Journal of Buddhist Ethics ISSN 1076-9005 Volume 14, 2007 Compassionate Violence?: On the Ethical Implications of Tantric Buddhist Ritual David B. Gray Department of Religious Studies Santa Clara University
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[email protected] Compassionate Violence?: On the Ethical Implications of Tantric Buddhist Ritual David B. Gray Department of Religious Studies Santa Clara University
[email protected] Abstract Buddhism is often presented as a non-violent religion that highlights the virtue of universal compassion. However, it does not unequivocally reject the use of violence, and leaves open the possibility that violence may be committed under special circumstances by spiritually realized beings. This paper examines several apologetic defenses for the presence of violent imagery and rituals in tantric Buddhist literature. It will demonstrate that several Buddhist commentators, in advancing the notion of “compassionate violence,” also advanced an ethical double standard insofar as they defended these violent actions as justifiable when performed by Buddhists, but condemned them when performed by non-Buddhists. Gray, Compassionate Violence? 240 Violence and Compassion in Mahāyāna Buddhism Buddhism has typically been portrayed, by both insider advocates and outside observers, as a peaceful religion, one which condemns violence and seeks rather to cultivate, internally, states of mental calm and clarity, and externally, a compassionate mode of engagement with others.1 This portrayal is supported by the fact that most Buddhist traditions emphasize the cultivation of compassion and loving-kindness as indispensable aids to spiritual development.