University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday

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University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday ::: University of Cinoinnati NEWS:, R,EC Vol. L1I, No. 18 Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, March 4, 1965 Series BF, 1 Z553 A,dmiin'istrati1on~, ' ./ . Announ,ces,':' \ Fio1a1n(iial·..Actions., Tuition Increase Effects $15~,OOOFund "1,5 Avcilcble: "' Dr. Forsythe Enterinq Out-of-Staters Allocation' Up To Students by Larry Shuman will be the conservatory, Even- ToLeave~UC by Mike Friedman It was' empliasized tha,t this ing College and, Summer School. For entering, out-of-state stu- by Jane GriHiths Key Action at Monday night's gra",t: wiI.1 be under complete, The increase will effect Graduate student, control, with the ad- dents, ue',s' tuition will increase School, Law"and Medicine. The _ resignation' of, Dean of Student Council meeting was the once again, this time an \addi- - ministration or the faculty Dr. Langsam also pointed out Women, r». Margaret J. For- announcement that the Univer- having no say in the manner in tional $30 per quarter for all but sythe, was announced _Feb. 23. sity Administration has •decided three UC colleges. that special consideration will be which it is spent. The decision 1, ' She. will become Dean of Women to appropriate an extra $15,000 given out-of-state upperclassmen' in this area will be left entirely f,n a special statement to the at Ohio Wesleyan University on to the student fund next year. up to the -students, through the, NEWS RECORD, Dr. Langsam- who are planning to enroll next Aug. 1, 1965. The. main purpose of this addi- Budget ~oard and Student Coun- fall in either Graduate School, With Dr. Forsythe's resignation tional sum is to enable the Union cil. stressed that this in-crease will Law or Medicine in the way of no't effect any student prseently to bring big-name entertainment scholarships and fellowships. There was considerable debate entoJled in UC, nor will it effect (Continued on Page 2) on campus.' over whether theeritire approprla- students from Cincinnati, G,olf tion should be used for entertain- Manor' and elsewhere in the ment. 'Some Council members state. were in favor of putting the The purpose of the change is Mumm'er's Production Opens Tonight! money into general revenues and due to the, increasing 'cost of pro- deciding upon' its dispersion at a viding high quality faculty and by Mark Ammons "The Flowering Peach" is by arts freshman Donna Dietrich. later date. ' faciliiUes,;and because out-of-state The wizened old man shakes no means a quasi-religious or Noah's youngest son,.Japheth, If the entire $15,000 Is used students are not bearing their his fist at' his towering son and "churchy" vehicle. As the play played by freshman, MI c h a e 1 fo e t t' t't ·11 b Weiner and his brother's wife r n er amment, I WI e full -share of 'the cost of instruc- demands that he marry and progresses t~e. incidents run .thC tion. board the holy ark because" . .. -gam~t of splr!tual all:d physical Rachel: display the naive hones-' possible to hold three concerts the new world will need bushels conflicts: family feuding IS JUx ty, mercy, and rebelllousuessof in the Fieldhouse next year I According to the official U'ni- and bushels of babies!" The son taposed with warm, folk comedy; the younger generation. free of charge to all ,students. versity announcement, /lthe alowers back: "What about the the -will of God is tested by the Noah's other sons, Shem and ~hould Budget Board, decide not present - tuition differential be- . , " to allot aU the money to the bushels of babies who will drown will of men; adultery conflicts uman tween 'residents residing out- in the flood? It seems to me with family solidity. Ham, p'layed by_Tom, fl!e. Uunion, then a slight admission side the corporate' limits of and Mark Ammons, Shem's charge will probably be made. Cincinnati and. Golf Manor and someone should ,protest such a - As the conflicts grow they wife, Leah, portrayed by Delina In other action, it was an- out-of-state students is $25 per destructi ve and vengeful God!" take on new levels of meaning. quarter. this differential does, ,Tonight., Fr:iday,and Saturday The ,younger generation at- Mueller, .and Ham's mistress, nounced that Prospectus will be not adequately reflect financial n';ghts at 8:30"p.m. in ,Wilson tempts to wrest the contrclfrom Goldie, played by Pattie Pen- put out in time for fall quarter support ,of UC by Ohio tax- Auditorium, The UC Mum",ers the older generation,. and .;a5, nlngton, represent the ,constant pre-registration. 'Present plans call payers." , GuUd' 'wiU present Clifford both generations stl""'9gle "for skepticism, pettiness, ,and, shal- /' "for questionnaires to be distrib- Octets' drama, "Tt,e Flowering . Power, the God~of the oldgen- lowness- found',iht'man'$~the uted in eve:ry~class on the 'last The only uneffected colleges Peach." In "The 'flowering" eration' i-S"mOdified :bV the new dawn of history.- Also, featured: day, of thisquartev. The replies 'Peach" Odets reinterprets the genel·a:tion'sconcept of his pesi- in the ,production are Jack Die.. ~'should be handed in on the day of Biblical legend of 'Noah in' tion.' , ' oskey and Stan Gluntz.'" the final exam. Dr. ,M1eaid, lelia:y terms of universal conflicts Representing the older genera- 'All seats' are reserv~d and Council stressed the need for which man has encountered tion is Noah,' played by A&S sen- tickets may be purchased by tele- students "to be both honest and slnce the -first voyage of the ior,William Treistrnan, -and .his phoning 475-2309,or' at the door candid when- completing the an- To Speak Ju:n'e 13 Ark. wife, Esther, played by theatre before the performance, swers. Two internationally ~nown. fig- ures have accepted the Univer- h ' . h" ' .. ~:.~i.tyof Cincinnati's, i~,yitqti,on,to,!" :fiPpear as speakers at UC's Sun- ,·W". ,~ iai.u.. I ,A,fl,,:,tV, ·er· De·monstration~' ;> day, June 13, dual commence- ~.'. .. ment programs In the Cincinnati # Gardens.' , General Lucius R. Clay (re- tired) will, speak at the 2 p.rri, exercises for all: UC's undergrad- _ uate colleges except the-Evening College. Dr. Margare( Mead will ad- dress the 7:30 p.m, pro,gra,m for all UC's graduate units and the Evening College. ' " .- WHAT, ANOTHER protest march on UC's hallowed campus? Hard Iy not, it's the NEWS RECORD'S candid guide to Cincy politics. 2.) A member of secret coalition "A" subtly slips a slate ~ candidates 10 unsuspecting'UC student. 2.) Member o,f secret coalition /lB" slylY slips money to naive coed. 3;) Member of secret coalition "C" sneakily tears down poster of secret coalition "A." 4.) Innocent protest niarcher mistakenly gets in wrong line thinking this is a ,demonstration to get out of Monaco (South). 5.) Member of secret coalition "B'~ observes member of secret coalition"A" influen,dng innocent voter. 6.) Sorority women line up enmasse to~vote for cute bo.y in seerd coalition "0." Photo by~ohn Rabius \ Page Two UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI NEWS RECORD _ Thursday, March 4, 1965 Forsythe Resigns • • • Human ReLations; Center. HoLding Cant. fram\ p., 1 DC will lose' one of its most ex- teaqership Traitunq La&;ratories perienced administrators and Leadership' Training Labora- but, rather are their' actions and, gies for dealing with other per- counselors. Dr. Elden T. Smith, President of Ohio Wesleyan Uni- tories in the form of T-Groups re.actions as they work to ere- sons. And each may, often for versity stated that Dr. Forsythe will be conducted by the Human 'ate a g~roup in which each tan the first time, learn how his be· is "one of the most outstanding Relations Center 'during Spring learn. havior is actually perceived by others. deans' of women that I have Quarter. Explaining the purpose Participants, if they are to known." In the, process of creating a and. concept of T-Groups is the learn about their own behavior Dr. Forsythe came to UC :work ,group, ea~h may also following from an NTL brochure: in this society, must establish a from Kent State where she was process of open inquiry in which learn how to become more skill- Dean of Women. PrevIously , IIBriefly, it is a relatively un- data .about their, own and others' ful as member and as leader. she had served as associate structured group in which the behavior are collected and ana" Application for participation dean in 1956 and in 1953 as .as- da)a for learning are not out- \ lyzed. In 'the process, each may may be obtained from the Test- sistant dean of women and pan- side the individual learners and learn about his own motives, feel- ing and Counseling Center' and ' hellenic adviser. their experience as a group, ings,' and his ,own typical strate- from the Dean' of Men and Dean She .has -also served as presi- dent of the Ohio Assn. of Women Deans; Administrators and Coun- seolrs. Dr. Forsythe has been a secretary and executive commit- tee .member of, the American Dr. Forsythe College Personnel Assn. , ,YWCA. She is a member of the From 1946 to '49, she worked advisory board of Martha Wash- with the Central' National Bank ington Hail, and a member 'of the of Cleveland as administrative Clifton Methodist Church. assistant in public relations. Dean Forsythe has attended At present, her extracurricular Oberlin, Radcliffe; Syracuse, activities jnclude membership on and Western Reserve Universi· DON'T FORGET FRIDAY 3 :30-6:00 the personnel committee of the -ties.
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