 United Kingdom (including the Channel Islands, England, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) .55 Uruguay 2.80 Uzbekistan 3.20 Vanuatu 3.20 Vatican City 1.60 Venezuela 2.80 Vietnam 1.20 Western Sahara 1.30 Western Samoa 1.75 Yemen Arab Republic 3.20 Yugoslavia 3.20 Zaire, Republic of 4.00 Zambia 4.00 Zimbabwe 4.00

2. Connection Charges

Calls placed using the Asia-Pacific Card are assessed the following connection charges per call:

Call Destination Charge Per Call International Countries $.99

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 247


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

D. Alphabetical listing of Premium Enhanced Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates:

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Afghanistan $1.98 Algeria 4.00 American Samoa .79 Andorra 1.60 Angola 1.30 Anguilla 2.80 Antarctica (Casey Base, David Base, Macquaire Island & Mawson Base) 1.30 Antigua (Barbuda) 2.80 Argentina .49 Armenia 3.20 Aruba 2.80 Ascension Island 4.00 Australia (including Tasmania) .39 Austria .40 Azerbaijan 3.20 Bahamas 2.80 Bahrain 3.20 Bangladesh, People's Republic of 3.60 Barbados 2.80 Belarus 3.20 Belgium 1.60 Belize 3.20 Benin, People's Republic of 4.00 Bequia 2.80 Bermuda 2.80 Bhutan 1.98 Bolivia 2.80 Botswana 1.65 Brazil .49 British Virgin Islands (Anegada, Camanoe Island, Guana Island, Jost Van Dyke, Little Thatch, Marina Cay, Mosquito Island, North Sound, Peter Island, Salt Island, Tortola and Virgin Gorda) 2.80 Brunei 3.60 Bulgaria 3.20 Burkina Faso 4.00 Burundi 1.98 Cambodia 3.60 Cameroon, United Republic of 4.00 Canada .29 Cayman Islands 2.80 Central African Republic 2.30 Chad Republic 1.65 Chile 0.97 China, People's Republic of 0.45

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 248


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

D. Alphabetical listing of Premium Enhanced Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Colombia $1.75 Comoros 2.30 Congo 1.98 Cook Islands 3.20 Costa Rica 3.20 Croatia 3.20 Cyprus 1.60 Czech Republic 3.20 Denmark (including Faeroe Islands) 1.60 Djibouti 1.98 Dominica 2.80 Dominican Republic 1.45 Easter Island .97 Ecuador 2.10 Egypt 4.00 El Salvador 2.20 Equatorial Guinea 2.60 Estonia 3.20 Ethiopia 4.00 Falkland Islands 1.65 Fiji 2.60 Finland 1.60 France .19 French Antilles (including: Martinique, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin) 2.80 French Guiana 2.80 French Polynesia (including: the Islands of Moorea and Tahiti) 2.50 Gabon Republic 4.00 Gambia 4.00 Germany, Federal Republic of (includes former German Democratic Republic) .19 Gibraltar 1.60 Greece 1.60 Greenland 1.25 Grenada (includes Carriacou) 2.80 Guadeloupe 2.80 Guantanamo (US Naval Base) 2.80 Guatemala 3.20 Guinea 1.75 Guinea-Bissau 1.98 Guyana 2.80 Haiti 2.80 Honduras 3.20 Hong Kong .25

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 249


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

D. Alphabetical listing of Premium Enhanced Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Hungary $3.20 Iceland 1.60 India 1.85 Indonesia .50 Iran 3.20 Iraq 2.30 Ireland .32 Israel 3.20 Italy .21 Ivory Coast 4.00 Jamaica 2.80 Japan (including Okinawa) .29 Jordan 3.20 Kazakhstan 3.20 Kenya 4.00 Khabarovsk 3.20 Kiribati 3.20 Korea (South) .29 Kuwait 3.20 Kyrgyzstan 3.20 Laos 3.60 Latvia 3.20 Lebanon 1.80 Lesotho 4.00 Liberia 4.00 Libyan Arab People's Socialist Jamahiriya 4.00 Liechtenstein .90 Lithuania 3.20 Luxembourg 1.60 Macau 1.60 Madagascar 1.60 Malawi 4.00 Malaysia .39 Mali Republic 1.98 Malta .99 Marshall Islands (Majuro and Ebeye) 1.60 Mauritania 1.98 Mauritius 4.00 Mexico .39 Micronesia, Federated States of (Kosrae, Pohnpei, Chuuk and Yap) 1.50 Moldova 3.20 Monaco 1.60 Mongolian People's Republic 3.60 Montserrat 2.80 Morocco 1.30

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 250


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

D. Alphabetical listing of Premium Enhanced Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Mustique $2.80 Naknodka 3.20 Namibia 4.00 Nauru 3.20 Nepal 3.60 Netherlands .49 Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten) 2.80 Nevis 2.80 New Caledonia 3.20 New Zealand (including Chatham Island) .39 Nicaragua 3.20 Niger Republic 1.98 Nigeria 4.00 Niue 3.20 Norway (including Svalbard) 1.60 Oman 3.20 Pakistan 3.60 Palau 3.20 Palm Island 2.80 Panama 3.20 Papua New Guinea (Admiralty Islands, Bougainville, New Britain and New Ireland) 3.20 Paraguay 2.80 Peru 1.75 Philippines .39 Poland 3.20 Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands) 1.60 Qatar 3.20 Reunion Island 1.98 Romania 3.20 Russia 3.20 Rwanda 1.98 San Marino 1.60 Sao Tome 1.65 Saudi Arabia 3.20 Sierra Leone 1.65 Singapore, Republic of .39

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 251


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

D. Alphabetical listing of Premium Enhanced Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country Rate Per Minute Slovakia/Slovak Republic $3.20 Slovenia 3.20 Solomon Islands 3.20 Somali Republic 2.30 South Africa (including the territory of Southwest Africa) 4.00 Spain (including Balearic Island, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) .40 Sri Lanka 3.60 St. Helena 1.65 St. Kitts 2.80 St. Lucia 2.80 St. Pierre & Miquelon 2.80 St. Vincent/Grenadines 2.80 Sudan 1.65 Suriname 2.80 Swaziland 4.00 Sweden .31 Switzerland .31 Syrian Arab Republic 1.98 Taiwan .39 Tajikistan 3.20 Tanzania 4.00 Thailand .49 Togo 4.00 Tonga 2.30 Trinidad & Tobago 2.80 Tunisia 4.00 Turkey 1.60 Turkmenistan 3.20 Turks & Caicos Islands 2.80 Tuvalu 3.20 Uganda 4.00 Ukraine 3.20 Union Island 2.80

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 252


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

D. Alphabetical listing of Premium Enhanced Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm al Qaiwain) $3.20 United Kingdom (including the Channel Islands, England, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) .15 Uruguay 2.80 Uzbekistan 3.20 Vanuatu 3.20 Vatican City 1.60 Venezuela 2.80 Vietnam 2.00 Western Sahara 1.30 Western Samoa 1.75 Yemen Arab Republic 3.20 Yugoslavia 3.20 Zaire, Republic of 4.00 Zambia 4.00 Zimbabwe 4.00

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Tariff F.C.C. No. 2 Original Page 253


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

E. Non-Coin Payphone Charge

The Non-Coin Payphone Charge will apply as follows:

Charge Per Call Non-Coin Payphone Charge $.50

F. Speed Dial Number Charge

The Speed Dial Number Charge will apply as follows:

Charge Per Speed Dial Number Connection Speed Dial Number Charge $.35

G. Traveler Service

1. Connection Charges

Calls placed using the Traveler Service are assessed the following connection charges per call:

Call Destination Charge Per Call International Countries $.99

Effective: January 28, 20012

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Tariff F.C.C. No. 2 Original Page 254


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

G. Traveler Service (Continued)

2. Rates

Country or Location Rate Per Minute American Samoa $.79 Australia .65 Canada .35 France .52 Germany .40 Hong Kong .49 Indonesia 1.90 Japan .46 Korea .49 Malaysia 1.10 New Zealand .45 Palau 3.20 Philippines .49 Singapore 1.10 Switzerland .90 Taiwan 1.25 Thailand .69 United Kingdom .55

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 255


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

H. Alphabetical listing of Bronze Enhanced Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates:

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Afghanistan $1.98 Algeria 4.00 American Samoa .59 Andorra 1.60 Angola 1.30 Anguilla 2.80 Antarctica (Casey Base, David Base, Macquaire Island & Mawson Base) 1.30 Antigua (Barbuda) 2.80 Argentina 1.75 Armenia 3.20 Aruba 2.80 Ascension Island 4.00 Australia (including Tasmania) .65 Austria 1.60 Azerbaijan 3.20 Bahamas 2.80 Bahrain 3.20 Bangladesh, People's Republic of 3.60 Barbados 2.80 Belarus 3.20 Belgium 1.60 Belize 3.20 Benin, People's Republic of 4.00 Bequia 2.80 Bermuda 2.80 Bhutan 1.98 Bolivia 2.80 Botswana 1.65 Brazil 1.65 British Virgin Islands (Anegada, Camanoe Island, Guana Island, Jost Van Dyke, Little Thatch, Marina Cay, Mosquito Island, North Sound, Peter Island, Salt Island, Tortola and Virgin Gorda) 2.80 Brunei 3.60 Bulgaria 3.20 Burkina Faso 4.00 Burundi 1.98 Cambodia 3.60 Cameroon, United Republic of 4.00 Canada .35 Cayman Islands 2.80 Central African Republic 2.30 Chad Republic 1.65 Chile .97 China, People's Republic of .99

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 256


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

H. Alphabetical listing of Bronze Enhanced Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Colombia $1.75 Comoros 2.30 Congo 1.98 Cook Islands 3.20 Costa Rica 3.20 Croatia 3.20 Cyprus 1.60 Czech Republic 3.20 Denmark (including Faeroe Islands) 1.60 Djibouti 1.98 Dominica 2.80 Dominican Republic 1.45 Easter Island .97 Ecuador 2.10 Egypt 4.00 El Salvador 2.20 Equatorial Guinea 2.60 Estonia 3.20 Ethiopia 4.00 Falkland Islands 1.65 Fiji 2.60 Finland 1.60 France .39 French Antilles (including Martinique, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin) 2.80 French Guiana 2.80 French Polynesia (including the Islands of Moorea and Tahiti) 2.50 Gabon Republic 4.00 Gambia 4.00 Germany, Federal Republic of (includes former German Democratic Republic) .39 Gibraltar 1.60 Greece 1.60 Greenland 1.25 Grenada (includes Carriacou) 2.80 Guadeloupe 2.80 Guantanamo (US Naval Base) 2.80 Guatemala 3.20 Guinea 1.75 Guinea-Bissau 1.98 Guyana 2.80 Haiti 2.80 Honduras 3.20 Hong Kong .49

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 257


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

H. Alphabetical listing of Bronze Enhanced Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Hungary $3.20 Iceland 1.60 India 1.85 Indonesia 1.90 Iran 3.20 Iraq 2.30 Ireland 1.60 Israel 3.20 Italy .39 Ivory Coast 4.00 Jamaica 2.80 Japan (including Okinawa) .39 Jordan 3.20 Kazakhstan 3.20 Kenya 4.00 Khabarovsk 3.20 Kiribati 3.20 Korea (South) .49 Kuwait 3.20 Kyrgyzstan 3.20 Laos 3.60 Latvia 3.20 Lebanon 1.80 Lesotho 4.00 Liberia 4.00 Libyan Arab People's Socialist Jamahiriya 4.00 Liechtenstein .90 Lithuania 3.20 Luxembourg 1.60 Macau 1.60 Madagascar 1.60 Malawi 4.00 Malaysia 1.10 Mali Republic 1.98 Malta .99 Marshall Islands (Majuro and Ebeye) 1.60 Mauritania 1.98 Mauritius 4.00 Mexico .49 Micronesia, Federated States of (Kosrae, Pohnpei, Chuuk and Yap) 1.50 Moldova 3.20

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

H. Alphabetical listing of Bronze Enhanced Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Monaco $1.60 Mongolian People's Republic 3.60 Montserrat 2.80 Morocco 1.30 Mustique 2.80 Naknodka 3.20 Namibia 4.00 Nauru 3.20 Nepal 3.60 Netherlands 1.60 Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten) 2.80 Nevis 2.80 New Caledonia 3.20 New Zealand (including Chatham Island) .45 Nicaragua 3.20 Niger Republic 1.98 Nigeria 4.00 Niue 3.20 Norway (including Svalbard) 1.60 Oman 3.20 Pakistan 3.60 Palau 3.20 Palm Island 2.80 Panama 3.20 Papua New Guinea (Admiralty Islands, Bougainville, New Britain and New Ireland) 3.20 Paraguay 2.80 Peru 1.75 Philippines .39 Poland 3.20 Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands) 1.60 Qatar 3.20 Reunion Island 1.98 Romania 3.20 Russia 3.20 Rwanda 1.98

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

H. Alphabetical listing of Bronze Enhanced Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute San Marino $1.60 Sao Tome 1.65 Saudi Arabia 3.20 Sierra Leone 1.65 Singapore, Republic of 1.10 Slovakia/Slovak Republic 3.20 Slovenia 3.20 Solomon Islands 3.20 Somali Republic 2.30 South Africa (including the territory of Southwest Africa) 4.00 Spain (including Balearic Island, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) 1.60 Sri Lanka 3.60 St. Helena 1.65 St. Kitts 2.80 St. Lucia 2.80 St. Pierre & Miquelon 2.80 St. Vincent/Grenadines 2.80 Sudan 1.65 Suriname 2.80 Swaziland 4.00 Sweden 1.60 Switzerland .49 Syrian Arab Republic 1.98 Taiwan .49 Tajikistan 3.20 Tanzania 4.00 Thailand .69 Togo 4.00 Tonga 2.30 Trinidad & Tobago 2.80 Tunisia 4.00 Turkey 1.60 Turkmenistan 3.20 Turks & Caicos Islands 2.80 Tuvalu 3.20 Uganda 4.00 Ukraine 3.20 Union Island 2.80

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 260


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

H. Alphabetical listing of Bronze Enhanced Hawaii Calling Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm al Qaiwain) $3.20 United Kingdom (including the Channel Islands, England, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) .39 Uruguay 2.80 Uzbekistan 3.20 Vanuatu 3.20 Vatican City 1.60 Venezuela 2.80 Vietnam 1.25 Western Sahara 1.30 Western Samoa 1.75 Yemen Arab Republic 3.20 Yugoslavia 3.20 Zaire, Republic of 4.00 Zambia 4.00 Zimbabwe 4.00

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 261


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

I. Alphabetical listing of Fil-Am Phone Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates:

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Afghanistan $1.98 Algeria 4.00 American Samoa .79 Andorra 1.60 Angola 1.30 Anguilla 2.80 Antarctica (Casey Base, David Base, Macquaire Island & Mawson Base) 1.30 Antigua (Barbuda) 2.80 Argentina 1.75 Armenia 3.20 Aruba 2.80 Ascension Island 4.00 Australia (including Tasmania) .65 Austria 1.60 Azerbaijan 3.20 Bahamas 2.80 Bahrain 3.20 Bangladesh, People's Republic of 3.60 Barbados 2.80 Belarus 3.20 Belgium 1.60 Belize 3.20 Benin, People's Republic of 4.00 Bequia 2.80 Bermuda 2.80 Bhutan 1.98 Bolivia 2.80 Botswana 1.65 Brazil 1.65 British Virgin Islands (Anegada, Camanoe Island, Guana Island, Jost Van Dyke, Little Thatch, Marina Cay, Mosquito Island, North Sound, Peter Island, Salt Island, Tortola and Virgin Gorda) 2.80 Brunei 3.60 Bulgaria 3.20 Burkina Faso 4.00 Burundi 1.98 Cambodia 3.60 Cameroon, United Republic of 4.00 Canada .35 Cayman Islands 2.80 Central African Republic 2.30 Chad Republic 1.65 Chile .97 China, People's Republic of .99

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 262


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

I. Alphabetical listing of Fil-Am Phone Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Colombia $1.75 Comoros 2.30 Congo 1.98 Cook Islands 3.20 Costa Rica 3.20 Croatia 3.20 Cyprus 1.60 Czech Republic 3.20 Denmark (including Faeroe Islands) 1.60 Djibouti 1.98 Dominica 2.80 Dominican Republic 1.45 Easter Island .97 Ecuador 2.10 Egypt 4.00 El Salvador 2.20 Equatorial Guinea 2.60 Estonia 3.20 Ethiopia 4.00 Falkland Islands 1.65 Fiji 2.60 Finland 1.60 France .39 French Antilles (including Martinique, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin) 2.80 French Guiana 2.80 French Polynesia (including the Islands of Moorea and Tahiti) 2.50 Gabon Republic 4.00 Gambia 4.00 Germany, Federal Republic of (includes former German Democratic Republic) .39 Gibraltar 1.60 Greece 1.60 Greenland 1.25 Grenada (includes Carriacou) 2.80 Guadeloupe 2.80 Guantanamo (US Naval Base) 2.80 Guatemala 3.20 Guinea 1.75 Guinea-Bissau 1.98 Guyana 2.80 Haiti 2.80 Honduras 3.20 Hong Kong .49

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 263


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

I. Alphabetical listing of Fil-Am Phone Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Hungary $3.20 Iceland 1.60 India 1.85 Indonesia 1.90 Iran 3.20 Iraq 2.30 Ireland 1.60 Israel 3.20 Italy .39 Ivory Coast 4.00 Jamaica 2.80 Japan (including Okinawa) .39 Jordan 3.20 Kazakhstan 3.20 Kenya 4.00 Khabarovsk 3.20 Kiribati 3.20 Korea (South) .49 Kuwait 3.20 Kyrgyzstan 3.20 Laos 3.60 Latvia 3.20 Lebanon 1.80 Lesotho 4.00 Liberia 4.00 Libyan Arab People's Socialist Jamahiriya 4.00 Liechtenstein .90 Lithuania 3.20 Luxembourg 1.60 Macau 1.60 Madagascar 1.60 Malawi 4.00 Malaysia 1.10 Mali Republic 1.98 Malta .99 Marshall Islands (Majuro and Ebeye) 1.60 Mauritania 1.98 Mauritius 4.00 Mexico .49 Micronesia, Federated States of (Kosrae, Pohnpei, Chuuk and Yap) 1.50 Moldova 3.20 Monaco 1.60 Mongolian People's Republic 3.60 Montserrat 2.80 Morocco 1.30 Mustique 2.80

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 264


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

I. Alphabetical listing of Fil-Am Phone Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Naknodka $3.20 Namibia 4.00 Nauru 3.20 Nepal 3.60 Netherlands 1.60 Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten) 2.80 Nevis 2.80 New Caledonia 3.20 New Zealand (including Chatham Island) .45 Nicaragua 3.20 Niger Republic 1.98 Nigeria 4.00 Niue 3.20 Norway (including Svalbard) 1.60 Oman 3.20 Pakistan 3.60 Palau 3.20 Palm Island 2.80 Panama 3.20 Papua New Guinea (Admiralty Islands, Bougainville, New Britain and New Ireland) 3.20 Paraguay 2.80 Peru 1.75 Philippines .385 Poland 3.20 Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands) 1.60 Qatar 3.20 Reunion Island 1.98 Romania 3.20 Russia 3.20 Rwanda 1.98 San Marino 1.60 Sao Tome 1.65 Saudi Arabia 3.20 Sierra Leone 1.65 Singapore, Republic of 1.10

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 265


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

I. Alphabetical listing of Fil-Am Phone Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United Sates: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute Slovakia/Slovak Republic $3.20 Slovenia 3.20 Solomon Islands 3.20 Somali Republic 2.30 South Africa (including the territory of Southwest Africa) 4.00 Spain (including Balearic Island, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) 1.60 Sri Lanka 3.60 St. Helena 1.65 St. Kitts 2.80 St. Lucia 2.80 St. Pierre & Miquelon 2.80 St. Vincent/Grenadines 2.80 Sudan 1.65 Suriname 2.80 Swaziland 4.00 Sweden 1.60 Switzerland .49 Syrian Arab Republic 1.98 Taiwan .49 Tajikistan 3.20 Tanzania 4.00 Thailand 1.80 Togo 4.00 Tonga 2.30 Trinidad & Tobago 2.80 Tunisia 4.00 Turkey 1.60 Turkmenistan 3.20 Turks & Caicos Islands 2.80 Tuvalu 3.20 Uganda 4.00 Ukraine 3.20 Union Island 2.80

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 266


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

I. Alphabetical listing of Fil-Am Phone Card Rates Countries and Locations for calls originating within the 50 United States: (Continued)

Country or Location Rate Per Minute United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm al Qaiwain) $3.20 United Kingdom (including the Channel Islands, England, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) .39 Uruguay 2.80 Uzbekistan 3.20 Vanuatu 3.20 Vatican City 1.60 Venezuela 2.80 Vietnam 1.25 Western Sahara 1.30 Western Samoa 1.75 Yemen Arab Republic 3.20 Yugoslavia 3.20 Zaire, Republic of 4.00 Zambia 4.00 Zimbabwe 4.00

Calls from the Philippines to the 50 United States are charged at the rate of $.59 per minute.

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VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 267


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.13 1-800 Prepaid Phone Card Service (Continued)

J. Surcharge Based Conus Rate Card calls originating and terminating within the 50 United States are rated at rates shown below:

Rate Per Minute Surcharge Per Call 1. Surcharge A $.129 $.25 2. Surcharge B .149 .25 3. Surcharge C .079 .49 4. Surcharge D .129 .49 5. Surcharge E .149 .49

Calls originating from the 50 United States to countries/locations other than the 50 United States are charged at Carrier's other 1-800 prepaid card phone service rates.

K. The Directory Assistance Charge is $2.00 per call.

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

Reserved for Future Use (T)



Material omitted from this page now appears on Pages 304 and 305.

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

Reserved for Future Use (T)



Material omitted from this page now appears on Page 305.

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

Reserved for Future Use (T)



Material omitted from this page now appears on Pages 305, 306 and 307.

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

Reserved for Future Use (T)



Material omitted from this page now appears on Pages 306, 307 and 308.

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

Reserved for Future Use (T)



Material omitted from this page now appears on Pages 308 and 309.

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

Reserved for Future Use (T)



Material omitted from this page now appears on Pages 309 and 309.1.

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

Reserved for Future Use (T)

(M) I (M)

Material omitted from this page now appears on Page 304.

Effective: October 21, 2002

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4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.5 Caribe Prepaid Calling Service




Effective: December 16, 2011

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 283 Cancels Original Page 283 through Original Page 296


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.6 The Happy Prepaid Calling Service


Effective: December 16, 2011

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 297 Cancels Original Page 297 through Original Page 303


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.7 The Best Prepaid Calling Service




Effective: December 16, 2011 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 9th Revised Page 304 Cancels 8th Revised Page 304 through 4th Revised Page 309.1


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.8 Prepaid Calling Services Rates




Effective: December 16, 2011

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 310 Cancels 1st Revised Page 310


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.9 Distributor II Prepaid Calling Service




Effective: December 16, 2011

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 311 Cancels Original Page 311


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.9 Distributor II Prepaid Calling Service (Continued) (T)

Rates apply for Cards A, B, C, D, E. (N)

Local Access and Toll Free Access, Per Minute Rate

Country Min. Max. Country Min. Max. Burkina Faso $.030 $1.995 Dominican Republic - Cellular $.005 $1.098 Burundi .017 2.438 Ecuador .017 .752 Burundi - Cellular .017 3.658 Ecuador - Quito .002 .752 Cambodia .028 3.545 Ecuador - Cellular .017 1.131 Cambodia - Cellular .028 5.320 Egypt .021 1.773 Cameroon .019 1.995 Egypt - Cellular .021 2.660 Cameroon - Cellular .019 2.993 El Salvador .014 1.077 Canada .004 .262 El Salvador - Cellular .017 1.615 Cape Verde Island .024 1.550 Equatorial Guinea .025 3.287 Cayman Island .007 .785 Eritrea .107 3.103 Central African Republic .017 3.545 Estonia .011 1.702 Chad .029 4.210 Estonia - Cellular .011 2.556 Chile .002 .485 Ethiopia .056 2.660 Chile - Cellular .002 .726 Ethiopia - Cellular .056 3.990 China .007 .927 Falkland Islands .056 3.325 China - Cellular .007 1.391 Faroe Island .010 1.417 Columbia .003 .599 Fiji Island .032 1.773 Columbia - Cellular .005 .899 Fiji Island - Cellular .032 2.660 Columbia - Bogota .002 .599 Finland .006 .580 Comoros & Mayotte Island .026 3.545 Finland - Cellular .011 .868 Congo .010 1.995 France .006 .245 Cook Island .083 2.660 France - Cellular .018 .367 Cook Island - Cellular .083 3.990 French Antilles/Martinique .020 1.165 Costa Rica .008 .931 French Guiana .020 1.165 Costa Rica - Cellular .012 1.397 French Guiana - Cellular .020 1.748 Croatia .011 1.212 French Polynesia .020 2.438 Croatia - Cellular .013 1.818 Gabon .010 2.438 Cuba .021 1.995 Gabon - Cellular .010 3.658 Cyprus .012 1.387 Gambia .026 1.550 Cyprus - Cellular .012 2.081 Georgia .009 1.995 Czech Republic .012 1.165 Georgia - Cellular .009 2.993 Czech Republic-Prague .005 1.165 Germany .006 .238 Czech Republic - Cellular .006 1.748 Germany - Cellular .007 .355 Denmark .007 .209 Ghana .014 1.550 Denmark - Cellular .007 .314 Ghana - Cellular .013 2.328 Diego Garcia .011 2.765 Gibraltar .010 1.910 Djibouti .017 2.215 Gibraltar - Cellular .010 2.863 Djibouti - Cellular .032 3.325 Greece .009 .781 Dominica .023 1.355 Greece - Cellular .009 1.172 Dominican Republic .004 .732 Greenland .030 1.435 (N)

Effective: March 15, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 312 Cancels Original Page 312


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.9 Distributor II Prepaid Calling Service (Continued) (T)

Rates apply for Cards A, B, C, D, E. (N)

Local Access and Toll Free Access, Per Minute Rate

Country Min. Max. Country Min. Max. Greenland - Cellular $.030 $2.151 Ivory Coast - Cellular $.027 $3.990 Grenada .018 1.330 Jamaica .010 1.773 Guadeloupe .011 1.117 Jamaica - Cellular .015 2.660 Guatemala .016 .606 Japan .005 .395 Guatemala - Cellular .016 .908 Japan - Cellular .007 .593 Guinea .016 2.130 Jordan .020 1.773 Guinea - Cellular .033 3.658 Jordan - Cellular .020 2.660 Guyana .033 2.438 Kazakhstan .010 1.322 Guyana - Cellular .033 3.658 Kazakhstan - Cellular .010 1.986 Haiti .017 1.995 Kenya .025 1.773 Haiti - Cellular .019 2.993 Kenya - Cellular .025 2.660 Honduras .037 1.357 Kiribati .067 6.205 Honduras - Cellular .037 2.035 Kiribati - Cellular .067 9.310 Hong Kong .007 .437 Korea - North .037 5.330 Hong Kong - Cellular .007 .656 Korea - South .005 .637 Hungary .010 1.212 Korea - South - Cellular .005 .956 Hungary - Budapest .005 1.212 Kuwait .010 2.660 Hungary - Cellular .010 1.818 Kuwait - Cellular .010 3.990 Iceland .008 .847 Kyrgyzstan .008 3.545 Iceland - Cellular .008 1.273 Kyrgyzstan - Cellular .010 5.320 India .042 1.995 Laos .029 3.768 India - Cellular .042 2.993 Latvia .013 2.812 Indonesia .009 1.435 Latvia - Cellular .016 4.218 Indonesia - Cellular .009 2.151 Lebanon .019 2.438 INMARSAT-Atlantic East .095 6.728 Lebanon - Cellular .024 3.658 INMARSAT-Atlantic West .095 6.728 Lesotho .012 1.550 INMARSAT-Indian .095 6.728 Liberia .024 2.196 INMARSAT-Pacific .095 6.728 Liberia - Cellular .028 3.297 Iran .022 1.995 Libya .018 1.767 Iran - Cellular .022 2.993 Liechtenstein .007 .372 Iraq .048 2.880 Liechtenstein - Cellular .007 .561 Ireland .006 .352 Lithuania .012 2.385 Ireland - Cellular .006 .526 Lithuania - Cellular .015 3.576 Iridium .026 3.958 Luxembourg .007 .705 Israel .005 .405 Luxembourg - Cellular .007 1.058 Israel - Cellular .032 .608 Macao .017 1.655 Italy .005 .266 Macao - Cellular .022 2.483 Italy - Cellular .007 .399 Macedonia .015 1.640 Ivory Coast .027 2.660 Macedonia - Cellular .021 2.461 (N)

Effective: March 15, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 313 Cancels Original Page 313


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.9 Distributor II Prepaid Calling Service (Continued) (T)

Rates apply for Cards A, B, C, D, E. (N)

Local Access and Toll Free Access, Per Minute Rate

Country Min. Max. Country Min. Max. Madagascar $.033 $ 5.540 Nepal $.018 $2.438 Madagascar - Cellular .033 8.313 Nepal - Cellular .023 3.658 Malawi .009 2.130 Netherlands .005 1.330 Malawi - Cellular .009 3.196 Netherlands - Cellular .009 .798 Malaysia .006 1.387 Netherlands-Antilles .011 1.330 Malaysia - Cellular .006 2.081 Netherlands-Antilles - Cellular .011 1.995 Maldives .048 2.660 Nevis & St. Kitts .020 1.330 Maldives - Cellular .048 3.990 New Caledonia .039 1.773 Mali .033 2.215 New Zealand .005 .895 Malta .008 1.292 New Zealand - Cellular .011 1.343 Malta - Cellular .010 1.938 Nicaragua .024 1.550 Marshall Islands .042 1.877 Nicaragua - Cellular .024 2.328 Mauritania .033 1.815 Niger Republic .013 1.773 Mauritius .029 2.215 Nigeria .015 2.215 Mauritius - Cellular .042 3.325 Nigeria - Cellular .025 3.325 Mexico-Rate Step 1 Standard .008 .437 Niue Islands .025 5.098 Mexico-Rate Step 2 Standard .008 .437 Norway .005 .580 Mexico-Rate Step 3 Standard .008 .437 Norway - Cellular .005 .868 Mexico-Rate Step 4 Standard .008 .437 Oman .030 2.290 Mexico-Rate Step 5 Standard .008 .437 Pakistan .029 1.995 Mexico-Rate Step 6 Standard .008 .437 Pakistan - Cellular .043 2.993 Mexico-Rate Step 7 Standard .008 .437 Palau Republic .011 2.400 Mexico-Rate Step 8 Standard .008 .437 Palestine .021 1.197 Mexico - Cellular .007 .656 Panama .010 1.197 Micronesia .051 1.773 Panama - Cellular .010 1.796 Moldova .009 3.545 Papua New Guinea .022 1.972 Moldova - Cellular .011 5.320 Paraguay .020 1.773 Monaco .007 .642 Paraguay - Cellular .020 2.660 Monaco - Cellular .008 .963 Peru .010 .948 Mongolia .024 1.995 Peru - Lima .002 1.421 Monserrat .026 1.550 Peru - Cellular .006 1.421 Morocco .020 1.550 Philippines .009 .804 Morocco - Cellular .029 2.328 Philippines - Cellular .009 1.207 Mozambique .018 2.367 Poland .007 1.049 Mozambique - Cellular .028 3.553 Poland - Cellular .007 1.573 Myanmar (Formerly Burma) .048 4.285 Portugal .007 1.055 Namibia .013 1.815 Portugal - Cellular .008 1.581 Nauru .048 3.545 Qatar .032 1.773 Nauru - Cellular .048 5.320 Qatar - Cellular .033 2.660 (N)

Effective: March 15, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 313.1


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.9 Distributor II Prepaid Calling Service (Continued) (T)

Rates apply for Cards A, B, C, D, E. (N)

Local Access and Toll Free Access, Per Minute Rate

Country Min. Max. Country Min. Max. Reunion Island $.010 $1.862 Sudan $.023 $2.575 Reunion Island - Cellular .011 2.793 Sudan - Cellular .023 3.861 Romania .013 2.147 Surinam .083 1.995 Romania - Cellular .013 3.221 Surinam - Cellular .083 2.993 Russia .005 .817 Swaziland .009 1.877 Russia - Cellular .009 1.226 Sweden .005 .504 Rwanda .016 2.880 Sweden - Cellular .005 .756 Rwanda - Cellular .026 4.323 Switzerland .006 .372 San Marino .007 3.287 Switzerland - Cellular .020 .561 San Marino - Cellular .007 4.931 Syrian Arab .042 1.995 Sao Tome & Principle .056 3.768 Syrian Arab - Cellular .042 2.993 Saudi Arabia .016 1.773 Taiwan .007 .540 Saudi Arabia - Cellular .024 2.660 Taiwan - Cellular .007 .808 Senegal Rep .033 1.773 Tajikistan .013 3.325 Serbia .012 3.287 Tajikistan - Cellular .013 4.988 Serbia - Cellular .014 4.931 Tanzania .026 1.773 Seychelles Island .027 2.215 Tanzania - Cellular .032 2.660 Seychelles Island - Cellular .039 3.325 Thailand .012 1.227 Sierra Leone .030 2.215 Thailand - Cellular .012 1.843 Singapore .005 .610 Togo .035 2.438 Singapore - Cellular .005 .916 Tokelau .013 3.278 Slovakia .009 1.165 Tokelau - Cellular .020 4.908 Slovakia - Cellular .009 1.748 Tonga Island .052 2.880 Slovenia .009 1.007 Trinidad/Tobago .008 1.330 Slovenia - Cellular .009 1.511 Trinidad/Tobago - Cellular .009 1.995 Solomon Islands .083 3.325 Tunisia .021 1.550 Somalia .068 3.080 Tunisia - Cellular .023 2.328 South Africa .009 1.530 Turkey .022 1.343 South Africa - Cellular .009 2.293 Turkey - Cellular .022 2.014 Spain .006 .479 Turkmenistan .011 2.880 Spain - Cellular .006 .718 Turk & Caicos Island .016 1.001 Sri Lanka .013 2.215 Tuvalu Island .061 4.655 Sri Lanka - Cellular .013 3.325 Tuvalu Island - Cellular .067 4.655 St. Croix .334 6.072 Uganda .013 1.720 St. Helena .051 3.325 Uganda - Cellular .013 2.578 St. Lucia .020 1.330 Ukraine .002 2.052 St. Lucia - Cellular .032 1.995 Ukraine - Kiev - Cellular .008 3.078 St. Pierre/Miguelon .009 1.435 United Arab EM. .013 2.765 St. Vincent/Gren. .020 1.330 United Arab EM. - Cellular .015 4.146 (N)

Effective: March 15, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 313.2


4.2 Prepaid Calling Service Rates (Continued)

4.2.9 Distributor II Prepaid Calling Service (Continued) (T)

Rates apply for Cards A, B, C, D, E. (N)

Local Access and Toll Free Access, Per Minute Rate

Country Min. Max. United Kingdom $.006 $.179 United Kingdom - Cellular .009 .266 Uruguay .017 1.940 Uruguay - Cellular .017 1.940 Uzbekistan .010 1.550 Uzbekistan - Cellular .015 2.328 Vanuatu .067 6.428 Vanuatu - Cellular .067 9.643 Vatican City .007 .295 Venezuela .017 1.055 Venezuela - Cellular .017 1.581 Venezuela - Caracas .002 1.055 Venezuela - Caracas - Cellular .002 1.581 Vietnam .053 2.660 Vietnam - Cellular .053 3.990 Wallis & Fotuna Island .048 4.655 Western Samoa .032 1.892 Western Samoa - Cellular .048 2.841 Yemen-Arab Republic .034 2.438 Yugoslavia - Montenegro .008 .642 Zaire .022 1.550 Zaire - Cellular .022 2.328 Zambia .015 1.773 Zambia - Cellular .015 2.660 Zanzibar .083 4.095 Zimbabwe .008 3.065 Zimbabwe - Cellular .008 4.598 (N)

Effective: March 15, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 314


4.3 IMTS Rate Period Tables

4.3.1 Mainland Service to Foreign Countries

Country GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Afghanistan 6P-1A 1A-11A 11A-6P Albania 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Algeria 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A American Samoa 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Andorra 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Angola 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Anguilla 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Antarctica 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Antigua 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Argentina 8A-6P 6P-12 MID 12 MID-8A Armenia 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Aruba 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Ascension Island 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Australia 2P-8P 8P-3A 3A-2P Austria 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Australian External Territories 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Azerbaijan 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Azores 1P-8P 7A-1P 8P-7A Bahamas 8A-5P 5P-11P 11P-8A Bahrain 8A-3P 9P-8A 3P-9P Balearic Island 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Bangladesh 6A-6P 6P-6A Barbados 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Belarus 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Belgium 7A-IP 1P-6P 6P-7A Belize 5P-11P 8A-5P 11P-8A Benin 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Bermuda 8A-5P 5P-11P 11P-8A Bhutan 6A-6P 6P-6A Bolivia 4P-12 MID 7A-4P 12 MID-7A Bosnia-Herzegovina 1P-12 MID 7A-1P 12 MID-7A Botswana 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Brazil 8A-6P 6P-12 MID 12 MID-8A British Virgin Islands 8A-5P 5P-11P 11P-8A Brunei 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Bulgaria 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Burkina Faso 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Burundi 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Cambodia 5P-2A 2A-11A 11A-5P

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4.3 IMTS Rate Period Tables (Continued)

4.3.1 Mainland Service to Foreign Countries (Continued)

Country GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Cameroon 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Canada M-F, 8A-6P M-F, 6P-12 MID M-SUN, 12MID-8A S-S, 8A-12 MID Canary Island 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Cape Verde Islands 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Cayman Islands 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Central African Republic 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Chad 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Chile 8A-6P 6P-12 MID 12 MID-8A China 5P-2A 2A-11A 11A-5P Christmas & Cocos Island 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Colombia 4P-12 MID 7A-4P 12 MID-7A Comoros 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Congo 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Cook Islands 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Costa Rica 5P-11P 8A-5P 11P-8A Croatia 1P-12 MID 7A-1P 12 MID-7A Cuba 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Cyprus 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Czech Republic 7A-1P 1P-12 MID 12 MID-7A Denmark 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Diego Garcia 6A-6P 6P-6A Djibouti 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Dominica 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Dominican Republic 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Ecuador 4P-12 MID 7A-4P 12 MID-7A Egypt 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A El Salvador 5P-11P 8A-5P 11P-8A Equatorial Guinea 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Eritrea 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Estonia 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Ethiopia 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Faeroe Islands 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Falkland Islands 8A-6P 6P-12 MID 12 MID-8A Fiji Islands 5P-2A 9A-5P 2A-9A Finland 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A France 7A-IP 1P-6P 6P-7A French Antilles (including: Martinique, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin) 8A-5P 5P-11P 11P-8A French Guiana 8A-6P 6P-12 MID 12 MID-8A French Polynesia 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Gabon 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Gambia 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A

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4.3 IMTS Rate Period Tables (Continued)

4.3.1 Mainland Service to Foreign Countries (Continued)

Country GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Georgia 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Germany 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Ghana 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Gibraltar 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Greece 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Greenland 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Grenada 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Guadeloupe 8A-5P 5P-11P 11P-8A Guantanamo 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Guatemala 5P-11P 8A-5P 11P-8A Guinea 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Guinea- Bissau 6A-12 NOON NOON-5P 5P-6A Guyana 8A-6P 6P-12 MID 12 MID-8A Haiti 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Honduras 5P-11P 8A-5P 11P-8A Hong Kong 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Hungary 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Iceland 1P-8P 7A-1P 8P-7A India 6A-6P 6P-6A Indonesia 5P-2A 2A-11A 11A-5P Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - East 8A-5P 5P-11P 11P-8A Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - West 8A-5P 5P-11P 11P-8A Inmarsat Indian Ocean 8A-5P 5P-11P 11P-8A Inmarsat Pacific Ocean 8A-5P 5P-11P 11P-8A Iran 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Iraq 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Ireland 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Israel 8A-5P 12 MID-8A 5P-12 MID Italy 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Ivory Coast 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Jamaica 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Japan 2P-8P 8P-3A 3A-2P Jordan 8A-5P 12 MID-8A 5P-12 MID Kazakhstan 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Kenya 7A-5P 5P-1A 1A-7A Kiribati 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Kirghiza 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Kuwait 7A-5P 5P-1A 1A-7A Kyrgyzstan 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Laos 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Latvia 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Lebanon 8A-3P 9P-8A 3P-9P

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4.3 IMTS Rate Period Tables (Continued)

4.3.1 Mainland Service to Foreign Countries (Continued)

Country GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Lesotho 7A-5P 5P-1A 1A-7A Liberia 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Libya 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Liechtenstein 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Lithuania 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Luxembourg 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Macao 5P-2A 2A-11A 11A-5P Macedonia 1P-12 MID 7A-1P 12 MID-7A Madagascar 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Madeira 1P-8P 7A-1P 8P-7A Malawi 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Malaysia 5P-2A 2A-11A 11A-5P Maldives 6P-1A 1A-11A 11A-6P Mali 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Malta 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Marshall Islands 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Mauritania 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Mauritius 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Mayotte Island 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Mexico M-F, 7A-7P M-F,7P-7A SUN, 5P-12 MID SAT (ALL DAY) SUN 12 MID-5P Micronesia 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Moldova 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Monaco 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Mongolia 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Montserrat 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Morocco 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Mozambique 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Mustique 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Myanmar (Burma) 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Nakhodka 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Namibia 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Nauru 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Nepal 6A-6P 6P-6A Netherlands 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Netherlands Antilles 8A-5P 5P-11P 11P-8A Nevis 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A New Caledonia 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A New Zealand 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Nicaragua 5P-11P 8A-5P 11P-8A Niger 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Nigeria 7A-5P 5P-1A 1A-7A Niue 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A

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4.3 IMTS Rate Period Tables (Continued)

4.3.1 Mainland Service to Foreign Countries (Continued)

Country GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Norfolk Island 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A North Korea 2P-8P 8P-3A 3A-2P Norway 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Oman 8A-3P 9P-8A 3P-9P Pakistan 6A-6P 6P-6A Palau 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Panama 5P-11P 8A-5P 11P-8A Papua New Guinea 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Paraguay 8A-6P 6P-12 MID 12 MID-8A Peru 4P-12 MID 7A-4P 12 MID-7A Philippines 5P-2A 2A-11A 11A-5P Poland 7A-1P 1P-12 MID 12 MID-7A Portugal 1P-8P 7A-1P 8P-7A Qatar 7A-5P 5P-1A 1A-7A Reunion Island 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Romania 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Russia 1P-2A 7A-IP 2A-7A Rwanda 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Sahar Spanish 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Western 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Sakhalin 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A San Marino 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Sao Tome 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Saudi Arabia 7A-5P 5P-1A 1A-7A Senegal Republic 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Seychelles Islands 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Sierra Leone 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Singapore 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Slovakia 7A-1P 1P-12 MID 12 Mid-7A Slovenia 1P-12 MID 7A-1P 12 MID-7A Solomon Islands 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Somalia 6A-12 Noon 12 Noon-5P 5P-6A South Africa 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A South Korea 2P-8P 8P-3A 3A-2P Spain 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Sri Lanka 6A-6P 6P-6A St. Helena 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A St. Kitts 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A St. Lucia 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A

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4.3 IMTS Rate Period Tables (Continued)

4.3.1 Mainland Service to Foreign Countries (Continued)

Country GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy

St. Pierre & Miquelon 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A St. Vincent and The Grenadines 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Sudan 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Suriname 8A-6P 6P-12 MID 12 MID-8A Swaziland 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Sweden 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Switzerland 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Syrian Arab Republic 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Taiwan 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Tajikistan 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Tanzania 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Thailand 5P-2A 2A-11A 11A-5P Togo 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Tonga Islands 5P-2A 9A-5P 2A-9A Trinidad & Tobago 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Tristan Da Cunha 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Tunisia 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Turkey 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Turkmenistan 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Turks & Caicos Islands 4P-10P 7A-4P 10P-7A Tuvalu 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Uganda 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Ukraine 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A United Arab Emirates 8A-3P 9P-8A 3P-9P United Kingdom 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Uruguay 7A-4P 4P-12 MID 12 MID-7A Uzbekistan 1P-2A 7A-1P 2A-7A Vanuatu 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Vatican City 7A-1P 1P-6P 6P-7A Venezuela 8A-6P 6P-12 MID 12 MID-8A Vietnam 5P-2A 2A-11A 11A-5P Wallis & Futuna Islands 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Western Samoa 5P-11P 10A-5P 11P-10A Yemen 8A-3P 9P-8A 3P-9P Yugoslavia 1P-12 MID 7A-1P 12 MID-7A Zaire 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Zambia 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A Zimbabwe 6A-12 NOON 12 NOON-5P 5P-6A

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4.3 IMTS Rate Period Tables (Continued)

4.3.2 Hawaii Service to Foreign Countries

Country GTE Standard GTE Economy Afghanistan 11A-9P 9P-11A Albania 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Algeria 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A American Samoa 10A-11P 11P-10A Andorra 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 7P-1A 1A-7A Angola 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Anguilla 7A-6P 6P-7A Antarctica 10A-11P 11P-10A Antigua 7A-6P 6P-7A Argentina 8A-8P 8P-8A Armenia 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Aruba 7A-6P 6P-7A Ascension Island 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Australia 10A-11P 11P-10A Australian External Territories 10A-8P 8P-10A Austria 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Azerbaijan 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Azores 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Bahamas 7A-6P 6P-7A Bahrain 7A-11A 11A-5P 5P-11P 11P-7A Bangladesh 11A-9P 9P-11A Barbados 7A-6P 6P-7A Belarus 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Belgium 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Belize 7A-8P 8P-7A Benin 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Bermuda 7A-6P 6P-7A Bhutan 11A-9P 9P-11A Bolivia 8A-8P 8P-8A Bosnia-Herzegovina 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A

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4.3 IMTS Rate Period Tables (Continued)

4.3.2 Hawaii Service to Foreign Countries (Continued)

Country GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Botswana 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Brazil 8A-8P 8P-8A British Virgin Islands 7A-6P 6P-7A Brunei 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Bulgaria 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Burkina Faso 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A

Burundi 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Cambodia 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Cameroon 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Canada M-SAT, 8A-6P M-SAT, 6P-12 MID ALL DAYS SUN, 8A-12 MID 12 MID-8A Cape Verde Islands 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Cayman Islands 7A-6P 6P-7A Central African Republic 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Chad 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Chile 8A-8P 8P-8A China 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Christmas & Cocos Islands 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Colombia 8A-8P 8P-8A Comoros 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Congo 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Cook Islands 10A-11P 11P-10A Costa Rica 7A-8P 8P-7A Croatia 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Cuba 7A-6P 6P-7A Cyprus 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Czech Republic 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A

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4.3 IMTS Rate Period Tables (Continued)

4.3.2 Hawaii Service to Foreign Countries (Continued)

Country GTE Standard GTE Economy

Denmark 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Diego Garcia 11A-9P 9P-11A Djibouti 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Dominica 7A-6P 6P-7A Dominican Republic 7A-6P 6P-7A Ecuador 8A-8P 8P-8A Egypt 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A El Salvador 7A-8P 8P-7A Equatorial Guinea 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Eritrea 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Estonia 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Ethiopia 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Faeroe Islands 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Falkland Islands 8A-8P 8P-8A Fiji Islands 10A-11P 11P-10A Finland 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A France 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A French Antilles (including: Martinique, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin) 7A-6P 6P-7A French Guiana 8A-8P 8P-8A French Polynesia 10A-11P 11P-10A Gabon 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Gambia 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Georgia 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Germany 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Ghana 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Gibraltar 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Greece 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A

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4.3 IMTS Rate Period Tables (Continued)

4.3.2 Hawaii Service to Foreign Countries (Continued)

Country GTE Standard GTE Economy Greenland 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Grenada 7A-6P 6P-7A Guadeloupe 7A-6P 6P-7A Guantanamo 7A-6P 6P-7A Guatemala 7A-8P 8P-7A Guinea 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Guinea-Bissau 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Guyana 8A-8P 8P-8A Haiti 7A-6P 6P-7A Honduras 7A-8P 8P-7A Hong Kong 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Hungary 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Iceland 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A India 11A-9P 9P-11A Indonesia 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - East 8A-5P 5P-8A Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - West 8A-5P 5P-8A Inmarsat Indian Ocean 8A-5P 5P-8A Inmarsat Pacific Ocean 8A-5P 5P-8A Iran 7A-11A 11A-5P 5P-11P 11P-7A Iraq 7A-11A 11A-5P 5P-11P 11P-7A Ireland 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Israel 7A-11A 11A-5P 5P-11P 11P-7A Italy 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Ivory Coast 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Jamaica 7A-6P 6P-7A Japan 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Jordan 7A-11A 11A-5P 5P-11P 11P-7A Kazakhstan 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Kenya 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Kiribati 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Kuwait 7A-11A 11A-5P 5P-11P 11P-7A Kyrgyzstan 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A

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4.3 IMTS Rate Period Tables (Continued)

4.3.2 Hawaii Service to Foreign Countries (Continued)

Country GTE Standard GTE Economy Laos 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Latvia 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Lebanon 7A-11A 11A-5P 5P-11P 11P-7A Lesotho 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Liberia 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Libya 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Liechtenstein 7A-12 Noon 12 Noon-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Lithuania 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Luxembourg 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Macao 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Macedonia 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Madagascar 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Malawi 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Malaysia 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Maldives 11A-9P 9P-11A Mali 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Malta 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Marshall Islands 10A-11P 11P-10A Mauritania 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Mauritius 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Mayotte Island 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Mexico 8A-8P 8P-8A Micronesia 10A-11P 11P-10A Moldova 10A-11P 11P-10A 8P-1A 1A-7A Monaco 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Mongolia 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON

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4.3 IMTS Rate Period Tables (Continued)

4.3.2 Hawaii Service to Foreign Countries (Continued)

Country GTE Standard GTE Economy Montserrat 7A-6P 6P-7A Morocco 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Mozambique 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Myanmar (aka Burma) 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Nakhodka 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Namibia 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Nauru 10A-11P 11P-10A Nepal 11A-9P 9P-11A Netherlands 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Netherlands Antilles 7A-6P 6P-7A Nevis 7A-6P 6P-7A New Caledonia 10A-11P 11P-10A New Zealand 10A-11P 11P-10A Nicaragua 7A-8P 8P-7A Niger 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Nigeria 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Niue 10A-11P 11P-10A Norfolk Island 10A-11P 11P-10A North Korea 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Norway 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Oman 7A-11A 11A-5P 5P-11P 11P-7A Pakistan 11A-9P 9P-11A Palau 10A-11P 11P-10A Panama 7A-8P 8P-7A Papua New Guinea 10A-11P 11P-10A Paraguay 8A-8P 8P-8A Peru 8A-8P 8P-8A Philippines 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Poland 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Portugal 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Qatar 7A-11A 11A-5P 5P-11P 11P-7A Reunion Island 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A

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4.3 IMTS Rate Period Tables (Continued)

4.3.2 Hawaii Service to Foreign Countries (Continued)

Country GTE Standard GTE Economy Romania 7A-12 NOON NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Russia 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Rwanda 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Sakhalin 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A San Marino 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Sao Tome 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Saudi Arabia 7A-11A 11A-5P 5P-11P 11P-7A Senegal Republic 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Seychelles Islands 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Sierra Leone 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Singapore 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Slovakia 7A-12 Noon 12 Noon-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Slovenia 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Solomon Islands 10A-11P 11P-10A Somalia 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A South Africa 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A South Korea 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Spain 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Sri Lanka 11A-9P 9P-11A St. Helena 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A St. Kitts 7A-6P 6P-7A St. Lucia 7A-6P 6P-7A St. Pierre & Miguelon 7A-6P 6P-7A St. Vincent and The Grenadines 7A-6P 6P-7A Sudan 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Suriname 8A-8P 8P-8A Swaziland 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A

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4.3 IMTS Rate Period Tables (Continued)

4.3.2 Hawaii Service to Foreign Countries (Continued)

Country GTE Standard GTE Economy

Sweden 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Switzerland 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Syrian Arab Republic 7A-11A 11A-5P 5P-11P 11P-7A Taiwan 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Tajikistan 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Tanzania 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Thailand 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Togo 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Tonga Islands 10A-11P 11P-10A Trinidad & Tobago 7A-6P 6P-7A Tunisia 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Turkey 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Turkmenistan 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Turks & Caicos Islands 7A-6P 6P-7A Tuvalu 10A-11P 11P-10A Uganda 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Ukraine 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A

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4.3 IMTS Rate Period Tables (Continued)

4.3.2 Hawaii Service to Foreign Countries (Continued)

Country GTE Standard GTE Economy

United Arab Emirates 7A-11A 11A-5P 5P-11P 11P-7A United Kingdom 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Uruguay 8A-8P 8P-8A Uzbekistan 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Vanuatu 10A-11P 11P-10A Venezuela 8A-8P 8P-8A Vietnam 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Wallis & Futuna Islands 10A-11P 11P-10A Western Samoa 12 NOON-1A 1A-12 NOON Yemen 7A-11A 11A-5P 5P-11P 11P-7A Yugoslavia 7A-12 NOON 12 NOON-8P 8P-1A 1A-7A Zaire 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Zambia 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A Zimbabwe 7A-11A 11A-6P 6P-11P 11P-7A

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries

A. Customer Dialed Direct Station-to-Station

GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Per Per Per Country Minute Minute Minute Afghanistan $8.54 $8.54 $7.03 Albania 5.06 5.06 3.94 Algeria 3.22 3.22 2.63 American Samoa 2.90 2.90 2.00 Andorra 2.18 2.18 1.48 Angola 6.55 6.55 5.39 Anguilla 2.20 2.20 1.87 Antarctica 6.37 6.37 6.29 Antigua 2.18 2.18 1.79 Argentina 2.84 2.84 1.95 Armenia 3.60 3.60 3.02 Aruba 2.08 2.08 1.71 Ascension Island 3.62 3.62 3.05 Australia 2.14 2.14 1.53 Australian External Territories 6.37 6.37 6.24 Austria 2.12 2.12 1.51 Azerbaijan 3.55 3.55 2.85 Azores 2.41 2.41 1.56 Bahamas 1.69 1.69 1.36 Bahrain 2.94 2.94 2.38 Balearic Island 2.38 2.38 1.62 Bangladesh 5.15 5.15 3.71 Barbados 2.18 2.18 1.79 Belarus 3.60 3.60 3.02 Belgium 2.27 2.27 1.46 Belize 2.74 2.74 1.99 Benin 2.96 2.96 2.38 Bermuda 1.82 1.82 1.51 Bhutan 7.64 7.64 5.99 Bolivia 2.85 2.85 2.40 Bosnia-Herzegovina 2.57 2.57 2.05 Botswana 2.70 2.70 2.14 Brazil 2.70 2.70 1.97 British Virgin Islands 2.20 2.20 1.87 Brunei 2.84 2.84 2.34 Bulgaria 2.94 2.94 2.38 Burkina Faso 4.86 4.86 3.96 Burundi 6.46 6.46 5.63 Cambodia 5.90 5.90 5.16 Cameroon 3.22 3.22 2.56 Canada .63 .63 .44 Canary Island 2.38 2.38 1.62 Cape Verde Islands 3.92 3.92 3.19

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

A. Customer Dialed Direct Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Per Per Per Country Minute Minute Minute

Cayman Islands $2.25 $2.25 $1.73 Central African Republic 6.23 6.23 5.38 Chad 7.31 7.31 6.06 Chile 2.56 2.56 2.00 China 3.82 3.82 2.95 Christmas & Cocos Island 6.37 6.37 6.24 Colombia 2.73 2.73 1.99 Comoros 6.25 6.25 5.56 Congo 4.68 4.68 3.23 Cook Islands 6.75 6.75 5.40 Costa Rica 2.41 2.41 1.80 Croatia 2.55 2.55 2.05 Cuba 2.60 2.60 2.60 Cyprus 2.64 2.64 2.12 Czech Republic 2.74 2.74 2.24 Denmark 2.14 2.14 1.40 Diego Garcia 4.15 4.15 3.08 Djibouti 4.59 4.59 3.72 Dominica 2.20 2.20 1.87 Dominican Republic 2.32 2.32 1.95 Ecuador 2.71 2.71 2.23 Egypt 3.19 3.19 2.57 El Salvador 2.56 2.56 2.08 Equatorial Guinea 6.15 6.15 5.20 Eritrea 3.85 3.85 3.02 Estonia 4.19 4.19 3.05 Ethiopia 3.78 3.78 3.10 Faeroe Islands 2.05 2.05 1.37 Falkland Islands 5.57 5.57 4.22 Fiji Islands 3.93 3.93 3.03 Finland 2.16 2.16 1.31 France 2.18 2.18 1.48 French Antilles (including: Martinique, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin) 2.14 2.14 1.75 French Guiana 2.46 2.46 1.95 French Polynesia 3.35 3.35 2.79 Gabon 3.19 3.19 2.51 Gambia 2.99 2.99 2.38 Georgia 3.60 3.60 3.02

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

A. Customer Dialed Direct Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Per Per Per Country Minute Minute Minute

Germany $1.82 $1.82 $1.21 Ghana 3.19 3.19 2.46 Gibraltar 2.54 2.54 1.79 Greece 2.86 2.86 1.92 Greenland 2.73 2.73 1.95 Grenada 2.20 2.20 1.87 Guadeloupe 2.20 2.20 1.75 Guantanamo Bay 2.60 2.60 2.60 Guatemala 2.59 2.59 2.59 Guinea, Republic of 3.94 3.94 3.12 Guinea-Bissau 6.77 6.77 5.35 Guyana 3.39 3.39 2.46 Haiti 2.57 2.57 2.18 Honduras 2.80 2.80 2.05 Hong Kong 2.70 2.70 1.75 Hungary 2.45 2.45 1.99 Iceland 2.43 2.43 1.65 India 3.86 3.86 3.17 Indonesia 3.23 3.23 2.32 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - East 13.00 13.00 13.00 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - West 13.00 13.00 13.00 Inmarsat Indian Ocean 13.00 13.00 13.00 Inmarsat Pacific Ocean 13.00 13.00 13.00 Iran 3.75 3.75 2.92 Iraq 4.44 4.44 3.94 Ireland 1.98 1.98 1.31 Israel 2.88 2.88 1.95 Italy 2.20 2.20 1.56 Ivory Coast 3.85 3.85 3.02 Jamaica 2.20 2.20 1.87 Japan 2.13 2.13 1.54 Jordan 2.79 2.79 2.21 Kazakhstan 3.60 3.60 3.02 Kenya 3.21 3.21 2.59 Kirghiza 3.60 3.60 3.02 Kiribati 4.95 4.95 3.84 Kuwait 2.90 2.90 1.86 Kyrgyzstan 3.60 3.60 3.02

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

A. Customer Dialed Direct Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Per Per Per Country Minute Minute Minute Laos $8.46 $8.46 $5.99 Latvia 4.33 4.33 3.18 Lebanon 4.37 4.37 4.00 Lesotho 2.70 2.70 2.31 Liberia 2.86 2.86 2.24 Libya 3.04 3.04 2.44 Liechtenstein 2.10 2.10 1.28 Lithuania 3.86 3.86 2.79 Luxembourg 2.08 2.08 1.26 Macao 3.70 3.70 2.94 Macedonia 2.56 2.56 2.04 Madagascar 7.33 7.33 5.59 Madeira 2.41 2.41 1.56 Malawi 2.67 2.67 2.15 Malaysia 3.01 3.01 1.81 Maldives 4.84 4.84 3.97 Mali 4.80 4.80 3.82 Malta 3.26 3.26 2.27 Marshall Islands 3.26 3.26 2.59 Mauritania 4.58 4.58 3.61 Mauritius 5.01 5.01 3.92 Mayotte Island 6.12 6.12 5.56 Mexico 1.52 1.52 1.01 Micronesia 4.37 4.37 4.00 Moldova 4.16 4.16 3.27 Monaco 1.96 1.96 1.25 Mongolia 7.96 7.96 5.92 Montserrat 2.32 2.32 1.87 Morocco 3.64 3.64 3.02 Mozambique 5.30 5.30 4.34 Mustique 2.20 2.20 1.87 Myanmar (Burma) 8.77 8.77 6.92 Nakhodka 3.60 3.60 3.02 Namibia 2.86 2.86 2.38 Nauru 5.52 5.52 4.44 Nepal 4.71 4.71 3.53

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

A. Customer Dialed Direct Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Per Per Per Country Minute Minute Minute Netherlands $1.94 $1.94 $1.25 Netherlands Antilles 2.16 2.16 1.67 Nevis 2.31 2.31 1.82 New Caledonia 3.12 3.12 2.56 New Zealand 2.86 2.86 1.94 Nicaragua 2.70 2.70 2.18 Niger 3.92 3.92 3.18 Nigeria 2.87 2.87 2.27 Niue 7.10 7.10 5.81 Norfolk Island 6.37 6.37 6.24 North Korea 7.52 7.52 6.83 Norway 1.97 1.97 1.31 Oman 2.95 2.95 2.40 Pakistan 6.06 6.06 3.82 Palau 5.30 5.30 4.43 Panama 2.57 2.57 1.97 Papua New Guinea 3.20 3.20 2.40 Paraguay 3.19 3.19 2.53 Peru 2.92 2.92 2.04 Philippines 3.19 3.19 2.14 Poland 2.31 2.31 1.86 Portugal 2.41 2.41 1.56 Qatar 2.97 2.97 2.29 Reunion Island 4.93 4.93 3.91 Romania 3.27 3.27 2.63 Russia 3.60 3.60 3.02 Rwanda 5.22 5.22 4.22

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

A. Customer Dialed Direct Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Per Per Per Country Minute Minute Minute

Sahar - Spanish $2.38 $2.38 $1.62 Western 2.38 2.38 1.62 Sakhalin 3.60 3.60 3.02 San Marino 2.03 2.03 1.48 Sao Tome 6.90 6.90 5.59 Saudi Arabia 3.08 3.08 2.41 Senegal Republic 4.12 4.12 3.30 Seychelles Islands 5.22 5.22 4.17 Sierra Leone 4.31 4.31 3.46 Singapore 2.41 2.41 1.58 Slovakia 2.74 2.74 2.24 Slovenia 2.70 2.70 2.18 Solomon Islands 5.38 5.38 3.20 Somalia 4.95 4.95 3.38 South Africa 2.57 2.57 1.94 South Korea 2.65 2.65 1.87 Spain 2.38 2.38 1.62 Sri Lanka 4.92 4.92 3.68 St. Helena 4.73 4.73 3.94 St. Kitts 2.31 2.31 1.82 St. Lucia 2.31 2.31 1.86 St. Pierre & Miquelon 1.88 1.88 1.48 St. Vincent and The Grenadines 2.20 2.20 1.87 Sudan 6.31 6.31 5.63 Suriname 4.10 4.10 3.17 Swaziland 2.87 2.87 2.27 Sweden 1.94 1.94 1.25 Switzerland 2.10 2.10 1.28 Syrian Arab Republic 4.85 4.85 4.46 Taiwan 2.92 2.92 1.78 Tajikistan 3.60 3.60 3.02 Tanzania 3.19 3.19 2.59 Thailand 2.95 2.95 1.86 Togo 3.30 3.30 2.59

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

A. Customer Dialed Direct Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Per Per Per Country Minute Minute Minute

Tonga Islands $4.37 $4.37 $3.78 Trinidad & Tobago 2.38 2.38 1.87 Tristan Da Cunha 3.62 3.62 3.05 Tunisia 2.94 2.94 2.38 Turkey 2.70 2.70 1.94 Turkmenistan 3.60 3.60 3.02 Turks & Caicos Islands 2.20 2.20 1.87 Tuvalu 8.44 8.44 6.25 Uganda 3.18 3.18 2.57 Ukraine 3.60 3.60 3.02 United Arab Emirates 2.46 2.46 2.03 United Kingdom 1.58 1.58 1.16 Uruguay 2.79 2.79 2.05 Uzbekistan 3.60 3.60 3.02 Vanuatu 6.64 6.64 5.56 Vatican City 2.20 2.20 1.56 Venezuela 1.98 1.98 1.49 Vietnam 4.18 4.18 3.52 Wallis & Futuna Islands 6.59 6.59 5.18 Western Samoa 4.85 4.85 3.92 Yemen 6.77 6.77 5.97 Yugoslavia 2.77 2.77 2.23 Zaire 2.51 2.51 2.07 Zambia 2.41 2.41 2.00 Zimbabwe 2.74 2.74 2.15

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

B. Operator Assisted: Station-to-Station/ Calling Card Station-to-Station/ Person-to-Person (All Rate Periods apply)

Country Per Minute Afghanistan $8.54 Albania 5.06 Algeria 3.22 American Samoa 2.90 Andorra 2.18 Angola 6.55 Anquilla 2.20 Antarctica 6.37 Antiqua 2.18 Argentina 2.84 Armenia 3.60 Aruba 2.08 Ascension Island 3.62 Australia 2.14 Australian External Territories 6.37 Austria 2.12 Azerbaijan 3.55 Azores 2.41 Bahamas 1.69 Bahrain 2.94 Balearic Island 2.38 Bangladesh 5.15 Barbados 2.18 Belarus 3.60 Belgium 2.27 Belize 2.74 Benin 2.96 Bermuda 1.82 Bhutan 7.64 Bolivia 2.85 Bosnia-Herzegovina 2.57 Botswana 2.70 Brazil 2.70 British Virgin Islands 2.20 Brunei 2.84 Bulgaria 2.94 Burkina Faso 4.86 Burundi 6.46

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

B. Operator Assisted: Station-to-Station/ Calling Card Station-to-Station/ Person-to-Person (Continued) (All Rate Periods Apply)

Country Per Minute Cambodia $5.90 Cameroon 3.22 Canada .63 Canary Island 2.38 Cape Verde Islands 3.92 Cayman Islands 2.25 Central African Republic 6.23 Chad 7.31 Chile 2.56 China 3.82 Christmas & Cocos Island 6.37 Colombia 2.73 Comoros 6.25 Congo 4.68 Cook Islands 6.75 Costa Rica 2.41 Croatia 2.55 Cuba 2.60 Cyprus 2.64 Czech Republic 2.74 Denmark 2.14 Diego Garcia 4.15 Djibouti 4.59 Dominica 2.20 Dominican Republic 2.32 Ecuador 2.71 Egypt 3.19 El Salvador 2.56 Equatorial Guinea 6.15 Eritrea 3.85 Estonia 4.19 Ethiopia 3.78 Faeroe Islands 2.05 Falkland Islands 5.57 Fiji Islands 3.93 Finland 2.16 France 2.18 French Antilles (including: Martinique, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin) 2.14

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

B. Operator Assisted: Station-to-Station/ Calling Card Station-to-Station/ Person-to-Person (Continued) (All Rate Periods Apply)

Country Per Minute French Guiana $2.46 French Polynesia 3.35 Gabon 3.19 Gambia 2.99 Georgia 3.60 Germany 1.82 Ghana 3.19 Gibraltar 2.54 Greece 2.86 Greenland 2.73 Grenada 2.20 Guadeloupe 2.20 Guantanamo Bay 2.60 Guatemala 2.59 Guinea 3.94 Guinea-Bissau 6.77 Guyana 3.39 Haiti 2.57 Honduras 2.80 Hong Kong 2.70 Hungary 2.45 Iceland 2.43 India 3.86 Indonesia 3.23 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - East 13.00 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - West 13.00 Inmarsat Indian Ocean 13.00 Inmarsat Pacific Ocean 13.00 Iran 3.75 Iraq 4.44 Ireland 1.98 Israel 2.88 Italy 2.20 Ivory Coast 3.85 Jamaica 2.20 Japan 2.13 Jordan 2.79

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

B. Operator Assisted: Station-to-Station/Calling Card Station-to-Station/Person-to-Person (Continued) (All Rate Periods Apply)

Country Per Minute Kazakhstan $3.60 Kenya 3.21 Kirghiza 3.60 Kiribati 4.95 Kuwait 2.90 Kyrgyzstan 3.60 Laos 8.46 Latvia 4.33 Lebanon 4.37 Lesotho 2.70 Liberia 2.86 Libya 3.04 Liechtenstein 2.10 Lithuania 3.86 Luxembourg 2.08 Macao 3.70 Macedonia 2.56 Madagascar 7.33 Madeira 2.41 Malawi 2.67 Malaysia 3.01 Maldives 4.84 Mali 4.80 Malta 3.26 Marshall Islands 3.26 Mauritania 4.58 Mauritius 5.01 Mayotte Island 6.12 Mexico 1.52 Micronesia 4.37 Moldova 4.16 Monaco 1.96 Mongolia 7.96 Montserrat 2.32 Morocco 3.64 Mozambique 5.30 Mustique 2.20 Myanmar (Burma) 8.77 Nakhodka 3.60 Namibia 2.86 Nauru 5.52

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

B. Operator Assisted: Station-to-Station/Calling Card Station-to-Station/ Person-to-Person (Continued) (All Rate Periods Apply)

Country Per Minute Nepal $4.71 Netherlands 1.94 Netherlands Antilles 2.16 Nevis 2.31 New Caledonia 3.12 New Zealand 2.86 Nicaragua 2.70 Niger 3.92 Nigeria 2.87 Niue 7.10 Norfolk Island 6.37 North Korea 7.52 Norway 1.97 Oman 2.95 Pakistan 6.06 Palau 5.30 Panama 2.57 Papua New Guinea 3.20 Paraguay 3.19 Peru 2.92 Philippines 3.19 Poland 2.31 Portugal 2.41 Qatar 2.97 Reunion Island 4.93 Romania 3.27 Russia 3.60 Rwanda 5.22 Sahar - Spanish 2.38 Western 2.38 Sakhalin 3.60 San Marino 2.03 Sao Tome 6.90 Saudi Arabia 3.08 Senegal Republic 4.12 Seychelles Islands 5.22 Sierra Leone 4.31

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

B. Operator Assisted: Station-to-Station/Calling Card Station-to-Station/ Person-to-Person (Continued) (All Rate Periods Apply)

Country Per Minute Singapore $2.41 Slovakia 2.74 Slovenia 2.70 Solomon Islands 5.38 Somalia 4.95 South Africa 2.57 South Korea 2.65 Spain 2.38 Sri Lanka 4.92 St. Helena 4.73 St. Kitts 2.31 St. Lucia 2.31 St. Pierre & Miquelon 1.88 St. Vincent and The Grenadines 2.20 Sudan 6.31 Suriname 4.10 Swaziland 2.87 Sweden 1.94 Switzerland 2.10 Syrian Arab Republic 4.85 Taiwan 2.92 Tajikistan 3.60 Tanzania 3.19 Thailand 2.95 Togo 3.30 Tonga Islands 4.37 Trinidad & Tobago 2.38 Tristan Da Cunha 3.62 Tunisia 2.94 Turkey 2.70 Turkmenistan 3.60 Turks & Caicos Islands 2.20 Tuvalu 8.44

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

B. Operator Assisted: Station-to-Station/Calling Card Station-to-Station/ Person-to-Person (Continued) (All Rate Periods Apply)

Country Per Minute Uganda $3.18 Ukraine 3.60 United Arab Emirates 2.46 United Kingdom 1.58 Uruguay 2.79 Uzbekistan 3.60 Vanuatu 6.64 Vatican City 2.20 Venezuela 1.98 Vietnam 4.18 Wallis & Futuna Islands 6.59 Western Samoa 4.85 Yemen 6.77 Yugoslavia 2.77 Zaire 2.51 Zambia 2.41 Zimbabwe 2.74

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station (All Rate Periods Apply)

Country Per Minute Afghanistan $12.38 Albania 7.34 Algeria 4.67 American Samoa 4.21 Andorra 3.16 Angola 9.50 Anguilla 3.19 Antarctica 9.24 Antigua 3.16 Argentina 4.12 Armenia 5.22 Aruba 3.02 Ascension Island 5.25 Australia 3.10 Australian External Territories 9.24 Austria 3.07 Azerbaijan 5.15 Azores 3.49 Bahamas 2.45 Bahrain 4.26 Balearic Island 3.45 Bangladesh 7.47 Barbados 3.16 Belarus 5.22 Belgium 3.29 Belize 3.97 Benin 4.29 Bermuda 2.64 Bhutan 11.08 Bolivia 4.13 Bosnia-Herzegovina 3.73 Botswana 3.92 Brazil 3.92 British Virgin Islands 3.19 Brunei 4.12 Bulgaria 4.26 Burkina Faso 7.05 Burundi 9.37 Cambodia 8.56 Cameroon 4.67

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station (Continued) (All Rate Periods Apply)

Country Per Minute Canada $ .91 Canary Island 3.45 Cape Verde Islands 5.68 Cayman Islands 3.26 Central African Republic 9.03 Chad 10.60 Chile 3.71 China 5.54 Christmas & Cocos Island 9.24 Colombia 3.96 Comoros 9.06 Congo 6.79 Cook Islands 9.79 Costa Rica 3.49 Croatia 3.70 Cuba 3.77 Cyprus 3.83 Czech Republic 3.97 Denmark 3.10 Diego Garcia 6.02 Djibouti 6.66 Dominica 3.19 Dominican Republic 3.36 Ecuador 3.93 Egypt 4.63 El Salvador 3.71 Equatorial Guinea 8.92 Eritrea 5.58 Estonia 6.08 Ethiopia 5.48 Faeroe Islands 2.97 Falkland Islands 8.08 Fiji Islands 5.70 Finland 3.13 France 3.16 French Antilles (including: Martinique, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin) 3.10 French Guiana 3.57 French Polynesia 4.86 Gabon 4.63 Gambia 4.34

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station (Continued) (All Rate Periods Apply)

Country Per Minute Georgia $5.22 Germany 2.64 Ghana 4.63 Gibraltar 3.68 Greece 4.15 Greenland 3.96 Grenada 3.19 Guadeloupe 3.19 Guantanamo Bay 3.77 Guatemala 3.76 Guinea 5.71 Guinea-Bissau 9.82 Guyana 4.92 Haiti 3.73 Honduras 4.06 Hong Kong 3.92 Hungary 3.55 Iceland 3.52 India 5.60 Indonesia 4.68 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - East 18.85 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - West 18.85 Inmarsat Indian Ocean 18.85 Inmarsat Pacific Ocean 18.85 Iran 5.44 Iraq 6.44 Ireland 2.87 Israel 4.18 Italy 3.19 Ivory Coast 5.58 Jamaica 3.19 Japan 3.09

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station (Continued) (All Rate Periods Apply)

Country Per Minute Jordan $4.05 Kazakhstan 5.22 Kenya 4.65 Kirghiza 5.22 Kiribati 7.18 Kuwait 4.21 Kyrgyzstan 5.22 Laos 12.27 Latvia 6.28 Lebanon 6.34 Lesotho 3.92 Liberia 4.15 Libya 4.41 Liechtenstein 3.05 Lithuania 5.60 Luxembourg 3.02 Macao 5.37 Macedonia 3.71 Madagascar 10.63 Madeira 3.49 Malawi 3.87 Malaysia 4.36 Maldives 7.02 Mali 6.96 Malta 4.73 Marshall Islands 4.73 Mauritania 6.64 Mauritius 7.26 Mayotte Island 8.87 Mexico 2.20 Micronesia 6.34 Moldova 6.03 Monaco 2.84

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station (Continued) (All Rate Periods Apply)

Country Per Minute Mongolia $11.54 Montserrat 3.36 Morocco 5.28 Mozambique 7.69 Mustique 3.19 Myanmar (Burma) 12.72 Nakhodka 5.22 Namibia 4.15 Nauru 8.00 Nepal 6.83 Netherlands 2.81 Netherlands Antilles 3.13 Nevis 3.35 New Caledonia 4.52 New Zealand 4.15 Nicaragua 3.92 Niger 5.68 Nigeria 4.16 Niue 10.30 Norfolk Island 9.24 North Korea 10.90 Norway 2.86 Oman 4.28 Pakistan 8.79 Palau 7.69 Panama 3.73 Papua New Guinea 4.64 Paraguay 4.63 Peru 4.23 Philippines 4.63 Poland 3.35

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station (Continued) (All Rate Periods Apply)

Country Per Minute Portugal $3.49 Qatar 4.31 Reunion Island 7.15 Romania 4.74 Russia 5.22 Rwanda 7.57 Sahar - Spanish 3.45 Western 3.45 Sakhalin 5.22 San Marino 2.94 Sao Tome 10.01 Saudi Arabia 4.47 Senegal Republic 5.97 Seychelles Islands 7.57 Sierra Leone 6.25 Singapore 3.49 Slovakia 3.97 Slovenia 3.92 Solomon Islands 7.80 Somalia 7.18 South Africa 3.73 South Korea 3.84 Spain 3.45 Sri Lanka 7.13 St. Helena 6.86 St. Kitts 3.35 St. Lucia 3.35 St. Pierre & Miquelon 2.73 St. Vincent and The Grenadines 3.19

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.4 IMTS Rates - Mainland to Foreign Countries (Continued)

C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station (Continued) (All Rate Periods Apply)

Country Per Minute Sudan $9.15 Suriname 5.95 Swaziland 4.16 Sweden 2.81 Switzerland 3.05 Syrian Arab Republic 7.03 Taiwan 4.23 Tajikistan 5.22 Tanzania 4.63 Thailand 4.28 Togo 4.79 Tonga Islands 6.34 Trinidad & Tobago 3.45 Tristan Da Cunha 5.25 Tunisia 4.26 Turkey 3.92 Turkmenistan 5.22 Turks & Caicos Islands 3.19 Tuvalu 12.24 Uganda 4.61 Ukraine 5.22 United Arab Emirates 3.57 United Kingdom 2.29 Uruguay 4.05 Uzbekistan 5.22 Vanuatu 9.63 Vatican City 3.19 Venezuela 2.87 Vietnam 6.06 Wallis & Futuna Islands 9.56 Western Samoa 7.03 Yemen 9.82 Yugoslavia 4.02 Zaire 3.64 Zambia 3.49 Zimbabwe 3.97

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries

A. Customer Dialed Direct Station-to-Station

GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Afghanistan $8.54 5.70 $7.03 $4.71 Albania 5.53 3.07 4.26 2.54 Algeria 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 American Samoa 4.45 1.87 2.98 1.26 Andorra 3.24 1.92 2.27 1.32 Angola 5.92 4.68 5.09 3.88 Anquilla 4.84 2.34 3.23 1.56 Antarctica 4.75 4.70 2.97 2.92 Antiqua 5.04 2.45 3.36 1.63 Argentina 4.80 2.65 3.20 1.76 Armenia 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Aruba 4.84 2.34 3.23 1.56 Ascension Island 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73 Australia 3.41 1.80 2.50 1.27 Australian External Territories 5.65 5.65 3.60 3.60 Austria 3.44 2.04 2.42 1.39 Azerbaijan 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Azores 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Bahamas 4.84 2.34 3.23 1.56 Bahrain 5.86 2.90 3.90 1.92 Bangladesh 7.19 3.22 4.79 2.14 Barbados 4.74 2.30 3.16 1.54 Belarus 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Belgium 3.44 2.04 2.42 1.39 Belize 4.70 2.59 3.13 1.73 Benin 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73 Bermuda 4.84 2.34 3.23 1.56 Bhutan 5.51 3.52 5.23 3.25 Bolivia 4.80 2.65 3.20 1.76 Bosnia-Herzegovina 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Botswana 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Brazil 4.80 2.65 3.20 1.76 British Virgin Islands 4.84 2.34 3.23 1.56 Brunei 4.66 1.81 3.35 1.22 Bulgaria 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Burkina Faso 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73 Burundi 5.71 4.88 5.30 4.24 Cambodia 4.82 3.71 4.07 3.13 Cameroon 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Canada 1.04 .90 .77 .59 .52 .46 Cape Verde Islands 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

A. Customer Dialed Direct Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute Cayman Islands 5.04 2.45 $3.36 1.63 Central African Republic 5.71 5.11 5.30 4.42 Chad 5.71 5.11 5.30 4.42 Chile 4.80 2.65 3.20 1.76 China 5.08 2.26 3.58 1.58 Christmas & Cocos Island 6.64 4.63 5.76 4.03 Colombia 4.80 2.65 3.20 1.76 Comoros 5.71 5.11 5.30 4.42 Congo 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73 Cook Islands 5.51 3.46 5.23 3.20 Costa Rica 4.70 2.59 3.13 1.73 Croatia 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Cuba 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 Cyprus 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Czech Republic 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Denmark 3.44 2.04 2.42 1.39 Diego Garcia 4.62 3.02 3.74 2.27 Djibouti 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73 Dominica 4.74 2.30 3.16 1.54 Dominican Republic 4.74 2.30 3.16 1.54 Ecuador 4.51 2.48 3.01 1.66 Egypt 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 El Salvador 4.70 2.59 3.13 1.73 Equatorial Guinea 5.71 4.56 5.30 4.02 Eritrea 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Estonia 3.49 2.02 2.33 1.34 Ethiopia 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Faeroe Islands 3.24 1.92 2.27 1.32 Falkland Islands 5.71 4.56 5.30 4.02 Fiji Islands 4.66 1.81 3.35 1.42 Finland 3.44 2.04 2.42 1.39 France 3.44 2.04 2.42 1.39 French Antilles (including: Martinique, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin) 4.20 4.20 2.80 2.80 French Guiana 4.51 2.48 3.01 1.66 French Polynesia 4.45 1.79 3.12 1.37 Gabon 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Gambia 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Georgia 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

A. Customer Dialed Direct Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute Germany 2.70 1.82 2.35 1.36 Ghana 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Gibraltar 3.49 2.02 2.33 1.34 Greece 3.44 2.04 2.42 1.39 Greenland 3.49 2.02 2.33 1.34 Grenada 5.04 2.45 3.36 1.63 Guadeloupe 5.04 2.45 3.36 1.63 Guantanamo 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 Guatemala 4.70 2.59 3.13 1.73 Guinea 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Guinea-Bissau 5.57 4.39 4.80 3.65 Guyana 4.80 2.65 3.20 1.76 Haiti 5.04 2.45 3.36 1.63 Honduras 4.70 2.59 3.13 1.73 Hong Kong 3.49 1.72 2.40 1.26 Hungary 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Iceland 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 India 7.19 3.22 4.79 2.14 Indonesia 4.66 1.90 3.35 1.39 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - East 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - West 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 Inmarsat Indian Ocean 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 Inmarsat Pacific Ocean 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 Iran 5.86 2.90 3.90 1.92 Iraq 5.51 2.72 3.67 1.81 Ireland 3.25 2.00 2.17 1.34 Israel 5.86 2.90 3.90 1.92 Italy 3.44 2.04 2.42 1.39 Ivory Coast 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Jamaica 4.56 2.21 3.04 1.46 Japan 2.78 1.61 2.12 1.12 Jordan 5.86 2.90 3.90 1.92 Kazakhstan 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Kenya 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Kiribati 4.33 1.68 3.07 1.33

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

A. Customer Dialed Direct Station-to-Station (Continued)

Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute Kuwait 5.86 2.90 $3.90 1.92 Kyrgyzstan 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Laos 7.06 4.70 6.13 4.08 Latvia 3.49 2.02 2.33 1.34 Lebanon 6.50 4.33 5.04 3.36 Lesotho 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73 Liberia 4.52 2.66 3.01 1.78 Libya 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Liechtenstein 2.70 2.70 1.90 1.90 Lithuania 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Luxembourg 3.44 2.04 2.42 1.39 Macao 5.08 2.33 3.58 1.58 Macedonia 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Madagascar 5.71 5.11 5.30 4.42 Malawi 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Malaysia 4.66 1.81 3.35 1.22 Maldives 6.76 3.02 4.50 2.02 Mali 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Malta 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Marshall Islands 4.58 1.81 3.35 1.33 Mauritania 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73 Mauritius 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73 Mayotte Island 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73 Mexico 2.72 2.14 1.94 1.26 Micronesia 4.61 1.90 3.35 1.30 Moldova 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Monaco 3.44 2.04 2.42 1.39 Mongolia 7.06 4.70 6.13 4.08 Montserrat 5.04 2.45 3.36 1.63 Morocco 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Mozambique 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73 Mynamar (aka Burma) 9.89 4.90 8.91 4.25 Nakhodka 3.81 2.24 2.57 1.53 Namibia 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

A. Customer Dialed Direct Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute Nauru 5.51 $3.46 5.23 $3.20 Nepal 7.19 3.22 4.79 2.14 Netherlands 3.44 2.04 2.42 1.39 Netherlands Antilles 4.84 2.34 3.23 1.56 Nevis 5.04 2.45 3.36 1.63 New Caledonia 4.38 1.70 3.14 1.25 New Zealand 4.45 1.86 2.98 1.26 Nicaragua 4.70 2.59 3.13 1.73 Niger 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73 Nigeria 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Niue 6.64 4.63 5.76 4.03 Norfolk Island 6.64 4.63 5.76 4.03 North Korea 6.05 6.05 5.11 5.11 Norway 3.44 2.04 2.42 1.39 Oman 5.86 2.90 3.90 1.92 Pakistan 7.19 3.22 4.79 2.14 Palau 4.93 3.43 4.22 2.78 Panama 4.70 2.59 3.13 1.73 Papua New Guinea 4.66 1.90 3.35 1.30 Paraguay 4.80 2.65 3.20 1.76 Peru 4.80 2.65 3.20 1.76 Philippines 3.55 1.87 2.50 1.36 Poland 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Portugal 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Qatar 5.86 2.90 3.90 1.92 Reunion Island 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73 Romania 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Russia 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Rwanda 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73

EffectiveJanuary 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

A. Customer Dialed Direct Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute Sakhalin 3.81 2.24 2.47 1.53 San Marino 3.24 1.92 2.27 1.32 Sao Tome 5.92 4.68 5.09 3.88 Saudi Arabia 5.74 2.87 3.83 1.90 Senegal Republic 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Seychelles Islands 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73 Sierra Leone 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Singapore 4.60 1.79 3.26 1.20 Slovakia 3.10 3.10 2.10 2.10 Slovenia 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Solomon Islands 5.51 3.46 5.23 3.20 Somalia 4.50 4.50 3.00 3.00 South Africa 4.52 2.66 3.01 1.78 South Korea 3.55 1.79 2.50 1.30 Spain 3.44 2.04 2.42 1.39 Sri Lanka 7.19 3.22 4.79 2.14 St. Helena 5.71 4.56 5.30 4.02 St. Kitts 5.04 2.45 3.36 1.63 St. Lucia 5.04 2.45 3.36 1.63 St. Pierre & Miquelon 4.74 2.30 3.16 1.54 St. Vincent and The Grenadines 5.04 2.45 3.36 1.63 Sudan 6.31 4.19 5.63 3.76 Suriname 4.80 2.65 3.20 1.76 Swaziland 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Sweden 3.44 2.04 2.42 1.39 Switzerland 3.44 2.04 2.42 1.39 Syrian Arab Republic 4.22 3.11 3.24 2.50 Taiwan 3.43 1.72 2.40 1.26 Tajikistan 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Tanzania 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Thailand 4.55 1.81 2.98 1.22

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

A. Customer Dialed Direct Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute

Togo $4.72 2.77 $3.14 1.84 Tonga Islands 4.60 1.91 3.26 1.30 Trinidad & Tobago 5.04 2.45 3.36 1.63 Tunisia 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Turkey 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Turkmenistan 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Turks & Caicos Islands 4.74 2.30 3.16 1.54 Tuvalu 6.64 4.63 5.76 4.03 Uganda 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84 Ukraine 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 United Arab Emirates 5.86 2.90 3.90 1.92 United Kingdom 2.58 1.69 1.94 1.26 Uruguay 4.80 2.65 3.20 1.76 Uzbekistan 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Vanuatu 6.64 4.63 5.76 4.03 Vatican City 3.44 2.04 2.42 1.39 Venezuela 4.68 2.57 3.12 1.72 Vietnam 4.15 3.11 3.59 2.53 Wallis & Futuna Islands 6.08 4.02 4.91 3.20 Western Samoa 4.60 1.91 3.26 1.30 Yemen 5.86 2.90 3.90 1.92 Yugoslavia 3.71 2.14 2.47 1.43 Zaire 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73 Zambia 4.44 2.60 2.95 1.73 Zimbabwe 4.72 2.77 3.14 1.84

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

B. Operator Assisted: Station-to-Station/Calling Card Station-to-Station/Person-to-Person

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute Afghanistan $9.82 $6.55 $8.08 5.42 Albania 4.66 2.58 3.58 1.98 Algeria 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 American Samoa 3.73 1.50 2.50 1.01 Andorra 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Angola 4.97 3.92 4.28 3.25 Anquilla 4.07 1.97 2.71 1.31 Antarctica 4.75 4.70 2.97 2.92 Antiqua (Including Barbuda) 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Argentina 4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48 Armenia 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Aruba 4.07 1.97 2.71 1.31 Ascension Island 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Australia 2.87 1.44 2.10 1.02 Australian External Territories 5.65 5.65 3.60 3.60 Austria 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Azerbaijan 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Azores 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Bahamas 4.07 1.97 2.71 1.31 Bahrain 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Bangladesh 6.04 2.70 4.02 1.80 Barbados 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Belarus 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Belgium 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Belize 3.95 2.18 2.63 1.45 Benin 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Bermuda 4.07 1.97 2.71 1.31 Bhutan 4.92 2.94 4.67 2.72 Bolivia 4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48 Bosnia-Herzegovina 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Botswana 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Brazil 4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48 British Virgin Islands 4.07 1.97 2.71 1.31 Brunei 3.91 1.52 2.81 1.03 Bulgaria 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Burkina Faso 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Burundi 5.10 4.36 4.74 3.78

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

B. Operator Assisted: Station-to-Station/ Calling Card Station-to-Station/ Person-to-Person (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Cambodia $4.81 $4.01 $4.00 $3.07 Cameroon 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Canada .94 .80 .68 .53 .46 .41 Cape Verde Islands 3.96 3.04 2.92 1.70 Cayman Islands 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Central African Republic 5.10 4.56 4.74 3.95 Chad 5.10 4.56 4.74 3.95 Chile 4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48 China 4.27 1.90 3.00 1.24 Christmas & Cocos Island 5.93 3.95 5.15 3.43 Colombia 4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48 Comoros 5.10 4.56 4.74 3.95 Congo 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Cook Islands 4.92 2.94 4.67 2.72 Costa Rica 3.95 2.18 2.63 1.45 Croatia 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Cuba 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 Cyprus 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Czech Republic 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Denmark 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Diego Garcia 4.13 2.70 3.35 2.03 Dijbouti 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Dominica 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Dominican Republic 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Ecuador 4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48 Egypt 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 El Salvador 3.95 2.18 2.63 1.45 Equatorial Guinea 5.10 4.07 4.74 3.59 Eritrea 4.12 2.33 2.90 1.70 Estonia 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Ethiopia 4.12 2.33 2.90 1.70 Faeroe Islands 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Falkland Islands 5.10 4.07 4.74 3.59 Fiji Islands 3.91 1.52 2.81 1.03 Finland 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 France 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 French Antilles (including: Martinique, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin) 4.20 4.20 2.80 2.80

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

B. Operator Assisted: Station-to-Station/ Calling Card Station-to-Station/ Person-to-Person (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute

French Guiana $4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48 French Polynesia 3.73 1.50 2.62 1.01 Gabon 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Gambia 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Georgia 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Germany 2.27 1.54 1.98 1.14 Ghana 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Gibraltar 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Greece 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Greenland 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Grenada 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Guadeloupe 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Guantanamo 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Guatemala 3.95 2.18 2.63 1.45 Guinea 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Guinea-Bissau 4.97 3.92 4.28 3.25 Guyana 4.13 2.22 2.95 1.62 Haiti 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Honduras 3.95 2.18 2.63 1.45 Hong Kong 2.94 1.44 2.02 1.06 Hungary 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Iceland 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 India 6.04 2.70 4.02 1.80 Indonesia 4.88 1.96 3.08 1.14 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - East 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - West 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 Inmarsat Indian Ocean 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 Inmarsat Pacific Ocean 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 Iran 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Iraq 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Ireland 2.74 1.68 1.82 1.13 Israel 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Italy 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

B. Operator Assisted: Station-to-Station/Calling Card Station-to-Station/Person-to-Person (Continued) GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute Ivory Coast $3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Jamaica 4.07 1.97 2.71 1.31 Japan 2.34 1.36 1.79 0.94 Jordan 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Kazakhstan 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Kenya 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Kiribati 3.86 1.50 2.75 1.01 Kuwait 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Kyrgyzstan 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Laos 5.93 3.95 5.15 3.43 Latvia 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Lebanon 5.46 3.64 4.24 2.82 Lesotho 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Liberia 3.80 2.23 2.53 1.49 Libya 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Liechtenstein 2.70 2.70 1.90 1.90 Lithuania 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Luxembourg 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Macao 5.74 2.14 3.30 1.40 Macedonia 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Madagascar 5.10 4.56 4.74 3.95 Malawi 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Malaysia 3.91 1.52 2.81 1.03 Maldives 6.04 2.70 4.02 1.80 Mali 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Malta 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Marshall Islands 3.85 1.52 2.81 1.03

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

B. Operator Assisted: Station-to-Station/Calling Card Station-to-Station/Person-to-Person (Continued) GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute Mauritania $3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Mauritius 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Mayotte Island 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Mexico 3.38 1.91 3.38 1.27 Micronesia 3.88 1.52 2.81 .79 Moldova 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Monaco 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Mongolia 5.93 3.95 5.15 3.43 Montserrat 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Morocco 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Mozambique 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Mynamar (aka Burma) 6.17 4.11 5.36 3.57 Nakhodka 4.00 3.10 2.38 1.42 Nambia 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Nauru 4.92 2.94 4.67 2.72 Nepal 6.04 2.70 4.02 1.80 Netherlands 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Netherlands Antilles 4.07 1.97 2.71 1.31 Nevis 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 New Caledonia 3.91 1.52 2.81 1.03 New Zealand 3.73 1.49 2.50 1.01 Nicaragua 3.95 2.18 2.63 1.45 Niger 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Nigeria 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Niue 5.93 3.95 5.15 3.43 Norfolk Island 4.94 3.29 4.29 2.86 North Korea 7.05 7.05 6.11 6.11 Norway 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Oman 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Pakistan 6.04 2.70 4.02 1.80 Palau 4.14 2.75 3.54 2.23 Panama 3.95 2.18 2.63 1.45

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

B. Operator Assisted: Station-to-Station/ Calling Card Station-to-Station/ Person-to-Person (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute

Papua New Guinea $3.91 1.52 2.81 1.03 Paraguay 4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48 Peru 4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48 Philippines 2.98 1.50 2.10 1.08 Poland 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Portugal 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Qatar 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Reunion Island 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Romania 3.70 2.08 2.28 1.32 Russia 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Rwanda 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Sakhalin 4.00 3.10 2.38 1.42 San Marino 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Sao Tome 4.97 3.92 4.28 3.25 Saudi Arabia 4.82 2.40 3.22 1.60 Senegal Republic 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Seychelles Islands 6.77 3.83 2.90 1.70 Sierra Leone 4.31 2.83 2.90 1.70 Singapore 3.86 1.50 2.75 1.01 Slovakia 3.10 3.10 2.10 2.10 Slovenia 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Solomon Islands 4.92 2.94 4.67 2.72 Somalia 4.50 4.50 3.00 3.00 South Africa 3.80 2.23 2.53 1.49 South Korea 2.98 1.50 2.10 1.08

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

B. Operator Assisted: Station-to-Station/ Calling Card Station-to-Station/ Person-to-Person (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute Spain 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Sri Lanka 6.04 2.70 4.02 1.80 St. Helena 5.10 4.07 4.74 3.59 St. Kitts 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 St. Lucia 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 St. Pierre & Miquelon 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 St. Vincent and The Grenadines 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Sudan 7.09 4.73 5.93 3.95 Suriname 4.13 2.22 2.95 1.62 Swaziland 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Sweden 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Switzerland 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Syrian Arab Republic 3.54 2.60 2.72 2.00 Taiwan 2.88 1.44 2.02 1.06 Tajikistan 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Tanzania 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Thailand 3.82 1.52 2.50 1.03 Togo 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Tonga Islands 3.86 1.50 2.75 1.01 Trinidad & Tobago 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Tunisia 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Turkey 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Turkmenistan 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Turks & Caicos Islands 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Tuvalu 5.93 3.95 5.15 3.43 Uganda 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Ukraine 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 United Arab Emirates 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 United Kingdom 2.17 1.43 1.63 1.06 Uruguay 4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

B. Operator Assisted: Station-to-Station/ Calling Card Station-to-Station/ Person-to-Person (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute

Uzbekistan $3.90 $3.00 2.28 1.32 Vanuatu 5.93 3.95 5.15 3.43 Vatican City 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Venezuela 3.92 2.16 2.62 1.44 Vietnam 3.49 2.60 3.01 2.12 Wallis & Futuna Islands 5.44 3.42 4.38 2.72 Western Samoa 3.86 1.50 2.75 1.01 Yemen 4.92 2.44 3.23 1.62 Yugoslavia 2.60 1.50 1.73 1.00 Zaire 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Zambia 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Zimbabwe 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 365


4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute Afghanistan $9.82 $6.55 $8.08 5.42 Albania 4.66 2.58 3.58 1.98 Algeria 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 American Samoa 2.16 2.16 1.29 1.29 Andorra 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Angola 4.97 3.92 4.28 3.25 Anquilla 4.07 1.97 2.71 1.31 Antarctica 4.75 4.70 2.97 2.92 Antiqua 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Argentina 4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48 Armenia 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Aruba 4.07 1.97 2.71 1.31 Ascension Island 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Australia 1.95 1.95 .89 .89 Australian External Territories 5.65 5.65 3.60 3.60 Austria 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Azerbaijan 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Azores 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Bahamas 4.07 1.97 2.71 1.31 Bahrain 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Bangladesh 6.64 2.98 4.43 1.98 Barbados 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Belarus 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Belgium 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Belize 3.95 2.18 2.63 1.45 Benin 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Bermuda 4.07 1.97 2.71 1.31 Bhutan 4.92 2.94 4.67 2.72 Bolivia 4.44 2.45 2.95 1.62 Bosnia-Herzegovina 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Botswana 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Brazil 4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48 British Virgin Islands 4.07 1.97 2.71 1.31 Brunei 3.91 1.52 2.81 1.03 Bulgaria 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Burkina Faso 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Burundi 5.10 4.36 4.74 3.78 Cambodia 4.81 4.01 4.00 3.07

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Discount GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute Minute

Cameroon $3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Canada .81 .81 .68 .53 .25 .25 Cape Verde Islands 3.96 3.04 2.92 1.70 Cayman Islands 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Central African Republic 5.10 4.56 4.74 3.95 Chad 5.10 4.56 4.74 3.95 Chile 4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48 China 2.89 2.89 1.44 1.44 Christmas & Cocos Island 5.93 3.95 5.15 3.43 Colombia 4.44 2.45 2.95 1.62 Comoros 5.10 4.56 4.74 3.95 Congo 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Cook Islands 4.92 2.94 4.67 2.72 Costa Rica 4.34 2.40 2.89 1.60 Croatia 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Cuba 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 Cyprus 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Czech Republic 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Denmark 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Diego Garcia 4.13 2.70 3.35 2.03 Djibouti 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Dominica 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Dominican Republic 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Ecuador 4.44 2.45 2.95 1.62 Egypt 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 El Salvador 4.34 2.40 2.89 1.60 Equatorial Guinea 5.10 4.07 4.74 3.59 Eritrea 4.12 2.33 2.90 1.70 Estonia 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Ethiopia 4.12 2.33 2.90 1.70 Faeroe Islands 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Falkland Islands 5.10 4.07 4.74 3.59 Fiji Islands 3.91 1.52 2.81 1.03 Finland 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 France 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 French Antilles (including: Martinique, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin) 4.20 4.20 2.80 2.80 French Guiana 4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48 French Polynesia 3.73 1.50 2.62 1.01

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute

Gabon $3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Gambia 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Georgia 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Germany 1.58 1.58 .70 .70 Ghana 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Gibraltar 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Greece 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Greenland 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Grenada 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Guadeloupe 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Guantanamo 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Guatemala 4.34 2.40 2.89 1.60 Guinea 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Guinea-Bissau 4.97 3.92 4.28 3.25 Guyana 4.13 2.22 2.95 1.62 Haiti 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Honduras 4.34 2.40 2.89 1.60 Hong Kong 1.95 1.95 .89 .89 Hungary 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Iceland 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 India 6.04 2.70 4.02 1.80 Indonesia 2.19 2.19 1.25 1.25 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - East 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean - West 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 Inmarsat Indian Ocean 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 Inmarsat Pacific Ocean 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 Iran 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Iraq 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Ireland 2.74 1.68 1.82 1.13 Israel 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Italy 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Ivory Coast 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Jamaica 4.48 2.16 2.99 1.44

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute Japan 1.77 1.77 $ .89 $ .89 Jordan 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Kazakhstan 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Kenya 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Kiribati 3.86 1.50 2.75 1.01 Kuwait 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Kyrgyzstan 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Laos 5.93 3.95 5.15 3.43 Latvia 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Lebanon 6.01 4.00 4.66 3.11 Lesotho 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Liberia 3.80 2.23 2.53 1.49 Libya 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Liechtenstein 2.70 2.70 1.90 1.90 Lithuania 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Luxembourg 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Macao 5.74 2.14 3.30 1.40 Macedonia 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Madagascar 5.10 4.56 4.74 3.95 Malawi 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Malaysia 3.91 1.52 2.81 1.03 Maldives 6.04 2.70 4.02 1.80 Mali 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Malta 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Marshall Islands 2.26 2.26 1.23 1.23 Mauritania 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Mauritius 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Mayotte Island 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Mexico 2.19 2.19 1.09 1.09

Effective: January 28, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 369


4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute Micronesia $2.21 $2.21 $1.29 $1.29 Moldova 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Monaco 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Mongolia 5.93 3.95 5.15 3.43 Montserrat 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Morocco 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Mozambique 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Mynamar (aka Burma) 6.17 4.11 5.36 3.57 Nakhodka 4.00 3.10 2.38 1.42 Nambia 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Nauru 4.92 2.94 4.67 2.72 Nepal 6.04 2.70 4.02 1.80 Netherlands 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Netherlands Antilles 4.07 1.97 2.71 1.31 Nevis 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 New Caledonia 3.91 1.52 2.81 1.03 New Zealand 2.07 2.07 .92 .92 Nicaragua 4.34 2.40 3.02 1.60 Niger 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Nigeria 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Niue 5.93 3.95 5.15 3.43 Norfolk Island 5.93 3.95 5.15 3.43 North Korea 7.05 7.05 6.11 6.11 Norway 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Oman 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Pakistan 6.04 2.70 4.02 1.80 Palau 4.14 2.75 3.54 2.23 Panama 3.95 2.18 2.63 1.45 Papua New Guinea 3.91 1.52 2.81 1.03 Paraguay 4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48 Peru 4.44 2.45 2.95 1.62

Effective: January 28, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 370


4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute

Philippines 2.04 2.04 $.94 $ .94 Poland 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Portugal 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Qatar 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 Reunion Island 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Romania 3.70 2.08 2.28 1.32 Russia 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Rwanda 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Sakhalin 4.00 3.10 2.38 1.42 San Marino 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Sao Tome 4.97 3.92 4.28 3.25 Saudi Arabia 5.30 2.64 3.54 1.75 Senegal Republic 4.36 2.56 2.90 1.70 Seychelles Islands 6.77 3.83 2.90 1.70 Sierra Leone 4.31 2.83 2.90 1.70 Singapore 2.11 2.11 .89 .89 Slovakia 3.10 3.10 2.10 2.10 Slovenia 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Solomon Islands 4.92 2.94 4.67 2.72 Somalia 4.50 4.50 3.00 3.00 South Africa 3.80 2.23 2.53 1.49 South Korea 2.02 2.02 .92 .92 Spain 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Sri Lanka 6.04 2.70 4.02 1.80 St. Helena 5.10 4.07 4.74 3.59 St. Kitts 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 St. Lucia 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37

Effective: January 28, 2002

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4.5 IMTS Rates - Hawaii To Foreign Countries (Continued)

C. Customer Dialed Calling Card Station-to-Station (Continued)

GTE Standard GTE Economy Initial Add'l Initial Add'l Country Minute Minute Minute Minute

St. Pierre & Miquelon $4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 St. Vincent and The Grenadines 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Sudan 6.31 4.19 5.63 3.76 Suriname 4.13 2.22 2.95 1.62 Swaziland 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Sweden 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Switzerland 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Syrian Arab Republic 3.54 2.60 2.72 2.00 Taiwan 1.98 1.98 .89 .89 Tajikistan 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Tanzania 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Thailand 2.07 2.07 1.03 1.03 Togo 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Tonga Islands 2.33 2.33 1.64 1.64 Trinidad & Tobago 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Tunisia 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Turkey 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Turkmenistan 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Turks & Caicos Islands 4.24 2.05 2.82 1.37 Tuvalu 5.93 3.95 5.15 3.43 Uganda 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Ukraine 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 United Arab Emirates 4.92 2.44 3.28 1.62 United Kingdom 1.38 1.38 .67 .67 Uruguay 4.03 2.22 2.69 1.48 Uzbekistan 3.90 3.00 2.28 1.32 Vanuatu 5.93 3.95 5.15 3.43 Vatican City 2.89 1.72 2.03 1.18 Venezuela 3.92 2.16 2.62 1.44 Vietnam 2.71 2.71 1.94 1.94 Wallis & Futuna Islands 5.44 3.42 4.38 2.72 Western Samoa 2.46 2.46 1.60 1.60 Yemen 5.41 2.68 3.60 1.79 Yugoslavia 3.12 1.80 2.08 1.20 Zaire 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Zambia 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55 Zimbabwe 3.96 2.33 2.64 1.55

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 372 Cancels Original Page 372


4.6 Service Charges and Surcharges (U.S. Origination)

Per Call

A. Calling Card Canada only $ .00 All others .00

B. Operator Assisted 7.00 Station-to-Station, Collect, Third Party

C. Operator Assisted 7.00 Calling Card Call Completion

D. Operator Assisted 8.00 Person-to-Person

E. Operator Dialed Surcharge 5.00

F. Payphone Compensation Surcharge .24

4.7 International Directory Assistance Service (T)

Per Call Canada and Bermuda $1.25 (T) (D) All other countries 7.95 (N)

4.8 Voice Intelligent Network - Enhanced Toll Free Service

Switched Dedicated

Toll Free - Canada, per minute $.2887 $ .2035

Effective: July 16, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 373 Cancels 1st Revised Page 373


4.9 International Origination - Calling Card Calls

Initial Each Additional Country Minute Minute (D) Argentina 1.308 .308 (N) Australia 1.148 (R) .148 (R) Austria 1.560 .560 (N) Barbados 1.359 .359 (N) Belgium 1.222 (R) .222 (R) Bermuda 1.219 .219 (N) Brazil 1.239 .239 (N) (D) Chile 1.136 (R) .136 (R) (D) Colombia 1.507 .507 (N) Denmark 1.131 (R) .131 (R) Dominican Republic 1.514 (R) .514 (R) (D) Finland 1.271 .271 (N) France 1.218 (R) .218 (R) Germany 1.856 .856 Greece 1.198 .198 Hong Kong 1.165 .165 Hungary 1.199 .199 Indonesia 1.322 (R) .322 (R) Ireland 1.905 .905 (N) Israel 1.151 (R) .151 (R) Italy 1.650 .650 Japan 1.613 (R) .613 (R) (D) (D) Luxembourg 1.159 (R) .159 (R) Malaysia 1.291 (R) .291 (R) Mexico 1.306 (I) .306 (I) Netherlands 1.814 (I) .814 (R) New Zealand 1.631 (R) .631 (R) Norway 1.275 .275 (N) Philippines 1.509 (R) .509 (R) Russia 1.197 .197 (N) Singapore 1.144 (R) .144 (R) South Africa 1.207 .207 (N) South Korea 1.168 .168 Spain 1.459 .459 (N) Sweden 1.615 (R) .615 (R) Switzerland 1.157 .157 Taiwan 1.167 .167 Thailand 1.444 .444 United Kingdom 1.185 .185 Venezuela 1.434 (R) .434 (R)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 373.1


4.10 International Origination - Calling Card Calls - Service Charges (M)

Per Call Station-to-Station $2.50 (M) (D)


Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 3rd Revised Page 374 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 374


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

Effective April 22, 2013, this service is no longer available to new customers. Existing customers (C) will be grandfathered until the expiration of the applicable service term of their contract. During grandfathering, the terms and conditions of such contracts will continue to apply. Customer may make moves, adds, and changes to the service during grandfathering. (C)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated

SWITCHED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT LEVEL CITY $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 AFGHANISTAN 0.5585 0.5319 0.5319 0.5065 0.5065 0.4824 AFGHANISTAN MOBILE 0.5771 0.5496 0.5496 0.5234 0.5234 0.4985 ALBANIA 0.2235 0.2128 0.2128 0.2027 0.2027 0.1930 ALBANIA MOBILE 0.3422 0.3259 0.3259 0.3103 0.3103 0.2956 ALGERIA 0.2265 0.2158 0.2158 0.2055 0.2055 0.1957 ALGERIA MOBILE 0.4414 0.4204 0.4204 0.4004 0.4004 0.3813 AMERICAN SAMOA 0.1490 0.1419 0.1419 0.1351 0.1351 0.1287 ANDORRA 0.0768 0.0731 0.0731 0.0696 0.0696 0.0663 ANDORRA MOBILE 0.3808 0.3627 0.3627 0.3454 0.3454 0.3290 ANGOLA 0.3477 0.3311 0.3311 0.3154 0.3154 0.3003 ANGOLA MOBILE 0.4655 0.4434 0.4434 0.4223 0.4223 0.4022 ANGUILLA 0.2648 0.2522 0.2522 0.2402 0.2402 0.2288 ANGUILLA MOBILE 0.2486 0.2368 0.2368 0.2255 0.2255 0.2148 ANTARCTICA 1.0569 1.0066 1.0066 0.9587 0.9587 0.9130 ANTIGUA 0.2628 0.2503 0.2503 0.2383 0.2383 0.2270 ARGENTINA 0.0835 0.0795 0.0795 0.0757 0.0757 0.0721 ARGENTINA BUENOS AIRES 0.0348 0.0332 0.0332 0.0316 0.0316 0.0301 ARGENTINA CORDOBA 0.0371 0.0353 0.0353 0.0336 0.0336 0.0320 ARGENTINA MOBILE 0.3988 0.3798 0.3798 0.3618 0.3618 0.3445 ARGENTINA MENDOZA 0.0371 0.0353 0.0353 0.0336 0.0336 0.0320 ARGENTINA ROSARIO 0.0371 0.0353 0.0353 0.0336 0.0336 0.0320 ARMENIA 0.1762 0.1678 0.1678 0.1598 0.1598 0.1522 ARMENIA MOBILE 0.3814 0.3633 0.3633 0.3460 0.3460 0.3295 ARMENIA NAGORNI K 0.5028 0.4788 0.4788 0.4560 0.4560 0.4343 ARMENIA YEREVAN 0.1185 0.1129 0.1129 0.1075 0.1075 0.1024 ARUBA 0.2388 0.2275 0.2275 0.2166 0.2166 0.2063 ARUBA MOBILE 0.3960 0.3771 0.3771 0.3592 0.3592 0.3421 ASCENSION ISLAND 1.2147 1.1568 1.1568 1.1018 1.1018 1.0493

Effective: April 22, 2013

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 375 Cancels 1st Revised Page 375


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

SWITCHED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT LEVEL CITY $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 AUSTRALIA 0.0479 0.0456 0.0456 0.0435 0.0435 0.0414 (R) AUSTRALIA MOBILE 0.3608 0.3436 0.3436 0.3272 0.3272 0.3117 (I) AUSTRALIA (N) MELBOURNE 0.0444 0.0423 0.0423 0.0403 0.0403 0.0384 AUSTRALIA SYDNEY 0.0444 0.0423 0.0423 0.0403 0.0403 0.0384 (N) AUSTRIA 0.0469 0.0447 0.0447 0.0425 0.0425 0.0405 (R) AUSTRIA MOBILE 0.5853 0.5574 0.5574 0.5308 0.5308 0.5056 (I) AUSTRIA VIENNA 0.0457 0.0435 0.0435 0.0414 0.0414 0.0394 (R) AZERBAIJAN 0.2883 0.2746 0.2746 0.2615 0.2615 0.2491 (R) AZERBAIJAN (N) MOBILE 0.3336 0.3177 0.3177 0.3026 0.3026 0.2881 (N) BAHAMAS 0.1355 0.1290 0.1290 0.1229 0.1229 0.1170 (R) BAHAMAS (N) MOBILE 0.1361 0.1296 0.1296 0.1234 0.1234 0.1176 (N) BAHRAIN 0.3139 0.2990 0.2990 0.2847 0.2847 0.2712 (R) BANGLADESH 0.2675 0.2547 0.2547 0.2426 0.2426 0.2311 (R) BANGLADESH (N) CHITTAGONG 0.1308 0.1246 0.1246 0.1186 0.1186 0.1130 BANGLADESH DHAKA 0.0989 0.0942 0.0942 0.0897 0.0897 0.0854 (N) BANGLADESH MOBILE 0.3043 0.2898 0.2898 0.2760 0.2760 0.2629 (R) BARBADOS 0.2814 0.2680 0.2680 0.2552 0.2552 0.2431 (R) BARBADOS (N) MOBILE 0.4197 0.3997 0.3997 0.3807 0.3807 0.3626 (N) BELARUS 0.4017 0.3826 0.3826 0.3644 0.3644 0.3470 (I) BELARUS MOBILE 0.3810 0.3629 0.3629 0.3456 0.3456 0.3292 (N) BELGIUM 0.0393 0.0374 0.0374 0.0357 0.0357 0.0340 (R) BELGIUM (N) BRUSSELS 0.0348 0.0332 0.0332 0.0316 0.0316 0.0301 (N) BELGIUM MOBILE 0.5075 0.4833 0.4833 0.4603 0.4603 0.4384 (I) BELIZE 0.3000 0.2857 0.2857 0.2721 0.2721 0.2592 (R) BELIZE MOBILE 0.4496 0.4282 0.4282 0.4078 0.4078 0.3884 (N) BENIN 0.2317 0.2206 0.2206 0.2101 0.2101 0.2001 (R) BENIN MOBILE 0.2732 0.2602 0.2602 0.2478 0.2478 0.2360 (N) BERMUDA 0.1349 0.1285 0.1285 0.1223 0.1223 0.1165 (R) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 376 Cancels 1st Revised Page 376


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

SWITCHED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT LEVEL CITY $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 BERMUDA (N) MOBILE 0.1338 0.1275 0.1275 0.1214 0.1214 0.1156 (N) BHUTAN 0.3180 0.3029 0.3029 0.2884 0.2884 0.2747 (R) BHUTAN MOBILE 0.5269 0.5018 0.5018 0.4779 0.4779 0.4552 (N) BOLIVIA 0.3548 0.3379 0.3379 0.3219 0.3219 0.3065 (R) BOLIVIA (N) COCHABAMBA 0.1036 0.0986 0.0986 0.0939 0.0939 0.0895 BOLIVIA LA PAZ 0.1467 0.1398 0.1398 0.1331 0.1331 0.1268 (N) BOLIVIA MOBILE 0.2347 0.2236 0.2236 0.2129 0.2129 0.2028 (R) BOLIVIA SANTA (N) CRUZ 0.1040 0.0990 0.0990 0.0943 0.0943 0.0898 (N) BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA 0.3256 0.3101 0.3101 0.2953 0.2953 0.2813 (R) BOSNIA (N) HERZEGOVINA MOBILE 0.4291 0.4087 0.4087 0.3892 0.3892 0.3707 (N) BOTSWANA 0.2124 0.2023 0.2023 0.1927 0.1927 0.1835 (R) BOTSWANA (N) MOBILE 0.2302 0.2193 0.2193 0.2088 0.2088 0.1989 (N) BRAZIL 0.1015 0.0967 0.0967 0.0921 0.0921 0.0877 (R) BRAZIL BELEM 0.0766 0.0729 0.0729 0.0694 0.0694 0.0661 (N) BRAZIL BELO 0.2484 0.2366 0.2366 0.2253 0.2253 0.2146 (I) BRAZIL BRASILIA 0.0766 0.0729 0.0729 0.0694 0.0694 0.0661 (N) BRAZIL CAMPINAS 0.0997 0.0949 0.0949 0.0904 0.0904 0.0861 BRAZIL CURITIBIA 0.0766 0.0729 0.0729 0.0694 0.0694 0.0661 BRAZIL FLORIANOPOLIS 0.0927 0.0883 0.0883 0.0841 0.0841 0.0801 BRAZIL FORTALEZA 0.0766 0.0729 0.0729 0.0694 0.0694 0.0661 BRAZIL GOIANIA 0.0841 0.0801 0.0801 0.0763 0.0763 0.0727 (N) BRAZIL MOBILE 0.3180 0.3029 0.3029 0.2884 0.2884 0.2747 (R) BRAZIL MANAUS 0.0927 0.0883 0.0883 0.0841 0.0841 0.0801 (N) BRAZIL PORTO ALEGRE 0.0766 0.0729 0.0729 0.0694 0.0694 0.0661 (N) BRAZIL RECIFE 0.0766 0.0729 0.0729 0.0694 0.0694 0.0661 (R) BRAZIL RIO DE JANEIRO 0.0500 0.0476 0.0476 0.0453 0.0453 0.0432 (R) BRAZIL (N) SALVADOR 0.0927 0.0883 0.0883 0.0841 0.0841 0.0801 (N) BRAZIL SAO PAULO 0.0540 0.0515 0.0515 0.0490 0.0490 0.0467 (R) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

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4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

SWITCHED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - CITY COMMITMENT COMMITMENT COMMITMENT LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

BRAZIL VITORIA 0.0766 0.0729 0.0729 0.0694 0.0694 0.0661 (R) BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS 0.2572 0.2450 0.2450 0.2333 0.2333 0.2222 (R) BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS (N) MOBILE 0.2572 0.2450 0.2450 0.2333 0.2333 0.2222 (N) BRUNEI 0.0966 0.0920 0.0920 0.0876 0.0876 0.0835 (R) BULGARIA 0.1437 0.1368 0.1368 0.1303 0.1303 0.1241 (R) BULGARIA MOBILE 0.3988 0.3798 0.3798 0.3618 0.3618 0.3445 (N) BULGARIA SOFIA 0.0626 0.0597 0.0597 0.0568 0.0568 0.0541 (N) BURKINA FASO 0.2707 0.2579 0.2579 0.2456 0.2456 0.2339 (R) BURKINA FASO MOBILE 0.3133 0.2984 0.2984 0.2842 0.2842 0.2706 (N) BURUNDI 0.1881 0.1791 0.1791 0.1706 0.1706 0.1625 (R) BURUNDI MOBILE 0.1856 0.1768 0.1768 0.1684 0.1684 0.1603 (N) CAMBODIA 0.3913 0.3726 0.3726 0.3549 0.3549 0.3380 (I) CAMBODIA MOBILE 0.3888 0.3703 0.3703 0.3527 0.3527 0.3359 (N) CAMEROON 0.3745 0.3567 0.3567 0.3397 0.3397 0.3235 (R) CAMEROON MOBILE 0.3921 0.3734 0.3734 0.3556 0.3556 0.3387 (N) CANADA NORTHWEST/NUNAVUT/Y UKON 0.2362 0.2249 0.2249 0.2142 0.2142 0.2040 (R) CANADA ROC 0.0362 0.0345 0.0345 0.0329 0.0329 0.0313 (N) CAPE VERDE ISLANDS 0.4895 0.4662 0.4662 0.4440 0.4440 0.4228 (I) CAPE VERDE ISLANDS (N) MOBILE 0.4895 0.4662 0.4662 0.4440 0.4440 0.4228 (N) CAYMAN ISLANDS 0.2130 0.2029 0.2029 0.1932 0.1932 0.1840 (R) CAYMAN ISLANDS (N) MOBILE 0.3342 0.3183 0.3183 0.3031 0.3031 0.2887 (N) CENTRAL AFRICAN REP 0.2875 0.2738 0.2738 0.2608 0.2608 0.2484 (R) CENTRAL AFRICAN REP (N) MOBILE 0.3068 0.2922 0.2922 0.2782 0.2782 0.2650 (N) CHAD REPUBLIC 0.4428 0.4217 0.4217 0.4017 0.4017 0.3825 (R) CHAD REPUBLIC MOBILE 0.4547 0.4331 0.4331 0.4124 0.4124 0.3928 (N) CHILE 0.0424 0.0404 0.0404 0.0384 0.0384 0.0366 (R) CHILE MOBILE 0.3127 0.2978 0.2978 0.2836 0.2836 0.2701 (R) CHILE RURAL 0.0747 0.0712 0.0712 0.0678 0.0678 0.0645 (I) CHILE SANTIAGO 0.0348 0.0332 0.0332 0.0316 0.0316 0.0301 (I) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

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4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

SWITCHED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - CITY COMMITMENT COMMITMENT COMMITMENT LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

CHINA 0.0448 0.0427 0.0427 0.0407 0.0407 0.0387 (R CHINA BEIJING 0.0434 0.0413 0.0413 0.0394 0.0394 0.0375 (N) CHINA GUANGZHOU 0.0446 0.0425 0.0425 0.0405 0.0405 0.0386 (N) CHINA MOBILE 0.0434 0.0413 0.0413 0.0394 0.0394 0.0375 (R) CHINA SHANGHAI 0.0446 0.0425 0.0425 0.0405 0.0405 0.0386 (N) CHRISTMAS/COCOS IS 0.0676 0.0643 0.0643 0.0613 0.0613 0.0584 (R) COLOMBIA 0.1492 0.1421 0.1421 0.1353 0.1353 0.1289 COLOMBIA BARRANQUILLA 0.1019 0.0971 0.0971 0.0925 0.0925 0.0880 COLOMBIA BOGOTA 0.1379 0.1314 0.1314 0.1251 0.1251 0.1192 COLOMBIA CALI 0.1379 0.1314 0.1314 0.1251 0.1251 0.1192 COLOMBIA MOBILE 0.1379 0.1314 0.1314 0.1251 0.1251 0.1192 COLOMBIA MEDELLIN 0.1379 0.1314 0.1314 0.1251 0.1251 0.1192 COMOROS ISLAND 0.5251 0.5001 0.5001 0.4763 0.4763 0.4536 (R) COMOROS ISLAND (N) MOBILE 0.8220 0.7828 0.7828 0.7456 0.7456 0.7101 (N) CONGO 0.2529 0.2409 0.2409 0.2294 0.2294 0.2185 (R) CONGO MOBILE 0.2431 0.2315 0.2315 0.2205 0.2205 0.2100 (N) COOK ISLANDS 1.2292 1.1707 1.1707 1.1149 1.1149 1.0618 (I) COSTA RICA 0.1946 0.1854 0.1854 0.1765 0.1765 0.1681 (I) COSTA RICA MOBILE 0.2014 0.1918 0.1918 0.1827 0.1827 0.1740 (R) CROATIA 0.1205 0.1148 0.1148 0.1093 0.1093 0.1041 (R) CROATIA MOBILE 0.3772 0.3592 0.3592 0.3421 0.3421 0.3258 (I) CUBA 1.7353 1.6526 1.6526 1.5739 1.5739 1.4990 (I) CYPRUS 0.1130 0.1076 0.1076 0.1025 0.1025 0.0976 (R) CYPRUS MOBILE 0.1819 0.1733 0.1733 0.1650 0.1650 0.1572 CZECH REPUBLIC 0.0577 0.0550 0.0550 0.0524 0.0524 0.0499 CZECH REPUBLIC MOBILE 0.3166 0.3015 0.3015 0.2871 0.2871 0.2735 (R) CZECH REPUBLIC (N) PRAGUE 0.0497 0.0474 0.0474 0.0451 0.0451 0.0430 (N) DENMARK 0.0395 0.0376 0.0376 0.0358 0.0358 0.0341 (R) DENMARK MOBILE 0.4158 0.3960 0.3960 0.3772 0.3772 0.3592 (I) DIEGO GARCIA 3.3719 3.2113 3.2113 3.0584 3.0584 2.9127 (I) DJIBOUTI 0.5793 0.5517 0.5517 0.5255 0.5255 0.5004 (R) DOMINICA 0.2362 0.2249 0.2249 0.2142 0.2142 0.2040 (R) DOMINICA MOBILE 0.4191 0.3991 0.3991 0.3801 0.3801 0.3620 (N) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 0.1257 0.1197 0.1197 0.1140 0.1140 0.1086 (R) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (N) MOBILE 0.2147 0.2045 0.2045 0.1947 0.1947 0.1854 (N) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

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4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

SWITCHED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - CITY COMMITMENT COMMITMENT COMMITMENT LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

EAST TIMOR 2.6141 2.4896 2.4896 2.3711 2.3711 2.2582 (N) ECUADOR 0.2556 0.2434 0.2434 0.2318 0.2318 0.2208 (R) ECUADOR GUAYAQUIL 0.2556 0.2434 0.2434 0.2318 0.2318 0.2208 (N) ECUADOR MOBILE 0.2032 0.1935 0.1935 0.1843 0.1843 0.1755 (R) ECUADOR QUITO 0.2556 0.2434 0.2434 0.2318 0.2318 0.2208 (N) EGYPT 0.2855 0.2719 0.2719 0.2589 0.2589 0.2466 (R) EGYPT CAIRO 0.2916 0.2777 0.2777 0.2645 0.2645 0.2519 (N) EGYPT MOBILE 0.2597 0.2473 0.2473 0.2356 0.2356 0.2243 (R) EL SALVADOR 0.1789 0.1703 0.1703 0.1622 0.1622 0.1545 EL SALVADOR MOBILE 0.2877 0.2740 0.2740 0.2610 0.2610 0.2486 EQUATORIAL GUINEA 0.4721 0.4496 0.4496 0.4282 0.4282 0.4078 (R) EQUATORIAL GUINEA (N) MOBILE 0.4013 0.3822 0.3822 0.3640 0.3640 0.3467 (N) ERITREA 0.5081 0.4839 0.4839 0.4609 0.4609 0.4389 (R) ERITREA MOBILE 0.5001 0.4763 0.4763 0.4536 0.4536 0.4320 (N) ESTONIA 0.0592 0.0563 0.0563 0.0537 0.0537 0.0511 (R) ESTONIA MOBILE 0.4848 0.4617 0.4617 0.4397 0.4397 0.4188 (R) ESTONIA SS 0.8701 0.8287 0.8287 0.7892 0.7892 0.7516 (N) ETHIOPIA 0.5212 0.4964 0.4964 0.4728 0.4728 0.4502 (R) ETHIOPIA MOBILE 0.5212 0.4964 0.4964 0.4728 0.4728 0.4502 (N) FALKLAND ISLANDS 1.0420 0.9924 0.9924 0.9451 0.9451 0.9001 (I) FAROE IS MOBILE 0.5611 0.5344 0.5344 0.5089 0.5089 0.4847 (N) FAROE ISLANDS 0.2669 0.2541 0.2541 0.2420 0.2420 0.2305 (R) FIJI ISLANDS 0.4265 0.4062 0.4062 0.3868 0.3868 0.3684 FINLAND 0.0594 0.0565 0.0565 0.0538 0.0538 0.0513 (R) FINLAND HELSINKI 0.0594 0.0565 0.0565 0.0538 0.0538 0.0513 (N) FINLAND MOBILE 0.3892 0.3707 0.3707 0.3530 0.3530 0.3362 (R) FINLAND SS 0.0608 0.0579 0.0579 0.0551 0.0551 0.0525 (N) FRANCE 0.0387 0.0369 0.0369 0.0351 0.0351 0.0334 (R) FRANCE MOBILE 0.4643 0.4422 0.4422 0.4212 0.4212 0.4011 (I) FRANCE PARIS 0.0381 0.0363 0.0363 0.0345 0.0345 0.0329 (N) FRENCH ANTILLES 0.2067 0.1969 0.1969 0.1875 0.1875 0.1786 (R) FRENCH ANTILLES (N) MOBILE 0.5398 0.5141 0.5141 0.4896 0.4896 0.4663 (N) FRENCH GUIANA 0.2202 0.2097 0.2097 0.1997 0.1997 0.1902 (R) FRENCH GUIANA MOBILE 0.5337 0.5083 0.5083 0.4841 0.4841 0.4610 (N) FRENCH POLYNESIA 0.3508 0.3341 0.3341 0.3181 0.3181 0.3030 (R) FRENCH POLYNESIA (N) MOBILE 0.3508 0.3341 0.3341 0.3181 0.3181 0.3030 (N) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

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4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

SWITCHED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - CITY COMMITMENT COMMITMENT COMMITMENT LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

GABON MOBILE 0.2742 0.2612 0.2612 0.2487 0.2487 0.2369 (N) GABON REPUBLIC 0.2675 0.2547 0.2547 0.2426 0.2426 0.2311 (R) GAMBIA 0.3405 0.3243 0.3243 0.3089 0.3089 0.2942 (R) GAMBIA MOBILE 0.3559 0.3389 0.3389 0.3228 0.3228 0.3074 (N) GEORGIA 0.1298 0.1236 0.1236 0.1177 0.1177 0.1121 (R) GEORGIA MOBILE 0.2705 0.2577 0.2577 0.2454 0.2454 0.2337 (N) GERMANY 0.0416 0.0396 0.0396 0.0377 0.0377 0.0359 (R) GERMANY BERLIN 0.0426 0.0406 0.0406 0.0386 0.0386 0.0368 (N) GERMANY MOBILE 0.4715 0.4490 0.4490 0.4276 0.4276 0.4073 (I) GHANA 0.1772 0.1688 0.1688 0.1608 0.1608 0.1531 (R) GHANA MOBILE 0.2421 0.2306 0.2306 0.2196 0.2196 0.2091 (N) GIBRALTAR 0.0849 0.0809 0.0809 0.0770 0.0770 0.0734 (R) GIBRALTAR MOBILE 0.5433 0.5174 0.5174 0.4928 0.4928 0.4693 (N) GMSS 2.3096 2.1997 2.1997 2.0949 2.0949 1.9952 (N) GREECE 0.0633 0.0602 0.0602 0.0574 0.0574 0.0546 (R) GREECE ATHENS 0.0549 0.0523 0.0523 0.0498 0.0498 0.0474 (N) GREECE MOBILE 0.5955 0.5671 0.5671 0.5401 0.5401 0.5144 (R) GREENLAND 1.1492 1.0945 1.0945 1.0424 1.0424 0.9927 (I) GRENADA 0.2425 0.2310 0.2310 0.2200 0.2200 0.2095 (R) GRENADA MOBILE 0.3450 0.3286 0.3286 0.3129 0.3129 0.2980 (N) GUADELOUPE 0.1482 0.1411 0.1411 0.1344 0.1344 0.1280 (R) GUADELOUPE MOBILE 0.4561 0.4344 0.4344 0.4137 0.4137 0.3940 (N) GUANTANAMO BAY 2.1815 2.0777 2.0777 1.9787 1.9787 1.8845 (N) GUATEMALA 0.2210 0.2105 0.2105 0.2005 0.2005 0.1909 (R) GUATEMALA MOBILE 0.2382 0.2269 0.2269 0.2161 0.2161 0.2058 GUINEA 0.2863 0.2727 0.2727 0.2597 0.2597 0.2473 (R) GUINEA BISSAU 1.9059 1.8152 1.8152 1.7287 1.7287 1.6464 (I) GUINEA MOBILE 0.2738 0.2608 0.2608 0.2484 0.2484 0.2365 (N) GUYANA 0.4725 0.4500 0.4500 0.4286 0.4286 0.4082 (R) HAITI 0.2705 0.2577 0.2577 0.2454 0.2454 0.2337 HAITI MOBILE 0.4733 0.4508 0.4508 0.4293 0.4293 0.4089 HONDURAS 0.4858 0.4627 0.4627 0.4406 0.4406 0.4197 (R) HONDURAS MOBILE 0.4817 0.4588 0.4588 0.4369 0.4369 0.4161 (N) HONG KONG 0.0438 0.0417 0.0417 0.0397 0.0397 0.0378 (R) HONG KONG MOBILE 0.0348 0.0332 0.0332 0.0316 0.0316 0.0301 HUNGARY 0.0815 0.0776 0.0776 0.0739 0.0739 0.0704 (R) HUNGARY BUDAPEST 0.0712 0.0678 0.0678 0.0646 0.0646 0.0615 (N) HUNGARY MOBILE 0.4500 0.4286 0.4286 0.4082 0.4082 0.3887 (I) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 381 Cancels 1st Revised Page 381


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

SWITCHED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - CITY COMMITMENT COMMITMENT COMMITMENT LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

ICELAND 0.0616 0.0587 0.0587 0.0559 0.0559 0.0532 (R) ICELAND MOBILE 0.3986 0.3797 0.3797 0.3616 0.3616 0.3444 INDIA 0.2566 0.2444 0.2444 0.2328 0.2328 0.2217 (R) INDIA AHMNEDABAD 0.2425 0.2310 0.2310 0.2200 0.2200 0.2095 (N) INDIA BANGALORE 0.2441 0.2325 0.2325 0.2214 0.2214 0.2109 INDIA BOMBAY 0.2525 0.2405 0.2405 0.2291 0.2291 0.2181 INDIA CALCUTTA 0.2466 0.2349 0.2349 0.2237 0.2237 0.2130 INDIA HYDERABAD 0.2427 0.2312 0.2312 0.2201 0.2201 0.2097 INDIA MOBILE 0.2566 0.2444 0.2444 0.2328 0.2328 0.2217 INDIA MADRAS 0.2370 0.2257 0.2257 0.2149 0.2149 0.2047

INDIA NEW DELHI 0.2441 0.2325 0.2325 0.2214 0.2214 0.2109

INDIA PUNE 0.2566 0.2444 0.2444 0.2328 0.2328 0.2217 INDIA PUNJAB 0.2525 0.2405 0.2405 0.2291 0.2291 0.2181 (N) INDONESIA 0.2151 0.2048 0.2048 0.1951 0.1951 0.1858 (R) INDONESIA JAKARTA 0.0676 0.0643 0.0643 0.0613 0.0613 0.0584 (R) INDONESIA MOBILE 0.4267 0.4064 0.4064 0.3870 0.3870 0.3686 (I) INMARSAT A 9.8277 9.3597 9.3597 8.9140 8.9140 8.4895 INMARSAT B 7.1064 6.7680 6.7680 6.4457 6.4457 6.1388 INMARSAT M 3.1962 3.0440 3.0440 2.8991 2.8991 2.7610 INMARSAT MM 2.7056 2.5768 2.5768 2.4541 2.4541 2.3372 (I) IRAN 0.2955 0.2814 0.2814 0.2680 0.2680 0.2553 (R) IRAN MOBILE 0.2959 0.2818 0.2818 0.2684 0.2684 0.2556 (N) IRAQ 0.5145 0.4900 0.4900 0.4666 0.4666 0.4444 (R) IRAQ BAGHDAD 0.2769 0.2637 0.2637 0.2511 0.2511 0.2392 (N) IRELAND 0.0495 0.0472 0.0472 0.0449 0.0449 0.0428 (R) IRELAND DUBLIN 0.0495 0.0472 0.0472 0.0449 0.0449 0.0428 (N) IRELAND MOBILE 0.3862 0.3678 0.3678 0.3503 0.3503 0.3336 (R) IRIDIUM/GLOBALSTAR 6.5147 6.2045 6.2045 5.9090 5.9090 5.6277 (N) ISRAEL 0.0579 0.0552 0.0552 0.0525 0.0525 0.0500 (R) ISRAEL MOBILE 0.1916 0.1824 0.1824 0.1737 0.1737 0.1655 ITALY 0.0377 0.0359 0.0359 0.0342 0.0342 0.0325 (R) ITALY MOBILE 0.4979 0.4742 0.4742 0.4516 0.4516 0.4301 (I) IVORY COAST 0.3385 0.3224 0.3224 0.3070 0.3070 0.2924 (R) IVORY COAST MOBILE 0.3559 0.3389 0.3389 0.3228 0.3228 0.3074 (N) JAMAICA 0.1856 0.1768 0.1768 0.1684 0.1684 0.1603 (R) JAMAICA MOBILE 0.3772 0.3592 0.3592 0.3421 0.3421 0.3258 (N) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

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4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

SWITCHED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - CITY COMMITMENT COMMITMENT COMMITMENT LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

JAPAN 0.0559 0.0532 0.0532 0.0507 0.0507 0.0483 (R) JAPAN MOBILE 0.2935 0.2795 0.2795 0.2662 0.2662 0.2535 JAPAN NAGOYA 0.0536 0.0511 0.0511 0.0486 0.0486 0.0463 JAPAN OSAKA 0.0643 0.0612 0.0612 0.0583 0.0583 0.0555 JAPAN TOKYO 0.0643 0.0612 0.0612 0.0583 0.0583 0.0555 (R) JAPAN YOKOHAMA 0.0559 0.0532 0.0532 0.0507 0.0507 0.0483 (N) JORDAN 0.2965 0.2824 0.2824 0.2690 0.2690 0.2562 (R) JORDAN MOBILE 0.3767 0.3588 0.3588 0.3417 0.3417 0.3254 (N) KAZAKHSTAN 0.2740 0.2610 0.2610 0.2485 0.2485 0.2367 (R) KAZAKHSTAN MOBILE 0.3510 0.3342 0.3342 0.3183 0.3183 0.3032 (N) KENYA 0.3485 0.3319 0.3319 0.3161 0.3161 0.3011 (R) KENYA MOBILE 0.5081 0.4839 0.4839 0.4609 0.4609 0.4389 (N) KENYA NAIROBI 0.3546 0.3378 0.3378 0.3217 0.3217 0.3064 (N) KIRIBATI 0.9804 0.9337 0.9337 0.8892 0.8892 0.8469 (I) KOSOVO MOBILE 0.3639 0.3465 0.3465 0.3300 0.3300 0.3143 (R) KUWAIT 0.2139 0.2037 0.2037 0.1940 0.1940 0.1847 KUWAIT MOBILE 0.2139 0.2037 0.2037 0.1940 0.1940 0.1847 KYRGYZSTAN 0.1873 0.1783 0.1783 0.1698 0.1698 0.1618 KYRGYZSTAN MOBILE 0.1887 0.1797 0.1797 0.1711 0.1711 0.1630 LAOS 0.1654 0.1575 0.1575 0.1500 0.1500 0.1428 (R) LAOS MOBILE 0.1832 0.1744 0.1744 0.1661 0.1661 0.1582 (N) LATVIA 0.3375 0.3214 0.3214 0.3061 0.3061 0.2915 (I) LATVIA MOBILE 0.3634 0.3461 0.3461 0.3297 0.3297 0.3140 (R) LEBANON 0.1961 0.1867 0.1867 0.1778 0.1778 0.1694 LEBANON MOBILE 0.3571 0.3401 0.3401 0.3239 0.3239 0.3085 LESOTHO 0.2051 0.1953 0.1953 0.1860 0.1860 0.1771 (R) LESOTHO MOBILE 0.2265 0.2158 0.2158 0.2055 0.2055 0.1957 (N) LIBERIA 0.3033 0.2888 0.2888 0.2751 0.2751 0.2620 (R) LIBYA 0.2308 0.2199 0.2199 0.2094 0.2094 0.1994 (R) LIBYA MOBILE 0.2202 0.2097 0.2097 0.1997 0.1997 0.1902 (N) LIECHTENSTEIN 0.0950 0.0904 0.0904 0.0861 0.0861 0.0820 (R) LIECHTENSTEIN MOBILE 0.4844 0.4613 0.4613 0.4393 0.4393 0.4184 (N) LITHUANIA 0.1625 0.1548 0.1548 0.1474 0.1474 0.1404 (I) LITHUANIA MOBILE 0.3113 0.2964 0.2964 0.2823 0.2823 0.2689 (R) LUXEMBOURG 0.0575 0.0548 0.0548 0.0522 0.0522 0.0497 (R) LUXEMBOURG MOBILE 0.4557 0.4340 0.4340 0.4134 0.4134 0.3937 (I) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 383 Cancels 1st Revised Page 383


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

SWITCHED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - CITY COMMITMENT COMMITMENT COMMITMENT LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

MACAO 0.1111 0.1058 0.1058 0.1008 0.1008 0.0960 (R) MACEDONIA 0.2757 0.2625 0.2625 0.2500 0.2500 0.2381 (R) MACEDONIA MOBILE 0.5118 0.4874 0.4874 0.4642 0.4642 0.4421 (N) MADAGASCAR 0.3814 0.3633 0.3633 0.3460 0.3460 0.3295 (R) MADAGASCAR MOBILE 0.3806 0.3625 0.3625 0.3452 0.3452 0.3288 (N) MALAWI 0.1913 0.1822 0.1822 0.1736 0.1736 0.1653 (R) MALAWI MOBILE 0.4418 0.4208 0.4208 0.4007 0.4007 0.3817 (N) MALAYSIA 0.0483 0.0460 0.0460 0.0438 0.0438 0.0417 (R) MALAYSIA KUALA (N) LUMPUR 0.0483 0.0460 0.0460 0.0438 0.0438 0.0417 (N) MALAYSIA MOBILE 0.0987 0.0940 0.0940 0.0895 0.0895 0.0852 (R) MALDIVES 0.4840 0.4609 0.4609 0.4390 0.4390 0.4181 (R) MALI MOBILE 0.4342 0.4136 0.4136 0.3939 0.3939 0.3751 (N) MALI REPUBLIC 0.4119 0.3923 0.3923 0.3736 0.3736 0.3558 (R) MALTA 0.2292 0.2183 0.2183 0.2079 0.2079 0.1980 (R) MALTA MOBILE 0.5836 0.5558 0.5558 0.5294 0.5294 0.5042 (N) MARSHALL ISLANDS 0.4729 0.4504 0.4504 0.4289 0.4289 0.4085 (R) MAURITANIA 0.4770 0.4543 0.4543 0.4327 0.4327 0.4121 (R) MAURITANIA MOBILE 0.4848 0.4617 0.4617 0.4397 0.4397 0.4188 (N) MAURITIUS 0.3436 0.3272 0.3272 0.3116 0.3116 0.2968 (R) MAYOTTE ISLAND 0.5190 0.4942 0.4942 0.4707 0.4707 0.4483 MEXICO - GUADALAJARA 0.0418 0.0398 0.0398 0.0379 0.0379 0.0361 MEXICO - MEXICO CITY 0.0418 0.0398 0.0398 0.0379 0.0379 0.0361 MEXICO - MONTERREY 0.0418 0.0398 0.0398 0.0379 0.0379 0.0361 (R) MEXICO EQUAL ACCESS 0.0878 0.0836 0.0836 0.0796 0.0796 0.0759 (N) MEXICO MOBILE 0.1502 0.1431 0.1431 0.1363 0.1363 0.1298 MEXICO NON EQUAL ACCESS 0.1492 0.1421 0.1421 0.1353 0.1353 0.1289 (N) MICRONESIA 0.4222 0.4021 0.4021 0.3829 0.3829 0.3647 (R) MOLDOVA 0.2313 0.2202 0.2202 0.2098 0.2098 0.1998 (R) MOLDOVA MOBILE 0.2965 0.2824 0.2824 0.2690 0.2690 0.2562 (N) MOLDOVA PRIDNESTROVIE 0.2222 0.2117 0.2117 0.2016 0.2016 0.1920 (N) MONACO 0.0784 0.0747 0.0747 0.0711 0.0711 0.0677 (R) MONACO MOBILE 0.3765 0.3586 0.3586 0.3415 0.3415 0.3253 MONGOLIA 0.1089 0.1037 0.1037 0.0988 0.0988 0.0941 MONTSERRAT 0.2955 0.2814 0.2814 0.2680 0.2680 0.2553 (R) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 384 Cancels 1st Revised Page 384


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

SWITCHED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - CITY COMMITMENT COMMITMENT COMMITMENT LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

MOROCCO 0.4089 0.3894 0.3894 0.3709 0.3709 0.3532 (R) MOROCCO CASABLANCA 0.3411 0.3249 0.3249 0.3094 0.3094 0.2947 (N) MOROCCO MOBILE 0.5349 0.5094 0.5094 0.4852 0.4852 0.4621 (N) MOZAMBIQUE 0.2622 0.2497 0.2497 0.2378 0.2378 0.2265 (R) MOZAMBIQUE MOBILE 0.2184 0.2080 0.2080 0.1981 0.1981 0.1886 (N) MYANMAR 0.5554 0.5289 0.5289 0.5037 0.5037 0.4798 (R) NAKHODKA 0.1203 0.1146 0.1146 0.1092 0.1092 0.1040 NAMIBIA 0.1633 0.1555 0.1555 0.1481 0.1481 0.1411 (R) NAMIBIA MOBILE 0.3360 0.3200 0.3200 0.3048 0.3048 0.2903 (N) NAURU 1.5151 1.4429 1.4429 1.3742 1.3742 1.3088 (I) NEPAL 0.5390 0.5133 0.5133 0.4889 0.4889 0.4656 (R) NEPAL KATHMANDU 0.2763 0.2631 0.2631 0.2506 0.2506 0.2387 (N) NETHERLANDS 0.0348 0.0332 0.0332 0.0316 0.0316 0.0301 (R) NETHERLANDS ANTILLES 0.2505 0.2386 0.2386 0.2272 0.2272 0.2164 (R) NETHERLANDS MOBILE 0.5005 0.4767 0.4767 0.4540 0.4540 0.4324 (I) NETHERLND ANT MOBILE 0.3313 0.3155 0.3155 0.3005 0.3005 0.2862 (R) NEW CALEDONIA 0.5284 0.5032 0.5032 0.4792 0.4792 0.4564 NEW ZEALAND 0.0463 0.0441 0.0441 0.0420 0.0420 0.0400 (R) NEW ZEALAND (N) AUCKLAND 0.0491 0.0468 0.0468 0.0446 0.0446 0.0424 (N) NEW ZEALAND MOBILE 0.5335 0.5081 0.5081 0.4839 0.4839 0.4608 (I) NICARAGUA 0.2814 0.2680 0.2680 0.2552 0.2552 0.2431 (R) NICARAGUA MOBILE 0.5484 0.5223 0.5223 0.4974 0.4974 0.4737 NIGER 0.2335 0.2224 0.2224 0.2118 0.2118 0.2017 (R) NIGER MOBILE 0.2274 0.2165 0.2165 0.2062 0.2062 0.1964 (N) NIGERIA 0.2443 0.2327 0.2327 0.2216 0.2216 0.2111 (R) NIGERIA LAGOS 0.0929 0.0885 0.0885 0.0843 0.0843 0.0803 (N) NIGERIA MOBILE 0.3436 0.3272 0.3272 0.3116 0.3116 0.2968 (N) NIUE ISLAND 2.5949 2.4713 2.4713 2.3536 2.3536 2.2416 (I) NORFOLK ISLAND 1.0559 1.0056 1.0056 0.9577 0.9577 0.9121 NORTH KOREA 0.9747 0.9282 0.9282 0.8840 0.8840 0.8419 (I) NORWAY 0.0395 0.0376 0.0376 0.0358 0.0358 0.0341 (R) NORWAY MOBILE 0.4103 0.3908 0.3908 0.3722 0.3722 0.3544 (I) OMAN 0.3135 0.2986 0.2986 0.2844 0.2844 0.2708 (R) OMAN MOBILE 0.4371 0.4163 0.4163 0.3965 0.3965 0.3776 (N) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 385 Cancels 1st Revised Page 385


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

SWITCHED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - CITY COMMITMENT COMMITMENT COMMITMENT LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

PAKISTAN 0.3845 0.3662 0.3662 0.3488 0.3488 0.3322 (R) PAKISTAN KARACHI 0.3845 0.3662 0.3662 0.3488 0.3488 0.3322 (N) PAKISTAN MOBILE 0.3845 0.3662 0.3662 0.3488 0.3488 0.3322 (R) PALAU 1.7893 1.7041 1.7041 1.6229 1.6229 1.5456 (I) PALESTINE 0.1836 0.1748 0.1748 0.1665 0.1665 0.1586 (I) PALESTINE MOBILE 0.2689 0.2561 0.2561 0.2439 0.2439 0.2323 (R) PANAMA 0.1441 0.1372 0.1372 0.1307 0.1307 0.1245 PANAMA MOBILE 0.2499 0.2380 0.2380 0.2266 0.2266 0.2158 (R) PAPUA NEW GUINEA 0.7393 0.7041 0.7041 0.6706 0.6706 0.6387 (I) PAPUA NEW GUINEA (N) MOBILE 1.3788 1.3131 1.3131 1.2506 1.2506 1.1911 (N) PARAGUAY 0.1846 0.1758 0.1758 0.1674 0.1674 0.1595 (R) PARAGUAY MOBILE 0.3078 0.2931 0.2931 0.2792 0.2792 0.2659 PERU 0.1300 0.1238 0.1238 0.1179 0.1179 0.1123 PERU LIMA 0.0561 0.0534 0.0534 0.0509 0.0509 0.0485 PERU MOBILE 0.4846 0.4615 0.4615 0.4395 0.4395 0.4186 (R) PERU RURAL 0.4126 0.3929 0.3929 0.3742 0.3742 0.3564 (N) PHILIPPINES 0.2519 0.2399 0.2399 0.2285 0.2285 0.2176 (I) PHILIPPINES MOBILE 0.3454 0.3290 0.3290 0.3133 0.3133 0.2984 (R) PHILIPPINES MANILA 0.2519 0.2399 0.2399 0.2285 0.2285 0.2176 (N) POLAND 0.0581 0.0554 0.0554 0.0527 0.0527 0.0502 (R) POLAND MOBILE 0.4525 0.4309 0.4309 0.4104 0.4104 0.3908 PORTUGAL 0.0510 0.0485 0.0485 0.0462 0.0462 0.0440 (R) PORTUGAL MOBILE 0.5308 0.5055 0.5055 0.4815 0.4815 0.4585 (I) QATAR 0.4674 0.4451 0.4451 0.4239 0.4239 0.4038 (I) QATAR MOBILE 0.6696 0.6377 0.6377 0.6073 0.6073 0.5784 (R) REUNION ISLAND 0.2640 0.2514 0.2514 0.2394 0.2394 0.2280 (R) REUNION ISLAND MOBILE 0.5521 0.5258 0.5258 0.5008 0.5008 0.4769 (N) ROMANIA 0.1891 0.1801 0.1801 0.1715 0.1715 0.1634 (R) ROMANIA BUCHAREST 0.1566 0.1491 0.1491 0.1420 0.1420 0.1352 (N) ROMANIA MOBILE 0.4308 0.4103 0.4103 0.3907 0.3907 0.3721 (N) RUSSIA 0.0944 0.0899 0.0899 0.0856 0.0856 0.0815 (R) RUSSIA MOBILE 0.1134 0.1080 0.1080 0.1028 0.1028 0.0979 (N) RUSSIA MOSCOW 0.0348 0.0332 0.0332 0.0316 0.0316 0.0301 (R) RUSSIA ST. PETERSBURG 0.0354 0.0337 0.0337 0.0321 0.0321 0.0306 RWANDA 0.2257 0.2150 0.2150 0.2047 0.2047 0.1950 (R) RWANDA MOBILE 0.2924 0.2785 0.2785 0.2652 0.2652 0.2526 (N) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 386 Cancels 1st Revised Page 386


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

SWITCHED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - CITY COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT COMMITMENT LEVEL LEVEL $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

SAKHALIN 0.0880 0.0838 0.0838 0.0798 0.0798 0.0760 (N) SAN MARINO 0.0782 0.0745 0.0745 0.0709 0.0709 0.0675 (R) SAO TOME 1.7019 1.6209 1.6209 1.5437 1.5437 1.4702 (I) SAUDI ARABIA 0.3976 0.3787 0.3787 0.3606 0.3606 0.3435 (R) SAUDI ARABIA (N) DHAHRAN 0.1590 0.1514 0.1514 0.1442 0.1442 0.1374 SAUDI ARABIA JEDDAH 0.2918 0.2779 0.2779 0.2647 0.2647 0.2521 SAUDI ARABIA MOBILE 0.3790 0.3609 0.3609 0.3438 0.3438 0.3274 SAUDI ARABIA RIYADH 0.3772 0.3592 0.3592 0.3421 0.3421 0.3258 (N) SENEGAL 0.3039 0.2894 0.2894 0.2756 0.2756 0.2625 (R) SENEGAL MOBILE 0.3749 0.3570 0.3570 0.3400 0.3400 0.3239 (N) SERBIA 0.2186 0.2082 0.2082 0.1982 0.1982 0.1888 (R) SERBIA MOBILE 0.4218 0.4017 0.4017 0.3825 0.3825 0.3643 (N) SERBIA MONTENEGRO 0.1911 0.1820 0.1820 0.1734 0.1734 0.1651 (N) SEYCHELLES ISLAND 0.2961 0.2820 0.2820 0.2686 0.2686 0.2558 (R) SIERRA LEONE 0.4295 0.4091 0.4091 0.3896 0.3896 0.3710 (R) SIERRA LEONE MOBILE 0.4741 0.4516 0.4516 0.4301 0.4301 0.4096 (N) SINGAPORE 0.0381 0.0363 0.0363 0.0345 0.0345 0.0329 (R) SINGAPORE MOBILE 0.0381 0.0363 0.0363 0.0345 0.0345 0.0329 SLOVAKIA 0.1120 0.1066 0.1066 0.1015 0.1015 0.0967 (R) SLOVAKIA MOBILE 0.3974 0.3785 0.3785 0.3605 0.3605 0.3433 (I) SLOVENIA 0.1032 0.0982 0.0982 0.0936 0.0936 0.0891 (R) SLOVENIA MOBILE 0.4789 0.4560 0.4560 0.4343 0.4343 0.4136 (I) SOLOMON ISLAND 2.5544 2.4327 2.4327 2.3169 2.3169 2.2066 SOMALIA 1.1001 1.0477 1.0477 0.9978 0.9978 0.9503 (I) SOUTH AFRICA 0.1124 0.1070 0.1070 0.1019 0.1019 0.0971 (R) SOUTH AFRICA JOHANNESBURG 0.1140 0.1086 0.1086 0.1034 0.1034 0.0985 SOUTH AFRICA MOBILE 0.3344 0.3185 0.3185 0.3033 0.3033 0.2889 SOUTH KOREA 0.0526 0.0501 0.0501 0.0477 0.0477 0.0454 SOUTH KOREA MOBILE 0.1242 0.1183 0.1183 0.1127 0.1127 0.1073 (R) SOUTH KOREA SEOUL 0.0526 0.0501 0.0501 0.0477 0.0477 0.0454 (N) SPAIN 0.0426 0.0406 0.0406 0.0386 0.0386 0.0368 (R) SPAIN MOBILE 0.4731 0.4506 0.4506 0.4291 0.4291 0.4087 (I) SRI LANKA 0.2669 0.2541 0.2541 0.2420 0.2420 0.2305 (R) SRI LANKA MOBILE 0.3413 0.3251 0.3251 0.3096 0.3096 0.2949 (N) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 387 Cancels 1st Revised Page 387


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)


$119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 ST. HELENA 1.5482 1.4745 1.4745 1.4043 1.4043 1.3374 (I) ST. KITTS & NEVIS 0.3170 0.3019 0.3019 0.2875 0.2875 0.2738 (R) ST. LUCIA 0.2957 0.2816 0.2816 0.2682 0.2682 0.2554 (R) ST. LUCIA MOBILE 0.4103 0.3908 0.3908 0.3722 0.3722 0.3544 (N) ST. PIERRE & MEQUELON 0.2515 0.2395 0.2395 0.2281 0.2281 0.2173 (R) ST. PIERRE & (N) MEQUELON MOBILE 0.4989 0.4751 0.4751 0.4525 0.4525 0.4310 (N) ST. VINCENT 0.3368 0.3208 0.3208 0.3055 0.3055 0.2910 (R) ST. VINCENT MOBILE 0.3810 0.3629 0.3629 0.3456 0.3456 0.3292 (N) SUDAN 0.4121 0.3925 0.3925 0.3738 0.3738 0.3560 (R) SUDAN MOBILE 0.4917 0.4683 0.4683 0.4460 0.4460 0.4248 (N) SURINAME 0.3978 0.3789 0.3789 0.3608 0.3608 0.3437 (R) SWAZILAND 0.1987 0.1893 0.1893 0.1802 0.1802 0.1717 (R) SWAZILAND MOBILE 0.1926 0.1834 0.1834 0.1747 0.1747 0.1664 (N) SWEDEN 0.0397 0.0378 0.0378 0.0360 0.0360 0.0343 (R) SWEDEN MOBILE 0.4197 0.3997 0.3997 0.3807 0.3807 0.3626 (I) SWEDEN STOCKHOLM 0.0348 0.0332 0.0332 0.0316 0.0316 0.0301 (N) SWITZERLAND 0.0444 0.0423 0.0423 0.0403 0.0403 0.0384 (R) SWITZERLAND MOBILE 0.6438 0.6131 0.6131 0.5839 0.5839 0.5561 (I) SYRIA 0.7664 0.7299 0.7299 0.6951 0.6951 0.6620 (I) SYRIA MOBILE 0.8056 0.7673 0.7673 0.7307 0.7307 0.6959 (N) TAIWAN 0.0469 0.0447 0.0447 0.0425 0.0425 0.0405 (R) TAIWAN MOBILE 0.1643 0.1565 0.1565 0.1491 0.1491 0.1420 (R) TAIWAN TAIPEI 0.0438 0.0417 0.0417 0.0397 0.0397 0.0378 (N) TAJIKISTAN 0.3763 0.3584 0.3584 0.3413 0.3413 0.3251 (R) TANZANIA 0.4711 0.4486 0.4486 0.4273 0.4273 0.4069 (R) TANZANIA MOBILE 0.4488 0.4274 0.4274 0.4070 0.4070 0.3877 (N) THAILAND 0.1787 0.1702 0.1702 0.1621 0.1621 0.1543 (R) THAILAND BANGKOK 0.0937 0.0893 0.0893 0.0850 0.0850 0.0810 (N) THAILAND MOBILE 0.1842 0.1754 0.1754 0.1671 0.1671 0.1591 THURAYA RMSS NETWORK 1.6845 1.6043 1.6043 1.5279 1.5279 1.4551 THURAYA/EMSAT 5.1916 4.9444 4.9444 4.7089 4.7089 4.4847 (N) TOGO 0.2976 0.2834 0.2834 0.2699 0.2699 0.2570 (R) TOGO MOBILE 0.3270 0.3114 0.3114 0.2966 0.2966 0.2825 (N) TOKELAU 1.4042 1.3373 1.3373 1.2736 1.2736 1.2130 (N) TONGA 0.3814 0.3633 0.3633 0.3460 0.3460 0.3295 (R) TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 0.2030 0.1933 0.1933 0.1841 0.1841 0.1754 (R) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 388 Cancels 1st Revised Page 388


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

SWITCHED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - CITY COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT COMMITMENT LEVEL LEVEL $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

TUNISIA 0.3812 0.3631 0.3631 0.3458 0.3458 0.3293 (R) TUNISIA MOBILE 0.3761 0.3582 0.3582 0.3412 0.3412 0.3249 (N) TURKEY 0.2675 0.2547 0.2547 0.2426 0.2426 0.2311 (R) TURKEY ISTANBUL 0.1645 0.1567 0.1567 0.1492 0.1492 0.1421 (R) TURKEY IZMIR 0.2405 0.2290 0.2290 0.2181 0.2181 0.2077 (N) TURKEY MOBILE 0.3405 0.3243 0.3243 0.3089 0.3089 0.2942 (R) TURKMENISTAN 0.2730 0.2600 0.2600 0.2476 0.2476 0.2358 (R) TURKMENISTAN MOBILE 0.2791 0.2658 0.2658 0.2532 0.2532 0.2411 (N) TURKS & CAICOS 0.2478 0.2360 0.2360 0.2248 0.2248 0.2141 (R) TUVALU 0.9736 0.9273 0.9273 0.8831 0.8831 0.8411 UGANDA 0.1952 0.1859 0.1859 0.1771 0.1771 0.1687 (R) UGANDA MOBILE 0.2022 0.1926 0.1926 0.1834 0.1834 0.1747 (N) UKRAINE 0.2464 0.2347 0.2347 0.2235 0.2235 0.2128 (R) UKRAINE KIEV 0.1772 0.1688 0.1688 0.1608 0.1608 0.1531 (N) (N) UKRAINE MOBILE 0.2664 0.2538 0.2538 0.2417 0.2417 0.2302 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 0.4434 0.4223 0.4223 0.4022 0.4022 0.3831 (I) UNITED ARAB EMIRATES MOBILE 0.4864 0.4633 0.4633 0.4412 0.4412 0.4202 (R) UNITED KINGDOM 0.0348 0.0332 0.0332 0.0316 0.0316 0.0301 (R) UNITED KINGDOM (N) LONDON 0.0348 0.0332 0.0332 0.0316 0.0316 0.0301 (N) UNITED KINGDOM MOBILE 0.5202 0.4954 0.4954 0.4718 0.4718 0.4494 (I) URUGUAY 0.2220 0.2115 0.2115 0.2014 0.2014 0.1918 (R) URUGUAY MOBILE 0.3964 0.3775 0.3775 0.3595 0.3595 0.3424 (I) URUGUAY (N) MONTEVIDEO 0.1523 0.1450 0.1450 0.1381 0.1381 0.1315 (N) UZBEKISTAN 0.1707 0.1626 0.1626 0.1548 0.1548 0.1474 (R) UZBEKISTAN MOBILE 0.1815 0.1729 0.1729 0.1647 0.1647 0.1568 (N) VANUATU 1.3043 1.2422 1.2422 1.1831 1.1831 1.1267 (I) VATICAN CITY 0.0452 0.0431 0.0431 0.0410 0.0410 0.0391 (R) VENEZUELA 0.1120 0.1066 0.1066 0.1015 0.1015 0.0967 (R) VENEZUELA CARACAS 0.0704 0.0671 0.0671 0.0639 0.0639 0.0608 (N) VENEZUELA MOBILE 0.3786 0.3606 0.3606 0.3434 0.3434 0.3270 (R) VENEZUELA (N) MARACAIBO 0.0778 0.0741 0.0741 0.0706 0.0706 0.0672 VENEZUELA VALENCIA 0.1498 0.1427 0.1427 0.1359 0.1359 0.1294 (N) VIETNAM 0.4954 0.4718 0.4718 0.4494 0.4494 0.4280 (R) VIETNAM HO CHI MINH 0.4954 0.4718 0.4718 0.4494 0.4494 0.4280 (N) VIETNAM MOBILE 0.5149 0.4903 0.4903 0.4670 0.4670 0.4448 (R) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 389 Cancels 1st Revised Page 389


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

SWITCHED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - CITY COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT COMMITMENT LEVEL LEVEL $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

WALLIS & FUTUNA 3.1417 2.9921 2.9921 2.8496 2.8496 2.7139 (I) WESTERN SAMOA 0.5456 0.5196 0.5196 0.4948 0.4948 0.4713 (R) WESTERN SAMOA (N) MOBILE 0.7972 0.7593 0.7593 0.7231 0.7231 0.6887 (N) YEMEN ARAB REP 0.2963 0.2822 0.2822 0.2688 0.2688 0.2560 (R) YEMEN ARAB REP (N) MOBILE 0.3501 0.3335 0.3335 0.3176 0.3176 0.3025 (N) ZAIRE 0.5102 0.4859 0.4859 0.4627 0.4627 0.4407 (R) ZAIRE MOBILE 0.6039 0.5751 0.5751 0.5477 0.5477 0.5217 (N) ZAMBIA 0.1803 0.1717 0.1717 0.1635 0.1635 0.1557 (R) ZAMBIA MOBILE 0.1762 0.1678 0.1678 0.1598 0.1598 0.1522 (N) ZANZIBAR 1.5519 1.4780 1.4780 1.4076 1.4076 1.3406 (N) ZIMBABWE 0.1809 0.1723 0.1723 0.1641 0.1641 0.1563 (R) ZIMBABWE MOBILE 0.2619 0.2495 0.2495 0.2376 0.2376 0.2263 (N) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 390 Cancels 1st Revised Page 390


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

DEDICATED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT LEVEL CITY $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 AFGHANISTAN 0.5109 0.4866 0.4866 0.4634 0.4634 0.4413 (R) AFGHANISTAN 0.5283 0.5031 0.5031 0.4792 0.4792 0.4563 (N) MOBILE (N) ALBANIA 0.1982 0.1888 0.1888 0.1798 0.1798 0.1712 (R) ALBANIA MOBILE 0.3090 0.2943 0.2943 0.2803 0.2803 0.2669 (N) ALGERIA 0.2011 0.1915 0.1915 0.1824 0.1824 0.1737 (R) ALGERIA MOBILE 0.4016 0.3825 0.3825 0.3643 0.3643 0.3470 (N) AMERICAN 0.1287 0.1226 0.1226 0.1168 0.1168 0.1112 (R) SAMOA ANDORRA 0.0613 0.0584 0.0584 0.0556 0.0556 0.0530 (R) ANDORRA 0.3451 0.3287 0.3287 0.3130 0.3130 0.2981 (N) MOBILE (N) ANGOLA 0.3142 0.2992 0.2992 0.2850 0.2850 0.2714 (I) ANGOLA MOBILE 0.4242 0.4040 0.4040 0.3847 0.3847 0.3664 (N) ANGUILLA 0.2368 0.2255 0.2255 0.2148 0.2148 0.2046 (R) ANGUILLA 0.2217 0.2112 0.2112 0.2011 0.2011 0.1915 (N) MOBILE (N) ANTARCTICA 0.9761 0.9296 0.9296 0.8854 0.8854 0.8432 (I) ANTIGUA 0.2349 0.2237 0.2237 0.2131 0.2131 0.2029 (R) ARGENTINA 0.0676 0.0644 0.0644 0.0613 0.0613 0.0584 ARGENTINA 0.0222 0.0211 0.0211 0.0201 0.0201 0.0191 (R) BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA 0.0243 0.0231 0.0231 0.0220 0.0220 0.0210 (N) CORDOBA (N) ARGENTINA 0.3619 0.3447 0.3447 0.3283 0.3283 0.3126 (R) MOBILE ARGENTINA 0.0243 0.0231 0.0231 0.0220 0.0220 0.0210 (N) MENDOZA ARGENTINA 0.0243 0.0231 0.0231 0.0220 0.0220 0.0210 ROSARIO (N) ARMENIA 0.1541 0.1468 0.1468 0.1398 0.1398 0.1331 (R) ARMENIA MOBILE 0.3457 0.3292 0.3292 0.3135 0.3135 0.2986 (N) ARMENIA 0.4589 0.4371 0.4371 0.4163 0.4163 0.3964 NAGORNI K ARMENIA 0.1003 0.0955 0.0955 0.0909 0.0909 0.0866 YEREVAN (N) ARUBA 0.2126 0.2024 0.2024 0.1928 0.1928 0.1836 (R) ARUBA MOBILE 0.3592 0.3421 0.3421 0.3258 0.3258 0.3103 (N) ASCENSION 1.1234 1.0699 1.0699 1.0189 1.0189 0.9704 (I) (C) ISLAND

Effective: May 20, 2005 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 391 Cancels 1st Revised Page 391


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

DEDICATED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT LEVEL CITY $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 AUSTRALIA 0.0344 0.0327 0.0327 0.0312 0.0312 0.0297 (R) AUSTRALIA 0.3264 0.3109 0.3109 0.2960 0.2960 0.2820 (I) MOBILE AUSTRALIA 0.0311 0.0296 0.0296 0.0282 0.0282 0.0269 (N) MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA 0.0311 0.0296 0.0296 0.0282 0.0282 0.0269 SYDNEY (N) AUSTRIA 0.0334 0.0318 0.0318 0.0303 0.0303 0.0289 (R) AUSTRIA MOBILE 0.5359 0.5104 0.5104 0.4861 0.4861 0.4629 (I) AUSTRIA VIENNA 0.0323 0.0307 0.0307 0.0293 0.0293 0.0279 (R) AZERBAIJAN 0.2588 0.2465 0.2465 0.2347 0.2347 0.2235 (R) AZERBAIJAN 0.3010 0.2867 0.2867 0.2730 0.2730 0.2600 (N) MOBILE (N) BAHAMAS 0.1161 0.1106 0.1106 0.1053 0.1053 0.1003 (R) BAHAMAS 0.1167 0.1111 0.1111 0.1058 0.1058 0.1008 (N) MOBILE (N) BAHRAIN 0.2827 0.2692 0.2692 0.2564 0.2564 0.2442 (R) BANGLADESH 0.2393 0.2279 0.2279 0.2171 0.2171 0.2067 (R) BANGLADESH 0.1117 0.1064 0.1064 0.1013 0.1013 0.0965 (N) CHITTAGONG BANGLADESH 0.0819 0.0780 0.0780 0.0743 0.0743 0.0708 DHAKA (N) BANGLADESH 0.2737 0.2606 0.2606 0.2482 0.2482 0.2364 (R) MOBILE BARBADOS 0.2523 0.2403 0.2403 0.2288 0.2288 0.2179 (R) BARBADOS 0.3814 0.3632 0.3632 0.3459 0.3459 0.3295 (N) MOBILE (N) BELARUS 0.3646 0.3472 0.3472 0.3307 0.3307 0.3149 (I) BELARUS MOBILE 0.3453 0.3289 0.3289 0.3132 0.3132 0.2983 (N) BELGIUM 0.0264 0.0251 0.0251 0.0239 0.0239 0.0228 (R) BELGIUM 0.0222 0.0211 0.0211 0.0201 0.0201 0.0191 (N) BRUSSELS (N) BELGIUM MOBILE 0.4633 0.4413 0.4413 0.4203 0.4203 0.4002 (I) BELIZE 0.2697 0.2568 0.2568 0.2446 0.2446 0.2330 (R) BELIZE MOBILE 0.4093 0.3898 0.3898 0.3712 0.3712 0.3536 (N) BENIN 0.2059 0.1961 0.1961 0.1867 0.1867 0.1778 (R) BENIN MOBILE 0.2447 0.2330 0.2330 0.2219 0.2219 0.2113 (N) BERMUDA 0.1155 0.1100 0.1100 0.1048 0.1048 0.0998 (I) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 392 Cancels 1st Revised Page 392


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

DEDICATED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT LEVEL CITY $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 BERMUDA 0.1146 0.1091 0.1091 0.1039 0.1039 0.0990 (N) MOBILE (N) BHUTAN 0.2865 0.2728 0.2728 0.2598 0.2598 0.2475 (R) BHUTAN MOBILE 0.4815 0.4585 0.4585 0.4367 0.4367 0.4159 (N) BOLIVIA 0.3209 0.3056 0.3056 0.2910 0.2910 0.2772 (R) BOLIVIA 0.0863 0.0822 0.0822 0.0783 0.0783 0.0746 (N) COCHABAMBA BOLIVIA LA PAZ 0.1266 0.1206 0.1206 0.1149 0.1149 0.1094 (N) BOLIVIA MOBILE 0.2087 0.1988 0.1988 0.1893 0.1893 0.1803 (R) BOLIVIA SANTA 0.0867 0.0826 0.0826 0.0786 0.0786 0.0749 (N) CRUZ (N) BOSNIA 0.2935 0.2796 0.2796 0.2663 0.2663 0.2536 (R) HERZEGOVINA BOSNIA 0.3902 0.3716 0.3716 0.3539 0.3539 0.3371 (N) HERZEGOVINA MOBILE (N) BOTSWANA 0.1879 0.1790 0.1790 0.1705 0.1705 0.1623 (R) BOTSWANA 0.2045 0.1948 0.1948 0.1855 0.1855 0.1767 (N) MOBILE (N) BRAZIL 0.0844 0.0804 0.0804 0.0766 0.0766 0.0729 (R) BRAZIL BELEM 0.0611 0.0582 0.0582 0.0554 0.0554 0.0528 (N) BRAZIL BELO 0.2215 0.2110 0.2110 0.2009 0.2009 0.1914 (I) BRAZIL BRASILIA 0.0611 0.0582 0.0582 0.0554 0.0554 0.0528 (N) BRAZIL 0.0827 0.0788 0.0788 0.0750 0.0750 0.0714 CAMPINAS BRAZIL CURITIBIA 0.0611 0.0582 0.0582 0.0554 0.0554 0.0528 BRAZIL 0.0762 0.0726 0.0726 0.0691 0.0691 0.0658 FLORIANOPOLIS BRAZIL 0.0611 0.0582 0.0582 0.0554 0.0554 0.0528 FORTALEZA BRAZIL GOIANIA 0.0682 0.0649 0.0649 0.0618 0.0618 0.0589 (N) BRAZIL MOBILE 0.2865 0.2728 0.2728 0.2598 0.2598 0.2475 (R) BRAZIL MANAUS 0.0762 0.0726 0.0726 0.0691 0.0691 0.0658 (N) BRAZIL PORTO 0.0611 0.0582 0.0582 0.0554 0.0554 0.0528 ALEGRE (N) BRAZIL RECIFE 0.0611 0.0582 0.0582 0.0554 0.0554 0.0528 (R) BRAZIL RIO DE 0.0363 0.0346 0.0346 0.0329 0.0329 0.0313 (I) JANEIRO BRAZIL 0.0762 0.0726 0.0726 0.0691 0.0691 0.0658 (N) SALVADOR (N) BRAZIL SAO 0.0401 0.0382 0.0382 0.0364 0.0364 0.0346 (I) (C) PAULO

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 393 Cancels 1st Revised Page 393


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)

DEDICATED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - CITY COMMITMENT COMMITMENT COMMITMENT LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 BRAZIL VITORIA 0.0611 0.0582 0.0582 0.0554 0.0554 0.0528 (N) BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS 0.2298 0.2188 0.2188 0.2084 0.2084 0.1985 (I) BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS 0.2298 0.2188 0.2188 0.2084 0.2084 0.1985 (N) MOBILE (N) BRUNEI 0.0798 0.0760 0.0760 0.0724 0.0724 0.0690 (R) BULGARIA 0.1238 0.1179 0.1179 0.1123 0.1123 0.1069 (R) BULGARIA MOBILE 0.3619 0.3447 0.3447 0.3283 0.3283 0.3126 (N) BULGARIA SOFIA 0.0481 0.0458 0.0458 0.0437 0.0437 0.0416 (N) BURKINA FASO 0.2424 0.2308 0.2308 0.2198 0.2198 0.2094 (R) BURKINA FASO MOBILE 0.2821 0.2687 0.2687 0.2559 0.2559 0.2437 (N) BURUNDI 0.1652 0.1573 0.1573 0.1498 0.1498 0.1427 (R) BURUNDI MOBILE 0.1629 0.1552 0.1552 0.1478 0.1478 0.1407 (N) CAMBODIA 0.3549 0.3380 0.3380 0.3219 0.3219 0.3065 (R) CAMBODIA MOBILE 0.3526 0.3358 0.3358 0.3198 0.3198 0.3046 (N) CAMEROON 0.3392 0.3230 0.3230 0.3077 0.3077 0.2930 (R) CAMEROON MOBILE 0.3556 0.3387 0.3387 0.3226 0.3226 0.3072 (N) CANADA 0.2101 0.2001 0.2001 0.1906 0.1906 0.1815 (R) NORTHWEST/NUNAVUT/Y UKON CANADA ROC 0.0235 0.0224 0.0224 0.0213 0.0213 0.0203 (N) CAPE VERDE ISLANDS 0.4465 0.4253 0.4253 0.4050 0.4050 0.3857 (R) CAPE VERDE ISLANDS 0.4465 0.4253 0.4253 0.4050 0.4050 0.3857 (N) MOBILE (N) CAYMAN ISLANDS 0.1885 0.1795 0.1795 0.1710 0.1710 0.1628 (R) CAYMAN ISLANDS 0.3016 0.2872 0.2872 0.2735 0.2735 0.2605 (N) MOBILE (N) CENTRAL AFRICAN REP 0.2580 0.2457 0.2457 0.2340 0.2340 0.2229 (R) CENTRAL AFRICAN REP 0.2760 0.2628 0.2628 0.2503 0.2503 0.2384 (N) MOBILE (N) CHAD REPUBLIC 0.4030 0.3838 0.3838 0.3655 0.3655 0.3481 (R) CHAD REPUBLIC MOBILE 0.4141 0.3943 0.3943 0.3756 0.3756 0.3577 (N) CHILE 0.0292 0.0278 0.0278 0.0265 0.0265 0.0252 (R) CHILE MOBILE 0.2815 0.2681 0.2681 0.2553 0.2553 0.2432 (R) CHILE RURAL 0.0594 0.0566 0.0566 0.0539 0.0539 0.0513 (N) CHILE SANTIAGO 0.0222 0.0211 0.0211 0.0201 0.0201 0.0191 (N) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

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4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)


$6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 CHINA 0.0315 0.0300 0.0300 0.0286 0.0286 0.0272 (R) CHINA BEIJING 0.0302 0.0287 0.0287 0.0274 0.0274 0.0261 (N) CHINA GUANGZHOU 0.0313 0.0298 0.0298 0.0284 0.0284 0.0271 (N) CHINA MOBILE 0.0302 0.0287 0.0287 0.0274 0.0274 0.0261 (R) CHINA SHANGHAI 0.0313 0.0298 0.0298 0.0284 0.0284 0.0271 (N) CHRISTMAS/COCOS IS 0.0527 0.0502 0.0502 0.0478 0.0478 0.0455 (I) COLOMBIA 0.1289 0.1228 0.1228 0.1169 0.1169 0.1114 (R) COLOMBIA 0.0848 0.0808 0.0808 0.0769 0.0769 0.0733 BARRANQUILLA COLOMBIA BOGOTA 0.1184 0.1128 0.1128 0.1074 0.1074 0.1023 COLOMBIA CALI 0.1184 0.1128 0.1128 0.1074 0.1074 0.1023 COLOMBIA MOBILE 0.1184 0.1128 0.1128 0.1074 0.1074 0.1023 COLOMBIA MEDELLIN 0.1184 0.1128 0.1128 0.1074 0.1074 0.1023 COMOROS ISLAND 0.4798 0.4569 0.4569 0.4352 0.4352 0.4144 (R) COMOROS ISLAND 0.7568 0.7208 0.7208 0.6865 0.6865 0.6538 (N) MOBILE (N) CONGO 0.2257 0.2150 0.2150 0.2048 0.2048 0.1950 (R) CONGO MOBILE 0.2166 0.2063 0.2063 0.1964 0.1964 0.1871 (N) COOK ISLANDS 1.1369 1.0828 1.0828 1.0312 1.0312 0.9821 (I) COSTA RICA 0.1713 0.1632 0.1632 0.1554 0.1554 0.1480 (I) COSTA RICA MOBILE 0.1776 0.1692 0.1692 0.1611 0.1611 0.1534 (R) CROATIA 0.1022 0.0973 0.0973 0.0927 0.0927 0.0883 (R) CROATIA MOBILE 0.3417 0.3254 0.3254 0.3099 0.3099 0.2951 (I) CUBA 1.6092 1.5326 1.5326 1.4596 1.4596 1.3901 (I) CYPRUS 0.0951 0.0906 0.0906 0.0863 0.0863 0.0822 (R) CYPRUS MOBILE 0.1595 0.1519 0.1519 0.1446 0.1446 0.1378 CZECH REPUBLIC 0.0435 0.0415 0.0415 0.0395 0.0395 0.0376 CZECH REPUBLIC 0.2851 0.2716 0.2716 0.2586 0.2586 0.2463 (R) MOBILE CZECH REPUBLIC 0.0361 0.0344 0.0344 0.0327 0.0327 0.0312 (N) PRAGUE (N) DENMARK 0.0265 0.0253 0.0253 0.0241 0.0241 0.0229 (R) DENMARK MOBILE 0.3778 0.3598 0.3598 0.3426 0.3426 0.3263 (I) DIEGO GARCIA 3.1367 2.9874 2.9874 2.8451 2.8451 2.7096 (I) DJIBOUTI 0.5304 0.5051 0.5051 0.4811 0.4811 0.4581 (R) DOMINICA 0.2101 0.2001 0.2001 0.1906 0.1906 0.1815 (R) DOMINICA MOBILE 0.3808 0.3627 0.3627 0.3454 0.3454 0.3290 (N) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 0.1070 0.1019 0.1019 0.0970 0.0970 0.0924 (R) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 0.1900 0.1810 0.1810 0.1724 0.1724 0.1642 (N) MOBILE (N) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 395 Cancels 1st Revised Page 395


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)


$119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 EAST TIMOR 2.4295 2.3138 2.3138 2.2036 2.2036 2.0987 (N) ECUADOR 0.2282 0.2174 0.2174 0.2070 0.2070 0.1972 (R) ECUADOR GUAYAQUIL 0.2282 0.2174 0.2174 0.2070 0.2070 0.1972 (N) ECUADOR MOBILE 0.1793 0.1708 0.1708 0.1627 0.1627 0.1549 (R) ECUADOR QUITO 0.2282 0.2174 0.2174 0.2070 0.2070 0.1972 (N) EGYPT 0.2561 0.2439 0.2439 0.2323 0.2323 0.2212 (R) EGYPT CAIRO 0.2618 0.2494 0.2494 0.2375 0.2375 0.2262 (N) EGYPT MOBILE 0.2320 0.2210 0.2210 0.2105 0.2105 0.2005 (R) EL SALVADOR 0.1566 0.1492 0.1492 0.1420 0.1420 0.1353 EL SALVADOR MOBILE 0.2582 0.2459 0.2459 0.2342 0.2342 0.2231 EQUATORIAL GUINEA 0.4303 0.4098 0.4098 0.3903 0.3903 0.3717 (R) EQUATORIAL GUINEA 0.3642 0.3469 0.3469 0.3303 0.3303 0.3146 (N) MOBILE (N) ERITREA 0.4639 0.4418 0.4418 0.4208 0.4208 0.4007 (R) ERITREA MOBILE 0.4565 0.4347 0.4347 0.4140 0.4140 0.3943 (N) ESTONIA 0.0449 0.0427 0.0427 0.0407 0.0407 0.0388 (R) ESTONIA MOBILE 0.4421 0.4211 0.4211 0.4010 0.4010 0.3819 (I) ESTONIA SS 0.8018 0.7636 0.7636 0.7272 0.7272 0.6926 (N) ETHIOPIA 0.4761 0.4535 0.4535 0.4319 0.4319 0.4113 (R) ETHIOPIA MOBILE 0.4761 0.4535 0.4535 0.4319 0.4319 0.4113 (N) FALKLAND ISLANDS 0.9622 0.9164 0.9164 0.8727 0.8727 0.8312 (I) FAROE IS MOBILE 0.5134 0.4889 0.4889 0.4656 0.4656 0.4435 (N) FAROE ISLANDS 0.2387 0.2274 0.2274 0.2165 0.2165 0.2062 (R) FIJI ISLANDS 0.3877 0.3692 0.3692 0.3517 0.3517 0.3349 (N) FINLAND 0.0451 0.0429 0.0429 0.0409 0.0409 0.0389 (I) FINLAND HELSINKI 0.0451 0.0429 0.0429 0.0409 0.0409 0.0389 (N) FINLAND MOBILE 0.3529 0.3361 0.3361 0.3201 0.3201 0.3049 (R) FINLAND SS 0.0464 0.0442 0.0442 0.0421 0.0421 0.0401 (N) FRANCE 0.0258 0.0246 0.0246 0.0234 0.0234 0.0223 (I) FRANCE MOBILE 0.4230 0.4029 0.4029 0.3837 0.3837 0.3654 (I) FRANCE PARIS 0.0252 0.0240 0.0240 0.0229 0.0229 0.0218 (N) FRENCH ANTILLES 0.1826 0.1739 0.1739 0.1656 0.1656 0.1577 (R) FRENCH ANTILLES 0.4935 0.4700 0.4700 0.4476 0.4476 0.4263 (N) MOBILE (N) FRENCH GUIANA 0.1952 0.1859 0.1859 0.1770 0.1770 0.1686 (R) FRENCH GUIANA MOBILE 0.4878 0.4645 0.4645 0.4424 0.4424 0.4214 (N) FRENCH POLYNESIA 0.3170 0.3019 0.3019 0.2876 0.2876 0.2739 (R) FRENCH POLYNESIA 0.3170 0.3019 0.3019 0.2876 0.2876 0.2739 (N) MOBILE (N) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 3rd Revised Page 396 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 396


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued) (T) (C)


$119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 GABON MOBILE 0.2456 0.2339 0.2339 0.2228 0.2228 0.2122 (N) GABON REPUBLIC 0.2393 0.2279 0.2279 0.2171 0.2171 0.2067 (R) GAMBIA 0.3075 0.2928 0.2928 0.2789 0.2789 0.2656 (R) GAMBIA MOBILE 0.3218 0.3065 0.3065 0.2919 0.2919 0.2780 (N) GEORGIA 0.1108 0.1055 0.1055 0.1005 0.1005 0.0957 (R) GEORGIA MOBILE 0.2422 0.2306 0.2306 0.2197 0.2197 0.2092 (N) GERMANY 0.0285 0.0271 0.0271 0.0258 0.0258 0.0246 (R) GERMANY BERLIN 0.0294 0.0280 0.0280 0.0267 0.0267 0.0254 (N) GERMANY MOBILE 0.4297 0.4093 0.4093 0.3898 0.3898 0.3712 (I) GHANA 0.1551 0.1477 0.1477 0.1407 0.1407 0.1340 (R) GHANA MOBILE 0.2156 0.2054 0.2054 0.1956 0.1956 0.1863 (N) GIBRALTAR 0.0689 0.0657 0.0657 0.0625 0.0625 0.0596 (R) GIBRALTAR MOBILE 0.4968 0.4731 0.4731 0.4506 0.4506 0.4291 (N) GMSS 2.1453 2.0432 2.0432 1.9459 1.9459 1.8532 (N) GREECE 0.0487 0.0464 0.0464 0.0442 0.0442 0.0421 (R) GREECE ATHENS 0.0409 0.0389 0.0389 0.0371 0.0371 0.0353 (N) GREECE MOBILE 0.5455 0.5195 0.5195 0.4947 0.4947 0.4712 (I) GREENLAND 1.0623 1.0117 1.0117 0.9635 0.9635 0.9176 GRENADA 0.2160 0.2057 0.2057 0.1959 0.1959 0.1866 (I) GRENADA MOBILE 0.3117 0.2968 0.2968 0.2827 0.2827 0.2692 (N) GUADELOUPE 0.1280 0.1219 0.1219 0.1161 0.1161 0.1105 (R) GUADELOUPE MOBILE 0.4154 0.3956 0.3956 0.3768 0.3768 0.3588 (N) GUANTANAMO BAY 2.0258 1.9293 1.9293 1.8374 1.8374 1.7499 (N) GUATEMALA 0.1960 0.1866 0.1866 0.1777 0.1777 0.1693 (R) GUATEMALA MOBILE 0.2120 0.2019 0.2019 0.1923 0.1923 0.1831 GUINEA 0.2569 0.2446 0.2446 0.2330 0.2330 0.2219 (R) GUINEA BISSAU 1.7685 1.6843 1.6843 1.6041 1.6041 1.5277 (I) GUINEA MOBILE 0.2452 0.2335 0.2335 0.2224 0.2224 0.2118 (N) GUYANA 0.4307 0.4102 0.4102 0.3906 0.3906 0.3720 (R) HAITI 0.2422 0.2306 0.2306 0.2197 0.2197 0.2092 HAITI MOBILE 0.4314 0.4109 0.4109 0.3913 0.3913 0.3727 HONDURAS 0.4431 0.4220 0.4220 0.4019 0.4019 0.3828 (R) HONDURAS MOBILE 0.4393 0.4183 0.4183 0.3984 0.3984 0.3795 (N) HONG KONG 0.0306 0.0291 0.0291 0.0277 0.0277 0.0264 (R) HONG KONG MOBILE 0.0222 0.0211 0.0211 0.0201 0.0201 0.0191 HUNGARY 0.0657 0.0626 0.0626 0.0596 0.0596 0.0568 (R) HUNGARY BUDAPEST 0.0561 0.0535 0.0535 0.0509 0.0509 0.0485 (N) HUNGARY MOBILE 0.4097 0.3902 0.3902 0.3716 0.3716 0.3539 (I) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 396.1


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued)



$6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 ICELAND 0.0472 0.0449 0.0449 0.0428 0.0428 0.0408 (R) ICELAND MOBILE 0.3617 0.3445 0.3445 0.3281 0.3281 0.3125 INDIA 0.2292 0.2183 0.2183 0.2079 0.2079 0.1980 (R) INDIA AHMNEDABAD 0.2160 0.2057 0.2057 0.1959 0.1959 0.1866 (N) INDIA BANGALORE 0.2175 0.2072 0.2072 0.1973 0.1973 0.1879 INDIA BOMBAY 0.2254 0.2146 0.2146 0.2044 0.2044 0.1947 INDIA CALCUTTA 0.2198 0.2094 0.2094 0.1994 0.1994 0.1899 INDIA HYDERABAD 0.2162 0.2059 0.2059 0.1961 0.1961 0.1868 INDIA MOBILE 0.2292 0.2183 0.2183 0.2079 0.2079 0.1980 INDIA MADRAS 0.2108 0.2008 0.2008 0.1912 0.1912 0.1821 INDIA NEW DELHI 0.2175 0.2072 0.2072 0.1973 0.1973 0.1879 INDIA PUNE 0.2292 0.2183 0.2183 0.2079 0.2079 0.1980 INDIA PUNJAB 0.2254 0.2146 0.2146 0.2044 0.2044 0.1947 (N) INDONESIA 0.1904 0.1813 0.1813 0.1727 0.1727 0.1645 (R) INDONESIA JAKARTA 0.0527 0.0502 0.0502 0.0478 0.0478 0.0455 (R) INDONESIA MOBILE 0.3879 0.3694 0.3694 0.3518 0.3518 0.3351 (I) INMARSAT A 9.1622 8.7259 8.7259 8.3104 8.3104 7.9146 (R) INMARSAT B 6.6223 6.3070 6.3070 6.0066 6.0066 5.7206 (I) INMARSAT M 2.9728 2.8313 2.8313 2.6964 2.6964 2.5680 (R) INMARSAT MM 2.5149 2.3952 2.3952 2.2811 2.2811 2.1725 IRAN 0.2655 0.2528 0.2528 0.2408 0.2408 0.2293 (R) IRAN MOBILE 0.2659 0.2532 0.2532 0.2411 0.2411 0.2297 (N) IRAQ 0.4698 0.4475 0.4475 0.4261 0.4261 0.4059 (R) IRAQ BAGHDAD 0.2481 0.2363 0.2363 0.2250 0.2250 0.2143 (N) IRELAND 0.0359 0.0342 0.0342 0.0326 0.0326 0.0310 (I) IRELAND DUBLIN 0.0359 0.0342 0.0342 0.0326 0.0326 0.0310 (N) IRELAND MOBILE 0.3501 0.3334 0.3334 0.3175 0.3175 0.3024 (R) IRIDIUM/GLOBALSTAR 6.0701 5.7810 5.7810 5.5057 5.5057 5.2436 (N) ISRAEL 0.0437 0.0417 0.0417 0.0397 0.0397 0.0378 (R) ISRAEL MOBILE 0.1684 0.1604 0.1604 0.1528 0.1528 0.1455 ITALY 0.0248 0.0236 0.0236 0.0225 0.0225 0.0214 (R) ITALY MOBILE 0.4544 0.4327 0.4327 0.4121 0.4121 0.3925 (I) IVORY COAST 0.3056 0.2910 0.2910 0.2772 0.2772 0.2640 (R) IVORY COAST MOBILE 0.3218 0.3065 0.3065 0.2919 0.2919 0.2780 (N) JAMAICA 0.1629 0.1552 0.1552 0.1478 0.1478 0.1407 (R) JAMAICA MOBILE 0.3417 0.3254 0.3254 0.3099 0.3099 0.2951 (N) (N)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 396.2


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued)


$119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 JAPAN 0.0418 0.0398 0.0398 0.0379 0.0379 0.0361 (R) JAPAN MOBILE 0.2636 0.2510 0.2510 0.2391 0.2391 0.2277 JAPAN NAGOYA 0.0397 0.0378 0.0378 0.0360 0.0360 0.0343 (R) JAPAN OSAKA 0.0497 0.0473 0.0473 0.0450 0.0450 0.0429 (I) JAPAN TOKYO 0.0497 0.0473 0.0473 0.0450 0.0450 0.0429 (I) JAPAN YOKOHAMA 0.0418 0.0398 0.0398 0.0379 0.0379 0.0361 (N) JORDAN 0.2664 0.2537 0.2537 0.2417 0.2417 0.2301 (R) JORDAN MOBILE 0.3413 0.3250 0.3250 0.3096 0.3096 0.2948 (N) KAZAKHSTAN 0.2454 0.2337 0.2337 0.2226 0.2226 0.2120 (R) KAZAKHSTAN MOBILE 0.3172 0.3021 0.3021 0.2877 0.2877 0.2740 (N) KENYA 0.3149 0.2999 0.2999 0.2857 0.2857 0.2721 (R) KENYA MOBILE 0.4639 0.4418 0.4418 0.4208 0.4208 0.4007 (N) KENYA NAIROBI 0.3207 0.3054 0.3054 0.2909 0.2909 0.2770 KIRIBATI 0.9047 0.8616 0.8616 0.8206 0.8206 0.7815 (N) KOSOVO MOBILE 0.3293 0.3136 0.3136 0.2986 0.2986 0.2844 (R) KUWAIT 0.1893 0.1803 0.1803 0.1717 0.1717 0.1635 KUWAIT MOBILE 0.1893 0.1803 0.1803 0.1717 0.1717 0.1635 KYRGYZSTAN 0.1644 0.1566 0.1566 0.1492 0.1492 0.1420 (R) KYRGYZSTAN MOBILE 0.1658 0.1579 0.1579 0.1504 0.1504 0.1432 (N) LAOS 0.1440 0.1371 0.1371 0.1306 0.1306 0.1244 (R) LAOS MOBILE 0.1606 0.1530 0.1530 0.1457 0.1457 0.1387 (N) LATVIA 0.3046 0.2901 0.2901 0.2763 0.2763 0.2631 (I) LATVIA MOBILE 0.3289 0.3132 0.3132 0.2983 0.2983 0.2841 (R) LEBANON 0.1727 0.1644 0.1644 0.1566 0.1566 0.1491 LEBANON MOBILE 0.3230 0.3076 0.3076 0.2929 0.2929 0.2790 LESOTHO 0.1811 0.1724 0.1724 0.1642 0.1642 0.1564 (R) LESOTHO MOBILE 0.2011 0.1915 0.1915 0.1824 0.1824 0.1737 (N) LIBERIA 0.2727 0.2597 0.2597 0.2474 0.2474 0.2356 (I) LIBYA 0.2051 0.1954 0.1954 0.1860 0.1860 0.1772 (R) LIBYA MOBILE 0.1952 0.1859 0.1859 0.1770 0.1770 0.1686 (N) LIECHTENSTEIN 0.0783 0.0746 0.0746 0.0710 0.0710 0.0676 (R) LIECHTENSTEIN MOBILE 0.4417 0.4207 0.4207 0.4007 0.4007 0.3816 (N) LITHUANIA 0.1413 0.1346 0.1346 0.1282 0.1282 0.1221 (R) LITHUANIA MOBILE 0.2802 0.2668 0.2668 0.2541 0.2541 0.2420 (N) LUXEMBOURG 0.0434 0.0413 0.0413 0.0393 0.0393 0.0375 (R) LUXEMBOURG MOBILE 0.4150 0.3952 0.3952 0.3764 0.3764 0.3585 (I) (N)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 396.3


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued)



$6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000-

$119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

MACAO 0.0934 0.0889 0.0889 0.0847 0.0847 0.0807 (R) MACEDONIA 0.2469 0.2352 0.2352 0.2240 0.2240 0.2133 (R) MACEDONIA MOBILE 0.4673 0.4451 0.4451 0.4239 0.4239 0.4037 (N) MADAGASCAR 0.3457 0.3292 0.3292 0.3135 0.3135 0.2986 (R) MADAGASCAR MOBILE 0.3449 0.3285 0.3285 0.3129 0.3129 0.2980 (N) MALAWI 0.1683 0.1602 0.1602 0.1526 0.1526 0.1453 (R) MALAWI MOBILE 0.4020 0.3829 0.3829 0.3646 0.3646 0.3473 (N) MALAYSIA 0.0348 0.0331 0.0331 0.0315 0.0315 0.0300 (R) MALAYSIA KUALA 0.0348 0.0331 0.0331 0.0315 0.0315 0.0300 (N) LUMPUR (N) MALAYSIA MOBILE 0.0817 0.0778 0.0778 0.0741 0.0741 0.0706 (R) MALDIVES 0.4414 0.4203 0.4203 0.4003 0.4003 0.3813 (R) MALI MOBILE 0.3950 0.3761 0.3761 0.3582 0.3582 0.3412 (N) MALI REPUBLIC 0.3741 0.3563 0.3563 0.3394 0.3394 0.3232 (R) MALTA 0.2036 0.1939 0.1939 0.1847 0.1847 0.1759 (R) MALTA MOBILE 0.5344 0.5089 0.5089 0.4847 0.4847 0.4616 (N) MARSHALL ISLANDS 0.4311 0.4105 0.4105 0.3910 0.3910 0.3724 (R) MAURITANIA 0.4349 0.4142 0.4142 0.3944 0.3944 0.3757 (R MAURITANIA MOBILE 0.4421 0.4211 0.4211 0.4010 0.4010 0.3819 (N) MAURITIUS 0.3104 0.2956 0.2956 0.2815 0.2815 0.2681 (R) MAYOTTE ISLAND 0.4740 0.4515 0.4515 0.4300 0.4300 0.4095 MEXICO - GUADALAJARA 0.0286 0.0273 0.0273 0.0260 0.0260 0.0247 MEXICO - MEXICO CITY 0.0286 0.0273 0.0273 0.0260 0.0260 0.0247 MEXICO - MONTERREY 0.0286 0.0273 0.0273 0.0260 0.0260 0.0247 (R) MEXICO EQUAL ACCESS 0.0716 0.0682 0.0682 0.0650 0.0650 0.0619 (N) MEXICO MOBILE 0.1299 0.1237 0.1237 0.1178 0.1178 0.1122 MEXICO NON EQUAL 0.1289 0.1228 0.1228 0.1169 0.1169 0.1114 ACCESS (N) MICRONESIA 0.3837 0.3654 0.3654 0.3480 0.3480 0.3314 (R) MOLDOVA 0.2055 0.1957 0.1957 0.1864 0.1864 0.1775 (R MOLDOVA MOBILE 0.2664 0.2537 0.2537 0.2417 0.2417 0.2301 (N) MOLDOVA 0.1971 0.1877 0.1877 0.1788 0.1788 0.1703 PRIDNESTROVIE (N) MONACO 0.0628 0.0598 0.0598 0.0570 0.0570 0.0543 (R) MONACO MOBILE 0.3411 0.3249 0.3249 0.3094 0.3094 0.2947 MONGOLIA 0.0913 0.0869 0.0869 0.0828 0.0828 0.0789 MONTSERRAT 0.2655 0.2528 0.2528 0.2408 0.2408 0.2293 (R) (N)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 396.4


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued)




$6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 MOROCCO 0.3713 0.3536 0.3536 0.3368 0.3368 0.3207 (R) MOROCCO CASABLANCA 0.3081 0.2934 0.2934 0.2794 0.2794 0.2661 (N) MOROCCO MOBILE 0.4889 0.4656 0.4656 0.4435 0.4435 0.4223 (N) MOZAMBIQUE 0.2343 0.2232 0.2232 0.2126 0.2126 0.2024 (R) MOZAMBIQUE MOBILE 0.1935 0.1843 0.1843 0.1755 0.1755 0.1671 (N) MYANMAR 0.5080 0.4838 0.4838 0.4608 0.4608 0.4388 (R) NAKHODKA 0.1020 0.0971 0.0971 0.0925 0.0925 0.0881 NAMIBIA 0.1421 0.1353 0.1353 0.1289 0.1289 0.1227 (R) NAMIBIA MOBILE 0.3033 0.2888 0.2888 0.2751 0.2751 0.2620 (N) NAURU 1.4037 1.3369 1.3369 1.2732 1.2732 1.2126 (I) NEPAL 0.4927 0.4693 0.4693 0.4469 0.4469 0.4256 (R) NEPAL KATHMANDU 0.2475 0.2357 0.2357 0.2245 0.2245 0.2138 (N) NETHERLANDS 0.0222 0.0211 0.0211 0.0201 0.0201 0.0191 (I) NETHERLANDS ANTILLES 0.2235 0.2128 0.2128 0.2027 0.2027 0.1930 (R) NETHERLANDS MOBILE 0.4568 0.4351 0.4351 0.4144 0.4144 0.3946 (I) NETHERLND ANT MOBILE 0.2989 0.2846 0.2846 0.2711 0.2711 0.2582 (R) NEW CALEDONIA 0.4828 0.4598 0.4598 0.4379 0.4379 0.4171 NEW ZEALAND 0.0328 0.0313 0.0313 0.0298 0.0298 0.0284 (R) NEW ZEALAND 0.0355 0.0338 0.0338 0.0322 0.0322 0.0307 (N) AUCKLAND (N) NEW ZEALAND MOBILE 0.4876 0.4644 0.4644 0.4423 0.4423 0.4212 (I) NICARAGUA 0.2523 0.2403 0.2403 0.2288 0.2288 0.2179 (R) NICARAGUA MOBILE 0.5015 0.4776 0.4776 0.4549 0.4549 0.4332 NIGER 0.2076 0.1977 0.1977 0.1883 0.1883 0.1793 (R) NIGER MOBILE 0.2019 0.1923 0.1923 0.1831 0.1831 0.1744 (N) NIGERIA 0.2177 0.2074 0.2074 0.1975 0.1975 0.1881 (R) NIGERIA LAGOS 0.0764 0.0728 0.0728 0.0693 0.0693 0.0660 (N) NIGERIA MOBILE 0.3104 0.2956 0.2956 0.2815 0.2815 0.2681 (N) NIUE ISLAND 2.4116 2.2967 2.2967 2.1874 2.1874 2.0832 (I) NORFOLK ISLAND 0.9752 0.9287 0.9287 0.8845 0.8845 0.8424 (I) NORTH KOREA 0.8993 0.8565 0.8565 0.8157 0.8157 0.7769 (R) NORWAY 0.0265 0.0253 0.0253 0.0241 0.0241 0.0229 (R) NORWAY MOBILE 0.3726 0.3549 0.3549 0.3380 0.3380 0.3219 (I) OMAN 0.2823 0.2688 0.2688 0.2560 0.2560 0.2438 (R) OMAN MOBILE 0.3976 0.3787 0.3787 0.3607 0.3607 0.3435 (N) (N)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 396.5


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued)

DEDICATED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - CITY COMMITMENT COMMITMENT COMMITMENT LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

PAKISTAN 0.3485 0.3320 0.3320 0.3161 0.3161 0.3011 (R) PAKISTAN KARACHI 0.3485 0.3320 0.3320 0.3161 0.3161 0.3011 (N) PAKISTAN MOBILE 0.3485 0.3320 0.3320 0.3161 0.3161 0.3011 (R) PALAU 1.6597 1.5806 1.5806 1.5054 1.5054 1.4337 (I) PALESTINE 0.1610 0.1533 0.1533 0.1460 0.1460 0.1391 (I) PALESTINE MOBILE 0.2406 0.2292 0.2292 0.2183 0.2183 0.2079 (R) PANAMA 0.1241 0.1182 0.1182 0.1126 0.1126 0.1072 PANAMA MOBILE 0.2229 0.2123 0.2123 0.2022 0.2022 0.1925 (R) PAPUA NEW GUINEA 0.6797 0.6473 0.6473 0.6165 0.6165 0.5872 (I) PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1.2765 1.2158 1.2158 1.1579 1.1579 1.1027 (N) MOBILE (N) PARAGUAY 0.1620 0.1542 0.1542 0.1469 0.1469 0.1399 (R) PARAGUAY MOBILE 0.2769 0.2637 0.2637 0.2512 0.2512 0.2392 PERU 0.1110 0.1057 0.1057 0.1006 0.1006 0.0959 PERU LIMA 0.0420 0.0400 0.0400 0.0381 0.0381 0.0363 PERU MOBILE 0.4419 0.4209 0.4209 0.4009 0.4009 0.3818 (R) PERU RURAL 0.3747 0.3569 0.3569 0.3399 0.3399 0.3237 (N) PHILIPPINES 0.2248 0.2141 0.2141 0.2039 0.2039 0.1942 (I) PHILIPPINES MOBILE 0.3121 0.2972 0.2972 0.2831 0.2831 0.2696 (R) PHILIPPINES MANILA 0.2248 0.2141 0.2141 0.2039 0.2039 0.1942 (N) POLAND 0.0439 0.0418 0.0418 0.0398 0.0398 0.0379 (R) POLAND MOBILE 0.4120 0.3923 0.3923 0.3737 0.3737 0.3559 PORTUGAL 0.0372 0.0355 0.0355 0.0338 0.0338 0.0322 (R) PORTUGAL MOBILE 0.4851 0.4620 0.4620 0.4400 0.4400 0.4190 (I) QATAR 0.4259 0.4056 0.4056 0.3863 0.3863 0.3679 (I) QATAR MOBILE 0.6146 0.5853 0.5853 0.5575 0.5575 0.5309 (R) REUNION ISLAND 0.2361 0.2248 0.2248 0.2141 0.2141 0.2039 (R) REUNION ISLAND MOBILE 0.5050 0.4809 0.4809 0.4580 0.4580 0.4362 (N) ROMANIA 0.1662 0.1582 0.1582 0.1507 0.1507 0.1435 (R) ROMANIA BUCHAREST 0.1358 0.1293 0.1293 0.1232 0.1232 0.1173 (N) ROMANIA MOBILE 0.3917 0.3731 0.3731 0.3553 0.3553 0.3384 (N) RUSSIA 0.0777 0.0740 0.0740 0.0705 0.0705 0.0671 (R) RUSSIA MOBILE 0.0955 0.0909 0.0909 0.0866 0.0866 0.0825 (N) RUSSIA MOSCOW 0.0222 0.0211 0.0211 0.0201 0.0201 0.0191 (R) RUSSIA ST. 0.0227 0.0216 0.0216 0.0206 0.0206 0.0196 PETERSBURG RWANDA 0.2003 0.1908 0.1908 0.1817 0.1817 0.1731 (R) RWANDA MOBILE 0.2626 0.2501 0.2501 0.2382 0.2382 0.2268 (N) (N)

Effective: May 20, 2005 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 396.6


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued)

DEDICATED 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR COUNTRY - CITY COMMITMENT LEVEL COMMITMENT COMMITMENT LEVEL LEVEL $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 SAKHALIN 0.0718 0.0684 0.0684 0.0651 0.0651 0.0620 (N) SAN MARINO 0.0626 0.0597 0.0597 0.0568 0.0568 0.0541 (R) SAO TOME 1.5781 1.5030 1.5030 1.4314 1.4314 1.3632 (I) SAUDI ARABIA 0.3608 0.3436 0.3436 0.3272 0.3272 0.3116 (R) SAUDI ARABIA 0.1381 0.1315 0.1315 0.1252 0.1252 0.1193 (N) DHAHRAN SAUDI ARABIA JEDDAH 0.2620 0.2496 0.2496 0.2377 0.2377 0.2264 SAUDI ARABIA MOBILE 0.3434 0.3270 0.3270 0.3115 0.3115 0.2966 SAUDI ARABIA RIYADH 0.3417 0.3254 0.3254 0.3099 0.3099 0.2951 (N) SENEGAL 0.2733 0.2603 0.2603 0.2479 0.2479 0.2361 (R) SENEGAL MOBILE 0.3396 0.3234 0.3234 0.3080 0.3080 0.2933 (N) SERBIA 0.1937 0.1844 0.1844 0.1757 0.1757 0.1673 (R) SERBIA MOBILE 0.3833 0.3651 0.3651 0.3477 0.3477 0.3311 (N) SERBIA MONTENEGRO 0.1681 0.1601 0.1601 0.1524 0.1524 0.1452 (N) SEYCHELLES ISLAND 0.2660 0.2534 0.2534 0.2413 0.2413 0.2298 (R) SIERRA LEONE 0.3906 0.3720 0.3720 0.3543 0.3543 0.3374 (R) SIERRA LEONE MOBILE 0.4322 0.4116 0.4116 0.3920 0.3920 0.3733 (N) SINGAPORE 0.0252 0.0240 0.0240 0.0229 0.0229 0.0218 (R) SINGAPORE MOBILE 0.0252 0.0240 0.0240 0.0229 0.0229 0.0218 SLOVAKIA 0.0942 0.0897 0.0897 0.0854 0.0854 0.0813 (R) SLOVAKIA MOBILE 0.3606 0.3434 0.3434 0.3271 0.3271 0.3115 (I) SLOVENIA 0.0859 0.0819 0.0819 0.0780 0.0780 0.0742 (R) SLOVENIA MOBILE 0.4366 0.4158 0.4158 0.3960 0.3960 0.3771 (I) SOLOMON ISLAND 2.3738 2.2607 2.2607 2.1531 2.1531 2.0505 (I) SOMALIA 1.0164 0.9680 0.9680 0.9219 0.9219 0.8780 (R) SOUTH AFRICA 0.0945 0.0900 0.0900 0.0857 0.0857 0.0817 SOUTH AFRICA 0.0961 0.0915 0.0915 0.0871 0.0871 0.0830 JOHANNESBURG SOUTH AFRICA MOBILE 0.3018 0.2874 0.2874 0.2737 0.2737 0.2607 (R) SOUTH KOREA 0.0388 0.0369 0.0369 0.0352 0.0352 0.0335 (I) SOUTH KOREA MOBILE 0.1056 0.1006 0.1006 0.0958 0.0958 0.0912 (R) SOUTH KOREA SEOUL 0.0388 0.0369 0.0369 0.0352 0.0352 0.0335 (N) SPAIN 0.0294 0.0280 0.0280 0.0267 0.0267 0.0254 (R) SPAIN MOBILE 0.4312 0.4107 0.4107 0.3912 0.3912 0.3725 (I) SRI LANKA 0.2387 0.2274 0.2274 0.2165 0.2165 0.2062 (R) SRI LANKA MOBILE 0.3082 0.2936 0.2936 0.2796 0.2796 0.2663 (N) (N)

Effective: May 20, 2005

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4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued)




$6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 ST. HELENA 1.4347 1.3664 1.3664 1.3013 1.3013 1.2393 (I) ST. KITTS & NEVIS 0.2855 0.2719 0.2719 0.2590 0.2590 0.2466 (R) ST. LUCIA 0.2657 0.2530 0.2530 0.2410 0.2410 0.2295 (R) ST. LUCIA MOBILE 0.3726 0.3549 0.3549 0.3380 0.3380 0.3219 (N) ST. PIERRE & 0.2244 0.2137 0.2137 0.2035 0.2035 0.1939 (R) MEQUELON ST. PIERRE & 0.4553 0.4336 0.4336 0.4130 0.4130 0.3933 (N) MEQUELON MOBILE (N) ST. VINCENT 0.3040 0.2896 0.2896 0.2758 0.2758 0.2626 (R) ST. VINCENT MOBILE 0.3453 0.3289 0.3289 0.3132 0.3132 0.2983 (N) SUDAN 0.3743 0.3565 0.3565 0.3395 0.3395 0.3234 (R) SUDAN MOBILE 0.4486 0.4273 0.4273 0.4069 0.4069 0.3875 (N) SURINAME 0.3610 0.3438 0.3438 0.3274 0.3274 0.3118 (R) SWAZILAND 0.1751 0.1668 0.1668 0.1589 0.1589 0.1513 (R) SWAZILAND MOBILE 0.1694 0.1613 0.1613 0.1537 0.1537 0.1463 (N) SWEDEN 0.0267 0.0255 0.0255 0.0243 0.0243 0.0231 (I) SWEDEN MOBILE 0.3814 0.3632 0.3632 0.3459 0.3459 0.3295 (I) SWEDEN STOCKHOLM 0.0222 0.0211 0.0211 0.0201 0.0201 0.0191 (N) SWITZERLAND 0.0311 0.0296 0.0296 0.0282 0.0282 0.0269 (I) SWITZERLAND MOBILE 0.5905 0.5624 0.5624 0.5356 0.5356 0.5101 SYRIA 0.7049 0.6714 0.6714 0.6394 0.6394 0.6089 (I) SYRIA MOBILE 0.7416 0.7063 0.7063 0.6726 0.6726 0.6406 (N) TAIWAN 0.0334 0.0318 0.0318 0.0303 0.0303 0.0289 (R) TAIWAN MOBILE 0.1430 0.1362 0.1362 0.1297 0.1297 0.1236 (R) TAIWAN TAIPEI 0.0306 0.0291 0.0291 0.0277 0.0277 0.0264 (N) TAJIKISTAN 0.3409 0.3247 0.3247 0.3092 0.3092 0.2945 (R) TANZANIA 0.4293 0.4089 0.4089 0.3894 0.3894 0.3709 (R) TANZANIA MOBILE 0.4085 0.3891 0.3891 0.3705 0.3705 0.3529 (N) THAILAND 0.1564 0.1490 0.1490 0.1419 0.1419 0.1351 (R) THAILAND BANGKOK 0.0772 0.0735 0.0735 0.0700 0.0700 0.0667 (N) THAILAND MOBILE 0.1616 0.1539 0.1539 0.1466 0.1466 0.1396 THURAYA RMSS 1.5619 1.4875 1.4875 1.4167 1.4167 1.3492 NETWORK THURAYA/EMSAT 4.8352 4.6049 4.6049 4.3856 4.3856 4.1768 (N) TOGO 0.2674 0.2546 0.2546 0.2425 0.2425 0.2310 (R) TOGO MOBILE 0.2949 0.2808 0.2808 0.2675 0.2675 0.2547 (N) TOKELAU 1.3002 1.2383 1.2383 1.1793 1.1793 1.1232 (N) TONGA 0.3457 0.3292 0.3292 0.3135 0.3135 0.2986 (R) TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 0.1791 0.1706 0.1706 0.1625 0.1625 0.1548 (R) (N)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 396.8


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued)


$6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000-

$119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

TUNISIA 0.3455 0.3290 0.3290 0.3134 0.3134 0.2984 (R) TUNISIA MOBILE 0.3407 0.3245 0.3245 0.3090 0.3090 0.2943 (N) TURKEY 0.2393 0.2279 0.2279 0.2171 0.2171 0.2067 (R) TURKEY ISTANBUL 0.1432 0.1364 0.1364 0.1299 0.1299 0.1237 (R) TURKEY IZMIR 0.2141 0.2039 0.2039 0.1942 0.1942 0.1849 (N) TURKEY MOBILE 0.3075 0.2928 0.2928 0.2789 0.2789 0.2656 (R) TURKMENISTAN 0.2445 0.2328 0.2328 0.2217 0.2217 0.2112 (R) TURKMENISTAN MOBILE 0.2502 0.2383 0.2383 0.2269 0.2269 0.2161 (N) TURKS & CAICOS 0.2210 0.2104 0.2104 0.2004 0.2004 0.1909 (R) TUVALU 0.8984 0.8556 0.8556 0.8149 0.8149 0.7761 UGANDA 0.1719 0.1637 0.1637 0.1559 0.1559 0.1485 (R) UGANDA MOBILE 0.1784 0.1699 0.1699 0.1618 0.1618 0.1541 (N) UKRAINE 0.2196 0.2092 0.2092 0.1992 0.1992 0.1897 (R) UKRAINE KIEV 0.1551 0.1477 0.1477 0.1407 0.1407 0.1340 (N) UKRAINE MOBILE 0.2383 0.2270 0.2270 0.2162 0.2162 0.2059 (N) UNITED ARAB 0.4036 0.3843 0.3843 0.3660 0.3660 0.3486 (I) EMIRATES UNITED ARAB 0.4437 0.4225 0.4225 0.4024 0.4024 0.3832 (R) EMIRATES MOBILE UNITED KINGDOM 0.0222 0.0211 0.0211 0.0201 0.0201 0.0191 (I) UNITED KINGDOM 0.0222 0.0211 0.0211 0.0201 0.0201 0.0191 (N) LONDON (N) UNITED KINGDOM 0.4752 0.4525 0.4525 0.4310 0.4310 0.4105 (I) MOBILE URUGUAY 0.1969 0.1875 0.1875 0.1786 0.1786 0.1701 (R) URUGUAY MOBILE 0.3596 0.3425 0.3425 0.3262 0.3262 0.3107 (I) URUGUAY 0.1318 0.1255 0.1255 0.1195 0.1195 0.1138 (N) MONTEVIDEO (N) UZBEKISTAN 0.1490 0.1419 0.1419 0.1351 0.1351 0.1287 (R) UZBEKISTAN MOBILE 0.1591 0.1515 0.1515 0.1443 0.1443 0.1374 (N) VANUATU 1.2070 1.1495 1.1495 1.0948 1.0948 1.0427 (R) VATICAN CITY 0.0319 0.0304 0.0304 0.0289 0.0289 0.0276 VENEZUELA 0.0942 0.0897 0.0897 0.0854 0.0854 0.0813 (R) VENEZUELA CARACAS 0.0554 0.0527 0.0527 0.0502 0.0502 0.0478 (N) VENEZUELA MOBILE 0.3430 0.3267 0.3267 0.3111 0.3111 0.2963 (R) VENEZUELA 0.0623 0.0593 0.0593 0.0565 0.0565 0.0538 (N) MARACAIBO VENEZUELA VALENCIA 0.1295 0.1233 0.1233 0.1174 0.1174 0.1119 (N) VIETNAM 0.4521 0.4305 0.4305 0.4100 0.4100 0.3905 (R) VIETNAM HO CHI MINH 0.4521 0.4305 0.4305 0.4100 0.4100 0.3905 (N) VIETNAM MOBILE 0.4702 0.4478 0.4478 0.4265 0.4265 0.4062 (R) (N)

Effective: May 20, 2005 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 396.9


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)

A. Outbound and Mobile Services – Switched and Dedicated (Continued)


$6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000- $6,000- $120,000-

$119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999 $119,999 $299,999

WALLIS & FUTUNA 2.9219 2.7827 2.7827 2.6502 2.6502 2.5240 (I) WESTERN SAMOA 0.4989 0.4751 0.4751 0.4525 0.4525 0.4309 (R) WESTERN SAMOA 0.7338 0.6988 0.6988 0.6655 0.6655 0.6339 (N) MOBILE (N) YEMEN ARAB REP 0.2662 0.2536 0.2536 0.2415 0.2415 0.2300 (R) YEMEN ARAB REP 0.3165 0.3014 0.3014 0.2870 0.2870 0.2734 (N) MOBILE (N) ZAIRE 0.4658 0.4436 0.4436 0.4225 0.4225 0.4024 (R) ZAIRE MOBILE 0.5533 0.5269 0.5269 0.5018 0.5018 0.4779 (N) ZAMBIA 0.1579 0.1504 0.1504 0.1433 0.1433 0.1364 (R) ZAMBIA MOBILE 0.1541 0.1468 0.1468 0.1398 0.1398 0.1331 (N) ZANZIBAR 1.4381 1.3696 1.3696 1.3044 1.3044 1.2423 (N) ZIMBABWE 0.1585 0.1510 0.1510 0.1438 0.1438 0.1369 (R) ZIMBABWE MOBILE 0.2341 0.2230 0.2230 0.2124 0.2124 0.2023 (N) (N)

Annual Rev. 1 Year 1 Year 2 Year 2 Year 3 Year 3 Year (M) Commitment Switched Dedicated Switched Dedicated Switched Dedicated

Global Mobile Satellite System $6,000 - $119,999 $11.9912 $11.9500 $11.4462 $11.4068 $10.9011 $10.8636 $120,000 - $299,999 11.4202 11.3809 10.9011 10.8636 10.3820 10.3463

GMSS – Iridium, Globalstar, ICO Global $6,000 - $119,999 $4.4800 $4.4000 $4.3300 $4.2500 $4.1600 $4.1000 $120,000 - $299,999 4.4800 4.4000 4.3300 4.2500 4.1600 4.1000 (M)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 397 Cancels Original Page 397


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued) (T)

B. Service Charges and Surcharges (N) Per Call

1. Calling Card $1.50

2. Operator Assisted Station-to-Station 7.00

3. Operator Assisted Person-to-Person 7.00

4. Operated Assisted Calling Card Completion 2.45

5. Operator Dialed 1.00

6. Payphone Compensation .24 (N)

Material omitted from this page now appears on Page 537.26.

Issued: August 1, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 398 Cancels 1st Revised Page 398


4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)



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4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)



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4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)



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4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)



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4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)



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4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)



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4.11 Enterprise Connections Service (Continued)



Effective: May 20, 2005 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 3rd Revised Page 405 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 405


4.12 Postpaid Conference Service (T)

A. International Termination, per minute, per conference leg (N)

Country Rate (N) Country Rate American Samoa $ .900 French Antilles (Martinique) $1.332 Andorra .840 French Guyana 1.453 Antarctica 2.847 French Polynesia 1.546 Argentina 1.061 Germany .137 Argentina - Cellular 2.164 Germany - Cellular 2.212 Armenia 1.540 Gibraltar 1.350 Aruba 1.001 Greece .521 Ascension Island 2.768 Greenland 1.588 Australia .205 Guadeloupe 1.457 Australia - Cellular 2.280 Guatemala 1.473 Austria .536 Guyana 4.661 Bahrain 2.132 Haiti 2.124 Belgium .479 Honduras 2.576 Belize 1.922 Hong Kong .233 Bolivia 1.356 Hong Kong - Cellular 2.771 Bosnia-Herzegovina 2.076 Hungary .925 Brazil .651 Iceland .569 Brazil - Cellular 1.268 India 2.465 Brunei 1.253 India - Cellular 4.005 Canada .11 Indonesia .995 Chile .548 Ireland .479 China, People’s .856 Ireland - Cellular 2.017 China, Panzhihua 1.439 Israel .561 China, Cellular 2.164 Israel - Cellular 1.005 China, Chenzhou 2.357 Italy .480 Colombia 1.424 Italy - Cellular 1.580 Cook Islands 4.275 Japan .219 Costa Rica .618 Japan - Cellular 1.517 Costa Rica - Cellular 2.164 Latvia 1.776 Croatia 1.233 Lithuania 1.274 Cyprus .905 Luxembourg .479 Czech Republic 1.027 Macau 1.118 Denmark .137 Malaysia .479 Diego Garcia 4.512 Malta .865 Ecuador 1.736 Marshall Islands 2.225 Ecuador - Cellular 2.164 Mexico .822 El Salvador .993 Micronesia 3.351 El Salvador - Cellular 1.211 Monaco .507 Estonia 1.076 Nauru 3.654 Falkland Islands 2.551 Netherlands Antilles .930 Faroe Islands 1.441 Netherlands .336 Fiji Islands 2.442 Netherlands - Cellular 2.251 Finland .479 New Caledonia 2.629 Finland - Cellular 2.242 New Zealand .566 France .192 New Zealand - Cellular 3.427 France - Cellular 2.513 (N) Nicaragua 2.020 (N)

Effective: December 31, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 406 Cancels 1st Revised Page 406


4.12 Postpaid Conference Service (Continued) (T)

A. International Termination, per minute, per conference leg (Continued) (N)

Country Rate (N) Country Rate Niue Island $8.039 Taiwan $ .341 Norfolk Island 2.845 Taiwan - Cellular - 88660, 88670 1.137 Norway .366 Taiwan - Cellular - 8869 2.282 Norway - Cellular 2.282 Thailand 1.130 Palau Republic 1.822 Tokelau 6.820 Panama 1.233 Togo, Republic 3.511 Panama - Cellular 2.769 Turkey 1.473 Panama - Chiriqui .479 Turkey - Cellular 2.769 Papua New Guinea 1.480 Tuvalu 4.358 Paraguay 1.715 Ukraine 1.507 Peru 1.713 United Kingdom .137 Peru - Cellular 1.713 United Kingdom - Cellular 2.281 Philippines .822 Uruguay 1.266 Poland .855 Vanuatu 7.410 Poland - Cellular 1.809 Venezuela 1.148 Portugal .720 Venezuela - Cellular 3.397 Reunion Island 2.192 Vietnam 4.945 Russia .993 Wallis/Futuna Islands 3.877 Russia - Cellular 1.194 Western Samoa 3.144 San Marino 2.076 Yugoslavia 1.986 Singapore .479 Zambia 2.695 (N) Singapore - Cellular 2.769 Slovakia .827 Slovenia .853 Solomon Islands 3.353 South Africa 1.370 South Africa - Cellular 1.370 South Korea .137 South Korea - Cellular .803 Spain .479 Spain - Cellular 2.119 Sri Lanka 2.909 St. Helena 3.706 St. Kitts and Nevis 1.236 St. Pierre & Miquelon .906 Suriname 3.894 Swaziland 1.186 Sweden .479 Sweden - Cellular 2.251 Switzerland .137 Switzerland - Cellular 2.064 (N)

Effective: December 31, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 407 Cancels 1st Revised Page 407


4.12 Postpaid Conference Service (Continued) (T)

B. International Origination, per minute, per conference leg (N)

Country Rate (N) Australia $1.75 Canada .11 Denmark 2.10 France 2.10 Germany 2.45 Hong Kong 2.10 Japan 2.80 Mexico 3.49 Netherlands 1.40 New Zealand 2.10 Norway 2.45 South Korea 2.80 Switzerland 2.45 Taiwan 2.45 United Kingdom 3.10 (N)

Effective: December 31, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 408 Cancels 1st Revised Page 408


4.13 Postpaid Conference Service (Continued) (T)

C. Additional Per Minute Rates (N)

Attendant Assisted $.45 Web Conferencing .37

D. Set-up Charges

Individualized Private Label requests are rated based upon Customer requirements and may cost up to $5,000.

E. Attendant Services

Attendant Services provides an attendant on the call for the entire duration, conducting either a question and answer session or a polling session. Commnication line charges also apply.

Per Call

Attendant On-line $22.00 Communication Line 15.00 (N)

Effective: December 31, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 Original Page 409


4.13 Calling Card Enhancements

Conference Calling, per leg $3.00

Per minute charges apply in accordance with IMTS rates.

Effective: January 28, 2002

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 410 Cancels Original Page 410


4.14 Reserved for Future Use (T)

Material omitted from this page now appears on Page 537.40 and 537.41.

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4.14 Reserved for Future Use (T)

Material omitted from this page now appears on Pages 537.41 and 537.42.

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4.14 Reserved for Future Use (T)

Material omitted from this page now appears on Page 537.43.

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4.15 International Toll Free Service (ITFS) (T)

A. NRC - Installation Charge

Initial Toll Free Number $50.00 Each Add’l Toll Free Number $20.50

B. Time of call will be defined by the time at the domestic point of termination.



Effective: August 1, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 414 Cancels 1st Revised Page 414


4.15 International Toll Free Service (ITFS) (Continued)

C. Per minute rates – For Switched and Dedicated Access (T) (C)

Country Rate

Antigua (Barbuda) $.2669 (R) Argentina .2276 (R) Aruba .3044 (N) Australia .0799 (R) Austria .4624 (N) Bahamas .2822 (R) Bahrain .3671 Barbados .2759 Belgium .1485 Bermuda .1458 (R) Bolivia .3376 (N) Brazil .1644 (R) (D) Cayman Islands .2400 (R) Chile .0688 China .4133 Colombia .4133 Costa Rica .3556 Cyprus .1876 Denmark .0638 (R) Dominica .3060 (N) Dominican Republic .4195 (R) El Salvador .3967 Finland .1937 France .1445 Germany .7371 Greece .1266 Guatemala .1982 Guyana .4820 Hong Kong .0959 Hungary .1273 Indonesia .2409 Ireland .7828 Israel .0823 Italy (San Marino, Vatican City) .5461 Jamaica .2030 Japan .5120 (R) Latvia .2284 (N) Luxembourg .0904 (R) Malaysia .2128 (R) (D) Mexico (all regions) .2267 (R) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 3rd Revised Page 415 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 415


4.15 International Toll Free Service (ITFS) (Continued)

C. Per minute rates – For Switched and Dedicated Access (Continued) (T) (C)

Country Rate Monaco $.1270 (N) Netherlands .6978 (R) Netherlands Antilles .4059 New Zealand .5283 Nicaragua .4835 Norway .1974 Panama .1974 Peru .4130 Philippines .4154 Poland .0762 Portugal .1936 (R) (D) Russia .1250 (R) Singapore .0760 South Africa .1350 South Korea .0984 Spain .3682 St. Kitts and Nevis .2883 St. Lucia .2813 St. Vincent .2883 Sweden .5134 Switzerland .0885 Taiwan .0978 Thailand .3546 Trinidad/Tobago .2123 Turkey .2351 Turks & Caicos Islands .2908 United Kingdom .1139 Uruguay .1544 (R) (D) Venezuela .3452 (R) (C)

Effective: May 20, 2005

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 416 Cancels Original Page 416


4.16 Enterprise Voice over Internet Protocol Service (N)

A. Per Minute Rates Commitment Levels Destination $0 $50,000 $100,000 $250,000 $500,000 + Afghanistan $.980 $.980 $.980 $.980 $.980 Albania .315 .315 .315 .315 .315 Algeria .301 .301 .301 .301 .301 American Samoa .090 .090 .090 .090 .090 Andorra .189 .189 .189 .189 .189 Angola .406 .406 .406 .406 .406 Anguilla .301 .301 .301 .301 .301 Antarctica .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 Antigua & Barbuda .385 .385 .385 .385 .385 Argentina .399 .399 .399 .399 .399 Armenia .525 .525 .525 .525 .525 Aruba .280 .280 .280 .280 .280 Ascension Island .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 Australia* .168 .163 .156 .148 .143 Australia - Christmas Islands .210 .210 .210 .210 .210 Australia - Cocos Islands .210 .210 .210 .210 .210 Australia - Melbourne .168 .163 .156 .148 .143 Australia - Special Services .168 .168 .168 .168 .168 Australia - Sydney .168 .163 .156 .148 .143 Austria .112 .112 .112 .112 .112 Azerbaijan .651 .651 .651 .651 .651 Bahamas .231 .231 .231 .231 .231 Bahrain .504 .504 .504 .504 .504 Bangladesh .826 .826 .826 .826 .826 Barbados .350 .350 .350 .350 .350 Belarus .658 .658 .658 .658 .658 Belgium* .070 .068 .065 .062 .060 Belgium - Mobile .070 .070 .070 .070 .070 Belize .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 Benin .441 .441 .441 .441 .441 Bermuda .182 .182 .182 .182 .182 Bhutan .532 .532 .532 .532 .532 Bolivia .448 .448 .448 .448 .448 Bosnia & Herzegovina .259 .259 .259 .259 .259 Botswana .301 .301 .301 .301 .301 Brazil* .322 .312 .299 .283 .274 Brazil - Special Services .322 .322 .322 .322 .322 Brazil - Belo Horizonte .322 .312 .299 .283 .274 Brazil - Mobile .322 .322 .322 .322 .322 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro .322 .312 .299 .283 .274 Brazil - Sao Paulo .322 .312 .299 .283 .274

* Discount may apply. (N)

Effective: September 3, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 417 Cancels Original Page 417


4.16 Enterprise Voice over Internet Protocol Service (Continued) (T)

A. Per Minute Rates (Continued) (N) Commitment Levels Destination $0 $50,000 $100,000 $250,000 $500,000 + British Virgin Islands $.301 $.301 $.301 $.301 $.301 Brunei .308 .308 .308 .308 .308 Bulgaria .301 .301 .301 .301 .301 Burkina Faso .518 .518 .518 .518 .518 Burundi .511 .511 .511 .511 .511 Cambodia .763 .763 .763 .763 .763 Cameroon .511 .511 .511 .511 .511 Canada* .052 .050 .048 .046 .044 Cape Verde .476 .476 .476 .476 .476 Cayman Islands .224 .224 .224 .224 .224 Central African Republic .721 .721 .721 .721 .721 Chad .861 .861 .861 .861 .861 Chile .266 .266 .266 .266 .266 China* .420 .407 .391 .370 .357 China - Mobile .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 Colombia* .357 .346 .332 .314 .303 Colombia - Mobile .357 .357 .357 .357 .357 Comoros .665 .665 .665 .665 .665 Congo - Brazzaville .707 .707 .707 .707 .707 Cook Islands .826 .826 .826 .826 .826 Costa Rica .343 .343 .343 .343 .343 Croatia .252 .252 .252 .252 .252 Cuba .986 .986 .986 .986 .986 Cuba - Guantanamo Bay .650 .650 .650 .650 .650 Cyprus .245 .245 .245 .245 .245 Czech Republic .189 .189 .189 .189 .189 Denmark* .098 .095 .091 .086 .083 Denmark - Mobile .098 .098 .098 .098 .098 Diego Garcia .780 .780 .780 .780 .780 Djibouti .644 .644 .644 .644 .644 Dominica .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 Dominican Republic* .259 .251 .241 .228 .220 Ecuador .476 .476 .476 .476 .476 Egypt .553 .553 .553 .553 .553 El Salvador .413 .413 .413 .413 .413 Equatorial Guinea .728 .728 .728 .728 .728 Eritrea .882 .882 .882 .882 .882 Estonia .602 .602 .602 .602 .602 Ethiopia .567 .567 .567 .567 .567 Faeroe Islands .252 .252 .252 .252 .252 Falkland Islands .644 .644 .644 .644 .644 Fiji .595 .595 .595 .595 .595 Finland* .119 .115 .111 .105 .101 Finland - Mobile .119 .119 .119 .119 .119

* Discount may apply. (N)

Effective: September 3, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 418 Cancels Original Page 418


4.16 Enterprise Voice over Internet Protocol Service (Continued) (T)

A. Per Minute Rates (Continued) (N) Commitment Levels Destination $0 $50,000 $100,000 $250,000 $500,000 + France* $ .126 $ .122 $ .117 $ .111 $ .107 France - Mobile .126 .126 .126 .126 .126 French Antilles .245 .245 .245 .245 .245 French Guiana .315 .315 .315 .315 .315 French Polynesia .588 .588 .588 .588 .588 Gabon .364 .364 .364 .364 .364 Gambia .448 .448 .448 .448 .448 Georgia .679 .679 .679 .679 .679 Germany* .119 .115 .111 .105 .101 Germany - Mobile .119 .119 .119 .119 .119 Ghana .301 .301 .301 .301 .301 Gibraltar .252 .252 .252 .252 .252 Greece* .357 .346 .332 .314 .303 Greece - Mobile .357 .357 .357 .357 .357 Greenland .335 .335 .335 .335 .335 Grenada .406 .406 .406 .406 .406 Guadeloupe .315 .315 .315 .315 .315 Guatemala .371 .371 .371 .371 .371 Guinea .462 .462 .462 .462 .462 Guinea Bissau .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 Guyana .690 .690 .690 .690 .690 Haiti .476 .476 .476 .476 .476 Honduras .511 .511 .511 .511 .511 Hong Kong* .168 .163 .156 .148 .143 Hong Kong - Mobile .168 .168 .168 .168 .168 Hungary .189 .189 .189 .189 .189 Iceland .168 .168 .168 .168 .168 India* .610 .592 .567 .537 .519 India - Mobile .610 .610 .610 .610 .610 India - New Delhi .610 .610 .610 .610 .610 Indonesia .525 .525 .525 .525 .525 Inmarsat 5.720 5.720 5.720 5.720 5.720 Iran .637 .637 .637 .637 .637 Iraq 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Ireland* .098 .095 .091 .086 .083 Ireland - Mobile .098 .098 .098 .098 .098 Israel* .301 .292 .280 .265 .256 Israel - Mobile .301 .301 .301 .301 .301 Italy* .154 .149 .143 .136 .131 Italy - Mobile .154 .154 .154 .154 .154 Ivory Coast .602 .602 .602 .602 .602 Jamaica* .476 .462 .443 .419 .405 Jamaica - Mobile .476 .476 .476 .476 .476

* Discount may apply. (N)

Effective: September 3, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 419 Cancels Original Page 419


4.16 Enterprise Voice over Internet Protocol Service (Continued) (T)

A. Per Minute Rates (Continued) (N) Commitment Levels Destination $0 $50,000 $100,000 $250,000 $500,000 + Japan* $.126 $.122 $.117 $.111 $.107 Japan - Mobile .126 .126 .126 .126 .126 Jordan .651 .651 .651 .651 .651 Kazakhstan .511 .511 .511 .511 .511 Kenya .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 Kiribati .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 Korea (North) .764 .764 .764 .764 .764 Korea (South)* .245 .238 .228 .216 .208 Korea (South) Special Services .245 .245 .245 .245 .245 Kuwait .588 .588 .588 .588 .588 Kyrgyzstan .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 Laos .616 .616 .616 .616 .616 Latvia .623 .623 .623 .623 .623 Lebanon .546 .546 .546 .546 .546 Lesotho .378 .378 .378 .378 .378 Liberia .504 .504 .504 .504 .504 Libya .371 .371 .371 .371 .371 Liechtenstein .210 .210 .210 .210 .210 Lithuania .651 .651 .651 .651 .651 Luxembourg* .140 .136 .130 .123 .119 Luxembourg - Mobile .140 .140 .140 .140 .140 Macao .336 .336 .336 .336 .336 Macedonia .350 .350 .350 .350 .350 Madagascar .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 Malawi .350 .350 .350 .350 .350 Malaysia .280 .280 .280 .280 .280 Maldives .518 .518 .518 .518 .518 Mali .651 .651 .651 .651 .651 Malta .203 .203 .203 .203 .203 Marshall Islands .491 .491 .491 .491 .491 Mauritania .693 .693 .693 .693 .693 Mauritius .651 .651 .651 .651 .651 Mayotte Island .721 .721 .721 .721 .721 Mexico* .165 .160 .153 .145 .140 Mexico - Mobile .165 .165 .165 .165 .165 Micronesia .825 .825 .825 .825 .825 Midway Island .700 .700 .700 .700 .700 Moldova .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 Monaco .145 .145 .145 .145 .145 Mongolia .742 .742 .742 .742 .742 Montserrat .569 .569 .569 .569 .569 Morocco .357 .357 .357 .357 .357 Mozambique .385 .385 .385 .385 .385

* Discount may apply. (N)

Effective: September 3, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 420 Cancels Original Page 420


4.16 Enterprise Voice over Internet Protocol Service (Continued) (T)

A. Per Minute Rates (Continued) (N) Commitment Levels Destination $0 $50,000 $100,000 $250,000 $500,000 + Myanmar (formerly Burma) $ .756 $ .756 $ .756 $ .756 $ .756 Namibia .343 .343 .343 .343 .343 Nauru .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 Nepal .581 .581 .581 .581 .581 Netherlands* .147 .143 .137 .129 .125 Netherlands - Mobile .147 .147 .147 .147 .147 Netherlands Antilles .259 .259 .259 .259 .259 New Caledonia .635 .635 .635 .635 .635 New Caledonia - Premium .550 .550 .550 .550 .550 New Zealand .259 .259 .259 .259 .259 Nicaragua .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 Niger Republic .588 .588 .588 .588 .588 Nigeria .532 .532 .532 .532 .532 Niue Island 1.102 1.102 1.102 1.102 1.102 Norfolk Island .511 .511 .511 .511 .511 Norway* .147 .143 .137 .129 .125 Norway - Mobile .147 .147 .147 .147 .147 Oman .560 .560 .560 .560 .560 Pakistan* .864 .838 .803 .760 .734 Pakistan - Mobile .864 .864 .864 .864 .864 Palau .581 .581 .581 .581 .581 Palestine .940 .940 .940 .940 .940 Panama .427 .427 .427 .427 .427 Papua New Guinea .343 .343 .343 .343 .343 Paraguay .476 .476 .476 .476 .476 Peru .371 .371 .371 .371 .371 Philippines* .301 .292 .280 .265 .256 Philippines - Mobile .301 .301 .301 .301 .301 Poland .280 .280 .280 .280 .280 Portugal .210 .210 .210 .210 .210 Qatar .730 .730 .730 .730 .730 Reunion Island .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 Romania .357 .357 .357 .357 .357 Russia* .476 .462 .443 .419 .405 Russia - Special Services .476 .476 .476 .476 .476 Russian Federation - Overlay .476 .476 .476 .476 .476 Rwanda .623 .623 .623 .623 .623 San Marino .343 .343 .343 .343 .343 Sao Tome & Princepe 1.134 1.134 1.134 1.134 1.134 Saudi Arabia .588 .588 .588 .588 .588 Senegal Republic .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 Serbia .315 .315 .315 .315 .315 Seychelles Island .791 .791 .791 .791 .791 Sierra Leone .518 .518 .518 .518 .518

* Discount may apply. (N)

Effective: September 3, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 421 Cancels Original Page 421


4.16 Enterprise Voice over Internet Protocol Service (Continued) (T)

A. Per Minute Rates (Continued) (N) Commitment Levels Destination $0 $50,000 $100,000 $250,000 $500,000 + Singapore $ .245 $ .245 $ .245 $ .245 $ .245 Slovakia .217 .217 .217 .217 .217 Slovenia .200 .200 .200 .200 .200 Solomon Islands .939 .939 .939 .939 .939 Somalia 1.092 1.092 1.092 1.092 1.092 South Africa .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 Spain* .189 .183 .176 .166 .161 Spain - Mobile .189 .189 .189 .189 .189 Sri Lanka .609 .609 .609 .609 .609 St Helena .518 .518 .518 .518 .518 St Kitts & Nevis .430 .430 .430 .430 .430 St Lucia .350 .350 .350 .350 .350 St Pierre & Miquelon .238 .238 .238 .238 .238 St Vincent & Grenadines .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 Sudan .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 Suriname .710 .710 .710 .710 .710 Swaziland .245 .245 .245 .245 .245 Sweden* .154 .149 .143 .136 .131 Sweden - Mobile .154 .154 .154 .154 .154 Switzerland* .154 .149 .143 .136 .131 Switzerland - Mobile .154 .154 .154 .154 .154 Syria .742 .742 .742 .742 .742 Taiwan* .231 .224 .215 .203 .196 Taiwan - Mobile .231 .231 .231 .231 .231 Tajikistan .539 .539 .539 .539 .539 Tanzania .455 .455 .455 .455 .455 Thailand .371 .371 .371 .371 .371 Togo .560 .560 .560 .560 .560 Tokelau 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100 Tonga .707 .707 .707 .707 .707 Trinidad & Tobago .469 .469 .469 .469 .469 Tunisia .336 .336 .336 .336 .336 Turkey .357 .357 .357 .357 .357 Turkmenistan .721 .721 .721 .721 .721 Turks & Caicos Islands .917 .917 .917 .917 .917 Tuvalu & Ellice Islands .957 .957 .957 .957 .957 Uganda .385 .385 .385 .385 .385 Ukraine .518 .518 .518 .518 .518 United Arab Emirates .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 United Kingdom* .052 .050 .048 .046 .044 United Kingdom - Premium .070 .070 .070 .070 .070 Uruguay .476 .476 .476 .476 .476 Uzbekistan .784 .784 .784 .784 .784

* Discount may apply. (N)

Effective: September 3, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 422 Cancels Original Page 422


4.16 Enterprise Voice over Internet Protocol Service (Continued) (T)

A. Per Minute Rates (Continued) (N) Commitment Levels Destination $0 $50,000 $100,000 $250,000 $500,000 + Vanuatu $1.110 $1.110 $1.110 $1.110 $1.110 Vatican City .308 .308 .308 .308 .308 Venezuela .301 .301 .301 .301 .301 Vietnam .805 .805 .805 .805 .805 Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City .782 .782 .782 .782 .782 Wallis & Futuna Islands .897 .897 .897 .897 .897 Western Samoa .614 .614 .614 .614 .614 Yemen .599 .599 .599 .599 .599 Zaire .490 .490 .490 .490 .490 Zambia .420 .420 .420 .420 .420 Zimbabwe .336 .336 .336 .336 .336

B. Discount Plans

Carrier offers discounts based on the Minimum Annual Commitment and to Carrier's service. Customer must subscribe to VoIP service for term plans for one-year with a minimum annual commitment above $50,000 to receive the appropriate discounts.

For any term plan, the rates and term plan discounts will be fixed for the term at the discounts listed in this Section, applicable when Customer subscribes to the service. The term will begin on the in-service date for the first Customer site in the network.

If additional sites are added to Customer's VoIP Service after the initial subscription to a term plan, such sites will be incorporated into Customer's term plan and will have the same termination date as Customer's original term.

Usage Discounts *

Minimum Monthly Revenue Commitment Discount

Tier 1 - $0 to $49,999 0% Tier 2 - $50,000 to $99,999 3% Tier 3 - $100,000 to $249,999 7% Tier 4 - $250,000 to $499,999 12% Tier 5 - $500 plus 15%

* Applies to certain countries in Section 4.16 A. (N)

Effective: September 3, 2002 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 423 Cancels 1st Revised Page 423


4.17 Simple Connections Service

Effective April 22, 2013, this service is no longer available to new customers. Existing customers (C) will be grandfathered until the expiration of the applicable service term of their contract. During grandfathering, the terms and conditions of such contracts will continue to apply. Customer may make moves, adds, and changes to the service during grandfathering. (C)

A. Switched Access Service - Per Minute Rate


One, Two, Month to One, Two, Month to Country Three Year Month Three Year Month $0 - $2,999 $0 - $2,999 $3,000 - $5,999 $3,000 - $5,999

Afghanistan $1.3976 $1.5972 $1.3976 $1.5972 Albania .3805 .4348 .3805 .4348 Algeria .6063 .6929 .6063 .6929 American Samoa .3616 .4132 .3616 .4132 Andorra .2023 .2312 .2023 .2312 Angola .4546 .5196 .4546 .5196 Anguilla .5410 .6183 .5410 .6183 Antarctica 1.0173 1.1627 1.0173 1.1627 Antigua .5105 .5834 .5105 .5834 Argentina .3164 .3616 .3164 .3616 Argentina - Buenos Aires .2372 .2711 .2372 .2711 Argentina - Mobile .7872 .8997 .7872 .8997 Armenia 1.0092 1.1534 1.0092 1.1534 Aruba .3955 .4520 .3955 .4520 Ascension Island 1.2178 1.3918 1.2178 1.3918 Australia .1760 .2012 .1760 .2012 Australia - Mobile .4761 .5441 .4761 .5441 Australia - Sydney .1760 .2012 .1760 .2012 Austria .2386 .2727 .2386 .2727 Austria - Mobile .5766 .6589 .5766 .6589 Austria - Vienna .1750 .2000 .1750 .2000 Azerbaijan .4493 .5135 .4493 .5135 Bahamas .2802 .3202 .2802 .3202 Bahrain .5782 .6608 .5782 .6608 Bangladesh .8663 .9900 .8663 .9900 Bangladesh - Mobile .7872 .8997 .7872 .8997 Barbados .4481 .5122 .4481 .5122 Belarus .5145 .5879 .5145 .5879 Belgium .1502 .1716 .1502 .1716 Belgium - Mobile .5408 .6180 .5408 .6180 Belize .4553 .5203 .4553 .5203 Benin .8460 .9669 .8460 .9669 Bermuda .2171 .2482 .2171 .2482 Bhutan .5136 .5870 .5136 .5870 Bolivia .5149 .5884 .5149 .5884 Bolivia - Mobile .7872 .8997 .7872 .8997 Bosnia and Herzegovina .4736 .5412 .4736 .5412 Botswana .3600 .4114 .3600 .4114

Effective: April 22, 2013

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 424 Cancels Original Page 424


4.17 Simple Connections Service (Continued) (T)

A. Switched Access Service - Per Minute Rate (Continued) (N)


One, Two, Month to One, Two, Month to Country Three Year Month Three Year Month $0 - $2,999 $0 - $2,999 $3,000 - $5,999 $3,000 - $5,999

Brazil $.2171 $.2482 $.2171 $.2482 Brazil - Belo Hortizonte .1409 .1610 .1409 .1610 Brazil - Mobile .4851 .5544 .4851 .5544 Brazil - Recife & Vitoria .2079 .2376 .2079 .2376 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo .1040 .1188 .1040 .1188 British Virgin Islands .3678 .4203 .3678 .4203 Brunei .4801 .5487 .4801 .5487 Bulgaria .3892 .4448 .3892 .4448 Burkina Faso 1.2500 1.4286 1.2500 1.4286 Burundi .4462 .5099 .4462 .5099 Cambodia 1.6685 1.9069 1.6685 1.9069 Cameroon .6355 .7263 .6355 .7263 Canada .1216 .1389 .1216 .1389 Cape Verde Islands .6873 .7854 .6873 .7854 Cayman Islands .3240 .3703 .3240 .3703 Central African Republic .6634 .7582 .6634 .7582 Chad 1.4100 1.6114 1.4100 1.6114 Chile .1259 .1439 .1259 .1439 Chile - Mobile .5268 .6021 .5268 .6021 China .3465 .3960 .3465 .3960 China - Mobile .7872 .8997 .7872 .8997 Christmas/Cocos Islands .6246 .7138 .6246 .7138 Columbia .5378 .6146 .5378 .6146 Columbia - Baranquilla .2644 .3022 .2644 .3022 Columbia - Bogota .2261 .2585 .2261 .2585 Columbia - Cali & Medellin .2426 .2772 .2426 .2772 Columbia - Mobile .3177 .3631 .3177 .3631 Comoros Island .8904 1.0176 .8904 1.0176 Congo .8572 .9797 .8572 .9797 Cook Islands 1.5007 1.7150 1.5007 1.7150 Costa Rica .2663 .3044 .2663 .3044 Costa Rica - Mobile .7872 .8997 .7872 .8997 Croatia .4736 .5412 .4736 .5412 Croatia - Mobile .5207 .5951 .5207 .5951 Cuba 1.9635 2.2440 1.9635 2.2440 Cuba - Guantanamo Bay 1.7698 2.0226 1.7698 2.0226 Cyprus .3631 .4150 .3631 .4150 Cyprus - Mobile .5914 .6758 .5914 .6758 Czech Republic .2137 .2442 .2137 .2442 Czech Republic - Mobile .5202 .5945 .5202 .5945 (N)

Effective: February 21, 2003

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 2nd Revised Page 425 Cancels 1st Revised Page 425


4.17 Simple Connections Service (Continued)

A. Switched Access Service - Per Minute Rate (Continued)


One, Two, Month to One, Two, Month to Country Three Year Month Three Year Month $0 - $2,999 $0 - $2,999 $3,000 - $5,999 $3,000 - $5,999

Denmark $.1393 $.1591 $.1393 $.1591 Denmark - Mobile .5205 .5948 .5205 .5948 Diego Garcia 4.2395 4.8452 4.2395 4.8452 Djibouti .9084 1.0382 .9084 1.0382 Dominica .5170 .5908 .5170 .5908 Dominican Republic .2114 .2416 .2114 .2416 Ecuador .5133 .5866 .5133 .5866 Ecuador - Mobile .7872 .8997 .7872 .8997 Egypt .4447 .5082 .4447 .5082 Egypt - Mobile .5396 .6167 .5396 .6167 El Salvador .3927 .4488 .3927 .4488 El Salvador - Mobile .4197 .4797 .4197 .4797 Equatorial Guinea .7759 .8867 .7759 .8867 Eritrea 1.5468 1.7678 1.5468 1.7678 Estonia .2138 .2444 .2138 .2444 Estonia - Mobile .5119 .5850 .5119 .5850 Ethiopia 1.7392 1.9876 1.7392 1.9876 Falkland Islands 1.1148 1.2741 1.1148 1.2741 Faroe Islands 1.0922 1.2482 1.0922 1.2482 Fiji Islands .8808 1.0066 .8808 1.0066 Finland .1438 .1644 .1438 .1644 Finland - Mobile .5863 .6700 .5863 .6700 France .0924 .1056 .0924 .1056 France - Mobile .6154 .7033 .6154 .7033 French Antilles .4976 .5687 .4976 .5687 French Guiana .5151 .5887 .5151 .5887 French Polynesia (PFX) .5796 .6624 .5796 .6624 Gabon Republic .4354 .4976 .4354 .4976 Gambia .6719 .7679 .6719 .7679 Georgia .4432 .5065 .4432 .5065 Germany .1502 .1716 .1502 .1716 Germany - Mobile .4648 .5312 .4648 .5312 Ghana .5422 .6196 .5422 .6196 Gibraltar .2566 .2933 .2566 .2933 GMSS 16.7877 19.1859 16.7877 19.1859 GMSS-Iriduim, Globalstar, (N) ICO Global 4.2000 4.2000 4.2000 4.2000 Greece .2333 .2666 .2333 .2666 Greece - Mobile .4724 .5399 .4724 .5399 Greenland .9792 1.1191 .9792 1.1191 Grenada .5668 .6478 .5668 .6478

Effective: February 5, 2004

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 426 Cancels Original Page 426


4.17 Simple Connections Service (Continued) (T)

A. Switched Access Service - Per Minute Rate (Continued) (N)


One, Two, Month to One, Two, Month to Country Three Year Month Three Year Month $0 - $2,999 $0 - $2,999 $3,000 - $5,999 $3,000 - $5,999

Guadeloupe $.4107 $.4694 $.4107 $.4694 Guatemala .5544 .6336 .5544 .6336 Guatemala - Mobile .7872 .8997 .7872 .8997 Guinea .5137 .5871 .5137 .5871 Guinea Bissau 1.0425 1.1914 1.0425 1.1914 Guyana 1.6286 1.8612 1.6286 1.8612 Haiti .7739 .8844 .7739 .8844 Haiti - Mobile 1.0626 1.2144 1.0626 1.2144 Honduras .9263 1.0586 .9263 1.0586 Hong Kong .1465 .1675 .1465 .1675 Hong Kong - Mobile .7872 .8997 .7872 .8997 Hungary .2298 .2627 .2298 .2627 Hungary - Mobile .4893 .5592 .4893 .5592 Iceland .2175 .2486 .2175 .2486 Iceland - Mobile .6018 .6877 .6018 .6877 India .7392 .8448 .7392 .8448 Indonesia .3932 .4494 .3932 .4494 Indonesia - Jakarta .2090 .2389 .2090 .2389 Indonesia - Mobile .5458 .6237 .5458 .6237 INMARSAT A 13.6868 15.6420 13.6868 15.6420 INMARSAT B 6.1793 7.0620 6.1793 7.0620 INMARSAT M 6.0638 6.9300 6.0638 6.9300 INMARSAT MM 5.3708 6.1380 5.3708 6.1380 Iran .6815 .7788 .6815 .7788 Iraq 1.9442 2.2220 1.9442 2.2220 Ireland .0885 .1011 .0885 .1011 Ireland - Mobile .5581 .6378 .5581 .6378 Israel .2472 .2825 .2472 .2825 Israel - Mobile .3967 .4534 .3967 .4534 Italy .1848 .2112 .1848 .2112 Italy - Mobile .5163 .5900 .5163 .5900 Ivory Coast .7058 .8066 .7058 .8066 Jamaica .6930 .7920 .6930 .7920 Japan .1871 .2138 .1871 .2138 Japan - Mobile .5276 .6030 .5276 .6030 Japan - Nagoya .1686 .1927 .1686 .1927 Japan - Osaka .1271 .1452 .1271 .1452 Japan - Tokyo .1224 .1399 .1224 .1399 Jordan .6773 .7741 .6773 .7741 (N)

Effective: February 21, 2003

VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 427 Cancels Original Page 427


4.17 Simple Connections Service (Continued) (T)

A. Switched Access Service - Per Minute Rate (Continued) (N)


One, Two, Month to One, Two, Month to Country Three Year Month Three Year Month $0 - $2,999 $0 - $2,999 $3,000 - $5,999 $3,000 - $5,999

Kazakhstan $.4604 $.5262 $.4604 $.5262 Kenya .8259 .9439 .8259 .9439 Kiribati 1.2208 1.3952 1.2208 1.3952 Kosovo - Mobile .5528 .6318 .5528 .6318 Kuwait .4954 .5662 .4954 .5662 Kuwait - Mobile .7872 .8997 .7872 .8997 Kyrgyzstan .5073 .5798 .5073 .5798 Laos .9309 1.0639 .9309 1.0639 Latvia .4103 .4689 .4103 .4689 Latvia - Mobile .5699 .6513 .5699 .6513 Lebanon .5198 .5940 .5198 .5940 Lebanon - Mobile .5810 .6640 .5810 .6640 Lesotho .3848 .4398 .3848 .4398 Liberia .4323 .4941 .4323 .4941 Libya .4714 .5387 .4714 .5387 Liechtenstein .1687 .1928 .1687 .1928 Lithuania .3967 .4534 .3967 .4534 Luxembourg .1733 .1980 .1733 .1980 Luxembourg - Mobile .5597 .6397 .5597 .6397 Macao .4346 .4967 .4346 .4967 Macedonia .6699 .7656 .6699 .7656 Madagascar 1.0581 1.2092 1.0581 1.2092 Malawi .4984 .5696 .4984 .5696 Malaysia .1381 .1579 .1381 .1579 Malaysia - Mobile .5453 .6232 .5453 .6232 Maldives .8908 1.0181 .8908 1.0181 Mali Republic 1.0598 1.2112 1.0598 1.2112 Malta .3895 .4451 .3895 .4451 Marshall Islands .7410 .8469 .7410 .8469 Mauritania .9577 1.0945 .9577 1.0945 Mauritius .7066 .8076 .7066 .8076 Mayotte Island .8904 1.0176 .8904 1.0176 Mexico .2772 .3168 .2772 .3168 Mexico - Guadalajara .1340 .1531 .1340 .1531 Mexico - Mexico City .1259 .1439 .1259 .1439 Mexico - Monterrey .1386 .1584 .1386 .1584 Micronesia 1.1642 1.3305 1.1642 1.3305 (N)

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4.17 Simple Connections Service (Continued) (T)

A. Switched Access Service - Per Minute Rate (Continued) (N)


One, Two, Month to One, Two, Month to Country Three Year Month Three Year Month $0 - $2,999 $0 - $2,999 $3,000 - $5,999 $3,000 - $5,999

Moldova $.3958 $.4523 $.3958 $.4523 Monaco .2252 .2573 .2252 .2573 Monaco - Mobile .5528 .6318 .5528 .6318 Mongolia .6273 .7170 .6273 .7170 Monserrat 1.0326 1.1801 1.0326 1.1801 Morocco .9591 1.0961 .9591 1.0961 Mozambique .5481 .6264 .5481 .6264 Myanmar (Burma) .8009 .9153 .8009 .9153 Nakhodka 2.0395 2.3309 2.0395 2.3309 Namibia .3612 .4128 .3612 .4128 Nauru 1.2636 1.4441 1.2636 1.4441 Nepal .7804 .8919 .7804 .8919 Netherland Antilles .3717 .4248 .3717 .4248 Netherland Antilles - Mobile .6590 .7532 .6590 .7532 Netherlands .0843 .0964 .0843 .0964 Netherlands - Mobile .5715 .6531 .5715 .6531 New Caledonia .9254 1.0576 .9254 1.0576 New Zealand .1812 .2071 .1812 .2071 New Zealand - Mobile .5387 .6157 .5387 .6157 Nicaragua .6956 .7949 .6956 .7949 Nicaragua - Mobile .7739 .8844 .7739 .8844 Niger .6574 .7513 .6574 .7513 Nigeria 1.0268 1.1735 1.0268 1.1735 Niue Islands 2.7108 3.0981 2.7108 3.0981 Norfolk Islands .8533 .9752 .8533 .9752 North Korea 1.3622 1.5568 1.3622 1.5568 Norway .1534 .1754 .1534 .1754 Norway - Mobile .5151 .5887 .5151 .5887 Oman 1.0120 1.1566 1.0120 1.1566 Pakistan .6517 .7447 .6517 .7447 Pakistan - Mobile .6584 .7524 .6584 .7524 Palau 1.0340 1.1817 1.0340 1.1817 Palestine .2253 .2575 .2253 .2575 Palestine - Mobile .7739 .8844 .7739 .8844 Panama .4227 .4831 .4227 .4831 Panama - Mobile 1.1848 1.3541 1.1848 1.3541 Papua New Guinea .5263 .6015 .5263 .6015 Paraguay .4788 .5472 .4788 .5472 Paraguay - Mobile .6253 .7146 .6253 .7146 Peru .4502 .5146 .4502 .5146 Peru - Lima .3350 .3828 .3350 .3828 Peru - Mobile .8323 .9512 .8323 .9512 (N)

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4.17 Simple Connections Service (Continued) (T)

A. Switched Access Service - Per Minute Rate (Continued) (N)


One, Two, Month to One, Two, Month to Country Three Year Month Three Year Month $0 - $2,999 $0 - $2,999 $3,000 - $5,999 $3,000 - $5,999

Philippines $.3119 $.3564 $.3119 $.3564 Philippines - Mobile .7872 .8997 .7872 .8997 Poland .2079 .2376 .2079 .2376 Poland - Mobile .6470 .7395 .6470 .7395 Portugal .1698 .1940 .1698 .1940 Portugal - Mobile .5789 .6616 .5789 .6616 Qatar .5752 .6574 .5752 .6574 Qatar - Mobile 1.1675 1.3343 1.1675 1.3343 Reunion Island .6268 .7164 .6268 .7164 Romania .5143 .5878 .5143 .5878 Russia .3927 .4488 .3927 .4488 Russia - Moscow .1733 .1981 .1733 .1981 Russia - Sakhalin .9332 1.0666 .9332 1.0666 Russia - St. Petersburg .2075 .2372 .2075 .2372 Rwanda 1.2362 1.4128 1.2362 1.4128 San Marino .2132 .2437 .2132 .2437 Sao Tome 2.0213 2.3100 2.0213 2.3100 Saudi Arabia .6815 .7788 .6815 .7788 Senegal .8484 .9696 .8484 .9696 Serbia - Yugoslavia .6325 .7228 .6325 .7228 Seychelles Islands .7881 .9007 .7881 .9007 Sierra Leone .8592 .9820 .8592 .9820 Singapore .1487 .1699 .1487 .1699 Singapore - Mobile .7872 .8997 .7872 .8997 Slovakia .3368 .3849 .3368 .3849 Slovakia - Mobile .4614 .5273 .4614 .5273 Slovenia .3458 .3952 .3458 .3952 Slovenia - Mobile .5052 .5774 .5052 .5774 Solomon Islands 2.0587 2.3528 2.0587 2.3528 Somalia 2.6332 3.0093 2.6332 3.0093 South Africa .5198 .5940 .5198 .5940 South Africa - Johannesburg .4669 .5336 .4669 .5336 South Africa - Mobile .7872 .8997 .7872 .8997 South Korea .2102 .2402 .2102 .2402 South Korea - Mobile .3284 .3753 .3284 .3753 Spain .1040 .1188 .1040 .1188 Spain - Mobile .5177 .5916 .5177 .5916 Sri Lanka .8791 1.0047 .8791 1.0047 (N)

Effective: February 21, 2003

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4.17 Simple Connections Service (Continued) (T)

A. Switched Access Service - Per Minute Rate (Continued) (N)


One, Two, Month to One, Two, Month to Country Three Year Month Three Year Month $0 - $2,999 $0 - $2,999 $3,000 - $5,999 $3,000 - $5,999

St. Helena $1.0445 $1.1937 $1.0445 $1.1937 St. Kitts/Nevis .4747 .5425 .4747 .5425 St. Lucia .4717 .5391 .4717 .5391 St. Pierre & Miquelon .6722 .7682 .6722 .7682 St. Vincent .5198 .5940 .5198 .5940 Sudan 1.0682 1.2208 1.0682 1.2208 Suriname 1.2250 1.4000 1.2250 1.4000 Swaziland .3525 .4029 .3525 .4029 Sweden .0832 .0950 .0832 .0950 Sweden - Mobile .5509 .6296 .5509 .6296 Switzerland .0924 .1056 .0924 .1056 Switzerland - Mobile .6237 .7128 .6237 .7128 Syria 1.0335 1.1811 1.0335 1.1811 Taiwan .1455 .1663 .1455 .1663 Taiwan - Mobile .3277 .3745 .3277 .3745 Tajikistan .6339 .7244 .6339 .7244 Tanzania .6703 .7660 .6703 .7660 Thailand .3705 .4235 .3705 .4235 Togo 1.0837 1.2385 1.0837 1.2385 Tonga Islands 1.2412 1.4185 1.2412 1.4185 Trinidad/Tobago .5429 .6204 .5429 .6204 Tunisia .7125 .8142 .7125 .8142 Turkey .4387 .5013 .4387 .5013 Turkey - Istanbul .2601 .2973 .2601 .2973 Turkey - Mobile .7872 .8997 .7872 .8997 Turkmenistan .6516 .7447 .6516 .7447 Turks/Caicos .5789 .6616 .5789 .6616 Tuvalu 1.5045 1.7195 1.5045 1.7195 Uganda .5526 .6315 .5526 .6315 Ukraine .5660 .6468 .5660 .6468 United Arab Emirates .5891 .6732 .5891 .6732 United Arab Emirates - Mobile .7739 .8844 .7739 .8844 United Kingdom .0866 .0990 .0866 .0990 United Kingdom - Mobile .6101 .6972 .6101 .6972 Uruguay .4851 .5544 .4851 .5544 Uruguay - Mobile .4851 .5544 .4851 .5544 (N) Uzbekistan .4208 .4809 .4208 .4809

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4.17 Simple Connections Service (Continued) (T)

A. Switched Access Service - Per Minute Rate (Continued) (N)


One, Two, Month to One, Two, Month to Country Three Year Month Three Year Month $0 - $2,999 $0 - $2,999 $3,000 - $5,999 $3,000 - $5,999

Vanuatu $2.7087 $3.0957 $2.7087 $3.0957 Vatican City .1689 .1930 .1689 .1930 Venezuela .4447 .5082 .4447 .5082 Venezuela - Mobile .7872 .8997 .7872 .8997 Vietnam 1.7246 1.9710 1.7246 1.9710 Vietnam - Mobile 1.5279 1.7462 1.5279 1.7462 Wallis & Futuna Islands 2.5181 2.8779 2.5181 2.8779 Western Samoa 1.0284 1.1753 1.0284 1.1753 Yemen 1.4946 1.7081 1.4946 1.7081 Zaire .9674 1.1056 .9674 1.1056 Zambia .9665 1.1046 .9665 1.1046 Zimbabwe .4699 .5370 .4699 .5370

B. Service Charges and Surcharges Per Call

1. Calling Card $1.50

2. Operator Assisted Station to Station 7.00

3. Operator Assisted Person to Person 7.00

4. Operator Assisted Calling Card Call Completion 2.45

5. Operator Dialed 1.00

6. Payphone Compensation .24 (N)

Effective: February 21, 2003

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4.18 Audio Conferencing Service

A. Charges for Service and Options

Customer agrees to purchase the Service during the applicable Service Period at the rates set forth below. The Rates to be applied each month will be based on the Customer’s total combined Minutes of Use (MOUs) for Access Now and Event Meet Services during the month (Total Combined Monthly MOUs) for each separately billed account. Conferencing minutes of use will be determined and rated per conference, per participant rounded up to the nearest full minute. The Total Combined Monthly MOUs shall be determined based solely on minutes of use of audio conferencing and will not include any minutes applicable to web conferencing, separately rated conferencing features, or surcharges:

1. Access Now SM Service Charges


Total Toll Direct Combined Dial Domestic-Originated Toll- Canadian& U.S. Territories U.S. Domestic Monthly Access Free Originated Toll-Free Price Dial-Out Price Per

MOUs Price Per Price Per Minute Per Minute Minute


0-1,500,000 $ 0.04 $ 0.0635 $ 0.1305 $0.16 (C)

2. Surcharges - Calls from certain locations may also include a per minute surcharge. Such surcharges are set forth in Carrier’s description of its standard interexchange service offerings set forth on Carrier’s web site and shall be billed in addition to the rates set forth above.

3. Additional Optional Features:

Access Now Additional Features Price Chairperson Initiated Dial-Out See Section A.1 above (U.S. Domestic only) Surcharge of $9.00 per call in addition to the Operator Initiated Dial-Out U.S. Domestic Dial-Out rate listed in Section

(required for International destinations) A.1 above or International Dial-Out rate listed in Section A.9 below.

Web Moderator (Table View) Included in Access Now Service

Effective: October 12, 2005

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4.18 Audio Conferencing Service (Continued)

A. Charges for Service and Options (Continued)

4. Event Meet Service Charges - The following rates apply to one-time Automated, Operator Assisted, and Premium Package calls. The features and the capabilities of the Event Meet Service are more fully described on Carrier’s website.

5. Event Meet – Automated Service Charges:


Total Toll Direct Domestic- Canadian & U.S. Combined Dial Access U.S. Domestic Originated Toll- Territories Originated Monthly MOUs Price Per Dial-Out Price Free Price Per Toll-Free Price Per Minute Per Minute Minute Minute

Price Per 0-1,500,000 $Minute 0.0875 $ 0.1150 $ 0.1820 $0.18 (C)

6. Event Meet – Operator Assisted Service Charges:

EVENT MEET – OPERATOR ASSISTED SERVICE Total Toll Direct Domestic- Canadian & U.S. Combined U.S. Domestic Dial Access Originated Toll- Territories Originated Monthly MOUs Dial-Out Price Price Per Free Price Per Toll-Free Price Per Per Minute Minute Minute Minute

0-1,500,000 $ 0.1675 $ 0.2050 $ 0.2720 $0.25


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4.18 Audio Conferencing Service (Continued)

A. Charges for Service and Options (Continued)

7. Event Meet – Premium Package Service Charges*:


Total Toll Direct Domestic- Canadian & U.S. Combined U.S. Domestic Dial Access Originated Toll- Territories Originated Monthly MOUs Dial-Out Price Price Per Free Price Per Toll-Free Price Per Per Minute Minute Minute Minute

0-1,500,000 $ 0.26 $ 0.28 $ 0.3470 $0.45

(C) * - Premium Package conferences include the following features at no additional charge: Communication Link, Conference Monitoring, Q&A, Voting/Polling, Participant List (with two items of information), CD (one, including postage) or other available requested media, Recording Setup (including one week storage), CallHost, Playback, Restricted List, and Event Manager.

Effective: October 12, 2005

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4.18 Audio Conferencing Service (Continued) (N)

A. Charges for Service and Options (Continued)

8. The following rates and charges apply to A La Carte & Additional Features available with Event Meet-Operator Assisted and Event Meet Premium Package except where noted:

Event Meet Service Price A La Carte and Additional Features Communications Link* $ 50.00 per event Conference Monitoring* $81.00 per event

Q&A* $ 81.00 per event

Voting/Polling* $ 81.00 per event CallHost* $0.05 per minute

Playback* $ 25.00 per occurrence

Interpretation On Demand Pricing On-Site Support $ 150.00 per hour plus expenses * Restricted List $ 45.00 per event Phone Notification $ 2.50 per person Email Blast $ 0.25 per person, per event

Participant List* $ 25.00 per event

Chairperson Initiated Dial-Out (available only with Event Meet-Automated, See Section A.5 above U.S. Domestic only)

Surcharge of $ 9.00 per call in addition to the Operator Initiated Dial-Out U.S. Domestic Dial-Out rates listed in (also available with Event Meet-Automated) Sections A.5, A.6, and A.7 above and (required for International Destinations) International Dial-Out rates listed in Section A.9 below Recording Setup (including one week of storage)* $ 26.00 per event Additional Replay Storage $ 26.00 per week, per conference

$0.20 per minute (toll) Replay $0.25 per minute (domestic toll free) Replay Name List $2.00 per name

* - Included in Premium Package

** - Requires Recording Setup *** - Requires Recording Setup and Transcription (N)

Effective: March 25, 2005

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4.18 Audio Conferencing Service (Continued) (N)

A. Charges for Service and Options (Continued)

8. A La Carte & Additional Feature Charges (Continued)

Event Meet Service Price A La Carte and Additional Features CD/Tape Recording** $ 26.00 plus overnight postage. Standard (1 included in Premium Package)* postage available on request.

CD/Tape Postage (Standard) $ 15.00 for up to 5 items CD/Tape Postage (Overnight) $ 30.00 for up to 5 items (1 included in Premium Package)*

$ 255.00 for first hour; $ 65.00 for each Transcription** additional 15 minute increment

Summary/Abstract** $375.00 per 20-minute increment $250.00 (German, French, Spanish); Translation *** $325.00 (Portuguese, Japanese); others quoted on a case-by-case basis; over sixty (60) languages are available.

Audio Streaming** Quoted on a case-by-case basis Web Moderator (Table View) Included in Event Meet-Automated Service (available with Event Meet-Automated only)

* - Included in Premium Package ** - Requires Recording Setup *** - Requires Recording Setup and Transcription (N)

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4.18 Audio Conferencing Service (Continued) (N)

A. Charges for Service and Options (Continued)

9. International Dial-Out Rates - are for calls originating from the U.S.-based conference bridge, and are in addition to the rates for “Toll Direct Dial Access Price Per Minute” as set forth in Sections A.5, A.6, and A.7 above. Operator initiated international dial- out calls will be charged a setup fee in addition to the applicable per minute rates (Toll Direct Dial price per minute plus dial-out rate per minute).

Country Dial-Out Rate Per Minute AFGHANISTAN $5.00 ALBANIA $0.40 ALGERIA $0.40 AMERICAN SAMOA $0.40 ANDORRA $1.00

ANGOLA $1.00








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4.18 Audio Conferencing Service (Continued) (N)

A. Charges for Service and Options (Continued)

9. International Dial-Out Rates - (Continued)








FRANCE $0.20


GEORGIA $0.40 GERMANY $0.20 GHANA $1.00 GIBRALTAR $0.40 (N)

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4.18 Audio Conferencing Service (Continued) (N)

A. Charges for Service and Options (Continued)

9. International Dial-Out Rates - (Continued)


GUAM $1.00



IRAQ $1.00


ISRAEL $0.20 ITALY $0.20 IVORY COAST $1.00 JAMAICA $0.40 JAPAN $0.20 JORDAN $1.00 KAZAKHSTAN $1.00 KENYA $1.00 KIRIBATI $1.00 KOREA (NORTH) $1.00 KOREA (SOUTH) $0.20 KUWAIT $0.40


LAOS $1.00


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4.18 Audio Conferencing Service (Continued) (N)

A. Charges for Service and Options (Continued)

9. International Dial-Out Rates - (Continued)



MALI REP $1.00








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4.18 Audio Conferencing Service (Continued) (N)

A. Charges for Service and Options (Continued)

9. International Dial-Out Rates - (Continued)


QATAR $1.00









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4.18 Audio Conferencing Service (Continued) (N)

A. Charges for Service and Options (Continued)

9. International Dial-Out Rates - (Continued)



TUVALU $5.00





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4.18 Audio Conferencing Service (Continued)

A. Charges for Service and Options (Continued)

10. International Dial in Access

The Service offers two methods for international participants to connect to Carrier’s US-based conferencing services: International Toll-Free Numbers (ITFN) and Direct Dial Access.

ITFNs are available in selected countries. The participant dialing the IFTN will not be (C) charged. The Customer will be charged a per-minute fee for the IFTN usage. This (C) charge is in addition to the applicable per minute Toll Direct Dial rate specified in Section 4.18.A. above and varies by country. Customers and participants using the (T) Direct Dial Access number may access the Service using a carrier of their choice and shall be responsible for any rates billed by their selected carrier in addition to the rates for use of the Service as set forth in this Schedule.

Country A International United States


The chairperson pays for the The chairperson pays for the The US portion of the call is portion of the call within the international portion of the included in the chairperson’s other country foreign call per minute bridge charge

Participant Conference Bridge

In country International US portion portion of call International portion of call International of call Gateway Gateway

Effective: October 12, 2005 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Federal Rate Schedule 2 1st Revised Page 444 Cancels Original Page 444


4.18 Audio Conferencing Service (Continued) (N)

A. Charges for Service and Options (Continued)

10. International Dial in Access (Continued)

Country Rate Per Minute ANTIGUA $0.30 ARGENTINA $0.45 AUSTRALIA $0.10 BAHAMAS $0.30




FRANCE $0.10

GERMANY $0.10 GREECE $0.15 GRENADA $0.30 HONG KONG $0.10 HUNGARY $0.10 INDONESIA $0.30 IRELAND $0.10 ISRAEL $0.10 ITALY $0.10 JAMAICA $0.30 JAPAN $0.45 LUXEMBOURG $0.10

MACAU $0.45



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4.18 Audio Conferencing Service (Continued) (N)

A. Charges for Service and Options (Continued)

10. International Dial in Access (Continued)



TAIWAN $0.10


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