Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
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Hematologia 2016, tom 7, nr 3, 173–216 DOI: 10.5603/Hem.2016.0017 Copyright © 2016 Via Medica PRACA POGLĄDOWA ISSN 2081–0768
Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine — a novel approach of combining comprehensiveness, coordination, innovation and pro-quality measures for improving diagnosis, treatment, patient care, and the advancement of medical science Instytut Hematologii i Transfuzjologii — nowatorskie rozwiązania polegające na kompleksowości, koordynacji, innowacyjności i jakości w celu poprawy diagnostyki i leczenia, komfortu chorego i postępu w medycynie
Krzysztof Warzocha, Przemysław Juszczyński, Ewa Lech-Marańda, Magdalena Łętowska, Witold Kmiotek, Beata Lichocka, Piotr Hołownia
Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, Warsaw, Poland
Abstract Like in all European countries, Poland has witnessed a continuing rise in healthcare services needed for treating hematological disease. Not only have morbidity rates increased in myeloid and lymphoid malignancies but, in parallel, a dynamic development of diagnostic methods and therapeutic treatments has occurred in recent times. The Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine constitutes a reference centre in Poland committed to delivering scientific-clinical excel- lence where it undertakes scientific studies and translational research in hematology, transfusion medicine and related disciplines along with providing healthcare services in such fields. This is a modern medical centre focused on coordinating and integrating treatment using new medical technologies. A multidisciplinary strategy to medicine ensures that all necessary specialists are engaged in disease diagnoses and also for defining disease progression stages together with actual treatment, subsequent rehabilitation and follow-up monitoring. By adopting this comprehensive approach, optimal therapeutic solutions are thereby achieved; patients receive coordinated medi- cal healthcare, which above all else, results in faster and more effective treatments. In order to achieve such aims, it is vital that all diagnostic and medical units collaborate, including with those from other medical centres whenever added specialist treatment is required. In addition to standard diagnostics and treatment, the Institute provides highly specialised and innovative treat- ments that are molecularly targeted, as well as the opportunity of participating in international clinical trials, where innovative and experimental therapies are used on patients with myeloid and lymphoid malignancies. Such trials have enabled the Institute to apply modern immunological and genetic technologies to diagnoses-treatment. Performing such procedures requires a complex and multidisciplinary approach, not just for ensuring correct diagnoses, but for also assessing prognostic-predictive disease markers, making the diagnoses early, preventing complications,
Address for correspondence: Krzysztof Warzocha, Hematology Department, Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, Indira Gandhi Street 14, 02–776 Warsaw, Poland; e-mail: [email protected] 173 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
selecting appropriate donor-recipients for hematopoietic cell transplants and evaluating the extent of remission. In collaboration with other national centres and those abroad, the Institute is also engaged in complex and coordinated programmes devoted to preserving women’s fertility for those suffering from cancer and who are treated with chemo/radio-therapy. Over recent years, the Insti- tute has invested in furnishing individual laboratories with the latest equipment and specialised instrumentation. Because of its highly specialist staff, the wide experience of hematopathologists and the supporting teams of biologists and biotechnologists, the Institute has at its disposition the vital ‘know-how’ thereby allowing developments from scientific studies to become successfully im- plemented and commercialised. The dynamic rise in this area has driven the creation of innovative products under the National Smart Specialisation initiative; this giving the Institute a competitive advantage in developing new medical technologies, at both country and international levels. Key word: hematology, comprehensiveness, coordination, innovation, quality, patient Hematologia 2016; 7, 3: 173–216
Streszczenie W Polsce, podobnie jak w innych krajach europejskich, obserwuje się ciągły wzrost zapotrzebowa- nia na świadczenia zdrowotne w zakresie chorób krwi. Na to zjawisko składa się nie tylko obser- wowana od kilkudziesięciu lat zwiększona zapadalność na nowotwory układów krwiotwórczego i chłonnego, ale również dynamiczny rozwój metod diagnostycznych i leczniczych, jaki się dokonał w ostatnim czasie. Instytut Hematologii i Transfuzjologii jest referencyjną jednostką naukowo- -kliniczną prowadzącą badania naukowe i translacyjne w dziedzinie hematologii, transfuzjologii i dyscyplin pokrewnych oraz udziela świadczeń medycznych w tym zakresie. Instytut to nowoczesny ośrodek krajowy, w którym stawia się na skoordynowane leczenie i nowe technologie medyczne. W działalności medycznej personel kieruje się zasadą wielospecjalistycznego podejścia, co oznacza udział wszystkich niezbędnych specjalistów na etapie rozpoznawania i określania zaawansowania choroby, a także leczenia i prowadzenia rehabilitacji oraz obserwacji po leczeniu. Kompleksowe postępowanie zapewnia możliwość uzyskania najlepszych wyników terapii. Skoordynowana opieka medyczna, jaką swoim Pacjentom oferuje Instytut, przekłada się przede wszystkim na szybszy i lep- szy efekt medyczny. Dla osiągnięcia tego celu ważne są interoperacyjność i autentyczna współpraca między poszczególnymi jednostkami diagnostycznymi i medycznymi, a także innymi ośrodkami prowadzącymi leczenie specjalistyczne. Oprócz standardowych metod diagnostyki i leczenia Insty- tut oferuje możliwość wysokospecjalistycznego i nowatorskiego leczenia celowanego molekularnie, a także uczestnictwo w międzynarodowych badaniach klinicznych z zastosowaniem nowatorskich i eksperymentalnych sposobów leczenia chorych na nowotwory układów krwiotwórczego i chłonnego. Prowadzone przez Instytut badania naukowe zaowocowały możliwością stosowania nowoczesnych technik immunologicznych i genetycznych we wszystkich wymagających takich technologii proce- sach diagnostyczno-leczniczych. Procesy te są zadaniem złożonym i interdyscyplinarnym; dotyczą nie tylko prawidłowego rozpoznania choroby, ale również oceny markerów prognostyczno-predykcyj- nych, wczesnej diagnostyki i prewencji powikłań, doboru dawców i biorców przeszczepów komórek krwiotwórczych, a także oceny głębokości remisji. We współpracy z innymi podmiotami w kraju i za granicą Instytut uczestniczy w programie kompleksowego i skoordynowanego zachowania rozrodczości u kobiet chorych na nowotwory poddawanych chemio- i radioterapii. Przez ostatnie lata Instytut prowadził działania inwestycyjne, które pozwoliły wyposażyć poszczególne pracownie w innowacyjną aparaturę i specjalistyczne urządzenia. Dzięki specjalistycznym zasobom kadrowym, doświadczeniu hematopatologów oraz wspierającemu ich zespołowi biologów i biotechnologów Instytut dysponuje niezbędnym know-how do skutecznego wdrażania i komercjalizacji wyników badań naukowych. Dynamiczny rozwój tej dziedziny działalności prowadzi do powstawania inno- wacyjnych produktów tworzonych w ramach Krajowych Inteligentnych Specjalizacji. Taka sytuacja
174 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
buduje przewagę konkurencyjną Instytutu w zakresie innowacyjnych technologii medycznych — nie tylko na poziomie krajowym, ale też na arenie międzynarodowej. Słowa kluczowe: hematologia, kompleksowość, koordynacja, innowacyjność jakość, pacjent Hematologia 2016; 7, 3: 173–216
Introduction according to the Institute’s statutes, along with being responsible for staff development in science The Institute of Hematology and Transfusion and technology. Medicine became operational under the follow- ing legislation; Act of 30th April 2010 concerning Departmental organisation ‘Research Institutes’ (Journal of Laws 2016, No. 371 as amended), Act of 30th April 2010 concer In accordance with the 2016 amended statutes ning ‘Provisions for introducing laws reforming and regulations governing the Institute of Hema- the education system’ (Journal of Laws 2010, tology and Transfusion Medicine, the Therapeu- No. 620 as amended), Act of 15th April 15th April tics Division consists of 5 clinics: Hematology, 2011 concerning ‘Therapeutic activities’ (Journal Hemostatic Disorders and Internal Medicine, of Laws 2015, No. 618 as amended), Act of Au- Hematopoietic Cell Transplant, General Surgery, gust 22nd 1997 concerning ‘Public Blood Service’ Oncology, Metabolism and Vascular Surgery. In ad- (Journal of Laws 2014, No. 332 as amended), dition there are the Anesthesiology and Intensive the Council of Ministers Regulation of 2nd June Care Unit, the Operating Theatre and Daily Care 1951 ‘On founding the Institute of Hematology’ Unit. These are supported by the Specialist Medi- (Journal of Laws 1951, No. 35, item 268) and the cal Clinic, Admissions and the Pharmacy. Ordinance of the Minister of Health and Welfare The Institute of Hematology and Transfusion of 28th February 1992 on ‘Changing the name of Medicine also has 8 science departments of re- the Institute of Hematology’. The Minister of search and diagnostic laboratory units comprising Health bears responsibility for the Institute’s ope- of Transfusion Medicine, Diagnostic Hematology, ration. Hemostatics and Metabolic Disease, Immuno- The Institute of Hematology and Transfusion logical Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, Medicine is a state organisation and a legal entity. Immunogenetics, Virology, Radiology and Experi- It is registered in the District Court for Warsaw mental Hematology. Capital City at the XIII Department of Economics at In addition, there are many auxiliary units the National Court Registry under No. 0000119139, providing support and services intended to uphold as well as in the Registry of Entities Carrying Out the operation of the aforementioned departments Medical Activities under the Governor of the Ma- and clinics, consisting of branches, sections, the zovian Region (Registry No: 000000018630). The library and autonomous posts (Figure 1). Institute is authorised to use the round seal with the emblem of the Republic of Poland positioned in Staff the middle with the inscription ‘Institute of Hema- tology and Transfusion’ around the rim. The total number of staff are currently 665 per- The Institute of Hematology and Transfusion sons, that include 88 doctors and 209 nurses. There Medicine is also authorised to award PhD (Doc- are 43 scientists of whom 9 are full professors (with torate) as well as Habilitation degrees and, on the a habilitation degree), 23 are Senior Lecturers and basis of separate regulations, professorships. 5 are Junior Lecturers (Figure 2). The executive authorities/ruling body of the The longest serving staff member was Profes- Institute is the Director and the Science Council. sor Koscielak, who was first employed in 1951 as The Director manages the Institute with the aid a volunteer, after which he became Scientific Secre- of his deputies representing the following areas: tary and Director of the Biochemistry Department research, therapeutics, transfusion medicine, ad- for several dozen years. He was then subsequently ministration and economics-finance together with appointed deputy Institute Director for Research the Department managers and those holding until his retirement in 2007. Ms Marianne Jonska autonomous posts. The Science Council operates MSc is the longest serving staff member who as an opinion giving and advisory authority/body started in 1965 as an accountant, then became 175 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Figure 1. Organisational Structure of the Institute of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine
176 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
Figure 2. The 65th anniversary of the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine — a group photo of staff
Chief Accountant Assistant (1985) until she was in the Mazovian province amongst all healthcare made Chief Accountant and Vice Director for providers within the region and achieved second Economics-Finances; 2003–2016. place throughout Poland in the category of ‘Single Specialisation Treatment Hospitals’. Mission statement Diagnostics and therapeutics The mission of the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine is to deliver highly specia In 2015, the Institute of Hematology and lised healthcare services and undertake research Transfusion Medicine signed 7 contracts with the and development to further scientific progress in National Health-Funding authority (NFZ) from the the fields of hematology, transfusion medicine and Mazovian region for providing public health care associated disciplines; all the while ensuring safe services valued at 123,237,962.18 PLN. This cove and patient-friendly conditions for both patients red 13,583 hospitalisations at the Institute’s cli- and staff. nics and departments as well as 48,921 out-patient From 2008, the Institute is accredited with consultations, which in all involved performing certification for the Integrated Quality Manage- 916,707 diagnostic tests. ment System, Environmental Management and Within the last years, there has been a con- Management of Occupational Health and Safety tinuous rise in income derived from the statutory according to respectively ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and obligations required of the Institute, above all else OHSAS 18001 standards. On the 11th May 2015, due to delivering single-specialisation medical the Minister of Health awarded an accreditation services, undertaking clinical studies and scientific certificate to the Institute confirming that all projects including those backed up by grant fund- operations are directly targeted at patient safety, ing; both at national and international levels. Such staff and institute visitors, as well as fulfilling funding sources also includes partnerships with the requirements of healthcare standards for industry and the private sector, where the focus in-patients. Preparing for this accreditation took is mainly on specialist studies, assessments and place under the ‘Safe Hospital — Safe Patient’ in providing expertise. Keeping a healthy financial scheme managed by Centre for Quality Control status not only has enabled financial solvency to be and Patient Safety. maintained, with an absence of any binding com- For the last 5 years, the Institute of Hemato mitments, but also to have generated a financial logy and Transfusion Medicine has achieved a very surplus in 2015. This has allowed the Institute to high placing in the all-Poland ‘Safe Hospital’ rank- apply for external investment funding, particularly ings managed by the ‘Rzeczpospolita’ (‘The Re- from operational programmes funded by the EU public’; one of the main broadsheet newspapers in during 2014–2020. Efforts are now under way Poland). In 2015, the Institute once again came first to obtain funding for a Research and Diagnostics 177 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3 building at the Ursynow site which can accommo- Teaching date thuse units and departments currently housed at the 5 Chocimska Street site. For over many years the Institute’s staff have jointly edited journals and monographs for Research diagnostic-therapeutic recommendations for blood disease, oncology and transfusion medicine; both The outcomes of research performed at the clinical and laboratory. Amongst others, they have Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine been jointly responsible for preparing the follow- consist of numerous scientific papers published as ing: ‘Diagnostic and Therapeutic recommendations well as reports and posters presented at scientific for cancer’ (eds. M. Krzakowski and K. Warzocha, conferences and congresses; both at home and Via Medica, Gdansk 2013), ‘Clinical Oncology’ (eds. abroad. In the last 5 years, 524 scientific papers M. Krzakowski, P. Potemski, K. Warzocha, P. Wysocki, have been published in journals, with a total im- Via Medica, Gdansk 2015), ‘Hematologia’ (eds. pact factor (IF) of 1069 with 2613 citations and T. Robak and K. Warzocha, Via Medica, Gdansk a Hirsch Index of 19, along with 19 monographs 2016) and ‘Medical principles of blood collection, its in text books and 177 chapters in collective pub- separation and issuing binding instructions to units lications. In addition, 1254 abstracts have been engaged in providing blood services to the public’ published from home and international confe (ed. M. Letowska, IHT, Warsaw, 2011 and 2014). rences and congresses consisting of either oral or An important task of the Institute is to orga poster presentations. Research project funding nise scientific conferences and teaching courses, has also been secured from 12 national grants and often in association with other centres. For the 5 UE ones. last 10 years the Institute has been the patron of Institute staff actively undertake research an all-Poland conference after the ASH meetings managed by the Polish Adult Leukemia Group, the (American Society of Hematology); this being Polish Group for Lymphoma Research, the Polish a review of the most important research studies Myeloma Group and the Polish Hemostasis Group presented at ASH. Furthermore, since 7 years, as well as being involved on their management the institute has also been a patron of the national committees. Together with the Polish Society conference for the aforementioned ‘Hematalogia’ for Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, the educational journal as well for a cycle of regional Institute has been publishing, since 1970, a perio meetings entitled ‘Hematology and Hemostatics’. dical ‘Acta Haematologica Polonica’, a quarterly In 2013, a Hematology and Transfusion Medi ‘Journal of Transfusion Medicine’ since 2008 (Ed- cine Clinic was created, within the institutes struc- itor-In-Chief; M. Letowska) and from 2010 an- ture, for the Postgraduate Medical Education Centre other quarterly ‘Hematologia’ (Editor-In-Chief; under the directorship of Professor Ewa Lech-Ma- K. Warzocha). For many years the versatile and randa to provide, as the name implies, post-graduate creative endeavours in science undertaken by education for doctors specialising in hematology and the Institute’s staff has been rated very highly clinical transfusion. The institute is also a teaching by the ‘Evaluation Committee’ from the Ministry and training centre for doctors specialising in inter- of Science and Higher Education, which since its nal medicine, transplantology and also for laboratory inception in 2010, has awarded the institute with diagnosticians specialising in laboratory transfusion a Grade A rating. medicine and medical hematology.
178 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
Director Professor of Medicine Christopher Warzocha MD, DSc Secretary: Ms Anna Scibor Tel: +48 22 34 96 176 Fax: +48 22 34 96 178 e-mail: [email protected]
Deputy Director; Division of Science Professor of Medicine Przemyslaw Juszczynski MD, DSc Secretary: Ms Monica Milczarek-Szpak MSc Tel: +48 22 34 96 305 Fax: +48 22 34 96 237 e-mail: [email protected]
Deputy Director; Division of Therapeutics Professor of Medicine Eva Lech-Maranda MD, DSc Secretary: Ms Ilona Lesiak Tel: +48 22 34 96 527 Fax: +48 22 34 96 361 e-mail: [email protected] 179 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Deputy Director; Division of Transfusion Medicine Professor of Medicine Magdelena Letowska MD, DSc Secretary: Ms Janet Mioduszewska Tel: +48 22 34 96 371 Fax: +48 22 34 96 372 e-mail: [email protected]
Deputy Director; Administration Division Mr Vitold Kmiotek MSc Secretary: Ms Edith Berska Tel: +48 22 34 96 177 Fax: +48 22 34 96 178 e-mail: [email protected]
Deputy Director; Division of Economics-Finance Ms Beatrice Lichocka MSc Secretary: Ms Danuta Stachowska Tel: +48 22 34 96 187 Fax: +48 22 34 96 188 e-mail: [email protected]
Chief Nurse
Ms Barbara Wlodarczyk MSc Tel: +48 22 34 96 242, +48 22 34 96 244 Fax: +48 22 34 96 243 e-mail: [email protected]
180 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
Department of Science Department for Clinical Studies
Head: Ms Yvonne Niebudek (Engr) Head: Ms Margaret Makowska MSc Tel: +48 22 34 96 233, +48 22 34 96 236 Tel: +48 22 34 96 454 Fax: +48 22 34 96 237 Fax: +48 22 34 96 335 e-mail: [email protected]
Library Department of Therapeutic Services
Head: Ms Eva Gierula-Uchmanska Head: Ms Dorothy Lecka MSc Tel: +48 22 34 96 486, +48 22 34 96 489 Tel: +48 22 34 96 217, +48 22 34 96 466, +48 22 34 96 219 e-mail: [email protected] Fax: +48 22 34 96 218 e-mail: [email protected] 181 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Department for Human Resources, Department for Public Procurement Wages and Social Affairs and Supplies
Head: Ms Margaret Mitek MSc Head: Ms Christine Sobczak Tel: +48 22 34 96 183, +48 22 34 96 186, +48 22 34 96 199 Tel: +48 22 34 96 222, +48 22 34 96 225, +48 22 34 96 226, e-mail: [email protected] +48 22 34 96 620 e-mail: [email protected]
Finance and Accounts Department
Chief Accountant: Ms Ursula Pawlak MSc Tel: +48 22 34 96 103 Fax: +48 22 34 96 189 e-mail: [email protected]
Department of Technical Administration
Head: Ms Margaret Zajaczkowska Tel: +48 22 34 96 214, +48 22 34 96 215 Fax: +48 22 34 96 213 e-mail: [email protected]
182 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
Commissioner for the Protection Press Secretary and Commissioner of Classified Information & Commissioner for Patient Rights for Crisis Management and Defence and Social Communication
Mr George Sedzik MSc Professor of Medicine (MD, MSc) Richard Poglod Tel: +48 22 34 96 600 132 Tel: +48 22 34 96 556 Fax: +48 22 34 96 373 e-mail: [email protected]
Quality Management System Occupational Health and Safety Inspector
Commissioner/Representative Ms Evelina Kalun Tel: +48 22 34 96 604 e-mail: [email protected]
Fire Safety Officer
Mr Christopher Swidwa Tel: +48 22 34 96 604
Department for Legal and Organisational Affairs
Ms Sophie Kalinska MSc Tel: +48 22 34 96 240 Ms Monica Bialas MSc e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +48 22 34 96 252 e-mail: [email protected]
The Reverend Dr Martin Lyzniak Mobile: +48 603 446 676, +48 605 521 566 183 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Head: Professor of Medicine with cancers of the hematopoietic and lymphatic Christopher Warzocha MD, DSc systems, as well as in optimising and implemen Deputy: Professor of Medicine ting new diagnostic and therapeutic methods. The Eva Lech-Maranda MD, DSc Intensive Hematological Care Ward is devoted to Professors of Medicine: treating those patients requiring intensive chemo- Joanna Gora-Tybor MD, DSc and Christopher Jamro- therapy and adjuvant therapy that includes immune ziak MD, DSc Senior Lecturers: Doctor of Medicine Eva Mendek- ablation for bone marrow aplasia and mobilising -Czajkowska and Doctor of Medicine Ilona Seferynska hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation. The Doctors: Dr Joanna Barankiewicz, Dr Bozena-Catherine Hematology Out-Patient Clinic delivers outpatient Budziszewska MD, Dr Monica Chelstowska, Dr Anna healthcare to those under its care. Ejduk, Dr Alexandra Golos MD, Dr Margaret Jarzem- Research performed at the clinic consists of bowska, Dr Agnes Kolkowska-Lesniak, Dr Agnes Konska, optimising methods of diagnosis and treating neo- Dr Kinga Kos-Zakrzewska, Dr Beatrice Kwasniak Beata, plastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the hemato Dr Violetta Makowska, Dr Agatha Malenda MD, Dr Mar- poietic and lymphatic systems. Such studies are tha Maliszewska, Dr Bart Pula MD, Dr Anna Paczek, Dr Eli- undertaken as research projects primarily based on zabeth Patkowska, Dr Joanna Sawczuk-Chabin, Dr Ursula the Polish Adult Leukemia Group, the Polish Group Walczak, Dr Joanna Wasilewska and Dr Eva Zaczek for Lymphoma Research and the Polish Myeloma Ward nurse: Ms Marzana Milczarek Secretary’s office: Ms Barbara Kalinowska MSc (Engr) Group along with taking part in clinical trials, both and Ms Catherine Kozdeba at home and abroad. Part of the experimental stu dies are carried out in specialised laboratories at The tasks of the Hematology Clinic include the Departments of Experimental Hematology and providing diagnostics, treatment and out-patient Diagnostic Hematology together with collaborative healthcare for patients suffering from diseases of work with other centres both in Poland and abroad. the haematopoietic and lymphatic system. The The clinic provides teaching courses and clinic consists of: the Diagnostic Hematology lectures for physicians specialising in hemato ward, the Hematopoietic System Disease Ward, logy and organises nationwide conferences under the Lymphatic System Disease Ward, the Inten- the patronage of the institute such as the annual sive Hematology Care Ward and the Hematology post-ASH conferences, the ‘Hematologia’ journal Out-Patient Clinic. conference and holds interactive meetings in The Diagnostic Hematology Ward deals with onco-hematology for the ‘Hematology and Hemo- diagnosing neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases statics’ meetings cycle. In collaboration with the of the hematopoietic and lymphatic systems to- Clinic of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine gether with monitoring treatment efficacy. The at the Medical Centre for Postgraduate Studies Hematopoietic Diseases Ward and the Lymphatic (CMKB), our clinic participates in delivering System Disease Ward focus on treating patients training courses for doctors specialising in clinical transfusion medicine, hematology, clinical oncology Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw and internal medicine. The clinic possesses the Tel: +48 22 34 96 334, +48 22 34 96 335 accreditation required for training doctors wishing e-mail: [email protected] to specialise in hematology.
184 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
Diagnostic Hematology Ward Lymphatic System Disease Ward
Head: Head: Professor of Medicine Dr Bozena-Catherine Budziszewska MD Christopher Jamroziak MD, DSc Medical Team: Dr Kinga Kos-Zakrzewska, Dr Martha Medical Team: Dr Joanna Barankiewicz, Dr Monica Maliszewska, Dr Eva Mendek-Czajkowska MD, Dr Bart Chelstowska, Dr Margaret Jarzembowska, Dr Agnes Pula MD, Dr Ursula Walczak and Dr Joanna Wasilewska Kolkowska-Lesniak, Dr Agnes Konska, Dr Beatrice Secretary’s office: Ms Agatha Jarzab, Ms Magdalena Kwasniak and Dr Agatha Malenda MD Kolaczek, Ms Agnes Tomaszewska MSc Secretary’s office: Ms Catherine Zielinska MSc Tel: +48 22 34 96 288 Tel: +48 22 34 96 483 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Hematopoietic System Disease Ward Intensive Hematology Care Ward
Head: Professor of Medicine Head: Dr Ilona Seferynska MD Joanna Gora-Tybor MD, DSc Medical Team: Dr Anna Ejduk, Medical Team: Dr Alexander Golos MD, Dr Violetta and Dr Joanna Sawczuk-Chabin Makowska, Dr Anna Paczek, Dr Elizabeth Patkowska Secretary’s office: Sylvia Kufera and Dr Eva Zaczek Tel: +48 22 34 96 472 Secretary’s office: Ms Lydia Michalak e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +48 22 34 96 483 e-mail: [email protected]
Hematology Out-Patient Clinic
Head: Dr Monica Dabrowska Tel: +48 22 34 96 291; Fax: +48 22 34 96 335 e-mail: [email protected] 185 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Head: Professor of Medicine George Windyga MD, of congenital thrombophilia and antiphospholipid DSc syndrome are also undertaken at the clinic together Deputy: Dr Anna Buczma with full diagnoses and treatment of exacerbated Senior Lecturers: Dr Bernadette Ceglarek MD acute intermittent porphyria; all patients with and Dr Anna Sikorska MD porphyria receiving appropriate healthcare. Doctors: Dr Magdalena Gorska-Kosicka MD, Dr Adel Research at the clinic deals mainly with he- Gwozdowska, Dr Slawomir Jurek, Dr Joanna Sowinska and Dr Robert Wasilewski MD mostatic disorders. A central registry of patients is Ward nurse: Ms Grazyna Grzesikiewicz-Majewska kept in our clinic for those suffering from congenital Secretary’s office: Ms Marzanna Rasinska MSc bleeding disorders from around the whole country and Ms Alexandra Wysoczyńska as well as patients affected by thrombophilia. This includes patients with genetic defects that make The clinic’s team delivers diagnoses, treat- them especially vulnerable to thrombosis, ie. defi- ment and outpatient healthcare to patients suffer- ciencies in antithrombin, protein C or protein S and ing from hemostatic disorders and internal disease, hetero-homozygous status in factor V Leiden gene particularly in the accompanying hematopoietic or mutation or prothrombin G20210A gene mutation lymphatic diseases. Research, consultations and as well as other associated gene defects. The clinic teaching are also conducted in these fields. collaborates with centres from abroad and others Therapy is principally focused on treating in Poland, performing research on the underly- patients with coagulation disorders by, it should ing genetics of congenital bleeding disorders and be emphasised, novel procedures unique in Poland. on the etiology of venous thromboembolism and The clinic is also the reference centre in Poland for ischemic stroke when occurring at a young age. diagnosing and treating patients with hemophilia Individual-based training for doctors specialising in and other inherited and acquired bleeding disorders hematology and internal medicine is also conducted which include rare cases of deficiencies in Factor by our clinic. VII, X, XI, XII and afibrynogenemia. Endoprosthe- The clinic is divided as follows: Hemostatic sis implantation treatments are coordinated at the Disorders Ward, Internal Medicine and Geriatrics clinic as well as isotopic synovectomy in patients Ward, Physiotherapy Clinic, Hemostatic Disor- with hemophilic arthropathy. In addition, patients ders Clinic and a Out-Patient Clinic for porphyria are rehabilitated after surgery. A full diagnosis patients and their families.
Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 158, +48 22 34 96 481 e-mail: [email protected]
186 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
Head: Dr Casimir Halaburda MD Marrow Transplantation for collecting and trans- Deputy: Dr Agnes Tomaszewska MD planting hematopoietic cells. It also has accredita- Senior Lecturer: tion that allows training of those doctors wishing Dr Barbara Nasilowska-Adamska MD to specialise in clinical and hematological trans- Junior Lecturer: plantology. Dr Andrew Szczepinski MD The research interests of the clinic are on Ward nurse: Ms Margaret Kacprzak Secretary’s office: Ms Ilona Lesiak optimising molecular methods that assess hema topoietic chimerism in the leucocyte fraction of The clinical team performs hematopoietic stem the circulating blood in allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation; either the patient’s own or ones cells recipients. We also assess the impact of ABO collected from donors derived from the family or incompatibilities between donor and recipients on unrelated persons. The clinic has a transplantation outcomes of allogeneic transplantation along with ward comprising 15 separate patient units equipped investigating immuno-hemolytic complications with air and overpressure filters. At the clinic, occurring in such patients. Our research also in- a highly qualified and experienced team of physicians cludes monitoring respiratory system function in and nurses are responsible for delivering healthcare patients before and after allogeneic transplantation to patients undergoing transplantation. After this for early detection of complications associated operation, patients previously treated at the Insti- with transplantation, that includes bronchiolitis tute continue to receive care at the post-transplan- obliterans. Another important area of research is to tation clinic. Those that were referred from other determine the relevance of molecular and genetic hematology centres, are sent back there to continue factors affecting clinical outcomes in patients with on with their treatment/care. acute myeloid leukemia. The clinic is accredited by the Ministry of Our clinic also consists of a Clinical Ward and Health and the European Society for Blood and a Post-Transplantation Out-Patient Clinic.
Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 360, +48 22 34 96 361 e-mail: [email protected] 187 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Head of Clinic: Professor of Medicine dertaken are those regarding abdominal surgery in Andrew Szczepanik MD, DSc cases of cancer and non-cancer disease employing Head of General Surgery Ward: Dr Wojciech again, classical and laparoscopic methods. Jaskowiak MD Areas of research are focused on surgery; Head of Surgical Oncology and Metabolism Ward: general, cancer and metabolism. Also included is Dr Conrad Pielacinski MD surgery applied to treating patients with congenital Doctors: Professor of Medicine Mark Dedecjus MD, DSc, Dr Slawomir Huszcza MD, Dr Andrew Misiak MD, hemostatic disorders and portal hypertension along Dr Wojciech Dabrowski, Dr Slawomir Gajda and Dr Mi with either preventing the chronic disease thrombo- chael Kurylowicz embolism from arising or in its treatment. Our clinic Ward nurse: Ms Agnes Cholewa-Zietek MSc team performs studies on the diagnostics and treat- Secretary’s office: Ms Monica Mendza ment of chronic bleeding from the gastrointestinal and Ms Eva Zbiciak tract in patients with hemophilia, von-Willebrand disease, and the use of recombinant activated fac- The tasks of the Clinic team are diagnosis, tor VII for life-threatening bleeding in haemophiliac surgical treatment and outpatient health care over patients with high levels of factor VIII inhibitor. The patients undergoing general surgery, especially clinic also conducts tests on the suitability of per- when accompanied with disorders of hemostatics forming splenectomy in a variety of hematological and the hematopoietic and lymphatic systems. The and non-hematological diseases, particularly focus- clinic also conducts research as well as providing ing on optimising laparoscopic techniques for excis- training and consultations in these aforementioned ing this organ. Treating non-healing trophic ulcers areas. at various locations is another study area, where Surgical treatment of patients with congenital silica-gel plates are used to test treatment efficacy. and acquired disorders of coagulation constitutes Many centres in Poland collaborate with our clinic, the main therapeutic area of the clinic. Full scale chiefly in training courses regarding hemostatic operations are carried out on patients suffer- disorders, surgery and anesthesia. ing from the entire range of onco-hematological Our clinic consists of: a General Surgical disease, that include splenectomy, using classical Ward, a Surgical Oncology and Metabolic Ward, an and laparoscopic methods. Other operations un- Endoscopic Unit and a Surgery Out-Patient Clinic.
Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 271, +48 22 34 96 470 e-mail: [email protected]
188 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
Head: Professor of Medicine Peter Szopinski MD, DSc Deputy: Dr Jack Michalak MD Head of Surgical Radiology: Dr Jaroslaw Ivanovo MD Senior Lecturer: Dr Eliza Pleban MD Junior Lecturer: Dr Adam Wiszniewski MD Doctors: Dr Martin Janas MD, Dr Radoslaw Bilski, Dr Martin Sitarz, Dr Thomas Dobrowolski and Dr Matthew Stryga Ward nurse: Ms Ida Kacprzak MSc Secretary’s office: Ms Joanna Kurzynska MSc and Ms Victoria Kowalska MSc
Our clinic started operating in 2009 and pro- vides diagnosis, treatment and outpatient care for vascular surgery patients, as well as consultations racic aorta through using abdominal stent grafting, within this field. Surgery is performed using all using bio-prostheses in patients with infection or techniques used in vascular surgery that include with a high infection risk of the vascular bridge both classical and the latest intravascular ones; and evaluating long-term outcomes of angioplasty this amounts to 1200 operations annually includ- to leg arteries using a balloon catheter coated with ing about 80 aortic stent-graft implantations. In paclitaxel in patients with diabetes. March 2012, one of the most up-to date hybrid The Clinic team also provides scientific teach- operating rooms in Europe was opened at our clinic ing in collaboration with other scientific research which enabled the range of hybrid operations to and clinical centres in both Poland and abroad. We be extended on the thoracic and abdominal aorta, organise individual training and regular workshops where surgical techniques are coupled with stent on vascular surgery to physicians from Poland and implantation, stent grafting and venous stent im- abroad as well as for nurses. plantation. The clinic is comprised of: a Vascular Surgery Research is devoted to evaluating treatment Ward, Surgical Radiology Unit and a Vascular Sur- outcomes for patients with aneurysms of the tho- gery Out-Patient Clinic.
Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 479 Fax: +48 22 34 96 110 e-mail: [email protected] 189 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Head: Dr Christopher Przybylski MD complex cases of vascular surgery, which include Deputy: Dr Alina Ostas intravascular procedures. Post-operative care is Doctors: Dr Adam Grabowski, Dr Christopher Juszko, also directly given to all surgical patients. The de- Dr Catherine Krysztopik, Dr Christopher Panek, partment is responsible for ensuring intravenous Dr Monica Pytlewska and Dr Christopher Rusiniak MD access in patients being treated with chemotherapy Ward nurse: Ms Barbara Wojcik MSc or having undergone hematopoietic stem cell trans- Secretary’s office: Ms Eleanor Marszal plantation, as well as other procedures requiring Our department delivers anesthesiology specialised intravenous cannuli to be inserted. In healthcare for those patients undergoing surgery addition, appropriate conditions have been created and for all patients facing direct threats to their for conducting renal replacement therapy, plasma- lives or those needing monitoring and basic life pheresis and the ability for stimulating the heart by support. Another task is to provide round the external or by endocardial means. The Department clock intensive care and consultation services at team also treats pain, particularly when associated the institute. We perform anesthesia for patients with cancer. requiring surgical operations because of coagu- The Departments of Anesthesiology and that lation disorders, those that are at high risk and of Intensive care make up this Unit.
Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 474 and +48 22 34 96 409 Fax: +48 22 34 96 462 e-mail: [email protected]
190 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
Head: Dr Alina Ostas Ward nurse: Ms Elizabeth Sosnowska
The operating theatre deals with all organisa- tional aspects of surgery performed at the insti- tute. It consists of three air-conditioned operating theatres equipped with laminar air flow filters and a recovery room. Undertaken operations are from the Clinic for General Surgery, Oncology and Metabolism along with Vascular Surgery Clinic. A hybrid operating room was recently opened in 2012 which extended the range of surgical opera-
tions and treatments linking intra- and extra-vas- Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw cular surgery with stent implantation or grafting, Tel: +48 22 34 96 426 that includes the thoracic and abdominal aorta as e-mail: [email protected] well as the venous system.
Head: Dr Thomas Szpila Doctor: Dr Bernadette Ceglarek MD Ward nurse: Ms Yvonne Redel Nursing team: Ms Magdalena Janisz, Ms Maria Piotrowska, Ms Elizabeth Mirek, Ms Grazyna Wojciechowska, Ms Dorothy Zembek, Mr Stanley Sas and Ms Beatrice Wisniewska Orderlies: Ms Barbara Chmielewska and Ms Bozena Nowak Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 146, +48 22 34 96 147 e-mail: [email protected]
PHARMACY Head: Ms Ursula Szustkiewicz MSc Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00–791 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 612 Fax: +48 22 34 96 613 e-mail: [email protected] 191 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Treatment delivered by this department is conducted at both institute sites, (ie. at 14 Indira Gandhi Street and 5 Chocimska Street), under those procedures applying to outpatients. Patients are also admitted from clinics at the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine as well as the Hematology Clinic for providing them with chemotherapy treatment. Another procedure un- dertaken by the department is support treatment with bisphosphonates and gamma globulin substi- tution. Furthermore, therapeutic phlebotomies and intravenous iron supplementation are carried out.
Head: Dr Joanna Wlodarska MD Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Doctor: Dr Thomas Szpila Tel: +48 22 34 96 150 Secretary’s office: Ms Margaret Olejniczak Fax: +48 22 34 96 492 e-mail: [email protected] Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00–791 Warsaw Head: Dr Joanna Wlodarska MD Tel: +48 22 34 96 628 Secretary’s office: Ms Martina Piatkowska and Ms Fax: +48 22 34 96 619 Evelina Glowacka e-mail: [email protected]
Doctor of Epidemiology Martha Wroblewska MD, DSc Epidemiological nurse: Ms Margaret Giemza MSc Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel/Fax: +48 22 34 96 245 e-mail: [email protected]
Ms Margaret Piatek MSc Ms Kinga Bystrek MSc Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96472 Tel: +48 22 34 96 333 e-mail: [email protected]
192 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
Within the Specialist Out-Patient Clinic are the following departmental clinics: Blood Disease Clinic, Coagulation Disorders Clinic, Hematology Clinic for Pregnant Women, Congenital Anemic Disorders Clinic and Occupational Health Clinic.
Blood Disease Clinic Head: Dr Elizabeth Madro MD Doctors: Dr Agnes Luczak and Dr Thomas Russjan Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00-791 Warsaw, Building A, first floor Tel: +48 22 34 96 609 and +48 22 34 96 653 Fax: +48 22 34 96 619
Hematology Clinic for Pregnant Women Head of Clinic: Dr Elizabeth Madro MD Head: Dr Isabella Kopec MD Doctors: Dr Izabela Kopec MD, Dr Agnes Luczak, Dr Eva Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00–791 Warsaw, Mendek-Czajkowska MD, Dr Thomas Russjan, Dr Eva Building A, first floor Stefanska-Windyga and Dr Hanna Wroblewska-Kozak Tel: +48 22 34 96 609 and +48 22 34 96 653 Consultant: Professor of Medicine Stanley Maj MD, Fax: +48 22 34 96 619 DSc Registration manager: Ms Dagmara Malczyk Coagulation Disorders Clinic The clinic provides outpatient advice and Head: Dr Eva Stefanska-Windyga consultation concerning the hematopoietic and Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw lymphatic systems together with running diagnos- Tel: +48 22 34 96 100 and +48 22 34 96 132 tics within diagnostic data and treatment. It also performs diagnostics and treatment of bleeding Congenital Anemic Disorders Clinic disorders as well as for pregnant women suf- Head: Dr Eva Mendek-Czajkowska MD fering from hematological disorders, whenever Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02-776 Warsaw, serological incompatibilities arise and for hema- Block A, ground floor (Specialist Outpatients) tological cases of recurrent reproductive failure. Tel: +48 22 34 96 129 Another task of the clinic is to qualify and steer Fax: +48 22 34 96 459 patients for treatment to the Hematology Clinic, to Daily Care Unit, to the Hemostatic Disorders Occupational Health Clinic and Internal Medicine Clinic or to primary health Doctor: Dr Hanna Wroblewska-Kozak care units. The clinic team is also responsible for Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw the healthcare testing of institute staff upon their Tel: +48 34 96 00 ext. 129, 131, 132 and 297 starting employment and periodically thereafter. Fax: +48 22 34 96 459
Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 609 and +48 22 34 96 653 Fax: +48 22 34 96 619
Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00–791 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 600, ext. 129, 131, 132 and 297 Fax: +48 22 34 96 459 e-mail: [email protected] 193 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Head: Professor of Medicine Magdalena Letowska The department undertakes scientific research MD, DSc and provides medical services in the fields of Deputy: Doctor of Pharmacology Elizabeth Lachert PhD transfusion medicine and microbiology, along with Professors: Professor of Medicine Richard Poglod teaching and consultation services within this re- MD, DSc mit. Our team also manages the National Registry Senior Lecturers: Doctor of Pharmacology Jolanta for Blood Donors of blood, the Bone Marrow Donor Antoniewicz-Papis PhD, Doctor of Pharmacology Eliza- beth Lachert PhD and Dr Alexander Rosiek MD Centre and the Stem Cell and Blood Banks. It is Junior Lecturer: Doctor of Pharmacology Jolanta responsible for ensuring the safety of blood treat- Kubis PhD ment components and products at the institute. Doctors: Dr Lech Rzymkiewicz and Dr Monica Grze- Under its legal obligations, the department gorek fulfils its statutory duties in the Public Blood Ser- Nurses: Ms Beatrice Wisniewska MSc, Ms Eva Pie vice insomuch as it has full supervision over those trowiak MSc, Ms Milena Prusaczyk MSc, Ms Yvonne public service units so responsible. The depart- Dziarnowska, Ms Bozena Knyt, Ms Monica Matusz, ment publishes regulations on how blood should Ms Eva Szczepanska, Ms Marzena Wojcik and Ms Eli be taken from patients, how blood is separated into zabeth Zawirska components for being dispensed, and carries out Laboratory diagnosticians: Ms Anna Kuziak MSc, checks at Blood Donation Centres (CKiK). Tasks Ms Ewa Mik MSc, Ms Caroline Pienko MSc, Ms Eva Potocka MSc and Ms Anna Tomaszewska MSc also include supervising quality control over blood Junior assistants: Mr Artur Ejduk MSc, Mr Thomas products obtained at the CKiKs together with being Jankowski MSc, Ms Martha Gawrys MSc and Ms Aga- responsible for their registration and for their re- tha Plodzich lease (plasma derived concentrates of coagulation Technicians: Ms Margaret Pawlik (Senior technician), factors and anti-D immunoglobulin). Moreover, in Ms Bozena Wasilewska (Senior technician) and Ms Eli- collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the zabeth Wisniakowska (Senior technician) National Blood Centre (NCK), the department is Laboratory assistants: Ms Elizabeth Kepka and Ms Ma- involved in legislative work governing blood dona- rzena Klokocka tion and transfusion; it also takes part in European Secretary’s office: Ms Caroline Milewska MSc, Ms Eli- Community projects in these fields. zabeth Kowalczyk and Ms Janet Mioduszewska At our department, centres for taking blood, English Philologist: Ms Christine Dudziak MSc bone marrow donation and laboratories for prepa Senior Clerks: Ms Aleksandra Czajkowska MSc and Ms Martina Romanesque-Pluzanska MSc ring hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) operate in Medical Admissions Clerks: Ms Elizabeth Frankowska accordance with Act on Transplantation of Tissues and Mr Sigismund Karasinski and Organs. The services delivered by the depart- Senior IT Inspectors: Mr Christopher Sutkowski BEng ment thereby consist of: harvesting HSCs (both and Mr Paul Klobukowski from bone marrow and peripheral blood), prepa ring them for transplantation and preparing blood samples from the umbilical cord. We also manage Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 371 the Bone Marrow Donation Centre in collabora- Fax: +48 22 34 96 372 tion with other institutes departments. Besides e-mail: [email protected] preparing ‘artificial tears’ from autologous serum
194 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine for treating patients with dry eye syndrome, which partments of Virology and Immunological Hemato some suffer from when undergoing ‘Graft versus logy and Transfusion Medicine regarding blood dona- Host Disease’ (GvHD), we prepare the basic tion and hemotherapy as well as the Department of components of autologous fibrin glue and plate Immunogenetics on HSC donor issues. gels. Thanks to having modern equipment, the de- In terms of teaching, our department provides partment is able to undertake specialised research staff training and organises courses in blood trans- in blood donation and transfusion. fusion especially for those units engaged in public Scientific studies are focused on issues when blood health services and for laboratory diagnos- blood is used in treatment (including complica- ticians specialising within laboratory transfusion tions of transfusing blood components; not only in medicine. In collaboration with the Hematology the Institute but also in the whole of Poland), as and Transfusion Medicine Clinic at the Centre for well as methods of collection, processing, storage, Postgraduate Education (CMKP), our staff take transport and the quality control of blood and its part in courses for doctors specialising in clinical components. Research is undertaken in methods of transfusion medicine, hematology, clinical onco preparing HSCs for transplantation purposes. Our logy and internal medicine. The department also team is also clinically evaluating the therapeutic conducts training on an individual basis. uses and hemostatic properties of autologous and The following are sub-divisions of the depart- allogeneic fibrin glue preparations and plate gels. In ment: the Laboratory of Clinical Blood Transfusion addition, work is being done on assessing the quality including the Blood Bank, the Laboratory of Trans- and safety of enriched blood components stored in fusion Medicine including the Hematopoietic Cell solutions, the effect of irradiation and inactivation Bank, Quality Assurance Laboratory, Blood Service and other newly introduced blood procedures. Our Organisation Unit, Microbiology Laboratory and department closely collaborates with both the De- the Centre for Bone Marrow Donation.
Laboratory of Transfusion Medicine including the Hematopoietic Cell Bank
(preparatory procedures and cryopreservation), storage and dispensing HSCs from the bone mar- row and peripheral blood as well as allogeneic umbilical cord blood. The Bank has a class A clean- liness rating. The laboratory is accredited by the Ministry of Health for the acquisition, processing and stor- age of HSCs awarded for meeting the set legal and quality requirements according to the law on the collection, storage and transplantation of cells, tissues and organs. Specialist autologous formulations are pre- pared in the laboratory and used, amongst other things, for treating the ‘dry eye syndrome’ (by Head: Doctor of Pharmacology Jolanta Antoniewicz- means of ‘artificial tears’) and treating hemolytic -Papis PhD disease in the foetus/newborn whenever blood Team: Ms Martha Gawrys MSc, Ms Caroline Pienko MSc and Ms Margaret Pawlik (Senior technician) incompatibilities occur with the mother (concen- Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw trates of platelets and erythrocytes). Tel: +48 22 34 96 381, +48 22 34 96 388 and Our laboratory staff take part in training at the +48 22 34 96 389 Department on blood donation, hemotherapy and e-mail: [email protected] HSC banking intended for transplantation. Many studies have been published in scientific journals Within the laboratory, a Hematopoietic Cell and our staff participate in surveillance over Public Bank operates that deals with testing, processing Blood Service Units. 195 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Laboratory of Clinical Blood Transfusion including the Blood Bank
Knyt, Ms Monica Matusz, Ms Eva Szczepańska, Ms Marzena Wojcik and Ms Elizabeth Zawirska Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 556, +48 22 34 96 533 and +48 22 34 96 569 e-mail: [email protected]
The laboratory performs plasmapheresis, thrombocyte-apheresis and leukapheresis treat- ments. It is also a centre for extracting HSC from the circulation provided by unrelated donors and it collaborates with other bone marrow donor cen- tres. The laboratory uses autologous blood and its components to formulate specialist products as well Head: Professor of Medicine Richard Poglod MD, DSc as catering for patient blood and blood component Team: Dr Lech Rzymkiewicz, Ms Beatrice Wisniewska needs for all clinics and departments at the institute. MSc (Ward), Ms Eva Pietrowiak MSc and Ms Milena We also give consultations on hemotherapy matters Prusaczyk MSc, Ms Yvonne Dziarnowska, Ms Bozena and for blood components and products.
Centre for Bone Marrow Donation
Head: Doctor of Medicine Monica Grzegorek Team: Ms Aleksandra Czajkowska MSc, Mr Thomas Jankowski MSc and Ms Martina Romanesque-Pluzanska Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 375, +48 22 34 96 376, +48 22 34 96 380, +48 22 34 96 390 and +48 22 34 96 391 e-mail: [email protected]
Our centre conducts teaching and provides information for promoting HSC donation from unrelated persons. HSC donor recruitment and their investigation are undertaken and the centre takes part in their final qualification, where it is responsible for coordinating donor healthcare after donation. It also takes part in recruitment campaigns for potential bone marrow donors.
Quality Assurance Laboratory
Head: Doctor of Pharmacology Elizabeth Lachert Team: Doctor of Pharmacology Jolanta Kubis PhD (Specialist in laboratory transfusion medicine), Ms Ewa Potocka MSc, Ms Agata Plodzich (Senior technician), Ms Elizabeth Wisniakowska, Ms Marzena Klokocka and Ms Elizabeth Kowalczyk Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 382, +48 22 34 96 386 and +48 22 34 96 387 e-mail: [email protected]
196 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
Inspections of blood component quality are As part of its delivered services, the labora- carried out at the laboratory from public blood tory assesses equipment and disposable devices service units and initial batch testing is done on in terms of their usefulness to CKiKs along with blood derived products. preparing autologous concentrates of fibrinogen The laboratory oversees the public blood and plate gels. service organisational units as well as on vali- Research is conducted on preparative procedures dating the storage of blood and its components and storage conditions for blood and its components together with refrigerated reagents and test sam- as well as optimising methods for obtaining both ples. It also performs quality control of blood autologous fibrinogen concentrates and plate gels. components stored at the institute’s blood bank The laboratory organises courses for labora- and analyses the documentation regarding blood tory diagnosticians taking exams on laboratory derived products according to OCABR control transfusion medicine and also trains staff from the procedures. Department of Transfusion Medicine.
Blood Service Organisation Unit
Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 377, +48 22 34 96 379, +48 22 34 96 384, +48 22 34 96 401 and +48 22 34 96 482 e-mail: [email protected]
The laboratory undertakes an organisational and professional role according to the tasks set out in the Act on Public Blood Service. This consists of managing the National Register of Blood Donors and analysing reported reactions when transfusing blood components and any adverse events. Other tasks include preparing an annual report for the EDQM OMCL Network on the basis of initial batch Head: Ms Anna Tomaszewska MSc testing controls. Team: Dr Alexandra Rosiek MD, Ms Christine Dudziak MSc, Mr Christopher Sutkowski (Engr) and Mr Paul Klobukowski Microbiology Laboratory Our Laboratory performs bacteriological and mycological diagnostics for the clinics and depart- ments of the Institute and for outside bodies. Auto- mated analysers are used for these purposes, (the microbial VITEK 2 Compact), which provides ac- curate and reproducible measurements. Culturing blood and other body fluids are performed on the automated Bactec 9050 and BactAlert systems, allow- ing a rapid evaluation of blood samples, when positive, which enables such results to be rapidly relayed to clinicians to which therapy can be suitably directed. Results of laboratory tests that prove positive and any alert pathogens detected are sent to the Nosocomial Head: Ms Eva Mik MSc Control Team and to the Institute departments. The Team: Ms Anna Kuziak MSc (microbiology in medicine laboratory also prepares and presents the current specialist), Ms Bozena Wasilewska (Senior technician) microbiological status and trends in rising bacterial and Ms Elizabeth Kepka resistance. It regularly participates in external qua Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 02–776 Warsaw lity control, ‘Polmicro’, and possesses accreditation Tel: +48 22 34 96 616 and +48 22 34 96 641 certificates for microbiology testing. e-mail: [email protected] 197 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
The Laboratory performs microbiological 3) Determining the sensitivity of isolated micro- testing on all clinical materials: ie. blood, body organisms to antibiotics and chemotherapy as fluids, pus, sputum, urine, feces and swabs from recommended by EUCAST and the National the throat, nose and eyes. This covers the follow- Reference Centre for Microbial Methods Sus- ing functions: ceptibility using: diffusion discs, the automat- 1) Identification: ed VITEK system and the E-test (measuring • Gram-negative bacteria from Entero- minimum inhibitory concentrations). bacteriaceae family and non-fermenting 4) Elucidating the mechanisms of resistance: bacilli species, • methicillin-resistant staphylococci, • B-hemolytic streptococci groups A, B, C, • glycopeptides resistant staphylococci and D, F, G, pneumococci and enterococci, enterococci, • Haemophilus bacilli, • ESBL production by Gram-negative ba- • Diplococci inflammation of the meninges, cilli, • Anaerobic microorganisms. • cAMP production by Gram-negative bacilli, 2) Differentiating coagulase-negative and coa • MBL production by Gram-negative bacilli, gulase-positive staphylococci for identifying • KPC production Gram-negative bacilli, staphylococci species isolated from blood and • OXA-48 production by Gram-negative ba- body fluids. cilli.
Head: Professor of Medicine Monica Prochorec-So- Ms Renata Miąsko, MSc (Engr), Ms Monica Okla (Senior bieszek MD, DSc technician), Mr Robert Zietek (Senior technician) and Senior Lecturers: Dr Ursula Podstawka MD, Dr Anna Ms Halina Wicher (Senior technician) Szumera-Cieckiewicz MD and Dr Patrick Gorniak Secretary’s office: Ms Yvonne Sosnowska Doctors: Dr Olga Szymanska-Giemza Consultant: Professor of Medicine Maria Kraj MD, DSc Laboratory diagnosticians: Doctor of Biology Ursula Bany-Laszewicz PhD, Dr Catherine Borg MD, Dr Yvonne Scientific research and healthcare services Solarska MD, Dre Jolanta Wozniak MD, Ms Agnes are conducted within this department on the Gajewska MSc, Ms Danuta Gwozdz MSc, Ms Barbara pathogenesis and diagnosis of hematopoietic and Kruk MSc, Ms Agnes Krzywdzinska MSc, Ms Evelina lymphatic system diseases as well as teaching Franecka MSc, Ms Hanna Weasel-Makuch MSc, Ms Eva and consultation in these areas. The department Migal MSc and Ms Grayna Nowak MSc Biologists: Ms Alexandra Bluszcz MSc (Engr.), Ms Edith performs comprehensive and multidisciplinary Derezinska MSc, Ms Bozena Rawska MSc and Doctor diagnostics and monitoring of patients treated for of Biolog. Magdalena Wojtas diseases of the hematopoietic and lymphatic sys- Technicians: Ms Barbara Bielecka (Senior technician), tems according to guidelines and national standards Ms Agatha Bielinska (Engr), Ms Yvonne Kania (Engr), from international scientific societies, working groups, the World Health Organization and the Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw European LeukemiaNet. Diagnostic tasks for the Tel: +48 22 34 96 296 and +48 22 34 96 495 Department are carried out in close collaboration Fax: +48 22 34 96 494 with other departmental laboratories and institute e-mail: [email protected]
198 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine clinics; tests include cytological, cytochemical and pathogenesis and identifying rational therapeutic cytoenzymatic ones as well as measuring cytofluo- targets for such diseases. Other tasks include the rometric, and molecular cytogenetic markers. Also banking and archiving of tissues and cells along residual disease testing for leukemias and lym- with isolated biological material for research. The phomas are undertaken using flow cytometry and department closely collaborates in studies with molecular methods. clinics and departments of the Institute and with Research at the department is concerned the Department of Experimental Hematology. with its diagnostic-service activities on optimising Our department consists of: the Analytical methods of patient diagnoses and in monitoring Medical Laboratory, an Immunophenotyping, treatment efficacy for those suffering from can- laboratory, a Cytogenetics Laboratory, a Labo- cer to the hematopoietic and lymphatic systems ratory of Molecular Biology and a Laboratory as well as investigating the mechanisms of their of Pathology.
Analytical Medical Laboratory
• Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) reaction. • Detecting sideroblasts ringed sideroblasts in bone marrow samples. • Measuring platelets in circulating blood smears. • Serum and urine immunofixation. • Measuring serum IgA, IgM, IGD and IgE con- centrations. • Measuring serum b2-microglobulin concentra- tions. • Measuring free k and l chains in serum. Two types of biological material are sent to our laboratory for analyses; blood and the bone marrow. Depending on the tests, blood should originally be Head: Ms Eva Migal MSc Team: Ms Danuta Gwozdz MSc (laboratory diagnosti- sampled into EDTA tubes or be ready for making cian), Dr Barbara Kruk MD (laboratory diagnostician), blood smears or preparing bone marrow prepara- Ms Eliza Zaremba MSc (specialist in medical laboratory tions. The following tests are done: diagnostics), Ms Barbara Bielecka (Senior Technician in • Cytology tests on circulation blood (whole medical analysis) and Ms Halina Wicher (Senior techni- blood or smears). cian in medical analysis) • Cytology tests on bone marrow (two unstained bone marrow smears fully labelled with the The Laboratory carries out hematological patient’s details and sampling date). disease testing of hematopoietic and lymphatic • Measuring alkaline phosphatase activity in systems that include: granulocytes (whole blood/unstained blood • Cyto-morphological assessment of peripheral smears). blood smears and bone marrow. • Measuring sideroblasts (2 unstained bone • Measurement of alkaline phosphatase activity marrow smears). in granulocytes and the circulation (periphe • Cytochemical and cyto-enzymatic tests (4–6 un- ral blood). stained blood or bone marrow samples). • Measurement of the activity of tartarated resis- For many years our laboratory has taken tant acid phosphatase. part in External Quality Control programmes re- • Measurement of nonspecific esterase activity. garding microscopic testing on circulating blood • Measurement of peroxidase activity. smears and those obtained from the bone marrow • Sudan-Black B staining. (EQA-hem).
Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 162 e-mail: [email protected] 199 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Laboratory for Immunophenotyping • Assessing sub-population leukocyte degrada- tion in test material. • Assessing profiles of basic sub-populations of lymphocytes by proportion and absolute counts of lymphocytes T, B, NK and T-lym- phocyte helpers and suppressor cells. • Defining NK cell sub-populations in Lyme disease (CD57+). • Determining the proportion and life-span of CD34+ cells (apheresis products, bone mar- row). • The test material comprising of: • Peripheral blood, bone marrow aspirate taken in EDTA. • Cerebrospinal fluid, BAL, thin-needle biopsied Head: Dr Jolanta Wozniak MD material, other bodily fluids and exudates sam- Team: Ms Evelina Franecka MSc, Ms Agnes Krzyw pled into sterile polypropylene tubes without dzinska MsC and Dr Ursula Podstawka MD anti-coagulants. Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw • Lymph nodes — kept in physiological saline Tel: +48 22 34 96 164, +48 22 34 96 166 and at 37°C. +48 22 34 96 167 e-mail: [email protected] Cytogenetic Laboratory The laboratory performs surface and cyto- plasmic antigen testing on blood and bone marrow cells for patients suffering from diseases of the hematopoietic and lymphatic systems by using flow-cytometry methods. The analytical instru- ments are a Becton-Dickinson Cano flow cytometer (with 8 colours) based on a protocol described either in the literature or in specialist research Pol- ish or International guidelines as well as in-house experience gained from over 20 years. Refer- ence values are those of cell immunophenotypes and the distribution of a subpopulation of leuco- cytes measured in the blood and bone marrows of healthy donors or from regenerated bone marrows Head: Doctor of Biology Ursula Bany-Laszewicz PhD post-chemotherapy. Team: Ms Alexandra Bluszcz MSc (Engr), Ms Agnes Tests for defining the leukocyte immunophe- Gajewska MSc and Mr Robert Zietek (Senior technician) notype are multi-colourimetric flow-cytometry Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw ones aiming to: Tel; +48 22 34 96 173 and +48 22 34 96 593 • Determine the phenotype of cancer cells in e-mail: [email protected] both acute myeloid and acute lymphoblas- tic leukemias and to establish the aberrant The laboratory performs cytogenetic tests phenotypes using ‘empty spaces’ flow cy- on myeloid and lymphoid neoplasms. Chromo- tometry. some analyses are undertaken by classical band- • Determining the phenotype of lymphatic sys- ing methods of classical cytogenetics (GTG) and tem cancer cells. fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Karyotyp- • Cytometric analyses of the bone marrow in ing is also performed by high resolution banding acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelopro- which constitutes the basic post-natal diagnostic liferative cancers. testing for specific diseases and clinical syndromes • Treatment monitoring, assessing residual that arise from chromosomal aberrations. The disease of the hematopoietic and lymphatic laboratory is equipped with microscopes, with an systems. automated facility for seeking metaphases along
200 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine with a computerised system for registration, data Laboratory for Pathomorphology calculation and documenting the karyotyping and FISH results. The laboratory is fully compliant with quality control standards regarding the operation of a medical diagnostic laboratory and in the interpre- tation and authorisation of test results; according to Journal of Laws 2006, No. 61, position 435 issued by the Polish Minister of Health. Our testing procedures are also in accordance with recommendations and guidelines of specialist international scientific groupings and/or with pro- tocols available from the scientific literature.
Molecular Biology Laboratory Head: Professor of Medicine Monica Prochorec-So- bieszek MD, DSc Team: Dr Anna Szumera-Cieckiewicz MD, Dr Olga Szymanska-Giemza, Ms Edith Derezinska MSc, Ms Bo- zena Rawska MSc, Ms Agatha Bielinska (Engr), Ms Re- nata Miasko MSc (Engr) and Ms Monika Okla (Senior Technician) Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 456 and +48 22 34 96 457 e-mail: [email protected]
The laboratory conducts both research and delivers diagnostic services on the pathogenesis of diseases arsing from the hematopoietic and lymphatic systems. Both complex and multi-disci- Head: Dr Patrick Gorniak MD plinary diagnostics and treatment monitoring are Team: Dr Yvonne Solarska MD, Doctor of Biology performed in patients suffering from hematopoietic Magdelena Wojtas PhD, Ms Hanna Makuch-Lasica and lymphatic system disease according to national MSc, Ms Grazyna Nowak MSc and Ms Ywonne Kania (Technician) and international standards and guidelines put Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw forward by scientific societies and working groups Tel: +48 22 34 96 170, +48 22 34 96 171 and that include the WHO and ELN. +48 22 34 96 594 Our laboratory is rated as a Grade III Reference e-mail: [email protected] Centre in hematopathology. Performing microscope sectioning, staining and mounting cover slips is Both qualitative and quantitative measure- fully automated which permits complete standa ments are performed in this laboratory using mo- rdisation of sample preparation procedures to be lecular biology methods which allow to identify achieved. The laboratory possesses accreditation changes in structural DNA and the expression from the Polish Society of Pathologists regarding of those genes involved in the pathogenesis of immuno-histological analyses and it regularly takes hematological diseases. Monitoring minimal part in external quality control schemes for immu- of residual disease entails using the TaqMan no-histochemical staining. Furthermore, it fulfils the technique for RQ-PCR according to interna- role of a consultation centre for the whole of Poland tional protocols laid down in the ‘Europe against regarding hematopathology, particularly focused on Cancer’ study as well as ELN guidelines. Our the histopathological and immuno-histochemical di- laboratory takes part in Polish and European agnoses of myeloid and lymphoid malignancies. The projects dedicated to standardising molecular laboratory also provides courses for clinicians and biology techniques. pathologists. 201 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
The full range of tests undertaken at our labo- • Histochemical Mucicarmine staining (one ratory are as follows: step). • Histopathology on trepanned biopsies with • Histochemical PAS staining (one step). 1 bone block/preparation. • Histochemical Mycobacteria staining (one step). • Histopathology on surgical material with • Histochemical Congo Red staining (one step). 1 bone block/preparation. • Histochemical Perls staining (one step). • Final assessment by a specialist hemato- • Histochemical Grocott staining (one step) pathologist and issuing the result — trepanned • Histochemical Alcian-PAS staining (one step). biopsy, lymph nodes. • Histochemical AZAN trichrome staining • Final assessment by a specialist hemato- (one step). pathologist and issuing the result — surgi- • Immunohistochemical antibody staining cal material. (one step). • A histopathological consultation on received • Manual immunohistochemical antibody stain- specimens. ing (one step). • Histochemical Giemsa Staining (one step). • One step block slicing and basic H & E staining. • Histochemical Gomori’s staining (one step). • Paraffin block slicing for genetic testing.
Head: Professor of Medicine George Windyga MD, DSc The department conducts scientific research Professor: Professor of Medicine Ksenia Bykowska and provides healthcare services as well as teach- MD, DSc ing and consultation for specialist clinics and other Laboratory Diagnosticians: Ms Beatrice Baran MSc, clinics both inside and outside the institute dealing Ms Anna Bucko MSc, Dr Agnes Lipniacka MD, Ms Mag- with hemostasis and porphyria. Laboratory tests dalena Marchewka MSc and Dr Edith Odnoczko MD are undertaken for diagnoses and monitoring pa- Medical Analysts: Ms Evelina Ejchman-Pac MSc Technicians: Ms Renata Bajszczak (Technician), Ms Ire- tient treatment of congenital and acquired hemo- ne Kaminska (Senior Technician), Ms Anna Moszczyn- stasis disease: hemophilia A and B, von Willebrand ska (Technician), Ms Anna Rurka (Senior Technician) disease, and other rare bleeding disorders (eg. fac- and Ms Anna Slawinska (Senior Technician) tor VII deficiency, XI, XIII), trombocytopathy, and Laboratory Assistants: Mr Czeslaw Gladczuk, Ms Ca- thrombophilia. Besides routine hemostasis testing, therine Lenart and Ms Christine Ozimek other specific tests are performed to measure the activities of various coagulation factors, antigens and von Willebrand factor multimers along with detecting and measuring endogenous coagulation inhibitors. Platelet function tests are also done Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw and measurements of metallo-protease activity Tel: +48 22 34 96 157 and +48 695 336 420 and its ADAMTS13 inhibitor, together with global e-mail: [email protected] thrombosis testing: by clot thromboelastometry
202 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
(ROTEM Delta®) and the TGA Technoclone® test phase. The laboratory tests family members suf- of thrombin generation. In addition, the department fering from porphyria to identify asymptomatic delivers molecular diagnoses of: thrombophilia (de- carriers of the defective gene. It also manages the tecting Leiden Factor V gene mutations, detecting national database covering porphyria patients and G20210A prothrombin gene mutations, analysing their families as well as a constantly updated regi the SERPINC1 gene sequence (antithrombin defi- stry of safe or harmful drugs regarding porphyria. ciency) and bleeding disorders such as hemophil- The departmental laboratories periodically ia A (detecting inversion mutations [INV1 and undergo external quality control assessment as INV22] and F8 gene sequence analysis), hemophil- part of the following schemes: The Centre for ia B (F9 gene sequence analysis), von Willebrand Research Quality Diagnostics Laboratory, ECAT disease (VWF gene sequence analysis) and factor Foundation for External Quality Control of Diag- XI deficiency (F11 gene sequence analysis). nostic Assays and Tests with a Focus on Throm- In Poland, the department is the only diag- bosis and Hemostasis along with the European nostics and research centre dealing with porphyria Porphyria Network (EPNET) EQAS. diseases insomuch where it provides highly spe- The Department contains a Hemostasis Labo- cialised medical services for all porphyria typing ratory, a von-Willebrand Disease Laboratory and and differentiation during the symptomatic disease a Porphyria Laboratory.
Hemostasis Laboratory Von Willebrand Laboratory
Head: Ms Beatrice Baran MSc Head: Professor of Medicine Ksenia Bykowska MD, DSc Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 161 and +48 22 34 96 548 Tel: +48 22 34 96 160 and +48 22 34 96 543
The following tests are performed: 1) Biochemical and immuno-enzymatic. 2) Platelet aggregation and function. 3) Genetic testing on peripheral blood samples taken in EDTA. DNA is manually isolated by an affinity column based method. For identi- fying chosen point mutations, PCR is used in conjunction with restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). 203 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Porphyria Laboratory
The tasks of the Laboratory include: diagnos- ing patients suspected of deteriorating or an at- tack of porphyria, determining porphyria type in those already confirmed, diagnosing the family of porphyria patients to establish defective gene car- riers, check-ups on porphyria patients, issuing Sick Cards to patients with symptomatic/asymptomatic porphyria, keeping a list of safe drugs for treat- ing porphyria, registering patients in a database, research on porphyria, providing teaching/training on porphyria to all those interested, collaborating with other European centres working on porphyria and collaborating with other organisational units Head: Dr Agnes Lipniacka MD within the institute regarding research and health- Address: 5 Chocimska Street, Building B, care services. 00–791 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 617 and +48 22 34 96 635
Head: Professor of Medicine Eva Brojer MD, DSc Pyl MSc, Ms Joanna Skulimowska MSc, Justyna Spy- Consultant: Professor of Medicine Christine Maslanka chalska MSc, Ms Agnes Gierszon MSc, Ms Hedwig MD, DSc Sak-Budzisz (Tech Engr), Ms Evelina Sokol MSc and Assistant Professors: Doctor of Natural Sciences Cath- Ms Magdalena Pilat MSc erine Guz MD, DSc, Doctor of Natural Sciences Agnes Biologists: Ms Anna Head MSc, Ms Magdalena Krze- Orzinska PhD and Dr Margaret Uhrynowska MD mieniowska MSc, Ms Caterine Kuzior MSc, Ms Mag- Laboratory diagnosticians: Ms Pamela Bartoszewicz dalena Michalik MSc and Ms Justine Smolarczyk-Wo MSc, Ms Justine Bednarz MSc, Ms Eva Golaszewska dzinska MSc MSc, Ms Edith Klimczak-Jajor MSc, Ms Patricia Lopacz Technicians: Ms Eva Dudnikow (Senior technician), MSc, Ms Hanna Lopienska MSc, Ms Anna Myslinska Ms Beatrice Sierocka (Senior technician), Ms Halina MSc, Ms Maria Nowaczek-Migas MSc, Ms Agnes Ko Nasiegniewska (Senior technician) and Ms Anna Plizak walska MSc, Ms Justine Pastuszek MSc, Ms Anna Kiszlo (Technician) MSc, Ms Monica Pelc-Klopotowska MSc, Ms Hanna Laboratory assistant: Ms Margaret Tratkiewicz Secretary’s office: Ms Catherine Stachurska Address: 5 Chocimska Street, Building B, 00–791 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 663 and +48 605 267 600 The department performs diagnostics, research, Fax: +48 22 34 96 611 teaching and provides its expertise in immunology, e-mail: [email protected] hematology and transfusion medicine. Our aims are
204 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine to develop and introduce test methods for assuring Research interests of the department are con- the safe transfusion of blood and its components, cerned with applying the department’s diagnostics performing advanced diagnostics for allo- and au- and expert capabilities to the immunology of red to-blood cell antigen immunisation and studies on cells, platelets and granulocytes as well as to the congenital and acquired hemolytic anemia as well as immunopathology of pregnancy, chimerism testing chimerism. Other important tasks of the department after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and are supervising research on immunology related diagnostics of congenital and acquired hemolytic transfusion medicine at organisational units of the anemia and dyserythropoietic anemia. Public Blood Service. Assessment programmes and The department conducts numerous training audits are conducted in Centre for Blood Donation courses and lectures for diagnosticians specialis- and Blood Therapies (CKiK) laboratories and in ing in laboratory transfusion medicine, for doctors hospitals performing pre-transfusion testing and specialising in hematology and clinical transfu- those on foetal-maternal incompatibilities. Accord- sion medicine and to gynecologists, obstetricians ing to the agreement with the Polish Centre for and neonatologists. Research and Certification, the department testsin The Department consists of: Laboratory of vitro diagnostic reagents used for immunology and Erythrocyte Immunology, Laboratory of Leuko- transfusion medicine as well as issuing its expert cytes and Platelet Immunology, Laboratory for opinion for allowing their use. The department also Immunopathology of Pregnancy, Laboratory for tests scientific equipment/apparatus in these areas. Genetic-Dependent Anemia, Laboratory for Blood All department laboratories take part in in- Grouping and Compatibility and the Laboratory for ternational external Quality Control schemes (UQ Blood Cell Genetics and Chimerism. NEQAS, INSTAND e.V. and ISBT).
Laboratory of Erythrocyte Immunology
of donors with unique antigens which thus permit such blood to become available for transfusion. Diagnostic tests are also done in cases of autoim- mune hemolytic anemia for serological diagnoses of weak antigenic types, particularly the ABO and Rh systems, together with diagnosing post-transfusion hemolytic reactions. The actual tests that our laboratory performs are as follows: 1) Serological tests on anemic auto-/allo-hemolytic status post-transfusion of blood components. 2) Serological tests in recipients prior- and post- -to hematopoietic stem cells transplantation. Head: Ms Monica Pelc-Klopotowska MSc 3) Identifying allo-antibodies against erythro- Team: Ms Justine Bednarz MSc, Ms Hanna Lopienska cytes, including both highly and rarely occur- MSc and Ms Agnes Kowalska MSc ring antigens. Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00–791 Warsaw 4) Determining phenotypes or weak antigen Tel: +48 22 34 96 669 and +48 22 34 96 651 types in recipient or donor blood. e-mail: [email protected] 5) Serological features of weak antigen variants. Within immunological-based transfusion medi- 6) Moreover, the laboratory verifies EC–author- cine, a full range of diagnostic testing is performed ised procedures, in which the notified body including consultative-tests in CKiK laboratories, investigates and then certifies that the product whenever self-antibodies arise which need to be submitted for medical diagnostic in vitro testing defined in patients or pregnant women. These tests meets its intended requirement as reagents to use blood sample bank information on rare antigens be used in immunology and transfusion medi- and serum samples containing antibodies with cine. For undertaking such tests, the Institute unique specificities (SCARF). Integrated within was distinguished by the notifying body ie. The this process is access to international databases Polish Centre for Testing and Certification. 205 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
The laboratory investigates, assesses and issues in the therapeutic anti-D immunoglobulin product opinions on automated and semi-automated systems (Anti-Gamma D 50 and Anti-Gamma D 150). The Na- for blood group testing, for detecting immune system tional Programme for External Quality Assessment antibodies and for measuring the anti-D antibody is also managed and run by our laboratory.
Laboratory of Leukocytes and Platelet Immunology
• Maternal-foetal incompatibilities of platelet antigens. • Auto/allo- immunological thrombocytopenia. • Heparin-dependent thrombocytopenia. • Pseudotrombocytopenia. • Platelet membrane glycoprotein deficiency (Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia, the team Ber- nard-Soulier syndrome). • Phenotyping the HPA-1 antigen (risk assess- ment on maternal-foetal antigen incompa tibility with non-HPA-1a); • Immuno-complications in transfused plate- let concentrates. Head: Ms Patricia Lopacz MSc • Anti-HLA class I and II antibodies (comple- Team: Ms Anna Glowka MSc, Ms Agnes Gierszon MSc, ment binding and non-binding capacity). Ms Hedwig Sak-Budzisz (Engr, Senior Technician), Ms • Selection of platelet donors according to leuko- Halina Nasiegniewska, Ms Beatrice Sierocka (Senior cyte-platelet compatibility for immunised pa- technician), Ms Evelina Sokol MSc and Ms Magdalena tients. Pilate MSc • Primary and secondary granulocytopenia. Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00–791 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 947, +48 22 34 96 615 and • Non-hemolytic contraindications post-transfu- +48 22 34 96 675 sion including transfusion-related acute lung e-mail: [email protected] injury (TRALI). • Reticulocyte blood count. In addition, the laboratory provides consul- This is the only laboratory in Poland that tation for all tests performed and takes part in performs highly specialised diagnostic tests as organising external quality control schemes for follows: CKiK as well as undertaking scientific research.
Laboratory for Immunopathology of Pregnancy
Head: Dr Margaret Uhrynowska MD Team: Ms Magdalena Michalik MSc, Ms Pamela Bar- toszewicz MSc and Ms Anna Plizak Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00–791 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 668 and +48 22 34 96 671 e-mail: [email protected]
The laboratory performs serological screening and diagnostics for all pregnant women (RhD-ne gative and RhD-positive) to establish whether ma- ternal-foetal compatibility exists or not regarding erythrocytes. Such tests should be carried out in duplicate in all pregnant women at up to 10 weeks
206 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine and at 27–32 weeks as well as 21–26 weeks in Collaborative work is undertaken with the those RhD-negative. They are vital for diagnos- Laboratory for Blood Cell Genetics and Chimerism ing incompatibilities and for selecting which blood for non-invasive genotyping of foetal antigens so type should be transfused to the mother/child if as to exclude any risk of hemolytic disease, when such a need should arise. Whenever antibodies there are no foetal antigens present to which the are detected to many antigens or those universally mother’s antibodies can react with. Our laboratory present in the population, then their specificities to also collaborates with the Laboratory of Eryth- transfused blood is required with the aim of finding rocyte Immunology where antibodies are tested a suitable donor. Upon detecting such antibodies, against universally occurring antigens. then the CKiK is notified so that a particular blood Screening is also conducted for HPA-1a plate- can be secured. let antigens which play the dominant role in ma- ternal-foetal incompatibilities regarding platelets.
Laboratory for Genetic-Dependent Anemia
Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00–791 Warszawa Tel: +48 22 34 96 668, +48 22 34 96 677, +48 22 34 96 658, +48 22 34 96 673 and +48 22 34 96 679 e-mail: [email protected]
The Laboratory carries out unique diagnos- tic tests on hereditary spherocytosis, hemoglo- binopthies, thalassemia, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and congenital dyserythropoietic anemia. Testing is also performed for maternal-fe- tal transplacental leakage and on material derived from cordocentesis by flow cytometry.
Head: Dr Margaret Uhrynowska MD Team: Ms Eva Golaszewska MSc, Ms Edith Klimczak-Ja- jor MSc, Ms Anna Myslinska MSc, Ms Hanna Pyl MSc and Ms Justine Spychalska MSc
Laboratory for Blood Grouping and Compatibility
Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 383, +48 22 34 96 404 and +48 22 34 96 570 e-mail: [email protected]
The laboratory carries out all pre-transfusion tests, that includes blood typing, histocompati bility tests, matching blood for recipients for allo-antibodies and/or auto-antibodies, detecting and identifying immune antibodies and in deter ming erythrocyte phenotype.
Head: Ms Beatrice Wojciechowska MSc Team: Ms Catherine Kuzior MSc, Ms Justine Pastuszek MSc and Ms Eva Dudnikow (Senior technician) 207 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Laboratory for Blood Cell Genetics and Chimerism
RHD-positive, the ultimate criterion gov- erning whether immunoglobulin anti-D is given in the 29th–30th week of pregnancy is if anti-D antibodies are absent — and also in the 28th week (recommended time of administration). • RHD genotyping and/or of RHCE*c*C* E foetal alleles is undertaken from the mother’s blood using anti-D, anti-C, an- ti-C or anti-E antibodies. Non-invasive foetal diagnostics using maternal blood containing antibodies to red blood cells is recommended in the second trimester Head: Doctor of Biology Catherine Guz PhD (from the 15th–16th weeks of pregnancy). Team: Ms Agnes Orzinska PhD, Ms Justine Smolarczyk- This avoids any invasive methods for de- -Wodzynska MSc, Ms Magdalena Krzemieniowska MSc, termining foetal blood type with negative Ms Anna Kiszlo MSc, Ms Joanna Skulimowska MSc and genotyping outcome. Ms Sylvia Purchla-Szepiola MSc • The genotype of foetal antigens in am- Address: 5 Chocimska Street, Building B, 00–957 Warsaw niotic fluid is determined. Tests are Tel: +48 22 34 96 630, +48 22 34 96 637 and +48 22 34 96 649 recommended for those women with e-mail: [email protected] antibodies present and are undergoing amniocentesis, including those with other Highly specialised tests, unique in Poland, are clinical indications or through a less inva- undertaken in this laboratory for genotyping blood sive method of obtaining foetal material cell antigens and chimerism testing, post-trans- than cordocentesis. plantation. The former concerns antigens from • Determining antigenic incompatibilities platelets, erythrocytes and granulocytes and are which are based on maternal and paternal conducted in cases of maternal/foetal incompat- genotyping or that of the mother and fe- ibilities or in assessing auto-/allo-immunisation tus/newborn. Such tests are performed in patients. When considering genetic testing of on platelet antigens and granulocytes, erythrocyte antigens, the importance of non-in- whenever fetal/newborn-maternal al- vasive prenatal molecular diagnostics should be lo-immune thrombocytopenia or granu- especially stressed for antigens RhD, c, E, and F locytopenia in newborns are suspected, from the foetus as detected in the plasma of preg- as methods for establishing antibody spe- nant woman in the foetal DNA. The actual tests cificities through detecting/excluding the carried out in our laboratory are: antigenic incompatibilities of parents or 1) Genetic diagnostics on maternal-foetal in- those of the mother and child in the most compatibilities regarding platelet antigens significant HPA/HNA systems (human granulocytes and erythrocytes: platelet/ human neutrophil antigens). • Foetal RHD gene genotyping from ma- 2) Genotyping erythrocyte antigens after al- ternal blood is performed for qualifying lo-HSCT/allo-transfusion thereby facilitating those suited for immuno-prophylaxis the measurement of antibodies and for identi- during pregnancy. Non-invasive foetal fying allo-antibodies in patients with: RHD gene genotyping is done for qualify- • Whenever any difficulties arising from ing whenever RhD immuno-prophylaxis the erythrocyte phenotype are found after is required in cases of maternal-foetal multi-transfusions or allo-HSCT (aris- incompatibility in RhD negative women ing < 3 months). between 12th and 27th week of pregnancy • In the presence of auto-/allo-antibodies (ideally between 21st and 26th weeks) and found amongst those suffering from au- whenever immune antibodies anti-D are toimmune hemolytic anemia. lacking in the 12th and/or 20th weeks of • Suspected antibodies to universal/rare pregnancy. In cases when the foetus is antigens are found.
208 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
• Anomalous serotyping results for D and 5) Genotyping HPAs, HNAs and selected eryth- ABO variants. rocyte blood types for blood donors. This offer 3) Genotyping HPAs. Tests that enable the spe- is directed to the CKiK so that a blood donor cificities of anti-HPA antibodies to be deter- registry can be established for HPA, HNA and mined in patients with thrombocytopenia other chosen erythrocyte antigens. dyscrasia, immunity to transfused platelets 6) Investigating chimerism post-allo-HSCT: de- or with thrombocytopenia post-allo-HSCT. termining the STR marker genotype in donors Identifying the HPA genotype also enables and recipients before HSC transplantation and KKP-compatible HPA donors to be found. measuring the genotype proportions in donors 4) Genotyping HNAs. Tests that facilitate the (proportion of donor STR markers vs recipient identification of anti-HNA antibodies in pa- STR markers) in the blood or bone marrow of tients where the TRALI syndrome is suspect- recipients, post-allo-HSCT. ed, those with neutropenia post-allo-HSCT 7) Measuring genetic mutations in hemoglobi- and organ transplant rejection patients (includ- nopathies in order to establish the genetic ing the kidneys regarding HNA-3 antigens). basis of a and b-thalassemia.
Head: Professor of Medicine Jack Nowak MD, DSc ages immunogenetic selection of unrelated, family Deputy: Dr Ursula Szlendak MD and haploidentical HSC donors for allogeneic trans- Laboratory diagnosticians: Ms Joanna Dziopa MSc, plantation. The department searches for donors in Mr Slawomir Gwozdowicz MSc, Ms Elizabeth Graczyk-Pol country-based and international registries where it MSc, Ms Agnes Malinowska MSc, Ms Anna Marosz- sets the strategy for choosing a family or unrelated -Rudnicka MSc, Ms Renata Mika-Witkowska MSc, donors and performs HLA and KIR genotyping Ms Klaudia Nestorowicz MSc, Ms Daria Pawliczak MSc, Ms Martha Rogatko-Koros MSc, Ms Agnes Witkowska together with providing advice on optimal immu- MSc and Ms Emily Wojciechowska MSc nogenetic selection of family or unrelated donors. Secretary’s office: Ms Agnes Gawron Scientific activities are focused on preparing immunogenetic standards for selecting donors, The department provides healthcare and sci- genetic testing methodology and population genetic entific services on immunogenetic typing of donors testing regarding HLA during and at the start of and recipients regarding HSC transplantation as illness. Another important area of investigation well as providing training and consultations in this are on the pathogenesis of paroxysmal noctur- field. Within such procedures, the department man- nal hemoglobinuria. The Department conducts both under and post-graduate training on HLA study methodolo- Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00–791 Warszawa gies and co-organises internships specialising in Tel: +48 22 34 96 648 and +48 602 290 529 laboratory immunological medicine and trans- Fax: +48 22 34 96 606 plantology. Training on an individual basis are e-mail: [email protected] also provided to those specialising in hematology, 209 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3 transplantology, transfusion medicine, analytical The Department comprises of a Laboratory medicine, laboratory hematology medicine, im- of Tissue Histocompatibility and a Laboratory for munological medicine and medical genetics. Hematopoietic Cell Donor Selection.
Laboratory of Tissue Histocompatibility
Head: Ms Renata Mika-Witkowska MSc Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00–957 Warszawa Tel: +48 22 34 96 672 and +48 22 34 96 659
Antigen tests performed in the Laboratory are as follows: HLA and KIR histocompatibility antigens by PCR-SSP (sequence specific prim- ers) and PCR-SSO Luminex® (sequence specific oligonucleotide probes). The test material is blood sampled in EDTA; in 4 or 10 ml volumes.
Laboratory for Hematopoietic Cell Donor Selection
ditions of the recipient. The test can be used in HSC transplant cases where the donor is partially matched in terms of HLA class I or haploidentical. The test permits precise assessment of a wide variety of KIR B haplo- types and functional HLA-KIR receptor-ligand pairs in donors, along with changes in these pairs which occur in the recipient, post-trans- plantation. The test also allows a donor to be selected with a higher anti-cancer potential of the NK cells, not only through determining the KIR B haplotype content, but above all else Head: Ms Claudia Nestorowicz MSc by predicting changes in the donor NK cell Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00–957 Warszawa licensing within the new HLA conditions in Tel: +48 22 34 96 623 the recipient. In order to pick the best donor, then as aforementioned, expertise is needed. Duties of the laboratory are in selecting unrela The aim of the test and expert opinion thus ted HSC donors for allogeneic transplantation. Seek- improves the chances of eradicating cancers in ing for such donors is performed in country-based the recipients treated by HSC transplantation. or international registries. In cases where histocom- 2) Genotyping HLA DPB1 with high resolution. patibility is incomplete, the laboratory will propose Introducing additional typing of the HLA an optimal unrelated candidate that is partially (DPB1) locus enables the histocompatibility of histocompatible or a haploidentical one from the the donor-recipient pair to be so established. family. To fulfil such aims the laboratory performs This becomes especially important when additional tests such as KIR or HLA-DPB1 geno- donors are only partially histocompatible typing. These tests may require immunogenetic regarding HLA or being haploidentical. In expertise in choosing an optimal HSC donor. Tests such cases of HSC transplantation, the pres- carried out by the laboratory are as follows: ence of anti-HLA antibodies are significant 1) KIR genotyping in HSC donors and transplant (anti-HLA-DP or multispecific). Choosing recipients as well as expertise for measuring a donor in respect of HLA-DPB1 can prevent KIR B haplotype content and for predicting a transplant rejection in those recipients im- donor NK cell licensing under new HLA con- munised.
210 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
Head: Professor of Medicine Peter Grabarczyk MD, ment acts as a reference centre on blood-borne DSc viral infections. Tests are also conducted on newly Laboratory diagnosticians: Mr Paul Brylka MSc, Ms Ale- emerging infectious agents, for instance hepatitis E xandra Kalinska MSc , Ms Anette Kopacz MSc, Ms Do- (HEV) and the West Nile virus (WNV). rothy Kubicka-Russel MSc, Mr Gregory Liszewski MSc, Research is focused on diagnostics that include Ms Eva Nocen MSc, Ms Anna Potepa MSc, Ms Joanna improving methods for detection/verification/in- Sierzega MSc, Ms Eva Sulkowska MSc, Ms Justine Sledz and Ms Pauline Zwolinska MSc fection diagnosis in donors as well as analysing Biologists: Ms Anna Chrzanowska epidemiological data and studying blood-borne viral Laboratory assistant: Ms Sophie Grzywacz polymorphism. These studies include introducing Secretary’s office: Ms Catherine Tkachuk and improving detection methods, monitoring algo- rithms for virally infected patients, distinguishing The Department of Virology undertakes re- between latent and active viral forms and assess- search studies and provides healthcare services, ing the efficacy of anti-viral therapy. Research is training and consultation in the field of medi- also undertaken on the epidemiology of molecular cal virology; particularly in the diagnosis and virology which include identifying ‘escape mutants’ epidemiology of those viruses vital for ensuring and their modes of transmission. blood transfusion safety, including hepatitis virus The Department conducts lectures as part of A (HAV), B (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) virus, courses for laboratory diagnosticians specialising acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV-1/2), in transfusion medicine as well as for physicians parvovirus B19 (B19V), cytomegalovirus (CMV), specialising in clinical and hematological transfu- Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and BK virus (BKV). sion medicine. Also provided are teaching courses Infections also diagnosed are human leukemia vi- and training for CKiK directors and consultants at rus-induced T-cell (HTLV I / II) as well as non-viral regional (Voivodeship) levels in transfusion medicine. ones such as syphilis and toxoplasmosis. The Department comprises of a Laboratory for Verification and complementing tests are Verification Testing, Clinical Virology Laboratory performed for all CKiK centres and the depart- and a Laboratory for Quality Control and Analysis.
Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00–957 Warszawa Tel: +48 22 34 96 640 Fax: +48 22 34 96 603 e-mail: [email protected] 211 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Laboratory for Verification Testing
Head: Ms Eva Sulkowska MSc Team: Ms Anna Chrzanowska MSc, Ms Eva Nocen MSc and Ms Justine Sledz MSc Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00–957 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 662 Fax: +48 22 34 96 603 e-mail: [email protected]
Clinical Virology Laboratory
Head: Ms Alexandra Kalinska MSc Team: Ms Paula Brylka MSc, Ms Anette Klimczak-Plich ta MSc, Ms Anna Potępa MSc, Ms Joanna Sierzega MSc and Ms Pauline Zwolinska MSc Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00–957 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 644 Fax: +48 22 34 96 603 e-mail: [email protected]
Laboratory for Quality Control and Analysis
The laboratory evaluates instrumentation, methods and tests for infectious agents regard- ing monitoring studies for blood donor suitability. Epidemiological testing is performed on detection rates of viral infections, (HBV, HCV and HIV), in donors of blood and its components. Virological tests are also carried out on those donors and pa- tients in whom infection has been detected, where amongst other things, the infection phase and the prevalence of polymorphisms in the aforemen- tioned viruses is determined for Poland. Sample panels are prepared for the purposes of validation and quality control testing regarding Head: Ms Anette Kopacz MSc introduced methods to measure transmitted infec- Team: Ms Dorothy Kubicka-Russel MSc and Mr Gregory tious agents in blood taken from CKiK units. The Liszewski MSc laboratory analyses and assesses the panel test Address: 5 Chocimska Street, 00–957 Warsaw results so obtained. Tel: +48 22 34 96 646 Fax: +48 22 34 96 603 e-mail: [email protected]
212 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
Head: Professor of Medicine Andrew Cieszanowski MD, DSc The department delivers healthcare services Doctors: Dr Andrew Juszynski MD, Dr Jack Proniewski, and performs scientific studies in the radiological Dr George Wojtowicz and Dr Janina Zulewska fields of diagnostics and surgery, where it also Technicians: Mr Alexander Cieslak (Senior technician), provides teaching/training and consultation within Ms Margaret Czajkowska (Senior technician), Ms Ga- these areas. It has a diverse, modern infrastructure briella Michalowska (Senior technician). Ms Christine Wisniewska (Senior technician) and Mr Camille Wegr- and equipment thereby allowing radiology diagnos- zycki (Technician) tics and research to be conducted. All equipment Secretary’s office: Ms Elizabeth Dlutek is digitalised and fully computerised so enabling Registration: Mr Andrew Markowicz the electronic archiving of all testing performed. Nurses: Ms Hedwig Siwiec and Ms Hanna Ziemczyk Diagnostic radiological imaging techniques, computed tomography (CT) and ultrasonography (USG; ultrasound) is carried out together with CT Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw angiography, venography and Doppler ultrasound. Tel: +48 22 34 96 450 The Department consists of a Laboratory for e-mail: [email protected] General Radiology and Ultrasound and a Computer Tomography Unit. 213 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Department of Experimental Hematology
Head: Professor of Medicine Przemyslaw Juszczynski Another area of research concerns the molecu- MD, DSc lar mechanisms underlying the oncogenic activity Deputy Head: Doctor of Biology Matthew Szydlowski of PIM kinases and defining thereby potential PhD therapeutic targets for their inhibitors. The labora- Senior Lecturers: Doctor of Biology Emily Bialopiotro- tory also conducts research on cellular resistance wicz PhD, Dr Patrick Gorniak MD, Doctor of Biology Eva in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia to chemothera- Jablonska PhD and Dr Anna Polak MD Biologists: Ms Monica Noyszewska-Kania MSc and Ms peutics and targeted pharmacological methods Caroline Piechna MSc that sensitise blasts to conventional cytotoxic Alumni: Dr Thomas Sewastianik and Dr Przemyslaw drugs. Study outcomes have been published in jour- Kiliszek nals of high repute and have made a considerable Secretary’s office: Ms Monika Milczarek-Starling MSc impact to the field as demonstrated by numerous citations and both national and international awards The Department of Experimental Hematology for our team members. arose in 2016 when the Laboratory of Hematology at The laboratory makes use of a wide spectrum the Department of Experimental Diagnostic Hema of techniques in molecular biology, biochemistry tology became transformed into an independent and bioinformatics for its research that is focused on organisational unit. The appointed tasks and staff of in-depth functional verification posed by scientific this new department constitute an enlargement and questions and hypotheses. In this work our depart- continuation of those started in 2011. Creating this ment closely collaborates with the Haematology new unit and its staff recruitment were made possi- Clinic and the Department of Diagnostic Haemato ble by the institute’s investment funding and grants logy. A key resource in the infrastructure dedicated obtained in 2011 from the Foundation for Polish to research is the Laboratory for Digital Pathology Science (FNP) as well as the National Science (‘Cyfralab’); http://www.cyfrowelaboratorium.ihit. Centre (NCN). This constitutes an integrated system of From its inception, the department has under- research equipment/instrumentation that enables, taken research into the pathogenesis of myeloid inter alia, the construction of multiblock automated and lymphoid malignancies. In particular taking staining, the acquisition and analysis of digital ima into account the molecular heterogeneity of B-cell ges and micro-laser dissection; this infrastructure lymphomas and their growth determinants along being complemented by an IT system that inte- with identifying rational targets for therapy. The grates each functional module as well as including main thrust of these studies are on the molecular a digital library of images and a tissue bank of fresh mechanisms of transmitting B-cell receptor signals and fixed samples. in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas and in identify- Most of the departmental research is under- ing optimal therapeutic strategies leading to signal taken thanks to grant funding from the FNP, the blocking and arresting its anti-apoptotic action. NCN and the National Research and Development Centre (NCBiR). As of 2015, the departmental Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw team conducts research under the Strategmed Tel: +48 22 34 96 517, +48 22 34 96 518 and I and II projects designed to develop and imple- +48 22 34 96 305 ment innovative targeted therapies in myeloid and e-mail: [email protected] lymphoid malignancies.
214 Krzysztof Warzocha et al., Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
The Department consists of the following Malignancies, Cancer Immunology and Genetics laboratories: Lymphoid Malignancies, Myeloid and Computational Biology.
Laboratory for Lymphoid Malignancies
The mechanisms of B-cell tumour pathoge nesis and identifying their therapeutic targets form the bulk of this laboratory’s work. Studies are fo- cused firstly on the mechanisms of B-cell receptor signal transmission and its effectors and secondly on the role of PIM kinases in such tumours. Further research is also performed on the mechanisms of drug resistance in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and profiling the characteristics of clonogenic cell populations.
Head: Mr Matthew Szydlowski PhD Team: Dr Anna Polak Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 517, +48 22 34 96 518 and +48 22 34 96 305 e-mail: [email protected]
Laboratory for Myeloid Malignancies
Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warszawa Tel: +48 22 34 96 517, +48 22 34 96 518 and +48 22 34 96 305 e-mail: [email protected]
The laboratory seeks for new epigenetic and metabolic mechanisms occurring in tumours of the hematopoietic system, which can be targeted by in- hibitors and thereby potentially constituting a novel therapeutic strategy. In addition, the mechanisms Head: Ms Emily Bialopiotrowicz PhD for determining the potential of self-renewal in Team: Monica Noyszewska-Kania MSc leukemic stem cells are investigated.
Laboratory for Cancer Immunology
Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 517, +48 22 34 96 518 and +48 22 34 96 305 e-mail: [email protected]
The laboratory develops new strategies for immunotherapy in myeloid and lymphoid neo- plasms. These studies are carried out within a wide multi-centre collaboration of the Strategmed pro- gram. The laboratory also works with other institute laboratories, the Haematology Clinic and the Depart- ment of Diagnostic Haematology regarding immuno- Head: Ms Eva Jablonska PhD logical techniques used for studies on tumours of the Team: Ms Caroline Piechna MSc hematopoietic and lymphatic systems. 215 Hematologia 2016, vol. 7, no. 3
Laboratory for Genetics and Computational Biology
Address: 14 Indira Gandhi Street, 02–776 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 34 96 517, +48 22 34 96 518 and +48 22 34 96 305 e-mail: [email protected]
This laboratory collaborates with other insti- tute laboratories concerning bioinformatic tech- niques and large scale study analyses required for ongoing research projects. It also provides research facilities for developing and validating new diagnos- tic tests that use techniques based on genetics and Head: Mr Patrick Gorniak PhD molecular biology.