12 The award-winning student newspaper of Imperial College . 02 “Keep The Cat Free” . Issue 1,453 10 ffelixelix felixonline.co.uk Charging onwards This week.... Five years behind bars: Imperial’s University Challenge team speak Gary Tanaka sentenced ahead of their next match, see page 6 and 7 News, Page 3 Causing a stir: The Pope misunderstood? Politics, Page 15 Ilustrating every lyric: The Hard Rain Project Arts, Page 17 Boxing at Imperial: Preying on false hopes The historical Rector’s Cup felix investigates the ‘model casting’ scam that is targeting students on High Street Kensington, see page 4 Features, Page 37 2 felix FRIDAY 12 FEBRUARY 2010 News Editor Kadhim Shubber NEWS
[email protected] New Guilds President found The world beyond AAlexanderlexander KKarapetianarapetian College walls Following the departure of Kirsty Pat- terson, former CGCU President, the City and Guilds College Union held elections to appoint a new President and Guildsheet Editor. The elections attracted respective candidates Dan Lundy and Richard Bennett, who at- tained their positions unopposed. Guildsheet is the monthly student Sri Lanka magazine of the Faculty of Engineer- ing, rival to the Royal College Of Sci- New CGCU President Dan Lundy being unfairly engulfed by the CGCU logo eneral Sarath Fonseka, the loser of Sri Lanka’s presidential ence Union’s Broadsheet magazine. election last month and the commander of the Sri Lankan The results of the elections were an- G army during the conclusion of the Sri Lankan civil war, was nounced at noon on Monday. The the Presidential position. team will focus on attaining sponsor- arrested Monday in a raid on his offices.