D:\moderngov\data\published\Intranet\C00000161\M00003290\AI00012246\Appendi x3RepresentationsReceived0.doc Appendix 3

Polling District Review Representations Received for changes to the proposed scheme.

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Polling District Review 2008 Representations received for changes to the proposed scheme.

Ward Name Page

Alwoodley 3 Bramley & 4 5 City & 6 Hyde Park & Woodhouse 7 8 Otley & Yeadon 9 11 Rothwell 12

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Ward: Polling District(s): ALB


Electorate: ALB - 2730

The following proposal has been submitted on behalf of Election Officers.

Proposal: To dispense with the use of a portacabin, and to transfer polling to 17 Bar and Restaurant.

Revised Electorate: N/A

Officers’ Comments : The Bar/Restaurant is situated on the opposite side of the road to the portable building, has improved access facilities and improved facilities for polling station staff. Polling previously took place in the bar/restaurant when it was known as “The Allerton”; however it was transferred to the portacabin when the old owners denied us access. Officers have confirmed the availability of the bar/restaurant for polling purposes. This transfer was approved at CG&A in November.

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Ward: Bramley & Stanningley Polling District(s): BSE


Electorate: BSE – 1768

The following proposal has been submitted on behalf of Election Officers.

Proposal: To dispense with the use of a portacabin, and to transfer polling to Fairfield Community Centre, Fairfield Street, Leeds, LS13 3DW.

Revised Electorate: N/A

Officers’ Comments : Polling was previously carried out in the Community Centre, prior to its closure for refurbishment. The building is now available for use again. The Community Centre has improved access for electors and has improved facilities for polling staff. This transfer was approved at CG&A in November.

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Electorate: CAL – 1198

The following proposal has been submitted on behalf of Election Officers.

Proposal: To transfer polling from a room in the club to a portacabin in the car park.

Revised Electorate: N/A

Officers’ Comments : Following the elections in May 2007 the Returning Officer received a petition from electors in polling district CAL objecting to polling taking place in licensed premises. This issue was discussed at the CG&A meeting in November.

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Ward: City & Hunslet Polling District(s): City Centre Polling – CHC & CHD

Polling Station: Park Dale Hall - CHC Holy Trinity Church - CHD

Electorate: CHC – 3648 CHD - 3205

The following proposal has been submitted on behalf of the Liberal Democrat Party.

Proposal: To divide the City Centre into 6 Polling Districts with 4 polling stations at the following locations: - Park Dale Hall, Polling District (CHC/CHM) Existing polling station for CHC. Holy Trinity Church, Boar Lane, Polling District (CHD/CHN) Existing polling station for CHD Yorkshire Post Building (CHO) , Polling District New Polling Station. Not available. The Armouries (CHP) , Polling District . New Polling Station.

Revised Electorate: CHC – 2038 CHD – 1476 CHM – 732 CHN - 583

Officers’ Comments : Park Dale Community Centre and Holy Trinity Church, Boar Lane are existing polling stations, and are currently in use. The Yorkshire Post Building has indicated that they no longer have a suitable room for polling purposes. The Armouries has suitable accommodation for polling purposes and has confirmed its availability.

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Ward: Hyde Park & Woodhouse Polling District: HWF

Polling Station: Blenheim Nursery Unity, Blackman Lane.

Electorate: HWF - 2351

The following proposal has been submitted by the Liberal Democrat Party.

Proposal: To transfer polling from Blenheim Nursery Unit to The Parkinson Building (Centenary Gallery) University of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane.

Revised Electorates N/A

Officers’ Comments: This proposal was submitted to CG&A at their November meeting. Officers were minded to support the proposal subject to availability.

No other representations were received.

The Centenary gallery in the Parkinson Building was inspected prior to the CG&A meeting in February, the facilities were considered suitable for polling and we have received written confirmation of its availability.

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Ward: Kirkstall Polling District: KIC

Polling Station: St Stephens Parish Hall, Norman Street

Electorate: 3099

The following proposal has been submitted by the Liberal Democrat Party.

Proposal: To split polling district KIC creating a new polling district within the Kirkstall Brewery Halls of Residence, Broad Lane. To serve electors residing in the Halls of Residence. 900 electors would be transferred to the new polling station, and the remaining 2199 electors living outside of the Halls of Residence would continue to vote at St Stephens Hall.

Revised Electorates: Polling District KIC, St Stephens Parish Hall – Electorate 2199 New Polling District KII. Kirkstall Brewery Halls of Residence – Electorate 900

Officers’ Comments: This proposal was submitted for the consideration of CG&A at their February meeting. Officers supported the proposal. Objections to the proposal were received from the Labour Party.

The Elections office has received written confirmation of its availability. The Halls of Residence will be established as the polling station in a new polling district solely for the use of residents. The remainder of the electors in polling district KIC will poll at St Stephens Parish Hall in a new polling district.

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Ward: Otley & Yeadon Polling District: OYH


Electorate: 1915

The following proposal has been submitted by the Liberal Democrat Party.

Objection: All three Liberal Democrat ward councillors and Councillor David Hollingsworth (Liberal Democrat) object to the continued use of Rufford Park Primary School, for polling purposes.

Proposal: The Liberal Democrat Party and the Ward Councillors propose transferring polling arrangements to Yeadon Town Hall.

Revised Electorates: N/A

Officers’ Comments: This proposal was submitted for consideration by CG&A at their November meeting. Officers supported the proposal. Objections were received from the Labour Group.

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Ward: Otley & Yeadon Polling District: OYI

Polling Station: YEADON LIBRARY

Electorate: 2983

The following proposal has been submitted by the Liberal Democrat Party.

Proposal: Councillor Colin Campbell, Liberal Democrat, has submitted a proposal to create a new polling district out of that part of polling district OYI, for residents of Coppice Wood Avenue, Coppice Wood Crescent, Banksfield Mount, Banksfield Green, Banksfield Close and Banksfield Crescent, Shaw Lane, Shaw Lees, Raywood Close and part of Queensway to poll at Queensway School.

Officers’ Comments: This is a new proposal and would require redrawing of the polling district boundary and inspection of Queensway School, and confirmation of its availability and suitability.

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Ward: Pudsey Polling District: PSC

Polling Station: Greenside Primary School, LS28

Electorate: 1790

The following proposal has been submitted by the Head teacher of Greenside Primary School.

Proposal: Consideration be given to not using the school for polling purposes, suggests the following alternative venues:

The church premises at nearby Pudsey Parish Church The church hall at Fartown Church Pudsey Leisure Centre

Officers’ Comments: This is a late submission and therefore no inspection of the alternative polling station premises, suggested by the head teacher of Greenside Primary School has been carried out. CG&A at their meeting in November approved the use of the school.

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Ward: Rothwell Polling District: RLA & RLK

Polling Station: Haigh Road Community Centre (RLA) Rothwell Victoria School (RLK)

Electorate: 2596 (RLA) 2158 (RLK)

The following proposal has been submitted by the Liberal Democrat Party.

Proposal: To transfer some electors in RLA to poll at RLK.

Officers’ Comments: This proposal was submitted for the consideration of CG&A at their November meeting. The proposal was supported by Officers and objected to by the Labour Party.

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