Fr. Bradley Summoned~ to Tell Truth'
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Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1963-03-08 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1963). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2148. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Xavier Univer:ity Library 1M\k ~ 1963 ~OLUME XLVll 20~ CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1961 No. 17 Fr. Bradley Summoned ~To Tell Truth' To Expose Facts WCXU Resun1es Debaters Split 50 XU Men DEADLINES On TV Today In ND Tourney B1·oadcasti11g Rev. Edward A. Bradley, s ..r.,. The debate team C>f D a v i d In I LC Meet For Summer Study Tbis Sunday Xaviet· University sei~mologist Schmid and Joe Meissner rep Tuesday, March 5, fifty Xavier and physics professor, wilt be resented Xavier at Notre Dame Announced by IES 1'he Xavier campus radio sta a guest Fl'iday, Mal'ch 8, on the st u d e n ts participated in the tion. WCXU, will resume its Unive1·sity last week. Their rec The I n s t i t u t e of Emopean Columbia Bl'oadcasting Systent ord was three wins against three Intercollegiate Latin Contest. A broadcasting activities Sunday, Studies has announced new ad television pl'Ogram, "To Tell the March 10, with a "gala" jazi ses losses. Competition at the tour yeal'ly occunence, the contest mbsions procedures and appli Tn1th." sion inlel'mittent with a val'iety nament included such teams as matches the best language schol cation deadlines for its academic of slow mood music, Station This pl'Ogram is seen locall1' Butler, Augustana and Wheaton. year programs in Vienna, Paris, ars from Jesuit colleges in the Manager Roger Stroh announced on WCPO-TV, Channel 9, at The w i n n e r C>f the tou1·na and Fi·eidbtu·g. We~t Germany. Midwest in a mesh of difficulties this week. 3:00 p.m. ment was Georgetown Univer Application periods Co1· all sity. Holding the negative side of over what would be the best three prog1·ams will open offi "WCXU i§ a station for the the topic "Resolved that the non translation for "atom bomb" 01·, cially on Monday. March 4. students," Stroh stated. "And it Comm unist nations of the world will always be a public sel'vant pet·haps, "President of the United Deadlines for applications have should form an economic com to them." unity ." they ·beat the debate· team Stales," while they put good been moved from June 15 to June 5 for the programs, be The dally broadcast highllchb from Brandeis University. English into, it is hoped, bettet· ginning next August and Sep are &o include a nine hour period Tl'c next tournament ror the Latin. of ceneral music presen~Uons X'lvicr debaters will be at Mi tember. The Instilute":; admis Rev. John N. Felten, S.J., sions <.-Ommittee will review all from noon until 9 p.m. daily. ami, Ohio, this week-end. At Sluden& news and other campus whose tutelage in past years has applications simultaneously after tending will be the fou1·-man summaries will be broadcast at won Xavier thirteen victo1·ies in the deadline and mail notices of team of Frank Duda, Tom Wal 15 minutes pas& e v e r y hour. dron. Ray Marciania, and Bill the . last fout"teen years against acceptance or rejection June HI. I n s t i t u t e officials said the Sports wrap-ups are · set for i Jeremiah. In two weeks Schmid far larger schools, tends to expect p.m. l\londay through Friday. and Meissner will compete in the that Xavier will 'triumph again. changes were made because ap A recruiting campaign for sta region:.1ls at Purdue Unh•e1·sity. Last year, then·juniol's Alan C. plications from qualified students tion announcers is cunently un The winners of this tou1·nament Vonded1aa1· and Joseph Bongi- have increased beyond the ca der way, Stroh added .. He re th,,, go on to the nationals held 01·no won f\rst and thil'd places pacities of the pf·ograms. To con quests that interested· students at West Point. respectively. tinue accepting qualified stu dents as applications. '· are . re con~ct him at the station's. stu ceived would entail rejecting dios in Albe1·s Hall ol' at Bi·ock.:.' some better qualified students man Hall, Room 338. Man vs. Machine Theme who applied closer to the dead Ji'1e date, they said. f'ACES NATION TODAY. Howevel', students with good Of Masque Presentation reasons fol' seeking advance no Earthquake Father B1·adley will be one .of t remarked to him that from tice may petition the admissions by Alan C. Vonderhaar, thl'ee men introduced as "Father what he said, this sounded like committee [01· a decision befo1·e Feature Editor Bradley, explorer of the Ant 1 drnpped by the Kvapil cita what is known as a psychological June 15. Recorded At arctic." It will be the function del last week fol' a brief. chat drnma. He agl'eed that it was The Institute's pmgram at the of a l'our-membe1· panel to at with Mr. Otto Kva1>il, , who is (!ertainly more that than a mere University ot Vienna combines Milford Station tem1lt. to discove1· b.y qucstionin~ directing. the next ·Masque So science fiction thriller. "It is a English-taught liberal arts and which is the l'eal Father Bt·ad ciety production, which bears number of ve!'y real people in general studies cou1·ses. intensive An earthquake of "moderate ley. Bud Colliel' is mastel' of the somewhat-unlikely title Night what will soon be a ve1·y real Germ a n language instruction, propol'tions" was detected at the ce1·emonies oC the program. of the Auk. This is o[ itself an situation. Oboler is examining regulal' German-taught univer new Xavier seismographic in unusual drama, and the moi·e the reactions under stress of a sity courses for those competent stallation on the Milford cam Fathel' Bradley was in Ant unusual because it demands a group oC five individuals in in German, and supplementa1·y pus, the Rev. Edward A. Bradley, lll'ctica in 1958 and served as ii. casl or only five-all men. The whom we can all see a part ot lectures and seminars. It is open S.J., l'eported Sunday. seismologist on an expeditlo11 reasons for this depal'tul'e from oui·selves." At this point one of to juniors and sophomores. '!'here The tremol's were centered in that- covered over 1.200 miles· or the usual type o[ Masque Society the cast members suggested that is no language requirement. southweste1·n Missouri. 3:iO miles a previously unexplored part or pl'oductions (which al'e generally the spaceship and the astronauts 1'he "Das Deutsche Jain·" pro southwest of Cincinnati, nea1· the westem Antarctica. Through use established "classics," with a com1>rised a vfrtual mic1·ocosm, a g1·am is conducted for junior;; village of New Madl'id. The area of a seismogrnph, he ·gathered mixed cast of as many as two miniature copy of the Earth and only at the Unive1·sity of Fl'ei has been the site C>f frequent data to compute Lhe depth of the dozen 'perso,1ae) al'e, according to its· inhabitants which they had burg. It stresses political science, disturbances in recc,nt times and ice cap. The information he ob Dii'ecto1· Kvapi\, these: "It's a left behind. "Yes," said Mr. philosophy, literature, history was the scene or a major quake tained added to that gained· on good play, and provides a good Kvapil, "in fact it's probably for and Ge1·man. All courses are in 1811. other expeditions has led to the change of pace from the clas some such reason that Auk is ta u g h t in German. Tutorials The Xavier seismographic sta revision of estimah!s of the Ant sics. Furthermol'e, Auk is a re• usually classified as a mornlity have been added to aid U. S. stu tion is a link in the netwol'k of arctica land mass. The data Fa• cent American play. (fil'st done play.'' For· many students ex dents in preparing for classes nine recording staticiris at Jei:uit the1· Bradley helped g a t h e r in 1956) dealing with contem posed at a tendel' age to "moral and examinations. unive1·sities -throughout the coun shows a tl'ough between the pol'ary pi:oblems in a ·significant ity plays" by instructor·s' mo!'e The Pal'is Honors program ad try. Othel' installations are at: Weddell and Ross seas. and power.Cul way. It. is bas zealous th a n instructive, the mits outstanding juniors and a Fordham, Sp r i n g Hill, Saint In the past it had been thought few sophomores. It ~mphasizes ically a t re a t m e n t C>f the term has, perhaps, u n s· a v o r y Regis. G.eorgetown, John Carroll, that most of the land C>f weslerll contempora1·y European studies theme 'Man Against Machine.' overtones, so I hasten to quote Boston College, Saint Louis, and Antarctica, which lies bet weell Th<! 'message,' if we can fah-ly f1·om one o( the New York re and offers qualified students op Santa Clara.