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1932-11-06 [P A-11]

1932-11-06 [P A-11]

I SEEN FOR GOV. ROOSEVELT BY MARGIN OF 200,000 VOTES T 1 — -■■■■- .---— ■ — — HARMONY IN MISSISSIPPI Political Trends at the Moment Re-election Seen _J_ Seven Democratic House Nominees NEBRASKA SAFE wmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmm w, .1 1 ■ m Considered Elected. 0

BY REX B. MAGEE. * i s’i Special Dispatch to The Star. £ I,i *< o wo a ^ * sj JACKSON, Miss.. November 8.— e g -Si .5 E X Mississippi will maintain its Democratic 1 t| £ S S| I record of 60 years standing by going 5 JT eg -T j Q Forecast Gives State to for Governor and strong for Roosevelt Tuesday. Observers Cite Lack of Gov. Neutral Observers Estimate The seven Democratic nominees to Gen-\ the House of are con- Alabama Representatives 1111_ __ Roosevelt by Safe 90,000 to 75,000 Room- Dieterich for Senator sidered elected, although Republicans uine Enthusiasm for Roose- Iruona 3~; 1 3 |II have a ticket. Arkansas" 9 I I 9 1 I ! Believed Victors. Mississippi went Republican in 1872 Majority. velt Majority. for Grant, but has remained In the velt in Boston. 22 Democratic column ever since. With California_22 |_\_I_j_I I 6 party harmony within the State little Colorado_6 ! :__i_ By ROBERT H. HORNER. BT GEORGE E. FISHES. BY V. Y. DAM-MAN. interest is shown in the presidential BY W. E. MULLINS. Connecticut_8_1_I 3 _I_ race. Even though the of Special Dispatch to The Star. Special Dispatch to ‘nie Star. cial Dispatch to The Star. registration Special Dispatch to The Star. 3 j voters has increased 15,000 within the Delaware^_3_j_1 _ W. November 8. SPRINGFIELD, November 5.— CHARLESTON, Va„ OMAHA, Nebr., November 8.—Stats 111., a 5.—President 7 7 ! last four years indications are that BOSTON, November Florida I 1 —West Virginia's electoral vote* Chairman J. J. Thomas of the Demo- v. Franklin D. Roosevelt will win |_j_ eight lighter Democratic vote will be polled. Hoover and Massachusetts a 12 cratic Committee still stands hie electoral votes a carry by Georgia I I I will go to Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt by nois' 29 by major- _12_j_I of small in elec- claim 100,000 majority for Roosevelt ol 200,000 or more; Representative margin Tuesday’s general 4 by a safe majority Friday unices fore- Idaho_4J_j_l__I_I In Nebraska. In the absence of a lliam H. Dieterich, Beardsicwn, will tion unless the Democrats the casts fail to materialize. sweep Illinois 29 claim by State Chairman Smith of the elected United Sta*"- '.tor over 1_I_!_{_29 |_ A country by a landslide. This Is the powerful eleventh-hour drive to Republican Committee. E. R. Daniel- lator Otis F Glenn, nep.iuucan, Chi- I Indiana14 | 1 1 I 14 I re-elect President Hoover ha* been here by the son. head of the speakers bureau of ;o, and Judge Henry Horner, Chi- opinion privately expressed started in an effort to line con- Iowa lTT" i : ii I 1 up the that organization, said if Roosevelt ;o. will be elected Governor by a most competent observers In both servative in both Some groups parties. carries the State It will be a small of landslide 9 by jority proportions. parties. Kansas_9 j __i_'_ observers think It may have been more margin. ’he most careful survey of the State 11 effective than is shown on the surface. The lack of any genuine Roosevelt [ | 1 1 Neutral observers place the RooeeveH titles the above of a Kentucky_11 last prediction Within the several weeks there between and Democratic vic- sentiment in Boston means that the 10 OOV. OLSON. majority 50,000 75,000. ’cpmg tr.angular IN DEMOCRATIC LIST Louisiana_10_J_I ___J_|_J_ has been a change In the political They cannot the forget 148,000 Hoover y in Illinois, carrying with it most Democrats are confronted with the task Maine 5 outlook which succeeded In _5 |_|_I |_I_' bringing majority of four years ago that must the congressional districts and prob- President Hoover’s more of relying on public unrest to overcome Mar iand 8 candidacy J>e overcome. y a Democratic Legislature. _|_I_8_ prominently before the This is the normal majority, and people. Republicans have speeded up their 'hat President Hoover was brought Hoover’s Last-Minute Gains Republican Massach u 17 admitted on all sides. The shift ha* setts_17 '_j_ efforts in the closing days with espe- 3 this State at the eleventh hour Massachusetts has not been as severely j__i stimulated workers. Michigan 19 j i 19 | party Republican cial emphasis on Hoover as the friend one of his principal addresses in as other leaders now assert that the hit by the depression many "a a a I 11 |JI' publicly of The Make Results Closer *■ prohibition. Democratic Com- Friday has been interpreted May I | I 1 President will the but ■ingfield States. TllUIirSUIA_-a carry State, pri- mittee, however, has found interest In impartial observers as an acknowl- admit have doubts. has been vately they local meetings increasing and has been ement that the Republican organ- President Hoover’s position Mississippi_9_J_9 1_j_j_ leaders Than Anticipated. 15 Democratic have refused to unable to meet the demands for don felt Illinois slipping out of its consolidated here by two developments, I_ admit, even that Missouri_15 |_i_1 privately, any gains speakers. In the cities also it is ap- isp. and made a desperate eleventh- 4 been made first the resentment provoked among the have by the Republicans. parent that a turn- ir effort to this stalwart old Montana_1_\_\_I IN ROOSEVELT LIST heavy Republican keep Robert BY R. J. JACKSON. Irisn Democrats by the rejection of G. Kelly, chairman of the State over to the Democratic column rublican State in line. will Alfred E. Smith at the party's national Nebraska_7_J_____7__ Democratic Campaign Committee, in take place. 'hat the President accelerated the Special Dispatch to The Star. President's Ilia latest said Roosevelt had tonvention and, second, the statement, Bryan Rated as Winner. ■ reaction certain of — [ Nevada__3_j__3__ among groups BALTIMORE. Md.. November 5 declaration for a change In the prohi- gained in strength, particularly in in- to to him is con- New 4_!_ Democrat Favored Carry The battle between Gov. Charles W. mblicans favorable On the eve of the national election, the bition laws in his speech of acceptance, j Hampshire_1_i dustrial centers where Republicans, in- even Democratic leaders Bryan and Dwight Griswold. Repub- led by pri- Roosevelt-Garner ticket appears a cer- If Hoover had remained dry his New Jersey_ 16_I__16_ spired by President Hoover’s tariff but written across the entire tain but lican, will be close It is being fought ely. winner, President Hoover ap- cause here would be hopeless, because New speeches in the State, claimed to have State Along With Olson, mblican to save Mr. Hoover ;_ 1_ on matters of taxation with Brvan. as program parently is making surprising last-min- it was the vexing question of prohibi- Mexico_3_i_3 achieved their best results. are words "too late.” ute 47 the Incumbent, from the this State the gains in public favor which may tion which has given the State its NewYork_47___I 1_ suffering gen- the dilemma of make Predicts 100,000 Majority. Farmer-Laborite. eral demand for a “new deal 'o add to Repub- the result closer than anticipated. Democratic Governor, its two Demo- North He, are Carolina_13_!_13_I_j_ however, is rated as a winneT ,ns in this State, Democrats Even Republican leaders frankly con- cratic United States Senators and a Mr Kelly said that he would be pre- by per- several decades, North haps half the lead Roosevelt will get. ted as never in cede that 10 days ago the Democratic Smith In 1928. Dakota_4_4__ pared to close the campaign Monday triumph have flooded the 8tate with le the Republicans are divided into ticket certainly would have swept the Ohio with firm belief that Roosevelt’s ma- BY C. D. JOHNSTON Republicans 1_ a r major oppos- State. Today they claim thkt the Pres- Roosevelt Greeted Cordially. _20_26 In West would run well pamphlet on taxation that Is doing groups—progressives jority Virginia Correipoadence ol The Star. and conservatives supporting Hoo- ident has an "even chance” of being It must be borne In mind that, al- Oklahoma_11_ 11_I_I_ over 100.000. some damage to the Democratic ticket. In and Republicans openly supporting re-elected. the State is strongly against The Democratic chairman Is not ST. PAUL, Minn., November 5 —Min- a questionnaire on prohibition though Oregon_5 5_ three of five their candidate for Gov- The modesty of their claim lends Re- alone in such claim*. nesota will to the math Democratic aspirants for opposing prohibition, it is fundamentally 1 making They go polls Tuesday or, former Gov. , strength to the confident of won It the slender Pennsylvania_36 36__!_ come from all of the Democratic lead- Congress stood for repeal, a fourth for predictions publican. Smith by its presidential vote resting In the bal- t is a battle among Re- Gov. Ritchie and other Democrats of of 1 cent of the vote Rhode 4 ers and other sources. resubmission, the fifth refusing to desperate margin per total _ from many Island_4_ ance of the effectiveness answer. ilicans. themselves. Some of the a smashing Democratic victory, in in 1928 while Gov. Ely was elected two The first evidence of a widespread vote-changing One Republican candidate South 1 stood for nidable supporters of President which virtually every county as w'ell as years ago by a similar margin. Carolina_8 8_|_ shift to the Democrat? came two years jt President Hoover’s campaign climax repeal and the four others 4 refused to answer. over are burning all bridges' behind Baltimore City will have a hand The Democrats have had two bright South Dakota_4_j_I_I ago when the Republican registration speech here tonight. m in open opposition to Small. It From the sidelines it looks like the spots In the campaign. One was the 1 11 I dropped from a majority of 90,000 to | | H the cheers and plaudits of more Prospects in House Races. » more bitter fight between Small Democrats easily should change the tremendous reception given Smith when Tennessee_11 around 60,000. Since 1930 the Republi- than be- 30.000 to votes to than 100.000 who him in Min- It looks as if the Democrats would anti-Small Republicans 40,000 necessary up- he came here October 27 and the other Texas_23_j_23 ,_ j_ can registration has taken another drop greeted set vic- elect their candidate in the first, third pn Hoover Republicans and Roose- previous Republican national was the cordial greeting given Gov. L'tah 4 | and is now only about 20.000 more than nesota’s capital city can change the tories and fourth congressional districts, but Democrats. and also should elect all of their Roosevelt during his motor car tour. _4_|_j_j_ the Democratic registration. 3 ballot intentions of a like number of that it will be close, aught between the upper and nether six congressional candidates. United Smith parked Boston Arena to the Vermont_ _3_]_ _j_i_i_ inclining to the Race Close. the national Democratic candidate in the second ies of the bitterest kind of party States Senator Millard E. Tydings al- rafters and thousands were barred be- H Governorship citizens, Republican ticket Virginia _11_[_1 _!_\_ district and to the candi- ism. Small is destined to a crushing ready has his re-election “in the bag.” cause of inadequate accommodations. The State tickets are expected to! may yet carry the State. Republican to confidential in- even the leaders Washington date in the fifth. 'at. according highest Republican Pour nights later Roosevelt failed to _8_8_|_ have little effect on the presidential on the Yet, opposite side is the record Nebraska in 1924 President nation obtained by the higher-ups concede. fill the same auditorium. Smith made West candidates. The contest between T. C.! gave Virginia_8_ 8_ low price of wheat. 81.000 at the same both major party organizations, The apparent backwash in favor of a memorable plea for the return to' Townsend of Charleston, Republican! Coolidge majority, the i time it Senator Norris, who was y the performance of a miracle and Hoover ticket is considered due to regularity of his disgruntled followers, Wisconsin_12_ 12_ candidate for Governor, and H. G. And Minnesota shares her situation gave a "sober second on the 1 not then on the reserva- undreamed of shift of the great si- thought” part but there is no evidence that the great Wyoming31_ 3__ Kump of Elkins, the Democratic can- with the agricultural Northwest. Republican of some voters. It is due also in con- tion. 109.000 lead over his Democratic : vote, from which no expression mass of them accepted his appeal as 53l 15 15? 78 2l3 40 didate, is regarded as close Mr. Town- siderable j1 Unless the President's final major be obtained, can alter this result, measure to the vigorous one of sincerity or of sufficient strength ! send, however, early in the campaign, opponent. = speech, delivered tonight in a State This however. indicate that speeches by the President in defense of to stimulate a Roose- year, It looks as If leventh-hour reports strong current of 266. appeared to have things his own way,! which has had his mac.e over the radio. Majority, more exalted the national. State and far the Democratic organization both down- policy velt sentiment. but according to observers here, he has patronage by great The election Sure Republican or Leaning Republican, 126. than any other of its size In the Union, of the is te and in is holding its sentiment is peculiar in lost because of the I part congressional ticket In Favored for Governor. or 365. steadily ground, vig- can produce a general and effective re- in not of Baltimore City, where it is difficult to Ely Sure Democratic Leaning Democratic, the Democratic bag ? intact support only orous campaign work of Mr. Kump. versal of the sentiment in rural dis- but in find any outspoken Hoover sentiment The Republicans have to Doubtful, 40. i ge Horner for Governor, capitalized If Mr. Kump wins. It is regarded as tricts. Oov Roosevelt would still and among persons not closely identified the fullest extent the radicalism appear r>rt of Gov. Roosevelt Judge alleged extremely likely the entire State Demo- i to be the with his and where of Roosevelt favored contender for the erich. There are some minor de- party organization, supporters such as Sena- cratic ticket will win. the talk, while is de- vote which has never before gone to a DEMOCRATIC SWEEP iors from the Democratic ranks to pro-Rocsevelt. tors, Long. Johnson. La Pollette, Norris, Democrat* to have excellent1 not appear Democratic presidential candidate in for an cidedly enthusiastic. President Wheeler and Dill. 1 ■r>nt Hoover, whose appeal chances of winning both houses of the he State’s Hoover has a strong, following, Gov. is favored to defeat Lieut. history. >!•■ unity to accelerate what he stated quiet Ely State Legislature. If they elect six IN VIRGINIA FORECAST 1 however, numerous influential Gov. for "’finite business trend toward re- among Youngman the governorship. NORTH DAKOTA PUT State Senators they will gain control State Races Involved. business had some ef- and professional men and Ely. because of his Smith nominating g prosperity, has j of the State Senate, while the Republi- Similarly, cm the reaction to the Pat- among church groups. speech at the Chicago convention, has cans must elect eleven In order to < ient's visit, the Minnesota also The Eastern Shore of Maryland, a the solid support of the Irish Democrats. hangs guber- Confusion on at r' are some slight defections maintain control. latorial and the Balloting Large farming community. Is strongly pro- Ely likewise will receive the votes ot probably congressional U'ovrr from the ranks of Demo- The House of a!- < ■lection. Thousands of men and Roosevelt. Western nor- present Delegates wom- Seen as of Rivals these tend- Maryland, many Jews, normally Republican, who < Only Hope v’ •p-drvs. but all of IN G. 0. ready is heavily Democratic and ■n from rural communities came to P. LOSSES party shows of hav- ■ to mally Republican, signs will not support Youngman because of ere subordinated what ap- leaders feel that their majority will be ie*r the President, but the ing a strong Rooseveltian trend. South- the strong he made 16 vears questions in House Races. *o b° a general bandwagon move- protest I maintained after the election. >f how of them ern Maryland will be close, but any ?go in the many came because r rard a change from the rondi- Washington against confir- trend in be The Democrats also appear to have hey are already Republican-committed of voters pronounced Baltimore will mation of Louis D Brandeis to the ! | to Senator Jones to wh:ch a crpat majority Roosevelt Expected Carry Expected a good chance to elect four out of the ind how many others were lost to 'Ufflcient to sw’ing the election. Court bench. the BY R. L. C. BARRET. v h in Illinois think may Supreme parties , six Representatives allotted to West Republican ticket because they came brand of -'proved bv trying a new State and Nye to Return Be Re-Elected by Small Virginia. ong distances and failed to obtain seats Special Dispatch to The Star ical control. ---•-— » went away disappointed and dis- RICHMOND. Va., November S.—Vir- CORRUPTION are two of Horner Gains Strength. FEARED WYOMING IS HEI0 gruntled—those the questions ginia's quietest presidential campaign to Senate. Majority. jpon which the closed this with ■ hinges Minnesota presi- week, every indication Horner his the advantage not DELAWARE APPEARS .Tuclg’ dential vote and likewise the State pointing to an easy Roosevelt victory. p'v of well co-ordinated Democratic WITH ROOSEVELT IN LINE BY HOOVER ■lection. Democratic leaders are claiming a ma- ■. a definite to his pport. but swing SIMONS. BY JAMES DE K. There was no such of — BY KENNETH W. BROWN. demonstration of jority 100.000 for the party's national tvndard bv the seme business IntereMS. SAFE FOR HOOVER jppoeition. of political and economic ticket. Republicans are predicting that which are positive 1 special Dispatch to The Star. C«rTf**pon<1en''© of Th© Star. >rg’'v Republican, Leader Declares Hoover Is nttemess as greeted the President on his their opponents’ hcpes are like’y to be of Mr. Hoover and Dry President's Speeches Return State BISMARCK. N. Dak.. November 5.— SEATTLE, Wash., November 5.—On n thrir support Des Moines But this was frustrated the "silent vote." to a trip. due it by Most ouallv in their opposition ’resident Hoover's friends have only the eve of the presidential election. vas positive j Proven Foe of Lawlessness and to Despite Democratic Charge of Vote believed, to the fading of militancy observers believe there will be a Demo- mall. Fold, but Majority Will orlorn of carrying this State for Washington remains in the doubtful hope md strong-arm methods of the farm- cratic majority of approximately 75,000, In the certain sectors of Other Forces. lim Tuesday. I column, with both Republicans and background Menacing Buying, G. 0. P. Retain* strike movement. It was also aided by which may go to higher figures if the ho friendly to Be Slim. There has been of a shift Democrats claiming victory. Republican organization something he fact that Gov. Olson, Farmer- total vote in the State should reach controlled Gov. President since the I conservative indicate, *r. Hoover and by ._ i oward the opening Careful, surveys Lead. j«bor. third By the Associated Press. party Governor, seeking re- the 305.000 mark attained in 1928 It are helping to bring if the campaign, but most observers however, that the upward swing for Imerson quietly jection against Earle Brown, Repub- is generally believed that the total vote the defeat of Small on the theory NEW YORK. November 5.—Fred A BY R. E. EVANS. told it doubtful that it has been strong Hoover which started five weeks ago. bout, ’c®h. and John E will be behind that of four of 70, Small Victor. State and chair- i of anti-Hoo- while somewhat slowed the ; Regan, militant considerably hat if defeated at the age superintendent Special Dispatch to The Star nough to stem the sweep up during rish Democrat, man of the BY C. E. GRAY. simultaneously held his years ago. ■ill thus be eliminated as a formidable Anti-Saloon Campaign ,er sentiment. The shift has been last few days, will carry the Republican I >wn issued CHEYENNE, Wyo., November 5.— campaign wind-up rally just across Rallies this week were well attended, Fetor in future political activities Committee, a statement last 1 Wrongest in the cities, which were just ticket over the top. with somewhere be- Special Dispatch to The Star. he Republican majorities face the prospect Mississippi River in the'Minneapolis but were not marked by the heat or rehabilitation will follow. night declaring that President Hoover j 1 is strongly against Hoover at the be- tween 15.000 and 40.000 plurality. This WILMINGTON. Del.. November 5.— 11 irganization of being cut in Wyoming next Lutiitorium and there concentrated the enthu;ia;m of similar four situation the "should be re-elected in the Interest of Tuesday, as rural districts, but the is the surface indication the on gatherings To meet this desperate dnning the today. Although campaign the Repub- orces of Pew law enforcement but gains made by Hoover during the j! major-party dissatisfaction in years ago. appear to be in doubt. ollowers of Small, while openly urg- orderly government, ■ loover campaign has been unable to, This year the State had its greatest lican side has not been as harmonious ; i closing weeks of the campaign justify meeting which boldly set out to com- Prom the beginning the to vote the ticket and the promotion of the general wel- each the folks on the farms. registration in Fully 35 per as the leaders could wish and > Republicans n.g Republicans the history. party >ete with the of a have acted as fare.” prediction the President will carry , coming President. if they accepted defeat Including President Hoover, Chief among the reasons for this has cent of this vote is' the silent type. the Democrats have raised the issue of Indications Ijrnertraight. the State. Representative Vincent Car- from widely varied re- as inevitable. Prom within their own "His vision.” the statement added, ense the fact that Hoover’s generals >een the defection from Hover among Where it will go Is problematical. The vote buying, Delaware today seems safe ] jorts over the State “makes him the foe of ter, Republican, is generally expected indicate that Gov ranks has come criticism that leader* re not for Small and therefore the implacable nul- andidates in his own party. ■llent vote, not yet polled or canvased, for Hoover and most of the State bison will be to be returned to Congress, and the re-elected despite the fact were making little effort to carrv the is such combinations as lification, lawlessness and corruption. will decide the election, and this State ticket. After an record 1 hat itter making race 'uninterrupted the Hoover presidential State for “From his own lips we have this gubernatorial will be close, with G. O. P. for Roosevelt. vote would Hoover. On the other hand, e can in the rural and coal mining Is normally overwhelmingly Republican. of State domination of 32 years there ; >e expected to re-elect ‘The first of the Presi- the result a toss-up between Harry nominated itself on a vote the Democrats have had hard-working istrirts with Democrats and progres- pledge: duty Not one of the candidates is no doubt that the Republicans have or Brown for dent R Weston. Republican, and Leslie A. Jones to Win. Governor, and a pre- precinct organisations, which have been who are supporting of the United States is to enforce it the State primary in June has ex- Expected lost ground. However, with a nominal iicted ive Republicans Miller,* Democrat. A State ! Roosevelt sweep would tend to most effective. the laws as they exist. That I shall Republican iresed open support for him. One. Wil- The swerve against all persons In of- of 18.000 out a total of 90.000 < loosevelt for the presidency. the majority trengthen the vain As the continue to do to the best of my abil- Senate and gains by Democrats in iam Lemke. fice. this all normally hopes of State is electing its Rep- Mayor Cermak of Chicago, who has j Republican congressional prevalent year, may upset votes, the Republicans should withstand i Democrat in a other course the House complete the outlook. lor Minnesota State cam- re'entaives at large the chances are issue in the State fight, > ity. Any would be the andidate, has openly campaigned and carry the silent vote the inroades made their een made an will wet predictions strong by op- ] >aign race. These two that a solid abrogation of the very of Wyoming go by a large ma- toosevelt. The other can- ! into a Democratic landslide on the elements, ac- Democratic delegation will ;ith Small’s lieutenants openly pro- guarantees congressional ponents. The latter are hopeful of ording to the laws of itself.’ jority. but J. Ross Carpenter, militant normal political be elected to Election of a that if Horner wins Cermak liberty lidate. J. H. Sinclair, has kept mum as presidential ticket—a possibility, but carrying the State by from 4.000 to Congress lalming would indicate Gov. or "No such word has come from his dry, is running against Carter and Paul las P. Senator seek- not jugury, Olsons Republican independent candidate is ■ill be the political dictator of Illinois. j Gerald Nye, junior at all probable. 5.000. Gov. C. Douglass Buck. Repub- , I ci cut. Gov. Roosevelt ha- R. Greever. Democrat, boln of whom regarded as unlikely, except by con- one of the most intensive opponent. prom- ng re-election. Senator Wesley L. Jones is apparently lican, will be elected over Landreth L. ; directing lies in fusion on the ised beer and yet more beer—a are wet. Carter's strength the s reason dom- part of the voters in rives in American politics to elect special The for this is that the safe with a small margin. The entire Layton, Democrat, probably running Democrats Split. -ession of the to fact that his following continues large i marking the lengthy at ballot, a and Thomas J. Court- Congress legalize nant wing of the Republican party, Republican congressional ticket, with ahead of the rest of the ticket. Mr. However, with the large lamer Governor in Democratic centers and he will draw Democratic party form new to them. beer—as though getting drunk were the rhich carried them through in the pri- the of the new sixth district, Hoover's are credit for wide This pcssibillty, ev State’s attorney. exception speeches given j ipllt open since prior to the na- supreme and a revenue wrung heavily upon both veteran and normal is for however, is remote. The of this is State-wide good, nary. also Roosevelt, and every will be elected. In the sixth, two avowed saving the State for the Republicans. ;ional convention, the stragegy from the and destruction support. Carpenter, it is "rump” faction "Hoover" automobile have the Governor's office degradation Republican andidate has felt that support of the repealists of the eighteenth amendment Delaware will elect a Representative >f Democrats tags been ontrol through will a j only have supported for of American citizens a blessing greatly virtually conceded, poll compara- I iresidential ticket would 1m- i were nominated—John T. McCutcheon. to succeed G. conspicuous their absence from Vir- n and Cook County con- seriously Representative Robert Regan while the Springfield, to be desired. tivelv small vote. actively, "regular” ginia and streets this the office of State's at- lair his chances of election. Republican, and Wesley L. Lloyd, Dem- Houston. Republican. The State has Democratic highways year rol through his own leaders have generally sup- and “Hoover" "His utter lack of vision, his willing- President Hoover has been The Democratic State ticket has made ocrat. is "an but one member in the national House, i buttons are rarely Wen omey. which is all-powerful In criminal j McCutcheon irregular." jorted Gov. Olson as the ness to pander to the criminal and cor- best campaigner in so far as Wyoming is in North Dakota for the only "pro- on the sidewalks of cities and towns. flairs ramifying Into every avenue of campaign hence he will lose the straight-laced Houston was discarded by the new Du j [reesive" who can beat the rupt in the community, and his pledge concerned. Handicapped at the outset irst time in their vote and the Pont machine. The Bet- Republican ctivitv. years. Although Republican Republican Republican [ubernatorial candidate, and then 1 to attempt sheer nullification of the by diffidence and discouragement that a number of only Cermak disavows nain hope is that large Irys. The latter are following after the ter Government League, and Reuben i he has some fusion Mavor any purpose Constitution in the interest of intoxi- undeniably had decimated Republican Farmer-Labor to influence the administra- icrsons will "vote her straight" after Liberty party dry candidate, assuring Satterthwaite. jr.. was picked to run ind Democratic o attempt beer, him as utterly and Independent voter ranks, he has j support. Regan, there- i DEMOCRATIC SWEEP the latter is cating stamps leciding to leave the G. O. P.. the Lloyd's election. in his stead. Houston is a veteran bone ; 'ore. is not ion of judge Horner, if the com- expected to poll more than ! unfit for high office of President. gained ground steadily under loosevelt has been disso- John W Summers, and Satterthwaite is a wet. The lectori Governor. He accepts as a campaign | Representative dry 100.000 of the State’s expected million "Roosevelt will not fight corruption— bined effects of his own reassuring iated from that of other Democratic are Democrats Wilbur L. a that he is re- Lin H. Hadley and Albert Johnson picked Adams, j rotes. IN ARIZONA wnpliment the charge he has not it in New York.” statements and local concentration on FORECAST nomina- fought andidates. :ertain of election. Sam B. Hill, Dem- so-called dry. who has endorsed the wet j Olson's sponsible for Judge Horner's however, will vote-getting strength has been the tariff. Democrats, Since the of the ocratic member, has no John of both the national and State Icn. nor does he object to having it .beginning campaign opposition. planks mgmented within the last three davs ! poll one of the heaviest votes they have loover's friends have wondered will be returned The Houston's aid that he was among those first sug- only P. Miller, Republican, platforms. drys xand ( ilso by announcement of former REGISTRATION ever received. Repre- Tariff Is and ILLEGAL low big th$ majority will be and esti- In the first, after being out two years. irate friends in the two* lower counties enutive Frank Capper Leading Issue ia gesting Judge Horner for Governor draws to F. Ellsworth that, al- As the gubernatorial race nates run all the way from 10,000 to have rallied to the of the \ that he made a finish for him In support hough he was Earle Brown's fight a the situation and Liberty Party’s Strength. opponent Senate Race With IS CHARGED IN OHIO close gasoline price 10.000. It is only recently that any of Rev. F. Burgette Short, a Methodist j or the Hayden the primary. for veterans, allowed Republican gubernatorial nomi- tax exemption \ hem have even begun to suggest the The entire State Requblican ticket, minister, who was nominated by the , latlon to the In Bitter Battle. law to the extent of prior primaries, he now is under the Wyoming | that he may win. headed by Lieut. Gov. John A. Gel- Independent epartv It Is thought that < Running Ahead. losslbility upporting and for re- Small’s fol- Rushed to valuation, hold the is as- he will campaigning Certainly the attack of Inspectors Challenged $2,000 property latly, nominated for Governor, pull enough votes away from j fection of Gov. with Odds Favor Olson. lowers upon Mayor Cermak is much answer. Wyoming, big refineries. | Nye. sured election. Judson F. Falknor, Satterthwaite to defeat him. It would Ward* on of So. depending upon whether President Complaint more for than States East In the State odds will not be a if Adams won. BY T. W. B. more vitriolic than that upon Judge pe.ys gasoline races, however, the nominee for Lieutenant Governor, surprise ] ioover gained ANDERSON. has been and South and Miller, himself a big till favor the votes The is in doubt. The enough Republican Horner. The printed charge Chairman. j Republican candidates, lead the ticket, drawing more Legislature Special Dispatch to The Star Democratic stands trength by his personal appearance to spread throughout the State that Cer- dealer, blames the refiners and ind Nye is regarded as certain to win than Hoover, Jones or Gellatly. Republicans are claiming that they will ]: wing the State for him and for the PHOENIX. Ariz., November 5.— mak is the so-called “Tammany tiger” By the Associated Press. for reduction. Weston, Republican, he Senate contest as Roosevelt Is to Republicans will control the State at least control the Senate. The con- since Republican State ticket, the governor- Arizona's three electoral votes will go of Chicago Small further charges that November 5.— would let the Legislature decide, arry the State. and the Legislature. This year, for the trol of the Legislature will be of the COLUMBUS. Ohio. hip also is far from any certainty as to Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt, observ- Cermak has controlled the Cook County any change might involve the necessity With regard to the the first time since an utmost importance. Gov. Buch will * Charges of illegal registration of voters governorship, statehood, virtually \ 0 its results, Olson is the fa- ers predict. the South of the State in the gasoline Hates interna] a will be have the of an although joard. the sanitary district, n Toledo had been filed w'ith the Sec- putting | politics have played ?ntire new legislative personnel appointment entirely With tax vorite, Brown next favored and Regan a registration of four to one Park Commission and the City of Chi- G. business. Both stand for veteran tig part and the Democrats are really elected under an initiative reapportlon- new State judiciary and the Legislature retary of State today by Henry hlrd. in favor of the Democrats, it is ex- to their detriment and that he exemption, but Miller is an ex-service onfidrnt of winning for the first time aient bill. will have to confirm the new judges. cago Brunner, chairman of the Democratic A Hoover sweep or the Sta.e, even pected they will make a clean j man. ince John late treasurer of the In some of the districts the by sweep WDects to make this control State-wide. Burke, Of the eight and State liquor 1 State Central Committee. Inspectors presidential ( small majority, probably would carry of all State offices and carry Senator Tne mayor accepted this challenge wards. Jnited States, was elected In 1906 as the tickets on the ballot, outside of the two question is a factor, as an effort will be were rushed to the challenged rtth it not only the State Carl Hayden, target of a heated at- esult of a in the ranks. is made this time to the en- Republican attack tage ly and is replying by calling Brunner declared there were serious split Republican major parties, the Liberty party the repeal dry , icket. but at former Senator The also least eight of nine by Ralph Cameron. Re- untton to the suits brought against he was unable size of the vote will depend It will between 50.000 forcement and liquor possession law*. irregularities, but said ROOSEVELT PROMISES strongest. poll ongressional candidates on the publican. and Representative Lewis who was forced argely on the weather. In 1928 the Repub- W ;ormcr Gov. Small, by to name any one responsible. and 60.00 votes, thus saving the Re- ican to ‘ otal ballot. Douglas victory. he court to return $650,000 in interest About the time Secretary of State poll was slightly more than 249.000, : publican presidential ticket, as these Arizona's j FARM TARIFF PROTECTION lut roads registration, however in public funds of the State. Mayor Clarence J. Brown was he were good and farmers found rotes would otherwise go Democratic, charges postal aid Congremianal Races. announcing --—_ doesn't reflect the former j t easy to to the Indications political allegiance Irrmc.k is also bitterly assailing his imme- get polls. rhe third party will also elect many there are the of would begin investigation However, listed against the voters. Many Republicans reg- , who is from Milk Producers Ques- I his year are that the vote may be I minor afficials in and i Jayor diately, reports were received Co-operative county legislative IN BRITTEN CAMPAIGN Republican congressional aspirants In ister as Democrats to participate in that eading the Chicago fight for Small 700 residents of the mailer, since the population of the aistncts. i Cleveland that _ Minnesota s unredistricted congressional party's primary. The normal Demo- All of this makes an stage tion Nominee on Import ! Hate is believed to have been Interesting Wayfarers Lodge, a charity mission, had slightly j The Communists are deserting their ace at large four Farmer-Labor cratic is to 1 eduoed strong majority estimated at 18,000 setting Tor Mayor Cermak's rise on the books. during the four-year period. :icket for the Democratic. The Social- Progressive League Bay* Letter been illegally placed poll Views. ] tes—Representative Paul J. Kvale, out of 152.000 registered voters. lower. He experts to be credited with of and ists will poll a light vote. The other Other reports illegal registration Is eeking re-election; present Lieut.. Much of the active opposition to one of the leading factors in from tickets will draw Furthering Candidacy icing illegal absent voting were received By the Associsted Press. comparatively light 3ov. Henry Arens, and former Unit- Senator Hayden and Representative irlnging about the nomination and 3ERENGER MAKES PLEA Dallots. id States two other counties. Tlie National Co-operative Milk Pro- Being Pranked. Senator Magnus Johnson, Douglas from World War veterans for election of Homer. That such a re- Judge Charges of illegal registration were ducers Federation announced receipt The State is also voting upon the md former Representative Ernest Lun- their votes immediate result will add to his is against payment vastly power made in Jefferson County several days a from Gov. FOR CUT peal of the State bone-dry law, along By the Associated Press. leen. There are also yesterday of telegram OF WAR DEBTS three strong of the bonus has disappeared. It was not to be questioned. but a session of the grand with a dozen other proposals. A survey The National an Democrats—Einar ago. special Roosevelt saying he had "consistently Progressive League, Hotdale, attorney, the principal issue in the primary con- added to his as na- indicates the be 1 Tills, prestige jury could find no basis for the charges. stood” for tariff “that will repeal initiative will organization supporting Gov. Roosevelt, vho came within 11,000 votes of defeat- tests in which both had committeeman for Illinois and protection Declares War Which Come comparatively tional insure the domestic market for our May iefeated and the State remain dry. said yesterday in a statement: I ng Senator Thomas D. Schall only two narrow World's Fair of with margins. mayor Chicago, American farmer.” ‘The Post Office now ; ears ago; Robert C. Bell. State treas- A a vote of 2.- Has Cost Department, copper tariff has been the the city and State under Democratic counties gives poll Already $6,000,- i prin- The Governor’s telegram was in re- running heavily in the red under the irer. who was one of the original in- cipal issue in the senatorial race. control and with 8tate and Federal 974 for Roosevelt and 2.377 for Hoover. Hay- sponse to requests by farm organization 000,000. SIX DEAD IN FIGHT Hoover administration. Is helping at vestigators of Tea Pot Dome and now is den has taken the at his disposal in the event Here again is an indication of the run- play away from patronage officials to both President Hoover and public expense, to advertise the cam- i ecogntaed as the father of the State Cameron by a 10-cent tariff. of the election of Judge Horner and away race being made by Horner for advocating the Democratic candidate for an expres- : ly the Assoclsted Press. paign of Representative Fred A. Britten, I ncome tax amendment, and Silas M. With two will make him the out- Governor, his vote in that Republican Soldiers Raid Rail Junc- only major copper companies Gov. Roosevelt, — Insurgent sion of their views on “adequate and PARIS, November 5 Henry Berenger, Republican, of Chicago, for re-election.” 1 Rryan. son of Gov. Charles of In the and in Illinois and area being 3,083 as against 2,157 for Bryan operating State, both of standing figure politics on ani- of the The statement said a letter which in- 1 Nebraska and of the Great to equalized import duties” foreign :o-negotiator MeUon-Berenger tion in Manchuria. nephew them on limited production, the tariff place him in strategic position Small. Britten’s I mal and vegetable oil products. The lebt accord, said in an address here vited “individual constituents” Commoner, who has scarred the family question is one of concern to his desire to go to the United Reaching up into four of the south- 5 deepest gratify Governor in his reply said: yesterday that the impending economic SUPINGKAI. Manchuria. November to attend one of a series of addresses by < iscutcheon by very popularly becoming thousands of voters. States Senate when opportunity af- ern counties Of Wisconsin, this poll 'Let me make it clear that I have md disarmament conferences should [JP).—Three Japanese employes were Britten was "sent through the Chicago < ine of the leaden for prohibition re- The Democratic fords. gives a grand total of 3.303 for Roose- only candidate whoee stood for a policy of tariff I ieclde that war debts must be reduced shot to death and three burned to death Post Office under the frank of the en- | leal. be less than Every political barometer velt and 2.662 for Hoover. Editorially, consistently majority may 5.000 votes dependable that will insure the domestic 11 with war armaments. today when 60 insurgent soldiers raided terprising Congressman re-elec- Johnson, Arens. Kvale and Hoidale or is James H. the above this concedes the protection limultaneously | seeking Kerby, the party's nomi- In Illinois justifies predic-i Republican newspaper on the Roosevelt, while market for our American farmer.” "War which may come already has Supingkai. important junction tion.” 1 Jell are generally given the best nee for secretary of state. tions and calculations. In addition to popular trend toward Rail- | :ost francs (about $6.- main line of the South Manchuria "The envelope containing the franked t fiances of creeping into the congres- Ten initiative measures will such barometers there are many sig- calling attention to "the undoubted ’’ appear >00.000.000)he said. "We must the News letter said It was a document.’ i ional the trend of to Hoover by the late balloting” do| way, Rengo (Japanese) Agency ‘public delegation if the Republican vote on the ballot Tuesday. They range nificant straws showing swing 1 Germinates 2.000.000 Plants. iway with the double burden of gold reported. the statement said. “It also contained i [rive falls down. from of the the political winds. Outsynding among following President Hoover's drive into repeal State prohibition law tomato ind steel if humanity is to find proe- A freight train, which was about to a smiling photograph of Mr. Britten, Gov. Olson, in is the de- to a constitutional these i$ the poll concluding thi* the Middle West. Then it adds omi- More than 2.000.000 plants summary, amendment limit- In less than three jerity." leave Supingkai for Dairen, got away, passport size, also presumed to be a < ided favorite for the SUte to week by the R?publ1ran Morning St’.r nously: “This swing, however. h«s not were germinated governorship. ing expenditures 1917 appro- He under the of the but the station was by the public document’ and < >ov. Roosevelt is a a and of Rockford. been sufficient to close up the gap in months by a Michigan farmer in an spoke auspices destroyed transmitted similarly decided fa- priations plus proportionate allow- Register-Republican International Association “Messages." Barnes. through the mall* ‘free."* i vrita lor President. The tier of 13 northern Republican the total of votes." electrically heated garden. i ance lor locrMM tat population.

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