Iitglraiii County Jpocrat
MASON. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1887. NO. 35 VOL. XII, LOCAL AlVD GEIVJERAL MEWS. OUR VENERABLE PIONEERS. Vovay-Mrs. D. Wiillors, Mrs, E. Bennett, Asa where to-day this city is located. But two Hill, Mrs. Allen Uatliawiiy, Ira Rolfo, of tho nuinbor are now living. He cnmo Wllllanislon—James M. Williams, Come to Mason .Inly 'Itli. Their Aniiunl Mcctini,' in This City ftn White Oak—Abraiii YaiiBuren, horo wilh his parents in '37, when there Enjoyable One. Wheatllold-Rov, Mrs,l, F, Cannon, was one log hotel, presided over hy James Lansing races next weelr. As the above iinines of these deceased Bhtitio and family, one log houso, two frnnie Celebrate, one weoh from Motidiiy. Tho Names of 27 Who Havo Boon Kes- inenibers were read, short responses were liouaos and ono saw mill. The population idents of i;ho County Over 50 Yoars, made by Capl, Prico, Presiiient Case, Capt, consisted of the Blaine and Danfortb fami• Read G. W. Glynn's adverliseineiit. Eooorded. Cowles, Col, L, H, Ives, Perry Henderson, lies nnd mill hands. Dr. Mcliobert arrived Pord'sBazaar Ball & Shernntn havo a clianra of ad. Gardner Fletcher, Maj, J, S, Huston, Hon, tho next day. He told how they traversed Nature ooultl not woll hnyo provided a Have you noticed Mai'cus Gregor's new J, H, Forster, Goorgo Proctor, Loren Miller, the uiibrokori wilderness to tho township of moro heautiful day for the annual ineeling still Holds the Port John Lee Clark, Hon, G, M. Huntington, Aurelius, whero his father hnd already pur• iociils? • of the Ingham County Pioneer Society, than Levi Slaght, R.
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