Organizational ANNUAL REPORT April 2015 to Mar 2016

NAVAJEEVAN BALA BHAVAN SOCIETY #24-3-35, Ist Lane, Bavajipet, Andhra Ratna Road – 520 003; , Phone: +91-866-2439913; Fax: +91-866-2431221 Email: [email protected]; Website:


Street Presence – Field work: The main source of field contact of children at VJA Railway Station:

The experience is that when a child is rescued at the earliest, he or she will be less addicted to street life and can be integrated with family easily. The more a child stays on the street, the more he or she gets addicted to street life, making the home integration or any other rehabilitation measures more difficult. Hence, applying the principle ‘sooner the better’, utmost importance to be given for rescuing the child at the earliest, especially intensifying the coordinated rescue efforts at railway stations as more than 95% of the children travel by train after leaving home to reach different urban centers, hence, the need of intensifying the field presence in Vijayawada Railway Station is utmost important. About 218 children are rescued on an average per month by Navajeevan team that too, more than 95% from Vijayawada Railway Station.

STREET PRESENCE RESCUE DATA - APRIL 2015 to MARCH 2016 Old Boys Old Girls Month New Boys New Girls Total (repeated) (repeated) April 2015 146 12 11 0 169 May 104 13 14 0 131 June 112 30 18 0 160 July 112 17 12 1 142 August 110 17 12 0 139 September 89 9 6 0 104 October 111 21 12 3 147 November 119 13 7 1 140 December 114 20 5 0 139 January 2016 133 14 13 0 160 February 107 28 13 0 148 March 65 10 6 0 81 TOTAL :: 1322 204 129 5 1660

During the reporting year (April 2015 to March 2016), Navajeevan street presence team alone, as the table above indicates, rescued 1660 (New and Old) children from the street, mostly from Vijayawada railway station. Of these, 1526 (boys-1322 and girls-204) were new children – either fresh to street life or first time landing at Vijayawada Railway Station. 134 were old children/repeated children (129 boys and 5 girls).

The following table indicates the number of children rescued or weaned away by various member organizations of Forum for Child Rights/Childline-Vijayawada from the city Railway Station during the reporting year 2015- 2016. The children rescued by Navajeevan from Railway Station, Vijayawada are 1612, as per the data maintained by Childline booth, Vijayawada Railway Station.

STATUS OF CHILD RESCUE DATA OF ALL NGOs FROM VIJAYAWADA RAILWAY STATION (AS PER ORGANIZATION-WISE TABLE FOR APRIL 2015 to MARCH 2016 - MAINTAINED BY CHILDLINE RESCUE BOOTH AT VIJAYAWADA RAILWAY STATION) NJBB SKCV SATHI BETHEL MINISTRY CHILD LINE GRAND Sl No MONTH Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls TOTAL 1 April 2015 156 12 46 0 0 0 30 0 5 3 252 2 May 117 13 20 0 0 0 19 0 1 2 172 3 June 128 30 7 0 0 0 22 0 0 1 188 4 July 124 17 10 0 0 0 27 1 1 1 181 5 Aug 122 17 19 0 0 0 29 2 21 1 211 6 Sep 95 9 36 0 0 0 28 0 17 1 186 7 Oct 123 24 49 0 0 0 30 0 15 7 248 8 Nov 126 14 11 0 0 0 17 0 11 4 183 9 Dec 119 19 16 0 0 0 12 0 13 3 182 10 January 2016 137 14 15 0 0 0 7 0 5 0 178 11 Feb 120 8 7 0 28 1 17 0 15 4 200 12 March 58 10 2 0 34 0 5 0 9 1 119 1425 187 238 0 62 1 243 3 113 28 Total: 2300 1612 238 63 246 141 COUNSELLING STATISTICS OF CHILDREN DATA REGISTERED SINCE 1993at COUNSELLING DEPT, NAJVAEEVAN BALA BHAVAN Details of children Home Integrated & placed in Reorientation Camps & shifted to other Navajeevan Centers (2015-2016)

Number of street Number of street Status of children and Details of Children admitted to Navajeevan’s children on the rolls children enrolled activities done various centres during the year 2015-2016 as on Ist April of the during the present year previous years 2015-2016

The following figures Of these, 85% of children have been home Altogether 485 new and old children were New children: Biodatas provide the number of integrated. admitted to the Pre-Camps during the reporting of new children registered bio-datas registered year. at Counselling dept : 1750 (new children) each 485 Police Stations were contacted and (Boys 1465 and girls 285). Vimukthi (De-addiction Centre): year since 1993: supported in the process of home- 76 children admitted to Vimukthi – altogether 6 camps integration. 1993-1994: 1243 Old children: Biodatas of were held during 2015-16

1994-1995: 1318 old children registered at About 912 parents were motivated to come Chiguru(Children’s Village) : 1995-1996: 1276 Counselling dept : 185 to Navajeevan and received in-depth Altogether 95 children enrolled in Chiguru (55 boys 1996-1997: 1671 (Boys 177 and girls 8). counselling to improve their dealings with and 40 girls) during 2015-16 1997-1998: 1206 their wards. 1998-1999: 1106 Total enrolment at Moggas (Group Care Homes) :

1999-2000: 1069 Counselling Dept There are a total number of 7 Moggas (group care 114 CSN village meetings were held with 2000-2001: 1396 during 2015-2016: homes) in Navajeevan Bala Bhavan. PRIs, Police, and Community elders as part 2001-2002: 2058 New : 1750 of home-integration. 2002-2003: 1953 Old : 185 5 Moggas for boys and 2 Moggas for girls. The details

2003-2004: 2310 Total : 1935 of children enrolled in moggas are as follows : 2004-2005: 2353 During the year April 2015 to March 2016, Group Care Homes for Boys : 2005-2006: 3046 255 home enquires were undertaken as part 1. White Rose Mogga – 19 (boys) 2006-2007: 3405 of children follow-up, either home 2. Lilly Mogga – 21 (boys) 2007-2008: 2628 integrated or housed at Navajeevan’s 3. Malli Mogga – 20 (boys) 2008-2009: 3497 various centers. 4. Bantti Mogga – 21 (boys) 2009-2010: 2606 5. Sun Flower Mogga – 22 (boys) 2010-2011: 2439 2011-2012 : 2843 Group Care Homes for Girls : 2012-2013 : 2425 1. Ankitha, Gurunanak Nagar – 14 (girls) 2013-2014 : 2088 2. JMJ, Hanumn Jnuction – 11 (girls) 2014-2015 : 2628 2015-2016: 1935

Counselling & Home-integration:

Bio-Data Analysis of Rescued Street Based Children and registered at Counselling Dept:

Since the inception of Navajeevan from Apr 1993 to March 2016, at total number of 48,142 street based children rescued, out of these, 29,479 children had been hometegrated with their families as on 31.03.2016.

DATA OF CHILDREN RECEIVED AT COUNSELLING DEPT FROM VARIOUS SOURCES DURING THE PERIOD 2015-2016 Source of contact New Children Old Children Total % Boys Girls Boys Girls

 Street Presence, NJBB 1322 204 129 5 1660 85.80  Childline, VJA 5 0 2 0 7 0.36  CWC- 103 68 18 2 191 9.87  Other Depts of NJBB 1 0 2 1 4 0.21  Observation Home, VJA 5 0 0 0 5 0.26  Self 0 1 18 0 19 0.98  Child Safety Net (CSN) 1 2 0 0 3 0.16  Caring Community 8 2 2 0 12 0.62  Don Bosco, SEC 0 0 1 0 1 0.10  Fostercare 0 0 1 0 1 0.10  Other NGOs 12 5 2 0 19 0.98  Referred by Old Boys 3 2 1 0 6 0.31  Don Bosco, Warangal 5 1 1 0 7 0.36 Total : 1465 285 177 8 1935 100 Grand Total : 1750 185

During the reporting period from Apr 2015 to Mar 2016, a total of 1935 (New Children: 1750 and repeated children 185) children were weaned away/rescued and registered at Navajeevan Counselling Dept.

The children rescued from street or weaned away from street life are brought immediately to round the clock Open Shelter and provided with basic needs. They undergo in-depth counselling sessions while attending Orientation Camps organized in the shelter premises, before they are home- integrated or joined for any of the rehabilitation processes under formal education or skills training streams.


The yearly data points to the growing number of children leaving home to street. They all lack mainly a ‘significant adult’ in their lives to understands them and facilitate them to cope up with risky, difficult situations, especially at home.

The envisaged project measures are all the more important when one view from the perspective of the children of the socially-economically- politically excluded marginalized communities/families; also, the most vulnerable Children Affected By AIDS (CABA), children who are orphan and those from the broken families, etc.

The experience tells us that these days more emphasis is given to usual education – be it formal or training in any skill. The child is to be equipped with information skills to cope up with risky and competitive situations and how to live in a community/work in a team – without which the normal education may not help the child, settle in life. Hence, the urgency and importance of Life Skill & Sexual health Education, which these days Navajeevan emphasizes.

The children on street, children at work and children in institutional care reported the highest incidence of sexual assault. Around 60 per cent of the street children reported having undergone sexual abuse. Around 60 per cent of the street children reported having undergone sexual abuse. The experience of Navajeevan Counsellors is also not different. Sexual abuse of children by these anti-social gangs and bullies/senior children/peers are rampant. Many of these children, hence, are already infected by/prone to HIV/AIDS and other serious communicable diseases.

Life skills develop competencies and actual positive behaviours. Main Life Skills are: problem-solving; decision-making (including goal setting); critical thinking; creative thinking (including value clarification); communication skills; interpersonal skills (including assertiveness); self-awareness; empathy; coping with stress and coping with emotions.

During the reporting year, the organization has made a special emphasis to equip the children with Life Skills & Sexual Health Education (LSE & SE). The first step was to organize ToTs for the staff and an eight member Resource Team on LSE was established. These LSE team members along with already existing trained members in Sexual Health under Sexual Health Intervention Programme (SHIP) at APSA-Bangalore started are imparting regularly LSE & SE to more than 1250 children in different centers of Navajeevan. The Tool Kits provided by Family Health International on LSE & APSA-SHIP on Sexual, Health have been customized for the purpose. There is plan to extend the LSE-SE to city‟ schools, especially for children attending local government schools. These children apart, the team also started imparting LSE&SE to children from Navajeevan‟s target villages under „Child safety Net‟ project.

DURATION ON THE STREET - NEW CHILDREN New Children Duration on the street Boys Girls Total %  Below 1 week 1434 283 1717 98.1  1- 4 weeks 31 2 33 1.89


 More than a month 0 0 0 0 Total : 1465 285 1750 100

A total of children rescued during 2015-2016 is 1750 (1465 boys & 285 girls). The above table shows that the children rescued between 0 to 7 days – 1717 and between 1st and 4 weeks – 33 children of their street-life.

WHAT NEW CHILDREN EXPECT FROM NAVAJEEVAN New Children Expectation Boys Girls Total  Help to go home 1174 177 1351  Basic Needs 193 64 257  Need Shelter 10 8 18  Educational Support/ Vocational Training 88 36 124  Medical Support 0 0 0 Total : 1465 285 1750

After counseling, most of the children wished to go home. About 1351 out of 1750 integrated with family. NJBB provided educational support and vocational training courses to 124 chidlren who didn‟t wish to go home. Basic needs were provided to 257 children. 18 children wished to stay in shelter till their final integration.

DISTRICT-WISE CHILDREN DATA IN A.P. & TELANGANA Name Of the district Boys Girls Total % ANDHRA PRADESH STATE:  Anantapur 5 0 5 0.3  Chittoor 9 3 12 0.7  Kadapa 4 0 4 0.2  East Godavari 71 16 87 5.0  Guntur 147 20 167 9.5  Krishna 471 72 543 31.0  Kurnool 21 2 23 1.3  Nellore 18 2 20 1.1  Prakasam 65 5 70 4.0  Srikakulam 23 11 34 1.9  Visakhapatnam 55 25 80 4.6  Vizianagaram 35 19 54 3.1 6

 West Godavari 91 12 103 5.9 TELANGANA STATE:  Adilabad 8 0 8 0.5  Hyderabad 19 5 24 1.4  Karimnagar 8 1 9 0.5  Khammam 36 5 41 2.3  Mahabubnagar 5 0 5 0.3  Medak 1 0 1 0.1  Nalgonda 5 0 5 0.3  Nizamabad 5 0 5 0.3  Rangareddy 3 1 4 0.2  Warangal 23 2 25 1.5 OTHER STATES: 337 84 421 24.0 TOTAL: 1465 285 1750 100

Out of 1750 new children from the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, 543 childre were from Navajeevan‟s home-district of Krishna; followed by 167 children from Guntur and 103 children from West Godavari district.

STATE-WISE CHILDREN RESUED DATA – 2015-2016 Name of the State Boys Girls Total  Andhra Pradesh 1015 187 1202  Telangana 113 14 127  Other States 337 84 421 Total : 1465 285 1750

As per above table indication, 1202 children from Andhra Pradesh, 127 children from Telangana and 421 children from other states reached Vijayawada travelling by train.


Parental Status of New Children –2015-2016 Boys Girls Total

 Both parents 1055 164 1219  Orphan 58 11 69  Broken family 19 17 36  Only Father 124 34 158  Only Mother 205 59 264  Step parents 0 0 0  Deaf & Dumb 4 0 4  No Information 0 0 0 Total : 1465 285 1750

Of 1750 rescued children, 1055 children have both parents, whereas 69 children are orphan. Some of the children did not divulge the information.

Caste-wise Children Details for 2015-2016 Boys Girls Total

 Schedule Caste (SC) 278 53 331  Schedule Tribe (ST) 204 91 295  Backward Caste (BC) 529 74 603  Not known 285 44 329  Other Caste (OC) 169 23 192 Total : 1465 285 1750

Here, mostly the rescued children belong to Backward Caste (BC), the lion share of 603 occupied by them followed by SC-331 children and ST-295 children.

Religion-wise Data Boys Girls Total  Hindu 1098 227 1325  Christian 202 45 247  Muslim 152 13 165  Not Known 13 0 13 Total : 1465 285 1750

1325 belong to Hindus, 165 belong to Muslim Community and 247 belong to Christianity and 13 children did not divulge their religion.


Educational Status Boys Girls Total

 Illiterate 586 149 735  1st to 3rd class 61 23 84  4th to 6th class 250 24 274  7th to 9th class 367 41 408  10th to 12th class (Intermediate) 201 48 249 Total : 1465 285 1750

Out of 1750 children, it is found that 735 children are completely illiterate; Only 408 chidlren studied below 9th class. Age wise children data Boys Girls Total %

 Below 5 years 3 4 7 0.4  6-8 years 52 19 71 4.1  9 to 10 years 87 23 110 6.3  11 to 12 years 182 26 208 12.0  13-14 years 338 37 375 21.0  15 to 16 years 578 94 672 38  17 to 18 years 218 61 279 16  19 and above 7 21 28 1.6 Total : 1465 285 1750 100

It is observed that all categories of children below 18 yrs are coming from their homes with various personal and family reasons. It is also found from the above table, 7 chlildren are under the below age of 5 years. The highest number is found between teenage age 15-16 years, 672 childreen, followed by 13 to 14 years group – 375 children.

The ‘reason-for-leaving-home’ analysis points out that, 20% of children came away from home as they were verbally and physically abused/ neglected by parents, forced to go for work, scolded or beaten for getting less marks, stole money from home or when the alcoholic parents become unbearable. The whole stress should be on rescuing, home-integrating/rehabilitating the children fresh to the street at the earliest, along with the required attention on the old children making a living in and around Vijayawada railway station. The experience of Navajeevan is that a child home-integrated after in-depth counselling sessions, if possible also child‟s parents, and again, if possible to have a village gathering while home-integrating the child, the chances of relapse to street is considerably reduced. Considerable reduction of home-integrated children coming back to street life revealed through random surveys give evidence to the fact.


Reasons for Leaving Home Boys Girls Total % Came Alongwith The Friends 87 13 100 5.71 City Attraction Came for City/Temple/Rivers/Rly 16.30 239 46 285 station Educational Problems Not Interested In Studies/Hostel 14 0 14 0.80 Beaten by parents / relatives / others 249 39 288 16.50 Came for parenrts / relatives / others 43 0 43 2.46 Family Problems In search of his/her parents/relatives 21 0 21 1.20 Searching a job 269 44 313 17.90 Came along with Parents / 5.83 Missing childdren 53 49 102 Brother/Sister Economically Poor Family 29 0 29 1.66 Came for work 286 47 333 19.00 Poor Economic Street attraction 42 0 42 2.40 Condition Love Affair 48 18 66 3.77 Want to study/go home 29 29 58 3.31 Working Problem Coming from Work Place 56 0 56 3.20 Total : 1465 285 1750 100

The above classification clearly shows that 19% (333 children) of the total children contacted were came for work due to their poor economic condition. 288 chidreln came out from their houses due to beaten by parents/relatives. 285 children came to see city/temples and river. This shows that there is immense pressure on the children to be employed.

Placements of children - 2015-2016 New Children Old Children Total (%) Placements Boys Girls Boys Girls GCPC / Prerana 405 0 39 0 Orientation Velugu 503 0 70 0 1017 52.5 Camps Pre - Vimukthi / NAC 0 0 0 0 Home Placement 433 183 25 5 33.3 Night shelter Follow Up 6 0 12 0 Counselling (Alternative) 5 0 2 0 Referred to the Chiguru (Boys & Girls) 85 77 10 1 homes in 231 Mogga 5 0 0 0 Navajeevan Naveena 0 6 0 1 12.4 RVTC & VRB 5 0 4 0


Vimukthi camp 2 0 10 0 Eluru Home 1 0 0 0 Drop Out 7 0 2 0 Care & Share 2 0 0 0 Bethel Ministry 0 0 1 0

Annamma Trust home 2 1 2 0

Nellore CWC 0 1 0 0 1.8 Visakhapatnam Girls home 0 2 0 0 Tirupathi home 0 1 0 0 Referred to Hyderabad 0 2 0 0 41 Other NGOs Rides 0 2 0 0 Help Org 0 2 0 0 Uzwala home 0 1 0 0 Hanuman junction 0 3 0 1 Balasadhan 0 2 0 0 Sishubhavan 0 1 0 0 SKCV 2 0 0 Good Shephered Home 0 1 0 0 BC hostel 2 0 0 1465 285 177 8 Ground Total 1750 185 100

HOME INTEGRATION REPORT – April 2015 to March 2016 (Home Integration from different centres of NJBB – Children rejoined with their famililies) Sl. No Particulars of Home Integration Boys Girls Total 1 Number of children home integration by staff 90 48 138 2 Number of children home integration by Parents 988 163 1151 3 Number of children home integration by self after contacting parents 155 1 156 4 No of Children Home Enquires 91 45 136 1324 257 1581


1 No of Phone Contacts to parents/relatives of the child -- -- 1058 2 Call Back received from parents relatives of the child -- -- 61 3 No.of polic station contacts -- -- 57 4 Call Back received form Police -- -- 13

During the reporting period, a total of 1581 new children were home-integrated out of 1750, who were motivated to wean away from streets during the reporting period. The remaining children are motivated to attend formal education/skill training streams staying in one of the Navajeevan centers.


About 1058 phone calls were made to the parents/relatives/firneds of children and contacted about 57 police stations for the home enquiry and placement of children.


Name of the child: Nagamani (Name changed) : Age: 15 yrs Gender: Female

Navajeevan Street Presence Team identified and rescued a girl child along with a boy from Vijayawada Railway Station and brought both of them for to shelter for counseling.

Nagamani revealed to the Counselling Team that she is from Vijayawada but going to Anakapalli with this boy. After probing the case individually, it was revealed that the girl is indeed a native of Vijayawada living with her parents but the later she told an astonishing story saying that she studied till 7th class in a local government school, but her mother made her to quit school and sent her to work in Recording Dance Troupe to repay a their outstanding loan of Rs.40, 000/-. Nagamani used to work in that troupe and sending Rs.10,000/- once in three months to home to repay the loan. She says that still Rs.20, 000/- was due as loan, that is why Nagamani is going back to Dance Troupe to work.

With all this information, Navajeevan Counselling Team produced Nagamani before Child Welfare Committee (CWC). After verifying the case, the Committee ordered Nagamani to be placed under temporary safe custody at Prajwala Counselling Centre and further commissioned an enquiry through District Child Protection Unit (DCPU). Responding to the enquiry report from DCPU, the CWC ordered Police in Nunna Village to take immediate action on the parents of the girl and on the persons involved in Dance Troupe.

The very same day the Special Task Force Police arrested the accused and the girl’s parents and another team was sent to Anakapalli, where few more children were rescued from the clutches of Dance Troupe. Police investigation into the case is still going on and an enquiry is pending with the DCPU. The girl was referred to one of the Fit Institutions for counseling and to be with children of her age so that she could come out of the trauma she had gone through. With the cooperation and coordination of the NGOs and the allied departments, Navajeevan was able to rescue a minor girl from the clutches of Human Traffickers. The relevant newspaper clipping are produced below: Newspaper Clippings:


ROUND THE CLOCK SHELTER (Providing basic needs and motivation through group counseling)

The shelter is on round the clock where the children are free to come and avail the facilities. The activities at the shelter are mostly of preparing children for home-integration, and if that not possible, for further rehabilitation process, through Pre-Camps:

What a street child most lacking after emotional support from a significant adult, is a safe and secure family like environment to rest, keep his belongings and where the child need not be afraid of anybody. Apart from basic needs, the child is to be given individual attention through individual and group counselling sessions and orient him to set goals for future course of action – either home integration or to choose other rehabilitation measures available in Navajeevan‟s conveyor belt – formal education or skills training after re-orientation camps, including de-addiction programme.

It is this atmosphere that a child gets through the Group Counselling Picnic Camp – consists of three Pre-Camps in small groups – of which main ingredients are Daily Group Sharing Sessions (Hrudhaya Spandana – means Open Heart/Open Talk) was conducted for one hour in the evening before going to bed – helping children to share their experiences and enhance the self-awareness process; 2 times in a week, the children taken for picnics to the nearby places, within 5 kms radius from shelter – city parks and other gardens with play ground and shady trees – planned, implemented and reviewed by children themselves; common prayer, classes on value education, Yoga, basic literacy, and Life Skills cum Sexual Health Education.

On average of 30 to 40 street boy-children availed facilities at night shelter - contact points for counseling and motivating the children for home integration, re-orientation camps (Prerana for children between 9 and 11 years & Velugu for children between 12 and 15 years & Vimukti De-addiction programme for boys addicted to substance abuse.).

During the reporting year, 25 sessions involving about 40 street based boys at Night Shelter (Vennela) were organized on Sexual Health Intervention Programme, (SHIP) in collaboration with counseling team members trained at APSA, Bangalore. 2 staff got trained as Trainers to continue the project.

NIGHT SHELTER FOR OLDER BOYS: Regularly an open talk/counselling programme (Individual and group counseling session) is conducted for the older boys at Open House at Night Shelter. During the session, facilitated an Sexual Health Programmes and Arts Based Intervention at Open House for older boys by the trained resource persons. Bi-monthly Youth Meetings were conducted at Night Shelter with a minimum attendance of 20 boys. Weekly motivation classes are conducted on Sundays for them.

REORIENTATION CAMPS - PRERANA & VELUGU: After the Pre-Camps at the round the clock shelter, children who are not yet home-intergated, are admitted to Prerana or Velugu Reorientation camps. These month long camps consist of activities, such as, individual and group counselling sessions, yoga and common prayer, recreation and team works, short picnics, craft works, basic literacy clsses, etc., to help the child to re-orient, set a goal and prepares himself to go back home, and if that not possible, to join any of the other rehabilitation measures under formal education or vocational training streams.


ORIENTATION CAMP: At round the clock shelter, there are two oritnetaion camps i.e. Prerana and Velugu. Prerana is meant for children below 14 years & Velugu for children above 14 years. Those children who could not be home-integrated on an immediate basis after rescue, these orientation camps had been organized to prepare them either for home-integration or for joining formal and skills training streams if some cannot be home-integrated for various reasons or for motivating those who are addicted to various psycho-active substances like Erazex („solution‟/‟box‟ in local jargon), marijuana, gutka, alcohol, etc., to join de-addcition camp called Vimukthi (‘Liberation’), located on a sprawling 25 acres of mango orchard campus at Posanapalli village, Near Nuzivid 45 KMs away from Vijayawada.

During the year, the whole approach to these camps has been changed from that of one-month long camp with a sort of group-based care to one that stresses the need of individual child. The emphasis was shifted from completing the camp within four weeks to individual-child care plan as each child needs his own time to get oriented to set a goal in his life to move forward, overcoming the deprivation he suffered in the past; if not completely, but least he acquires the tools/life skills for the purpose. The time and need of a child varies. Moreover, the circumstances they got nurtured at family and on the street have also their say in fixing the time frame to overcome the difficulties and to prepare oneself for the mainstreaming. Also, the child is encouraged to come back immediately on his own in case he drops out of the camp and suffer a setback in his attempt for a positive change in life.

Shelter Data for the year of April 2015 to March 2016 No. of Children Home Within the Sent to GOs & Dropouts Sent to Camps Remaining

Name of (Boys) placements Organization NGOs


Camp ew

Old Old Old Old Old Old Old

New New New N New New New

Total Total Total Total Total Total Total


(children 405 90 495 310 59 369 47 9 56 0 2 2 10 7 17 6 2 8 32 11 43 between 6

to 14 years) VELUGU (children 503 147 650 396 73 469 61 16 77 1 13 14 10 6 16 1 2 3 50 21 71 between 15 to 18 years) Total: 908 237 1145 706 132 838 108 25 133 1 15 16 20 13 33 7 4 11 82 32 114

As the table above indicates, of the 1145 children (908 NEW children and 237 OLD children), 495 children admitted to Prerana Orientation Camp and 650 children admitted in Veluygu Camp.

During the reporting period, about 133 chidlren were dropped out from the camps. 864 were home-integrated; 133 dropped-out; 16 sent to Vimukthi (de- addiction) centre; 33 were admitted to various other Navajeevan centres; 11 chidlren to other NGOs for further rehabilitation process.


Children’s Meals details in shelter April 2015 to March 2016 No. of children took their meal at Shelter Month Breakfast Lunch Supper Total April 2015 629 742 722 2093 May 880 1618 928 3426 June 791 1003 864 2658 July 665 1057 760 2482 August 779 1054 861 2694 September 574 949 483 2006 October 492 1262 447 2201 November 475 922 612 2009 December 657 1532 802 2991 January 2016 719 1522 805 3046 February 885 1394 893 3172 March 808 3888 901 5597 Total: 8354 16943 9078 34375

As per above table, everyday on an average 30 to 40 children take their 3 times meal course at round the clock shelter. During the reporting period Apr 2015 to Mar 2016, 34,375 children took their meals at Round the Clock Shelter. Out of which, 9078 are girls.

Activities at Round the Clock Shelter:

All the camp inmates participated in in-depth sessions of individual and group counselling. The counsellor records the sessions in 3P Matrix (Problems, Plans, and Priorities) format as part effective follow-up on individual basis. The underlying principle is to take care of the children in small groups whereby individual child is given attention in depth – „child‟ is important not „children‟.

Along with information sharing sessions and value based education, Life skills education classes, including sexual health education, were organized on a regular basis for the camp inmates. Life skills combined with Sexual Health Education (LS-SH-E) refer to a group of soft skills that promotes mental wellbeing and that leads to a healthy and productive life. Life skills develop competencies and actual behaviors. Main Life Skills are: problem-solving; decision-making (including goal setting); critical thinking; creative thinking (including value clarification); communication skills; interpersonal skills (including assertiveness); self-awareness; empathy; coping with stress and coping with emotions. The whole process is based on the concept that child as an agent, not merely a helpless victim, has the capacity to identify, analyze and address the issues affecting life and to take and implement appropriate decisions to bring in positive change – accompanied by significant adult.


Life Skills Education through „rights based and child participatory approach‟ deals with the “whole child” - feelings, beliefs, development needs - and equips child with life skills required to make safe choices and lead healthy lifestyles. The whole process applies active learning methods including games, role plays, debates, brainstorming, drama, storytelling, group learning, case studies, poster making, etc. The training modules are developed in such a way to facilitate children to understand the issues and life skills needed thereof; relate issues to their own lives (self-awareness); practice skills in a safe and supportive environment; apply life skills in real-life situations; thinking about experiences gained; and strengthening life skills for further use.

Of late, Navajeevan has developed a special training manual for Life Skills Education incorporating tools from ArtS Based Therapy.

VIMUKTHI (De-addiction Centre, Nuzivid)

Vimukthi means – Liberation from addictions. Vikukthi is located at Polasanapalli, Nuzivid. 45 KMs away from Vijayawada. Experience of Navajeevan Street Presence team points to the latest development that most of the children, formerly addicted to Erazex sniffing solution (more than 40% as per the latest random study by the team), are now getting addicted to Petwin injection, made available by anti-social gangs and children under their hegemony, at Rs.20/-. This is now being spread not only among street children, but also, perhaps, more in number, among city‟s college and school children. (Management Council of Navajeevan in consultation with the Core team resolved to extend the Street Presence areas to nearby railway stations like Guntur, Tenali, Chirala and Baptala in the context of more children addicted to substance abuse and engaged in small anti-social activities have shifted residence to these areas). Every month new batch of de-addiction programme is conduced.

The children addicted to various psychotropic substances are identified by the street educators and they are motivated to join the month long de-addiction programme – starting with a pre-camp at round the clock shelter. After the pre-camp, a three-day LSE classes are organized as immediate preparation for the month long de-addiction camp at Vimukthi – located 45 kms away from the city (meant to help the child to be away from the availability and circumstances of substances).

This month long reorientation camp consists of activities, such as, detoxification process supervised by the medical personnel, including measures to address withdrawal syndromes, individual and group counselling sessions, yoga and common prayer, recreation and team works, physical exercises, short picnics, craft works, basic literacy clsses, etc., to help the child to re-orient and overcome the addiction, set a goal and prepares himself to go back home, and if that not possible, to join any of the other rehabilitation measures under formal education or vocational training streams. Even after the de-addiction camp at Vimukthi, the child is regularly followed up to help him not to relapse.


Month-wise Vimukthi Camp Data :: Apr 2015–Mar 2016 Month No. of children Parental Status of the children Placements of the Children received at during Apr 2015 to Mar 2016 Vimukthi during 2015-2016 Old / New Total Havin Having Having Broken Orphan Total Childre Home Sent to Drop- Remaining Total Remainin Child g only only both family childre children n Place Other out children at g -ren mothe father parents n (Old-24 and Joined - NGOs thru the end of Children r New-52) in RVTC ment CWC the month

Apr’15 24 3 2 5 12 1 7 27 3 1 0 5 18 May 18 4 0 0 2 0 2 4 0 1 3 2 16 Jun 16 6 2 0 3 0 1 6 0 0 0 4 18 Jul 18 6 1 1 3 0 1 6 0 1 3 1 19 Aug 19 4 0 0 2 0 2 4 5 1 0 1 16 Sep 16 10 2 0 5 0 3 10 2 1 5 1 17 Oct 17 3 0 0 1 0 2 3 0 1 2 1 16 Nov 16 6 2 1 3 0 0 6 0 1 1 0 20 Dec 20 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 19 Jan’16 19 3 1 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 1 0 19 Feb 19 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 1 0 2 0 19 Mar 19 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 21 Total 52 76 11 7 34 1 23 76 15 7 18 15 21 76

A total number of 76 youth joined the de-addiction programme at Vimukthi during 2015-2016 and they were motivated through counseling by expert teachers, counselors etc. Out of them, 45 youth completed the course and came out and living on their own with regular jobs. Our team found them that they lead a appy life in society and some of them went back to living with their families too.



A.15.7. Medicare: Navajeevan’s in-house infirmary with 20 beds: Navajeevan infirmary caters the need of sick children down with any disease or accident or injury and goes to any extent to treat the child. All the children with serious medical problems, beyond the capacity of infirmary, are taken to hospitals outside for Out-Patent consultation; if needed, they are admitted into the respective hospitals (with special emphasis on Government General Hospital).

Month-wise out-patient and in-patient children data for the year 2015 – 2016 Month Children referred to Children referred to Children in Total Private Hospitals Government Infirmary for Hospitals first aid Outpatient Inpatient Outpatient Inpatient Jan.2015 40 0 30 0 20 90 Feb 49 1 50 0 55 155 Mar 55 1 35 0 57 148 April 27 1 16 0 19 63 May 58 2 30 0 62 152 June 59 2 56 0 40 157 July 56 0 59 0 67 182 August 59 11 51 0 65 186 September 56 2 69 0 75 202 October 55 4 59 0 99 217 November 45 0 70 1 72 188 December 32 0 55 0 89 176 January 2016 37 2 44 0 46 129 February 32 0 42 0 52 126 March 33 1 30 0 31 95 Total :: 693 27 696 1 848 2266

Out of the total 2266 regsitered at Infirmary, 720 cases were admitted into Private Hospitals and 697 cases referred to Government hospitals. Out of which, 28 cases joined as Inpatients. 848 children were given first-aid at Navajeevan‟s infirmary.

As mentioned under “Special Cases’ below, unlike in the past, these days the district administration has agreed to include the serious medical cases of street children under the Arogyasree Scheme, bypassing the eligibility rule of having Aarogyasree card, which in turn to be obtained on the basis of white ration card meant for below poverty line category of families. Unfortunately, many of the street children, addicted to street life for long number of years, do not

18 have any contact with families, and hence, not enrolled in ration cards. During the reporting period, following special cases have been registered at Infirmary.

List of Special cases – 2015-2016 Sl. No. Date Name of the child Age Gen-der Child referred Disease Hospital details Cost of treatment by Name of the Hospital Name of the doctor Total cost (Rs) Concession Paid amount (Rs) received 1 01.04.2015 Sai Kumar P 24 M Shelter (past Eye infection Sandhya Eye Dr M N Raju 2700 800 1900 child) Hospital, VJA 2 16.04.2015 Anitha G 21 F Formal Edn Gynaec and Global Hospital, Dr Dharmesh 4514 0 4514 Spleen Hyd 3 22.07.2015 Samba T 7 M Chiguru Hand Fracture NGGH Dr Dasaraiah 3000 3000 0

4 10.08.2015 Mukesh 8 M Chiguru Hand Fracture NGGH Dr Dasaraiah 3000 3000 0

5 26.08.2015 Venkatesh M 14 M Mogga Hand Fracture NGGH Dr Dasaraiah 3000 3000 0

6 02.09.2015 Yesu Babu 8 M Chiguru Hand Fracture NGGH Dr Dasaraiah 3000 3000 0

7 11.09.2015 Rajith 9 M Chiguru Hand Fracture NGGH Dr Dasaraiah 3000 3000 0

8 30.09.2015 Gopi G 17 M Formal Edn Ear Surgery Maruthi Dr MR Gopal 53342 20000 33342 Hospital, Vja 9 16.10.2015 Sagar K 19 M Formal Edn Dental Doddapti Dental Dr Naresh 30000 0 30000 Clinic, Vja 10 16.10.2015 Sairam K 16 M Mogga

11 16.10.2015 Bhavani 12 F Chiguru

12 16.10.2015 Saida Rao J 17 M Formal Edn

13 16.10.2015 Hasina SK 14 F Formal Doddapti Dental Edn Dental Clinic, Vja Dr Naresh 62500 30000 32500 14 16.10.2015 Sravana Sandhya V 18 F Formal Edn

15 16.10.2015 Madhavai Ch 17 F Formal Edn 16 16.10.2015 Pavan P 24 M Formal Edn

17 16.10.2015 Nagaraju A 14 M Formal Edn Tonsils Surgery Maruthi Dr MR Gopal 31841 7000 24841 Hospital, Vja 18 16.10.2015 Gopi M 14 M Formal Edn ENT

19 16.11.2015 Ramesh M 32 M Past Pupil Leg Fracture NGGH Dr Dasaraiah 5000 5000 0


20 02.11.2015 Basha SK 11 M Mogga Hand Fracture NGGH Dr Dasaraiah 10000 10000 0

21 10.01.2016 Sagar K 19 M Formal Edn Eye Surgery Maruthi ENT Dr Maruthi 50000 14500 35500 Hospital, Vja Ramagopal 22 20.01.2016 Mahalskhmi K 18 F Chiguru Eye Surgery LV Eye Prasad Dr Niranjan 5000 3000 2000 follow up Eye Inst. Hyd 23 29.03.2016 Hemachandu D 13 M Mogga Urinary Sri Sai Nursing Dr Sambasiva 10000 6500 3500 Infection Home, Vja Rao Total :: 279897 111800 168097

As the Table above indicates during the reporting period, a total number of 15 Special Cases had been admitted to and got treated in various hospitals. Out of the total costs of Rs.2,79,897/-, Navajeevan spent Rs.1,68,097 from the resources available and got a concession or mobilised the remaining Rs.1,11,800/- ; from the concerned hospitals where children were treated, including Aarogyasree Scheme, etc.

Currently, apart from the main infirmary at Yuva Bhavan, two more small infirmaries are in function at Chiguru (children‟s village) and at 5 Moggas in Pezzonipet with a view to providing effective and prompt medical support for children.

List of children month-wise admitted into infirmary with various diseases for medical help- 2015-16 S.No. Name of disease No.of cases S.No. Name of disease No.of cases Registered dur registered dur 2015-2016 2015-2016 1 Viral Fever 286 26 Psychological 12 2 Skin infection 242 27 Convulsions 11 3 Cough & Cold 145 28 Anamic 10 4 Blood tests 148 29 Polio 14 5 Dental 139 30 Wounds 16 6 Abdominal pain 140 31 Janudice 9 7 Eye problem 102 32 Chicken pox 14 8 Hand fracture 91 33 Dog bite 7 9 Leg pain 70 34 Thyroid 8 10 Headache 102 35 Brain Fever 6 11 ENT 66 36 Hydrocele 5 12 Asthma 58 37 Neck gland 5 13 Heat boils 76 38 Fly Bite 6 14 Vomiting 75 39 Mumps 4 15 Ear infection 61 40 Ortho 4 16 Gynic issues 45 41 Burns 4 17 Typhoid 35 42 Plastic Surgery 3 18 Back pain 30 43 HIV/AIDS 2 19 TB+ 37 44 Human Bite 2 20

20 Gas problems 30 45 Nose Bleeding 2 21 Diarrohea 45 46 Carldiac 1 22 Weakness 33 47 Dengue 1 23 Malaria 16 48 Leg Wounds 14 24 Neurological 15 49 Urinary Infection 1 25 For stay 16 50 Head Injury 1 TOTAL :: 2266

 The table shows that during the reporting period 37 cases of TB admitted in infirmary. They have been referred to TB centre. The infirmary received 2 cases of HIV from Counselling and Vimukthi sections. All the cases referred to Aarogyalyam, Warangal Home, Vijayawada and under follow up.  The stated increasing admissions of VIRAL FEVER cases at infirmary is also a reflection of the increasing number of cases reported for various reasons from other parts of the State as well as country at large.  The organization has started to give prime attention to the mental health of the children. While only 9 cases had been referred to professional counsellors outside last year, the reporting year recorded 18 cases, including a few number of cases to psychiatrists.  2 HIV Cases registered at infirmary during the year and the children sent for better treatment to GGH, Vijaywada.  An increased number of dental problems too have been reported – during the year 139 dental cases reported and the major 12 cases have been referred to private dental hotpisals, Vijayawada and the remaining cases have been followed up with GGH, Vijayawada. .  Blood tests for 149 children have been done for the children in view of contagious viral fevers and the welfare measure of children.

MEDICAL CAMPS:  General Dental Medical Camp was conducted on 16.08.2015 for 120 chidlren by Vijaywada Railway Institute.  ENT medical camp was conducted on 01.11.2015 for 107 children by Vasavi Club of Vijaywada.

Individual Follow-Up of Children Accommodated at Homes/Hostels Under the Aegis of Navajeevan: Apart from providing the immediate counselling sessions for around 280 children monthly on an average, rescued and registered with counselling department at shelter, mostly by Navajeevan‟s Street/Field Presence teams from Vijayawada railway station, Autonagar Industrial Estate and other parts of the city, and by Child Safety Ne Project (CSN) team from village/slum communities in and around Vijayawada, and those referred to by Child Welfare Committee (CWC), the Counselling team members have to do individual follow-up of 178 children/youth (111 boys and 67 girls) accommodated in various homes/hostels under the aegis of Navajeevan and receive full support.


R.V.T.C. Residential Vocational Training Courses (RVTC) for the boys above 14 years at VTC Training Centre, Pezzonipet in the trades of electrician, carpentry and two wheeler mechanism - 2015-2016 Name of the Trade Batch Nos. Duration of the Places of the Total Parental status of the children No. of Migration Course No.of No.of Course Trade Candidates Both Semi orphan Orphan Broken Drop Compl children jobplacements Registered parents Only Only family out eted remaining mother. father. Electrician Course 16th 01.04.2015 to VTC Centre 01.09.2015 11 6 1 1 2 1 1 0 5 5 Job-3

17th 01.10.2015to VTC Centre 31.03.2016 13 4 2 0 3 4 0 0 6 7 Job-1

Carpentry Course 5th 01.04.2015 to VTC Centre 01.09.2015 10 3 4 1 1 1 1 0 4 5 Job-2

5th 01.10.2015 to VTC Centre 31.03.2016 12 4 3 1 3 1 0 1 5 6 Job-1

Two Wheeler Mechanism 12th 01.04.2015 to VTC Centre 01.09.2015 11 2 1 2 4 2 1 0 7 3 Job-2

13th 01.10.2015to VTC Centre 31.03.2016 14 3 4 2 3 2 2 1 5 6 Job-2

Total :: 71 22 15 7 16 11 5 2 32 32



BALA VIKASA KENDRAM (BVK): Navajeevan has undertaken this project for working children at Autonagar, Vijayawada as an extension of its activities for street children. Following its objective of gradual eradication of child labour in the target area along with its emphasis on creating awareness among the masses about the evils of child labour and the need of educating their children, Navajeevan's team has learned a lot in strategizing to achieve the objective. Accordingly, it has evolved various activities in the project.

OBJECTIVES :  To prevent further employment of new children at Autonagar. To ensure just wage, number of working hours, safety and hygienic working conditions and to eradicate the child labour gradually from the target area - Autonagar.  To empower the working children with skill training and Basic quality education

Coming down to the Vision:  The first objective is to prevent children entering in to the hazardous work, bring them in to streamline by enrolling them into the schools for their sustainable development and to develop the capacities to make the children self sustainable  The second objective is to empower the presently working child, means to empower with not only the skill training and basic education, but also with an all round development, envisaged with leadership qualities, self-esteem, and a valid certificate to vouch their skills formally.

History of Bala Vikasa Kendram(BVK): Navajeevan undertook this project at Auto nagar for working children as an extension of its activities for the street children. It was with a clear vision of gradual child labour eradication in the in the target area along with its emphasis on creating awareness among the masses about the evils of child labour and the need of educating their children. A clear visible abuse of child rights is child labour. Andhra Pradesh has the undubious distinction of having the highest number of child labour in the whole of India with 3.5 million, according to 1991 „national Sample Survey‟.

Activities:  BVK team daily visits the Children, Parents of the working children, Employers and Union Leaders to strengthen the rapport and communicate the children problem and create awareness on Child Rights.  BVK has been organizing 3 literacy classes in the form of day school in BVK main center in four batches for slum children, working children, Rag picking children ,school going children and 2 Night schools in two satellite villages for the all round personality development of the working children.  To create awareness on child issues BVK organized street play as a mass communication method to the pictorial knowledge of the villages.  To develop advocacy with the Parents of Working Children, Employers, Gos and NGOs BVK organized workshops.  To develop leadership qualities and initiate the concept of Balasanghas to protect their Rights BVK organized residential workshops for the working children



Rescued children data Home-integrated data Below 14 yrs Below 14 yrs Total Girls 56 28 Total Boys 292 185 Grand Total : 348 213

MONTH-WISE DATA Apr-2015–Mar 2016 Month No. of Rescued children Placements of Rescued Children Parental Status below 14 years during during the year Apr-Mar 2016 Apr-Mar 2016 Children Joined Home Sent to Other Grand Having Having Broken Orphan Having Grand in Local schools Placement NGOs through Total Only Only Family Both Total CWC Mother Father Parents Boys Girls Ttl B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G Apr-15 29 1 30 9 1 20 0 0 0 30 2 - 1 - - - - 26 1 30 May 31 4 35 0 0 31 4 0 0 35 1 - 1 - 1 - - - 28 4 35 Jun 16 2 18 1 1 14 1 1 18 1 - 1 - 1 - -- - 13 2 18 Jul 40 7 47 7 3 21 3 12 1 47 3 1 - - - - 1 37 5 47 Aug 19 6 25 10 3 8 3 1 0 25 2 1 - - 3 - 1 - 13 5 25 Sep 23 5 28 12 5 10 1 0 28 2 1 1 - - - - - 20 4 28 Oct 31 3 34 6 1 25 2 - 0 34 2 1 - - 1 - - - 28 2 34 Nov 16 5 21 5 0 10 5 1 0 21 - - 2 1 4 - - - 10 4 21 Dec 17 2 19 7 2 10 - - 0 19 4 - - - 3 - - - 10 2 19 Jan-16 28 9 37 13 4 14 5 1 0 37 - 3 1 - 5 - - - 22 6 37 Feb 23 8 31 9 4 12 4 2 0 31 - - - - 2 1 - - 21 7 31 Mar 19 4 23 5 2 10 2 4 0 23 - - - 2 1 - - 17 3 23 Total 292 56 348 84 26 185 28 23 2 348 17 7 7 1 22 2 1 1 245 45 348


BVK FIELD AT A GLANCE Number of Boys Girls Total meetings 1. The number of candidates rescued during the period 0 245 45 348 2. The number of cases referred to CWC 0 23 2 25 3. The number of candidates home-integrated 0 185 28 213 4. The number of candidates mainstreamed into schools during the period 0 0 0 0 5. The number of candidates referred to Open School among rescued children 0 0 0 0 6. The number of youth clubs formed during the reporting period 0 0 0 0 7. The number of working youth enrolled in youth clubs 0 0 0 0 8. The number of youth meetings conducted during the reporting period 4 75 75 9. The number of picnics conducted for youth clubs 0 0 0 0 10. The number of meetings conducted for employers/industrialists 2 45 45 11. The number of convergences/meetings/seminar/workshops conducted with GOs/ 2 NGOs during the period 12. Signature campaigns 4 13. Rickshaw campaigns against Child Labour 25 14. Any other ……..

 During the reporting period, 348 child labour (boys-292 and girls-56) were rescued at industrial estate and major workshops in Vijayawada.  Out of rescued 348 children, 213 children were home-integrated and living with their families happily. The remaining children were sent to different NGOs/Units for counseling / education.  Presently, NCLP also partially support the running of a bridge school at Kankipadu village for children of tribal communities of Chenchus and Yanadis.  The Youth Parliament members are being trained to advocate the rights of children above 15 years working in Autonagar Industrial Estate and other areas of the city. They also support the rescue activities of child workers below 14 years.  During the reporting year, a total of 17 domestic child workers (DCW) were rescued and produced before CWC.  There are at the moment 29 pressure groups covering 58 divisions within Vijayawada city. These groups are constituted of adult domestic workers, of the Corporation‟s sanitary workers, members of DWCRA (Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas), Anganwadi teachers, community elders and youth. They help the project team in identifying the CDWs, apart from organizing other project measures – such as leaflet-poster-rickshaw campaigns, street theaters and daily field presence and workshops for apartment secretaries, adult domestic workers, etc.


Open School As a special education programme, „Open School” in a distance mode for appearing 10th class was launched at Bala Vikas Kendram (BVK), Auto Nagar, Vijayawada in the year 2008-2009(First Batch), in view of providing formal education to the rescued street children and child labour, school drop outs etc.

The main objective of Open School is to enable school drop outs and rescued chidren above 14 years to be eligible for higher seconday education (10th class).

The whole idea behind the Open School is to provide basic knowledge of minimum education through distance mode for those children who could not cope up, for the time being, for various reasons with the atmosphere of other rehabilitation centres within Navajeevan. These children, with special tuition are facilitated with special individual follow-up and counselling sessions.

Batch-wise open school data since its inception Apr 2008 to March 2016 is provided hereunder.

Batch Year Total Children Enrolled No. of Chldren No. of children Passed Pass No for Open school - X class Appeared for the the annual exam % at Navajeevan annual exam Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total I 2008-2009 16 8 24 16 8 24 14 7 21 87.5% II 2009-2010 26 20 46 25 20 45 22 18 40 86.9% III 2010-2011 39 12 51 38 11 49 36 10 46 90.1% IV 2011-2012 46 12 58 46 12 58 45 12 57 98.2% V 2012-2013 44 22 66 44 22 66 40 22 62 93.9% VI 2013-2014 52 38 90 52 38 90 38 33 71 63.9% VII 2014-2015 40 60 100 39 59 98 38 59 97 99.0% VIII 2015-2016 55 45 100 51 44 95 0 1 1 0.95% Total :: 318 217 535 311 214 525 233 162 395

Since inception of the open scholl at BVK Centre, Auto Nagar, 395 (Boys-233 and Girls 162) candidates successfully completed the Open X Class, out of 524 appeared their annual exams. Some of the successful candidates have been pursuing higher studies also.


LAST PROGRAME (Livelihood Advancement Skills Training) Vocational Training Courses for adolescemnt girls at Bala Vikasa Kendram (BVK), Auto Nagar, Vijayawada Non-residential Courses at Balavikasa Kendram (BVK), Auto Nagar , especially deisgned for the adolescent girls above 15 years from poor/marginalized communities from slum communities and target villages of Krishna district – 2015-2016 Name of the Trade Batch Nos. Duration of the Places of the Total Parental status No. of Migration/ Course No. of No. of job Course Trade Candidates. Both Semi orphan Orphan Broken Dropou Homp comple Children. Placements. Registered parents Only Only family t placemnet ted Remainin mother father g . . 16th 01.03.2015 BVK 28 Own work - I Tailoring 30 23 7 0 0 0 2 0 0 to31.08.2015 28 17th 01.10.2015 to BVK 0 Batch is 33 27 5 1 0 0 0 0 33 31.03.2016 running 1st 16.06.2015 to P.Pulipaka 42 Own work- 45 37 5 3 0 0 0 3 0 10.12.2015 42 1st 13.08.2015 to Y.Kuru 19 Own work - 19 16 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 13.01.2016 19 29th 02.03.2015 to BVK 15 Outside Job- II Beauty Culture 16 10 4 2 0 0 0 1 0 02.09.2015 12 30th 01.10.2015 to BVK 1 Job-1 31.03.205 19 12 6 1 0 0 0 3 15 Batch is running-15 1st 23.04.2015 to Giripuram 15 Outside Job- 17 12 4 1 9 9 2 0 0 23.10.2015 9 2nd 03.09.2015 to Giripuram 0 Running 22 21 1 0 0 0 0 0 17 03.03.2016 batch-17 12th 01.02.2015 to BVK 14 III Computer Applications 15 12 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 Job-6 (DCA) 30.04.2015 13th 01.05.2015 to BVK 16 19 16 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 Job-2 31.05.2015 14th 01.06.2015 to BVK 13 13 10 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Job-6 31.08.2015 15th 01.10.2015 to BVK 15 15 8 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 Job-6 31.12.2015 16th 05.02.2016 to BVK 0 Batch is 15 10 3 2 0 0 1 0 14 30.04.2016 running IV Fabric Painting 1st 17.08.2015 to BVK 38 Going for 17.09.2015 38 28 5 4 1 0 0 0 0 upgration classes-38 Total :: 316 242 50 21 12 9 9 7 216 79


Formal Education (School going children/College going children)

Formal Education & Skills Trainings: At any point of time, the top priority is always to home-integrate the children. After the reorientation camps, the children who are not able to go back home for various reasons – orphans, broken families, serious cases of abuse/neglect by parents and family members, etc. – are admitted to Bridge Course (if needed for preparing onself for schooling (staying in Chiguru - Children‟s Village or Moggas – Group Care Foster Homes or Vidya Bhavan) or vocational trainings (staying in Yuva Bhavan).

After the completion of education or skills trainings, some of the children are integrated with their families and others will be facilitated to find gainful employment in the trade they are skilled. Also, they are regularly followed up until they settle themselves in lives.

CONSOLIDATED DATA OF DIFFERENTLY ABLED CHILDREN (Mentally Retarted) - Apr 2015 to Mar 2016 Name of the Boys Data Girls Data Current Status of Boys Current Status of Girls

Unit Total Below Above Total Below Above 14 14 years 14 years 14 years years Training in Primary Secondar Vocationa Training Primary Secondary Vocationa and Girls) and Girls) Personal Education y l Training in Education Education l Training Skills Education Personal Total Children (Boys (Boys Total Children Skills Children accommodated at Manasika Kendram, Kanchikacherla – 5 5 0 1 1 0 6 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 (with monthly payment from Navajeevan)


Boys Data Girls data Status of Boys Status of Girls


Boys Old

Name of the Unit / irls & Boys 6

Course Girls as on girls

s on Mar on Mar s

2015 201

Home Home Home Girls as on on as Girls

old & / places Dropout

June Dropout


Mar 2016 Mar

June 2015 June

integration integration

Below 14y Below G Total c New

Remaining Remaining

Above 14y Above Boys Total

Below14 Y Below14

Above 14Y Above


shifted other shifted other shifted

New children New Mainstramed/ Mainstramed/

2015 Mainstramed/


enrolled in Jun Jun in enrolled

places / Higher Higher / places


Job Job placements Job placements

entered on on june entered

10th completed 10th completed 10th Remaining girls girls Remaining School-going (1st standard to 10th standard) Govt hostel boys 12 18 30 0 0 0 30 30 2 0 2 9 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Govt hostel girls 0 0 0 12 18 30 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 13 0 4 11 1 0 27 V. Gudem 0 0 0 17 0 17 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 1 0 0 0 16 Balasadhan 0 0 0 28 10 38 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 21 0 1 0 0 0 58 H.Junction 0 0 0 64 8 72 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 9 0 3 5 2 0 71 Ankitha 0 0 0 15 0 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 3 0 1 0 1 0 16 Total :: 12 18 30 136 36 172 202 30 2 0 2 9 0 0 21 172 46 0 10 16 4 0 188 College-going (10+2, Graduation, Post-graduation etc.) Intermediate (10+2) 0 23 23 0 21 21 44 23 8 0 7 0 1 0 23 21 5 0 3 2 2 2 17 MPHW (Inter) 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 5 0 2 0 6 0 7 GNM 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 15 Graduation 0 5 5 0 2 2 7 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 11 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 Post Graduation 0 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B.SC Nursing 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 3 6 B. SC. MLT 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 B. Pharmacy 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 B.H.M.S 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Tech 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 IIIT, Nuzvid 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Total :: 0 36 36 0 46 46 82 36 19 0 8 0 1 0 46 46 30 0 5 2 8 5 56 Technical courses ITI 0 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Polytechnic 0 2 2 0 3 3 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Total :: 0 5 5 0 3 3 8 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Grand Total ( School going , College going and Technical) Grand Total 12 59 71 136 85 221 292 71 21 0 10 9 1 0 72 221 76 0 15 18 12 6 246

BRIDGE COURSES Day Bridge Centres & Residential Bridge Centres data for 2015-2016 asm on 31.03.2016

NON-RESIDENTIAL COURSES 1) DBC-cum-PLAY SCHOOL, SINGH NAGAR, VIJAYWADA CONSOLIDATED DATA – Apr 2015–Mar 2016 Period Children enrolled data Parental Status Present Status of Children Children New Children Total number Having Semi orphan Orphan Broken Unknown No. of Drop Children Children Remaining children Remaining admitted of children Both Having Having Family children Out Shifted Main- at the end of (old children) as during the year (OLD and Parents Only Only whose Children to Other streamed month / year on June 2015 June 2015 to NEW) during Father Mother families Organi- into migrated zations regular Mar 2016 the 2015-2016 to other thru schooling locations CWC B G T B G T B G T B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G T Apr 2015– 18 23 16 19 34 42 30 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 19 28 Mar 2016 41 35 76 47

2) DAY BRIDGE CENTRE, PAMARRU CONSOLIDATED DATA – Apr 2015–Mar 2016 Period Children enrolled data Parental Status Present Status of Children Children New Children Total number Having Semi orphan Orphan Broken Unknown No. of Drop Children Children Remaining children Remaining admitted of children Both Having Having Family children Out Shifted Main- at the end of (old children) as during the year (OLD and Parents Only Only whose Children to Other streamed month / year on June 2015 June 2015 to NEW) during Father Mother families Organi- into migrated zations regular Mar 2016 the 2015-2016 to other thru schooling locations CWC B G T B G T B G T B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G T Apr 2015– 19 28 11 16 30 44 32 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 12 25 21 Mar 2016 47 27 74 46



Old New Total Parental Status of children Dropout Home Mainstreamed Refer to Remaining Children as Children Both Semi Orphan Orphan Unknown Broken Placement into regular other Children as on enrolled Parents Only Only family schools institutions on 31.03.2015 during Mother Father 31.03.2016 Apr 2015 to Mar 2016

TOT:: 67 96 163 67 37 16 7 0 36 9 54 27 2 71


Old New Total Parental Status of children Dropout Home Mainstreamed Refer to Remaining Children as Children Placement into regular other Children as Both Semi Orphan Orphan Unknown Broken on enrolled schools institutions on Parents family 31.03.2015 during Only Only 31.03.2016 Apr 2015 Mother Father to Mar 2016

TOT:: 47 48 95 42 13 10 15 0 15 0 27 14 7 47

CHILD SAFETY NET (CSN) (To protect the rights of the child at village/community level through Children Parliaments/Adult Activists Groups and Child Protection Committees)

Total Area Coverage of C.S.N. Project as of 31.03.2016 (I) (II) (III) 10 Villages selected in 40 Urban slum areas selected in 85 villages in 17 Mandals selected in PENAMALURU MANDAL CSN-URBAN – Vijayawada City CSN-DRT (Krishna district) (Pilot Project of CSN)  Kanuru  K.L.Rao Nagar  Pappula Mill  5 villages in Pamarru Mandal  Poranki  Gangiredulla Dibba  Kandrika  5 villages in Pamidimukkala Mandal  Penamaluru  Arulnagar  Giripuram  5 villages in Kankipadu Mandal  Tadigadapa  Christurajpuram  Vambay Colony  5 villages in Machilipatnam Mandal  Edupugallu  Rellis Colony  Madhura Nagar  5 villages in Nagayalanka Mandal  Gosala  Darsipet  B. Gupta Nagar  5 villages in Koduru Mandal  Ganguru  Ryvus Canal  Payakapuram  5 villages in Gudivada Mandal  Vanukuru  Ranigari Thota  Ranadev Nagar  5 villages in Kaikaluru Mandal  Pedapulipaka  Tarakarama Nagar  Padamvathi Ghat  5 villages in Kruthivennu Mandal  Yenamalakuduru  Balaji Nagar  R.L. Nagar  5 villages in Mylavaram Mandal  Ambedkar Nagar (Patamata)  Durgapuram  5 villages in A.Konduru Mandal  Vaddera Colony  Kalanagar  5 villages in Mandal  Rajeev Nagar  New R.R.Pet Apts  5 villages in Nuzivid Mandal  New R.R.Pet  Old RR.Pet Cheruvu  5 villages in Nandigama Mandal  Old R.R.Pet  Santhi Nagar  5 villages in Nandivada Mandal  Subbaraju Nagar  Yerrukula Colony  5 villages in Mandal  Vijayadurga Nagar  R.L.Nagar Katta  5 villages in Chatrai Mandal  Ambedkar Colony (Govt.Press)  Bhaskara Rao Pet  Varalakshmi Nagar  Banu Nagar-I  Greenland Colony  Banu Nagar-II

Child Safety Net (CSN) at a Quick Glance Strength of CSN ‘ETCs/ CPs/AAGs/CPCs’ – AS ON 31.03.2016 Children in Evening Tuition Children Parliament (CP) Adult Activists Group (AAG) Children Protection Committee Grand Centres (ETCs) – Members – Members – (CPCs) Members – 135 CPCs Total CSN Area 155 ETCs 155 CPs 135 AAGs (No of persons.) Boys Girls Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

 CSN-Rural 10 villages in 432 429 861 252 258 510 23 98 121 10 40 50 1542 Penamaluru Mandal

 CSN-Urban 40 slum communities in 517 630 1147 303 359 662 13 206 219 9 101 110 2138 VJA city  CSN-DRT 85 villages in 17 mandals of Krishna 1230 1357 2587 916 943 772 6105 district 1859 370 577 947 294 478

Grand Total :: 2179 2416 4595 1471 1560 3031 406 881 1287 313 619 932 9785


Area Cash (In Rs.) Kind/Value (In Rs.) Total ( in Rs.)

 CSN-Penamaluru Mandal 10 villages in Penamaluru Mandal 37500 5400 42900

 CSN-Urban 40 slum communities in VJA city 29000 11115 40115

 CSN-DRT 85 villages in 17 mandals of Krishna district 11000 2500 13500

Grand Total : 77500 19015 96515

Cases of Rescue & Advocacy by CSN – Penamaluru & Vijayawada Urban (CPs & AAGs) – Apr2015-Mar 2016 *This data does not include all the details of the benefits facilitated for the marginalized families by AAGs and village facilitators under various government schemes. Sl. Nature of the Case Referred to No. of Children Placements/Follow up No. Boy/Male Girl/female Total Boy Girl Remarks, if any 1 Rescue of Child Child Welfare 36 21 57 Navajeevan Chiguru: 12 Navajeevan Chiguru: 12 Workers/Out of Committee (CWC) Local Schools: 5 Local Schools: 3 School Children Govt. Hostels: 4 Vasavya: 1

Home Integration: 10 Govt. Hostels: 3 ----- Others NGOs - 5 Govt. Children Home: 1 Govt. College: 1

2 Prevention of In collaboration with 0 4 4 1) At Yenamalakuduru – 15 years girl – completed 9th class. child marriage – 2 Hitahishi – Navajeevan. 2) At Poranki – 16 years girl Kanuru – studying 10th class cases Referred to Child 3) At Kanuru – the girl aged 14 years studying 9th class Welfare Committee 4) At Ganguru – the girl aged 15 years studying 10th class (CWC) & Women and Child Welfare Dept The 4 cases were identified by the members of the CPs , and they in turn referred to AAGs, and later took up the AAGs, and the performance of the marriage was prevented in collaboration with the respective CDPO of the Women and Child Welfare Dept. and CWC, with support from the local police. 3 Cases of Domestic 0 34 34  Members of Children‟s Parliaments and Adult Activists Groups, continue their support in identifying cases of In collaboration with Violence domestic violence of the respective village. The identified cases were handed over to Navajeevan Hithaishi Desk – Hitahishi – Navajeevan. Cases of child 0 9 9 advocating the rights of women and girl victims of sexual and other forms of violence, and being followed up in Referred to Child trafficking collaboration with Women & Child Welfare Dept. and local police. In the 34 cases of domestic violence, 5 Welfare Committee Pregnancy – 0 0 0 trafficking cases had to be referred to Women and Child Welfare Dept./NCLP. 11 cases are solved through (CWC) & Women and minor girl counselling the couple and the other family members. Child Welfare Dept;  Trafficking cases are handed over to NCLP department for further follow up. Surrender of also, too the support of 0 2 2 orphan children to the local police  The orphan child was surrendered to CWC through CDPO of Women and Child Welfare Dept when their CWC – grandmother was not able to look after them 4 Children Affected Neethodu - Navajeevan 11 12 23 All 23 cases handed over to Neethodu Desk – providing care and support, referral service, and advocating their rights. By AIDS (CABA) identified by CPs & AAGs

Education support AAGs and CPs - in 114 100 214 The eligible candidates from among CABA were selected in consultation with the CPs and AAGs. Navajeevan mobilized to CABA collaboration with resources. Neethodu - Navajeevan Out of the total 214 children, 190 children are affected ones (102 boys and 88 girls) & 24 (12 boys and 12 girls) are infected by HIV/AIDS. By providing technical and financial support to the closely related couple or relatives of children whose both parents died or the surviving infected parent is not in a position to render parental care CABA, kinship foster care is being encouraged. The AAGS and village facilitator play a very important role in the process. Nutrition support AAGs and CPs - in 10 70 80 The eligible candidates from among CABA families were selected in consultation with the CPs and AAGs. Navajeevan for CABA families collaboration with mobilized resources. Neethodu - Navajeevan

5 Facilitation of In collaboration with 71 65 136 The Orphan Certificates are issued by Mandal Revenue Officer (MRO) after verification by CDPO of the Women and Orphan Neethodu project team Child Welfare Dep. as per G.O.Ms.No.47 Dated: 31-08-2010/Read as follows:- G.O.Ms.No.34, WD, CW & DW (DW) Certificates by the for care and support for Dept., Dated 27.09-2008. As per the stated GO, the Orphan Certificate, make the concerned children eligible to access the members of Adult CABA benefit of scholarships and reimbursement of fees etc., on par with SC students to orphans whose caste status is not known, Activists Groups duly treating them as casteless. In fact, making use of the stated certificate, some of the children under Navajeevan‟s and Village facilitation received concessions in school fee, admission in colleges, education scholarships, etc. Facilitators Of the total of 136 children who obtained Orphan Certificates, 66 (39 boys and 27 girls) are affected and 5 (3 boys and 2 girls) are infected by AIDS.

6 Joining Vocational Livelihood 2 138 140 The adolescent girls are referred to the following vocational courses at Bala Vikasa Kendra, Auto Nagar, Vijayawada. Training – Advancement Skills unmarried girls Trainings (LAST) - Tailoring - 32 and boys above 15 Navajeevan Beautician – 23 years, separated Computer -47 young mothers, Fabric Painiting – 38 etc. During the reporting period, 140 adolescent youth enrolled in LAST programmes held at BVK Centre in Tailoring, Beautician, Computer and Fabric Painting courses. 7 Joining Open 10th Navajeevan - BVK 36 50 86 During the reporting period Apr- Sept 2015, 86 candidates ernrolled for opne 10th class. All students were facilitated to join Open 10th school and being supported to pursue the course at BVK Centre. Tuitionclasses is arranged for them. The exams will be held in April 2016. Total Beneficiaries: 280 505 785 8 Mobilization of During the reporting year, for effective running of ETCs – Apr 2015 to Mar 2016, a total of cash Rs.77,500/- was locally local support by mobilized and in the form of kind Rs.19,015/- was collected for teachers honorarium and the kind such as rent for hall (where the the members of CPs, AAGS and community halls were not available), electricity, black-boards, note-books, stationery, etc. Altogether, we got donation in the village facilitators form cash and kind is Rs.96,515/-.

9 Youth Parliament  As part of CSN, a Youth Parliament is in function at Autonagar Industrial Estate, consisting of Child Workers above 15 years. The members are trained in child rights, especially their rights at the work place and also in life skills cum sexual health. The objective is to enable them to advocate their rights by themselves with the employers and address rights violation in collaboration with the AAGs.  Formed a Youth Club at BVK Centre for the children above 15 years working in Industrial Estate, Auto Nagar, Vijayawada. They will have monthly meetings at our premises and discuss their work spot problems. Navajeevan provides space for them for their meetings.

10 Fact finding of  The project team, especially the members of the AAGs/ CPCs are trained in fact finding about cases of child rights violations in their child rights respective villages and around, in collaboration with Krishna District Child Rights Monitoring Cell. These fact finding activities are violations undertaken by Child Rights Monitoring Cell (CRMC) of Krishna district - authorized by the Child Welfare Committee (CWC), and hence the related reports are submitted to the CWC for further legal – medical – social – economic support. The fact findings are gaining momentum, in collaboration with CRMC) of Krishna district under the aegis of Navajeevan Juvenile Justice Desk.

E.T.Cs – 31.03.2016

EVENING TUITION CENTRES (ETCs) IN CSN-RURAL(10 villages in Penamaluru Mandal), CSN-URBAN(40 Slum areas in VJA city) And CSN-DRT (85 villages in 17 mandals of Krishna district) - As on 31-03-2016 Sl. No Name of Village Boys Girls Total Sl. No Name of Village Boys Girls Total I.CSN RURAL - PENAMALURU MANDAL II. CSN URBAN – Slum Areas of VIJAYAWADA City 1 Poranki-I 11 11 22 1 K.L.Rao Nagar 21 11 32 2 Poranki-II 10 15 25 2 Gangiredulla Dibba 12 10 22 3 Poranki-III 14 14 28 3 Arulnagar 16 10 26 4 Tadigadapa-I 11 13 24 4 Christurajpuram 13 17 30 5 Tadigadapa-II 12 11 23 5 Rellis Colony 5 12 17 6 Tadigadapa-III 16 14 30 6 Darsipet 10 11 21 7 Tadigadapa-IV 17 12 29 7 Ryvus Canal 18 14 32 8 Tadigadapa-V 16 17 33 8 Rani Gari Thota 18 13 31 9 Tadigadapa-VI 14 14 28 9 Tarakarama Nagar 10 17 27 10 Tadigadapa-VII 15 15 30 10 Balaji Nagar 14 25 39 11 Penamaluru-I 19 11 30 11 Ambedkar Nagar (Patamata) 12 14 26 12 Penamaluru-II 10 11 21 12 Vaddera Colony 8 21 29 13 Penamaluru-III 15 17 32 13 Rajeev Nagar 21 11 32 14 Chodavaram-I 15 14 29 14 New RR.Pet 14 14 28 15 Chodavaram-II 11 14 25 15 Old RR.Pet 9 11 20 16 Gosala-I 16 13 29 16 Subbaraju Nagar 13 14 27 17 Gosala-II 17 11 28 17 Vijayadurga Nagar 9 18 27 18 Vanukuru-I 18 14 32 18 Ambedkar Colony(Govt. press) 15 17 32 19 Vanukuru-II 14 20 34 19 Pappula Mill 25 10 35 20 Ganguru-I 15 18 33 20 Kandrika 11 14 25 21 Ganguru-II 15 16 31 21 Giripuram 20 18 38 22 Kanuru-I 14 18 32 22 Vambay Colony 13 19 32 23 Kanuru-II 18 19 37 23 Madhura Nagar 13 12 25 24 Pedapulipaka-I 14 14 28 24 Bupesh Gupta Nagar 7 18 25 25 Pedapulipaka-II 10 11 21 25 Payakapuram 15 14 29 26 Yanamalakuduru-I 14 10 24 26 Ranadev Nagar 9 15 24 27 Yanamalakuduru-II 19 23 42 27 Padamvathi Ghatt 9 21 30 28 Yanamalakuduru-III 15 15 30 28 Ramalingeswara Nagar 7 24 31 29 Yanamalakuduru-IV 16 14 30 29 DG Puram 21 26 47 30 Yanamalakuduru-V 11 10 21 30 Kalanagar 5 18 23 31 New RR.Pet Apartments 15 15 30 32 Old RR.Pet Cheruvu 16 13 29 33 Santhi Nagar 13 16 29 34 Yerrukula Colony 11 15 26 35 R.L.Nagar Katta 14 11 25 36 Bhaskara Rao Pet 13 17 30 37 Varalakshmi Nagar 12 16 28 38 Green Land Colony 9 18 27 39 Banu Nagar-I 10 15 25 40 Banu Nagar-II 11 25 36 Total - CSN-Penamaluru Mandal :: 432 429 861 Total – CSN-Urban , Vijayawada :: 517 630 1147

III. CSN-DRT – ETCS in 85 villages of 17 mandals in Krishna district - as on 31.03.2016 Sl. Name of Mandal Name of Village Boys Girls Total Sl. No Name of Mandal Name of Village Boys Girls Total No Chennavaram 14 13 27 Kotarivaripalem 9 15 24 Pedakomera 19 8 27 Nangegadda 10 16 26 1 Gampalagudem Meduru 17 22 39 10 Nagayalanka Nali 15 21 36 Gullapudi 17 14 31 Sangameswaram 10 12 22 Lingala 19 12 31 Sorlagondi 11 17 28 Velvadam 13 11 24 Narepalem 21 12 33 Tholukodu 15 12 27 Ullipalem 9 9 18 2 Mylavaram Chandrala 17 11 28 11 Koduru Hamsaladeevi 15 15 30 Sabjapadu 10 8 18 Swatantrapuram 12 12 24 Jangalapalli 20 21 41 Palakayatippa 20 14 34 Kummarikuntla 17 18 35 Chavalipadu 16 16 32 Deeplanagar 11 22 33 16 18 34 3 A.Konduru Maitraya Thanda 19 20 39 12 Mandavalli Perukugudem 20 15 35 Repudi Thanda 13 15 28 Kanukollu 13 17 30 Gollamandala 22 12 34 Rudhravaram 13 16 29 Kakarla 17 9 26 Seethanapalli 15 15 30 Lakshmipuram 15 22 37 Racha patnam 12 16 28 4 Tiruvuru Raigudem 11 18 29 13 Kaikaluru Gopavaram 16 16 32 Mallela 12 18 30 Someswaram 20 10 30 Munukulla 13 16 29 Gummallapadu 9 16 25 NTR Colony 11 16 27 Balinkalaguruvu 12 13 25 Borvancha 22 14 36 Konduru 15 15 30 5 Nuzvid Vattigudipadu 11 14 25 14 Kalidindi Maddaligudem 12 16 28 Regunta 15 22 37 Gurayapalem 13 19 32 Ravicharla 15 16 31 Indira colony 11 17 28 Harizanawada 21 12 33 Vemavarapadu 14 16 30 Punadipadu 15 15 30 Bomminampadu 14 15 29 6 Kankipadu Produturu 14 19 33 15 Mudinepalli Mulakalapalli 16 21 37 Godavarru 11 30 41 Alluru 12 19 31 ST Colony 17 15 32 Janakigudem 17 12 29 Pasumarru 10 17 27 Y.S.R colony 15 25 40 Inampudi 15 11 26 Karagraham 13 15 28 7 Pamarru Rimanapudi 11 13 24 16 Machilipatnam Pedapatnam 10 19 29 Kurumaddali 11 17 28 Manginapudi 8 21 29 Pedamaddali 14 17 31 Gilakaldindi 11 8 19 Gajulapadu 14 19 33 Valasapalli 18 21 39 ST. Colony 15 20 35 Lopudi 20 23 43 8 Nandiwada Ponukumadu 12 20 32 17 Musunuru Chekkapalli 17 25 42 Danagudem 25 11 36 Akkireddypalem 14 14 28 Sankarampadu 22 14 36 Ramanakkapeta 18 16 34 Marlapalem 9 11 20 SUB TOTAL (B) : 562 648 1210 Marlapalem(Old) 11 13 24 9 Chatrai Digavalli 11 21 32 Somavaram 15 15 30 Kothagudem 10 15 25 SUB TOTAL (A) : 668 709 1377 Grand Total (A+B) : 1230 1357 2587

CPs, AAGs and CPCs – 31.03.2016 Status of Children Parliaments (CPs) & Adult Activists Groups (AAGs) & Child Protection Committees (CPCs) I. Data of CPs, AAGs and CPCs in 10 villages of Penamaluru Mandal in CSN Rural, Krishna district – As on 31-03-2016 Sl. Name of the Village No.of CPs in Children Parliaments (CPs) Adult Activists Groups* (AAGs) *1 per Child Protection Committees (CPCs) No each village village Boys Girls Total Male Female Total Male Female Total 1 Gosala 3 CPs 22 26 48 4 7 11 2 3 5 2 Vanukuru 2 CPs 18 17 35 3 10 13 0 4 4 3 Penamaluru 4 CPs 30 36 66 4 6 10 2 4 6 4 Chodavaram 2 CPs 20 20 40 1 10 11 0 3 3 5 Poranki 3 CPs 22 26 48 1 12 13 1 5 6 6 Tadigadapa 5 CPs 38 40 78 2 12 14 4 5 9 7 Ganguru 2 CPs 18 14 32 2 9 11 1 3 4 8 Yanamalakuduru 5 CPs 48 48 96 4 14 18 0 4 4 9 Pedapulipaka 2 CP 17 17 34 0 10 10 0 4 4 10 Kanuru 2 CPs 19 14 33 2 8 10 0 5 5 Total :: 30 CPs 252 258 510 23 98 121 10 40 50

II. Data CPs, AAGs and CPCs in 40 Slum areas of CSN Urban (Vijayawada City) – As on 31-03-2016 Sl. No Name of the Slum Area Children Parliaments (CPs) Adult Activists Groups (AAGs)* Child Protection Committees (CPCs) *1 CP per village/area *1 per village/area *1 per village/area Boys Girls Total Male Female Total Male Female Total 1 KL Rao Nagar 12 16 28 0 5 5 0 3 3 2 Gangiredulla Dibba 13 5 18 1 4 5 1 3 4 3 Arulnagar 14 9 23 0 7 7 0 3 3 4 Christurajpuram 12 5 17 0 5 5 0 3 3 5 Rellis Colony 0 0 0 0 6 6 1 3 4 6 Darsipet 5 11 16 0 5 5 0 3 3 7 Ryvus Canal 7 12 19 0 5 5 0 3 3 8 Rani Gari Thota 10 11 21 0 6 6 1 3 4 9 Tarakarama Nagar 6 12 18 1 6 7 0 3 3 10 Balaji Nagar 5 12 17 1 5 6 0 3 3 11 Ambedkar Nagar (Patamata) 5 13 18 1 4 5 0 3 3 12 Vaddera Colony 4 9 13 0 5 5 0 3 3 13 Rajeev Nagar 8 8 16 0 6 6 0 3 3 14 New RR.Pet 8 6 14 0 5 5 1 3 4 15 Old RR.Pet 7 8 15 0 9 9 0 3 3 16 Subbaraju Nagar 5 5 10 0 5 5 0 3 3 17 Vijayadurga Nagar 11 10 21 0 7 7 0 3 3 18 Ambedkar Colony(Govt. press) 8 9 17 0 7 7 0 3 3 19 Pappula Mill 6 14 20 0 5 5 0 3 3 20 Kandrika Colony 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 3 3 21 Giripuram 7 12 19 0 5 5 0 3 3

22 Vambay Colony 8 11 19 0 5 5 0 3 3 23 Madhura Nagar 7 9 16 0 5 5 0 3 3 24 Bupesh Gupta Nagar 5 12 17 0 5 5 0 3 3 25 Payakapuram 6 9 15 1 4 5 0 3 3 26 Ranadev Nagar 5 11 16 0 5 5 0 3 3 27 Padamvathi Ghatt 7 12 19 0 5 5 0 0 0 28 Ramalingeswara Nagar 11 12 23 3 2 5 0 3 3 29 DG Puram 10 11 21 0 4 4 0 3 3 30 Kalanagar 7 8 15 1 6 7 0 3 3 31 New RR.Pet Apartments 11 9 20 0 5 5 0 0 0 32 Old RR.Pet Cheruvu 10 7 17 0 5 5 0 0 0 33 Santhi Nagar 9 7 16 0 5 5 0 3 3 34 Singnagar 8 9 17 0 7 7 0 0 0 35 R.L.Nagar Katta 10 7 17 0 5 5 0 3 3 36 Bhaskara Rao Pet 10 10 20 1 4 5 2 2 4 37 Varalakshmi Nagar 7 8 15 0 5 5 0 3 3 38 Green Land Colony 8 11 19 0 5 5 2 2 4 39 Banu Nagar-I 0 0 0 3 2 5 1 1 2 40 Banu Nagar-II 11 9 20 0 5 5 0 0 0 Total :: 303 359 662 13 206 219 9 101 110

III. Data of CPs, AAGs and CPCs in 85 villages of 17 rural mandals in Krishna district CSN-DRT– As on 31-03-2016 S.NO NAME OF THE NO.OF VILLAGE NAME CHILDEN ADULT ACTIVIST CHILD PROTECTION MANDAL VILLAGES PARLIAMENT GROUPS * (AAGs) COMMITTEES (CPCs) MEMBERS * *1 per village (CP 1 per village) Boys Girls Total Male Female Total Male Female Total 1 Chennavaram 21 12 33 4 5 9 3 2 5 2 Pedakomera 15 14 29 4 6 10 4 2 6 1 Gampalagudem 3 Meduru 12 8 20 4 5 9 6 1 7 4 Gullapudi 13 10 23 7 2 9 5 1 6 5 Lingala 20 10 30 6 3 9 4 2 6 6 Velvadam 10 10 20 4 6 10 1 4 5 7 Tholukodu 11 8 19 3 7 10 3 2 5 2 Mylavaram 8 Chandrala 19 3 22 8 2 10 3 2 5 9 sabjapadu 10 11 21 6 4 10 1 4 5 10 Jangalapalli 15 4 19 7 2 9 2 3 5 11 Kommarakuntla 15 10 25 2 5 7 6 3 9 12 Deeplanagar 11 13 24 9 5 14 3 6 9 3 A.Konduru 13 Maitriya Thanda 11 20 31 12 3 15 4 4 8 14 Repudi Thanda 15 16 31 8 6 14 4 6 10 15 Gollamandala 17 12 29 9 4 13 4 6 10 16 Kakarla 11 18 29 5 7 12 3 4 7 17 Lakshmipuram 21 10 31 8 7 15 6 4 10 4 Tiruvuru 18 Raigudem 10 21 31 6 6 12 7 1 8 19 Mallela 12 18 30 6 7 13 4 5 9 20 Munukulla 12 17 29 6 6 12 3 5 8

21 NTR Colony 9 11 20 3 6 9 2 5 7 22 Regunta 12 5 17 6 7 13 5 2 7 5 Nuzvid 23 Vattigudipadu 9 12 21 2 6 8 4 4 8 24 Borvancha 13 9 22 7 8 15 4 3 7 25 Ravicharla 8 13 21 6 6 12 7 1 8 26 Harijanawada 12 16 28 3 7 10 2 8 10 27 Punadipadu 13 17 30 4 11 15 2 8 10 6 Kankipadu 28 Produturu 15 14 29 5 9 14 2 8 10 29 Godavarru 16 14 30 4 6 10 3 7 10 30 ST colony 12 15 27 2 6 8 3 5 8 31 Pasumarru 5 12 17 5 5 10 5 5 10 32 Inampudi 11 15 26 2 8 10 2 8 10 7 Pamarru 33 Rimanapudi 5 7 12 3 7 10 4 6 10 34 Kurumaddali 9 9 18 3 6 9 5 5 10 35 Pedamaddali 15 16 31 1 9 10 2 8 10 36 Kotarivaripalem 10 12 22 2 8 10 2 5 7 37 Nangegadda 6 24 30 6 10 16 1 10 11 8 Nagayalanka 38 Nali 10 18 28 1 8 9 2 7 9 39 Sangameswaram 15 16 31 5 10 15 2 7 9 40 sorlagondi 10 16 26 1 6 7 9 1 10 41 Narepalem 10 6 16 4 6 10 5 5 10 42 Ullipalem 9 9 18 4 6 10 5 5 10 9 Koduru 43 Hamsaladeevi 13 16 29 6 4 10 5 5 10 44 swatantrapuram 12 15 27 4 6 10 3 7 10 45 Palakayatippa 18 12 30 9 2 11 4 6 10 46 Y.S.R clolony 9 3 12 0 11 11 2 6 8 47 Karagraham 5 9 14 0 10 10 6 4 10 10 Machilipatnam 48 Pedpatnam 11 20 31 0 12 12 2 8 10 49 Manginapudi 4 10 14 0 15 15 1 9 10 50 Gilakaldindi 10 1 11 5 5 10 4 6 10 51 Chavalipadu 9 11 20 4 8 12 4 6 10 52 Gannavaram 13 16 29 5 7 12 2 8 10 11 Mandavalli 53 Perukugudem 7 11 18 6 6 12 5 5 10 54 Kanukollu 6 11 17 4 8 12 5 5 10 55 Rudhravaram 8 3 11 6 5 11 2 8 10 56 Seethanapalli 9 4 13 4 8 12 2 8 10 57 Rachapatnam 10 3 13 2 11 13 2 8 10 12 Kaikaluru 58 Gopavaram 10 3 13 5 7 12 5 5 10 59 Someswaram 8 6 14 7 5 12 4 6 10 60 Gummallapadu 8 5 13 5 7 12 4 5 9 61 Konduru 14 9 23 2 8 10 5 5 10 62 Barinkalagaruvu 10 9 19 3 7 10 3 7 10 13 Kalidindi 63 Indira Colony 10 14 24 2 8 10 3 7 10 64 Maddanugudem 14 13 27 4 6 10 3 7 10 65 Gurrayyapalem 10 11 21 2 8 10 3 7 10 66 Vemavarapadu 7 5 12 4 8 12 2 8 10 14 Mudinepalli 67 Alluru 13 11 24 3 8 11 3 6 9

68 Mulakalapalli 7 8 15 3 9 12 3 7 10 69 Jankigudem 8 6 14 4 7 11 4 5 9 70 Old 10 7 17 3 9 12 2 8 10 Bomminampa 71 Gajulapadu 8 11 19 5 7 12 2 8 10 72 ST. Colony 5 5 10 5 7 12 4 6 10 15 Nandiwada 73 Ponukumadu 6 9 15 4 6 10 3 7 10 74 Danagudem 9 6 15 3 9 12 3 7 10 75 Sankarampadu 6 13 19 6 6 12 2 8 10 76 Valasapalli 5 5 10 3 6 9 2 8 10 77 Lopudi 8 11 19 5 1 6 4 6 10 16 Musunuru 78 Chekkapalli 10 14 24 4 8 12 3 7 10 79 Akkireddypalem 9 12 21 11 4 15 4 8 12 80 Ramanakkapeta 11 13 24 5 7 12 4 7 11 81 Marlapalem 9 12 21 3 7 10 4 6 10 82 Marlapalem(Old) 11 16 27 2 11 13 2 8 10 17 Chatrai 83 Digavalli 10 10 10 2 8 10 3 7 10 84 Somavaram 9 8 17 4 7 11 4 6 10 85 Kothagudem 12 15 27 3 9 12 3 7 10 Grand Total : 916 943 1859 370 577 947 294 478 772

Local Donations Received during Apr 2015 to Mar 2016 I. Local Donations Received in Cash & in Kind in Penamaluru Mandal of CSN Rural Sl. No. Name of Village / Slum Community Donation in Cash Value of Donation in Kind Total Amount (Accommodation, Chairs, Electricity etc.) (Cash & Kind) – Rs. No. of donors Amount in Rs. No. of donors Value in Rs. 1 Poranki 1 29400 1 2400 31800 2 Kanuru 1 2100 ------2100 3 Ganguru 1 6000 1 3000 9000 Total :: 3 37500 1 5400 42900 II. Local Donations Received in Cash & in Kind in Slum areas of CSN Urban, Vijayawada City Krishna Lanka, Christurajapuram & 1 3 21000 2 11115 32115 Ashok Nagar 2 Gangireddula dibba, Gulabi Thota 2 8000 ------8000 Total 5 29000 2 11115 40115 III. Local Donations Received in Cash & in Kind in 85 villages of 17 mandals of Krishna district Sl. No. Name of Village / Slum Community Donation in Cash Value of Donation in Kind Total Amount (Accommodation, Chairs, Electricity etc.) (Cash & Kind) – Rs. No. of donors Amount in Rs. No. of donors Value in Rs. 1 Mylavaram 1 2000 1 1000 3000 2 A.Konduru 2 3000 1 1500 4500 4 Vijayawada local 1 6000 ------6000 Total 4 11000 2 2500 13500

A. Trainings/Workshops organized by CSN – Apr-Mar 2016 How many staff/teachers/volunteers/counselors/members from Children Parliaments /AAG groups are trained under various programmes during the reporting period as a part of project in CSN target areas ? TOPIC OF TRAINING/WORKSHOP Venue/Place Attended/participants/ No. of beneficiaries Female Male Total  Training programme On Child Rights Related Acts to AAGs BVK Centre 66 5 71  Child Rights Training Programme to SHG members Bhramarambapuram, Santhinagar & 211 0 211 Kristurajupuram  Awareness Programme on Child Marriages BVK Centre 34 0 34  Training for bridge school teachers including evening tuition BVK Center, 45 4 49 teachers (ETC) in creative teaching methodology in CSN target Play School & areas Singh Nagar

 Workshops on Govt. Schemes to volunteers/activists/ AAGs etc. Community Hall, Chodavaram, 70 5 75 BVK Center  Child Rights workshop for Ward Members and Panchayat Panchyathi office Ganguru 20 4 24 Presidents, Corporators  Child Protection Committee in collaboration with DCPU. Penamaluru 463 19 482  School Management Committee (SMC). Penamaluru 297 48 345  Summer camp for the members of Children Parliaments :Navajeevan Vimukthi - CSN Rual/CSN Urban  25 32 57 Child Safety Net team organized summer camp at Navajeevan Gardens Vimukthi – CSN DRT  30 25 55 Vimukthi for the Children of Evening tuition centres and children‟s parliament members belonging to 17 mandals of Krishna District from 12thMay 2015 to 5thJune 2015. The main objective is :  To build their career through committed and confident life.  To develop the skills in social sensitivity, build responsibility and develop the courage from childhood.  To develop leadership qualities and lean life skills education.

 LAUNCHING OF STATE LEVEL CAMPAIGN ON Childline Office, Vijayawada 38 22 60 DESTINATION UNKNOWN - CHILDREN ON THE MOVE: A State Level Campaign on “Destination Unknown – Children on the Move” was launched at Childline Office, Vijayawada on 05.09.2015.

 Knowledge Based caring communities, Awareness on the Govt. Koduru, Nagayalanka, MTM, Mudinepalli,  261  258  519 Schemes and Gampalagudem, Tiruvuru, Mandavalli,  286  208  494  Awareness on the Acts for knowledge based caring communities Kaikaluru, Mylavaram, A Konduru, Nuzivid, Nandiwada, Kalidindi, Pamarru, Kankipadu. TOT: 547 466 1013 A Konduru, Mylavaram, Nuzivid, Kankpadu, Kalidindi, Pamrru, MTM, Mandavalli, Kaikaluru, Tiruvuru, Koduru Nandiwada, Gampalagudem, Naayalanka, Musurunu  Child Protection Committee (CPC) in collaboration MTM, Mylavaram, Kankipadu, Tiruvuru, 181 238 419 with DCPU Pamrru, Gampaalgudem, Nagayalanka, Koduru, Mudinepalli, Mandavalli, Kaikaluru, Kalidindi, A. Konduru, Nuzivid, Chatrai  School Management Committee(SMC) Meetings Mylavaram, A Konduru, Tiruvuru, 243 270 513 Gampalagudem, Nuzivid, Kankipadu, Pamarru, MTM, Koduru, Nagayalanka, Mudinepalli, Mandavalli, Kaikaluru, Kruthivennu, Chatrai, Musunuru  Training Programme to Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRI) on Child Mandavalli, Kaikaluru, Kankipadu, 28 111 139 Rights Kruthivannu, Nuzivd, MTM, Musunur, Gamapalagudem, Mylavaram, Pamarru, Musunur, Tiruvuru, Nagayalanka  Campaign on discrimination against girl children and child marriages Mandavalli, MTM, Nuzivid, Gampalagudem, 2640 2520 5160 Kaikaluru, Kankipadu, Mylavaram, Chatrai Nagayalanka, Koduru, Kalidindi, Nandiwada, A Konduru, Pamarru, Musunuru  LCD Shows at Village Meetings for the awareness of Child Rights Kankipadu, Nuzivid, Mylavaram, Pamarru, A 2085 1745 3830 Konduru, MTM, Nagayalanka, Musunuru, Nandiwada, Mandavalli, Koduru, Gampalagudem, Chatrai, Kaikaluru, Tiruvuru  Awareness programme to Self Help Groups (SHG) on Child related Kankipadu, Pamarru, Kaikaluru, A Konduru, 501 0 501 issues / JJ Act Mandavalli, Koduru, Nagayalanka, Nuzivid, Kruthivennu, Mylavaram, Chatrai, Nandiwada, Gamapalgudem, Musunuru  Programme on Child Health Issues to AAGs/CPCs Gamapalagudem, Tiruvuru, Pamarru, 612 0 612 Mandavalli, Nandiwada, Kankipadu, Mylavaram, MTM, A Konduru, Musunuru, Mudinepalli, Koduru,  Meeting on Child Grievance Cell in Grama Sabha in collaboration Mylavaram, Mandavalli, Kankipadu, 360 287 647 with Local Bodies Gampalagudem, Tiruvuru, Nagayalanka, A Konduru, Pamarru, Koduru Nuzivid, Kalidindi, Chatrai, MTM, Kaikaluru, Musunuru

 CAMP Training for children Koduru, Nagayalanka, Pamarru, 338 269 607 Gampalagudem, A Konduru, Chatrai, Nandiwada, Mandavalli, Mylavaram, Kaikaluru, Kankipadu, Nuzivid, Mudinepalli, MTM, Tiruvuru, Musunuru  Campaigning : Creating Awareness regarding child related schemes AKonduru, Tiruvuru, MTM, Kruthivennu, 2880 2770 5650 through Media, Rickshaw, FM Radio in district level communities Nandiwada, Nagayalanka, Mylavaram, Mandavalli, Pamarru, Chatrai, Nuzivid, Koduru, Kaikaluru, Musurunur, Gamapalagudem, Kankipadu,  Convergences Meetings with GOs and NGOs in target villages. MTM, Mylavaram, Kaikaluru, Tiruvuru, 45 104 149 Mudinepalli, Nagayalanka

 Forming CPs at district level Mandavalli,. Kaikaluru, Mudinepalli, 235 233 468 Kruthivennu, A Konduru, Tiruvuru, Mylavaram, Musunuru  Convergence Meeting with District level samakhyas MTM, Gampalagudem, Nandiwada, 480 77 557 Nagayalanka, Nuzivid, Mandavalli, Musurnur, A Konduru  Residential (4 days) ToT on Life Skills for a selected team of 30 MTM, Tiruvuru, Kaikaluru, Musunuru 89 107 196 members including 10 child leaders  Child Labour Day in June 2015 organized for CPs, AAGs, CPCs, Pamarru, Tiruvuru 300 250 550 Ward members and local bodies

 State level workshop on Right to Education (RTE) Hotel Mamatha, Vijayawada 65 27 92  YaR Meeting at Chittoor Rides Centre, Chittoor 12 19 31  Meeting with govt line departments (NCLP) on Weeklong child NCLP office, Vijayawada 15 27 42 programmes

B. Trainings/Workshops attended by CSN – Apr2015-Mar 2016 Topic Venue Female Male Total Benefitted benefitted  Counselling Session on Child Behavioral Issues by Forum for Child Childline Office, Vijayawada 28 19 47 Rights, Vijayawada.  YaR Meeting by National YaR, New Delhi YaR Centre, Chittoor 15 11 26

 Capacity Building on Office Maintenance conducted by Navajeevan, Yuva Bhavan, Navajeevan 48 33 81 Vijayawada  Abolition of Child Labour conducted by NCLP, Vijayawada Labour Office, NCLP Building, 11 7 18 Vijayawada  Capacity Building Sessions for staff/teachers/Childline staff Child Line Centre, Vijayawada 2 96 98  Mandal level convergence meetings on Effective Implementation of Juvenile Justice System involving CCI Staff, DCPU, CWC, JJB and Civil Society organizations. Juvenile Justice ( Care & Protection) Act, 2000 Bala Vikasa Kendra, Auto Nagar, 1 142 143 and Amendment Act, 2006, The Protection of Children from Sexual Vijayawada Offences Act 2012.

 Psychosocial Support Programmes – including Arts Based Tools sessions for Children . Life Skills and Projection Exercises using Arts Based Tools Night Shelter, Navajeevan, Vijayawada 7 64 71 to facilitate expression and communication among children.

C. Facilitation/help to the villagers/children/CPs to avail various Govt. Schemes during Apr2015-Mar 2016 Type olf facilitation/help Number of persons benefitted during the reporting period  CSN team facilitated the people in applying the government scheme for girl children - 78 “Bangaru Thalli Pathakam”  Applied for pension for physically handicapped persons from Government 21  The CSN teams helped the villagers in applying Old Age pension from Govt of AP 219  Applied loans under “Abhaya Hastham Scheme” for the families of earning members 33  Helped the poor in applying the “Government Health Cards” 187  Orphan children rescued and referred to Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Vijayawada 78  Hostel facilities provided at various government hostels/NGOs to the poor school going 317 children in CSN target areas  No. of Child labour rescued and joined in local schools 35  Bi-monthly Nutrition/Special food to weaker families 80  Monthly Medical support to poor children 10

Intervention of Fact-finding - Violation of Child Rights Brief of some of the cases fact found and in legal follow-up FACT FINDING OF CHILD RIGHTS VIOLATIONS – Apr 2015 to March 2016

The project team, especially the members of the AAGs/ CPCs are trained in fact finding about cases of child rights violations in their respective villages and around, in collaboration with Krishna District Child Rights Monitoring Cell. These fact finding activities are undertaken by Child Rights Monitoring Cell (CRMC) of Krishna district - authorized by the Child Welfare Committee (CWC), and hence the related reports are submitted to the CWC for further legal – medical – social – economic support.The fact findings are gaining momentum, in collaboration with CRMC) of Krishna district under the aegis of Navajeevan Juvenile Justice Desk.

Some of the cases are given below in a consolidated format – all cases were fact found by Krishna District CRMC with CSN AAG members, facilitated by JJ DESK and authorized by Krishna district Child Welfare Committee (CWC):

Date of First Contact made by JJ AP Desk or District JJ Forum & Registered under which Act/International Status & Observations Case Brief Instrument, etc. 08/04/2015 - On 17/03/2015 V. Murali brought Sailaja who is Parasa Nagaraju (friend of accused) CRMC team produced the girl before CWC studying 10th class, with telling honey words to Hyderabad while she is Jagadeergutta, Hyderabad and handed over on 28/04/2015 and the CWC sent the girl coming from her school ZPH School, C.duGipadu, on the compliant of Sailaja to the parents.The Chatrai police to Balika. father of the victim Chatrai police registered the case as per their crime arrested the accused and gave bail through no 45/2015 U/s 363 IPC. the elders. 10/04/2015 One day evening i.e. 03/03/2015 five students named CRMC and Navajeevan staff produced the Vijay babu, Sai Mahesh, Navenn, Venkaiah, VenkateswaraRao, boy’s before CWC and they sent back to disappeared from the BC hostel to see the Railway Station among them the Hostel. VenkateswaraRao theft one Bicycle and left from the BC Hostel and were caught by NavajeevanBalaBavan staff and brought them to NavajeevanShelter. Mean while warden searched for them and noticed that they are caught by Navajeevan.Next day warden came to NavajeevanBalaBavan to bring them but some people disappeared from there left the bicycle. Next day 05/03/2015 all students reappeared along their parents to their hostel.There after warden advised to Satyanarayana and Moses that confined them.Satyanarayana and Moses tied Vijay Babu with a rope in a room around 6pm to 8pm.Media casually came and noticed and took one photograph of Vijaya Babu and spread the news. 25/05/2015 the 16 year old minor girl rape attempt by a 21 year old The Nuzvid police registered the case under The police arrested the victim and sent him accused in her house to hear the shout of the girl the neighbors came to section 9 of POCSO act. for remand and they are waiting for FSL the spot but the accused ran away.After receiving the compliant of the report. victim along with her parents the Nuzvid police registered the case.

05/06/2015 One 7 year’s minor girl was raped by a Vigneswararao @ The Pedana police registered the case under The police arrested the accused and sent Ganapathi 55years,While she was alone at her home.On the compliant section 376 and section 4 of POCSO act. him for remand. of parents of the victim Pedana police registered against accused a case u/s 376 IPC and Pocso Act 2012 and investigating into. The accused arrested and sent him for remand. 1/7/2015 The girl went to church along with her mother Night 9 PM, The police registered the case under section After investigation the Kanchikacherla and the girl came out to play.The neighbor of the child called the girl and 304 IPC, 376 IPC, POCSO Act, 2012 and police arrested two accused persons in that took her in to his house along with his friend and commit rape and sent the accused children to the observation both are minor boy’s age 12 years and 16

killed the girl.They put into the gunny bag and kept it in their house; the home at Vijayawada. years. The police registered the case under accused mother saw the bag and dropped it into the nearby agricultural section 304 IPC, 376 IPC, and sent the field.Early morning the villagers saw the bag and found the girl’s dead accused persons to the observation home body, they informed to the mother of victim and the mother gave a at Vijayawada. compliant. The girl was studying in a Urdu school at Meerjapuram.The school Head The police registered the case and they After CRMC intervention the DEO Krishna Master physically abused 2 minor girlImtiazBegam and Gowsiya with a arrested the school Head Master. District suspended the Head Master. stick for not doing their home work. Children told the incident to the parents, and the parents took the elders of the village to ask about the incident, and given a complaint against the Head master One 14 year old minor boy died in a shop because of current shock, but The case was resgistered as an accidental AfterCRMC team fact find the issue and the owner of the shop settled the case along with the elders of the death. demand to file the case,theVissannapet Kondaparva.TheVissannapet police not registered the case because of police registered the case and arrested the the settlement. accused person and sent him for remand. 5/8/2015 one 16 year old minor girl standing at TekulapallyBridge the The Police reigistered the case under The case is under the court trial. accused persons came by a Scorpio and took the girl to Khammam and Section 4 and 9 of POCSO Act and arrested committed the rape.After receiving the compliant of the Mother of victim 7 accused persons and sent them to the Tekilapally police registered the case. remand. On 17/09/2015: Seven Hostel children denied entry due to participating No Police case was registered. In collaboration with Students in a Lord Ganesh Idol Festivities and did not return to hostel roomsfron organizations, NGO’s, Social workers their compound.The warden refused to give food to the children for 3 CRMC raised this issue in the local media days.The children were only allowed to have mid-day meals at school but which got attention of ICPSand other child denied food breakfast and supper at hostel. Parents requested the welfare departments. Dure to immense warden, but he refused to provide admission for the children. pressure from CRMC, the warden was suspended by the Welfare Officer.



Care and Support for CABA and their Parents Living with AIDS (Since October 2009 to Mar 2016)

Navajeevan started the Neethodu desk in October 2009 for the care and support of the affected/infected by HIV/AIDS. Navajeevan encourages kinship fostering by rendering technical and financial support to a closely related couple or relatives to provide foster care to a child both of whose parents died or when the surviving infected parent is not in a position to render parental care.

KINSHIP – CARE OF ORPHAN – CABA Total Kincare Total Kincare Affected Infected Families (Orphan) children identified Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total

Past period Oct 2009 to 56 39 37 76 4 6 10 43 43 86 Mar 2015

Reporting period 3 Apr 2015 to 0 4 4 1 0 1 1 4 5 Mar 2016

Total : 59 39 41 80 5 6 11 44 47 91

KINCARE(Orphan) : There are a total number of 58 kincare (orphan) families in Neethodu target villages as of Mar 31, 2016 and kincare (orphan) children are 91 numbers. Of them, 80 children are affected ones and 11 children are infected ones.

AFFECTED/INFECTED ADULTS DATA Period No.of families Affected / Infected Male Female Total affected/infected Adults identified Past period Infected Adults 122 214 336 366 Oct 2009 to Mar 2015 Affected Adults 17 93 110 Reporting period Infected Adults 24 26 50 Apr 2015 to Mar 2016 43 Affected Adults 0 5 5 Total :: 409 T o t a l :: 163 338 501

ADULTS DATA: There are a total number of 409 affected/infected families in Neethodu target villages as of Mar 31, 2016. A total number of affected and infected adults are 501. Of them, affected and infected males are

163 and affected & infected females are 338. It is found that there are 386 infected ones.


Period No. of Children Boys Girls Total Past period Affected Children 292 280 572 Oct 2009 to Mar 2015 Infected Children 25 23 48 Reporting period Affected Children 12 22 34 Apr 2015 to Mar 2016 Infected Children 1 0 1 T o t a l :: 330 325 655

CHILDREN DATA: There are a total number of 655 affected/infected children in Neethodu target villages as of Mar 31, 2016, 2015. Of them, affected children are 606 and infected ones are 49 children.

* Age Group-Wise List of Children of 409 Families Covered Under ‘Care And Support For Children Affected By Aids (CABA) Project Period Age Group Boys Girls Total Past Period 0-10 years 104 109 213 Oct 2009 to Mar 2015 11 to below 14 years 134 123 257 15 yrs & above 79 71 150 Total 317 303 620 Reporting period 0-10 years 2 2 4 Apr 2015 to Mar 2016 11 to 14 years 6 9 15 15 yrs & above 5 11 16 Total 13 22 35 Grand Total : 330 325 655 The table indicates the age group-wise list of children in 409 families: There are a total number of 655 affected/infected children in Neethodu target villages as of Jan 31, 2016. Of them, 330 are boys and 325 are gilrs. The higher number of affected/infected ones is between age group of 11 to 14 and 15yrs above.

ORPHAN CERTIFICATES – Apr 2009 to Mar 2016 Affected Infected Total Certificates

obtained Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total  Orphan Certificates received from CDPO from Oct 2009 to Mar 67 61 128 4 4 8 71 65 136 2015

 Apr 2015 to Mar 2016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total :: 67 61 128 4 4 8 71 65 136

So far, till the reporting period, we have received 136 numebs of orphan certificates from the District CDPO, Krishna district.


Supplementary Nutrition Support: Apart from infected children, infected adults (males & females) were given supplementary nutrition support on bi-monthly basis. The eligible candidates from among CABA (Children Affected/Infected By AIDS) families were selected in consultation with the local volunteers/CPs and AAGs. Funding: Most of the funding for Neethodu project for CABA is being mobilized by ‘Friends of Navajeevan – Austria’ – a fraternity constituted of former Navajeevan volunteers from Austria and their friends.

Year Description of Support No.of times No.of families got Supporting in a year benefitted Amount (Rs)

2010-2011 Bi-monthly Nutrition support 2 times 65 65000 2011-2012 Bi-monthly Nutrition support 5 times 361 361000 2012-2013 Bi-monthly Nutrition support 7 times 532 532000 2013-2014 Bi-monthly Nutrition support 6 times 472 472000 2014-2015 Bi-monthly Nutrition support 6 times 480 480000 2015-2016 Bi-monthly Nutrition support – 80 Nos 4 times 320 320000 (In June, Aug, Oct, Dec 2015) TOTAL :: 2230 2230000

Since 2010, the desk distributed special nutrition to the affected/infected ones to the tune of Rs.22,30,000/- and 2,230 members got benefitted. During the current year 2015-2016 till January 2016, 320 members got special nutrition in four disbursements.


Affected Infected Total Children * Amount

Supported Total Total Total (in Rs)

Chilren Childre Children

Boys Girls Boys Girls

Girls n Boys 2010-2011 8 9 17 3 3 6 11 12 23 19100 2011-2012 96 97 193 3 4 7 99 101 200 262330 2012-2013 148 152 300 12 14 26 160 166 326 241205 2013-2014 136 135 271 17 14 31 153 149 302 250892 2014-2015 72 67 139 7 8 15 75 79 154 193518 2015-2016 102 88 190 12 12 24 114 100 214 201316 Total :: 562 548 1110 54 55 109 612 607 1219 1168361

For the last last 6 years, the desk gives education support partially or fully depends upon the situation. So far about 1219 (Boys-612 and Girls 607) are benefited during the 6 years period, spending Rs.11,68,361/-. For the reporting period(2015-2016), 214 children are benefitted (Boys-114 and Girls-100) spending Rs.2,01,316/-.

LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION (LSE) CLASSES conducted during Apr 2015 to Mar 2016: Sl. Period No.of LSE classes conducted Venue Total Children (Nos) No days for whom Boys Girls Total 1 20.04.2015 1 LAST gikrls BVK Auto Nagar 0 18 18 2 21.05.2015 to 22.05.2015 2 Naveena Girls Chiguru 0 42 42 3 23.05.2015 to 24.05.2015 2 Chiguru Boys Chiguru 38 0 38 4 24.10.2015 to 25.10.2015 2 CP children BVK, Auto Nagar 26 29 55 5 18.11.2015 1 School going children (9th ZPHS, Penamaluru 21 56 78 class and 10th class) 6 05.01.2016 1 School going children (9th High School, 25 49 74 class and 10th class) Ranigarithota, VJA T O T A L :: 110 194 305

As part of capacity building, the desk conducted Life Skills Education (LSE) classes during 2015-2016 305 youth (Boys-110 and Female 194) got trained and benefitted through these LSE classes.

Navajeevan Bala Bhavan PHOTO GALLERY :: 2015-2016

STREET PRESENCE (Rescue the street children below 16 years at Railway Station & City Commercial Centres)

The pictures show the rescue of children by Street Presence team/volunteers at Vijayawada Railway Station and City Centres and bring them to Round the clock shelter for counseling/motivation.

Awareness sessions conducted for Railway Sanitary Workers and Railway BVG workers at Vijayawada Railway Station about rescue of children below 16 years, child labour and child trafficking.

NIGHT SHELTER (Night Shelter for the youth between 16 to 21years)

Monthly group counseling for the youth staying at Night Shelter and Awareness Sessions on Personal Hygiene and seasonal diseases

COUNSELLING & HOME INTEGRATION (Motivational Counselling, handing over the child to parents, home placement etc.)

Children group counseling and motivational guidance for staff by counseling expert Mr.

Successful handing over the Orissa children - Pooja and Nippon at CWC-Cuttack; The rescued children were handed over to their parents; Child labour from Bihar rescued at Vijayawada Railway station and Media Meet conducted by the Asst Commissioner of Labour, Mr D Anjaneya Reddy at Round the Clock Shelter.

ROUND THE CLOCK SHELTER (24 hours shelter for the rescued children below 16 years)

Children participation in Monthly children Mela being held at Shelter

Children along with staff participated in Swatch Bharat (Clean India) programme

1) Shelter children are at monthly picnic towards GCPC programme. 2) Group Counselling / Hrudaya Spandana at Round the Clock Shelter by experts to the children

VIMUKTHI (In-house De-addiction Centre, Nuzivid)

The rescued children being motivated thru counseling and sent to Vimukthi Camp for de-addiction and lead a better life

Recreation games and competitions for Vimukthi children

Children’s Unity at Vimukthi

CHIGURU (Children’s home for orphans/semi-orphans/affected children; preparing them for regular schooling through residential bridge courses)

Daily morning activities of children at Chiguru

Counselling follow up the children

Mainstreamed children into regular schooling as on March 31, 2016.

Vocational Training Courses (VTC) for Boys (Vocational Trades in Carpentry, Electrical and Two-wheeler Mechanism)

Theoretical and Practical exams are conducted in Two-wheeler Mechanism trade in the presence of concerned trade master at VTC Centre.

Successful candidates are given away certficates by loal corporator – Mrs. Punyaseela in the presence of Fr. Balashowry, Executive Director and Fr. Pradeep, Education Director.

As a social responsibility, all children from 3 trades in VTC joined their hands in Swatch Bharath Ceaning Progamme at Shelter

INFIRMARY (A 20 bedded in-house hospital at Navajeevan)

Children are treated at various hospitals for treatment.

Children are taken care at by Nursing staff at Infirmary

Medical tests are conducted during Eye Camp, Blood Test Camp and BMS Camp

Life Skills Education (LSE) Classes for Boys

Life Skills Education (LSE) classes for youth boys at Night Shelter

Life Skills Education (LSE) Classes for Girls

Life Skills Education (LSE) classes for VOCATIONAL TRAINEES at BVK Centre, Auto Nagar

LAST PROGRAMME (Livelihood Advancement Skills Training in vocational courses) Vocational Training Courses (VTC) for Adolescent girls at BVK Centre, Auto Nagar


Adolescent girls/women are practicing beauty culture in their practical classes


Adolescent girls/women are learning Cloth cutting tips and Stitching tips in Tailoring courses


Adolescent girls/women are learning Fabric Printing/Fabric Designing methods in Fabric Printing course


Navajeevan started the making of Napkins at BVK Centre, Auto Nagar and training some of the adolescent girls for their self-sustainability and employment


Youth learning Computer classes in Diploma in Computer Applications Course through LAST programme at BVK Centre


Adolescent girls/women are learning Spoken English through our foreign volunteers at BVK Centre

Job placements


The above pictures show that the youth/adolescent girls who got trained in vocational courses at BVK Centre have been successfully job-laced and earning something for their survival.

Distribution of Certificates who complete vocational courses in LAST Programme

Distribution of Certificates for those who completed courses in Beautician, Tailoring and Computers. The MLA – Mr. Gadde Rammohan, IALA – Mr. Venkataratnam and Fr. Balashowry gave away the certificates.

Wedding Bella at Navajeevan

The two daughters of Navajeevan Ms Mounika and Ms Kavya got married with Mr Nageswara Rao and Mr Srinivas respectively. Hearty welcome was given to the families of Mr Niklaus and Ms Kathy, both members of Friends of Austria. The family members came to Chiguru to celebrate the engagement of Niklaus and Kathy which was on the 29th of August. The engagement programme showed the rich heritage of India because the engagement programme was mostly in the Indian tradition.

Hearty welcome was given to the families of Mr Niklaus and Ms Kathy, both members of Friends of Austria. The family members came to Chiguru to celebrate the engagement of Niklaus and Kathy which was on the 29th of August, 2016.The engagement programme showed the rich heritage of India because the engagement programme was mostly in the Indian tradition.

NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS (The extracts of various programmes published in different newspapers during 2015-2016)

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