Mathematics 18.337, Computer Science 6.338, SMA 5505 Applied Parallel Computing Spring 2004 Lecturer: Alan Edelman1 MIT 1Department of Mathematics and Laboratory for Computer Science. Room 2-388, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, Email:
[email protected], ii Math 18.337, Computer Science 6.338, SMA 5505, Spring 2004 Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 The machines . 1 1.2 The software . 2 1.3 The Reality of High Performance Computing . 3 1.4 Modern Algorithms . 3 1.5 Compilers . 3 1.6 Scientific Algorithms . 4 1.7 History, State-of-Art, and Perspective . 4 1.7.1 Things that are not traditional supercomputers . 4 1.8 Analyzing the top500 List Using Excel . 5 1.8.1 Importing the XML file . 5 1.8.2 Filtering . 7 1.8.3 Pivot Tables . 9 1.9 Parallel Computing: An Example . 14 1.10 Exercises . 16 2 MPI, OpenMP, MATLAB*P 17 2.1 Programming style . 17 2.2 Message Passing . 18 2.2.1 Who am I? . 19 2.2.2 Sending and receiving . 20 2.2.3 Tags and communicators . 22 2.2.4 Performance, and tolerance . 23 2.2.5 Who's got the floor? . 24 2.3 More on Message Passing . 26 2.3.1 Nomenclature . 26 2.3.2 The Development of Message Passing . 26 2.3.3 Machine Characteristics . 27 2.3.4 Active Messages . 27 2.4 OpenMP for Shared Memory Parallel Programming . 27 2.5 STARP . 30 3 Parallel Prefix 33 3.1 Parallel Prefix .