Compiled b) G .. '\'tH It (:1 -\It!..

\bmgdon (formt',h Berks.), 71. 7-1-5. 9:;-6. 16H c.hapl)(HJl..s. ,3·17- abbe). 31. :145 hotel!'! dnd rnns: \Iben Pl. 75 Reindeer, 322 \5h\.'III(' tradlllg estate, 2a4 l I11(0rn, 347 Barton Court Fm., 126 ~lreCl". ell causewa)'ed enclosure. 84. 237-8 \larket Phtce. 347-8 ch. : 51. Ilelcn'~, 75 Red 1.lon Sl., 348 Sl. Nicholas', 75 BarchesLOIl (\Varws.), 52 Chris,'s IImpilal. governors of~ 75 Bal ff. Rcvd. AJbcn. 73 carl of. JI'r Bertie Ban ingwn, V(( •• 34-5 panonage house, 75 Ba~ildon Pk. (Berks.), 34-5, 12,45 Queen's Ilott'1. 75 Basing)}lokc (f 1,lIlts). Brighton Ifill. 250 ,(hools: Baslel'\'llIc.j .. :17 boys. gilts and mC-ulls, 75 Batsford Pk. (Glos.). 37 B,-illsh and Foreign, 75 Batson. Slanlake, 45 mfant.75 Bayley. Revel. Emelius. 72 streets. ett. Beal-wood (Berks.), 43 Conduit Rd .. 75 Beaufon, lien .. cardinal, J 7 Market Place. 75 Bell . Dos-milca. founder, 51. J Illd,,', (:()llcge. 3:i5 Vineyard. 75 Benham Pk. (Berks.). 42 \i(dl-agc..·. 75 Bennet. Sil Simon. benefacwr. Lim. Coli., 23-1 \\\nel) ke hlllong. 139 Bemon. 237-8. 305 IU.c lIlan Sl.. Ut roads \Jfred. king, I I, 18·9 Bennsfic1d. MOllnt Fm, 28-1, 305 Ambrosden, 33, 46 Berkhamslt.'d (lIens.), 173 \nglo S.lxon remains. 203. 234 lIigh Sl " 338 lIud .. " poucq Berkshire. drchdeaconct') of. 75. 7M \ngmering (Sussex). 269 Bertie.!\ of Abmgdon. 29. :B-:n. 18.269. :\:i3 \nne. queen, 4 J Lad\" <,(,·orgiana. 3i \rcher. fam .• 42 ,"oITi" :i3 \rdington (folmerl~ Bel-ks.), manor. ·n BeH·d~. ~II., (;.1 \.')lol (Bcl!"!' .). Soulh Hill Pl .• 45 Be: .... thel 01,Ht.' or Bueal. \I,ll). 111.1 Wm. l\!' hbury (lormed)' Berks.}. Ashdown Pl.. .• :35. 12 Blowel. lhe elder. 2 Sn Ech". 1),lrq. 55. Wayland's Slllilll). 89 57, (il <\5l•• II, 94.161,163 Zadl.Il\, 55. 61 '--'tIOIl Rowanl. 37, 4:i Bisham (Bel h.). abbe}', 45 >\.'lilon. frc,"'or. fcllow of Corpus Christi. :i·B-6 Bisle}' (Glo!'!.). (her L}piau. L) picHI Pl,52 \stor. farn .. 'H~ Blagl-a\e. llan .. 40 \tkim. E \1.. :i5 john. :n Blandford. mal-quess of. 33 Bdldo

Published in Oxoniensia 2005, (c) Architectural and Historical Society 352 I N l) l' X

Blincoe, Nic.. 62n BUSCOl (former!} Berks.). Bu\COt Pk., 35 Blount, f~1Il1 .• 48 Buller. Revd Will . John. ViCi.lI of Walllage, 75, john. 37 7611 Blower, (;ath., .\U Ilancoun Maq;. ~u Bewchet Cadogan. lord, -4-1 Mary. w. of Hen. Dixon. 55. 57. 60-4. 68 Carnoys, han.>I1. 36-7 PctCI', 54-5, 57, 59, 62,1 Campbell. Rob. 35 Will. (d. 1618).51 .53-7 Ci.trnanoll, ead of, 4 1 funeral llIonumcm, 57-61, 65. 67 carpellle,'" marks, 337-8 Wm., the elder, goldsmith, 53-5 Carr, of York, buiJder, ·15 BI) Ih. j"5.. 35 CassinglOlt. 8·1. 93-4, 158. 350 BOOlh , Nal., 70 Cttlesh}, \\m., 52 Boulton, Mat, 36-7,43,46 CausLOn. -. curate at Abingdon, 75 liowycl. Sil' Geo, :S5 Cavc.-sI ..lIll I)k (Berks.), 44 Bradfield (Berk~.). manor. 42 Chadwell. lam., 64. 69 recto!,),35 AJic.e. ",d. of Mic.jr, \\ of John Dixon, 69 M.hool. 42 Ed", .. 52-3. 64 BI~tIlcate,~u Bewchet MIL. f. of Edw., 53 BI.t'oscy, Albel·l. 36-7. -43 Mle., s. of Ed"-. 65. 69 lit ~l}'bl'()oke. lot·d . 3·1-:) Chamber!;.I) ne. Sir Thos .. 43 Bliar\ 11111 (Northants). 11 8 Thos .. 69 Bligltt\\o'ell Baldwin. 37 Chandos. duke of, 40-1 and \U BI)'dge~ L ppenon I'm Couage. I chapboob. \u Banbun Bnghtwell cum Sotwcll. (fOJ'mer!) Berks.) Chastleton. 52 Bt·ightwell. 71, 76 eh., 52 Bnghlwell, Thos., 42 Chedwonh, John, commoner L niv. Coli .. hp. of BrO~ld"eJl. Bradwell GI'OVC, 43 L.ll1co ln, 16 Brollle Age remains, 129-39, 143, 193-4. 207-8. Cheltenham (Glos.). Ladies College, 335 233 and .\U finds, arch.: nintwork Cheney. John. pI-inter and bookseller. 3·17-8 Brownc,John, fellow of Uni\'. Coli., 21. 23 rho~., 1" inter and booksellcl', 34M Bruton, E.G., architecl, 348 Chenvell, li v.. 333 Brydges, fam., 10 CheSler (Ches.). bp, or. H'(' Stubbs ja..41 Chichcle, abp. lien .. 325 Ltdy Anne Elila, 4 1 ChIld. Rob. ·13 Bucal. Sit Bewchct Chipping orton. W't Norton Buckingham, dukes of, 43 Chol!ie) (formerly Berks.), 84, 96. 20M marcluc~s oC 41 Christ's Ilmviwl, set! Abingdon Buddi.lnd (former!) Berks.), Buckland Iiouse, 35 Churc.h Education Corporation Ltd .. Cllcn,cll Butklebury (Berks.). :\5, 39. 209 11<111. tr

Published in Oxoniensia 2005, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society COIl1S. v, finch, arch. coms Dillon. \Cl .• 36-7 Colche~l(:r (E.s~x). 127.279 Dil{hlc). jU Spelsbu'1' ('.ole.,hill House (formerl", Berk".). ~\5 Dixon D) ke. Sir John. St.. iO Commoners, 12-15.21 DixolI, fam .. 51, 60-5, 68-70 Compwn (Bcl ks.). Pel borough Castle. 208. 305 £uneral monument. 65·H Cope. fam .. 33 A1ic.e. \u Chad ..... ell Corn bUr) and Wych",ood, Combun Pk., 36-8 I\nne. 2nd w, of Ed~ .. 65 \\\chwood.350 Cc..-cill.l, {u Whitelocke COIswold place names, 342-3 f.d". (el 1660).51.60.62-9 C:out'n":II-Dormer. Chas. 37 ll" .. 64-5. 69 COlIghwn (Warws.). 52 lien .. h. of Edw., 60 COUIlCCtl. Will .. 55 lien .. r. of Edw.. 57. 60-4. 68 Claven, lam .. 36 Ilel1 .. ,. of Eelw .. 62-5. 69 t."~11 1 of. 34-6. 42 Ifumph .. 61 lady. 11-2 Jime ...... of Nat. Boolh. 69-70 Sir \\'m .. 41 Ja110.69 Cra\\-Ic:',. 339-40 ja, .. 62 Cri!ipe. John. atLorne),. 69 johl1. b. of Ed" .. 60. 68-9 (l"opm

Published in Oxoniensia 2005, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society I-..ngldidd, ram .. :\1, :~~~, 45 (;OO( re). Charlolle, 75 Fngli'lh. manor, \f(' Cro".:marsh Golb,. John, woodcut maker. 3-l8 1-.Il\"i(k Shaw, \ff Aldwonh Golding, fo:dm.,15 1-.WI1, \u Windsor Goldsmiths' Compan". 53 Exeter (De\oll), bp. of, ~u LaC) (~l11llle, Sir Bernard de. engmeer, 199-200. :\13 1-.} Il!o.ham, 94 Goodlakt'. I hos., 35 abbey, 5 1-2 Goring. Galehalllplon Fill, 2:~8-9 N~w \\,inLl~s Fm, 2~17 Granvi lle, lord. 75 E),r('. fam., 42. 18 Great 11e). 309 I (u[(illnson. Leonard. l1la!tter of LllIv. ( :0 11 ., 20 Published in Oxoniensia 2005, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 1Il\(.·ntoT Ie .... 20. :111. :i22. 339 Comhill. !l5 I p ... dt'n. plpdilH.: to Bud.lebuq. ar<.h. (;ra~\ Inn. 53. 61. 69. 70 In\(: ... ligalion .... 203-307 J laclney. 46 Iron \ge T('lIlaim. 97-113. 115. I 29.). Claydon Pike. 122 Marlbol'Ough. duke of, 29. 3~\. :i6-7, 11. HI Lee. (:l·O., V(I Qu'.lI'rendon.33 and Iff Chllr(hill Le\en ,lI1d \1c1ville. earl of. 43 \(.tn·iolt. £am,. ~110 Lc\oe ... ol1-(.owcr, John. 35 \fandek. col.. 41 Lichficld. t'drl of. 33 \1arul1. \\'m .. 15 Liddon. 1It'll Parn. 73 \1dn}ll. John. nlil\tcr of L'ni\. Coli .. 1·1-1) -7:\. I.lIlloln. bp. oe. 15 and \tI' Chedwonh JC)-i L.1Il(t...~n (I.ltt'r l.o~d Lindsay). Rob., col.. :\!l-h, I] ~Iallde. RIc.. mason. 2·1 I.nlle U,ulh Ighl. \I't' Rollrighl \1axe~ (C"lI11b!'>.). I'lal1l\ Fill. J IX l.odunRt: (f01 mer!) Bt'lks.) medicval bllildIllR", VI' ()Xloul l ni\enil., l ni\ BCUt'llOn. IIMnor. 43 Coli t·,a"ll. 12<~ rem,lIm. 2:H. :-\20. :~22. :~27. 3:\5 (llldvi' I.(xklllge I lome, :~!j pOlLcn \\'e"lt. m"IIlOI. 13 \oci.,1 i.lIld (uhur.t! dtange, 313-5 l.oKRa". n,nid. mapmakel. 26. l7:l. 199·201 Mt·dway. I-i\'.. 6:\ I.()ndnn \len_ld. 309 ,h \lc:ru)Il. \\'.,1. cle. founder. Menon (.011. 13 Illoom ... blll\, Sl. George's, 72 \le.,olilhic 1t'1II.1I11'i. '(I' finch. '&rch.: rtintwOI k Clipplt·gatl'. StGiles. 53.73" \1Tddle BaIlOn. \('1' ",Iceple Balton 1'.tddll1gton, St. John\. i2 \llddleton ~tone'l. :UJ.-7. ·13 SI Duno;t~Ul in the I:.ast. S4-:'l \Iongewell. VI' Cro\\omar'ih St. \1~tllIn III the Field .... 53 lIlonUmenL.'l.ln I.mll" Rolllight (h .. 31-iO SI. Palll ..... 7:\,1 \I(x)le. 11.\\". archllcH. :i49 St. Paul"" ciwd., the \\'indmdl. .'i;) 'Iorrell. Anne. Il1nkl·cpcr. 171 Published in Oxoniensia 2005, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 356 I N I)" X

Geo.,37 castle, 172 Wm., innkeeper, 171 ch. and religious houses, Morrison, Chas., 34·5. 45 SI. Clement's, 333, 335·6 Jas.,42 SI. Mary the Virgin. 14 MOUllt, fam., 42 Churchill hospital, potlcr)" site. 162, 167 Thos.,42 cit}, walls, 333 Wm., 35 Cock on the I loop. 14 Cowley, 101, 107,333 Neolithic remains. 79·96,178, 193··1,228-32. defences, ~u Civil \\'a l 296-300, 305 IleadinglOll, 37, 350 and see finds. arch.: Ointwork lIoly"ell, 143 Nevill, ram., 48 mill. 200 New Model Army, 64 hotels, inns, etc: Newnham Mun'cn, see Cl'owmarsh Crown lavern, 171 NewlOn Purcell with Shelswell, Shelswell Pk ., 37 Golden Cross. 322 Nonh Aston, manor, 47 lIorse and Jockey, 330-1 NOI,th Leigh, 33 Rosehill . 101 \Vilcotc. Romano-British roadside settlemenl, siege of 1646, 196 341-2 Sl. Clemelll's: Cowley Grange. 335 North Ockenclen (~ssex), esL, 45·6 Cowley liouse, 333, 337 Nonh Slokc. ~et Crowmal·sh Hacklingcroft meadow, 333 Nonh, fam., 33 Salessury, property on Schools SI.. J 4 bal'Oness, 36·7 51. Mary's Entry, property on Schools St.. 14 col.,36-7 streets, etc: Northmoor, Watkins Fill. 127,250 COnlmarkel Sl.. 171 Norton, Chipping, 52-3, 61, 64, 69. 3·10. 350 CowlC) PJacc,333· 7 Boare Lands. 65 liigh St., 10-12, 14 , 18.24,26 lordship of, 53 Ilorsemull Lane (latcr Logic Lane) 14 manor, 53, 57 LiLllegate, 194 market place. 310·2 London Rd .. 333 streets, Ctc.: London 1011 Rd., 333 Albion SL (formerly Back Lane), 309-10, Love Lane, 132, 199 322 "-'lanor Rd. , 200 High St., 309, 322 Mansfield Rd., 129, 132, 141. 195 ew SL, 311 Parks Rd ., 132, 195, 199 \t\'hile Ilart hotel, investigations at, 309·23 Schools Street. 11-2, 14 Norton, Over. 37. 53. 57. 61, 69 South Parks Rd. , 129-39. III, 143. 194 , Boare Lands. 65 199 heath, 53 $1. Cross Rd. , 199 Nuncham Coultcnay, 33, 36·7 51. Giles, 325, 330, 337 The Plain, 333 Oare (Berks.), 42 Whilchouse Rd .• 107 Oddington (Glos.), 69 Oxford, university: 9·11 Ogilby. John. maplllaker, 52 boat club, 318·9 Oldfield, Chas., 47 Chemistry Research Lab .. excavations at. 130. OvC"r Lypiau, .\ef Bisley (Clos.) 132, 141-202 Over Norton, Set NOrlon Clarendon Physics Lab., 200 Ovel'slO ne (Nonhams), 43 clubhouse, 199 Overstonc, ram., ~36, 42 college barges, 348·9 baron. W)I' Loyd. Sam. colleges and halls: Owmby (Lincs.), 127 Balliol College, 15. 71 Oxford, city: 33. 37. 173, 350 Brascnosc lIall, 10·12. 14 bp. of, .Sf(' M.lCkamess. Paget. Stubb~, Chnst Church, 37·8. 71. 325. :335 Wilberforte c:dlhedlill. 77 Brasenose Drift\\ay. Eastfield lise. eX<.:ilVi.ll ions mcado".s, 348 .t,97-113 Drawda Iiall, 10 Published in Oxoniensia 2005, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society (,lou«(,'Iter 1fall. (IaICI Worcester CoiL). \fll~UI11 of 'atural I listOn', 200 bM-9 Park.s, 1 13 Cre.n l 'nl\ersit} I-Iall. 9.12-6.20 Radcliffe quad .. 26 lien 1l .. 1I . 13 R<.IddlfTe Science Lab .. 195 h, 11 .. 11. I I RaddllTe Science Libran. 132 Liltle Lnlv'ersity lIu Percival, Slyhurst POll. 1:.1111) J lan-jet. ~u Gibbs Llllvt'lsit} College. ~H7 Veil, Alfred, first pl-i ncipal of Cuddesdon benef'l(tol-s. U~ Bennct. Danvcrs CoiL. 71-8 (hapcl. 15. 19. 2-1 pOllen. \nglo-Saxon. 25M. 260 hont quad .. 9 Smn/e \ge.99. 103. 10:'. 137. 23-1. 2~9~tl libl-an.20 Iron ,\ge. 103. 105-7. 115. U7-8. 2:H, 241-59 mastel's lodging." 20 kilns. 97. 101. 10i. 162. 16i ma.sttl~. lit' I I utchinM)ll. Ma,·tyn medin.I), 167.258. 260. ~~20·2. 327. :Uh medieval buildings or. 9-26 Ncolnhit.79-96, 155, 19~, 234-9 LIIIVer\ll} lIall, 1 I post-IIIl'(llcval, 321_ 327-8 \\'.\dh.11ll College. 199 Roman. 101. 103. 107-9. 122<,. 13H. 1:;5-67. \\ hue IIdli. 12. 15 193.208,2·17-60. :109 (~ene FUIl(lIOn Centre. 130. 14~ st) Ie 1011e: All Cannlllgs Cross. 243 Geolog) Dept .. 200 tl.ildltiom: Beaker. 231. 239. 26 I Iialifax Iioust'. excavations .ilt. 129-39. 191 Cologne colom-·coaled, 254. 256-7 Iluman '\nalOmY Dyson PCI rin.!l Lab., 200 ))or\et bhlck burnished. 106-7. 122- :~. InslIlutt: of f.xperimenlaJ P~,,(holog} . II 125. 156. 158. 244. 24~, 251. :nt. 25fi·7 King\ '1ound. 199 Ole .. ei 'I1nphora. 2-17. 250. 255. :\ l:l

Published in Oxoniensia 2005, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society :\58 INn to. X

~.bbsneel. 84 coins. Vi finds arch.: coins Fcngate, 81-5. 88. 95 ROlhedicid Peppard. 37 hec.hen SlOne. 330 Rothschild. fam., 48 Gaulish samian. 106-7. 122-3. 155.24 t. Rousham. :H 2-17. 25 I. 254. 256 Ruck-Keene. Edm .. :S7 \lIdlands pink. grogged. 106-7 Rudston (F Yorks.). 82 Mortldke. 82. 84, 95 RushC!', John Golb,. pruner and IxHJkseller. 3,IH Nelle Valley colollr-coaled. 106-7 \\'m .• tcacher and bookseller. 34H Nc\\,bul'y, 260 RU'isell, ram .. ·15 Oxfordshirc, 106-9, 122-3. 138. 15[,-6·1. lien .. 15 211.248,251,254.256-7 Sir Ch

Published in Oxoniensia 2005, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society I N D E x ~i59

Staines (Surrey), 238 Tilehursl (Berks.), CaJcot, Prospecl Pk., 40 Smndlake, Old Shifford, 168 Tonbridge (Kelll), 61-3, 65 Stamon Harcoun, 33, 94 Trumbull, Wm., 40-1 Devil's Quoits, 93 Tunbridge Wells (Kent), 65 Gravelly Guy. 84. 168,284 Tu rner, Mary. see Page Steeple Barton, Middle Banon, 37 Sir Edw. Bart.. 33, 46 Stevens, fam., 42 Sir CregOl'y, (later Page~Turner), 46 Hen., 42 Tusmore see Ilarclwick with Tusmore Revel. Thos., 35 Ric., 42 Upper Ninepence (Radnor), 87 stew pond, 331 , [am., 39, 48 Valentia, VCl., 36-7 Sir john (d. 1354). 39 Vansiuan, Ceo., 45 Stonor Pk., see Pynon Hen., 45 Stralfield Saye (Hams), 45 Vernon, Rob., 42 Stratton, G.F., 46-7 Villiers, fam., earls of Jersey, 36-7, 43 Geo.,46 Streatley (Berks.), 208, 305 Waddesclon (Bucks.), 48 Strealley Fm, 207 Walker, Dr. Thos., 65 Slreatley Warren, 306 wall paintings, 3 J 6 Warren Fm. 208 Wallingford (formerly Buks.), bllrll defences, 79 Street, G.E., architect, 72 fan gnveis, I, 5-6 Strickland, Frances, see Western Lower School, excavations at, 79-96 Wal.,46 Whitecl'oss fm, 239 Stroud (Glo,.). 52 wallpaper, 318 Stubbs, Wm., bp. of Chester, Oxford, 77-8 Walter, John, 35, 43 Studley Priory (WilLS.). 14 WanboI'Ough (Wilts.), 269 Swrges, Edw., 73 Wantage (fOl·merly Berks.), 75, 161, 163 Suzan, maid to Mary Blower, 55 Sl. Mary's I-lome, U'lISleeS of, 35 SwalclifTe,40 Waring, brig. gen., 41-2 Swallow field (Berks.), 71 Wasing (Berks.), est.. 42 Swallowfield Pk., 35, 45 Wasing Place, 35 Swinny, Revel. Hen. I-I., Cudelesdon college, Waterhouse. AJfred, architect, 349 pr'incipal, 74 Walts. Hugh,45 , 37 Wm., 45 Sykes, Sir Francis, 45 Welford Pk. (Berks.)' 35. 42 Wellington, duke of, 45 Tallington (Lines.), 118 Wen man, fam., 40, 339 Taplow Coun (Bucks.), 35 Ric., 40 Taylor, Thos., 37, 43 Sir Ric., 40 Tew Par'k see Grear Tew Sophia, w. of Wrn. Wykeham, 40 . Thame Pk .. 37. 40 Wernher, Sir Julius, 48 Thames. riv., 95-6, 118.208-9 Wesley. john, 340 Thatcham (Berks.), 42 West lIam (Essex). 55 DunstOn House, 41 West Kennel (Wilts.), 82, 89 manor. 4 I Western, fam., 46 Throckmorton, fam., 51 Frances, w. of Wal. Strickland, 46 Ant-,52 Max., 46 Ceo., 3 Weswn~on-lhe-Gl'een. 37 John, 52-3 Wilitc, Sir Thos., founder. St. John's College, Julian, wd. ofThos. Wye, w. of John, 52-3 325 Kalh .. _~et' Willjngton WhileCriars, 330 Sir Ceo., 52 Whileiocke. Bulslrode. 62·5, 67. 69 Sir Wm .. 35 Cecilia, 1st w. of Edw. Dixon, 62, 64-5. 67-8 Tiddington-with-AJbury, R)'cole House, 333 Sir jas., 62. 67

Published in Oxoniensia 2005, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society :~60 INDEX

Whillington, fam., 52 Wood, Aile, antiqual), 9. 16, 18-21,25, 59, 67 Wilbcl'forcc, Sam., bp. of Oxford. Winchester, Wood CalC , 350 71-5 , 350 Wilcolc. \U 01'1 h Leigh Woodstock. 33. 340 Willi~m. of Durham. theologian, g, 11 Blenheim est., 36-7. 350 Williams. Sir John (d.1559), 40 manor, 41 WillinglOll. Kath .• m. 2 \\'m. Catesb}', 3 \\'oodyel', Hen .. 73, 75 Ani. rllI·ockmorton. 52 wool trade. 310 Wm .. S2 Woolhamptoll Ilouse (Berks,). 35 wills. 53, 55. 57, 62-5 WOl'ds\\'onh, Chris., bp, of Lincoln. :H5 Winchcombe, J ohn. :Iack of Newbury'. 39 Wright, Mal')', 46 Winchester (IIams). 71 Revd.,46 bp. of, see Wilbc l'force WrouglHon. hUll., 48 Windmill lIill (Wilts.), 238 Phil .. :~5 Winclsol (Bc l ks.). 35 \\'roxton, 33, 36-7 Elan. college. 71-2, 7i Wychwood, su Cornbury and \Vychwood LoveUs llall. 45 Wye, ram., 52 Winkfield Place (Berks.). 45 Tho,., 52 Withyham (Sussex), 37 \\'ykeham, Sophia. see \\'Clllllan Witney, 40. 350 WIll,,40 Blanket Iiall, 340 Wykeham-~lIsgra\"e, -. 37 bp. '0; manor, 339 Wellman Aubrey. 40 eh .. 51. Mar)', 339 \\'yll1ondsold. Mat .. 42 cloth production, 339-40 \\\lham (formerly Berks.), 33. 35. 37 II igh 5l.. 339 Mount I louse, 339 Yarnlon, 84, 87-8, 93, 284, 305

Published in Oxoniensia 2005, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society