Recent Publications on the History of Mining
Recent Publications on the History of Mining Compiled by Lysa Wegman-French The following bibliography contains books, Anderson, Gary Clayton, and Laura L. Ander- dissertations and theses, articles and chapters, and son (eds.). The Army Surveys of Gold Rush Cali- other media, organized within those four catego- fornia: Reports of Topographical Engineers, 1849- ries, that relate to the history of all types of min- 1851. Norman, OK: Arthur H. Clark Company, ing in North America (that is, Canada, the United 2015. [Also an e-book. Reports by George Hora- States, and Central America). It does not include tio Derby, Robert Stockton Williamson, Edward book review articles. O. C. Ord, et al.] Many older books are now being reissued as e-books, and older films are being distributed as Anderson, Jonathan, and Edwin Low. City DVDs. We did not include them in this compila- of Mines: Victor, Colorado. Stockport, England: tion since the content is not new. However, if you Dewi Lewis Publishing, 2015. [Noted London are interested in an older work, check to see if it is photographers focused on this mining town.] now available as an e-book or DVD. In addition, some works, especially government documents, Andrews, Thomas G. Coyote Valley: Deep films, and theses and dissertations, are available History in the High Rockies. Cambridge: Harvard for viewing on the internet. We haven’t included University Press, 2015. [Also an e-book. An en- URLs for these, but again, check the internet for vironmental history of an area in Rocky Moun- their availability. tain National Park that includes mining.] We thank all the members who have sent in contributions, and welcome suggestions for our Angel, Gustavo A.
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