Gamma-rayGamma-ray bursts:bursts: TheThe mostmost violentviolent explosionsexplosions inin thethe UniverseUniverse Olivier Godet [email protected]

Presentation available at:

2015-01-05 Outlines  Brief history of Gamma-ray bursts & main discoveries

 Properties of Gamma-ray bursts • What does the prompt emission tells us? • What does the afterglow emission tell us?

 GRB model

 GRB progenitors & host

 Opened questions

 Interests of GRBs in astrophysics & fundamental physics • Cosmology • Quantum gravity

 The future for the GRB study • Instrumental roadmap in the next 10 years and beyond • The SVOM mission

• Non-photonic messengers & instruments Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Once upon a time, …

• There were « nice » US militaries that launched the Vela satellites to spy on thermonuclear explosions on by badass soviet soldiers.

• However, they detected nothing from Earth, but some brief and intense flashes of Gamma-ray photons from the sky.

• At first, they thought that nuclear wars might rage on other worlds …

• First GRB publication : Klebesadel et al. 1973, ApJ, 185, L85 “Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts of Cosmic Origin” New astrophysical phenomenon

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Main missions & main discoveries (1) •1991-2000: deep study of the prompt Gamma-ray emission with BATSE (Burst And Transient Source Experiment) on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory CGRO • No multi- counterpart due to poor localization • ~ 1 GRB detected per day during 9 years • GRBs are isotropically distributed on the sky • Non thermal spectra One of the 8 • two types of GRBs: long (>2 s) & short (< 2 s) BATSE modules

BATSE, Paciesas et al. 1999; Preece et al. 2000; Band et al. 1993; Kouveliotou et al. 1993

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Main missions & main discoveries (2) • Revolution in 1997: detection of first multi-wavelength afterglow emission by Beppo-SAX thanks to an innovative instrumentation (combination wide-field high-E instrument & narrow field instruments) Beppo-SAX • Detection of GRB afterglows a few hours after the detection in Gamma- rays • measurement (i.e. distance of the source) • Afterglow emission from radio to X-rays for long GRBs • Afterglow emission lasts from days to weeks (sometimes months/years) • The emission drops quickly in flux. • Lightcurves display powerlaw segments & chromatic/achromatic breaks • …

(Costa et al. 1997; Djorgovski et al. 1997 ;Metzger et al. 1997) Panaitescu & Kumar 2004 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Main missions & main discoveries (3) •2000-2006: Study of a new class of GRBs, the X-Ray Flashes with main photon energy below 50 keV • Provide arcmin accuracy position to world community in a few tens of seconds • XRFs are long and soft GRBs showing the same properties. • Dark GRBs are not completely dark. • …

High Energy Transient Explorer

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Main missions & main discoveries (4)

• Since 2004: Swift era (same strategy as Beppo-SAX, but faster and more sensitive instruments) •Detection of > 800 GRBs •Characterization of the early afterglow, a time interval that was at the time not yet observed. •First detection of the afterglows of short GRBs  redshift, energetics, nature of the progenitor, etc…


Temporal gap Prompt emission

Afterglow emission

Early afterglow Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Main missions & main discoveries (4)

• Since 2004: Swift era •Detection of > 800 GRBs •Characterization of the early afterglow, a time interval that was at the time not yet observed. •First detection of the afterglows of short GRBs •Detection of the naked eye burst GRB 080319B ( Racusin et al. 2008) – Peak brightness in optical = 5.3 mag! •...

Prompt optical emission

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Main missions & main discoveries (5)

• Since 2008: launch of Fermi – observations of GRB prompt emission up to 200 GeV

• Constraints on the emission mechanism for prompt emission • Constraints on the dynamics of the ejecta • New spectral feature seen in the spectra of the prompt emission • Delayed/extended high-energy emission (up to GeV)

Fermi results: (e.g. Goldstein et al. 2012)

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe

PropertiesProperties && naturenature ofof Gamma-rayGamma-ray burstsbursts

The game is starting now !!

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe General: distance

BATSE: Burst And Transient Source Experiment on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (1991-2000)

BATSE, Paciesas et al. 1999

Question: What does the isotropy tell us about the origin of GRBs?

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe General: distance

BATSE: Burst And Transient Source Experiment on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (1991-2000)

BATSE, Paciesas et al. 1999

Question: What does the isotropy tell us about the origin of GRBs?

GRBs are located at cosmological distances.

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe General: distance • GRBs are located at cosmological distances (from z = 0.033 to z = 8.2, maybe 9.4)

Jakobsson et al. 2006 GRB 090423, z = 8.2

 GRB 090423 with z =8.2 (Tanvir et al. 2009)  GRB 080913 with z=6.7  GRB 050904 with z=6.3 (Haislip et al. 2006)  z = 8.2 i.e. ~ 625 million years after the & travel ~ 13 Giga years!

 z = 0.033 i.e. light travel ~ 440 Million years Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe General: energetics 1 erg = 10-7 J • Cosmological distances 1 eV = 1.6 10-12 erg 48 55 17 Huge isotropic energy with Eiso = 10 -10 erg 10 erg ~ 2.4 tonnes TNT over a few hundreds of seconds at most! 55 2 For GRB080916C, Eiso ~ 10 erg ~ 5 MSun c !!

40W electric bulb E ~ 1.3 1016 erg over 1 year Supernovae 51 Tsar H-bomb E ~ 10 erg E = 50 Mt TNT ~ 2.1 1024 erg Milky Way L ~ 1044 erg/s

Nuclear plant P mean ~ 1 GW Sun 33 E ~ 3 1023 erg 1 km asteroid impact L ~ 4 10 erg/s 50 28 E ~ 6 10 erg over 5 Gyrs over 1 year E ~ 1.3 10 erg

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Gamma-ray variability •Each GRB light-curve is unique.

•GRB light-curves are structured and highly variable.

•Timescale variability very small (down to 1 ms).

•Variability is related to the central source activity.

•Assuming δt ~ 0.1 s, then the size of the system is δd ~ c × δt ~ 3x109cm! (Sun Diameter = 1.392x1011 cm).

Question: What type of object could then be the central source in GRBs?

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Gamma-ray variability •Each GRB light-curve is unique.

•GRB light-curves are structured and highly variable.

•Timescale variability very small (down to 1 ms).

•Variability is related to the central source activity.

•Assuming δt ~ 0.1 s, then the size of the system is δd ~ c × δt ~ 3x109cm! (Sun Diameter = 1.392x1011 cm).

Question: What type of object could then be the central source in GRBs?

Answer : a compact object (neutron or )

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe What mechanism powers GRBs?

• Cosmological distances 48 55 Huge isotropic energy with Eiso = 10 -10 erg over a few hundreds of seconds at most! • From previous slides, we know the central source is compact – probably a black hole. Question: What mechanism may be able to generate so much energy onto a BH?

Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe What mechanism powers GRBs?

• Cosmological distances 48 55 Huge isotropic energy with Eiso = 10 -10 erg over a few hundreds of seconds at most! • From previous slides, we know the central source is compact – probably a black hole. Question: What mechanism may be able to generate so much energy onto a BH? Answer: accretion of matter – common phenomenon in the Universe

Active Galactic Nuclei 39-48 Lbol ~ 10 erg/s E ~ 1053-63 erg over 107-8 yrs (e.g. Urry & Padovani 1995) X-ray binaries 39 Lmax ~ 10 erg/s 52 6 Emax ~ 10 erg over 10 yrs (e.g. Remillard & McClintock 2006) Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe What mechanism powers GRBs?

• Cosmological distances 48 55 Huge isotropic energy with Eiso = 10 -10 erg over a few hundreds of seconds at most! • From previous slides, we know the central source is compact – probably a black hole. Question: What mechanism may be able to generate so much energy onto a BH? Answer: accretion of matter – common phenomenon in the Universe

Even accretion is not able to produce so much energy over such short timescales! To avoid the energy budget crisis, the outflow be collimated as a jet. Active Galactic Nuclei must 39-48 Lbol ~ 10 erg/s E ~ 1053-63 erg over 107-8 yrs (e.g. Urry & Padovani 1995) X-ray binaries 39 Lmax ~ 10 erg/s 52 6 Emax ~ 10 erg over 10 yrs (e.g. Remillard & McClintock 2006) Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Jets (1) • Jets are often associated with accretion phenomena.

• Mildly relativistic (Γ < 10) jets are detected in AGN & X-ray binaries.

Cen A

GRS 1915+105

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Epeak Non-thermal spectra (1)

Briggs et al. 1999 •Non thermal spectrum

•The spectrum can be described by a Band function (3 parameters) – Band et al. 1993

•Epeak = Energy for which the photon emission is maximum •From the compacity problem (Cavallo & Rees 1978): The Gamma-ray emission will produce e-/e+ pairs. The α pair opacity is then given by: β Nσ E τ ∝ T with N= iso γγ R2

53 9 Assuming =1MeV, Eiso = 10 erg and R ~ 3 10 cm, 15 τγγ ~ 4.6 x 10 >>1

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Epeak

Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Non-thermal spectra (1)

Briggs et al. 1999 •Non thermal spectrum

•The spectrum can be described by a Band function (3 parameters) – Band et al. 1993

•Epeak = Energy for which the photon emission is maximum •From the compacity problem (Cavallo & Rees 1978): The Gamma-ray emission will produce e-/e+ pairs. The α pair opacity is then given by: β Nσ E τ ∝ T with N= iso γγ R2

53 9 Assuming =1MeV, Eiso = 10 erg and R ~ 3 10 cm, 15 τγγ ~ 4.6 x 10 >>1 Question: How could we explain the non-thermal nature of the Gamma-ray spectra?

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Epeak Non-thermal spectra (1)

Briggs et al. 1999 •Non thermal spectrum

•The spectrum can be described by a Band function (3 parameters) – Band et al. 1993

•Epeak = Energy for which the photon emission is maximum •From the compacity problem (Cavallo & Rees 1978): The Gamma-ray emission will produce e-/e+ pairs. The α pair opacity is then given by: β Nσ E τ ∝ T with N= iso γγ R2

53 9 Assuming =1MeV, Eiso = 10 erg and R ~ 3 10 cm, 15 τγγ ~ 4.6 x 10 >>1 Question: How could we explain the non-thermal nature of the Gamma-ray spectra? Answer: The way to make the emitting region transparent to Gamma-ray photons is that the outflow moves at relativistic velocities with large Lorentz factors. Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Non-thermal spectra (2)

• Example of GRB080916C detected with the Fermi LAT instrument (Abdo et al. 2009, Science)

• Spectra described by a Band function up to GeV range!

• Estimation of lower limits on the outflow Lorentz factor:

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Jets (2)

• Jets are often associated with accretion phenomena.

• Mildly relativistic (Γ < 10) jets are detected in AGN & X-ray binaries.

• For GRBs, jets have to be ultra-relativistic (Γ > 100) outflows.

• Microquasars & blazars are sources whose the jet is seen along the observer’s line of sight.

• Same thing for GRBs?

Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Jets (2)

• Jets are often associated with accretion phenomena.

• Mildly relativistic (Γ < 10) jets are detected in AGN & X-ray binaries.

• For GRBs, jets have to be ultra-relativistic (Γ > 100) outflows.

• Microquasars & blazars are sources whose the jet is seen along the observer’s line of sight.

• Same thing for GRBs?

Answer: yes

Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Jets (3) • Relativistic outflows imply relativistic Doppler boosting (i.e. enhancement of the emission flux & increase in photon energy) max. along the observer’s line of sight.

• Assuming a shell of matter expanding at a relativistic speed & spherically emitting in its rest-frame some radiation, for a distant observer the emission will no longer be spherical but elongated towards the direction of propagation of the shell.

Γ = Lorentz factor v = outflow velocity t = observer time


Equal arrival light cone time surface

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Models Internal/external shock model (e.g. Meszaros & Rees 1993)

(Piran, Nature, 2003)

1 OPAQUE FIREBALL (large γ-γ opacity) Conversion of internal energy to kinematics energy acceleration phase up to coasting radius above which Γ = cst Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Models Internal/external shock model (e.g. Meszaros & Rees 1993)

2 TRANSPARENT FIREBALL (Piran, Nature, 2003) (photospheric emission)

Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Models Internal/external shock model (e.g. Meszaros & Rees 1993)

(Piran, Nature, 2003)


3 INTERNAL SHOCKS (Gamma-rays are emitted by accelerated electrons) Prompt emission

Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Models Internal/external shock model (e.g. Meszaros & Rees 1993)

(Piran, Nature, 2003) From X-rays to radio

Gamma-rays 4 EXTERNAL SHOCKS (forward shock waves propagate in ISM accelerating electrons that produce synchroton multi- wavelength radiation) Afterglow emission

Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Models Internal/external shock model (e.g. Meszaros & Rees 1993)

Reverse shock External forward (Piran, Nature, 2003) shock From X-rays to radio Density Gamma-rays

Relativistic outflow Circum GRB medium

Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Models Standard afterglow model Panaitescu & Kumar (2001) (see also Sari, Piran & Narayan 1998) N ∝ E− p e− (non-thermal distribution)

Fermi acceleration (p ~ 2.1) • Model predictions depend on the nature of the circum-burst environment (e.g. ISM with n = cst; stellar wind with n ~ r-a, a > 2).

• Powerlaw segments & spectral breaks evolving with time.

• From the data, a constant ISM model seems to be favoured.

• From Swift data, p is sometimes less than 1.5 (e.g. Willingale et al. 2007).

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Models Standard afterglow model Panaitescu & Kumar (2001) (see also Sari, Piran & Narayan 1998)

• Model predictions depend on the nature of the circum-burst environment (e.g. ISM with n = cst; stellar wind with n ~ r-a, a > 2).

• Powerlaw segments & spectral breaks evolving with time.

• From the data, a constant ISM model seems to be favoured.

• From Swift data, p is sometimes less than 1.5 (e.g. Willingale et al. 2007).

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Models Jet break (1) (e.g. Rhoads 1999) Break


Early times

Γ ~cst >> 1/θ0 Deceleration

Γ > 1/θ0 Γ < 1/θ0

Question: What will happen when the blastwave will start decelerating?

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Models Jet break (1) (e.g. Rhoads 1999) Break


Early times

Γ ~cst >> 1/θ0 Deceleration

Γ > 1/θ0 Γ < 1/θ0

Question: What will happen when the blastwave will start decelerating? • The jet break being a hydrodynamical effect, it should be an achromatic break. • The observation of jet breaks enables us to derive the jet opening angle. Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Models Jet break (2)

• In the pre-Swift era, some jet breaks were observed, but mostly in optical.

• Only a few were observed in several energy bands.

• From the observed jet breaks, the jet opening angle was estimated.

Frail et al. 2001

50 = 5 x 10 erg

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe

GRBGRB progenitorsprogenitors && HostHost GalaxiesGalaxies

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Comparison short & longs GRBs

Watson et al. 2006 • Lower ✔ < z > = 0.4 short ✔ < z > = 2.8 long

• Weaker Afterglows -10 -2 -1 ✔ < FX short > = 7x10 erg cm s -9 -2 -1 ✔ < FX long> = 3x10 erg cm s

• Less Jet Collimation? Burrows et al. 2006 ✔ θ ~ 15˚ (wide spread) short ✔ θ ~ 5˚ (wide spread) long

• Less Total Energy long ✔ E ~ 1049 ergs short GRBs rad ✔ 51 Erad ~ 10 ergs long

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe GRB host galaxies Comparison short & longs GRBs Short GRB Long GRB

GRB 050724 - Swift GRB 990123 - SAX elliptical host SF dwarf host Cnts/s Cnts/s



• Hosts: non star-forming (e.g. • Hosts: dwarf, spiral & irregular star- elliptical) & star-forming galaxies forming galaxies

• GRBs located in the outskirts of SF • GRB positions associated with galaxies brightest parts of the host (assumed to be star-forming regions) • SF galaxies with SF rate less than for long GRB hosts Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe GRB host galaxies Comparison short & longs GRBs Short GRB Long GRB Cnts/s Cnts/s

Grosabel et al. (2006) GRB

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe GRB progenitors Longs GRBs & supernovae Ib/c (1) • GRB980425 & SN1998bw: first association between an underluminous 48 GRB (Eiso ~ 10 erg) and a SN Ib/c (Galama et al. 1998, Nature)


Credits: ESO

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe GRB progenitors Longs GRBs & supernovae Ib/c (1) • GRB980425 & SN1998bw: first association between an underluminous 48 GRB (Eiso ~ 10 erg) and a SN Ib/c (Galama et al. 1998, Nature)


Credits: ESO

Question: What does power a ?

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe GRB progenitors Longs GRBs & supernovae Ib/c (1) • GRB980425 & SN1998bw: first association between an underluminous 48 GRB (Eiso ~ 10 erg) and a SN Ib/c (Galama et al. 1998, Nature)


Credits: ESO

Question: What does power a supernova? Answer: decay of radioactive elements produced during the explosion of the star

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe GRB progenitors Longs GRBs & supernovae Ib/c (2)

• GRB980425 & SN1998bw: first association between an underluminous 48 GRB (Eiso ~ 10 erg) and a SN Ib/c (Galama et al. 1998, Nature)

• GRB 030329: First connections between long classical GRBs & SNe Ib/c (HETE-2; Stanek et al. 2003)


Matheson, GCN 2120

• Detection of associations XRFs/SNe Ib/c (HETE-2)

Q: What could we learn from the SNe spectra?

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe GRB progenitors Longs GRBs & supernovae Ib/c (3) • SNe Ib/c linked with GRBs are more powerful than normal SNe Ib/c. • Their spectra in general show that the ejected matter moves ten times faster than that observed in normal SNe Ib/c Q: what does that imply? GRB SN 2003lw

SN 2006aj

SNe Ic

Link between long GRBs and the death of massive (SNe Ib/c)

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe GRB progenitors Longs GRBs & supernovae Ib/c (3) • SNe Ib/c linked with GRBs are more powerful than normal SNe Ib/c. • Their spectra in general show that the ejected matter moves ten times faster than that observed in normal SNe Ib/c Q: what does that imply? Energy injection GRB SN 2003lw

SN 2006aj

SNe Ic

Link between long GRBs and the death of massive stars (SNe Ib/c)

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Long GRB progenitors Collapsar model • What type of stars do we need to produce a GRB? • a massive star with Minitial > 20 Msun • a star compact enough to let the relativistic jets escape from the star envelop Red supergiants (R ~ a few 1013 cm)

Blue supergiant (R ~ a few 1012 cm)

Red & blue supergiants = Progenitors of Type II SNe

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Long GRB progenitors Collapsar model • What type of stars do we need to produce a GRB? • a massive star with Minitial > 20 Msun • a star compact enough to let the relativistic jets escape from the star envelop Red supergiants (R ~ a few 1013 cm)

Blue supergiant (R ~ a few 1012 cm)

Red & blue supergiants = Progenitors of Type II SNe

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Long GRB progenitors Collapsar model • What type of stars do we need to produce a GRB? • a massive star with Minitial > 20 Msun • a star compact enough to let the relativistic jets escape from the star envelop

• Wolf-Rayet stars = evolved massive stars

with Minitial > 20 MSun

-4 -1 • important mass loss (up to 10 MSun yr ) – lost of the H envelop

• Radius ~ a few to a few tens of RSun Credit: HST image – WR 124

• Formation of SNe Ib/c

• Location in star forming regions

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Long GRB progenitors Collapsar model (e.g. MacFadyen & Woosley 1999)

• Compact massive star (Wolf-Rayet C,N,O star)

• Stars with high angular momentum and low  Catastrophic formation of a BH coupled with an accretion disk

 Energy emitted through polar regions – jets (funnel and lateral collimation from ram pressure in the envelop)

 Jet breakout from the stellar envelop after a tens of seconds.

 Conversion of internal energy after breakout to kinetic energy (large Lorentz factors)

 strong winds from accretion disk energizes the material from the star envelop (hypernovae)

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Example • Case of GRB 060218 Campana et al., Pian et al., Soderberg et al. (2006)

• Super-long GRB T90 ~35 minutes

• BAT, XRT, UVOT during GRB

• z = 0.033 (145 Mpc)

49 • Eiso = few x 10 erg - underluminous

3 GRB SNe • Associated SN 2006aj SN Ib/c •Thermal emission Shock break-out SN 2006aj seen for the first time (from X-ray to UV/opt.) • R ~ 4 x 1011 cm (Wolf Rayet star) SNe Ic

Chevalier 2008 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Example • Case of GRB 060218 Campana et al., Pian et al., Soderberg et al. (2006)

• Super-long GRB T90 ~35 minutes

• BAT, XRT, UVOT during GRB

• z = 0.033 (145 Mpc)

49 • Eiso = few x 10 erg - underluminous

3 GRB SNe • Associated SN 2006aj SN Ib/c •Thermal emission Shock break-out SN 2006aj seen for the first time (from X-ray to UV/opt.) • R ~ 4 x 1011 cm (Wolf Rayet star) SNe Ic

Chevalier 2008 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Short GRBs progenitors NS-NS merger (e.g. Eichler et al. 1989; Narayan et al. 1992) • Hosts: elliptical galaxies or galaxies with weak SFR (older ) • Merger of compact objects (NS-NS ou NS-BH)  Timescale of the merger ~ ms

 Dynamical kick What could be the consequences? •Consequence: ejection of the NS in a region of lower density weaker afterglow emission

 No or very weak SNe is expected (kilonovae).

 Less collimation is also expected.

 Energy reservoir is smaller.

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Example: kilonovae • First detection of a kilonova associated with a short GRB in 2013 (GRB130603B - Tanvir et al. 2013)

Metzger & Berger 2012 • Following the merger of 2 NS, neutron rich gas can be ejected.

• This material undergoes rapid neutron capture (r-process), creating heavy elements from merger of original nuclei with the available neutrons.

• When those elements undergo radioactive decay, they emit light in the optical and near-IR bands. The energy emitted can reach 103 times the energy emitted in a nova (kilo-nova). Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Short GRBs progenitors magnetars • Other possibility: (e.g. Usov 1992) • Magnetars (a NS with an intense magnetic field of 1014-15G; see Rea & Esposito 2011) may produce giant flares due to magnetic reconnection following a crust quake (e.g. SGR1806-20 – December 2004; Palmer et al. 2005)

• Only detectable in the local Universe (~50 Mpc)

Swift-BAT lightcurve

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Misleading example GRB 060614 (1) Gal-Yam et al. 2006, Nature, • Long GRB (T90 ~ 102 s)

• z = 0.125

• No SN detected

• SN emission > 102 weaker than normal SNe Ib -4 i.e. MNi < 8 x 10 MSun << MNiSN

• Fall-back accretion from the Ni core on the BH? (the collapsar model does not predict the formation of a SN Ib/c for each long GRB.)

(e.g. Gehrels et al. 2006; Host galaxy with a low SFR ~ 0.004 M yr-1 << Gal-Yam et al. 2006) • Sun SFR (host galaxies for long GRBs)

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Misleading example GRB 060614 (2) • GRB 060614 may be not a long GRB, but instead a short GRB with a soft extended tail? - No SN expected in this case (or at least a very faint one) - Consistent with the properties of the host galaxy

Zhang et al. 2007 GRB 060614 would have been detected as a short GRB by BATSE

The classification of GRBs only on their T90 values may ! induce some misinterpretation of their nature in some


Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe

OldOld && newnew openedopened questionsquestions

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Swift era Early afterglow

• Since 2004, Swift enables to observe an unknown time interval (i.e. the early afterglow)

• Opportunity to test model predictions with more data

• Bring somehow more questions than answers ☺

Mangano et al. 2007 Nousek et al. 2006

10-100 s 103 -104 s

(e.g. Nousek et al. 2006; Zhang et al. 2006)

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Early afterglow Steep decay

I Segment I – Fast decline: ~60% of the afterglows −α Flux F ∝t α ~ 3 – 6 (e.g. Tagliaferri et al. 2005, Nature) Possible interpretation: high latitude emission (Kumar & Panaitescu 2000) Model predicts no spectral variation T (s)

At t = t0 , emission from the core (θ < 1/Γ) stops

Observer Photons emitted at the same time in the source rest frame for θ > 1/Γ will reach the observer with a certain delay.

Opened question: steep decays observed with spectral variation

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Early afterglow Plateau phase

Segment II – Plateau phase : t -0.2 – t -0.5 Flux II • Incompatible with the standard afterglow model

T (s)

Possible interpretations:

• Energy injection in the external forward shock (Zhang et al. 2006) Extended activity or restart of the central engine for both short & long GRBs

Not expected from GRB progenitor models

• Hydrodynamical effect related to the deceleration of the blastwave ( Kobayashi & Zhang 2007)

Not able to explain every GRB plateaus

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Jet break problem

• In the Swift era, it appears that the situation is more complex (e.g. chromatic breaks).

• Absence of jet breaks for most GRBs/XRFs

Willingale et al. 2007

GRB 060729 Grupe et al. 2007 • Large jet opening angle in some cases θ > 28o

• Do the X-ray & optical afterglow track the same emitting regions?

• What values for the GRB jet opening angle? Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Origin of X-ray flaresLes X-ray flares • X-ray flares present in > 50% of the GRBs (long & short) detected by Swift

• Similar spectral properties to those of the Gamma-ray peaks

δt/tpeak << 1 Burrows et al. 2005

δt/tpeak << 1

(e.g. Falcone et al. 2007; Chincarini et al. 2010) ● All the elements point towards an origin internal • External origin? to the jet (internal shocks, magnetic Energetics issue argues against reconnection) an origin due to external • Problem: this implies an extended activity of the shocks central engine or a restart of the central engine up to several days in some cases (e.g. King et al. 2005; Proga & Zhang 2006). Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Prompt emission: questions

• Where is the photospheric emission? What is the magnetization of the outflow?

• Prompt emission mechanism: internal shocks? magnetic dissipation ? relativistic turbulence? photospheric emission?

• Radiative processes : synchrotron vs IC vs something else

• Origin of the prompt optical emission

• Origin of the high-energy Gamma-ray emission? (prompt / extended emission)

• Some questions are connected to:

- the poorly known physics of the central engine (acceleration mechanism / nature of the outflow);

- the poorly known physics of shock acceleration (magnetic field amplification / particle acceleration).

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Prompt emission: questions

• GRB 021206 (RHESSI) : Π = 80 ± 20 %? ( Coburn & Boggs 2003) See however : Rutledge & Fox 2004.

• GRB 930131 & GRB 960924 : Π > 35 % & Π > 50 % ? (Willis et al. 2005)

• GRB 041219A (INTEGRAL) : variable degree of polarization <4% to 43±25 % Götz et al. 2009

• Polarization information is important to constrain the nature of the dominant emission process in GRBs (Synchrotron, IC, SSC)?

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Afterglow: questions

• Afterglow emission region: forward shock vs reverse shock vs internal shocks (early afterglow – late afterglow - flares)

• Plateau / X-ray flares : physical origin, consequences for the central engine (energetics, lifetime)

• Origin of the variability (bumps, rebrightening, …)

• Missing jet break problem / origin of the achromatic breaks

• What is the outflow particle or poynting driven?

• What are the manifestations of off-axis viewings?

• What properties of the central source / environment can we deduce from the afterglow observations?

• Why do the observations favour a constant density medium for long GRBs?

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe

GRBsGRBs asas toolstools forfor cosmology,cosmology, fundamentalfundamental physics,physics, etc.etc.

What could we do with such bright objects?

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Cosmology (1) • GRBs are a class of objects observable on cosmological distances.

• GRBs with their intense brightness illuminate their environment and all the matter along the GRB line of sight.

• The main applications are as follows: - Host galaxy properties (information on the stellar formation rate, the metallicity, the kinematics of gas as a function of redshift)

- Evolution of foreground structures

• Study of the absorption systems along the GRB line of sight to trace the spatial distribution & dynamics of baryons and their evolution since the Big-Bang through the intergalactic medium & complex structures (e.g. galaxies, clusters of galaxies);

• Quasars already used, but GRBs thanks to their transient nature do not disturb their environment.

• GRBs are expected to be able to be detected further away than quasars.

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Cosmology (2) • GRBs are a class of objects observable on cosmological distances.

• GRBs with their intense brightness illuminate their environment and all the matter along the GRB line of sight.

• The main applications are as follows: - Host galaxy properties (information on the stellar formation rate, the metallicity, the kinematics of gas as a function of redshift)

- Evolution of foreground structures

• Study of the absorption systems along the GRB line of sight to trace the spatial distribution & dynamics of baryons and their evolution since the Big-Bang through the intergalactic medium & complex structures (e.g. galaxies, clusters of galaxies);

• Quasars already used, but GRBs thanks to their transient nature do not disturb their environment.

• GRBs are expected to be able to be detected further away than quasars.

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Cosmology (3) - phase Robertson et al. (2010)

• After the decoupling of matter & radiation, the matter cooled down and became neutral. • This is the time of the dark ages up to z = 10.8 +/-1.4 (from WMAP CMB anisotropy measurements).

• From z ~10.8 to z~6, it is the time of the reionization of the Universe thanks to the UV/X-rays photons from pop. III stars & quasars.

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Cosmology (4)

• The GRB may enable us to explore this not yet explored time.

• High redshift GRBs may give us some clues on the population III stars.

• They may tell us something on the SFR at this epoch.

• They may give us some clues on the environment of these stars and the neutral material along the GRB line of sight.

• The furthest GRB ever detected comes from a time when the Universe was only ~625 Myr -old!! (GRB 090423 with z = 8.2 , Tanvir et al. 2009).

• This GRB tells us that stars exist at that time in the early Universe.

• This GRB happened at a time when the reionisation was still not complete.

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Cosmology (4) • The GRB lights may enable us to explore this not yet explored time.

• High redshift GRBs may give us some clues on the population III stars.

• They may tell us something on the SFR at this epoch.

• They may give us some clues on the environment of these stars and the neutral material along the GRB line of sight.

• The furthest GRB ever detected comes from a time when the Universe was only ~625 Myr -old!! (GRB 090423 with z = 8.2 , Tanvir et al. 2009).

• This GRB tells us that stars exist at that time in the early Universe.

• This GRB happened at a time when the reionisation was still not complete.

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Cosmology (5) - Standard candles? • If GRBs could be made standard candles, then they could be used to derive cosmological parameters (H0, ΩM, ΩΛ) in a similar way to what is done with SNe Ia in the local Universe (z < 2).

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Cosmology (5) - Standard candles? • If GRBs could be made standard candles, then they could be used to derive cosmological parameters (H0, ΩM, ΩΛ) in a similar way to what is done with SNe Ia in the local Universe (z < 2).

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Quantum gravity (1) • Quantum gravity is a theoretical framework describing both gravity effects and QM effects when they have similar intensity. ? • Unification of the 4 known forces back in time and at different temperatures.

• One of these theories is the string theory.

• A way to test this theory would be to 2 19 EPlanck = MPlanck c ~ 1.22 x 10 GeV prove the violation of the Lorentz -33 lPlanck ~ 1.62 x 10 cm symmetry i.e. there is a linear energy dispersion in the photon speed.

Q: why are GRBs interesting for testing the Lorentz symmetry? • they are distant i.e. delays more important and easier to measure; • their light spans several decades on energy i.e. large ΔE.

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Quantum gravity (1) • Quantum gravity is a theoretical framework describing both gravity effects and QM effects when they have similar intensity. ? • Unification of the 4 known forces back in time and at different temperatures.

• One of these theories is the string theory.

• A way to test this theory would be to 2 19 EPlanck = MPlanck c ~ 1.22 x 10 GeV prove the violation of the Lorentz -33 lPlanck ~ 1.62 x 10 cm symmetry i.e. there is a linear energy dispersion in the photon speed.

Q: why are GRBs interesting for testing the Lorentz symmetry?

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Quantum gravity (2) • To test QG effects, it is important to distinguish between a propagation effect and a source effect that may induce a temporal delay. QG effect Source effect

ΔE • As a first approx., we have: Δt∝ M QG

18 2 For GRB 080916C, MQG > 1.3 x 10 GeV/c (Abdo et al. 2009, Science)

For GRB 090510, MQG > 1.2 EPlanck l < lPlanck / 2!! (Adbo et al. 2009)

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Other domains

• Biology: impact of the explosion of a GRB in our own Galaxy – Could such a GRB event be at the origin of one of the past mass extinctions on Earth?

• Stellar physics & shock physics

• Origin of cosmic rays of ultra high energy & particle acceleration mechanisms

• Generation of gravitational waves

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe

TheThe futurefuture ……

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Instrumental roadmap in the next 10 years and beyond VLT/X-SHOOTER VLT/MUSE ATCA Fermi? eVLA ALMA E-ELT HESS-2 LOFAR JWST PanStarrs CTA SKA



Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Future GRB missions SVOM • SVOM = Space Variable Object Monitor • Chinese-French collaboration (0.3-10 keV) (4-150 keV) ● Launch date : 2021 ● Nominal lifetime = 3 years (V & R bands) ● Low Earth orbit (h ~ 630 km) and inclination ~ 30o

(~50 keV-5 MeV) • Multi-wavelength science payload from Gamma- rays (2 wide-field cameras) to X-rays/optical (2 narrow field instruments) & dedicated ground robotic (one Visible/nIR camera developped at IRAP).

• SVOM will be operated à la Swift (automatic and rapid re-pointing of the plateform following the detection of a GRB with ECLAIRs in order to follow-up the GRB emission with the narrow field instruments VT and MXT)

• Anti-Sun pointing to favor the follow-up of SVOM GRBs with large telescopes (e.g. VLT, E-ELT, Keck, ...)

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe SVOM ECLAIRs: the GRB triggering camera • ECLAIRs ECLAIRs = GRB triggering camera • IRAP = PI of ECLAIRs

• Consortium of French labs under CNES supervision

• ECLAIRs = wide-field coded mask

camera (FoV~2sr; ΔE=4-150 keV; Sgeo~1000 cm2) + Data Process Unit (automatic trigger software)

• IRAP provides the detection plane (DPIX = 80x80 CdTe detectors = 200 XRDPIX) & the readout electronic chain (ELS) performing the coding of detected events (time, position, energy) in real time.

• Elementary module (XRDPIX) = 8x4 detectors associated with a low-noise & low-power-consumption ASIC

(e.g., Godet et al. 2012, 2014;

Nasser et al. 2014) UGTS Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe SVOM Ph-D position

• The CNES (French Space Agency) has pre-selected a proposed ph-D subject on the characterization of the performance of the ECLAIRs detection plane.

• The description of the Ph-D subject can be found at in the sub-directory « Ph-D position».

• Search for an applicant (M2 or engineer) before March 2015 → Final selection by the CNES HQ in June 2015.

• The 3yr Ph-D will start in October 2015.

• Supervisor : Dr. Olivier Godet & Dr. Jean-Luc Atteia

• CNES Ph-D funding grants offer a larger salary than State Ph-D funding grants.

• To those of you that may be interested in, please contact me ( [email protected]) as soon as possible.

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Other messengers Introduction

• GRBs may be also a source of non electromagnetic radiation.

• GRBs may be priviledged sites for the acceleration of UHE cosmic rays, high-energy neutrinos and gravitational waves.

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe High-E cosmic rays (1)

• Cosmic rays are ionised particles (p+, nuclei, electrons).

• On Earth, we can study particles accelerated up to 14 TeV in Sun accelerators at most. SNe in our Galaxy Extragalactic

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe High-E cosmic rays (2) Containment of the UHE Cosmic Rays • Above 1018-19 eV, the Galactic magnetic field intensity is too low E Larmor radius : R= EeV to confine the protons. ZB kpc μG • So, the origin of the UHE cosmic rays must be extragalactic. Assuming a 3 μG magnetic field

proton • GRBs may be able to accelerate 100 EeV 21 particles up to 10 eV (e.g. O Waxman 2000). Fe • The sources must be located Earth close to Earth (< 200 Mpc) due to 10 kpc the GZK cutoff (Greisen-Zetspin- Kusmin, 1966).

• The GZK cutoff is the result of the interaction between UHECR and CMB photons (~2.7 K).

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Particle detectors ANTARES JEM-EUSO (particle detector) (strong involvement of IRAP)

Observatoire Auger

• HESS 1-2 & CTA (Cherenkov with a strong IRAP involvement)

• ICE CUBE & KM3 (large neutrino telescopes)

SeminarSeminar M2 M2 ASEP ASEP Olivier Olivier Godet Godet 2015 2012 – 01 – –10 05 – 08 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Gravitational waves (1)

• The gravitational waves are a prediction of the general relativity theory.

• No direct detection was performed so far. However there are indirect evidence of their existence. Binary pulsars PSR B1913 + 16 (Hulse & Taylor 1975; Weisberg et al. 2010)

The decrease in the orbital period of binary pulsars is a consequence of orbital energy loss through gravitational waves.

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Gravitational waves (2)

• The gravitational waves are a prediction of the general relativity theory.

• No direct detection was performed so far. However there are indirect evidence of their existence.

• Their direct detection would open a new science window and would enable to detect the catastrophic formation of BHs.

• The formation of a BH can generate gravitational waves provided the event is asymmetrical (Kobayashi & Mészáros 2003).

• GRB events being related to the catastrophic formation of BHs via the collapse of a massive star or the merger of two compact objects, they are of great interest to detect GWs.

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Gravitational waves (3)

• Several ground and space facilities planned to detect GWs.

aLIGO = Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (10 Hz – 10 kHz) Operational after 2018

aVirgo = Advanced Virgo (French-Italian Interferometer; 10 Hz – 10 kHz)

eLisa = Laser Interferometer Space Antenna or NGO = New Gravitational wave Observatory (0.1 mHz – 0.1 Hz) Operational after 2030

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe Gravitational waves (4)

• The detection of GWs is done by measuring the distance change between two test masses.

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05 Gamma-ray bursts: The most violent explosions in the Universe References

• References accessible via the NASA/ADS web interface

• Gehrels & Meszaros (2012) • Zhang, B. 2007 • Godet, O & Mochkowitz, R. 2011

Seminar M2 ASEP Olivier Godet 2015 – 01 – 05