Toward Pop Chord Space
Toward Pop Chord Space Harmonic Hierarchy in Popular Music Sami Sallinen Master's Thesis Music, Mind and Technology University of Jyväskylä July 2010 Jyväskylän yliopisto – University of Jyväskylä Tiedekunta – Faculty Laitos – Department Humanities Music Tekijä – Author Sami Sallinen Työn nimi – Title Toward Pop Chord Space: Harmonic Hierarchy in Popular Music Oppiaine – Subject Työn laji – Level Music, Mind and Technology Master's Thesis Aika – Month and year Sivumäärä – Number of pages July, 2010 104 (67 + 37) Tiivistelmä – Abstract In this study, a set of 18 chord functions common in popular music is proposed and studied using the probing method. Two-chord probes, containing every permutation of the 18 chords (called the Pop Chord Set), are constructed and presented along with a key context to 21 subjects in a listening experiment. The participants are asked to rate the prevalence (or fitness) of the probe in the context of popular music. The results of the experiment (called the Pop Chord Space) are presented and compared to the Tonal Pitch Space model by Lerdahl. The main results suggest that 1) the subjects have a tendency of favoring diatonic target chords over nondiatonic ones, and 2) diatonic chords and, on the other hand, major chords, have the most paths open after them, and 3) the models of harmonic hierarchy compared here have similar structural rules and tendencies, although 4) there seems to be a perceived difference between harmonic hierarchies of different tonal musics (i.e. popular music and classical music). The concept of Pop Chord Space is later refined, and finally, limitations of this study are acknowledged, and recommendations for further research and musical practice proposed.
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