ISS No. 0975/6647 | Vol: 25 | No 1 MEDIA TIMES | DECEMBER 2015 MEDIADECEMBER TIMES 2015

MERC Mumbai Meet 2015

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06 | Maid for Neglect 34 | Get some sleep! Arshie Qureshi Marouf Gazi

08 | Craving for Restoration 36 | Art or Vandalism? Sarvat Nabi Anayat Sultan

09 | Boy with Iron Will 38| Heaven’s Abode Samiullah Khan Waseem Nasir

10 | Wular: On its Last Legs 39 | The ‘Superiority’ They Claim Gazanfar Altaf Hussain

11 | Left by Locals 41 | Exploring the Hostel Life Junaid Rafiq Nelofar Jahan

12 | Where every day 42 | life in downtown Afshan Rashid Khalid Bashir

14 | Kargil: Reverberating Peace 44 | A misnomer called Badlapur Suhaib Mansur Irshad Khan

17 | Alpinists Delight 48 | Boon or a Bane? Idrees Ahmed Umar Shafi

18 | A game reflecting 50 | Malls: new Shopping Murtaza Fazily Muneer Ahmad

20 | Education choked 52 | Grooming Personalities Nisar Dharma Zafar Aafaq

21 | Drone attacks 54 | Dying Heritage Muhammad Younis Ishan Fazili 3 | Message from VC 4 | From HoD’s Desk 5 | From Editor’s Desk 23 | Access Discrimination 56 | A shrine for women! Nazir Gillo CELEBRATING Moosa Hayaat 30| Cover story 17TH MAMI FILM 25 | Advertising in Digital FESTIVAL 58 | Alarming Suicides Sibtain Hyder Tasir khan SNIPPETS : 26 | Changing Contemporary GENDER AND MEDIA | 46 60 | Human alarm clock Omer Malik Rafiya Rahim MERC : 28 | The jewel in the Ring ROUND UP 2015 | 65 61 | Unemployment not end Ubaid Jeelani Sumaiya Yousuf

Feedback and suggestions from the Patron: readers are welcome Prof Khrsheed Andrabi he Media Times is a lab © MERC 2015 Vice-Chancellor journal of Media Education Printed and Publisher by: Chief Editor: Research Center, University HoD MERC Faruq Masudi of Kashmir. Its main for and on behalf of T . Editor: purpose is to provide a platform Further information Muslim Jan to the students and scholars to hone their writing abilities and

Write to: Graphics/Layout: to chisel their journalistic skills. Editor, Aga Shahi Media Education Research Centre, The journal builds necessary University of Kashmir, Student Editor: confidence in them to take on -190006 the future responsibilities as e-mail: Nazir, Afshan, Arshie, Marouf, Sumaiya and Nisar [email protected], conscious media practitioners in [email protected] the society.

All the contributions are the students/scholars of Mass Communication and Journalism at MERC KU. Opinions, views, reports & essays in this issue do not necessarily represent the views of the faculty of MERC. The author are solely responsible for the facts stated including the source of the information and references. The Editor or the centre is not responsible for any kind of plagiarism.



am glad to know that the Media Education Research Centre is bringing out another issue of its magazine Media Times Media has assumed a central role in our lives. It not Ionly keeps us updated on day-to-day happenings around the world, but also acts as an educator on a variety of issues ranging from politics to society to academics to science and technology etc. It is in this context that media education plays a vital role where our youngsters shall be groomed up as professional media personnel and taught the best of skills and theory. Our University’s Education Research Centre needs to keep up its pace with rest of the media education institutions in the counrtry and abroad and the University is committed to support its academic and research endeavours. The present day media does question the mightiest, the powerful and all those who matter and at times makes them accountable and answerable to the common man. But on the other hand some, with vested interests are behaving as law unto themselves and try to polarise the society on flimsy issues. Such trend in media is ofcourse dangerous and fraught with consequences which needs to be discouraged. I sincerely hope that the students who will opt Journalism as profession, after they passout from our Universtiy will play their role in minimising this negative trend of the present day media. I wish the Department very best and congratulate the Editor, Staff and Contributors of Media Times for bringing out another issue of this magazine.

Prof. Khurshid I. Andrabi



risp. Mint fresh. And a whiff of that almost wet ink. As I turn the pages of this issue, it is the same old feeling again. And yet again. Adrenaline gushing through my Cbody. Chemistry changing my system. A sense of achievement and pride runs through the corridors of MERC. The lecture halls breathe it. The walls exhale it. P.R.I.D.E. Gosh, what a ride! Wow, what a kick it has been! Every year as the term ends, MEDIA TIMES is published. It reassures me that Faruq, don’t be sad. Don’t be worried that these cubs are going out into that mad, mad, beastly world where they will be devoured by Media Moghuls. Harsh realities of life will crush them. They will be intimidated. Bullied. And asked to surrender their academic ethics and values that they have earned with their blood and sweat. Then I see a student winking at me and asking, “Sir, MEDIA Times dekha. Meri byline kaisi lagi?” They are all going out in search of that most magical byline that charts a course for them in mediascape. Faruq, I am not scared any more.

Faruq Masudi



n this post colonial era, the words like conflict, war, violence, clashes, and skirmishes are not new. Every day we Icome across these words in the media. As such, the question arises as to what is the duty of a journalist? Is it reporting the horrors of war and violence? And creating culture of mistrust? The pen, when in the hands of wise, should offer a peaceful solution to confusions. These hands produce a sentiment filled with enchantment for the desperate and oppressed. The choice is either to join the chorus of chest-thumping outrage against the enemy or else to tell the story of war in such a way that makes us value peace. These tricky options are difficult to answer, but people today need peace more than anything. The emerging world scenario, with too much discontent and disgruntlement, requires an unswerving escort towards a concept that can eliminate the misery of people. Thus, all journalism schools need to incorporate peace journalism in their curriculum. Peace journalism is when editors and reporters make choices- of what stories to report, and how to report them, which create opportunities for society at large to consider and value non-violent responses to conflict. Peace journalism is supposed to use conflict analysis and transformation to update the concepts of balance, fairness and accuracy. Peace journalism approach provides new road map, tracing the connections between journalists, their sources, the stories they cover and the consequences of their reporting and the ethics of journalistic intervention. It applies an awareness of non-violence and creativity to the practical reporting everyday. As it is said that there is no war that can end all the wars, it is time we think how to gather the entire positive minds, create a culture of trust and work together for peace. Peace that will be the upshort of pen in collaboration with wisdom, not violence. There is growing recognition among policy makers and conflict management experts that the media should act as a building block in creating culture of trust for sustained peace building strategies. We at Media Education Research Centre (MERC) are attempting to produce quality journalists, ready to the field with the sense of strengthening the culture of trust and to report for peace. We are attempting at training them to be responsible citizens who can bring about a positive change in the society with their better reporting skills. In fact, MERC has a history of producing reporters, editors and writers for the media industry both in the state as well as outside. Many of our alumni have proved their mettle in the field, negotiating outstandingly between the professional constraints and conflict pressures. Media Times has been a platform to allow our students experiment with their expression, within the creative domain of professionalism. Continuing with mission, this issue of Media Times has tried to infuse the concept of power of pen among the students. It is another endeavour targeted at encouraging them to be pro-active and perceptive with such school of thought.

Muslim Jan



famous English proverb says, Sakeena comes from the eastern state of “Home is where heart is.” It’s a Jharkhand. Living in urban area of Srinagar, place where family is, a place is agreeable for her, back in Jharkhand, that makes one feel safe and her house, she says, lacks windows, water Aloved. A space where one shares sorrows supply and electricity. She is even ready to Arshie Qureshi and joys. However, many of us move out accept the distance from her family as her of our zones of comfort to make a living. obligation to be able to earn for them. For most of Some move out willingly while others like Sakeena hardly manages to make any us, pay day Sakeena, a teenage domestic worker from money she can keep for herself. She is is a day of Jharkhand, get compelled by circumstances. not lucky enough to see her money being celebration. Sakeena Bano was introduced as a full time handed to her. She only hears either from For Sakeena, domestic maid to a family in Jawahar Nagar a member of the family where she works or that is not the in 2009. She was barely 16 then. She does from the man who introduced her to the case. not remember her exact age but from her family, that her salary of Rs 2000 has been looks one can assume that she’s in her early accounted. Of this ‘meagre’ salary of Rs twenties now. She is responsible for every 2000, Sakeena has to pay Rs 1,100 as school domestic chore in the three storey house fees and other monthly expenses of her from cleaning floors to cooking to buying three young sisters, Rs 1,500 on medicines utilities for the household. for her ailing mother and a blind sister; 



Rs 2,000 on household items like electricity the process of getting maids here and dealing bill and rent, and Rs 1,500 rupees on monthly with any issues concerning them, costs them groceries, back home in Jharkhand. more than what they earn from the business. If that’s summed up, she has a monthly He denied sharing any data on the number of shortfall of approximately Rs 4,100. However, employees he had brought in here or the data “This gap is filled by my sisters and mother, who on wages. The manager of the company denied take on stitching and embroidery work. They any allegations of swindling with the funds have kept a small fridge, back home, where they received from the family and what’s being freeze tiny lollies to sell to the neighbourhood sent to Sakeena’s family in Jharkhand. He had children for Rs1 or 2 each,” says Sakeena. allegedly threatened her of termination when For most of us, pay day is a day of celebration. she demanded a hike in the salary. For Sakeena, that is not the case. The state, as of now, does not recognize “Perhaps, people get happy the day they domestic help as an organized work sector. receive their salary but for me, there is little There is no data available with the state reason to celebrate. I am told that the money regarding the number of local or non-local has reached the family but that’s never the full domestic maids in Kashmir.Being a part of amount. That’s anything ranging between Rs informal work sector, no set wages norms are 800- 2000 and never more than that,” she adds. followed. The payments are made through The monthly wages of these domestic helps bank transfers. have been set so low, and so arbitrarily, that Assistant Commissioner Labour, Srinagar, they are inappropriate, although due to rising Sanjay Kumar Bhat says that the department demand, the households seeking domestic doesn’t differentiate between a local and a non- help are ready to pay more than the minimum local domestic maid. They also get left out in wages maids get when employed statistics. However, Sanjay does not via a registered agency. The family deny their increasing presence and where Sakeena works claims to Distress migration their exploitation at the hands of be paying a total of Rs 4,500 per puts the migrant, brokers. “It always happens when month to her. The payment is made often illiterate, there is a middleman involved. through the man who brought her at the mercy of They have to have their share, fairly here. According to them, they had human traffickers, or unfairly.” also paid a sum of Rs 10,000 when assorted middle The sector also remains outside she was initially brought here. men/ agents. In any legal regulations. Domestic It is no coincidence that so many the absence of work is excluded from the central of the domestic workers in the any regulation, list of scheduled employments state are from the most backward the young girls under the Minimum Wages Act of regions and communities. It is are vulnerable to 1948. It is not covered under either one thing to migrate to a city exploitation every the Payment of Wages Act (1936) seeking better opportunities. It is step of the way or the Workmen’s Compensation something else to be forced out of Act (1923) or the Contract Labour your village by economic hardship. (Regulation and Abolition) Act Distress migration puts the (1970) or the Maternity Benefit migrant, often illiterate, at the mercy of human Act (1961).The domestic workers bill which traffickers, assorted middle men/ agents. In the attempts to provide security to domestic absence of any regulation, the young girls are workers was stalled in 1990 and then again in vulnerable to exploitation every step of the way. 1996. In the draft presented to Government According to a registered staff placement of in 2010 by the National Commission agency operating from Tulsi Bagh, around for Women (NCW), the state of and 7,000 families look for household helps in Kashmir was excluded. Srinagar at any point of time and 80% of This is just one story. There are hundreds of households demand a female worker. Most thousands of people like Sakeena across the state, of these agencies operate in association with barely managing to make ends meet. And in that agencies in other states across India. The man pursuit, they lose all their freedom as Sakeena says “I who runs the agency that brought Sakeena feel like a beggar even though I earn money. I cannot here has been doing this business for nearly a even make frequent call to my family or visit them decade. He, not agreeing to be named, said that more than twice a year as per the contract.” ©


WE STILL ARE NOT AWARE OF THE MAGNITUDE OF DAMAGE. THE FLOOD LEVEL WAS AROUND 15 FEET WHICH NOT ONLY DAMAGED THE PRODUCTS BUT ALSO AFFECTED THE SHOPS. CRAVING FOR RESTORATION Shawls, Suits, Saries, Ferans, Bed covers made from the fabric of woolen, cotton and silk. Recalling the old times, Shabir says, International as well as national tourists would come to purchase the products. “We also supplied products to places like Delhi, Kolkata and Hyderabad. Apart from that, the dealers would come to sell the shawls outside Kashmir.” Shawls are mostly preffered by the tourists. Products like Kani Shawl/ Kani loom-woven shawls, also known as Tiliwalla, Tilikar or Kani Kar) cost upto Rs 80,000. has variable rates and can cost between a few thousand and several lakh rupees, depending on the size and workmanship. Tusha and wool are the other products sold. Kani shawl is woven by using small ‘wooden spokes’ in the place of a shuttle ( tool used in weaving) as in a traditional loom. These spokes are called Tujii or Kani locally. he Government Central Market (GCM) Kani shawl has been historically produced from has been in a ‘bad state’ since Sept fine hand spun Pashmina and shahtoos fibres. floods. Though 80 per cent of the contemporary Kani Located in the summer capital of shawls continue to be produced out of fine hand Tthe state, this traditional market comprises of spun fibres of Pashmina. over 130 shops dealing with handicrafts, dry Of 130 shops in GCM, some shopkeepers have fruits and jewelry. suffered huge losses, and to make their ends Sheikh Shabir Ahmed, owner of Para Shawl meet, some have left their shops and are working House in the market is quite concerned over the as salesmen in other shops, says Shabir. issue. He and his fellow marketters have incurred “Though there is an exhibition going on but we huge losses, and haven’t had any tourists visiting havent seen any customers. This year’s exhibition Sarvat Nabi the place, this year. is only for 15 days unlike previous years when it Shabir decided to join his family business at went on for 2 months,” says Nisar. Shawls are mostly the age of 14, and continues to run it. The shop was When asked about the most difficult time s preffered by the set up by his grandfather during Maharajas time, between 1990s to 2014, Shabir said, “We still are tourists. Products like Kani Shawl and Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad, former Chief not aware of the magnitude of damage. The flood (Kani loom-woven Minister Kashmir, concretized the structures level was around 15 feet which not only damaged shawls are also during his tenure. the products but also affected the shops. The called tiliwalla, tilikar “It was a designated site for the purchase damaged products are not resalable. The loss or kani kar) costs of the original and pure fabric. Every product incurred cannot be estimated,” he said. upto rs 80,000. had a price mark and the price rates were same The 1990s period was harsh but the throughout the market,” says Shabir. marketers started again to survive. Regular checks maintained transparency of “This time the situation is completely different. the working system and originality of products, There is no hope and no place where we can he added. borrow. Even if we borrow we are not certain if we Para Shawl House deals in products like can repay it,” said the marketers. ©


HE FOUND HIMSELF IMPRISONED IN A WORLD OF HIS OWN AS IF A WALL OF GLASS STOOD BETWEEN HIM AND THE REST. HE WISHED TO RUN AND PLAY WITH OTHERS BUT ALWAYS FOUND HIMSELF CAGED. BOY WITH IRON WILL asir, a 13 year old boy is a ‘specially of blood and tears started streaming down abled’ child born with only one her cheeks-tears of happiness. According to leg. He was the first child of his Yasir’s mother, that was the first time when parents and there were some Yasir had started to move or crawl, which Ycomplications at the time of his birth. was the happiest moment for her. Yasir’s parents consulted many doctors Now, Yasir is 13 years old with a strong and specialists but all of them declared him will, and a lion’s courage. He is in 7th a ‘hopeless’ case. But Yasir’s mother didn’t standard. Every day early in the morning he accept their version. She was sure and had full wakes up, prays and have breakfast. Yasir gets faith that her son was physically challenged ready for school with enthusiasm and energy. but mentally he was fine. He combs his hair looking at his image in His mother took an important decision the mirror. He puts his foot in his shoe, of taking the matter into her own hands erecting himself between the crutches and and decided to treat Yasir at par with other leaves for the school. He goes to the school healthy children. Yasir’s mother was slowly, every day by his lone foot on his crutches, patiently pulling down the wall of separation walking miles, playing games. He loves to that seemed to thrust itself between Yasir and do all exercises in the morning assembly other children. Yasir’s mother decided that Yasir won’t be considered as a queer one to be pitied only, but as an important member of the family like others. This momentous decision of his mother brought colours in shaping his life. There is no doubt that Yasir is surrounded by a loving family whose warmth and affection he always enjoyed, yet his helplessness and dependence on others Samiullah Khan made him feel lonely, separated and cut off in the school, by standing on his crutches from others. He found himself imprisoned with determination. Being a handicap never It is not only in a world of his own as if a wall of glass hampered or impeded his strong will. He is Yasir’s own stood between him and the rest. He wished the brightest and most intelligent boy of his will power and cherished desire to run and play with others but always found class. He is a favourite student of his teachers to accomplish himself caged. and topping the class has become his usual the impossible Yasir’s mother worked hard and took all practice now. but also his pains to prove his one footed son had the It is not only Yasir’s own will power and mother’s faith in playing, walking and learning capabilities. cherished desire to accomplish the impossi- him. On fine day when Yasir turned five, he ble, but also his mother’s faith in him. Her dragged himself out from the cradle and resolve to help him, and encouragement, in crawled like a turtle. He rolled himself to particular has helped Yasir to open the doors reach to his mother, who was busy in the for his freedom. Yasir finds his mother as a kitchen. On seeing her child crawling, she source of inspiration and strength which froze for a moment. Blushed with the rush shaped and embellishes his life to come.©



nvironmental pollution needs no parts of the world. introduction nowadays as one can It was most popular for its comfortable see polluted air and water bodies all houseboats, lovely Shikaras and clear water. around us. Water pollution has been Surrounded by breath-taking snow-clad Erising since industrial revolution of Europe mountains, its beauty was further enhanced. and has been a topic of huge discussions and Though the lake is still there as it was, it has lost debates for past many decades.Today, you need it’s charm. This clear and pure lake has been not be an environmentalist to declare that our polluted upto its brim. water bodies are turning into garbage dumps. Soil erosion and effluents have damaged its Water Pollution has been markedly noticed beauty. One has to face a lot of difficulty in in Kashmir, a place known for its natural beauty moving through the dense aquatic weeds and worldwide. One is proud to be associated with accumulated filth in the water. Obnoxious such a beautiful and lovely valley. But are we weeds have covered this lake to a large extent. rightfully the citizens of this Valley? Someone The growing human activities around the has rightly referred to it as a “Paradise- lake have further added to its woes. Lethal yesterday, Hell-today” valley. Lakes and rivers industrial wastes dumped into lake have lead have always remained the centre of attraction to unhindered growth of weeds. As a result in the capital of this beautiful Valley- Srinagar. the aquatic life of wular has been damaged. was Asia’s largest fresh-water lake “We approached all concerned quarters in the with an area of 225 sq. km, now reduced to government that they should stop dumping mere 24 sq. km, It plays a significant role in the garbage in the water body, but nobody paid a hydrographic system of and act heed to our pleas,” said a group of locals. as a huge absorption basin for the annual flood People in it’s neighboring villages said that waters. Wular with its extensive surrounding the lake is fast deteriorating. “Illegal dumping marshes is the natural habitat for wild life. It is of waste has ruined it,” said a local environment also an important fish resource, accounting for activist, Mubashir Sareer. about 60 percent of the total fish production In 1950’s, bunds were constructed along this in the state.This lake lies between and lake to prevent floods. Unfortunately, this affected Bandipora. It has been among those lakes the confluence of Jhelum with Wular. Silt was which would attract tourists from different dumped straight into the lake body, leading to the creation of many sand bars. The number of Wild ducks, Cranes, Geese and other aquatic birds decreased. Another factor affecting it adversely is the load of silt that is brought to it by the River Jhelum from the Southern part of the Valley. This increases its water level and affects the houses and Gazanfar colonies surrounding it. This sweet water lake is shrinking at a Wular Lake was Asia’s largest fast pace. Thus, the lake, which is declared fresh-water lake as the wetland of global importance, seems with an area of to be dying. 225 sq. km, now The wetland area surrounding the lake reduced to mere body and in the adjacent area was 66.45sq 24 sq. km. km and 58.67 sq km respectively in 1911 (Survey of India map) out of which we have lost 54.97sq km in and around the Wular Lake and 41 sq km in its surrounding marshes to Agriculture/Horticulture and plantation etc during the past 100 years. 


The Union Ministry of Environment lake. Any illegal encroachment, in and and Forests has banned industrial activity around the lake, should be reported. around this lake. This is an appreciative step If we make sincere efforts to keep the taken by the Government, but it would go a water body clean, we can witness the long way in preventing the death of Wular rebirth of our beautiful lake. Against Lake if it is implemented. These issues are conflict, we have to develop harmony not to be left to a few environmentalists or with nature. The partner organisation to the concerned authorities only, but we South Asian Voluntary Association of have to pitch in to help them improve our Environmentalists (SAVE) is a joined Lake. initiative of individuals with the aim to We have to make positive efforts to protect the ecology and to conserve the conserve and clean our limited water nature at Wular Lake. If we treat nature resources. People are to be educated and well, nature will treat us well in return. made aware of the plight of this lake. It all depends on the attitude and habits Garbage is not to be dumped into the cultivated by us. © LEFT BY LOCALS GRABBED BY NON-LOCALS MOST OF THE NON-LOCAL WORKERS ARE FROM UTTAR PRADESH, BIHAR, BENGAL AND OTHER NORTH INDIAN STATES.

quatting on the streets leading to the and repair our homes, collect garbage, and so Hawal chowk in downtown area of on. The impact of non-Local workers on our Srinagar, with their concrete mixing society is such that we hardly see any Kashmiri machines, painting, masonry and barber existing in market. Where ever you go, Scarpentry equipment, a large number of non you would always find a non-local dressing local workers can be seen looking for work hair of the local people. in the wee hours every day .With such a large Most of the non-local workers are from number of non local workers assembling at the Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Bengal and other North chowk, the local people have given another Indian states. Some non local workers have name to it — they call it ‘Biharee Chowk’. been doing business here for the last 20 years Kashmir had its own carpenters, masons, and they have even got their families to settle labourers, barbers etc., as most of the people here in Kashmir. The main reason behind the here would do their work themselves. But influx of these non-locals may be the high Kashmir is now losing its traditional business wages, favourable climatic conditions and Junaid Rafiq because of the disinterest shown by the locals work opportunities that Kashmir presents here for these kind of professions. Though them. As per census there are local masons, carpenters, labourers Mohd Toyab (30), hails from the state of 2011, Kashmir still present in our society today but they Bihar, has been coming to Kashmir for the last valley’s population constitute of a very small percentage. We seven years now. “I was a young boy when I has increased are losing our local skilled and unskilled came to Kashmir for the first time in search of to around 70 resources, the way we are gradually losing our work. I earn and save more here in Kashmir lakh and total art and culture. And this all is due to unabated than what I used to save in Bihar. The daily population of non locals is believed influx of non local workers in Kashmir. These expenditure here is less and wages are higher to be around 5-6 non local workers have been coming to than what they are back home.” lakhs. Kashmir since decades and the trend is rising Most of the non local workers usually day by day. work seasonally in summer and then migrate Over the years they have made a strong to other northern states of India like Delhi or base in the local labour market. From selling Punjab in winters. fried eatables on the roadside, they polish and “Due to the harsh winter conditions here, mend our shoes, work in our fields, construct I go to Delhi in search of work. I go 


back during winters and then return during difficult. These beggars mostly include children and summers,” says Toyab. they keep asking for alms everywhere in the city. It A research done by the Sociology Department of is these beggars and other non locals who do minor the Kashmir University has found that non locals jobs here, who are involved in erecting slums. The spent not more than 20 per cent of their incomes in mushrooming of slum colonies housing hundreds of the valley. This way they not only have replaced and non locals is fast becoming a disturbing trend in the rendered locals jobless but, are talking away capital valley. from the state and are contributing to their own Also some of the non local workers are even states. involved in heinous crimes that happen in the valley. The non locals are also believed to be the cause of Tabinda Gani, a 14 year old girl who was brutally communicable diseases. Medicos here believe that gang raped and murdered in 2007 was one of the the non hygienic living pattern of non local workers first incidents of crime reported from Kashmir valley spreads communicable and infectious diseases. In involving non-locals. the summer of 2012, a report prepared on the survey As per census 2011, Kashmir valley’s population has conducted by the J&K AIDS Control Society revealed increased to around 70 lakh and total population of non that non locals contribute to deadly HIV spread in locals is believed to be around 5-6 lakhs. It means that Kashmir. Interestingly there are statistics that supports for every 14 locals, there is one non local in Kashmir. the above study. Some law experts of valley believe that the abolishment Not only this, the non locals have created a of formal permit system that was mandatory for non- serious issue of beggary. The unabated influx of state subjects to enter J&K, is one of the main reasons beggars from outside Kashmir is a cause of concern behind uncontrolled influx of non local workers inside for local population. It has made the lives of local’s the state. ©


ulaikha, a Bakarwal (nomad) Murtaza. Her only son passed away woman has been traversing all during her infancy. her life from in Jammu When asked about her relatively hard to the beautiful mountain life, she gave a wide smile that deepened Zpeaks in Kashmir. Although, she does the wrinkles across her cheeks. “I am not know her exact age because no thankful to God for whatever He has one has kept any record of it, Zulaikha blessed me. This is the way our Prophet seems to be in her fifties. She does not (PBUH) spent his life, so for me this know where she was born. She might hardship is a blessing,” she said. Afshan Rashid have been just five years old when her Her day starts at five in the morning mother passed away. by offering prayers (Namaz), preparing In these two days, I The wrinkles across her face reflect tea for the entire family and then the developed an her struggle throughout her life. regular chores, preparing lunch and emotional bond Her life is a representation, a window dinner. Zulaikha’s elder daughter Hafiza with Zulaikha into the lives of thousands of other has a son and she lives in a nearby who I used to Bakarwal women. As per Zulaikha, tent. Her second daughter Nasira got call, “Maayee”, she was in her early 20’s when she got married recently and is now expecting and a soft corner married to Younis Khan. Today, she a baby. By the time of her delivery, she for Nasira. has three daughters Hafiza, Nasira, will be up in the Himalayan ranges Shahnaz and a grandson Gulam and without any medical assistance, 


her child will be born in the traditional which we call home. My home has no way He/She will breathe in the fresh boundaries as yours. Our life is just like and clean air of . those birds that keep on flying endlessly The desire of discovering how they and explore every bit of nature.” spend their life made me spend three Of course, there are problems we days with Zulaikha. Apparently the life face while travelling. Particularly, of Bakarwals seem so simple to us, but when we have to pass through the city this is not the case at all. There life is full or some village, we face scarcity of of struggles at every stage. water and there is no access to proper Zulaikha has been travelling for more washrooms. But once we reach into than a month now. As she unfolds her the high mountains the nature has lot journey, she tells me, “It has been more of space to welcome us and there is no than a month now that I am travelling dearth of water,” she further said. with my family. I am familiar with “In the meadows, we have a small steeps, terrains and plains that I have house made of mud and wood. We traversed all through my life.” have made temporary washrooms There I stopped her and asked, don’t there, so staying there is not a problem these high peaks scare you? Again, her and we take a lot of food stock along. sweet smile popped and she said, “No We mostly eat wild vegetables. Those why should they? I have been brought are pure, tasty and good for health.” up in their lap, I have played in their As she kept on describing how life is arms and they have given me a space really like in the lap of nature, the 


thought of Nasira being pregnant stuck the air was fresh and I was moving my mind, I was still wondering about towards them. I could see that there how she would become a mother were no more tents and they had without any medical aid. But deep in packed all their stuff and were loading my heart, I found myself praying for it on horses. As I reached closer, they her well being. all smiled. I guess they smiled because It has been two days since I they did not expect that I would really met them. Tomorrow, early in the come in the morning or may be by now morning they will be leaving and they also had developed an emotional their next stay will be in Naranag. In bond with me. these two days, I developed an I had brought a Shawl for emotional bond with Zulaikha. I used Maayee for I never wanted to let to call her “Maayee”. I had deveoped a her go empty handed. As I gifted it soft corner for Nasira. I wanted to tell to her, she smiled. This smile was a her how brave she was and I wanted to different one, it was a simple smile give her something so that she would full of emotions. I felt her smile remember me. I took out my sweater was giving me a million blessings. and gifted it to her, given her stay in And now, it was the time they the cold upper reaches. I made Nasira had to leave and as they started promise that once they return she travelling I accompanied them for would meet me again. a few miles after which I stopped as This is the third and final day. I met I had to take a right turn towards Maayee as she will be leaving today; my home and they went straight. I went early in the morning to see I waited till they disappeared from her off. The road was clear, no traffic, my sight. ©

THEE SULTAN CHOO LATER ON BECAME INSTRUMENTAL IN SPREADING IN THE REGION. KARGIL: REVERBERATING PEACE ocated at a distance of 204 km’s from Srinagar in the West, and 234 km’s from Leh in the East, Kargil is the second largest urban centre of Ladakh. The town lies along the rising hillsides of the lower Suru Basin. Kargil is famous Lfor the fine apricots grown here. In May, the entire countryside Suhaib Mansur becomes awash with fragrant white apricot blossoms, while in August, the ripening fruit lends it an orange hue. Though I was The last year’s September (2014) deluge disturbed peace of my leaving this mind. I needed something that would refresh me and bring back beautiful place, the lost peace and calmness. Being a travel buff, I like venturing I knew the into different places to change my mood. Having mostly travelled memories would in the plains and the tourist resorts of Kashmir Valley, this time I always stay with me. decided to venture further to the Himalayas. Since I had a close friend from Kargil, I decided to travel with him to his native place. I had never been to Kargil before, but the only image of this place was that of war zone. I was sceptical for a moment, that it may not be a very exciting adventure. However, after my visit my earlier image of the place changed. We started our journey in the 


month of October, a month of transition The river was pristine and its flow serene. in Kashmir, when cold winds start blowing The music created by its flow touched my and trees shed their golden leaves to heart. welcome the long winter in Kashmir. Next morning we decided to explore We set out for Kargil early in the Kargil. Our first destination was Sankoo morning at 6.00 am with our travel valley, a picturesque and beautiful village bags. We travelled through the beautiful at a distance of 40 kms from Kargil meadows of Sonmarg, breath-taking pass town. We boarded a bus and left towards of Zoljila, the cold and chilly Drass until Sankoo, passing through mighty barren we finally reached Kargil at 4.00 pm in the mountains along the flow of Suru. We evening. reached there after two hours. The valley During my journey to Kargil, I saw a was such a beautiful place. The whole beautiful, clear and serene river flowing. I area was surrounded by mountains asked my friend for it’s name. He replied,” and in the middle of the valley flows It is the river Suru, the soul of Kargil. Suru the river Suru making it a perfect place derives its source from the Penzila glacier.” for outing. Later on we left to Sankoo After that we set out for his home which was market for Lunch. We ordered Momos in a nearby local village along this beautiful (a type of dumpling filled with meat river. I was very warmly welcomed at my and eaten with a variety of sauces) and friend’s home. I was served with some the delicious local noodle soup called local snacks and “Gurgur tea”, a drink made Thukpa. While having our lunch, we from tea leaves, butter, water and salt. The made next plan to visit another village tea tasted very similar to our traditional called Barsoo which was at a distance of Noonchai (salt tea). After taking some rest two kms from Sankoo market. The main I shared my wish, to spend sometime near attraction of that place was a 47 feet tall the river, with my friend. Buddha sculpture engraved in a 


hillock which is around 1000 years old, and Chiktan and Sodh area. My friend narrated an old castle which belonged to the Karchay an interesting story about this castle. Kingdom and is known as Karchay Khar. The main Architect of this castle, As we reached this small village, we Shinkhan Chandan was brought from travelled some distance and passed through Baltistan. It took him 12 years to construct a stream and behind a small hillock an the castle. The day when the castle was amazing 47 feet tall Myatri Buddha statue constructed, the king wanted to give him a welcomed us. It was revealed to me by my reward but minister denied this proposal by friend that in earlier times was saying that it would be better to cut of his prominent in the region. Moving ahead hand so that he won’t duplicate the beauty we saw a ruined site of a castle. I asked my again. Somehow the architect’s wife came to friend about the history of this castle. My know about this plan. She sent a message to friend said it is known as Karchay Khar and Chandan, who was in Baltistan, revealing it belonged to the Karchay dynasty ruled King’s plan. He waited for some months by Namgyla dynasty. The Namgyal dynasty and when he came back, he removed one of ruled upon the half of the Kargil during the blocks of wood on which the upper two 16th century and one of the prince married stories of castle were standing, leading to a muslim princess of Baltistan named Rgyal the distortion of castle, and with the passage Khatoon. The princess had agreed upon one of time it turned into a ruin. Now it is only a condition to marry: their son will practise piece of heritage. Islam as his religion. The son was named On the final day, I roamed through Thee Sultan Choo and later on he became Kargil town, tasted local cuisines,

instrumental in spreading Islam in the street food, bought some Apricots region. and visited Central Asian Museum. After a tiring and eventful day we reached On the morning of the fourth day, we back to our place and planned for the next started our journey back from Kargil day. The next day we decided to travel to Kashmir. Though I was leaving this Chiktan village, some 70 kms from Kargil at beautiful place, I knew the memories Leh National Highway. would always stay with me. I realised We started our journey in the morning that it was not an ordinary journey into and reached there at noon. Chiktan village the unknown, but through the spirit of is famous for a 15th century castle known Kargil I was trying to explore myself. as Chiktan Razey Khar. The castle was The culture, heritage, hospitality and constructed by Tsering Malik a descendent rich tradition of this place will always of Thatha Khan dynasty which ruled over remain fresh in my mind. ©



armukh Mount is one of the ble expedition. highest peak in Kashmir valley. Peter Gran, an alpinist from Canada, With the peak elevation of 5142 who was at the Gangabal base camp said, meters(16870 ft). It is located “I have heard much about moun- Hin district of North Kashmir, a tains and in future I am planning to scale part of Himaliyan range in North West of the peak. Adventure sports have lot of scope Kashmir. It is located between River Sindh here. Kashmir is gifited with numerous eye on Northern side and River Neelum of the cathing mountains. Government provides Southern side. lot of support back there in Canada. Here A view from the glorious Harmukh peak government should also promote adven- presents a vast serene landscape. Eight ture sports, which can also boost adventure Idrees Ahmed alpine lakes lie in the lap of this mountain. tourism in Kashmir”. One can experience calm, isolation and After 25 years of gap, Mountain Harmuk After 25 years of adventure on glorious peak. The summit was scaled by members of of JKHMC gap, Mountain provides a magnificent view of different (Jammu and Kashmir Mountaineering and Harmuk was mountain ranges especially Nanga Parbat. Hiking club) on 11th June 2015 .The team scaled by First ascent on Harmuk peak was comprising of seven members was led by members of of JKHMC (Jammu made by Thomas Montgomery in 1856. Khursheed Lagroo, a senior hiker. They and Kashmir Thomas Montgomery was head of the great climbed via Arin route Bandipora. It took Mountaineering trigonometric survey. After him many them four days to reach the summit. They and Hiking club) expeditions were made on the peak. It is collected important data in terms of GPS on 11th June believed that Harmuk is the peak where (Global Positioning System) routes and 2015 . from world’s second highest peak K2 was photographs. discovered. Moazam Khan, an alpinist from Kashmir There are many routes to mount Har- who recently scaled Harmukh with JKHMC mukh of which Arin, Bandipora is con- is joyous after summiting the peak. While sidered to be the easiest one. For adventure talking to Media Times about present lovers, Naranag route can be a memora- conditions of Harmuk he said, 


“The peak is so beautiful that it can’t tourism is one our top priorities and be summed up in words. The present we provide every type of support to conditions of peak is very different JKHMC. We provide them almost all from past expeditions. Lot of cornices the the resources and I assure alpinists (overhanging hard snow on edge of of the valley that every support will be mountains) and crevasses (deep open provided to them in terms of equipments crack in glaciers) were found near the and other needed resources”. main peak, which makes hiking a bit Harmukh peak is considered to difficult”. be sacred mountain for . It is Khursheed Lagroo, who headed believed to be abode of ‘Lord’ Shiva. This the JKHMC team to Harmuk said, year after the gap of about one century “Mouniannerring is one of the sports pilgrimage to mountain Harmukh in advanture sports but we don’t have resumed. much as compared to other adventure The famous Sufi saint of Kashmir sports like Skiing and Rafting. Indian Shamas-Faqir (1843-1906 C.E) Mountainring Fountandation provide complemented mount Harmukh in these s us funds and sometimes JK tourism beautiful lines “Zaan’e w’ale kar zaanee department sponsors our expeditions yaar, harmukh vi’che deadaar, pard’e but we are not provided with abundant zaal aaz dard- de nazar,harmukh vi’chu resources like Tents, Roaps, Ladders, deedar”(seeker of truth knows the truth, Jamour and Icepitions etc. turn to Harmukh and see, burn the Vail, When contacted, Jammu and Kashmir today on the fire ,turn to Harmukh and Director Tourism, he said, “Adventure see). ©



rchery is a traditional and customary game of Ladakh that was introduced by the Ladakhi Kings in Ancient ages. It Murtaza Fazily strictly belonged to Royals at that time as they introduced it therein. Gradually people start The department of A ed to adopt this game. With the course of time it youth services and sports is also trying became a part of their life. Due to the influence and to promote this trade contact with the central Asian countries the game on district game became popular in Ladakh. March marks the and state level advent of the game as it is played to welcome the from many years. melting of snow in the region. Ladakh is a birth place for different ethnic tribes. The faces and physique of the Ladakhis and the clothes they wear, are more akin to those of Tibet and Central Asia. The original population may have been Dards, an Indo-Aryan race down from the Indus and the area. But 


immigration from Tibet, perhaps a millennium a winner and their is call for celebration. The or so ago, largely overwhelmed the culture winner has to slaughter a sheep or a goat and of the Dards and obliterated their racial distribute among the fellow players to celebrate characteristics. The people of Ladakh, by and the win. Apart from the traditional value of the large, exhibit a natural love for culture, which game, several archery contests are held in the is freely seen by the region’s ancient traditions. spring season on village and district level. During Summers, Archery festivals are held Mohd Haneef, hails from Kargil town and in Leh and its surrounding villages with a lot has been playing Archeryt from last seven of fun and fanfare. All surrounding villages years. Sharing his experience he said, “From send their teams to compete in the events. The early childhood, i was attracted to this game sport itself is conducted with strict etiquette, and have won various Archery contests for my to the accompaniment of the music of Surna village at district level. The game brings out and Daman (oboe and drum). As important the best person out of me and it’s my passion”. as the sport itself are the interludes of dancing Adding more he said, “The players here have and other entertainment. Chang-the local been talented but hardly any measures are barley beer, flows freely, but there is rarely any taken by the government to nurture it. I want rowdiness. The men can be seen invariably to play on a grand stage like Olympics but right in their traditional dresses and the women now it seems impossible.” wearing their brightest brocade mantles with The department of youth services and their heaviest jewellery. Archery may be the sports is also trying to promote this game on pretext for the gathering, but partying is the district and state level from many years. thing. Mohd Hussain Rehnuma, District Youth On the other hand in Kargil, the archery Services and Sports Officer Kargil, sharing the competitions are more serious and bereft of department’s contribution in promoting the the dancing and music. These competitions game said, “We have put no stone unturned to are held in early Spring, at the time of the draft this game on our sports calender. From thawing of the winter snow and frost. Due to several years we are conducting Archery harsh climatic conditions, the region is cut off competions in Kargil and different teams from the outer world. This game becomes the are participating in it. In August 2015 we best form of entertainmet and recreation for conducted an Archery competition in Kargil, the locals. in which players from Srinagar, Leh and Kargil The target area is raised measuring two participated.” to three feet high from the ground level. The Sharing the department’s achievements he players dressed in the traditional attire Goncha, said,” We have been successful in producing take there aims from a distance of 85 feet to national level sports person from Kargil in this hit their shot. The perfect shot on the target is game, as many of our players including girl’s termed as ‘Bulls Eye’ which fetches 9 points and have participated in National games last year”. the point scale goes on decreasing as the shot is He further said that they are trying their hitted away from the centre of the target. best to give them basic facilities. They are also An age old belief of Ladakhis is that whoever been financially supported, though it is not hits the ‘Bulls Eye’, he will be blessed with a son enough for them. and when the baby is born the proud father Lonchay a vilage in Kargil is famous to will offer sweets and a special white scarf or have skilled craftsmen, those are specialised ‘Khattaks’ will he place on the same target in making traditional bows and arrows. area and whoever will hit the target during Traditionally Scythian bow was made out of the contest he will be declared as a winner and Ibex horn same as the tradional Mangolian will be honoured by wearing the ‘ ‘Khatak’ as bow, but nowadys locals use bows and arrows a mark of respect and gratitude. Meanwhile made up of Bamboo. women play an indirect part in this game. As Normally, a pair of arrows and a single bow, their is set a fake battle between the men and is sold at a price of Rs 1000. The game is not all women, making the game more exciting and about the Ladakhi tradition but it depicts the dramatical. In this men have to influence a influence of Central Asian culture on Ladakh newly wed bride to give him her ‘Melong’ (a as the game is played in countries in several brass piece which was used in ancient days as a central Asian countries like Mangolia and makeup mirror). Tajikistan. The game has a not only a flavour The Melong is then placed on the target and of sport but it is actually carrying in itself the player is supposed to take an aim and grab the old heritage and culture of Ladakh, from the ‘Melong’ . If one succeeds he is declared as thousands of years. ©



teacher fails to write an essay such schools. on cow and solve a 4th grader’s Money is not an issue here. For 24,265 maths problem; the incident schools and 1.43 lakh teachers in J&K, Rs mocks at the entire academic 6000 Crore annual budget is allocated and Astructure of Kashmir. It fittingly explains should be more than enough. But still no the unremitting corruption and lethargy parent prefers a government school for his that has crept into the process of education ward for genuine reasons of poor-quality deliverance in the Valley. With empty minds of education and lack of other facilities. and loaded credentials, the passing of the The biggest employee union of the state buck continues even after discouraging is that of the school teachers. They go on revelations like the recent one. Who to protests to demand sixth pay commission hold accountable? That one teacher who, along with increase in retirement age and like many others, found his way in the the government gives in to their demands. system with ease? Or is it the entire circle Never has this union protested against the of unethical practices carried by a hierarchy dipping standard of education in the state. that has dented the sacred profession of Why will they for most of them are a party imparting knowledge? A colloquial pun to this deterioration although the only Nisar Dharma in Kashmir, when someone fails to achieve sufferers are the students. anything, he becomes a teacher, ironically The government should think about the Money is not an sums up the matter. overall refinement of this choked system issue here. For 24,265 schools Academic incompetency is bound to and take comprehensive steps to make and 1.43 lakh escalate when someone gets paid to do everyone accountable. And opening four teachers in J&K, nothing and is answerable to no one. model schools in Jammu and Srinagar Rs 6000 crore There are government schools in different does not look like a comprehensive step annual budget districts with zero students enrolled. In at all. Giving laptops to the headmasters is allocated and Srinagar, 19 government schools have no won’t help when you have a teacher who should be more student while other districts in Kashmir fares worse than a fourth grader. These than enough. too have zero enrollments - for instance, four schools may attract some privileged there are 12 such schools in , 24 in lot who with the help of their connections , 15 in Kargil and 18 in . would get the best treatment. Rest would In alone, there are 26 such find themselves at the helm of those schools. Meanwhile, in , there are who cannot move beyond cow and basic six while neighbouring Samba has seven maths. ©



n April, 2015, an American national, organization, there have been a total of 420 Warren Weinstein along with an strikes in since 2004 till date. As Italian, Giovanni Lo Porto, taken per the report, 423-965 civilians have been hostage by Al Qaeda were killed in a killed so far in Pakistan. Idrone attack carried out by the United States During Barack Obamas tenure only, in Shawl Valley- in northwest Pakistan. since he took oath on Jan 20 2009, 456 The killing of these two foreign nationals strikes were carried out in all the declared received vast international media coverage warzones of Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, and condemnation from all quarters. The Afghanistan and Somalia, which took lives US President Barack Obama himself offered of 314 civilians, according to Jack Serle’s ‘deep condolences’ and took responsibility report on 2, Feb 2015 and the number is of what he called a ‘counter-terrorism increasing every month. operation’. The recent strike in Pakistan, according “As president and as commander-in- to the organization, was carried out on chief, I take full responsibility for all our 6th August 2015. But the strike like the Muhammad Younis counter-terrorism operations, including previous ones, hardly found space in the one that inadvertently took the lives of international media quite unlike to that of During Barack Warren and Giovanni. I profoundly regret April strike. This kind of indifference on Obamas tenure only, since he took oath what happened. On behalf of the United part of media results into ignorance of the on Jan 20 2009, States government, I offer my deepest people about the civilian causalities caused 456 strikes were apologies to the families,” said the president. by such offensives. The U.S. government carried out. The attack even though is regrettable, almost never publicly acknowledges its role may be viewed as fairly inconsequential in individual drone strikes, and its legal when compared with previous drone justifications for targeting specific people attacks in and around Pakistan. According are shrouded in secrecy. to report by Bureau of Investigative Despite the fact that drone attacks Journalism- London based, not-for-profit jeopardize the lives of civilians 


the percentage of people who support “Living under Drones” has been such strikes is surprisingly higher in extensively studied by the researchers and America, according to PEW- an American have come up with the awful results it nonpartisan fact tank. The reasons for this create on the people of targeted region. The kind of attitude among American people civilian casualties and the psychological could be many: the killing of innocent impact of drone surveillance have shown people in drone strikes is masked; the significant negative implications. pumping of biased stories into people by The findings of these studies have government driven media to justify the shown people living in the drone attacked attacks in the name of ‘Collateral Damage’ zones too terrified even to sleep at night. and invoking public support; the media Symptoms of anxiety and emotional highlights the issue of civilian killings only trauma is caused by the constant noise when the western national is involved as of drones flying over. Physical illness happened in the April strike and backing ranging from headache to heart attacks off in the rest. All these reasons put curtain and even suicides. Most kids no longer on the people’s sense of justice. attend schools in Waziristan- a drone A national survey was conducted by attacked site, according to Reprieve- UK the PEW from May 12-18 among 2002 based, non-profit group. People avoid people with different age groups, gender daily activities such as grocery shopping, and education. The research found out 58 farming, and driving for fear of drone percent of the people support the idea of strikes. To get away from the danger, bombarding the areas of Pakistan, Somalia, people immigrate to other countries and Yemen and Iraq, where the government consequently rendered homeless. speculate the presence of militants. Only Drones hover for all day long over these 38 percent of the respondents disapproved warzone communities, striking homes, this idea. vehicles, and public spaces without warning. No law in the world grants right to Those living under drones have to face the kill an innocent person. The Geneva constant worry that a deadly strike may be Conventions, Protocol II, forbids attacks fired at any moment. The knowledge that on civilians and on objects indispensable they are powerless to protect themselves, to civilian survival such as crops, irrigation and the more unfortunate truth that they system or drinking water sources, cultural can’t even turn towards someone for help objects and places of worship. Even for the as the ‘saviors’ are the actual culprits. incriminated person, the conventions call This hopelessness and fear has affected for proof before determining him guilty. behavior. The psychologists believe that And only after the crime is ascertained, people who have experienced such things, “you are supposed to take them prisoner they don’t trust people; they have anger, a as a first resort and not killing them first”, desire for revenge. it says. When non-combatants either from The drones don’t see who is on the western nations or other areas are attacked, opposite end. Evidences are enough that it is deplorable, but to open up against these even rescuers weren’t spared at times. So attacks exclusively is even more appalling the humanitarian workers are either afraid and unfortunate. When the media and or dissuaded to assist the injured victims. the American people came down on With the apprehensions of attracting their government against the killing of the attention of drone operators, some the duo, they should be doing same when community members shy away from the blood of civilians is shed. They should gathering in groups, including important not discriminate by considering some tribal dispute-resolution bodies. people as top-notches and deem others as When terrorism is to be defined, the underdogs who are beneath contempt. yardstick needs to be same. If mere Drones may help in minimizing harm holding of a gun makes a person terrorist to the troops and lowering the cost of then having missiles that come from fighting, but the innocent lives also need out of the skies and attacking innocent to be taken into account before devising a families would come under which strategy for such an offensive. Otherwise category? Killing innocents in the name of this war process would go on stretching “Collateral Damage” is nothing less than itself and harming even those who have state terrorism. remained unscathed so far.©



ACCESS DISCRIMINATION magine if the starts Internet Service Provider. telling you how you use the water The term ‘Net Neutrality’ (equal access that comes to your house. Suppose it to internet) was coined by Columbia says that if you want to water plants University media law professor Tim Wu in Iyou’ll have to pay extra. How you use the 2003, as an extension of the longstanding water, should not be of any concern to the concept of a common carrier. municipality. Whether you drink it, bathe Without Net Neutrality, cable and phone in it, cook with it, or play with it, it is your companies make themselves in a position to call. This is what Internet Service Providers carve the Internet into fast and slow lanes. (SP) are trying to do when they speak of An ISP could slow down its competitors’ anti-net neutrality plans. content or block political opinions it ‘Net neutrality’, a term that became quite disagrees with. ISPs could charge extra fees popular in media circles and among the to the few content companies that could colossal number of internet users in India afford to pay for preferential treatment — was largely unheard in this part of the world relegating everyone else to a slower tier of Nazir Gillo till recently. A few telecom companies in service. India started controlling the way internet By providing more access to some By 24 April was used by their subscribers. selected websites whom they have 2015, over a So what is it exactly? collaborated with, the major telecom million emails Net neutrality is when a service provider companies monitor users Internet usage, had been sent to sells you data they don’t get to choose how for what one has already paid, and then TRAI demanding the data is used. The idea is that the Internet charge extra for some services with nothing net neutrality. Service Provider(ISP), from whom you buy in return. For example, if a user uses Voice your internet pack, should NOT under any Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) services circumstance be able to control how exactly like WhatsApp calling, the service provider you use it. It is up to you (the consumer) can charge additionally for the same and only you, how you wish to spend the even though the subscriber has already 1GB 3G data pack you bought from your purchased the data. 


“Why should Airtel force me to log into The Telecom Regulatory Authority of its own video app Wynk-by providing free India (TRAI), supposed to be the regulatory access or charge minimal data, rather I wish body that protects the consumer’s interests, to access other video apps like Youtube but released a consultation paper with 20 they charge me huge, violating the basic questions spread across 118 pages and concept of net neutrality”, says Aqib Mir, a wanted people to send them an email by post-graduate student. or before 24th April 2015. However, the TRAI consultation paper clearly tells that the ‘regulatory’ body is in full support of the telecom subscribers and is planning to allow them to block apps and websites to wring more money from consumers and businesses — which according to an experts, is an extreme violation of net neutrality. TRAI paper talks about “Over the Top” applications, ones that people use for communication like WhatsApp, Skype and tries to defend the telecom giants who really find themselves in a difficult position, if net neutrality remains. By 24 April 2015, over a million emails had been sent to TRAI demanding net neutrality. The big telecom companies claim to have invested a huge amount of money in setting up internet infrastructure and they must get a share of the earning that It all started in a Internet firms like Facebook, WhatsApp THEY SHOULD galaxy far, far away; etc. generate. But experts believe that all UNDERSTAND THAT when a telecom giant of these companies have a ‘huge profit’ INTERNET IS THE called Airtel tried to margin that consumers pay for. “They PRESENT AND THE charge higher tariffs must not charge us more for increasing FUTURE OF ALL for phone calls made their profit margins. Net neutrality is the COMMUNICATION AND through various calling single greatest technology of our time, apps such as Viber and and control should not be at the mercy of ITS EQUAL SHARING Skype on its network corporations,” as said by Nasir, student and MUST BE SEEN AS A using internet, violating a daily internet user. PRELIMINARY STEP the net neutrality “An open internet stimulates ISP TOWARDS PROGRESS principle. It was a move competition and helps prevent unfair AND DEVELOPMENT. that caused a lot of pricing practices. It also promotes outrage which made innovation and spread of ideas with Airtel to retract this plan. Airtel however, ease. Net neutrality indeed drives recently introduced Airtel Zero. Airtel Zero entrepreneurship and protects freedom of is an open marketing platform that allows speech,” Rayees Ahmad, an IT professional customers to access a variety of mobile said. applications for free while the data charges The telecom companies have made will be paid by the application providers. a huge amount of money in the last This too is in principal, a violation of decade given the breakthrough in mobile Net Neutrality. The point is that if you communication. can’t charge a premium for something, you The government needs to make long- can’t provide something else for free either. term, better business decisions and not Everything has to be unbiased. rely on hurried attempts to grab more There are no laws governing net money from the subscribers. They should neutrality in India, which would require understand that Internet is the present and that all Internet users be treated equally, the future of all communication and its without discriminating or charging equal sharing must be seen as a preliminary differentially by user, content, site, platform, step towards progress and development. application, type of attached equipment, or Internet is a free information sharing mode of communication. channel and should remain so. ©


WITH THE ADVENT OF SOCIAL MEDIA, THE OLD AGE ADVERTISING TRENDS CHANGED TO A MORE USER FRIENDLY WAY TO COMMUNICATE. ADVERTISING IN DIGITAL MEDIA eople carry the world with them Internet is revolutionising the advertising in mobile phones. Technology is world. With the introduction of international shrinking to small places and these trends, it has become more suitable especially small gadgets are very productive. in urban areas. Moreover, it is the most cost PThe expansion of digital world is affecting effective ways to advertise. But still, vast every industry today including media. portion of population is still unaware and With the help of digital world, advertising unexposed to it. Newer technology trends is changing significantly as compared to the have become more market centric where earlier period seeing a revolution in terms of it will target a particular number of people buyer and its consumption. Since consumers e.g. in India, the online shopping websites have an effect on the economy of the country still can’t figure out many rural places of this i.e. Gross Domestic Product, Per Capita country. Hence in their commercials, they Income, the advertising is in metamorphosis go urban and target people from metro cities to meet the transforming needs and and other known places. The old advertising demands of the emancipated consumers, but trend was more mass centric and appealed to old age advertising trends are still thriving everyone. The internet in today’s world has along with the latest innovation trends. become a focal point of advertising trends. With the advent of social media, the old Opinion polls, ratings, individual interests, age advertising trends changed to a more user audience profiling and even information of friendly way to communicate. The consumers your spending habits with the help of plastic now have communicating sessions where money leads to specific target of customers. they also become a part of the process; they This trend in advertising is obviously cost are now empowered to choose. This is the effective and involves consumers by giving transformation of advertising as people importance to his/her feedback. It also makes spend more time on phones and laptops. the consumer proactive. The challenge for brands is to connect with “It is making its consumers proactive Sibtain Hyder customers through all these devices. but the biggest flaw is that the major part Kavita Ghosh, an advertising professional of Indian population doesn’t have access Television is still in Mumbai thinks advertisers are very prompt to it. Hence it creates a divide among rural considered a forerunner in nowadays and work on two mediums at the and urban population”, says Sadaf Zahra, a the world of same time, the classical 30 minute advertise student of Social Work studies. advertising. and a digital online advertisement. Television is still considered a forerunner “The marketers too are becoming in the world of advertising. It holds a huge intelligent now. They know that only the form share of consumption which is more than 40 of advertising has changed. I believe they find percent while as digital media is also growing it innovative because they have adapted very its foot prints. Television is progressively quickly with this transformation”, she said. used as the main advertising 


stage by nationally acclaimed companies internet user. and organizations while print serves local Not all these changes are progressive. In and regional players. Advertising has also old days, advertisements only used to inform witnessed interdependence of media platforms us about a particular thing. Nowadays, each where they often work complimentary to each advertisement is filled with emotions where other to get the message across. This is another consumers fail to separate the intended development employed by agencies for their information of the advertisement. The best campaigns and marketing outlines. example of advertising comes when different With the change in advertising trends, there companies with mutual productions advertise are noticeable trends in advertising these days. hugely in their bid to outdo each other e.g. They are produced and have a target oriented telecom industries, mobile companies and approach. For different products, advertisers electronics. The mobile phone advertising target different audiences. Social media is battle is the most modern day advertising the best example of such approach. Now legend. The electronics and telecom industries advertisers know what a particular person likes have taken a lot of space as far as advertising is and what he dislikes. Here advertisement come concerned. in interval and pop on the screen. This targeted Smartphone usage will continue to grow approach has saturated the advertising industry and understanding how and when consumers with intelligence and made it predictable by are using them is crucial for ad companies. If monitoring our activities on the internet. the competing brand can reach consumer with “I was looking for a trimming machine on a relevant message, then the company wins. Google. Since my email ID is connected with For this, data analysis and smartphone data Facebook and Gmail, I started getting product collection is required. It is transforming and links at good deals. Plus it also suggested me to soon brand companies with the help of digital like pages which were related to it”, said an avid media would be in your homes. ©


n modern times housing flats. The apartment culture does colonies are developed keeping not suit the temperament and in view the present day needs culture of . It is because and facilities. Same was the case of this trait that people here still Iin the old days when our ancestors prefer to construct and live in Omer Malik also kept in mind the vagaries of single and double storey houses nature. As such the houses depicted or bungalows. In open orchards, People in a style of their own in this part of the people construct outhouse-type Kashmir should world- termed as native architecture, dwellings, cottages, detached or admit that they which was evolved keeping in semi-detached houses. have not been view the climate and environment. Contemporary architecture in fair so far as Contemporary housing trends Kashmir is an amalgam of world preservation in the valley do not depict any architecture e.g., effects of European, of our native such features. These do not follow American, Persian and other great architecture is traditions in respect of construction architectures are found in every concerned. or building material either. Instead, house constructed now-a-days. The these follow the pattern common in typical Kashmiri house has not just the plain regions in other parts of the changed in design but also in means world. of capacity as well as in number of Following age old traditions, storeys. People prefer single or double people in the valley do not live in storey houses. This is believed 

26 MEDIA TIMES MEDIA TIMES DECEMBER 2015 to be the result of high construction cost building houses. We usually remain busy and small family size. all through the year in the construction Biggest change in house construction of houses”, says Ghulam Rasool, a local has been the replacement of stone with carpenter. R.C.C(Reinforced Concrete Cement) in “There are different patterns and designs the bed. This has been done keeping the according to which we have to adopt seismic behavior of this part of the world in order to stay alive in the competitive in mind. According to professionals, these market”, he added. blocks provide more stability to the whole In contemporary times people prefer structure than stone. The ground storey to have at least one bedroom in the mainly comprises of three to four rooms ground floor as ground floor is believed which include kitchen, drawing room, to be comparatively warmer. Hammam is bedroom, bathroom, store and lobby. believed to be the speciality of Kashmiri Kitchens are most preferably in standing architecture. It is a special room in the mode with a place for sitting commonly ground floor with hollow flooring of known as “Chooek”. Another form of kitchen special stone known as “Diver Kann”. Diver found in many houses has a different set up. Kann or the ceiling is erected on pillars. It is also standing but devoid of the sitting There is sufficient proof that this type of place or chooek. The traditional “Daan” has structure has been constructed and used been replaced by gas stoves. Most of the throughout centuries. Wood is used as fuel kitchens have attached stores. to heat the room up through an opening Drawing rooms commonly have dual commonly known as “Gaijj”. Now central entrances; one from the inside and the heating systems are replacing Hammams other from outside the house. Drawing as they are economical and heat up the room is the biggest room in a house as whole house. it is used for receiving guests and other Hall, once known as the most important functions. part in the house is vanishing. They were Lobby has been lately introduced into mostly used during social gatherings like the Kashmiri house and has become the marriages and funerals. Roofs which were most popular and common feature of the made of timber have now been replaced by modern households. Alley, commonly iron and Alumunium. known as “Vot” has been successfully Not just the design but the material replaced by lobby. Lobby was adapted as used previously has also changed. Bricks it gave more space to the eyes as well as have been replaced by hollow cement served the purpose of drawing and living blocks which are cost effective, wood room. by iron, Alumunium and even plastic. “Kashmiris seem to be obsessed with The number and size of windows has increased changing the outer look of the house. Big windows provide proper light, ventilation and panoramic view. Doors have not undergone much transition though new material is being used and sliding doors have been introduced. Flooring is usually of marble and now is covered with decor. Age old wood panelling is still used and the famous “Khatam Bandh” is still ruling the ceiling. POP(Plaster Of Paris) is used instead of paints or gypsum. People in Kashmir have not been fair so far as preservation of our native architecture is concerned. However it is encouraging to see recourse or revival of certain items in the modern contemporary housing trend in the valley so far as lattice work and wood paneling is concerned. This should be taken as a good sign with the hope that our housing trends will once again have a local look and mark. ©



THE JEWEL IN THE CROWN al Lake - in Srinagar, the Summer leading to the lake. Some rides are fixed and capital of Jammu and Kashmir, is their rates are posted at each Ghat as well as the second largest in the state. It is opposite to the Tourist reception centre (TRC). integral to tourism and recreation Shikaras are a refreshingly novel way of seeing Din Kashmir. Leading from the Dal is the smaller around by day and at twilight. The gentle lake called “” (alternatively spelled soothing motion of the boat, as it guides along as Nageen Lake). Nigeen lake, which is usually the water, is unbelievably romantic. Still water thought as a separate lake, is also divided from and mornings offer perfect view of sunrise as only by a causeway .The causeway is the sun rises from behind the mountains to mostly suitable for walkers and bicycles only view the area of house boat and make the water so they make very pleasant way of seeing the look golden .Wake up early in the morning for lake without having to worry about traffic or the most amazing sight that you are going to shikars.It is also connected to the Khushal cherish for your lifetime. Ubaid Jeelani Sar and lakes via a channel known as Dal Lake is over hyped where as nigeen Dal Lake is over Nallah Amir Khan. Nigeen Lake covers an area lake is quieter, clean and better for a stay .The hyped where as of 6.3kms. It lies to the east of the city at the foot nigeen lake is much smaller then immense nigeen lake is of Zabarwan Mountain. The Shankaracharya Dal but it seems to have an entirely different quieter, cleaner hill (Takhti-Sulaiman)is to the south and Hari characters of its own .In nigeen lake house boats and better for a Parbat on the west ,here too, the water is edged are fewer hence the lake looks less crowded. stay. by trees of willow and poplar whose reflection These house boats moored with their balconies is mirrored in the lake .One can hire water facing nigeen lake .They are surrounded by skies and motor launches and enjoy the ride. garden with colorful roses ,water lilies and The water of the lake is pleasantly cool from birds which add to its attractive flavor. The lake mid May to mid September. Shikaras can be mostly attracts foreign tourists. Tourists also do hired from any of the steps called “Ghats”, water skiing in the lake. There are various 


Tour and Travel agencies like ‘Gaffara Tour and some types of weeds which are beneficial to the Travels’ which offer series of little less rigorous lake as they absorb the nutrients from the air adventure sports, such as water Skiing .Besides and help in the purification of the water. At the water skiing , Fishing is another delightful water same time, few weeds are devastating for the sport in Kashmir and its season lasts all through lake. The disastrous of all weeds is Azolla which summer. The Dal and Nigeen Lake in Srinagar when dead sinks to the bottom of the Lake and and the , 32 kms from Srinagar decreases the water level. are the best places for water-skiing. These sports The government has not been able to make activities have led to improvement in tourist much a difference in saving the lake. Various inflow in Nigeen lake. Non-Governmental Organisations have It is because of the beautiful location of stepped forward to conserve this lake. One Nigeen Lake that tourists prefer to stay in house such organization is Nigeen Lake Conservation boats. House boats are mostly built, owned and Organization (NLCO) which was formed in maintained by Kashmiri “Hanji people”. There 2001. It started deweeding of the lake. It has income is mostly dependent on these foreign been instrumental to some extent in saving the tourists. They are also involved in fishing Nigeen Lake. The organization has involved operations, water plant harvesting, cultivating the residents living in the area around the lake floating gardens and producing commodities in the campaign started by them. for the market, making them the centre of their “Polythene is a big problem for water livelihood. Fishing is the main source of their bodies. The programme that we launched in income. The best time for fishing is from April the past was an eye opener for the participants to October. When fishing period gets over, they who took part in the drive. They saw the remain dependent on other activities: acting as polythene that we collected during these guides of foreign Tourists. drives. In fact, once our motor boat also got Nigeen lake is surrounded by mountains on caught in a heap of polythene. We launched one side and the lush green premises of Nigeen and awareness campaign voluntarily with the Club on the other side. Nigeen club was locals and worked on a small budget. Now go constructed in 1900 by British on an orchard and check there is not single polythene in the land owned by Deewan family. It was used as central portion of the lake,” said Chairman of recreational centre and later a guest house was NLCO, Manzoor Ahmad Wangnoo. built in 1940 adjacent to it. When British phase We forcibly removed some floating gardens of history came to end ,the stretch of land was and the pipes which were laid in the middle of purchased from Asha-e-Bagh bridge to the the lake for water treatment. The people living club fence by tourism department .Established in the lake should be rehabilitated, given proper on the bank of famed and picturesque Nigeen sanitation and electricity, added Wangnoo. Lake, the very ambience of nigeen club is The only way to save these water bodies is to enormously attractive. As icing on the cake make some civil societies who will monitor recently upgraded infrastructure and state- the work being done by Lakes and Water Ways of-art facilities provide ample amusement Development Authority as it seems that the and entertainment to the club visitors of not authority has failed to do anything. just the valley but outside too. Temporary Sidiq Ahmad, a Houseboat owner membership is also available to the visitors. said,“Floating gardens which are actually a Nigeen lake with each passing year is losing land mass in the water are a real threat to the its beauty and charm as it used to be. Due to the lake. Floating gardens stop flow of water silt, carelessness of people living in houseboats and dead animals and polythene which leads to nearby and negligence of government ,the size water stagnation.” of the lake has shrunk considerably with the The main problems which lead to water 60,000 odd illegal constructions inside the lake pollution are many and need to be addressed at which also contribute to the pollution in the the ground level. The washer men living in areas lake and there is a concerning rate of sediments around the lake wash their clothes/dishes with deposition due to catchment area degradation detergent on the banks of the lake which is again .The water quality has also deteriorated due a major source of pollution. Also, the vote bank to intense pollution caused by the untreated politics is another problem. Politicians lure the sewage and solid waste that is fed into the lake people with facilities in return for their votes. from peripheral areas like Lal Bazaar, Sadarbal; If people want to preserve this jewel, some from the settlements and houseboats, the lake steps are needed to be taken at both individual has been plagued by illegal encroachments that and government levels so that it always remains are eating into the expanses of water. There are as a point of attraction for it beauty and purity. ©




group of 12 students along with Vinod Chopra and other big names of the one faculty member, for the first World Film fraternity. time in the history of Media The Chief Minister of Maharastra, Education and Research Centre Devendra Fadnavis besides, being the A(MERC), University of Kashmir, attended Chief Guest on the occasion inaugurated the 17th International Mumbai Academy of the festival. The event lasted for more Moving Images (MAMI ) film festival held than an hour and the host, Kalki Koechan in Mumbai. briefed the audience about the films to be The group was headed by editor MERC screened in the festival. The main MAMI Muslim Jan. The students who were invited festival organizer, Anupama Chopra made as special delegation to MAMI, stayed at JW while welcoming the guests made a special Marriot, Juhu that was Hospitality Partner reference of student delegation, MERC. of the event. They were received and hosted The ceremony was followed by a delicious by a MAMI volunteer Vrushali Mahajan and dinner organized at “Antella”, India’s most Kayomie Engineer, Event Manager. expensive residential home owned by Mukesh The nine day festival started on October, Ambani. The students were special invitees 28 and concluded on November, 6. The of Ambani. They not only had a grand dinner opening ceremony of the festival was but also grabbed the opportunity to interact conducted at the Gateway of India, were with the most renowned film makers. The the group walked the red carpet with Vidhu first day ended


at the Antella, full of new experiences and excitement for coming days. Many famous personalities like Javid Akhtar, Rajkumar Hirani, Vidhya Balan, Diya Mirza, Katrina Kaif, Kangana Ranaut, Sidharth Malhotra, Irfan Khan, Huma Qureshi, Sham Benigal, Kiran Rao, Ritesh Deshmukh and Janiliya Desuza and others were seen enjoying the dinner party. The next days of the visit were pre- organized as per the schedule given by MAMI. According to the schedule Nine National and International movies were screened. During the screening, brief interactions and question answer session s were held with the Directors and Script writers of the films.




On the closing ceremony Chief Min- Editor Muslim Jan, while briefing ister, Jammu & Kashmir, Mufti Moham- the CM thanked the organizers and med Syeed, who was the chief guest on CM for giving the students of Kashmir the occasion, flew specially from Kash- an opportunity to venture into the film mir, accompanied by his team, and had world for the first time. She introduced a special meeting with students and was the students and briefed Sayeed about the keen to know their responses. experiences and exposure they gained After meeting students, the CM during the trip. expressed gratitude to the organizers The group then headed for the official for inviting students of MERC. He closing ceremony of MAMI festival, in also extended his invitation to the film the lawns of “The Lands End”. The closing fraternity to collaborate with media ceremony included the award ceremony institutions of the valley. and a lip-smacking dinner. ©



etting enough quality sleep at severe insomnia affecting her daytime the right time protects your functioning. Haleema’s insomnia has mental, physical health, quality remained almost unchanged over the last of life, and safety. And if you eight years. Gfail to get that proper dose, you know the Haleema’s doctor, Dr. Syed Arif, a pain feeling -- groggy and tired all the time. specialist, was not able to find the reason We all get this way now and then when for her disorder based on her responses or we’re sleep deprived. For Haleema Shakeel, medical tests. After persistent investigation, falling asleep is struggle and sleeplessness a he found the reason. constant way of life. In year 2006, Haleema had witnessed Marouf Gazi Haleema, 44, started feeling unusually an encounter in . The images of the aggressive, accompanied by other dead bodies had lingered on in her brain PTSD manifests behavioural changes in her mid-thirties. since then. “Every time she tries to sleep, in different ways and insomnia is However, what she couldn’t read was the the scene recurs in her memory,” says Dr. one of the ways. connection of her behavioural changes Arif. She has been suffering from PTSD with her sleep deprivation. She related her (Post traumatic stress disorder) since then. sleep deprivation to her body ache. After “PTSD manifests in different ways and struggling to understand the change for a insomnia is one of the ways. Haleema’s case year, Haleema finally sought medical help. is one of those.” She was referred to the Sleep Disorders Haleema feels she is just “hanging on by Specialist with a complaint of chronic, her fingernails,” and that looking after her 


family takes all of her energy. Her insomnia Akbar started to experience insomnia in his has forced her to give up her social life, early 20’s. He explains it as:“The sort that including her hobbies. She feels depleted and wakes me up at night, my little brain buzzing stressed all the time. “I try to go to bed around like an electrical transmission tower, thoughts 10:00 PM. I usually fall asleep in less than 15 of work, thoughts of family, song worms, you minutes, but occasionally it seems to take her n a m e i t ”. hours to fall asleep. I wake up three to four Mehmood says he had tried everything times every night, and at least one of these over the years, including earplugs, eye masks, awakenings lasts two to three hours. It gets light-blocking window shades, meditation, frustrating when she “sees the clock ticking prescription drugs, and even therapy. away,” says Haleema. Nothing seemed to work. “I then stumbled Although no clear data is available, across an experiment where two Danish girls but according to the estimates by various had planted seeds in a room with Wifi in, and experts, 20-21 percent adults in Kashmir another set in a seeds without. The seeds in suffer from insomnia- a sleep disorder that the normal room grew as expected, whereas is characterized by difficulty falling and/or the seeds in the Wifi room died. I got my staying asleep. The disorder has interfered answer,” says Mehmood. with Haleema’s entire life. This lead Mehmood to read into the effects Often, a precipitating life event such as of Wifi and mobile phone signals on the major illness or other change may contribute brain. After much investigation, he decided to to disruption in a patient’s sleep pattern. Once remove the phone from the bedroom at night the triggering event is resolved, the insomnia and shut off the Wifi, just to see if it would should resolve. have any effect. “Conflict is one of the major reasons that Immediately Mehmood began to see has affected the mental health of people in the results. “I am acutely aware of how difficult valley, as is well known. Insomnia is a facet it is to unplug when you’re a workaholic, of the same. The problem is that people don’t but a good night’s sleep does more for my recognize the disorder. They don’t know much productivity than I could ever achieve in the about the science behind it,” says Dr. Arif. 12th or 14th hour of my workday, so I’ve The conflict and its memories are not the learned to disengage well before bedtime. only reasons responsible for insomnia in Though I haven’t had any problems from people of the valley. As Dr. Arif says, not watching TV or a movie, it’s best to stay away just in Kashmir, but worldwide people tend from any devices that require input from you to ‘induce’ insomnia. That is over last few for the last hour before bed. This means you years, the increased use of electronic gadgets should turn off the computers, smart phones. has affected the sleeping patterns of people. Like me, they might see some pleasant Studies suggest using a smartphone, tablet, or improvements,” he says. laptop at bedtime may be staving off sleep. Patients often use compensatory strategies “We have biologically shifted ourselves so to address their sleepiness related to insomnia. we can’t fall asleep earlier. The result is less These might include: regular napping during sleep — and less time for the body to recover. the day, changing the time that you go to bed, Routinely getting fewer than 8 hours of and sleeping later in the morning. Each one sleep compromises alertness, reaction time, of these is a way of coping with sleep loss and efficiency, productivity and mood,” says Dr. deprivation according to Dr. Arif. This kind of Arif. sleep disregulation can perpetuate insomnia. While the noisy text message can interrupt Our bodies follow a ‘circadian rhytdm’. Its sleep, staring at the gadgets’ screen late at like the biological clock that urges the body to night may be more detrimental.The timing make the changes it should. An infant sleeps of exposure to the light-dark cycle is the during the day and wakes up during the night most powerful means by which the circadian because his circadian rhythm is ‘developing’ at clock, the body’s biological time keeper, is that early stages of life. In due course of time, synchronized to the 24-hour day. it gets corrected. This rhythm can be altered/ “It’s our exposure to artificial light, disturbed at any stage of life. particularly in the evening between the timing Dr. Arif concludes, “ The youth today is of sunset and when you normally go to bed, intentionally/ unintentionally disturbing this that’s dramatically changed the timing of our rhythm and inducing unnatural set ups. Though endogenous circadian rhythms,” Dr. Arif says. some people here are unlucky enough to have 25 year old University student, Mehmood an external force effecting their being”. ©



hile roaming around the Sociologists believe graffiti-writing is a city, one finds the art of tool which gives the younger generations Graffiti is slowly gaining a vent through which they pour out fame among the youth of their feelings, sentiments and emotions Anayat Sultan Wthe valley. The walls in lanes and by-lanes which have, for various reasons remained of the city are scribbled and painted with repressed and bottled up. “Graffiti is a form They are making graffiti’s that are both political and social in of expression of sentiments and thoughts an effort in the nature; highlighting the issues this society is which in normal circumstances would not ways howsoever plagued with. There has been a subtle surge be acceptable to most in this tight leashed crude they may in these acts in the recent times especially world,” says Professor Bashir A. Dabla, a be. But the after the street unrest of 2010. Sociologist. question is- Are we ready to give Graffiti is the transformation of “Graffiti is a powerful medium which an ear to their agitating ideas in the mind of a creative lends voice to those who are at the fringes pleas? person into a definite shape or art. These of this society and want the society to hear are graphic imageries and writings them through words and imageries”. scribbled, scratched, stencilled or sprayed A group of artists who introduce on the walls and range from simple written themselves by the street name of “El- words to sophisticated and elaborate wall Horiah” - an Arabic word for freedom - has paintings. been at the scene in the valley for 

36 MEDIA TIMES MEDIA TIMES DECEMBER 2015 many years. Inspired by artists like El- believes that “Graffiti is an art which uses saeed of Tunisia, this Band of boys - who colour and skill to convey both political as are in their twenties - are making graffiti’s well as social messages non-violently”. in and around the City. The group has been But some people have contrary views sending messages for people to read and about these acts of the Graffiti artists. understand. Some sections of the society feel that these As most of the Graffiti’s are political writings and paintings on walls are acts in nature, people who indulge in these of vandalism. They feel that it degrades acts use street-names, which help them to and destroys the aesthetics of the city and remain anonymous and escape the wrath thus gives a bad impression to the tourists. of the administration. “Defacing of the “These graffiti’s are acts of vandalism and public property is illegal in this state. So to do not add to the beauty of the city. How remain safe we have to hide our identity”, can you deface someone’s property in the says a Graffiti artist wishing anonymity”. name of art?” asks Mohammad Ramzan, a “The prevalence of social evils like Drugs, city dweller. corruption and choking of spaces for There are punitive laws in the expression of dissent are the driving factors states’ armoury to curb these acts and for graffiti artists”, he replies on asking what defacements. According to Jammu and motivates the artists like him to pursue this Kashmir Defacement of Property Act art? 1985, defacing property is a crime and “is In areas of the Srinagar city like punishable with imprisonment for a term Downtown and The Bund – the famous which may extend to three months or with riverbank cum park which runs parallel to fine which may extend to Rs 1,000 or with the Posh Residency road – the eyes usually both”. The act also states that “it shall be catch the sights of slogans like ‘We Want competent for the Government to take Freedom’, ‘I Protest’, revolution or ‘Azaadi’ such steps as may be necessary for erasing on walls and deserted buildings. These are any writing, freeing any defacement or mostly the manifestations of the sufferings removing any mark from any property”. inflicted by the conflict on the people. But given the context that we live in, This can be attributed to the fact that where there are more pressing issues for the most of them have dabbled their way state to look into, the complaints of such into this art by tagging the walls with nature are usually not given much concern random words. These people are usually for the fear of it ending up in creating law self-taught and have been inspired by the and order problem. The Police authorities works of artists like Banksy – a prominent however, say that they take action against name representing the art of graffiti, who the miscreants whenever any complaint found himself in the list of world’s 100 is lodged by anyone. “Police does take most influential people in 2010 – who has action according to the rulebook against lended his creativity to this art and has graffiti’s of serious and seditious nature. made it popular. Most of the scribblers do But mostly these offenders are counselled it for the sake of fun without the intention because most of the times these are done of defacing the wall. For them it is just an by teenagers and at that age, the human inexpensive way of making public their mind isn’t fully evolved”, opines Rashid emotions regarding love, infatuation and Khan, Station House Officer, Kothi Bagh infidelity. Police Station. Art or Vandalism? Tailpiece There is a serious debate about the A careful analysis suggests that these validity of the argument whether Graffiti acts are outpouring of the emotions which is an art or not. There are differing views they conceal because of the social setup about Graffiti. Most of the graffiti’s in and fear of disapproval by the society. The Kashmir are plain writings when compared art of Graffiti is slowly but surely making with the artworks of artists of Europe and inroads into our culture. These are the Middle East in terms of creativity, fusion of tools employed by the younger generation colours and the calligraphy. to voice their feelings, emotions and Showkat Katju who teaches at Institute sentiments that have never found an ear. of Music and Fine Arts Kashmir University They are making an effort in the ways says that the art of “Graffiti is as old as howsoever crude they may be. But the human history and has been used by people question is- Are we ready to give an ear to to express their views non-violently”. He their pleas? ©


GUREZ AT AN ALTITUDE OF 8000FT ABOVE SEA LEVEL 150 KMS. NORTH OF SRINAGAR, IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACES IN KASHMIR. HEAVEN’S ABODE arved by mighty Kishan Ganga Akbar imprisoned the emperor, Habba River through lofty mountains khatoon used to wander around this peak, one of the most beautiful places to look for her love Yusuf Shah Chak.The in Kashmir is Gurez at an famous tributary of Jhelum/ Kishanganga Caltitude of 8000ft above sea level 150kms. river with length of 180 miles rises in east North of Srinagar, Gurez is located of Tulail and flows west wards joined by in Bandipora district of Jammu and Raman, Sind and Burzil stream. Kashmir. Gurez has history hidden in its PLACES TO VISIT: lap and falls along the silk route that once RAZDAN PASS: An uphill journey connected Kashmir with Central Asia. from Bandipora to razdan pass at an Gurez is divided into three regions altitude of about 11672ft. above sea level the areas from Taobat to Sharda Peeth has breathtaking view points this road () and between Kamiri provides some spectacular over views and Miamarg of () are of wular lake one can catch glimpse of administrated by Pakistan, and from harmukh peak one of highest mountain Taobat to Abdullan Tulail on other side is peak located in Kashmir valley. Shrine administrated by India, locally known as of Peer Baba atop Razdan pass is looked Gurez. after by Army on duty in gurez region. TOURISM POTENTIAL: The saint had come from Lahore Pakistan GUREZ is a virgin area which has got and is buried at Razdan pass. Waseem Nasir tremendous tourist potential and is full DAWAR: Is central town ship of Apart from its of surprises. The Habba Khatoon Hill Gurez and scattered among 15 villages beauty, Gurez lock named after the great poetess of with modern facilities like internet ATM, is known for Kashmir ‘HABBA KHATOON’ is one of a Degree college, well equipped hospital diverse types most fascinating peaks in Kashmir, the and many other facilities like the other of plants which emperor Yusuf Shah Chak who is said to towns of valley. The construction of have medicinal be from Dard Shin community of Gilgit tourist reception centre at Dawar has value. entered into Kashmir through Gurez given big boost to tourism in Gurez. and it is believed that when Mughal king Dawar acts as 


base camp for visiting any place in Gurez, FOLARA AND FAUNA: Gurez the trekking routes from Dawar and serves as home to an exotic variety of Tulail lead to Gangabal and to flora and fauna including the snow its East, Drass Dhanu and Zanaskar to its leopard the elusive Himalayan black bear, North. trout angling is frequent sport among SHEIKHPORA: Further north of locals. Anglers can be delighted to catch Dawar about 22 kms lies the beautiful brown trout as well as rainbow trout in village of Tulail Sheikhpora. Sheikhpora KishanGanga. There are diverse types of too has a modest Government guesthouse plants which have got medicinal value with couple of rooms for tourists. like, Aconitum chasmanthum ( patrees KISAR SAR: One of largest lakes in local ) , Violaceum stapf present in gurez is Kisar Sar with crystal (bismool in local shina language), Glauca clear water and breathtaking view. Edgew (choru in local shina language), Around 15 kms. Uphill journey through Epipactis latifolia (ichha neuli in local dense forests from Dawar. shina language) Macrotomia Benthami ANGAIKOTE: Small hamlet located (jogipasha in local Shina language) etc. on bank of Kishan Ganga river in Tulail Location: North-East of Kashmir valley valley around 40 kms from central town Best time to visit: May- August Dawar, is one of most beautiful places How to reach: This amazing seven hours to visit in gurez . This village is absolute journey from summer capital Srinagar trekker’s delight. one has to take Sumbal-Bandipora road, LANGUAGE: Being situated very close bandipora town at a distance of 60 kms. to which leads into Astore from Srinagar offers spectacular view of district of Glgit-Baltistan the inhabitants famous Wular and Manasbnal lake an are ethnic Dards/Shins, speak Shina uphill journey from Bandipora to Razdan language and have same style of dress and pass and then down hill road from Razdan culture as their kinsmen in Pakistan’s reaches the small village Koragbal The is northern area. first village of Valley Gurez. ©


THE ‘SUPERIORITY’ THEY CLAIM n Kashmir, the idea of Casteism has but haunting. Recently the encounter its own connotation. Ideally it has with a bunch of people from my section no place in Islam, but then a certain came as a shock. They authoritatively chunk of our society seems to have affirmed if Sayeds commit any kind of Ideveloped a notion towards their casts a sin, it will be easily forgiven because that allows them to think of themselves as of their claimed lineage with Prophet superior to others. How often do we hear Muhammad (PBUH). The argument that ‘Sayeds’ (families who claim to be a sounded preposterous because it is not just part of the Prophet’s lineage) are superior rationally untenable but morally wrong Altaf Hussain to non-Sayeds. Whereas, our Lord has as well. It not only shakes the philosophy clearly mentioned that the only aspect of egalitarianism(equality) which Islam Good deeds, virtuousness making you superior to others is the level firmly stresses upon but it reduces the and good of Taqwaa (God consciousness) in you. principle of justice—that laid down the conduct The talk about it seems not only absurd foundation of human civilization—to a  surpass ancestry. NOWHERE IN THE HOLY BOOK IS A MENTION ABOUT SAYEDS BEING NEAR TO ALLAH THAN NON-SAYEDS


mere laughter. "Scientifically speaking , a pair of One wonders at the assumption of being chrosomes in determining being ‘superior’ ‘superior’ or ‘inferior’ on the basis of race and ‘inferior’ is not genetically passed or class or religion or lineage. Whosoever down by inheritance. Rather, individual (whether Sayed or non-Sayed) adheres characteristics earn a soul his/her social strictly and sincerely to the tenets of Islam status in a contemporary society,” says Dr and to the commandments of Allah is close Muzafar Ali. to Prophet and thus near to almighty Allah. In fact Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is The very theory of segregating humans as known to have called Salman Farsi (RA), ‘high’ and ‘low’ is a pure case of obscurity. It a grand Sahaba and non-Sayeed, as “one has nothing to do with religion or pedigree. among his household”. Prophet (PBUH) In fact, it is a human construct made only to chose him not because he was his relative or befool the innocent. a close associate but only because he was the "The irony is that the so-called literate essence of virtues, prime example of good persons believe and perpetuate the same character and was filled with an extreme of superficial story of superiority. Again it is faith. the notion of those who follow pseudo or “Really it does not matter what is your ancestral Islam not considering the reality lineage, it is only your deed that makes that Islam is the only religion which gives you either the true believer of God or the "justice" the place, among one of the main follower of Shaitaan,” says Mudasir Lone, a basic, foundational pillars of the divine student of Islamic studies. system of order ever possible in this world,” Thus good deeds, virtuousness and good conduct surpass ancestry they take us close to human beings and more precisely close to almighty Allah. So let’s distinguish IN FACT PROPHET every act on deeds and actions rather than on lineage or heritage. Let’s build a MUHAMMAD (PBUH) IS society where good deeds and manners are KNOWN TO HAVE appreciated than your family line. This concern of social stratification has CALLED SALMAN become a moot point in times around. A Case in point about the issue is Dalits in FARSI (RA), A GRAND Hindu society. Given lowest rank, they SAHABA AND are subjected to worst kind of social discrimination. The identical dominant NON-SAYEED, AS “ONE subject could have serious ramifications in Muslim society as well. AMONG HIS On the issue, a Sociology teacher, Nasir HOUSEHOLD” Ali remarked, “The Cast issue forms a cluster of divisions in a society like division of respect, division of labour, of Syed Sajad Hussain, an MPhil scholar in employment, of obedience etc. It takes place comparative politics said. in every society whether through religiously He further elaborates that Islam is the created castes or socially framed”. religion that speaks clearly about the caste, Hierarchy of nature in a society gets creed, color. We witness Bilal (RA) a slave, develop with the cause of what a French calling and commanding the believers sociologist Pierre bourdon says economic towards Allah. and symbolic capital. That results in a From the Quranic stand point, the Marxists ‘class struggle. dearest to Allah is one ‘who follows Islam “it is not Casteism but power of hierarchy”, in letter and spirit’ and ‘keeps aloof from Syed Eesar Mehdi, a researcher scholar in the sins and falsity’. Nowhere in the holy South Asian university, New Delhi, said. book is a mention about Sayeds being near “The perpetuation of hierarchies would to Allah than non-Sayeds. Evidently, this partition the society into Haves and Have- shows Qur’anic tenets cut across creed or nots which in turn will lead to inequality, lineage and carry a general call that exceeds and finally will culminate into class struggle social, geographical and human creation. within society”. ©



ompleted graduation! Yes. Then or father for obvious reasons hardly come it may be time for you to move to take me home. But I’m the one shield out of their comfortable room, for myself. In a society of degraded culture into a hostel; if you are attending and immorality, I never roam around Ca college or university located away from purposeless. A sense of what to do and your hometown-Like of mine, what not makes me a complete mature Hostel life is almost a parallel culture, girl. It gives me enough courage, strength an experience that takes you out of your and much more, feel to uphold my dignity comfort zone and exposes you to several and pride. different experiences. Some routine works that every girl Living by some stringent rules is one of does at home really miss to do in hostel. them. Getting to know a host of students Cooking is the first subject every mother from diverse backgrounds at very close teaches her daughter. At home, there quarters, is another. Read on for an insight would be no girl who can’t ask a brother to into this parallel life. buy ice creams for her, play with siblings Hostel life is a very memorable period in and what not. But while staying away from one’s life, but due to lack of knowledge or a home, you have to own up for yourself not Nelofar Jahan casual attitude or irresponsible behaviour, only the way you deal with daily life but Hostel life is almost one may have problems of adjustment to much about actions and their causes, and a parallel culture, the hostel environment, which can affect become responsible for making the most of an experience that one’s studies and career. This is the stage the opportunity available to enhance your takes you out of where you have to take care of yourself- knowledge as well as take the initiative for your comfort zone. independently. Your parents may rarely your personality development. come to see you or may completely not till At University Of Kashmir’s girls hostel, you finish your studies. But my hostel is these are the crucial years of student life not that much far, I do make plans to visit before entering the work life and one my family on the end of every month. needs to consider it as an investment into But every time I feel alone, my brother one’s future. So, acquaint yourself 


with the rules, regulations and norms become an integral part of life in the hostel. of the institute and seek guidance from the Farewells, fresher’s, ‘hostel nights’, though faculty. few and far between, are essential outlets for Hostel is another home though many of the boarders. Birthday celebrations, temporary, but makes one understand Henna (Mahanadi) - the most loved thing by the values of near and dear ones, the daily girls applying on hands are regular features activities at house, supporting mother in that hostellers cherish about. domestic works. And, of course, the degree of care is For the first time I swaggered into my much more than what we experience at new home- the university hostel with homes by our parents. Permission for a trolley full of luggage and a shameful daily outings never let us feel bound and amount of confidence. My dorm is home chained. We undersatnd the norms well. for four girls from different places from And the occasional outing to have insight regions of north and south kashmir. of Shikara’s (Boats make my day! And My stay started coping with a favourable though you might not find yourself being roommate, though hostellers suffer fights pampered with the luxuries of continental with new roommates. The trick is to give and Kashmiri, the hostel mess definitely a little as well as hold a bit of your own. is not like what we cook and eat at homes. A change in set routines has to be made The meal menu we are provided with every from all sides, and however oceanic the day is a constant struggle against expenses differences, the least expected points of (and starvation!) definitely has us counting civility are never too hard to achieve. our blessings. Many a time, your new roommate and I have had heard about the stringent neighbours may very well go on to become regulations against ragging and in favour your best friends , of discipline. But since, I have never been A small but constantly expanding hostel trusting of rules, many a new batch mates library, a computer and internet centre, were received with the utmost respect. I laundry room, two television sets, our very was one among them. I was never ragged, own games cupboard and wachingh movies humiliated, intimidated at all. The respect are just a few of the luxuries which have i too give to all of my hostellers. ©

HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND THEIR POST WAR-NARRATIONS ARE CRAZY JUSTIFICATIONS, AND FULL OF PARANOID CONCLUSIONS. LIFE IN DOWNTOWN owntown Srinagar or ‘Shehr- 09 1992 when I was born amidst the shine i-Khaas’- my heart lies here. of fresh drops of dew through a faint light Beautiful, interwoven, vibrant morning and chirping of birds. It was and compassionate this is my Friday. Since then I became “Downtown Dperception of it. The alleys of downtown Walla.” And started journey with my soft act as Chinars under whose canopy I escape fragile feet’s on the streets of this city summer’s heat. The alleys of downtown amidst barbed wire; where sometimes Khalid Bashir reflect the lessons of history, while sitting while running for school I got caught in the Tame the on shop fronts under the light of elder’s interminable barbed wire. I don’t remember “bloody savages” wisdom I learn, unlearn. Downtown is the my first school day or the toll of an assembly is a constant place where Kashmiri Culture lies, tradition bell perhaps I remember incessant sharp rhetoric towards thrives and lost values are alive in those piercing sound of bullets; I could never Al-Qaida in the overcrowded streets. I remember holding come across fragrance of flowers perhaps movie. my grandmothers hand and marching plumes of smoke rising from houses. The across its lanes and by-lanes so often in my faint memory of chirping and warbling of childhood. birds on the lonely chinar tree opposite to The downtown is full of diversity; Old Dastgeer Sahab shrine at soon mosques, old temples, seven old bridges. I turned day after day into orchestra of have grown up in Khanyar. It was August mourning and eternal silence. 


Once, while I was returning from my used to spend silent peaceful, secure life school on a bright day in 1996 a women here; at my school- ‘woodlands house in her mid-40’s was crying, beating her school.’ While back at home I was growing chest with one hand and holding the insecure. As a kid I felt safe at school man’s injured eye with other as blood was rather than home. dripping from her finger gaps and leaving I was developing midnight knock a trail for me to follow. It was my first syndrome. I was never able to acquaintance with the word ‘B’; Blood. I comprehend what actually it is. In 1998 was too young to remember the address of after winning a dance competition from my house; I was walking on street; staring school and was gifted with the title at all the chaos and commotion amidst ‘Michael Jackson.’ It was a bubble which bullets and people saving their lives. The would be formed every day at school and cries of mourning; It was then someone burst at home. My uncle had brought me with a belt of bullets tied to his waist and a piano. After my homework; he was my a pointed wooden bat (actually it is called companion but whenever I heard the AK 47) hold my hand and handed me to screech of engines of jeeps and trucks my neighbours. I was a ‘lost’ child amidst my heart would wallop incessantly and conflict. The name of the person who I prognosticated. ‘They’ would come accompanied me to my locality was ‘STF’. today. And my prognostication every My school was located at a picturesque time turned true. I would wake up at the location where only ‘privileged’ where middle of night, rubbing my eyes only allowed. But still I was awed at the sight to find my grandfather smashed to door. of ‘soldiers of my country’ checking my My unmarried Aunt slapped. My father identity card, getting into my bus on who had a fistful of beard was called routine and their eyes darting suspicious ‘terrorist’ and was interrogated in front of glances from side to side; I used to give his family members. I started to get afraid smile but they never requited. I could see of ‘they’. ‘They’ revealed themselves to a long line of people waiting at different me. I started to hate them more patiently doors of different colours. It is called and with more corrosive anger. The cold Gupkar. It was unlike my downtown. I silent moon was not able


to change the color of their vehicles from of the city. The 22 graves here are of ‘olive green’ to silver. Later I learnt I had the people killed on July 13, 1931, in lost my friend; my only friend piano. It the uprising against the oppressive was stolen by them. Dogra maharaja. On every July 13 As I started to grow up I would dream Chief Minister of state come here to of soaring in the sky like birds. I had pay obeisance. (Mirdu Rai authorof the developed new friends who too had book, Hindu Rulers, Muslim Subject.) same dreams. Soon I learnt the word, chowk is the square outside ‘them and us’. I soon learnt bunkers, Jamia Masjid, the main mosque of checkpoints, camps. Outside my home Srinagar. It is one of the oldest mosques where I used to wait for my school bus in Kashmir? The building is 600 years was a bunker that would scare me always. old, and has been thrice gutted in In Khanyar Sufi shrine of Dastgeer fire and rebuilt. It was built by Sultan Sahib (patron saint of the Qadri Sufi Sikandar in 1400 AD under the order order) of Baghdad in Iraq. His disciples by Mir Mohammad Hamdani son of had come from there. The disciples are Shah Hamdan. Later, the son of Sultan buried inside the shrine, visited by large Sikandar, Zain-ul-Abideen got the numbers of people every day. But the mosque extended. It has a magnificent shrine was conflagrated in 2012. It took courtyard and 370 wooden pillars. only two hours for a blaze to engulf The voices that reverberate are mostly history. I called that morning –the of mosques, shrines, commotion of traffic morning of ashes. plying on its narrow roads. The snow clad Khwaja Naqshband’s disciples brought mountains that I can see faintly from over the Naqshbandi order here. The Holy the old bridges on the leave Prophet’s hair, the Moi-e-Muqaddas, me with a hope and dream. I believe that was first brought here and then taken tourists who visit Kashmir, not often see to the shrine, because of the this part. They miss the history. They unmanageable rush here in the heart miss the Kashmir! ©

ALTHOUGH THERE ISN’T MUCH TO DO FOR A MUSIC COMPOSER IN A DARK FILM LIKE BADLAPUR, STILL THE DUO OF SACHIN-JIGAR MAKE THEIR PRESENCE FELT WITH NUMBERS LIKE ‘JEENA’ AND ‘JUDAA’I. A MISNOMER CALLED BADLAPUR he movie ‘Badlapur’ opens Harman (Vinay Pathak) flees. It’s only with a stimulating African when Layik completes 15 years of the saying: ‘the axe forgets, the term that Raghav confronts Harman tree remembers’ setting the for the first time. Mistaking him for the Ttone for revenge by the tree on the axe. killer, Raghav not only kills Harman, but But, does the movie really deliver on also his loving and tender wife (Radhika Irshad Khan that? Does it really justify the title to Apte) in cold blood. However, qualify for a ‘Badla’? This is where Badlapur disappoints Badlapur is In Badlapur, there isn’t much suspense. a far as the expectations from a typical completely The story is as simple as it unfolds. It is revenge film are concerned in the first performance- about Raghav (Varun Dawan), a young place. ‘Badla’ is a misnomer as the driven throughout. and energetic husband and a father, protagonist takes revenge on the wrong so lively, whose life is unfortunately man, while the real killer steals the credit. changed forever. His wife and son are Raghav kills the wrong man, while he killed by Layik (Nawazuddin Siddiqui). pardons Layik (the killer) after he serves While layik is nabbed and sentenced to 15 years of his jail term on the grounds 20 years imprisonment, his accomplice, that Layik is suffering from cancer. We 


know from the beginning that Harman is innocent. However,Badlapur is completely performance-driven throughout. Varun Dhawan makes two transitions of himself: first a lively, loving husband into an inanimate being and then into a cold blooded murderer, so believable to make him an ‘actor’- he deserves accolades for that. Nawazuddin Siddiqui is in his usual best. There will be hardly any role which he doesn’t do full justice with. Here he’s a bad man, a bank robber who mistakenly commits a murder, then misleads the police after being nabbed. His role doesn’t just stop at performance only, but steals the show morally as well; he confesses before the police of committing the murders which Raghav has done to try to be a good man even as a deadly and fatal cancer has already taken a toll on his health. Perhaps he wants to end it on a good note! Although Yami Gautam, Divya Dutta (a social activist), Ashwini Kalsekar (private detective), Radhika Apte (Harman’s wife) are sort of flash only in the movie with limited screen space, still each of them create quite an impact and look impressive. Kumud Mishra (Police officer) and Pratima Kannan (Layik’s mother) also deliver in their respective roles. Raghuram Raghavan as director could have done better by weaving it in some more threads of suspense as the pursuit for revenge becomes too predictable. All in all, Raghavan deserves credit for keeping the storyline intact and accomplishing ‘badla’, irrelevant and wrong it seems though. Although there isn’t much to do for a music composer in a dark film like Badlapur, still the duo of Sachin-Jigar make their presence felt with numbers like ‘Jeena’ and ‘Judaa’i. If nothing more, Badlapur deserves to be watched for the performances of skilled Varun Dhawan and the ever versatile and genius called Nawazuddin Siddiqui. Most importantly, ‘Don’t miss the beginning’ for it ought not to be! ©






xactly after one month from Sialkot. At that time less than one hundred now, i.e ending week of Octo- people were involved in the move. While ber, the Government of Jammu as today it is a mass exodus of thousands and Kashmir will once again of government employees. Ego through its annual ritual known as CURRENT SCENARIO “Darbar Move”. The civil secretariat will The state government annually spends be locked and the whole administration Rs 10 crore for moving the offices, records from the secretaries to the peons, will be and employees to Jammu in the last week seen shifting to the Summer capital of of octobers and then back to Srinagar Jammu. In coming May, the process will in May. According to the Government UMAR SHAFI be repeated. Order NO 503 : JK-GAD ( HISTORY dated 06 -04-2015, more than 40 offices The state The tradition of Darbar Move was and their sub-departments move in full government annually spends started during Dogra rule in 1872 by after functioning for six winter months Rs 10 crore Maharaja Ranbir Singh.The idea behind in Jammu while 45 departments move for moving the the Move was to escape the Kashmir in camp. The latter carry 33 per cent of offices, records winter which was not only severe but, in their staff strength. All the move offices, and employees. those days, also completely cut the valley apart from the manpower and other off from the outside world. office paraphernalia, shift truck-loads The royal entourage usually took of official records every six months. the Cart Road through the Pir Special arrangements are made for the Panchal range and the lesser officers transportation of the records in the state- would reach Jammu via Rawalpindi and owned State Road 


Transport Corporation (SRTC) buses Ranbir Singh in 1872 to escape extreme and trucks which are requisitioned weather conditions in Kashmir. by respective departments. A special Besides thousands of Move employees, security cover is provided to the move the state government has to provide employees and the records all along accommodation to ministers, MLAs, the route up to their destination. The their personal staff . The state government travel allowance of Rs 5000 is paid has to maintain two sets of Raj Bhawans, per employee, irrespective of his or Civil Secretariats, chief minister’s official her designation. Recently, the cash- residences, private offices for the CM, strapped state of Jammu and Kashmir police headquarters, etc. has decided to enhance the shifting Even the heavy infrastructure that allowance of Durbar Move employees has been set up both at Jammu and from the existing Rs 10,000 to Rs 15,000 Srinagar, remains under utilised with to give benefit to the Move employees. only six months in a year it being put An additional burden of over Rs 7 crore to use and the remaining part of the would be put on the state exchequer year it is more or less ‘maintenance and after implementation of this decision, liabilities’. Also how sagacious it is on which is aimed at keeping secretariat the part of government to expect people employees in good humour. For all from Jammu province to travel all the these Move employees-including way up to Kashmir and likewise people secretariat employees, police, judiciary from valley having to come to Jammu and corporations-the TA alone runs to for their secretariat related works, needs the tune of Rs 3.5 crore. Around 3000- to be pondered over.Its only unfair on 3500 employees also avail facility of the part of the government for people of government accommodation. Time- Jammu and Kashmir both being made wise, eight weeks are wasted yearly, to suffer unnecessarily for a tradition which means a further loss of Rs 40 that holds little relevance with respect lakh. to the harsh reality of today. This CRTICISM practice has been one of the reasons that Darbar Move continues to be made state’s exchequer to grapple with debatable one as economic and political resources. commentators dub it as ‘burden on The need of the hour seems to be an state’s exchequer’. The moving of the arrangement wherein the provincial offices have often been blamed for administrative affairs are segregated in poor performance of the government such a way that there remains no need machinery, especially in development to shift the office and records every and administrative works. While some six months with both the secretariats believe that trend was unavoidable, running through out the year, thereby others believe that this practice has reducing the expenditure and bringing been one of the reasons that made state’s about convenience for the public of exchequer to grapple with resources all regions. This move shall also put .Even JK’’s mainstream leaders admitted into effect a full utilization of the the flaws of this decades old tradition. infrastructure that is already existing Former chief minister Omar in both the regions, and as such there Abdullah had described the Darbar isn’t going to be any extra burden that Move as wastage of money and the state authorities are going to bear advocated for South African model in relation to the afore mentioned of capitals for Jammu and Kashmir. step. This can also pave way for a Even he conceded that “We run away more egalitarian arrangement wherein when people need us most and face both the regions can have their own the most difficulty. The Darbar Move people employed and looking after the is escapism,” Dr also administrative nitty gritty, thereby tried to abandon the practice in the putting a lid on the regional bias and 80s but had to face stiff resistance from discriminatory theories that arise Jammu lawyers. Finally he gave up the thereafter. Durbar move practice has to idea. be seen through another prism which CONCLUSION rises above the political, regional and The practice started by Maharaja communal considerations. ©



he trend of shopping in complex, RCC Plaza and Aksa Mall Kashmir has changed to a located in the main city center. The other large extent: courtesy shopping new shopping complexes are also coming malls Shopping Malls in this up like the one under construction Tcontext are now emerging as the favorite gigantic shopping mall near Ali Jan destinations for the shoppers in the valley. shopping complex on Maulana Azad In shopping Malls, one can get every item under one roof. This has increased its essence in a great way. With the surge of shopping Malls all over the world, this Mall culture has also put its steps in our Kashmir valley. The prominent among such Malls Like Wall Mart etc started as a movement from western developed countries and subsequently flourished all over the world within a short span of time. Without any doubt the mall culture has gripped Kashmiris and they seem to love every bit of it. “In earlier days (about a decade back), if you wanted to do any kind of shopping, one had couple of places to go (or should I say streets). Every city has shopping streets like Mahraj ganj, especially in the downtown area, where small shoppers line up across the roads. Bargaining to extract the best price was common place- and it had its own charm too. But everything has changed now,” said Abdul Lateef, a shopkeeper. The younger and older generation alike prefers buying stuff from huge malls where one not only Muneer Ahmad gets variety, but qualities too at moderate prices. Even for everyday grocery buying Youth take this superstores have come up at every nook as a status and corner. Just to give an example, we symbol. Visiting have around a large chunk of super stores Malls and coming especially in the Srinagar city buying branded products satisfy like V-mart; super-fresh superstores etc their thirst for .The main attraction with all of them is better quality of competitive pricing as compared to next life. door retail grocery shop. In recent years, a formidable number of shopping Malls have emerged in Kashmir, the most prominent among them are Sarah city center, M S Mall, Town square, sangarmall shopping 


Road. In these Malls, people besides products satisfy their thirst for better doing shopping one can have a place quality of life. Certainly shopping to rejuvenate, socialize and entertain. Malls are bringing in a new culture in There are recreation facilities, kids’ Kashmir which is different from the zones, and food courts and now theater traditional culture as far as shopping is facilities may also come in the near concerned.” future as is available in malls outside Shopping malls has special security the state. In these big retail stores, one arrangement which is very important. can get everything under one roof from The Malls could manage security much branded clothes, grocery, electronic to more efficiently and effectively as it is a footwear. Saima qureshi, a postgraduate closed place with all the entrances being student says, “Without any doubt, Malls closely guarded by the guards adding a have changed the shopping experience special advantage to traders as well as of Kashmiris to a large extent. Doing shoppers which open market situations shopping in the scorching heat of the make it usually more difficult. sun has been replaced by AC shopping. As it is clear from the description Visiting Malls and buying branded it would be having a perfect blend of local traders for traditional and artistic products along with the international brands. Aquib and Aslam, both class 12 students said, “They have found a new way of shopping in the Malls. It is their pride to do shopping in Malls, particularly in V-mart which has been a household name since its inception quite some years ago. It brings their status up among their friend circle.” Since Majority of the population of Kashmir belongs to middle class, there are products in these malls which suit their budget that is the reason such a Mall culture is assuming prominence day by day. Besides such shopping malls have also opened up many employment opportunities in the valley.Sameer, an MBA graduate said, “He is now the manager of one of the Malls in Srinagar. He has now no need to go outside the state but is comfortable here with his job.” According to a study carried out by Delhi based Business body, ASSOCHAM (Associated chamber of commerce and industry), a whooping Rs.1, 31,804 crore has been invested in organized retailing in last eight months. So far as the j &k state is concerned there are approximately 15 – 20 big shopping malls which offer a variety of products under one roof ranging from clothing to footwear. Shopping Mall culture has no doubt brought a big economic boom in Kashmir but at the same time, the question remains unanswered, will the normal shopkeeper sustain its living due to this growing mall culture?©


“BESIDES TEACHING RULES ABOUT THE GAME WE ALSO TRY TO INCULCATE IMPORTANCE OF: TEAM SPIRIT, TEAM WORK, UNITY, BROTHERHOOD.” GROOMING PERSONALITIES t is evening time. A bunch of boys lie groups viz. U19, U17, U14, and U12. scattered in a part of Sports Ground Latief says, “To make the academy at of MET (Muslim Educational Trust) par with a standard football academy, Higher Secondary School at Baghaat it runs on “modern lines and rules of IBarzullah in Srinagar. They are kicking a game as laid down by FIFA (Federation football in a wait for other players who Internationale de Football Association) are expected to join them for a friendly which provides the aspiring young game. trainees a better platform to nurture their Zafar Aafaq Another part of ground is occupied by talent. Studies and Mr. Mohammad Latief Bhat and his boys. The academy does not only aim at sport go hand He is a licensed football coach who runs turning these amateurs into professional in hand. Do a football academy-Universal Football footballers but also take care of not curb our Academy. The academy registered with developing them into “better” human freedom to play. J&K Football Association was started in beings. For this reason the conventional 2012. methods of training have no scope here. Latief comes here daily after ‘Asr “The little kids have to be instructed with prayers’ to train the students of academy love and affection. They should feel good till Maghrib. There are around fifty and enjoy the training. There is no scope aspirants currently enrolled with the for punishment. It will have a bad affect on academy comprising of different age their development,” says Latief. 


The academy, besides shaping up him recover from minor sports injuries. their careers in football, wants these Ameeq Shafi is a 5th grade student. He kids to do well in studies. The coach and three others have made it to reputed Mohammad Latief works hard to mould club managed by J&K Bank which, their behavior and attitude so that they according to Laief “is an achievement of may be beneficial to society. Universal Football Academy.” “The after school daytime spent here at Latief does not make money out of the academy prevents these budding kids coaching these kids. Training these from getting indulged in bad habits like aspiring kids is “my passion and he smoking, drug addiction, immorality. thinks this is the way he can contribute Besides teaching rules about the game back to society.” we also try to inculcate importance For more than two years he coached of: team spirit, team work, unity, the students for free but now he has brotherhood.” started to charge them. For this move Azhar a young trainee at the academy Latief gives two reasons. One is to says, “We are taught good behavior, develop the academy, and second reason discipline and importance of hard work says Latief is “sometimes some students besides football training. would runaway in the middle of coaching “Contrary to expectations, most of period but when money is involved, the the parents encourage their children to seriousness comes in.” join academy however ‘playing sport is J&K Football Association (JKFA) wastage of time’ taboo is still prevalent in occasionally sponsors tournaments urban society,” says Latief for these kids besides providing sports To counter this taboo, Latief equipments required for playing encourages his students to spend most the game at professional level. The of time with studies at home so as to matches in these tournaments are become inspiring figures for rest of the played between teams that represent kids in the society. By doing so Latief different academies of the level of thinks, “it would motivate parents to Universal Football Academy from encourage students to across Srinagar. pursue career in sports.” According to Latief “most of the Mohammad Latief academies show less interest in insists that parents conducting tournaments outside the J&K Football should shun the ‘playing umbrella of JKFA due to financial Association sport is wastage of time’ reasons.” But Latief has always mentality and let their alternative to keep the kids busy in (JKFA) children play the sport match practice. occasionally for their development When J&K football association is sponsors and betterment of busy with major tournaments, Universal society. Football Academy participates in tournaments “Studies and sport go amateur tournaments organized at for these hand in hand. Do not local level to keep the trainees busy curb our freedom to with match practice. For Latief “if kids besides play,” says Ameeq Shafi coaching helps a player better his providing sports a budding footballer at technique, continuous match practice equipments the academy. makes a player a thorough professional The academy’s major footballer.” required for focus while training a Football is not as popular as cricket playing the game budding player is on in Kashmir. Villages reflect a more physical, mental moral dismal picture. There are enthusiasts at professional health. everywhere but they have not facilities level “We ensure that the and proper channel to showcase their kid undergoing training passion. remains physically fit Latief Ahmad Bhat and his students and football involves a hope, “JKFA will open football lot of physical activity helps him to stay academies in all districts so as to provide healthy,” says Latief. Besides football opportunities and exposure to every coaching, a player is also taught some aspirant and it will eventually help in basic physical exercise techniques to help promotion of the sport.” ©



wenty five kms away from the (a saint). Mullah Shah was a Mulsim Sufi main Srinagar city towards and spiritual successor of the famous north on National Highway 1 Sufi saint Mian Mir. He was the spiritual (D) is Ganderbal, a place known mentor of Dara Shikoh. The place was Tfor its tourist destinations: Sonamarag, used for holding Islamic congregations Naranagh, Manasbal Lake and river and prayers during the Mughal regime. Ishan Fazili Sindh. The place was built by Dara Shikoh Among these much known places is a almost 800 years back. The place has Although there lesser known place: Malshahi Bagh- a place a religious significance with regard to is no proper located on a hillock in district Ganderbal. Muslim community and was used as a record of the This place has an historic importance mosque. The monument has four rooms place in history except a Persian as it stations a historic monument. The and one Masjid along with a Hamam book. monument is believed to have been built on the outer side. A hamam is a room in by Dara Shikoh, who was the eldest son of which thick rectangular slabs of stone the fifth Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, who are laid over a hallowed floor. Firewood according to the historians constructed it is placed in the hamam through a small in the memory of Mullah Shah Badakhshi door. Each room has a door made of 


stones and a single window. In the they have not started implementing middle of the monument flows a river the changes that were prepared in the that divides the monument into two conservation plan. equal parts. On the walls of it one can “The Waqf board has to get the project still see traces of ancient coloring done approved by the government, but till to the monument. The walls bear the date no concrete steps are being taken to fine lines of art and architecture. The preserve this heritage site”, said Saleem outer area also posses traces of earthen Beigh. pipelines that were a once source of Although there is no proper record of the place in history except a Persian book “Sakeenat-ul-Awliya” written by Shahzada Dara Shikoh talks about the place. The residents of the locality feel that if the site is preserved, it can boost the tourism and can be helpful in generating employment in the area. “We want that this place should be taken care of, this is an archaeological site and due to the negligence of government it has turned into ruins”, said Abdul Rashid, a local resident. “The monument is situated at a beautiful place; it is a part of our rich cultural heritage and has historical importance. It can be developed into beautiful tourist destination. People from outside should come and see the place and not only outside people but people from within the place should come to see the place”, said Sarmad Hafeez, ex Deputy Commisioner Ganderbal. ©

THE RESIDENTS OF THE LOCALITY FEEL THAT IF water to the area and believed to have supplied water to Makhdoom Sahab THE SITE IS Shrine. “Other than historical importance the PRESERVED, IT place presents a beautiful view on all the CAN BOOST THE sides. The site can be promoted once the Tourism department takes the charge TOURISM AND of the place. We need to explore new CAN BE HELPFUL destinations to promote tourism,” said Sarmad Hafeez Ex Deputy Commissioner IN GENERATING Ganderbal. EMPLOYMENT IN Saleem Beigh who heads INTACH, JK chapter, says that a team of architects THE AREA were sent to the site and prepared a conservation plan for it. The conservation plan was drafted almost three years ago and was submitted to the Waqf board that is in charge of the site. But, till now



A SHRINE FOR WOMEN! n shrines of Kashmir, women are not remains closed hiding behind the green allowed to go near the periphery of and black glittering curtains on which the Moosa Hayaat holy spot but there are few shrines names of Allah and verses from Quran are where something contrary happens inscribed. In past a lion Iand women have became the caretakers. Bibi Baria, was a daughter of Saif-ullah- used to visit the The shrine of Bibi Baria, believed the then Governor of Kashmir (in the era shrine during to be a 14th century saint is located in of Sikander). Saif-ullah (Seeh Bhat) was a night. the outskirts of Srinagar in , Hindu, who was always discriminated for specifically meant for women. The being from the lower cast of the stratum in structure is made of concrete, one main the era of Budshah. Later he converted to door leading to another where actually Bibi Islam and became very strict towards the Baria’s grave is. The grave is surrounded by Brahmins who later left valley and shifted three windows and a door which usually to the regions of Punjab. 


“Kashir ruz kahai ghare” (Kashmir is militants ever happened in this area”, left with 11 houses only) is a phrase of that Zoon says and give credit of this to Bibi’s time. It is believed that Saif-ullah became shrine. the reason” says Zareef Ahmad Zareef. Shakeela, a local who lives near the After seeing the dedication of Saif-ullah, shrine is a witness of the day when some Mir Syed Ali Hamadani (popularly known militants were walking on the main road as Shah-i-Hamadani) decided to marry and army came from somewhere. his son, Mir Mohammad Hamadani to the “Those militants entered the shrine lone daughter of Saif-ullah. But Bibi Baria of Bibi and we were getting ready for the died immediately after her marriage. shootout between the two. We were so Women who come to visit this shrine frightened that we had already dived on are now a long time visitors, who believe all the floor but luckily those army men had their wishes have come true. On Fridays, not seen the militants and those militants hundreds of women offer prayers here. were saved.” The shrine and the Masjid are separated Haji Ali Mohammad Bhat, 75, caretaker with a wall and both have their separate of the Masjid is witness of the old structure entrance. of shrine. He remembers how flowers used Door and window handles aren’t visible to blossom from the roof of Bibi Baria’s because of the hundreds of cloth pieces shrine. He names it as the shrine of ‘Deead (dashee) knotted over it. “These knots Mouj’. are wishes of people that God is going to Haji Ali says in the times of drought fulfill anytime”, says Zoon Malik. the stream, flowing in front of the shrine, These cloth pieces are tied by Zoon had never dried down; it always had Malik; before her, her mother-in-law water, no matter what. Locals used to handled it. Zoon is a volunteer caretaker call it the river of Deead Mouj but now of this shrine. It has been her dedication it is just like any other stream carrying towards Bibi Baria that her mother-in-law drainage water. acknowledged her to take care of the shrine “In past a lion used to visit the shrine after she passed away. Zoon is an elderly during night. That lion had never harmed lady, weak and without teeth but still she any local,” says Haji Ali blissfully. prefers to come on the shrine every day. For all people, mostly from the upper Earlier she used to be here five times a day reaches of this area this shrine has always but now due to her deteriorating health helped them in fulfilling their wishes. she comes once a day. She recalls none of Mumtaz was married three years back but the wishes have remained unanswered. she hasn’t been bestowed with a child yet. One thing is bothering her most is the She has visited almost every shrine in the changes in rules of the shrine by the valley and now she is a regular visitor of representatives of Masjid and of the area this shrine also. She believes this shrine and for that the unease can be felt from the is definitely going to help in fulfilling her change in creases on her face which are wish. witness to the prayers, wishes, tears and According to government figures politics going around in the shrine. there are around 1111 shrines in the “First they rebuild the shrine into valley. In all shrines women are not concrete structure and now they have allowed to pray inside or go near to thrown open this shrine for gents- I the holy spot but there are two shrines believe these things have affected the where women are allowed to go inside power of the shrine,” says Zoon Malik in the periphery and men are barred to a distressed voice. enter there. In these shrines women The Shrines in Kashmir are not only are the caretakers. One of them is the religiously significant but have immense Bibi Baria’s shrine and another is in archaeological and historical importance , . That shrine attached to them. But now, most of the is besides the shrine of Syed Haji previous shrines have been changed to Mohammad Muraad Bukhari and the concrete structures. four female graves are believed to be The shrine is believed to have spiritual of the wife of Syed Haji Mohammad powers. “Not even a single militant was Muraad Bukhari, his brother’s wife ever martyred in the area nor any event (who was martyred during war in like clashes between Indian forces and Balakh) and his two daughters. ©


WOMEN USE DIFFERENT METHODS OF SUICIDE. IN CITIES AND TOWNS, HANGING, JUMPING INTO RIVER AND CONSUMING POISON ARE SOME OF THE MOST COMMON METHODS. ALARMING SUICIDES he suicide rate is rising at an their wishes and dreams on their daughters. alarming pace among females They are not given opportunity to choose from past few years. Violence, their own subjects and they are unable to unemployment, love affairs extra cope with those very subjects. Tmarital affairs and growing competition are “If a girl fails to crack medical entrance or believed to be the primary factors forcing any other competitive exam, she is scolded women to take this extreme step. by their parents and asked to appear again Women are considered emotionally in the exams. At times they have different weak and are more prone to depression plans regarding their future but they are not that may also lead to suicides. Violence allowed to fulfil them. At the end they think against women is considered as a primary of suicide,” he added. reason behind their suicides. “Failed love He further said that parents should affairs, pressures from the family and encourage and provide more support to domestic violence are often the factors their daughters since they are, by nature, which lead them to end their lives. We have very fragile and emotionally weak. to understand that women are sensitive and According to the National Crime Bureau emotionally very weak,” said Dr. Majid, Records of India state that Kashmir has a Consultant Department of Psychiatry higher suicide rate than the states of  Sheri Kashmir Institute of Medical Science, Soura. According to Dr. Majid “Regular tussles in homes are also a factor leading to suicides and when they give up regular confrontations with family members, they think of ending their lives and thus succumb to family pressures.” However, experts believe that suicide among females is a global phenomenon. The reasons behind suicides may vary according to the state of problem of a victim but the phenomenon in general is on rise. “Unemployment is also one of the main Tasir khan reasons of suicide. In our state 7.5 lakh are The growing unemployed and among them there is a rate of huge number of women. They get education suicides is so that they can support their families but a cause of when they don’t get any job, they think concern that of suicide as better alternative,” adds, Dr. needs to be Majid. addressed. Besides this, Competition is also one of the reasons which lead to depression among female students and ultimately compels them to commit suicide. Blaming parents for the rise in suicides among female students, experts say that parents enforce


Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. According to the among the women in Kashmir, he said, statistics, one person in the Valley commits “Parents are becoming so carless that they suicide every day. don’t keep an eye on their children and they Women use different methods of suicide. get into the bad company and sometimes In cities and towns, hanging, jumping into they turn to be drug addicts. When they river and consuming poison are some of think they have got nothing out of it, they the most common methods. In villages end their lives.” pesticides are often used. In certain cases According to Zareef, Kashmiri Women women set themselves ablaze during have forgotten the values which we have suicide attempts. cultivated from our rich history and get “Sometime back, there was no concept of carried away by television and internet. boyfriend and girlfriend in Kashmir valley. “Not so long ago in Kashmir, stories were As these relationships started to grow, the told to children about the sin committing risk among suicides increased rapidly,” Dr. suicide. But now Television have made Majid says adding that moral and religious them forget everything,” he added. education can be helpful to tackle this issue. Also blaming the competition and craze The growing rate of suicides is a cause among the women as one the reasons of of concern that needs to be addressed, suicide, Zareef says, “ Show off has become breaking social institutions that are losing part of our lives now in such a way that their base need to be strengthened. when some females think they are not Zareef Ahmad Zareef, Poet cum Social keeping themselves up with latest norms activist, attributes rising suicide rate to lack and rituals of society, they end their lives of moral and Islamic knowledge among either by hanging or consuming poison.” youth. Rising suicides rates are deeply connected “It is a biggest sin according to Islam. We with the lack of moral education, breaking could have made them understand by moral social institutional values and materialistic and Islamic education but unfortunately things in general. So, this is the time when both are missing from our curriculum and we need to relook on basic structure of our homes as well,” he says. society that comprises of moral education, Blaming the Kashmir society, religious education and inducing social and Modernization and parents for the suicides cultural values. ©




he holy month of Ramadan is respected areas in groups, giving their celebrated throughout world traditional duties to their community. They among Muslims, in which chant hymns like waqt-e-seher meaning the Muslims fast with perseverance, time to eat food for day long fast. Tpatience and dedication; starts from dawn Historically, Seher Khwan’s existed and lasts till dusk. In every Muslim culture from the time of the Ottoman Empire. there are ways of waking up for the pre- These Ramadan drummers were then also dawn meals known as Seheri, one of the counted as night guards, who would not main essence of Ramadan. only give a wakeup call but also keep an eye Kashmir too has centuries old Muslim in the dead of the night. ritual of human alarm clocks beating drums The task of these men would be to wake and bells in the pitch dark hours of holiest up people in a pleasant way for Seheri. At month of Ramadan. With a decline in rebel that time the drummers used to recite violence, the men known as seher khwan different Turkish poems. This tradition, (the drum beater), are among the few who then and even today is something that is venture at night in Kashmir. passed on to generations. Alarms on mobile The tradition of Ramadan “Human phone and clocks have made the lives of alarm clocks” goes back the centuries in people easier but the drum beat to wake up Rafiya Rahim Kashmir. Previously, a seher khwan used to the people at seheri is little bit in vogue. The annual turnover of the loudly recite verses from the Quran praise Pervaiz Butt, a drum beater, says he has floating market for prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) and other been performing his duty in hazratbal area amounts to verses explaining them the importance for last 25 years. For his service, he collects about Rs 5 of fasting. The drum beaters say the seher money from the residents at the end of crore. khwani is a vital source of income and a way Ramadan. “In the past the people used to to keep their tradition alive in modern era go to bed soon after Taraweeh prayers and where the culture and heritage is sabotaged wake up after listening to Naats and the under the boots. drum beats, heralding the start of seheri” he Waking up people on the random beats said. of drum. Seher Khan, goes around their “Children were excited to see the 


Drummers, but now they remain busy with ranges from a meager rupees 10 to rupees their mobile phones and laptops” he added. 300 per house hold. There are other perks No doubt, this is the era of modernization like rice and other edibles which are offered and technology and people have become and are termed as nazrana. more tech savy and are using new kinds of Many however, don’t work as a seher khan technologies every now and then. In this for monetary gains or other benefits. Some context the essence of “drum beaters” have do these is very much in rounds for the become the rare phenomenon respectively. simple reason that they want to gain spiritual Noman Malik, resident of Hazratbal, said merit or get ‘’Sawab ’’, by pleasing Almighty he and his neighbors convinced a drummer Allah. in the downtown area to visit their locality “I am doing it for Almighty Allah and daily, so that they could show their children ofcourse to gain a reward in Akhira Said a 30 the traditional way of waking up the faithful year old seher khwan Shabir Ahmed. in Ramadan. Seher- khwans are a few bunch of men on Hajira begum, an old women from whom many believers rely on. They provide said, “Even though in the modern the most difficult service to humanity for times there are alarm clocks, phones and a period of 30 days under various fears. other gadgets but many are still accustomed But in the present digital era where the to listening to the drum beats. Elimination of communication technology has led to a night barricades and security check points big boom in the innovative technological has also helped these drummers to circulate sector, it seems this tradition is losing its without hindrances”. significance. In order to refurbish the old At the end of Ramadan, the seher khwan’s way of traditional drum beating. People need (drum beaters) would visit the locality to to rehash their cognitive thinking regarding get tips for the service they provided during this tradition, that it really needs to get Ramadan. This practice holds true even explored once again like in those days before today. Well speaking of remuneration it digital revolution. ©

DUE TO THE LONG SHELF LIFE OF THE PROCESSED AND PACKAGED JAMS, ENTREPRENEURS CAN MEET THE HIGH DEMANDS AT NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL MARKET. UNEMPLOYMENT NOT END OF WORLD hey cry, ‘poverty has destroyed In Kashmir thousands of increasingly me’!’ ‘My hard work is worthless!’ educated youth and graduates are ‘I can’t keep up because I am nevertheless unable to find work remains illiterate!’ ‘I am skilled but of no an unavoidable reality. However, world does Tuse!’ ‘My education has gone waste!’…. not stop here not even for uneducated youth Sumaiya Yousuf Certainly not, Sumaiya Yousuf of Merc as there are a number of schemes, plans and The department Times brings out how a jobless youth in policies of government that can bring cheers of Horticulture Kashmir can earn using his skills and mind. in our lives and self employment is indirectly provides 6 The world is not actually like we think is called as a backbone for of a nation. months training to freshers and conspiring against us, but being unaware Subsidies like making jams and juices holds mid-term about certain things has actually made out of fruits, sheep farming, establishing examination after us think so. Using a veritable goldmine of tourism units, setting up kiosks etc galore in completion of your mind, it is easily possible to generate the market of government which ironically three months. handsome revenue so crying and regretting has less takers in Kashmir and people hardly is not a solution. know their benefits. I choose one of them to We think rejection for government jobs explain you how a simple subsidy of making is the end of the world for us but if we look fruit jams can make us a big entrepreneur a little intensely, it is the government that and self employed. needs our skills to survive. J&K being the major fruit producing 


state, the processing of fresh fruits to produce Rainawari, a commerce graduate is one of the juices and jams provide apple business young entrepreneurs who decided to make a opportunities for the unemployed youth of living out of sheep rearing. Finding no way the state. The Department of horticulture to earn in Kashmir he had earlier decided offers various schemes for starting business to move to Kazakhstan , But of late, being units in the horticulture sector. far from his native land, he decided to come Kashmir is fawberry, peach, and plum. back with a new spirit to be self employed. The fruits especially apple are available at low He decided to come back home and started prices creating a good chance for potential sheep farm. The young entrepreneur entrepreneurs to venture into its processing. approached EDI and got a loan of Rs 9 lakh Due to the long shelf life of the processed sanctioned under Seed Capital Fund Scheme. and packaged jams, entrepreneurs can Mir invested Rs 18 lakh to set up a sheep farm meet the high demands at national and at Batpora, Chrar-e-Sharif. He started with international market. Strawberry and 60 sheep in his farm spread over 8 kanals of Mulberry plants are also high in demand in land. “One should invest in sheep farming national international markets which also and it has lot of scope in Valley. I am eagerly have medicinal value. waiting for my first crop of 500 sheep from Fruit jam production is an easy process just 60 sheep in the beginning and that day therefore does not need heavy machinery. is no far.” All one needs to get is equipment called as Self employment and its hype is now all ‘Fruit Mill’ it will cost around 60,000 in the about social media, what you need all of market. The second item need is a ‘Pulper’ the above is skills and presence of mind. worth Rs 60,000 in market. The department Social media can help to a large extent in of Horticulture provides 6 months training advertising your products. Well after all to freshers and holds mid-term examination this, a question comes to my mind If there after completion of three months. are so many people with so many skills then Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship why are there still so many young people Development Institute (JKEDI) is a premier with all the right hallmarks of success but organization of the state government of no avail? Well, perhaps the problems fostering entrepreneurship at the grassroots lie within us. The younger generation is level in the state. unwittingly placing itself at a disadvantage An inspiration for those educated and other who logically do not deserve take yet unemployed Junaid Hussain Mir of advantages.©


Sudhir Dhar-cartoonist along with MERC faculty Ishfaq A. Zari joint registrar UK delivering a lecture on Biodiversity for sustenance to students of MERC

Maya Mirchandani, Sr. Correspondent, NDTV, sharing her thoughts at ‘Press Freedom Day’ organised by MERC

Vice-Chancellor, Chief Guest and Dean Academics and Registrar at ‘Press Freedom day’ Rahul Jalali, President Press Club of India shar- organised by MERC on May 7th 2015 ing his experience with students

Steven Young Blood, Director Of Centre of Peace Journalism, Park University, interacting with Participants along with MERC coordinator at two day writers workshop held at students department MERC


Dr. Seema Kazi, Associate proffesor at Women's Study Centre, Delhi interacting with MERC Siddharth Varadarajan, Distinguished journalist and Founder, Editor ‘The Wire’ with students and students faculty MERC

MERC studnets interacting with Rana Ayoub, NDTV Journalist

Hilal Mir- Editor Kashmir Reader and Zahid Rafiq-Sr Journalist at two day inhouse Sameer-a leading Photographer from valley at two day Editing Workshop at MERC Studio workshop on photography

Kanan Krishnaswamy, Senior Health Journalist Siddharth Varadarajan, Founder, Editor ‘The Wire’ sharing his experiences with students during a brief session with MERC Students



The year 2015 saw MERC in full swing. From strengthening research collaboration with media institution repute to exposing students to various national and international forums of the media industry, MERC marched forward with a range of activities and programs. Some key happenings were:

A. Local workshop on Print Media Editing (March, 2015) B. Seminar on World Press Freedom Day in collaboration with JK Press Association, May, 201 C. National workshop on photography in collaboration with Sony, India, August, 2015. D. National workshop on Urdu Fiction writing in collaboration with Pradhan Books, August, 2015. E. International workshop on “Gender and Media” in collaboration with Population first and UNFPA, December, 2015. F. International Film Festival Doosara Chashma in collaboration with Population First and UNFPA, December,2015.

MERC faculty also initiated and worked on some research projects, besides publishing in national and international referred journals. The courses were successfully updated as per the choice based credit system.

Further, MERC students brought laurels to department by competing in various activities:

Sami-ullah, student MERC, 4th semester, won award at Yes Bank, I Am The Change.

A gruop of students from 4th Semester, MERC, Sumaya Yousuf, student 4th semester won Picasso Films, where listed under top 30 in India Ladalli award for her reporting on Gender Issues Film Project, IFP. for Rising Kashmir.