Irish Travel, Vol 26 (1950-51)

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Irish Travel, Vol 26 (1950-51) Technological University Dublin ARROW@TU Dublin Journals and Periodicals Irish Tourism Archive 1950-10 Irish Travel, Vol 26 (1950-51) Irish Tourist Association Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Cultural History Commons, European History Commons, Geography Commons, Tourism Commons, and the Tourism and Travel Commons Recommended Citation Irish Tourist Association, "Irish Travel, Vol 26 (1950-51)" (1950). Journals and Periodicals. 26. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Irish Tourism Archive at ARROW@TU Dublin. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journals and Periodicals by an authorized administrator of ARROW@TU Dublin. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License OCTOBER, 1950 Threepence e bAtt C 1m . nn L ct= SPEND CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR AT A K OF I ELAND >- :JAe Are you planning a holiday? 9;~e~PLarn 1:Latee Are you aware that the safest and fJdJ.ein most convenient method of carrying :le1unJJ: where the joLLO£i!J1 liE!, Special your money is in TRAVELLERS' rI rrangelllen/s liIlve been made inclusive of all Meals t Dances and Festivals Jar your en/ertaiwllcnt: CHEQUES issued in £ I0 and £5 (excepting Sunday. 31st Doccmbu). SATURDAY. 23rd DE::EMBER. denominations, or in the form of a Dancing 8 p.m. to 12 o·c1ock. FROM SUNDAY. 24th DECEt·1BER. LETTER OF CREDIT Lunch Time Music. available all parts of the world? Orchestral Concert at Dinner. in 40/- Daily CHRISTMAS DAY. 2Sth DECEMBER. Yuletide Dinner 7 p.m. Dancing and for a SCiiY et 1=>t less Entertainment to follow. than four (4) days. ST. STEPHEN'S DAY, 26th DECEMBER. TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES Followinp. Leopardstown Races. Gala or Letters of Credit may be Dinner 7.30 p.m. Dancing and 1 he Aeents of the • Entertainment 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. Bank at any Branch obtained at VISITORS ARE REQl"E--TED TO SUNDAY. 31st DFCtMBER. will be elad to advise THE BANK OF IRELAND "IAKE THblR RE:-'EU'·AHOSS New Year's Eve Grand Gala Dance and you on any bankine DUBLIN EO\RLY TO AVOID DhAPPOT:"OT­ Entertainment. Dancing from 10 p.m. MEST. problem you may have or any of its Branches. Dancing to PHONE 71371-8 The GRESHAM HOTEL ORCHESTRA DECEMBER, 1950. Evening Dress essential at all Dances. ROSS'S of ,DUN LAOGHAIRE A Hotel to remember . • Telephone in the 1195 and 811 9(j 1 centre of a Teleg-rams : Holiday ROSSOTEL Unrivalled for Cuisine and Service I centre Dun Laoghaire 1 8uperb Cuisine makes the Clarence menus I unrivalled nnd appetising. The service. too, • which is prompt and courteous. will please the most exacting patron. .I'!I011' 7617.( Managing Director: Mrs. M. Co/dwell The CLARENCE HOTEL, DUBLIN _ O'KEE~FE'S _ ••••••••..: ROYAL HOTEL IF 'fQU have BRAY a fJIW6.eem! Co. WICKLOW IRELAND COKCERNING THE ENGINEERING GRADE "A" (IRI~II TO RIST BOARD) and Kitchen Services of your A.A. & R.I.A.C. IHotel, consult us J OUR MANY DEPARTMENTS AND expert craftsmen enable us to Iprovide service second to none More inviting than ever i to our many friends in the hotel with the completion of lworld. its stately, luxurious PLUMBING, HEATING, ELECTRICAL bedrooms, dining-rooms, and Kitchen Engineers to the Maple Floor Ballroom, leading hotels. lounges and excellent catering. Let me Quote you for: WEEKLY DINNER DANCES, PRIVATE DINNERS, 21st BIRTHDAY PARTIES, WEDDING RECEPTIONS W. H. CAVEY, Managing Director. DAWSON • STREET • DUBLIN PHONE: BRAY 2097 (Management) for Winter terms and Phone 74336. 5 Lines Xmas Programme THE NATIONAL BANK LIMITED Est:l.bUshed 1835. offers an unrivalled service in the 234 Offices throughout Ireland and financing of foreign trade and the 26 Offices in London and Great procurement of funds at the most Britain. Agents and Correspondents favourable rates everywhere. throughout the world. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FOREIGN BUSINESS IS TRANflACTED. DUBLIN: 34-85 College Green. LONDON: 13-17 Old Broad St., E.C. 2 HOTELKILLlNEY, Co. DUBLIN BEECHWOOD 'Phone: 84477 A beautiful Georgian residence, Lock-up Garages. Spacious standing in own grounds, adjoin­ Parking Ground. Tennis and completely ing Killinl'Y Golf Links and only Putting Gr('ens. reconstructed 7 miles from Dublin. Box-spring Nearest Station: Killiney. and modernized Mattresses, Bed Lights. Hot Bus Service passes main and Cold running water in all entrance. for 1950. Bedrooms. Hotel car meets all trains alid Central Heating Throughout. mail boat by arrangement. :FULLY Resident Proprietors: MR. and MRS. G. H. COLEMAN, DUBLIN. LICENSED * For Tariff, etc.; please apply Manager. Terrazzo, THE LODGE HOTEL. DROMAHAIRE. LEITRIM Wood Block Flooring, Telephone: Dromahaire 4. GRADE A. Tiling and Plumbing Fully licensed and *modernised.** Excellent food, drink and attention. SHOOTING--Pl'eserved rough shooting over 20,000 acres (grouse, pheasants, woodcock, duck, hares, D'Hara'S snipe). FISHING--8, miles River Bonnet (salmon and trout), of Lincoln Place also 4 trout streams. J. J. O·H.,. & Co.• Ltd., 29-30.31 Lincoln PI.ce, Dublin. Phone 61576-7-8 Beautiful Soenery Brochure on request. MUNSTER & LEINSTER BANK, Ltd. Head 011108: 66 SOUTH MATJ" COU OVER 200 BRANCHES AND SUB-BRANCHES Comprehensive BANKING & FOREIGN EXCHANGE Service DUBLIN BRANCHES: DAME STREET O'CONNELL STREEl GRAFTON STREET INCHICORE PHIBSBORO' PEMBROKE DONNYBROOK RATHGAR DRUMCONDRA l\AGGOT STREET RATHFARNHAM CRUMLIN BELFAST LIMERICK DERRY GALWAY Dungannon Branch TRAVEL THE EASY Regular services from Dublin to "'ham1on, London, Liyerpool, Man- chester, Glasgow, Birmingham, Paris, Amsterdam (in association with K.L.M.), Isle of Man and Jersey. FLYBY .~ For reserv'tions. consult your Travel Agent. or Aer Lingus. 40 Upper - AERLINIlUS O'Connell Street, Dublin. Telephone 72921. 11 LUXURY IN CO. MEATH CARNA, CONNEMARA, CO. GALWAY Aclore House, Drumconrath, Tel. 2. Lovely Georgian house, MONGAN'S HOT EL recently completely modernised. central heating, five bathrooms. First-class Lake and Sea Fishing-Shooting. Beautiful 40 miles Dublin. 9 gns. weekly. private bathrooms extra. Bathing Beaches. Mountain, River, Lake, Sea. Grade "A", Irish Tourist Board. Send for illustrated brochure. 'Phone: CARNA 3. J. W. MONGAN. Proprietor. KILCORAN LODGE HOTEL KINVARA HOTEL and RESTAURANT Excursion parties catered for :: Excellent Cuisine:: Separate Tables. On main Dublin-Cork Road. Five miles from Cahir and 12 miles from Mitchelstown. Telegrams: 'Kinvara, Bray,' Telephone: Bray 57 FULLY LICENSED. HOT AND COLD WATER IN ROOMS • ESPLANADE. BRAY • 'Phone-Not yet obtained. Apply: MANAGERESS. Under personal supervision of Proprietress: MRS. F. McCALLlON. l'urnish at TODD BU NS The Headquarters For Happy Homes MARY STRE.~T DUBLIN Dublin THE BIRTHPLACE OF GlJlNNESS COLLEGE GREEN. DUBLI When this picture of College Green, Dublin, was engraved, early in the 19th Century, Guinness's stout was already an established favourite. The building in the centre is the front of Trinity College in whose library are the Book of Kells and the ancient Q'Neill harp on which the Guinness trade mark is based. From College Green you can set off on a No. 21 hus to see Guinness's historic Brewery at St. James's Gate. The Brewery when itwas first leased by Arthur Guinness in 1759, covered four acres. By 1914 it had grown to 60 acres. and is now perhaps the most famous Brewery in the world. SPECIAL INVITATION Visitors are caken orer the Bre...el)' 0/ qualified BUides evel)' weekdl!J (except Bank Holida.,.v') between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. and on Sawrdap TO VISIT at 11 a.m. on!r. Children under 12 are not admitted. No visitor ST. lAMES'S GATE to Dublin should mis> thiS [ascir.atinB and instwcrive tour. G.E.I~77 A Gift that an Irish Friend HOTEL ESPLANADE IRISH Dverseas will appreciate. BRAY "IRISH TRAVEL" 5/- Post Fn!e. :: 12 months. Open 365 days of the year TRAVEL from Professional Entertainments Official organ of the Irish Tourist AssociatiDn. Irish Tourist Association. Phone: Bray 56--Licensed 5/- per annum, post free, from the Irish Tourist O'Connell St., Dublin Association, Dublin. Clonmel's New Museum Co. Dublin Castle's Great Find " If a town or a district was to know and under­ Discovered last year at Malahide Ca tle, near stand itself accurately and properly it mu t Dublin amonO' documents of Lord Malahide, great­ familiarise it elf with its past and from a tudy of oTeat-grandso~ of James Do well, manuscripts and successes and failures plan wisely in the present," ietters of Dr. J ohnson, Boswell, Voltaire, Rousseau said General l\'[ulcahy, )Iinister for Education, and many other famous per onalities, along with an declaring open in Clonmel, COlmty Tipperary, a eye-witness account of the escape of Bonni~ Prin?e civic museum on the occasion of the tercentenary Charlie after the battle of Culloden, 500 Items m celebrations of Cromwell's seige of the town. all, are due for publication in ..A. and Britain. Clonmel Corporation has pur­ chased for use as a municipal Mild December in Dublin theatre, the former Regina IRISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION Only four out of sixteen capitals Cinema. Claimed to be the and leading cities of Europe have first of its kind in Ireland, Annua! General Meeting an average higher December tem­ the new municipal theatre, along and perature than Dublin's, according with the town museum and to a climate analysis hy the Euro­ picture gallery, give added dis­ Luncheon pean 'I"eavel ommission's ew tinction to one of the most pro­ THE Twenty-sixth Annual General Meeting York ews Bureau. gressive and scenic county towns of the members of the Association will in Ireland.
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