Ngmering (Sussex). 269 C.Hapl)

Ngmering (Sussex). 269 C.Hapl)

INDEX Compiled b) G .. '\'tH It (:1 -\It!.. \bmgdon (formt',h Berks.), 71. 7-1-5. 9:;-6. 16H c.hapl)(HJl..s. ,3·17- abbe). 31. :145 hotel!'! dnd rnns: \Iben Pl. 75 Reindeer, 322 \5h\.'III(' tradlllg estate, 2a4 l I11(0rn, 347 Barton Court Fm., 126 ~lreCl". ell causewa)'ed enclosure. 84. 237-8 \larket Phtce. 347-8 ch. : 51. Ilelcn'~, 75 Red 1.lon Sl., 348 Sl. Nicholas', 75 BarchesLOIl (\Varws.), 52 Chris,'s IImpilal. governors of~ 75 Bal ff. Rcvd. AJbcn. 73 carl of. JI'r Bertie Ban ingwn, V(( •• 34-5 panonage house, 75 Ba~ildon Pk. (Berks.), 34-5, 12,45 Queen's Ilott'1. 75 Basing)}lokc (f 1,lIlts). Brighton Ifill. 250 ,(hools: Baslel'\'llIc.j .. :17 boys. gilts and mC-ulls, 75 Batsford Pk. (Glos.). 37 B,-illsh and Foreign, 75 Batson. Slanlake, 45 mfant.75 Bayley. Revel. Emelius. 72 streets. ett. Beal-wood (Berks.), 43 Conduit Rd .. 75 Beaufon, lien .. cardinal, J 7 Market Place. 75 Bell . Dos-milca. founder, 51. J Illd,,', (:()llcge. 3:i5 Vineyard. 75 Benham Pk. (Berks.). 42 \i(dl-agc..·. 75 Bennet. Sil Simon. benefacwr. Lim. Coli., 23-1 \\\nel) ke hlllong. 139 Bemon. 237-8. 305 IU.c lIlan Sl.. Ut roads <lnd tracks '11 eels. etc, .daiJa.!iler, monuments, 65, 68 1\1111 Lane. 115 Akheslcr, 97, 161 St. Ilden\; Ave .. 115. 118 AIde) maslon COtll-t (Bel ks.), 35 Iht, MoO! htnds. j ubilee Vill~l. f'XCav .. lliol1\ Aldennaslon Wharf (Belks.), 250 <II, 115-28 i\ldwonh (Belie,.). 209 Benyon. I.:U11 .• 36. 15-6 Bower Fm, 208-9 David. 15 Enwick Sha .... pic t"xCd\'alions at. 203-~()7 Ric. 35. 45-6 Ilaw Fill. 209, 306 Ri( 11,16 I)ibwonh Fm, 209 Bereblocl. john. draftsman. 9, 17-8.20 >\Jfred. king, I I, 18·9 Bennsfic1d. MOllnt Fm, 28-1, 305 Ambrosden, 33, 46 Berkhamslt.'d (lIens.), 173 \nglo S.lxon remains. 203. 234 lIigh Sl " 338 lIud .. " poucq Berkshire. drchdeaconct') of. 75. 7M \ngmering (Sussex). 269 Bertie.!\ of Abmgdon. 29. :B-:n. 18.269. :\:i3 \nne. queen, 4 J Lad\" <,(,·orgiana. 3i \rcher. fam .• 42 ,"oITi" :i3 \rdington (folmerl~ Bel-ks.), manor. ·n BeH·d~. ~II., (;.1 \.')lol (Bcl!"!' .). Soulh Hill Pl .• 45 Be: .... thel 01,Ht.' or Bueal. \I,ll). 111.1 Wm. l\!' hbury (lormed)' Berks.}. Ashdown Pl.. .• :35. 12 Blowel. lhe elder. 2 Sn Ech". 1),lrq. 55. Wayland's Slllilll). 89 57, (il <\5l•• II, 94.161,163 Zadl.Il\, 55. 61 '--'tIOIl Rowanl. 37, 4:i Bisham (Bel h.). abbe}', 45 >\.'lilon. frc,"'or. fcllow of Corpus Christi. :i·B-6 Bisle}' (Glo!'!.). (her L}piau. L) picHI Pl,52 \stor. farn .. 'H~ Blagl-a\e. llan .. 40 \tkim. E \1.. :i5 john. :n Blandford. mal-quess of. 33 Bdldo<l (lIem.), 250 Blctdllngdon. :i6-i Banbury. 33. :i·17-M Blewbulton 11111 (Berk!'!.), 126.250 Published in Oxoniensia 2005, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society 352 I N l) l' X Blincoe, Nic.. 62n BUSCOl (former!} Berks.). Bu\COt Pk., 35 Blount, f~1Il1 .• 48 Buller. Revd Will . John. ViCi.lI of Walllage, 75, john. 37 7611 Blower, (;ath., .\U Ilancoun Maq;. ~u Bewchet Cadogan. lord, -4-1 Mary. w. of Hen. Dixon. 55. 57. 60-4. 68 Carnoys, han.>I1. 36-7 PctCI', 54-5, 57, 59, 62,1 Campbell. Rob. 35 Will. (d. 1618).51 .53-7 Ci.trnanoll, ead of, 4 1 funeral llIonumcm, 57-61, 65. 67 carpellle,'" marks, 337-8 Wm., the elder, goldsmith, 53-5 Carr, of York, buiJder, ·15 BI) Ih. j"5.. 35 CassinglOlt. 8·1. 93-4, 158. 350 BOOlh , Nal., 70 Cttlesh}, \\m., 52 Boulton, Mat, 36-7,43,46 CausLOn. -. curate at Abingdon, 75 liowycl. Sil' Geo, :S5 Cavc.-sI ..lIll I)k (Berks.), 44 Bradfield (Berk~.). manor. 42 Chadwell. lam., 64. 69 recto!,),35 AJic.e. ",d. of Mic.jr, \\ of John Dixon, 69 M.hool. 42 Ed", .. 52-3. 64 BI~tIlcate,~u Bewchet MIL. f. of Edw., 53 BI.t'oscy, Albel·l. 36-7. -43 Mle., s. of Ed"-. 65. 69 lit ~l}'bl'()oke. lot·d . 3·1-:) Chamber!;.I) ne. Sir Thos .. 43 Bliar\ 11111 (Northants). 11 8 Thos .. 69 Bligltt\\o'ell Baldwin. 37 Chandos. duke of, 40-1 and \U BI)'dge~ L ppenon I'm Couage. I chapboob. \u Banbun Bnghtwell cum Sotwcll. (fOJ'mer!) Berks.) Chastleton. 52 Bt·ightwell. 71, 76 eh., 52 Bnghlwell, Thos., 42 Chedwonh, John, commoner L niv. Coli .. hp. of BrO~ld"eJl. Bradwell GI'OVC, 43 L.ll1co ln, 16 Brollle Age remains, 129-39, 143, 193-4. 207-8. Cheltenham (Glos.). Ladies College, 335 233 and .\U finds, arch.: nintwork Cheney. John. pI-inter and bookseller. 3·17-8 Brownc,John, fellow of Uni\'. Coli., 21. 23 rho~., 1" inter and booksellcl', 34M Bruton, E.G., architecl, 348 Chenvell, li v.. 333 Brydges, fam., 10 CheSler (Ches.). bp, or. H'(' Stubbs ja..41 Chichcle, abp. lien .. 325 Ltdy Anne Elila, 4 1 ChIld. Rob. ·13 Bucal. Sit Bewchct Chipping orton. W't Norton Buckingham, dukes of, 43 Chol!ie) (formerly Berks.), 84, 96. 20M marcluc~s oC 41 Christ's Ilmviwl, set! Abingdon Buddi.lnd (former!) Berks.), Buckland Iiouse, 35 Churc.h Education Corporation Ltd .. Cllcn,cll Butklebury (Berks.). :\5, 39. 209 11<111. tr<lining college, :\35 R.lm\buIY COl nt.' ,. 208. 305 Church h.nowle (Dol·sct). 6H ~otl .... nd. plpcllllC to Ipsdelt, arch. Churc.htll. baron, 37-8 Invesligi.llion\.203-307 John. 1st duke of Marlbot{)ugh. 41 building matet iab: Sarah, .\u Jcnnings b", k. :~ 12. 319-21. 323. 328. 333 Ct\oil Wat , 6:\-1 lalh and plaster. 3 16 defences. III. 143. 170-3. 179-81. 1%-20 1. Illne plaster, 319. 322 3:1:1 "olle. 309. 312. :1 16. 319-20. 322. 328. 331 Cla,ell. john (d. 1609).68 an:;hiteclltl·.. d, 328 (;Ierk~. -, .trchdeacon of Oxford. 76 lilc. 113. 174-5.274-5.330.342 Clift on Ildlllpden, 71. 76-7 tilllber. 309. 312. :1 16. 318. 322-3. 337-8. :112 eh., 7:1. 76 \'.. 00<1 panelling. :l 12, 316. 322 \·icanlge. 70 Bur·c hell's Gt-Cell (Iierks.), Hall Plac·c.:\5 Cli\c. Rob. 1-1-5 Burdctt, Sir R .. 35 Cli\edcn (I~lIck!,.) 48 Bllrford.37 Cobham. -. (urate 31 Abingdon, i5 ButT, D.II.. 35 r()(kloft~. 19. 21 Published in Oxoniensia 2005, (c) Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society COIl1S. v, finch, arch. coms Dillon. \Cl .• 36-7 Colche~l(:r (E.s~x). 127.279 Dil{hlc). jU Spelsbu'1' ('.ole.,hill House (formerl", Berk".). ~\5 Dixon D) ke. Sir John. St.. iO Commoners, 12-15.21 DixolI, fam .. 51, 60-5, 68-70 Compwn (Bcl ks.). Pel borough Castle. 208. 305 £uneral monument. 65·H Cope. fam .. 33 A1ic.e. \u Chad ..... ell Corn bUr) and Wych",ood, Combun Pk., 36-8 I\nne. 2nd w, of Ed~ .. 65 \\\chwood.350 Cc..-cill.l, {u Whitelocke COIswold place names, 342-3 f.d". (el 1660).51.60.62-9 C:out'n":II-Dormer. Chas. 37 ll" .. 64-5. 69 COlIghwn (Warws.). 52 lien .. h. of Edw., 60 COUIlCCtl. Will .. 55 lien .. r. of Edw.. 57. 60-4. 68 Claven, lam .. 36 Ilel1 .. ,. of Eelw .. 62-5. 69 t."~11 1 of. 34-6. 42 Ifumph .. 61 lady. 11-2 Jime ....... of Nat. Boolh. 69-70 Sir \\'m .. 41 Ja110.69 Cra\\-Ic:',. 339-40 ja, .. 62 Cri!ipe. John. atLorne),. 69 johl1. b. of Ed" .. 60. 68-9 (l"opm<lrk\, 130,207-9 john. ,. of Ed" .• 64 CrowTll.ilrsh. English. manor, 1i \1.11'\ , s" Blower \fongewell. Grim's Ditch. 84 \fal'). 6:1-4 '\It'wnham "hlrren. 95 Sal'.lh. w, of Percivalilan. 69·70 Sl. \la'f' ch .. 337 \\'111 .• 60, 64 rhe COIL.'lge. 337-8 Ood!)on. ReHt. Nat.. vic~lr or Ablllgcioll. 71-5 NOllh Stoke. 239 001 b), Edwin. architect. 75, 77" Clown propel'lies, ~-S5-7 O()IIlI~U1, fam .. 39-1 I Cuddesdon and Denton: Ihos .. IO Cuddesdon. 71, 345-6 Wilt .. 39 hp.'s palace. 74. 345 DOlllcsd.,} survey. 208-9. 309 wllege. 71-4. 345 I)ol(. he~tel'-on- rhames, 9-1. 96-7. 16·" 208 vi<.ari.lge. 71-3 eeorge inn, 322 Denton. 7 1 OorllIer. ram., 48 Culham. 269 Dotlon, Abel Ross. 47 CUIllIlOl (fol mer!) Berks.), Fannool', 127. 168. Dowllshirc, marquis of, 34-5 ami ~I!( Ilill 269 Drayton (formerly Berks.). 8·1 Curb •• dge. 339-10 Dutie, carl of. 36-7 Caswell I louse. 340 Du(;khngton, Cokethol'pe Il oll~, 4G Cuthbert. St.. 15. 18 Dudl.,. Rob .. 23 Duffield. Chas.. 35 Danebun (IIams). 273 DlIm.l.lblc (Becls.), Puddlehill. H8 Suddern Fill. 284 ()~ke. Anne. nee lIart. 70 D.ln\t.'r<~, Joan. benefauor. Lnl\. CoiL. 16-7,2-1 Dart y. M.lry. ~u Bewchel l-~arly. f<tm., 339-40 SII Edw .. 57 l-.a..,t 11 ('lIdl'cd (fonnerl) Serb.). 35. 71. 73-4 Dil\hwQod. Penelope. w. of Rob. 13 Bradfield's Barn. 73 Rob. 13 ch. rt'SlOralion fund. loss of. 7:i SII' lien, J7 ret tol-;". 73 SII' ja, .. 3:1 LIM India Compan),. 3 . ·I-t. 16 Dalll1ce. RIC, IIlnkeeper. 69 !:.aM. S.r GA. 35 Da\ilcs. RIC., map of 1797, 311 Easihalllpstead Pk. (Berks.), 35. II D.ilwllll.~. liclit. col., 37 h. c.lesla~tical cOlllmissJoner~, 37 Dd.l\\arc. earl of, 37 Eeklo ( 55. 61 cit-ndnx.hnHlology.

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