LOCAL AlVD GEIVJERAL MEWS. OUR VENERABLE PIONEERS. Vovay-Mrs. D. Wiillors, Mrs, E. Bennett, Asa where to-day this city is located. But two Hill, Mrs. Allen Uatliawiiy, Ira Rolfo, of tho nuinbor are now living. He cnmo Wllllanislon—James M. Williams, Come to Mason .Inly 'Itli. Their Aniiunl Mcctini,' in This City ftn White Oak—Abraiii YaiiBuren, horo wilh his parents in '37, when there Enjoyable One. Wheatllold-Rov, Mrs,l, F, Cannon, was one log hotel, presided over hy James Lansing races next weelr. As the above iinines of these deceased Bhtitio and family, one log houso, two frnnie Celebrate, one weoh from Motidiiy. Tho Names of 27 Who Havo Boon Kes- inenibers were read, short responses were liouaos and ono saw mill. The population idents of i;ho County Over 50 Yoars, made by Capl, Prico, Presiiient Case, Capt, consisted of the Blaine and Danfortb fami• Read G. W. Glynn's adverliseineiit. Eooorded. Cowles, Col, L, H, Ives, Perry Henderson, lies nnd mill hands. Dr. Mcliobert arrived Pord'sBazaar Ball & Shernntn havo a clianra of ad. Gardner Fletcher, Maj, J, S, Huston, Hon, tho next day. He told how they traversed Nature ooultl not woll hnyo provided a Have you noticed Mai'cus Gregor's new J, H, Forster, Goorgo Proctor, Loren Miller, the uiibrokori wilderness to tho township of moro heautiful day for the annual ineeling still Holds the Port John Lee Clark, Hon, G, M. Huntington, Aurelius, whero his father hnd already pur• iociils? • of the Ingham County Pioneer Society, than Levi Slaght, R. J. BuH'eu, J. A. Barnes and chased land ; nlso many facts concerning New lot of whips just received at DuBois that of last Saturday, and the honored old and is the others, who spoke kindly of them, eulogizing that early settlctnonl. A school was estab• -AMD- & Earle's. '* veterans Irom all parts of tho county took their memory, nnd giving so far as Ihey lished in the sununor 1838, with Elii^a But• Several Masonitcs arenltendinf; tho races advantage of it and were present. Itideed, knew, fads concerning their lives and char, ler as teacher, where stands what is known IL^^IDZES' at Jackson this weslt. each succeeding meeting bocoines, especial• acler, bringing hack many plensuni recol- ns the Rolfo school in Vevay, and in 1839 ly to the older of theso sturdy pioneers, of BARGilN HOUSE Tho license to-get married bill don'l talte lectinnB of the departed. Miranda Murdoch taught a school estabish- greater importance. It is of course a pleas• ell'ect until September 25. ed on the south line ol section 25, in Aure• ure for thom to meet with their old-time During this lime the choir nnd audience lius. His paper received very closo atten• Of Mason. Call and see Siir Meneai'! Of courso we don't object to taking friends, and yet it must cause a shade of sang "On Jordan's Stormy Bunks." tion throughout. wool money on subscription. President Case eulogized tho memory of sadness ns each year they find an increased for yourselves. -AT- number of Iheir familiar friends have passed Mrs. John Coatswortli, who died prior to Manning K, North of Alaiedon, was Tho band tournatnent nt Mason .Tuly '1th over lo tho majority. the meeting a year ago, but whose name a called upon, ns being almost tho last will prove an attractive feature. year ago was unintentionally ommitted of a largo family who were among the early Tho ineeling was called to order at tho FORD'S BAZAAR. To exchange—u large stock o( boots and from the list. pioneers of the county. Only himself and court house at 11 o'clock a. tn. by the pres• E. M. SLAYTON' shoes—for money, at Huiitincton's. *2 W. D. Lonsyear and two sons nnd S. H. a younger brother are living. His father. ident, lion. D. L. Case of Lansing, who Wordon sang a fine male quartette—"My Captain Joseph North, his wife, eight boys DuBois & Earle have tho largest and made a fow appropriate and feeling remarks, &reat Barpiii Dry (rooils Slore, Boyhood Days." and two girls, came here in I8ii9, His father finest stock of paints and oils itt the city, * expressing his lliankfiilness that so many broke his road to Lansing and from there were permitted to meet under such pleasant ORIGINAL I'OEM. Two Doors South of restolllco., The mottoof the Grand Ledgo Independ• lo land he had purchased in Alaiedon town• eircninstances. Rev. W. C. Phillips offered As hnd been announced, .las. T. BuUen of ent is, "Grand Lodge and vicinity first; all ship, what they then believed to be the MASON, MICH. priiyer, and a choir consisting of Mrs. A. P. Aurelius, who had been retjucstod to write the world next," wilderness of America, lie explained some Drake, Mrs. W. D. Longyear, Miss Minnie apoein expressly for this occasion, had con• facts iu relation lo the changing of the Larcrest stoelt of sheep shears in the city, Stanton, Messrs. W. D., Bert and Henry sented to do so.and boing called upon al this name of tho capital from Michigan to Lan• and prices as clienp as the cheapest, nt Longyear, S. IL Wordon and E, L, Wiiians, time, presentod the fullowing, and it is un• sing, (after a township in the state of Now Iitglraiii County JpoDuBoics ra& lilarle'st . * wilh Miss Alico Longyear as organist, sang necessary to say it wns enthusiastically York) and clossd by telling of a little inci• I'uhllshed uvery 'i'liursday J3r. Locke and family have removed to "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name," received. He chose lor his subject, hy HEROISM. dent that happened in the oarly history of rooms preptired for them, over C. G. Hunt, Messrs. l^ei-ry Hoiidorsoii, Geo, W, Bristol P. WIIITMOKE, tbo county, which had it not been for a D. iiigtoii's shoo store. and T, Donsmore wore appointed a com• Each nation lias its heroes, Tlm noble and tliehravo. strong constitution would have caused the MAS ON, mama AN. mittee to nominate olhcors for the ensuing Whom thoy hold in high oatoom, Rev. Geo. A. 13cattio of Jjansing, will Bocaiise tlioy foiii^ht to save. death of a member of his father's family. year, and Messrs. V. J. TelTt, Capl. J. B. And every cause its martyrs, PKICBS : preach at the I^rusbyturian church nc.\t Wlioiii scorn and death jierchanco, Fortunately the speaker never Buffered with Prico and J. II, Forster compose the execu• One Year, $1.50 ; Six monihi, 75 conli ; Three Sunday iiiortiing and evening. Most cruelly have .sulfoied fever aud ague, but ho had seen uiglit of tive cominitlee. At the hands of ignorance, montha. 40 conta. his father's fiiinily shaking at one time. The transit railway appropriation ol $3,- Tlio warrior who In battlo In response to a call for the names of Ho was sent nfter a doctor ono day, and 000 hy the Lansing common council, was Drives back a nation's foe, Business J)ircctorv. those present who had been in the county Writes Ills naiiio in history. coining lo Mason ho found none at home, rescinded lust Monday evening. While ages come iiiid go, over 50 years, tho following wero jiresent- Aud In the light with evil, so he loft word for them to cull at his father's Kice Fresh Eoasted Coffee, attorneys. Julius Crittenden, a former Mason boy, ed to the secretary: Tho sanio is justly true. The iiainiisof iiuirai lioruoa house when they returned, but knowing 0r.0,M.llU.NTlNUT0N. U.I' lIiiNOtasoN, Eest of Tea, we underattiiid is railroading in Wisconsin, R, IT, Davis, R, Ilayward, .1, A, Barnes, Aro handed down to you. Ihey wore in the habit of remaining on rTUNTINQ't'ON* UENDERSON, Att»"neys aad Mrs, M, Converse, Marcus Beers, Martha J. ri OounHolorsat Law. OtUce over Kirst Mational with headquarters at LaCrosse. Rut liorolsiii pi'opor, their circuit nntil their medicine ran out, B.nk, Mason, Mich. '-^'^ Iluiitooii, Orinel llnlfo, Iil, S. Howe, Wm. May not alone hu found Extra Canned Goods, According to Joiiesville papers, A. A. lioiston, Mrs. Sanuiol Skadaii, Mrs. Ira Upon the dold of lialtle, he rode to Eutoti Ilapids, found no one and Whoro Illood has stiiiiied the ground. PHYSICIANS. Squier of tliis city, camo very near beiii£ Roife, Mrs. Peter Lowe, Levi Abbott, J. H. Nor 111 tho moral conlllol, left tbo same directions. Ho tlieii rodo to All otH'er goods A No. 1. U. OULVEli, M. D., Physician and SurKoon, Webber, Mrs. Ursula Post, Enns Norlhrop, Whero truth anil error moot. DeWitt, got a doctor, and when ho reached . Olllce over Howard .V Son's Uroccry, Masen, M. the proprietor of a shoe store in thai city Though llioro are iimny heroes. S L. A. Royston, E. Bai'doii, Alvin Rolfo, The list Is iiicoiii]ileto. home found he had brought the thiid doc• Best of Clerks to wait on OCTOR A.I). OAMl'DELL, Phyjlclan, aurgeon last week. Win. .Page, Mrs. Mary M. Turner, Mrs. tor. Strange to say the patient recovered. Ofllco oyer li M. Williani'silruKStore, Mason. Betsey Webber, Mrs. Liithor Huntooti, Mrs. Rut there are other heroes D The new Lyman gasoline stoye is always That stir our tenderest thought. you. n, DODGE, M, D„ llomuipalhlst. Ollice In Dar- J.W. Brown, Mra.iM.McRobert, Mrs.Oroelia Of whom wo fear their valor Al the request of mnny present, L. B. J, row block, Rasidenco corner A and Oak Sts, at the head, most simple, most durable, Pease, Daniel Searl. 'I'oo soon may be forgot; A. LOCIICIJ, M. D., Iloninepathist. Olllcuovor most econoiiiionl slovo made. Found only Thoir service for Uiiilr country Ilunloon sang a song—one very popular m8elve3 to the Hereon this spot for ngos. R. Tryon of Alaiedon, Rev. Tuthill of P. STROUn, Undertaker, Iirst door west of the hardware store to Slayton's new buildiiifj, treiisurer—were supplied with tickets for a In nativo grandeur stood, _,.'DiiHOOKAT olllco. Mason, Mich. Two lirsl-class A tail unhrokon forest L eslie, Hon. J, II, Forster of Williaraalon, 1 L. VANDERCOOK'S. SWea'rsea and hotter facilltiea llinn ovor before, fillf but have decided to remain in their old free dinner, provided by the citizens of A brush entangled wood j ICntroucliod like seine vast army and others were called on and mado short locution, on Maple street. Mason, at the Presbyterian church. IJohhid those hills to slay. DENTISTS. While in the swamps in ambush. but interesting speeches, Ono hundred ladies and gentlemen Sled A New lino ll. MOEEETT, DENTIST. Olllco over Holmes No preaching at the M. E. church ne.xt The dread iiilasuias lay, A vote of ihaiika was tendered the citi• out of the court house and marched to the Of Lawns, Organdies and Sateens in plain Oo.'s store, MiiBon, Mich. 'I'eoth extracted Sunday, Rev. DeLamarter being in attend• withouD t pain by the use of Vitalized Air. Artificial Tho howling wolt at night-fall. zens of Mason for their entertainment and well.filled tables at the church, while the Engaged his vocal jiowors aud (igureti, just received al tooth «itlioiit plates. All work warraatod. ance al tha Eaton Kiipids cainp meeting. 'To mako tho night more hidooiia. the choir for the excellent music. balance of tho audience remained at the Marcus Grehor's. P. YANUUSKN,DENTIST. Oniceia Darrow Sunday school at the usual hour. All throngh the ovoning hours j Tlio ovor waiving troo-tnpa The treasurer then presented the follow• block, Mason, Mich. court house and listened to interesting re• Honey tu Lonu A Seomod beokouint! to say. ing annual report which was accepted and W. L. Cheney o( Joiiesville, (son of Mr. marks by Judge Huntington, Win. Cook This Is tho home of rod mon. On real estate, at tho Farmer's Bank, Ma• SURVEYING. Away I away I away I adopted and tho meeting adjourned : and Mrs. David Cheney of Vevay,) has our and others until there were seats for them son, Mich. lylp P. DRAKK, Deputy County Surveyor, Mason, thanks for a couple pictures of u two-headed To thus iiivado and conquer RECBll'TS. COO pair Misses and Children's Hose at • Mioh. Drain work a specialty. at the dinner table. A laud so fortified. Rocoivod from old troasnror 6U 15 G cents por pair, on Saturday nt lamb. Will hus got so ho ranks way up as One hundred and seventy-eight were fur• Caused groat and griovona bardalilpa. Memborship foes, ito 24 7S FINANCIAL. And many heroes diod. CitlzouB of Mason , -14 25 HoLMES iS: Co. an artist. nished with dinners at the church and quite Iloro whoro they fought and conquered, M. DBESSEB, Insurance, Loan And Oollootion Wo moot again and say, f80 18 At Wobb'H Slioo Store J..Agent. All buainosB promptly attended to. Of• Mrs, Nelson Wing of WheatCeld, whose a large number were entertained by friends Tho loaders in tlmt struggle flceln ITarinors' Bank.Maaon. Aro tho heroes of to-day. E.KPENDITORES. Lots of Walking Shoes. serious illness wo mentioned sometime al their homes. Printing, stationery, &o (f i CO INSURANCE. AFTERNOON session. To leave in early manhood 17S dinners .14 50 Farm for .Sale. since, died on Friday Inst. Funeral at Du• Tlioaoenoa of youUi holiind, 40 ncres of good fanning land, 5 miles ARMERS MUTUAL KIBE INSOBANOl! COM Bois school houao on Sunday, Eev. DeLa• It was nearly tv/o o'clock when Ihe presi To broalc those cords ussiiiidor SI9 10 panyof Ingham county. Safest, choapoat, best, That frlonda to kindred bind. west and two miles south of Mason (owned dent called the ineeling to order after din On hand .„, 31 08 FFor informaliou wrlto to O. If. Miller, socrotory, marter officiating. To penetrate the forest by John Van Wert). Will sell cheap. In Miwen. Goo. W. Pholns. prosldont, Okemos. And battlo with tho trees, ner and the choir sang, "We've Sighted the quire of , John Davis, Bring me that wool money you owe me. Compollhig thom to open The longtalked of catch ns-catch-can Golden Gate." To tho sunshine and tho broezo. 21wGi) Aurelius, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. *2 C. G. Huntington. Breathing in tho poison wrestling match, between George Disenroth The committee on the nomination of olli• A. DARNES, Justice of thoPoace,Insuranceand Of iindralnod swanipa and awulls. of Aurelius, and Charles Converse of Vevay, If You Coiitomplato .Coneotion Agont, onice np stairs,'-- over i''-"'"™rarniers' Then shaking with tho ague, Papering and decorating, call on UnderhilL The date for holding the encampment of cers recommended tho reelection of the Ami no.-ct day sidlttiug rails. for $25, winner to have entire door receipts, 'BankJ , 60 state troops has heen changed to August same ollicers who have so ably served for the Then ditching oH" the water Estimates given, I now employ two first- From out tlwao filthy poolB, will take place at the Ash street rink in class paper hangers and will attend to all REAL ESTATE AGENT 'ith to llth inclusive. Col. Black of the past year. Their report was unanimously Starting en tho hillsiilo The pleasant country sohoola. this city, next Saturday evening. Consider• orders promptly, J, A, Underhill. jyj-ARSnAL„L_ & 048TERLtN, Loan, Collection, 2,Sd U. S. Infantry at Fori Wayne, has been accepted and adopted, Thus the ofiicers Building up the country able feeling exists between the athletic Iniuranco and Real Estate Brokora. Olhce over appointed inspector of the camp. In all that niakoa it groat, , A Largo Lino Btroud t Co.'s Furnituro Store, Mason, Mich, for the ensuing year are as follows i rioiicors of ruicliigan young men of theso two sections and the Prosidont—D. L. Case, Lansing, Aro liorooa of tho state, Of White nod Cream India Linens, Striped Every band in Ingham county is invited Secretary—L. 11, Ives, Vevay, struggle will no doubt be an earnest one. ohn DUNSnAOK,Renl Eatnto and Loan Agont and Checked in White and Ecrue,'to be Treasurer—VV, M, Webb, Aurelius, A poom, like a story, . An elevated platform will be constructed J .Main atreot, south of postolllco. Mason, to take pari in the band contest in this city Yico-Prosldonis— Would seem quito obsolete. fonnd at Marcus Gregor's. July 4th, for the prizes amounting to $100 Lansing—S. L. Xllbourne. And this, our clioaon subject. on which the match will take place and Meridian—Goo. W. I'liolpa. Loft mri/ inconiploto, , A Ifotr ISritiioli Added. officers will be present to see to it that the in cash. Write to committee lor particulars. Williamston-D. Ij, Orossnian, Without those nohio heroines, C, F, Brown has put in a line of Overalla JBlGHIGANfTENTRAL Locke—Goorgo Duncklo, Tho [/Iris of former yenrs, best of order is maintained. Time will be Entries must be made not later than Fri• Loroy—J S. Huston, Who .loft tlieir homes and Ulndrod with the latest improvemenl. Call and see VVlioatriold—Gardner Fletclior. As wives of (lioncora, calletl at 8:31), Admission 25 cents. them, day, July 1, Alaiedon-O. IL Stillinau. Dolhi—Williain Cook. A Dwoot good-hyo to fathor, Holmes & Co. will sell for one week, all . The Mason was eleven Aurelius—Robert Ilaywiird. A klso on mother's cheek, Linen Huck Towels at 15 centa; worth 25 Vovay-MlssE. ,r. Fuller, Aloni; farewell tootlior friends, ; BuslnoBS Locals. years old a few days ago, nnd for ten of Ingham—Samuel Skadan. Porliaps no more to moot; cents, White Oak—O. E. Patrick. A mnlUod sob of sorrow. thoso years our esteemed Bro. Whitmore Stockbridge—Wm. Bl. Stopheus. Perhaps a falling tear. The lurgost Lino I Am Now rroparod hns been at the helm, and as a result the Duiikorliiil-E. U. Angoll. And our noble lioroino To show a full line of Coffins and Caskets. Leslie-S. O. Rnssoll, Commonoos her career, Of Gloves and Silk Mitts iu the city at Will furnish lieiirso nnd utteud fnnerala poper has improved with each succeeding Onondaga—Lovl Shight. Marous Gregor's. A long nnd tedious journoy when desired, I wonld reapoctfully ask year.—Grand Ledge Independent. Some time since blank reports were To a cabin In the woods, The Magara. Falls'Route. A llro-plaoo to oOok hy, For Salo and Bent, your patronnga, Prices Reasonahle, sent out to the vice-presidents of the several A dearth of household goods. Improved City Property and vacant lots J, A, Un'berhili,, aOllTlIWABD, The board of medical examiners at Lan• And on oaoli noble housewife for salo. Very desirable living rooms in Udiio Mason, ,,10:25 a.m. 0:32 p.m. sing for invalid pensioners, which consists townships, with tho request that they fill The trlpplo burden laid. At Webb's Shoe Store ArriveJockaon 1'.-".'^ n*- 10:311 p.m. Was tliiit of being mother. the Cook Block, over Webb's shoe store, of Drs. E, D. North, Rush J. Shank and them out and send to the secretary. The That account you owe. Please call nnd Arrive KttlamuBoo 1:80 p.m. lilCa.m. And nurse, and kitchen-maid. to rent. 24tf Marshall & Casterlin. Kllog .3:22p.m. 3:05a.m. Chas. N. Hayden, will probably be changed president urged that all who had not done settle at once, And whon tlioio urgent dutloa Chicago 0'40p.m. TiOOa.m, Don't Forget soon by the appointment of Dr. J. R, Hull so forward their reports lo the secretary, In proper tlnio woro dono. Holmes , j UuHalo 4;36a,m. S;66p.m' DuBois & Earle's, commencing next Satur and they already have more friends over The cheapest place to buy millinery • NOllTlIWAUn. Of Wall Paper in the city, 2^ tons re• day and continuing'two weeks, * on the other side than hero. Making clothes and blankets goods is over the postofEce. New goods [lOftVO Jacltaon TiOOo.m. 4:30p.m. To keep her loved ones warm, ceived last week. Over 3 tons now in Maaon...... 7:85 ft. m' 6-24 p.m. just arrivetJ. Call and see them. 23w3 Upon inquiry it was found that during Moldins tlioughta and actions stock. J. A. Underhill. Arrive Iianaing .' ; 8:20 a. m. A:.18 p. m. Thanks to an appreciative publiO|thfiDE^t• By love's sweet goiitle cliarm. Owosao 9:22 a. ni. 7:13 p.m. the past year the following persons have Thus rearing sons i>iid daughters Overalls and Jumpora i SaginnwOlty 10:50o. ni. 8:.36p. m. oorat's subscription list is booming right A Lnreo AiiHortmont been called from the ranks of the pioneers To guide tho ship of state, At C. F. Bbowk'b. Day City 11:46 o. m. 9:30 p. m. along—incransiing cvgry week. The fact Thoso pioneer mothers Of Window Shatles, both Plain and Orna• Mackinaw Olty 8:60p.m. 6:30 a.m. of the county : llttve made this nation groat, Webb's Shoo Store. M. J. MtTBUAV, O. W. BtJOOtEs, is there are few people who object to pay mental, at Underhill's. Ticket Agent, Oen'l Paaa, and Ticket Agt. Alaioilon—Josopli Kooler, John yt. Every. The largest assortment of Men's Shoes ing a fair price for a paper when they Woro I to write in history - Mason. Chicago. Aurellna—Mrs. Jacob Parish, old Mrs. Morsliall A page for coming years, Sontlstry. (mothor of John) Jlrs. Alexander Wagoner. in the city. are satisfied they more than get their I'd wrlto nmong tlio liorooa Best Teeth, $7.50 ; Filling, 50 cants up; BunkorhiU—M. T. Spoars, John T. Datcliolor, Susan The names of rioneo'rs. An Xlloeant Iilue money's worth. There is no more reason And on the page bos i\a \\\cm,, , Extriioling, 25 cents. Teeth extracted with• Bean. Of new E'louncings and Laces in Two Tone why the price of eyery nesvapaper should Delhi—James Uarpor, Mrs. T. J. Brown Cformerly Inaoribed wlH'. V- i>l P'RlSi out pain by the use of Nilroua Oxide Gaa. Cream and White, just received at "PATENTS! of this town). ^Hl'oid lierolnea, o,Hr motliora, A. P. VanDedsen, bo the same, than that the price of every q.'!(o jtionoor's hrliio, - Marous Greoor's. Obtalnod,and all other bualnosa in tho U.S.Patent Ingham—Mr. ond Mrs. Eplirlaifl •NYallter, Mrs, Darrow block. Mason, Mich. OnicoitlondedtofdrMODKBATE IPEES; suit of clothes or poiiiid of sugar should le Amaiilali Wiholioll, '&\\<\i, Afto.clivartli, Alr«, ^phn J. A. Barnes of this olty, gave an inlcr- UolmotiiSis Co. Our pHloo Is opposite tho V, S. Patent Oillco, anil wo w.ifii; " • •• Settle I'll. the saqie. The tjino is ppiiiinff wten Will offer on Saturday nil their 6c and Gc ijmising—Sitiitli 'Ikioltor, Mrs, Lontsa Woodworth, eating sketch of the county in its enrly set• Having sold an interest in my businesff, B. 1?. nowUro, EUhuo Peek, Ohaa. W, Butler, Mrs, Ool, Liiwn at 4o per yard; all their lOo and 12Je nowiipapersi 1^3 wpil (^ei otiier connniodities, tlement and of his coming into it. Not necessitating the opening of u new set of Goo, 1>, Snnford, Mrs, Potor DeLaraartor, Mra', Emma Lawn at So per yard. ' must be sold on their merit. The people Toiiyko, Wm, Smith, claiming to be a pioneer, he did claim to books, I am very anxious that every ac• Loroy—Mrs, Lena Ilouao, Pardon Brownoll, count on my books up to Jan; 1,1887, ba We refer hero, tg ll(e.Po»tmiWtor. Hio Siipt. of Mon• want the nows, arid the reliable paper, lhat bo a son of pioneers of the first rank. Fifty At 'Wobb'a SUou Store ey OnlerDiv;. and,to .olUoiula, of the U. S. Patent ' Losllo-Klljah Woodwortli, Warner Wlieaton, Mrs, settled nt once, cither by cnsh or noto. fnrnishes the most of it, in readable form, Nolsoii Nortou, Orllinoal Hall, Calvin Kolchum, Mrs, years ago William, Chester, George nnd GoQda at prices that will please you. Onioo.'iForolroular.udvlop,ternia.ouil ruforonocB to Como in and look over your nccount, Kctual ollenta in your own state er county, write to wili have ft big list, of good paying iktid JIartlia Keiinard,' Mr8,'Ahdrcw Crocker, Bartloy Blaine,hiiusclf and brother Charles, whether you cun pay at present or not.. i , C. A. SHfOW & CO., Mason—Amatlon Iloldou, Mrs. Fetor Lowe, Overalla with a patent fly and diamond ntcUigont fiubscribei's, Oiuioelto Piktont OlUco, Wanliiaetoo, D. 0. Stockbriilga—AnaXhompaou. 1 next youuger, were playmatea in tho woods stay, at C. F. Biio\w'a. • , ; Respectfully, A. 0. DuBm»,' . nic.ud iu the Sboimndoah A'aUoy, nnd than horses tho change M'otild bo for BlTLLErS AO BAYONETS. A tall figure, a gniiiit, cnrowoni faoo, sbiried lo march up it with n siuiill' army. was thoro io grcot the iiiooming soldior.s, OUE lOUSTEIES, Uio hotter. The streets will ho clonner; fagliainMjBiocfat 'Ihis was ncfording lo Llrnnl's plan of mak• Lminont mett, higli military oilicors stood there will bo lower great city stables ing a KiiniilliiiieouK advauco overywhuro near him. Ho bad some' his Stormy Scenes, Amnsbi!,-Anectlotos, nnil upon Ibo Confederacy. Doings of Organized Labor in tlie MASON-, MLCH. to pollute tllo air aud e.vposotlie city to hniids, and mnncbod Iheni tiH ho stood, ' Jjiterfisling Incidents of the No Union infantry over wont so far in '.l'ho bluo blouses poured over tho gang• Various Sections of tiio dostruction bv firo. tlmt dircclion as did Hiiiifer's. Hu fouRht tf.Pi wrriTMORE, Pi7iir.l3it7.Ji, Lille IVnr. planks of the steniuors, inuskois on iheir a Kitcce.ssfiil biilllc iq) at Picdaiont, de• shoulders. 'f''ho iiJiarji voices of (ho Pirst CoLUTtry. Donald Padmo.n', I'aiiioiiK asthoyara- stroyed a great deal ot tho oiieniy's war iSergoaiits wore hoard, "Pall in, compnuy!" grniihor of tho LuiiiKvillo Courier- material, pushed through the giqis of Iho Lord Wolbeltsy was allowed the Bloody Battles, Buzzing Bullets, Bright 'Tbo soldiers got sight of that fii'ce, liliiu liidge, and sat down before byiich- crowned w-ilh n liiiii hnt, elevated by tho National Trade District Movomont Among Juarna!, is an odd sort of ii man. He Bayonets, unci Buggy- biirg. The movciiiont was a grand suc• •otlior Hay to malco an aseent in a caji- height of the man clenr abovo the crowd. tho Knights—.Anlong the Minos is ns b' as ho is clover, rtonio Bods. cess, so fnr. but it had reachod the end of iim balloon, with whieh the roynl en• .Pew of thom hnd neon it before; but no• lime ago ho was oll'iirod the niaungiiig its rope. 'This lilllo nriiiy was fnr olf in body could mistako it. and Mills. gineers aro e.vi50i'inHnitiiig at Cliatlinin. the very hcarl of Ihc ('nnfoderacy, with editor.sliiii of (ho jiiijier, but ]iroiiiplly In the Wilderness. "Why, it's Lincoln!" His lordship tietnnlly fiscnndod to a Itiehmn'nd between it and Wasbingtoii, "\Vb'oro-y" declined un tlio groiliRl lliat il woidd witliouliiiiy liiise, and willioiil supplies. If '.CiiEitE is a wldosprondinovoHient among height of 500 feot, and remained tlinro liy A VKl'MIlAri. "Thoro-Koo!"' lliintur could have taken Lyuclilairg, lie tho h'liights for sopiimlo nafional (rado ns- 1)0 too much bollicr. Jii the ollico he "By thunder, it is! Pm going lo Hpeiik for some timo! A conutiy with only -Whero tho tiiiajleil cliii.parral could nol have held il; he woitUl liuve been to him." BOoialions. '.l'ho' harucssmakers will want loungua about in nn attire ils careloss Hid llic liomira ive ri'eall. overwhulmed liy delaelimolils I'roin Leo's one general oiiglit fo take moro caro of Day liy day Ihoy v.rustle.l tliere, They crowded around liini. the soldiora one; Iho binssworkeis havo asked for ono; as cnn bo iliiaginod, wi'iles a ]iiira!:;'nipb army. Put he couhl nol liike Lynehbuig; of liim that this. Snpposo any accident Til 111" iiiiirUv, smoky nir, from Uie Army of the Potomac and tiom Ihe ii'oiiworkers havo orgaliizod for oue; tofiei.lnir, lillle and llrii.v, il was heavily re-eiitori'od by railroad llie (ir tv.'o a day to brighloii np Ibo distant Louisiaim togellier; Ihey grasped had happened. Or suppose some cnomy 111 lhat iilndiiilOTO' fray. saino day Ilia', boiiivesloil it. He fauiid il and (bo coopers, ]iaiu(ers, and decoratorH bis bands and greeted liiiii willi a kind of editorial ]iago, and docs uothiiig moro. necesBiiry le relreiii. insist on Be)iariite coiiLrol. A scoro ot other of England katl como nnd cut tho Cnisli of liinslvot.i only cnmo slivoullnisiasm—these inenwho loved him. The Htory told of Jiis cotirlsliip is ns roiie. 'Fruiii tlioHo linos of ronselosii flaino, Hut when lie ciiim (o look for a lino of Strong Alu-aliaiii l.iiicolii, hearing tlin erafls are asking for ii separate room in (ho A'l'l iL tiri.lo.H.1 ciiiliini' riiiii, siiignlar as thu.t of ally exploit of his relroiil, he di-icovcred llint tlin Sliciiniidenii luirdeiis of a mitinn, was ixiiverfii.iy iif- great Gidur where Ihey can (all; things l-'niiii Iliiil lilrifii of ilespiinit'i fooH, Valley was barred lo him. lleiicral Ihirlv, r«fsoxf:i!S ill tlto counly jail ;ifc Can• lil'o. Tliore ciiiiiii to Tjoiiisviilo n wo• \Vliile lieiiti'iie.lidii \v'ill..Hl ill;, ronii'l feeleil in Hint nieineiil. His boinel.y hieo over. The exporimuiils already made have O'er thnt oleic iiinl slHiiUleriuy ijiiiiiinl, will soveiilOi/ii ilioiisaiid men. had erosscil lii.'aiued with kiudiiesi as he greeted his ton, 0., iinmiyud liyrnls, eiiitglit ft liig rn nil who lectured on I eiiiperaiicn and shown lhat thero is nothing in tho iiiovo- the iiioinitains nliead ef him. and wns wait• soldiers. one, fovmi'J a cniiil, ;j;iivo liifn ii rcgfi- Wliiilosnio killiiii,'. Wiioiduill toil ing to give litni lialllo slunild lie i-Oine iliat uient of ndisinlo^'raliiig eliaractor, but that wlioHO li'Cllirns'd I'adiiion's hlmish "God bles-s you, boy.s-I know you'd Jiiilf tliat llin-y \uiri;iif licit! wa.y. bir trial I'or his life, found hifll gliilty, of Iriimijr.njlri (.hnfl'ud lier in Iho now.s- Wliii, t.lio iiiiiii;-;liiif4 aii'l llin pain come!" ho said. "1 guess we'ru.sate now." iu reality tliis step is a cementing ono. VI' flio IfioiiriiiinlK.Hluu ly aiiiiii t (Jilt of aiiiniiiiiitioii, out of siipplii'S of XEw- P,mii,.vxii lexlilo miiiiiifiictururs find tho jiiilgo Kelili:iii'(id liim to Im ]iapor, makili;;' rotuiiKMits sn lial'sli that Gut Scveiidi .street llio siililiers iiiarclied, Slill tlioy foiii;lit aiul wi'ebll'.'d lluiro all kinds, llniiler wns in no shape to ri;:;lit. amid the cheers and slioiils df the niiilti- are generally iuiproviiig iheir capaciiy and hanged flio nexl moniiiig al .utiil-ise. Willi ttiiraiiil, saproiiic dospaii'l Iho lorliiror was .sliiiig lo jnadiiess. 'fhe question with hiiu wiis not wlielller ho liide lhal tlirmigeil Ihe eil.v, 'The hooiiijng pulling in iietler miichineiy (o decroar^u At tliiiL hour he wiui lod out by Edwiird Willi \'i,'.:iti'd tin; oflico imd sought out r.iiins all lilnoii\', lienl; niul Inrii, could whip Parly's fresli army; it w-as, of caniiou l.astoiud I heir sleps; Port Slcv- cosl. A New Hnnipsbiro linn hns ordered i''nii:dJt aiul iilrii!;^:lnil lliero at, nioni, whether he could save lii:f own. a cargo lit wool from Sun (''nmcisco ai'ouiid M'agniro, hold on ;l .•lifil'go nf liigliwiiy I'liiliiKiii, iiileiidiiig, it is assorted, to oiis shidliiig Piides' ilivisioii. '.I.'ho U'tieii Ifie Mos;.it,t ihirlcnrHH oiiiiio Ho dill file lalior, by probnlily (he oiil.y eight liuuilr.'il nf llie Xiiieteciith Cori'iS Giqic Horn oil arcoiiiit of high froiglits. L-obbory, who acted as Sliorill', and strike liiiii with a whip. Tho In/.y wit Blill tiliii.y wro.stlod, juril the siiiiio. course open lo hiiu. Ho made a w-iile de'- Sliil onr Clii.'Uaiii ;ai,vo Iho idiout, Were directed lo I'ort Saraloga, wliero they 'I'lie Peiipcrell Alill, in iMaiiic, lias just whon thu oxcciition was ovor, OJiarlos but laiiglii.'d ainil roasone'd willi lier. A "On thill liiio wo'il lijjhl it out." (our away w-est iiiln the mountains of AV'esl held 11 line of rli'le-jiils; IJe .Sixth went divided a halt iiiillioii doibirs in dividends, Virginia, rolrealing liiiiiilreds of miles sti'iiight out from I'ovt Stevens and fought and has a million delhirs left. Diuizison, held for iittoiii|itfd wil'u- iviii'l; nr two liiLir it learned in the Roiiiiieiii aiiil iioiico \yitli yo, through Iho Piiiiawlia Valley, and linally a biillhi that iitlenioon with the enemy in lniurdcr, uut the boily down. iillici; Hint llio Iv.'o wen; iiiiirriiid. 'Tho Soiif.^ uf lieroits theniHet iVdfll by Iho (-)liio h'ivor, and (lie Jiiiltiiiiore aail PlVEiiatioual labor unions hnvo just hold I'rei-ioini, prii'olcHs siiiirilleo siglit lit Ibo f'ii]ii(ol, Ohio Ilnilroad. to the I'pnor Poloiiiao. II their aunmil sossions—the priiilors al lmiiiii is .'iitiil fo bo a very liii]i|iy one. 111 tlio I'liaciiiiil itiitioa's eyes. 'The next day P;irl.v retired louiird Ihn 'J'jil.; JCcntticky and (ifcat Wcstoni iTOs a hard, painful mnrch, nnd his mon ihilTalo, Hie shoemakers ni Hrockioii, (ho Duyii of ivoe aiul dire (li.sireiJO, Poloninc. 'I'hfl g.ildeu Imiir for iilliickiiig Willi ever wiiiiuiii ir, tiiieli liiiiiior witn;> iinng- war lo (iilk si'i'ionsly alioiil recognii-iiig tho sublime eonlhleuco that (jeiieral Halleck Till: biiilderH in the siimll towns all over pi-iiilini;, ;';:i,(liS; I'lile-eiiig. at hull ami .Soiithorn ('oarederacy—it would not lia'.'e niul Seerctiiry Slimdiii fell and o.xpn.'Siii'd tho coniitry are reporting an iiiereiisiug iiieil lliat her sluiiiely ankles wel'e bare, boat, ;;?l,!IO-i; mllsie, i^l.tlSi'i; oarriage.s, been loo Inle for I'raiiro and Ibigliiud, at lhat Wasliinglon was in uo danger. Keillier dumniid for sninil houses. 'I'ho building She well liel' \vii.ger.-.-^\"B7y To/'/j Trulh, least—afler Kip'h a blow as l/nil. $1,108; U'liidiinglnii trip, i^liOO; deenr- of f hem uoiial bj mailc lo boiiove that a nnd loan association fever is spreadiiig iu I'oiifeilerate iiriiiy was in lAliiryland, until Iho West. Tho oiilliow ol inouey tiom alioiis, s::0 1; rent of !\lcrhaiiii's' hall, Oil Hie whole, itis iliilicnlt (o Oiiu'k ot a time of .ei-i:nler diinger to Ihe I'liion cause the tact was ]i!aiii lo everybody. Iroras and Chumhusoo. Ho also served in sluggish linaiii'ia! lociililios in the i'aisl is Si'i-;\Ki:\-o of the old T'lleJiburg rnil- $.'iOO; b;ul.'(r:>, "N'ii'lnria hall, (dr.,'SCil-J; tlinii presented ilsolf on that vory I'lack 'i'hoy iiiigiil have Ieam;d the (ruth a the .Seiuiiiole war. In PS'-")'.' ho losigncd sliiiiuliifiiig catcrpriso in it great iiiauy rent of fliniiliire fnr reiioptiun, ^^liOII; road Ktalioii at X'orlli ('aliibridgo, soou Huiulay al •\'/aKliiiigloii, .liily 10, lS;il. yvi'.uk earlier than they diii had (hey he- his cniiiuiission iu the ariiiyand was elecLod small cbiiiinels. licA-cd (ho repor(s which (loneral Si.gei .sent I'rofe.sfior of iN'mui-.d I'bilosopliy nnd lii- fl-Nlra, ilssislaiuie at recopliion, ;?ln,'i; to he deiiieliKlied, a Huston Gasellc '.l.'he ]ieoplo who wore wilhin ifs de• "Wi'.K'iEi;.-; cilio.s and (owns aro ilevcl- fenses just Lbou w-iU remoiubcr sonielhiiig them from about Harper's l''erry. fiut sinielorin Arlillery 'Taclies ia tiio Virginia oping thoir iiiaiiufuctiiriiig cnpiibililios (dcrioal r.frvH-.r, SI |."i; ,s|ioeini In Xcw writer rebiies that the laic Prof, Agas- of it. thoy bad no conlideiico at all in tiio dis- Alilitiiry Academy, at Ue.viiigtiin. mpiilly. Denver, Col,, is hocoiuiiig an York, ;?:^(1; elc'tiic liglil, ;-il 10; suiidi-y si'zoiiee, being engaged to lecture lit Por about a week i-iiilroad and telegraph lialehes tliat aiuiouui'ed lhat the euoiuy was At tho oiieiiiug'of the lalo war hu entered iuii.>or:aiit uiauutactiiriiig cuuter, and will near tho I'litoinac in force. tbo Gonteilerato sevvieu with tho rank of bills, i^ddU; total, :si(i,,sill. f'i)iu'oi-d, went to Iliis shition with his coiiinimiicalioii wilh tho North hail been proiliice S:ii!,0'.'O,(llUI wiirib or]iroduc(s this Xo doubt (ieijoiiil (1 rant's assurances (hat jAIiijor, and was placed ia comiiiand at wife. Tliey lU'fivud just before tho cut oil', 'I'lio siijiply of ]n-ovipion3 was .Aear. haislerii luaiiufiictnrers aru pioiicof- running sbort, 'The'torts around tho cily General fjcu had uot delaebeil any pari of Harper's Perry. He was soon made lirig- iug ovor tlie West seeking o|ipoituiiitioH. It lii'.s been cniiimoiily lirlil that tho time for (.be train (o leavo. All of a his army, caused Iho "Wasliinglon pooplo to adiur General, and took a prominent part wcic poorly garrisoned by a scaul.y forco, 'Pfif.; .'Lorulim papers are ciiiu,.laiiiing Ibat fool Hociire. in Ihc lirsl baltlo of liiiU lliiii, on .lufy 21, hniii'.r I'f lieilig the highest nioiiiilaiii in sudden ho tiinieil to his wife and ex- somo of whom wore velcraus and others as fasl ns British werlf'.iien leave their Wire liiiiiih-cd-day militia. Olerks in the (iraiit was wofuUy misled by his "Secret 1801. Hisgiillaiit conduct in that light, Uie vi-oi'M lielinig-eil to .Mount f^vercst elaifiied: "WMiv, Juniisa, I Itave lost sliores Ihe ,g.ip is lilleil up with German deparlmeuts and oiiiplo.yuK ot tlte Quarlor- Service"—an instil iiliou of so-called "spies" standiu ; nji against odds, gavo him tho woikiuen and workiiieu from Hussia. '.I'bu.y ill India, llu: liiflicst priil; nf llie lliina- my iioi'imniiiiie!" "Why, how could niaslcr (ieiionil were hurriedly armed nnd and "siioiits," which proved upon oliieroc- sobriquet of Slonownll .lackson. don't want Iho pauper labor of the cuiiti- you b,:i so careless':"' was Ilio r<>ply. Sent out lo do duly as soldiers against the c.isions ihiin (his that it was an anniit In the B))riiig of ISia (ieueml Jacksou layaii i-iiii;i'e, llie ln-ii^-lil, of which is aot uent "shot" thero. 'fhe remedy is in tho Contcderalo veleraus of a dozen caiu.. hiuiibug. was in conimaiiil in tho .Slioiuuidoab Val- dou-s at liil.Oil:; I'eet. Tint laler ex• Air. Aliirriiy, (he station agoul, savi- the highest degree oliseare. paigas. A gunboat hay at Ihs wharf iu (he On llioni.ght of July 3, Grant lelogriiphcd le.v. whero, oy bis celerity nnd skill, lie plorer!; deny this, and assei-f that Dapiia, dileliiiiifi, and (luielly remarked: "You I'olomac, with stenm up, rciuly to hike tho to Washiugtoii: "Jiarly's corjis is now foiled greally .superior forces under '.I'llil question of ciuiiloyers' right to cm- Ol' IVeu- (li.'iiioa, bniLsis a inomilain wish to ,go to Colurord'J" "Yes, sir, Prosiilent and olhor high olJicers of llio here." Himks, Preaioni, Shields, and Mc• ploy non-uuiou labor w ill not ho Kurron- Cioveriinieiit down lo Fortress Jiloiiro;: as Dowell. Ho aftoruard joined tho which I ley call j\ln!iiit 1 ferciilos, which but I have no iiioiiey." "Here aro two On that day .Pailv was lighling at and soon as the danger should bccoino iiiimi- occupying Maiiiusburg, two liimdred miles army ot General Leo, and look a lead• buibling uiiiployurs liiive heen placing tliein- tiekeis." Agassiz roinarlced: "My •soars i;o fJie Irenieuduiis allit'icle of iioiit. Tho danger was cerlaiiily getting (o ol!'! ing part in tho battles of Cold Hnrlior selven in )iosilion to opuii the light, '.l'ho '780 feet. We fear that until Ihis wem- fl-ieud. I shall lecluro at Ciilioord fo- bo innuineiit enough! Prom Port Stevens, On Iho I'ilh ot July, Secretary Staiilon and Malvern Hill. Soon after ho was Avurkiuoii, iu aulieiiialioii of tioitblo, are which is in plain sight of the ciipital, tlm iiuido Alajor Gniieral, aud placed in com- slroiigl honing their I nies. derfiil ligui-o is nd'nted ]\loniit .I'A-erest iiiglil:, itnd I shall havo iiioiioy and will conijilaceiilly wrote lo (;lovoriior Curdu: garrison saw Oiiit Sunday, away olf on the "It seems to bo a raiding ox])editien hy iimud of nearly half of General Leo's .li^ASTi'VliN faruiors and wo!l-to-do luc- 7iilii.;l; bide its diiiiisbod hoiid, and that pay yon," 'I.'ho next day Agassis rc- army, and was an active participant in tho norih roads, Iho clouds of dust arising some of l\\a'payHisait rol'iicrs lhal intost elianies aro lending, llii-ou,gh agencies, second Pull Pun battle. In Iho Aiitietam Occaiiii'a, ill this w-ise, must tako jirc- tliriied. ITo left tho train at Is'oi'th from Uio hoofs of iMoCaushiad's cavalry", that region." much of Iheir spare cash on AVesloru mort- wliiiih was Uv advance of (iinoral P.arl.v's campaign General .lackson, by his rapid Caniiii-idge, lighlod his cigar, und was On Ibnt day Early's array wns crossing t^imes. This oxcliaiigo oiiiLt to have boon .eodeiice of .Xisia. nriiiy. Inu-ing lhat day and the next the movements, eapliirod 11,0110 men at Har• tho Poloninc into Afa'rylniid! built up long ago, Aleiny coniniands very starling hoinewavd, when lie suddenly deep eoltttnns of the Confedoiatos, march• per's Perry on Soptoiiibor I'l, nud by a And just about this lime Grant became low rates of interest Kast and oxceplionall.y ing tlii'ough lorturiii.g heat nud dust, wero forced mnrch joiued General Leo, and Dni", of two num in Luke View, (Ore• tul-iied In his wife and said: ".fjonisa, convinced hy what ho hearl from Mary• high ratos in the West. golliug into ]iosition onlsido (ho fortiiica- look part iu tho'batllo of Antietnm on Sep- gon, who have boon eourliiig Iho same I must ]iay lhat genllciniili," which ho land -not by anything his "Secret Service" tions; nnd hy ovoiiiug of the Hlh the gar• Iciiibor 17. -Aflor tho balllo of Ghancoi- 0;\i': woll-knoAvu ninkeof hoilor has boon told him—that 'the euumy was across Iho girl iu AVal-iier's Yallcy, forty miles did, .saying: "I havo money and I ro- risons of the nortli foils looked, ovor it])ou lersvillo, jAfay 2. 18G:!, whilo on a roion- sold to the cstcnt ot J2i!,0:,0 horso ]iowor Potomac ill l'ori;o. Ho di-jpatched a di•, recently procured a lieoiisc iiml ]jii.y you; also accept m.y great thanks." fifloen thousand of the oiiomy. lioissiiuco bo was tired upon hy bis OAvu ill New York, Pennsylvania, and Now .Jer• vision of tho Sixth Corps to Daliimoro by soldiers, who supposed tho party to bo sey. Great iugeliiiily and .ituuy are being filai-ted I'or flu; jivospoclive bride. 'The The next wook bo strolhid np io tho flow, it will bo nskod, could thoy over boat.i. Podoral scouts, and died from wotinils re• ooiilei-cd on boilor-iiinking, nud luarkod . other did not learn ot this fill tho iioxt station, tind, approaehiiig i\Ii'. Jtnrray, have been permitted lo got Ihovo':' " How It reached (liere just in lime to go out ceived. Stonewall Jaoksoli Avas considered j improvomouls have been coniplctod within wilh Ihe othor trooiis (hat Avero at lialti- day, w-!ieu he started on Ihe sanio cr- exclaimed; •'J\[ygotid I'riciiil, I did was it possible for Waohnglon to havo tho most brilliant cominnuder developed a few months. beou mouiicod in this way. dining tbe more, tbe whole not mnkiug nioro than sis by the war of tlio rebellion on the Coufcd- Ax ontliusiiislio AVusteiior, w;Iio writes as .raiid, ficeomjiaiiied by ii minister and a not lose my portmonuaio; Iloffc it at last yoar of the war'y And how did re- thousand, under General Low Wnllnre, and oralo side.—6'/i/'c((,'/o JjuUtjer. though ho woro posted, says S50,OOb,(IOO friend of his. Aiiotlior minister sooip horae. I tlionglit you w-oiikl bo pleased onfot'coments happen to arrive iu Ihe very meet Parly's army ou iis way to AVnshiiig- could bo safely inve,-tod iu tbo nick of time, aud wlioro did thoy como lou, at Monocacy ',f uuelioii, near Frederick. stigiir- started out in behalf of tho first man, to know." making aiidigrowing iiuhvNtr.y'in the Soiith, from':' A. dosporato and bloody baltin followed, A Chicken .Story. .and the townsiioople hyve sent an In• Tho Union foi-ees woro oiilmnub,;rod three aud that there aro oxcellunt op|iortuiiilies 'Tho story reads liko romance; is more 'l'ho 'Twenly-lifth AVisoonsiu nnd two oi to ono, and defeat wna certain; bnt tho snc- for juto aud ramie maniitacttiriug. dian after tlio parly will) a license for A 'Witi'i'iiiti in the L'ausas City Jonr- outerliiinin.,' than roiaaneo, becauso it is ihroo others had boon soul off ou a raid. In rilico thoro mndo saved A\'ashinglon. Jt 'The Nortliorn investors in Sontbera tbo friend iiecoliipauyiiig tho second 'iial relates this anecdote of the late the Itulh. Probably if someliody slionld tbo alternoon the marchingeoliiinn wns at• lint back Early's advance one golden day. pig-iron pbiuls are greally oncouragod by write a novel, and pat iuto it the mililary tacked by tbo Confederates, and Col. Pnsk man. No ncv;s has yet been hoard from ilohu Gl. Saxo find his favorite daugh• Witliout that ouo day's grace AVashiiigtijn tho active demand iu Western markets for events that biiiipenod in far distant regions was ordered to tako a small force and drive Avould havo surely f.ilien! the Kent of war, bnt pools are selling ter, Sar.ali. It was the custom- of tho of this country during tho previous fow Ibo cnomy away. 'There was a swamp, tho oiitiro iiroduct of furnaces. This will lead to fiirtlior extension of capacity. Coka $20 to ,$10 on ihc iirst lovor. family to .siiendiniicli of eaeh stimlnor weeks, which directly iulliienced tho men• 'The balllo of "Monocacy oconrrod July llrickly grown wilh small Irocs nud bushes, ace aad relief of A\'ashingtQu at tl at time, iJth. A\'a:iaoo, with tho remains of his is scarce. ' , at Saratoga. Ono summor it was de• througli which these troops hnd to march. the peotile would say lUb whole Uiiug wns force, fell back ou Hnltimnrc, and Early 'Phoiu sooraed to bo soino hesitancy ahoiit At Dallas, Texas, a half-million dollar ' '•'Tfif'! eii-,pti-ro ballon piroposcd l.iy M. cided that Sarah .should rornain at improbable. swooped doAvn on AVashiiigtoii. His ciiv- ontoriiig tlio swamp. A sergeant said, cotton mill is to bo built. 'Tho .Poanoko G: Yon i'or tho French cxhibtioii in homo in chavgo of tho younger chil• but tritth is, and ,o','cr will bo, stranger ab.V had passed clear around lialtiiuoro, Colonel, I can lako those men throngh Cotton Alills, Va., nro to havo li capital of cutting the railroads nud capturing (rains. thero," and ho did so. Colonel Husk nnd I?'i50,(l00. Another cotton mill is to bo' 1880 will havo the enormous volume of dren instead of accompanying bor par• than liotion. Let mo toll that story, with exact truth Wo loft Early's army iu Iront of •Wash• several othor oilicors, halt an hour aftor started at C'oluiiibia, S. C, Avith a capital ents, as had boon hor former custom. (10,000 cubic motors. Tha niaximiim nl- about dales, names, and persons. It is not ington, coming down upon it from (ho tho euoniy had been scattered, Avore riding df!?oOO,000. titudc for tho .ascensions will bo 1,000 'This decision rousod tho wrath of the necessiiry to meulion anybody by way of norlh. A dash jiast tho forts, if idtomplod past a farm-house, when thoy discovered 'The .ishoil,;li- Dy.apepala, ,'3lck Ilcailaelw, C'cu.sllpalion, j and It lionKij in (hi^ freshness arni A('.i\f:$??^i^ '"' Choicest FainilioE, "and tlui skill'wa.".;; pretty well received, (-Ic, it isiri'ovi'iT i,irl Willi .-.ii; Inilgh in her "C' tbi! land liio fii.-l tiii-.l In-. K, V. I'Iim-o's Plllmis C'dinplahttsami ."ll.alariaof nil Jchiila j lioiitity of ilH paintingiiiuli.aporitig 1 imagined f vvaij a little tlio biggest hioeve hnwiiduys. -Cnliliin .Moihcal llisoovoi-y" is Ibe liL'sl known yli^W readily to the lieiieflcent imfliieuce of nml polisliiiig;, h^ver since our mar• mnn in JS'ew York, ami cerliiiuly tlio i-i>lii.';iy loi- i-rilisiimpliiiii (si-rofiila nf Ibo All AgoD, bolh Boioa, riage, sovoli yoars ago, my wife and I best liiiown mm* etitsiilo the oily ex• :\l'i;. ,Ioii.-; 1,'OLi-, Cliiini)iiou llicycli'd of liili;^s) mill Iciiiiirod (iiaoaaoti. f-'eiid 111 ci'ilta in IN STOCK. (he world, living' at ,Sydiiey, .Upitriilia,s:iys; HliimpN fnr iJr. I'ioreii'a (^niiplclR treiilijo en have longed lor llii.s diiy to como. Wo cept Greeley. I had made a scrii])- ".•\fler fidiii;; l,IHlll n'liles iit,'ainKt time, !St. coiisiiiiipliiiii, i\-lh iiiianrpas.^ml nioaiiH of book of my writing, and eonclndod I have saved and ".sol-imped" and hoped Jacobs Oil roiiiovod all fatisuo and ]niiiis." ..^olf-triiiLliiiciit. Adili-ii.Ha, WoriirH Pisiimisiiry and prayed for it, and at last it has would givo readings from those, I Jhi.iieiil Asaocinlion, bii:! Abiiii atrci'l, .ihilTaie, M, V. , , como tu jinsH, Wo havo paid oul, made au ongagomeut to give fiiudi n It is slrnngo how few pco|«e Jcnow reading at a small town in iS'ew ,lei-,soy, livlndred,s of dollars iu rent, und been what their normal pulse is, said n jiliy- A viE('llAM(:',s wife i-ai-ely w-ears a tullo niovod and liusilod arouiiil I'rom hoiLsu carried my book wilh me, aud put ilji siciau to a St. Louis illobc rejiorter, biiniiot, ami yet Iicr bonnet'is iisimlly tlio to lujilso, and jilaco to jjlaco, in the nt the one hotel iu good ,slylo, Tho Thoy know that tho aveniso inilsn is rcHiilt of (ho use of (lie tool. iiointidio iminnor loo cmamon amon;» landlord did not sooiu remarkably about 70, and imagine that thoy aro overawed by my prosenoOi.-Nyhich was woll or olherwiso as thoir imlse np- Ls-iiifiES-riON', il.vape|isia, norvciiia pro.-.lra- yoniig miu-i-icd jioDjile in America, 11(111 and nil fnrni'a of gonoi-al didiilHy i-i'lioved somewhat dam loiiing, I gave him n proaelies or departs froni thisstaiidard. No ono can hnow with what a liroatli by lakiiif,' .IIensjiax's 1'ki'-ion-i.-ii:i) Jlnm- 'I'nNic, hall'-donou tie;eta for the lecture, It is true that an average ol all pulses _ K,-,ttMBei:n.\ia-,.iai:--.-.^ _ _ of iulliiite rolief .1 said last wecdc to i\[r,s, ti'io iiiily prrpiiraii'iii of liocf c•ollnlillill.^' iis cii- AVlion I came on the platform there woilld give it result of about 70 bents, tii-i- niiiriluiiis pi-ii|;i>i-lii'.~. It i-niitiiiiia bhiiid- SOO U> •Hib aiHii'OllS'li'Kill" ANiW-UILif.Y iJiUHi, at Iho (dose of a woarisomo mov• from l.-|-.',iii.e.all n-conled .villi eiilended pntli^rcesintjiia wero but seven jiersons in tho b.'dl, six but in no other )5liysii-al pocnliarity is miikiii;,', l'm-co-^'i.iii'i-aliiig nnd liiii-siislaiiiiiig I'erelu'l-on aiml Bookn. Tlm Peletieroii istlioonly dmfX ing (lay, "Well, niy ilfiar, thank the )ii-olii-ilic.i; is iiivaliialili- in nil cnfoi'lilod emi- hiee.i Id' l.-riiii'-o l)u.;.^i'.v..|iiir a ..i|ii,! hook tlmt haa tljp of tlieiii being I'rom the hotel, and the there such whie in'dividval variation, I rilpnorl. mill ciiiloi-i-t.iiieot oC tlu. Ereludl Oovcrniaenl. fates, tills is onr lasli move," had two students in niy ollico at llio diliiiiiii, \vli(-l!ii'!- liill i-osiiji. of cxhniiHtion, SfiKl for mo-iiub'o Ciiliikanio, lllnstrallonii Iiy Siou) seventh a small boy who citme in fret'. liervoli..!, iivorwiirlc, or lunile dia- "Woll, I ho))o sn, for gooilncss';i 'Wlionlgot imck to the hotel I called siuiio timo, both vory strtilig and ro- liuuheiir. M- Vty. DUMHAM, niiar', piirlimiinrly il ri-.-iiilliiig from pniinoiiiii-y, DiJPnfre Co,, llllnolfi. sniic," liaid Mt'.s. Diinc with marked the Iftudiord ilito my room aud had mlu-kiibly healthy young men. The ooiiipliiinlh-. linznid, llnzaid & Co., pruprio- normal pnlso of ono wa.s •17 and the fo rco. liim bring mo all the old iiowHpaper.i tora, .\i,iw Vork. It Is pleasant to the Instc, tones up the And when our twoclii-rislied f!rnsscln other illi. 'This diU'eronen is unusual, ho conld lind .lud .a ball of cord. .1 fl- .•\ilani Inul taken his homo piipor, syatein, restores and iirescrvea health. cni-pols wei'i; lieint;'oill iiinl .slaslmil into few Jinlse.s falling below lIO or ri.sliig took out my book, wr.ap]iod a dozou or (ho devil would nover have got (lie best of It IsiinrcIyTcgclahlo, and cannot fail lo so reclvlenHly, to lit the |)itrli:ir and sit- so of nows]iapers around it, aud then above 8ii in a healthy subject, but an liiiii. prove beneficial, both to old and yomig. tiiij^-rooni, Mrs, JJiuin snid, grliloriilly, began Avinding tho cord. unusually slow or rapid pulse ia uo in• dication whatever of, as is pnp- jV;-i-coliniin .Nnwnnanoi- (Jntlit for .Si,'.\;,''i sjiot. As a BIooil Pui'illerit is superior to nil "Well, il/s the Inst time they'll hnve to ciiab. 'l'liii biirgiiiii over oi'fored in u'larly sup]ioscd to bo the case. Most others. Sold evcrywlioi-c at S1.00 a hotlle. bo cut, for they nro dov,-li to Ktay now; "I v^-oiiud that entire ball abont tho iirinliny nnileriul. Addn.-hs box Il-Ji, Port Wavno, bundle, and tied the end.s'with a double jioople overestimate thoir pulse, ns tlial's line consolalioii." fiiii, • m knot. The landlord llad -watched tllo lliey ofteu count its heals when lalldng 'i'lio Ihuiio wo 111-0 BO liiijipy in is not proceedings intently, and when 1 bad abont the mailer, alid il is a fact well all jmid for, but v,-e see utu- way clonl- lini.slied my -wraiiping he inriiiired known to physicians that the excito- ^™^^iff^i|p?l-;'i-''i'- t(i )iii\' for it in iiiiio, and iiiiy kind of a iipln-.iil.iiblr.Siiiiidanl what the procoodiiigs nioaut, t told ment of convel-salioii will qiiii-keii the ilililiih-, I , frnl.i |i,.r lioniii is in-i-fei'iible lo a liiolong pnyint; pulse from 5 to 2il bentx. Tlie liesl >ar.l: (-Inlli.rovi'red. -,'ii reals: :"::iiii;i.iu.tciI. ;,Vi him I waa going back to New York to neiils. I'-iii- lillle i.Y('i-virin.|'". 'l-|'-.- t. \\',i. i; n l'],\ of i-iMit, Yoiiiig niiu-riod jieojilo should go to work, and f d d not fu-oposo to time to arrivo at the Inlo normal ia i,--;i,-A'i'lilSKUOM(-: CO.VU'.-t N V.'l-hre.. ll;ll,•^.l;i 71 Will piirirv dm l3U«0n rflfcnljitfi Hliirt out in life with tho llxod clctormiii- shortly afler waking in tho morning, tho LIVER nnd KlDWGYS and mi tie that hook ulitill could do so in nANlLSOillli, Jtr.KTOiu: 1 lio H.Ti:ALTU unci VIO- when the nerve.", are unexcited, STYLISH atiiin of jinlling ii roof over their lioails his town and before an andieneo that BEST aEaijfe'iri'JLiVaty .-^ K.ii„ide:; i.-,.,.,. i- 0I( of n:/HroiiHi(i,U'imt tliiiMliey can call llieir (iivii; and this f;<)0(l for Uai-n \\'oi-Icers, ot Appnlilo, linlif:eHli(in,]ji(:k oj would lill the house, I went back tc ESTABI3SG. W. il. f.lV&GO.CiiiiifienitiJ. o fltrotifitd (iri«l Tir«3(l I'ViftJiiic Jil>- is not, Kiudi It vei-y Imi-il lliin;.;- to do in tllo city," eoiitinued IVfr. ,Shaw, "and Jt in fully cluinieil and prolly w-i>ll fUHlaiiiod that lianl workera can lU'coiiipiislialiiiimt lii-ien made lo (trdcr in cltfii j' niirvfiH n^cuivo non days of lonn nnd liiiildilig a.ssoei- sti-iick out on a new lead. Two years beni the world. forcn. J^nUvdtiH llic mind firHl-cIn.Ha Hlylc. i>3iMle tn t^ivA'ti iiinl hfjpplidri Hriiin Powur. itli(iii,s ami i-iicsji i-;iii','i of, j\ly iiB iiiiicli and snvo t^iooiuidvoH from illness and I'ei-lent l-'iL Kuni-. nnd ntyleH ID after I received nn invitation to lecture uiiie.-id or money ^KuCnrinr; from coitijilMnti'i'ftcu- ln."s of lillle if thoy tnko eight cents' worlli per iileiiKC. i'crltu't .I;ir tn iVicii' Nox will dm! in DII. iiitm-cst mill taxes ni-e uut miiclt niui-e in this same town. .1 had boeu wait• rcliindiMl. i'-il unariinlt'cil or no l.'ii. Wril.v Uii not. oiiicritiuMit - rci. (Mt ifii v.Mi andBjust dcalei-M say iln siilu is llio liirgiwt ovor known. send ;i -o, ,.|taiii[is. '.iisiiirHs In looked. -When I' came on the platform Cii'cnliirs I'ree. ,„ W lli-anU'liOUB Jllld DpilllOllS 113 Dr. HARTER'S LIVFR P1LLS„, .It is ilillicnlt lo ihdino tho feeling one If a iiorvoUH woiiiim j^ot^i linkl of it Lollle hIiu this oily, aCwvci Coiiiittimtion.t.iv(!r Oonipl.-^lnL mid 3io>a I found an audience ,'io tightly packed to DHUimftblUU SVUKK. CrT'l" yeiiro'axpt.'i'loiiiitt H UortrlaoliP. anriijilo J)o.'io ;!iul prc-niu liootW has ill a homo nl' olio'.s own. 'J'lioi-o ia Kol.H Hie wlinlii noigliliorlioml lo liiil.-iiif; nbmil Eatitlislica ^JL"^'^.. it 1577, ^mnllL'tl on rocoliil, nf iwociMild In poatni;:u. ^ that tho hist man had to leave his caiio ^ ii)l.lA'AyVf\U and IncniasiMl hy HdiiiolIling in lining a "lamled jirojn-io- il, and a woiiiiin'.^ ciiriosily haa to bo grat.lietl THE DR. HftltTER MEDICINE UO., ST. LOUIS, MO. in the vestilmlo for want ot room, I U l'"ii-:^'fr)il/) itJ'dwiIl, ImllaiHipi.iliH, toi-" that liiMos olil! il]i womlorrlillj', and il it co.slu tlio in-ioo of a lioiinot. jilEHliMiCINCINNATI.O.t;^ CO. 1 In I. DM iMM's n'<'|i(;in>.i. SiMni t'urcfjiiy nl' l.itw^.lr.'n, adds dignity iirnl cai-iicstncss to lil'o. took out my book iiiul unwrapped it before them, Idling tlm ,story as 1 did Yon litonilly feel that you nro some• The Coiisidctilioii'i T-'ircmun. body. Tjil'o taki'.s un a iio\v nnmniug so. It was tins Bliutling up of tho S^oinig Wifo—"I know very well. ami now joys; yiiu liavo Boiiiolliing Id past and hegiimiug again that saved juc—or lit least mado uio whatlnni,"— niollior, that my husband no longer live fnr ii'nd work lor; I actually felt a loves mo," Vniir"'r;iii'.i[iV; rnii'i '.ivc h,'tt.:ii' H-ili.'il'iii'finn to, positive iilmtsin-i- iu imyiiig my t.a.vcs Chivarjo dMa'd. my nisIo'iH.'iM lliiiii ii .. M'l^'.tr I liavc Iiit:itll(i(l. il Mother—"How do you aiow it, my Hdll iimr.'01 Oii'.Mi (inn o; nil ntlmr brniiN put to-- yostordiiy, nnd feU. sori^y tor the poor K'Mlicr. Tlii'v iini piMiioiuu'tNl f-i|u:il to "bit" c\\'i\r daughter ?" tiOllI hi'I'l.'. follows who haven't any luxes to jmy, How Hoys JJiiy llaso-fhms. "Vou kiiov.' ho belongs lo a iiro eom- ('ii.\s. A. CirAsK, I>ru'.r,u'i;i(„ San l)[tv..,'o, Cal. .1 sot out some rose biislios last waek, pany'?" Two handsom.D boys in velvet kniek-' Thia rcnrcsonts ii licalthy li fc. ,lnRtiiiiohallfo as tlinv onlov Addvona Ii. W. TAN.SriVf. & CO., VUlcnf;o^ exulting in tlm tlmnght that thoy wore ei-bockers entered a Broadway .sporting ".Yes," 'i'lu-onijhont it3 variona scones. Who uae tho biulth'a Ullc iJeana. mine, nnd noillioi- thoy mu- I were snli- goods atoro and asked: "•Well, before wo wore nuirrlcd, when .Smitli'H BILE BEANS purify tlio b)oo<1, by actiiiK jo(d, to tho Mliini or tho iiitoro.sts of 'J'ho ori;,'lnal Phnlonraph, "What kind of base-balls have you?" we were courting and tho firo-bell rang, flJrcctiy .iiiii-oiit|itly ou tha H.ivor, Mtin unci Kiii]I>iiintioii Iliat paiiul sl/.o, of this iilntnru Tho dealer reached Ijohind tho eeun- ho never went to the lire, Ifo said that hiiH iio ciiam) Sji iiiedioal Hoiujico. 'il'Iiicy cnroCuimtlpu- aent nn rooolpl iii lOc. lu THE LARCRSTnnaEFST EQUIPPEDIntb* ns lliirly dnya' notice and then Ini-n ns utumiis, Aildross, WORLD —11)0 Iii^inlrlora.'Jlt^t' Stiulriitfi Instyciir. TlioiSr lor and produced a placard which rend ho would rather pay the line," I'Kiii, IKalaria, iiml XSyfipciJsia, ami aro a NiirosimrU JtllA'. JtK.lLlVS. lid rill. nii;,'li Instruct Inn in Voni I nntHitt-lrii mi; iiliil.Miiiii',l'if>iiour>fl Its follows: "Woll, what docs ho do now'!" nKiiinwt. jiIH lortijK oCfevers, c.-Iiills aiul li'ewor, gall moiicm, ,SL, J..oiiin, Mo, Oa'-'i" Tnoiiit:, I'iiio Art!), OnJ/nrv, J-itiTuJiin', l-'icncli, ficj- aaiil 2Erfl:i;hl'w .$7.W]pt-'i-\\M'.'k. Fall Term IrginB Game-Cock, Hwifl and Sure. the hell, lie says duty calls him, nnd he Sept. H, ]'^i7. iMir Iliiirtniird CiilL-iidiir, willi I'nll iiirnrninlipu> hunlei-,'!, j\ly rent days are dono, .1 Bnortor. Champion. is oil' nnd ,away in three Bllakos of a jr. a?",, ismxi'i-a: csi co., pitoi'jtui'roit.s. si-. x.o-criis, bcco. ailUicyn K.TOL'IUKi;, Dir., Fnuililiu Sii., lltJSrOJJ, MM% drivi! nails and lacK-sand hammer and Briiisor. Umpire. sheep's tail."—'I'r.ra^ SiHhuif;. pound when and where .Tiilcaso, When Git Thar. Matheia. iiii iiliifii'i'iilHliliiiiiiliiiiliiiii'iiiiliiiO^ I i-onio homo I'rom niy ollico at iiiglit, it Look Out. Murion. iVoiiliiii iinil Her Diseliscs is lionie iiideod lo mc. Pandy. !lm[)orial. Ih tlio tiilo ol a iiir^jo illinslralod Iroatiso, liy 111-.,11. V, riorco, IJiii'l'ido, N. y,, sent lu any iid- Ami wlioli ono has cliildron it is more 0. K. Excelsior, druas for ten coiiU in ulaiiipa. ft toaciic-i sac- I necossiiry I linn ever Ihnt tlioro bo a /ill! There, Shnkajmaro, ces.sfid BL'h'-troatiiieiil, lilaco IVu- tlieiii that thoy can call homo ; Mind Your hlye, Swiulniriie. aiilacc tlmt Ihey can love and remciii- Only '25 cents each, At a meeting of the Physiological hor as Iloino tliroiii'liont al I their nftor Tho Boys studied the list carefully, Society of Berlln it was given as a I'licl lives, .1 lio|i(i to SCO the cliildron of m.y and oiiu said regrotfully, "Why, you that when tho bee has llHed his cell ei^;ht-monllis' old luiby ]diiying in this haven't any Bloody iVoses?" and has completed the lid a drop ol hdiisn some day. Wo have bought a "No," reiilied th'e denier, gently, "but formic aeid, obtained from the poison good houfio beciiiisn we think we sliitll won't tho 'Bruiser' do'? .-Ul tlie boys bag connecled with tho .sling, is added iivo in this all oiii- lives, aud -wo never aro getting lliom," lo the honey by jiorfornling tho lid •want to go llironti'li the miseries of au- '.riio yoiitlia invested in one Bruiser with tho sting. This formic aeid pre• othei- family niin-c. and one Gamc-Cock, and withdrew, serves honey aud every other ,sugaT A homo of yonr o',vii is, I insist, tho "It requires a great doal ot care to solution fi-onr fermentation. Most ol very bust invcsl ment a young oouplo name base-balls," remarked tbo doi^lor. the insects that have a slinging apjia- can mnlio. II, is .sonielliing w-orth sav• rcllectively. "It's all in the namo. ratus aimilar to tlmt of llio boo are cob ing, and Working, ami living fur.— Tlioso bails are just alike—ouo is pre• lectors, and storers of honoy, so the Goud J-Iouxfkeniiinfi, cisely as gopd as (:lie otller—bnt I can sling has a double fnnetioii—it ia n weapon and a ])icklo.—Dr, Foole'i Tho follo-ivins words, iu praiso oC Dii. riKiiCE's PAVOniTn Fnv.sciiirTrON na a i-omody for tlinso dolicato dlBOilsi'S and yvoalc- nover sell a Champion to it boy who noEses pociillar to -ivoinen, must bo ot to cvOi-y Bull'i-i-or from Giicli mahulii-a. 'I'lioy nro fair Biniipica nf tlio .iiionfiiiirons \\\{ l.illle Iiiea. wants n .IJiimly, or vice versa. That Jieailh Manlhly, e.-tpro63ioiis -with tvliioli thoneaiids givo iittonnioe In tlioir bouso of gratitudo lor tho inostiuiubio boon of lieulth wliioh iiaa boco rostorod to tliom by tlio use of this v/orld-.aniiHl inodioiuo. Whilo on biisilii'ss in Ihe oflico of n GalneOookis a great favol-ile. The UxUKE oilier ealliartica, Dr. Piorco'a Jli-a. SniniiA F. Hoswell, While ColUificO,, Park ivow printing-house ono day, .•^funn y thing aljout the wliolo husiness "I'ldiuts" do not render the bowols costivo , .IohnE, Seqar, of MiUcnherJ!, Va,, -writes: " Wj- lyifd liad boon f!iitl'oi-in«- for two ni- tlii-.-o -tvi-ili-s: "I took cloven bottles of your 'I'lv- thin, tiroil-liuiking man olllerod antl ia that the wealthy people, liko afler operation, but, on (lie ooulrai-y, ostalilisli vnrile I'l-osoriplion' nnd one Iinltlo of yiiiir a porniaiiciitly hcailhy action. Jj<;iiif/ cutirfhj yoara with fonialo wonliiics.s, and had paid ajiiiroacliing the iiropietor, said : two in here just now, always want balls out ono Innidrod dnlhira to p!i.vfioiaiis witli• 'I'olicls.' I am doiiiff my work, and liiivo boon tmicliihlr, nil jiartioular caro i(> reqaired wliilo forannio timo. I have had tu employ help for with bloodthirsty names printed ou oiit roller. Sho tooic Dr. ricri-o's I'nvorito " 1. want Id liavo a list |ii-iiiliii]; snp- uaiiii; tlioni. l!y drng.:,dst.i. Pi-csorl|)tion .md it did bor moro good tlmn about si.vtci'ii ycai-a bcfoi-o I oominciicoil liilc- \ 'cm, wliilo the worst lough on tho iiiK- yonr iiicdiciiic. I bnvo hnd id wenr.n ))os<> yon write il dowii as I lell yon," nil tbo inodiciiio Kivon to licf by tiio physi• Bii|iporti.-r hiostot tbo time; this 1 liavo laid It often happens that the coat of a swell cians during tho three years tlipy imd boon pruclioin.!,'upon liei-." The pi-o]irii-l;'rmade ready ami the 8ido will demand a .Sliakspoare, for in• nside, and fool as welr.illl alilts 1T eve niri--iir did.i il i '1- 1 man snid: "I'cs, I'm nilre lhat I lucked stance, and Will light before he will hears a bntloiiiiii-e, w-hilo that of a tramp Mrs. GnoROE IlEunim, of iVcslftr.UI, N,y„ has nai-y a button. -ivrites: "Iwiisii (fi-eiitsiilVm-orfi-oin lenoor- Mra. JlAv- GrJilARo.v, of Nunica, OUmra Co. the frulit door; have yoii ;e<)t that':'" (.ike anything else. It's a quaint freak riieit, hcnrint!--(hiwn iiniiiH, nnd pniii eontin- j\{icH., ivi-itca; "Viiiu- "Kiivorito Proeoription' ''YoK, bull don't undorsland." of boy nature, isn't it'? I can toll l.iy We would bo pleased to know oC a manor uiilly noi-osa my back. 'J'lirce bnUioa of yonr liaa worked ^v(lnders In my case. ' Fiivorifo I'reseriplinn' i-o.stoi-cd mo to per- Again alio wrilea: "linvinp; taken Bovoral bot• the looks of every boy just what coi- woman who haa never had lieatlaolio or boini "Xover mind, ilun't iiiterrnpt me till I I'ocfc health. I ti-uiilod willi Tlr. , for tles of tho ']'-nv(ii-ito Pi-cii-riiitioii' 1 hiivo ro- J llnisli; are you roadi-':'" nmn on tlmt placard will supply his fiubject lo ooiiHlipiilion, An llioso loeiii to bo ' nine inontlia, williont receiving' any bonolit, giiined my heallh wonderfnll.v, to llio asloniaii- iiiii\-oi-.-ial trouble.i a littlo advico may bo in wants."—New York Sun. Tho'Favorite Proaoriptiou' la tho greatest eiirtbly boon tons iiiont oC niyselC and friciula. 1 can ninv bo ou my foot all (iuyj "Vos." order. Why slionld persoiiu cram tlicir poor sutforlug wouion." iittendiiif- to llio duties of my hoiiaolioid. "I turned nut I lie light iu tho bath• otoniiiclia with nanaoalini; purgative pills, etc., room, " Fcrfls (if Krmciitioii. wliicli sickoii and ilcbllitalo when siieli a iile.a.sant nnd stei-liii^' remedy as I'rickly Ash "All riglit, I've got il." The perils of education are alal-m- liittorn,-will .act mildly and otTootiyoly on tho "The kilclten Avindowa .are fastened." ing. I moan educalioa without nionil liver, kidnoy, fitomaclii and bowels, and at tho Jfany times another from "Yes." nnd industrial training. Toaehors and eamo timo toiio and slrongdien tho wliolo aya- this way they nil "'file dog is ill the collai-." professors have bnt little to do with teiu, cauaiiiij lieadaclie, eonfitipatioii and'all for -(vliich ho p such diati-esain;; evils to Quickly diaappear. -worab disorder, "Yes," ' this. Their solo business is to teach , , „ . . bettor, lnit pi-obiililywoi-60 by reason ot the de...j, .„ >. - . , . "I did not forget to put ashes on tho from the books. If the pnpil stands Tho carlioat mention of neck-wear is liko f3r. Piei-eo'a Pavorito Prescription, directed to llic came, would havo entirely removed tbo Uiaeiiso, theroby dlsiiehing all thoso furnace iire." well in mathematics, iu Greek and tliat of Job's three coinfoi-toi-a. distressing symptoms, aud instituting comfort Inatoad of prolonifcd misery. "Yes," Latin ami logic and rhetoric and phi• jfi.j,_ p_ jfoiitiAN, of IVo, 71 LexiiHiion St., A nrarvclous Cure.—Jfrs. G.'F. Si-nAanE,. Tt Is a l*i(!aaiii-o, S •§ MHVS!il!AHR I E'W' J^oslnn, il/a.*-., snys: "Pivo years ago 1 of CriiKlal, Mieli., writes: "I wns troubled with losophy, he ia doing splendid. That is JEflLOOS "The servants aro all in." Wi-itoa Mra. Eliza Ami .Smith, of '\'ormilh"on, giji I niO!Ui«rio n ^^.^^ ^ droiidful Biin'oi-or from uterine Ironbles. 1-eiiialo v,-eakiie6,s, lenoorrliea and failing of tli& "Tho stable door is locked," the big thing. In faet, it is o-.cry- I'lrio Co., Ohm, to tell the hidioa ovorywhoro HII Fn i Having CA-haustod the elcili ot tlii-eo phy- -ivonib for seven year.a, bo 1 hnd to kei-p riiy bed IBOGTORS, • "Yes," thing so as the teacher is con• that nothing Dr. llat-toi-'s Iron Tonic I Ri_Lu. g gjch|„3. I WHO completely disoonraged, and so for a good part of tho time. I doekired -with an -iveak I ooiiid with dilliciilty cross the room ai-iiiy of diiroi-ent iiliysiciana, nnd spent large suihn "No! the water ia not rmining in tho cerned; and alraoat everything with for all irroguhu-itioa. '-ft cnreil mo wbon tho alono. I hegan taking Dr. Piorco'a Favorite Presoriptlon and ot nionov, bnt received no liisliiig bonolit. At lust my huiibiinei the imi-ents. Tho rcsnlt is that thou- lilij'.iiciaii3 and all otbor romodioa failed." iisinj,- tho local troatinont i-oconinicndcd in his 'Common Sense poi-siiadc'd 1110 to try yonr iiieiiieiniia, -which I -iviia loath to do, bath-room.'.' Jlcdioal Advisor.' I comnionoed to improve itt onco. In tliroo sitnds of boys aro being educated as Lvox'.s I'atoiit Metallic KtilTouors prevont iiccauso I w-as preji'idieed against liicin, and the doctors ania "Yes," months I pcrfectlu cured, and havo had no trouble Bineo. I tlioy would do mo no good; I finally told my huabniid that if boots and alinoa from lunuinp; over, ripiiiug iu "Tlio kitten is out door,3," cxpi rts iu indolence, in avoiding werk, -wrote a letter to my faiiiilv paper, bi-ielly mentioning how my ho -n'ould get nio some of yonr medicines, lyvoiild try tdicrn and iu many cases thoy resort to forgery tlio acams or -soaring uiiovouly on Uiohoola. health had beon restorad, nnd olfering to send tlio full partioiilnrs against tho ndvieo of my physician. Iio got uio six bottles of tliU - "Yes," to any ouo -writing mo for thom, and enclodna a stampcd-en- ',Pavorit,o PrcBoription,' also six bottles of tho •lliseiSyei-y,' for "I turned off the drafts of the range." aud einbe/zlemcut and obtaining money Ir a cough disturbs your sloop, talto Piso's velopc for rcpln. I havo received over lour hundred letters, ten dollni-fl. I tonic tlireo bottles of 'Discovery' and four oi' under I'also pretenses. It is nu epeii Cui-o for Consumption, and i-est well. In reply, I havo described ray case and the trentiiient used, "Yes," and havo earnestly advised them to 'do likoiviso,' Pi-oni a great 'Favoi-ito Presoriptlon,'and I liave boen a sonnd woman forfoin- secret at Ihe North that education in- many I liavo i-coeivod second letters of tlinnlca, stating that they .yeai-a. I then gave tho balance of tho medieino to my sister, -ivlfo "No, .1 do not smell smoke," ;i-n8 troubled in tho same way, and she cured herself in a short ereases crime, not jnst a little but im- had eoinmenood tho use ot 'Pavorito Prescription,'had sent tho "Yes." Sl.'iO roquii-od for tho 'Jlodical Adviser,' and imd applied tho timo. I have uot had to take any luediciuo now for ulinoSt. inoiisely. As illiteracy decreases crime four years." ".T do not think I hear any one trying local treatment so fully and plainly laid down tlieroin, and-woro increases in a geometrienl ratio. 'Jliov much bettor nlready." to get into the houso." Must ho true. And the uuaiiiniona pr,iliio which peo• are almost met with the startling ques• "Yes." ple who havo used it ljivo Hood's Sarsaparilla, s'lould tion which ia tho boat, eoraparative convince thoae who hove novorti-Ied this mcd.cinoof "No; that is not our dog barking; it's its Kroal curative powers. If you sulVer from ini pnro ignorance with honesty, or high cul• cures nnusea, wcalmcss of stomach, indl- Jn prcfifiiaiicy, " Favorite Proscription"' the one next door." blood, that lirod fcolin,i.', depr, aplrlis, dyapeji- Tho treatment of many thousanda of cases ture with dishonesty?—L'-iH Arp, in of tlioso clii-onio woakncsaeannd diatresaing g<.'fition, bloating and eriictntiona of gna. is a ••luother's cordial," relieving nausea, "Yes." . , sia, or kidnoy and liver conuihiiiila, givo Hood's As a Koolluliff and sti-ciistliciiiiifT weakness of Btoiiiiieh and other distressing Ailcmia Connlituiion. Rilmeuta pooulliir to feiiiiilca,at tlio invalida' "It's not necessary to go down aud Sar.sapni-illa a fair trial and you will ho Broatly bone- Hotel aiul Surgical liistltuto, Bull'alo, N. Y., iicrviiio, "Favorite Prescription" is un- symptoms common to tliat condition. If filed. ' has all'oi-ded a vast exporlonoo in nicely eiiilallod and is invaluable in allaying and its uso is kcjit up in tho latter months of see if the collar door is fastened; I subduing nervous exoitabilit.v, irritability, gestation, it so prepares tho system for do- AHInllilMilu of Allino)it,s. "Uy wife liaa liaa very noor health tor a Ions time, adapting and thoroughly teatlng romodlca know it is," for tho cin-o of -woman's peculiar inalndlea. exhaustioii, prostration, liysleria, spasms livery as to greatly lesson, and many timea TIio aiimoutu which afflict tho kidiioya and san-erliK; from iudiROstion, poor appetite, and con• nnd otlior diati-csslng, nervous symptoms almost ontiroly do nway with the sullerings • • "Yes," Br. Piorco's Favorite Vroacrltitioii bliuldorai-o BO numoroui that moi-oly to namo stant hcadacho, Sho iouud no relief till alio fried Is tho outgrowth, or roault, of this groat ooinmonlv attendant upon funotional and of that, trying ordeal, . "That ia nobody; only tho wind rat• thom would fill a spaco far outrnnnlng tho liniita Ilood'a SarsapnrlHa. Sho is now tiiltinff tho third and valnalilo oxpcrienoe. Thousands of organlo disease of the womb. It induces "ffuvoritoPrcscriptiolii,''whentolcon - refreshing sleep nnd rolloves moiital bd.v- tling tbo shnttor,s." ot thia iirlScio. Snllioo it to say that thoy aro boltlo, nnd novor felt bettor in hor lite." 0, SOJir.a. testimonials, rooelvod from patients nnd in conDoetion with the uso of Dr. Pierco's botli obatiiiato fiial daugoroua. To thoiv prevon- from physicians who havo tested it in tho ioty and di^apondenoy. Golden Jledicnl Discovery, and small Inxit- ' "Yes," VILLI!, Horclaud, Cook Co., IU. tivo do.scs of Dr. Pierce's Pui-gativo PollctB • tioit Hoalottor'aStouiucli IBlttors is woU adiipted, moro nggriivatod and obstinate oases wliicli »r. Pierce's Favorite ii?rescrli)tioii "AVell, _I think that's about all. You had tallied their skill, provo it to be tho is a locitiiiiato imerticiiic, carefully (Littlo liver Pills), cures Liver, Kidney nnS riio atiniiilus which it lends to tlio action of the Hood's Sarsaparilla most wonderful romody over devised for compounuod by nn oxporieneod nnd skillful Bladder diseases. Thoir combined use nlso - seo my wife asks mo those questions liduoj'B ivhoii thoy aro lotliiti-jjic, aorvoa to coiiu- Sold hy all di-utj'uista. $1; fllxfor$.u froparod by tho relief and otiro of sutt'crlng wonion. It jihysician, and adapted to-woman's dolleato i-oniovcs blood taints, nnd aholislica can• CM. UUOU i: CO., Apothocarioa, LoweH, ovory blessed night just as lam getting tOraot a tondoiioy in thom to lapse, first, into a is not rocoinmondod as a " euro-all," but oi-gani-zation. It is purely vogetiiblo in its cerous and scrofulous humors from tuo • BvSteni. stnto of poriiicioiis inactivity, antl nftonvarda 100 Doses One Dollar ns a most portoot Spociflo for -\voman's coiiiposition and porfectly harmless in its into bed, and if I hnd a printed list I pcnnliar ailments. cll'eots in any cbndltion nt the system. '"Favorite Proscription" Is tho only • Into ouo of poaitivo organic disoaao, w-liioli soon could show it to her, it would save lots As a iiowci-fIII, {Jivig-oratinjf tonic, "Favorilo Prescription" is a posi• medieino for wnnien sold, hy dniggisls, . aentrnya tlioir ilolicato infogtnnouts, iioisoiis tho Piao'a liomody for Catarrh I'a tho of trouble, and besides that, it injures '"St, Eaaioat to Uao, und Cheapoet, it haparta strongtli to tho wliolo system, tive cure for the most complicated and under a X'osKivc jfuarautco, from the • hlijoii, and cauaea (loath. A ilonbio luirpoao ia and to tho uterus, or womb and ita ap• obstinate cases of loucorrliea, or "whites," manufaetui-ers, that it wiil givo satisfac• my hiiigs to answer them. Have the Sirvcrt hy tliia (Uptii-ont-; It proiiiotoa activity pendages, in particular, Por ovoiivoi-lced, exoossivo llowiiig nt monthly periods, pain• tion in every case, or money will bo ro• fundod. This giiarnnteo has b'-j-'n printed list ns soon as possible, please."—27ie If the ki(liioj-3, ami oxpola iinpui-ltion from tiio "worn-nut," ''run-down," dobllitatcd teaoh- ful menstruation, unnatural supprosslona, ers, iiiillinors. di-ossinakere, scamgtresses, nrolapsus or fulling of tho womb, weai: on tho bottlc-Avrapper, nnd fniiiiftilly car• Barlh. ' Wood ^^hicll havo no niitural ohaunol of oiitlot "shop-girls." housokoeiiors, nursing moth• back,"femalo weakness," antovci-sion, i-o- ried out for mnny years.*{v« bolllos. D.xocpt thoso or,^aii». Constipation, liilionsueaa, Sold by drriKsisIa or nont by mail, ers, and foeblo women generally, Dr. trovorslon, boariiig-down sonantions, cliron- (100 doses) $1.00, or six bottles I'or.- Bitolis 1111(1,Complexion. lover and ajpie, i-liOHiiiiitiaiii, and dyr.piipaiii itvo COc. E. T. Hazeltino, Warron, Pa. Piorco'a Favorite Prescription is tbo great• ie congestion, inllninmatlon and ulooriitlon iii5.00. alfio i-omodiod Iiy this modioiiioof tuorouijh ao- est earthly boon, belug unequalled as on of tho womb, inllanimatlon, pnin and ten• ^T'Send ton cents In stamps for Dr; .A. popular society fad in New l''orlv is ram'Ai!ifflsaffiaS£Bmasi^^ derness in ovaries, accompanlod with "iu- tion and wide soopo. appetizing cordiid and restorative tonio. It Pierce's large, illustrated Treatise (100 to h.avo books bound in colors to har- promotes digostlon and assiniilatlon of food, I toriitd heat." pages) on Dlsoaees of 'SVoraon. nionizo with tho comjiloxion or clress of. W.B. BliAiDWOol).: Bupprintendent ol Address. WOUIiD'S UISPENSAIEV mEDICAIi ASSOOt^'lTSON, No. GC3 IWaln Stioetj HJUFFAtO, N. TT. the render. Ono wealthy hello haa had the London liro-engiue establishments,- Sliakespearebound iu brilliant rod be• CHICHESTER'S ENGLIbH statedbefore' n committee of .the House iU V\nM/I\ 1 n.Yiif.LrGiJNi' L,\nfiis cause it adds to the riehuess of Iter bru• and Ol!;N'i',S wanted to introduce our NliW of Lords that, by exposure to heat not TIIILKT AU-riCl.K for both soxea; at homo nette comjiloxion, .while a hlno-oyed nuioh exceeding that of boiling water, or to travel, salary or coinnilS'.lDn. ICapeohilly damsel reads Tennyson from a becom• Wanted, ahont 800 AC'riVI3 I'UItH timber is brought into such a condition either Bex, as Conoral Agonta to imraonaliy apiiolnt The Original and Only ConiiinG. ing cover Of bine aitd ^o\d.—Allanla lo( al aaeiits for us in territory aaslgneil thom, Safe nud always Itellahlo, llewaro of wort lilenii Jmlto. that something liko s]3ontaiieons com• AthlroBS wlthstamii, V. O. liox D, Spfjngnchl, itiiiis, Ladles, it..k .vour llrniri^Nt fnr "01ilt.|)e...ter'il • Connliiutioih For a woman to say she does not use KnjrIlHli" and take no other, or Inclose it: (i-tainps) U bustion-takes place; and-that it may ua for liartletilars In letter tiy reliirn latiH, NASt3- tiik() eight years for the heat.froni pipo,« or olliofo,who wlsh to examine I-Al'iat. OIIIOni'.STKit aiK.lIK'AL CO., •Heur is a good,one for the wonion. Procter & Gamble s Lenox Soap, is to UaCi Scinnrc, .I'lilltiilu-. Vo,- charged with or used to convey atoam^ this paper, or obtain ottimalos Soil! I»y t>riiicttl..ts every wiiere. Ask for ''f.-lip.lica. AhEiigli'sh' slatistiiiian' has discovered hot water, or heated air, laid nmonp on &dvOrtisin[]t space when In Chicago, will find it on liio at tei**i« Eliffll.h" l*cnii,Yr«vnl IMP... '|-|>|.,, i,,,,. that married men livo longer and live admit she is "behind the times." the joists of the Iloor, or in tho heari to 818 a day. Samploi worth ,in.5(i, FnESl, hotter lives than bachelors. Among lines not nndor tho horso'a feet, AddreaB of, a partition, or elsewhere in a build• ^hUZ^tirAtfncfoiLOillJ^TISOilS^ lirowator'H S foly Roiii Uohlor, nofly.Mloli, ovory 1,0(10 bnchelora there are thirty- ing, incased in timber, to induce the Nobody, uses ordinary soap now they win hny a oomplote Newspaper Ont. eight crimihals; among married laea lit, suit iblo puhllshlng a weekly K. U.,.F. \V.,,:.. .,No, 90-!<7 condition necessary to the actual igur paper In a town of lllllO, or ovor, liilial)- tiio ratio is oiily iiio'htaou. per 1,000, •' can get " Lenox." itants. Address KoiiT WayneNisws- Wlinii -Wi-itlng til Advortlaiira, iilo.iso aay tiou of tlie timber. ' I'.Ai'jf,u UNION, Fort Wayuo. Iaa. you lH^w W»o Anlvortlaoiutjiit iu llUa pupar,-.

Win ^'•>^ ,111.-'' 'i.' I'robato Order. guai'diaii of their iiitorosis, despilo ropubli- coiiscipiciico of plaiiiliir liiiviiig aleiii then'- SMITH & McLEOD, Stato of Michigan, county oi Ing;liani, ss. Notice can assorlioii to the coiitrnry. on exueediiig aaid iiin(iunt| il waa ordered ia hereby given, tliat liy an order ef the prohato court Since General Loiran'ii romains were lent- that Piper lahe nothing iiy his suit,, and for tho county of Ingliam, niAdo on the 'Uh dny of pnrarily deposited in l^ock Crook ceinulery, that doioiidiinl recover li:a tii.viablo ciisis fur Jnnu, A. 1). 1S87, sU itioiiths from that date were al* lowed for creditors to jiresent their claiina against the until claimed for final sepulture by the slate his dofense. Ordm' iillerwarda eiilered s'liy- estato of Lyman tioniii, lato of the state of New York, THURSDAY, JUNE 23,1887. ercliaiit Tailors of Illinois, a debiil of United iStales regulars ing proceedings forty (In vs. iloceased, and tliat all credliors of said deceased ai-e reipiired to present llieir olalnie to said probate court, havo acted as voluntary guuril ol honor. CllANCNRV. Hnvo Just Rocolvod a Full T.liio of itt the probate oDlcd. in Die city of Mason, in said The univei'sity appropriation bill is hilled The venerable rector of the ancient churcli county, for examiiiatloii and allowancd, on or hefore Martha Ilelli vs. Clark llotli—divorce. with which the cenietury iscomiccled, while the -till (liiy of Doceiulior next, nnd tliat snch claims by Gov. Lugo's little voto batehot. It was Decree granted for crnclty, and iiiotlier will be heard before said court on tlio lid day of Soii. passing through tho grounds one iiiglil, was passed over tho voto in tno senate butfnilod given ciifiliidy of iiiiiior child, litlali (J. letiihor and on Hie ;id day of Deceinbor uoit, at ten riidnly clinlloiigod hy llie soldiers, ami so o'clock in Ihe foi-omion of each of those days. Nellie Ostramlcrva. Arthur S. Ostramler lUlIER GOODS in the bouse. annoyed by their disgrncelul conduct, that Dated Mason, Jnne Cth, A, D. 1S87. —divorce, Decree granted on grounds Kiwi Q. A. Sliin'll, Judge of Probato. he asks their removal. Mrs. fjogaii is deeply lhat (lefeiidaiit hnd become nn Inibituiil Largest and Best Selected Stock of Woolens ever brougiit fo Mason. Deniocratio principles will never down, grieved and deelares that if the guard be ComiiiiiSHloiierM' Notloo. drunkard since luarriago. nnd the people begin to roali/.o they don't removed, she will bring her husband's ro• Our Woolens comprise a fine vaiiety of the Latest Novelties as well ns Choicest Tho undersigned liaving boon appointed by the Emily E. Riley vs. Edward C. Kiley— probato conrt for the county of Ingham, coniniission- ruin a country hidf so last as they have mnins to her own home, for sale keeping. Staples. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting n continuance of the same, we divorce. Decree gaiited for exlremo cruel• ers on the estate of Abram VanPuren, docoasod, to Gen. Sherimm, in tlin bold, hluiit, manly remain Keapuctfully '!l''our8, settle nnd adjust nil claims ngainst said estate, do liere- been assured by the g. o. p. lhat they would. ty, and giving mother custody ol the four tiy givn iiotico tliut tlioy willhieet for that purpose at way cliaracloristic of him, hns written a minor children, Clara A., Frances E., the rosideiico of Daiiiol McKonzle, in the township of letler in winch he doprocales tho narrow {pad'iloclrnluck. SMITH & McLEOD, Fashionable Tailors, Maso White Oak, on tlio 17lh day ofSoiiteinlierandtholTlh Cominoiicing with lastSalui'dny and since, Claude Vi; and Clydu J. Ami also a decree day of Novemher next, nl ten o'clock in tho forenoon mimli'd, iiiipntriotic spirit disphiyotl toward tho Ijaiising Daily .louniul baa been luahing for iJ'iOO per yeiir pcriuanent aliumiiy, paya• of said (lays, Six monlhs from Ilio ]7lh day of Mny, Proaidenl Clovoliiiul aiicnt his projected inoiitliy iiislallinciits, and her taxable A. D., 1S87, ia the limo limited for the presentation some quite plaiti slateineiils in rogiird to visit to St. Louis, by tho faction of lowa of claims, DANIEL MoICENZIB, coals in this suit. JOSIAU D. KOONKS, disgraceful bribery in the le^'islature. No Grand Army mon, led by llio pesliforous Martha L. Warren, executrix, etc, vs. Dnlod Jnno», 13S7, SSw-l Commissioners Geu. Tutllo, who turns ont to hu a recent names wore iiientioned, yet it was deliiiitoly John A. Carr, et al.—foreclo.sure. Decree convert from demoaracy to rGpiiblicaiiisin ; Clmnoory .Snlo. cimrgod that uioiicy was freely used, gold and ordor I'or salo granted for .$2 ,070.1 G, lieiicu his bitterness ngniiist hia old ns.ioci- Ill pursuance nud by virtue of a decree of ttio cir• wilh sale after Sept. 10, 18S7. cuit court for the county of Iiiglmiii—in cliniicery, watches and suits of clothes presented mid ales nnd his zeal in the cllbrls lo niiilio inade nnd entered on tiie 2titti dny of May, A. I). 1SS7, in some iuatances board bills paid. The political capital at the expense of the pres In a corlain canse therein ponding, wherein Ilaunnh Adverliscii Letter Lhst. K, Howard is complainant, and Oharloa D, Vowlor, house and senate claim to he iiidigiiaiit idoiit and his party, Snrali M, Eowlor and Orostos Bucldngham are dofend- auls; noHco is hereby givon Hint 1 shall sell ut pub• nnd asli that the .louriial name tho hood, Mason-, June'20, 1887. lic auction, lo tlio higtiost bidder, at tlie front entraoco to tlio conrt lionso, in tlio cily of Bfason, Ingliam lers. But the Journal don't weaken, and List of Iclt'srs remaining uncalled for al The Mail und the Hoiii'. connly and stalo of Michigan, on WodnoHdiiy, tho closes an editorial on ihc subject as follows: the above iiiiiiied ollice : Having" purchased a fine line of the aOth tliiy of July, 1887, at oiovoii o'clock in the Henlh, Waller .'5. Hall, .1. foronoon of aaid day, all Hint certain jiiece or parcel '•'Wo cliallongo the republican tiiiijority in of land situate in the township of AurelliiH, In tho Tlm above is the way tho Salt Lake d(dl('i-s,Suhiliioii Hector, Allto .'Jliiipsoii, Mrs. Blai-garet connly of Inghain and utato of Michigan, nnd do- the legislature ^ give us a chance to prove Latest Styles of Furniture at Cash icrPiod as follows to-wit.: Tho north hnlf of tho (Qtali) Dcmocral heads the following arti• the acciisalioiia, which iCpassed over unno• Persons calling for any of the abovo say sonUi-wosl quarter (14) of Boctlon twenty (20), town• ship two ('.J) nortli of range two (2) west, togetlier clo, coucerniiig onr ostecmod citizen, Hon. advortiaod. R. 0. 0. I.CN'Kiirr, P. I\I, ticed aud unanswered will place an iiiellace- wilh ail and singular tlio lieroditiimenls nnd nppur- II. P. Ilcndorsoil : Prices, we are able to offer the public lonaiices tlioreiiiito belonging or ia anywise nppur- able stigma of corrnplioii upon that body." lleitl Estiito S.alcs. tainlng. 22sv7 "•liidgo Iloinlorsou is rapidly making an Daled Mason, M'jy .list, 1787. envialilo ropiilatioii among llie chosen and P. II. DOLAN, Charles C. Moody lo Thos. Davis and Levi Col- Furniture at Circuit Court ConiinlSHlonor forlngham Countv,Mlch. Somo of tho ropubhcaii papers that have branded vessels oftlio Lord upon the earth. lliiKluii, pi ol lots 1 and 'J, Llk 11(1, LanH!ii(!...5 1000 Ciuiti.Ks 3. Coini, Solicitor for Coinpialnnnt. A rural church exchange fervoiilly calls .lusiali Alluni lo Philip ScliiK.'ula'i-gcr, plot u y, been advoealiug the county option hill, on of s w t^ (if Hcc 1, Liinsliif; fidO Notloo. altontion to him as n "persocutor of the the policy of its being a streutheniiig act AKt'l iiiHiinniee Co., Ill Win. 11. Clark, s y, of Mason, Jnno 15,1887. Godly," ami the church organ proper speaks Inl.H 7 and 8, lilk a, Bla.son 7-i8 Sealed ]iroposals for tho cfinslrnction of a stone to the republican party and a blow at the Irom out the vory tabernacle itself and com- Eli.'.aliiilli Wise lo Win. W. Wi.iu, ii w 1^ of lot giittor on nortli, west nnd south slden of conrt Iiouso ;i, hlk Ull, l.aiisiii),' 700 IK'oliibitionisla, have tho gall to say it means pliiiieiits His Honor lis a "judicial faiialio." s(]inn-o will be rneeived hy tho common council for the Will. II, (.llarli 1(1 l.-iaac II, Vaiiderciiiik, s )•.'; of noxl toil days, tlio same to be constructed according the practical onforceinont of prohibition in All this iiieaiis that Judge lloiulorsoii ia liil.H 7 and a, hlk 11, Jlasiin 72S to tlie jiiaiis nnd spocillcatloiis to bo found nt the city Mary i\levls lo Ida E. C(ilriii|;liin,iit of lot'J, a terror lo the ]iolygaiiioiis eluiroh, and is In Mason. Call and look us over and clerk's olllco, nt 11. M. Wiiiiams' drug atoro. Tho throe-lbiirtlis of the state ; that there will liilt S, l.'lliypool's Sllll, l.lllisilij; fiOO coniicil resorvo Hie right to reject nny or nil bids. hated with a great hatred hy those of ovil Polly K'niipp tn lliraiii .1. iJiui.i, s e j.^ of ii \v y 2-IW.' A. 0. LYON, City Clork, now bo prohibition in every county that cnst miiuls and actions, commonly called cohaba. nf sec in, Leroy.... 'jono Noriiiaii Biiiiiiott l(i Hirani J. llanii, a \s' y of a get prices. Guardian Snlo. a majority of votes for the prohibitory None of the guilty shall go iiiiwliippcd of (1 y (if si'C 17, Leroy 11)00 lly virtue of a HcoiiHO, to Ilio granted on tlio ninth ainondineut last fall. They are not siiieoro jiislico, is Judge lleiidei'soii's inotlo, and it Liicriilla .1. Sliiiw lo .lii.s. 11. liaslutt, lots and liliHilis ill llio villain of NeiiKilui •1000 day of May, 1887, lIc- clorson's haiuls Ihe whip of justice dooa ila IMiclmel, s ill ac (it's e y of n e y aad w y^ot Repair Work. Respectfully, in said county, all Iho rigid, title and iiitereit of connly option, aiul thoy ought to. It is only appointed duty without fear, favoriii(; or (I y efs (I y and n % 'jf e ii.f of n o ^ of "s e Kreddlo Otis nnd Charley Otis, minors, in nnd to cor• lain real estate in said county, descrihod ns the cast lalleriiig. Thu righteous lasir cuts deep l^, ut' act; :i.^i, .''lO ac, liii;liaiii. nil impractical sclieiiio, gotten up for thu Ridiaril I). Coryell lo Oriinnu L.'rrodpiiiiil wife, 1700 part of lot No. 10 and Hio soiitli-cast part of lol No. il into the carnal ami llushy evil every lime pi of w y, ef w y, ui H iii/\ of sou 111, 1.1 acruH, of iiiock No. 10, also lot No, 7 of iilock No, 3, all In sole purpose of stemming tlie tide of repuh- Hie village of Oaiisvllte, in tlio county of Inghain and it falls, and wo have thn cliurch's word for it LaiisiiiK.r. ' 11(10 sbitoof Micldgnii. Snid minors* intorost in said lots licnii voters who hnve been swelling the thai it falls r[uile frofiiienlly. 'The whip .loiitpli Hawley lo lOdwili R. Hawley,'JlKl ac on sec ;M. lliiiikcrlilil 1 being an nndlvidod oiio-fourtli. prohibition ranks. of jiiatico is on a mission to Utah. 1. Mooro lo .Jenatlian nnd iiva ILnasiir, NfOUOLAS V. WEMPLK, lela lllaiid ll,bll; 2, aad lols 0 and 7. IdU li, One Door west of Democrat office. Guaidian of aald Cliarley Otis ami Eroddio Otls,niinora, 'j.'liat mission is to score polygamy. In Moore's suli, Liiasiii(,-.. 600 Dated May nth, 1887. l'Jw7 ludgo lli^iuleraon's hands il does so, and JaiKi Iviiwtiiy to CliarldH Briidliiigiin, ]it of lots 7 Wnsliiiigtoii Jjettci-. thcro/oro scores a siiocass. and S, lilk l'J7, Lan.sing.. IBO'J I'robnto Or0 per day. entered with cosls. ensuing yoar as follows; The inst Saturday in Sep• Paddock Illoclc, Mnson. tember, Novouber,Jnuuury, February and April, at This work will be disposed of by Sept. 30th Jesse D. Bentley vs, James A, Leasia— UuBon, next, nnd is done by a voluntary detail of certiorari. Judfiineut rendered in justice A,B, IlAitSY, OhalrniaD, Pino Lake, court reversed, with costs. J.J.OAt.KiNB,Bo«retary, Loslio, clerks fr om the regular force, after ollice J.S. HuBToM, 'Willioiiiston, ' hours, as congress /ailed to comply with the In the matter of the appeal of W, and 0, Doard School Xxamlnon . fORLD OF.WISDOl IDEThe Very Best NERW rnrP W, Anderson from au order of the probate request for additional clerks to do the extra CmLOOUEmallccl rlict work required. The present fiscal year, court allowing the final aeconnt of and Wo wm givo $100.00 mCHINil discharging Coaii C. King as administrator for any book evor published containing I address 0. G. HAMPTON, Detroit. MIoli. which closes on July iiOth, will show the tho vnlunblo Infonnntion, for tho mou- Tlio Circat Sii^lfslt Proscription, largest labor in trranting original pensions of the estate of Charles King, deceasiid. oy, this ono does, Mevpr woJi there eo much Intorraoj : TnonouGHUuiSD A Bucccsaful Uediclno used ovgr tfon gatherod In ono vpiumo for live tlmcstho price of of any year in tho country's history, exceed- Order of probate court alfirmed aud I'eiuand. thlB ono, Uonco thoro ia no trouhlo in Biilling it, a'JlfiO years in tliousunda ot caaos.J Iteontnlns l8iS pago8«)«JcOX,30inustmtlott«,ana ™ Cures Spermatorr/t^o, Ncrvout% iiiff even tho year ISGti, when 50,177 new ed, with costs against Messrs. Anderson, (0 full pngooolorod diosramfl. Bound Iatho H.0L8TEIN BULL! Wnaknets, EtnUaloha, mpotencyj^ names were placed on the roll; certainly a who are allowed forty days in which to re• best EnglishClofh, tor OS Cpnto. OnooBent ordeni and all .diseases cuusod by abuse, 160 tor oanya. anotlier solor 0 &v»,anothor 02 tor 3 dnya, [BErcnit] Indiaorotlon, or ovor-ei^lpn, jAFTEit] most creditable nnd liberal showing for the move case to supreme court. ALEXANDEK iTlf. rrt'ir'°ioVa"ie"r^Vfflfee»ffli; SixpaclcageaOuarantcedtoCureiohenaUothers second year of tho doinocratio ndmiuistra. David Piper vs.George Fowler—replevin. • Having i-aoolved for sorviees of this nnhiinl about Fail Ask your Druggist Ior'-i'l«> «"s«»Enifn«li whnl he cost nir, I linvo decldoil lo i-ednco tho price Judgment entered in favor of, defendunt' "'~F.B.0ieKERS0M&CO. I'ruBeriiitieii, talcQ no substitute; One pickago lion, which should heartily commend it to for aervfce to82,00, . B.,r. QKIIoriN,,-. Si. Six $5, bvmall. Write for Fiimphlot, Addrcuii the soldim's of the union us a perfectly safe with vulue of goods ussesaed at $75, but in S. A. UNDISRHILI,, Hasaa MwUratUsmeri jOETROITi MIOHe ftlusuni Mlvli. XCurckH oaeinlcnl Co., Detroit] jttlcbt ADDITIOIVAL. LOCAL. Dentil or Mrs. Lucicn Kecd. Haying has cmiituenccd in good earnest. Alnicdoii Center. Curds of Tlmn Its. Jiifitom bounty Jemorrat To those whoso loving hearts and helpful K, of L. election of ollicers next Tuesday June 22,1887. hands prompted Ihom to make smooth Your Folks ftnrt Our Tolks. Mrs. Louisa A. Reed, wife of Hon. Lucion evening, Juno 28, when a full attendance is Haying is the order of the dny, and wheal treading for our feet down tho path that led Reed, and mother of Harper Reed, died Dr. .Shinnwny of Williamston, was in yerj much desired. . begins to point to an early harvest. to littlo Francos' last resting.placo, wo Our advertlHlng rates are 8100 per column por an• rallier suddenly at her homo in this city, Geo. Wilkina aud Miles Blake are each tender our warmest gratitude. tho city on Stindny. num. Ihislness noticoH fire cents por lino for onch Cliildieii's Day was observed al the Bap. running new hay loddurs. With liuio, the insertion, Kdltortal notices 10 cenls. last Sunday afternoon, a litllo sf'ter iive Apelbert S. Haw'lky. Waller Goucher of Lansing, is visiting list church last Sunday evening. The room necessary improvements must come. lluslness cards §1.00 jior lino por year, o'clock. Her long rcsidenco in this city Edna M. Gunnison Hawley. Mftrrlago, hlrth and death notices Inserted freo, his mother in this city. was tastefully decorated nnd tho exercises Children's Day was observed at the Leek Ohltnary corninrnts, resolutions, curds of thanks, etc, (27'years) made her widely known lo our school house last Sunday. The iixeroises will horonflor he charged for at the rate of llvo cents worn exceplioiinlly ciilerliiining, Tho thanks of L. Reed and family arc per line, County Treasurer Longyear hns heen eilisiena, nnd woll known lo our early set• consisted of recitations, dodarantions and hereby tendered lo the coraniunily nt large Corresiioridonco contnlnlngilocnl nows. Is solicited wrestling with the rheumatism this week. Tho Michigan Coiitral will, on Juno 2,^d singing. Tho house wns lillod to overfiow- tlors. She was nearly 0(i years of tigc at for tho kindness and sympathy shown thom from nil part" of thn county, ing utid everyone seemed well pleased. Auonynious cotiumniloatlona not inserted undor R. Holmes of Detroit, is tho guest of his tho titno of her decease, having been born and 24th, soil tickela from Mason to Jack• in their afiliction and bereavement. any circumstances. 0. Truo and D. C. Poabody sport new son, T. G. Holmes nnd family of this city. in Rugglcs, Huron county, Oliio, June 27, son and return, al the rato ofi?l, good going carriages. SUJOIER SCHOOL. 1821, Her married life extended over n on the 2;!d and 24th and returning no later JOB PRINTING! Miss ilennie Teall of Now York, is visit• The star of Botlilahem may bo seen nt than the 25ili, on account of races. M. J. mid day now. Our muterlal Is now aud of the latest styles and we ing her cousin. Miss laiilho Teall of this period of nonrly 40 years, nnd lor most of Tonohors' HovlBW Torm of tho Miohigan Misa LizKio Lousberry of Williamalon, ia Normal OolloEe, fflint, Mioh. guarantee satisfaction, both In prices and this time sho has been an invalid. She Murray, ticket agent. (pnility of work, city. visiting frionda in Alaiedon ; alao Mra, T. wns buried from her home on Tuesday af• The Michignn Central will, on July 2d, Bradman of Lansing. This paper can he found on llio at Oeo. P. Rowoll .fe Miss Nina Bristol is spending a week al The teachers' review term of the Miohi• Co.'s Nowspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce St.) ternoon at four o'clock, the funeral services ,W and 4th I sell tickets from all stations to A great inanyiii this coinmunity Oberlin—attending the college commence• whoro advortislng contracts can bo made forltlu being condiicled by tho pastor of the Pres• all United Slates stations and return, at the that somo petty IhiBviiig ia being carried on. gan Normal College, located at Fliiit,Mich., Now York. ment. . . Hunt them down. D. C. byterian clmrch, of which church she had ralo of one faro, good going on tho 2d| 3d is the most thorough, popular nnd complolo Olllciiil Directory. Walter Root, who haa been attending long beeu a faithful member, or 4lh, on acoouiil ol Fourth of July cele- summer school in the land. Ilumlruds of Aliiiodoii nnd Ycvny. Albion College, is homo for the summer teachers, and those preparing to teach, school DISTRICT OFFICERS. Hor death is sincerely mourned by a hratioiis. M. J, Murray, ticket asfcnt, vacation. attend from all parts of this and other President 0. M. llunriNiiTON largo circle of friends nnd Mr, Reed has Balher catching weather for haying. Director Mua. Eiima U. Cook Tho Michignn Central will, on June 21st Mra. Henry Depew of Ann Arbor, was Meeting at the DuBois school houso next slates. Actual necessaiy expenses only Treasurer 0. W. VanSi.vkk tho sympathy of the community in his lo 27th, sell lickols from Mason to Owosso j J.E. Oov the guest of Mr, and Mrs. N, S, Butler of Sundny nt 11 o'clock a. in. $21.00. Send your own and Iho address of lonely liours, nnd return, at tho rale of SI,15, good going Truatoos. •'• 0. Cannon Goo. VanZile is possessor of a very One this oity, last week, your friends anil circulars containing full a. .11. If UNTINOTON Coiiiiueaceiiicnt Prograiunie. on tho 21st to 27th, incluaivo, and returning spring coll. particulars will bo sent. Addresa B, W, Becker returiiod Tuesday eveni^ig Mrs. Dr. L. P. May, nee Nellie Hiiully, CITY OFFICERS. no later than tho 2!)th, on nccount of camp is spending a few days with her parents in J. C. S'rowHLL, Principal, Flint, Mich. Mayor •'• 0. Cannon from a week's sojourn with friends at The following is tho programme for the meeting at Alma, M, J, Murray, ticket Olert A.O. LyoN AIniedon. Pontiac and Detroit, , commoncoinenl exercises of tho class of '87, ^Vcst Alalcilon. oily Marshal IC H.Wji.i.UMs agent, A funeral at the DuBois school house TroAinror and Collector A. J. lUi.i. Mrs, N, A. Dunning has returned from to be held nt Rayner opera houao this Inst Sunday caused the Sunday school to School Inspecior M»«. E«»''^ \'. ''""i^ Probably no man iu Michigan, who does Ju,VE 21, 1887. Btreot OoramlB«loner J- «• KBti.KV her visit of a few weeks with friends in evening: not make it his entire business, gives bo postponed until next Sunday, al 12 r JouN A. Baunis Anlhom—Jiihllalo, Mosdamea Ciilver and Coy, o'clock ni. Let'all attend and help to flaying commences lively this week. Detroit nnd Jackson. moro careful study to tho scientific Justices of tho Ponce L. 1). BioE fliisscs Coy and Smith, Messrs. M'ordoil, i'nitt, mako it a success. W. S. Moore is remodeling his residenoo , II. C1..U1K Charlie Ilendersou of tho Orchard Lako Lowo and Lewis. breeding of trotters, tlmn L, C. Webb of aud pulling a new wall under tho same. S.W. IlAMJIONn Iiivociition, Three Ma-oiiiios oommencod to lay tho Aldormon at Largo A. V. Vnr.K Military Academy, is spending his vacation Ladlos' Trio—Distant Chimes, Mesdaiuoa Culver this city, and ho has already several richly wall under Iho Slroup barn Insl Afonday. Isaac's Drew's tlioroughbred Clny marc I.lCCoY and Coy and Miss Siiiilli. Wo havo been asked to stato thai Rey. has a foal by hor side that is a credit to Aldornien, Isl ward S. II. BsaCKKU at his home in this city. Class History, - - Rose llonrdsloy bred youngsters. His theory is breed only "' Gko. A. EAni.K Mr. Defjatnarier of Mason, will preach al tho equine race. Oriilion—The Dalanco of Nature, Nottio Wait lo the hest, regardless of tho cost. His Aldormon, 2(1 ward .'.•.•.•„'„...' C. W. VanSlvkk Willis Kimmel, who works in the Slate Oratloii.-IIero Worslilii, • Leora Drake the DuBois school house, Sunday, July .'id, Several of onr fnrnicrs havo lost no\v A. McOoNAi.n Male Qiiiirtetto—Aniiln Laurie, Messrs. Wordon, latest increase in his fnmily of horses niiloh cows wilh milk fever. Snporvisor, 1st ward,!...!.' •'J'vP"""" Rqiublican ollico at Lansing, hns been nt Vnxii, DnllolHaiid Lotvo, at 3 o'clock p. m. Supervisor.'.id ward W. Mkuan Oration—Simon Says Tliuiuhs Up, - Ollvo Call arrived Inst week. Sire, Pilot Medium j Miss Grace Royston of Vevay, will close We tvould like to C, (see) E. Morgnii of home sick lor a few days. Oration—Flood Gates of History, Lorn Marshal a very successful term of school in the Vevay, caat his eye ovor somo of Alaie• COUNTY OFFICERS Oration—Yankee Rush, • Dwiglit Cole dam by Ijouis Napoleon. Orrin Freoland of this city, has gone to DnBois district Friday, July 1st. don's corn fields, v^otiS llAuny 0. Cai.i. Ladles' liiiartotte-Poasanls' Woddiiig JIarcli, Mosilunios Culvorand Coy, Misses Coy and Smith. Some time since wo publisded a list of "Choi" Tyler asjiiroa to become a railroad rroaiurer" W. 1) Lonovkau Stockbridge to work forB. F. Clements dur• Many old pioticcrs of Alaiedon, passed Oration—Value llocolved. • EvaJ. Akors man somo day, and will lieroaftor spend his ,„..v John W. Wiiai.i.on ing vacation, ranking the si.'cth summer IVophecy—Twenty Yoars Aftur, lllanclio Irish the teachers who had boon ofl'ered positions a vory pleasant day at the pioneer meeting leisure moments listening to the mystic tick Bogi.i'.'r.;:;;:...: i''?-!""" Onitlon with Valedictory—Blessings In Dlsgulso, in our oily achools for the ensuing year, all al Mason last Saturday. Judgoof Probate Q A.bMiTU he has worked for Mr. C. Lottio Every of the magic lightning, Proa, Attorney Chas, K. IlAMMoNn Addrosa to the Class. Coiiforring Dliiplonias. but two of whom—Misa BuUertleld and Through an error, we had nol made men• r A, V. House Miss Reiin VnnDeuscn returned Saturday Mixed Qnarletto-Mooiillght Will Come Again, tion of tho birth and death list of the A proniinenl wheat grower of this vicinity Circuit Court Com'ri |;"_'''][ Patuiok Miss Voorhees—having accopted. Both Mrs, Coy, Miss Coy, Messrs. Pratt ami Lowo, townsiiip of Alaiedon, forwarded us by inl'orms us that owing to the ravages of the Surveyor John Mui.oett evening from n two weoks visit witb rein Benediction. I lIlNUY J'UKKMAN of these ladies, wo are informed, have en• Supervisor E. Dell. It is as follows: inaect, his present crop will not avail him Ooronora,^ SwiTii'rooumi tivoB and friends nt Jackaon. WissUttIo Collon, Organist. gaged elsewhere. Misses Stono and Moore Deaths 8—G male, 2 female. Births 28— his bread and seed, Don. Senator Giddings and wife passed last A few more of those cheap pans left nl 12 male, Hi femulo. havo also heen tendered positions in tho Aiirclln.s. Sundny with Register ol Deeds Filch. DuBois & Earle's, * Elgin (111.) achools, at an increaso in the The worst blood diseases aro cured wilh 8 Mrs. G. is C. C. Fitch's sister. June 21, 1887. M Tho Michigan Central will sell excursion salary offered them here. They are conse• Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. Ils eQ'ecta are fell at ThoMftllRoutefrom quently desirous of being released and tho James H, Covert hnd a small flock of Mrs, D. B. Harrington ia in Oberlin, ticketa from Mason lo Eaton Rapids nnd once. six common sheep, Hia clip of wool from DANSVILLE TO MASON, Ohio, ntleiiditig commencement e.tercises return, good going on Juno 22d to July Slh, hoard will doubtless do so. Ihem this year weighed 7G pounds. Who llavin>{ boon disconllnuod, tho subscriber will Vevay. of the Conservatory of Music. and returning no later than July 7th, for horonfterrun avehlcleovortlio roaddally (Sundays Charles W. Browne and Miss Bflio Wil- can do better? end Fourth of July excepted) for tho cooveyanco ol *i ir, How is this for economy? Six dollars passengers, oipross, aad freights, at roaionahlo Jndgo nnd Mrs. G. M. Huntington left liams wore quietly married at 8:30 last even• June 22,1887. «tna,|yavlnK Dansvllleal olght o'clock a. m. and for delivering road warrants when ono Tuesday evening for Iowa City, for n visit Florence, litllo daugher of G, P, Day, fell Frances, little twin daughter of Mr. and irrlvlugat Mason ator hoforo 10 a. ni., and return• ing in the presence of a few relatives of the dollar would have paid the bill by mail Mrs. A. S. Hawley, died on Saturday, June ing atsnch timesoaoh dayasshall hostpromotetho of a couple weeks with Mrs. H.'s parents off the door.step Tuesday and broke hor contracting parlies. The ceremony was just as well. Taxpayers can answer the convonleneeof thopubllc. OKO W. GLYNN, 18, 1887, of cntigcslinn of tho brain, aged and olher relatives and frionda. right arm at the elbow. Dr, Campbell re performed hy Rev. Fruuic Hoyt, For some question. There is nol a man in Aurelius Dftnsvllle,Mloh. Jnlvlst,18TD, ahout 23 inonlhs. Little Frances was a but what gets his mail somewhere, and Senator Unbcock, wife and daughter nnd dneed the fracture and the little sufferer is time it had been observed lhal Mr, Browne bright little pot nnd will bo gronlly missed. every ono ncquniiited with the township as cnniforlablo as could be expected, Frank Godfrey, wife and son and Miss was putting the Reeves housOiOn Oak street, The fond parents have the sympathy oflho knows where to mail to each, so thero entiro coimiiunity, Tho luiieritl wns held Gilbert of Lansing, drove over and dined in readiness for liousekeeping, and last ev• seems lo be no good reason why wo should L, 13. Cnrlcr of Lindon, purchased a nl tho family residence Monday afternoon. I.«Bt and orownins work oThinifo, over 700 pageo at the Donnelly House Sunday. ening he and his estimable bride repnired pay such prices for this kind of work. JuKt out. T. B. IJicKimaoM & Co., Dotroit, Jlloh, single Karly Sunrise potato of D, B. liar Rev, J, A. Barnes ollicinting. to their new home, wore married and at A yearling coll belonging to Mrs Minna Bin Vttua to Agent; [jiektion Tuiai-AritE] Mrs. P, K. Peck, who has heen in Tcc- Miss Edith Proctor of Muskegon, is rington a yoar ago, and makiiii.' I'J hills of Diaoiirotli, while playing with tlio othor onco cointnenced domestic life. May their visiting nl Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Stevens'. arkana for some time, will soon return nnd it—one eye inn hill—raised 203 polatoen. colls, was recently kicked and very nearly liyes be blessed wilh sunshine and pleasure, Miss Hattie Wright, who has beeu visit occupy her residence on Ash street, formerly killed. This year he hns planted :i52 liills-^two ing in Plainfield, has returned homo, is the hope of their numerous friends. Franklin Ilayward ia still in a dangerous occupied by Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Rowe. eyes in a'hill. Mra, N, A, Crittenden ia vory sick with condition, having had a shock ol paralysis. the measles, Tho little boy ia also suffering Sore Eyes Gen. Chipman, U. S. A., ol Detroit, Col. ijast Saliirday was a groat business dny Tliero seems to bo no hope left of his The farmers can congratulate themaelves with the same trouble aud tho little girl is Hall, Insp. Gen. nnd ladies, are visiting in this city. VVe often have larger crowds, recovery. The eyes are iilwitys In syinpatliy with that for-once, at least, ihey havo received getting belter, Some sneak thief entered tho collar of fho body, ami an'ord an excellent Index with Col. Forster nnd fnmily at Spri.ngbrook, but it is seldom sales are better. Every Tho social at Oscar Priest's Friday night all their wool ia worth—and in some Lafayette Nenr last Friday night|nnd helpctl ot lis condition, AVlioa the eyes becoino as are also Col. Hall's two sons from the business man with whom we have talked was woll attended. Lots of strawberries instances jmore. It is only right they himself to a good supply of eatables and weak, luul the lids liilhuneU and sore, It Is was more than pleased with last Saturday's and delicious cake were served nnd a pleas military scliool on the Hudson. some dishes. In tho morning he was an evidence thai tho systeiu luis becoino should receive a part of tho benefit occa. ant lime enjoyed by all. The next was sales. Indeed, there has never beep a tirao tracked south two miles or moro. He was disordered by Scrofula, for which Ayer's Mr. and Mra. J. E. Coy started for Ann sionidly, instead of the manufacturers pock, appointed at Will Northrup's, in two weeks. whon Mason was drawing trade from a barefooted. Sarsiipurilht is the Lost liiiown remedy. Arbor Monday evening, called thero by the Ice cream will be served. Everybody eling the wliole of it. The law relating to crnolty to animnla greater radius than the present season. invited. Scrofula, which produced a painful in- death of Mr. Coy's father, Horace Coy, who ought to be enforced in aome localities, to Miss Nellie Olds, who has proven herself Our merchants are carrying exceptionally Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Stevens of realising, flniumittion In iiiy o.ves, caused mo much died Sunday evening, in his 78th year. He prevent so inhuman treatment as some olf a successful teacher in the Mason schools spent the Sabhath with their parents, Mr. enll'erltii; for a iiiiniherof ycar.i, Iiy the fine stocks of goods and are content with the domestic animals havo received of late. iidvlco of a pliysiciiiii I coiniueiiced tiiklug had been a resident of the place where he aud Mrs. D. S. Stevens. for several years, has been offered situations the smallest living profits. There is no R. Ilayward haa lost two spring colts Ayer'.'i Sarsapiirilla, After using this died, for 55 years. School closes iu the Hawley district inudicluc a short time I was completely in Ivansas and also at Elgin, III.,where Prof. belter produce market in this part of the with distemper, and Lewis Hopkins one. Thursday. Miss Kate Pliillips teacher. Mrs. J. D. Rowe is in the city this week Rev. nnd Mrs. R. A. McCounell and their Cured Dorr (who is acquainted with Miss Olds ns state nnd the people who como here never She has taught a yory successful terra. three daughters start this week for St. packing up their ell'ects to move to Water- a teacher) is located. She will go lo the fail to receive fair treatment and get valuo Frank itolcomb, blind, wns knocked My eyes arc notv in n .ipleiidid condition, Thomas, Canada, to be present at the mar• and 1 inn ns well and strong as ever.— bury, Connecticut, where her husband is down and run over on the crosswalk lust latter placo, at au increased salary. received. riage anniversary of Mrs, M,'3 parents. airs. AVillhnu Gage, Concord, N. Ii. Saturday and injured quite severely. engaged in the furniture business. Mr. May they hnve a good visit and safe return. For a number of years I wns troubled The Chester White pigs we mentioned The largest and cheapest stock of boots Rowe will be favorably remembered by Dr, Ohlinger rocenlly removed a tumor Avitli a liuiuor iu my eyes, antl wns unable last week, were for E. Sedwick of Ingham, and shoes in lown, at Huntington's. *2 Delhi. to obtain any relict tintil 1 commenced many friends in this city, who will wish him from over the eye of Geo, Covert, which using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This niedlchio and wero purchased of that noted breeder, waa becoming (juito troubleaoine at time. success in hia new venture. By request of several old veterans of June 20, 1887. lias oll'oo'lcd a complete cure, and I beliovo At Ihia dale he is doing well. S, H. Todd of Wakeman, Ohio, They are Mrs. S. W. Mayer is visiting friends al It to he the best of blood purllicrs.— this city, we publish the following list of AVe are glad to learn that Mason will C. K. Upton, Nashua, N. 11. DIeil. considered very choice animals. One is ten gentlemen who were appointed by the Bay City. Hawley.—In Vevay, Juno 18, 1887, of oelebrnte tho coining 4th of July. Let us From childhood, nntl until within a fow months old and the othor ten weeks and Mr. Fayette Rice and wife of Six Lakes, all go nnd help them do it. moiitli.f, I havo been ;illllcteil with Weak congestion of tho brain, in her second board of supervisors October 20, 1885, aa weigh 350 and 90 pounds, respectively. aro visiting relatives here. An eight-pound hoy baby ghnldens tho and Sore Uyes. I liitve used for tlieso year, Frances, Brst-born child of Adelbert special oonimissioners, to act in the several Miss Minnie Irwin closed a successful hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Henry. comphiint.s, with bcnelielal results, Ayor's S. and Edna M. Hawley. Sarsaparilla, and consider it a great blooti Don't fail to call and get your boots nnd precincts of tho county, under Sec. 170 term of school in distriol No. six last J. W. P. The parents have the sincere sympathy purifier, —Mrs, C. riiillips, Glover, Vt. shoes while they are going cheap, at Hunt• page 234, of the session laws of 1885, Friday. of all who know them. Miss Olie Owens went to Toledo last I sulTercd for a rear with Inflftinma- ington's, *2 relative lo the burial of deceased indigent tloii in my left eye. 'Three ulcers formed Saturday, where she intends spending a few on the ball, depriving me of sight, nnd New lot of pumps just received at Du• There will be a regular convocation of ex.soldiers i weeks. cured overy year by Acker's celebrated causing great pain. After trying many Alaiedon—0. O. Biirgcis. English Remedy. It ia a guaranted prop- Bois it Earle's. * Mason Lodge No. 70, P. & A. M,. next A few of our citizens will attend the other reniedies, to no purpose, 1 was linally Aurelius—Itobort Ilayward. (iration ; if it does not help you It will coat lluiikorliill—Isaac Magooii. camp meeting at Eaton Rapids this week. Induced lo use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, aud, The brick wall on south side of Darrow Wednesday evening, June 29th, nt which you nothing. Try it. A single doso will Dolhi-Chrlstiau Biuokloy. Mrs. David Liiycoek was called to Napo• Ingliani—Thomas O. Smith. show ita good eiTect. Trial bottleu 10 cts, By Taking block has been repaired. lime it ia greatly desired tlmt there bo a leon last week, to see her father, who Lansing Township—B. D. llakor, Sold by H. M. Williams and O.VV.Hftlslead throe bottles ot this medicine, have been full atlendance, aa business of unusual im• Leroy—Robert Cole. recently had a stroke of paralysis. entirely cured. Jiy sight lias been re• Como to Mason and enjoy an old-time Leslie-A. A. Liimbard. portance will be brouirht up, among which Mr. and Mra. Abram Black left last stored, and there is no sigu of inllamma- Lock—U.l?. Miller. Fourth of July celebration. Tuesday for Indiana, lo visit a brother of tlon, sore, or ulcer iu niy eye. —Kendal will he the matter of repairing the lodge 51eridaii—Goorgo Nortlirnp. f Onondaga—Hiram Godfrey. Mr, B.'s whom he had not seen in thirty-five T. Bowen, Sugar Tree lUilge, Ohio. Rend tho programme for July 4th. It StockbridRo-Robort Reid. room. years. My daughter, ten year.s old, was afflicted Vevay—L. H. lyos, can be found on the last page of this paper. •Wllliaraaton—Will. L. Robson. Will Binckley, while returning from Avltli Scrofulou.s Sore liyoa. During tho Tho Eaton Rapids/ournanias had much Wlioatllold-Goo. W. Prico. Uaid Times hnvo knocked rricea clear to tlio liist two years .she never saw llglit ot any church recently, attempted to pass a team, Top carriage for sale. A ba rgain for to say uboul a Fourth of July celebration, Wliito Oak-Goo. W. PulllnB;! Bottom, ut Iclnd. Pliy.slchiiis of the highest stantling Mnson, First ward—John II. Sayers. when his horae became unmanageable, exerted their skill, hut with no permanent some one. Enquire of L. C. Webb, the but it was only last Thursday that they Mason, Second ward—James A.Slionvood, throwing him to the ground. The horse fiuccesa. On Ihc rccommeudalicn of a Lansing City, irirat ward—A. 0. \Volcott, clotheir. * then atarted for home with tho carriage, friend I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Sar- commenced pumping the citizens to see if Lansing City, Second ward—Caleb T. Smith, PETEES' Lnnsing Oity, Third ward—Ed, W, Ciihill, which waa badly deraolhshed. enparlllu, whicli my diiugliter comraeneed Annual election of oHicers of the Mason they could raise the necessary funds. Guess LmalngOlty, Fourth ward—John A. Elder, taking. Bufore she had used tho third Mr. 0. M. McLaughlin and Misa Cora Building and Savings Association next their celebration will, after all, be only a Lansing Oity, Fifth ward—Abram Cottroll, bottle her sight was restored, and she can Lansing City, Sixth ward—Rush J, Shank, Keith closed tboir second year of school now look steadily at a brilliant light with• Monday evening. sort of tt aide-show to the camp meeting, here last Friday afternoon, and in the even• out pain. Her cure Is complete.—W. E. If you are going to use any paints of any Meat Market Sutherland, Evangelist, Shelby City, Ky. Remember that you will always find the etc., up the river. ing about sixty of the friends ol Mr. and kind, don't fail to see DuBois & Earle. * Mrs. McLaughlin met at their homo and best binding twine and the cheapest price gave them a pleasant surprise. They will Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Tho graduating exerciaea of the elasa of People are continually kicking against Ash Street, Masou, lUlcIi. at DuBois & Earle's. * move this week to their home in Dansville. Properod by Dr. J. O. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mnsii. '87 will occur this (Thursday) evening, at tho inter state commerce law, and while it L. C. VVebb of this city, is a member of Con. Bold by sll Drugjleti. Fricci^l; six bottles, the Rayner opera house, at 8 o'clock local is no doubt very defective, there are some the board of review for Michigan, of the lime. All floral ofiferings will be left with mighty good points about it, which if gen. June 20, 1887. —A OUoIco Stock of— American Trotting Association. the ushers nt the door, who will deliver Jllasou marftcts. orally known would dose tho mouths of Fine weather for hay-making* Mr. and Mra, E, M, Slayton have taken them at the close of the e.Kercise8. No mnny who now kick but really don't know Mi3S Daisy Davis of Lansing, is visiting aiiAiN. charge will be made at tho door, as was what they nre kicking about. It is really friends in this vicinity. WHKAT Rod No. 2 Por bushel ® 71 possession of their new home on Ash street, Miss Grace Dnvia is engaged at work at FreslaDflSal 'WHEAT White, No. 1, per bnahol ® 73 which has undergone a wonderful change talked at one time. of incalculable benefit to small places wilh WHKAT Wblto,No.2,l'orBualiol @ 70 Wm. Somerville's. OATS Per Bushel @ 27 since Mr. S. commenced work upon it, but one railroad and places them on an Always on band,and OOBN In thoear.porbusho!.,,,,, „ @ 25 Geo. W. Phelps, who lately sold his A. E. Welch has the basement under OLOVHB SUED, per bushel , (S|3 Cli equal—30 far aa-ratos are concerned—with his barn completed. The Good Templars of this city have farm and removed to Lansing, will leave in WMOTHiraEED Per buahol ®2 26 large cities, with the competition of a dozen Miss Orie Chandler of Lansing, is visit• Ifour Moneys Worth Evi ottooauma ANB raoviaioNS, n few days for Europe, where he will act WOOL, Unwashed 18® 21 discontinued their lodge meetings until roads. Under the old law this city nsed to ing friends here. WOOL, Wuahcd „ 28® 32 cooler weather. In the meantime their for Hon. James M. Turner of Lansini?, in Wm. Guenlher, while wrestling last week, BAIT Saginaw, por barrel,,,. „.,., B5®1 00 be discriminated against shamefully. To• the purchase of ft flock of Shropshire sheep. sprained his knee, Young men ahould be BEAN8 Unpiokoili porbuiliol „, fiO® 76 elTecls are stored at Mrs. C. W. Chapman's, day we are in ns good shape so far as freight potatoes Per buohol , ® 00 more careful. A gentleman from. Greenville will accom• POIJLTRYMD &AME ILOUB PorlOO poundi „„ 2 40®2 CO Tako your poper rags and old metals to rates are concerned,as though we had a doz• Mr. Bond's loam ran away Monday BUOKWDEAT FLOUU Per lOOpounda,, @3 00 pany him for the same purpose. They •Oas I'reBh,Pordozon ', ® 12 en roads. The following, and dozens of other morning wilh the mower. The machine was DuBois & Earle's hardware store on Maple IN ITS BBASOIT. tlUTTKIi.,,,.. @ 10 expect to bring back about 150 head. badly broken, but fortunately no ono hurt. street. Thoy want all they can get at fair instances we might cite, illustrates these LARD Per pound,, @ 7 Celebrating the "Fourth of July" at APPLBB Dried, per pound ® 3 facts! A year ngo L. C. Webb of this city, PKAOHBS Driod.por pound. 0® 10 An endless variety of whips, at remark• Holt, is the question of the day. SQUARE DEALM GUAMM! shipped a mare and colt to Battle Creek, IIVS BTOOK AMB BIATV ably low prices, at DnBois & Earle's. * . OATTLE Per 100 poundo 2 CO®-! 00 Geo. W, Cross of Alaiedon, placed a box paying $14 and a few cents freight on the No other blood medicine bo utilizes the Bospocttully, BEEI' Sroaaod.porlOO pounda,,' „,6 00®0 00 of very nico striiwberries on our desk last noaa For lOO pound 4 00®-! GO Senator J. H. Forster, who was in same, and last week under the inter-stalo results of scientific inquiry as Ayer'a Saisa- POItK Sroaaed,per 100 pounda 6 00®5 60 Tuesday, which ho picked from a 4x6. rods HAMS Per pound 8® 10 attendance at the pioneer meeting daat commerce law, he shipped a aiaro and colt parilln. HENEYPETEBS. HHOtLDKBS Por pound , @ 7 patch, from which he had already taken 27 Saturday, lirought over and preaenled to to the same place and waa charged but A nUERTIQERQ oiotlioi>,wlio wUh tooxammo OHIOKKNS Dro»8od,porpound 8® 9 bushels this season. OQIOEENS Live, par pound...... , ® G bis friend, Col. L. H. Ivea, a beautiful $5.08 freight. XlUii\% V Lung Diaoaso, If you have HIIbEII I IwEllV this paper,otoblaln'ostimaloi TtJBKEVS Live, por pound © 7 on advettlting space whon in Chicaao, will (Ind It on flM Ball A'' Sherman, the Maple street dry largo pencil picture ofhis palatial residence a Cough or Cold, or the children are TUKKICYS Sroaaodiporponnd @ 10 45 to 49 Randolph St,, | (MWk «, TUnUlIC DUILDINO lUATKUIAI.. 'Auction. threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, goods dealers, have purchased several .fine on Spring Brook farm in the township of IhoAdvoitliiinEAsoncyol LUIlll IS I IIUniHdl WATEB IiIME . Per barrel ®1 60 I will sell at public auction, on the court use Acker's English Remedy and prevent OAlOINKD PLASTER Por barrol...... l.,2 20@2 60 clips of wool, Il was their inteiilion to Williamston. Mr. Ives will givo it aproin- PLABTiUniNO HAin Porbuiliol @ S6 house square, at 3 o'clock p. ra., next Sat• further trouble.- It is a positive cure,* BniNtlLKS Perthoii8»na , 1 00®3 (15 havo a practical tnuii in the market, and inent place among his valued treasures at urday, all my household goods—furnituro, aad wo guarftntoo it,j,.Pxico 10 and fiOts JOB FEINTING IiIDIB KOOdPorbitrrol ® 86 ; &c. Mrs. E. H. Hall. Sold by H. M. Williams and O.W.Halatcad It4TU :i'«rll,(o«t....,.,.,.. ,..„ 1 00®1 6U mako a business of it, but illiioss provonted, Sumiyside. . AT THIS OFFICE. phmgod into a hink, nnd Ibon ro- to Ids iitleation, AVlieii, upon personiilly oxiim- ABDUi; IIAMID. lilbig tho law, nnd eonslderliu! the saujeet mere tnriied lo his worlc, bnl wiih loo hitu ciirefiilly, ho Hiitirilleil hiniseif that no illsiiosl- Mlm Co. Denioc to slop his engiuo or connect llio lioso, I.I011 of tlii'i o lint^s conld tioiiindo witboiit Con- Jiis xreiir of J'l<.ls_..\ llnlei' WIio Itends gresiilonal notion; vidieroiii'oii be ilircetoil n, —Strawborrios are selling at throe cents a EAST. 'The alarm wius given, Iho slee|iiug passeu- i'elilhius. gers aroused, aud whon lilo-jircservers Hiis|-oiislon of opern,t;ono hy the letter iiiiulo quart at Brocsou. MASON, MIOH. IHiblio this oveiiiiig." Tho present Sullnn Is a mnn who sits had boon fasleiied on all galliered on ihc The Btatno lo Nallinu Halo, mndo by qnnltiug in Ida kiosk at Yildiz with hia —Tho Northern Aliylum i'or tho Insnna forward dock, 'Two life-iioals anil life- ». p. •wnri'MORE, FnnLisnKii. tho authority of Iho Stato of Coiiiiooticut, riifls wm-o lowered, but llm sleaiiier was ' GENERAL." nerves all unstruug from fcav of plots and has nearly si:c hundred piitionts. to bo placed in the Capitol Iniilding at Hart• ruiiiiiiig so find lhat they got iiway. In bis ears open lo overy suggestion for ford, wns on Tuesduy formnlly dolivered JJKVAN'l' B. CtiANPAi.L, wlio disuiipoarod —Px-.Sonnlor and Mrs. Cougor will spend leu minnfes from Ihe lime ihe bunt eiin^;lU lieenriug, uot Iho safety of bis domiuiouB, bytho eoniniissioii to tho HIato, It is a from Ihtll'iilo iu hSSil, nud was siip]iosud lo most of Iho snnnuor at Washington. lire tho pii.sseiigei-s were all compelled to but his own personiil safety, writes a eorre- bronze Iiguro of heroic size, jump iiilo the lake. '.I'lio .slewiiid snys liave eomiiillled siiieide nl !!'>Iiiigir.n >'alls, sponilonl. To sec him go to (he mosriuo —A. E. Conovor nud JI. W. Newberry THE WIDE WORLD. ihiil Hiero wero lifly-soveii iieisoiis ou hns beou ari'esled at Siilem, Oregon, He Piioi'jis.soit Maiik Hor kins, ex-Presi- on n Friday in a closed carriago i.i ahumil- will open another printing oflieo iu Cold- dcut of AVillinnis Collogo, diod at North board, iiieluding the erew, '.I'ho lost are ns was insured iu live benelit oi'gimizniions, hitiiig spoetai'lo lo old Turkish oflicors, who water next week—a label-works. Adams, Jlnss,, ou Friday, j\fr. Hopkins, follows, so fur as known: Peloiiging lo includiiig the Noilliwesleni Aliisonie, of Ik' Catalo,(!;iic of llic iyeek',s Impor• who was by mnny looked upon as tho foro- (,;hicago—Henry Lreiiuiin, elerk; two ehil• Cliieago, nil of which, save ouo, jinid Hie rouioinhur how proudly Abdul iMedjid and —A young man named Packard, whoso dron, believed lo belong lo ouo -Mnrliii death eliiiiiis, Ci'iituliill lias been imlitiled Abdiil Aziz nsoil 16 rido on hoi'Kobaek tlioologian oi'tho conulry, was boni fnlhorisa well-to-do f,iruior of Seneca, tant OcciirrciiCRS Concisely at Slockbridgo, IlIiisH,, Feb, d, tsO'_', jiriidu- liow; jMrs, JI. ICchue; an iiiikiiowu at Hiilliilo, and will be brouolil tlioro for through crowded strecls to St. Sophia. boy, Jielouginy to olher |il aces-I'Ula waa nrrosted rccoiilly on a ehar.go of utter• atod in lH'ii at tho collogo of woii'h lio was trial. Coo])er Sniilli, Mloliort Wilkes, Oeorgo Siiiiiiiiiii'izci]. KiibHoijuently I'rcsidoiit, and four years ing connlorfoit silvor. Wrifiley, ot Chiulevoix; li. JL WeKeel; '.I'llE Chicago Timeif jiresenls rejiorts ot hiler bogiiu prnciiciug mediciiio iu is'ew Juiiiu,'!, Blowai'il; ("apliiiii Liieiis, Peloskey; oroj) comlilioiiM collected fioiii over ono —Albert Ktuokey, of Pnlnski, although York-, fn ]8;i0 ho was chosoii rrol'ossor a liretuaii; a soeoiid cook; Mr. Itiisseil, of llioiisiiiid points iu the Norlhwesl. Al- riitriligonco liy riiecli'ic Wire from of .Itliotorifi nnd Jlorid Philosopliy of tho 72 years of iigi'', rectnitly iilnuted four nud Iho .Ineksou Ijilieb.) t,'orsi't t'oiiiininy; thungb M'heiit hiiB iiceii diiniilgod by Iho College, liecoiJiing I'l'osidoiit iu I.S.'lll. soven-eighlhs acres otgronud wilh ono paii Every (Jttiirtci' of Iho Civil- mnn aud boy from Milwnidci'e, liiolonged druiitli nnd inlensely' hot 'J'wcnly-si.x yenrs later ho rcRigiiod Iho bound for Jliickiuiiw; one waiter; Wealher in Houio localities, tho geuernl of horses in two days. i/.eil •^Voi'ltS. l'reBidoiicy,'bnt rotaiiied llio prol'iissor- four ludaiis, decdc Iniiids; a liidy nnd lirns|!ects iivu very eiiconriigiiig. 'I'hcre is Khip. Professor Hopkins was tlio niilbur —The iiroposilion to build a now Third diiiighler from J''raiil;biril, iiainos iiii- a largely increiiBod nereiiiie, es]ic(dnlly in of a numbor ot philosophical works. His kuowii, '.riiero nro seven not acciuiiiled Ward School Houso al Coldwater, to cost Tin'! Vi:UYI.,vr(iST 1!Y TELi:(3RAi'H. Dnliola, and the aggregate yield iu the miinly .piety, groat intellect, and good liii- for, the abovo list of lost cojiiiirisiug only $8,(11)11, wns carried S.dnrday, only nine mnr were strongly felt by overy Htiident Northwest promises lo ho the laigoHl over those Iciiowu lo liiivo jierished, ',1 hose known, 'I'lio outlook for corn is vory I'a- votes lioiiig east ngainst il. Nvho camo under his instnii'tion. It was saved Honied nii lunu' anil ii half, w'lien voriihle. There will he short eropH of Jh'. llopkiiiK who lirKt conceived tbo idea thoy wero rescued,by a yawl and lish hoalH —Coldwater now hns tlireo piaiiors with liiilotliy nnd lliix, imd llie barley crop also Mlis. Pe.\ui. liAiM'.V, wIiD hnd lioon nini'- of illustraling luontnl nnd moral .science from the slioro. ISeverid of those saved nu nggregnlo eireiilation of over tivo thou• rietl bill, a iiioiitli, corniniltod Kiiuddo nt hev hy moans of diiigriinis, and in this iniiuner threidoiis to be a iiaitial lailiue. wero biidly burned, 'The boat burned to sand, aud yot it is rumored Unit Bomo ono iiparlniohiK in Xow Vorl;, in tho proKeiiea Iho most abstruse suljjectR woro mndoolear, Ihe hull and hits licen towed hero. It is In Iheir weekly Inide review, P. (.l.lJuu has Ihronlened (0 start aiiothiir. of lier llU^bllnd. !.ili j'cslcd WiUifiin T.ossing, of Adrian, whilo fi>;|iri'SH-cnr :in I jiiiiil-Inif^s. 'Iho loliil from souio iinporbnit liiiiinciiil eeulcrs. li'oiiB end ou 'Tuesday, the phoiionieiiiil cnr|i3 do gai'Lhi opposite tho now passing coniiterfeit hioni>y nl Coldwater. .fiiiiiMiiil iiljlaiiicil hy Iho rohhers is nol yot SOUTH, '.1,'lie business faihin,'S in Uie Puited Slnlos break of IHl ocnis closing Ihe books of fho iiuniiiered lib'!, as cniiipared with loo dur• liiosipio, wliieli sianilH close lo the Imuwii. .'Vniu'.il bodion of oilizens aro XjO^siiig hnd a hir.go amount of Uio "ipieor" eliipie and bringing t'liiciigo prices once A OiiA'rTA.NoniiA Cl'min.) dispatch re- ing the ('(irrei-iionding woelc of last yoar, piihico gates, wiitch regiuieul. afler ficoiiiinf; Ibu iiirciiiii.jai'oiilc.oiinlry in sooi'i'b regiiiioiit niiu'cli up Iho hill 10 on bis person. Ho is snid lo bo na old moro ill lino with thnso of llio other jiorls thai live men had heen killed aud tlio increaso being due to Iho yraiu-.gaui- of lllClll. Vildiz without any certaiuly lhal Iho ccro- olVonder. miirkets of Ihe world. The cxcile- niiiuy wounded iiy the explosion of a dyiiii- IdofH' piiuie. 'I'nii Juii;; of Sorviii will npiilyfora rocnt ou the iloaru of 'I'l'mlo lloor iiiony will hu beld nt Ibis partitilar niOBipio niile ciirlriilgo at Iho liiiiiaii iiiiues, four nfter all. H of ten hapjiens Unit of a snd- —I'iro broke out iu Jfeyorhiiher's pholo- divorio from hi.s wife, wilh'wlioiii his rc- was inteiiBO. Such a filioiiliiig, yelling, hiiloB from thai place. '.I.'he explosion oc• FOREIGN. don cavalry nnd iidniilry, visilorH in oabs .grnpligallery, over P'euzerR coufecliouory liilioiis liiive lioon uii|iloasiuit for somo liiiio Rcrciiuiiiig mob iii seldom seen, and ns an curred iu Hie mines of llio Teuiiosseo Coal, aiul cnrriages, and sighlsoers on fool hnvo jiiist. Till: (,)nof.ii, il. in saiif. hns ln'on iii- oeeiisioiial visilor in Ihe gailory said, "it .It is roporled liy eahio lliat tho Dritisb store, at Adn'nn, It wnn eonllued lo tho Irouiiud Itiiilwiiy Couipaiiy, where most lo innko a stniupode tlown Mil ami nice olV trigniiif; til lirin.i; iihoiit Iho iloposilion oi' did iippoiir us if bedlam had hrokcu loose." Govornmeiil iiileiitis to jirosecnto Michael rear room of tho gnlbry. Considorablo of Ibo employes nro convicts. Tho com- to BOiiiQ other luiisquo a mile awny. Yet, if lier Ijoe'o. i\'o wonder, mill Blaring llieiii in tlio lace JJiivitt nud i\lr. .loRoph h'iehnrtl Cox, Na• damage was done Iiy water lo tho bnildiu.g, )iimy of Into has beeu oiiiploying li!ng'ish there is any danger for tho Siiltan's lifii and T'lVi: 111011 wero tihocl;ih.i,dy iii.jiiri-d by nn and only Ihoso who could yell and screniii tionalist uieiuber of Piirliniueiit for Past liberty, it ean only bo in his own piilnce, niiuors, and it is said Ibeso were tho vie- Tho loss is fiill.y covorod hy insiirnuco. e.\plosiciii of (•iml fjas in ii iiiiiio ut I'illsinn Idinlost conld gel any kind of recognilioii Claro, lor their coiiiluct in iucitiiig tho nnd not iu tho slreots, Wliorovor ho goes tiniK of Ibo explosion. —Two Toni I umrried mou wero iiuliilg- .liinclinii, I'LO-.nKylviiiiiu. It in foiireil nil Riillieient to draw nidieo lo Iho hiel lhat liodyko tonants to reiilst eviction. men bow before bim iu iibject rcvoieuce. they also had II fow small Giuiiiiles lo dis• Dago ,loe, a half-breed, who killed Wal• tlo could rido throngh nny part of Ibe city iiig in a knock-down nrgiiuient, whon tho will llie. I.v Ibe Oubirio Houso ot Commons at pose of lo nny hiiyor lliat \\aiilod Ihom. ler Hayues, a young while boy, nl Hhelby without risk- of hariii, and if hy misci anco ..V (fi:i;j|,\x, .siipiioKoil 111 ho a spy sent lo Ottawa, oil IMondny, nfter a protracted do-. hotter half of ouo Uirow a pail of wntor ou 'Throe couiniission'houses—^h Pusuiil'i.dd Depot, Jlisfi., on tho JHlh of May, was some miidmnn wero lo rniso a voieo ngainst Pniin'o lo Irnni Iho ficcrot of Iho luniiiifiii'- Ihilo, Mr. Cnrgiil's auioudmoul I'or tho ro- tho ooiitOBlantfi which brought tho qiinrrol it Co., llmiiill A- Lriiio, nnd B. W. Jiaily tiikeii liy a mob from Hio ollicers, who were bim the iiiRult wonld bo iuslanlly tnro ot nioliiiilo, Ims heen iirrostoil nt ,SI. poid of the Seolt act, Uio local option law livengod by any Mussulman stand• to a Rpeody ond. 'J'ho water seheuio hns —wero forced to snspeiul. '.I'lieir losses eouvcyiug him from Duncan Slatinn, Miss,, Jleiliii'il-eii-.liillu. now iu force iu sixty-eight counties in ing near. .PaiUi in tho Sultan's power been worked Rnceossfiilly beforo on will aggregate from i!'2,UllO,Ulll) lo l?.';,IIIIO,- lo tbo jail at Auisliu, aud hanged to a Iroo, Tm: jmy in the i\Ic( liu-i.t^lo-lfoDoiiiilil IIIH). 'I'lio iiiteresling story of Hie eonii:r is Ciiuadii, was nogativctr Ly 1.|.5 to .J.7. A and jufiUco is kept up among Uio peoplo on Monday last. division followed on Jlr. Girounrd's iinicud- by Iho priviloeo which Iho humblest —Tho Board of TiiRiioclors of the State booillc cnso nl C'liioiii,'o, nl'lor foiiviionrs Ihns Riiinmnrized by tlio Chicago Jnlcr inoiit to allow Hie snlo of boor aud light folk enjoy of )U'Oscnting potitioiis to his mill aliiilf iloliberiilioii, ivtiiriiod a vonlici Ureal! of Wodnosday: Prison, at tho monlhly mooliiig atJaokson, LABOR. wines in .Scott-net coiiiiUes. This wns JfajeBty._ While llio trnops are being ninr- ofgiiilly, lixin;,' tho ]ieii:ilty at lliroo yonrs hlvtjr shicu lust Aiiril thoro has boon il nyn- awarded the contract to Jlr. .Elliott to sink diealeof eii|iitnh'.its whieli lias wougiit to i-iiii ii. voted down by a uinjorily of SS. 'J'ho di• shalcd for tlio Seliiiulik, you iiiiiy boo a in Iho poiiiloiiliury. nn artosiau well insido Uie pr'sou w.alls. It Huccossrnl tioriu-r in \\'li(iiit. Tlie doul l)ef,'nii T'liEirou iiininifacUuers assort Ihey will vision ou the 'innin iiioliou in fiivor of pro• small crowd of wretched-looking peoplo of '.I'lll.; loss of life hy Hie hnniiiij-; of Ilie with Uiu Jliiy option, ami when delivery day ciiiiiu nrouii'd sovoral iiiiilioii I'lisliols wore resist any'claim for an ndvaneo of wii.gos hibition wilh Iho foregoingnmoiidmonlwan both Rcxeri with petitions in thou' hands, will bo lociilcd noiir tho ongino boiiHO and livo|H'll()r t.'liiiiiipluiii penv l "imrlevois, doiniieii into the hips of tho liiokers or ropro- iiiiide by tho Amalgiiuiaiod Associalion, bnt Iheu taken, aud the uiotiou was nogntivod who aro being ranged by a court ;i)iciiil iu work will begin Snturdny. Tt will bo .'!flO sontiiti\os ol tills cliipio. .Miuifieo Losoiilolil j\Iii'li., jirnvos lo lio liir;,'i.r lliiiu nl lir.'il rc- lire willing to sign hist year's Rciilo. '.I.'he hy Pi mniority, n conspicuous poB tloii oil the road which k fo., U. .1 Eorshiiw A- tlo., Irwlii, liri'Oii .t Co., the Sultnu has to pass. Flourishes of foot deep nnd ton inches iu dinmctor. Tho jiorloil, ()f llio oi'ow mill pnssongoiH, Ave'io looked iijton ns tho a.conts oinidnyoil to workmen will demand au increase ot ahoul A Londoii dfispateli of .Friday says: Iriiuipcts nuntmuco his Majesty'ii eoming; contract price is .$75tl. jiiiiiihoiiii.i;; lifly-Kovoii, only Iwoiily-seveii hiindlo tbo buHinosH for the syniliuiito. 11 per cent, 'The dale ol tho eoufereueo Tlio doiil was triiiiHtunvil to ,Iuiui, nml ".Taines CI. Plaiuo nud family arrived nt tlioiisaiida of Rohliers in fez, eafliin, and nro K'iin\'.n lo havi' boon siiyoih .llisho- —It is oarrontly rcpiu'ted in Aim. Arbor iiiillioiis of hiislcolH ot wliiait ivoro between eomniitteos of tho omployors aud Sonlhhiiuijilon yesterday, i\fr, Blninc was tiirhiiii—ba'i.ek troopn from N'lihin and liovoil liinl 111,1 iiccuiMlo list of Iho IohI will hmii^lit to lcoop np Ihis ojition. I'rieo:! nieu has not yet huoii fixed. met at the dock by a litrgG unmoor of hrown-r,iced soldiers from 'Pliraee-pro- that Privnto Seorcliiry Cnnipbell's ani• novi'i' bo fiooni'ed. uilvaiiecd. anil tho slinrls hui;,'lioil at tho idoa. of any oliqiic attrinplinf/ to (.(iriiortlio Tin; great coko slvilco in Pennsylvania is Auierieaiis, promiuoiit nmong whom was scut arms and raiso guttural oheeiR; alioiit mosity toward tho University dates from a Tiii; lossoK by Iho Hoods In Hiiiigiiry nro j-'i'iLiii of die Nortliwost, till! iiiarlcotof thiiwnrld. a linnL'.V'.'d Hold marshals, generals, and n thing of the jiiist, tho employers having .Mr. Pcudlotou, lluitcd States niaisiil to flacking ho received whilo a niembor of tho ooinpiilo.l 111 ^:;r,,llilli,ll:ili. t'lfloon biiiidiod ^\'llell .liiiKi (li'livcr.v day nrrivc.l the cliijiio hro- stall' ollicers, biiizing wilh BtaiR liei s tocU nil the ip-niii that, wns olfurerl lo mndo au imeoiidilional surrender. Py tho Soulhaniplon, nnd eseoited lo h.'S liolol. fnniiorH liiivo loon Inlally ruined. mid walking eight abronst, precedi) ids Ypsilanli Normal School. Ho, in common t)f iMMirso iiiiir^tiioi wt:\'a la ilt-'iiiaiul, nnd llio middle of Hie week it is expected thnt all lie will ]irohiibly reuiniii a few ti.iys at .hv nn iiooiiloid. on tho Illinois t'oiilral, hanks were eiillod upon to iiiiiko no viniecs nn Jlajesly's carri.ige, and thou the f-iiillnn wilh a unuibor of his classmntes, camo np the I'miii in st.'ro. '.I'lioso lulvniicoH wioo iMCU-'tl Ihe works will bo in 0|itriiliou aguiif with a Southani|)loii before proceeding lo Lnu- iioiir )la!ciiiidii, III., l!ii.'.;iuoor JIall wns hiniHelf is seen for just a fow fiecoiids, to Ann Arbor ono niglit and made Ibeui- iipna IL price not oxcoediiiK r-o cents jar Inisliol, full coniplenieut of bauds. dnii. He ])0silively rofusos to "discloso 'J'liongh it niiiy bo a' boniitifiil aiiliininnl Itillod imd ('oiidiielnr "Wliiilon biidly iii- hut it lookoil nil inillionn or ilollars in the Lasi- Bolvos obnoxious to tho collego hoys, who iiosri. As .luno advniieod tho clique sir.v his prospective innveiiioiil.s or llio jnivposo clny, uei her cold uoi hoi, ho sils either iu jiiied, that thoy Inul niulortiikoa to nmvo a WASHINGTON. or sijuiilieaiice ot his visit. All of j\lr. a bronghiim or in nii open cnrriuge wilh ipiiotly gavo hiiu a cold wntor bath. JIaliiiii iineiniisl niiniod I'nniicgiiil inoiiiitiiiii, and thoy iiscil overy ellorl, to Plaiuo's family aro woll," the hood ui), H thciO ho visitors of dis• prosont the arrivul of tho {,'roiLt cif)]ei of An Assoeinled Press lolegrnni from —Jlichaol Jforris, his wifo Gon'.?viovo> liiiB liocii ox|udlo,l I'rom T'loroiieo. llo ^y|ll wlioiit from haliotn.. A. corner in storai^o was .loiiN PnitiiiT has v,'rilten an open loiter tinction in tiie coips do gnrde ho lenus for• probably eoiiio to Ainorica. elloctnil nnd tho railroiols wovo blocked. Bond W'ashiiiglou says: '"The battlo of the slaud- ward lor nu instant niitruiakes a sign of and his falhor-in-law, .Tohn Fettermnn, after rimil served nolk'o that no iiiori) wluiit lo Mr, Cilndstono npologiziug for inaccu• , iiAi, of Iho Jloilyhi' loiiniilfi, ar- iirds is teniiiualed aud Ihocniitnrcd tings of tho hnnd. Again ho is seen for half a wero nn'ai!,'ncd in Pnd Axo for murder aud •\vulild Lo .sliipjH'd to Chiciif^o. 'This hroiif^lit rately quoting his recent s]iceoh at Swan• niinnto as ho tieseends from his carriago rcslod for rosis'inf; tho evioliii.g oOiccrs, tlio slioi'ts to tho front with n. ver.iioiineo. 'i'ln ro Ihe dead Confedci'iiey will remain iu tho forgery. A reliilivo uamod .Prcunnn bad sea, aud cxprcssiug rogrot lhat his cou- and mounls Iho hte)iR of the niosqiio, liiive boon soul lo prison for brief toniin. are l,lii.O laeinhers of the llrard of 'Trnde. Ahout eu'lody of 11 0 War Deparlmcnt. President .'jUi.i of theso nro cen-ceuiliatiiiits. t)f tho ro- seieneo and judgiiieiil forbid him from whero ho turns round aud snlutLS the boon murdered nud deeds to his farm •\Vliilu Ihoy wore boing roiiiovcd lo inisoii jnaiiiina I.LHl idioiit 1,'iil trndo in wlioat, iiiid of Cleveliiud ou Thursdny sent the followiug noting wilh him nn tho Irish question. WI olc crowd hy lining his two liugers to forged. Fotlormnn pleaded not gn'lty lo a crowd (d' Kynipmhii'.ors iiiiido disordorly tlicHo l,'..llil not moro thnn Mliirooii the hull side leltcv ill regard to the iuattei' lo tho hjeero- bis fez, Jleauwhilo an nid-de-canip hns of the dciil. 'I'lie other i.DOo nro what nro known WiLLiAJt OliKlEN, editor of Unilcd Iho chnrgo of forgery. Jforris plontlod demoiislialioiis and woro olinr;-;cd upon by as shorts, 'llie.\' are more or less hiiiilH (IcalorH, liiry of AViir: ruu lorward tn collect all tho petilious, Ireland, received au enthusiastic roccp- guilty nud his wife plended riot guilty. Uiu ]ioliro, Il iiniiibi'r boiii;; iiijnrod. I and do n connilissioll hlltiincss. 'Iheir oiislnin- "I bavn to-day eousMorcd with moro caro which nro pliiod iu ouo of Iho ini- ers In tho Nnrtliwost seoinj^ tho ucirkct i^olim' Lbnii when the'sulijoet wai; orally ]in seiiteil tion at (Jueeaslowii, Friday, npou poriiil cnri'in.gos, and it seems that Mrs. Morris will bo tr'cd hi'or. Morris was A lii.i.\'l' conliiiiiliig•i.Hil ]iil;,'iiiiiK was cap- lip and pi'i<;es lii^li, (U'derod thom to sol I tho nie, llio hctioii of yonr ibpiirtiiioiit diroeting luM loluru from Amcricn. Ho made a ihcso p: tilions nro alwnys read, and t .at eizi'd whilo crossing Iho .Ihiiiiibo llivcr utntf, lieiin^ •Well iiwnru that tlioy coiiUl not Kcntoucod to (ho .Stnto Prison I'or life. hone to 1,'ot a joiicli hotter leiee for their letlersto lie aildressed to tae (lovernora of all brief addro;s lo his friends, after which many of tlioin nro granlt'id lo tbo full iu a iioar I'aks, iiiid iiuisl of Iho ooonpants wore •\\lirat. \\:iien tlut roads beciiitie bloi.'koil theso tlie Sliitcs, ollciii g to return, if ilesireil, lo tho loyal MiiLos, tlio Ciiion Ilags eiiptnreil ihiriiig he left for Cork, where ho wns funually high-liiiudod, lordly, oapricions wny, which —Jfrs. .Tool .Kellogg, a highly osteoraod lost. dv. r oiiu luindrod bndir.s havu boon eiisioniers lu'^^iiii to ;\rlto letters oxporitnlatiii;,' makes the dispeisiitioii ot ini|ioiiiil grate •with their n,^'elltH for le.t pashintl the nni.tter. Ibe war of tile rebellion Ly the Confederiito tenderod the freedom of Iho eily. laily of Plymonib,in altoni] ting to drive recovered. TheHo nlinriri tlion wont to tho tlireetors and li.rces nnd iificrwiird iccovered by flov- soiiiolliiiig like the driiwiug of 11 prize in a made conipoLJiits, and tlio result was tliiit tho eiiiinent troops, and to tbo t.'oiiledernto A rAiMir. faclory at Kief, Pussia, was lottery, ilowover, every cnso of lavish out of tho yard of hor son, Lnlhtn' Kollo"g, 3Ii:s. aIaiiv llopsox, nf ^FadiiiOn, 'Wis,, states tlio liiien enjitiircd hy the l.inioii ihr(!etors to k up tho niiLU,raiid (Icteriiiined to destroyed by Iiro, xvith a loss of tjil'iO,OIIII. honi.ty or of wrong rodres-od (and t' ero collided ^yilb tho post, throwing bor ont a viotiin of Ibo npiiniii liidiil, llirow liorsidf cnsh out tbo clique in po fur ns the ei riiur in foreeii, all of which for many yonrs havo been aro Rome siicli cases every weok> strikes from a lliird-slory window of a jirivnlc fitorii[,'o and hloekliiL; of the riiilroiids was coii- pi clicil ill boxes and stored in lite eel- A'r (.luecuR ow.i, on Friday, Iho customs and badly orushiug her between Iho wlioel ceriieii. 'i'ho fiirincrs and shii jiiu's tliroiiLdioiit iiir iiinl attic ot the War lioptiviiiieiit. 1 nui of olheiala conliscaled a box belonging to a deep oil popiiliir imagiuntion and servos lu liospilal nt .f'liiladolpliiii, i'nirliiriii.g her tho Norrliwost Wire iiih'ised thnt thoy could do- llie (qiiiiioii chat l;lio relnrii of the lings in too aud tho post hoforo tbo frightened borso ])iiRseuger on tho Adrialio uaniod Peter a chiniBy hishiou to keep olhcini extortiou- slinll, iiud dying in a I'ow nioiiicuts. iniLiiil tliat tlie raiiro ids slioiihi take tlii'ir f^riiin OiiiiiniM' tliuH contciipiliit.enl is not aiiihorized b.v orn and bullies iu order. Cue lieiira of could lie quieted so that sho could bo ox- for sh^pniont ti Chicago. Tlti» rnilroinls, seeing' cxiiit'iig liiw', nor jnstilicil as lUi cxoeutivu luit Coy, nud which was supposed lo ooulnin (.:,viii. Si'iiriiz is slid snllerin,:,' from tbo piishaH dismissed throagli Iho |)olitioii ol tliat Iho will' wns lial.lo to hurt them, heijuii to I veiinciit, tlicrefiivo, thnt let fiirtlior steps bo explosives. Coy is dclaiiioil in custody trioiitfld. Two ribs wero broken, com• oli'eolH of llin fall by which his lliigb was cr\' oi;t, iiiKl the rosiiit wns Hint thu syndicate tai.en 111 the iiiiLiter exeept to eMtiiiliio anil in• old women who'hnve Iraiiip.'d to Yildiz ]icudiiig au aniilysis of llio coutcuts of tho plicated with oontusiou of the spiuo. Iter fraclurod lliroo mnntlis iit:o, and iiiovos took filidit, ventory tbcso Ilags, nml luiojit i.rojior incnsnrcs from the most distant villages of Arabia, lor tiicir preHer\iitioii. Any direction iiS Co the I ox, TheSo things nru nol IPdioii; and, iu all limbs, from tho hips down, are complololy about on cnilidios or in a wlieol idiair. Tbo liiiiil disposition of them sbotild nrigliiiiio with that relates 10 tho sudden Hotting-iip or tbo pai'nl,yzod, nnd littlo hopaa nro ontortninoti prospoclfi for his ulliiiialo recovery, how• J.v tho Chicago wheat market Iho situa• Cougresii. Cuin'i It Gi,i;viai,v:,'ii. Hcdii O'DoN.VF.Lii, ox-Vico PrcRideiit ever, an; oxcollcni. of tho Homo Piulo Coiifodcrntion, write;; a Ruddou selting-dowu of pincciuoui tlioriilo of hor recovery. tion wns chnolie nnd exciting on Wednos- "At Iho raiuest of (,!ov, T'orakor, of of Ahtliil Hamid diifors littlo from that ot Ohio, tint coiiu.'.el slioulcl bo relaiued to letter from Cologne lo tho London Timr.-i t'l.YMOTiTii Chnrch in IJmnldvu will bo diiy. A iinmlicr of addilional failiiioR Harouii-nl-Raschid, —Dan JloVieko, .Deputy Collector of ru- closed for llio sniiimor. nnd it is doiiblfnl wero nniKinuced, a nervous stale of ali'airs iuKlilulo legal proceediir u lo eujoiu Iho defending the Piiriiellites agniiist tho ac• tornnl Eovouuo for Iho Upper-Peninsnia of if it will ovor ho njienod again hy ils old was wiliiessed, aud Iho day was siiiiiily reiiiru of Iho Coufedernlo Ilags to ihe Gov- cusations brought by that journal of eoiii- coiigrcgnlion. 'Tbo liisk of supplying Jfr. crowded with soiisalioual dovelopnioiils. Orntu's of Iho youlliern Slates, Geii. H. \. plicity iu oriiiio. The '//wie.s insists Unit Michigan, is shipping 1,0110 tons of gan- Tloyiitun hatl KeleclcdHon. ,Siimuel Siiella- lieoelier's jihico begins lo look lilco a iiO[!0- 'J'he siluiilion ou the Loiivd of Trade wns Jlr. G'JJouiiclI evades tho vital points of ister each from tbo quarry near Ishpomiug,. horger, of Ohio, and lion, Goorgo S, IKd'EUSTATR COMMERCE. brielly ihiis: .Ker.-diiiw V: Passes cau be granted to olTicors or em• graphite, mica, otc. Several of those de• ])rncoss is Ibo hivonlion of a llussinn Tho OliiciiRO Triiiivc of '.ITiiirsilny, iu an taiy of War was about lo dispose of puldic CouN—No i .•10'..|S) .17 ployes of railroad nnd IrnnsportaUon toui- Oats—Will to .117 " ..11 posits will probably bo worked iu a sbord Hcionlisl, and will he nsed by thn i'oiiiisy!- odiforjnl ou tho collapsed wheat deal, Buys: ])roperty wiHioul iiulhnrily of law. 'J'ho panios only. letter of the President niado further action Pome—New j\Iosa filU.'.'o lime. Fifty of tho sixty-tbreo chemical vania Company in tho moving of all 'ils The Btandard tirade of wheat for delivery ClIlCACn. Ono conipanymay cxcbaugo theso passes by Iho nllorueys uuneeosRiuy." 'J'ho pro• trains, if ils viiluo is dom'oustriited by cluriiit,' llio eiirroiit iiioiitli sold yestorilay in Cattle—Choice to Prime .1.75 t?.: ,'3,00 wiUi auotlior. elements nro fonnd in Northern Miohigan. further cxporimonts, tills inarkot for IV,1 cents por hnsliol. 'i'lfis is tests oflho (lovernors of Ohio and Iowa ]\le(llnni •I.01 i3 -1.01) tho low'OTt point toiichOLl In Chieafio sinco ,'t..-0 (11: .l.Oli Pailroad men must pay full faros for and Iho luiblicly expressed iudigiiatiou of Common —Within two weoks after Lako Linden tlio yoiLV li.(i.t, and it was reacliod oiiiy hy vlr- Tloua—Hhiiijiing •J.Til (3 o.2f; their families. TnR pro]icllor Coloraclo is ngrouud oil' tno of a do liue which must i il\'0 boon a icr- Iho Grand Army of tho Itopnblic over Ihe Fi.ouii—Winter Wheat I'll Tiiritl's must ho printed and postocl iu all the Ronlh sboro ot Lako Superior, 'Xngs rllilo ono to tho luiforlnnato iKildors, Tho drop proposition to letnrn Ihe Ilags had Uie elieet was burned the generous peoplo of Iho of tho iirosoiit week iininiints to iibout til cents WiiK.VT—No. 2 .Spring M'/.'i) .71 ii stations. and lighlors I'rom Duluth have gono to bor to stir np uiuch feeling Ibrouyhout the C.ii.v—No. 2 ,1)5 vi country bad contributed $10,000 towart] por bushel, which ontails a less of 'about .;iii Pales 'mny bo increased by giviug ten nid. W,6fit,U.iU in tho sollini:! value of tho wheat country. Governor Kusk, of WiGoonsin, Oats-Nix 2 • 21Ui .li .25 providing sheltor, clothing and food foi ' telegraphoil his protest lo I'resideut Glove- BuTTKU—Choice Creiimory .17 .'Il .18 days' notico. A'l' 'Topoka llio jury in the case of .Pat in Htoro, to say nothbiK of the corro- the' dostitute, Detroit raised iplO,000, Chi• BiondiiiK alirliikaMO on lui uiitohl iiiiiiiUoi'ot land, cliiim'ng lhat tbo trophies, if sur- h'ino Dairy .12 c?!l .llV. itatos may bo reduced by giving one Floyd, one of tho ropuled Wyandollo trniu- inlllousnt hiisliula that hiid beou honolit for CillSESK—Full Cream, clieddiirs. .08 & .OSii^ day's notice, posting taritl's in the sta• cago S5,U00, nud Milwaukee, Marquette roudoi'ed, should bo given up to tbo States Full Cream, now .ua ,1; wreckors, found a verdict of ncnuillal after do ivory this month and a smaller docliiio in .081(. tions. longer iutuves. The bruiik ciivri. d the imirUot by whose troops tlicy were captured. Gov• Eoos—rroaii.... ,12;.'. nl 1:1 ' and'othor cities raised largo sums. One being ont forly-lwo lioiirs. A lowor rnto cannot be given for a longer doi\n to about tho Iiguro allewe.i hy llio hanks ernor Miirtiii, of Knusas, also wired his rorATOMS—Choioo, now, porbrl. t.23" iti'i '1.75 English bauking-houso sont achook for Tin; roporlorl abduction ot tho Conutofis to tho parties who boriowed inonoy en the protest, allegiug that iho Rchouio was "au Pome—Jloea 2175 ti.22,'25 jonrne,y. 'J'hnt is, if a war of rates should proportv, and this fact iiuliiced «oocl Imyiiit: hy MILWAUKEK. occur, nntil tho faro between New York nnd $100. Alexaudor Agassiz gave $5,000. Cnmpos from Iho ]5o:iB do iJouIogno in luori who think it must bo worth at least thiit iuRult lo the heroic dead, ,inrt nn outrngo WuEAT—Cash ,7:1 .7.1 Paris turns out lo bavo beou an oloponionl. mush. In othor words, th.iro is pretty nood on tboir snrviviug comrades." Tho Grand CoiiN—No. a ,:« ..151/, San FriiuciSco be reduced to IJIO, tbo com• Tho most urgent needs of tho homeless Tho horo of the affair is tho A'iscount reason to behove that tho storm is over, Army men Ibrou.ghout the ontini M'cstalso OAT=i—No. 2 White .;io & .HOlj panies giving such rates eoulcl not charge peoplo have been supplied. The new tlioush flio eomiiievoial ntmosphevo will ho made vigorous prote.Bts.' Tho following Ki-K—No. 1... (Si .S7 moro than lhat for convoyauce to nny in- Dolalon, and his innmnrala wrilns uneottlefl fir some time to como, and it -will ho Porac—Jlesa 1!U5 •i; 11.25 smelting works at Lake Lindon started up Boveral clayfl before all tho wrocivH aro cleared statement with regaid to Ihe President's lormcdinte station. to tho papers that she lied with him in ST. loots. this inonlh, furnishing omployraout to 20O order to socuro roliof from hor "oppres• away. Aud the list of thoso wrecks is a loni; naliou coucoruiug the propos.'d return of WlIEAT—No. 2 .mi. 51 .781.'. No thoatrical mtos or passes to agents. ono. It oiiibnicoa loading hiraaos in tbo tnulo Ihe b.itllo lings was lundtj at Hio White Coax—iMixotl... .;M!6 .28 travel between States only; passes may bo own right of i?7,5llll,ii|lll. Tbo conple will whom luul previously rated as good mon. The PoiiK—New JIoss 1.1.75 a 15.25 city will give work to a great ninny more, Press: given from one lown to nnolher in the samo go lo lingland nnd bo married. extent of tho disaster may perba)is be iiitVi-rod TOLEDO. and the stamp mills ot the Calumotifc from tho stntenioiit tliat tho aitgi'cgato Wheat—No. 2 .so .80Vj Slate. The family quarrel ovor tbo millions ot trftdini; ou 'Change tbo last throo "When tlio question xvas jiroposotl to the Coim—No. 2 .'10 Hecla and Osceola mines will provide em- days caunot tall far short of iJ0.1,00,1 .3!) Fxeursion, miloags, thousand-niilo, or which Alexander i\Iitcboll loft behind him rreaklont by the .'VfljiitiLiit Gicaorul nil iiiuior- OATS .'25 .20 comnintation tickets are not afl'ccted by (ho ploymentfor others. About $;]50,OI10 in• bushnls, iiuicU tho greatest part ot which was tiLiit toaturo suggested was tho rotiirn to'tho IIETHOir. hns boon composed, nnd no coulost of tbo dono for men who, mi one aide or the ether, loyal Mates nf tho lings which had been ciip- law. surance money has already. boon , paid by •wanted to get rid of tdie ciitaiiglomoiita ol tho Beep Cvi'tle 100 (3 .].'I5 will ^vill bo mndo. tnroil by Che Confederates and retaken by onr Hoos IL.'JO tiii .1.50 Tho extromo penalty of tho law is a fine deal. Thoy had railon into the toils aa a eoii- iiniiy at tho collapse of tho rebellion. They, tho atljnstors. The'J'aniarack ami Osceola Beipioiieo of trading ou an artiUcial mar• KllEEl' !).50 (SI '1.7.5 of 155,0(111 for eachanci ovory oll'onso (giv-' The FrouohJJinisiry will submit a pro• with such Coiifoilcrato lla.'.'s as lind boon ciip- WiiKAT-Mlchlgan Eed ,83 ket, and tho Btrugglo to ho freo eiitni ed ,H1 ing a pass or ciitting tho rates), wilh a lia• copper companies have begun work on a' ject lo tho C'hnnibi.'r for a mitlerial iucroaso lurod from tlio enemy hy our troops, had, it Con:;—.Nfo. 2 .3016 '!> .do more ol agony ih a few hours than falls to was roprosentod, for a long tlnio lain iinciirotl bility lor dnmngos to the mnn who fails to $1,000,000 snioUing establishment at Dol• of tlio army. ' tho lot ot many indlvuluala In tho cour.i?eof a O.vTs—White, .32 •!!! .33 for and neglected, paekod away in hoxos in the CINCINNATI get tho pass or llio out rato, wbolo lifotliiio. Nearly a score of ntraiiaort oolbu'of the War ,nopiu'tmoiit, and had he'cii lar Bay, to bereatly for work in a year. • Ann'A Dickinson, tho onco famous tirma, with a total ot Icssos to thcmsolvea and WilEAT-NO, 2 KotI .81!^ 3 .82. roiuovod 10 llio iittii! as a bettor place for their CoiiN—No, 2 .'iO}f 1. Companies also liable in daraagesto platform orator, is at Sornnlon, Pcunsyl- customers wliioh will run np far into tho tens safe keeping. of InillioiiH of dollars and a stock of moro llian Oats-No. 2 .'£)'(£!• .m' pnrsons injnri;d through violation of any of vanin, recovering from nn nllnck of illness l.',0!!O,OKl buabols of the speouhitivo grado of "Tho disposition of tho llnss, which soomeilto Poaic—Meaa.. 11.7.5 1(1.15.25 the provisions of tbo net; also costs of su t.' —•Tho Jackson gas . woll is cloivn. about which brought hor vory uoar to death. wheat loft on band to bo disjioiod ot at tho ro- lie answering 110 good pni'poao whoro thoy wore, LiVEHooa . . 4.75 la 5.25 Tho attorney's foes shall bo fixed" by tho 550 feet, the drill being in, a soft; slnte-'on ' dnctioii,, aro vlaiblo romaina ot tho terrible was theiaiiin po nt, and tho considoratiouwas IIUFFALO. The Now 1'ork VforW.s much-advertisocl Btrife. •prosoiited to tbo I'resideut that somo flays had WiiEiVT—No. 1 White .88 C'W .8S'.\ court. blue day. . no How of water now, balloon ascension from SI. Lonia proved n hem rotiirued to loyal Htates, niiou their re• Ooil.'i-No. 2 Yellow .Ml'I.S .'13 lb No complaint shall ba ntnny liino dis• quest in iiullviilnal oiisos, ami the rest, if de- it having been effootually shnt'olj by,, the fiasco. The balloon camo down near CA'i'tlk !l,.50 i2i !i,00 missed bocauso of absenoo of • dirocL dnm- •TiiEsfoanior Cbaniplain, of tho Northern 6lr d, might as woll bo rotnriiotl togetlioi'. Tho INDIANAPOLIS. piping just put in. The drill is goingdown return of the Cent ilorate Hags wbieh were nge to tho flompliiinant., Ccutrnhn, III., tho prooipitalo descent boing Michignn Lino, bound i'or Cheboygan from Heep Cattle 11.50 C<1: ,5.00 ntlribuled lo tho gas'g.vmg ont. Itis also witb tho otliers'in. tho Oepartioeut was sug• 11005...; 1.50 & 5.25 Each nud ovory violation of Iho pro• nt Iho rato of eighteou feet an hour.. • Chica',;o, burnod on Friday morning bo- gested, bat there wus not the silgbtoat thought snid that tho aeronaut wns snIToring from SiiEEr ; 2.00 IS, ;i.73 visions of the act cohstitutos an otl'ohso. , Iwoeu Norwood nud Charlevoix, ut tho of iiit; vtoring In any way with tbo eaptni'od WiiEAT-No. 2 Hod ' ^The.two K. of L..assemblies in.; Oold-- Ilags uow belli by.any .State, .77 1". ,77 If. Tho Commiasiouors of the inlcrstato , painful'injuries received beforo slatting. month of Ibo Grand - Travorso Lay. Tho Ci liN—No. 2...... 30 & .31'. 1,^ "'iho right of tho dopartpient to malco thoso commerco bill shall sit in judgraout npori water are making preparations to xcjiobrdto In vlow oi' Iho ridiculous is-no of IhH boiit \yas runnin'.t foU' miles an hmir, whon O.VTS—No, 2Mixod .27 & ,28 rct'inis being iiuestlonedbv the President, sneU EAST LIBERTY. nil ciises'. the Fourth of July in grand stylo... Tho; Bonsntional expedient for boomint; itself. llninos snddeuly Phot up from under tbo right was clistiuotly aBSerteil, and preeodouls .1.73 & 5,25 ' porhaps the IVorii'' may bo induceti to eon- eugino,', driving the engineer from nllogeil, nud Iheroiipoii his oral assont was Fair.. •l.'.'S J': 4.75 olher assomblios of the connly,,.Iho,,gran• gh eji to the pi'o]i080(t action. The matter waa The floui' o£, the family is giauerally in a ilino'itself .to legitimate jonrnulisin fora his post with, bis clothes on lire. il.OO 4.2; gers and citizens generally "will';ho' linvited, dismisacil from his mind until eeninioiitthore- fi.'JS «.i 5.7.) sacciuo. ;68ason, :. , • He inn to Jhe hurrioano tJoclt, ni.on within the last dayor twohroiightit again: SujjEr. 4.00 (2) 4.50 ' toco-operatBv/iththom. , .: . : . v ffOBmaaasaM

m:u GAW8 IN iiirvjME. gonoralion, lo soparalo tho solid fat from Then began fueding with dill'eront kinds ot ono of (hose who "practice what tboy BOfyiESTIC ECONOMY. MICHIGAN Ll'lUlSLATURE. proaoli," Ibo other solids nnd lluids of Iho croam or bay, with two quarts of meal ))or de.^y each. a-i II, 0, D0DQI3, '.riio limo glidod phiaaanlly by, until ouo milk. 'J'ho wholo milk, ]iro|icrly soured, I until tbo iirat of Jlarcli, when bo noni- 'J'lii-; agitation lor roililcod viiilroad faros waa day a yaolit exeniaion was arraugod, and iiiay bo churned and Iho product will bo ! mencod feeding four quarts )ier day nntil lliiuliy liiapoaoil of in thn Hniiatii ontiioJOth A good namo ia lioltor tliiin riolies or I'cdd ; Topics of Interest Relating to 'Jt you do not asf: i]uo»tlona nu lion you'll bo Lonoro and Mias Jlarcollo went under Mr, butler, but the ao]iaratiou is more dilVtenlt i fair time. Jio giivo them ololtr coriiiiieal iuat, by the dofoiit of tbo Alauly il.coiit fnro bill told. Farm and HouiiJehold wilh Kweot milk than with jirojierly ripened dry twico a day, two quiirls at night nml anil all iitlier aiiiiibtr iiioiiiuirca if tlin aimsioii, (Irnham's caro, 'I'ho oujoyiiient was at ila Tho elfort to soenre clioirp tliouaiiiul-iiillo ilclt- hoigbl, tbo dainty noon-day biinijnet had creinii. Jn clnirning, tho fatty globuloa two quarlR iu the morning, 'J'hoy havo You cannot -with oliaff catoh a von- old bir.l, Management, eta, iiiiido iiriuciiniliy by tliti iiuirebinitii and And children ahould only he soca and not hoarcL boeu iiartiikeu of, nnd they woro speeding nro lirat broken u]i, and thns set'nl liberty. always had tho host of cjiro. 'Thiiv wore iiiiLnnfactiiriira of Jletioit, aiao woiitduwnby gaily alon.g, when sudilunly a dark elou.i '.r>.ey aro gallioreil togother lirst in tbo partly fed vvilb groon fodder Corn during tho aaiiio ilocisivo volo, IB to I'.', both All comini! ovonta caat tliotr ainidows Ijcforo; ii])poarod ou tha horizon. Ko uiio not iced form of grnnnleK, and if Iho ebnriiing ia tlio fall, llio fiitnio aa the previous year. hiiiiaoa pniiai'il a coiejiirroilt roaoliilioii an- In tlincs ol a^ycoti penoo yot all reajy for Inroi'ni.nllon for the riowman, Slock- still further carried tho whole is giilhenul oeiitiiif,' liill tundor of tl.i.OilO mado by Coiiyrosa it nt lirst; but aa Ihe iiuinieiils went on it Jlr. Little thinks that feeding dill'oreiit for all oxporiiiiinilitl iiin'lcultiirai farm, it will In lovo and in war all ia fair—ao thoy any; grow lai'gor and lUinser, and it wns evident niiin, roiillfM-cr, .\iirsoi'yiaitn, inlo a solid ninae. The agonis nro friction, kinds of hay ia belter than tn coiillno catllo bo undor elii.rgo of tho SliUo Hoard ol Aurbiilt- 'i'ako tho hull hy tlio horiia; turn aboiit is fair boat, anil air. The proper leniperaluro to Olio kind of hay. Tbo oaltlo consnmo lire and bo liiciitod ou the piiio barrona of tbo that a storm vs'ould aooii bo upon Ihoiii, and lloiisiMviro. play, '.I'ho vossol was turned lionioward, and for churning is about' aixly dogrooa T'nli- Konio Ball hay every day with liu evident iiorlliorii jjart of tbo Lom-uv J'oiiinaiibi, itaaii ox- renlleit, 'J'oo violent churning producoa relish,—Anwrii'ati Cull im tor. lieriiiiont, to neii whothor aiiytliiiiu eiinbo mado •Oho Rood turn dosorvotii niiotber, you know; moBi of tbo lailioH, with wbito, iilanuod to [^row on Iboao Hterilii i Iniiia, Mr. I'ierco'ii faces, wont below, A fow of tho braver oxcosKivo friction. 'J'ho butter is inodncod bill anieiitlinji tliotriiiuitiawH jiiLHSod tlio floiiso i'rom vory araall a'jonis tlio blBlluat oaks yrow. THE FARMER. thiTpoultErer. ones slaiti on (kiol,-. As Leiiore siilby llio moro speedily, bnt nt the exponso of color of lie]n-i'auiitiitivea, 'J'iio liill Hiiii})liiios jiiul U'ho early bird entehoa tiio worm, ua wo loarn, rail wntebiiig, wilh fiiseiniilud oyes, Iheap- and llavor. Jflho tomiioriiliiro ia loo low codilles Ibo pre.seiit )ii\\H on tbo auiijoot, tbo And ovon a worm liiat is trod ou Mill turn, .,i Sctr I'ai'iil III fi'tuttill/, iiiiiin ebiuiiin bolnu thnt lioyii who are liieor- jiroacbiiig atorni, soineonn eanie boaidohcr, the expansion of Iho fat globules is not Tho moro bigli-brcd and siiiriled the perfect, nnd incroaaod frielioii is required. In feeding for eggs, wo pliouUl roinein- riniliie or hiibitiial tniniita may bo aoiilenooil to 'J'ho ])rnof ottho puddiiiK ia found in Iho eiitiiit', "1 see you nre nut nincli friglitoiiod, llisa horse the more dainty bo will bo about his tho reforiii acliool botweoii the aiaia (if S and f(l And hiiitory over itself in ropoatiiii;. Aleott," aniil Jlr, Graiuini, Here again dollieient llavor ia tho reaiilt, bcr that the egg ia a highly uitrogeiinus yeitra, 'flio fnraier law mndo tbii yoimtToat apo feed, and tlio grente'r care niust bo taken and thy butter is soft, ami will not keep. eompound, 'ibo while of tho ogg, whieb "Yes, 1. am a littlo," candidly rniilied ill ,vo(tra. IJilla paaaoil in lliu llonso; 'I'd Jiro• If iKitliliiK you voutiivo, 'tia iiotdnns you (jaiii; lo koop food boxes and uiiingcrH free from Tiio nclion of Ihe air upon llio eroain in wo call the allinnion, coiilains Hi pereoiit. vido for enuiiiulKiiry oiliication of juvonllo dia- Lonoro. On tbo just and unjiiac fall.s tbo I'ory liuiiio rain. liltb. Almost any scrub would, howovor, obiifniug is to oxydize Ihu coals of the I'nl ofnilrogen. Heiic.o if wo wish lo force a iirilcrlio.s ill eitioa irinl vllbipo.^; also Sonntor Looking 11)1, sho met sueh an oxpresnion Monroe's biiiiliiiif,' iloI, iiiiil hills to antliorb'.o refuse to eat out of mangers ns Ihey often globules aud thus aaaist friction in the largo product inu of eggs, wo must give thu Till yon nro ont of tbo woods du uot linlloo too of lovo and lijn.'jing in his dark oyos tliaV llio iniinrptiratioii of ciimiianioa for ox- nro lelt, with iiorlions ot the uiicoiiaunied Be|iani(ion. It niakos no dill'erouco what birds ploiit.v of nili'ogenons food, in coii- loud: her own driio)ied. ciLViiliiif,', eoiiiitriieltn;.', iinil iiKiiiitaiiiliiK Two is good csmpaiiy—.tliroo ia ii. crowd, hay or grain lo bo run over and soiled by kind of a ehurii is used so long aa air can j iieetian with tho lime and phosphates used wnli'r-iaiiiracH for iiiilliiu! anil iiiiiniifiictiiriii^i Seeing hor confusion, hn left ber; whilo fowls whilo the horse is away at work. bu ailniilted. S|iecd in eliitriiiiig ia easily | in making tbo slioll. 'I'liiR oxpliiiiia the nnriiosia; to ilulbio tho riahls of biwiisiiipa la Tilla hcnnlifiil world waan'tinado in a day; l.onoro vniiil.v tried lo still Iho boating of apjiioiiciiea iif viiilroiid eoinpiuiies, iJotbboiiaoa This is a too conimnii coinlitiou of niany conlridleil. Tt sluiuld be such aa to jiro- i most excellent results wliiuli havo followed LoiiHt snid auonoHt mmidod; who ljroalis liiia tu hor lioait, which nil llio limo was joyfully lulji-iuriiiid until tiio i;ltli fiinnerK'slnbles at IhiB senson, when in- ilnco liulbu' from well-ripened crenni in Iho use of glulon meal as a food tor hens. pay. crying, "V/a i/iii-.s /orr i/ir.'" eroasing wnrintli dulls Ibo a|i]ielilo and from tweiity-livo In thirty iiiiinifes, 'J'his men! coiilniiiK three times as niiieli Jln'CH houses coavoiiod, but romaliiod in aoa- Ono may iif' well die for a, ahooij aa a lamb; 'The luiiir of suspense jiiiaRod, and tlioy iiinlces snlid food doubly oU'enaive by its iiitio^'oii lis coinmon corn nioiil, and onl.v siiiii loaa thau thirty minutes, on tho ISlh lust, I'alr o.\cb(iu}fo i;, no ruitijory; dou't ho u cbirn. wore Konn safe upon the shore again. doon.y. Jinny a luiril-worked horse gets oil' 'TMir FOlliiSTER" aboul the samo iiiiionm, of slaroh. It is Tbo llonso waa ll-itliout II tiiioruiu iiinl at oiieo "So yon eirjoyod yourself lor all your bin food, n.s it is said, and grows poor from adjournial. Tho Siniato triiiisiicteil vontiuo How wfi (ipiiloa do Hwliii; eatoli a v.'naai-i aaleep; lliorel'ore os|ieciiilly ailiipled 10 e.ifg ]iioduc- fright'.-"' snid Aunt Prnuolla, seeing ber busiiioHS, rfii'eivcd a. hateli of iietiliona, and con• A now brill,Hi su'ccpa olciiii, ainl atli! watorij run this caiiao alone, jloro euro should bo /• |.ii'///.f.|.ji,..', tien, but nuial bo fed enrofully and in enn- uiecc'.s happy I'aor. curred ill Houso iiinoiidiiieiils on the iMonroo (loop. biken nt Ihis soason to feed only what will '.The family of )dniit,s k-nnwn as the nectioif with nlber foods, T'or the snino 'J'he next dny .Miss Jlarcelle called to soo bo eaten clean, wbelher of bay, meal, or biinkim; bill boforo adioiiriiiiieiit, t-'oiiifiu'ie, or cniio-bearers, is |ieeiiliar in reason linseed meal or cottonseoil meal aro "I'la u HtL']i to I'iilioiiUnis from tbo aiililimii; Lonn re. gi'iiin. Tf any roninins when Ihe horse is HoTll lioiia..ia of tho ],e{;isliitiiro iield lom; I'rocrastiiiiL',ion tlio iliiuf la of iiiiio, leaves of roiiinrkidilo.shiipesniid , also viiliiiiblo egg proilncerB, This matter "I've a great secret tn toll you," alio said, taken ont iii Ihe iiioriiiiig to wmk it Roaaioua on tlio i.llli iust,, but aecomplialiod of lyondcitul dnridioii. 'Tlu: members of of reoiiiiig]ioiiliiT toBU]iply theirWiiUls has littlo in till! wiiy of puaaing bills, 'Thu ,Soiiiito "and 1 linov,' you will lie iiiloreslpd. Yes- sTiouhl bo removed from Iho feed box nnd ^'^ooR.Hitykiiowuthiio taw;Iiiv'.xei!|if.iona to uvory rule. nlsbod with two aeta of roots, 'The lower Rorioits onrnosl; but surmising it lobe somo onr cnniinnii larch or liiniarnek. Jlost of have tried various ]ilans whereby 1 could kiiliiil, iininii,!,' ilioiii onn Iiy .Mr. lliitea |ii-iiviiliiii; in for Iho developinoiil and snHlenance of lovers' uiiauiiderstaiiding, rdio asked no llie jiiiies nud sjirnceB liold Iheir ieavea for save combs and iviillIcK iiitaci, but all nf lor It iiiiiuii-ity-ri'pi'oaciil.ati. n iiliui of votiiiif I'm' K'ii nnd tiiol;; do or tlio; niako or iireal:; bit or the stalk, and at an early parioil in the age IJrpri-aiJiitii.tlvoa in tiio f.tatn Leiaabitiire. Thu 111 las; ijuestions, promising it should bo as sho mare I hnn ono year, liowover, and they are tliCso jilnns failed iu somo respect, 1 could of the eoreal is jirobabiy out ot reaeb of bill to jiroliiiiit liio ooiilriLiit systoiii in llio Stato sViadniii is folly v,diou isiioriiueo ia bliaa. wialiod. lliereforo "evergreen." \oyy few ]ieople .set corn I'odiler arniinil llio house and save the ]ilow, aud nnl in danger of being iii- in-iial iiialitulions fiiileii tu pass thu ilouae. 'I'lie next day Mr. Grnlinin, coming to know when evergreens shed their leaves, tlieiii, but il looked untidy and inakoshiriy, Tlio Ifniitio piiHsed II Iiili 111 iilliivv ilebtaowiui^ to Head iite/i lidl no fnleii; cv'yy ,7nelc Jia.a hia .1111; jufed by deep idowing. 'I'lio iippor set of ask for Jjouoro, was met with the answer or oven if they slied Iheni at all. It ia and olher phiii.s were as faull.v, and I had be ilodiietoil fi-iini aasoaaineiit Ii>.ti, 'Tlio oiincL- You oiiiiiiot iiiiiiu) wiLter (,'o riiiiiiiiij; iiji hill, rools exercise tho fnuction of lievelopiiig ine iiiaiiso iu iiiiiiorily-roiiroseatiitioa bill was thnt both her au:at and herself hnd gone always desirable to know the habits ot Ibe tinally coneUliled to put in arliiicini heal, and lierfcctiiig (lie oar. l)eo|i (ilowiiig is litriii,. oil out, li'infjors all iliiiiubs; iiiilo and aook; o.NtroiiioH llial inoi-iiing. .Not until they were ou olijeels wliicli we iidinire. Wo can readily when a happy liioiiglit slniek iiie, J.iisl full iiii'et; liable to sever Ibem and thus retard Ihe tlioir way lo Loiioro's lionio did Aunt uiidersland Ibal if Ihe pines and aiiruces 1 bad oceasiijii to rebuild all my poultry devolopmont of Iho ear and thus lossoii A 1111,1, iiitonded to wipe out bnckct-Hliopa, l.'runolla ask and loarn llio eauso of her bore but Ibo leaves of one year's growth al quiirlcrs, and I jiiit Raid thought inlo pi'iie- ciitilloil "A lliu til prin'oiit /;nniblin|^ ia atoelis, lireaif Is [lie sialT of lifo; aiveolii Lo tho .sweot. the chnnco.s'nf its being what iiii.glit havo Look nn flic Lri, aiilo: ilnu't run in a rut; niece's evident distress. With a bravo a lime, they would make a sorr.v ajipear- tiee, nml il has jiroved siiecessfnl in evory lioiiila, iiotroioniii, cotton, ^jraiii, ]irovisioiia, and been b;.'.judicious cultivation a full crop. otlior jiriidiico," imn-ieil Imtb liuuHoa on the l.ith h'iM'p vour our • Koil i 'U mill 1.110)1 yoio'iiioulii abut. ell'ort lo ho calm, Jjonoro told her what aiice; the loaves nro so very narrow that pa rticiilar. (,'orn liiiitl ahould he frennontly slirreil Ilia iiiiii of tiio niiiat striiifiont laws mot* •n.'lhit h'f,vJ',i Jlias Jliircclle hnd confnlod lo her, tbo tree would iiresonl a voiy lliiu nnd bald fioiii (he lime it is a fow inclics high until iNnw for the plan: 'Wheu il is warm tho driiftiiil 1)11 thu aiibiiii..|,, lunl iiiiLkus tbo brnliora, ii|ipoariince. Jlid. iiatiiro, as if to remedy ajlciit, oiiqiioyur, owner iil biiiidin;,' or jiroiiiisoa "Well, well, tliiiiL'S iiow-a-daya nro it is limo lo lay it by in ordor lo keep the I'owls sleoii ill any room tlioy |)lo;iso, but llie lioor ell'ee.t of llin sbouler linives, has oceii]iiod for Ibis piirjio.^o iniiityof n, inisile- Klrango! In my lime a young man did not woods down, and osiiecially in dry seasons, when the ni.ghlrf grow eidd tho.y are driveu clothed the Virnnches with ibo loavoa ot iiieiiiior piniislialilo on the lirst ot|-iMiao by a show by every net liii; fondness for ono, and lo heap onrili around tho hills, but this into fewer rooms, and on very enid nights line of not icaa thnii^.'ulO or iiioro tiln,u:^i,^lllO, mid several or many iieasons. .\iid horo is an• Ibeii liccoiiio engaged lo another!" bIioiiIiI iie done wilh iiiiplonicnts that do ns mnny as tifly are pill in one room. Ves. 'IN liiM si-ennil onoiiaii wilii llu; imiiiii jiininlt)'jiiiil other Htriking fact: the spruces, which havo iiii[ii-isiiiiiiieiit ill 11.10 i;oiiiity,iail for six iiiniitba. LY V. :5ioiiKi:. "J'lease any no more about it, iloar iiniil," not jienelriile dec]ily euongli to inloiT'ere lifty fowls on ,'li; feel ot Iloor room, and much smaller leaves Ihnn Ibe ]diios linld 'i'iio Runato Coiniiiittiin on l.iiiuor 'Triillic fiivor- jdended Loiiore. "Jt was my own mistake." with the corn dovidopiiig rools. Wo havo glad In bo crowded, tor they aleepeomforl- iibly i',.piirloil till! illaraiiiLil iii]iinr bid, u'ltii a, llieir Ieavea niucli lon.ger. abl.v, and sing tbo day thl'iiugb; and moro '•J.ct iiPiuiro ooliio to tlio aoii-shnro willi So Lenore, inncli to hor niolber's auf- not iiifreijiienlly lieiird Iho reiimrk niiide few itiiiiiiidmenla. 'J'ho lUirr local.iiptioii liiil liy lliiin thai, they lay: aiiil, yet more, 1 never coitiitieit pussod tho .Soiiiito li.v a \'it(i of 'J\ yon'a 3110," Hiiid .•'uiiil rruiiolla lo lier sister. ",Slio pi'iao nnd dolighl, cnnio bonie ii fni] week that deep piowiiig in tliecullivatiou of i;orii l-'very fipriiig new shoots grow on Ihe ends liad a healtbicr lot ot I'owls in my whole to 7 iiaya. 'Tlm lioicso bill provid n;.; i-or tlii'i iip- lieoila It eliiiiiije." liofiiro alio was expected, and Miss Mar- was imporlaut in order lo lireukllio rnols, of all the liriinclies of ]iiiieR and s|)riices, celle wa.s loft at Ibe seii-sliorn (as she hail ex]iorieiicc. Of eourso the bouae is l(e|it poiiitiiii'ltt of II, ciililiiiisaioii of tij CO ]lm-iiiijiK I'retly .Miiliol's oyes oiioiicil lo their full ns Ihey draw a great part of their noiirlsh- and leaves aro foriiied na fust as llio aliool to i!\ cut up ali but oxereiso iu (ho open air every dny; ftinl lhat iiiiliortaat amomlinenta boiiiH ono pci'initting tbo money." loft where Ihey cnu get il under Blieller, Ulabol bad alwnya carried oil' ihe palm for Bullicienl to grow, and thoso you Joavo at oxerciso should nol be iu the ualuro of doalei',.1 to Bociiro sni'.'tioa aiiywlu-ro in tiie "Oh, llolibio!" oxcbiiniod Lenore, "hoi» tliey will onl.v oat what thoy need, a littlo towiisliip iiiutead of tlio .villago; diviiiK tlio beauty; but aiiynno seeing Iho oxnro.ssivo proper dislaiicos." ,'\s a niattor of courso, work, bnt of rocreatiou. conld you aliuosldaily tn sui)]ily the Huiail iierceiil- l.'oniity Troaauror 1 \kv coiit. of tun laX for ool- face now, with its InstrouB brown oyes and tho hoo has lo be n|ipIiod wilh caro in llifi ngo of salt found iii milk. As long as a II. AH a rulo, housokoepovs need lo eat lootioii inatoad of a'} only, alfeiitiiif; coimtios with tho unuaiial rosy color in 'the fair "lliit it's (rne,"s(iirdily jiorsistod .llohbio, caRo of young crops uot long through tho witli iavfc'o oitios in thom and loworinK tho tax calf gels milk as oven part of iis did, illiaa moro, of siiuido feotl. "If the food is cheeks, would Imvo nuroly looked noain. "Haven't J'oflou soon you crying in ybiir soil. As yot the youn.g ]ilaiils Iiavo bnt a from S-)iiO to StiOO, wliicli is thu liiiuro at iiriiiiont. no craving for salt, and jwobiibly does nol simpler less time will bo needed iu its 8o tbou^'lit, al liny rate, a {.jouUoman who room'/" slight liolil 11)1011 the Roil, and care ninsl bo Ouu of tho most radical cbiiiiKea fvoiii proaont need any. Hogiilnrity in salting cows in- lirciiaration, and what it lacks in nnwholo- school laws-jvaa made by tho paasago of tbo wns sealed near. liy this time hor mollier aud Jlnhel wero taken not to dislurb tbeiii, or thoy will bo croaRos tbo How of milk, bnt if obliged lo somo ricliiiesa aud unuecoasary variety, it iSonato bill by the J-Joiiao aniondini; aiindry " What a .yood, happy Ijico I" ho wliisperod botli regarding liev with looks of anxions ia danger of being burnt up by tho smi. aectiona of the law relating to tbo oxaaiinatioii oat moro than thoy noed by having salt will gain in nutriment and digeRtibility. lo the yoiiiif; linly by his side, who had Riir|)riso. Thoir Lonoro iiuhappy? What A. caroful hoer works by ooininon-soiiso ot toacliora and iiiipiirintiiiideiit.sof achonla, and niixod with food, thoro will bo at first an 'J'ho result will bo au improveuieiit in Iho nolieed llie dircclioii in which his eyes had could bo tho matter'? rules, nnd avoids mistakes of Ihis kiiid. tbo iliitioa of Towiialiiii (.iorS and County Clerk increaso iu milk production followed health of all tho- family, aud will injiu'o oouuoriiiug achnol vatoa. it prov d.-a that rlip been wniiileriiif,' for liio last hour, "Do you Among yonn.g fruit troos, roses, etc., tbo Jiiat Ihon the boll rang, nnd Lonoro quickly by a decrease and often serious in• no ono bnt tho doctor. tho t;oiiiicy lloiird of .Soliocil Tlxaniiaura, v.'hich not Ihink so, Me-s jMareolle'?" soil mny'be slirreil doojily without fear of escaped to bor own room, littlo dreaming jury to tho cow. ?>, Less timo oii.ght lo bo given to tbo ia decroaaod to two moiabcrs. clocto.l by town• "Oil;"—rallior ])etlislily—"yon elcriiiy- of tho snniinons which waa soon to como to liaim, bccniso the crop is woll cstnb- ship Cliainnaii of Soliool Iiis)iooloi'3, with routine work of hnnaokoeping and more lo the ,liiiigo ot I'robiito, aliall aoieot 111011 aro always lonlciny at 'good' iacea; .T bor, iisliod. I'futsil ftiiii .^Jnilrrii //or.s''.s'. relaxation and recroatioa. All tlmt "the a Koorolary who, aliiili act in tho aouoral ciipn- innst confoss'tliat T liko iirolly ones, lhat "Jlr. Graham wants to seo you in tbo Al tho London 'luRlilnto Trot. I'lowor, in boat of wives" did not do, and for tho biclc eity aa iiiapoetor of tho hcIiooIb of tho comity, girl cannot ho called beautiful. drawing-room, Lenore," said Aunt I'rn- roceiit lectures ou horses )iasl and jircaeiit, of which she hecaino tbo inmate of an in- haviinf dntlos vory aimilar to thoso ol tbo (;niiiity ,Siiporiiitoiiiiont in many ,StiitiJS. 'J'ho "Taates dilTor," Jlr. Orabnin rqdicd, uclla, a lilUo later. THE DAIRYMAN. dwelt 11)100 tho ronmrkablo nuulilicalioiia sauo asylum, Ibo housekeeper ought lo do. soniewbat tersely. oxaiiiinora may iiolect IL Socrotary wlio ia not a, Then ns sho helped tho girl's trembling which havo lakou pinco iu an animal about 'Iho wouiiiu who "alwaya slays at home," resilient of llio Ktato, Tlio Socrotary ahall bo yrorji'ii Jliillfr. "I'ln j;lnd we're .horo at lost, Lonoro, fingers arrniigo ber soft brown locks, sho tbo size of a sheep, whoso loinaina, includ• who "never gooa out of tlio house, ovou on an o.x-ollioioiiionibiu'of tlio County Iinanl, aud ' bold my bag wliilo I soo to the higgaffe." .said, softly, "Larling, ho ia not engaged to Wo arc askod by a corrospoiidont if it in- ing a coniplelo skeleton, bavo boon found Hnndnys," and who is "always doing Ronie- ita oxocntivo ollicor. Jio abail Aialt all aohoolB ill (ho county at loast onco oaoh yoar '.I'lio Some ono pas.iing cnnglit tho nnnic. Jlias Jlarcollo at all. I have soon him, jnrea butter to lot it freozo. Certainly. in tho oooonc deposits of Iho .llncky Moun• Ihingfor ber family,"not only will "hiivono "Lonoro —pracol'nl, ami gontlo liko the It will not lake anybody vory long to do- Soorotary a,.all rocoivo aiioli coinpoiisiLtioii aa nnd ho has eonhdod to mo lhat—.13ut go to tains. Students of iiaturnl hislory luiw ideas oufsido of hor home," but will soou tho County Board of SJnpervisorn a hail do- .cvvnor,"• he llionghi; bnt the fasbiomiblo him, my-, doar child, nnd hear his story lorniiiie that fact. It somotiuios happens iiccopt it as tho commnu aneostor ot two como to have none ovonUioro. termiiio, but it ahall iiot ho loaa than youiiR woman Iiy bis side, with hor multi• that butter will fl'oozo on tho edges nud from ids own lijis." notiiblo groups of animals, tbo lirst ot 'J'.ho shorl of tho matter is, that women i^SiJO for oaoh ori^anizod dialriot iu tbo eouii- tudinous pnrcelK, eugrosaod hia iiltculioii not in tho center of tho package. Ju such ty, nor iiiiiro tJiitn i'i^iiUi. 'J'ho .Soorotary All, hajipy luomonis of oxplanntion in which incbido Ibo rhinoooro.a, tho tapir, if thoy dosiro good lieiiltb must not bo so coinplololy that bo soon lost sight oi: tho cnso thoro will be a markod dilforeuco iu may bo romovod for Immorality, lnooiii),iotoiicy, Uio littlo drawing-room! How easy it was and the horse family; while llio second con lined so eloaoly to tho caroa of lbs young girl who had so inlorosted Jiiiii. tho qualily of that which has been frozen or Iiogloct of duty by tho samo olllcora who to forgot all the doubt nnd the pain of lha group lakes in cattle, shoo)), goals, auto- housohokl. I know that miiuy will look oloolod hiiu, and in caso of a vacainiy a now nud that which has not. Hutlor ought not But it was not long boforo ho saw her past, with hand clasped in hand is tbo lo|ios, camels, and pigR. By means of upon this advico iis absurd, nud will sny: noiflctioii ia mado by tllo two oxaiiiiiiers acting to ho snbjecled to groat variations of witli tho I'robiito ,rndyo. It ia a\ory radioat again; nnd this lime lio had tho ploasnro of blissful present. diagrnms nnd boiios of tho modern "Il is all very easy for you lo jiroacb, hnt toniperalni'o. Noithor butter nor cream chaiiKo, aiKl alfocta ail tbo Stale oxeopt dia- •winning a glanco from thoso soulful oyes I'rot. I'lowor was ablo lo convoy a groat quite another thing for ns to praotice. A ought to bo badly frozen. If bntloris per- triota lindor special iiicorporittiona and inoor- which'iiad so talioii his iaucy, ns Lonoro doal of iuloresting informalioa as to thn woman's duties involve a multiludo of poratod eitioa boforo ori^aub.od. Ilo]ii'oaonta- ]>ii;l, for IJirds. iiiitted to froozo aud is uaod iinniodintoiy shyly bowed in answer to a friend's iulro-. coarso of Ibo dill'eronliatiou which has littlo, tho imporlauco ot 'which a tivoW. A, Hakor introducod a .inint voaointiou Among' tho important articles of diet Iho diil'ci'cnce is not 80 great as when it is ill tiio llouso nakinu tho Covernor to couiimmi- dnctiou. occurred through intorincdiato races of man novor realizes until thoy aro oioittod, kept a long limo after being frozen, or a cato with J.^rosidoat Clovolaiid > piotoatihg "I liko thatuow friend of yours, Lenore," for soft-ljiUod Lirds aro ant-eggs and animais, all now extinct, whoso remains and then he iatho first lo lii'id fault. Theso considerabio time. against tho restoration of dio captured robot said her Aunt Prnuolla. "He's worth a moal-worliis, wliicli are very havo boon found priucipally in America things must bo dono. 1 cannot slop, I battlo-llaga. It waa adopted without disBont. linndredof the all'ected youths ouo moots wilhin Iho last liftoon years. 'L'bo poouTi- A similar roaolutlon waa adopted :u tho ,Sou- to'llio uourisliinont of feathered song• r'oiiiptiriitirii I'rfiflt in- Ilitinjiiij/. cannot lind timo lo tnko out-of-door ox- at places liko tbis." . aritioB of the doutal economy of the horso ofciso aud visit my noiglibors. 'J'ho work ato, sters in captivity. Just now thoy aro Iiiilk mndo into ordinary butter mid This was somo time alter tboy bad first were explained in dotail, Ibo mdimoutary mnst bo dono, .aud J must do it." very scarce indeed. In fact, thoso who cheeso does not averago to Iho producer Biet Mr. Crraliam,,and at bor;aunt's men-I teeth aud the bouea of tho leg boiug have a supply ave pretty snre to Lb dis• moro than ft cents pm quart. At (his N"ovortheiJk-s, tho fact .rcaiains, thnt DoniNCi tho reign of Chn'.'los IT. u tion of bis imrao tbo young girl's shy oyes shown, as all that now remains of a pcrioci inclined to sliaro with thoir neighbors, jiiieo it is ns milk an excoodiiigly cheap whou Eorions illness comes lo tho mistress mechanic worked for a shilling a day, drooped aud hid their brown light tmdor when Iho auimal would hardly have been food; bnt it cannot be delivorotl in cities of tho house, (ho wlioois of tho Iroadniill their lid.s, while a faint wave of color stole either for money or as a favor. The rocogniiod as tho pnteutiiil aneostor of tho aud oftentimes had to ho content Svith- nl twioii Ihis fignro, ovon under Iho most cease to revolve, at least for her. Thou into the cheokB tho healthy soa air ; bad al• eggs come from South America and are frioud aud companion that now pla.V8 so less; the chief food of the poor'wus favoniblo circuniatanoos. In winter rnilk (ho work either stops eutiroly, or goes on ready roundetl a little. imported by a firm in Now Yorlc. Thoy impoitaut a part iu liuniau civilization. rye, barley or oatn, and the "food rate" a!wa.vs advaiioos iii prico for llio good rea• uudor otlior bands, and is "oarod for by Miss Marcollo, tho young lady whom are very light in vvoiglit and cost 75 other iiciids. Tho question is a jicrlineut was the heaviest tax', for the panpors' son that with cold weather and a oonsidor- .Fcrtliiif/ Ciltllt.', Mr. Graham had escorted from the. city,to cents a ponnd. The worm.s, in -H'arKi hblo ])ortion of dry food it is impossible to one, would it not be better to do less work anionuted to no loss than ono-lifth of J. P. Little, of A mosbury, rocoived tho lor parents' sea-side cottage, seemed" to weather, can generally be found in keep up lis largo a How Rs tho cow undor whilo in health, and thus avoid tho sick• the conwnnnicy. first premium ou fat catllo at the last show tiiko ft groat fancy to Lonore. 'J.'hoy boiler conditions will givo in Runiinor. ness'? And ovon hired help is loss ex- largo quantities in or ftljoiit any ilottr- of Ihe Jilssox Agricultural Sociely fora imir forified a striking contrast when togolhor, Milk s])0ils or wastes rapidlj', and it also pousivn than medical attondiinco, '.i.'lio old Cun!:,sus, whoso name has been • Miss fMarcoUe'j tali; fashion ably-ro bod. mill or meal bin, when a, moistened of , Devon oxon, six years old, which roquirea considornblo labor to caro for it maxims, "A slitoh in timo Havos niuo,;'and handed down in liistory as a synonym prodnct has become heated. A gontlo- wnighed '12ijl) pounds. J£e also rocoivod a ', Jigiiro'; aid the slender,siniply-olad miiidon, properly. It is this reason moro than the "an ounoo of prevention is worth a jiound second preniinra on a pair of Horefords, for great wealth, was the last and , lo whom this gay lifo was ns a pngo right man in search' of tliose delicacies yes• cost of prodnchig milk which makes it of cnro," aro worthy of cousidoration in five years old, which weighed 'Ktofi pounds. greatest king of 'Lydia. His kingdom ont ot a fascinating book. terday visited a iirominont feed arid donr to cily buyers at-all seasons of the this eonnoction.—6'oot/i:/otwo/i'ec/iMi,r/. According to Mr. Litllo's staloraout, the was absorbed by 'i'ersia, and Croisns Lonoro scarcely fnncied bor now frieutls seed •store, where thoy aro generally yonr.. In summer, whoa it is produced Devon cattle at fair timo had boon owned tut she could uot repulse her ndvanoo, sold,! and in response to his inciuiry tho most" cboiiply, it cannot easily bo kept /fines tn lloiisfhii^/irVN. taken prisoner by Cyrus, 55-1E. C.,, by bim bfteen monlhs, tho Horefords he• •ffitboiit being rudo, and so sho soldbm Bwoot for mani' lionrs. Thoro nro com• The jiiicQ ot half a lonion in a glass o£ cleric said: "Wo havo no Avorms and twoou eleven and twoivo months. For tho went far in bor walks upon the sands bo• paratively fow places Whoro milk can ho water, without sugar, will frequently cure nary an ogg. Wo had abont a hnndrcd lirst four months tho Dovonsdid all the ox , Ooi'PEii mines Avero worked in this' foro she would bo joiuod by bor... bought iu cities. Grocors find the de• a Riok, headache. work on the farm. SubRoquout . lo tliat country by that jn-e-historic race, t\xo As the days passed lifo sooraod morti and pounds of eggs stored in an ujipor floor mand vory uncertain. Somotimoa thoy timo tho four did tho ox work on tho farm, EijUAL parts o.t olive oil and oil of win- noro to Leuoro lilco nfair dro.nm, forsoino- of this bniiding. A new man that wo will h.avo not half ouongh, nnd whilhin it Mound Builders, according to the evi• drawing in oigbiy tons ot hny each year tergioon, mixed iogether,'is a good romody tWng in her heart told ber that the expros- had engaged,Wits directed,to cloan up day or two tho samo amount will leavo a dences found. The first coiJijer,mines aud hoisting it with a fork on lo the mows. for inllamod joints. Bion which tilled'Mi'. Grnhain's oarUost fcheroom. He saw the egg'.s, wondered Burplns to go to wasto. I'or this reason, worked in the 'United States were' Bosidaa the work on tho farm, they did , A oooi; penwiper for stpol pfins is a eyes .whenever they.'inot hor own, nioaut aa well ns tlio unpleasant labor of donning chielly in New Jersey and ConDecticut. why .all tlmt riibbish was allowed to ao- oon.^iderabln . ontaido toamiug, drawing piooo of ra%y'potalo. .It reinovos lha iuk that, to him, she wa.s growing to bo Iho one vcRsoIs that have contained milk, it ia uot Tho Lake' - Superior mines wero -first cumnlnto, and fired thom into the ash- wood, salt, hny, niannro from tho villago, crust and causes a siuoo.h flow of jjilc. nearest aud dearest of all; aud sho was in much favor with grocery doalors. It is box on tho sidewalk."—Iltf^'a/o Coii,r- etc. Dui' ng the month previous to tho fair worked in modern times in 1SI5." ;,' obliged to noknqwledgo herself. that, sho, unforluuato for all parties that milk nud its I.N'liaing olovoa'for pickles or jiroserves thoy workeil, reolniiniug a meadow, pulling too, had for bim a feeling wiu'mor tbiiii products nro nol moro generally tisetl for the blossom end ahpiild ho romovod, as this trocB, plowing, etc. Sineo Mr. Littlo mere friendship, though as yot no words iiuninu i'ood. • . • daikous tho liquid wilh which ills cookud. "'\Velt.., how did yori got along?" "in-« owned thom tboy hnvo not been to pasture. had beoh/spoken.:. ,;'V> ;•> .EvEifY person who uses profane Ian- PPACli loavBs_ ponudotl lo a pulp aud quired a counliyland]oril,oue rainy morn-' Ho began in the early auiimn ot J8S5 to giiage dnglit to be compelled to wear vim It'll (jiiiirii. applioiTto 11 bruise or wound Irom it rusty ing,-'of a guest;whom .he had put in!a Ann't Pfunbiltt':loqltod on:'well,:pIoas6(J. food on fodder corn;"fed with that iioarl.y His vyoiLls printed in large type, so nil The object fo bo attained in chnrniug nail or n simple out wiil give imniediaie lop-fioor room, under a loakyroof.; "Oh,:, She'hnd oftoii'lioard of tlio'vvorthyjtaleiitod all tho time, wbh very littlo hay all wi»tar. j'ou'Dg oleigymnn, aud knew that ho was could see and read his clinraoter. jnilk or cream is, by ngitntion and oxy- relief,- swimmingly," wiis the reply. 'r - 'S i

I on,sl)', n,s if fo elciir if, and then looked nnd by. sir, I'd Inivu v/0!« to know question, and tho two then oxohanged nUhaiit (hmiith e Siiiiteninotra sti'iiijrhtt ill lliu oye. it, too!" Boine oomnieuts over tho strange opl.-, 1776. "Yoii'vo Bomotliinp; to toil mo," Iia Crawford smiled nt tho Captain's soiie, which it will be unnecessary to' snid. "Say it—qiiiok!" good-natui'ed, about half of repeat. ' ; "Cnpf;!tin Willis, I vnint to tell 3'on, ^ which he saw wiis assumed, and no THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1887. The Captain walked forward, near in tlio Iirst ])liico, that you can ilepend ' loiigm- hesiliiteil to sit tlown. where the crew were at work. Sullenj on 1110 to stand by yon against the lol "And li.'idn't it oecurred to you," O3'os itiid iw^vy glances woro direobedj ^^Grand Fourlli of July of rtilliaiis you havo shipped. I'm in continued the Captain, as he placed I LOVE HER STILU at him as he passed, and ono ol tbel earnest about this; I moan it. Yet 1 the bottle iintl glasses on the ttible, negroes shook a list behind his back,; With all hor faults I lovo hor stlU- must tell you that not one of thom, "that some of thoso rascals would bo but all were careful not to bo seen' Who wouldn't? nor all of them, deceived you us 1 likely to slick a knife into you, or Tho trouble la that, wait until at it have," throw .you overboard? You couldn't Tho protty dear has tallted her fill, Captain Willis went to the bow apd' You eouldu'l. make tiiein believe very long that you The Ca])tain answered not a word, looked ovor. The foam flow beforo the was ovor of thoir kind." Hor nimble tongue you'll always Had A siispieioii of the strtiiige truth broka cutwaler as the bow rapidly cleared Agoing, upon his mind and held him dumb, "Beg your piirdon, sir—but there's tho deep. He looked back and saw the Slio's always prompt lo spoaU hor mliul, "1 shijipnd on j'oiir vessel by ths whoro you're jnistaken. I'm a pretty And aharijor lliaii tho koon March wliitl sails bull3'iug out with the rising breeze, , That's blowing, name of Jose Gardez; that is not nijf good netor, as you must have noticed and heard the pleasant creaking of tho name, it is Henry Crawford. I said I by this time. . Lot me go back among She has Ideas on ovory thing. spars and cordage. was born in Cuba, of Spanish parents, the crow,and in twcntj'-four liours you And airs 'cm. "This promises a good run," he I am in fact an American, a native oi shall know just what they wtuit to do, She lovos to bear tho choir sing, soliloquized. And then, with comments inouut to stins New England. 1 s;iid I could not and when thoy propose to do it." Compares 'om, At the head ot tho cabin-stairs ho Monday, July 4th, 1887. speak English; it is my native tonguo. "No, the risk is too great Your gavo a filial direction to the mate, Sho talks and tallcs tho llvolong day though few Americans can speak lieart is in the riglitplaec,youiigfellow, Till night comes; "I'll bo np iu an hour to reUeve Spanish better. 1 pretended to bo an and you're such a man as I don't moot And whon she goes to sleopf thoy say, you, Jlr. Hardy, whon you can go oo- The cilizons of Mnson havo made complete arrangemenls for tho proper observance She Itoops on In tho sanio old way able swiiuan; all I know of scaiiiaiiship once in five years. You've dono quito low and got 3'our supper, and I'll fiud of Indepeiidonco liay, nnd tlie peoplo of tho sutTOundinj; country are cordially invited Till light coinos. is what I picked up by observing sail• enough for tho present; tho chanoos a way to relieve Dick at the wheel, I to come and pnrtici|iate with thorn, in enjoying an old fashioned -ith of July celebration, ors on severtil voy;igcs as a passenger. With all hor faults I lovo her atill- yestordiiy wore about ono in a million think we'd better both keep tlio doci;. VVho wouldn't? 1 was never aboard the "Cid Canipca- that you'd bo alive to-day, .and I pro• to-night, while things are ao uneerfcaUi' Tho trouble is thnt, wait until dor" in my life. I was never at Cadiz. pose to havo you take caro of j'ourself Tho protty doar 1ms lalltoil lior (111, abuaril, aud the bark is making euoh' OFFICERS or TUB WAY ; In fact," and the sjicaker's voice plainly Job couldn't I now. Here's your glass; drink hearty, speed. We'll nap it, on and oil', as ii showeil his ajiproeialion of the drollery rrosKloiit, Mayor JOHN C. CANNON Orator, - REV. J. A. UABNES -WiUkim }/. mils. now, the toast I g.avc you." happens," of the ideji, "if I had been the Spaniard Itentler, y. J. TEFIT Clinpluiri, JIEV. L, DeLAMAKTEIl "Provided you'll aild to it the safety "Ayo, ayo, sir." Chief Marshal, NATHAN V. JMITCltELL. that I claimed lo bo, 1 could not havu of your gootl ship and long life to hor Again in the cabin. Captain WllUs : The Captain's Money. told yon moro lies than I did yester• master." produced Boine Havana cigars, and' day." "As you say." settled himself to hear the ffiie^'^ PROGRARI : National salute at sunrise. Procession will form on Elm street, "Bnt what for? What object had A Tale of Buried Treasure, Cuban Revolt^ The frientlsbip of the two being thus story. rij,dit resting'on B street, at 10 o'clock a. m. Will move north to .Mill street, thenca yon in all this masqnenidingP" pledged, tho Captain said; "I must talk fast," said Crawford, west lo A street, thence south to Maplo streol, thence east to north side ol Court Houao and Adventure Upon the Seas. "The truth is. Captain Willis, I squaro, where llio the following exercises will be observed; Ist, Music ; 2d| Prayer; "Wait a fow minutes till I look at "so I had better not smoke iiow. An4 wanted to leave Ilttvawa iinmedialely; .'ill. Music ; 'lib, Readiiij,' Declaration of Itidepeiidoticfl'i 5th, Music; fitli. Oration ; 7th, the deck and iillor the coul'so, and thou I should have saiil before that I have in fact, thero was tho most pressing Music. ' ' you shall tell mo all you choose to about learned enough aboard ship to tinder- necessity for it. I knew you—or at yourself," BY JAMES FRANKLIN FITTS, least, I knew who you were; I had seen "I've nothing to conceal; you shidl 3'oii and heard yon talk, and I greatly R^ISrZD XO"CrRI^^2vd:EI3^TT I hear tlio whole, sir," [CopfngM, JSS7, by Tho A. N. JveUoyrj Kcwspuver ilesired to leave in your vesseh Y'ou At l;liO ji, m. there will be a Band Contest, pnrticipated in by all tho lending bands Oompiiny.'] Afler the Captain had gone, Henry never would have taken me had 1 in the county, for prizes amounting to $100. PAKT I,-C1IAPTER VIL frankly told you who I wits; or rather, Crawford sat quietly for a few luo- '''™'' dOSB OAIUIKZ, I never could have been so scllish as to menls engaged in deep thought. His ' Ciptain Willis cnlorcd his cabin put the burden of that knowledge on whole life liad been eventful, remarka bly so; and the experience of tho last ngnin, closed tlio door, su.atod liiinself you. llonee the need of liiy masquer• PHUN! PHUN! PHUN! ading, as you call it." month, tho last week, the last tw hy tho lablo and leaned his liciid on Till! Following Amusements will tako place : days, were such .as befall very few men both hnnds. "Do you tell nie that you have seen He r;i])idly reviewed them, and then WHEELBARROW RACE, 1 p. IH., Dislaiicc 30 rods; coutcdt- Ho Inul snid to the mate ho me before, and heard mo. talk? Where, turned to his present situation. He 'Auts io be lillixiruldcd, iivsi |>rizc $3, mccoud $3. pray?" tvnnl.od to go bolow and raako somo was young, hope was buoy "Yesterday—at tlio Piiseo," SACK RACE, 4:30o'clock. Uifitaiicc 20rods, Hist 1^3, second f2. pro])iu'nlion3 before ho came up to ant in his breast, and gentler thoughts Captain AVillis rose oxoitedly from I'OTATO RACE, .1 o'cIocU. Prize 3li;trc tliB nigbt-wntch with liim. soon possessotl him. We should 111 his chair. The man before him removed OXEIV RACE, .'):30 o'clock. Driven to wagon, 40 rodN. First What he really wanted was a fc\v to think him a truthful jierson, but prize *S,Mccond ."jiS. the grizzled hair from his head, took moments' solitude for doliberntG when he told Captain Willis that he the jialeh from his eye, produced a tlionglit. And when this man needed nothing to conceal, he certainly liandkorcliinf from his pocket whicli lo go aw.ay by himself and think, llierc did not tell the whole truth. From an was stained with sonie brown liquid, imist liitvo boon some serious trouble. inside pocket of his vest—the left side FIEEMEN'S TOURNAMENT.! and wotting it in tlm water-jug, rap• of course—he took a sm.all picture-case Ho had not been acciistoinod to take At G o'clock p. ni. there will be an e.vciting Hose Race, between the Hose Compa• idly removed every trace of the breiize sorions ihoiiglit tiboiit any thing. His and opened it., In it was a dagucrreo MUTINOUS MA.NIFESTATI0N3. nies of the Mason Fire Department, for a prize of $25. tint from his face. Then he straight• judgment was generally good, his •will typo, such as was produced in those ened up his slioirldei's, folded his arms, was always strong, antl llo a])t to ilays; the picture of a very sweet and Stand the trick of the Avhocl pretty ilecide upon -what seomod the proper and looked quietly at the Caiitain. very lovely young woman, with dark well. I know you'd liko to h.avo help LOOK OUT FOR THE FANTASTIOS., course oll'-hniid. "Grroat Heavens—the escaped pa• brown hair and deep blue eyos, cheeks there, for I've seen and heard enough triot for whom all Havana is search• Thus ho had done now. Because of of beautiful pink and white, and to know that thcro's only two aboard ing!" tho vexations and annoyances that wore smile which nuide the lieart of tho dar that j'ou can trust beside mc." i "The s.amo, at your service," said ing young patriot beat faster .as he re besieging liiiu ns an Anieriean in lla- "Good! Thank you! Your help will: A Grand Display of Fireworks in the Evening! viiiia, he had decided without rcllcc- Henry Crawford, with a smilo. inembered it. Just then he heard the be worth every thing to us just now.' lion that any thing would be bettor Captain's feet ilosoending the stairs; he I'm afraid •we shan't get mucTi sleep PART L—CITAP'X^EK VOT. than another day of such ))etty miseries. pressed his lips to the pictured face for a week; we'll be in the Bahamii' A GOOO UNDfaiSTANDtNO. Come to Mnson and help celebrato the Fourth, and hnve a good time. Deliberately, ho conld hnrdly have and replaced it next his heart, where it channel to-night, and on soundings The cabin-table had stood between had lain in all his perils. gone to sea with a crow of thieves, pi- soinetime to-morrow, if this wind BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE. the two men during this interview. nites and ro^fuso of the city. The pos• holds; and then Purvis will havo to bo' Captain Willis walked round it, seized Tho tabic tvas quite near the half- sible consoqufiiieos of such a step busy with the load. But let that go his visitor by the riglit liand, aud with opened door of the cuddy, and Craw• ought to have oceiirrcd to him. But now; the Irhsli havo a saying thtitl his left clapped him heartily ou the ford's chair was still nearer. In his lie had acted hiistil}', alinnst iw.gsion- like—which is, 'never bid the devil shoulder. eagerness to hear and see .all that oc• atcly; and the serious eonsofjiionces gootl-morning till you meet him,'" " AVclcomc, sir — wolcoine to tho curred, the concealed listener had left tvero upon hlni before d.arkiiess of that [to be CONTINUED.] , " hospittdity of the'Nellie Willis'" ho the shelter of tlio curtain and nowstood day. One man necessarily slain by his behind this door. Peering around it, own hand, as a mutineer; another in exclaimed. " I am at your service; his eyes were not five feet from Bneklen's Arnica Salrt;. irons below; with inutiny crushed for every thing on board is at your com• ford's hand as he leaned his chair back The hestsalveiti the world for cuts, bruis• the moment, but likely to lireak out mand. I admire a brave man, and a and hold up the iiieture to gaze upon it, es, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chapped ngain ut any lionr; with but two mou braver than you I nover saw. I feel The cold, sinister eyes of the spy also hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin erup• In the A'ossel upon vvhom ho could de- as though you'd dono mc a f.avor by tions, and positively cures piles, or no pay saw it—and ho rocognizod it! Un• jicnd, and he and they likely to be making nie tho moans of your escape. required. Il is guarnnteed to give perfect bounded madness filled his evil hairt worn out by the watches which this Perhaps it's better that you came in satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 215 at the sight. From instant the stato of tilings rendered necessary, .and disguise; perhaps yon couldn't have cents perbo.v. For sale bv II. M. Williams. dark schemes ugaiust Captain Willis nn tlins to fall an easy proy to the others— fooled those h.awk-oycd oiUeers .any that wero working iu his br.aiu began this wns tho wi'olehod prospect that other way, but you wrong me, sir— Brace Dp. to embrace Henry Crawford also. And appeared to the Captain as he sat in his you do, indeed!—when you say I You aro fooling depressed, your appolite hey Go! the intense desire to hear every thin cabin. wouldn't havo received you had I is poor, you are bothered with headache, that was yet to be said in tho cabin known who yon were. Yon dou't you are lidgilty, nervous and generally out Ho wns not giyon to useless repining. possessed Louis Hunter. He would not of sorts, and want lo hracc up. Brace up know Aaron Willis as you will beforo If he had boon, he would have con• retire to the curtain again, but at the hut not with sliinnlaiils, spring medicines, you sec Boston light. The man who demned himself severely for his precip• greater risk of discovery, he kept his or hitlers, which have for iheir basis very can dare and suH'cr •what you li.avo for itancy. place behind tho door. cheap, bad whiskey, and which slinuilato Only a Few Left! Free Cuba—the fellow that has the His rcilections iverc intornipted by a you for an hour, and then leave yon in blood and pluck to do what you did When the Captain reacliod the deck ivoi'sn condition than bolbre. What you rap at tho door. He said; "Come in," yesterday, and do it successfully—I .again, he paused a moment to survey want is an allel'ative that will purify your nnd iToso Gai'doz entered. tell 3'ou, sir, ho',s wclcoinc to my the magnificent scene around him. binod, sliirt heallhy action of liver and kid- Captain AVillis was of conrso in bad friendship all his life aad my life, if he The sun was low in the west, and n'eys, restore your vitality, nnd givo renew linmor at this moment, aud thesightof will have it," lighted up the vast expanse of water, ed breath and strength. Such a medicine this man added to tho 11amo. ou will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 The Captain's eyes moistened with •\vhieh was now agitated by a fresh , "AVbat the deuce brought youheroP" cents a hotlle at H. M. Williams' drug store the warmth of his enthusiasm. Honry westerly breeze which swelled the sails bo shouted. "Haven't you learned -AT- Cr.awford -was greatly moved by it, and and drove the bark rapidly ou her Their ]{ii.siui's,s llooiniiif,'. strongly returnetl tho grasp of his courso. Far oil to the south Avero the Probably no one thing has caused such a hand. Cuban Mountains, lying blue and dim upon the horizon, the gro;it Pan of Ma- general revival of trade at H. M. Williams' "Now, my Lad," said the Captain, oil' to the southwest looming up nig store as iheir givinir away to their "when I havo run lyi on dock for a mo• customers of so many free trial boltles of near the coast. ment to soe if every thing is going on Dr. King's New Di.scovery for..Consump• right with those devils for'ard, I'll The mate came aft nud touched his tion. Their trade is simplyl'etiormous in have a long t.alk with you hero. You'll hat tills very valuable ariicle from the fact that want to tell mc all about yourself, and "They've had their dinner from the always cures nnd never disnppoints. Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup I surely want to hear it. Talk about coppers, sir, and I unshackled that and all throat and lung diseases quickly not w.anting you along! Why, you're pirate down below long enough to let cured. Yon can test it before buying by just the man 1 want to help me man• liim eat" getUng a trial bottle free, large size, $1. age my rascally crew that you saw me "Very good, Mr, llartly. What's livery bottle warrnnled. mako so good a beginning on. Sit going on there forward?" doAVn there, across the table. I'vo got "There being nothing else for them a bottle of old Madiera in one of my ^^^^^^ to do just now, sir, I set them all to lockers, and before you begin we'll warranted, is hocauso it is the best scrubbing the deck, I thought it bot• drink to the memory of brave Lopez, Blood Preparation known. It will posi- tor to have them all iu sight together In all prices and styles-!--long,.s]aor1;, the freedom of Cuba and the good tively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies tho as much as possible. whole system, and thoroughly builds up the health of that young dare-devil, Hany constitution. Kemombor, wo guarantee it. Crawford. Tut—don't blush, man!— "Quite correct, Mr. llartly, and very and no sleeves/for Men, La^^^^^ Sold by H. M. Williamsand O.W.Halstead you deserve it." thoughtful of you. What a splendid breeze!" Crawford was still standing, and Babies. THE ESCAl'EP TATRIOT ItEVEALING " Come, sir—sit down!" "Yes, sir—if it holds, we'll bo on PENNYROYAL WAFERS. HIMSELF. "Captain Willis, you seem to forget soundings in twenty-four liours." Presoription of a physician who has had ft lite loiigf' eiporiencoln my position here. I can't say I regret "We will indeed. Wlmt's the treatinigg ;femal - e idiseases _ _ - . Is used that you've no business in my cabin the imposition I practiced to leave Ha• courso?" monthly with perfect duccbbs by till you're asked?" over JO,000 ladfeg. Floaaant, sate, vana on your vessel; that Avas to save "Northeast, sir." effectual. Ladies OBkyour drug- "I was asked, sir," the man replied. Elst for Pennyroyal Wafers and my life, and any ono would have done "Malco it another point to tho •"Who asked you?" talfo no substitute, or Inclose post- it under like circumstances. But I felt north.!' latro for sealed particulars. Sold by, and M|%. in A "Mr. Hardy, sir. I went up to him bound to disclose it .as soon .as it all dnifrelsta, Jljpor box. Address' "Ayo, aye, sir—another point to the TBESUiaSKA CHEMICAL CO., DSTROIT, UIlCQ, n few minutes ago, and told liim whai safe for me to do so, anclgjilso to tell north."- Soiil^iii Mnson by H. M. Williams. I am going to toll you now; and hq you that j'ou can rely ou me to stand " Tell the cook to bring down sup• and siiades! 6aid he couldn't leave the dock, but byyou ou this voytige, just tho samo per for two to tho cabiu in half an told me to como right to you," as you can rely on the mate tmd Dick hour. By the way, have you seen Mr, LAKE SUPERIOR TRAM COIPAliY, • The manner and tone of tho' mai] Purvis. Now that I havo told you THE GltEAT DDLUTII KODTE, Hunter?" •n'ere perfectly quiet, as well as respect this, I am simply a common sailor— Intondod cailinKs flfpfeiiiner s from Detroit for Sanlt "Not since wo weighed anchor, sir." Ste. JIarlo and ellior T'ffl;ii'Si|per(,i)r ports : Mondays, fuL The Capt.ain's heat was over. Ha and a poor enough one, too—on your "Whero can lie be? ' Not forward?" Tuesdays, Thuisdays, Ifrhjiiya r,ni| S;|fi)hlays, }0:3O eyed bis visitor curiously. bark. I've been a soldier, though, I p, m., central time. "No, sir; I've been all through For Clovelatid,itrieand BulTalo: Sundays, Momiays, thought you couldn't speak Eii' carried a sword under General Lopez; Wednesdays and Salunlays at 6 p. m. centraUlmo, the ship forward, abovo and bolow." glish?" ; < but I know what authority and obedi- makhiff railroadcoiinoctloii s fur points JOast and South. ' "Confound the fellow—what's tho Rail connections ac Washburn and Uuliith for St. "i could not, yestcrd.ay, hoeausoJ cnoo aro, Myi)lace is forward, sir." Paul, MIniieaiiolis, PaciHc eoast and points on' North. matter with him?" SometMng New in Corsets, at was in Havana. • Now ivo're at sea, the ern I'aoifiii It. II, Jlimltoha, etc. BaBKage checked to ; "Ireally don't know, sir." • destination, I'or tickets and other Inforiiintion apply langiLago has como back to mo." • "Your placo is here in this cabin, to J.T, WHITING, Gen'l An't, Hook and ollioo S3 just now, and till tho end of tho voy• "Of course you don't And what do West AtwntnrSt,, between Grlswohl and Shelby Sis,, , A faint intimation of: more strangt! Dotroit. Midi, 24wll happenings in stciro agitated tlit) Gap- age. . A ,'iiclcll6stick oil. your scruples, you think of our Spanish able se.aman BALL & SHERIAH'S,^ tain's mind, llo passedhis' hands sir! You stiwmc teach that rabble on now, Mr. Hiu'dy?" deqli: tJus Ui^mug tvlio was €a]ili(iia| yjio Ciiptijiin suailcd broadly with thg Subscribe for the DEMOCRAT m