Draft version December 4, 2018 Typeset using LATEX preprint2 style in AASTeX61


J. Greiner1

1Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, 85740 Garching, Germany

ABSTRACT A variety of scientific results have been achieved over the last 10 years with the GROND simul- taneous 7-channel imager at the 2.2m telescope of the Max-Planck Society at ESO/La Silla. While designed primarily for rapid observations of gamma-ray burst afterglows, the combination of si- 0 0 0 0 multaneous imaging in the Sloan g r i z and near-infrared JHKs bands at a medium-sized (2.2 m) telescope and the very flexible scheduling possibility has resulted in an extensive use for many other astrophysical research topics, from and accreting binaries to and quasars.

Keywords: instrumentation: detectors, techniques: photometric arXiv:1812.00636v1 [astro-ph.HE] 3 Dec 2018

[email protected] 2

1. INTRODUCTION (5) mapping of galaxies to study their stel- An increasing number of scientific questions lar population; (6) multi-color light curves of require the measurement of spatially and spec- supernovae to, e.g., recognize dust formation trally resolved intensities of radiation from as- (Taubenberger et al. 2006); (7) differentiat- trophysical objects. Over the last decade, tran- ing achromatic microlensing events (Paczyn- sient and time-variable sources are increasingly ski 1986) from other variables with similar moving in the focus of present-day research light curves; (8) identifying objects with pe- (with its separate naming of “time-domain as- culiar SEDs, e.g. photometric surveys tronomy”), recently boosted spectacularly by for high-z active galactic nuclei, or identifying the follow-up of gravitational wave sources. brown dwarfs; (9) observations of transiting If the spatial scale of such a study is small extrasolar planets to infer orbital periods, mul- (few arcmin), integral field spectrographs such tiplicity of planets, or characteristics of their as PMAS (3.6m Calar Alto) or MUSE (VLT) atmospheres (Jha et al. 2000); or (10) map- or ESI/OSIRIS (Keck) are the instruments of ping of reflectance of solar system bodies as a choice. If crowding is not an issue, (objective) function of their rotation to map their surface prism spectroscopy is a valuable option (Teplitz chemical composition (Jewitt 2002). et al. 2000). For large scales, simultaneous Instruments with simultaneous imaging ca- multi-channel imaging is applied. The phys- pability in different filter bands prior to the ical measurement goals often request a com- GROND development include ANDICAM (De- promise between spatial, temporal or spectral poy 1998), BUSCA (Reif et al. 1999), HIPO resolution, which adds to the challenges of the (Dunham et al. 2004), MITSuME (Kotani et measurement principle. al. 2005), TRISPEC (Watanabe et al. 2005), Simultaneous imaging in different filter-bands SQIID (Ellis et al. 1993), and ULTRACAM (whether Johnson UBVRIJHK or Sloan (Dhillon et al. 2007). GROND-inspired instru- u0g0r0i0z0 or anything else) is of interest in a va- ments include the 6-channel RATIR (Butler riety of astrophysical themes. The primary aim et al. 2012) and the 4-channel ROS2 (Spano is to measure the spectral energy distribution et al. 2010) instruments. Further projects for (SED) or its evolution in variable astrophysi- simultaneous multi-band instruments are the cal objects, in order to uncover the underlying 8-channel OCTOCAM (Gorosabel & Ugarte emission mechanism. Examples are, among Postigo 2010), selected as part of the Gemini others, (1) monitoring of all kinds of variable instrumentation program in 2017 (Roming et (flare stars, cataclysmic variables, X-ray al. 2018), the 4-channel SPARC4 (Rodrigues binaries) to determine the outburst mechanisms et al. 2012) planned for installation at the 1.6 and differentiate between physical state changes m telescope of the Pico dos Dias Observatory and changes induced by geometrical variations, (Brazil) (Bernardes et al. 2018), an unnamed like eclipses; (2) follow-up of gamma-ray burst 8-channel imager for the IRTF (Connelley et (GRB) afterglows for e.g. rapid redshift es- al. 2013), and the SIOUX project (Christille et timates, mapping the SED evolution to mea- al. 2016). In comparison, the GROND instru- sure circumburst parameters, or the search for ment (Greiner et al. 2008) at the 2.2 m telescope dust destruction; (3) monitoring of AGN to of the Max-Planck Society (MPG) in La Silla understand the physical origin of the observed (ESO/Chile) with its 7 simultaneous channels variability; (4) determining the inclination of so far still delivers the largest degree of multi- X-ray heated binaries (Orosz & Bailyn 1997); plexing at such a telescope size. 3

the visual, plus three (standard JHKs) bands in the near-infrared (NIR). The separation of the different photometric bands was achieved using dichroic beamsplitters (in the converg- ing beam), whereby the short wavelength part of the light is always reflected off the dichroic, while the long-wavelength part passes through (Fig.1). The use of dichroics implies that adja- cent bands do have identical 50% transmission wavelengths, making the Sloan filter system (Fukugita et al. 1996) the obvious choice for Figure 1. Scheme of the optical beam path of the visual bands. GROND with the optical components and the de- The field-of-view (FOV) of the camera was tectors labeled. [From Greiner et al.(2008)] c AAS. designed, on one hand, to cover the typical Reproduced with permission. few arcmin extent of GRB error boxes, and on the other hand have a pixel scale less than After a short description of the main features the mean seeing to allow for accurate photom- of the instrument and operational aspects ( 2), I etry. Mounted at the MPG-owned 2.2 m di- describe some of our prime scientific results§ ob- ameter f/8 telescope on La Silla (ESO/Chile) tained via GROND observations, foremost for with an intrinsic image quality of 000.4, the GRBs ( 3) and transients ( 4), but also other § § FOV of each visual band is 5.4 5.4 arcmin2, science topics where color information on short × (2048x2048 CCD with plate scale 000.158/pixel), timescales is important ( 5 9). While this § − and 10 10 arcmin2 in the NIR using a fo- is predominantly a review, it contains hitherto × cal reducer (1024 1024 Rockwell HAWAII-1 unpublished results, e.g. on the discovery of a × array with a plate scale of 000.60/pixel). A Sum- hitherto unknown T5 brown dwarf. itomo closed-cycle cooler provides a tempera- ture of 65 K for the NIR detectors and 80 K for 2. THE GROND INSTRUMENT AND ITS the focal reducer optics, with simple damping OPERATION preventing any telescope/instrument vibrations The primary goal was to rapidly identify GRB which could degrade the image quality. The afterglows and measuring their redshift. This best GROND images have a full-width-half- led to the concept of a camera which allows maximum of 000.6, dominated by the dome see- simultaneous observations in multiple filters ing. This allows us to linearly increase sensitiv- throughout the optical and near-infrared re- ity by adding more exposure (stacking) up to 3– gion. The simultaneity is dictated by the fact 4 hrs, before becoming background-dominated that a typical GRB afterglow initially fades by (see, e.g. Fig.2). about 2–3 mag within 5–10 min after the GRB, The standard detector readout systems which and by another 3 mag in the following 50 min, were used at ESO at the time were imple- thus rendering cycling through different filters mented, i.e. FIERA (Beletic et al. 1998) for the useless. Furthermore, with the advent of Swift’s visual channels, and IRACE (Meyer et al. 1998) detection of 100 GRBs/yr, follow-up of each for the NIR channels. This makes for a very ∼ GRB with an 8 m telescope became imprac- flexible readout scheme, where e.g. NIR expo- tical, and some knowledge-based pre-selection sures continue during the CCD-readout. Since was needed. Four bands were implemented in 4

Figure 2. An exam- ple for the sensitivity of [email protected], reach- ing g0= 26.5 mag in 3.5 hrs exposure time (Yates et al. 2015), likely one of the deepest images from a ground-based 2 m class telescope. The green numbers are SDSS- calibrated g0-magnitudes. This g0-band image is 1.01 1.08; North is up, and East× to the left.

the JHKs channels operate fully synchronously, At the start of each OB, the instrument is au- a 10 s exposure was adopted as a compromise tomatically focused by moving the telescope’s between not saturating the Ks-band while max- secondary mirror. imizing J-band exposure per telescope dither Best possible instrument efficiency has been position. In addition, a separate internal dither the main driver during the design and devel- mechanism was implemented in the Ks-band; opment of GROND. As a result, the total ef- full details can be found in Greiner et al.(2008). ficiency in the visual bands is about 70% (ex- While originally foreseen to only operate in cept the z0 band), and is still above 50% for the robotic target-of-opportunity mode for chas- three NIR bands (Greiner et al. 2008), despite ing GRB afterglows, the GROND operation the eleven lenses per channel and the compara- scheme was designed flexibly enough to allow tively low quantum efficiency of the 2001-built also visitor-mode style “manual” observations. HAWAII detectors. Thus, even in a single filter, All parameters for GROND observations can GROND is the most sensitive instrument at a be adapted through standard ESO-style ob- 2 m-class telescope. Due to the simultaneous servation blocks (OBs) which are used for all imaging in 7 channels, GROND is likely the in- observations, whether visitor/service mode or strument with the highest photon-detection ef- robotic. Normal observing program observers ficiency in the 0.4–2.5 µm band. use the canonical p2pp tool (P2PP Manual GROND was commissioned at the MPG 2.2m 20071), while in the case of GRB observations, telescope at La Silla (ESO, Chile) in April/May OBs are generated in real-time by an automatic 2007, and the first gamma-ray burst followed process. A special commandable mirror allows up was GRB 070521 (Greiner et al. 2007). For to switch between GROND and the other two the first few months (until end of September 2.2 m instruments (WFI, FEROS) within 20 s. 2007), follow-up observations depended on the willingness of the scheduled observers to share 1 see www.eso.org/observing/p2pp/P2PP- observing time. Thereafter, weather permit- tool.html#Manual ting, a general override permission and a 15% share of total telescope time allowed us to fol- 5

plosions have been transformed from a mere cu- riosity to essential tools for the study of high- redshift stars and galaxies, early structure for- mation and the evolution of chemical elements. 3.2. GROND Observing statistics A total of 842 GRBs were promptly local- ized by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory and 301 by other missions2 (the majority with er- ror boxes much larger than the 100 of GROND) between May 2007 and September 2016. 879 of these happened at declination smaller than +36d.5 (which is about the northern-most dec- Figure 3. Sky distribution in equatorial coordi- lination reachable with GROND due to a min- nates of the GROND GRB sample. imum 20◦ horizon distance requirement of the 2.2m telescope), out of which 513 were followed- low every well-localized GRB which was visible up with GROND. 256 of the 464 long-duration from La Silla, with only few exceptions. A MPE GRBs were detected, and 17 of the 49 short- directorial decision terminated this systematic duration GRBs (Fig.3). For the subset of 709 GRB follow-up program with GROND at the Swift-detected GRBs with immediately (up to beginning of October 2016. few hours) well-localized Swift/XRT afterglow positions, 532 were observable for GROND, and 3. GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 439 were actually observed. This implies a 3.1. Long- and short-duration GRBs follow-up efficiency of these well-localized Swift- GRBs are the most luminous electromagnetic GRBs of 82%, with bad weather periods and sources on the sky, releasing in less than a main-mirror coating events being the largest im- minute the energy output of the Sun over its en- pact factors among the not-observed sources. tire life. GRBs form two sub-groups according 3.3. GRBs as high-redshift probes to their duration: (i) Long-duration GRBs (>2 s) are firmly linked to the collapse of massive GROND operations started very promising: stars (Hjorth et al. 2003; Stanek et al. 2003), about 1 year after commissioning, the after- thus probing sites of formation with lit- glow of GRB 080913 at z=6.7 (see Fig.4) tle delay, as the star’s lifetimes are measured was discovered with GROND (Greiner et al. in megayears. GRBs have been seen up to the 2009a), and spectroscopically confirmed with highest measured . (ii) Short-duration ESO/VLT spectroscopy. This served as the GRBs are commonly believed to originate from “proof-of-concept” for using simultaneous multi- the merging of compact stars, as verified by band photometry of GRB afterglows to accu- the recent detection of gravitational waves from rately measure photometric redshifts. Later on, GRB 170817A (Abbott et al. 2017b). GROND significantly contributed to the record- Present γ-ray instrumentation provides a de- braking GRBs 090423 (Tanvir et al. 2009) and tection rate of about one GRB per day, and 090429B (Cucchiara et al. 2011) by providing thus GRBs act as frequently available sign- posts throughout the Universe. Over the last 2 2 see http://mpe.mpg.de/∼jcg/grbgen.html for a com- decades, these ultra-luminous cosmological ex- plete list 6

than that in X-rays (e.g. Groot et al. 1998; Klose et al. 2000; Djorgovski et al. 2001). The reasons for the occurrence of such “dark” bursts were first discussed systematically in Fynbo et al. (2001) and Lazzati, Covino, Ghisellini(2002). These involve (i) either an intrinsically low lu- minosity, e.g. an optically bright vs. optically dark dichotomy, or (ii) a large extinction by in- tervening material, either very locally around the GRB, or along the line-of-sight through the host , or (iii) high redshift (z > 5 6), − so that Lyα blanketing and absorption by the Figure 4. GROND spectral energy distribution intergalactic medium would prohibit detection and the corresponding image cut-outs (top row) for GRB 080913 at z=6.7 (Greiner et al. 2009a). The in the frequently used R band (Lamb & Re- GROND observation started about 6 min after the ichart 2000). A sample of 39 long-duration Swift/BAT trigger, and the photometric redshift GRB afterglows, complete in observational bias was available 35 min after the trigger, formed from and redshift, and observed with GROND within the stack of the first 3 OBs. This information was 4 hrs, established the fraction of dark bursts used to trigger FORS spectroscopy at ESO/VLT to be 18 8%. Among these dark bursts, the which confirmed the GROND photo-z to be accu- different± shape of the spectral energy distribu- rate to within 5% [From Greiner et al.(2009a)]. tion allows us to differentiate between two op- c AAS. Reproduced with permission. tions: 57 14% are due to moderate dust extinc- tion enhanced± due to moderate redshift, while data for additional filters or allowing to cali- 28 14% are due to flux depression because brate the typically small field-of-view NIR in- ± of high redshift, z > 5 (Greiner et al. 2011). struments on the 8-10m telescopes. Since the afterglow detection rate of this sam- Among 273 GRB afterglows detected with ple was very high (92%; just three GRB af- GROND, we have not found a single GRB af- terglows missed) the above errors also include terglow with only a HKs detection, i.e. a potential intrinsically faint GRBs, where the J-band drop-out. Unless z > 10 GRBs are maximum brightness during the first 4 hrs after systematically underluminous, and thus below the GRB was below the sensitivity threshold of the GROND threshold (H(AB) > 21 mag, [email protected]. KS(AB) > 20 mag in one hour exposure), the Another early and surprising result was the relative frequency of such GRBs is below z > 10 very dusty GRB 070802 at a redshift of z = 0.4% (1 ). This is consistent with recent pre- σ 2.45. The SED deviated clearly from the typ- dictions of the redshift distribution of GRBs, ical synchrotron power law shape, showing in- similar to our earlier estimate (Greiner et al. creasing curvature towards the bluest band and 2011) of 5% of GRBs at (e.g. Elliott et z > 5 a low-flux ’outlier’ in the i0-band (Fig.5). We a. 2012; Le∼ & Mehta 2017). interpreted the i0-band drop as extinction by the 2175 Å feature, redshifted in the GRB host 3.4. Dust and Dark GRBs galaxy (Krühler et al. 2008). This was one of Soon after the discovery of GRB afterglows it the first and clearest detections of the 2175 Å became clear that the detection rate in the op- feature at high redshift, and was later confirmed tical wavelength range was substantially lower 7

is indeed a generic metallicity bias (Fruchter et al. 2006; Graham & Fruchter 2017), or largely a selection effect. 3.5. Fireball model tests Afterglow emission from GRBs was pre- dicted (Paczynski & Rhoads 1993; Katz 1994; Meszaros & Rees 1997; Sari & Piran 1997) prior to its discovery with BeppoSAX (Costa et al. 1997; van Paradijs et al. 1997). This after- glow emission is commonly described with the fireball model (Meszaros & Rees 1997). When 0 0 0 0 Figure 5. GROND g r i z JHKs spectral energy the relativistically expanding blast wave inter- distribution of the afterglow of GRB 070802, show- acts with the circumburst medium, an exter- ing a clear drop of the i0-band, interpreted as the nal shock is formed in which relativistic elec- redshifted 2175 Å bump in the GRB host galaxy [From Krühler et al.(2008)]. c AAS. Reproduced trons gyrating in magnetic fields radiate syn- with permission. chrotron emission Wijers et al.(1997); Wijers & Galama(1999). Implicitly assuming that the by optical spectroscopy (Eliasdóttir et al. 2009) electrons are “Fermi” accelerated at the rela- with VLT/X-shooter. tivistic shocks, and that they have a power-law Motivated by these examples of strong host- distribution with an index p, their dynamics can intrinsic extinction and the availability of our be expressed with the following 4 parameters: unique GROND sample of dusty GRBs, a search (1) the total internal energy in the shocked re- for (Rossi et al. 2012), or detailed analysis gion released in the explosion, (2) the density (Krühler et al. 2011b) of their host galaxies has n (and its radial profile) of the surrounding been undertaken. This revealed systematic dif- medium, (3) the fraction of shock energy that ferences in their properties relative to the hosts goes into electrons, e, (4) ratio of the magnetic of optically bright GRBs: they are systemati- field energy density to the total thermal en- cally redder, more luminous and more massive, ergy, B. This minimal and simplest afterglow suggesting chemically evolved hosts (Krühler et model has only five parameters (not counting al. 2011b). This finding established that the the distance/redshift). dust along the sight-line of GRBs is often re- The evolution of the afterglow emission in fre- lated to global host properties, and thus not lo- quency space and with time depends on a num- cated in the immediate GRB environment as ber of additional boundary conditions, such as expected for a massive star dying within its the properties of the burst environment (e.g., star forming region. By now, this correlation radial gas density profile, dust), on the pro- is well accepted, and used in an inverted way genitor (e.g., temporal energy injection profile), to search for infrared-bright host galaxies of and details of the shock. Measuring the en- GRBs without optical afterglow, in order to ob- ergetics (the fraction of energy going into the tain redshifts and host details (Chrimes et al. electrons e or into the magnetic field B) or 2018). This would help to understand whether the energy partition (e/B) has been challeng- the aversion of long-duration GRBs with bright ing over the last 20 years. One particular diffi- optical afterglows to massive, luminous galaxies culty is to distinguish between the fast or slow cooling stage which introduces an ambiguity in 8 the explanation of the spectrum in terms of the Time since GRB trigger [d] physical model parameters. The degeneracy be- 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 XRT tween several of the above parameters makes it 100 even more difficult to draw astrophysical conclu- 10 sions from a given data set. Thus, many previ- ous attempts in testing the fireball scenario had 1 to make compromises, i.e. make assumptions about individual parameters (e.g., Panaitescu 0.1 Flux [counts/s] & Kumar 2002; Yost et al. 2003; Chandra et al. 2008; Cenko et al. 2010; Greiner et al. 2013; 0.01

Laskar et al. 2014; Varela et al. 2016). Contra- 0.001 dictions between results based on analyses with 1000 g different assumptions surfaced only in the rare r 17 i z cases where the same GRB afterglows were an- J 18 H alyzed using different data sets (e.g., McBreen K ] 100 19 Stardome AB et al. 2010; Cenko et al. 2011). BOOTES3 White Jy] 20 µ U

With its seven simultaneous channels, GROND [

ν B F V 21 provides an obvious advantage in these stud- 10 ies. Consequently, a number of attempts have 22 Brightness [mag been made to obtain data sets which would 23 allow us to derive conclusions on the fireball 1 I II III IV 24 parameters. The results are somewhat mixed, 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06 despite the fact that for most of these GRBs Time since GRB trigger [s] we achieved full wavelength coverage down to Figure 6. Light curve of the X-ray (top panel) the sub-millimeter and radio bands. One of and UV-to-NIR (bottom panel) afterglow of GRB these unsatisfying examples is the bright after- 091029. Grey regions show the time intervals for glow of GRB 100621A. Three different emission which broad-band SEDs were formed. The nearly components were identified, each with different complete decoupling of the light curves in the two spectral slope and temporal evolution, making panels is difficult to reconcile with the fireball sce- a solution of even the simplest fireball scenario nario. [From Filgas et al.(2012)]. impossible (Greiner et al. 2013). In a number of cases, the data collected with clearly inconsistent with the standard fireball GROND (in conjunction with Swift/XRT and scenario. As one possible explanation of the the long-wavelength coverage from the sub-mm data set, a temporal dependence of B was pro- to the radio) demonstrate convincingly that the posed (Filgas et al. 2011b), though a theoreti- most simplistic fireball scenario does not de- cal motivation remains to be given. The case of scribe the data well, and thus extensions are GRB 091029 may be extreme, with completely required. GRB 091127 (Filgas et al. 2011b) was decoupled optical/X-ray behaviour (Fig.6). likely the first GRB afterglow with clear evi- A non-standard assumption for at least three dence for a moving cooling break, as expected fireball parameters was necessary, i.e. only a in the fireball model, and even a measurement 2-component model with separate evolutionary of the sharpness of the cooling break. However, states of each component could potentially ex- the temporal evolution of the cooling break was plain the data set (Filgas et al. 2012). In several other GRB afterglows, the slopes of the elec- 9 tron distribution p as derived from the spec- 1000 griz − 1.3−3.6 eV Spline points tral slopes are clearly <2, as opposed to the Canonical AG model LC model canonical p = 2.2 2.3, thus leaving the parti- cle acceleration mechanism− and the high-energy

g’ r’ i’ 17 z’ cut-off(s) unsolved. Obviously, such results are J H KS Jy] unsatisfactory, and fresh ideas are needed to un- µ 18 [ ν F ] derstand these events. AB 100

Jy] 19 µ [ ν F

On a more positive note, GRB 121024A Brightness [mag (Varela et al. 2016) shows a multi-colour light 20 curve which is similar in X-rays and the op- 21 100 10 1000 10000 tical/NIR band, and has additional sub-mm Time since trigger [s] and radio data. This provided a showcase for an explanation within the basic fireball sce- 150 π nario. The ’grain of salt’ was that some of the 1 fireball parameters had rather extreme values, Jy]

µ 100 outside the range normally anticipated (though π we might be mislead by our expectations). So 2 π

Residuals [ ξ 3 50 2 ξ far the best, though still not perfect, case was ξ 3 1 GRB 151027B. Combining the X-ray and opti- cal/NIR measurements with radio and ALMA 0 data we could solve the fireball system, except 1000 10000 for one parameter-pair ambiguity. Adopting the Time since GRB trigger [s] lowest-allowed total energy, all fireball param- eters are well constrained, to at least a factor Figure 7. White light curve (upper panel) of the afterglow of GRB 071031, with the inset show- of three. The surprisingly and yet unexplained 0 0 0 0 ing the complete 547 GROND g r i z JHKs data strong variability of the radio emission meant points. The data were fitted using the sum of a that those data were unusable in the fireball smoothly connected power law for the canonical af- analysis (Greiner et al. 2018). This prevented terglow (dashed line) and Gaussian profiles to ac- a full-fledged test of the basic fireball scenario, count for the evident flux excesses (solid line). The including its temporal evolution. Interestingly, lower panel shows the residuals to the smoothly GRB 160625B also shows such strong radio vari- connected power law, and the six Gaussian models. [From Krühler et al.(2009a)]. c AAS. Reproduced ability (Alexander et al. 2017), suggesting that care must be exercised when using sparse radio with permission. data in GRB fireball modelling. synchronous as possible can overcome the am- 3.6. From prompt to afterglow emission: biguity between effects of a changing spectrum flares, bumps and jumps or a highly variable achromatic emission. One of the main motivations for building Previously, four different mechanisms have GROND was the fact that both the observed been proposed to reproduce bumps or flares in early-time rise/decay as well as non-powerlaw optical afterglow light curves: (i) a superim- “bumps” (e.g. in GRB 021004; Lazzati et al. posed reverse shock component for early flares, 2002) exhibit variations faster than the time it (ii) inhomogeneities in the circumburst medium takes to cycle through a number of filters. Only (e.g., Wang & Loeb 2000), or (iii) the angular systematic observations in different filters as distribution of the energy in the jet (patchy shell 10 model; e.g., Kumar & Piran 2000), or (iv) late energy injection by refreshed shocks (e.g., Rees & Meszaros 1998) for later flares. However, a clear discrimination in the few individual, pre- viously studied cases was not possible due to the lack of broad-band spectral information. A first exciting case to demonstrate the ad- vantage of the GROND seven-band imaging was GRB 071031: Superimposed onto the canonical afterglow emission, we found bumps which have a harder SED and appear to be similtaneous in the optical/NIR and at X-rays. Although emission from external shocks or a combina- Figure 8. Co-added GROND JHKs light curve tion of different other effects cannot be ruled (the inset shows the individual light curves plus out, an internal origin seems to nicely account those of i0z0; g0r0 are omitted due to Ly-absorption) for the majority of observations (Krühler et al. of the early flare in GRB 081029. During most of 2009a): this includes the shape of the light the flare, the individual 10 s integrations are shown. curve and superposed bumps (Fig.7), the spec- The model (solid line) consists of the sum of two tral hardening towards the optical wavelengths, Gaussians (dotted lines) with FWHM of 77 and 157 s, respectively. the observed temporal decrease of the peak en- ergy E between prompt emission and the peak maximum (FWHM) of 77 sec. This is even flares, and the overall broadband flare spectrum more astonishing when considering the redshift from NIR to X-rays. The spectral similarities of 4.3 for this GRB, i.e. the intrinsic rest-frame of the X-ray flares with the prompt phase sug- FWHM was 15 sec. The simultaneous observa- gest that they are later and softer examples of tion in seven channels with GROND provides a the prompt emission flares, and due to inter- SED from the optical to the near-infrared at a nal shocks. Thus, the simultaneous broad-band time resolution of once every minute. The delay observation of GRB 071031 provides additional of the flare relative to the prompt GRB, its SED evidence that inner engine activity may last (or as well as the ratio of pulse widths suggest that be revived) over hours or days, at least for some it arises from residual collisions in GRB outflows bursts. (Vlasis et al. 2011). Unfortunately, neither did A much more extreme case was the early (first Swift/XRT observe GRB 080129 at this time few hundred seconds) optical/NIR emission af- (blocked by Earth), nor did we ever detect a ter GRB 080129 (Greiner et al. 2009b): prior to similar flare in another GRB in the following 8 the rising afterglow emission (peaking later than years. 7000 s after the GRB) a strong and rapid flare However, we did detect sudden intensity was observed, with an amplitude of 3.5 mag, jumps in several GRBs at later times, between and with a mean duration of 150 s. This was 103–104 s after the GRB, with amplitudes in one of the rare occasions where emission related the 1-3 mag range. In these cases, the rise to a GRB was bright enough in the NIR bands times were always much faster than the decay in each of the 10 s sub-integrations. This al- times. The “pulse” shapes ranged from tri- lowed us to resolve the flare into sub-structure angular to nearly rectangular, thus justifying (Fig.8), the shorter having a full-width at half the term “jump” component, see e.g. GRBs 11

100621A (Greiner et al. 2013), 081029 (Nardini with high Γ surrounded by a wider cone with et al. 2011) or 100814A (Nardini et al. 2014). small Γ. With a similar SED and only little simulta- For two bright GRB afterglows, GROND data neous emission at X-rays (consistent with the argue for a two-component jet structure as pre- slope of the optical/NIR SED slope), the same ferred interpretation. The multi-band afterglow interpretation via residual collisions has been light curve of GRB 080710 (Fig.9) shows two proposed. salient features, both achromatic to high preci- sion: an early rise in its brightness, too shallow to be caused by a jet in the pre-deceleration 3.7. GRB jet structure and off-axis appearance phase, and a turnover from a shallow to a steep Narrow jets, of order 5-20◦ opening angle, are decline without a change in spectral slope, thus usually invoked for the interpretation of the ob- incompatible with a jet break (Krühler et al. served GRB emission primarily to reduce the 2009b). The most natural explanation is a two- otherwise huge inferred intrinsic energy budget. component jet (Fig.9), with the narrow com- The opening angle of these jets as well as their ponent (2◦-4◦ opening angle) viewed slightly radial energy distribution are then the next level off-axis, and the wider component with lower of detail which need to be determined in order Lorentz factor dominating the late emission. In to constrain the GRB energetics. this interpretation, the shallow decay phase is It is usually assumed that all GRBs have the the result of the superposition of the narrow- same universal (with some dispersion of the pa- jet afterglow and the rise of the broad jet in its rameters) structure, but that they appear dif- pre-deceleration phase (Krühler et al. 2009b). ferent because we see them under different ob- GRB 080413B is well fit with an on-axis server angles θo (Lipunov et al. 2001). The jet two-component jet model. The narrow ultra- structure is assumed to be axisymmetric, and relativistic jet is responsible for the initial de- is defined by the radial distribution of the en- cay, and the rising of the moderately relativistic ergy per jet unit solid angle (θ), and that of the wider jet causes a re-brightening and dominates Lorentz factor Γ(θ) of the emitting material. In the late evolution of the afterglow (Filgas et al. models for an inhomogeneous or a structured 2011a). The deduced jet opening angles are 2◦ jet ((θ) θ−s, s>1), the initial bulk Lorentz and 9◦ respectively, for the narrow and wide ∝ factor, the specific deceleration time and the ra- jet, and the initial Lorentz factors >190 and 19. dius are dependent on the distance from the This model also explains the relative fluxes and symmetry axis of the jet (Rhoads 1999; Gra- spectral shapes of the X-ray vs. optical/NIR not & Kumar 2003). Thus, a geometric offset emission as well as the chromatic re-brightening of the observers from the jet symmetry axis has due to the different spectral regime of the wide a distinct signature in the observed optical light jet. curve. Because of the relativistic beaming of the In both cases, the early and very accurate decelerating ejecta, an observer located off-axis multi-colour light curves provided by GROND will see a rising optical afterglow light curve at were essential in excluding alternative explana- early times (e.g. Panaitescu et al. 1998; Granot tions, such as a reverse shock, emission dur- et al. 2002), with the steepness of the rise being ing the pre-deceleration phase, refreshed shock characteristic of the off-axis angle and the jet emission, or an inhomogeneous ISM density pro- structure. For the interpretation of afterglow file (Krühler et al. 2009b; Filgas et al. 2011a). light curves the structured jet is often approxi- mated by a two-component jet, i.e. narrow jet 3.8. Short-duration GRBs 12

10-9 KECK-g KECK-R i

s -10 GROND-g' g 2

r 10 e m

c GROND-r' h

GROND-i' x

u GROND-z' l -11 F

10 GROND-J d

e GROND-H t a


g -12

e UVOT-u

t 10

n UVOT-b i UVOT-v UVOT-uvm2 10-13 UVOT-uvw2 UVOT-uvw1 20 UVOT-white HST160W 21 HST125W HST606W XRT 22



25 AB magnitudes




0 2

Figure 9. GROND r light curve of the after- ] σ [

1 s l a

glow of GRB 080710 (upper panel) with the best u 0 d i s

e 1 R fit (solid line) of a two-component jet model with 2

3 νm < νopt < νX < νc for both components. The 102 103 104 105 106 Observer Time tobs [s] narrow jet (dotted line) is seen off-axis and pro- duces a shallow rise as its emission spreads during Figure 10. X-ray and optical light curve of the deceleration. The broad jet (dashed line) is viewed afterglow of the short-duration GRB 150424A. The close to on-axis with initial Lorentz factor 50 and grey-shaded areas indicate the time slices used for opening angle >10◦, and has the expected steep∼ rise the SED analysis which together with the best-fit during its pre-deceleration phase. [From Krühler et temporal slopes allows us to reject all standard sce- al.(2009b)]. narios. [From Knust et al.(2017)].

Since the afterglows of short-duration GRBs Apart from their duration and peak energy, are substantially less luminous, their discov- short GRBs show many phenomenological prop- ery was accomplished only in 2005 (Fox et al. erties similar to long GRBs. Among those prop- 2005) with the advent of the fast and accu- erties is optical plateau emission, e.g. GRB rate localization with the Gehrels Swift Obser- 060313A (Roming et al. 2006), GRB 061201A vatory (Gehrels et al. 2004). The faint optical (Stratta et al. 2007), or GRB 130603B (Fan afterglows also meant that small robotic tele- et al. 2013). A particularly well-sampled ex- scopes had little success and impact. Even with ample is GRB 150424A (Fig. 10), where our GROND at a 2 m class telescope, the detection GROND data provide convincing evidence for rate of short GRBs is a factor of two smaller a uniform, nonspreading jet expanding into an than that for long GRBs (see Fig.3), and the ISM medium as a self-consistent explanation detections typically do not extend beyond 2–3 (Knust et al. 2017), where the jet is re-powered days after the GRB. Yet, this was long enough for 104 s with additional constant energy in- for GROND to establish the first cases of clear jection. Within a factor of two, this unique jet-breaks in the afterglows of short-duration and very-long-duration energy injection in GRB GRBs (Nicuesa Guelbenzu et al. 2011, 2012). 150324A provides a similar energy input as the This provided first observational hints that the prompt GRB emission (Knust et al. 2017). jet opening angles in short GRBs are wider than those in long-duration GRBs, as earlier sug- 3.9. GRB hyper- and kilo-novae gested on theoretical grounds (Aloy et al. 2005). The association of - and - free core-collapse supernovae (type Ic) to long- 13 duration GRBs, first seen in GRB 980425 / SN 1998bw (Galama et al. 1998) and then conclu- sively observed for GRB 030329 / SN 2003dh (Hjorth et al. 2003; Stanek et al. 2003) has es- tablished their relation to exploding massive stars. The kinetic energy of both supernovae was in excess of 1052 erg, a factor 10 larger than canonical SNIc, and thus earning the name ’hy- pernovae’ (though that name has been in use already since the early 80ies). The inferred rates of SNIc and GRBs differ by at least a factor of 100 (depending on the actual GRB beaming angle), and the still debated question is what causes a small fraction of supernovae to produce a GRB (Woosley et al. 1999)? Figure 11. Afterglow- and host-subtracted bolo- Despite having now over 700 GRBs with an metric light curve of the related to GRB 0 0 0 0 observed optical afterglow, less than 50 GRB- 111209A as observed with GROND (g r i z J) in the 2300–8000 Å rest frame, compared with bolo- supernovae are known to varying degree of con- metric light curves of GRB 980425 / SN 1998bw fidence, and only 11 of these have strong spec- (Galama et al. 1998), XRF 060218 / SN 2006aj troscopic evidence in the optical (Cano et al. (Pian et al. 2006), the standard type Ic SN 1994I 2017). Partially, this is due to the fact that the (Sauer et al. 2006), and the superluminous su- supernova light is getting difficult to observe be- pernovae PTF11rks (Inserra 2013) and PS1-10bzj yond redshift z 0.5, but certainly also the (Lunnan et al. 2013). The dark blue line shows the lack of systematic∼ late-time ( 10 days) optical best-fitting synthetic light curve computed with a monitoring implies that many∼ GRB-supernovae magnetar injection model based on Kasen & Bild- are missed. With our concept of following each sten(2010). The bright blue line shows the best-fit 56 observable GRB as long as ’something’ is de- Ni light curve. [From Greiner et al.(2015)]. tected, GROND observations at least doubled the annual rate of discovered GRB-supernovae ultra-long duration of GRB 111209A (and a few (e.g. Cano et al. 2014; Olivares et al. 2012, 2015; others), but the otherwise inconspicuous spec- Klose et al. 2018). tral and timing properties of both, the prompt GRB 111209A / SN 2011kl turned out to be and afterglow emission as well as the GRB host particularly interesting, as the prompt emission galaxy properties, provided no obvious clues to had an ultra-long duration (>4 hrs), revealed distinguish among these (Gendre et al. 2013; with the Konus detector on the WIND space- Levan et al. 2014; Nakauchi et al. 2013). craft (Golenetskii et al. 2011). The GRB oc- The corresponding GRB-supernova SN 2011kl curred at a redshift of z = 0.677 (Levan et was a factor of >3x more luminous and its spec- al. 2014), as determined from afterglow spec- trum distinctly different from other type Ic su- troscopy. Its integrated equivalent isotropic en- pernovae associated with long-duration GRBs. ergy output is (5.7 0.7) 1053 erg (Golenetskii The slope of the optical continuum resembles et al. 2011), corresponding± × to the bright end of those of super-luminous supernovae, but the the distribution of long-duration GRBs. Sev- light curve evolved much faster (Fig. 11). The eral models had been proposed to explain the combination of high bolometric but low metal-line opacity cannot be reconciled with 14

GROND’s simultaneous 7-channels again par- ticularly useful (Fig. 12). As the kilonova faded, the SED rapidly changed from blue to red, and a higher-opacity, lanthanide-rich ejecta may have contributed to the late-time emission. The de- cline is measured to have a power-law slope of 1.2 0.3 (Smartt et al. 2017) which is consistent ± with radioactive powering from r-process nu- clides. The derived physical parameters broadly match the theoretical predictions of kilonovae from neutron-star mergers (e.g. Metzger et al. 2010; Kasen et al. 2013).

Figure 12. GROND lightcurve of the kilonova 4. IDENTIFICATION OF TRANSIENT OR of GRB 170817A, with selected U , and K band STEADY HIGH-ENERGY SOURCES (NTT) as well as y band (PS1) data− points,− cor- rected for Galactic foreground− extinction and trans- 4.1. X-/γ-ray Transients formed to absolute AB magnitudes using the dis- Most objects which presently trigger high- tance of 40 Mpc. [From Smartt et al.(2017)]. energy missions with their X-ray or γ-ray tran- sient behavior (Kennea 2015; Abdollahi et al. typical SN Ic, like in all previous GRB-SNe. 2017; Negoro 2017) are accreting systems, ex- Instead, it can be reproduced by invoking a hibiting either thermal emission from accretion magnetar, a strongly magnetized neutron star, disks, bremsstrahlung due to shocks in winds, or which injects extra energy (Greiner et al. 2015; synchrotron emission in jets. Consequently, en- Kann et al. 2018). The detection of a supernova hanced emission at other wavelengths is accom- associated with the ultra-long GRB 111209A panying the X-/γ-ray transients, often at opti- immediately rules out a tidal disruption event cal and/or near-infrared wavelengths, originat- as the origin of GRB 111209A (Levan et al. ing predominantly either in the accretion disk 2014). Also, blue supergiants (Nakauchi et al. or the jet. Galactic sources do occur mostly in 2013) are ruled out as progenitors, since they the disk of the Milky Way, making near-infrared show hydrogen in their spectra and have sub- observations more promising due to the smaller stantially different light curves (Kleiser et al. affect of absorption by dust. 2011), inconsistent with our observations. In- With varying degree of effort over the years, stead, GRB 111209A / SN 2011kl provides a newly discovered X-ray transients from Swift, link between GRB/SNe on the one hand, and MAXI or the XMM-Newton slew survey were ultra-long GRBs and superluminous SNe on the followed up with GROND. Typically, results other. were published within hours (e.g. 32 Astronom- The short-duration burst GRB 170817A be- ical Telegrams between 2008-2016), with about came famous for its gravitational wave detection 50% of these reporting discoveries of the opti- (Abbott et al. 2017a). It occurred extraordinar- cal/NIR counterpart. ily nearby at 40 Mpc, or z = 0.009 (Abbott et These identifications predominantly rely on al. 2017b; Burgess et al. 2017), thus its kilonova the detection of a new or substantially bright- was in reach for even small telescopes. Yet, the ened source relative to a reference catalog. The short visibility period per night ( 1 hr) made 7 simultaneous GROND channels and the cor- ∼ 15 responding spectral energy distribution are par- galaxies (Komossa 2017), or verifying signatures ticularly useful in assigning source classes even of General Relativity (delay in accretion disk for non-variable objects. As Fig. 13 shows, ac- formation or quasi-periodic modulations at X- creting sources (blue SEDs) can be easily dis- rays; Stone et al. 2018). tinguished from blazars or GRB afterglows (red Observations of Swift J2058.4+0516, the pos- SEDs), or stellar objects. One example was IN- sible second relativistic TDE discovered, re- TEGRAL trigger 5994, which reported a dis- vealed faint optical emission despite small in- covery of a long-duration GRB (Mereghetti et trinsic extinction, suggesting that either the al. 2010), but was shown to be a variable object outflows are extremely narrowly collimated, or with a stellar SED; this allowed us to reject the that only a small fraction of tidal disruptions GRB classification (Updike et al. 2010). generate relativistic ejecta (Cenko et al. 2012). The unusual transient OGLE16aaa, recently 4.2. Tidal disruption events detected by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE-IV) survey (Wyrzykowski Tidal disruption events (TDEs) are obviously et al. 2016; Greiner et al. 2016), shows many another very intriguing type of transient which optical features similar to other TDEs. The were followed-up with GROND at various occa- spectral properties and photometric history of sions (e.g. Cappelluti et al. 2009; Komossa et al. the host galaxy suggest that OGLE16aaa be- 2009; Merloni et al. 2015). TDEs ensue when longs to a sub-class of TDEs which is associated a star gets close to a to weakly or only recently active SMBHs. This (SMBH) in the center of a galaxy, and is ripped class might provide a connection between TDEs apart by the tidal forces of the black hole. from quiescent SMBHs and flares observed as TDEs promise to help solving several astro- ‘changing-look quasars’, if the latter are inter- physical questions, among others about the ac- preted as TDEs. In this case, the previously ap- cretion formation and physics in early stages of plied selection criterion for identifying a flare as TDE evolution (Lodato et al. 2015), the forma- a TDE to have come from an inactive nucleus, tion and ejection of relativistic jets, the preva- would represent an observational bias, thus af- lence of (dormant) single or binary SMBHs in fecting TDE-rate estimates (Wyrzykowski et al. 2017). 4.3. Steady sources The characterization and typography of sources via the 7-channel SEDs can obviously be used also for steady sources, i.e. for the opti- cal/NIR identification of X-/γ-ray sources. Ap- plications of this possibility have not yet been published, but observations have been taken for unidentified ROSAT sources; a wider use is anticipated for new X-ray sources which the upcoming eROSITA survey will discover. Identifying individual galaxies as belonging to Figure 13. Source typing power of GROND via its the same by color selection is a simultaneous 7-channel imaging capability [From wide-spread method. Using GROND with its Rau(2012)]. seven simultaneous channels allows not only for 16 a substantially more secure selection (by using EGRET mission (3EG J1314-3431), was iden- the full SED instead of the usual two filters), tified as a 2.5 ms pulsar in Fermi-LAT data but also a photometric redshift estimate of in- once an optical counterpart had been found. dividual cluster members (see e.g. Pierini et al. With an orbital period of 94 min, it shows 2012 for a cluster at z=1.1). more than 3 mag amplitude variations. Spec- A more unusual application of this method troscopy revealed that the companion is a was the search for a suspected companion star bloated, Roche-lobe filling substellar object of a neutron star formed in a supernova which with a He-dominated photosphere, while no hy- created the remnant RCW 86. GROND ob- drogen is seen. GROND photometry showed a servations identified such a candidate with un- strong color variation with orbital period (Fig. common SED-shape which allowed to justify 14), and a reddening at the pulsar’s superior follow-up VLT spectroscopy. This in turn re- conjunction by g0-r0 0.6 mag. At maximum vealed that this neutron star companion was light, the colors in the∼ visible wavelength range strongly polluted with calcium and other ele- are comparable to those of a B8 star, while in ments. Combining all constraints suggests that the NIR there is a large excess. This suggests the progenitor of the supernova that produced a large emitting area at low temperature. One RCW 86 was a moving star which exploded near possible source is the evaporative wind, repro- the edge of its wind bubble and lost most of its cessing the pulsar power into the optical/NIR. initial mass because of common-envelope evolu- Also, short-term variability (flares) are very red, tion shortly before core collapse (Gvaramadze suggesting a variable wind off the companion. et al. 2017). The flat part of maximum light is a challenge to light curve fits: neither cold nor hot asym- 5. X/γ-RAY BINARIES metric spots helped to improve the fits, sug- gesting additional physics to be at play. As 5.1. Heating in a γ-ray pulsar these additional model components also affect Color variations over orbital phase in X-ray or the best-fit inclination, the neutron star mass γ-ray binaries are frequently observed. Simul- estimate remains rather poor: depending on the taneous multi-color observations such as with exact modelling of the near-infrared flux, we ob-

GROND are particularly rewarding for short or- tained 2.2-2.8 M (Romani et al. 2012). Later, bital periods. One interesting example is the more detailed phase-resolved spectroscopy and γ-ray black widow pulsar PSR J1311-3430 (Ro- more sophisticated light curve models also allow mani et al. 2012). Black widow pulsars are bi- a mass as low as 1.8 M (Romani et al. 2015). naries consisting of a millisecond pulsar and a Yet, the neutron star mass determined for this very low-mass star (brown dwarf), in which the black widow remains interestingly high. strong radiation from the neutron star ablates The Fermi satellite has proven to be efficient the companion, thus leading to outflows strong in finding black widows with short orbital pe- enough to eclipse the pulsar signal for a good riods, with another 100 candidates waiting for fraction of the orbit. Black widow systems allow careful analysis. In an exploratory search for an- an accurate neutron star mass determination, other dozen candidates, only one more clear ex- and consequently constraints on the equation ample could be identified via few-hour GROND of state of neutron stars (Lattimer & Prakash light curves (e.g. Salvetti et al. 2015, 2017). 2011). The bright γ-ray source 2FGL J1311.7-3429 5.2. The closest jet source? (3FGL J1311.8-3430), known since the early 17

tem (Mookerjea et al. 2010). This makes it the nearest known resolved X-ray jet from a bi- nary system which is not a symbiotic binary. The implied very low X-ray luminosity of only 7 1030 erg s−1 (assuming isotropic emission) is at× odds with the standard concept of jet ejec- tion in ’high-states’ of the accretion disk. Even if this system is a cataclysmic variable, the jet was launched in a state of quiescence. This im- plies that such jets are more ubiquitous than previously thought, because they are difficult to detect at much larger distances (Mookerjea et al. 2010).

6. BROWN DWARFS Figure 14. GROND g0r0i0z0 light curve (left) with the g0-i0 color change at the bottom, showing red- 6.1. Ross 458C: A benchmark T8-9 brown dening during the minimum, the pulsar superior dwarf conjunction. The upper right panel shows the large More than half of all stars (brown dwarfs in- NIR excess of the SED in comparison to a B8V cluded) have masses below 0.2 M . The for- star. The lower right shows the color variations mation mechanism of these stars is uncertain, with brightness, where green lines and red triangles mark epochs with ∆g0>0.2 mag over the quiescent with theory suggesting turbulent fragmentation, magnitude. From Romani et al.(2012). c AAS. ejection of protostellar embryos, disc fragmen- Reproduced with permission. tation or photo-erosion of prestellar cores (Sta- matellos 2017). Brown dwarfs are objects below During the search for the counterpart of a the hydrogen burning limit (mass range of 0.01– serendipitous Chandra X-ray source with an X- 075 M ). The oldest brown dwarfs could be as ray jet (CXO J172337.5-373442), a candidate old as the first generation of stars that formed in in the optical/NIR was identified with GROND the Universe. Brown dwarf studies have gained observations. Consistent values of visual extinc- momentum with the discovery of objects with tion (as determined from the GROND SED) decreasingly lower temperature and the grow- and hydrogen column density (as determined ing evidence that brown dwarfs and giant gas from the X-ray spectrum) as well as the spatial planets overlap in masses and global tempera- coincidence suggest that the optical source is as- ture (Chabrier et al. 2014). sociated with the X-ray source. The good match Benchmark brown dwarfs are systems with of an extrapolation of the GROND NIR fluxes well-known properties such as effective temper- to that of a nearby Spitzer source suggests an ature, parallax, age and metallicity. GROND association as well, with the full SED being con- follow-up of candidates from a search of the sistent with a G9 V star at a distance of 330 60 DR5+ release of the UKIRT Deep Infrared Sky pc. Since the observed X-ray luminosity cannot± Survey revealed an object which shared its large be explained in terms of emission from a single proper motion with an active M0.5 binary at G9 star, it is likely that CXO J172337.5-373442 102 arcsec distance, forming an hierarchical low- is an accreting compact object in a binary sys- mass star and brown dwarf system (Goldman et al. 2010). With a mass of only 14 Jupiter 18

Figure 15. Left and Middle: GROND light curves of the L7.5 (red) and T0.5 (blue) component, respec- tively. Error bars are plotted at the very beginning of each light curve, and a (normalized) example residual light curve is shown in grey small dots. Right: The atmospheric pressure dependence on phase shift based on the one-dimensional model of Allard et al.(2012) [From Biller et al.(2013)]. c AAS. Reproduced with permission. masses and a distance of 11.4 pc, this young this patchy global cloud structure visible in the (less than 1 Gyr) system is a promising target stellar surface map of the B component of the to constrain the evolutionary and atmospheric system (Crossfield et al. 2014). models of very low-mass brown dwarfs (Gold- man et al. 2010; Burningham et al. 2011). 6.3. New identification: J021003.48-042512.7 The spectral energy distributions of brown 6.2. Weather on the nearest brown dwarf dwarfs are similar to those of quasars at red- Luhman16AB or WISE J104915.57-531906.1AB shifts around 6, and thus are a frequent contam- is the closest (2.0 0.15 pc) brown dwarf pair inant of color-color search algorithms for high-z ± (100.5 or 3 AU separation) with an L7.5 primary QSOs. Since GRB afterglows were usually ob- and a T0.5 secondary (Luhman 2013) and thus served until they were not detectable anymore a prime target to search for dusty cloud struc- in a 1-2 hr exposure, stacking of the individual ture break-up (Biller et al. 2013, and refer- exposures give deep images around the GRBs ences therein). Two sets of 4-hr observations observed since 2007. During the search for high- each with GROND in April 2013, revealed anti- z QSOs in these deep GRB fields, one par- correlated variability between different filters ticularly interesting example was J021003.48- (Fig. 15), as well as a phase offset of the K 042512.7 ( 000.5) which has been found in a ± band light curve relative to H and z0 (Biller et stack of 160 min GROND exposure of GRB al. 2013). This offset is correlated with atmo- 131011A (Fig. 16). With AB magnitudes of spheric pressure, as it can be probed in each z0= 23.3 0.1, J = 20.9 0.1, H = 21.1 0.1, K filter band (right-most panel of Fig. 15), as = 21.2 ±0.3 mag, it is close± to T dwarfs± or z 7 estimated from one-dimensional atmospheric QSOs in± color-color space. We thus obtained∼ a models. Follow-up CRIRES/VLT observations short (10 min exposure) VLT/X-shooter spec- clearly show spectroscopic variability over the trum on 13 Feb. 2014 which clearly solved the rotation phase, and Doppler imaging makes ambiguity (Fig. 17): a NIR spectral type of 19

Figure 16. GROND 7-channel finding chart of the brown dwarf J021003.48-042512.7; North is at the top, and East to the left. The image sizes are 2300 3300. × T5 1 provides the best match for this brown basic geometric properties like orbital periods dwarf± using the templates of Burgasser et al. and masses, transit measurements are one of the

(2006). Using MH = 14.8 mag (Vega) from most important methods (Cameron 2016). Kirkpatrick et al.(2011), the distance of the transit observations benefit from brown dwarf J021003.48-042512.7 is 100 30 pc. simultaneous multi-filter imaging in several Being about 3 mag fainter than the WISE± limit, ways. Firstly, it safely distinguishes proper this is one of the most distant T dwarfs known. transits from potential blends between a star with a faint eclipsing-binary system. This was 7. EXOPLANETS nicely demonstrated by Snellen et al.(2009) for More than 20 years after the discovery of the OGLE2-TR-L9 where the mother star turned first planet outside our solar system, more than out to be an early F-star (Lendl et al. 2010). 2000 exoplanets with very diverse properties Secondly, it allows to recognize flares or spots have been discovered. With this large popu- on the mother star which otherwise affect the lation, the field has moved from discovery to interpretation of the light curve (e.g. Mancini et characterization. Obviously, the largest inter- al. 2013; Mohler-Fischer et al. 2013). Thirdly, it est lies in the study of the atmospheric con- provides evidence for grazing eclipses, since the ditions, including their temperatures, albedos, limb darkening predominantly affects the bluer compositions and cloud structures. But for the wavelengths (see Fig. 18; Mancini et al. 2014). Furthermore, GROND’s coverage of the NIR wavelengths enables the measurement of the vertical temperature profile via flux ratios to the mother star, since layers at different depth are simultaneously probed at different filter bands (Chen et al. 2014). Last but not least, differ- ences in the ingress and egress slopes can be used to infer basic chemical ingredients of the planetary atmosphere. Overall, exoplanet stud- ies are likely the science topic with the largest use of GROND observing time over the last decade.

Figure 17. X-shooter spectrum of J021003.5- 042512 with template spectra of selected T dwarfs 8. BLAZARS: PHOTOMETRIC REDSHIFTS overplotted. DOWN TO Z 1 ∼ 20

With the majority of GRBs occurring at sentially constant until z 6.5, demonstrating ∼ redshift <2, but the lowest-redshift GROND that the total number of individual filters does dropouts (g0 dropout) measurable only at not strongly affect the robustness of the photo-z around z 3, GROND alerts to the com- measurement, as long as the intrinsic continuum munity for∼ high-redshift GRBs was not par- is fairly well known (as in GRBs and BL Lacs). ticularly large, at the 20% rate. However, the sensitivity can be extended to lower redshifts 9. HIGH-REDSHIFT QUASARS by combining GROND observations with si- The search for high redshift ( > 6) has been multaneous observations at wavelengths bluer z an area of intense work over the∼ last decade, than GROND-g0. For instance, the combination given that early versions of their luminosity with Swift/UVOT (Fig. 19) allows photometric functions indicated rather high surface density. redshifts as low as z 1.2. In this particular The majority of searches were based on the case, even non-simultaneous∼ observations can dropout technique, and the challenge for color be used, as the UVOT-b filter closely matches selections is the high incident of low-redshift the GROND-g0 filter, which thus can be used contaminating sources (e.g. brown dwarfs, red- for the relative cross-calibration. shift two galaxies). Down-selecting candidate Examples for such application are GRB after- lists in preparation of follow-up spectroscopy glows (Krühler et al. 2011a) and BL Lac ob- then is the area where imaging with GROND jects (Rau et al. 2012; Kaur et al. 2017). In both cases, the intrinsic spectral energy distri- bution is a (sometimes broken) power law, and thus the Ly-α drop creates a clear signature, leading to typical photometric redshifts errors of ∆z/(1 + z) 10% for z > 1.5 (Fig. 20). The dust-redshift∼ degeneracy is broken with in- creasing redshift, as the Ly-limit moves to red- der wavelengths, producing a drop-out at blueer filters which is too sharp to be mistaken by dust absorption. The redshift accuracy remains es-

Figure 19. Swift/UVOT (uvw2, uvm2, uvw1, u, b, v) effective areas (left y-axis) and GROND 0 0 0 0 (g r i z JHKs) filter transmission curves (right y- axis), respectively. The GROND filter curves in- Orbital Phase clude all optical components including the tele- Figure 18. GROND g0r0i0z0-band light curves scope. Shown with black solid lines are template of one WASP-67b eclipse, showing its wavelength- afterglow spectra for redshifts z = 1, 2, 3, 4.5, 6 to dependence: the bluer the color, the shallower 8 (top left to bottom right). These spectra also dif- the transit, as expected for a grazing eclipse, as fer in their spectral index and rest-frame extinction limb darkening is stronger at bluer wavelengths. (both, amount and reddening law), 2175 A˚dust fea- [Adapted from Mancini et al.(2014)]. ture, and damped Ly-α absorption. [From Krühler et al.(2011a)]. 21

1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 ] II II V α IV N Si Ly + Si I + O O IV Si


Figure 20. Simulated photometric redshift ac- curacy (grey dots) vs. observed GRBs with Strong Lyα GROND+Swift/UVOT for which spectroscopic measurements are available (red dots). The green 8 dot shows the photo-z of the flat-spectrum radio quasar PKS 0537-286 derived in a similar manner (Arbitrary units) λ (z = 3.10; Bottacini et al.(2010)). The thick blue f Weak Lyα line shows the average photometric redshift after distributing the 4000 mock afterglows into redshift 4 bins of 100 afterglows each, and the blue-shaded area shows the 1σ statistical uncertainty. [From PS1 high z Krühler et al.(2011a)]. composite− is most efficient. Indeed, GROND has played 0 110 a major role in this task (Banados et al. 2014;

N 80 Venemans et al. 2015; Banados et al. 2016; Maz- 50 zucchelli et al. 2017). 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 After achieving a sample size of a few dozen Rest frame wavelength (A)˚ quasars at z > 6, several physically interesting − new aspects arose. One of those, with direct Figure 21. Top: Diversity of high-z QSO emission impact on multi-colour imaging, is the unex- spectra, showing those with the 10% strongest (red) pectedly large variance in the strength of the and weakest (blue) Ly-α equivalent width, com- Ly-α (+ N V) emission line (see Fig. 21): for pared to the low-redshift composite (gray) of Selsing et al.(2016) and the arithmetic median of all 117 the 10% of quasars with the smallest Ly-α + QSOs (black) of Banados et al.(2016). Bottom: N V equivalent width, the line is virtually ab- number of QSOs per wavelength bin contributing sent, and thus they resemble weak-emission line to the median of 117 QSO spectra. [From Banados objects (Banados et al. 2016). This is substan- et al.(2016)]. tially more than at lower redshift. But whether this is an evolutionary effect or an observational 7-channel imaging of GROND. GRB follow-up bias (by the filter setting or the increase in the observations used only about 15% of the 2.2m neutral hydrogen fraction, or both), remains to telescope time between 2008–2016, yet provided be investigated. noteworthy results for 112 refereed publications, and supported 12 PhD theses. The biggest im- 10. CONCLUSION pact of GROND observations of GRBs was un- The design of the GROND instrument was doubtly the initiation of systematic afterglow originally developed for GRB afterglow obser- follow-up in the near-infrared (JHKs), enabling vations. Nevertheless, many other science areas (i) the discovery of high-redshift GRBs as well have greatly benefited from the simultaneous 22 as (ii) studying the prevalence of dust along I particularly acknowledge U. Laux for the mas- GRB sightlines, i.e. quantifying the incidence tery of the optical design of GROND, and S. of ’dark’ bursts. Other scientific highlights in- Klose (both Thüringer Landessternwarte Taut- clude (iii) studies of Fermi-detected GRBs (in- enburg) for the long-standing fruitful collabo- cluding the redshift estimate of GRB 080916C), ration since the early time of the development (iv) measurements of the SEDs of non-canonical of GROND, as well as T. Krühler (formerly light curve variability such as flares or intensity MPE) for his unprecedented breadth of technical jumps, (v) the discovery and detailed study of and scientific insight, which substantially con- a large fraction of all GRB-SNe, most promi- tributed to shape the success of GROND. I’m nently the SN 2011kl related to the ultra-long grateful for the enthusiasm and help of all the GRB 111209A, (vi) tests of the simplest fire- GRB-GROND team members over the years: ball scenario based on the evolution of afterglow P.M.J. Afonso, J. Bolmer, C. Clemens, C. Del- SEDs, (vii) the investigation of the jet struc- vaux, J. Elliott, R. Filgas, J.F. Graham, D.A. ture and/or off-axis viewing geometry based on Kann, F. Knust, A. Küpcü Yoldaş, M. Nar- achromatic afterglow light curves, (viii) and the dini, A. Nicuesa Guelbenzu, F. Olivares E., N. characterization of about half of all optically- Primak, A. Rossi, P. Schady, S. Schmidl, T. detected short GRB afterglows. Beyond GRBs, Schweyer, G. Szokoly, I. Steiner, V. Sudilovsky, the black widow binaries and photometric red- M. Tanga, C.C. Thöne, K. Varela, P. Wise- shift estimates for blazars are the most notewor- man, and A. Yoldaş. I appreciate rewarding thy topics. discussions with D.H. Hartmann, M. Ajello, B. Over the years, the versatility of GROND has Stecklum, H. van Eerten, L. Mancini, B. Biller, made it the instrument with the largest share of and E. Banados, and the always instant sup- observing time among the three instruments at port by the ESO La Silla crew in all circum- the 2.2m ESO/MPG telescope. This has been stances. Paulo M.J. Afonso (now at the Amer- a rewarding experience for the team that de- ican River College, U.S.A.) identified the very signed and built the instrument. It also demon- red object described in sect. 6.3, leading to the strates that specialized instruments with unique VLT follow-up spectroscopy. Part of the funding capability at a small telescope can indeed make for GROND (both hardware as well as person- competitive contributions in the era of 8-10 m nel) was generously granted from the Leibniz- telescopes, and likely also in the upcoming era Prize (DFG grant HA 1850/28-1) to Prof. G. of even larger telescopes. Hasinger. Additional funding was provided by the Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg.

Facilities: Max Planck:2.2m, GROND in- strument.

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