1932-11-06 [P A-11]
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I ILLINOIS SEEN FOR GOV. ROOSEVELT BY MARGIN OF 200,000 VOTES T 1 — -■■■■- .---— ■ — — HARMONY IN MISSISSIPPI Political Trends at the Moment Re-election Seen _J_ Seven Democratic House Nominees NEBRASKA SAFE wmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmm w, .1 1 ■ m Considered Elected. 0 BY REX B. MAGEE. * i s’i Special Dispatch to The Star. £ I,i *< o wo a ^ * sj JACKSON, Miss.. November 8.— e g -Si .5 E X Mississippi will maintain its Democratic 1 t| £ S S| I record of 60 years standing by going 5 JT eg -T j Q Forecast Gives State to for Governor and strong for Roosevelt Tuesday. Observers Cite Lack of Gov. Neutral Observers Estimate The seven Democratic nominees to Gen-\ the House of are con- Alabama Representatives 1111_ __ Roosevelt by Safe 90,000 to 75,000 Room- Dieterich for Senator sidered elected, although Republicans uine Enthusiasm for Roose- Iruona 3~; 1 3 |II have a ticket. Arkansas" 9 I I 9 1 I ! Believed Victors. Mississippi went Republican in 1872 Majority. velt Majority. for Grant, but has remained In the velt in Boston. 22 Democratic column ever since. With California_22 |_\_I_j_I I 6 party harmony within the State little Colorado_6 ! :__i_ By ROBERT H. HORNER. BT GEORGE E. FISHES. BY V. Y. DAM-MAN. interest is shown in the presidential BY W. E. MULLINS. Connecticut_8_1_I 3 _I_ race. Even though the of Special Dispatch to The Star. Special Dispatch to ‘nie Star. cial Dispatch to The Star. registration Special Dispatch to The Star. 3 j voters has increased 15,000 within the Delaware^_3_j_1 _ W. November 8. SPRINGFIELD, November 5.— CHARLESTON, Va„ OMAHA, Nebr., November 8.—Stats 111., a 5.—President 7 7 ! last four years indications are that BOSTON, November Florida I 1 —West Virginia's electoral vote* Chairman J. J. Thomas of the Demo- v. Franklin D. Roosevelt will win |_j_ eight lighter Democratic vote will be polled. Hoover and Massachusetts a 12 cratic Committee still stands hie electoral votes a carry by Georgia I I I will go to Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt by nois' 29 by major- _12_j_I of small in elec- claim 100,000 majority for Roosevelt ol 200,000 or more; Representative margin Tuesday’s general 4 by a safe majority Friday unices fore- Idaho_4J_j_l__I_I In Nebraska. In the absence of a lliam H. Dieterich, Beardsicwn, will tion unless the Democrats the casts fail to materialize. sweep Illinois 29 claim by State Chairman Smith of the elected United Sta*"- '.tor over 1_I_!_{_29 |_ A country by a landslide. This Is the powerful eleventh-hour drive to Republican Committee. E. R. Daniel- lator Otis F Glenn, nep.iuucan, Chi- I Indiana14 | 1 1 I 14 I re-elect President Hoover ha* been here by the son. head of the speakers bureau of ;o, and Judge Henry Horner, Chi- opinion privately expressed started in an effort to line con- Iowa lTT" i : ii I 1 up the that organization, said if Roosevelt ;o. will be elected Governor by a most competent observers In both servative in both Some groups parties. carries the State It will be a small of landslide 9 by jority proportions. parties. Kansas_9 j __i_'_ observers think It may have been more margin. ’he most careful survey of the State 11 effective than is shown on the surface. The lack of any genuine Roosevelt [ | 1 1 Neutral observers place the RooeeveH titles the above of a Kentucky_11 last prediction Within the several weeks there between and Democratic vic- sentiment in Boston means that the 10 OOV. OLSON. majority 50,000 75,000. ’cpmg tr.angular IN DEMOCRATIC LIST Louisiana_10_J_I ___J_|_J_ has been a change In the political They cannot the forget 148,000 Hoover y in Illinois, carrying with it most Democrats are confronted with the task Maine 5 outlook which succeeded In _5 |_|_I |_I_' bringing majority of four years ago that must the congressional districts and prob- President Hoover’s more of relying on public unrest to overcome Mar iand 8 candidacy J>e overcome. y a Democratic Legislature. _|_I_8_ prominently before the This is the normal majority, and people. Republicans have speeded up their 'hat President Hoover was brought Hoover’s Last-Minute Gains Republican Massach u 17 admitted on all sides. The shift ha* setts_17 '_j_ efforts in the closing days with espe- 3 this State at the eleventh hour Massachusetts has not been as severely j__i stimulated workers. Michigan 19 j i 19 | party Republican cial emphasis on Hoover as the friend one of his principal addresses in as other leaders now assert that the hit by the depression many "a a a I 11 |JI' publicly of The Make Results Closer *■ prohibition. Democratic Com- Friday has been interpreted May I | I 1 President will the but ■ingfield States. TllUIirSUIA_-a carry State, pri- mittee, however, has found interest In impartial observers as an acknowl- admit have doubts. has been vately they local meetings increasing and has been ement that the Republican organ- President Hoover’s position Mississippi_9_J_9 1_j_j_ leaders Than Anticipated. 15 Democratic have refused to unable to meet the demands for don felt Illinois slipping out of its consolidated here by two developments, I_ admit, even that Missouri_15 |_i_1 privately, any gains speakers. In the cities also it is ap- isp. and made a desperate eleventh- 4 been made first the resentment provoked among the have by the Republicans. parent that a turn- ir effort to this stalwart old Montana_1_\_\_I IN ROOSEVELT LIST heavy Republican keep Robert BY R. J. JACKSON. Irisn Democrats by the rejection of G. Kelly, chairman of the State over to the Democratic column rublican State in line. will Alfred E. Smith at the party's national Nebraska_7_J_____7__ Democratic Campaign Committee, in take place. 'hat the President accelerated the Special Dispatch to The Star. President's Ilia latest said Roosevelt had tonvention and, second, the statement, Bryan Rated as Winner. ■ reaction certain of — [ Nevada__3_j__3__ among groups BALTIMORE. Md.. November 5 declaration for a change In the prohi- gained in strength, particularly in in- to to him is con- New 4_!_ Democrat Favored Carry The battle between Gov. Charles W. mblicans favorable On the eve of the national election, the bition laws in his speech of acceptance, j Hampshire_1_i dustrial centers where Republicans, in- even Democratic leaders Bryan and Dwight Griswold. Repub- led by pri- Roosevelt-Garner ticket appears a cer- If Hoover had remained dry his New Jersey_ 16_I__16_ spired by President Hoover’s tariff but written across the entire tain but lican, will be close It is being fought ely. winner, President Hoover ap- cause here would be hopeless, because New speeches in the State, claimed to have State Along With Olson, mblican to save Mr. Hoover ;_ 1_ on matters of taxation with Brvan. as program parently is making surprising last-min- it was the vexing question of prohibi- Mexico_3_i_3 achieved their best results. are words "too late.” ute 47 the Incumbent, from the this State the gains in public favor which may tion which has given the State its NewYork_47___I 1_ suffering gen- the dilemma of make Predicts 100,000 Majority. Farmer-Laborite. eral demand for a “new deal 'o add to Repub- the result closer than anticipated. Democratic Governor, its two Demo- North He, are Carolina_13_!_13_I_j_ however, is rated as a winneT ,ns in this State, Democrats Even Republican leaders frankly con- cratic United States Senators and a Mr Kelly said that he would be pre- by per- several decades, North haps half the lead Roosevelt will get. ted as never in cede that 10 days ago the Democratic Smith In 1928. Dakota_4_4__ pared to close the campaign Monday triumph have flooded the 8tate with le the Republicans are divided into ticket certainly would have swept the Ohio with firm belief that Roosevelt’s ma- BY C. D. JOHNSTON Republicans 1_ a r major oppos- State. Today they claim thkt the Pres- Roosevelt Greeted Cordially. _20_26 In West would run well pamphlet on taxation that Is doing groups—progressives jority Virginia Correipoadence ol The Star. and conservatives supporting Hoo- ident has an "even chance” of being It must be borne In mind that, al- Oklahoma_11_ 11_I_I_ over 100.000. some damage to the Democratic ticket. In and Republicans openly supporting re-elected. the State is strongly against The Democratic chairman Is not ST. PAUL, Minn., November 5 —Min- a questionnaire on prohibition though Oregon_5 5_ three of five their candidate for Gov- The modesty of their claim lends Re- alone in such claim*. nesota will to the math Democratic aspirants for opposing prohibition, it is fundamentally 1 making They go polls Tuesday or, former Gov. Len Small, strength to the confident of won It the slender Pennsylvania_36 36__!_ come from all of the Democratic lead- Congress stood for repeal, a fourth for predictions publican. Smith by its presidential vote resting In the bal- t is a battle among Re- Gov. Ritchie and other Democrats of of 1 cent of the vote Rhode 4 ers and other sources. resubmission, the fifth refusing to desperate margin per total _ from many Island_4_ ance of the effectiveness answer. ilicans. themselves. Some of the a smashing Democratic victory, in in 1928 while Gov. Ely was elected two The first evidence of a widespread vote-changing One Republican candidate South 1 stood for nidable supporters of President which virtually every county as w'ell as years ago by a similar margin. Carolina_8 8_|_ shift to the Democrat? came two years jt President Hoover’s campaign climax repeal and the four others 4 refused to answer.